All Episodes

January 22, 2025 36 mins

Hour 4 of A&G features...

  • Al Sharpton leads MLK rally & SNL mocks the media
  • Terrible journalism
  • Some Trump praise in Mark Halperin's newsletter
  • Final Thoughts! 

Stupid Should Hurt:

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio the George
Washington Broadcast Center. Jack Armstrong is Joe Katty. I'm strong
and Katty and he Armstrong and Hetty. We just can't

let this go.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Leave on earth to more complete bit of audio of
the Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
Well listen, we've got to do this. Let me hear
you all say.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
He now gee s megs.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
Let's go birds, birds one more time.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
Michael, Well listen, we've got to do this.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
Let me hear you all say ee ow gee s me.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
That is a person who is a little She is
completely illiterate. The mayor of Philadelphia is illiterate.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
I wish we could understand the murmuring in the crowd.
I didn't spell eagles, did she say? Elgis's wow?

Speaker 2 (01:18):
You know, there are dynamics of urban politics that I
would like to talk about, because they so they so
ill serve the people of those cities. But it's it's
dangerous ground. Oh you won't go there.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
Martin Luther King Junior's birthday was Monday, and it got obscured,
obviously by the swearing in of Donald Trump, which is
too bad, because I got a lot of MLK stuff
I wanted to talk about, but they there was a
big rally at the Martin Luther King Memorial which I
saw just a couple of weeks ago, and it doesn't
look anything like him. How the hell does that happen? Wow? Wow,

bit of a ten.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
Okay, not the most accurate representation of a man I've
ever seen.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
How does that happen? Does nobody have the guts to say,
I realize we're way, way like, we're neck deep in
this thing. We've already paid for it, we already commissioned you,
we've announced it. But it doesn't look like the guy.
And that seems like a problem to me. AnyWho, guess
who's leading the big rally, the official rally on don't
say it, Al freaking Sharpton. Oh lord, Al freaking Sharpton. Yeah,

I don't understand why. And then this is a very
white guy of me. But why does the black community
demand better than Al Sharpton. Somebody powerful, Barack Obama or
somebody should say, hey, look, I'm all for having a
rallied honor Martin Luther King Junior. I'll attend and explain

why he's so important, but not this freaking guy.

Speaker 2 (02:53):
Well, let me say, in defense of the millions of brilliant, patriotic, innovative,
hard working Black Americans, Well, I'm sure thrilled to have
me as their spokesman.

Speaker 1 (03:06):

Speaker 2 (03:06):
I would like to see a poll of those person
those people and ask them who thinks Al Sharpton's a
complete effing embarrassment. Because you have to remember, right, Al
Sharpton is a product not a Black America. He's a
product of that half of one percent that is America's
media elite. He is Rachel Maddow's idea of Black America's

idea of a leader. Horrible anyway, Right, but resist we
much we must, and we will much we will about
that be committed good.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
That is funny. But the least of Al Sharpton's sins
in terms of being a human being.

Speaker 2 (03:48):
Yeah, I would say, and I you know, final tangent.
The woke quote unquote solutions that ignore the real problems
afflicting especially little kids in America, Black kids in cities,
especially going to worthless schools. But they're going with these woke,

nut job ideas of how to help those kids as
supposed to just making sure they get an education to
be as absolutely heartbreaking anyway.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
Coleman wild But why is there a giant statue of
George Jefferson or Arkle or whoever this is but.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
The mermin right, it could be almost anybody. I'll tell
you who it doesn't look like. But anyway, that's not
really the main point. So, speaking of Rachel Matdow et cetera.
SNL to their credit, great cold opening bit. This is
a panel MSNBC is discussing the news of the day.

I think it gets picked up kind of in the
middle of it is has the premise been established.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
At this point?

Speaker 2 (04:49):
I don't mean to be repetitive, but the premise is
they're talking about the news of the day, and one
or more of them is said, We've got to stop
freaking out over every controversial thing Trump says.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
We've got to stop doing that. Basically, it's Trump's playing us,
He's jerking us around, and we fall forward all the time.
Hit it, Michael.

Speaker 4 (05:09):
One thing I do know is this time around, we're
not gonna get sucked in by every new shiny, crazy
statement from Trump. We need to focus on what he does,
not what he says.

Speaker 5 (05:20):
I'm sorry I have to interrupt you. We have some
breaking news.

Speaker 6 (05:23):
Trump has apparently just told reporters that he would like
to quote trade Connecticut.

Speaker 4 (05:31):
I mean, that's just crazy, Rachel. See this is what
I mean. We can't have a repeat of twenty sixteen.

Speaker 7 (05:38):
Exactly in his first term, the media was like, look
at him walking around grabbing his you know what, flippin'
do you know who take.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
A tick a slim shady.

Speaker 7 (05:51):
But this time we're going to focus on what matters,
like tech billionaires buying our democracy.

Speaker 5 (05:57):
Sorry, Ari, we're getting breaking news that Trump just told
a group of wildfire victims that quote Arnold Palmer had
some of the lowest jobs in American histories.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
Okay, you see this is what he does to keep
us from talking about disaster relief for the impacts of
climate change.

Speaker 5 (06:16):
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Rachel, I am Chris.

Speaker 6 (06:21):
Apparently Trump just tweeted about the fires a picture of
himself as the guy from up with the caption I
would end fire by filling the umphouse with water blooms.

Speaker 8 (06:34):

Speaker 4 (06:35):
This man, this man, this man was.

Speaker 1 (06:38):
Designed by the devil to break my spirit.

Speaker 4 (06:41):
You can just call me and read because the joy
is gone.

Speaker 1 (06:45):
You know, my favorite part of the whole thing was
the mistaking Chris Hayes for Rachel Maddow over and over again.
I can't believe they did that. That is funny. The
joke is there. She looks like a dude, and hell yeah,
well what are you gonna do that? Try section so

Rich Lowry in National Review, And I've got this weird
feeling that if Rich Lowry and I were like neighbors,
we'd be friends.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
They just I'd love his writing, I love his thinking.
I think he's very funny and very also down to earth.
But he just wrote the other day a brilliant column
about Joy Reid, and I'll skip to the business end
of it, and he says that read is so prominently
featured on the network speaks to a profound lack of
institutional self respect and a dim view of an audience

that is presumed to gobble up whatever dog's breakfast of
half baked insights and malicious lies are told to it.
And he given a night consider her rent the other
day about the billionaire Right and the la fires.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
The Riff had so many grotesque.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
Errors and fabrications in it that it wasn't so much
partisan drag as an art form here's a quote from her.
Oh the arrogance of the Columner spirit. She claimed at
one point, in response to the attacks on the Fire
department's DEI policies. If Reid doesn't want California to be colonized,
she's about two hundred years too late. If she's thinking

of Americans, even later, if she's thinking of Mexicans, and
later still, if she's thinking of the Spanish, all of
home quote unquote colonized California. And the theory of her
monologue was that the billionaire right wants California so it
can quote retro fit it with their ugly right wing policies,
the way they've ruined Florida and Texas and every other

red state where poverty rates are high and education is warped,
and non white immigrants, pregnant women, victimized girls in LGBTQ folks.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
Live in fear.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
Wow then as if then, if the Golden State goes Republicans,
she posited, the fight for permanent control of America is
basically over. So red states have high poverty rate and
perverse education.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
California has the highest poverty rate in the nation. I
never watch her on MSNBC, but Wow, that's some out
there tough colonizing California in the big cities San Diego,
San Francisco, sound kind of Spanish, it's because the Spanish
came up fifteen hundred to build these missions. That's all

a long time ago.

Speaker 2 (09:27):
And Rich points out that the website cal Matters, which
is a great news website if you care about California,
notes that the highest property rate quote is almost entirely
because of its extraordinarily high costs of housing, utilities, fuel,
and other consumer needs. And if non white immigrants live
in fear in Texas and Florida lowry rights, it's not
clear why they keep moving to those states. Texas, for instance,

is incredibly diverse. It's only forty percent white.

Speaker 1 (09:54):

Speaker 2 (09:55):
In getting more so, the lone Star state led all
others in New Hispanic, Asian and Black resis. And it's
in twenty twenty three. Far from terrified. They're flocking there.
You crank. And then another point, she suggested that fracking
caused wildfires, which I don't even have the time. And

people lap up that dog's breakfast every night.

Speaker 1 (10:24):
Seriously, well not a lot of people, but she's still
on the air. Well, that's good. She almost certainly makes
seven figures, doesn't she. Oh yeah, I think so. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
Wow for now, Wow, for now? Oh my god, dog's breakfast. Alright,
that's enough of that. What else are we going to do?

Speaker 7 (10:46):

Speaker 1 (10:46):
I do want to fill in just because you might
hear it today. I don't know when exactly the vote
is going to come down on Hegzeth becoming sec deaf
Marco Rubio. They did that one fast ninety nine nothing
in the Senate worn in yesterday. He's Secretary of State.
Heg Zeph October surprise hit piece story dropped yesterday. You

should know at least some of the truth behind that
in case you hear the one sided coverage you're going
to get from a joy reader, even the New York
Times for that, isn't that matter? Among other things on
the way stay here, there's been some talk from the
media of doing better this time around for a variety

of reasons. One, the ratings are going south. Two, it's
become more clear that a lot of America wants Donald
Trump chosen with all his flaws, knowing exactly what he is,
because they like his policies, et cetera, et cetera. I
think some news organizations are doing much better, the WAPO,

the New York Post in some ways. But here's an
example of some terrible freaking journalism and we'll explain after
you hear it.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Hegseeth's former sister in law, Danielle Hegseth, a llegis of
the Defense Secretary nominee, was abusive toward his second wife, Samantha.
Danielle Hegseth claimed Samantha told her she once hid in
a closet for fear of her safety. Danielle Hegseth, who
was married to Hegseth's brother, also allegis Samantha had a
plan to get away from Hegseth by texting a safe
word to her if she needed help. During his confirmation hearing,

Hegseth denied any allegations of violence toward his former wives.

Speaker 1 (12:27):
Yeah, that's pretty interesting. That was on TV obviously, is
that CBS? And then Cole Killian, who has a weird voice,
quit talking like that. New York Times had a similar story.
Politico had a similar story. And this all lands the
day or the week of the vote on his confirmation.
Why didn't this story come out previously? But this has

been pointed out by many weird How Politico, New York Times,
CBS and others don't mention the key fact that Hegseev's
ex wife, the woman they're saying hid in the closet
and had a safe word and all that denies any
of these BS smears. Why must run out of room
for that in the story? How even if you don't
believe her, even if you think she's only saying that

because she's scared or whatever else, the reason is right.
That seems perty so. In other words, the word of
your brother's ex wife worth reporting. The word of the
actual ex wife doesn't make the newscast. Explain to me
that journalist.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
I think the explanation is self evident. They're beneath contempt.
They're so deserving of the plunge from grace and success
that they're experiencing. Good riddance, go away.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
The New York Times headline was Hegzev Egg's sister in
law tells senators he was abusive to second wife, And
then Peter Baker, who's a serious reporter, writes an Egg's
sister in law submits a sworn statement. Ooh, that makes
it more true to senators using heads of being so
abusive toward his second wife she wants in the closet.
The story does not contain the info that his ex

wife has come out and said on the record two people, No,
he didn't, that never happened. Yeah, yeah, no, I don't
know if I don't know what's going on. All I
know is you got to include that.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
So the sister of Heg Sas, I'm sorry, the ex
wife of Heg Seth's brother who is part of the
extended family for a while.

Speaker 1 (14:36):
And I don't know what their families like, but not
always the closest people they'll be.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
Yeah, but again, it's an indictment of journalists as opposed
to you know, anybody else involved in this. It's it's well,
they're they're please anybody who holds out any hope for
a reform of the old timey media, I think you're
just it's not gonna happen.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
I think this is newsworthy. Trump put this out about
an hour ago. I'm not looking to hurt Russia. I
love the Russian people and have always had a very
good relationship with President Putin. And this despite the radical
lefts Russia Russia Russia hoax had to throw that in
We must never forget that Russia helped us win the
Second World War, losing almost sixty million lives in the process.

All of that being said, I'm going to do Russia,
whose economy is failing in President Putin a very big
favor in all caps, settle now and stop this ridiculous
war exclamation point and here in all caps. It's only
going to get worse if we don't make a deal
in soon. I have no other choice to put high level,
high levels of taxes, tariffs, and sanctions on anything being

sold by Russia to the United States and various other
participating countries. Let's get this war, which never would have
started if I were president, over with. We can do
it the easy way or the hard way, and the
easy way is always better. That's a good point. It's
time to make a deal. No more lives should be lost. Wow.
So for those in the crowd who think he is

in the pocket of Putin or whatever he's threatening.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
Him, Yeah, Trump is a canny negotiator, no doubt. The
idea that anybody has a quote unquote good relationship with
Putin is hilarious. Yeah, but Trump's posturing, I get it.

Speaker 1 (16:23):
Yeah. Been enjoying as Jack has.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
The New Cold Wars, the book by David Sanger, in
which one of the fascinating chapters goes through the history
of the various presidents over the last whatever it is
thirty forty years trying to get a grip on Vladimir
Putin and how you just you're not looking into his soul.
You're not his friend. He's not looking to you to

help Russia, none of that. You're dealing with a reptile.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
Yeah. Bush two courted him a lot. Hillary showed up
with the reset button. Obama tried to be friends. That
was Hillary. Hillary was a secretary of State. Putin is
an evil bastard. Well, and he's a gunfighter. You're a gunfighter.
That's your relationship, period. You don't have to shoot each other.
That's the relationship arm Strong and Getty. Yeah, guys.

Speaker 9 (17:14):
It sufficially Trump's first week back in office, and he
already has a packed schedule.

Speaker 1 (17:18):
It's a lot to take in. But here I'll catch
you up.

Speaker 9 (17:21):
Sunday, Save TikTok, Monday, start job, Tuesday, watch TikTok, Wednesday,
back to job, Thursday, meetings, give some orders, tell his death,
make meetings shorter. Friday, talk about the border, yell.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
Fake news at the reporters.

Speaker 9 (17:36):
Work, then golf, then jump on plane, note to self,
learned VP's name. Work, then golf, make junior caddy call
to Fox News called the flattie higher than fire. Then
invade Canada way too cold. Trade it for Panama. Higher
than fire than invade Greenland.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
Boring, traded for New Zealand.

Speaker 9 (17:52):
Golf work, golf ten on a roll, work golf ten, work,
TikTok scroll, first week over, thank the nation, second week
time for vacation.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
So Mark Alprin in his newsletter today with some pretty
ah praising of Trump's stuff that I'm sure he got
a lot of pushback from. He is, I think, among
the most fair journalists out there. But I also think
he's right about all this. You're gonna You're gonna dig this.
If you like Trump, if you hate Trump, you should

still hear it. Not to overstate the case, writes Mark
Calprin today, but Trump can play eight simultaneous games of
three dimensional chess against eight different opponents. He won't win
them all, but he will not give an f about
losing two, which I think is part of UH works.
Let me jump down to here, just because I liked

it so much. Trump is not performing as a dictator.
He is performing as a guy who thinks even LBJ
was a slouch when it came to manipulating every piece
of equipment at his disposal, every advantage the Oval Office
gives him in showing no mercy, giving no quarter, and
playing for keeps every day in every way, And unlike
the brooding Johnson, Trump is clearly having a ball doing

all this. It is not virtually impossible now for the
media to cover what Trump is doing in full and
perform the vital function of holding him accountable to the
public interest. It's totally impossible. What is shooting out of
the fire hose is just too much, too fast. There
is zero way to keep up with it all. And
while most almost none of it is a surprise, most
of it, despite what the dominant media and Adam Schiff

might think and say, is some combination of popular or
of no interest to the American people. Trump can threaten, frip,
flip flop, eliminate, and dominate. There's no one in the
corral to slow him down right now, let alone stop him. Yes,
at some point he will struggle to get his agenda
through Congress with his partos party's narrow majorities, he have
moved struck down by the courts, and face a democratic

party with its act more together than it is now.
But none of these things are likely to happen to
any significant ext in January, February, or March, or maybe
even beyond that. Barring some unexpected development, this is going
to be quite a run. The man who has dominated
our political media, social cultural lives for a decade is
quite remarkably poised to tower above everyone else, even more

now than ever.

Speaker 2 (20:17):
Before, if he can stay out of his own way,
you know, And that reminds me. The whole thing reminds
me of something I really wanted to point out, very briefly.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Then back to you.

Speaker 2 (20:27):
Trump has answered more questions in last forty eight hours
than Biden did in the last year. He is completely
open to the media, taking critical questions, hard questions about
tough topics, and dealing with them.

Speaker 1 (20:39):
Maybe you like his answers, maybe you hate him.

Speaker 2 (20:41):
He is a paragon, a paragon of transparency compared to
what's gone.

Speaker 1 (20:47):
Before, clearly, and gets no credit for it.

Speaker 2 (20:51):
Right, No, No, even self interest isn't enough reason for
the media to break their ideological lockstep again there I
have nothing but contempt for them.

Speaker 1 (21:03):
Go away, you bother me.

Speaker 2 (21:04):

Speaker 1 (21:04):
I read the thing from George will who absolutely can't
stand Trump, but he wrote in the Washington Post over
the weekend. Once you're past the age of seven, you
start to realize that all presidents are gonna have ups
and downs, do things you like, do things you don't like.
You know, fail at this, succeed at that, see you know,
and they come and they go. So you stop being
quite so wound up about all of it. But it's

interesting Mark Alpern's saying, because even Obama, who's probably the
most popular, he's absolutely the last popular president of the
last thirty years in terms of just ratings and stuff
like that, he had moments where he was really struggling
down in the low forties. After Obama here and stuff
like that. I mean, it comes and it goes. But

Mark Alpern, who understands the way DC works, saying it
could go well beyond March before this ride is over
for Trump. That's interesting, right, ride.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
And so you've got the ride as we're you know,
characterizing it, which is going to be crazy interesting already
has been. I mean the executive orders, I'd say three
quarters of them. I love some of them I'm not
crazy about But to your point, that's life. Then post ride,
when it gets harder, there will still be good things
accomplished guaranteed. So I just you know, I just again,

I hope he can stay out of his own way.

Speaker 1 (22:28):
Yeah, he'pring believes, and I've heard other people say this
that Trump is really driven by he wants to go
down in history as a good president. He wants to
be ranked high on the list of presidents. And that's
why he's calling it the biggest mulligan of all time.
Because he wasn't going to be after term one. He
could have a term two that just obliterates the history

of term one and is barely remembered.

Speaker 2 (22:52):
Well except that it will shade I think the history
of term one, and historians, if we can find any
honest ones, because like all profet there's their ninety seven
to three progressives, they will point out that Trump was
hampered badly in his first turn by the utterly ridiculous accusations.

Speaker 1 (23:12):
Yeah, that'll be lost to history, but just an impossible situation.
I remember when Bob Woodward said that Trump was getting
the most unfair treatment the press is ever giving any president. Yeah,
Bob Woodward, for God's sake.

Speaker 2 (23:24):
Oh so speaking of what has gone before, look, we
got to get our kick and Joe Biden material used
this week, I think, and.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
This is worth mentioning.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
The Daily Mail pulled over one thousand voters in the
United States asking them how they would describe Joe Biden's
time in office, and they went with the word cloud.

Speaker 1 (23:47):
Are you familiar with that? Right?

Speaker 2 (23:49):
Where the most mentioned word is the biggest and it
stands in the middle, then it's surrounded by less used words,
and finally around the edge is you have words that
came up some They were asked what is Joe Biden's
legacy and the number one word was nothing. Now, there

was plenty of worst president ever, good riddance, inflation, just
all sorts of negatives, but the number one word was
he has no legacy.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
I think the legacy will be eventually the mental decline
stuff in the way all that played out.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
In the corruption, there is no way that the the
Biden crime family, shell companies money laundering thing stays undocumented.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
Yeah, I think it'll come. Not optimistic on that one.
I hope you're right.

Speaker 2 (24:53):
Yeah, although you know, there's a lot of it. That's
I mean, there's so much circumstantial evidence it makes oj
look innocent, and that was conveniently ignored. But yeah, yeah,
I think you're right. And the longer we go, the
farther we get from his presidency, the more negative historians
will consider it. Except for your cabal of super progressive historians.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
Well even then, I think they're pretty pissed off. And
he set it up for a loss to Trump.

Speaker 2 (25:23):
Well, yeah, there is no really no constituency for senile
old Joe Biden pretending he's not he's not an insisting
on running again.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
I mean there was for.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
A minute, just because Democrats are like, I don't know
what to do and we got to beat Trump, so
yay Joe. He's the best version of Joe Biden ever
and if you don't like get fu. He could barely
keep up with him behind the scenes. But once the
jig was up, at this point, there is zero constituency

for Joe Biden.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
Wasn't senile. I quite a few people in my neighborhood
had a variety of up with the Democrats signs leading
up to the election. Almost all of them are down now.
I thought they were all down. But my thirteen year
old came in the house after walking the dog yesterday.
He said, one of our neighbors still has a hairy
Balls sign in their yard. Wait what he calls the

Harris Walls sign? Oh, that's in. He's a thirteen year
old boy. That's a good boy. Kind of kind of
kind of fits with the thirteen year old boy thing.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
Man, is, I've got to walk the dog every damn day,
no matter the weather. Blah blah blah. That's the one
thing I miss about having kids free employees. Oh yeah, yeah,
But I need the exercise, that's the problem. So I
go back and forth on that. Hey, could you bring
in the waters about just about you know, five things
of water bring him into the house, or I should

carry him in.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
I need the exercise. But man, having a high school
kid that can do that pretty handy. Don't you bring
him in? Set them up? Won't you bring in the
trash cans? I'll need to sit here on the couch. Hey,
do you are you rooting for any football team, any
of the four you have any interest? I'm a Chiefs fan, obviously.
I grew up in Kansas, I've seen more Chiefs losses
at Arrowhead than practically anybody that was in those stands

on Sunday. Right. Yeah, you know what, Honestly, I'm rooting
for Washington just because I'm I would be my daughter's
either a great turnaround story, a great up and coming
young team, and my daughter's boyfriend is a huge Commanders fan,
so I'm rooting for this. So currently the Chiefs are
a two point favorite over the Bills, and then the
NFC game, the Eagles are a six point favorite over

the six seed Washington team. But if the Chiefs places
face the Commanders, I think it'll be a good the
Indian team that wouldn't change their name in the face
of political crisis pressure and the Indian team that did
change their name in the face of the pressure coming together.
That's what I like.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
Love the Bills, love the Chiefs, don't care about the AFC.
Either way, It'll be a super exciting ste Super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (28:00):
Hope, so well, we will finish strong next mark my.

Speaker 8 (28:04):
Words, Fisher's gonna judge your You've done as one of
the most significant contributions has been a babe by all
of America.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
Okayrshot, would you go to a Playboy Cardi concert if
you were me, if you're a middle aged white guy,
or Ken Carson or several of the other high profile ruppers.
Travis Scott, how about that one? Would you go to

a Travis Scott concert if you were me? And if
you have any experience in this, text me because my
son wants to go. He wants that for a present.
I took Henry to a big concert, the Eagles. I'm
perfectly comfortable there, but I don't know what it'd be
like for me at a Travis Scott concert, for instance.
So text line four one five KFTC.

Speaker 2 (28:51):
You weren't afraid of crazed octagenarian Joe Walsh might storm
you from the stage and assault you somehow.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
I've watched some of the videos and it looks a
little hectic, but we'll see.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
Yeah, the hippotie hop concerts, you might stand out a
little bit there, But I don't know much about it.
So Lord knows there is a hero among us. If
you love freedom, liberty. Javier Malai, the president or is
it Melee of Argentina. He is about a year into

his presidency. He vowed to cut regulations, cut the size
of the government, free up the economy and and the
absolutely ruinous socialist rule in Argentina, and it is working
better than anybody expected. His success so far has been

absolutely stunning. He has cut more than nine hundred regulations,
splashed real public spending by thirty percent, fired thirty six
thousand public workers, which doesn't sound like a lot, but
Argentina is a much smaller country than the United States.
The inflation that was crippling Argentina has has plunged. He

shut down the Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity, halted
many public works, sharply, curb tensions, slice subsidies that, among
other things, provided Argentine Tinians with nearly free electricity. It's
unbelievably bold leadership.

Speaker 1 (30:22):
Yeah, and one of the great experiments of conservative ism, libertarianism,
depending on how you're defining those terms, that we've had
in the world in quite a while. And to see
it be successful is awesome. Right now.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
The uncomfortable part he is under pressure to get people
back to work. Having ended the cradle to grave, you
can sit on the couch and be fine culture of
socialist Argentina. So now it's time for the investment to
flow in and the economy to really take off to
create the jobs that they need, which is obviously necessary.

I would love to say American companies investing in Argentina
just as a vote to support for what he's doing.
But recently Argentina ranked one hundred and forty fifth in
the world in terms of economic freedom, just ahead of Pakistan.
Oh wow, oh yeah, but they are now surging ahead.

But it's time again for the obvious and brilliant maneuvers
to get the economy unleashed. It's time for it to
get going, and I'm rooting like crazy for him and
the people of Argentina by extension.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
Obviously it'll probably pass California soon. It may.

Speaker 2 (31:40):
Yeah, unwinding because you've asked this in various forms through
the years, and everybody wonders, how do you unwind the
people's complete dependence on a giant, bloated government.

Speaker 1 (31:55):
We would take generations. It's not something you can do immediately.

Speaker 2 (31:57):
I don't think, well, yeah, it's gonna be hard, and
it's going to be slow, and it requires the conditions
being so miserable that people think, you know what, this
is going to be incredibly disruptive for a while.

Speaker 1 (32:10):
But we've got to try this, So he got and
he got.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
Argentina used to be a rich economy, a rich, super
productive economy, and socialism killed it.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
Because he's famous now, he got to play with the
Rolling Stones. He was in a Rolling Stones cover band
when he was in his early twenties. Never dreamed that
there'd be a possibility he'd actually get to do it
with the Stones. But because he's a rock star of
a politician, he actually had the opportunity to do that.
Last year. I think it was, Oh, that's crazy. I
missed that. Oh yeah, if you haven't listened to him,

talked for two hours on the Lex Friedman podcast from
a couple of weeks ago. It's really interesting, fascinating, dude.

Speaker 8 (32:48):

Speaker 2 (32:50):
Guy is undoing Gavin Newsom's dream civilization in Argentina. All
prices were fixed by the government on how much you
could sell to prop up this requirement that you do
this a certain amount to prop up that the government
was in charge of everything and they were just ruined
by it.

Speaker 1 (33:12):
Well, you have to go pretty far down that road though,
before people are willing to try something.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
To do Yeah, that's the thing that is the things Tim stop,
Jack and Joe.

Speaker 1 (33:24):
They've got go and if they don't give, can they
be bats.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
In my road?

Speaker 1 (33:31):
Here's your host for final thoughts, Joe Getty. My final
thought is one final.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
Detail from the Argentine story in a moment first though,
our technical director Michael Angelo will lead us off with
the final thought, Michael.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
Hey, you know this Joe Biden clip? Mark my words.

Speaker 8 (33:48):
Fisher's gonna judge with you. Don as Vanco's significant concrusis
has been invaded by all of America.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
That may be my favorite Biden clip, and it came
at the end of her presidency. But I think it's
the best one. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
So was an exclamation point, wasn't it? Katie green Are
esteemed to Newswoman as a final.

Speaker 1 (34:04):
Thought, Katie, I'm just glad Joe Biden can finally just
walk away, go to the beach, have some ice cream,
and do all of the things he should be doing.
Why did they come to California? Why did they fly
out to California? That doesn't seem like Wrey heaved a
vacation crazy rich Donor was putting them up in their mansion.
Jack final thought for us, how about a lot of
you don't know who Travis Scott is He's the biggest

rapper in the world. He is the biggest thing gulling.
I don't know if I could ever get tied his
Nike shoes. He has his own Nikes, like Jordan has Nikes.
Travis Scott is Nikes. There's not a pair you can
get anywhere in the world for less than I think
six hundred dollars. They're so in demand. My final thought is.

Speaker 2 (34:42):
Producers in Argentine estimate that their costs have declined by
thirty percent because of regulations being cut back and the
government has been shrunk. Unfortunately, they shuddered a museum dedicated
to the history of men's suits.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
Do you want to go to the Men's Suits Museum? Oh? Man,
the pants wing is under refurbishing. It's closed to go
next year. Sorry kids. Armstrong and Getty wrapping up another
grueling four hour workday.

Speaker 2 (35:15):
So many people to thanks, so little time. Go to
Armstrong and Getty dot com for the hot links. Oh
all that interesting stories to click on and read and
view in the rest of it, drop us a note
if we ought to be talking about something. Mail bag
at Armstronganghetti dot com, pickups, angy swag.

Speaker 1 (35:29):
Oh people love the Adidas hoodie. I thought of that
because we were at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum
and some of the coolest spaceship stuff was under renovation.
You couldn't see it. It's like, what, let us peak
at it. See you tomorrow. God bless America. I'm Strong
and Getty. Hey, nobody got time for it.

Speaker 5 (35:49):
And child listeners, sorry, are you we're hitting breaking news.

Speaker 4 (35:53):
They either have a death wish, they're stupid, or there's
something else going on that we don't understand.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
Twist you or knots you do this to my stay here.
I mean, if anyone think that's bonkers, it's like, well,
we're on the brink.

Speaker 8 (36:07):
No, have any of you guys asked them to step
down and resign where they're ding?

Speaker 2 (36:10):

Speaker 1 (36:12):
I know, Bye, Bye, Armstrong and Getty.
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