Episode Transcript
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It's the Valentine in the Morning replayWelcome to the breakfast table a Valentine in
the Morning. I laughed heartily.Oh my God, help us respectful to
say I love you. The fullshow podcast starts right now. One of
four three My fami eat is Valentinein the Morning. I had to renew
my driver's license, and luckily itwas just online. I didn't have to
like retake a test or can't youdo the thing? The real idea not
yet, and only because we're goingto be doing some traveling really soon and
I didn't know if I would haveenough time to And I'm also gonna be
changing my last name so that I'lldo my real life before it works for
everything. Yeah, then I figured, if I get my real ID,
I can put my new last nameand then that's that. That's cute.
But I did the whole thing,and then it told me like, okay,
you know, between three to sixweeks whenever you'll get your new license.
And then it gave me a temporarylicense and I went to go print
it out. They never asked meif my weight has changed. Oh,
I love that. I love thatis my high school weight. Yeah,
we've got a winner. I couldn'tbelieve it. I'm fifteen pounds heavier than
what it is. It that's it, that's it, You've won. Congratulations.
Fifteen pounds. Yeah, Jill,that's amazing. Wait really, oh
my god, Oh okay, ohmy god, okay, I'm like from
like not even my high school weight. I'm like sixty pounds heavier. Yeah.
People usually gained that in the firstyear of college. Oh, I'd
try to call it the freshman fifteen. Well, I've definitely amazed. I
definitely weighed more than I do.Now that's great. Congratulations, Well,
thank you. You want some cookies? I do, Actually, you do.
But my driver's license is that weightis a lot different than what it
is now. It's fifteen. That'snothing. Nobody would notice that. I
am so mad. I didn't frustrated, Like Jill commits a crime and they're
trying to identify and they look atour license and they say, well,
they assail it was fifteen. Well, this can't be her. It's not
her. Else, fifteen pounds isnothing. People can gain that in a
weekend. Oh yes, to meetenough nachos for those of us that were
one eighty five and are still sayingthere one eighty five, they're coming in
at two forty. Give me abreak. All right, right, I'm
not looking for any You're a beautifulman. Why do you close your eyes?
And said that? You close youreyes and said that, but fifteen
is nothing. I got this nothing. Okay, Brian's six feet on his
license. I probably weigh the samefor my Oh guess hate you. I've
never liked you. I imagine thesame. I put my goal weight when
I for my license to a nicejob. I like that. I did
mine too. I put my goalweight and she goes, no, we're
not good. We're not going ButJohn, was your goal weight more than
what you weigh? Oh? Absolutely? Yeah, yeah. I was going
to hit the gym hard over this. Who are you people? Hey,
look, I'm looking at all anumber. It's just a number, wealthy.
Do you feel good? No,it's bad. They must be the
babies. The famous babies are comingout. It's Valentine in the morning,
one of four to three MYFM sixtwenty four. We're gonna play Famous Babies
coming up next. And what wedo is we pick one celebrity, one
famous person, and let me giveyou clues as what could have happened in
the delivery room. So whether that'sabout their career, about their life growing
up, about their family, wephrase it in a way of a baby
coming out, and today's is adoozy. Today is a big famous celebrity,
very famous baby. So call rightnow if you want to play eight
sixty six five four four MYFM,and here's your first clue. Imagine this
famous baby coming out, knowing oneday they will be an actor and director
with ten Oscar nominations. Oh wow, Call right now if you want to
play, and take your guests eightsixty six five four four MA FM.
Weather Today if you're wanting cloud,sunny, warm, Staff today in temps
seventies to mid eighties sixty three andCompton sixty four Percentia Jill Scott. The
entertainment headlines coming up. Paul Giamatihas just been cast in a new film
and he is going to be themain villain. I'll tell you what show
it is coming up with six fifty. It is a Wednesday. We're playing
that game, the famous Baby's comingout. Who they're coming it's a very
famous baby. Today. We're gonnagive you some clues and you just gotta
tell us who the famous person isthat we're talking about. All right,
let's meet today's contestant, Mary Lou. Hey, Mary Lou, how are
you hi? Good morning? Getssuch a fun name, Mary Lou.
The two name thing is so cool, isn't it, Mary Lou? Yes,
Yes, Peggy, Sue, SallyAnn, Mary Lou. I love
it. Well, here we go, Mary Lou. Best of luck to
you. All right, Mary Lou, imagine this famous baby coming out,
knowing one day they will be namedthe greatest actor of the twenty first century.
Greatest Actor. Danzel Washington, Yeah, wow are you wow? Where
you're right? Holy? Okay,my god, Paul, Ben Brandon,
Delilah, Dave, you guys,hang out, we're gonna talk to Don't
go anywhere, but Mary, oh, Mary Lou, look at you all
right, Mary Lou. You wantto marry to get to see Hansen at
to Alasko on November tenth. Congratulations, nice, thank you, nice you
have. Mary Luis had two namething, you know what I mean?
Den Zell Mary Lou, I justthought I'm a big actres That's the first
thing that came to Mark. Yeah. No, he's famous, he's good.
He's a great actor. Hang out. We'll get y'all sent. Okay,
thank you, Thank you, love, Paul. I'm Sorryorry, She's
good, right? What can Isay? Yeah? That was interesting?
I know she nailed it right away. What are you doing any way to
work? What's going on? Yes? I'm heading to work. Okay.
What do you do for a living? I work at a hospital. Very
cool? All right, Well,I hope you have a great day.
I hope it's a very easy,uneventful day for you. I hope so
too. Okay, thank you,Love, thanks for calling it. Thank
you, Ben. What's up,buddy? How are you? Hey?
Good morning? How's life looking.What's the big news with your family?
Anything going on? Uh? Well, my sister's in Switzerland right now,
so I'm totally jealous right now.What is she doing in Switzerland? What
she got going on over there?She's she's with my aunt on a vacation.
She's a long needed break. She'sa nurse. Oh, good for
her, Good for her Switzerland.Does she have relatives or howd you guys
choose Switzerland or her bucket list thatshe's going with? Me? God,
it's beautiful out there, ezy.H Is the aunt paying for it?
Oh? Definitely? Oh, bucketListen. It's amazing how suddenly it's on
your bucket list too, when theant's paying for it, like, oh,
I've always want to go to Switzerlandas well. You know. Well,
Ben Tiller, sit high and havea great day. Okay, buddy,
all right, thank you, appreciationb Bye. Brandon. Good morning.
How are you today? Heay,good morning. I'm good. I'm
a truck driver here in Sambordino.What are you driving? Man? How
many wheels? I'm driving a bottomdone so it has a sixteen wheels and
I was at the Gears show everymorning. I'm doing my route. Dude,
you are the best. Brandon drivingsixteen wheels of opportunity. That's what
he's driving right there. My man, you know what you gotta do.
You got to give me a honkof that horn. Baby, give it
to me like a twelve years oldand the car pulling up next to you.
Come on, all right, Herry, go oh yeah, that's my
man. That felt good. Ilove it. Brandon. We'll till you
get out of bed in the morningfor work man three today it was three
three in the morning. Dear God, you were the backbone of America,
you know, men and women likeyou get up starting their day. Oh
that's us too, get up startingtoday so early. You're the backbone.
Nice job, buddy. I appreciateyou. I appreciate you. Listen,
have a great day and please stayin touch. Okay, all right for
sure, all right, thanks Brandon, by bye? All right, I
got the whole was the best ever? Do girls do that like you didn't?
Road trips? You try and getthe honk from the guy do it.
We were on field trips and everybodyelse was doing it. That was
the only time. Oh yeah,because they're like else doing it. Yeah.
Taylor Swift lover Eat is one offour to three my FM My fam
It is Valentine in the morning.Shout out to my friend Amy Sugarman.
She had a birthday recently. Happybirthday to her. I noticed I got
so much fomo. I was onInstagram last night and she had a birthday
party at Lake Tahoe. Scotti thinkwas there? John Peak? Was there?
A lot of friends of ours andour bosses. It's like, oh
my god, I've known Amy sincelike she was a baby. Yes,
I didn't. I didn't rank hikes. My sisters and I were supposed to
go, but oh, you andyour sister's got invited over me. We
did well. Britt was her assistantfor a very long time. So Britt
worked with her for a while.They developed like a really close friendship.
They talk almost every day. Igave her, well wow in nineteen ninety
six. Wow, that's great.Yeah, so well we were really sad
to miss out. I too.I was said to not be invited,
but I was said to miss ittoo. Yeah, she got a pad.
And how are some of this personwe're talking about that talk with a
bunch of your friends get invited toa party? John Peake like us?
You really love John Peake? Comeon, John Peak's the boss invite you
know what I mean? Like,there's a very boss. I got to
invite him. Oh that stinks.Just even a fake invite would have been
nice. Oh my god, Likeyou know, I've known her, of
course, But from what I understand, it wasn't like some big blowout,
really, it was just it lookedawesome. It looked great. But there
was forties seven people that I sawin the picture accounted heads, accounted heads
forty seven, and there were peoplein the lake as well, waving,
So they had to be bought ata party too. You're out on a
float or something. Oh my god, So I have it massive fomo.
But I don't want you to havefomo because I would invite you to my
party. And I'd like to inviteyou to the iHeartRadio Music Festival. Your
chance to win those tickets will becoming up. The pre sale for Capital
One. We'll talk about that aswell. Yeah, it starts today at
ten am, so if you wantin for that, you can do that
too. When Stefani is gonna bethere, she would invite you herself.
She wouldn't forget to reach out toa friend from years gone by. My
FM. It's Valentine in the morning. You have Capital One. You can
buy tickets today, I can.Yes, Wow, Capital one cardholders sale
today. What time? Ten am? Ten am? Our time? Really
before anybody else can buy them becausethey don't go on sale until the general
public. But if you're a Capitalone cardholder, pre sales at ten yes,
all right, And this is forthe Iheartradimusy Festival. It's big.
When Sefani's gonna be there, somany great acts going to be there.
It's funny like this thing itself couldsell out from this blockhead, so watch
out because they're into new kids.New kids going to be there. So
we cross all generations, all genresof music, you know, and then
all the stars come out for ourcompany to Ryan Secrets will be there,
Bobby Bones from the Country World,he'll be there and stuff. Did you
see that? For like seven milliondollars or something like it? A couple
of what he's like paid for itor something like that. And Bobby,
Bobby's obviously one dance with the stars, so he's got a lot of lucrative
opportunity and stuff in front of alot of shows. He's another like,
uh, I'm not going to comparea Secrets name because they're they're different people
but similar people, and they're drivenfor stuff like that. So the guy's
earned his money, right, Butwe can still be jealous. You know.
That's a normal human thing when somebodyputs on you know, they always
say put your pants on, oneleg at a time, right, We
all do, no matter who youare. Sometimes when you're really rich,
people help people to pants on,which is kind of cool, but so
yeah, lift you and just placeyou in the legs. Seacrest is lifted
by these beautiful soft supple hands andlowered gently into the ponds, and then
the butler ties the hands around him. Wouldn't doubt it. Rich people have
butler, still they do they puttheir pants on, Simon Joe, I
think he has a butler, putshis pants on. I would love a
butler. Put your pants on.It's about Valini, about trying to see
if anyone listening to us has abutler. I don't think that's that we
would find anyone. Yeah, Ithink you're right. You know, well,
even if here's the thing, evenif you don't have a butler,
because super super rich people they're notlistening to us, you know, they're
listening to some BBC broadcast or so. I don't know they have someone live
performing. Yeah, exactly. It'slike something It was like Kardashians have the
people performing inside the piano. Soit's not like they're listening to us.
You know, they're like, oh, I'm gonna listen to these groop falls
talking the radio every day or something. So it's playing the piano, playing
the strings. Is somebody with theupright base playing it as they get out
of their bed in the morning orsomething. So super super rich people may
not listen, but people that workfor them. You guys, what up?
We're here with you. So youmight know somebody out there that has
a butler. Do you know anybodythat has a butler in real life?
Or are you a butler? Orare you a butler? Eight six six
' five four four or texting atthree one oh four three. We on
this show we have the conversations thatother radio shows don't three one oh four
three. Do you know anybody it'sa butler? Or are you a butler?
What's the comparative for a woman?Because a butler? Because I'm thinking,
like you know, doubt and abbytype stuff I watch, but a
man. What's the difference between abutler and a personal assistant? Name?
And some of the stuff your personalassistant is like task at like oh,
you've got to take this script overthere, and they pickure for dry cleaning
and stuff. A butler, sir, I'm gonna place his belt around your
waist out is that the house?Yeah? Good? Yea, it helps
you do all that stuff right likehe yes, yes, yeah. So
what would be the female version?I guess a butler too. No,
it's not called the butler, it'ssomething else. Her lady or something her
lady and waiting. No, notthat. Are you a lady in waiting?
That's not what it is. Idon't know what it is. John,
you find out what it is rightnow. I don't know if this
is accurate. Lady's maid, I'mseeing maid servant. Yeah, it's some
tip of maybe it's amazing. It'snot called her lady, her lady's maid,
her maid, lady. I don'tknow what it is, or just
female butler. Some are just sayingthat butler right, People shouting out,
Hey, don't forget Adele listens toyou. She's super rich. That's true,
that's true. She's young, dirt. Do you want to have a
lady's maid? What's that? She'swringling too? How's your lady's maid?
So reach out? Maybe you're alady's maid or butler three one oh four
three if you know them, orif you feel like calling eight six six
fy four four if there are screaminggood odds. We get zero info in
this, but you never know,so hang on to the seat of your
pants. Daniel Radcliffe, who starredas Harry Potter. This might surprise you.
He's a super fan of a certainTV show, an animated show,
I'll tell you what it is.Right after Traffic Oscar winner of Paul Giamatti.
He has been cast as the mainvillain in the upcoming Paramount Plus series
Star Trek Starfleet Academy. Apparently he'sa huge fan of Star Trek and the
creative the show. So sometimes you'relucky enough to discover that one of the
greatest actors alive is also a hugeStar Trek fan, and meeting Paul was
one of those miraculous moments for us. As far as the other members of
the cast, all we know sofar is actress Holly Hunter is going to
play the Academy's captain and chancellor.But that's all we know so far about
this show. And this might surpriseyou, it may not. Daniel Radcliffe,
who starred as Harry Potter for years, is a Simpson's super fan,
and he even credits the show forhis sense of humor and also what he
knows about the world. And hesaid, honestly, I watch cartoons and
I watch reality TV. I've neverseen Breaking Bad. I never watched The
Sopranos or The Wire, all thesort of heavy, hour long stuff.
I can't do it, but growingup loved The Simpsons and is a huge
fan of that show. I'm Jillfor their entertainment headlines. Can we have
some butler updates who may not evenbe a butler? Butler might be slightly
different than what we're thinking we're seeingnow. A valet, somebody texted.
A valet is a male attendant whoassists in clothing. A person, not
a butler. They put the clotheson. Is a person that puts your
clothes on. When you're super superrich, they put the pants on for
you, one leg at a time, albeit unless they have like some time
of winch, and they lift youup and lower you down like a sea
world, you know, when they'retaking the animal out. Well, not
saying you're big, I mean it'sjust handy, you know, Okay,
let's do up and drop you in. I think it's valette's specifically valet.
I would think, I know it'sspelled like valet, but I would think
the pronunciation will be a valette.Look at that top text. I'm a
butler. Yes, we call thatperson person. We might be franked,
we are not being pranked. Iknow that person's a butler. I feel
good about it. Get Aaron toget them on the phone line, please,
and that you might be thinking ofa handmaiden. I don't know.
That's that show. Oh that's yeah, that's a scary show. Have you
finished watching that? I'm caught upto date the other season that they're filming.
But I'm I'm caught up. Iam up to date on an Outlander,
which has been absolutely insane. Thenthere's another show I was watching.
I get up to date on two? Oh god, what was it?
Did I talk about it yesterday?Another show? I don't think so.
I don't think anybody else in theroom watching that? Is it Dark Matter?
No? We started watching Dark Matteragain last night. I'm not caught
up one episode, just really,I'm humped for it. Okay, yeah,
that think's crazy too. I haveone episode left of Baby Reindeer.
What is that? Oh it's ashow about stalkers. Yeah, it sounds
dark. Do we take the butlerright here? Let's do it. Let's
do the butler and be done withthis. Hello butler, how are you?
Good morning? Good morning? Goodmorning? God? He sounds like
a butler to doesn't he? Goodmorning? Tell me the morning to you?
Sir? So your name is Poloand you're a butler. Who do
you butler for my wife? I'mactually driving her to work right now.
We got friends, We got Franks'sbutler. I put on her pants.
You do not open the door.You put on her pants. Well,
she has shoulder sitery, so Iactually put on her pants. Way to
Yes, you know, we putdown a sad road. You put her
pants on. You wear a suit. John wants to know, Hey,
a pajama suit sometimes. Yeah,forget we got Frank. We do.
We really thought you would like toButler school or something. Somebody said butler
school dot com is a real thing, you know, so I don't know.
People say it's pronounced valet, justlike the uh the guy that takes
your car and not valette. Ohthat could be it. Yeah, we're
not gonna trust you, all right. I appreciate you. We listened to
you too, and we love youas well. Tell you why fine.
I hope she heals up nice Athank you? Okay, bye bye,
so close, dang it somewhere comeon. I would prefer that we have
the Polos, you know, asour fan base instead of you know,
the high class. No, butthe butler's a working guy. Or the
valette or the valet or whatever wecall these people. They're working people,
you know, they're out there servingthe lords and ladies. My fab it's
valets in the morning. Had apanic moment here. I clicked a link
you ever get a link in yourtext messages or something, and said,
hey, Logan's out of a Snapchat. I'm like, oh, Logan's out
of a Snapchat. Like wait aminute, I don't know Logan. And
I clicked on it. It opensup my Snapchat and she was like,
oh my god, somebody tell yourpassword. And I'm like, why am
I even on Snapchat? Yeah wasmy question? Yeah? Why because my
kid and my my niece, Sothey're the only two people I follow Snapchat.
I don't snap. They'll send mea snap like every like a few
weeks. I send a picture ofmyself, you know, eat a Dodo,
and they'll send back a picture eatinga dodo whatever, you know,
just to connect that white stuff.Yeah, but otherwise, I have no
idea, no business being on Snapchat. Don't know anything about Snapchat. Only
got it because my kid was onit. So I still have the best
filters though. It's like you facetimingshack or yes, that's cool, but
I might have just given away allof my passwords to somebody named Logan.
I hope not, but I'm gladyou changed the passage. Good start.
I deleted the app to and Iburned the phone, so I think we're
okay, We're so good. Comingup later on this hour, what absurd
thing does your partner do for you? And you realize, oh my gosh,
that's real love. Texting at threeone oh four three. I realized
that it was real love when Iput my spanks on, and then I
asked my fiance, who was myboyfriend at the time. Mm hmm,
I'm so sorry to ask this,but can you just kind of tuck in
my back fat into the spanks backthere for me? Yeah? Yeah,
shove it down right. I pulledit on, and then everything just came
up and just kind of migrated tothe back in between my shoulder blades is
kind of hanging out there. Sohe went in and he smoothed it down
underneath the spanx like little elastic.Use one of those tools you see the
guys using for concrete, you know, just go glazer on your phone to
get the bubbles. Yeah, that'sright. He was using that getting the
bubbles out on you exactly right.You cannot no tools, No tools were
used. The guys amazing with hishands. No tools were used, didn't
have to use any tools. Hitthe back, fat back, and then
put one of those things down.And now he just knows when I just
walk up to it, can youhe just knows. You just kind of
just smooth it down, right,I hear you. Will you be using
him pre second chance problem. Nospanks needed for this dress. You look
great, Thank you, fantastic,Thank you. Does he rent his services
for others who may be in need, depends on where what needs to be
smoothed out the poet. Sometimes Ihave a problem tucking you in the dress
shirt whatever. Okay, that dressshirt for a guy, getting it just
right, like gu's the military.You know how to do it really well,
you know, getting that dress shirtand women too in the military,
getting that dress shirt down there soit doesn't wrinkle and it looks good and
stuff, and then trying to getit down your backside and everything. There's
a whole system. So sometimes whatI do and I haven't I never served,
so I don't know this, Butwhat I do is. I get
it down there, I get itclosed. Then I go through the pocket,
the male zipper area. I gothrough there like a sneak attack and
grab the shirt and kind of pullit down a bit more than to Yeah.
Once I'm all buttoned up and stuff, I go, I go back
in. That's a dude hack rightthere. It's a dude hack. Happy
to help out? Three one ofour three? What absurd thing does your
partner do for you? And yourealize that's real? Love? Is your
back fat in place? It isa battle of the sexes reps in the
man. His name is Edward.He lives in Huntington Beach, works as
a continuity coordinator and enjoys collecting comicbooks. Edward, what's up, buddy?
Hello? Hello morning. He representingthe ladies. Her name is Alyssa.
She's from Pomona. She works asan HR analyst and enjoys go to
the gym. Let's hear it forAlyssa. How good morning everyone. Here's
that works, Alyssa. I'm gonnaask you a few questions, Edward,
Jill's gonna be asking you the questions. Best of the three wins still tied
the end of regulation we get toa not's a tough tie breaker question.
Let's start with the ladies. Whatactors stars as Ferris Bueller in Ferris Bueller's
Day Off. Oh, oh,that's Matthew Broderick. That's correct, great
actor, Edward. What actress isMatthew Broderick Mary to Uh, Sarah Gustah
Parker? Yes? Correct? Anothergreat actor? Mark Cuban is an owner
of what NBA basketball team? Oh, the Dallas Mavericks. Yeah, park
owner sold a lot of his steakin the Mavericks. I don't know what
his role is anymore. I'm curiousabout that. It's obviously a Celtics Mavericks
series going on, you know.Edward Mark Cuban stars on what ABC show
Shark Take? Yeah, our currentscore is two to two. Shake and
Bake is a famous quote from whatmovie? Oh, it's Halliday and Nights.
That's correct? And Edward will Ferrelland Nicole Kidman start together? And
what movie based on a classic TVshow? Uh? Oh be witch?
Yeah, that's right. All right, let's go to a not so tough
tie breaker question. Holler out yourname? Your name is your buzzer?
Wait until Brian Burton finishes asking aquestion before you buzz in and if it's
close with the names, Jewel desaid, what is your biggest regret?
Melissa? Probably not going back toschool for my master's. Okay, but
you got your bachelor's. That's morethan some. That's more than me.
Congratulations, that's true. It's evertoo late. Thank you, ladies.
When Alyssa you want to battle thesexist championship certificate, post it on social
use the hashtag balancine the morning andshare it with bride nay. Thank you
guy. You've also won a fivehundred dollars cash card to host a legendary
viewing party courtesy of Ultraman Rising onNetflix out this Friday. A star athlete
reluctantly returns home to take over hisfather's duties as Ultraman, shielding Tokyo from
giant monsters as he becomes a legendaryhero. Don't miss the highly anticipated animated
film Ultraman Rising, streaming only onNetflix this Father's Day weekend starting June fourteenth.
And that's not five hundred bucks,Oh my gosh, thank you guys
so much. You're the best.And Ken Sato, he is the athlete
we're talking about. I'm excited aboutthat. Well, listen, my fratacy
exit the stage, Edward, thisis your moment. You take it away.
Congratulations. I love listening to youguys every morning. Thank you so
much to let me play. Reallyyou got it. Thank you, brother,
I appreciate you. Coming up.Three things you need to know.
Some kind of sad news report today, very sad news. In fact,
an absolute sports legend has passed away. We'll talk about that. This gentleman
was so influential and so important toLos Angeles sports. We'll bring you up
to data and that in a fewminutes. Here seven twenty three, it's
Valentine in the morning. This isone of four to three MYFM. You
know, Bill Walton just recently passedaway, and so much was talked about
with the Lakers and Celtics and youknow, all these different moments from the
NBA that he was part of.Magically and basketball legend Jerry West now has
passed away the age of eighty six. West was selected to the Basketball Hall
of Fame three time times in hiscareer as a player and an executive.
He was the third player in NBAhistory to reach twenty five thousand points.
He led the Lakers to the NBAFinals nine times. His soloete is considered
to be the basis of the NBAlogo. I mean this man an absolute
legend and a dresser and the hairand everything and showtime and come on,
very sad news to hear that today, what a wonderful, wonderful basketball legend
never met the gentleman Jerry West passingaway the age of eighty six. AMC
Theaters will offer three dollars movie ticketsagain this summer. It's through Summer Movie
Camp program. It will run fromJune twenty four through August fourteenth. Some
of the movies that will be includingin this program include the new movie Despicable
Me four and older movies like Singand The Secret Life of Pets. Three
dollars movie tickets for the summer.John was trending, so Taylor Swift fans
are going to be glued to theirphones on Friday. There are some theories
going around now. Friday Taylor isgoing to be playing her one hundredth show
on the Arastur in Liverpool, Englandridayis also June thirteenth, Taylor's favorite number.
It's also Taylor's half birthday. Sheseems to do things on these significant
dates. So there are a bunchof theories going around. Could it be
time for reputation? Taylor's version.We'll see if any of these end up
being true. On Friday, I'mJohn Camuci. That's what's turining on socials.
WHOA when's your birthday? Is aDecember decemberthday? December thirteenth? Right?
Gotcha? Coming up? What absurdthing does your partner do for you?
And you realized, my gosh,that's that's real love. When a
man will take his hands and moldand shape your back fat yeah, and
push it down the spanks. Yougive him a big thanks. It all
bubbles up to the top, andmy fiance has no problem just shoving it
back in there. Some say thecream rises to the top. Perhaps that's
the best of you. Wow,wow, okay, like I appreciate that.
You're welcome. Thank you. Threeone oh four three, texting right
now? Three one oh four three? What absurd thing does your partner do
for you? My fammy, it'sValentine in the morning. What's up first?
Bread? Would you see an apologyabout something or direction? I'm for
an on air apology is for awhile what happens in their correction? What
do we do? The thirteenth isa Thursday. Oh you said it was
Friday thirteenth, so okay, allright, Friday thirteenth is like her favorite
day, but thirteenth is are alsoher favorite. It's still her favorite day.
Yeah, it's her favorite number.But still on the thirteenth, it's
Thursday the thirteenth. You said Fridaythe thirteenth just weird. Yeah, well,
John's articles says Friday the thirteenth,this is and then John goes,
but wait, is it Friday thethirteenth where she is? I didn't say
that. I Jill said that.I said, wuld it still be the
thirteenth technically for us? And thenshe's already in the future in England.
No, and then it's the thirteenthfor us. When we get the announcement
in America, what is the fourteenth? Then it's for her, right,
but it's the thirteenth for us,so you think there, But then it's
not a Friday day. To helpJohn out is the day. It doesn't
change. It's not like a we'renot Friday thirteenth here in Australia's Friday the
fourth. But they live in thefuture sometimes and music is released on a
Thursday, so then but nothing canbe Friday the thirteenth. That's what they're
saying in the text, like thisis not a good apology you'd make that
we were wrong. No matter what. Friday is not the thirteenth. But
maybe they say they were done Thursdayfor us, but her, I don't
know. No, you just goon, Friday's not to thirteenth, and
we move on to Mars the thirteenth, Thursday year, Every Lord twenty twenty
four, eight sixty six five fourfour of maya fam, Good morning,
Leon, How are you doing?Hey, I'm doing great. How are
you my friend? Doing all right? Mam man? What day is it
where you are? It's it's Sunday, okay, fantastic. What does your
partner do for you that you realizethis is absurd, but it's gotta be
love. What do they do,Valentine? They shaved my She shaves my
back? How hairy is your back? What are we talking here? In
a scale of one to ten,we're talking about like a Minnesota sweater grown
in and so it's got to beshaved off like about once a month or
two. Okay, most does that. Well, the back is as hairy
as my front and my front hairychest. It's like I'm you know,
Italian, if you will respectfully,right, and so it's just hot,
and so she shaves it down andit's beautiful. Absolutely, Oh that's great.
That's very nice. For it's veryvery nice. And does she continue
shaving all over so you're like ashaved cat, like one of those hairless
cats. Yeah, well she shavesthe back, that's it. You know
she likes in the front. Yeah, she likes the fer in the front,
and you know, we keep ittrimmed down with it. What she's
doing, he's not bad, no, I guess to have Like when I
was a younger man. Yeah,when I was in my twenties, for
some reason, the hair on mychest grew more and it looked like like
she had had explosion coming out ofmy collar. But no, what he
taught us about manscaping back then,so I was a very furry chested man.
The thing, though, wasn't thatthe thing that maybe I don't know
it might have been. I'll showyou pictures. You're like, what is
that thing coming out of his shirt? And now my hair is not that
bad? I'll manscape here and thereand stuff. Now we got too far,
but there is like, you knowwhat I could use your wife for.
I do have like one patch onmy back. They call it hair
island, and uh, that'd benice if she could shave that from me.
What about life? Let me askyou this, Valentine, is that
air hair island down where you're likethat man tramped Listen, now, listen,
I don't know what you're talking about. Now you get to bar.
No, it's not on my lowerback. Hair island is in like the
middle of my back somewhere. Ohokay, okay, A lot of guys
have it on that man tramp standOkay, stop, why are you saying
that? No, we're not gettingtattooed. And I don't like that phrase.
I don't know why I don't likethat. Well, listen, Lee,
I'll tell your wife hello and thankyou very much. Hey, thank
you so much. You are likefamily. Other stations are like talking to
you. You guys are talking withus. I'm so grateful and I love
you guys. That's of course you'rein the Christmas list Lea. That's a
really nice thing to say. Andmy god, that's really nice. I
appreciate you taking time to say that. I've never really thought like that before,
but I hope that does come across. Yeah, there's many choices of
radio stations. You guys are likefamily. Thank you that hang on.
We will number one sub in foryour wife if needed, whenever you need
it. And number two we'll putyou on that Christmas card list. Okay,
that's awesome. Thank you guys.I love you all. I love
you too. Hang tight, we'llget you all set. Wow, love
you man. That's cool. Goodto say it back. And you guys
are gonna sub in. That's sonice. I would shave his back,
yes, lovely, Man's so great, very personal. No, it's just
shaving back here, okay, heyLeon there, Yes, sure you into
that. You want Jill come surprise. Don't say it like that, you
know. Here on Valence out inthe morning, when we drive to somebody's
house to help them shave their backs, we'll do it in our toyotas.
You'll pull up in her beautiful Raftfour and John has had Highlander and I'm
in a Prius Prime Wrap four isa prime option as well. Now it
does and there's plenty of room andyou know my grandfather and my uncle are.
We're both barbers, and so there'splenty of room in the back to
put my tools that I might needto go to Leon's house. But no,
all jokes aside the raft boar.I love my car because not only
is it a cool looking car whenI get in, I feel safe when
I'm driving because so many safety featurescome standard with your new Toyota. So
you can see which Toyota is rightfor you and your life by visiting Toyota
dot com or just go to yourSouthern California Toyota dealer today. Come up
a chance at three day pass thestage coach. We have them for you
after eight o'clock this morning. Youwent in for stage coach, We'll have
your ticket after eight and in themorning. The weather today if you want
a cloud study warm this afternon tapseventy to mid eighties sixty two in Torrents
sixty three and bread. Jill's gotthe entertainment headlines coming up. Kevin Jonas,
excuse me, Kevin Jonas, geta hair in your threat. Kevin
Jonas is issuing a friendly reminder toget your moles checked. I'll tell you
what happened to him coming up atseven fifty. There's text just came in.
It's kind of funny. It saysVal you can't discuss food and recipes
on the show, per John Peak, but manscaping a listener's back is in
play with Brian kind of creepy andJill offering the shave it as well.
Ouch. He said such nice things, Leon just really like it made me
get a little choked up that Ithought if I could help him out in
some way, I'd be more thanall to help him out. You're a
sweet person. You would have beena nurse in a different life, so
you're sweet. Ash. Yes,Good morning, Tanian, Good morning,
hot everybody today. We're doing allright? How are you doing it?
We're good. Gonna get the lastkid last a school tod for kinder She
graduates on Thursday. Oh wow,she's promoted on Thursday. How many kids
do you have? Just one?Just one? Wow, that's awesome.
It goes by so fast. Icannot believe my son's going to be a
junior. Oh my god, Iknow I remember hearing when he was little.
Yeah, and you know it wasI feel like as a freshman high
school. We're talking about his highschool career, and all of a sudden,
it's junior year and we're doing collegevisits this summer, Like, what
is going on? I can't tellyou fast? I know I can,
I know it'll be okay. CanI tell you something though that I share
with you as a fellow parent.Yes, we took a trip, just
a weekend trip, him and Ifor a wedding in Philadelphia and just even
spending time with your teenage son inthe car. You know, he's listening
to his music, maybe's chat withwhatever, having him near for that amount
of time because they could to workall the time and everything right, my
heart was so full. It wasjust so full of joy spending that time
with my son. It really was. Yeah, that's so sweet though,
because I mean it's sometimes you won'teven get that. You know, that's
getting busy and life gets busy.Make memory reason when you can right,
make those moments last. Actually,yes, Now, let's talk about your
beautiful, wonderful husband that is sofull of life. He does what for
you? He Back in the daybefore I have Scarlet, he's sitting on
my lap because she doesn't want toget ready. But back in the day
when I stop touching that when Iwas getting ready. He's on your lap,
Charlotte, my daughter's your last.Okay, Like, stop touching that?
What all? Right? Back inthe day, I had to take
my last phases of IDF. Ihad to do the you know, the
progesterone shots, and those are superpainful and I can't reach. I'm sorry,
I have like t rex arms.He knows it. It's a family
joke. It's fine. I'm finewith it. He was my official booty
injector. But the progesterone shot,Oh nice. Yeah, I guess I
trusted him so he didn't hurt mebecause I said, if you hurt me
once, that will be your last. Yeah. No, I know you're
talking about. We went through IVFas well, so I know that procedure
quite well. Stop touching, Scarlett. Wait, you know the best part
about this is on my screen Aaronwho's answering the phone calls. He'll gives
a heads up, like what yourname is and where your friend's aim?
Right, he wrote, Tanya longBeach absurd love her husband assisted in ib
S procedure. Oh, very differentthan I. But let's hope we can
all have a partner that would helpin an IBS situation. Yes, of
course you are. You wouldn't letsomebody help you. I don't think so.
Really you're really ill though. Ohman, what your bottom or something?
I can't. I just can't.You never leten to wipe your bottom
and now could? I'd rather dieon the toilet. We all have the
same backside. Don't worry, It'sokay. Yeah, I don't know,
man. How does that work withyour t rex arms? Does he help
with that too? No? No, I'm finding that. Yeah, I
got you. Thanks Toney, Wegotta go. We love you all right
by good bye, my fam.It is Valentine in the morning. Do
you have some happy news that youwant to share? Can you reach out
right now if there's anything that's makingyou smile, anything you're proud of in
your family, and we'll live vicariouslythrough you. Three one oh four three?
What is your happy news? Jinhas become the first member of BTS
to complete his mandatory and military service, and he's celebrating by doing something it's
gonna make his arms really tired.I'll tell you what he's up to right
after traffic. Jin has become thefirst member of BTS to complete his mandatory
eighteen months of military service in SouthKorea. He served as an assistant drill
instructor at the Army Recruit Training Center. And he is celebrating by hugging one
thousand fans. It's at three hours, right, hugging marathon three tour.
And these fans were chosen in alottery, in like a raffle. Can
you imagine how excited they must be. Yeah, if you're a big BTS
fan, right, and you havea chance to hug him a thousand hugs,
how long is the hug? Well, I don't know marathons, Okay,
so you got to divide that bya thousand, right, and you'll
figure out the time and stuff,And there's a little bit of time in
between. That's a lot of math. Don't worry about it. But they
say to really release the stress andto feel the power of the hug.
Some of you aren't gonna like this. I do this in my family.
I do it when I hug peopleat work. Even if they try and
push away, you hold them,You hold them tight. Let's rephrase that
sentence. I thought it was fine. Twenty seconds is required for the hug
to do what it does for endorphinsor whatever that stuff is that's released or
something, you know, twenty seconds. My wife now asks for the twenty
second hug. Really, I knowshe's coming around. She really came around
John and wet it down like twentynineteen eighteen. It's a beautiful thing.
I've done it with Brian. Brian, how do you feel about it?
I enjoy it and totally be honest. I don't want you just suck it
up to me. This is thehonest truth. Okay. At first it
felt weird, partly because I thinkJoe was like filming us and they were
like laughing. They were like laughingat us, you know whatever, behind
her back yet. But then ifyou give into the experience, I feel
better after it was one hundred percenttwenty seconds. Well, these hugs won't
be twenty seconds. This is likeboom boom boom, boom boom boom.
And Kevin Jonas, the oldest Jonah'sbrother, is making sure fans get their
moles checked. He posted a videoon Instagram and revealed he had surgery to
remove skin cancer. It's on theside of his head, just kind of
right below his hairline, and heended the video by saying make sure to
get those moles checked. People.I'm Jill for the Entertainment heads with your
entertainment headlines. All right, sevenfifty eight, it is Valentine in the
Morning eight sixty six five four four. If m texting three one four three,
what's your happy news? Do reachout? We'd love to hear from
you. And tickets coming up forthe I Heart Radio Music Festival Capitol and
pre sale is at ten o'clock thismorning. Ten am. Here's your daily
dose of happy news on Valentine inthe Morning. I've been working two jobs
and today is my last day atthe second job. Dude, cutting down
going to one job? How greatdoes that feel? It's good? It's
good. I mean I've been puttingin seventy five hours a week for all
this time. How are you livingat seventy five hours a week? I
don't know. So you're working Mondaythrough Friday, and you were working Saturday
Sunday too. I assume it's Saturdayis my only day off. So I
get to my first job at eightam and I'm there until around one.
Then I go home. I takelike a forty five minute up and then
I'm at my next job from likethree to eleven or midnight. Oh my
gosh, and then I do itall again the next day. Holy cow,
bro, And what were the twojobs, Billy, neurosurgeon? One
of them is a private banking andthat's the new one that I'm going to
be sticking with. I'm changing mycareer. I've done restaurants forever. So
the second one that I'm leaving isat Cava. Oh like the Mediterranean Chotle.
Dude, it is so good,it is unli service is about to
get a little slower. Do youfeel exhausted right now? I mean I
hate to say it, but youdo sound a little bit exhausted. Oh
I'm always a little tired. Yeah, I mean you got to grind it
out, you know. Okay,Now listen, you're gonna do a private
banking though, Bro, I meanthis is different. I want you to
flip that switch now, say goodmorning, welcome to private banking, and
give me that voice that you gottause. You're ready, three two one
hit it, good morning, welcometo private banking. Take my mind,
take my money, Billy. Goodluck with everything, man, And you
know you're a hard working guy.I hope it's all pays off. For
you, Thank you guys, thanksman, my fam. It's Valentine in
the morning. Not necessarily happening isbut Mom's night out was a huge success.
Two Catallac margraders are had by eachand we ate our weight in chips
and sauce. I just thought you'dlike to hear that Ashley B Ashley B
was on our countdown. She hadX amount of days until a mom's side
out. Charlie can chew gum isstill coming in at three and a half,
three and a half years or threeand a half months months, three
and a half months. Javier See'slady GG got in Vegas in nine days,
Mary's last day of schools in threedays, Lindsay's bestie coming to business
in eighteen days. Leslie's last dayof school is first day of school sixty
six days. Jessica's Cobbo Cruz isforty five days. Jill and Jeff's wedding
is forty seven days. That's ourJill. So we do these countdowns for
people in their big moments in life. If you have one, you'll get
a shout out in the radio.And now and then Ashley's is coming off
to board. She had her momset out Margarita's and chips. Did you
ever see that Instagram video about chips? I cannot believe this. This is
something that blows my mind. Ifit's true, maybe you're work in a
Mexican restaurant, you know this.They say a tortilla chip is basically a
corn tortilla cut in forts and thenfried. Right, Yeah, that's what
makes our chips and salsa. Yeah. So if you've had like eighty chips,
you've had like that many tortillas.I know, twenty tortillas. And
I never thought of that that'd beright until this video went viral. Video
went viral and it was like,oh my god, I eight how many
chips? Eight? How many tortillas? It's a tortilla cutting forts and then
fried, and that's what makes achip. Maybe the fried burns off some
of the calories. I don't know, but I'm like, that is justify.
I like to delete that from mybrain forever. I would like to
know that that just I don't wantit to exist. In fact, what
would you like to delete from yourbrain to make room for something more useful
for me? I'd like to deletethat knowledge right there? Text and three
one four three. Something you wantto take out of your brain make room
for some Ben Franklin trivia or somethingright? What would you like to delete?
Three? One oh four to three? It is a battle of the
sex. Is representing the man.His name is Dylan. He lives in
Pasanena, works as a corporate recruiterand enjoys trying new restaurants. Dylan,
what up Noonday? Hello? Hello, morning morning. Refresenting the ladies.
Her name is Michelle. She's fromRiverside. She works as a mortgage processor
and a joy is taking the familyto Disneyland. Let's hear for Michelle.
Michelle, good morning, Good morning, everybody, Good morning. Here's what
works, Michelle, I'm gonna askyou a few questions, Dylan, Jill's
gonna ask you questions. Best ata three wins still tied the end of
regulation, we go to a not'sa tough tiebreaker question. Let us start
with the ladies. What name iswritten on the bottom of Woody's shoe in
toy story? Andy, Ody's correct, Dylan, what is the name of
Woody's horse in toystore? Sorry?Oh shoot, bulls art, Yeah,
yeah, you're right, bulls eyeis correct. But didn't you sound like
you should be in toy story.Oh shoot bulls. The way you said
it was just awesome. But Ilove that all right. Current score is
one to one. What novel isthe author f Scott Fitzgerald, best known
for Oh, I don't know theGreat Gatsby by the way, that movie
with Jillian who played Jay Gatsby inthe twenty thirteen Great Gatsby movie Leonardo DiCaprio.
Yes, I literally was about tosay it that movie, Leonardo.
Two to one. Guys, yougotta get us right to stay in?
What country? And they're cool withthis? What country is the band Nickelback
from Australia? Oh oh, Canada. Canada is a country that means Fellas
win. You got championship certificate,post it on soul shoes, the hashtake
Valentine, the Morning Show that wepride? Okay, Yeah, and if
you got a country bone in yourbody, get ready to tickle it.
You got a pair of three daypasses to the twenty twenty five Stage Coach
Festival, happening April twenty fifth toApril twenty seventh, following a twenty twenty
four sold out show. You canget your twenty twenty five stage Coach Festival
passes all this week on our show. The Advancedale kicks off Friday, June
fourteenth, eleven am. Stagecoach Festivaldot Com for info. Congrats, Oh
thank you. Three things you needto know? What's going on? Bray.
Gas prices are falling? Gas PRIsare falling. Is this based on
some of that inflation news that cameout today? I have no idea I
do, so I'll go with thatinflation news coming out today. Gas prices
may start falling. You may seesome other stuff starting to fall as well,
not necessarily housing costs, but thesupermarket prices might start to come down
as well. Details on that andthree things you need to know. It
is Valentine in the morning. Thisis one of four to three MIFM Lakers
Legendarry West has passed away at theage of eighty six. West was inducted
into the NBA Hall of Fame asa player and as an executive. He
won a championship as a player withthe Lakers in nineteen seventy two. He
then won eight more NBA titles asa member of the front office for the
Lakers and the Golden State Warriors.He was known as the logo because his
silhouette was used as the NBA logo. He is obviously credited too with Showtime
and bringing pat Riley to the Lakersand all that stuff that happened when the
Lakers were just just the team.They were the team again. He was
eighty six years of age. Gasprices in some California or falling. The
average price of gallon of gas hasdropped below five dollars, which for the
LA area that's pretty good. Thisis typically the time of the year when
gas prices serge, where more peopleare trying to save money and cutting back
and travel, so there's less demand. John was trending well. Joey Chestnut
will not be taking part and thisyear is Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest.
Dude's been a pillar of this dogcontest. It's like two thousand and seven.
I guess Joey Chestnut has a branddeal with a plant based brand of
dog. I guess it's impossible foods, And so Nathan's doesn't allow competitors hot
dogs. Can we just say hotdogs, lazy Glizzies? Whatever? Just
say doesn't allow competitors with a rivalbrand. But not to worry, thinks
so it's all right. Always itworks out. Netflix is coming in for
the rescue here, yes, andthey might air an unbranded hot dog eating
contest for Joey Chestnuts. You cansee him Gobblesome Glizzies if you're into that
kind of gobbles Gizzies. No datannounced yet, but I'm John Kamuci.
That's what's trending on socials? Isthat like legit word? Though? Did
we look that up? Like otherreal people besides John call hot dogs glizzies?
Yes they do? Okay, allright? Positive coming up a chance
of tickets into our iHeartRadio Music Festival. That said nine o'clock this morning,
And what would you like to deletefrom your brain? Something you want to
delete from your brain to make roomfor something more useful? Text it at
three one oh four three, Wendytexted in and said, the theme song
for seven to seven cars for kids. Oh my god, that gets stuck
in your head and it just doesn'tlean, but it never goes away.
Ordered super Souping Cars recruits, Orderedsuper Souping Cars recuits. What about I
wouldn't have got a lemon? Ohyou wouldn't have got a lemon? Do
it? Of orange? I likethe K nine Advantics song what Hello Mother,
Hello father? Please ticks mosquitoes reallybother? Thanks for the package.
That's why I'm riding K nine advantics. Really stop solid the biting, swimming,
hiking, pitching. They're not biting. I'm not itching. Can't wait
to show you oh my new tricks. Thanks so again for sending me K
nine advantics. He's currently wearing aCanine Advantix color as well. It's the
strangest thing one A four to three, my Fami. It is Valentine in
the morning. iHeart Radius Festival.Your chance to win those tickets comes up
at nine o'clock this morning. TheCapitol one card hold of pre sale is
at ten am this morning. Thiswill be a fun one as always in
Vegas for the iHeartRadio Music Festival.Now, what would you like to take
out of your brain to make roomfor something more useful? I think what
takes up the most room in mybrain is I can recite the entire Despicable
Me movie, the entire thing,like, all one hour and thirty minutes
of it. I used to watchit every day when that movie came out.
Imagine there you are in your Toyota. You get a brand New Toyota.
You're driving down the road. It'sa Highlander's Highlander hybrid like John has
right, You're driving this beautiful toota. We all drive tote is Prias prom
a Prius prom Prius prime Highlander reftfo. John's driving his Highlander and then
he's says this, I'm sorry tobother you, mister Perkins, but I
thought you'd want to see this.The shrink ray very impressive group. Now
the rest of the plan is simple. I fly through the moon, I
shrink the moon, I grab themoon. I sit on the toilet with
the what And then there you aresitting in a captain seat in that second
row probably this beautiful Highlander which seatsup to seven, I believe seven or
eight, and you're really enjoying thisride. It's comfortable. There's speakers everywhere.
The Highlander is just a very comfortableride from Toyota. And this continues
from the driver's seat. Does thiscount as annoying? How many minions are
in the Highlander? Oh? None, none, They are not allowed.
Well, I just gotta tank thatone. The minions all over the place.
What would what would the minions sayif they were in the Highlander John,
Bye Boy, oh bye boy.Find out which Toyota is right for
you, and you're free ends atToyota dot com. And I'm gonna tell
you press and that's your traffic withValentine in the morning, all right,
to tell you anything you want outof your brain to make room for something
else. I know a lot ofcamp songs and I like it, but
I feel like I can Yeah,were you a big camper as a child?
I was a camper and then Iwas a counselor, and then I
did a director of a summer sleepawaycamp. So I did that for about
like twenty five years. Give itone of the camp songs that every now
and then comes up in your headthat just pops in. What do you
got? I said a boom chicka boom, and then you set up
boom chicken boom. I said aboom chick a boom. I said,
up boom check a boom. Isaid a boom chick a raca chick a
raca chick a boom, set aboom chick a roca chick a raca chick
a boom and then it goes on. I think we went to different camps
guys, I've never heard that songa camp. Yeah, I can teach
you thirty more. I had rowrow row your bow. I mean,
I don't know. Maybe I hada lame camp. Bacic oh boochoog.
All right, thank you weather today, if you were a cloud, sunny
warm stept in tep seventy, mideighties sixty four in downy sixty two in
Lake Forest. Jill's got the interneshipentheadlines coming up. A certain actor has
now said he would love Zach Ephronto play him in a biopic. I'll
tell you who said it, comingup at eight fifty. You say my
camp songs are basic, Betty,huh, That's what I'm saying. All
right, Hi, and good morning. How are you today? Good morning,
guys, how are you We're doinggood? What do you want to
get out of your head to makeroom for something more useful? Well,
when I took a CPR class someyears back, and I found out that
one packet of sugar is one gramof sugar. So now every time I
go to the grocery store and Ilook at the ingredients, and that sticks
in my head that if it's gotten grams of sugar that's like, okay,
open ten packets of sugar in frontof you and eat all that sugar.
Oh is that so okay? Sothe amount of grams on the back
of the container that equals one forone a packet of sugar that we'd see
at a restaurant. Exactly. Ittakes all the joy out and that's tough.
Roh, Yeah, that's rough.If you can drink a can of
soda, that's that what like thirtyfive grams? H oh eu a buzzkill.
Hey, the last guy that saidthat stuff, we let him go.
We kicked him off the show.No, we did not. Kevin
lives in nashvilleough. Do you knowwhat's funny about that though? Like he
used to always talk about sugar too, and he's a very healthy guy.
And Jill and I at times we'dbe out, like at the Talk.
I'd be doing an episode at theTalk or something, and we passed this
seven to eleven on our way backfrom the Talk, and we really wanted
a slurpee, but we knew wecouldn't bring it back to the studio because
our sugar police guy would be allover us. Much like maybe you an
I don't know, so Jill andI would be in the parking lot trying
to pound these slurpies before we cameupstairs. We'd always have like a pink
tongue or a blue tongue and amassive headache. Is we're pound in it.
But we didn't want to get caughtbecause the sugar police would get mad
at us. I would go downstairsto our you know, little coffee machine,
and I would buy a little likerefrigerated Starbucks coffee drink. I would
then pour it into a paper cupso he wouldn't see me come back in.
Yeah, and give me grief aboutthat, right, because Kevin always
give us creek. That's why wehire John, because John doesn't care what
we do, no, not atall. He's over there eating hot dogs
or glizzies in the corner. Hedoesn't know that's your business. And you
have a great day. Okay,thank you too. All right? Are
you on our Christmas card list?I'm not. I haven't been for a
couple of years. Hey, Jale, this is loves Dogs and by the
way, dogs, Hi, Hi, forget about the cats. Loves Dogs.
Well, hang out, we'll getyou on that list too, Maybe
get you invited to Jill's wedding too. What kind of sort of riffing there?
I don't know what happened at theend. All right. It's eight
forty twenty four to three, Miafam and smell into in the morning.
A Game of Thrones prequel idea thatwasn't going to be made has been revived.
Yes, I'll tell you which oneright after traffic, Thank you.
Rob Low started his career when hewas fifteen, and he's been in everything
from The West Wing, Saint Elmo'sFire Parks and rec and nine one to
one lone Start. He says hewould want zac Efron to play him in
a biopick. He says, perfectcasting and he's amazing. So Rob Loow
wanting zac Efron to play him,I takes Zach Gefron the play me in
a biopick as well, if hedid a radio biopick. Yeah, all
right. And Game of Thrones authorGeorge R. Martin has revealed that a
scrapped Game of Thrones prequel idea hasbeen revived. It's the ten Thousand Ships
prequel series. It was set onethousand years before the events of Game of
Thrones. He says he has anew writer for it. He also says
we're all very excited about this one, though we're still trying to figure out
how we're going to pay for tenthousand ships, three hundred dragons, and
those giant turtles. I'm Jill Tavidheadlines. I wonder if they'll fall back
at AI. You know AI.I just saw another thing. This like
Chinese AI program they have out nowis phenomenal. You cannot tell the difference,
and it's doing full video representations.Really, you could make a movie
with AI right now. I thinkit's that good. It's so scary it
frightens me in that respect. Butyou know, if used properly, I'm
sure. No, actually it's not. We'll see, man, it's all
over you think so gality think Mypersonal opinion is it's dangerous. Yeah,
I think you're right, But whoknows. Yeah, a lot of people
are optimistic about it. A lotof people high places are still optimistic about
it. So I hope they knowmore than I do. You know,
I hope so too. There wasan AI disc jockey that got a lot
of press recently, and clearly youcan tell listen to this show. This
is not a this is far fromAI. Really, really really far one
four three, My fami, itis Valentine in the morning or Second Chance
prom is tomorrow night, right,Yes it is. You got a call
get a tucks. I know,I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, butthis place said, don't worry.
We'll keep your measurements. So whenyou need a TUXT, just call.
Okay, good, Well, hopethat's okay right after the show. Yeah,
I think so too. Yeah,and it fit me last time with
these Jerry Herman Awards, so shallbe fine. If you want to see
my promposal, I asked my wifeof twenty six years to go to Second
Chance prom with me. I askedher and I did it from the Rocky
Steps in Philadelphia. You can seethat right now at Go for Valentine.
Go then the number four Valentine Instagram, Go four Valentine, give me a
follow, give her some likes,say some nice stuff and check out a
man doing a prom posal and havea great laugh at the stuff. My
kid says, because he was filmingit for me, that's the best part,
the best part of my sixteen yearold son filming me going you loney,
we did it in front of allthese random people in Philadelphia, the
Rocky Steps. He's like, ohmy god, what are we doing?
What happened to my life? Whyam I in this boy's trip? What's
going on here? So that's atgo the number four Valentine on Instagram Second
Chance prom Tomorrow night. Two peoplein this room have not done their promposals
to their significant others. Jill's wasgreat, Laura's is great, thank you.
Brian and John are slacking. Yeah, and it's tomorrow, so if
you were to do it today,I don't know. It's just good thing.
Really don't understand the art of buildingsuspense. Okay, this is all
part of the plane. Maybe she'sbusy kind of a I mean, I'm
not gonna say it too loudly,but a little bit disrespectful to the show,
don't you think, Joe? Whatdo you mean that they didn't do
it and Laura had asked them todo it for the show. We were
all asked to to make a promposal. Yes, yes, I'm sorry.
Is it second chance prom yet?No? We got some time. Don't
you worry? Hey, don't it'slike it's tomorrow. No, you don't
give Sanny your Christmas list and Christmasmorning? I do for a procrastinator.
Trust me, this is I haveso much time. John's girlfriend and Brian's
wife. No, they're going,They've got their dresses, They're gonna be
there. I'm sure they would loveLaura. Laura also has to edit this
stuff and everything, so she wantedit prior to day up. Am I
correct? Laura? You are correct? Would you like to say anything to
these two peons? I would.I would just like to apologize to that
be beautiful wife and girlfriend who wassitting there going, Why have I not
been prompt posed to yet? That'sright? You know they probably saw mine
to my beautiful way free tonight.I will propost today now, shouldn't you?
Guys had seven weeks to get itdone. I flew across the country
to get it done. Listen,I'll take anything at this point, literally
anything. A text, a screenscreenshot said that lazy people anyway, Mine's
at go for Valentine and I won. It was not a competition, Yes,
it was go then number four Valentineon Insta one for three my family,
it is Valentine in the morning isnine to twenty one. If you
guys want to check out that promppost. I was talking about at go
for Valentine. Don't notice how wemisspelled Philadelphi in the beginning. None of
us caught that. I didn't evennotice that. Yeah, my wife pointed
it out. Oh, there goesso many misspelled Philadelphia. Well, listen,
Laura did that stuff. But she'snot from America, so you can't
hold that against her. And thenI looked at it and I never even
noticed it myself. Yeah, whoknew Leilani? Yes, and she still
said yes to the promposal even thoughwe misspelled Philadelphia. Nobody else in the
room caught it either. No,No, I would never Yeah, you
didn't catch a bry as. Thereit is, but it goes by very
fast, so no worries there.And apparently not many people from Philadelphia followed
me on Instagram. They would havepointed that out. All right, it's
nine twenty five, it's Valentine inthe morning. It's one of four three
MIFM. Yesterday, brushfire broke outin Riverside County right near Cabazon. The
fire burned about sixty acres. Atone point it came close to the ten
firefighters that were able to contain thefire enough to keep the freeway open,
so far, no injuries have beenreported. Remember we are getting into fire
season. Yeah, I'm so happyabout that. I was waiting for the
no injuries rewarded. Oh because youdid risky. Yeah that was risky if
somebody to get hurt sounds very insensitive. Gas prices in southern California, especially
in Riverside. I just made itup. Gas prices so cal are falling.
The average price of gallon of gashas dropped below five dollars, which
for the LA area is pretty good. Is typically the time of the year
when gas prices surge, where peopletrying to save money tho are cutting back
on travel, so there is lessdemand. And of course, if you
were traveling the freeways of southern California, I'm sure you know this, maybe
you're new to the area. Don'talways trust the gas station as soon as
you go off the freeway because theycharge higher than another station about a mile
into the suburbs or something. Sotake a look around those freeway gas stations.
No offensive yelling on, but alwayshave the highest prices for gas.
John, what's trending? This backand forth has been going on for quite
some time about Rhan and whether ornot she's going to be doing a new
music album. Well, this photowent viral recently where she was wearing a
T shirt that said I'm retired,and fans were freaking out about it.
While she had to come out andclear she said, clearly, I'm here,
locked in. She still is comingout with some music. It might
be some time. She doesn't havea date, but she's not retired.
It was just a shirt. I'mJohn Comuchi. That's what's trending in music.
It is Valentine in the morning.Where did he go to check the
cookie? Tiver right here? Howmuch time I left? Job? Are
they done? Does this say zero? Zero? Says thirty minutes? So
I don't know if he's thirty minutes. No, oh no, he's leaving.
Okay, wait a minute, wellthose cookies are fifteen minutes twenty five?
Oh man, do you want tohit headlines while we while we wait
for our host to return back fromchecking out the cookie. I'm just messing
with him, John. He leftthe show like, oh John, and
this is he's not gonna like kIt's fine. He was joking. I
know. That's why I said it'sfine. It's fine. Thirty is a
default reset. Did you take thecookies out. No, they're fine,
they'll stay warm and they have tocook. The cookies cook a little bit
when they're done to like steak.Yeah, you pull it down and it
still cooks. Yeah, John's right. Who those rocky steps? Wow?
Not seeing this man run so fast. You know, cookies are a serious
thing around here. John, yougotta take care of it. Respect.
Tomorrow's second chance prom that. Yeah, it was so much fun. Right,
and just if you're coming, justknow there's really no dress code.
Like everybody's kind of like on adifferent side. Excuse me, Valentine,
You and I and our dates aregoing fancy. Yeah, others are going
like a little to a whole biglike video about the dress code about shorts
because he wanted to wear shorts,and I feel like the results were very
ambiguous. Who knows. Yeah,we're not too short, No, we
know. Just did your management senda note that it's supposed to be like,
you know, dressy, Well,yes, Sabrina said, don't supposed
to be dressy, and and you'renot supposed to come on to Hawaiian shirt
and shorts. True, thank you. Yes we ever listened to Sabrina.
Most try to, but this ismy thing. This is my idea that
I've brought full table. I don'twant him coming wearing a lay in,
passing out con shells or something.Your shirt have sleeves. People are saying
fun formal. Who's people, John, that's those are the rumors. I'm
hearing comments on Instagram. People inthe hallways. It's fun formal, right,
yeah, fun formal. They're notcoming in the hallway. It's a
limited number of tickets. Yeah,and we have some staff members in the
building that are going. I've seenthe shirts they've ordered. Definitely fun formal.
I'm never doing it again. I'mnever doing it again. This is
the last year. This is thefinal one. Long sleeve ruffles on it.
In the high seats. I'm wearinga full on formal dress. Thank
you. If my dress is tothe ground, I steels on. My
god, you're a saint. Andmy fiance is wearing a suit. My
wife is wearing a bikini, sowe don't know what's happening. We'll have
photos for you when it's done,though. Don't worry. So fALS,
your body has been cast as themain villain in the up being Paramount Plus
series star Trek Starfleet Academy. Asfar as other members of the CASCO,
all we know so far is actressHolly Hunter is going to play the Academy's
captain and chancellor. But the creatorof the show said, Paul Gimani is
a huge Star Trek fan. Hesaid, sometimes you're lucky enough to discover
that one of the greatest actors aliveis also a huge Star Trek fan,
and meeting Paul was one of thosemiraculous moments for us. And Jin has
become the first member of BTS tocomplete his mandatory eighteen months of military service
in South Korea. He served asan assistant drill instructor at the Army Recruit
Training Center and now he's celebrating byhugging one thousand fans. It's going to
be an event tomorrow. It's athree hour hugging marathon, and fans were
chosen in a raffle. I'm Jillwith entertaiment headlines. What a Texas came
in formal means Dressey John Yeah,fun dressy who doesn't Oh my god,
Hugh, imagine the photos. Likea lot of people obviously don't have tickets
because this is, you know,our first one, so it wasn't like
we gave out a gazillion tickets fiss. And it's on a boat. It's
a three hour tour, so noneof us may be here efforts, but
we'll have a ton of photos foryou as well. Brian, thank you
for your show, for your show. Thank you for your show. John,
thank you for your show. Thankyou for your show. Lauren the
Couch, think of your show.Michael Pollman of New York City, think
of your show. And Natalia Prez, thank you for your show. Thank
you for your show. Lisa Foxis coming up next. Let's get a
final check that morning traffics. Seewhat's going on. I got in Westcovena
right now, about ten West atBaldwin