All Episodes

July 31, 2024 96 mins
Seahawks safefty Rayshawn Jenkins joins to talk about his free agency process why he chose Seattle, and more.  It's MLB trade deadline day and the Mariners are still active, Joe Sheehan joins to break it all down from a league wide perspective, and Chuck Powell joins to give his grades on the Mariners moves.
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Episode Transcript

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This is a special KJRFM sports presentationcoming to you live from the Virginia Mason
Athletics Center. This is kjrfm's nonstunt coverage Joe Seahawks training camp, brought
to you by Northwest Handling Systems andthe twenty twenty four bowing class in Paugust
fifth, thirty eleven on your onein only home for the twelfth Man Sports

Radio ninety three point three kjr FM. And here we are Virginia Mason Athletics
Center. He get fornas with you. We're starting our show off with a
bang today twelve to three and getthings going here high in noon just after
the top of the hour with Seahawksstrong Safety. He'll be number two this
year on the field. Seahawks fansintroduce you to Ray Sean Jenkins. Welcome

to Seattle. How you doing,I'm good? How you doing? I'm
good man, I'm good, sogood. A guy from Saint Petersburg,
Florida, played in Jacksonville. Usedto like training camp is ninety degrees heat,
ninety degrees humidity. We're coming up. We've got the shores Lake Washington,
the breeze blowing. How we treatingit so far in Seattle. Man,
it feels pretty good out here.I was just telling you early man,

I'm kind of chilly out here.I just came from just like you
said, ninety degree weather with aheat index about one o three. So
it's going pretty good out here.Man. It feels good you for all
all chance and purposes. And Ihadn't had a chance to talk to you
one on one year, but you'vedone some media stuff in OTA's and mini
camps and looking around you have comein here and just fit like a glove,

not just on the field there's neededthere on the field, but just
off the field, huddle blocker,Remember where you fit like a glove.
Why do you think this place fitsyou so well? I would just say,
you know, coach did a goodjob of getting the right guys in
here, and I would just say, as well, Like before I even
came here, I heard really goodthings about Seattle, so I knew it

was gonna be, you know,just just an easy transition. I'm a
veteran, so I've been around,you know, and you know, I
knew a few faces coming in here, and you know, and the guys
are pretty and and you know they'regood to get along with Chargers for the
first what four years of your careerthe Jacksonville Jaguars for the last three.
How many coaches have you played forbefore you got here with Mike McDonald's.

So I played for Anthony lenn urbanMeyer, Doug Peterson and now coach McDonald.
Damn you run the gamut? Yeah, yeah, yeah, So what
do you think about this guy?Mike oh Man? Oh Man, It's
just like I always tell people,his his his mind, like just the
way he thinks is just very unique, unique than what I've played for in

the past, just schematic wise ofwhy he calls things and and and making
you understand why he's calling it.It is like you just always learning.
I'm your eight and I feel likeI'm just still learning the game from this
from from coach. I had MikeMichael Jackson on yesterday, another guy from

the you yes, sir, andhe was a quarterback and just kind of
a junk yard dog. Just tellme what to do. I'm gonna go
cover some guy tackle, that's it. And I said, like, how
because all when I talk to likethe defensive lineman, We've talked to a
bunch of those guys already. They'relike, man, this scheme, it's
like there's so much to like,not complainment. If there's a lot to
it, it's gonna be great.Confused other teams, I asked Michael,

He's like, yeah, manage togo cover dudes, right, But that's
what I think about later. I'mlike, that's probably just the position.
Like you're a corner, Okay,you in cloud or you and man or
you press whatever. But for youas a strong safety, I'm assuming there's
a lot on both your your andalso Julian Love's plate. Right. Yeah,
absolutely, when it comes to thesafety position, there's just a lot
a little more thinking to the gamethen, you know, all due respect

Mike, but you know, ina corner, you know, it's a
little bit more thinking to our end. But I will say on their part,
it's a little bit more running,so you know, you kind of
just give up one, you know. But I would definitely say the scheme
is a bit more let's just say, I'm not gonna call it difficult,
but this is a little more tothe scheme. But the more you know

it, you understand why why it'sthat way, and you start to like
it because you're gonna give opposing offensesjust just nightmare. So it'll be crazy.
Ra seon Jacobs. Wait, deceptiona big part of it, like
just true reception. Like Gino talkedabout it last week when he was in
the podium with us. He's like, yeah, man, these guys come
up and they're there, they drop, they're doing this, they're doing that.

I mean it's making them better obviouslyoffensively. But he did say which
is fun. I mean when Ihad Draymond Jones on last week and I
said, it just felt like lastyear this I'm looking at there's dudes out
there, Like there's some dudes andyeah, Shannah got hurt. That changed
a lot of stuff, right,But there's talent on that defense, way
more talent than the twenty eighth ortwenty ninth rank defense. What do you

see on that defense talent wise?I see the same thing. We got
the pass rushes there, the linebackersor sideline. The sideline and the DB's
are just absolute versus versatile. Soit's like these the safety room that we
have can plug in a nickel,we can plug in a dime, we
can we got guys that can goout and play corner some and Kobe Bryant

and things like that and even you, but just presenting those different looks to
the opposing teams is just it's it'sgonna be very difficult to pick up what
we're uh and just like you saidbefore, it's a big part of it
is just deception. You know,we might start in something post snap or

a pre snap and then post snapwhere something completely different, or we may
start in some pre snap and stayingthe same thing pre snap. So it's
just you know, Racheon Jenkins joiningus again. For us with youth league,
you enjoy the cerebral part of thegame, maybe more than you did
when you were in college and evenyour first two years here in the league.
Oh yeah, absolutely, because especiallyfor like, if you understand the

game, you know, the gameis getting younger and it's getting faster.
So a guy like me, areyou not getting younger and faster? Can
you tell me father time has hassomething on you? Raeon, I always
find the time work like that,But but no, a guy like me,
I've played over one hundred some games, so it's I've seen a lot
of things and I use that tomy advantage. Of course, I can
still run with them. I canstill, you know, I can still

lift with them. But where myadvantage comes in is that I've seen a
lot of pictures before and something maytrigger my brain that I've seen a thousand
stops before. Right, do yousee what I'm saying. There's recognition,
there's recognitions there, and I'm ableto just play the game just a little
bit faster. Jacins infronounced with you. All right, So how the hell

did you end up in Seattle?Every stat every metric, every evaluation,
doesn't matter, whether it's just theraw stats, pff whoever. It is,
like, how did this dude endup being placed on waivers and end
up here? You must have beena salary cap guy. As a salary
cap guy. You hit it righton the head, uh salda salary cap
guy. You know, I talkedto my previous GM me and my agent
was talking to to him right beforeyou know, everything happened, and it

was exactly that. But you know, it is what it is. And
then I got you know, Ihad a substantial out of offers, so
yeah, heading into free agency,but you know, at the end of
the day, I oftimately picked theteam that matched my playing style, a
team that was in a bigger marketand then a team with a state income

text. Okay, I heard youmentioned that before. I'm from Seattle.
I've done the media tour. That'slike us in the media. We do
the tour like a small market mediamarket, come back big market and you
work in TV and radio and youdo all those things. Right. So
when I left here as a youngguy in the career, I went to
Utah and a lot of reasons,I didn't fit there for a lot of
but no, we had great time. We're there for six years. But

the state income tax first something i'dever dealt with them, and I'm like
now, And then I moved.We moved to Portland, Oregon, Oregon.
Same thing, all income tax.I came up here and it was
almost lateral money at first, butit wasn't like the state income text.
Why did more dudes not talk aboutthat around the NFL because I'm making TV
and radio money. You were makingNFL money. Why did more guys not
talk about that? I don't know, but I feel like it they need

to like consider it just because atthe end of the day, it's a
business as well, yes, soyou have to treat it this such well.
You get an eight percent raised minimumkind of out. Oh yeah,
but just like just like because it'sSan Francisco in here, right, Oh
yeah, it was between San Franciscoand like you said here, Yeah,
so with everything over in San Francisco, it was gonna be about fifty to
fifty one, like with everything statein federal. Yeah. Yeah, I

played in LA before, so trustme, I'm I'm I'm familiar with those
numbers. I was in the eightpercent category. But that's cool, I
said, absolutely. But uh butyou know, heading out to Seattle,
it was more of about maybe likea forty two percent, right, so
it was actually it's way nine.It's a different deal. Yeah. I
would just think that's why, youknow, I mentioned that, even guys

with the hockey team here, withthe Kraken and others, it's like this
and Mariners, you know, baseballteam like this, you should have a
decided advantage. You're attracted dudes.No, absolutely, uh, Julian Love,
what do you like to play nextyear? Man? True professional?
You guys from Yeah, he's he'sjust like I just said earlier, he's
very versatile, so he uh,he can play in the strong safety spot,

the free safety spots heck, hejust got to pick yesterday at the
nickel spot. Yeah. So it'sjust being able to give the quarterback a
pre snap look as to I don'tknow what safety is gonna roll down.
I don't know if Julian's rolling down. I don't know if ray Shawn's rolling
down. So that that that itjust gives us an advantage. I want

to I always ask guy, giveme a scouting report on Rashawn Jenkins.
Scouter report, big physical mindset,versatile player. I can play the dying
position. That's where I started mycareer at. I played my first I
want to say, well my lasttwo years with LA at the free safety

position. In my last three years, I was at the strong safety position,
and I you know, I putup stats in all in all a
number. Again, it's two straightyears, one hundred plus tackles. Oh
absolutely, that's in the safety position. That says a couple of things,
absolutely, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, Hey,

that's a couple of fronts. Acouple of fronts. Uh, a
couple more guys. I want youto scout for it because I think I
think this would be good for SeahawkFantasy. Here Jackson Smith and Jigba.
Oh my goodness. Uh, dudeis lightning fast. Like the dude is
changing his changing direction is elite.And then his ball skills down the field

as far as bringing the catch itsecure. Yeah, those his hands are
are are are excellent, and hisroute running is very crafty. Dk metcalf
a force. He's just a forceout there, you know when he's out
there, and you have to bewell aware when he's out there, especially
in like the backside, acts likeyou better because there's gonna be a lot

of one on one balls out there. If you just compete levels pretty high.
Think people don't always Oh yeah,absolutely, his competitive nature is is
second to none as well. I'veseen them, you know, get chippy
with guys out here. So hedefinitely wants to win every rep. And
I've definitely respected one more. DevinWitherspoon, fast fast feet, like his

closing speed and the things he doesat the top of the route, which
is in my opinion, when you'replaying man the man. In my opinion,
that is the hardest thing to do, and man to man is play
at the top of the route.Yeah, you can get hands on,
you know, at the beginning ofthe route and things like that. But
once guys get start to break itdown and changing direction in the top of

the route, that's where it getshard. In Devin with the spoon,
he's right in your back pocket everysingle time, and his ball skills are
actually elite as well. Do youguys have to watch the film how many
times you've had to watch the filmof Jake Bobo's catch yesterday? Oh?
Man, what a great catch.Look, I had to let him,

Hey, he bro great cats that. There was nothing we could have done
about that one. I'm not gonnalie. He was overthrown and he goes
out. And I been doing thisfor a long time, ever since the
sixteen years. Never get excited aboutyou know, it's training camp whatever.
That was different. That was adifferent catch, man. I for sure,
I thought the ball was going likeout of bound. It's gonna go

to the lake, That's what Ithought. And I just see someone just
airborne and extend it to the fullestand comes that he he he dove for
that like it was the super Bowl, honestly. And but that's the mindset
you have to have though. That'swhat you want in training camp, that's
what you coach. That's just RayshawnJenkins. He wears number two. Seahawks

fans, You're gonna love this guy. I know. I already doing the
sack to him again this season.Thanks for stopping by, man, appreciate
it. There you go, that'sRayshawn Jenkins. Will let him get back
to lunch. You gotta make memake mention of this. Like these guys
come by and it's like there,this is their off time before practice and
you coming by. They come down, sit down to get a chance to
talk to you. So, uh, I'm gonna tell you right now,
Andrews, this is a guy that'sgoing to become big time fan favorite.

Yeah, big, big, big, big time fan favorite, six one,
two ten, and I'm I'm gonnatell you right now. He might
be a little thicker than that Iwalking away. Yeah, he's he's he's
what you want. It's so weird. We got the I mean, the
gold standard of all time and strongsafeties here. A guy by the name
of Cam might have heard of him. Oh yeah, that you know was
just beyond big and could move.But you know Cam was was every bit

of six four ish and you know, in the two thirty range at his
peak. I mean just a beast. But that's what I mean, six
one, two, ten strong safety. He's a thumper. He can come
down hit you in the line ofscrimmage. And I thought what he said.
A couple things jumped out because Iwas talking to Greg about this off
the air a little bit, andI remember he had mentioned this in when
he first came here, that incometax thing, the state income tax man

don't have in Washington. And franklywe probably in none of our lifetimes will
it take a eight constitutional amendment.I believe it is. So yeah,
like like it's not gonna happen herenow. Listen. We we have a
lot of things going against us inour states. There's no doubt about it.
I mean, you can't buy ahouse. You know that as a
young Mary Yeah, family, Yes, you know, there's and and and
that's even with even if we didhave good interest rates, it's hard to

do for first time home owner owners. Certainly not in Seattle. We got
some crime issues in our city andreally throughout the region. We got a
lot of things going against us.But just in terms of income, like,
I don't think unless you've lived inanother state, I'm not sure if
you always understand what that is.And if you're at his level of income,
an NFL player's level of income,a pro athlete's level of income,

that's a significant, significant thing.Like it's a big deal. And I
I'm assuming that people push it andyou know, and and try to you
know, get after it a littlebit when they're you know, whether it
be John Schneider or or you know, Jerry Depoto, justin Hollander, I
mean, Ron Francis. I wouldhope and think that they would push it

and and say, hey man,this is this is what it is.
But yeah, I'll tell you rightnow, it's it's he's a big pick
up they I think I'll be onI was really down on Quandre last year.
Yeah. I don't know. II probably should be more. I
just was down on him. Ijust thought he I just thought that he
turned down tackles. Yeah. Youknow, we broke the one down that

the Naji Harris won the Pittsburgh game, which was a significant game for Seattle,
a huge game. And I rememberbreaking that down with Hugh on Hardcore
Football on the Monday, and thenI remember talking about it as well with
Great Cosell on and off the airthe next week. And it just he
just wasn't. He just didn't getit done. He just didn't. He
just wasn't at the level he shouldhave been. This guy makes you better

automatically, and then love can justcome in. And I'm talking about well,
I mean Quandre, you know Quandrein love. Quandra and Adams,
it doesn't matter. Those two guysjust we were non factors. Now you
bring a guy in, let Julianand let Julian be the dude. You
know, he was a team captaintwo years ago in New York. This
guy sounds like a captain to me. Like he's just like I said,

he fit like a glove the secondhe walked into the building. Everyone who's
interacted with him has raved about him. Players, teammates, coaches, et
cetera. People, the personnel guys, the guys we talked to, the
PR guys in front office people.They just say, this guy's a delight
and he can flat out play.He had one hundred tackles last season in
seventeen games, right, I meanfor a team that you know, now
again good news, bad news,right, Like it's that's cool. He

had one hundred tackles. Probably don'twant your safe to make a hundred tackles
necessarily year. That's more of ateam issue than a player is shoe.
Yeah, but he had seven tacklesfor loss last season. He's had a
sack in three of the last fouryears, two straight years from the safety
position. He had a couple ofquarterback hits. He's got ten career interceptions.
He had two last season, threethe year before this. This guy
makes you better, Ching love makesyou better. Devin Witherspoon year two makes

you better. I mean, Ithink I'm just bullish on this team,
way way, way more than Ithink a lot of people in the league,
And just talking to Ian Rapaport yesterday, I think he is too.
I think that this is a teamquietly flying under raider. Oh and I
love that for them, like itcould they kind of have that underdog roll
a little bit? And I likehow Ray Shawn's personality kind of fits into
this team. We talked a littlebit about it yesterday with Mike Jackson.

But having kind of different types ofguys around your locker room and stuff like
that is actually a good thing.You want the quiet competitor, then you
want kind of the last guy.Could you have two different guys than those
two exactly. That's my point.And they're both in the secondary. It's
great that they kind of have thatlittle dynamic. I'm gonna try to catch
up with Mike Jackson after Michael Jacksonafter practice, Taye, because I gotta
tell like, the feedback on theon the text was awesome. It was

awesome, Like just and I thinkit was cool. Is like just like
we have so many like our listenersby and large, they're like dudes,
they're they're like, you know,and listen, you and I aren't doing
heavy lifting and stuff, but wegot just it's a hard working group of
people. Listen to our show andyou know, you're working nine to five,
you're grinding. Yeah, one worknine to five anymore. You working
seven to three or seven to four, right, you know, five to

two or whatever it might be,And you're grinding a way no matter what
you do. Like to hear aguy like that say, man, I
just appreciate the fact I can playfootball. It was refreshing. Yeah,
damn refreshing. I just I youknow, he just he doesn't take it
for granted, and he's never goingto take it for granted. That's why
that guy sticks around every year whenthey make final cutdowns the guys around.
He's just there. Yep. Ido wonder with him. I do wonder

with Jackson if he's a guy theymay trade really if if they stay healthy
all training camp at the cornerback position, and if the two rookies can show
something, I wonder if they tradehim. I think can get some value
for that. Yeah, Okay,at a different position where you don't have

as much depth. Maybe seventeen gamesstarter two years ago. Yeah, he's
a guy that you I think couldcould. Yeah. I hope they don't
think you need depth. Yeah,all right, Trade Deadline Day, right,
Yes, it is. I'm keepingan eye on it. There's the
rumors, rumor mill is swirling.Nothing concrete just yet, though, but
we can update that on the otherside. Let's take a break, we'll

come back. We'll set up theday. Trade Deadline Day MLB. We're
a lot of the Virginia Mason AthleticCenter. Next our nut stop coverage joke.
Seahawks training camp continues from the VirginiaMason Athletics Center, brought to you
by Northwest Handling Systems and the twentytwenty four Boeing Classic Gauga's fifth through the
eleven. Now back to Ian Furnesson Sports Radio ninety three point three KJRFM.

All right, big day out heretoday. It's kids day for the
Seahawks fans who are out here.The twelves are two Hawks chanting right now,
getting ready for practice starts at oneo'clock today. So younger demographic,
a lot of youngsters out here havingsome fun this afternoon. And the great
thing is it's not just it's nothot. You couldn't ask for better just

I know people want one more sunshine. You couldn't ask for better weather.
Sitting on a grass burm that faceswest, you couldn't ask for better weather,
little cloud cover, it's perfectly pleasant. So big practice coming up here
in a second second. One padsOn for the Hawks will keep you update
on what's going on out here today. But really the big news for us,
we're kind of waiting on and JoeShian will join us coming up at
one o'clock today. The big newsis today is trade deadline day in Major

League Baseball, so we are waitingto see what takes place. I'm gonna
have Andrews give you a couple oflittle rumors going on in a second to
wet your appetite. Not only dowe have Joshian joining us today coming up
at one o'clock, two o'clock hour, just as we head into the final
hour before the trade deadline, ourfriend Chuck Powell will join us live on

the phone and he'll be keeping trackof everything. And I love, I'm
gonna I'm gonna say this with alllove and respect. There's no bigger baseball
nerd than Chuck Powell. Yeah,if you ask him who the number three
starter is for the San Diego Padres, he'll rifle that off. I have
no idea who it is he does. So that's that's a gift that he
has, and I'm gonna lean oninto that gift coming up because we'll find

out, you know, if somethingdoes happen before then, or if we're
waiting on stuff to happen as well, what's going to go on. There
have been a couple moves that weremade in the last twenty four hours.
The one that you know Mariner fanswould recognize, certainly, you say,
Kakuci going to the Houston Astros inthe Toronto Blue Jays and the lot for
aspiring contract and man, they announcedthe trade, Divish retweeted something about look

at the comments. So I lookedat the comments. Astro fans are sideways,
right, they are sideways pissed,hoss. They cannot believe what those
guys did and what they gave up. And it sounds like the you know,
I mean, it's top guys,top prospects. Yes, for a
guy on an expiring contract, it'snot having a terrific year. So yeah,

listen if you know Yankees traded areliever, Caleb Ferguson to the Astros
as well. Today Alex Cobb,well, actually we should mention Jorge Solar
is going to the Atlanta Braves fromthe San Francisco Giants, so take him
off the list. But if you'rejust looking, I think anders at the
two teams in the Ale the threeteams in the Ale West. Yes,

there's no doubt Seattle has improved itselfmore than the other two. Really in
the last four or five days.Yeah, no doubt. I would even
say it over throughout the MLB.I think if the trade deadline ended now
obviously it does, and we stillhave another two and a half hours.
Yes, I think the Mariners havethe biggest jump from where they were before
this kind of final deadline push thananyone else, and especially in the AO

West. Well, I'm gonna throwthis question at everbody four nine, four
to five one and tell them whotext on when it came to time.
And this may end up proving tobe a moot point, and if it
is, and you'll text in andit won't matter, but well, I'm
gonna ask you to do so anyway, if it did end right now,
if it ends and Seattle has addedreally three you know, three guys that
can that can help them if itends right now and and it ends with

and it ends with you know aRose Arena, Garcia and turn it yep.
Okay, if it ends right nowwith those three, are you okay
with that? As America fan fourone? Tell them Moto text line when
it game time? You think if? Because I think if it. If

if they were to add those threepieces in the last twenty four hours before
the trade deadline like yesterday, andthen they say they did one of those
moves yesterday and they did the othertwo today, I think we'd all be
happy, right, I agree,But because they did them so early,
because they banged out those those youknow, in the last few days,

Turner, the last one which wasyesterday. But because they've done them in
the you know, early on beforeyou know, we still had some time
before the trade deadline is up.I think that they had just kind of
wetted the appetite of Mariner fans.Yes, but let's take a step back
and understand again. What they havedone is they have improved their ball club
more. Now how much more,that's a question to answer at the end

of the season. But there's nodoubt they have improved their roster more so
than the two teams that they're tryingto fight off in the American League West,
and maybe even if you want togo down the road of the wildcard,
which they're still cut two and ahalf out of the wildcard spot,
which I just got it. Imean, we all want the playoffs,
right, I just this is gonnasound weird. I have no interest in

the stupid wildcard. I mean Ido like, get in, just get
in, but no, like god, get us a division title in some
home games. But that aside.If it were to end right now,
and we're an hour and twenty sixminutes away, two hours, two hours
and twenty six minutes away. Ihad that much time left to my show.

I don't have that. I don'tget enough for you. And I
used to the three hours show.I am now in six months. Anyway,
if it were to end right now, would you be okay? As
a matter four five one, Ithink yes. My answer is yes.
Yeah, my answer is yes.I know we all want them to do
more. And Andrews didn't get toa couple of rumors in a second.
But Andrews, if it ended rightnow, and if you would have told

me two weeks ago that those threeguys are who they're going to add,
I'd be like, okay, man, you know what they they They went
out and did something and on topof that, they gave up nothing.
Now I don't care who the hellthey give up. There isn't a guy
that I give enough about. Ifthey give him up, I just don't
care. Uh. You know HarryFord, the great he has if he
wants to have it. He's gota British accent. Sometimes super Uh.

We've got cal Rawley. Yeah,and he's still under cup control for a
couple more years. I don't care. There's nobody that I care about in
the minor leagues enough so and theybut even so, the bonus is they
didn't give anybody up yet, right, they gave nobody up yet, So
for me four four five one tellthem the text line when its game time,
or you can send us a voicetext as well. Talk back with
the iHeartRadio app and click on thelittle red microphone your thoughts on what they've

done so far. I'm okay withit. I'm more than okay with it.
I think they've done a I thinkthey've done a nice job of pushing
the envelope a little bit before Iget to rumors. Anders, Yes,
before I get to rumors, Iwant you to hold off on that.
I'm asking you that same question.Do you think of what they've done so
far? Is it enough? AndI guess again, the hard thing is

you almost have to take the timingof it out, yes, and just
the overall kind of what they've done, and if this was it, I
agree with you. I'm okay withit. I'm gonna do the old Baseball
version of your ten Takeaways from trainingCamp. I'm gonna do what is your
trade deadline grade for this team?It's it's about a bee to almost a
B plus form the Mariners, andI now, right now, if you'll

end you right now, yes,And a lot of that is because I
don't think the Astros have gotten anybetter. I don't think the Rangers have
gotten I think you've improved more thanthe Yankees have. Like I like Jazz
Chishm, I like Randy Rose rainamore so, I don't know. And
you add justin Turner, you addprobably the best reliever that's available, and

you could be adding another one andwe'll talk about that here soon. But
I think you've upgraded your team prettysignificantly, and for a team, like
we said, that's already kind oftied for being in first place. So
I would be at B pushing Dplus if the deadline ended right now.
Well, here's here's what you've done. Is if it did end right now,

Because I had somebody tell me yesterdaythat, well, you know the
Turner thing, I don't care,he's washed up, he's this, and
that. I said, well,there's more than that, there's way more
to it than that. And thelast few weeks haven't shown that he's washed
up. No, And so ifyou now there's a rumor and you could
end up with a different guy playingfirst base. But worst case scenario,
you've traded Justin Turner for Ty Franceat first base. You're better, You're

better, yes, right, you'rebetter there. Yes, arna is better
than anything you've got in the outfieldnot named Huli God. Yes, I
mean, and it's not even Imean, so you have made a significant
upgrade to a corner outfield spot.Even I was entertained highly watching him try
to play with the wall. Imean, he's played in Fenway a lot.
Yeah, come from the Al Eastwatching him play, He's just I

think there's gonna be an adventure outin left field every now and then.
Oh yeah, but whatever, that'sfine. You know what, hit the
ball, run the bases, doyour thing. He's never gonna dogg it.
He's not gonna be that type ofguy that's gonna jog in the baseball
or anything. He's gonna try hard. He's just he may not take the
best route. Sometimes it's a tryhard out. There's a tryhard element there,
absolutely, But so you've got thoselike, so you've done that.
You've upgraded your bullpen. You've strengthenedthe back end of your bullpen already.

So you've done that. As well. So you know, you've you've improved
in three different spots. You've improvedit first base, you've improved in the
corner outfield, and you've improved you'veimproved your bullpen as well. And so
you know, and the bullpen isimportant. We saw that last night.
Logan Gilbert can't get it, andmy god, can we just get to
automatic balls to strike? Geez Okay, I don't know if you were gonna

bring that up, but since youdid, oh my lord, it was
bad. I use words I can'tuse on the radio on that what should
have been called thirst strike. Nowgive the Red Sox credit them. Dude's
battle Like they boy can hit andthey know how and they know how to
hit in that Ballpark's there's an artto that. I'd love to talk to
Bucky about that. Sometimes. Ithink there's an art to that, Like

a lazy fly ball to the leftfield in that ballpark is a double,
And so there's an art to hittingthere and they know how to do it.
The other thing is too you know, I got my good friend,
I got a good buddy I playgolf with all the time, a guy
named Dave Harmon, And and youknow, like we're playing golf and things
aren't going well. I can youknow, and you kind of get pissed
and like, ah, the greensare hard to read, or this and
that, and he always says twowords, play better. And I thought

with the logan Gilbert, okay,just be better. And and he his
worst outing of the year. Hedidn't get up, I mean kind of
double clutching to make sure he madethe right throat a second with the guy
that's running down the line hard beatsit out. That was the other play
that was big, right, thatwas a huge play. Cal thir strike
doesn't go your way. Just getit out, Just get getting it out

all if views get one out andget out of there with one or two
runs, you're okay. You livewith that. Yeah. Did you see
his quote after the game. Ithink he kind of owned up to that
a little. He totally owned upto it, which I loved about I
did. All right, got totake a break on Olympic update coming up,
So it's a spoiler alert for you. And then Andrews has two big
trade rumors ahead of Joe Sheen.At one o'clock we'll touch in on and
both of those, both of thesewill get you excited as a Mariners fan.

He's just chomping at the bit.Yeah, trade rumor. Guy back
there, the host of Mariners Weekly. They'll tell you what they are after
our Olympic update coming up next.This is a special KJRFM sports presentation coming
to you live from the Virginia MasonAthletics Center. This is kjrfm's non stunt

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All right, I headed Joe sheIn at one o'clock. We are waiting
for the trade deadline three pm Pacifictime. Today's from Softy and Dick Fane
hit the airwaves. Sometimes things happenand you get him a little bit after

the trade deadline, so those guyswill be all over it, I'm sure
at three o'clock right here on ninethree point three k of Elma. But
Anderson Hurst honders as my friend NathanBishops, Yeah, he can't change it,
can he? Well, Kellen nickon that that's true. He has
the issue with that one too,iron whatever it is. I no,
he hasn't. He hasn't called methat yet, luckily, Okay, give

me the rumors, give me theMariner rumors. What are you hearing now
there, sir? The latest onMariners trade deadline action is that it's between
three teams. We all know thatthe Mariners uh DFA ty France, and
then he came back and then madethe trade for him to basically offload him
to Cincinnati, but apparently there isstill interest to add a first basement for

the Mariners because Yondi Diaz from theTampa Bay Rays is reportedly very highly likely
to be traded. And it's betweenthe Astros, the Yankees and the Mariners
as those kind of fusa let me, let me, let me get for
and this season, in nine homeruns forty seven RBI, he's hitting two

seventy on base percent into three twentysix, slugging at three ninety seven.
Yeah, seven twenty three though opsops plus is one oh seven, which
is about age. Okay, itwould be would be obviously again, almost
anything would be better than ty Franceand would be and would be a nice
upgrade as well. He's a firstbaseman and third baseman. He's played I
think only first in d H thisyear. He's a first baseman. Pretty

yeah, he would be your everydayfirst basement if he made better and then
Justin Turner slides into your DH correct, and I think that's kind of more
the role the Mariners want him tobe. To be honest, he's only
played ten games at first base.Thiss y're Justin Turner, so and so
if he went to Houston. Iguess they've got the big fella playing first
most of the time, right,No, they need a first basement pretty
bad. A big fella that Joeis John Singleton. Yeah, John Singleton,

Yeah, Big John Singleton's their firstbaseman most of the time. Yeah.
So that's an interesting one because theAstros just gave up a bunch,
yeah, to get a starting pitcher, So Seattle would probably have more in
the tank to give up. Andthat is why that apparently the added report
onto this rumor is that the Marinerswant Yondi and Pete Fairbanks as well to

add to their bullet Oh, let'sgo down that road for a second.
Pete Fairbanks also with Tampa Bay.Yes, he has twenty saves this season,
a three point one point one eer, a one point one to
nine with one point nine whip.He has struck out thirty play thirty batters
this season in thirty eight games.Six and twenty pound guy yep would come

in and be a high leverage guy. And also you could have you get
closed if you don't have to usemunhos every day, so you still have
y Garcia and gave Spire just cameback like, but I don't gave fire
last night wasn't to watch Yeah,but yeah no like like obviously gave spires
shouldn't be in those situations, rightto be honest with exactly like he you

know what and well not last nightwas standingbody like a I leverage as much
as these guys. Okay, sotwo guys from Tampa. I'm curious because
they've already made the Tampa trade once, right, yes, So to come
back five days later make another oneor two I'd be something else, man,
I'll tell you right now, Jerry, Jerry gets a pass. Yeah.
I don't think we're gonna ever forgetfifty four percent, but you get

a pass on that. Well.And also if you have first of all,
they did that with Toronto, right, They traded for you, Amy
Garcia, and then they came backand did it for Justin Turner. So
not everyone is in the same dealall at once. They all parts at
different times. But you do makea good point because the last two series
before Randy Rose Arena was traded fromTampa to Seattle, Yandy Diaz sat out

for personal reasons quote unquote, andthere's a lot a large portion of the
Tampa Bay fan base. That's sayingthat he was demanding that a Rosarena would
be traded and he wouldn't play untilhe was, and so he didn't want
to play with there Rosa there.I don't know if that's true. They're
both Cuban, right, yeah,yeah, oh lord Rose Raina is Cuban,

but he plays for Mexico, right, But he was born in Cuba.
He defected on his bailed on hiscountry. Maybe he defected to Mexico
when he first, like normally peoplecome to America, he went to Mexico
first, Like there's I don't know, but I don't be there. Apparently,
I don't know. I can't confirmthat, but apparently that's the what
a lot of people are saying isthe reason why Yandi was sitting out.

So I don't know. We'll see, we'll see. Hmm hmmmmmmm hm.
I feel like the Mariner fan inme just says, there's no chance going
to get ys, like they justcan't like you. Yandy Diaz coming here
would be like too good to betrue. Yeah, on top of what
they've done already, that would makeit. I can, as a lifelong

Mariner fan, allow myself to toogood to be true to allow myself to
think that could happen. Yeah,I I don't know, man, I
that would change what I think isa B B plus trading deadline to an
A like a pretty solid aid whereyou filled all the holes you needed to
do. Yandy, is you havehim for at least one more year if

not too because it's a club optionin twenty twenty six at a pretty low
salary for what he's done. Andyou were mentioning just his numbers this year.
The last two years, he's hadyou know, an eight nineteen ops
two years ago, and I thinkhe had over a nine hundred ops last
year, so he's done it before. Plus in the last two months in
June he had an eight to eighteenops, and so far in July he's

a seven to seventy nine. Sohe's a pretty solid hitter. He's not
going to strike out very much.Maybe doesn't have the power that a lot
people expect to have, So Idon't know. I think it'd be an
awesome addition, plays good defense atfirst base. I want I want this
to get done so badly. Ifyou could have to d as your first
base turner, as your day garbis a backup catcher that plays twice a
week. How much better are youthan you were a month a week?

And that puts guys in positions thatI think they're meant to be in,
right. I think a lot oftimes Mariners had these players where you know,
their numbers look good, but it'sbecause they were playing smaller roles for
their team, and then they askthem to play every day here in Seattle.
It's just not the same. Goodpoint, All right, let's see
what Jochian thinks. Our baseball guy, Jochi and Joshian Newsletter joins us next.
Now from the Star Rentals Sports tous your ninety three point three kJ

r FM sports headlines and headlines arebrought to you by Anderson hurst Hey and
also maybe Venue Kingsvenue Kings dot Com. Maybe, Oh, I don't just
don't know. No. Uh,it is trade deadline day in Major League
Baseball, that's all. You literallyjust came down the pipe in for the
marright away, What he got,what he got? What he got?

Mariners acquiring JT. Charguaw from theMarlins. If you remember he was on
the team I think in twenty twentyone. Ah, Okay, Little Believe
helped there, all right, allright, so there you go. The
trades are coming fast there. Wehave two hours and fifty eight minutes until
the trade deadline. One no no, oh yeah, one hour fifty eight

yeah. God, my mouth isout is off? Anyway, you get
the point. Mayors are in Bostonto night. They'll try to get the
second game in the three games series. They got drilled last night Logan Gilbert
Oh had these issues, couldn't getout of the third inning. They'll try
to do it again tonight with someguy named Castillo. Heard he's pretty good
throwing for Sea Out. Seahawk trainingcamp continues. They're just making their way
out on the field right now forday six of training camp. Fans are

here. It's kids day, screaming, yelling, lots of stuff going on.
Here we go. Rayjon Jenkins joinedus earlier in the program. I
got nothing, man, I wantto get to this guy right now.
Is Joshian ready to go or isJoshian standing by? We got trade deadline
stuff to talk about right now.It's now time for Ian's weekly visit with
Josian of the Joshian Newsletter, broughtto you by wild Wood Spirits owned and

op rated by chef John Howie andsomalier Eric Lightholme, the only chef and
somalia own distillery the world. Nowwith the Inverness, It's our weekly baseball
fix with the one and only Joshian. Joe Joshian newsletter Joshia dot Com joined
us on this very important day istrade deadline day in Major League Baseball,

and he joined us on the BeaconPlumbing hot Line. Hello, sir,
how are you pretty good? Iwas telling Andrews off the air. I
got caught in the city today helpinga friend, and I'm actually on the
Deacon Expressway heading home. So Iknow everything that's happened today, but it's
been a chaotic day for me.I need you to break down the specific
numbers up. No, I'm justkidding them all right. Let me let

me start with this Seattle. Ibrought this up for our listeners a moment
ago. The Mariners have made wellof them. They made four deals.
Anders again, what's the latest dealacquiring JT. Charguas from the Marlins.
We don't know the return yet.Quick thought on that. Without knowing the
return, Joe, Uh, thisis what we're going to see in the
last couple of hours for the deadlinea lot of third and fourth relievers in

a bullpen charge. Yet I believemans half him. Yes, I believe
yeah, thank ye. I wasgonna say he's done. He bent to
the Rays and then the Marlins.Uh, let's say an extra right in.
I think the man is very concernednow about their reliever depth. It's
going to help them. The returnisn't going to be much. I mean,
think about what they traded I thinknine to twelve in their system to
get Randy Rose Arena. They're probablynot even going to trade a rated prospect

to get two months of JT.Shroywall. Okay, so let me go,
let me we'll go backwards or forwards, backwards, backwards, forwards.
I don't even know what it is. But let's you brought up a Rose
Raina. Let's start right there.They didn't give up much. They bring
him in from Tampa. We haven'thad a chance to talk to and get
your reaction about that. Let's getyour thoughts on that trade for Seattle.
I think it's a good deal forthem. And again, you know they
did give up. I mean they'renot rated highly, but very good prospects,

and of course the Rays are theirpro scouting department is phenomenal, so
if they want your players, eventhat immediately has assigned, those are a
couple of good guys, but aras arena. The season stats aren't great,
but if you look at the lasttwo months, he's gone back to
being the player that he you knowhe's been for the three years of his
career. Base hits for power,The defense is speed. Actually, the
defense in base running not as goodas they used to be. He's lost

a step in left field, andhe's an error prone based runner, both
getting caught stealing and making outs onthe bases. So maybe not the complete
player he was three years ago.But you know his three h eight OHDP
even for the season, it's actuallysecond on the Mariger, So it's a
boost for them. I guess withhim, I want to wonder Joe is
Yeah again, I hadn't thought aboutthe red flag, except if they like

your prospects, then maybe they're betterthan even you have them ranked right along
the way. But it just feelslike other teams could have got this guy
as well. I love the tradefor Seattle. I love the fact that
they added this guy to a massiveposition of need in the corner outfield.
And it's not just a rental orAzarena is actually controlled through twenty twenty six.
Now he'll cost a little bit moregoing forward, but it's this is

a multi year solution for the Marriagers. Something made it easier to give up
the outfielder and the trade the centerfielder, who I apologized that it escapes
me but pretty well regarded. Youmentioned it, and the Rays have been
very active selling and again, youknow, their pro scouting is so good
that there's almost there's a joke onon. Sam Miller, the great writer
for ESPN and Baseball Perspectives, oncesaid, great trade for the race.
Whould they get because just if theRays make a trade, you figure they're

doing very well. But to me, the Mariners did well here they as
you mentioned, a position of greatneed for them. Jimmy Garcia comes over
as well from Toronto. Yeah,and this is what teams do that I
mean, it's not about your savetotals. You're not necessarily going to chase
you know, you don't need toget the other twenty five saves at the
deadline. You're trading for skills inUni, Garcia, your Astros, Dodgers,

now with the with the Blue Jays, even very good at getting strikeouts,
missing bats. Good command this yearis one of the best command records
in baseball too. You plugged thatguy late in the game. He's pitched
seventh, eighth, ninth. You'renot really worried about how you're gonna use
him. But it's twenty five inningsthat you're not giving to the back of
your bullpen. It's adding depth tothe system, depth to the bullpen.
One of the things we're seeing thisyear, everybody is chasing innings. Between

the number of picture and injuries we'veseen, between some overworked bullpens, everybody
is out there just trying to findthese extra ratted arms. And in Garcia
and Chargeois, I mean it's fiftyabove average innings. The matters have added
here in the last couple of days, Joe, is that new? Is
that a new thing this year oris a new trend in the last couple
of years? As you said,chasing innings, it's increased over the last

couple of years because teams, remember, we've shifted from you know, starting
rotations taking fifty five sixty percent ofthe innings down to even you know,
half, or even less than half. For some teams, starters are only
going five to five and third inningssometimes even less. See that burden comes
on the open so you get toAugust and you've already used these players so

much that you've got to go outand get reinforcement. So it's it's a
it's an effect of the trend towardsusing starting pitchers less. I mean,
I saw Joshian joining us, saidJoshian dot com. I heard a conversation
this morning just even about schemes rightand like, and they said, well,
he pitched over one hundred innings inLSU. Like, it's not like
he hasn't gone over, you know, into triple digits before. But boy,

you're just when you have franchise startingpitching, it does feel like you're
gonna treat guys with kid gloves andthose in that inning count is like I
even thought last night, I mean, Logan Gilbert had a really really bad
third inning thanks to maybe a reallybad non called third strike in yeah and
uh and then the inability to turna double play. He ended up throwing
Andrews was it forty eight pitches inthat inning. I think it was something

like that. I had to lookup the exact total, but yeah,
and when when service came to takehim out, I was a little surprised,
and I thought, well, youknow what, they're probably taking him
out just because of the number ofpitches in that one inning. Right,
It wasn't the the pitch total wasup there, but he had cruised the
first two. But boy, you'rejust not gonna take a chance with it.
It feels like teams are not goingto take a chance with a franchise
level arm, are they. Yeah. One of the guidelines is thirty pitches

in an inning. Yeah, fordeveloping pitchers, you don't want them going
more than that. Forty eighth anextreme number. And of course the sequence
there. I do think Gilbert,I'm reluctant to do psychology through the magic
box in my living room, butI think he was definitely a bit.
He was definitely a bit tilted byby the bad call, the too two
call that should have gotten out ofthe innings. So, yeah, difficult,
but mentioned schemes. Skins did throwmore than one hundred LSU. You

remember that's on a seven day schedule. Though he's pitching every Friday night for
the most part until you get tothe to the postseason, so it is
a little bit different. The rawinnings count doesn't portant, but we have
sebby. We did a good jobchanging the model from the seventies and eighties,
where guys were throwing two hundred ninetythree hundred innings. Not just that,
but they were throwing one hundred andfifty hundred and sixty pitches in a

start. We've eliminated picture abuse.Paul Skeens is never going to be used
the way Randy Johnson was or MarkLangston or you're talking about other your man's
luckies. But we've actually, Ithink gone too far in that. I'm
not sure if we talked about thisor not, but you've got guys in
the minor leagues right now never pitchingin the seven minuting never going past one
hundred pitches. Well, you don'tlearn how to pitch to a lineup a

third time or fourth time through haveto pitch tired if you never get the
chance to do that. So they'vemanaged schemes carefully. And I don't know
if you've noticed, pitchers aren't anyhealthier, staying any healthier than they haven't
bottle leather. So we're still tryingto figure out how to keep them healthy.
And I think we've definitely got toofar in the in restricting their workload.
We've got to hit bottom and startusing these pictures more to develop them

physically and also, you know,in terms of how they pitched through a
game. Joe she and Joe Sheandot com is the website and go subscribe
to the newsletter. We'll tell youmore about that at the end of the
conversation today. Joining us here courtto see of Wildwood Spirits John Howie's Distillery.
All right, let me we'll getto Justin turn then we'll start look
at the rest of the American Leaguespecifically, that's what we care about and
seat on the AL West. ButJustin Turner comes over yesterday again not giving

up a lot. They bring aguy in that's the kind of you can
plug and play it first. Ithink ideally they'd like to get one more
move made and have him play itat you know, hav ingim be your
DH again. Numbers overall this seasondon't blow you away, but overall,
if you look the last couple ofweeks, he's been better and better what
do you think of him? Iam not sure he's any better than ty
France. Of the cost of thiscourse of the season, he's a couple

of points of oovs plus better.He's he's been worth three tenths of a
win. Frances Worth was exactly theplacement level of zero, and Turner's production
all came in e But he mentionedlast couple of weeks. But since the
start of May, he's slugging threeh six. He has nine extra base
hits in the last three months,So I don't know that there's anything left
in that bat. And actually he'sprobably worse defensivebody at first than France.

France is an average average plus firstbaseman. Turner's a third baseman, kind
of you know, thirty nine yearold third basement plant first. I don't
think this is much of an upgrade. Now, I'll make the point at
May, with any of the guys, they're gonna be thirty five to forty
major leaguers trader, you know,over the last week. Some of them
are gonna go off over the nexttwo months, and Turner could very well

be one of the ty France couldvery well be one of them. So
some of these guys are just gonnahit the babbit lottery or the home and
fly ball lottery. But when youactually compare France in turn where they are
right now in their careers, there'sjust not that much difference. Joe she
and joining us. You wrote aboutthe early deadline, and I'll be honest
with you, I think for thelast maybe a couple of weeks ago,
I kept referring to, oh,you know, the July thirty first deadline,

July thirty first deadline. It's it'snot always July thirty first. This
year July thirtie. If you mentioned, it's come as late as on as
second. What goes into the deadlineday itself? They try to do it,
and it's going to disrupt the games. The leaf just a crack of
the least. I don't know howputting the trade deadline a half hour before
games start on Tuesday night actually helpsthem little helps it all. But they

so they can do it now anytimebetween the thirty and the second. So
it's July thirtieth this year. Ithink they did it because they knew I
had a conflict this day. Itdoesn't really change, You're right, I
just mentally always call it July thirtyfirst until a week before I noticed,
Oh, it's actually the thirtieth,So yeah, there's not really They basically
want the flexibility and to not putit. I guess not having on a

Sunday, I guess is one ofthe reasons that you do. It's you
know, have a bunch of daysgames happening. That would be one reason
to have the flexibility. That makessense, Joe. The rest of the
American League West, that's well,the other two teams that matter to us,
Texas, Quiet Houston go out andgets Kakuchi, and people are sideways
with what they give gave back.Let's start with the Astros. What do

they get with Kakuchi and what dothey still need to do? In your
mind, Kikuchi is interesting because theguys who really analyze pitch shapes and spin
and things like that have loved himfor years. I'm looking at a guy
who's seven hundred and fifty innings intohis career and has a four point sixty
four to fifth and two point seventyone. He's basically been a number four

number five starter every year of hiscareer. The number four he jumped up
to a number three two years ago, so I don't think the Astros have
helped themselves all that much. Andagain I think the same point. Some
of these guys are going to gooff for two months. But you say,
Kakuch has pretty consistently been at numberfour, and the price they paid
to get him from a fairly thinfarm system was substantial. Lu Jays did

very well to get Jake Bloss,Joey lit Crassido and Billy Wagner's son for
eight starts of Pacucci in a lostseason for them. So that's one of
the best trades of the deadline period. It's just not gonn healthy. Ashs
really needed the innings, but theyoverpaid against them. What about Texas very
quiet so far? Right, Yeah, they added Carson Kelly, who they

traded Michael Lorenzen, which seems likea cell move, but he wasn't going
to really have a role on theteam once de Gram and Molly came back,
so they could afford to trade him. They got a reliever, controllable
reliever from the Royals. I wantto say they picked up a reliever today,
I apologize. I know they madea trade for early, right,
so I know what they got.I'm surprised. I thought they would be
more aggressive. They won the championshiplast year. They know they're getting talent

back. They have some needs onoffense because you know Evin Carter now doesn't
that they're going to get the backthis year. They could use a bat
and they had the kind of moderateprospects that could get to a rental bat.
We've seen Tommy fam get traded,We've seen Lane Thomas get traded.
I thought that's the market they wouldbe playing and they haven't done anything yet.
You have Houston just made something nothingurgent. But one of the guys

that Houston was linked to is GarrettCrochet. And I'm just curious on Joe
your thoughts on the Garrett Crochet situation, because there was a lot of talk
about him demanding that wherever he wentin a deal, that he would want
a contract extension, and even tothe point where he wouldn't be pitching in
the playoffs until he got one.Is this going to affect his market going
forward? I think it's fine forGarret Croche to say that knowing that the

White Sox are shopping him. It'sa fairly unusual situation. You have a
pitcher who's never thrown more than sixtyinnings in a professional season, now up
coast to one to twenty and possiblybeing asked to throw as many as two
hundred. That's a huge leap fora pitcher, and of course Crochet has
an injury history. I don't thinkhe I think the fact that he says
it while he's a member of theWhite Sox does mess up the market for

him. I mean that Chris getshis problem. I don't have a problem
with him saying it now. Ifhe gets traded and he refuses to pitch
for his new team, I thinkthen you have a different conversation. So
the fact that he's doing it nowand kind of trying to set himself up,
I actually don't have as big aproblem with that as you like.
I had more of a problem withJeff Hater building the usage restrictions into his

contract than I do Garrett Rochet doingthis, Josian joining us YONDI, Diaz
is rumored to be looked at andcoveted by a handful of teams Houston,
Seattle, who else anders the Yankee? Yeah? The Pirates are in there.
Actually, yeah, and the Piratesis too What what would someone get

with Yondi Diaz. You know,I haven't off here this year, but
great bats of ball, double's power. It's actually drawing more walks later in
his career. Wasn't that type ofhitter when he was coming up coming home
from Cuba. Good good guy,very well respected in that club boss.
So there's a lot of reasons togo out rent them. The issue is

not a lot of power for afirst baseman, and definitely you know down
this having a down here. Idon't think he's going to require a large
prospect hall to get, certainly relativeto some of the other hitters we get,
he could be one of the bargainpickups of his deadline. Seattle's also
being linked to Pete Fairbanks. Niceagain, you just talked about it.
We're chasing innings at this point,right, but he's he seems like more
than just that. Yeah, theconcern with Fairbanks is just the availability,

he said, nerve issues. Iremember the playoff game last few years ago.
He actually believe in the ninth inthe being brought in, couldn't feel
his fingers, see sens of circulationproblems that make him a bit of a
risk there. But when he's on, he's fantastic. He's one of the
top right hittered with leavers in thegame. The Rays have already traded Jason
Adam, who set up for themand actually served as a closer behind Fairbanks
when Fairbanks was out, so thatwould be a big upgrade. I mean,

if you trade for Fairbanks, Ithink you make a reasonable case that
he goes into the ninth inning withMunos in the eighth whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa? What kind ofblasphemy or you talking about that guy on
what is this viewing out of outof your mouth thriving through the the you
know, the Bronx or wherever thehell you're at right now? My goodness,

that's that's all Gres Munos. You'retalking about Joshi and Josian newsletter joining
us all right? In the AmericanLeague? Who has helped themselves if things
just ended right now? Who's helpedthemselves the most? Do you think?
Uh? The Mariners? The Americanshave probably had the best guy. But
we've got two hours to go.We'll see what happens here. But you

look at the Erazarina pick up oneof the best hitters that's going to get
dealt with this deadline A huge upgradein their quarter outfield spot. And again
they paid a decent price for them. But again they didn't touch Emerson or
Cole or Young, any of yourreally top guys in that system. So
I think the Mariners Garcia again inningsat the back of that rotation. Chargois
is going to help them as well. I think the Mariners are actually the

big winners right now. Wow.I mean, well, I would think
no, no, but we youknow, we were talking about that earlier
because it just it's I think Seattlehas to be thinking win the division.
I mean, you're still you're twoand a half out of a wildcard spot.
I know that's not a ton,but you've got to win the at
some point, win the damn Division. It's you know, it's been since
two thousand and one, win thedamn Division. But Joe, at this
point in time, I just wonder, have they done enough in your mind?

If you're just kind of top ofyour head, you know, I'm
just kind of pushing in the cornera little bit here. With that addition
and the dishes they've made, isSeattle better right now than Houston and or
Texas? I don't think so.I'm imputing, you know, eight takeo
the grom start, so six TylerMolly starts for the Rangers. As the

difference between those teams, assuming theGroms, that's a really big The cliche
is, oh, it's like atrade deadline check up, but in this
case it really is. I thinkthe Rangers are going to be ahead if
they get what do they expect themto get from the returning starters the Astros?
You know, who knows where theyget Kyle tuckerback. I mean,
it's a shine injury that wouldn't goaway, certainly some concerns there. I

think the Mariners, with their upgrades, are probably right there with Houston right
now. And again I'm I'm lowman on you stake of teaching. You're
going to find people who are goingto tell you that's a really big upgrade
for the Astros. So that's apoint of disagreement. So because I don't
like you pick up all that much, I think the Mariners are probably looking
to the Astros. What's it likein New York with the pressure that the
Yankees would feel with Baltimore right thereon their heels. I mean, you

both those are both playoff teams,but you really don't want to be a
wild card team. You want toget to the win the division. What
kind of pressure goes on in NewYork on trade deadline day? I don't
think you bother same one who reallydon't. I mean, he has ripped
at he called out to nothing inthe second and everybody wants to fire Brian

Casher. But if you look atthe long term track record of the way
this team developed the lease pitchers andjust as constantly brand and guys to be
out of the bolt, and theyturned Luke Weaver into a good Petras issue.
If you look at their they developedan Aaron Judge and you do that
once a decade and you're ahead ofthe game. They don't. They've gone
out and made the big move andsigned Derek Cole. They traded for Monsota,

So I don't think Brian Cashman feelsa lot of pressure to do whatever
the next move is. And theymade a trade for Jash Chipson junior.
He was the best available let's bebat out there and he's gonna help them
because they really struggled to fill someof these lineup spots. But they didn't
overpay. I know a lot ofpeople like the catcher Ramirez. But I
think it was a perfectly good dealfor the Yankees. So no, I

don't think Cashman feels a whole lotof uh feels a whole lot of pressure.
Like I say, you look down, you look at the five rings,
and you go, I'm good.All right. We are next next
Tuesday when we talk things, thedust will have settled, things will have
all been done and over with,taken care of, and we'll know what
the rosters look like heading into thefinal two months of the season. But

in the meantime, if you're justJones and for I mean, I'll tell
you it's been wild Joe in ourmarket. Uh, Mariner's conversation good or
bad, has been I would say, kind of at an all time high.
So if you're that person, you'rea baseball fan, you can't get
enough the Joshian newsletter and what Joe'sdoing on his website is a must get
for you. Joe tell us allabout it. Yeah, this is a

great time to sign off. I'mwriting my crazy I'll covering all the not
all the trade deadline deals. I'lldo that. I'll do wrap up tonight
and then after the deadline I dothird third previews where I wrote out every
single team what their next couple ofmonths look like, whether they're you know,
the web socks chasing one or theteams that are trying to world serious
DEPI up on the website, Ibelieve. I posted the Erazarina trade breakdown

for free at jopn dot com tocheck that out. Also, it's not
on a website, forgive me,It's on my Twitter page at Joe Underscorchine
twenty five percent off today only twentyfive percent off of one year subscription.
Yag, You're gonna get so muchwriting. You're gonna get value for this
probably my August fifteen. So checkit out at Joe Underscorchhine on Twitter the

links there to click it, getthe newsletter for twenty five percent off and
trust me in love it. Butyeah, check out the Matterner breakdown thereone
I was writing a trade at thewebsite and the discount up Twitter day.
We will we will pump that outon our social media's with both personally and
also on the radio station social mediapages as well to get people out there,
because yeah, this is I'm gonnaYou're gonna have a busy, long
night ahead, my friends, SoI'll let you go get after it.

Look forward to reading what you've gotin the next few days, and can't
wait to talk in seven days timewhen it's all settled down. Man,
Thank you, thank you, thankyou. That is Joe sheanjo Shean dot
Com, the newsletter and so muchmore awesome stuff from Joe. We'll take
a break, we'll come back,we'll kind of give you a recap again.
Let's see. Let me think anhour and thirty seven minutes away,
am I? Right here? Yougo? Your math's good? Now radio

math? Maybe radio math is there. Chuck Powell's gonna join us at two
o'clock right here. In nine threepoint three KTERFM, our nuts up coverage
Joke Seahawks training camp continues from theVirginia Mason Athletics Center, brought to you
by Northwest Handling Systems and the twentytwenty four Boeing Classic Gaga's fifth through the

eleven. Now back to Ian Furnesson Sports Radio ninety three point three kJ
R FM. Hey, I don'tknow if you know this, Anders,
what Marshawn Lynch, Governor Gavin Newsomeand Doug Hendrickson was Hendricks's the agent for

Marshall Lens. They have a podcast. Oh really, yeah, yeah,
I wonder if Marshawn can swear onthat podcast. I'm sure he can well,
because I don't think we're allowed toon I heard podcast? Are we?
I think if it's just a podcast, yeah you can. You just
have to mark it as explicit,which you know. Oh well, I
really want to not listen to it, But then I'm now I'm curious.

I might have to listen to itto see because that's that's the precedent.
We can do our own little podcastand get a little blue right, Yeah,
you can do it. I know, why can't we? Yeah,
I mean FCC rules don't apply topark No, they don't. But I
mean a lot of times companies don'thave a policy. Yeah, that's true,
doing double check on that. Butif we should do one of those
podcasts, I'm in Yeah. Iwas close to Swier a couple of times
last year on Maryor's Weekly. Sowhy would that be? I don't know.

Twenty twenty three, ten games fromnothing the season, thinking we're gonna
go to the playoffs and then wedon't. I don't I don't know why
that would have happened. Manners havemade some roster moves. Jonathan Diaz left
handed, Pictureguia called from Triple Ato Kalma, Gabe Spire optioned. They
were very deep and early in thebullpen yesterday, so they get Diaz up
for an arm. Justin Turner reportsto the club he'll wear number two in

your lineup. And Tyler Locklear optioneddown to Triple A Tacoma. Those are
the moves as of now for theMariners as we wait for the trade deadline,
which is coming up here in anhour and twenty seven minutes. Chuck
Powell will join us coming up attwo o'clock today. By the way,
one forty five after our Olympic updateat one forty we'll go through. I

got a couple of news and notesfrom Seahawks training camp today, a couple
guys not practicing, and then alsoa while the Seahawks get a former high
draft pick back to maybe potentially makethe roster upgrade them this year. Defensively,
a former first round Seahawk draft picklooks like he's packing it in,
and we'll tell you about that comingup at one forty five today, So

stick around for that in the meantime, just to recap our man, Joe
Sheen was on just a couple momentsago. Likes what Seattle has done and
said. And these are Joe's wordsthat he thinks Seattle has improved itself more
than anybody else with an hour andtwenty six minutes left, With an hour
and twenty six left, hey,Seattle has He thinks Seattle has improved itself

more than anybody else in the AmericanLeague so far. And that's without liking
the Justin Turner trade. Yeah,I don't know if he doesn't like it.
I just think that it's a washbetween him and Tyrans for him,
and I think peripherally I can agreewith that, like you know, probably
about the same in terms of justwhat they're going to individually bring value Eise,
But I really like what Justin Turnerbrings in terms of just a veteran

presence who knows what it's like toplay in the playoffs, so if you're
in that position. Plus there's alot of reports saying that he's kind of
a guy you go to if youngplayers want to talk hitting, and I
really think the Mariners need one ofthose guys, like badly badly. Well,
they've been missing that for a coupleof years. Yeah, when it's
Carlos Santana. S Santana left,Yeah, when they didn't bring him back,

and they kind of been missing thatever since that point in time.
The playoff experience part of it.I always wonder if in baseball that's overrated
only like Mitch Garver's got that right, there's guys that have it. But
but I do believe in what youjust said. The clubhouse a guy you
can go to. He's thirty nineyears old, and they just ty France

just didn't bring any of those things. So if the tie goes to the
runner, in this case, therunner is Justin Turner. Yeah, rights,
that's what it is like. Thetiger is the runner this guy in
this case, it's it's Justin Turner. A rose Rena is the one that
you know, is Joe kind ofraved. He thinks Seattle's improved itself just
because of that. And I thinkwe would all agree that the corner outfield
spot has been a huge deal.The other minor deals going on right now,

You're looking around and it is whatJoe said, does it feel like
because there's a bunch of stuff justkind of popping up and it all looks
like lot leavers. Yeah, everyone'sthe term chasing innings right now for Seattle.
We asked his question arlier. We'llget to text coming up in the
two o'clock hour, but I askedthe question four nine four or five one
on the Tulemaru text line when itcame time. If this is it for

Seattle and they just added another reliever, right yeah? JT Shark, Wow,
he'll be your fifth guy, sixthguy or something like that. Just
again innings either bullpen guy. Ifthis is it and this is what Seattle
has done, what's your thoughts?Your perception? Does it change a little
bit? Do you feel like theyhave done enough? Would you be content?

If this is it? And againit could change by the time we
read texted two thirty today. Butif this is it, what do you
your thoughts in terms of what Seattle'sdone. I brought this up earlier in
Anders. I truly believe this.I think if these deals, the three
big ones that Seattle has made,or the you know, medium to big
sized ones they've made, if theywould have done all of those on today's

July thirtieth, if they would havedone those on the twenty eighth, twenty
ninth, and thirtieth. I thinkwe'd be ecstatic now, not to say
you shouldn't be, but I thinkbecause a couple were done early and at
the end of last week, Ithink there's a thought, well, what's
what's next, what's next? Whatare we gonna do next? I think
what they've done so far is prettyimpressive. Yeah, I completely agree.
And I don't just think that overallthat you made the most improvement by just

your volume of trades. I stillthink they have the best individual trade as
well for Randia Rose Arena and gettingthe best player just a lot a lot
to like there. Does that changeif Yondy Diaz gets traded somewhere in the
American League? Uh? Oh,that's a good question. I still would
say no. I like a RoseArena slightly more if nothing else, because

because Seattle had such a hole there. And I still think that upgrade is
going to be any more than whatYandi Diaz would bring to whichever team he
goes to, But I that wouldbe close, because I think if he
goes to Houston, that's a prettysignificant upgrade. They have a pretty bad
first base position. If he comesto Seattle, that's a pretty significant first
base upgrade, and then Yankees lessso, but they still could use that

kind of bat. So I don'tknow, I don't know. We'll see
what ends up happening. I shouldwe just say I'm I'm I am a
little worried about that one. Yeah, about about Houston. Now he goes
to Houston, that would be thatwouldn't be then did Seattle do enough?
Well, they did a lot,Yeah, But then the answer will probably
be no, they didn't do enough. Yeah, if he goes to Houston,
that changes everything. A lot ofwhy I gave them a good grade

for this deadline so far is becauseyou've done significantly more than anyone else you're
competing with, especially in the division, and that changes if Dias goes to
Houston. All right, well we'llcome back in a second. We're going
to go through just a couple ofnews notes from the NFL as we're sitting
out here a sea training camp today. We're here all day. He Chuck
and Bucky start at six a m. Northwest Handling Systems, big shout out
thanks to them, long with theBowling Classic. But they're out here at

six am we're here until three andthen Dick Fine and Dave soft actually fans
here. I think Softy is atthe EQC today dueling locations, but the
shows are here basically six A toseven p. Anytime the Seahawks are practicing
during the day. At one o'clock, which they are on the field right
now doing we'll tell you who's inand who's out today for Seattle. A
couple guys sitting out practice. Also, a former Seahawks first round draft pick

appears to be calling it quits,which is unfortunate because boy was he special
when he was healthy. We'll tellyou about that after an Olympic up date.
Now, our non stop coverage jokeSeahawks training camp continues from the Virginia
Mason Athletics Center, brought to youby Northwest Handling Systems and the twenty twenty
four Boweing Classic gauga's fifth through theeleven. Now back to Ian FERNESZ Sun

Sports Radio ninety three point three kJR FM. Back out at training Camp.
Seahawks training camp the Virginia Mason AthleticsCenter on a Tuesday afternoon. If
you missed our interview earlier with RayshawnJenkins, the new starting strong safety for
the Seahawks. I would urge youto go take a listen on the old

podcast page. Later on, Iwas just walking out. My friend Curtis
Crabtree used to work with us hereat KJR. Now we're at Fox thirteen,
and I shout out to them.By the way. They debuted their
new show, Washington Sports rapp yesterdayand got it again tonight daily seven thirty
pm, Fox thirteen every night cursions. How was Rayshawn Jake? I said
on might be the best interview onthe team, and there might not be

a close number two, to behonest with you, he was fantastic,
absolutely fantastic interview. If you missedit earlier, go check it out.
You're gonna have a new favorite Seahawksjust listening to him talk. He was
a ton of fun. So checkthat out. It's day six at camp,
Day two of full pads, andthey're getting after it a little bit.

We're watching drills going on right now. They get they're just doing some
run drills, defense offense. Iguess it'd be the opposite of seven on
seven. It's probably eight on eightnod receivers. It's just running the football
and uh, they're not bringing guysto the ground. They call it thump,
but they're they're they're popping and andit's it. It looks like anders
wait for it looks like real football. Oh wow, are you allowed to

say that? I am allowed tosay that that they're playing football. I'm
allowed to say that they're playing realfootball. Like course I can. I'll
tell you. Mike Morris isn't practicingagain today. I don't believe. Well,
maybe that is Draymond. Is Draymondback out there. Draymond might be
back out there. No, Idon't think. I don't think Draymond's out
there. Uh. Man, well, that might be him. I'm looking
for him right now. He mispracticedyesterday, a little bit of a tweak
of a hamstring. Uh. LakeAnd Thomlinson looks like he's getting a veteran

day, so he's not practicing.But I think that's all that is.
It's just a veteran a veteran dayfor him along the way. But yeah,
it's uh. I would just saythe tone of this is a little
bit more physical than some of theones with Pete the last few years.
Good and yeah, you're and Ithink it's just only going to pick up
more and more and more. MarquisBlair came back to the Hawks last week.
Former second round pick has been justreally besieged by injuries the last couple

of years. Knee injuries and thenan achilles injury. Hasn't didn't play in
the league last season, but theybrought him back signed to the roster.
He's got some work to do,He's got he's got quite a bit of
work to do, to be honestwith to make the roster. But I'm
gonna think he's one of those guys. The preseason is going to be massive
for with the new emphasis on someof the special teams with and if you

listen to Mike Michael Jackson, thequarterback yesterday with US, you know,
I was asked him about what it'sgoing to be like with Leonard Williams also
getting the veterans. They it lookslike so, yeah, I think this
is veterans. This is veterans.Take a bit a break day to day
the but they uh. But youknow what Michael Jackson said is like with
the new kickoff returns, there couldbe some big plays like it may favor

not may it probably does favor thereturn team a little. You're gonna need
guys that are willing to stick theirnose in there and really thump on that.
And markis Burke could be that guythat might be his ticket back into
the NFL and is back on thisroster is special teams, but they brought
him back his former second round pickand never really panned out. He was
supposed to be Cam Chancellor's heir apparent, but it sounds like former Seahawks first

round draft pick for Sean Penny isgoing to be done with football. He
was placed on the reserve retired listby the Carolina Panthers. He was gonna
be down there with Dave Kanalis,who used to be the quarterbacks coach and
wide receivers coach when he was herein Seattle and Penny played for him.
It just and people used to always, not always, as I hate that

term. People, you'd hear alot of, well, Penny's a bus,
pennies this pennies that he never livedup statistically career wise to being a
first round draft pick. What hedid live up to is when he was
healthy looking like a first round draftpick. Yeah, when he was healthy
and trust me. Nobody wants toget hurt. That's no fun. Nobody

wants to break their leg or teartheir knee apart, and that's what he
did. Those were his two bigsignificant injuries. Right, nobody wants to
do that. But man, twentytwenty one, the year after COVID,
we're back on the road. We'retraveling with these guys, watching them every
week, and the stretch he puttogether between week twelve and week seventeen was

big time special. Yeah, hehad actually Week thirteen, so Week thirteen
sixteen carries one hundred and thirty sevenyards at Houston. The next week slowed
down eleven carries thirty nine yards againstthe Rams and a loss to the Rams,
who they won the Super Bowl thatyear, right, twenty one,
twenty twenty one, Yes, prettygood team. Guy named Aaron Donald.

He also had like a forty yardrun called back in that game by what
we thought was kind of a littlebit of a thing antem hold. But
okay, those are the numbers.Eleven for thirty nine the next three weeks
to close out the season, seventeenfor a buck thirty five against Chicago,
twenty five for one seventy against Detroit, and twenty three carries one ninety against

Arizona, whow like he was specialin those games. None of those teams
were very good that he did itagainst, So that would be the knock
against him. I think I remembertalking to Hugh Millen about that in Hardcore
Football and he said, they're stillNFL defenses. Yeah, they're still NFL
players, And the difference between thatNFL player it's it's razor thin. He

did it against those dudes. Whenyou go one thirty five, one seventy
and one ninety to end the year, you're humming, man like you're humming,
you're doing something. And his breakawayspeed, I just I think back,
especially that game against Arizona. Man, he had a couple big time
runs. I loved watching him play. He ran with a physicality that I

think was underrated. He had incrediblebreakaway speed, he had sprinter speed.
He could make you miss. Ireally like the young man. I dealt
with him quite a bit, talkedto him a lot off the air about
just going through all the stuff hehad to go through in terms of the
injuries and rehabbing and most of thetime you're by yourself. Man. I
rooted him on and I'm bummed tosee him not and not work out,

but he knows his body and he'snot feeling right and he's gonna pack it.
And it's too bad because quality youngperson, quality, really good football
player. But it looks like forSean Penny's career has come to an end.
Okay, we'll take a break,we'll come back. We're gonna check
in next with our friend Chuck Powell. Nobody knows major League Baseball rosters,
talent and players like our guy,hosts the morning show every morning here on

KJR. We'll get his thoughts onthe latest and the trade deadline with Seattle
has done what they need to do. All that coming up next nine three
point three KHRFM no from the StarRentals Sports Tests Jordan ninety three point three
Kjrmades and headlines are brought to youby Venue Kings, Mariners Weekly, Sounders
Weekly, as well all sponsors ofour headlines here by ninety three point three

k The Center's Weekly Tonight, Yestomorrow night, and I believe, so
yeah, there you go. Allright. Mariners lose a Boston game one
of their series. I can't evenread the score without laughing. Fourteen to
seven. The final yesterday at FenwayPark. That's right, fourteen to seven,
and we're coming at you live fromSeahawks training camp the Virginia Mason Athletics

Center, and the baseball team lostfourteen to seven. Oh okay, Logan
Gilbert two and two thirty seven hundredruns. Give him a break though,
he got just manhandled by the guybehind the plate. Unacceptable Game two of
the series tonight. This sounds weird. Luis Castillo versus James Paxton. Yeah,
huh what he's back in Boston.I guess lore Solar going from San

Francisco to the Atlanta Braves again.Yes, if you remember, he was
their world he was MVP in twentytwenty one. Yep, Hastras acquired You
say Kakuchi, You say, Isay, we all say Kakuchi. Yeah.
The Blue Jays us A Gymnastics winsthe all round gold medal for the
first time since twenty sixteen. That'sthe women. The men won the bronze,
I think right from the teams.Yes, they did, but that's
their first For the men, that'stheir first medal since two thousand and eight,

so they're kind of making their wayback. I guess kind of a
big deal, ye, kind ofa big deal. All right, We're
good, Yeah, we're good.We got Chuck on the line. I
got breaking news from the Seahawks realquick. Huh. Oh. Kenneth Walker
really good, like really good.Just in case you're wondering, Ken Walker
the third good football player, I'lljust leave it at that. Yeah,

we can't get into detail in thepractice, I'll tell you that Kenneth Walker
really good, really good. Allright, it's moving the two o'clock hour
as we are now fifty five minutesand thirty seconds away from the trade deadline
for twenty twenty four in Major LeagueBaseball. Man, I have sat out
here on this particular day. Iwant to say, well, two thousand

and nine would have been the firsttime we were out here. So how
many years is that? Fifteen years, fifteen years, fifteen years I've sat
out here at the Virginia Mason AthleticsCenter sometime in the middle of the day
with a trade deadline approaching. Someyears it was like whatever, man,
who cares, Let's move on.When does football start? Other years,

including twenty twenty four. Oh baby, it is a whole different It is
a whole different ball wax and thatis what is the case this season trade
deadline for MLB coming up. Mary'shave already been active. We'll see what
happens in the next less than anhour fifty five minutes or so. But
joining us right now, our morninghost you hear him every morning starting at

six a until ten a m.With Bucky Jacobs and Chuck Powell is with
us right now. Hello, sir, how are you? I'm great.
I love the idea of just breakingnews being europe Ken Walker's great. I
have breaking news as well. Thetrading deadline is exceeding my expectations. Back

to you, Ian, Thank you, Jared, Chuck, thank you well.
Check back David later on this hour. Sir, Hey, let me
I do I think back? Ithink one of the first ones we did
out here, Chuck. You'll rememberthe name was when Jared washburn Are they
going to trade Jared Washburn away ornot? It was a year. It's
really a year in which they probablyjust should have if you had a warm

major league body on your roster atthis time, let's just move him,
like, let's just move on andlet's worry about the next season and what
year that was ten or eleven somethinglike that, and they didn't move him
like we were sideways. Not becausethey didn't make a trade to bring someone
in. It's because it didn't makea trade to get rid of like you're
only and I mean only that yeardecent, decent player. But this year

is different. We mentioned, youknow, obviously it's there's a lot going
on. They've already done a lotof things as well. And I mentioned
to our listeners earlier the reason Iwanted you on today. I've always been
impressed by this. I could askChuck who the third pitcher is for any
team in Major League Baseball and hejust fire off not only who the guy
is, but also the guy's stats. So I won't ask you to do
that right now, but I willask you this. Let's just get Europe,

and I asked our listeners we'll getto our text later on. I
haven't looked at the managers. Ifyou looked at the text line at all,
not of time. But I'll dothat right now. Okay, take
a peek. I said, ifthings were to end right now, and
Seattle has made it, you know, they've made another small move today,
but there are three significant moves withGarcia a Rosarna and Turner, if it
ended right now, as a Marinerfan, would you be content and think

that they I don't know if youcan say they did enough, but at
least they they went out and gotactive, and you're you're pleased with what
they did. What would Chuck Palillsay if it ends with this right now?
I don't think it could have.Really, I couldn't have envisioned them
doing more. Frankly, so toget I mean what I have said and
beat the drama on for weeks nowis you have to get not just one

bat, but a significant bat,and then a complimentary bat to that,
an everyday player, and you gotto fill that bullpen, need that back
to the end bullpen, to bridgethe gap to munios. And they did
all three of those things. Theygot maybe the best hitter that's been traded
at the deadline at this point inRandy A. Rose Arena. There were

other guys to get, but thoseguys were not available, and it doesn't
look like Guerrero or Robert or othersare going to be moved. I think
Arena was perfect for their needs,not just what he can do on the
field, but attitudinally. I thinkthey may have needed that energy that he
brings, that confidence over confidence thathe brings to the table. Garcia was

the ideal fit to put in theback end of the bullpen. And then
to get Justin Turner, I thoughtwas also another ideal weapon to add,
especially considering how little you gave upto bring in a guy that you want
to talk about control on the zone. I mean that guy Justin Turner three
years ago. You know, JustinHollander and Jerry Depota would have asked him

out on a date. They wouldhave loved the way he controlled the zone
so much so to get those threeguys when those were your three needs than
to not have tapped into your topnine prospects in the organization, to have
held onto all of them, plusyou had JT. Chargois here today.
Who's somebody that used to be withthe organization. I've given an A.

I mean I'll stop short of givenit an A plus, but I give
it an A. I think theyreally addressed all of their needs and did
it in a very effective and efficientmanner. Chuck, what are reasonable expectations
for Turner in your mind? Well, I mean he's got a pretty large
sample size this year I mean,he's playing almost every day with the Blue

Jays. He qualifies for the battingtitle over three hundred at bats, so
I think you can expect him toplay most every day. We'll start there.
He struck out I think sixty timesand three hundred at that so he's
well below league average on that front. So I think he's going to put
the ball in play. He's notthe player that he was three years ago,
that's for sure, but you're notgoing to be paying him that much

that way either, And you're alsoyou didn't give up much to get him,
and so my expectation is that heprobably plays first base more often than
anything else. Maybe could play third, but I don't know why you'd move
Rojas defensively off of third base atthis stage. And then DH if he

needs a day to get his legsback from underneath him. So you got
that kind of versatility. And I'lltell you right now, I mean,
he's not the player that he usedto be, But I have envisioned a
scenario where you know, maybe I'vemissed the game and I've got to come
home and it's bottom of the eighthand I turn on the television and its
bases loaded one out down by one. The guy I'd want to come see

to the plate is Justin Turner ofthe entire organization, and that's because I
know I'm going to get at leasta quality professional at that and this organization
was thirsting for a guy like that. So as long as they don't do
anything to screw him up or hedoesn't find the backdrop of T mobile to

be crooked, I think they justgot a professional hitter, and I think
they really needed somebody like that idealworld go out and get well, I
mean ideal, of course it's idealYandy Diaz, and then Turner's your DH.
I think they probably checked out ofthe DAS market with the addition of

Turner. But I mean they've surprisedme a little bit. Maybe they'll surprise
me again. I think the fearthat you've got to have between now and
I said this this morning Diaz feelsvery astro ish to me. They've done
very little to this point. Theyneed a first baseman, I said this

morning. There they'll try to sneakthat thing in where it's three o'clock and
you think it's over, and thenat three oh five you find out Houston's
traded for Yandy Diaz. That's kindof a way that it feels like it's
gonna go down. It makes alot of sense for those two to marry
up where I think the MS maybekind of balked at that price tag is

what it's feeling like to me,and then settled for a much you know,
a Turner that you know he's nottoo far off from the season that
Diaz is having this year, butDiaz was certainly much better than Turner was
a year ago, So I getwhy you'd kind of set your sights on
and Andy Diaz, and probably allthings being equal, he's who you'd want

over Justin Turner. I think that'sI don't even think that's probably. I
think that's for sure, but Idon't know, I don't I mean,
those two are dance partners, TampaBay and Seattle, so I wonder if
they didn't like the price tag,and I doubt they're going to go out
and add another veteran corner infielder whodoes very similar things to what Turner's supposed

to do. So my guess isthat wouldn't be the surprise piece we'll get
before three o'clock from Jerry and Justin. If Diaz goes to the Astros,
then then then does everything change inyour mind of what and then we'll find
out, you know, obviously inthe next forty five minutes. But if
he ends up going to the Astros, how much does that change how you

feel about what settle did the tradedeadline? Well, I mean, control
it. You can control I suppose. I mean, if Guerrero goes there,
then we got a problem. Okay, if he really was available and
you let the Astros out, didyou, then we've got a problem.
But I don't think Diaz is havingthat kind of a season right right now,

so it would I think it'd bea little disappointing. But I think
the Mariners have done what they theycould do. I think that you know,
they've they've kind of put together alittle bit of an ideal trading deadline
scenario. So, I mean,and let's face it, I mean,
as many people have pointed out,two guys going to aren't going to fix
this offense the way that it's beenfor the first four months of the season,

agreed, So what's going to haveto happen is these two newcomers are
going to have to rise everybody else'sgame. Uh, we're the Mariners are
not going to win this division ifthe guys in house don't start hitting better,
if the starting pitching doesn't continue whatit's doing. If you know,

Garcia isn't effective in bridging that gapbetween starting pitcher and closer. So you
know, a lot of the guysthey already have have to step up their
game in order to defeat the Astrosand when the American League West. But
I do think they've added the rightpieces, and I do think that there
is an element in this sport,you know, where you know, you

get the two you get the voteof confidence from your ownership and from your
your executive office that says we believein you. And you've seen even I
mean, Randy ro Rosrena didn't evenplay Friday against the White Sox and they
scored eight runs in the first inning. So I think that vote of confidence
could get some bats going. Butthey're going to have to step up.

It's not going to be a Rosarinaand Turner, you know, leading you
to the playoffs here. It's theguys that you had and you weed out
a few of them that weren't working, and you're able to be able to
bench a couple of guys that justhaven't been effective because of adding these two
guys to the lineup. But forthe most part, it's who you have

that hasn't stepped up has to stepup in order to defeat the Astros more
so than anything you acquire at thedeadline. Chuck Pyle with his morning's six
am here on nine three point threeKJRFM, and what do you have?
Yeah, a quick update on theYandi Diaz sweepstakes. The same person who
is reporting that the Mariners, Astras, and Yankees were the final three for

him, it has now dropped tothe Yankees and Astros. They're making a
final push for Yandy Diaz just aboutforty five minutes until the trading deadline is
over. Check what was the dramabetween a Rose Arena and DS do you
know? I don't. I reallydon't know specifically, like any kind of
friction that they had. But ARose Arena doesn't have the best reputation as

a teammate. I think that everybodyknows that he does kind of like himself
from Randy or Rose Arena, soyou know, he's the type of guy
that will catch a routine flyball atthe warning track and celebrate it. So
I don't think it's any secret thathe doesn't have the best reputation as a
teammate. And I'm telling you rightnow he drive Bucky Jacobson mad with his

antics on the field. But Iwas throwing all that out the window.
I was in on a Rose arena. I was in on Jazz Chishem.
This team was in such desperate needfor offensive talent that you have to sacrifice
something in order to get it.So he's going to rub a few fans
the wrong way. He's gonna ruba few teammates the wrong way here the

next two and a half years,theoretically, but right now, this team
needed an offensive force and they seemto have gotten one in a Rose Arena.
So I'm putting all that aside.But maybe there is an element,
Maybe there are specific teammates that didn'twant anything to do with him. That
wouldn't surprise me if I found thatout, because of the general reputation that

he has across the league. BeforeI let you go, Chuck, just
with what has happened so far,and again, there's a lot that could
happen. I guess you could goon with Softy here after it's all signed,
sealed, and delivered in the threeo'clock hour to have a recap that
actually is a true recapsince that'll beall done and said and done at that
point in time. But as itstands right now, American League, if
you were just doing you know,the power rankings, with how these rosters

look, with Seattle's new roster,with you know, with what the Yankees
have added. I'm sure Kakouchi's certainlya game changer, but what the Asters
have added, et cetera, justkind of go through like, where does
Seattle stand in just in terms ofthe hierarchy of the American League right now?
Well, I mean, I thinkthey're in a battle with the Astros

till the end and the American LeagueWest. I wouldn't count out the Rangers,
and they haven't counted themselves out.They've made small additions here at the
deadline, but they've certainly added hereat the deadline to both their bull ten
and their catching depth. So Ithink they're in a battle to the end
with the Astros, and I stillin the back of my mind think that

they have a better shot. Eventhough I think they have a good shot
at laying the American West, Istill would say I'm a little more worried
that the Astros get better from hereon end versus Kansas City and Boston maybe
fallen off, or even the Twinswho did nothing at the trading deadline.
So I think maybe the Wildcards you'rebest rout into the playoffs. And that's

to me, all that matters isgetting into the dance, being one of
the six at the end of thisthing. And then you become very dangerous
as a team with a three manrotation of Castillo, Gilbert and Kirby with
maybe Bryce Miller and Brian Will comingout of the pen for you for goodness
sake, so you then you becomevery dangerous. So I think they've got

a good chance. I do,and I think this trading deadline is going
to go a long way toward helpingthem do that. And so Boston,
it didn't look like it last night. They just in one game, looked
like the far superior team. Idon't think that they are. I think
they're going to fade in the secondhalf, and I think Kansas City and

Minnesota can both be caught in thewildcard race, so it gives them a
few bites at the apple here downthe stretch. I think they can win
the American League West. I thinkthey can surpass the three teams ahead of
them. Uh, and the wildcard will take the Yankees out of that
equation. But the other three teamsthat they're in the wildcard race with,
I think they can surpass that.It's just a matter of putting it together,

which they haven't put it all togetherall season long. Maybe the time
is now. Yeah, I'm Matorfans. I know we get upset here
with ownership and all that all thetime. It could be worse. It
could be Minnesota. They basically justsaid, we're not going to spend a
time, right, We're just yeah, yeah, we're not gonna spend a
dollar. Like I don't care.I don't I just don't care. We're
not going to spend any Yeah.There there are a couple of teams that

did that, and in Minnesota isone that. I mean, they added
a middle reliever. That's all thatthey've added. Is ahead of the standings
at this point, they're you know, how about the San Francisco Giants who
spent all that money. They've madeit clear that they're going to be sellers
and nobody even wants what they have, so they spend all that money on
stuff that nobody even wants. Atthe trading that, like Colorado, couldn't

be more lost. They have acouple of pieces that people would be interested
in, and because they're the golfingbuddies of the ownership, they've just decided
not to move them. So theRockies have just decided will be terrible for
the next decade. It's fine,nobody worried. No nothing to see here.
It could be worse manner fans.And actually, as Chuck said,
it's probably pretty good right now.You're probably pretty good shape, all right,

Trade deadline, Chuck, I'll letyou go just sit there and grind
for the next forty minutes, andthen I believe on with Softy and Dick
in the three o'clock hour to puta total bowl on everything and wrap things
up, and then we'll truly havesome definitive answers is to what has and
has not happened, So we'll see. And it sounds like Yondi Diaz is
like the one remaining big piece outthere, So let's cross our fingers.
And if he does, don't goto Houston. Don't go to you.

That's the thing I like. Ifhe goes somewhere, let it be,
let it be the Yankees. Ifit's going to be somewhere, let it
be the Yankees opposed to Houston.Thanks, Chuck, I'll talk to you,
letter man. Thank you. Thanksan Chuck palall joining us again.
You can hear him every morning startingat six am. He'll be on the
Softing Fain in the three o'clock hour. Yeah, man, Anders, I
don't know. Yeah, so it'sdown. It sounds like the rumors are

is down to two teams. Andif it's two teams and Houston and New
York are those two teams. NewYork usually gets what it wants, don't
they. They kind of get whatthey want. It gets what it wants
down here. Yeah, definitely.I just hope. I don't know.
I really don't want the Diaz togo the Astros because I think, as
we were talking about with Randy andhow much of an upgrade that is from
what we had, that's a massiveupgrade for Houston in their first base position,

and that fills basically the only holethey have in their lineup, So
I don't know that that would bethat'd be a tough one to swallow,
it would It would be a hard, hard one to overcome. Roster wise,
we start looking at roster structure andwho's better and who's not, you
know, the way they've been comingon, they do add that piece,
and that lineup becomes awful imposing thisyes, I mean it already is,

especially if Kyle Tucker ever comes back. He's their best player and he's been
out for two months. So yeah, the fact that they made this run
even without him is kind of scary. I can't wait to see what he
does when he gets back. Butuh yeah, no, if they add
Johanny Diaz, it's it's gonna bea quite imposing kind of final stretch here
for the Marriors. All right,four nine, four or five one tell

them or do text line when itis game time is totally time, we
will. We've asked you this alreadytoday. If the marriage it ends right
now and and this is what youhave with the marriage, it kind of
sounds like we're trending in that direction. Yeah, are you happy or are
you content with what they've done?Even though they did it early on four
nine, four to five one.Tell them Dejaxson. I'd love to take

some talkbacks as well. Go tothe iHeartRadio apperat microphone you can speak for
about thirty seconds in a way yougo more to come nine three point three km
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