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May 6, 2024 12 mins

We're Cleaning Out the Sound Fridge, featuring a full explanation of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem's comments about killing farm animals--plus some clips from The Tom Brady Roast! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Cleaning out the sound fridge because there was a goat
in there. Huh, it's one more thing, one more thing.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
I don't like these nonsensical teases. They leaves me wondering
what's happening.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
Goat is in greatest of all time, Tom Brady if
part of cleaning out of sound fridge, not the.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Not the bearded can eating beast.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Oh you know what that reminds me? This is this
is a audible at the line of scrimmage like Tom
Brady himself would make. I wanted you to comment on this,
and we never got to it on the show. Uh
this is uh uh. What's the Brendan woman's name on
Face the Nation? Margaret Margaret Brennan. Boy, is she a
piece of work? Anyway? This is with the dog murdering

Christy home of South Dakota. Dog had it coming in
my world, but anyway, didn't like the way he looked
at me. Hey, it's reality, Katie, wake up and smell
the reality.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
Sorry, I'm not a dog.

Speaker 1 (01:01):
I'm not either. I just support them anyway. There are
subtleties here, folks. I'm just being broad for the purposes
of humor. But Michael play us thirty five.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
Because you put it in a part of a chapter
called bad Day to be a Goat. And then after
you shot the dog, you quote realized another unpleasant job
needed to be done. Walking back up to the yard,
I spotted our billy goat. You said he smelled and
would chase kids, so you took him to the gravel
pit and shot him twice. How do you justify that?

How was the goat a threat? And I'm asking you
this because it seems like you're celebrating the killing of
the animals, not at all.

Speaker 4 (01:41):
This has been a story that my political opponents have
tried to use against me for years. It's well known
in South Dakota and it has been to other people.
And I want the truth to be out there and
to understand that these animals were attacking my children, that
we live on a farm in a ranch, and that
tough decisions are made many times and it is to

protect people. And I'll tell you the extremism of other
people and how they have attacked me politically, I understand it.
They're doing the same thing to me that they do
to Donald T.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
Everybody not know this since you're newer to the show,
but I have dispatched of quite a few different kinds
of animals living out on farms. I won't get into
all the details many have talked about on the air.
Some I have not because I know how people who
are from urban areas react to this sort of thing.
But particularly with a goat, where do you think what
do you think happens to most goats? Do you think

they mostly die of old age? Do you think that's
where most goats go on a goat retirement hall? I
would like to think so. They get slaughtered for meat,
almost all of them.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
Best burger I ever had was a goat burger, by
the way, and.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
Being you know, I suppose you could get into the
intricacies of the way they kill goats at rendering plants
versus shooting in the head. I don't even know how
they dispatch a goat, so I've seen cattle dispatched before,
but probably but getting a shot in the head is
not worse than what they're gonna do to the goat
if it goes to the rendering plant.

Speaker 1 (03:05):
Right, And the thing I was gonna bring up is,
I know you've dealt with super aggressive goats, and the
idea that how is the goat and roosters.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
And dogs and all kinds of animals neighbor anyway, get
behind though the birds men that whole story. I won't
even get that one again.

Speaker 1 (03:22):
Yeah, the day the California condor was bothering Michael and
he shot it out of this anyway, back to you,
that's a joke, folks, especially federal agent folks. No, but
a super aggressive billy goat around children is an enormous risk.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
Well, yeah, yes, it's true. But it doesn't even need
she doesn't even need to justify it. What we wanted
to eat it? We needed less goats. Is it perfectly
good enough reason we needed less goats? What else are
you gonna do with it? It's quite possible as a male,
as an uncut male, which is why it smelled. So
you probably don't know this either, Katie. Male goats stick

their head between their legs and pee on their face.
That's a fun fact. That's a goat thing, fun goat fact.
So there are a reason, yes, because they want to
make themselves as smelly as possible. It's got something to
do with if I'm smellier than that, dude, it's going
to attract more female goats. But they smell horrible, but

any erisive scent. The fact that she said this was
a smelly goat leads me to believe that it was
a male. So you got an uncut male goat and
you don't need it. You can't freaking give those things away. Honestly,
I know for a fact I've lived in this world.
There are fifty goats at the farm my own right now,
So they're worthless. So what do you think's gonna happen

to it? What are you gonna do with it? Just
you don't need it anymore? Is the reason that people
would dispatch of it.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
That's a farm animal.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
So I don't know what to tell people. Where do
you think meat comes from?

Speaker 1 (04:56):
Animals that volunteered to be on plates? All right, enough
goat murder, let's move on clean out sound for I
was gonna say, thanks metal guys. I was gonna say, like.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
Then, writing a book where you put the name of
the chapter bad Day to be a goat, I don't
get that. I mean, what is your what is your
angle that you know what that is? Honestly, that's a
person who spent her entire life around people who understand
what you just said.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
Yeah, but and she lacks the imagination or insight or
advisors to understand. Okay, in urban America, suburban America, whatever,
we got to take a really different tone with us.
I know it's silly, but we do.

Speaker 2 (05:37):
Like, so, how do you feel about roosters as a
suburban person in your whole life? There, Katie, we had
a rooster jumped on Sam's shoulders when he was like
two years old, started pecking him. I shot that thing
a half hour.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
Later, barbaric.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
I've heard that roosters can be really mean, so I
I mean, shoot away, Jack. I don't know. I have
zero experience with this. So yeah, well as do most people.
But you know, if you'll be vice president of the
United States, you got to have a better idea of
what things sound like to suburban voters. And the way
Margaret Brennan laid it out there made it sound like
she went on a rampage.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
You know.

Speaker 2 (06:10):
Oh, you shot the dog, then you took the goat
to the gravel pit, you.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
Know, like you know, honestly, Katie, I got to admit
I kind of got the feeling that Margaret had her suerve.
She was kind of felt like she had momentum, you know,
got a little blood loss going, all right, what else
around here needs to die?

Speaker 2 (06:26):
She got all warmed up.

Speaker 1 (06:27):
Got a little feel of that to me.

Speaker 2 (06:29):
Yeah, okay, yeah, well you might actually do it that
way because you just don't bring out the gun all
the time. So you've got a couple of animals now
that need to go. You might do it the same afternoon.

Speaker 1 (06:38):
You know what, You're right because you don't particularly want to.
It's not an easy thing to do, and you'd think,
all right, I've gotten over the revulsion, let's get it done.
All right, you know what? I sit corrected. I apologize
to rural America for my stupid, soft, suburban lack of
the reality. Now, can we move on to the jokes

unless there's I don't know, a.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
Cat you would like to No, no, no, no, no
no no, no, all right, super let's do h But
it's okay, And now I'm back to this.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Uh oh, I don't did she say.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
This on the air?

Speaker 5 (07:12):

Speaker 2 (07:12):
In case she didn't say it on the air, I
won't specify who, but we had a guest who grew
up in China. I think she did, just in case
she did, not momentary, but we had a guest who
grew up in China, back in the day when it
was mostly really poor and they didn't get to eat
all the time, and there were straight cats all over
the place, so they go. She would grab a straight cat,

put it in a bucket of water, and put the
lid on it till it was drowned, and then they
would eat the cat. That struck me as pretty rough,
even though I've grown up with more of a realistic
about animal's lifestyle. But imagine that compared to the way
Margaret Brennan and others are reacting to the shooting the goat.

I mean, that's I'm not saying it's good, but it's
just different ways you grew up the reality's of life.

Speaker 1 (08:01):
You know what. I remember the night I'd meant to
read my kids The catt and I accidentally read them
the Cat in the Bucket.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Oh story, it's very different. And that's why they're on
the couch every night talking to a therapist. I mean,
I was shocked by that story. Here's this woman talking
about when she was a kid, she'd go grab a cat,
putt in a bucket, and put a lid on it.
I mean, that's rough. That's desperation, though and you're starving.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Okay, Yeah, it reminds me of I used to talk
about this a lot. There's like a continuum, a spectrum
from uh, necessity to nicety. There's like you are a
moment from death and you do whatever it takes to
stave off death. Then you move into your poor you're
in a poor society, you're in an okay society, and

then you're a very very rich person in a rich society.
And the only thing you need to worry about is
that last tenth of a percent of nicety, of fanciness
or culture or whatever. And so much a human life,
where you are on that spectrum determines what you do
and why you do it.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
But Margaret Brennan and others made it seem like Christy
Nome shoots animals because you know, I was having a
bad day, and you know what makes me feel good
ending life?

Speaker 1 (09:15):
It just does right right, Like she went into some
suburban backyard and gun down a golden retriever. Oh God,
after the neighbors pets. All right, right, I don't like
that one either, k Bluie, That's not what occurred.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
I'm gonna have to read Cat in a bucket.

Speaker 1 (09:33):
O sing one and thing two. It's just it's just terrible.
Oh boy, oh boy. Do we want to play a
couple of these jokes? That was the original plan? Yeah,
all right, go ahead with two. Michael.

Speaker 5 (09:48):
President Trump, for the first time in his trial, wrote
a message on a yellow post a note and handed
it to his lawyer while he was making an argument.
The post it read, simply can't pay you.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
That's jo If you know Trump's history is a developer.
That's a pretty good joke. All right, let's do number five.

Speaker 5 (10:09):
An eleven day cruise is being offered next year from
Miami to the Caribbean in which passengers will be nude.
The cruise will offer pickleball, cornhole and also games.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Play that one on the air. Yeah, that's rough, speaking
of things probably shouldn't be aired. Six.

Speaker 5 (10:30):
A new a new report chronicles a disorder called sexsomnia,
in which people try to have sex while they're asleep.
The report was written by someone named Phil Fosby.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Pretty cool, that's what's that reference to Bill Cosby?

Speaker 5 (10:50):

Speaker 1 (10:50):
Got it, got it, Phil Fosby. Sorry, did they show
a picture? That's yeah? Okay, any nose and glasses. It's
like you usually get jokes. I get it.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Usually I get jokes that's good.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
And this is you just want to hit ten and
then call it good. This is just interesting. Ah, Michael,
anything we need to know about this one?

Speaker 2 (11:11):
No, I just didn't know about this.

Speaker 1 (11:12):

Speaker 6 (11:13):
A lot of employers are using AI to scan resumes
before they even read them. The problem there is that
AI will say you're not a good fit if the
formatting is an AI friendly. Sorry, I don't know how
to make a resume AI friendly. Step one, you're going
to highlight the entire job description and you are going
to copy it then paste it onto your resume. Then
you're going to make that text super tiny and in

white ink, so it's not visible to the human eye,
but to AI it still sees it and it reads
every keyword that is there, so your resume looks like
it's a great fit.

Speaker 2 (11:44):

Speaker 1 (11:45):
Okay, Wow, that plucky young lady's got some good advice.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
So all the who's and whovill marched to the gravel
pit what they had going wah? Alright, Well, I guess
that's it.
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