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May 1, 2024 14 mins

First, Jack talks about a new safety feature available for motorcycle riders.  Next, we're Cleanin' Out the Sound Fridge! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And now a brief musical interlude. It's one more thing.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
I'm strong and getty.

Speaker 1 (00:06):
One more thing.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
I don't know what that is, but before we get
to it, I am a motorcycle rider. Really, you didn't
know that.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
I did not know that.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
Oh man, that's my life. Man.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
Oh cool?

Speaker 2 (00:23):
Sometimes eight years old? Awesome. Every year I think this
might be the last year I ride, mostly because of
freaking people drive like crazy. I'm not worried about me.
I'm just worried about somebody hitting me. That's not you know,
texting or whatever. When you're riding a motorcycle, you start

looking in windows and everybody's texting. You think, yesh. AnyWho.
Then every year, that's.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
That's the main reason I stopped. There's just no where
I could ride that I didn't have to, you know,
go through death defying traffic.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Every year the weather turns and I say, get on
my motorcycle, and I think, yeah, it's too much fun.
Next year A quick but I just saw the first
ad I've ever seen for air bags for motorcyclists. I
think I'd heard about this, but I'd never seen an
ad for it before. Wow, you wear this thing. It
looks like a plastic vest. It's got an air bag

on the front of the back, and like air bags
in the car, it can go off in milliseconds. Yeah,
and I guess that would protect you. I mean, so
I ain't gonna help my head. I didn't hurt. Yeah,
that's funny. One guy I know, I got hit. He
got his his Uh. I tell my son this because

he's in the riding motorcycles.

Speaker 1 (01:38):

Speaker 2 (01:39):
The number one wreck for motorcyclists is somebody turning left
in front of you. They don't see it coming. It's
that weird thing the way the brain works. You're looking
for cars, so you don't see the motorcycle. It's it's
funny that the brain can work that way. Yeah, but anyway,
that's the number one fatality wreck for motorcycles. First of all,

of all motorcycle fatalities are alcohol related, So if you
don't get drunk on your motorcycle, you cut down your
chances of dying by quite a bit. And secondly, the
number one reason is people turn left in front of you.
So I tell my son I look out for I
just assume they're going to turn Just assume I had
a friend who started riding motorcycles in his fifties. I
never like to hear that it's not the time to

pick up a new skill that requires a lot of
muscle memory that you should have built for many, many years.
But anyway, so they turned the left in front of
him and hit him in the side, and it punctured
his lungs and stuff like that. I wonder if the
airbag thing probably gonna help with that, maybe could have. Yeah,
it's intriguing, it is intriguing. But then are you laying
on top of this big pillow thing and rolling around

in the street.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
I'm alive, I don't care, Yeah exactly, but it's please.

Speaker 1 (02:46):
My entire life is an embarrassment. So that wouldn't you know,
that wouldn't even register. It's alit.

Speaker 2 (02:51):
I have to look into that. Maybe that becomes a
thing I get for my son.

Speaker 3 (02:54):
And they are looking too, I mean it looks like
a regular vest.

Speaker 2 (02:57):
No, they look cool. Yeah, it helps a lot.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
Oh yeah, you don't look like the Michelin man riding
down the road. Yeah, So why do we do this first? Michael?
We're kind of cleaning out the sound Forridge, I suppose.
But clip number twenty thanks Metal Guy.

Speaker 4 (03:15):
Twenty one Department moving to reclassify marijuana as a less
dangerous drug. The DEA is proposing to allow the medical
use of cannabis, acknowledging it does less harm than other
drugs like heroin and ecstasy, but the proposal would still
not legalize it for recreational use. Although many states have
already done so, the federal regulatory review will likely take months.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
I've long thought it needs to be taken off of
Schedule one, just so that we can do more experiments
to understand the effect of THHC, particularly in high doses
to young brains. You can't. It's incredibly difficult and complicated
to do medical experiments with Schedule one stuff. You just

have to go through layers and layers of bureaucracy and
permits and that sort of thing. I think we ought
to be damned knowledgeable about what pot does to young brains.
Like to quote the former Governor Reagan of California, like
the day before yesterday.

Speaker 2 (04:13):
Well, another thing I worry about with raising kids is,
you know, pot's legal and available everywhere. But from what
I understand, and I never got into pots, so I
don't know much about it. But like I was talking
to some of the other day pot fiend, former pot fiend,
who's just talking about pot today or the stuff you
can buy at the at the dispensaries compared to what

they smoked when they were like in high school. And
it's just a completely different world words, world of how
strong it is according to them. And so can we
come up with like different names. I mean, like as
we talk about beer and whiskey, we don't usually refer
to alcohol just in general, you know, or you had.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
An alcohol last night? Right? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (04:55):
Right? Can we do that with pot where we like
change what are you talking about here?

Speaker 1 (05:02):
Well, yeah, that's that's an interesting idea. You could you
could discuss the THHC concentration or the you know, whatever
ended up in your bloodstream. I didn't even know what
terminology to use, but yeah, you're absolutely right. I mean,
because the the you know, when I when I was
in college, we would have what we called Iowa ditchweed,
which was not very potent at all, and then occasionally

you'd get the sticky bud, the Vulcan mind eraser, and
they were completely different. It was like a glass of
beer and a glass of whiskey, as you point out,
and it's yeah, we're just we're way, way too cavalier.
I'm not anti legalization exactly, but I read a lot
about the problems of overuse, especially among young people, and

it's serious. It can cause serious, terrible neurological problems, and
you don't want to be cavalier about it. I'm a libertarian.
I believe in knowing exactly what I'm putting in my body.
And if I decide to do something stupid because I
like to alter my senses, that's my But I don't.
I'm not pro stupidity or ignorance. Know what you're doing,

Know what that substance is, what it does to your brain.
I was just reading about this syndrome where you have
permanent changes to your brain from psychedelics. It's fairly rare.
Some people will get it, like after the first time.
Some because they're acid heads. I've known acid casualties and
their lives are not good. But it became clear to
me as I got out of my younger years and

was kind of in not middle aged, but just before
it whatever, that is the idea that I'm I'm gonna
mess with my brain chemistry and then it'll go back
to normal is quite an It's a dangerous game to
play because sometimes it doesn't go back to normal and
you should know that. So there's way a sermon.

Speaker 2 (06:45):
This pot fiend I was talking about was talking about
how they grew up on the East Coast and were
used to regularly using pot and then came to California
and this was years ago, but they smoke pot in California.
It's like, whoa, what the hell is that? And so
I mean, so you know, to have one term that
applies on Cheech and Chong were not, you know, sitting

around in their van. Cheach and Chong movies were popular
in the seventies and eighties there, Katie, I know, Cheaching
Chong are pot smokers, but we played guitars with Chong
in the studio once years ago. Remember that.

Speaker 1 (07:18):
Yeah, Tommy Chong, good charming guy. Yeah, couldn't have been sweeter.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
But Cheach and Chong, we're not sitting around smoking the pot.
But it is gonna make your brain melt and you're
useless for the day. That's a different thing.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
My mom thinks Cheach and Chong are the two funniest
people on the planet, And for her birthday, I got
her a cameo from Tommy Chong.

Speaker 2 (07:35):
Oh cool.

Speaker 3 (07:36):
Yeah, of him singing Happy Birthday to my mom. It
was awesome.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
What did that cost?

Speaker 3 (07:41):
I think it was just like one hundred and fifty bucks?
I don't really remember.

Speaker 1 (07:44):
Yeah, I didn't guess that about your mom. Okay, Oh,
speaking of which, why not, let's play clip eleven. This
is the original artist. This is Afro man.

Speaker 5 (07:59):
He was gonna get his laptop fixed, but he wasn't
gonna show off and picks. Come on, Hilary Bleacht job.

He was gonna go visit is dead. But god, he
thought he had a secret stash, but the White House
got shut down.

Speaker 2 (08:36):
We all know what. Come on, man, So Colin jo
just made a joke the other night at the White
House Correspondents Dinner about that being his cocaine that was
found at the White House? That ever get nailed down?

Whose cocaine that was?

Speaker 1 (08:59):
No? And, as commentators pointed out, including me at the time,
the only way that answer doesn't surface is that they
didn't want the answer to surface. The Secret Service didn't
the most surveilled building on Earth, right, come on, I

have no idea who Fernando Euphrit is in clip number ten.

Speaker 3 (09:28):
He's a musician and he does impressions and he's all
over Instagram and TikTok.

Speaker 1 (09:34):
Okay, all right, I'm old and I'm on hip to
this sort of thing. On the other hand, I do
know the song, and I am familiar with the singer,
Michael Unleisha. Would you please you gay.

Speaker 5 (09:58):

Speaker 3 (09:59):
Ca name?

Speaker 2 (10:00):
I want Tim back.

Speaker 3 (10:05):
A bag.

Speaker 6 (10:10):
I had.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
Damn back.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
So why is Cartman singing a Rolling Stones classic?

Speaker 3 (10:20):
Because he can jack?

Speaker 2 (10:22):
Because it's hilarious.

Speaker 6 (10:23):
This why although in this I mean if somebody told me, hey,
you want to hear Eric Cartman sing Painted Black and
did this, I would be rolling around laughing and admiring
their skills.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
A I'll do it in a second.

Speaker 3 (10:40):
Part of this guy looks he's a he looks like
a big bad zezy top beard motorcycle guy, looks like
a metal rocker.

Speaker 2 (10:49):
That he did he does a good Cartman.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
Yeah, yeah, but again I'll ai the guy's face and
his beard and the guitar and somebody singing like Cartman,
and it'll take a tenth of a second. That's copyrighting, goddamnit.
See that's that's that's that's it's right, Katie. There's no
fun in that. It's it's like sucking the soul out

of human life.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
Well, we gotta we'll have to figure that out. I
don't know how people are going to react to.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
That by dying off, that's how they're going to react
to it. Well, my kind is going to die off.
The example I.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
Keep using it on the whole AI thing is so, uh,
computers finally got better than humans at chess. But like
competitive chess is more popular than it's ever been. It
didn't ruin it like a lot of people thought it would.
The computers are better than Magnus Carlson is the world's
best chess player, but he's the most popular chess player
since I don't know, going the way way back, So.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
Is that the guy who put a viral egg up him? No?

Speaker 2 (11:46):
No, no, no, he does. He does not was the
other guy? He does not chang But anyway, so people
still appreciate the human bees.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
Wait, Katie's making.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
Her Wait a minute, what did you miss?

Speaker 1 (11:57):

Speaker 2 (11:57):
There was a competitive chess guy who was winning a
lot of matches, and they finally figured out that he
was cheating by he had he had suitcased a vibrating
piece of equipment that.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
His confederate who was watching the match would signal him
the proper move to make, so.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
He had allegedly. I don't think it's allegedly. I think
it's nailed down.

Speaker 3 (12:23):
Let's see at night too, King three. So how did
they how did they bust him?

Speaker 1 (12:30):
They strip search at the end of every match?

Speaker 2 (12:35):
Did this happen? We went, We went pretty uh yeah,
what you don't when you play chess, you don't have
a body cavity search. That's just part of the routine.
By the way, the game is chest Michael. Uh, we
went big on this story because it was so damned
entertaining at the time. So he was he was not
that good a chess player, because they actually have rankings,
and he was not the good and all of a

sudden he started beating all these people, so they knew
something was up, and uh, how about you up?

Speaker 1 (13:02):

Speaker 2 (13:03):
How they figured he had a vibrating egg up his heinie?
I don't remember how they nailed that down. Oh boy,
that's a commitment to the sport.

Speaker 1 (13:10):
Though the sport of chess, you're gonna feel a little
pressure and it's soft to the chess board, and.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
I'd be thinking to the chess player who's watching the
match and giving me hints. Oh was that two dots
and one dash or two? I hate to do it,
ask for it again, but I missed that signal?

Speaker 1 (13:29):
Rat or maybe you start thinking, hey, yeah, give me
that signal and again, just so I can be sure.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
Yeah, I missed that one. How about four more times
on that signal?

Speaker 3 (13:37):
I wonder how many options of cheating they went through
before they landed on this one.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
Seems like there would have to be a better one. Yeah,
maybe yeah.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
His confederate kept coming up with other ideas. He say, no,
let's go with you.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
Now, I'm committed to having the egg up me. Well,
I could just get a laser pointer and maybe shine
on the wall. No, no, no, no care, I think
let me stick with the egg.

Speaker 3 (14:05):
There's a guy that was a backgammon champion, but I'm
not going to tell the story. It's too horrible.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
String and away, yess

Speaker 2 (14:15):
Well, I guess that's it.
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