All Episodes

June 14, 2024 • 56 mins
Today on Valentine in the Morning: The crew recaps the magical night of Second Chance Prom, we get to your Happy News, and in honor of Father's Day we crack some classic "Dad Jokes".

Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific:
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Episode Transcript

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It's the Valentine in the Morning replay. Welcome to the breakfast table of Valentine
in the Morning. I laughed heartily. Oh my God, help us respectful
to say I love you. Thefull show podcast starts right now one a
four to three mile family. Itis Valentine in the Morning. I've got
some jills gems for you. Somethings going on this weekend all around southern
California. First off, tonight,Friday Night Wine Tastings in Los Felis is

back after five years. They tooka little break. It's at Barnesdale Parks
Wine Tastings on top of Olive Hill. You're gonna see spectacular sunset. You're
gonna see Valentine. Valentine got upfrom his microphone and went to go sit
down on the couch, compliment howmuch he trusts you with this show when

you but I like, I lookto him for confirmation while I'm doing this.
Yes I do, No, youdon't. It's you don't look to
be pretty conversation because just yesterday youlooked at me and got mad because I
was licking at my yogurt. Yes, yes, and so this is your
segment. I feel if I leavethe microphone and sit down on the couch

where many of our listeners sit downand watch the show as a live studio
audience. That I'm allowing you tohave the bandwidth, have the the breadth
of your segment without any interference orinterruption for me. Okay, Well,
it's weird though to have you overthere, because I'm so used to looking
up and seeing you right there thatit throws me off. Well, having
you over there to the right handside of the room is something we all

have. So I need a chanceto spread your wings. And you know
I may not always be here,and I want you to be prepared for
that time. You can twist anything. It's not midak that you know.
You don't know if that happened,though, we'd stop. The show must

go on. You finish your jills, gems. People know what's going on
around southern California. Okay, gotake a seat. So again, Friday
night Wine Tastings in Los felis alsotomorrow and Sunday. It's the Hollywood Bowl
Jazz Festival. Our Citial Hall ishosting. I've been before. It's such
a great time with amazing musicians.Thank you, Brian for the Syde Contact.

Venice Fest is happening in Venice.It's live music, food trucks.
There's usually over one hundred thousand peoplethat come. And what's great is the
event is free, but fifty percentof the purchases of food and drinks will
be donated to a safe place foryouth. So that's tomorrow from noon to
eight on Venice Boulevard in la Andthen do not forget. Sunday is Father's

Day and there's so much going on. At the Zimmerman Automobile Driving Museum.
You can take rides in their classiccars. There's beer tastings for Dad.
You can walk through all their classiccars. Also Father's Day at Dodger Stadium,
they're giving away Father's Day beach hats. At the Aquarium of the Pacific
there's a Father's Day barbecue. Youget admission in the that's really delicious meal.

You can reserve your spot for that. And then also at the Queen
Mary Royal Sunday Brunch for Dad andthey have over fifty unique dishes from around
the world. There's champagne, livemusic, so a lot going on for
Father's Day. And that's what's goingon in Southern California with Jill's gems.
Why, thank you Jill for that. Jill's jams updates. Thank you,

Valentine, You're welcome, loved.Looking at the back of your head as
you looked out the window this morning, they can't make up your mind.
Where was I on the couch?Look me out the window? What was
it doing? There is a causticnessto you. I'm so tired, I
know. And you cut a roglast night on the day I did.

I think the moment where you hadyour fiance pull your spanks out was something
we'll never forget. It was,guys, were that was something fan fiction
got in your head, something Valentinein the morning, one of four three
MYFM today is Friday. We areso happy about that. And here on
my FM, Fridays means a myfree ticket Friday. And all day today

you're listening for us to tell youwhen to call in to win tickets to
see Usher into It Dome. Thisis gonna be awesome. So anytime you
hear us give you that cute tocall dulaus up and we're gonna set you
up at tickets to that show atthe end to It Dome. And it's
all day today. We're gonna havemultiple winners. You could win at any
time up until eight o'clock tonight.So I be listening for us to tell
you when to call in, andyou're going to get to see usher.

I'm gonna tell your friends. Andthat's your traffic with Valentine in the morning.
Natalia, how you doing, younglady? I'm great. How are
you? We're doing all right?You had a good night last night.
I had the best time, somuch fun. Thank you so much for
inviting me. I was a blast. How about our second chance prompt?
So glad you made it. Therewas one point and to tell you is
sitting at our table. It's rightbehind the table that Brian and I were
at and our wives and so lenLani got up to the other bathroom or

something like that, and I'm sittingthere just waiting for my wife to come
back from the bathroom. I thinkshe's in bathroom looking around for it.
A slow dance comes and I'm like, oh, it's the only slow dancer
hurt all night. It's like oneslow dancer and one's like get out there
looking. Jeff and Jill are outthere and people are all putting their sweaty
bodies against each other and stuff.It's second chance. And I'm like,
oh, I want to do thattoo, because I never went to prom.

And I'm looking for my wife,and the tale and her friend are
just like they're looking at me likeI'm a poor lost child trying to find
his mom. They felt so bad. You can't find your wife. No,
I think she's in the bathroom.Do you need some help, little
boy? You gotta find your momor something. That's what it looked like,
right, And then I think yourfriend goes, she goes, Oh,

there she is, and she showsup just as the song ends.
I'm like, ah, do anythingJust a couple notes of the song meant
something else? No, I gotnothing. I got nothing. I got
no sigh know and no slow dancing. And I was ready to go to

you guys are all out there,your hot, sweaty bodies and your thing.
Ah. It was sad. ThenI heard a little giggle from nataliator
friend and they're just home right there, siggle right there. That was it.
Weather today, warm, breezy temptseighties, low nineties, sixties,
little seventies to the beaches for theweekend. Hot Tomorrow highs in the eighties,
ninety slightly cooler Sunday sixty Monterey Parksixty three in Long Beach, Jill's

Got the Entertipment. Headlines coming up, Steven Spielberg has found his next star
for his next movie, and I'lltell you who she is. Coming up
at six fifty. We had ayoung lady last night telling John Peacow impactful
first sip has been in her life. She was honestly like four or five
times and I've heard first sip.It really hit so deeply home, it

hits my core. I was like, that was really nice, And of
course John Peaks said, right,hold on, but today first sip,
I want to let you know thatyou know what you're doing all right.
You're doing the best you can write. You might face some struggles on it
off throughout the week, and youmight look at yourself in the mirror and

go, come on, you gottaget better at this, do better at
that. Don't put yourself up.You're doing all right. You're doing all
right. You're trying right Sometimes inlife that's the most important thing. Are
we just trying? And if youare, if you're trying, I'm proud

of you. Whatever that is,whatever challenge in front of you, whatever
sits in your subconscious when you fallasleep at night, that you worry about.
If you're trying, you know whatyou're doing, all right, Count
us up, Jill one two three. My first tips for my friend Brian

Burton, who we mentioned. Wetell you who is the most tipsy last
second chance prom It will be evidentthroughout today's show. I had the best
I wanted to end. He wasfinding bars where there weren't bars. I
was getting drinks for other people.You saw me with lots of drinks,

but I was carrying. No oneelse in your party was drinking a Moscow
mule all night. It was onlyyou. You had a little tin cup
with the entire night. At onepoint had a flask. He asked me
where the after party was. He'dasked me the same thing. Should we
could have kept it going, Wealmost did. You were going to a
place called Margarita. I was gonnago with them to get margaritas. You
were thinking about getting Margarita's just tohang. I wasn't gonna have anymore,

but I just wanted to. Youwere such a bad effluent Years ago we
had like an iHeart ready music wordsof something we'd gone to and it was
just me and Brian at this one, and Brian goes afterwards, all right,
where we go? Where's the afterparty? Where's it going? Dude?
I don't know. It's like goinghome, going to bed na.
Come on, after party, let'sdo it, let's go, let's have
some fun. Once it starts,I get caught up. I can't.
Can't. You're like, you're anafter party guy. Yeah, oh yeah,

yeah, I want a fun guyon the dance floor, fun guy,
so much dance. Oh he's agreat dancer. It's just his wife
though. Did you ever watch likeKylo when he's dancing. She usually she's
taking video or something very blackmail insome respects, but she's not doing the
dances with him. He's very solo, grinding himself against the polls and hold

up the mast of the ship onhis own. You know, people love
it. Are you an exhibitionist?I guess so, right, one of
four to three my family, itis Valentine in the morning. If you
came the Second Chance Prom last night, I hope you had a great time.
But odds are most of you thatcame are not uplisting right now.
No, a few have text Ohreally, Oh that's great, thank you

guys. She was partying hard lastnight. Yes, she's on the text
line. Yeah, Kelly was goinghard last night. Good for her.
But next year it's gonna be biggertoo. And City Cruise is great.
We had a great time Premiere AmericaCredit Union. Thank you so much.
Just a really fun time, secondchance promise, something we've been trying to
do for years, and it wentoff without a hitch, and it's going
to be very popular with people.So that gets the boss to go,

all right, I guess ye,you found something to get there. That's
we'll do it next year. Inever saw our boss John Peak one time
last night and we're on a boat, like, I'm how did I not
run into him the entire night?Do you think it was avoiding you,
like you'd go left, he'd goright or something like that. Maybe.
Yeah. No, I saw himquite a bit, so quite a bit.
You know. You see Raf.I saw Raf right, Okay,

saw Manny saw Manny. Yeah,never saw John. Oh you saw like
the Filipino section. Oh is thatwhat it was? Because it was the
funniest thing. It was. Rafwho's Filipino, and Manny who's Filipino.
And there was a probably about fouror five other listeners who were Filipino,
all speaking to Galk having a greattime, and they go to take a
picture. And I thought they wantedme in the picture. They didn't,

Oh, they wanted to take it. I was a token white man in
the picture. If you can nowget out of this picture, if you
could just maybe get out. Andthen of course I started trying to speak
my tigalag but raf nos cigalaic reallywell many a scala like and the friends
and tea galag and they're like,get kay, you do know what you're
talking about. A couple of phrases, A couple phrases. It's like camustica,
mabipa my init and uh they're like, all right, go away trying

to fit in man, you know, turning to hang out. But uh,
it was fun. What a greatevent, right, really, what
a great event. Food was good. The cruise was good. And if
you do those city cruises, they'rereally nice in the sense that you don't
even know you're moving. Sometimes you'reout in the water, like we'd pull
back in the dock and I saidwonder we get back somebody cause we've been
doctor for fifteen minutes. WHOA,Yeah, I didn't know. That's great

for those of us to get seasick. Yeah, did no one getting seasick
in that thing. It was suchcalm water and it's such a great job
driving that thing around and stuff likethat, and the breeze coming through,
say, a lot of fresh air, and the food is great. I
mean, I can go on andon. But John's got his new music
Friday here, so and this willbe a hoot because John's working in two
hours of sleep maybe. So yesterdaywe talked about budget cuts coming to Late

Night with Seth Myers. Well,now the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon has
some changes. I'll tell you whatthat is. Right after traffic. Jimmy
Fallon celebrated his tenth anniversary with TheTonight Show last month, and now it
was just confirmed he will remain thehost of the Tonight Show through twenty twenty
eight because he just renewed his dealwith NBC. Good for him, But

I mean, how much time doyou it does a great show. How
much time do you have to putin for some of that stuff? Like
you look at like you know,Seacrest, Wheel of Fortune, things like
that. Some of these things they'vegot it down so well in the production
companies of people behind the scenes thatI don't know how much time it actually
takes, Like how much time doesJimmy dedicad that today? Oh, I
see what you're saying. Now,Maybe it's a few hours, right,

It's not eight hours a day unlessyou've working with the writers. It maybe
does. I don't know. LateI TV, well, yes, sign
me up here. I think hedoes. Yeah, I believe so.
Yeah. Good for him then.And Emily Blunt, she has starred in
The Fall Guy, A Quiet Place, Oppenheimer, The Devil Wears Praduct.
Now, according to Variety, sheis in talks to start in Steven spielberg

next movie. There are any detailsabout what this movie is going to be,
but we do know that it's anevent film, and that's just a
film that's considered based on a majorevent. So Emily Blunt will start Steven
Spielberg's next movie that should be outin May of twenty twenty six. I'm
Jill with entertainment headlines. Hey,six fifty five, It's Friday morning,
June fourteenth. Thank you guys forgetting up starting your day with us.

We appreciate that. If you wantto play in the Battle of Sexes,
it is eight sixty six five fourfour MYFM. Eight sixty six five four
four six x nine three six nexthour we will be doing something. We
go happy news. If there's anythingthat's making you smile, could you do
me a favorite? Could you sharethat with us at three one oh four
three. That's our text line oneof four to three my fam. It

is Valentine in the morning. Itis in my free Ticket Friday. We
have chances throughout the day for youto win tickets to see Usher at the
brand new into its home. We'lltell you when they call in. You
call us eight six six five fourto four MYFM, and there will be
multiple winners throughout the day. It'snot just so one time give away,
many many winners. It's a mineyou ticket Friday on my femin's all day
today, so many winners of ticketsto Usher. You go, my gosh,
they're trying to fill the into adome themselves. So your chance coming

up all day long. Battle ofsex is up next. It is one
of four three my fem one Afour three my fem It is Vala ten
in the morning, seven oh seven. It's Friday, June fourteenth. Coming
up later on this hour, Happynews, anything great in your life that
you want to share, reach outat three one o four three three one
o four three. That's your textline. Happiness is coming up. We
all had a great time last EntersSecond Chance Prom. We'll have to do

that again next year. Is aton of fun, and please do try
and win tickets for it next yearwhen it comes up. Prom time,
baby, You know it was fun. It was a lot of fun,
a lot of fun. Everyone gotdressed up. Save two what pictures.
There'll be pictures at Valentine in themorning Instagram. You can see the two
gents that decided to wear shorts toa prom. They were They were a

hit. People loved it. Youwere three sheets, not even two sheets.
God, that was only a fewhours ago. My god. Drinking
a lot of coffee this morning.Yeah I made mistakes, Yeah, he
says to me. By the way'sgetting off the boat, he goes,
the stakes have been made, havebeen made, and might have gone too

hard. Like while your wife isdriving you home and she's she's buckling you
in she was annoyed as always.I don't know how she wouldn't be annoyed.
I was watching her and she's justlooking at your times, like when
you were. He does his solodance and dance for do you have one
of his friends? It gets outthere in the dance floor and goes,
I'm doing solo work. Now.They went to the dance floor with a
partner, but then they're disregarding thepartner and they decide, this is me

on the main stage. I'm gonnamake the circle. I'm doing solo work.
And then that was Brian. Yeah. One of my favorite videos of
the night is Brian on the dancefloor lifting up his jacket to make sure
everybody could see him get low.Oh dear gosh, And it's my favorite
video. And the goodness is wedid I'll see him get low? Is
that goodness? John? Just say, you look at stuff a lot.

All these videos available for you andyour children to learn from. At Valentine
in the Morning as a cautionary tale, it is the Battle of the sexes
reps in the man. His nameis Wesley. He listened Torrents works as
a researcher, enjoys going to themovies, Wesley, what's up, my
man? What? Hey? Hi? Representing the ladies. Her name is

Jennifer. He's from Wynne Park.He's a stay at home mom and enjoys
going to the beach. Let's hearit for Jennifer. What's up, Jennifer?
Hello, Hello, morning, Hello, Hello. Here's the worst Jennifer.
I'm gonna ask you a few questions, Wesley, Jill is gonna be
asking you the questions. Best outof three wins still tie. The end
of regulation, we go to anthat's a tough tie breaker question. Hey,

do let us know if you're everlistening for the first time, like
if you just found our radio showbumped into it three one oh four to
three. Let us know that goofylike little hello, hello morning stuff is
just what we do for giggles,but reach out. Let us know if
you're ever listening for the very firsttime, so we can give you a
new listener, welcome back. Allright, We're gonna start with Jennifer.
What color shirt does Shaggy wear inthe Scooby Doo cartoons? Cream? That

is correct, Nice job, Wesley, what color is Velma's sweater in the
Scooby Doo Cartoons Orange. Yeah,you're right, current score one to one.
What is the name of the characterin The Lion King? That is
a meer cat. The mair catis timone is correct, Wesley. What

is the name of the character inthe Lion King? That's a warthogma?
What job guys? All right?What rapper? An actor is known for
their role on Law and Order SpecialVictims Unit Rapper and Actor. It's one
of the ice wives. It's oneof the ice guys, one of the
ice guys, one of the iceguys. Give me one of them Law

in Order up. Tell meice Spice. Oh you got buzzed, Leslie.
You can win it with this onename. One of the rooms found on
a clue board game. Oh Library, You're right, fellas win. What's

up? Dude? Battle of aSexist Championships to tapiat posted on soul Shoes
the hashtag Valentine the Morning to sharethe pride? Okay, thank you?
Yeah I will and say how tofive hundred bucks come in your way?
Five hundred dollars cast card courtesy ofour friends at Ultraman Rising. You can

host a legendary viewing party courtesy ofUltraman Rising, which is out on Netflix
today. I've seen some of thisalready. It's fantastic. The star athlete
reluctantly returns home to take over hisfather's duties as ultraman shielding tokyo of giant
monsters as he becomes legendary hero.The animated film Alternate Rise and streaming on
Netflix this Father's Day weekend. Itstarts today. Go check it out.

Hey, rats, thank you somuch. You're welcome. Jennifer's you exit
the stage. This moment is entirelyyours. You take it away. Hellot's
playing. Guys, have a greatweekend. Thank you. Coming up.
Three things you need to know.There's been an increase in wildlife sightings in
southern California in recent weeks. Willtell you what experts day you should do.
If you encounter a coyote, youwill not believe some of the things

they're recommending. If you bump intoa coyote, it is Valentine in the
morning. This is one of fourto three MIFM. There's been an increase
in coyote sidings across southern California overthe past few weeks. Now, if
a cody starts to approach you Ifa coyote comes towards you, here's what
you should do, according to theCalifornia Department of Fish and Wildlife, keep
a safe distance, all right.I had that one on my own,

all right, Back away slowly.I had that one too. You always
hear about that with bears and stuff. Don't run. If you do run,
out, run the person you're with. Let the coyote leave the area
on its own, all right.I didn't have that. If the coyote
gets closer, make a loud noiseby yelling, okay, trying to make
yourself look bigger. I've been workingon that for twenty years. Wave your

arms, all right. I'm doingeverything i can. Yeah, I can
do all that, But I'm alsopicking up stick stones whatever I'm here.
Earlier this week, we're talking abouthow you can get cheap movie tickets at
AMC movie theaters, and now RegalCinemas has announced a summer movie promotion.
They said, haha, three dollartickets. We're doing one dollar tickets.

This is gonna run until August seventh. Some of the movies you can see
for one dollar include Into the SpiderVerse and Paul Patrol the movie. These
one dollar movies sound like a lotof fun, right yeah? Popcorn seventy
five dollars, John, what's trending? It's a big day for Stage Coach
fans. Is your PSA right here? The advanced sales Stage Coach ticket.

Stage Coach tickets go on sale todayand this festival does sell out quick,
and so do the camping spots.So if you're looking to get in there,
those go on sale at eleven amthis morning, or you can snag
a set for free before you caneven buy him. Your next chance is
next hour on Battle of the Sexesright here on Valentine in the morning.
I'm John Camucci. That's what's trending. On socials Kata seven twenty one.
If you get some happiness that youwant to share, do you reach out

three one oh four three let usknow what's making you smile This morning,
Teresa said, stay is my daughterKara's last day of seventh grade. It's
been a rough year, so weare happy. It's over that clapping on
the rough part. But it's okay. On eight trade happy be ready.
Everyone can now miss your happy news. Ted, good morning, what is

your happy news today? My wifeone tickets to a second Chance prom and
unfortunately I wasn't able to go,but it worked out amazing because she was
able to have a girl's night andable to get some her time with her
friends, which she doesn't do enoughof. So I was very thankful for
the opportunity and she has the absolutetime last night. So glad you a
great time. Was your first nameagain? Her name is Amanda? Oh

I met Amanda. Yeah, weslow danced together. It was a great
time. Oh my oh yeah,she loved it. That's her favorite part.
Ted, Please tell her thank youso much for coming. I'm glad
you had a great time with theirfriends. Thank you opportunity, have a
great weekend. Okay, thanks abouttake care. We'll do second Chance probab
get next year, too, biggerand better. We'll expand this thing.
It was so much fun. Joe, what's your happy news today? I

was just happy to be there lastnight. That's really honestly my happy news.
It was such a fun event.Everybody was so nice. We had
so much fun. So many peoplegot to meet your fiance for the first
time. That was so nice,right, Yeah, My friend Joey and
my sister Jenna, like, yeah, it's cool that people are like,
oh my gosh, you're Jill's sister. Oh, you're Jill's best friend to
them like that. That's so greatthat people are invested in our lives and

know our first our family. Sosweet, Yeah, very sweet, John,
what's your happy? I'm having aboys night tonight. We're going to
see Fred again at the coliseum.Oh wow, fa, yeah I did.
It's his first, his first stadium. Chefs say, it's been a
minute, right, Brian, what'syour happiest? Wee, No, that's
legit. I knew that little Father'sDay celebration This Sunday. My dad's coming

down. We're gonna just do apicnic in the park. So well,
I know, this is great.This is a beautiful thing, picking in
the park. His dad comes down, it's the presentation of the check.
I have a gift for him.Oh well, of course you do,
of course to you because and thenhe'll have a gift for you, maybe
perhaps be you know, making hima father by being his son. And
Brian's dad's really rich and he givessome checks every quarter. What's happy news?

I don't know. I don't thinkwe have anything major this weekend.
Father's Day. Yeah, I don'tknow if they have anything planned. Honestly,
they will have something planned. Knowingyour wife and your son, they'll
have something planning. No, Idon't know if they do not. But
that's okay because we've got the basketballgame tonight, in Game four of the
Celtics Maverick series. Some people inthe text line are texting that some Celtics
fans. Yeah, so I'm lookingforward to I love basketball, so I'm
looking forward to watching that and seeif it will go in four or if

Mavericks have anything left. Laker fanshate this because this would put the Celtics
that they went to eighteen to seventeenin uh banner accounts. But you know
what, Lakers, I hear areabout to get somebody very impressive as their
head coach. That's all I'm saying. You have an inside scoop I have.
I have that sports reporter friend ofmine. I have a sports reporter
friend of mine that has worked fora certain newspaper in a certain major city

for years. And I've known thisperson since I worked at a radio station
in that city. And I believethe only thing he's gotten right so far
is Lady Gaga at the Oscars.No, he was right about thank you
John Martinez to the Dodgers. Yeah, exactly. So let's get with the
program there, hot shot. Sowhat's he saying, They're gonna get a
new head coach. You know whoit is. But now you're not gonna

know because you're all sitting here papooingme. So I'm not telling what's your
happy news three one O four three. I'm gonna tell your press, and
that's your topic with Valentine in themorning. Tell you thank you so much,
by the way, last night foroffering the slow dance with me when
my wife was in the bathroom.That was very sweet of you. I
did ha see guys them none ofthem believed me. None of them believed

me, And I say, Idid not. I thought we were being
pranked. You thought you were sweetlike that she would offer. I believed
you, right, And I said, listen, I can't I know I
look good. Inness touts right now. All right, that part's not true.
I didn't say that part. Itwas my wife went to the bathroom
and a slow dance came on,and so bummed that one of the slow
dances with her very intimate, youtoo, Wow? When you do traffic

on Valentine in the morning. There'sa symbiotic relationship that you share with the
person behind the microphone. Remember thestories of me and Tony Jordan. I
got out. I didn't know youwere willing to discuss this. Wow,
that is but it's so funny.We got home from prom last night.
You don't care of that? Good? All right, I'm good. We
get home from prom last night,Leilani and I and Colin was like waiting
at the or like, where haveyou two been? I'm looking at the

time past. It was the cutestthing. He was right there at the
garage door was locked, so Ithink it was unlocking it to be fair,
but it looked like he'd been waitingfor a see at home, looking
at his watch, going Okay,guys, it's been a night, hasn't
it. It's been a night.Weather today warm, breezy temps eighties to
low nineties, sixties low seventies tothe beaches for the weekend. Hot Tomorrow
highs in the eighties and nineties,slightly cooler in Sunday sixty one, Highland

Park sixty two and Anaheim. Jill'sgot the entertainment headlines coming up. Billie
Eilish is talking about past relationships andthere is one thing that she has never
done. I'll tell you what thatis. Coming up a seven fifty,
Patricia, let's talk about your happynews. My daughter is graduating from UCLA
this weekend. Oh, how didshe get in? It's so hard to

get into UCLA. So she gothonors. She worked her butt off in
high school. She graduated twenty twenty. So you know what happened then,
right, So she wanted a whiterobe. She got her highest honor.
She got a graduated with the fourpoint seven in high school. Wow,
he's been in bed for three forall four years. Yeah, and you
see today she's gotten to go toThailand, to many different states. Oh,

my, got it. I'm soproud of her. That's awesome.
What's her major? What is shegraduating with? You's graduating with the sociology
major. She wants to be aspeech pathologist. I'm hoping, I'm thinking,
I don't know anymore. All right, Well, she seems on her
track, and mom seems to begoing off the track. Here here you
go. Is she there with you? Patricia? She's nice, she's so

in bed. Actually, I'm onmy way to work. I'm a teacher.
I love it. How many daysdo you have left before summer break
Monday? Just two more days?All right, you're gonna make it and
tell your daughter congratulations. We're allproud of her. Thank you so very
much, and I'm really great tohear you. Guys. I love listening
to your show. Oh, thankPatricia. We love that you listening,
that you call in well, thankyou. Everyone's fried this morning. I

have to be honest. We're justyou know, we're barely hanging out.
We had second chance problem last night. We're hanging out by a thread to
be honest. By Famy. It'sVALACEI of the morning. Excellnes popping today
three one oh four three. Reachout. Even if you're new and it's
your first time listening to our show, let us know who you are,
what's going on in your life.Will give you a nice little welcome on
the air. Three one oh fourto three. This Texas plot twist.

Your son Colin wasn't waiting up forVal and Leilani. He was just coming
home after sneaking out on a date. Plot twist. No no, no,
no, no. You people shouldknow better. Who has life?
Three six just gonna say how muchI know where that kid is. I
put I had him Swallen AirTag atApple air Tag. You know he has

one of those in his system.Don't do that. That's a joke.
He's just joking. He's just joking. There mid rumors that Taylor Swift will
be extending her Aras tour into twentytwenty five, and especially that she would
be coming back to Sofi Stadium becausewe did not get a recap post after
she came to La Taylor. Afterevery city we'll post something on Instagram thanking

that city that she just came to. We didn't get one after so far,
so fans thought, oh, she'scoming back. And then when she
added the Tortured Poet's Department to herset list, we thought, okay,
she's coming back to so Fi soshe could film that portion to then put
in the Eras Tour film. Ithought for sure she'd be coming back.

Last night, Taylor had a showin Liverpool and it was her one hundredth
show and she talked about the tour. She said it was the most exhausting,
all encompassing, but most joyful,most rewarding, most wonderful thing that
has ever happened in her life.And then she said, this is the
very first time I've acknowledged to myselfand admitted that this tour is going to

end in December. So Taylor willfinish the tour as scheduled this December in
Vancouver, not extending. What aboutlike a surprise date maybe between now in
September. Oh oh, you meanlike when she's done in December. That
could happen, possibly, I thinkunlikely. What about What about just throwing

this out there, the return oftour with Taylor the Deluxe version. Yeah,
and you find yourself in Vancouver.Oh yeah, Well, she's coming
to New Orleans, She's coming toMiami. Still, We've got a couple
of US states still. And ina new interview, Billie Eilish has admitted
she's never been dumped. She said, I've never been broken up with.

I've only done the breaking up.And she said, I think when people
hear that, they're like, oh, all you do is break hearts.
She said, sure, but thatdoesn't mean that people are totally innocent.
It means that I was like,oh, get me out of here,
or it means that things just weren'tright. I'm Jill with Interertavid Headlines.
I was just sadly thinking I'm theopposite. I think you've done all the

breaking up now, the one who'sbeen dumped. Right. Yeah. If
you look at your your history ofrelationships, Brian, are you the dumper
or the dumpy? I get I'mpretty much split half dumper, half dumpy,
Jill dumper, wimpy. You dumpedone, dumped ones. Other than
that, I was the dumpy.Dumpy. Yeah, me too, John

Dumper dumpy most times the dumper.Yeah. All right, Hi Alison,
good morning. How are you today? Hi me, good morning. I'm
good. How are you guys doing. We're doing good. Were you the
dumper or the dumpy in your pastrelationships? A little of bowl full of
both? Okay, okay, allright, well no dumping now, I

don't have a segue. You're goingto Usher. Congratulations, Thank you so
much. There's my happy news.Congrats, So Perry take to see Usher
into a Dome. September twenty First, they're not still now at ticketmaster dot
com, but we have a bonuschance and went online as well, one
of four to three mif in dotcom and then throughout the entire day with
the My Free Ticket Friday, wewill have tickets for people to see Usher

and concert and you have got those. Congrats, Thank you, you're so
welcome them. Hang out, we'llget your info. Kay, all right,
thanks? Hang on one four threeMIFM. It is Valentine in the
morning. More tickets for Usher comingup very very soon. It's my Free
Ticket Friday. We get more ticketson the way now. In honor of

Father's Day. In the eight o'clockhour of our show, we're gonna be
doing dad jokes. So if yougot some good dad jokes, Hey,
yeah, you doing and you wantto bring them to the stage of one
of four to three MYFM, I'dlove to have you do that. I
would like to talk about something serious, so for a quick second, recently,
yours truly, I was in thehospital. I hadn't told many people

I was in the hospital due toa Peekaboo accident, and they had me
in the ICU. I told mywife recently. She had to embrace her
mistakes. Oh, she gave mea really good hug. Natalia Perez will

be reporting on traffic today. Shereported last hour, truck loaded with Vick's
vapor rub over turn in the highway. Amazingly no congestion for like eight hours.
It was like totally free and clear. That same highway the brand new
edition of Roges the Saurus, Atruckload of carrying palettes of that that the
Saurus overturned as well. They askedpeople what it was like, and they

said it was amazing, astounding,astonishing, awesome. I don't think we
need people to call in you no, no, no, no, no,
no no no. I think we'renow at the point we need people
to call in. Oh, Iget a new pet termite. They tell
you about my pet turmite? Youdid not? Yeah, I named them
Clint Clint eats wood. That's imaginea pet termite. You got new glasses.

I love your glasses. I didget new glasses. They're so pretty,
so like the big and very beautifulglass. I need to get my
glasses fixed. Yeah, guess soI bumped into on the way the other
day to the optimologist. Oh everybody, all right, so this is your
return. I'm done. I'm done. Dad help yo, Hey, yeah

you doing? Dad's are here.Let's go eight sixty six five four four.
My fam Battle of Sex is comingup too. On a four to
three, my fam, it isValentine in the morning. In the studio,
Jaden and his dad, Tyrone.Jaden's off from school. Tyrone submitted
to sit on the couch. Wehave an in studio audience round on a
flaw as always, Jayden, howold you, buddy? Thirteen? Get

right close to that, Mike thirteenyears Olden? Okay, so you're going
into eighth grade? Yes, okay, fantastic. And you wanted to kick
off our dad joke segment? Yougo right ahead. What's the joke you
got? My friend? Why didthe Mexican take anti anxiety pills? Dear
God? Okay, are you Mexican? By the way, Yes, you
can tell this joke. Fine.Why did the Mexican take anti anxiety pills?

Why for hispanic attacks? For hispanicattacks? Okay? Right? Do
you check these jokes before people saythat you should run it past some to
your having. Yeah, very nice. Is this what you thought a radio
studio would look like? What wasyour impression? What it would be a
lot more cables and waters. Oh, we've done a good job hiding those.

The entire thing is on bluetooth.We don't know how we do it.
Does it seem exciting too, thoughfor other people that want to sit
on the couch. Yeah, it'sfun. You're gonna offer up for an
internship. Dad's trying to make moneyoff of you. Yours man, He's
got your their telling jokes and rightright eight sixty six five four four of
my fam texting three one o fourthree. You want to hear your dad

jokes with Father's Day this weekend,but right now it is a battle of
the sex is reps in the menas it is Mike. He lives in
Rialto, works as a truck driverand enjoys watching the kids play sports.
Mike, what up? Brother?Moment representing the ladies. Her name is
Leanne. She's from Riverside. Sheworks as a surgical tech and enjoys spending

time with her family. Let's dofor Leanne. Let's go on, Leanne,
Hi, how are you guys doingall right? Here's out Worselen.
I'm gonna ask a few questions,Mike, Jill is gonna be asking you
the questions. Best out of threewins. Still tied the end of regulation,
we go to ans a tough tiebreakerquestion and to start with the ladies
in the movie and video game series? What color is Sonic the Hedgehog Blue?

Mike? What color is Mario's hat? And Super Mario Brothers? That's
right, you guys got my I'mblue joke right there, joke on Father's
Day to be My current scores oneon one. Tucn Sam is the mascot

of which breakfast Cereal? That's correct. Mike Buzzby is the mascot of which
breakfast Cereal? Buzzby honeynut cheials.Yeah, that's his name. Nice job.
I had no idea either. Ourcurrent score is two to two.

Headwig is the name of the petawl in what movie slash book series?
Harry Potter? That is correct?And Mike, you can tie it with
this one finish the name of theRock Broadway musical Headwig and the Angry What
angry Owl? Oh? It's theAngry Inch? What is that about?

I've never seen it. I justremember Neil Patrick Harris being a part of
it. Huh, but I've neverseen it. Does to know why it's
that risque? Is it? Idon't think it's not not risque. Oh,
I don't know. It's the AngryInch. I just wondered. I
don't know ladies win, Leanne.Congratulations. You want a Battle of the

Sex's Champions certificate. Post it onsocial use the hashtag Valentine in the Morning
and share it with pride who Thankyou guys. You've also won a pair
of three day passes to the twentytwenty five Stage Coach Festival, having April
twenty fifth through April twenty seventh.The advanced sale kicks off today at eleven
am. You can get your passesfor the best price for a limited time

at Stagecoach Festival dot com. Congrats, Thank you well as you exit the
stage, Mike, this moment isentirely yours. You take it away.
Congratulations Leanne, hope you have fun. Thank you, Thank you guys very
much. Coming up, Three thingsyou need to know. If you purchase
one of these annual Disneyland passes,you might be eligible to get some serious
money back as part of a newsettlement. Jill, I'm sure you have

an annual pass. I do Ihave a magic key? Right? You
might be getting money back. We'lltell you. Coming up in three Things
you need to know. Stay twentyIt's Valentine in the Morning. This is
one of four to three MIFM firefightersand so the California preparing for an intense
wildfire season. With the past fewweeks, smaller fires have broken out in
the Inland Empire, and the drybrush and rising tempts could create dangerous combinations.

Although wildfires can happen year round inCalifornia, peak wildfire season typically runs
from June through late October, soplease keep that in mind, be careful
and always remember our firefighters are outthere in the front lines fighting these fires.
Some end up deploying for long periodsof time fighting these fires as well.
If you're a Disneyland fan who purchaseda dream Key pass, you might

be able to get part of aten million dollars settlement the loss of their
claims that Disney misled customers into believingits most expensive yearly pass would have no
blockout dates at Disneyland. No blackoutdates right. Disney has denied any wrongdoing,
but they decided to settle in orderto avoid going the trial. Oh
boy, Jill, how much moneyyou getting back? So this was from

a few years ago. It wascertain past during a certain period, like
a two month period, and Ithought, oh, that's not me.
I got an email that I ama part of this. I'm getting back
sixty five dollars. Hey, allrock breakfast son, this girl right have
it yet? That's awesome? Sohow did people check? Did just watch
your email to see if it comesto their email? I guess I received

an email saying that, according tothe records, I'm a part of this.
What is the subject of the email? What does it say? Don't
open this Disney dream key settlement.All right, keep an eye out for
that Disney dream Key settlement. Checkyour emails, check your junkin spam folders
as well. All right, John, what's trending? So today the general
on sale begins for this year's iHeartRadioMusic Festival. So this is the sale

for everbody, So come see GwenStefani, We got Comita, Cabeo,
Paramore, Hosier, Thomas Rhett,join us all out there in Vegas this
September. Those tickets are going togo on sale at eleven am this morning.
Those details at one O four tothree my him dot com slash Festival.
I'm John Camuci. That's what's treadingin music? In honor of Father's
Day this weekend, texting right nowthree one oh four three tell us your

best dad joke, Brian, doyou have any dad jokes that you would
like to share with us? Myfriend, well, I really love that
Oasis song Wonderwall. My wife askedme to stop singing it so much around
the house. Yeah A sad baby, Yeah yeah, not bad fuddy you
are dad. I had a questionfor Jill, and you guys know that

Jill is wonderful woman has a fearof frogs. I do, yes,
and I wonder do you know whata frisky frog says? I am afraid
to ask, but no, whatdoes a frisky frog say? Robert Robbit?
Oh my, is that too far? Yes? Enjoyed it. I

don't think it was that bad.Was it too far? No? We
went too far? I apologize.I'm sorry. It's a family show.
But you know, I don't knowif my barber is like mensa, like
really really smart, because every timeI go to my barber, he always
puts my cape on backwards to mamasuperhero, I can be tense. You

will listen to this. I haven'ttold you guys this story here And if
you've got dad jokes, reach outthree one O four three And on our
Father's Day, Brian recently in histravels, was celebrating your friend getting married,
and uh, Brian went to oneof those clubs I guess in Vegas
where people dance, okay, AndI heard that. Brian walked in and

said, hey, ladies working hard, are hardly tworking? Okay. I
told you guys about that spider inmy car. Right happened to me yesterdays,
spider mycover's cart. There was aspider in our house last night.
Leilani freaked out out instead of steppingon him, though, she goes,
you know what, just just takehim outside. Let's be nice, just

if you could just take the spiderout. So I did. I had
a few drinks. Nice guy,he's a web designer. I was like
a little twofer. You got her? What happened there? The web designer.
A little joke gets you like tenseconds after you throw it. Hey,
good, all right? Three oneoh four three? If you got
a dad joke. And my dadalways used to tell me there are two

main reasons not to drink from atoilet, Number one and number two.
Lord, I used to have thisprinter. I swear it was possessed by
the spirit of Bob Marley was alwaysjommin, he'd be jommin. Eight thirty

three. Weather today warm, breezy, attempts eighty to low nineties, sixty
tott seventies through the beaches for theweekend. Hot Tomorrow high is about eighty
and nineties, slightly cooler on Sundaysixty two's sixty three rolling heights. Jill's
got the entertainment headlines coming up.The wait for the next season of Bridgerton
might be longer than expected. I'lltell you what we're hearing coming up at

eight fifty. Hi, Kathy,good morning, How are you today?
Good morning guys. Hi, Well, here we go, Dad joke time.
What do you got? Why don'tsharks eat clowns? Why don't sharks
eat clowns? Because it tastes funny? There you go, of course,

Yeah, Kathy, thanks for comingon a great day. I love you
guys, have a great gate.Thank you bye. Eight sixt six five
four four my FM. And atthe end of this will crown the best
dad joke. Hey, Matt,go ahead, bud uh you know what
are a Mario and Luigi's clothes?Madam? What are Mario and Luigi's clothes

made of? Dead? Den?Him? That shouldn't be as funny as
it is. That's good, thanks, Matt. We got playing for the
weekend. Man. Uh, it'smy wife and I are fifth anniversary and
almost celebrating Father's Day with everybody.Got it nice? Okay, have a
great weekend, my man. We'vegot tickets coming up. It's my Free

Ticket Friday. Your chance to wintickets to see Usher at the Into a
Dome. We have that on theway. Everybody up for grabs in this
thing too, so get ready towin. Oh you know, I never
have to tell you, guys,I went to the neurology yesterday. Wait,
I'm gonna give you another chance.I gotta give you another chance.

You so wanted to play along withdad jokes. She was waiting for the
backs your boys to stop doing thething this week. This is live radio.
That's what we do here at myFM. Right, can you start
the talking? Yeah, okay,okay. Tickets for Usher at the Into
a Dome. Everybody can win thesetickets. They're coming up. It's going
to be all day today with theMYFM My Free Ticket Friday, So stand

by to win your tickets to seeUsher. I forgot to tell you,
guys, I went to the neurologistyesterday and I told her like, oh,
I've been hearing some buzzing and shesaid, Uh, it's just a
bug that's going around. It's worthit, Okay, not all yours for

winners. You're one hundred that you'vetold. At least I get the words
out of my mouth. Hey,Jill, Yeah, what do you call
a moose that has no name?I don't know. What do you call
a moose that has no name?Anon? A moose? Father's Day this

weekend? Dad jokes? Just anamazing thing or right a passage. As
you become a father, you haveto be able to tell dad jokes.
Eight sixty six five four for myfan right now, tickets to see Usher.
It's free ticket Friday. We've gotUsher tickets all day today and right
now is your time to call eightsix six five four four MYFM. He's

playing into it Dome September twenty first, and you could be there. Fred
was telling me they were going todo that all Aman diet. They're going
to try that. They're like,you know, in the end, it's
just nuts. We drive Toyota's herein Valenzina in the morning, I'm gonna
Preus Primes listening to have four Johnsonand a Highlander. Really good rides that
really do fit our lifestyle. Andif you're in the market for a new

ride, if you want a newwhip, maybe check out Toyota. Get
into your local Southern California so toado a longtime sponsor of our show or
you cannot bu on Toyota dot comto find out more. Just look at
the style they go. I meanthat new Prius Prime. Have you seen
that on the road? Have youseen that on the road. It's a
beautiful, beautiful car. They dida redesign in that car. I drive

a twenty twenty two Prius Prime.It's a great car. I love it.
Oh my gosh, I got fomoon that new Prius Prime. It's
a beautiful ride. Final which oneis right for you? Toto dot com?
What up for three? MYFM?It is Valentine in the morning,
and just send it quickly. Thereare me sorry, Let's put a hand
sanitizer on my hand. Then Iwas walking past Lisa Fox and she went
to fist bump me and I fellback because my hands are the hand sanitizer

said, I had to do theelbow bomb, and she thought that was
a like you didn't want to touchher and she was an elbow bomb.
But it was bad. You knowhow That happens sometimes all the time with
me. Yeah, I get it, especially you're coming out of the bathroom
or something and you've got wet hands. It's not that you don't you know,
your hands are dry, but sometimesif they have like uh, little
hand dryers or something, they don'tget you fully dry, so you kind
of let them dry a bit andstuff, and then you can't shake somebody's

hand because just wash your hand.Then they think you're judging them in their
germs and your germophobe and people saythings behind your back at work. Our
iHeartRadio Music Festival It's coming back toVegas September twentieth and twenty first Team Obile
Arena. We've got performances by Paramore, Shaboozy, Big Sean, Camila,
like Abeo Doja, Cat Thomas,Rhett, Hosier, Gon Stefani on the

bus. Their chemistry is amazing.It's a guess when this is gonna start.
I didn't know if you were goingto do the whole thing. In
my eyes, I just I lookedright at you. I'm gonna be honest
with you. I was asleep.Thank you. Joe and Mare. Pre
sale going on right now the CapitolOne cardholders. You can grab it.
Tickets go on sale to the generalpublic today at eleven o'clock. Though it

is one of four to three mayafin dot Com Slash Festival for all the
details. There's been an increase incoyote sightings across southern California over the past
week. You probably saw the onewhere the coyote is trying to come through
the screen door to get the catterrifying right. If a coyote starts to
approach you, here's what you shoulddo, according to the California Department of
Fish and Wildlife. Number one,keep a safe distance check. I think

nobody's trying to pet the coyote.Right back away, slowly, all right.
I learned that from the bear thing. If a bear comes at you,
don't run because I'll chase you.Let the coyote leave the area on
its own. Well, let's sitaround and wait for the cody to go
home, all right. If thecoyote gets closer, make a loud noise

like this, a yell, andtry and make yourself look bigger by waving
your arms as well, like this, I can't see. All right,
well, we're doing so well.Hi, coyote thinks you're waving at him.

He's waving me over. Let's gosee what's going on over there.
Yeah, but very careful little dogsall that stuff. Of course Coyote's you
know we are in their area,but still not a fan of them in
my backyard, John, what's trending? So Father's Day is upon us?
I wanted to share this little dealhere because by one, get one free
baconators all weekend long for Father's Day, courtesy of Wendy's. All you need

is that Wendy's appen that starts todayall through Sunday. I know Wendy's and
I have a little thing going on, but I'm honest, you're so far
up Wendy's list. I'm genuinely justsharing this case. You are awesome,
So up their baconat or you loveWendy's spicy nugs, everything they got going
on all over those That's what's trendingon socials all right? One A four

three, My fam, it isValentine in the morning. If you're not
following your show on Instagram. Wouldlove to do that at Valentine in the
morning. Everyody's personal accounts beneath that. There's a lot of what we did
last night song called Second Chance promup there and you can see. I
mean, you'd take a guess rightnow if you know our show, you
know the answer. If you knewfirst time listening. Based in her voices,
who was the dirt bag that wenttoo hard and got out of controls

A loaded question? Yeah, wedon't know. It feels like Jill a
little bit, right. Yeah,you could never be a it's the only
one that You're not a dirt bag. No one's a dirt I'm looking at
some of those videos from last night. I might agree with you. There
was Laura was trying to do thisthing. If you ever go to an

event and you've got a social mediadirector, they do fun, wonderful stuff,
right. So Laura and then Alifrom back there, we're trying to
do this before and after type thing, and they go, all right,
give us that before you're looking goodand then after, you know, you're
just shoveled and whatever. And toBrian's credit, they look the same.

I showed up like that did youpregame. You didn't pregame. Oh no,
okay, you didn't pregame. Gotcha. Maybe anyway, if you want
to see some of the photos andwe'll do second chance problemgad. It was
so much fun at Valentine in theMorning. Give us a follow, then
everybody's personal account right beneath that aswell. At Valentine in the Morning and
Instagram Monday. On Valentine in theMorning, in honor of Father's Day,
we're gonna keep this party going,baby, come with your best dad jokes

Monday morning. You know, Iwas really addicted to the hokey pokey until
I turned myself around after seven Monday. Right here at Valentine in the Morning,
it was cute. What up fourto threem s Valentine in the Morning?
Uh, that was kind of funny. Though it missed it, it
was good. Well, Brian andI had this instagrament can't we follow?

And it's like it's about Sunday worshipfails and stuff. Okay, the pastors
up and he's given his a youknow, speech is hombly whatever. He's
up there doing stuff and he goes, I smell it too, man,
Somebody let one go in here.Oh, I know, I'm sorry,
not appropriate for the air. It'sreal life though, you know, and

he just real life. You know, you're in church and and who knows
what somebody had for breakfast. Alot of dairy intolerance out there in this
world, and you gotta be carefulof that stuff. It's nine to forty
four. Let's move on from that. The iHeart Ready Music Festival is on
sale to the general public today eleveno'clock, so a little over an hour.
You can get all the details oneO four three miveim dot com slash
festival but eleven am tickets go onsale and it's a big show and we'll

be adding people to it as well. So the iHeart Ready Music Festival this
fall in at Las Vegas. Itis two days in Las Vegas, two
nights. You can be there.The tickets go on sale at eleven o'clock
this morning. One of fourth threemifedot com big link on the front page.
One of four to threemiafi dot com. Emily Blunt has stalled in Fall,
Guy Payne, Hustlers, Oppenheimer,A Quiet Place, Mary Poppins's Return.

She has so many films that she'sbeen in at a Coin of Variety.
She's in talks to star in StevenSpielberg's next movie. There aren't any
details about it. It's being calledan event film and the movie will be
out in theatre's May fifteenth of twentytwenty six. And there have been rumors
that Taylor Swift will be extending herEras tour into twenty twenty five, and

a remember that I've been hearing alot is that she would come back to
Sophy Stadium and have more dates there. Well, yesterday Taylor had a show
in Liverpool, England, and itwas her one hundredth show and she talked
about the fact that this tour hasbeen the most exhausting, all encompassing,
but most joyful, most rewarding,most wonderful thing that has ever happened in
her life. Then she said thisquote, this is the very first time

I've acknowledged to myself and admitted thatthis tour is going to end in December,
So basically confirming it's going to endin December as scheduled in Vancouver.
So as far as we're going intotwenty twenty five, that's not happening.
I'm Jill with their antainment headlines.All right, Jill, thank you for
your show. Thank you for yourshow. Jean, thank you for your
show. Thank you for your show. Michael Pullman in New York City,

thank you for your show. Lauraon the Couch, thank you for your
show. Brian Burton, thank youfor your show. You have a wonderful,
wonderful Father's Day weekend if your fatheris still with us. I hope
you guys get to spend some timetogether. If you are a dad,
maybe you're a new dad. Ihope it's what you expected to be Father's
Day weekend. For all the dadsout there, we thank you for what
you do on a daily basis.I have a full heart because of my

son Colin at sixteen years of age. So I am very happy to be
your father. Brian's heart is fullas well. Amen. Amen. I
couldn't say it any better. SoI'm just gonna zip my lips. He's
he's very very hungover. Can Igo home now? We're here till today.
We got some meetings, I thinkand stuff like that. Yeah.
Natalia Press, thank you for yourshow. Thank you for your show.

Thanks everybody came out last night forour second Chance problem of course, thank
you to Premiere America Credit Union orsponsor for last night. Thank you guys
for all your banking needs. Pleasedo check out Premiere America credit Union and
City Cruis has had a great timeas well, very very fun,
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