All Episodes

April 17, 2024 50 mins

On today's Dan Patrick Show, DP reacts to the Warriors being eliminated from the Play-In games and discusses the future of Golden State. UConn Head Coach Dan Hurley talks about his future at UConn and what it would take for him to leave. Plus, NFL Network Insider Peter Schrager shares some insight on his latest mock draft and why surprises could happen near the top of the draft next week.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to The Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio. It's our one on a Wednesday, A lot
to recap. Welcome to the program, Dan and the Dan
Nets Dan Patrick Show, Head coach of the Yukon Huskies,
Danny Hurley will join us.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Coming up a little bit later on. Peter Schreger has
a mock draft and he's got sources. This is a
different mock draft because he's talking to people who were
in the positions to be making the picks. Peter Schreger
from NFL Network will join us a little bit later on.
Your phone calls are always welcome. Operator Tyler standing by
eight seven to seven three DP Show Email addre Sdpatdanpatrick

dot Com. The Big merch Day, It's a merchandise day.
We're not in March anymore. It would be marchandise. But
Marvin and the Merchandise Store. Got some T shirts there
celebrating Yukon's back to back titles, plus a new Marvin
T shirt as well. Stat of the Day brought to
you by but Eny America, the official trading cards of

the Dan Patrick Show. We have our Play the Day,
stat of the Day, poll question, all of that forthcoming.
Good morning, If you're watching on Peacock. Thank you for
downloading the app and our radio affiliates. We're in over
four hundred cities. Kings knock out the Warriors as we
say goodbye to the artist formerly known as the Golden
State Warriors. Thirty two for Keegan Murray, Lakers hold off

the Pelicans. Zion had forty. He was the best player
on the floor and then got injured late. We don't
know his availability for the game coming up Friday against Sacramento.
Tonight Heat at the Sixers, Hawks will be at the
Bulls Seaton. What's the poll question for the first hour,
and then we'll dive into the Golden State Warriors.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
Well, I think yeah, I think we start with the Warriors.
Polly sent one over. If I were Klay Thompson and
I had these two offers, which one would I take? Okay,
two years for thirty million, and you can play for
the Wizards, Hornets, Blazers two years twelve millions, twelve million
to play for the Warriors.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
Well, I think he's gonna want more. Well, he'll obviously
want more than that. The question is if you said
to him, here's two years for forty million dollars, maybe
throw in some incentives in there. Would he take that
to stay at Golden State? Or do you get greedy
and say I won my titles, I'm a Hall of
Fame player, I'm going to get a little bit more money.

Maybe I go to Orlando, you know, a team on
the rise. I could be a veteran there. I could
help them. You know, I don't know if they're a
very good three point shooting team. I don't think they are.
Maybe you could bring Clay in there and he can
have that role there. But if I if I'm Klay Thompson,
I've made two hundred and fifty million dollars, I'm a

Hall of Famer. Do I really want to uproot and
go to another team, another city, another system, not have
the luxury of playing with Steph Curry? And you know
it's tough for him because he was a star. He
was a starter, then he lost his starting role, gained
it back, and then he didn't score last night and
they got blown out by Sacramento. Does Golden State want

him back? No matter what, no matter what the price is,
do they want him back? They're stuck with Draymond Green.
Maybe stuck is not you know, innaccurate word, but that's
how I view it. They're stuck with him. But Clay
is an unrestricted free agent. You got Chris Paul's contract
on the books there. You know, Steph at thirty six.

He was okay last night. You know, give Sacramento credit.
They played really good defense. They're a good defensive team.
They're still a fun team to watch. You know, they
get lost in the California Shuffle, but they are a
fun team to watch. They have a lot of talent.
You win by twenty four and you know, they struggled
down the stretch or they would have been probably a

five seed. I mean, they're a dangerous, you know team
going into the postseason if they happen to advance. But
you know, watching the Pelics last night was Zion. It
almost feels like that's a microcosm of Zion Williamson. Wow.
And then oh, and you hope there's not that Anthony

Davis feel of you know, when he played, you know what,
he was healthy and you kind of get that feeling
with him. But he was the best player on the
floor and he was not afraid. But he had a
big stage here and this might have been the coming
out party. You know, maybe the re coming out party
for Zion because we saw him when he was great.

That was in college. We saw some moments his first year,
and then he sort of went away and we thought
maybe he was going to be a bust. But he
came back. He played well, played in a lot of
games this year for New Orleans, and New Orleans probably
wins that game if he stays in. I mean, it
just felt like they had no answer for him, and

he was not afraid and he was taking it to
the Lakers. But the Lakers do win. They advanced back
to Golden State. Here is Draymond Green talking about the
future of the Golden State Warriors.

Speaker 4 (05:08):
They've shown nothing but respect, loyalty, love, trust us. So
I got no reason of going to it like, oh man,
they're not going to do right by Clay. They did
right by me, They've done right by Steph, They've done
right by all of us. You know, Clay got Clay
towards ACL they paid them one hundred and sixty million dollars.
So I have no reason to think that our ownership

group aren't going to take care of us the way
we've taken care of this organization.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
And here's Steph Curry on the future of Klay Thompson
and Draymond Green.

Speaker 5 (05:43):
I can never see myself, you know, not with those
two guys. It's I understand this league changes and there's
so many things that go into it, and we're not
gonna play forever, but.

Speaker 3 (05:57):
You know, we've.

Speaker 5 (05:59):
Experience so much together and at the end of the day,
like again, I know they want to win. I know
I want to win. That's all I ware, that's all.
That's all I'm worried about.

Speaker 2 (06:10):
Yeah, they're going to take a little time obviously, and
they're gonna and they might have already made up their
mind of what they were going to do next year,
win or lose last night, Do you want to keep
Klay Thompson And at what price? Chris Paul with his
contract you can be creative with that? Is kaminga ready
to be a star? And you know that's part of
the problem too. I might hold on to Clay and Dre,

but I think you know, there's a kicker that is
attached to Draymond Green. If he gets traded, he gets
money out the door as well. Now he's not costing you,
you know, an exorbitant amount, But can you get Klay
Thompson a two year, fifty million dollar deal? Is that
prudent for this team? And I'd probably hold on to
Clay one more year if I don't feel like their

younger players are ready. You know, Wiggins, I would try
to trade, but I don't know what you're gonna get.
I mean, two years ago he was great, but I
don't know what you're going to get for him. And
that would be, can you can you make one more
run for Steph Curry? What's it going to cost you?
And I think that's the question you have to ask
because if you have Steph and Steph's going to cost

you a fifty five million dollars and you still have
Draymond Green there, do you bring back Clay and say
let's try it one more time? I guess that would
be probably the decision that they'll have to mul over here.
But Steph can He can't continue to be Steph. At

some point, there's going to be that somebody's got to
be maybe the guy who takes over and lets Steph
be a complimentary player. I mean, Lebron's been waiting for
Ad to do this and it's not going to happen.
So Lebron's like, oh damn, I got to carry everybody
up and down the floor here. Yeah, probably so, and

Steph may say the same thing. My god, Clay make
a shot like somebody helped me here. You know they
whiffed on Wiseman, Jordan Poole, that didn't do well at
the very end. Should they have signed up Draymond Green? Well,
you know they're being loyal. I mean we talk about
ownership and lack of loyalty. There's been loyalty, but it's

a business and that's where I come in, and that's
where a player should understand. And it is business. And
is it better business for Golden State to move on
from Chris Paul, from Wiggins, Klay Thompson. Can you restock?
Can you get younger? Can you get maybe somebody who
can help Steph Curry get one more title? Because you

spend a lot of money. Nobody spends more money than
Golden State, but you didn't get your money's worth for
a ten seed that's now out of the playoffs. Yeah, Paul,
you mentioned Wiseman.

Speaker 6 (08:57):
If you go back four years ago when they had
that all in season where Steph had the wrist and
Clay was out for the year and a half. They
stumbled into the number two pick of the draft, and
Wiseman didn't work out at all. They were one pick
away from having Anthony Edwards. What would that have done
to have him as that next unit to start and
then take over. They could have had LaMelo Ball they

passed on. They passed on Tyrese Haliburton. Who know what
knew at the time, But imagine if they had taken
him or Tyrese Maxi. They went with the big guy.
If they'd got any of those players in that draft,
it would have the transition. Can you imagine?

Speaker 7 (09:31):

Speaker 2 (09:32):
And you know it used to be when all else fails,
go big, like with your draft pick, like you can't fail,
go for a big man. And that's not the NBA anymore.
When they went after Wiseman, who I thought was unproven,
he showed glimpses at Memphis, but I'm like, okay, the
number two overall pick, and You're like, yeah, I go okay,
and Jay Billis I remember Jay Sanya? You know, I

like him. I just didn't see it Anthony Edwards. I
saw somebody who was explosive. Halliburton I watched in college,
but I gotta be honest. I didn't think, like, Wow,
that guy's going to be a Rookie of the Year candidate.
Then I saw him in Sacramento and I go, that
guy's a star. Now it's like Sabonis. I didn't get
it when he was at Gunzaga, and I got it,

and I'm like, wow, it's not a fluke. He knows
how to play. But that's tricky when you're drafting these players,
when you draft them and what you expect from them
and how they sort of ingratiate themselves into a lineup.
Who can you get that will come in and all
of a sudden understand their role with the Golden State
Warriors And that'll be tricky. But that's a dynasty. Golden

State was a dynasty. Can they still hold on by
their fingertips and be a dynasty? What other poll questions
are we looking at today? Seaton, By the way, First
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Speaker 3 (11:00):
I think too like the just to stick with the
Warriors for a minute. But you shipped Jordan Pool out,
which is like a chemistry thing, but you brought in
a dude that's thirty seven to replace him to an
already old roster. Clearly time is catching up to that group, right, But.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
They won twenty seven of their last thirty nine games,
and it felt like, okay, maybe the bands together and
maybe one more tour victory tour. And then all of
a sudden, you see running into a Sacramento team that
underachieved at the end of the season but then got
it right last night, and a lot of these teams,

you know, you feel like, oh, they just kind of
flicked the switch. I don't think Golden State can do that,
not anymore, because we saw that with Clay. Go back
to last year. I think their closeout game, he didn't
have a good game. Now, this is where Clay's got
to give you twenty twenty five, Draymond. It's got a tribute,

you know, in a variety of you know, categories in
the box score. And then you have to get some
help with your bench. I mean, that's what you're waiting for.
Who emerges and is that enough to kind of prop
up Steph Curry where maybe can win another title. What
else do you have seton?

Speaker 3 (12:21):
Let's see, we've got who who is furthest from a
ring right now? Steph Curry, Lebron, James, Kevin Durant. Well,
well Steph is out, so.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Yeah, I would say he's really far away, more so
at this point in their career.

Speaker 6 (12:35):
Like, if you know, go in the next three years,
all of them will be out of the league in
three years.

Speaker 2 (12:40):
I think is Durant going to be out of the
league in three years? It feels like that's all he
does is just play ball. I don't I don't know
what other you know, hobbies he's got.

Speaker 6 (12:52):
He'll be thirty six next season, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
It feels like he can be shooting those pull up
fifth teen footers for ten more years.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
Feels like he's going to be the Caitlin Clark of
the three on three league. Oh, he's going to go
right from there, right from the NBA to three on three. Yeah,
let's go. We just signed the durantula.

Speaker 2 (13:12):
We'll talk about that. We'll also talk about Zion. Last night,
Lebron talked about how great Zion was your phone calls
are welcome. We'll settle on our poll question. Danny Hurley
will join us coming up, and Darvinham does address the
silly I guess it's a question or gave us his
statement should the Lakers have tanked last night to avoid

the Denver Nuggets? And Darvinham, the Laker head coach, did
address that so and we will as well. Also Peter
Scheger with his mock draft a little bit later on,
so just getting started fourteen after the hour Dan Patrick Show.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Dan
Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio WAPP two.

Speaker 6 (13:59):
NBA in podcasting twice a week to plug you right
into the NBA greape.

Speaker 8 (14:04):
Fine all happening in only one place. This League Uncut,
the new NBA podcast with me, Chris.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
Haynes and me Mark Stein join us.

Speaker 8 (14:15):
As we team up to expound on everything we're covering
Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 6 (14:19):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 8 (14:23):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
He's done it again. Back to back national titles he's
only been at Yukon for six seasons. He's Danny Hurley
back on the program. How do you feel?

Speaker 7 (14:43):
You know, probably a bunch of things at times. Yeah,
at times, probably exhausted at other times, you know, great
elation at other times. I don't love uncertainty in terms
of the roster. So my mind drifts to, you know,
what the team's gonna look like, uh, moving forward, So

you know, just kind of like all over the place.
But intermittently, you know, starting to appreciate what we did
a lot more when when you've got to get those
quiet alone time.

Speaker 2 (15:12):
Were you dealing with the transfer portal during the tournament?

Speaker 7 (15:17):
Yeah, I think we we were. We were talking about
it openly with the team, and you know, we we
had you know a little bit of an issue last
year with you know, just uh you know with players. Uh,
I think beginning that process before the season ended. So uh,

you know, we just talked openly to the younger players
and hey, we you know, we know the portals open,
but we got a chance to do something special. And uh,
you're not missing anything. The portal's gonna be opened for
a long time and it's going to be total chaos. Uh,
so you know, if that's the direction you want to go,
just honor the season and what we're trying to do

is historically and just wait.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
But why don't we wait to open the transfer portal
until after the tournament?

Speaker 7 (16:07):
I don't know. I think that that's obviously it makes
a ton of sense. Maybe it's the Maybe it's the
college basketball's version of giving the best draft picks to
the worst teams, So the teams whose seasons are over
they get a chance to while the really good teams
are busy playing, they have an opportunity. So maybe it's

the they're finding a model of pro sports leagues in
their drafts.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
Do you, guys, have you kind of created the blueprint here?
Do you think for what college basketball successful college basketball
should be and how to build a roster?

Speaker 7 (16:45):
I it's probably hard to argue against it, just you know,
the kind of the balance between young players that you
recruit out of high school you're giving you a boost,
and then obviously having players that you player developed obviously

freshman to sophomore year big jump, sophomore to junior year
big jump, and then strategically using a portal, and then
obviously you know we've got the great resources, but I
don't think players come here. Maybe the NIL may be
the third or fourth reason why players come here, maybe
the fifth reason why players come here. If it's the

primary reason why players come to your program, it's going
to hard to build the championship culture.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
How do you think history is going to look at
these back to back champs.

Speaker 7 (17:39):
Well, I think regardless of how these guys NBA careers go,
you look at the analytics. I mean, no one has
dominated an NCAA tournament the way our team did this year,
and I think we're top five the last two years
in terms of domination. But the overall store the analytics

tell obviously a great story about how great this year's
team was. It feels like one of the best in
the last twenty five thirty years based on the efficiency
and the quality that we played at. But overall, when
you look at it, it's going to depend on how
these guys' NBA careers pan out. Well, unfortunately, will be
tied to how this team is viewed. So we need

Kling Kong and these other guys to go.

Speaker 2 (18:28):
How would your team, whichever team you want to pick,
do against your brothers Duke championship teams.

Speaker 7 (18:36):
Well, it would have stacked up even better if we
were able to bring Hawkins back and Sono Goo back
and Jackson back to this team. But you know, like
look at just how we're the number one offense in
the country. We were one of the top defenses in
the country. We were a great rebounding team, all five

of starters. It feels like have a great chance to
play in the NBA Slash lottery picks slash. You know,
so I think the I think it would have been
been a great game. Obviously, you know, the stopping their
point guard Duke would have been the biggest challenge because

Bob is the greatest point guard to ever play in college.

Speaker 2 (19:22):
So, oh, you're you're sucking up to your brother here,
aren't you.

Speaker 7 (19:30):
Yeah, that's I've done it my whole life. Big Bro
is always taking care of me, Dan. So it's the
It's the least I could do.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
When do you come up with the strategy to let
Edi score as much as he wants to score, but
you're going to shut down the perimeter.

Speaker 7 (19:45):
Well, those scouting things and obviously it was a quick
turnaround from the Alabama game. We had a lot more
time to prepare for Alabama than we did for Purdue.
That was like a you know, a thirty six hour
turnaround in terms of being ready. So Woul Kamani Young
and Luke Murray too are the best coaches in the
country that that alternate scouts. You know, they they lay

out the game plan or at least what they would
like to do, and then obviously I got to make
the ultimate decision on whether I want to go with it,
and I, uh, you know Luke, you know, Luke presented
I think an awesome game plan and uh you know,
he laid it out to the staff and in the
first ten minutes, uh w when Edie was was kind

of you know, having his way in those one on ones.
I think there might have been a time out at
the under twelve where where the staff was starting to
attack Luke's plan. Uh but you know, we we we
trust each other year and you know, and and and
obviously you know, for the next twenty minutes before Donovan

got in foul trouble, he won a lot more of
those one on one battles versus Edie and then obviously
you know we were will take control. But you know, Luke, uh,
Luke was steadfast and uh as we were waffling.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
He's a Dan Hurley, Yukon head coach, back to back championships.
What would make you leave Connecticut?

Speaker 7 (21:15):
Maybe just burnout at this point for me, just uh,
you know, pushing too hard and probably you know, just
breaking down at some point, just uh, because you just
can't keep up the intensity and and the energy and
and you know, the output. Uh. And then maybe down
the road, if I could grow up a little bit mature,

you know, mantrol a little bit with the emotions, maybe
the n B A you know, down down the road.

Speaker 2 (21:43):
Uh So, why do you want to do that to
Why do you want to do that to yourself? Go
to the NBA?

Speaker 7 (21:51):
Well, you know, I think college has become like the
G League. Uh, you know, yeah in a way. I
mean it's uh, you know, not that's obviously tongue in cheek,
but you know a lot of the college game has changed.
You know. You you you win the national championship and
obviously we're gonna do things, go to why do these

we had to parade? You do these things. But you're
you're basically right into free agency frenzy. So you know, uh,
it's uh, I'm more worried about burnout that I am
going to the NBA.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
What was the conversation like when Kentucky called, it was it.

Speaker 7 (22:29):
Was really uh, you know, I had a brief conversation
with my agent maybe on on on Sunday as that
news was breaking, and it was you know, do you
know do you would you have an interest if they call?
And you know, my answer, you know, to that was no.
I'm you know, I'm the head coach at the best

program in the country. Why would I leave the best
program in the country, even if another place is really
good or or or as great. But you're wants you
to to try to deflect, you know, because you're you're
at Yukon. You're you want to reward your staff, you
want to increase the resources in your program. So your
agent is kind of telling you, hey, you know, don't

say you're interested, but don't say no because I've got
to I got to deal with the Yukon people on
a lot of pms.

Speaker 2 (23:22):
Well, yeah, you got to play the game. Even though
you want to stay at Yukon, you have to give
the at least maybe the thought that, you know what,
maybe somebody else is going to love me a little
bit more.

Speaker 7 (23:32):
So I looked like a donkey. I pinned it on
my wife. Uh. I was evasive, but it was I
looked like a donkey, uh, the way I was answering things. Uh.
But privately, all the players uh uh I talked to
them about it, and yeah, they understood.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
When you're out watching these kids in high school and
you're seeing everybody wants to be Steph Curry as a coach,
you know, tough minded discipline, Like how nervous does that
make you when you see somebody who is jacking from
you know, thirty feet away?

Speaker 7 (24:07):
Yeah, you just walk away and go, you know, go
find somebody else. You go find somebody you know that
that has the traits. Obviously the talent piece where they're
talented enough, but you you really wan I study these
kids when I go to the AAU games. I don't
I don't play with my phone. I hate my phone.
I watch. I watch how these players interact with with

with their coaches, with their teammates. I watch their parents
in the stands. I watch to see if their parents
are super critical of their coaches, because if they kill
all their coaches and they're and they're in four or
five different high schools and they change travel teams. They're
just going to do the same thing to you. So

you know, you just you just evaluate the person and
and the people around the person.

Speaker 2 (24:55):
Do you get a vacation.

Speaker 7 (24:59):
I think we just looked at May.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
Middle of May.

Speaker 7 (25:02):
I think you're you're gonna I think there's like a
two or a three day window where it's it's Jersey
short time. So but yeah, I mean we're gonna go
about a month here with players that have got to
make NBA decisions. You know, we're portaling like everybody else,
you know, and and then obviously we've got to start
recruiting the next recruiting class, so that Uh, this isn't

like coaching in the NBA. When the season's over, you
you just go away and the front office takes over.
You know, we we are the front office. You know.

Speaker 2 (25:33):
It feels like the coaching aspect of this is the
easier part of all of this. It's crazy to say that,
but it feels that way.

Speaker 7 (25:41):
Yeah, it's it's I've said it for years. Uh, you know, Dan,
it's like the best part of the day is practice time.
That the most fun part and the most natural part
is uh is watching is absorbing your opponent's film and
and and and pregame locker room. I mean that's the
part that that feels the best, makes the most sense

once you start getting into n I A n I
L valuation negotiations and obviously you know try and Uh,
it's just it's hard, I guess when you're talking to
players in your own program and you've got to convince
them that it's in their best interest to stay in
the best program in the country. Like, uh, it feels

like that should go without saying that you should stay
in the best program in the country.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
Let's say you're recruiting me, when can I bring up
ni L when it doesn't make you nervous about what
my priorities are.

Speaker 7 (26:39):
Well, once you're convinced that that you want to come
to Yukon, uh, you know, we'll go through a visit
and and it'll never come up, or maybe it's the
last thing that comes up. Or it's got to be
a situation where you love the culture, you love the
style of play, you know myself and the coaching staff
for the people that you want to play for. You

you love the team and you want to be a
part of that locker room. Uh, you know, you want
to play in the Big East, and you love our
you know you you you love our player development and
the holistic approach that we take to our players. And
then you know, and then the obviously the you know,
the N I L has got to be you know,
good enough for you. But I think you know right now,

like what Yukon brings to the table in terms of, uh,
you know, we're gonna teach you how to fish, which
is gonna last you a lifetime, and we're not just
gonna kind of throw you fish that's gonna feed you
for a day. And we want people that you know,
that have that balance in that perspective where they're not
trying to go to the highest bidder. They're looking for
the best combination of N I L and and program

to excel in.

Speaker 2 (27:47):
Okay, but if I say all those things, I love
the culture, I want to be here. You know, I'm
buying me and I'm going to play defense, I'm gonna
play hard, and I'd like five hundred thousand dollars, Like
can I do it that way?

Speaker 7 (27:57):
As long as it's it's reasonable and and you know,
and and and it lines up with uh, you know,
I guess you know, close to what the what the
market is, you know, but there's a lot of unreasonable Uh,
there's a lot of unreasonable numbers.

Speaker 2 (28:15):
Okay, give me an unreasonable number, no names, just an
unreasonable number.

Speaker 7 (28:19):
I think I heard one point three from a collective okay,
you know last year, and and you know, I'm not
sure that that is the that is is what the
the spirit of N I L was. I think the
spirit of N I L was like, I take take
advantage of name, image and likeness in a manner of

like the way of Donovan Klingen did this year, you know,
huge personality, incredible player on the court, and then what
what what he did this year in in endorsements off
the court? Uh. I don't think I could share that
number with you because the I R S is going
to become.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
Well no, he has to report it to the I
R S. Anyway.

Speaker 7 (29:03):
Yeah, but you know, hey, listen, these kids they bring
a lot of value. Obviously March Madness, you know, brings
you know, billions of dollars or whatever that number is.
I think, uh, you know, when we get to revenue
sharing and contracts, I think that's going to be a
happy day for a lot of coaches, I think for

a lot of players, because I think a lot of
schools too, they embellished the number for players, and then
they don't come through on the promise too. So kids
end up picking a worse school because they think it's
more money. And then a lot of the collectives, you know,
or some of the collectives actually don't even come through.

Speaker 2 (29:42):
I got two years of eligibility left. Now, I'm just saying,
like you took your son, I mean you should be
able to take me right. Well.

Speaker 7 (29:53):
You know, we we don't rely on players that are
electrifying off the dribble, which is what I don't think
you are. I actually think you have a chance to
play in our system because you know we're going to
move you around off the ball. We're going to help
you to get shots.

Speaker 2 (30:11):
This is a verbal offer, coach. I just want to
make sure.

Speaker 7 (30:15):
I think you could help our brand a lot. You
think I could bring in N I L for the
good players. So if I've got to use my thirteenth scholarship,
that guy's not going to play anyway.

Speaker 2 (30:25):
So and I don't need NI L.

Speaker 7 (30:28):
That's you're going to bring it up.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
I am bringing nil. That's that's that's my nickname. I'm
ni L. Let me know when practice starts, coach, I'll
be there you want. Hey, thank you, Bud, appreciate that.
To Dan Herley at basketball coach, sounded like an offer.
To me, I think you're in. Sound like an offer, Marvin.

Now I'm come on one of your family.

Speaker 9 (30:53):
Now, let's go Yukon magazine.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Come back. Yeah, I'm going to be the centerfold in
Yukon Magazine. Yeah yeah, Paul, let's stretch us out.

Speaker 6 (31:01):
Let's do the table, the three hats you fake the
Syracuse had you fake the sleet and.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
Hall Well never seat in hall Well because of reason?
Yeah okay, I mean they didn't make the tournament.

Speaker 3 (31:12):
Yeah okay, yeah they won the n I t Yeah okay,
I mean either way, you're getting a banner.

Speaker 2 (31:21):
Yeah, that's right, put it up in Walsh. Let's take
a break here back after this.

Speaker 1 (31:26):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live. Prior to the commercial.

Speaker 2 (31:40):
Break, we left you hanging there when I asked, is
there a Dan at that I outlive? Since the dan auts.
You're younger than me. Marvin. You had a quick answer
to that, Who do I outlive of the d NS?

Speaker 7 (31:56):
I thought you said a BRG.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
No, No, I said Dan d do I outlive any
of you guys? I hope not.

Speaker 6 (32:13):
Top answer.

Speaker 3 (32:15):
You know, I just had a childhood friend drop dead
of like a massive heart attack. He's forty seven. It's
really freaked me out, and it was just like, oh
my gosh, that really that happens.

Speaker 2 (32:25):
Yeah, it happens. One day I don't come in here.
One day you don't. I don't.

Speaker 3 (32:30):
Would you be Would you be sad though, if one
day you came in here and then it was one
of us that was dead?

Speaker 2 (32:36):
Yeah, you would be said yes for hours, for the
most of the show.

Speaker 7 (32:41):

Speaker 3 (32:42):
How long would it take for you on the show
to make fun of us, the dead, the deceased, the depot.

Speaker 2 (32:47):
Okay, let's say Todd died.

Speaker 9 (32:53):
Come on, take a minute and say, can I get
up there in the poll question? You just got to
move there.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
No, I would pay tribute to you. The entire show
would be a tribute to you.

Speaker 3 (33:02):
What guest would you call for your first guest post
Todd's passing?

Speaker 2 (33:07):
I would probably see if I could get Bob Dylan
or Bruce Springsteen. All right, No, you know who i'd get.
I'd get Billy Joel and hall of Oates, and I
would have them sing a duet or is it a
trioette since they would be through.

Speaker 9 (33:26):
Yes, I sure.

Speaker 6 (33:28):
None of us passes away like the Sunday before a
football Monday.

Speaker 2 (33:31):
Yeah, because there's a lot of topics. I know you
you don't like the Cowboys lose.

Speaker 6 (33:35):
A couple in a row, or Tom Brady flirts with
a comeback. We're going to bump to segment three.

Speaker 2 (33:39):
Yeah, if you die Sunday afternoon, I mean, I priorities.
I gotta talk about the Cowboys.

Speaker 6 (33:45):
Yeah, we're gonna July would be a good time to.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
Kick Yeah, round the round the All Star Bocks. No
better coverage. I mean heading into the bye week, there
might be quarterback Tom Brady could be coming back.

Speaker 6 (33:59):
We'll talk about Fritz a little bit, but alber joins us, Yes,
sorry about Fritzy, and we sail out to Peter King.

Speaker 2 (34:05):
Hi, Peter, Let's bring in Peter Schreger, co host of
NFL Networks Good Morning Football. This is why we don't
get nominated for a sports emmy stuff like that.

Speaker 9 (34:15):
Morbid. Yet I really can empathize doing the morning show
for so long. It'd be like, Frank o'harris died, and
the first question is like, how many minutes are we
giving Frank o'harris' death, And it's you know, well, an
NFL owner died. All right, blow out the whole show.
We're talking for three hours on the NFL Network about
the legacy of this owner. It was like, all right,
where do we put the obituary? Well, there was a
game last night, so let's hope we're never doing any

of those shows.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
And do you see where he's got this sports emmy
over his shoulders, strategically placed right in our face?

Speaker 9 (34:45):
It out. Hobwebs were on it, brought it out.

Speaker 2 (34:47):
Okay, all, good for you. Congratulations. Peter Schreger, NFL Network
host and part of NFL Networks on location coverage of
the NFL Draft in Detroit starting April twenty fifth. All right,
you got mock draft here. Explain to the audience why
your mock draft is different than most mock drafts.

Speaker 9 (35:07):
Okay, I only do two mock drafts, and I come
at it and I always say this, No one cares
who the hell I would take if I was the
GM of the Titans or if I'm the Saints. Here
here's where no one cares. Literally, not one person cares.
And if you're making a mock draft, no one cares
who you think either. I try to come at it
and say I'm on the phone with gms and coaches
throughout the last two weeks trying to do the best

job here and putting together a list of how I
think it might go. After I released a mock draft,
which was yesterday, and then hit a lot more feedback,
and in the day of the draft, I'll put together
an official final one. But I had some curveballs that
generated a lot of responses, and that's kind of the
part of this exercise, and I take a lot of
pride in it that people respond to it the way
they do.

Speaker 2 (35:49):
Okay, the reaction you got, you don't have to name
the team or the coach where he might have been
disappointed that you took some information put it out there,
or you were completely off. Did you hear from any
of your friends yesterday.

Speaker 8 (36:07):

Speaker 9 (36:07):
They don't like it when you're they don't like it
when you're on They're fine when you're off. They don't
like it when you're on, and they say, okay, well, like, dude,
we had that conversation. You don't put that in your
mock draft. So it's those there were a certain coach
of the Rams has never had a first round pick
in his entire tenure with the Rams, and I put

in the mock draft, I will go on the record
and guarantee that pick will be an offensive player. Like,
there's no way mcveigh's coming out there and drafting a
safety with his first pick. He is an offensive mind.
And he texted me at about four am this morning
and it's like, you're putting a guarantee that I'm going
to take an offensive player. And I wrote back, yes,
you will take an offensive player. I'll see you night
one after you take an offensive player. So a lot

of this stuff is just friendly banter. But I had
a trade up for the Giants to number four to
get JJ McCarthy and a lot of other teams. Enough
reached out and said, is that from Joe Shane, Is
that from Brian Dable? Is that you speculating? So I
think that McCarthy pick and where he ends up is
very intriguing. To a lot of other coaches.

Speaker 2 (37:11):
Okay, how many teams are truly interesting? I don't understand
the JJ McCarthy fan fest here, but it seems to
be real that he's going to be a top five pick.
How many teams are interested in JJ McCarthy, I.

Speaker 9 (37:28):
Could tell you on I would say that there are
three different quarterback needy teams in this draft. You know,
the usual suspects who were very active on text chain
yesterday about me going and putting him on. The Giants.
You can guess those teams. I won't list them, but

it's one of those where, oh, so you really don't
think he'll be around at spot XYZ.

Speaker 2 (37:55):
So the Viking you can nod your head like Vikings Raiders.
I would say the Giants are going to be in
there as well. Maybe there's an outlier.

Speaker 9 (38:06):
I think the twelve pick with the Broncos. Yeah, they're
interested in seeing which quarterbacks go. Look if all four
of those quarterbacks go one, two, three, four, we know
Arizona's not making the pick at four they have Kyler Murray.
That means someone felt the pressure or the need to
move up to get one. And then if they don't
get him at four, and Arizona stays put and gets
Marvin Harrison, then that Chargers pick at five becomes a

feeding frenzy and they might be willing to trade back.
So it's interesting. You know, Minnesota is a wild one
because they got that twenty third overall pick also, and
the thought and the conventional thinking was, oh, you package
eleven and twenty three and you move up to four
or five, that's great. They also have a ton of
future first round picks. They've got a ton of picks

in this draft. It all sounds great. But if you're
Arizona or the Chargers and you're looking to move back,
going all the way back to eleven probably crosses you
off on guys like Harrison and Adunza and Neighbors and
gets you out of that contention. However, the Giants that
sicks you can move back to spots if you're Arizona

and still get one of the top receivers in this draft,
if not your favorite receiver in this draft, which makes
the Giants, if they're really interested in getting McCarthy, the
spot that I have them going and being the team
that's going to make the move.

Speaker 2 (39:26):
I mentioned this to the Dan Netes recently, that now
is the real time with the draft where you get
all your scouts. Everybody kind of comes back and it's quiet,
like you don't hear much information. This is when real
decisions are made. The other stuff when we're speculating, and
you know, in January we're talking about you know, where's
Michael Pennix going, Yeah, this is when it's real, and

this is where you're trying to sort through what like,
is somebody telling you the truth? Do you have friends
in the business who might lie to you? Or how
about I say this, they don't tell you the truth.

Speaker 9 (40:05):
We've got a lot of teams that tell me the
truth and I and I really value that and it
goes a long way and those years of relationships and
they understand that. They're telling me that that it's okay
for me to put in the mock draft, and it's
it's fine. I've had multiple coaches tell me something that
the day before they're going to pick this guy if
he's on the board and they take someone else, and
I'll say something next day and inevitably it's wasn't my call.

GM you know made that one. In the end, it
would have been my pick. So everyone's got to cover.
But the truth of the matter is there are smoke screens.
I would like to think I've got enough years and
enough credibility where I'm not going to put I'm not
going to be used as some pawn by a team.
And I also don't think my mock draft isn't going
to change everyone's boards. I had a really interesting conversation
with the head coach last night and he said, right now,

in the process, and you nailed it, Dan. We have
our verticals, which means, all right, here's our here's how
we rank our quarterbacks, Here's how we rank our running backs.
Here's how we rank our wide receivers. Are The next step,
which is the next few days, is our horizontals, which means, okay,
we love this offensive tackle, but do we love him
more than the third wide receiver. That's when you start
comparing players from different position groups. So a lot of

teams haven't even gone through that exercise yet, which may
make some mock draft a guess, a simulation, an estimation.
And then I would think a couple of days before,
like I've had some really accurate mock drafts in the past,
I would say, Daniel Jeremiah last year and not to
promote someone other than myself, because at this point in
my career, I'd like to promote myself. But I would
say Daniel Jeremiah had at number two the Texans taking CJ. Stroud,

and then at number three the Texans trading up from
like eleven to three and taking Will Anderson, And I said, dude,
that's incredible intel. And after the fact, he was like,
I was given an indication it might happen. I went
with it, and I'm like, those are the ones where
it's a real pat in the back. When you could
project trades and get it right and nail it and
get the guys. That's impressive.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
I'm talking to Peter Schrager NFL Network. He'll be part
of the coverage NFL Network on location of the draft
in Detroit April twenty fifth through the twenty seventh. I
don't know if the Patriots have learned from Mac Jones
that situation, that experiment. Do you draft your franchise quarterback
and then you start to build around him, or do
you try to build something and then bring in your

quarterback so he's not empty handed like Mac Jones pretty
much was in New England. You got him taking Drake May.
They don't have the infrastructure there on that team where
he's gonna get thrown in and all of a sudden,
we're gonna go. Drake May is not ready to play.

Speaker 9 (42:35):
It's a huge uphill battle for whoever that first round
pick is. If it's a wide receiver, you're saying, well,
then Jacoby Brissett's going to be throwing to him. And
that's nothing against Jacobe, but that's not the future of
the franchise. They have issues on their roster holes everywhere,
and trade back does sound to make sense, But then
you start thinking, how often do we anticipate to have
a top five pick at quarterback. If you're comfortable enough

with May and you like it, which I think they are,
I think that's the pick. I would say, I'm eighty
percent confident they'll go quarterback there and they're not going
to trade out, and I think Daniels goes two to
the Commanders, and I think the Patriots take Drake May.
I know they had a really good dinner with Drake May.
This sounds silly, but like they had like an hours
and hours long dinner at Davios in Patriot Place, which

is right there in Foxborough, like stakes the whole thing,
And I've gotten to know these prospects a little bit.
I've spoken to a lot of coaches who've interviewed these prospects,
like they're all very unique in their own ways. Drake
May is that southern Southern boy who's just a good
time twenty one years old, you know, country, strong, huge arm.

Speaker 2 (43:35):
He's got years.

Speaker 9 (43:36):
To go before he's a polished product, which is why
a lot of those Josh Allen comparisons are made. I
don't think it's fair to Drake May. Josh Allen is
like one of the best of his generation. We don't
know if that's Drake May yet. But with so much
youth and and so much rawability and the size six '
four in the basketball background, the whole thing, if you're
comfortable with them at three, like there's gonna be there's

gonna be a lot of people who are gonna say, yes,
you take him at f And I think in that building,
when you have so many needs, take the quarterback.

Speaker 2 (44:04):
I still get the feeling that Sean McVay is going
to take quarterback go on, like I could see Michael Pennix.
I don't know, it just feels like or bone X.
I don't know why I but the thought doesn't go
away that Shawn's going to look at, you know, Matt's successor.

Speaker 9 (44:26):
They took obviously Stetson Bennett in the fourth round last year.
That hasn't worked out, and we wish Stetson well whatever
he's going through. I'm not sure all the details on it,
but obviously he had some stuff last year and then
they've you know, rotated around who's going to be the backup.
They brought in Wins, they had, they had that going
for a while that that spot nineteen where they're at

bon Nicks might be on the board. Michael Pennix might
be on the board. Spencer Rattler might be on the board.
I'll just say this again. I'll say it to you.
Sean McVay is not taking an inside linebacker at nineteen.
Like he's an offensive wizard and he's never had the
opportunity need to draft a guy in the first round.
If there is a stud wide out that slips, if
there's a white out that he likes, like if he
likes Laden McConkie, and I don't know if he does,

but if he likes you know, Ricky Piersoll if he
sees keyon Coleman like I think Sean's gonna say to
the guys, I've never made a first round pick. I'm
taking my guy, and if that's a quarterback, it'll be
a quarterback. I think offense for the Rams and you
got me thinking there with the with the eventual successor
to Matthew staff Don't.

Speaker 2 (45:24):
Know, man, I love Pennix. I but then I could
see Sean saying, with bow Nicks, you know Pan, I
can bring him in and I got a guy similar
to Stafford as hell. Yeah, I don't know. I just
I get that Pennix.

Speaker 9 (45:39):
Pennix is interesting. So I didn't have Pennix in my
first round, and I've gotten a lot of blowback, and
by the time I do it next week, based on
the response, I will have Pennox in the first round.
He's a first round quarterback. I thought he might be
like that Will Levis situation.

Speaker 2 (45:50):
Yeah, but it's black.

Speaker 9 (45:54):
Teams that are that are in the late late twenties,
or teams that have put central quarterback needs who said
just they would expect there would be a trade up
into the first round if he falls out of the
top twenty someone he's not going to fall to day two. Yeah,
and that's understandable. There's two teams though that I continued
to hear for Penix and I didn't again, I didn't

have my first round. One of them was the Vegas Raiders.
Apparently there's a lot of fans in the building. I
speak to sources there that I haven't gotten that indication,
but from other people who I've heard that. And then
the other one is the Seattle Seahawks as a successor
to Geno Smith obviously the Washington connection, but also the
offensive coordinator there nos Penix. So those are the two
teams I was told for Penix, and I don't have

him going anywhere in the first round. So it just
shows how wildly different the thought process could be ten days.

Speaker 2 (46:42):
Out, and all it takes is one team. Yeah to
go see.

Speaker 9 (46:45):
Sea Brow got drafted in the first round.

Speaker 2 (46:47):
Yes, yeah, you have one team that gets squirrely and
all of a sudden it changes where people go, wait, wait,
what happened? Who'd they take?

Speaker 7 (46:55):

Speaker 2 (46:56):
All of a sudden, you know, you hit reset and
you're like wait, wait, wait a hold a minute. That
person A few of those I remember.

Speaker 9 (47:01):
When Joe Flacco went like eighteenth to the Ravens out
of Delaware. I remember being Radio City Music Hall and
everyone looking around me like really like okay, all right,
you know, as it all takes as one team. If
you take them, you take them and you go from there.
But you know, remember the Broncos traded back into the
first round to take Paxton Lynch.

Speaker 2 (47:18):
We're all right, yeah, give me the wildest rumor.

Speaker 7 (47:20):
You're hearing good one.

Speaker 9 (47:23):
The wildest rumor, wildest rumor I would think actually involves
Washington at two. And the wildest rumor is that they
pass on quarterback because they have six picks in the
top hundred and Adam Peters. How they did it in
San Francisco was you lock up and solidify all the

other positions, then you get on a cheap contract a
quarterback that you like in the second round, the third
round or whatever. And I would say that's a wild rumor,
and it's possible, and that's a philosophy, And say, okay,
you dress draft stud wide receiver at two. Of all,
you get Harrison, you get a stud you know, defensive
tach whatever you want, do you trade back whatever it is.
The issue is Marcus Mariota is their starting quarterback right now.

They're not going into the season with the number two
overall pick with Marcus Mariota as their starting quarterback and
no you know, blue chip guy behind him. So that's
been the wildest rumor, and that kind of died down.
But there was a while the where people were like,
I could see Washington with Bob Myers and all these
outside the box thinkers saying, look at what San Francisco
did with Brock Party. Adam Peters says he can replicate that.

Just give me a quarterback who runs the system and
we can build up. But I don't know. I feel
like Jaden Daniels or Drake may Will be the pick
and I have Jayden Daniels going too overall.

Speaker 2 (48:35):
You got your guaranteeing that Caleb Williams goes number one
to the Bears. Yeah, okay, yeah, I know that people
have tried to add a little fire to this. I
felt all along that Chicago was getting rid of fields
and they were taking Caleb Williams, that there was nothing
that was going to alter that. I don't know if
anybody made any kind of draft day package to go, hey,

we're going to give you this. This is the next
Patrick Mahomes. I was surprised nobody said we want to
go up and get him, even.

Speaker 9 (49:06):
If they did on you. Once you trade fields for
what they traded fields for, I think it's done. I
mean that's it. Like you're just gonna say, Okay, there's
nothing that can entice us. I don't care if it's
seven first round picks, Like we have our guy, We're
going all in. We already traded Justin and we go
from there. They've had three great meetings with him. First
one was at the Combine, which is kind of like
your first get to know you. Second one in La

they took him out to dinner out in La and
it was an awesome night. And they went to this
like private dinner club called Bird Streets, which if to
be a member of, and the Bears got in and
they took Caleb and like Jamie Fox is at the
next table, and Caleb was great, not over the top,
not but just comfortable. And then in Lake Forrest they
took him out, not in Chicago but Lake Forest or

the facility is and they brought members of the team
to be there at the dinner and Caleb was amazing.
So they've had great interactions with Caleb and he's been awesome.
So I think that's a shirt thing.

Speaker 2 (50:00):
We'll talk to you next week. Thank you, good to
talk to you about it. That's Peter Schrager, NFL Network, part
of NFL Network Draft Days coverage the twenty fifth, twenty sixth,
twenty seventh from Detroit
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