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July 17, 2024 • 75 mins
Today on Valentine in the Morning: You share with us some unpopular opinions on what off beat professions are the most attractive, and we flood Jill with wild things to do before she gets married.

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Episode Transcript

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It's the Valentine in the Morning replay. Welcome to the breakfast table of Valentine
in the Morning. I laughed heartily. I help, it's respectful to say
I love you. The full showpodcast starts right now. One of four
three Mile family. It is Valentinein the Morning. I'm gonna regret asking
you guys this question, but whichJonas brother do you think has the best
feet? Because there's a correct answerto this, I would stay right away,

come out and make a big statementhere. The bonus Jonas Frankie Jonas
is the best feet. He hasn'tdanced as much, he hasn't been jammed
in the shoes as much and everything, so his feet haven't felt the impact
of having to dance on stage allthe time, you know, because if
you're a dancer, you'll know yourfeet are jacked up. And a couple

of those Jonas brothers played soccer askids, and I don't think Frankie didn't.
If you're a soccer player, hejack up your toes already. He's
not that good either. My girlfriend'sfeet can be messed up. So no,
your girlfriend's feet are ugly. That'sin the ugly. I'm saying sometimes
they're very used. All right,So I'm saying bonus Jonas is my answer,
Jill Nick Nick, I'm gonna sayNick Jonas, he pays attention to

how he dresses, how he lookslike. I feel like he's putting the
time and effort into keeping his feetlooking nice. Ran, I'll take Joe.
You know, the hottest Jonas.Everyone knows that it is true.
I guess familiar with Wiki feet.No, what is that? Well,
Brian said, no, too fast, I don't know what you're talking about.
It's essentially a website where you cango look up celebrities feet and they

rank celebrities feet on this site.Oh and Joe Jonas was on a podcast
recently and he said he feels prettyflattered because he has almost the highest rating
that you can even have on thewebsite. Joe Jonas on Wiki feet has
one of the Joe Jonas heats outthere. He was on a podcast and
he says he has a four pointnine out of five in terms of feet.

Five is the highest you can getfor free. Not only is he
the highest Jonas, he has almosta perfect foot score. I'm like desperate
to look to see what else says, but I'm not one fetish thing they
want that. I'm not that somepeople are into it, really, you
know people that are in the feet, I honestly do. Yeah, yeah,
I'm not into that stuff. Ihave nothing against feet, but I'm
here now there. It's a foot. I like it. I touch it,

but I'm never going to a website. No I touch it. Wouldn't
you touch it? You wht's foot? You'd rob it? You touch it,
you'd ca noodle it whatever. You'dplay with the piggy toe. You've
played with the piggy toe. No, you wouldn't kiss whatever toes I don't.
I never have, and uh,you wouldn't one of her toes.
No I would. I'm fine withthat, but whatever, it's not a
thing though I'm not looking for it. There are people that are so enamored

by feet that they are like arousedby the ever something for lack of a
better word, I guess yeah,I don't really get that either. Well,
you're both on wiki feet right nowas I look at you, only
because Joe Jennas told me too.He's bragging about his feet. I want
to know what the feet look like, how they look pretty nice? Pret
nice and pretty nice. Joe,what are you seeing for feet on that
site down? Well, because youwent to a website called wiki feet peoples

the dark Web, and that's whathappens. You'll look up wiki feet.
I'm just giving you the fact aheadof time, so you don't have to
search it. Joe Jonas is onthere with the four point nine. Uh
all right, now your whole computeris gonna be checked out for a virus
later on. I mean everything's gone, all right. It's Valentine the Morning.
Thanks John. Good to know JoeJonas has the best feed out there.
I appreciate that. Oh welcome.We'll do who is the best feed

of Valentine in the Morning on afuture show. It's not me. You
know how snakes shed their skin.Here's the Italian breads with your morning traffic.
Go ahead and tell you I shedto news. Yes, take away,
thank you. I have so manyquestions. But let's talk about that

singler in grit the Park right now, five North Agrippin, one of four
three MYFM. It's Valentine in theMorning. We are about to have some
famous babies coming out, one particularfamous baby. We do this on Wednesdays
and we will give you some cluesabout one particular celebrity, but all the
clues have to do with being ababy in the delivery room with the parents

and the nurses and the doctor.And you're playing for tickets to see train
a Rio Speedwagon. So call usright now if you want to play eight
sixty six five four four MYFM andwill give you a clue to start things
off. So imagine this famous babycoming out, being named after his father

and becoming a registered pilot. Thatis your clue. Who is that famous
baby? Call right now, eightsixty six five four four MAFM. I'm
gonna tell you, Prez. Andthat's your topic with Valentine in the morning,
all right, And to tell youthank you very much. The weather
today's sunny, warm, high's theeighties to low nineties, a little bit
seventies of the Beaches sixty six inBell Garden sixty five and Anaheim Jill Scott.

The entertainment headlines coming up. LennyKravitz was on stage and he got
a very famous face time while hewas on stage. I'll tell you who
called him coming up at six fiftyHallo, Laura, welcome to Famous Babies
coming Out Are you ready to play? Yes, I am all right,
brilliant. I'll pass it over tojail now. She loves her game.

Famous Babies coming Out. All right, you heard the clue before the break.
Now here's a new one for you. Imagine this famous baby coming out,
becoming really good friends with Tom Cruise, good friends with Tom Cruise.
Who's a good friend of Tom Cruise's. He's a good friend of Tom Cruise.

That was going to be my answer, right Like who I'm trying to
figure that? I mean, Iguess somebody else that's in that world,
you know, drinking the cooler.Oh my gosh, I got nothing either.
I'm not even playing, but I'vegot nothing. He's at he's gone,
he left, Kellie. I haven'tseen him at ages. All right,

thank you very much, appreciate you, Thank you you too. Bye
bye, Hey, Chelsea, welcometo the Famous Babies Coming Out. Okay,
I I well, let's get aclue so we can all have some
fun. You over active girl.Let me give you a clue, Chelsea.
Okay, that's the famous Baby comingout, And like our own John

Camuci loves the song unwritten by NatashaBeddingfield. I got it. Glenn Powell.
Yes, it's Glenn Powell. Yes, you're right. What I used
to volunteer at the Scientology building.Used to see who at the Scientology Building?

I used to volunteer over there?You did? I told you?
I told you drinking the kool aid? So are you a scientologist yourself?
I'm not scientologist, but I wasvolunteering over there. It sounds like you
get locked in their bathroom at theScientologist Center and that's where you're calling from.

What does she get? Y'll?You won a pair of ticket Sis
train and Rio speed Wagon at theQ Forum on September eighth, and tickets
around sale now it took amaster dotcom. Yay, congratulations, thank you,
thank you, welcome. What doyou do for a living now?
I work at the post office?Fantastic? And do you work at the
counter or behind the counter? Iwork at the counter and behind the counter

sorting the mail. Fantastic. Youhave a very nice job, and I
appreciate you doing it because I'm abig fan of the thank you cards.
I'm the one who can stand onwelfare is when I was volunteering over there.
So it's a blessing to work here. Oh good deal, good deal.
Well hang out, we'll get youall said okay, okay, thank

you, thank you. Who wasit? Who's Glen Pale? So he's
starting in the new Twisters movie that'sactually out today. But you yeah talking
Maverick hidden figures? Right, Likefair question on my part though, right?
I think so? I think saidit? Okay, that's not the
most well known getting getting more andmore famous, getting more. Yes,

won't judge you like maybe I shouldhave known because of what I do for
a living or well, yeah,that's okay. I that judgments totally fine.
I mean, you know, haveyou seen his abs? No,
I'm sorry I had that. You'velost out For a second, I felt
like maybe I should have known whothe guy was, like Glenn Powell.
It feels like he's been in likefive movies in the last year. Do
you know what the five were?Twisters? Anyone but you? There's that

new one on Netflix. Didn't youhit hit Man? Top Gun? He
was in Top Gun? Maverick.Who was the tough gun like the main
on the main guy? No,you don't think he's the main guy.
Yeah. See, I'm not feelingthat he's ok I'm not feeling I didn't
know who the guy was. Yeah, people are texting in. I have

no idea even who this is is. Glenn, Who what are you talking
about? If you you've seen apreview for Twister, you've seen him?
Okay, yeah, i've seen him. Then I just know the guy's name.
So kudos to the young lady winningthe contest. There, Yeah,
six thirty nine, one of fourthree mile famines. Valence in the morning,
six forty six on a beautiful dayin sunny southern California. It's known
as a Oh no, look atthat. And by the way, your

hair is on point today? Thinkyou I just got to cut yesterday.
It looks so good. Something's upwith it? I said this to him
earlier. Something's up with him.He's he's going on a hot date or
something. Is he as Libya toMariam or something? Summer glow Summer glow
glow is a deliby thing. No, No, it's too soon for that,
Yes, soon, it's too soon. And I think he'll drop hints
to us. I would think I'lldrop some hints. Yeah, Like I

really think. I don't know ifyou would tell Jill. And this is
nothing against you, but I thinkyou might come to us as guys and
ask a few questions. You know, we should do. We should establish
what the hint should be now,so when I drop it later, it's
subtle enough and no one will remember, and then we'll know it's coming.
Dude, I'm gonna ask your that'sprobably the hints. No, I really
think that because I don't know howmany older guys you have in your life.

You've got a lot of frat guysobviously, and a lot of guys
your age. Of all of mybest friends, I'm the youngest. Do
you have a fair amount of guysin your life though, that are like
me and Brian, older Jans thathave been married for a long time.
No. So that's where I think, And I'm not expecting this. I'm
just predicting it that I think,based on our relationship and the go forward
and everything, I think you mightask either Brian or myself a little bit

of a device. Not about howto propose to somebody or something, Yeah,
just about marriage in general. Youknow, dude, I feel like
I get a lot of that fromthis show, because this is really the
closest glimpse I get to what marriagelooks like. Oh God, well,
I'm not really looking around with abunch of older people who haven't been married
more than maybe two three years.You know, No, you tell me
the stuff that Brian I talked aboutoff here. No, yeah, that's
all I get. Well for gettingmarried, that's it. Yeah, you
get advice to somebody else. Likeyou know, my wife wants to buy

now, she wants to buy aflagpole? What am I gonna wear?
How does she spend this money ofours? I'm gonna be work until I'm
ninety. Yeah, all right,we're gonna do a better job off the
air, bright Eye, because onthe air, obviously we're clearly lovey dovey.
But off the air, I'm sureyou know my wife goes out with
their girlfriends and says a few thingsabout me here and there. Maybe,
I mean, the only person thatwould know would be is sitting right there.

You guys, like I've said manytimes, your wives do not talk
about you to me. They knowhow close we are. They're not going
to do that to me. Huh, Like they know I work with you
every day. You're not going togive them a secret anyway. They know
that you're locked down, you wouldunderstand whatever they're talking about you hate us
too. They have never talked tome about you guys. Right, nothing

that kind of hurts my feelings.I know that kind of does hurt,
right, Isn't it weird like that, like we don't want them yacked about
us too much, but not evena little bit, not even a little
bit of Like you know, whenI wake up in the morning, the
sunshine on my face isn't from thatbeautiful star of our solar system. It's
the beautiful glow of my husband facelying next to me. Something like that,

You know, nothing, it's likeno good things either, Like she's
trying to be polite, like zero. Let me think, in the entire
time you've known my wife and Boo'swife, have they said one nice thing
about us? And I'm sure mywife for like twenty five years. They

love to hear that they've never saidanything bad. Of course they never say
anything good either. She's struggling.I can't think of an exactly, not
a single thing in twenty five yearsyou can think of they talked about you,
guys? What have they said aboutus? Guys? Know, the
moon on his face? What isit shining at the moon on his face?

My gosh, guys, anyway,John, We're here for you.
I'm good for a while. Yeah, I think I don't think you need
any of us. Actually, andactress announced her engagement only so she could
do it before her mom announced it. I'll explain what after traffic During a
show in Italy, Lenny Kravitz receiveda FaceTime in the middle of a show

and Lenny answered the call and itwasn't just anybody on FaceTime, It was
Denzel Washington. And Lenny Kravitz tellsthe ground, I'm sorry, my big
brother just called me up on thephone to say hi. He goes,
y'all know Denzel Washington. He'd turnedthe phone to the crowd, he said,
the watch who would not answer Denzel? Eat? You get a FaceTime
from like Denzel? You in?That guy's a stud? Just stud.

And actress Emma Roberts, she hasstarred in Scream Queen's American horror Story,
were the Millers. She had ababy a few years ago and she wasn't
showing her son's face on social media, but her mom shared a photo of
the baby on Instagram, which thenled Emma Roberts to post, when your
mom posts your son's face without asking, but you love them both, so

whatever. Then she started posting herson. Well. Fast forward to yesterday,
Emma shared a photo on Instagram ofher engagement ring, and she wrote,
putting this here before my mom tellseveryone, and she's engaged to actor
Cody John. So congrats to them. I'm Jill with They're in David headlines.
I was checking the little broadcast channelwe have there for one of four,
three MIFM and a lot of hearts, a lot of wow's, a

lot of hays, a lot ofdifferent emojis for John Kuchi running through the
iHeartRadio lobby without his clothing. Itwas short lived, It was a very
short video, but we got tocome up with, like, what's the
next thing. I don't think so. I think you were into, Yeah,
you want to run longer naked orsomething? Not me this time.
Let's maybe make it like Brian orsomething. No, nobody wants that.

Nobody wants He's right. No,our wives actually did talk to Jill about
that. Our wives told Jill,we don't want that. No, we
can't talk you John. You like, uh, so what do we do
a longer run? Or yeah?Just women apparently and quite a few men
liked seeing you yesterday shirtless. Yeah, but I think it's like one time

though. Well, okay, here'sthe thing. We have this broadcast channel
and you if you join it,he's still my their shirtless. You can
go check it out now on afour to three mifm on Instagram. And
you joined the broadcast channel one afour to three mifm on Instagram. And
our broadcast channel think is like athousand members on it or something right now.
And I was comparing it to KissFM down the hall, our sister
radio station, and very nice people, and they have thinks like one point

three thousand theirs, and no one'sshirtless in theirs, and it took them
like months to get to one pointthree thousand. We got to one thousand
and thirty six hours because of Johntaking a shirt off. We cannot credit
my shirt off. That's all wetalked about, is you're taking your shirt
off, right, That was it. That's exactly what it was. And
I'm gonna ride this little pony tothe end of my career. I'm with
them on this job because you're justbecause you're shirting off. I be honest,

like, I'm happy to do whateverfor the show. I just I
can't believe that that's true. You'rea young guy, you're in great shave,
you clearly shave or whax. No, just a boy, just a
boy to chest hair, you're man, really, that was that's unshamed.

Don't shave. I's pristine. Thisis all natural. He spend a lot
of money to look like that,honest to gush like I would have and
I mean no offense to John.I would have sworn. And you get
to check it out too if you'reI mean, it doesn't matter what your
ages. You're fine. The broadcastchannel, it's in the group chat right
now. Just join that broadcast channelfor one of four three MYFM. I
would have sworn that something was done. I could not see even a little

bit of hair upon your upper torso, your chest area, your bea look
real close. I have two babyhairs on my chest and I take bad
in those baby hairs because it's allI have, which is a shocker,
because I'm Italian. In all mytime, tons of hair on their chest.
Yeah, for some reason, itskipped me. It's skipped you.
Oh it's still coming. Who knows. Well, he's just a boy,

all right. I swore, hewaxed. I mean this guy he's got
everything. He's got it all,doesn't he He's got it all? One
of four three mifam, it's Valentinein the Morning, Battle of Sexes.
You guys want to play? Weneed you to all right now? Eight
sixty six five four to four MYFM. Really Cool Prize Disney Eighties to Nineties
Celebration in concert at the Hollywood BallCorrect. Yes, oh the best.

It's Friday night and Saturday night,and it's gonna be amazing. It is
going to be great. They're gonnajust be playing all the classic songs we
love. Which night are you goingto be there? Friday night? Friday
night? Yes, and maybe Saturdaynight. You never know, You never
know. The call now if youwant in eight sixty six five four four
my FM, one four three myFM. It is Valentine in the Morning
seven ten, Good morning. Iwant you to fill in this blank later

on the sour if you kenn youcan text into three one o four three.
This might be an unpopular opinion,but the most attractive profession is what
three one oh four three? Whatis it? There's this video going viral
right now and it's the profession I'veseen the most of someone claims T shirt
cannon shooters t shirt cannon shirts?Is that a pfession? By the way,

I've always feel like it's a parttime job. I don't feel like
the person went to school to bea T shirt cannon shooter now, but
I feel like the guys they're talkingabout take it seriously. You know,
they work out so their biceps lookgood at the canon. No, they
work out because they don't have anotherjob, probably and it's just a show
up at the ball game tonight anddo the T shirt cannon. Probably have
to have multiple jobs to have thatT shirt cannon job, I think,

yeah, possible. Yeah, allright, so T shirt canon is the
most sexiest, most attractive job.Yeah, at that first bottle right now,
that that is an underrated job thatyou wouldn't do. Is that the
same thing for ladies doing the Tshirt cannon because they do it too.
The look, I guess so frustratedwhen you're yelling for them to shoot at
your way and they just don't listen. Yeah, you know, like I've

got a kid over here. It'san arena full of people doing the same
thing. I know, But I'mlouder so three one oh four three text
in this might be done pop opinion. But the most attractive profession is what
it is the Battle of the sexes. Repped in The Medazine's Edwin. He
lives in valley village to stay athome. Dad enjoys going to the movies

with his daughter. What's up,ed when, Good morning? Have resenting
the ladies. Her name is Lauren. He's Fromancho Santa Margarita. She works
as a librarian and enjoys cuddling withher cats. Let's do it for Lauren.
What's going on, Lauren? Goodmorning, Laurena. Are you tracked

to a T shirt? Cannon?Guys? I can't particularly say I've really
noticed whether they're attractive or not.Well, now, in the future,
you're to be watching that T shirtcannon guy, aren't you. I will
be keeping my eye on them.Yes, she just goes about her life.
I'm looking for a T shirt canon, Matt. Now, well,
here's how works. Laura gonna aska few questions, Edwin. Jill's gonna

asking the questions best. At thethree wins still tied the end of regulation,
we go to a not so toughtiebreaker question. We're going to start
with the ladies in the NFL.What city do the Bengals call home?
Cincinnati? Cincinnati is correct edwin AbbyLee Miller is a name associated with what

television franchise The Office? Did yousay, beyoncee, I'm sorry, hello,
Dance Moms? My fault? Currentscore one to nothing? Ladies,
What two thousand and seven animated moviefeatures a rat named Remy rather chue so

great? I should watch it allthe time, my son Edwin? What
animated movie features songs like Once Uponin December and Journey to the Past One
fun? Uh the movie before Christmas? No, it's Anastasia Ladies win,

Lorren. You want a Battle ofthe Sex Championship certificate posted on social use
the hashtag Valentine in the Morning andshare it with pride. Oh I will,
And You've also won a family fourpack of tickets to Disney Eighties and
Nineties celebration in concert at the HollywoodBowl on July nineteenth. They'll be highlighting

songs and clips from the iconic Disneyfilms of the eighties and nineties, and
they'll have special guest singers joining theHollywood Bowl Orchestra for unforgettable favorites from the
movies we love. We have abonus chance to win VIP tickets right now
at one O four to three myfmdot com. Congrats, Lauren, Thank
you. I can't wait to bringmy nephews. They're going to have so
much fun. Oh that's awesome.Great? How many of us wanted to

try it? Didn't you want totry it? You want to try it?
Okay, Okay, here we go. No Coan, Joe, don't
you want to try it? Helloto hear you? No, but he

went too far from the mic.Nobody can hear them. He was too
scared. I nailed it. Ididn't have the lyrics. I thought you
were gonna lift me up to No, I yelled a sorry. All right,
Well, listen to ed when asyou exit the stage, this moment
is entirely yours. You take itaway. Congresations and enjoying the minions sound

like the minions sound like we'll takethat. It wasn't mean it's okay?
Coming up. Three things you needto know Today is Disneyland's sixty ninth anniversary,
and the theme park is celebrating byannouncing really cheap tickets for certain people

who are the certain people? Areyou one of the certain people? Would
you like to be a certain person? Why would you get really cheap tickets?
What certain people get them? Wellfind out together in three Things you
Need to Know seven twenty two.It's Valentine in the morning. This is
one of four to three MYFM today. Disneyland celebrating their sixty ninth anniversary by

giving a special ticket offer for certainpeople. Those certain people are residents of
Anaheim, Anaheim Residence for a limitedtime. If you live in Anaheim,
you can enjoy a day Disneyland forjust sixty nine bucks. Whialt Disney officially
opened Distlant on July seventeenth, nineteenfifty five. The MLB All Star Game
went down last night in Arlington,Texas. The Dodgers had six players on

the National League team, Shohey Otani, ti Oscar Hernandez, Mookie Betts,
Freddie Freeman, Tyler Glasnow, andWill Smith. The Angels were represented by
pitcher Tyler Anderson playing for the AmericanLeague team. The Americanly won that game
last night, five to three.Jared Duran hit a home run MVP.
Nice job, young guy. Ithink it was his first All Star game,
probably right his debut. It's socool to see stuff like that.

John was trending. Speaking of theAll Star break, here we got an
update from Ingrid on Dress. She'sthe country artist who's sang the Starspagel banner
before the home run derby on Monday. We played it on air. She
was very heavily criticized around the nationfor it. Well, she released a
statement yesterday and she admitted she wasintoxicated during that performance. She said,
its the problem she's going through rightnow. She said she had to check

herself into a rehab and that's somethingshe's working on. Unfortunately, social media
has not really let up on hermuch. Oh really even after that,
Yeah, even after that, thereare some people who are feeling for her.
But man, it just it strucka chord with a lot of people.
Yeah. Again, I believe herbecause I've seen her perform on another
occasions. She's really talented. Butthat's that's the update. How do you
like before that moment, Maybe she'sso nervous, she just drank too much

or something, or maybe she's,like she said, she has a drinking
problem. It's gonna get help forit. Yeah, it's gotta be one
of the tube. Wow, I'mJohn Camuci. That's's training in music.
I made a mistake. I wasregramming her statement yesterday. And I don't
know if you guys know this,but when you regram something, you know,
you put in your story and youcan like make it smaller or larger
or something like that. And Imade it larger because a font a little

smaller, but then it cut offher name at the bottom, so it
looked like it was for me.Yeah. It was up for like twenty
minutes, and my kid goes,Dad, what is this? I thought
we had a good show yesterday andit makes sense. Oh real, Okay,
thanks John. Eight sixty six byfour four text and three one oh
four three. This might be anunpopular opinion, but the most attractive profession

is blank. Here are some ofthe texts coming in. Lee said a
funeral director, Emmanuel said a painter, and then Erica said my popular opinion
radio personalities. Yeah, even I'llsay no to that. You know one
of four three my FM's Valentine inthe Morning. We want to know.

This might be an unpopular opinion,but the most attractive profession is blank.
I'd like to add a profession tothe list, the person that refills the
snack section. Whenever I go downthere and there's someone, you know,
refilling all of our little snacks,right, it's always an attractive person doing
it. Really, yes, Ithought you sure it's an attractive person.

Or it's just the fact that theyhave snacks that could very well be adding
to and the fact that they couldgive you snacks for free if they shows,
right, they good. They alwayshave that big bin of snacks,
and you want to make friends ofthem because you feel like, dude,
here's some hot cheetos, just becauseI like you. Right, Yeah,
it's just all right there eight sixtysix five four four. If I'm texting
three one on fourth three Michael Linn, who do you think is the most

attractive or what do you think isthe most attractive profession? The IT guy
okay, especially if they're wearing glasses. Okay, the IT guy, the
it the information technology guy, especiallyif they're wearing glasses. Really, something
about a nerd. There's something abouta nerd that's extremely attractive. Okay,
We have it guys here, andI think all of us are picturing them.
Are you feeling very attracted to anyof them guys. What I get?

Yeah? Who I want to sayhis name? I'll turn the mic
off real quick, Tom, Idon't drudge you. So you like a
guy that's really good with that stuff, computers and things. Yeah, well
yeah, it's kind of a it'skind of a sexy thing watching them,
you know, work their magic whensomething's gone down or something's gone wrong?
What magic they tell you? Haveyou restarted your computer? Yet? That's

all they ever tell me. There'sa Clark Kent, you know, stigma
about them. Oh wow, theseit guys and they're loves really good with
their hands too, John, Theyhung all our TVs in here. They're
always getting under the boards, messingwith wires. I like, I feel
like she probably works it or something. Me. Yeah, oh no,

no, no, I work inhospital. No no, I never would
have thought the IT guy would bethe most attractive profession out there. But
okay, have you ever watch aTV show Scorpion? No, computer nerds
are totally totally sexy. Well,nerds can't be sexy. I agree with
that, Yeah, yeah they can. All right, Mike Lynn, thank
you very much. You guys havea great warning you too. All Right,

it's gonna be another hot one today, and I just know that when
I get home, my room andI are going to fight over the ac
We do it all the time.I don't mind it when it's a little
bit hotter. He usually likes alittle bit colder. And that's the problem
with the house is like everything hasto be set to the same temperature,
And wouldn't it be nice if youcould just have it room by room.
Yeah, you have just your roomone temperature. Once you get an I
got to come over there and lookunder the door instead of a smart thermostat

or something that I don't need tobecause my Toyota does that for me.
It's kind of nice. If hecomes with me in the passenger seat,
the driver and the passenger, youcan have two different climates all together.
He can have it as hot ashe wants and that doesn't have to affect
me while I'm driving. The dualclimate zones, it's like a try climate
zone. So you guys get afight in the house about that, and
you both go, let's just gosit outside in the Toyota. Yeah,
let's go get dinner. Then wedon't have to worry about this. Good

right, And the roommates in thevackseat. They can control it themselves too,
and that's just nice that Toyota thinksabout it all. So find out
which one's right for you. Youcan get that whole family together, Foreign
Adventure and an all new Grand Highlanderwith its spacious cabin and seating for up
to eight, or find the onethat best suits your lifestyle at Toyota dot
com. I'm gonna tell your presidentthat to your traffic with Valentine in the
morning. Hey, Natalia, quickquestion, it's an unpopular opinion, but

what profession you find to be incrediblyattractive? I know this answer. Comedians.
Comedians. You're a comedian on stageand like, maybe not that cute,
but then as it's going on,you're like, ooh yeah. There
was a study that came out recentlythat met are eighty percent more attracted to
a woman if they can make themlaugh. Uh huh. You look at
you. We're like little laugh tracksof two of us back and forth every

day. Well you make me laugh. That's you make me laugh, and
I find you very attracted. Ohyou'll just laugh at that. Oh wow,
So now we are eighty percent moreattractive? Right, thank you?
All right? Weather today a sunnywarm High's Eightyes, Solo nineties, Little
Mis seventies and Beaches sixty six andArcadia sixty seven. Boltin Jill's got the
entertainment headlines coming up A very famousoutfit, bless you. Very famous outfit

is about to make its way toMadame Tussaud's I'll tell you whose it is?
Coming up at seven fifty. Sorry, Heather, I think I might
be allergic to you. How areyou? I'm well, how are you?
We're doing good. So it's anunpopular opinion. But what profession you
find incredibly attractive? I have totalevidence that anesthesia doctors must be hot to

get that job. Really, Inever met when that wasn't really Yes,
And yesterday my friend had to havelike emergency gall bladder surgery, and I'm
like her person, So I walkinto the pre op and choking around,
I'm like, hey, any hotdoctors today, and she giggled. And
then this guy walks in and he'sa anesthesia guy, and he's asking her

all these personal questions and we aredying. We have no idea what he
said because he was so hot.He was so hot, right, He's
asking about allergies, different things,and girls like h And I'm like in
my phone trying to take notes becauseI'm like that person I'm supposed to be
like in charge right right, She'sdying. Wait he left. He was

just that great looking. He wasridiculous, like Gray's anatomy hot. Oh
wow, wow, you're like putme under duck, put me under you.
Oh she said. She came outof surgery and I'm like hey,
and she said, has Andrew beenback? And I was like, no,
I haven't seen him, and shegoes, well, I thought about

him when I was falling asleep nineeight seven. Oh my god. The
best part is like somebody listening rightnow is gonna know. And Anne Seusia
all just say Andrew's super hot,like, oh they're talking about the radio.
Oh they totally are medical center.Hey, you know where's it at?

Heather? He were said, saarthe vice where he was so hot?
And she, my friend is fortyand single. And I literally stared
at his hand when I walked whenhe walked away, and she goes,
you were looking to see if Ihad a wedding ring on, weren't you?
And I said I absolutely was,girl, He's awesome And what was
the answer yes or no. Oh, he had no wedding ring that I
said, that's awesome. Hey,you know what you said that I found

so interesting and I just wanted topoint it out because I think you're a
very very special young lady here.You said, I'm her person, and
I love that she has somebody maybefamilies done around or something, but she
is somebody that she can count on, and that's you. I think that's
really beautiful. Oh, thank you. We had a mutual friend that I
was her person, and the threeof us came together over over a difficult

time and whatnot. So we justwe just show up for whatever's needed.
We just show up, and it'sthe it's the best kind of chosen family
to have. She has my parents. They're just in Wisconsin. Yeah,
okay, so far away, right, They just live far away. And
so she's a you know, singlegal in LA and I'm married with his
family. So we call each other'ssister. Wise, but it's it's a

joke, but it really is.And I didn't want to gloss over because
I think it's so special and envyout there that has a similar situation.
I think it's beautiful. You're somebody'sperson. What a great thing to be
in life. That Hey, I'myour person. You need help, you
need support, I'm there for you. That's really beautiful. No, thank
you, that's very kind of you. And you said you're married, right,
I am married. Andrews a tablefor you. Do you understand me?

Person? Andrew is eyes only foronly for you, eyes up here
as well, young lady. ThanksHeather. People love an anesthesiologist, all
right, eight sixty six five fourfour texting three one oh four three.
By the way, happy to youis coming up. If you got something
great in your life and you wantto share it with us, just texting

right now at three one oh fourthree. Natalia found him. Natalia found
him? Is he handsome? He'sa good looking guy. Why is she
searching anesthesiologists at Cedars named Andrew?She's good, she's very good. Job
to Talia. Wow, hey Natalia. Yeah, Jill just told me that

you found Andrew over at sea asyou searched him and found him. I
think I did. I think thatmight be you are fast, I've got
time. How's that traffic? NataliePortman has been in Star Wars, Black
swan Or, and so many otherfilms. But she has named the most

important credit of her career and it'snot gonna be what you think it is.
I'll tell you what she said rightafter traffic. I'm gonna tell you
present that's your traffic with Valentine inthe morning. Hey to tell you how's
traffic? Guess out is Theedars rightnow? With all the look at this
for Andrew the antysiologist, it's it'sstacking up, its stacking starting to stack
up. Okay. When Harry Stylesheadlined Coachella on Weekend number two, he

wore this furry pink jacket and thisstrawberry bedazzled vest. Well, now it's
making its way to Madame Tussaud's.This new statue of Harry is going to
be unveiled on Friday at the NashvilleMadame Tuosod's, but hopefully it'll make its
way here as well. And NataliePortman has starred in Black Swan, four

Star Wars, so many different movies. And she was on the Today Show
and she was asked the most importantcredit of her career and she said,
Bluie. She's on an episode fromseason three. It's called Whale Watching and
you can briefly hear Natalie Portman narratinga nature documentary that the family's watching on

the show, and Natalie Portman said, it's a very important show for my
family and I was really really honoredto get to be a part of it.
It's so wonderful, it's pure joy. So that is her most important
credit in my career. I'm Jillwith Erry Timid headlines. Kay seven fifty
one, it's Valentine in the morning. This is one of fort three MYFM
Billie Eilish tickets coming up after eighto'clock. If you're listening to MYFM,

Heather, we've been talking about themost attractive profession, even though it might
seem like it's an unpopular opinion.What profession are you thinking of? The
men truck driver? It's a mentruck driver. Do you know a cement
truck driver? I have a husband. Yeah, then probably is married to
an IT guy too. All right, so your husband drives a cement truck.
Yeah, yeah, yep, yep. Something about that big old truck

and it's constantly rotating Yepkay. Buthow's this cement truck different than any other
big track? It's just way morecooler. Everybody wants to be a cement
truck driver when they're little. Idon't really think you do anything, do
you. You just drive the truckthere and then you unload the cement and
the other people have to do theannual labor. You just keep the thing
spinning. Yeah. Yeah, that'sa cool gig. I like that gig.

Seven to fifty three. Battle ofSex is coming up, Billy Eilish,
that is so cool. And THESTIgets are sold out. She's playing
the Kia for him and you canwin. After eight o'clock one of four
to three, Mi fam, it'sValentine in the morning coming up later on
this hour. What is something wildthat Jill should do before she gets married?

Texting at three one oh four three. We've got twelve days before the
ceremony. And please keep me inmind when you have these ideas. No,
please don't. What does that mean? Think of what's wild for me?
You know what I mean? Iwas gonna suggest like a thunder from
down undershow, but you've already donethat like countless times. Yes, right,
I know that she hasn't been onstage with them. Oh no,

I don't want to do that,No, no, no, I want
to say, out of everything weget, you will do one of these
suggestions that we give. Yes,I promise you I will do one of
them. Well, the phone linesjust went dead. The only suggestion we
have is on stage at Thunder fromdown Under. So textan right now three
one oh four three three one ohfour to three. It is the Battle

of the Sex is repsent of theMEDA name of Sam. He lives in
Beaumont. He's a stay at homedad and enjoys playing games with the kids.
What up, Sam? Hella helimonyrepresing the ladies. Her name is
Tricia. He's from Redlands. Sheworks as an insurance broke and enjoys swimming.
Let's hear fora Tricia. What's upTricia? Here's that works? Tricia.

I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Sam just gonna be asking you
the questions. Best hut of threewins. Still tied in the regulation,
we go to announce a tough tiebreaker question. Let us start with the
ladies. In what video game wouldyou find the character Laura Croft an adventurous
archaeologist tune raider. That's correct,Nice job, Sam, who on Friends
is a paleontologist rough. Yeah.The character Neo from the Matrix series is

played by What actor Tricia Keanu ReevesGo so Far? Sam Keanu Reeves is
the voice of Duke Kaboom in whatanimated movie Toy Story? God? Guys,
gosh, guys, how much coffeehave you had? What NFL team
recently named Jim Harbor as their newhead coach? Is it the Chargers?

Yes? It was? And Sam, Jim and Pam get married on what
television series The Office? Wow?Guys, honestly Wow. Let's go to
a not so tough tie breaker question, Hollier, are your named? The
answer name will be your buzzer.Wait until Brian Burton finishes asking the question
before you buzz in? What doyou love to brag about? Chrisia?
Sam? Tricia was first, myfamily, my sweet kids. All right,

ladies, when Tricia you want aBattle of the Sexiest championship certificate post
on social use the hashtag Valentine theMorning and share it with pride. Oh
I will. You've also won apair of sold out tickets to see Billie
Eilish at the Kia Forum on Decemberseventeenth. Give a bonus chance to win

online at one four three MIFM dotcom as well. But congratulations Tricia,
Oh my gosh, thank you somuch. That's exciting. Nus job.
Well, Sam's you exit the stage. This moment is entirely yours. You
take it away. Congrat Tricia.You have a great time. And I
was wondering if I can be onthe Christmas card list, the Fallenten in
the Morning Family Christmas card list.I tell you what if I get three
hoes, you get to goes.Oh, you're on that list. Coming

up in Three Things you need toknow. If you think you're paying too
much for your phone bill, youprobably are. Is evidence to back that
up? How can you start payingless? Coming up Three Things you need
to Know one of four to threemile them. It is Valentine in the
Morning. It's eight twenty two.Kelly, what should Jill do something wild

before she gets married? I thinkit would be very appropriate for Jill to
get a tattoo. A tattoo.So my sisters and I were actually thinking
about this and getting a Scoto ourlast name in my dad's handwriting, like
my dad write it out ride Atoand then all three of us get right
tattoo. Where would you get it, would you get it somewhere crazy on

the arm, on the ankle,on the bum. I don't know.
The weird, a little bit weird. Yeah, I don't know where i'd
get it. Huh. Okay.I was thinking. I was thinking what
would be appropriate would be the datefor your wedding because it's got such a
meaning for your grandparent. Yes,that's really good, Kelly. I like
that idea. And this is gonnabe my grandparents' wedding anniversary as well.

So, guys, we're looking forfun stuff like thunder from down Under?
This is this is not reaching thatlimit, Kelly. That's very sweet of
you. I like it. Thisis Jill. Come on, Jill,
thank you Key, what are youcrazy? All right? Thanks? Kell,
appreciate you. Have a great day, guys, you too. By
Jill's agreed she will do one ofthese suggestions that come in today. Yes,

so far we have thunder from downUnder. She's on stage now,
we have a tattoo. And whatdo you say, Kyla? Hi?
How are you good? How areyou? I think Jill should go skinny
dipping in the ocean at night,skinny dipping the ocean to night. She
is so afraid of the ocean.Yes, I am. She's so afraid

of being naked in the ocean,that's very true. And she's afraid of
seeing her naked in the ocean.Can I get arrested for something like that?
Yes, technically yes, you're notgoing to jail for it. Don't
write you up. I don't wantthat. I think you could get away
with it. Yeah, you probablyget away with it, though, you
know. Okay, quick run down, skinny dip, jump in the ocean

and hop back. And here's thething, we don't know. She's gonna
do it like a tattoo. We'llsee it. She's on stage, thundering
from down under, we'll see it. How are we getting to know for
sure that she's skinny dipped in theocean and didn't just wear like a bathing
suit and ooh, i'd let Laurasee it. Laura, you're gonna go
film it? When people want toknow jellied memories, Kayla, you said,

Jill, she goes skinny dip inthe ocean and film it. That's
what you said, right, AndLaura can go do it together and you're
gonna film it. No, nofilming. There has to be evidence I
know that she can blur you though. No, no, but Laura,
we're not going to know. AndI know you and her you like,
all right, I'm just telling mewe did it and we all went down
to uh Chipotle. Is unlike Jillthing and I Chipotle. You have Jill

that together if we're going to doa bonding activity. All right, Cayla,
thanks very much, appreciate you one. Okay, So there we have
three so far. Texts coming inthat you like. Some I really can't
repeat, okay, and I'm questioningmy life guy diving all right, skydiving's

not bad? What's up there?There's a bad There's a lot of texts
that say, like, this isJill, we can't get wild, but
like I you know, that's thepoint. She up for something. She
wants to get wild. Like,if you had to choose so far,
what would you have to do?Tattoo tattoos? That would be that's the
front. I cannot believe you're gonnaget a tattoo. We've been thinking about

it already. I was like,uh, oh man, I really was
rooting for that skinny dipping in theocean stuff. I thought that was funny,
you know, because no, Jill, some crab would crawl on the
wrong spot or something things and gobad. She gets some like infection from
the ocean or something like that.Truly right eight six six five four FOURFM
texting three one O four to three. If you know Jill, great,

If you don't, she's on ourshow here. She's getting married in twelve
days. What should a young ladydo before she gets married? We all
drive Toe's here in Valentine in themorning. I'm a priest. Prime kills
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my own Prius Prime is great.My kid loves getting in my car.
He loves the comfort of the car. My kid sleeps in my car.
I sleep in my car. We'veboth been kicked out of the house.
No, but we'll go someplace,maybe have a sandwich or whatever. We're
just sitting there and whatever else totake a nap, nap after a soccer
game before you drive three hours fromSan Diego or something like that. They're

really comfortable cars. Longtime sponsor ofour show, find out which totis right
for you Tota dot com. I'mgonna tell you for us and that's your
traffic with Valentine in the morning.All right, And Talia, any suggestions
for Jill to get wild before shegets married in twelve days. I was
gonna say, maybe like a piercingcould be fine. Piercing okay, like
upper ear? A No, it'sgotta be more wild than upper ear.

Come on, you know what you'retalking about. You know where you're leading
us, you know what you're doingto Talia. I have three holes in
each ear right now, three piercingsin each ear, so we can add
another one to the top. Ilike it. I like wild. Is
that wild? Though? Not enough? Right? Maybe a nose ring,
but we're talking right man. Thenyou do like a chain from the ear
to the nose, like US artistJane childed years ago. I had one

of those, like the clip youhad clip, because Shane, you did
wane from my nose to my ear. I thought I was so cool.
Bring it back, Bring it backeight six six by four four MYFM texting
three one oh four three Weather Today'ssunny, warm eighties, nineties, Evan
is the Beaches sixty nine a Monthdayseventy and ninea Heim. Jill's got the
entertainment headlines coming up. It's hardto imagine Marvel star and wrestler Dave Bautista

ever being teased, but he was. I'll tell you the story coming up
at eight fifty. So the dealis this, and it's been shook.
We actually spit in our hands andput them together and made the deal.
Yes, she will do one ofthe ideas it gets on the radio.
One of the ideas that are seton the radio, she will do before

her wedding. Currently dance on stageof the mena from Thunder from down Under,
get a tattoo, get her selfpierced somewhere crazy, naked in the
ocean, Yes, naked in theocean, skinny dipping and filming naked in
the ocean. All those have beenagreed to. Good morning, Marianna,

how are you good? What's youridea for Jill before the wedding? Well,
idea more like well, I wasgoing to add to the person because
I was sing earlier that they saidthat gold skinny Disney. Yes, and
you would like, but there's actuallya personal friend. There's an actual naked
beach in San Diego, Like peopleactually want their naked were going to get

in trouble, right, So there'sthe newdest beach and naked beach in Sydneygo.
Maybe somebody else knows of the newdestbeach here, but I don't.
She wants to do with a bunchof people around, definitely don't. But
those peaches usually aren't that packed anyway. We were under like if it was
like you, we're gonna get introuble or anything. But I'm like,
I'm pretty sure. I had afriend who said that they were in the
beach next to it and some guyaccidentally walked a little over too much and

then he was just a bundicking infront of them. Oh god, it
is like a little cut off line. That's the butt naked beach. See,
we're here at the family beach.Don't come over here. I appreciate
you giving me a safe space todo this, right, but for our
suggestion. I'm not a wild person. I'm more like the adventures person.
But if you're trying to do anythinglike the four Wedding, I want to
just a little get away like youguys together unless you're trying to go get

it. Wow. Wow wow wowwow wow. I didn't do anything wow
for my virture before my weddings.Well, that's okay. We're gonna have
Jill do. It's like Will Smith'sgonna rerecord it. Wow wow Jail,
Wow wow Jill. Thanks, Maryhad to take care you too. I
really appreciate that. Everybody knows me, you know. I appreciate the suggestions

we do too. We appreciate himtoo, Like do you want something within
the Jill world or do you wantto push your push your boundaries, push
your boundaries. I might go toDizzeyland for the day. That's wild.
Jill, Hey t good morning,how are you? Good morning? Everyone?
All right? What do you gotfor Jill? Bring to the table?

Okay, Jill, I'm gonna second. Everyone's saying piercings, but just
do your girls? Do your girls? Do your girl both both of them?
And Jeff now we're talking to you. How is that? Wow?
Well, would Jeff enjoy that?Jeff would be so shocked if you came

home with the girls peers chain youcould have changed in the two why not?
How long does it have to bethough it's long. That's going to
be longer than between the ear andthe doors. Right, we're talking.
You really appreciate it. We knowwhat we're all talking about. Everyone knows,
right, Okay, everyone's got that. Okay, gotcha. What does
that do? Though? Does thatlike increase sensations or something? Well,

you know, that is a greatquestion. I would assume. Yeah,
I don't know what people do it. Jill does it, right, Okay,
So your sisters aren't pierced mine?Yeah, no, but I'm gonna
get careful and I are going toOkay, if Jill does it, maybe
all second her right, And thenevery day when people are going through the

airport behind Jill, are you andhe's waiting for all the metal detector gag
unload a few things here, youknow. Okay, well we'll add that
to the list on the list list, all right. The sisters, the
twins, oh, the girls arecoming out. Thanks to appreciate you,

Thank you, guys. Have agood day. Are YouTube of bye eight
six six, five three one fourthree The Dealers. Though it has to
be set on the air, It'snot just something in a text line.
You can't choose from a Facebook post. Later on, and we've only got
you know, just a few moreminutes left on this topic. So if
you want to get it in threeone O four three, Jill should skydive.
That's one of the ones. Yeah. People say that's black speech where

you can go naked. Okay,do a smoke session with Brian. You
do that? Oh, that's onthe air now. In the list,
I said, if I ever doit, I need Brian to be Brian
hasn't done in ages though, Yeah, right, you haven't. That's what
you told me. Did I saythat to you? God, here's a

cup? Could you take this?Driven? Just a It is one of
four to three mi fam it's Valentinein the morning. We're trying to find
something for Jill to do before shegets married and t minus twelve days on
the board so far the recap wehave go skinny dipping, run and swim
sands clothes in the ocean. Duringthe day. I may have just added

that They said at night, allright, fine, but but I'm just
worried about you at night with sharks. So that's me actually looking at you.
So during the day during the day, no, not really, you
know, there'd be out at dawnand dusk. That's what we all know.
But at nighttime all sea predators comeout. Yeah, no, that's
true. And the cloth too.Yeah, they eat clothes more than anything

else. So if you were skinnydipping in the ocean, noon is the
best time to get the right Alsoa tattoo which was kind of into so
boo she was playing on get oneanyway, and then piercings, piercings of
the theears and call my sisters yoursisters being suggested, that being being what

they are, yes, and notyour sisters, your biological sisters, Jenna
and Britt Your other two sisters,Sally and Mollie. Please don't get please
don't name please, Sally and MollyZoe, good morning, How are you?
Good morning? What's your idea forJill? She wants to do something

wild, something crazy before she getsmarried in twelve days. I think she
should invite the skinny dipper over forsome cake you know later. Listen,
you're using so many words. That'scake by the ocean center saying. Are
you saying she should invite somebody elseto her life, maybe just for the

night you know her? So you'resaying you if I think I so we're
saying, let me get through allthe code here. You're talking about her
and Jeff and bite somebody else overto have cake, skinny dipper, Yeah,
the skinny dipper in particular, likethat person that called it, you've
got somebody picked out for I feellike that would work. Yeah. Why

do you feel like the person thatcalled it said skinny dipping is the person
to invite over because I feel likethen they're already ready to go. They're
they're warmed up, they're repped up. They'd be into that cake by the
ocean. I'm willing to say,I'm definitely not. It's been set on
the air. It's on the air. Joe, listen. I have been
with you to Salt Creek and Inoticed that you put your keys on the
edge of the table. And that'slike, I guess if people put their

keys on the edge of the table. And she likes she has ups and
down pineapples in her cart all thetime. We've all noticed that. Thank
you so much for the suggestion.I'm going to just put a big red
X on that one. That willnot be happening. Well, we don't
know. We haven't called him.Who knows this might be something you know
you don't know about your fiance.I know everything about him and he knows

everything about me, and we aresaying no to that. Well, I
listen, you know, girls,i'd say call him right now. He'd
say you would say, called rightnow, you are He wouldn't answer,
He can't answer word answer, buthe would say no. All right,
all right, listen, she's sayingno, and she's saying no. But
who knows she means no. Wedon't know. We know who mouse is

saying no, is saying no.I'm hard to say no, are saying
something. We are two seconds frombeing canceled the b too movement, you
and I, So let's be careful. This is a no. Yes,
it is a no, and nomeans no, and we accept that no
to cake. But she has notsaid no to a charcuterie board. She
said no to cake. Wow,But you know the old charcuterie board by

the ocean is something not to me. No, I'm saying no to explaining
because I know you know what meansall right, thanks, so you take
care, okay, thank you?All right? By what are these things
is gonna happen? Twisters Star GlennPowell was going through a breakup when they
were filming, and he healed hisheart with something very special. I'll tell

you what it was, but offto traffic. This is SLAMI. This
is a beautiful Parmesan Ragiana combination righthere. And this summer Sausage Twisters is
in theaters today. It's stars DaisyEdgar Jones, Glenn Powell, and Anthony
Ramos. We were all very excitedfor this movie. I didn't know that

was in theaters today. Hey,Doped, I'm calling my kid. I've
got my plans for tonight. It'sabout a group of storm chasers who come
together and try and stop tornadoes intheir path and save some lives. And
a lot happened on set. Itwas shot on location in Oklahoma. They
consulted actual storm chasers during production.The visual effects are supposed to be amazing,
but something else happened while filming.Glenn Powell, one of the stars,

rescued and a dog, a dognamed Brisket. He says he was
going through a breakup at the time. He was in the middle of Oklahoma.
Oh man, He'd always wanted adog, he said, he just
had this desire to be a fatheryea, And so he found a dog
that he wanted to rescue, tookthe weekend off from filming to fly here
to La and adopt Brisket, Andthen Brisket became this mascot on set for

all of them. It's I wasgoing through a breakup at the time,
still filming. What's going to bean awesome movie, right wow? And
he said it like made shooting justeven that more of a beautiful experience.
Has anyone in this room ever seena tornado up close? No? Ever,
Yeah, you have not up closeclose, but I've seen on the
horizon that I've been in what Ithought was a tornado. Terrifying at my

apartment in North Dallas. I wassitting there and things just it was tornadic
activity in the area. So weknew there's tornadoes in the area. They
give a good warning and stuff,and the alarms and sirens are all going
off and stuff. They said inthe end, it was straight line win
if you know what those are.But it was absolutely terrifying. The way

that house shook was an apartment.The way that shook, the way things
rattled, the howling and everything,and I just got low and did everything.
They told you to do because theyhad nowhere else to go. But
it was terrifying. I'm scary,absolutly terrifying. Yeah, but I'm gonna
go see it. Yeah, twittersin theaters today. And it's hard to
imagine Marvel Star and wrestler Dave Bautistaever being made fun of or being teased.

But when he was in the WWE, they teased him because he had
a tattoo. And it was thisfirst tattoo that he got when he was
a kid in the eighties and it'son his backside and he got it there
because he didn't want his dad tosee it. And he says it was
just this really cheesy heart that saidheart of Stone, and everybody in the

WWE made fun of him for it. He said he thought he was a
tough guy with this tough tattoo.He regretted it, so we eventually covered
it up with a cherry bloss treewhere on his backside, I don't know
the exact exact location on the backside, but on a cheek, I'm assuming
I'm Jill with entertainment headlines. Allright, thank you Jill for that entertainment

headlines there, h fifty four.It's one O four to three mivan.
This is Valentine in the morning,just about to make her decision. The
options are a tattoo, people havepointed out because you were going to Hawaii
for your wedding. If you gota tattoo, you would not be able
to go swimming, right, SoI think we have to take that off
the list. Tattoos off the board. Piercings of the sisters, which I

don't think you can get into theocean if you recently pierced that hurts.
I think you probably could. Andthe salt water actually would help with an
infection or any type you noticed thatthis well no, no, no,
but like let's say there was anytype of bacterial stuf. I think the
salt water helps. Like a toethat was like a little infected, You
go in the salt water and itkind of helps it out. Sorry,

it's got to be at least sixweeks before are going into any bodies of
water for that piercing. Okay,that's off the list too. I just
happened to know that at the topof his head. Very strange, all
right, So that's off the list, possibly too, because you do want
to swim when you're in Hawaii.What's the price of course, Yes,
that's off. Other option was dancingon stage of the Men from Thunder from
down Under, which we could setup. I don't have time to go

to Vegas. Time to go toVegas. That's off the list as well.
Well. A couple of things thatare left are sure Coredery slash Cake
by the ocean invitation, which Iam saying, and we are respectful men.
We will take that now as ano. The only thing left on
the board is to go skinny dippingin the ocean, to run into it,

swim out, come back son's clotheswith a witness there who will be
filming. No, we cannot film, like we can't film, But how
do we know you did it?Do you have to trust me and Laura
because we cannot film it. ButI don't trust Laura. You have to.
Can I send somebody else with you? Another woman, like a selfie
face film only that's yeah, butthat she might have clothes up. I

trust, I don't. I wouldI wouldn't. I wouldn't lie to you
about this, and I don't wantto make your decision, but I kind
of like this one for you.It's a little bit risky, it's a
little bit living on the edge,but it's nothing too crazy. You know
a beach you would go to?Can I recommend one because Senne is kind
of a long drive to that nudistbeach you're talking about. Zoom is beautiful,

beautiful beach. Zoom is the beach. Actually, you know what,
just down from Zuma, there's there'sa beach now that I think about it
very quiet. No one ever reallygoes there because there's a restaurant right across
from it that I go to andyou can see the beach from there.
I wouldn't be there. The onlyoption is this, are you going to

do it? Is it happening?I said I would? You are gonna
go skinny dipping in the ocean athigh noon? You can't do it at
night. That's a safety thing,safety thing, all right. So now
the thing is, you guys knowbeaches that would be safe and she will
not get arrested or get a ticketor anything, like I don't I don't
want to get a ticket. There'splenty of this, like reaches. There
are beaches that are newdest beaches,you know, Like, I really don't

want other people seeing that it's gonnabe tough. Time of day is not
specified. I think we can't beall right when she goes missing in the
literally, John, if you geta rip current or something out there or
something, no one will see herat night because nobody to take care of
her. He's gonna have Laura withher or someone with Laura can swim,
and Laura's filming. He's from Australia, Jeff, Jeff can come do he'd

save me? Yeah, he probablywould, But I really and this is
heartfelt. This is not any otherthing than that. I do not think
swimming at night in the ocean isa safe thing, especially if you're running
in nude, you know. Butduring the day, there's gonna be so
many people, so many people,not like the work week. Yeah,
it's California. It's summer in California. There's people all day long. John,

what are you doing? Thank you? John. I'm having and then
somebody gets a camera and then I'mon dumoa and it's just gonna be like
okay, okay, okay, wah, yeah, they're putting you on there.
Okay wow. Clock of the radioseeing Skinny dipping in the ocean,
Alert Harvey Levin, it's a gopeople check in three one O four three.
Do you know a beach she couldgo to that this will work out?

And do you have a recommendation Whetherit's the middle of the night or
sometimes they're in date sunset, sunrise, very bad predators are out there.
Look out. There are sharks duringthe day too, but you can see
them number once you avoid them,hopefully, Predators in the water, predators
on the sand. What's the predatorin the sand? The camera? I
don't. I don't know. Ifyou do, you really see people are

like, oh my god, hebecause a naked lady let me film her?
Yeah, definitely on TikTok. NoI haven't. Then I go on
TikTok. I think this going tobe a beach that's quite enough that it
wouldn't arouse suspicions. Or honestly,if you're doing this, why not just
go to a new To speech Therenobody cares. They're not going to film
you at a new To speech,that's for sure, because they don't want

to be filmed themselves. And handsto God right here. I think that
would be your best bet instead oflike going to the zooma or something like
that, we might get a ticket. Oly it's been decided. Well,
all the other options are definite.No, So you're saying yes to skinny
dipping. I guess I have tosay yes under protest. No, we
don't want you to do anything youdon't want to do. I mean I

don't want to do it, butI don't have to do it. Well,
we're not going to make you doit. We're not going to make
you do it. You you know, gave your word. That's your the
process of elimination. This is theonly one left totally up to you.
I'm turning the mic off on myside. The show is now yours.
This is all right now? CanI can I have some time to think?

No, it was really but onceyou play the timpany, it's kind
of like, you know, SoI'm gonna turn my mic off. Saw
you KBIGFM, Los Angeles. Imean, I'm a lady of my word.
I will skinny dip in the ocean. When before she got married,

but before I leave for Hawaii andwe wanted to get shirtless in the lobbies,
Jill in the ocean. What haveyou guys done to my show?
I am a family friendly show.And now the two of you, like,
I don't know, Brian, Ijust don't know. We can probably
figure out when she's gonna go,you know what I mean, because we
know when she's leaving for Hawaii.Yes, right, and you're not getting

married the day you leave. It'sshortly after that, right, We'll leave
Saturday. So this Saturday, andyou get married on a Monday. Monday,
all right, so it's twelve daystoo, you're married, but it's
ten days until you leave, right, Yeah, so it's only ten days
for you to go streaking in theocean. Well, I was sorry Jill
eavesdropping on Jill's conversation with Laura justa second ago. Okay, there can

a plan for kill to do itin Hawaii, No, before the marriage.
But then I said, I don'twant to get kicked out of the
You don't want to risk that.Don't in California to kick out of the
resort or something. It's like,yeah, you don't need that. Yeah,

I'm going to figure it out,all right. Yes, And I
really appreciate the text from a lotof people saying you could run into the
ocean with the bathing suit on,take it off while in the water.
And swim around. That is technicallyno, I don't know. I guess
that is What's that how it waspresented when the first call came on,
she just naked into the ocean?Did she say run naked into the ay?

She did? Yeah, I havea transcript with an underwater camera.
She said. There was storical.You guys are not hoping. Now we're
here to help you. It's great. Listen, I love that you want
to take a walk in the wildside like Marky Mark and the Funk Punch
hit so many years ago, tooka walk in the wild side. This
is great for you. You know, this is not typical Jill. Typical

Jill will not go skinny dipping.No, I mean who here has ever
gone skinny dipping? I mean Ihave in my pool? Yeah right,
What about you, John in theocean? In the ocean, in the
ocean, did you run in withoutany clothes on? Yeah? Really?
John? It's fun, right,it was fun. It was fun.
Yeah. We are the people aroundjust the people who are with me.

Okay, say more. Was ita considerab amount of people? How many
people? I would probably say ten, ten people? Fraternity guys? Is
some of them? Was it likea plunge like a polar bear plunge or
something not one hundred percent familiar withwhat that is. Okay, I'm all
right. Did you were you worriedabout, like, you know, when

you came out in the water coldfor everybody, you know, yeah,
yeah, it's colder for some it'sbeen a really cold spot where I you
know that global climate stuff like doesthe different currents that's probably hot water over
by you one. This is likeart take over by mere. It's like,
oh yeah, well, let usknow, let us know. Yeah,

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Freddy Freema and Tyler Glaso and WillSmith Angels represented by pitcher Tyler Anderson playing
for the American League team. TheAmerican League won that game last night,

five to three. Congrats John,what's trending? Well, there's another All
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confirmed the halftime performer. It's gonnabe pit Bull. He's headlining the halftime
show this weekend. It's gonna takeplace in Phoenix, Arizona, and you
can watch it Saturday on ABC.Piple's always so much fun, sure,
I'm John Kamuci. That's what trainingin music sad. When you think,

like one day pit Bull's gonna belike seventy five in a senior living center
and be like still doing it.Yeah, like he's got this thing down.
I feel like he's always gonna bethe party guys still doing this.
You know, I was just thinkingabout it's gotta be like video of your
like legs running down the beach andstuff, and if we worked as well,

if we you go in your RAFfour, we can do like a
double dip like a Toyota sponsor mentioned. Oh no, and then as you
drive away, like your bikini bottomsare like hanging from the mirror the window.
That's not bad. That's littering,But that's not bad. That's good.
Right, you have to pick himup later on. Yeah, oh,
we're gonna bring the rat for intothis sit It's gonna be great.

And the Ratford was perfect for drivingto any adventure, whether you're going to
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see your Toyota dealer today. Oneof four. Three my fam it's Valentine
in the morning. I ducked outof the show today for like just twenty
minutes to take a phone call frommy mom. My mom has United Healthcare
and she had a fall a fewweeks ago in Connecticut, and so she

went to a facility and she wasable to walk around her walker and stuff.
But now she's really struggling, andit's insurance comes a really tough man.
They are just cutthroat in and UnitedHealthcare is like how'd you go'or
put her on the curb, andI'm like, oh my god, it's
my mom. She's trying to dothe rehab to get her muscles back up
and running and stuff like that.She's eighty four. It doesn't happen overnight.
But a lot of insurance companies justit's sad in this couedtry. You

just don't seem to care. AndI'm sure many of you have gone through
the same thing, so I hopethings worked out in your situation. I'm
still trying to fight this for mymom from afar. I'm sorry, and
my sister's there. So sometimes youmight hear me on the radio like not
as sharp as usual, and Iapologize for that because sometimes I'm just going
through something behind the scenes. Ye, it's your mom. She's eighty four.

You know, you don't you hearda muscle or you trip and fall
or something. At our age,you don't even get up the next day
running around, you know. Sometimesit takes time. But I guess according
to them, it's like, wow, We'll checked the algorithm and it says
that she should be out and goneand send her home and tell us what
you're gonna do your house to takecare of her, Like I can't afford
twenty four hour care? Who isthat? You know? So we're gonna
struggle with my family to make suremy mom is taken care of. So,

so if you're the CEO of youUnited Healthcare and you want to change
that and be a good person,give my mom some extra time to get
the cares and the therapy needs toget back on our feet or something.
Yeah, it's tough, you know, getting approval that make it so hard,
right, Yeah, Like you've beenthrough that with your stomach y.
So my doctor will you know,he wants to get around of steroids and

then sometimes I have to get admittedto the hospital for it. But insurance
has said before, like well,no, you didn't need to be in
the hospital for that, right,what right? I could barely stand on
my right leg, like you knowthere. But they do it like algorithms.
They do it with spreadsheets, youknow, and like this is a
person. This is somebody's mom,and your mom probably your dad might have
gone through the same thing or mightbe going through something similar and maybe somebody.
You know, they're real people,They're not numbers and just saying well,

it stays here that she should beout by now, we give you
two weeks and that's it. Offyou go. It's a real person,
you know. And I'm sure otherinsurance companies can be similar, but we
have United Healthcare whatever. That ismy mom and that's where the struggle is
right now, my family. Soif I do seem distracted sometimes I apologize
for that. I'll try and standpoint, but hey, you don't need
to apologize. I did get distractedwith the whole you run naked into the

ocean thing too, Yeah, welldid one. And I was The funny
part was as we're doing that,I'm on a phone call with the nice
sisters from the rehab facility, andthen somebody goes, what's the naked in
the ocean. Oh my god,I got I gotta put you on hold.
I gotta go back to Jill andher think about doing this. We'll
let you know how that goes too, by the way, because Jill is

gonna do something wild before her weddingin twelve days. Yeah, and apparently
I'm going to be your choice.Well your I see, I made the
mistake of saying I will definitely doone thing. Okay, but all you
need you to like legally put thisin your world, like you're okay with
this. You decided this if youwant to, if you want to,

We're not forcing you to do anything. No, no, I'm not.
Are you gonna think poorly of mefor not you know, like I said
i'd do it and I'm now I'mnot going to do it. Are you
gonna no, We're not gonna thinkit poorly if you know. No,
no, not at all. Idon't want to do it. We'll be
disappointed. I'll tell United Healthcare onyou. I was. I was fully

set to go get a tattoo.I was like, oh, this,
I know, because you want todo that, but you can't do because
you can't swim in the ocean forsaturdays right on your trip. You don't
want to do that, Yeah,I know, all right, Well,
you let us know what's going on. You give us to run down when
you're ready to give us to rundown, run down the wild things,
running down the sand. You letus know when it happens, if it
happens. Okay, all right,you got it is one of four to

three. My Fami, it isValentin. In the morning, she was
hoping I'd be more distracted in mymom's situation and that holding health care things.
Get about what yeah, right,right, Brian's writing it all down
for you. Four years ago,Madonna said a movie about her life was
in the works, and since thenit's been off and on. But now

she's given us an update. Thescript has been rewritten and they've changed the
name. It's now going to becalled Who's That Girl. And Julia Garner,
who has been rumored to be playingMadonna all this time, she's apparently
still set for that role. Youknow her from Ozark and Inventing Anna and
actress Emma Roberts. She has starredin Scream, Queen's American Horror Story and

We're the Millers. She had babya few years ago and she wasn't showing
her son's face on social media,but her mom shared a photo of the
baby on Instagram, which then ledEmma Roberts to post, when your mom
posts your son's face without asking,but you love them both, so whatever.
So then she started posting about herson. Well, fast forward to
yesterday, Emma shared a photo onInstagram of her engagement ring, and she

wrote, putting this here before mymom tells everyone. So she is now
engaged to actor Cody John. I'mJil with entertainment headlines. Guys, every
want to reach out to the show. It's three one oh four three.
That was a text line, threeone oh four three, Jill, thank
you for your show. Here youshow. John, thank you for your
show. Thank you for your show. Brian Bert, thank you for your
show. Thank you for your show. Micha Pullman in New York City,
thank you for your show. Lauraand the Couch, thank of your show.
Then Talia Perez, thank you foryour show as well. Thank you

for your show. We'll get afinal check that morning. Traffic. Lisa's
up next. She does have onethousand dollars at ten o'clock. Come win
that cash, What do we gofor trapp In Duarte Right now, we
got a stalled car on the twoTan wessub Buenavis
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