Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Uh, January sixth, first show back Cacoday radio program, what'd
you guys do? What did you do? I mean our
last what was the last show of the year? Was
that the twentieth back my little thing here. Yeah, So
on December twentieth, when Ross and I last left you,
everything was fine, right, pretty normal. I don't even know.
I have to go back and look at the prep packet.
I don't even remember what we talked about on the twentieth.
It wasn't anything of substance because everything was fine. And
then and then within two days you all broke it.
What are you doing? And he didn't just break it
with one thing, you know, the usual vacation curse around here,
and don't try to make an arp. Ross and I
had it all square level before we left, and then
two days later you're like, what if we light a
woman on fire on the subway? What if we do that?
What do you think that would look like? Pretty horrific actually,
And then we all got to learn about what happens
to the body when it's fully engulfed in flames, why
as to why they might be standing up while it's happening,
And that's a horrific thing. I didn't need to know.
And then and then you couldn't just leave it there, No, no, no,
Then he had to get into a giant fight over visas,
and then that got weird. But then I was told
that that was a psyop to distract from the woman
getting lit on fire on the subway, which will probably
have by the way, New York City subways, many of
the routes will probably have the highest ridership today that
they've seen in about forever because of congestion pricing into Manhattan.
Have you seen a picture of New Yorkers waiting for
the subway? Just a random generic thing that you'd see
in any movie or TV show or whatever, Just a
random thing where you'd see people getting ready to get
on the subway. Have you seen what it looks like today,
because I promise if you don't know what it looks
like right now, you're gonna be a little shocked. It's
not everybody standing there. You know, some people ride on
that yellow line. If you've ever ridden the subway, you
know what's up, or any train for that matter. People
get really close, like the train's gonna go away. But
that's not where people stand anywhere ross. Have you seen
how people stand for the subway. I saw this photo yesterday.
I had never seen it.
Speaker 2 (02:42):
I mean, I haven't seen it, but I can imagine,
like if I was there, sort of like no eye contacts,
staring down, just waiting.
Speaker 1 (02:49):
Like yes, but there's something else they're doing. Ask to
the wall, So go to the wall, furthest away from
the track. People are standing directly against it so nobody
can get behind them, right, so no one can push
you or whatever, light you on fire, or steal a
kidney or whatever. Horrific thing will probably be in the
news cycle within the next week. They are standing against
the wall, not making eye contact, not you know, and
of course there's still people out there screaming at them
like lunatics and everything. They're standing against the wall. And
then that reportedly was a syot to distract or that
so that the visa discussion, if you want to call
it that, which holy hell. That we'll get into all
the we'll get into all the Twitter stuff. I don't
know how deep I want to get into it, but
we we will acknowledge what's going on, because there's a
whole bunch of stuff there. And and frankly, I think
there's a lot of people who have ulterior motives that
are definitely up in there. But there's also a lot
of people who can't read a room. So we'll we'll
touch on that. And then because that syop was then
the sy op to cover up the coverage of the
actual story, then what happened in New Orleans happened. And
you have this guy who's running around in his Facebook
glasses on a bicycle scouting and you know, scouting tax
zones in the French Quarter, and eventually decides he's going
to drive a what was it afford lightning through just
nothingness in the form of a real protection to get
onto Bourbon Street. Now I've been to Bourbon Street. I've
been there during Marti Gras. I've been there at pre
nine to eleven, in post nine to eleven, and I
admittedly I don't remember what all of all it was.
I remember how close we could get though with a
taxi because we were staying all the way every boy
the super Dome for the first one, how closely and
it was not very close at all. So being able
to get a truck up in there where they did,
I have some questions, But then I then I had
to listen to the chief of police down there in
New Orleans who seems completely incompetent. And then I find
out she used to be the chief of police in
Oakland and got got fired from there, and then New
Orleans hired her, and then you know, you got the
FBI agent with the nose ring. And then people decided
that this story is the scy opt to cover up
from the burning lady and the the the Indian visa thing,
and and then the Trump Tower story happened, and that
got crazy. Man, that story's nuts. What is going on
with that? Where they're just like, here's here's here's this
green beret who decided he was going to roll up
in front of Trump Tower but in a cyber truck,
which which is a really bad idea when you find
out that the cyber truck, due to the quality of
the build there is not a very good vehicle to
detonate and improvised explosive device in who knew, well, some
would say a green beret would know. And then did
he shoot himself with a desert eagle right before it happened,
or if there's video, which I admit I look, I
look at it, I can't tell what the hell you're
looking at? People are like, look in the video, you
can see him turn his head. I don't know. And
then people have decided, well, look here's what. Now we
find out that both of the people are Army, and
then they're like, well, you know where the connection is
They both served it BRAG. Yeah, what percentage of US
Army go through BRAG at some point, whether it's for
courses that they're taking, right, especially if you're a Special
Forces guy. So you know this this idea, and that's
why we're calling it BRAG here on the show as
we do. So then people are trying to make a
connection there. Well, obviously there must be a sleeper cell
in BRAG. I don't know, maybe there is, but just
the fact that two members of the army went through
what it's the largest army base right by personnel that
are annually through there. I can't remember exactly what the
stat is, but it's damn close and it's a huge number.
So the idea that people, two individuals who did more
than just you know a few years in the army,
but you know, actually did some reasonable amount of time
went through BRAG at some point together and might have
even been there at the same time, I find but
then that became the story. The Tesla truck then became
the story to distract from New Orleans just wild times man,
and then just onward and upward from there, New Year's Insanity, everything, everything, Well,
we have so much audio, we'll just try to recap.
I know a lot of you been swimming in it,
but a lot of people relatively disconnected, So we'll make
a point to touch on what we can. Okay, all right,
let me do this. It's six fifteen. Wait, hold on,
I'm already getting harassed by Patriots fan.
Speaker 2 (08:25):
Speaker 1 (08:26):
You know what if you're a Patriots fan sending me
an email right now because of how the Vikings game
went last night, what do you think is more embarrassing
that we lost a game to like to what is
the top seed in the NFC North and we were
competing for excuse me, in the NFC and we were
competing for it, Or that you schmucks were so dumb
that you decided to go and beat the Bills to
screw yourself out of the first round fit whoopsie. Wait wait,
who do you think is having a worst morning?
Speaker 2 (09:00):
A lot of people yesterday? Yeah, I had no idea that.
I guess you would call them casuals. What was going
on with that game where they were barely found on
social media? They're like, why Josh Allen was only in
for one snap and he left? What's up with that?
They don't care if the Patriots win, Like, dude, do
you know have you never been paying any attention at all?
Anything like a number two seed? It's wrapped up. That's
that's gonna happen. Those games are going through Buffalo. It's'll
probably get the arrowhead right. But also the Patriots yesterday
before that game, had the number one spot in the draft.
They had the number one pick, and now after that
game they dropped what is it fourth?
Speaker 1 (09:38):
Their number four? Yes, and when you have when you.
Speaker 2 (09:41):
Have your quarterback, they have their quarterback ready to go.
They have a good quarterback and now you could have
picked someone for him to throw to.
Speaker 1 (09:49):
Right, Oh is that good? Is that good? Okay?
Speaker 2 (09:52):
I mean this is going to set the rebuild back
at least a year or so. Yeah. Possibly?
Speaker 3 (09:57):
Speaker 1 (09:58):
And and I'll say this, Patriots dangerous with early picks.
Man dangerous over the years, usually because they somehow accumulate
like two or three first round picks in a year.
But and I know first to fourth, but maybe you don't.
And maybe fourth is fine for you because there's you know,
there's the top two quarterbacks. Probably the Giants will take
one and uh anyway, and so maybe it doesn't impact
you and you save money in the long term. But
y'all are lunatics. The other lunacy that I saw and
I have some family members that are Broncos fans, is
Broncos Twitter. Like, we just shut out the Chiefs. We
are going to destroy the Bills. We're going to hang
sixty on them. There's nothing they can that's confirmed. I mean,
that's a first round balance for the Bills. After you
saw how the Broncos took care of the the Patrick
Mahomes Chiefs yesterday. Yeah, yeah, when's the last time they
shut Mahomes out?
Speaker 2 (10:53):
Now, once again, I don't want to talk about it
because I don't want to jinx the team. We've done
pretty well this year, so I don't. But however, looking
at what they did to the Chiefs yesterday, the Bills
generically yes, bounced first confirmed. Okay, all right, well look
at that. I was may I was the one tripping apparently. Yeah, absolutely,
so yeah, so thank you pat bands with sending me.
Speaker 1 (11:19):
Your garbage this morning. Oh it's and it's it's all
of them. They're all, uh oh, you've just been waiting.
Oh and then Boss and Paul said happy Insurrection Day.
Well you better say happy in front of everything if
you want to be on the twitters anyway. Six eighteen
all right, we'll come back and dive into this mess next. Ick.
It is six twenty four here on the CaCO Day
radio program, where we're going to try to jam two
weeks worth of stuff, but to the extent that we
can within you know, about two hours in thirty six minutes.
Speaker 4 (11:55):
Socks, hold six socks, all.
Speaker 1 (11:59):
Right, hold on, hold on, we'll get to you. Since
Patriots people want to get up in my business, we'll
deal with that here in a moment.
Speaker 5 (12:05):
Speaker 1 (12:05):
Hey, Ross, how was how was the holiday sir? The
traveling the fam? Did you get anything? What did Lincoln get?
Speaker 2 (12:14):
We went down to Mexico, that's right, and we all
got tapeworms okay, and we lost we lost so much. No,
we went down to Georgia. It was a nice holiday
holiday week. Came back Friday after Christmas, just you know,
nice relaxing time, cool, cool, whatever, you get anything good
or yeah, you got a brand new xbox xbox X.
Oh so that way, that was great. I brought that.
That was the whole family from Saint Oh okay, yeah,
maybe Santa made sure specifically to put on the tag
that it was to Lincoln, Ross, and Markey, all of
our names. Lincoln was super excited because somebody had put
in his ear that you know, hey, if Santa did
bring the Xbox X, you could bring the S up
to your room. So he was super excited about it,
like the elf on the shelf to him. I mean,
he just sort of guess I picked it. He picked
it up somewhere I see somewhere. So as soon as
he opened up the X, He's like, oh my god,
now I can have an Xbox in my room. Like yeah, buddy, So.
Speaker 1 (13:17):
He put the X of the brand new xbox X
is going in his room.
Speaker 2 (13:20):
No, no xbox X downstairs in the living room. He
gets the S So he was playing Dark Souls a
lot in this room. It's the super coolest thing in
the world. He gets to play video games in his
own room. Now, yeah, and I get to play some
Starfield or are other games downstairs.
Speaker 1 (13:33):
Oh that's weird. So like where you play?
Speaker 2 (13:35):
Speaker 1 (13:36):
Is where the new ones?
Speaker 3 (13:37):
Speaker 2 (13:37):
Yeah, I mean the tag it was to all of us,
So it's in the family room.
Speaker 1 (13:42):
I mean Sanna knows best.
Speaker 2 (13:44):
That's right.
Speaker 1 (13:45):
Yes, yeah, okay. I was trying to remember we were
talking before Christmas and I was asking him, is there
anything you kind of want? Didn't you tell me you
wanted an xbox X?
Speaker 2 (13:58):
I believe so, yes, So okay, Sanna comes through.
Speaker 1 (14:03):
Yeah. Is it kind of sounds like, you know, buying
the wife the bowling ball a little bit there on
Santa's part. So that's that's weird. Okay, all right, good.
I got a new driver.
Speaker 2 (14:18):
Have you been able to use it?
Speaker 1 (14:20):
I have been to use How is it? That's it's
it's a broken It only goes to the right dude.
You know, anybody who anybody plays golf will tell you this.
If you go, If you go and you're like, I'm
going to test this club, you know, and it depending
on where you are playing, sometimes we'll even let you
play around with it. And this is this is I
know better than to buy a club that I go
out and have a banger around with. And I did
it anyway. I did it anyway, upgraded, the tailor made,
decided what they let me play with it. I just
striped it. I'm like, this is the greatest thing ever.
I purchased the damn thing. I play one round of
golf with it, and it's like I've never held a
club before. So that's how that went. But there's no
mystery as to uh, whose club. It is pretty incredibly
messed up store. And I don't care how disconnected you
thought you were from from everything. It's exactly within the
image of other things that we have seen such as
let's see such as you know, nice France, New York
with the U haul truck and obviously others. Uh, and
you're you're dealing with a member of the of the
US military. That's what made these stories so crazy, both
the Trump Tower and of course the the New Orleans stuff,
is the fact that you're dealing with people within the military.
They're one of the more powerful.
Speaker 3 (16:05):
Speaker 1 (16:06):
Okay, we good. I just want to make sure the
right audio here, Well, just a kind of scene said
here is one of the individuals who was there when
it happened kind of really obviously wasn't clocking what was
going on, but it tells a really, really, really sad
realization that that he had shortly after this happened. I
chucked this.
Speaker 6 (16:30):
He's coming up all into the sidewalk and all that.
But by that time we had already made it decide
to divvy it, or is what I thought. Until once
we get decided to divot and the car passes, I
turned around to like, look, who's all in here?
Speaker 7 (16:49):
Because it was supposed to be three of us.
Speaker 2 (16:51):
I turned around to who's.
Speaker 3 (16:53):
All in here?
Speaker 1 (16:54):
And I don't see my friend.
Speaker 4 (16:58):
And I just started.
Speaker 6 (16:58):
Screaming and yelling and I'm not where are you? And
I turned and our lick in the street and her
right leg is a flipped like a horror movie style
over her back and it's just blood.
Speaker 1 (17:15):
All right. So that is obviously the first hand account
of one of the friends of one of the victims,
and it prompted obviously, you know, obviously it was a
big story. And then it got really aligned with what
was going on to Trump Towers, since they were almost
one right after the other. But as that's playing out,
and as we learn more, we find out that this
was this wasn't a guy who just snapped in that
moment and decided he was going to commit this act,
but rather somebody who decided to tase the joint, I
guess for lack of a better word, and the way
the way that he did it is he had himself
a pair of metaglasses. So these are the AI or
what would the proper augmented reality glasses, So I guess
a little bit of a there. The augmented reality glasses
you've probably seen like the Google ones, Well Meta has ones,
and what he's able to do with those is then
drive around film and everything, but not look like he's
filming everything, which you know, that's a pretty good get.
I am curious just because of the politics of all
of this. I know, anytime that somebody uses a tactical
device or a firearm, then immediately that's the thing that's
responsible for it, and we must have legislation now, and
they're culpable and they should face lawsuits like when they
sued Remington and all that. So that mean Facebook is
an accomplice here. I just want to understand how this works.
I mean, I understand the tactical advantage there of the
recording glasses, because people pay attention when you're filming stuff.
He's gonna watch one First Amendment auditor to realize that. So,
you know, the ability to go around and really get
a layout. I'm not sure what all it benefits, because
within five minutes of being there on one busy night,
you kind of get the lay of the land. You
know where's going to be the busiest, where the egress is, whatnot?
I mean just in my in my head right now,
I couldn't. I can navigate the French Quarter. And I've
probably spent all told, maybe ten to fourteen days of
my life in the French Quarter. Wait, you know, over
the course of several trips. But this guy was doing
his due diligence.
Speaker 8 (19:36):
Man Jabbar stayed at a rental home in New Orleans
beginning October thirty, twenty twenty four.
Speaker 1 (19:42):
A rental home that caught fire after this also, and
we'll get into it in a moment. This guy's pad
back in Texas where they were letting reporters in and
so that they could film all this really really incriminating stuff.
And it's some like thought in yoga pants. Am I
the only one who saw this? And she's just walking
around in his house in Texas? Say, look, at all
those Kurans. That's cray, cray. How do you have a
terrorist investigation going on? Or terrorism investigation and you have
you know, you got some chicken yoga pants that are
way too small for her banging around that house looking
like she was running the store on a Saturday morning.
How does that happen over a big terrorist investigation. There's
a lot of stuff that's just crazy.
Speaker 8 (20:42):
He was in town at least two days. During that time, Jabbar,
using metaglasses, recorded a video as he rode through the
French Quarter on a bicycle. This videos shows Jabbar during
that in October with his metaglasses. As we continue to
learn more about that trip, we asked anyone who may
have seen or interactive with him to contact us now
for more information. Metaglasses appear to look like regular glasses,
but they allow a user to record videos and photos
hand free. They also allow the user to potentially live
stream through their video. Javar was wearing a pair of
metaglasses when he conducted the attack on Bourbon Street, but
he did not activate the glasses to live stream his
actions that day.
Speaker 1 (21:46):
See now and then that's say that's another weird thing there.
Could you remember one of the Honestly, there's so much
of this I'm trying to do from memory because if not,
Ross would have had a fifty story pack yesterday. You know,
one of the other stories, according to the FBI, which
apparently is now that dude speaking and not nosering chick,
was that he was going to kill his family, but
he didn't because he wanted all the attention on the
terrorist part of it. Just strange. So if that's the case,
the fact that you wouldn't stream that one of your
isis chat rooms or wherever they say he was inspired
by is very strange, very strange, And I think people
have an easier time and I don't think it's just
because he's converted Muslim and everything around there. I think
people are having an easier time wrapping their head around
this guy committing this terrorist act in New Orleans with
because of the statements and the videos and all of that.
What leaves people scratching their head is what the heck
was going on in Las Vegas? Why would this Green Beret?
Speaker 2 (23:01):
Speaker 1 (23:02):
How crazy is it too? By the way, there's video
floating around of this particular and you'll notice I'm not
using their names. That's just how it is on the
show here, but obviously the name was in one of
the cuts. It'll be in one of the other cuts too,
So but you have you have a green beret. I
believe he had nineteen years in one month, in which
if you know anything about the military, twenty is a
pretty good number to hit. But you're you're consummate soldier.
In fact, he was such a quote unquote badass soldier.
He was on a Badass Soldier reality show with Tim
Kennedy with Tim Kennedy, which I mean just every step
of the way there was some new, crazy thing that
just blew my mind. But it's important.
Speaker 2 (23:45):
The fun part to it, Tim Kennedy is people were like, hey,
you knew this guy and he's like, no, I don't
know that guy. And they're like, well what about this
video of you in History Channel with him. He's like,
oh that guy, I remember that guy.
Speaker 1 (23:55):
Yeah. But also there's like what thirty of them, And
because it's a competition.
Speaker 2 (23:59):
And to be fair for Tim Kennedy, he's been on
so many shows, it's like one of those things where
like you know, if you were to meet somebody that
you worked in radio, like twenty years ago, randomly like
one time, would you remember everybody you've ever worked with?
Speaker 3 (24:10):
Speaker 1 (24:11):
Probably not no, but if you reminded me, I may
be like, oh yeah, which is how Kennedy handled it.
And then we got crazier. As you see, there was
the other guy claiming that he got this is. This
is where I'm having a lot of trouble with X
right now or Twitter or whatever you want to call it. Right,
I don't know, and maybe we're going to turn into
this conversation. I don't know what what Elon's trying to
do over there, but I'm not I don't get it
with this, with this positivity thing. I mean, I get
what he wants, I just don't get how it gets.
Speaker 2 (24:42):
Dude. My ROX score is great.
Speaker 1 (24:44):
Okay, I saw what you did. We're going to talk
about that and you just hold on nine ten. Okay,
you're getting but you manipulated it a little bit maybe
huh well yeah, oh okay, all right, all right, but
that's what everyone does on X. Everything's to manipulate the algorithm,
the you know, the monetization part of it. I spend
you know what I spent most of my time doing
over the this is so this is over the two weeks.
This is so petty. I scrolled, you know, I scrolled
a lot of Twitter, and anytime I came across one
of these accounts that had just stolen all the videos
that have existed on Twitter and then slapped an ad
for an online casino on there or sportsbook, I blocked
the account. I'm just I'm out of it. I don't
want to deal with it. I don't want to deal
with those people. I don't want to deal with this
algorithmic thing where bigger accounts, if they block smaller accounts,
can really screw up their their ability to spread stuff.
Because while you may be doing it because they're spreading
what you think is like doxing or harm, you know,
things that are technically violations, you could also do it
to really stave off monetization competition. And I I just
don't know the monetization has been a good thing for Twitter.
But we'll get it. We'll get into each aspect of that.
So my point going back to this is I think
people had a lot easier time because there was this
big stack of information, evidence, videos, whatever with the New
Orleans attacker, but with Rando green Beret dude, like that's
the last thing you think of, and then you have
to figure out the motivation because on one side, going
and blowing up a tesla in front of a Trump
Hotel sounds like a moonbat thing to do. Am I right, Like, Oh,
I hate Elon and I hate Trump, and I'm gonna
get them both. Here's what we're gonna do. And then
to have it fail so spectacularly because of the build
of the vehicle and it looks like probably the professionalism
of the Trump Hotel staff is I mean, there's a
certain amount of irony there, but also it's a lot
of air that you wouldn't expect somebody who is a
Green Beret and has demolitions training to make. Also, how
many of you military guys think that a green Beret
who needed to have a firearm to off himself before
detonating a bomb would go with a Desert Eagle. And
I'm not knocking I own one, but it wouldn't be
my choice there. That's a silly gun for that. So, like,
there's so much weirdness, man, But.
Speaker 9 (27:37):
I also would like you to pay attention to on
that video as you see that it looks like the
exterior of that truck is completely intact as it sits there.
The fact that this was a cyber truck really limited
the damage that occurred inside of the valet because it
had most of the blasts go up through the truck
and out. In fact, if you look on that video,
you'll see that the front glass doors at the Trump
Hotel we're not even broken by that blast, which they
were parked directly in front of. You can see that
in the video there.
Speaker 1 (28:10):
Which is a wild thing. Man, Which is way to
have a blast in that proximity to those doors and
not to shatter or damage those doors shows you how
what a great job the Tesla truck of did of
keeping that percussion within. But also like that should be
predictable for people who have even even if you don't
have training. If you told me you were going to
detonate a vehicle and you told me it was a
cyber truck, I would start laughing. Or if you just
said it was like a bulletproof vehicle, I would start
laughing at you, because it's like, dude, it's the thing,
and it's the Tesla truck. You know what do you see?
You see people shooting at it. Joe Rogan slinging arrows
at it with an eighty pound draw.
Speaker 2 (28:54):
I mean say which, say what you want to say
about it right when you when you see it's not
exactly aerodynamic. It looks thick right and powers. Yeah, no
matter what you say about it. I mean that's when
it drives past your like that thing is looks like
a tank.
Speaker 1 (29:07):
So if I'm somebody who's wanting to commit some sort
of act that is to disparage the Tesla truck and Trump,
which that's what that smells like, This is not how
I do it. You can hell, you can get any
other Tesla. You don't mean the Tesla truck. You can
get one of those uh, one of the you know,
something that's got a little little give to it, not
that truck, and still crap all over Elon if that's
what you want to do. But then you know the guy,
the report on the guy loved Elon and he loved
Donald Trump. So then you get this conspiracy that like
he was a patsy and he was somehow tethered in
there and autonomously drove there to be murdered in front
of the thing just to and then you know, insert
whatever the conspiracy is. I'm sitting here. I'm on vacation, man,
and I got all the time in the world to
try to keep up with this. I couldn't keep up
with it. You may think that you have it nailed down.
I promise you probably don't. And people then we get
really nasty at each other over that, Oh you're a
cock or you're a this, and you don't understand what
the government's doing to you. And people have nine different
versions of the most grandiose conspiracy theories out there. How
about the part where twenty two soldiers a day kill
themselves as a couple of you have reminded me an email,
and I think that that is a valid point. What
do you think twenty years of service does to somebody
who's in Jason in Jaysock service? There, I don't know.
I read an article about a guy who was a
special operator and had seen everything, but the thing that
psychologically damaged him the most was watching a bunch of
Afghani men rape young boys. And that's where the PTSD
comes from. So I don't know the answer to these things,
but I just the whole timeline is crazy.
Speaker 9 (30:58):
Yes, Actually, I have to think specifically, he gave us
quite a bit of additional information in regards to how
the vehicle was locked after it exploded due to the
force of the nature or the nature of the force
from the explosion, as well as being able to capture
all of the video from the Tesla charging stations across
the country and they were sent He sent that directly
to us.
Speaker 2 (31:22):
So I appreciate his help on that.
Speaker 1 (31:24):
I'll take one more question, all right, and then and
the let me just finally add this piece to it,
because I had a bunch of your email me yes.
And then the last item is and this is what
people are at each other's throats over. That is what
Sean Ryan podcaster military a lot of military stuff Podcaster
was claiming. And it's like an email perhaps from the dude.
And then another thing talking about gravity wave Chinese owned technology.
And then but then there's another theory that it has
to do with this other story. And I'm just a
little pinched on time, so I'll give you a longer
layout of it. But and like it had everything and
we haven't even figured out what was up with those
drones man, and so it ties back to that with
like levitation technology. It was a crazy two weeks and
we'd like to hear from you eight eight eight nine
three four seven eight seven four more in a moment
Our number two. All right, let me grab a quick
call on the New Orleans slash Trump Hotel Vegas story.
And because you know, to some that's a package deal,
to others it's two independent incidents. Who the hell knows
what to believe it. There are some fantastical theories out there.
All right, Jason, what's up?
Speaker 3 (32:46):
Speaker 5 (32:46):
You got some good conspiracy stuff for you to too on.
So Senator to Kennedy. When this first happened, he said
multiple times even threatened FBI they better tell the truth
about what's going on.
Speaker 1 (32:58):
Or he will, you know, right in watching the press conference.
I watched the press conference. Yeah, and frankly, I don't know,
did you appreciate Kennedy because I thought he came across
as kind of an a hole.
Speaker 5 (33:09):
Well, I kind of like, you know, I'm tired of
you know, if this is some cover up stuff, I
want this stuff to come out and people be held accountable. Now,
the next part is that the news ain't even talking about.
Is the assistant d A just suicided himself yesterday in
his office.
Speaker 2 (33:27):
Down in New Orleans.
Speaker 5 (33:28):
The third thing is I was kind of looking at
the people that that got killed during this this thing
down in New Orleans. Well, one of the kids is
the son of the nanny for King Charles, Prince Harry
and William.
Speaker 1 (33:44):
She was the nannyati a relative of Yes.
Speaker 3 (33:50):
So was she.
Speaker 5 (33:52):
There was also a story that Diana had wrote that
she thought that Charles and this nanny were trying to
kill her so they could really be together because they
had like a love interest.
Speaker 1 (34:06):
Sir, you know you're missing the best Princess Diane conspiracy there.
I'm gonna let you finish, but then I'm gonna blow
your mind, so you go right ahead.
Speaker 5 (34:14):
Yes. So the next thing is, you know, uh, must
just put something out the past couple of days where
he was calling out King Charles and the Prime Minister
of the UK because they were covering up a big
Muslim gang rape thing that were gang raping kids. And
the new prime minister he's calling, Yeah, he's calling for
them to do it redo of the whole election for
there because this guy was covering up stuff that was
going on over there. So there's all this kind of
everybody kind of letting each other know, Hey, I'm watching
you type of thing.
Speaker 1 (34:52):
Yeah, look that there's a whole bunch of Like with
the DA thing, there's you know, you can get into
the real conspiratorial side, but you can all look at
it and say, you know, one of the things that
we see, especially after mass casualty or very very disturbing
stories like this, is there are ancillary suicides sometimes, you know,
And because that's got to be a hell of a
thing to be sitting there and I don't know, I
know he's an Orleans Parish assistant DA, but having to
sit there and look at all those photos of all
those mangled bodies and everything that you're seeing can can
deeply impact somebody who's already dealing with mental health issues.
But also there's a lot of craziness. Do you know
the Princess Diana Trump's story. Are you where this constra Oh?
Speaker 5 (35:37):
I just I was kind of reading about all of
it and this is what I yeah.
Speaker 1 (35:41):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, no, this is fine. This is
from like a few weeks ago. So I'm gonna tie
this in. So there are lunatics who on Twitter are
making these videos and on YouTube, and the claim is
is that Princess Diana was never killed. She was basically
whisked away and was provided with some very quick cosmetic surgery.
Unfortunately it couldn't cover a few key features on her face.
But she re emerged under a different identity. And then
the conspiracy goes on to point out that Elvis did
the same thing and re emerged under don no, no,
no no. And do you know who to this day
Elvis and and Princess Diana are with their current identities
are in this conspiracy theory?
Speaker 5 (36:30):
Sir, nah, I'm curious.
Speaker 1 (36:32):
Let me to Donald and Milania. Yeah, so if you
want some fun, you want a conspiracy thing to go down,
you want to see some sheer lunacy, go with Milania
is Princess Diana and Donald Trump is Elvis? So and
enjoy well because.
Speaker 5 (36:50):
It's you know, kind of at this point though, all
the craziness is going on. I'm not saying Donald Trump
and Mlania or Princess die in Elvis.
Speaker 1 (36:59):
I'm not saying that you are that if you like
any of this stuff, there you go.
Speaker 3 (37:04):
What any of this?
Speaker 5 (37:05):
I mean, what if some of this stuff, what if
she really is a lot of shade Malania? You know
what I'm saying. I mean, there's so much craziness going on.
Who knows, you know, you know what after.
Speaker 1 (37:17):
A week, just a little bit last whatever, whatever. Just
thank you very much, Cauler. Yeah, it's just with everything
that's just happened, not even in the last year, just
in the last two weeks. I don't know that you
could propose something. I wouldn't say, well, that's possible, that's possible.
Maybe maybe that's what's going on. Yeah, and oh the
grooming gang stuff over in the UK, We're all going
to have to pretend oh no, because the current narrative
is oh no, they covered it thoroughly. You stupid Americans
just didn't pick up on it. And it's clear when
you read the articles that they're gaslighting. Right, So there
is some coverage because some of it you can't not cover,
but they were articles written. How our media does or like, well,
the case of these three Pakistani men who literally testified
to using tools to expand the cavities of thirteen year
old girls so they could more effectively gang rape them.
That's an actual story. Look it up. Do you think
it's bringing about Islamophobia? And I'm like, well, whoa, you
just told me that they took a thirteen year old
used a pump, a bicycle pump, so that they could
more effectively gang raper. And you want to know if
you think that might breed some allamophobia and you'd hate
to see that.
Speaker 2 (38:38):
They're doing the norm McDonald meme. Yes they are, Yes
they are.
Speaker 1 (38:44):
That's a horrific, absolutely true thing that I just told you.
That's not even up for debate. Those are in the
official documents that we're out there as part of one
of these one of these investigations. And by the way,
by using a bicycle pump, they were able to get
four people to be able to simultaneously do this to
a thirteen year old. You can't cover that enough. If
those individuals still walk the earth, regardless of where they're
from or who they worship, Can we agree that people
who would in a group setting. I'm sorry, I'm not
dwelling on this because I want to on the salacious side.
I want you to understand what we're dealing with. Can
we agree as a society that have grown adult men
get together with a bicycle pump of scon with a
thirteen year old use it to violate that individual for
the purpose of more violatings. That's probably not the right word,
but more violations. Obviously, did those people go right into
the wood chipper? Can we You don't have to put
anything on it after it, like where anyone's from it.
Just if if somebody does that to it, the grona
dolts do that to a thirteen year old, and then
by the way to have then defenders go, well, she
consented to the wood schipper, right to the wood chipper,
to paraphrase the meme, But we can't. And so that's
why people are having more discussions about this stuff, or
at least attempting to. I told you, as you know,
really the the underlying thing here, and I got to
tell you the thing I thought we'd be talking about
this morning when I got back is the the h
one visas. I don't know how deep you got into that,
but I have. I've never seen a hand grenade rolled
into Trump's Twitter quite as big as that man, or
Trump's Twitter must or musk, but Trump era of Twitter.
Speaker 2 (40:51):
I think we were in like the first day of
vacation and this story broke.
Speaker 5 (40:55):
Speaker 2 (40:55):
I looked at it and I said nope.
Speaker 1 (40:57):
Well nope, because wait, I'm sorry you didn't it and
decide to dive in and oh, man, you're you're very busy.
Speaker 2 (41:05):
I fired every Indian person we have working on the
show that puts my prep together.
Speaker 1 (41:10):
So well, first of all, you use Chinese labor, thank you.
Ye yeah, yeah, yeah, Ping or whatever his name is, Yeah, Ping, Man,
he's a good worker. Yeah is he? And so there's
nobody there's no other person in the entire United States
it's able to put prep together. So you had to
go outside of the US do to the specialty nature
of what Ping does.
Speaker 2 (41:32):
I'm very busy. I mean they're looking at me like
you want me to do it, and I don't appreciate that.
I'm very busy.
Speaker 1 (41:37):
It is kind of one of the main pillars of
your job.
Speaker 2 (41:40):
I mentioned the new Xbox I got. Come on, Santa
brought that for us. I don't want it, don't want
it to be a waste.
Speaker 1 (41:47):
By the way, Ping assembled that Xbox if you guys.
Speaker 2 (41:49):
Don't know at the North Pole, yeah with his kid
or no. Really, this story broke and I'm like, yeah,
I'm not getting into that at all.
Speaker 1 (41:58):
It's look, it's a it's a it's a really important
story and it definitely hardens some feelings and I think
people like, did you see like Vivek's response where he
decided to go to save by the bell route. Did
you have to see that?
Speaker 2 (42:13):
Yeah, the the Screech versus Slater argument or whatever. Yeah.
My big takeaway from the entire topic was that people
feel like Vivek and Elon really destroyed a lot of
their credibility.
Speaker 1 (42:26):
Yeah, yeah, I think so, and I think that you
can simultaneously recognize it's it is a fair argument, and
it's the you know, the Werner von Braun kind of
stuff where you're just like, if we want to accomplish this,
are we willing to literally make a deal with the
devil kind of just to keep And part of that
was also keeping that person from the Russians and other scientists.
And you know, when you get into the technology side,
I understand that, however, we have seen far too many examples,
even on the tech side, where there is clear abuse
of this program and it's not even close and people
were able to mine up these examples and then others
come up, well those are probables, but we don't know
for sure. Well, why are there thousands of probables for
things like cashiers? Like why would people do it? If
they weren't getting approval. You're lying, and you're lying about
you know, some of the more entry level tech stuff.
Remember what Disney did where they fired all of their
IT people and then made those folks if they wanted
basically severance, they had to stay on and train their replacements. Well,
they're not the only ones to do that. That story
has been repeated over and over and over again. And
let me just let's explain what the deal is and
why companies like somebody who may be on one of
those visas, whether they're from India or whatever. The reason
they like them is because they own them. Right, it's
a lot If you're a dude in a job market
where there's lots of upside, and we've told we've told
people this. You go to college, you go into the
STEM field computer sciences, you'll never want for work. And
then we now, obviously that doesn't account for personality or
things that may come up, but just in a general sense,
you won't want for work. So if that person's working
for your company, let's say they work for Google and
they're not digging it right, they don't like the work environment.
They feel that maybe they could go out and they
could make more money. They could dictate elements of their
job or whatever their agreement is, and if you don't
meet it, then they're going to go work for Microsoft.
That's the natural progression of things. If you've got a
guy who only his only way that he stays in
this country and doesn't get sent back to hyberbod or
you know, one of these one of these hellholes. And
I've been to India, so I will use the term
hellhole to describe many of these places. You couldn't pay me.
That's not to say that there's not extremely interesting things
over in India. There is a there is a divide.
If people want to talk about socioeconomic divide. It's like
nothing you've ever seen. But I also saw the tech
side of what they're doing over there. It's pretty impressive.
And when you have that many bodies, it's what you do.
One day you're dipping hearts out of you know, the
pit in the Temple of Doom, and the next day, boom.
You have these silicon valley looking centers over there outside
of Mumbai, and it's it's you know, it's big deal stuff,
but it's still it's hot. There's people defecating openly. It's
like the New York subway system really, and the standard
of living is not good, and you have taken the
time to train yourself admittedly, so that you can achieve
not the Indian dream, but the dream outside of India.
And so now you're willing to take less pay. You're
willing to go to a company where if they decide
you're not working out, your visa's revoked and you go
right back. That removes leverage. And frankly, that's it not
only saves money, and even if it doesn't save money
right where they're like, well, this is what we're paying
there a lot of it gets pilfered away by consultants
that this is their only business administrating this stuff. But
you you're not going to sit there and unionize. You're
not going to sit there and push back in mass.
Somebody who I really respect, who if I told you
their name, you would recognize them as a president, an
upper level president within a very big tech company, who
I've gotten to know, and I've asked him about this
this issue before because I just want he's retired now,
so he's you know, long long time since he's been
running one of these companies and I asked him, is
there a need for it? And he purports that there
is a need for it. However, it quickly I quickly
realized that the discussion is what the need is. If
you need somebody that are very, very specialized on something,
we have those visas. They exist, and we have different
versions of them. It's why if somebody is really good
at throwing a fastball the Yankee, you can come play
for the Yankees, even though he's from you know, and
then pick that a swaler or whatever the hell it is. Like,
these things exist, but too often people are seeing these
where there is clearly about manipult that people will say, well,
there's not enough. And my answer would be, is there
not enough or there's not enough at the current rate
of pay? And that's what people see. That's what makes
them angry, and that's why people are revolting on here.
And I guess maybe if you're immersed in the text
stuff that and because you want to win it all
costs and you're willing to do that, and you fail
to understand what people's other objections may be coming on
and calling him screech lazy, which, by the way, ac
Slater made out Screech is dead. I know you guys
know this. Oh Screech was winning for a little while
with some stuff that we came to learn, but like,
what are you talking about? And then boy meets world stuff,
Like the whole thing was really really tone deaf, maybe
not as tone deaf as the All State guy. Which,
by the way, if you're a CEO of an insurance
company right now, I figure you'd be walking on eggshells.
Speaker 3 (48:28):
Speaker 1 (48:29):
We'll play that audio for you. Plus we got a
new governor yay, so we'll see what Governor short Round
had to say.
Speaker 2 (48:36):
We'll do it next.
Speaker 1 (48:37):
Hang on, I go. I'm not gonna go down the
entire Sean Ryan podcast. If people want to go look
it up, people want to listen to it, they can.
I gave you a little gist of it. There's a
lot of craziness there, but I just I'm not going
to spend the whole show on it. And you can.
You can decide if you think the email is legit,
if you think the individual sent the email is the
same individual from inside the the cyber truck that is,
have at it, have fun there. Okay, all right, we
got that for you. Let me grab a quick phone
call and then we got some audio for you. Jamal,
what's up Hey, Ksey, Happy New Year, Welcome back over.
Speaker 3 (49:15):
You had a great time in Brazil. If you didn't go,
I wish you would because I heard it was great.
But k c Rumble one the guy in Las Vegas,
he was an army event wife left him and he
came up with this crazy idea. I was reading online
and they said she accused him of seeing. He was
like he did, he didn't and so and he snapped.
When it comes to the new word leads thing, this
is something that a lot of people will talk about
because you know why it. Supranicey is supposed to be
the greatest threat to Amathon. But these aren't broke people
that's doing these Charisa attacks. If you remember the fourth
Hood attack, right when Morocco Barba took over, he was
apologizing said America pushing around Bugles.
Speaker 1 (50:02):
Right when when they had a doctor whether for Goodhood
guy was a doctor too, wasn't he.
Speaker 3 (50:07):
Yes, a psychologist and a major. He was, yes and
a major. This wasn't a this isn't so he's getting
six fingers. This man who did but do or Leans
is six figures So when Joe Biden and Barack o'baba
say all they beat is jobs down there in those countries,
it has nothing to do with the jobs, because it
has to do with the ideology, and it could be
easily corrupted. All they have to do is simply see theresy.
You're not a good burther boy, you're not lawyer, and
blah blah blah. Next thing, you know, these people drawing
it up to do this stuff.
Speaker 1 (50:48):
Well, why do you think and why do you think
he didn't attack members of the US Army who we
would have had access to obviously, And because of his
various training, the you know, the various MOS designations that
I've seen on this dude, he could actually get really
creative with it feasibly.
Speaker 3 (51:07):
So, because here's the thing. Ices don't want military troops
because they know people. When you harm military troops, I
hate to say, if people look at us as, oh, well,
that's part of the job. But when you go after
civilians and they knowed at the West, always the West
be you know, the white supremacy countries value civilion death.
These people of those Arabic countries and ours we see
in Central America, they don't value civilian life. You're just
something to be be able to heal and send a message.
Speaker 1 (51:47):
Yeah, that's there's probably some truth to that, especially the
part because he didn't but he he said he didn't
want to kill his own family because he didn't want
to detract from the message. Wouldn't that be as horrific
as you know, adding this he could have easily done that.
Wouldn't that double the punch of civilians getting killed. I'm
just trying to figure it out. There's so much here.
I'm just trying to figure out.
Speaker 3 (52:09):
Oh, because he would got his seventeen sturges excuse of me,
his seventeen rges.
Speaker 5 (52:16):
Like that.
Speaker 1 (52:16):
I just mean, it's pretty horrific if you murder your
kids first. So but that's that's just me. All right, Well, Jamal,
I hope you had a good holiday, sir, and we're
we're back from the other year until they fire us, okay, all.
Speaker 2 (52:32):
Right, all right?
Speaker 1 (52:35):
Yeah, although or maybe we got a business. I noticed
they what did they sell the floor in the hallway?
What did or was that? Like? What's well? Is there
always construction? What is going on?
Speaker 3 (52:46):
Speaker 2 (52:46):
Dude to a guy here got up blake super early
today like three thirty.
Speaker 1 (52:49):
Yeah. Yeah, because it's you never know of anything broke,
what's going on, you gotta hit it early.
Speaker 2 (52:54):
He's been doing remodeling on the first two floors, like
the lobby and the upper lobby. So get here today.
Speaker 1 (53:00):
Hold on, that's right, we got two lobbies.
Speaker 2 (53:02):
Yeah, flex anyway, so it's been like completely refurbished and
it's got like you know, new rugs and and chi.
Speaker 1 (53:10):
Yeah, the walls.
Speaker 2 (53:12):
But also one thing I noticed this morning is on
the lower lobby there was tons of leaves like someone
over break had left a door open, like all the
doors and the bottom floor and all the leaves from
outside have just blown in. It was super weird, Like
that's weird.
Speaker 1 (53:29):
Maybe it's the bowtieth, it's you know, let's go something natural.
Speaker 2 (53:33):
It could be because they also put up grass in
the walls.
Speaker 1 (53:35):
Yeah, to the upper lobby.
Speaker 2 (53:37):
Yeah, it's like art. It's like that's grass. I'm like,
you just put grass in the wall, called it art.
It's weird. So you get upstairs and come up to
the seventh floor. Here, it's not real. Grass opens up, No,
it did. I think it's real. So it opens up.
But there's a sign that says, you know, pardon the
way we look now, but we're doing some remodeling. I'm like,
what is this move? So I go in the kitchen
and put my my breakfast in there, and then I
start making my way to the to the studio and
the building. The building's gone pretty much.
Speaker 1 (54:03):
I just get a picture like I'm sitting like Ross
is in there doing all that stuff. And so the
first thing I see this morning is his photo that
Ross sends me, and I'm trying to make heads or
tails of it. I'm like, oh, that's the hall. What
is going on there? So?
Speaker 2 (54:19):
Yeah, you walk through the plastic there and like everything
is gone. It's all It's all just rock and steel
and metal and like giant pieces of the wall they're gone.
And it says, you know, you need to wear a
hard hat if you want to walk through here. I'm like, Shama, man,
I'm just going to walk through it. I probably nearly
died like seven times, but I'm very strong and I
lift every day and I ate like twenty eggs, so
it's fine. But I'm looking through I'm like this is ridiculous,
and I'm like, oh my god, what is the studio
going to look like? So I just keep going through.
I'm trying to figure where I am in the building.
And I go through some more plastic. The board was here.
So the studio looks fine, and I talked to what
the engineers here. Rob came in. He's like, yeah, they.
Speaker 1 (54:59):
Yeah, our studio are gonna be fine.
Speaker 2 (55:01):
Well, this is the funny part. So he said to me,
He goes, so you might have noticed a construction. I said, yeah,
I did a little bit obvious little bit and he goes,
he goes, don't worry. Your studio isn't going to change.
And I said, excuse me, and he goes, they're they're breath,
they're changing everything. They're putting all new stuff in, all new.
Speaker 1 (55:20):
Yeah, we're slipping the noose on this kind of the
new studios.
Speaker 2 (55:23):
But your studio is gonna look is going to be
We're not touching it. And why why? And he goes,
you had mentioned how you didn't want a new board.
Speaker 1 (55:33):
I was joking. It was hol ho. So so the
rumor around the build, the buzz in the building is
that you don't ross has I just want to I
want you to understand this. Well, there was a transition
decades decades ago to digital boards versus analog boards. Okay,
so it's just analog to digital kind of, you know,
the same revolution. They very first digital board that was
ever built ever, well, at least the brand. I don't
know if he got, you know, a whole number one.
The very first digital board that was called commercial board
that they put out. Is it Sennheiser? I can't remember who.
Who's who makes your board there, Roston?
Speaker 2 (56:20):
This is an audiotronics board.
Speaker 1 (56:21):
Audiotronic. No, that's right.
Speaker 2 (56:23):
I started working has one.
Speaker 1 (56:25):
I saw the very first digital.
Speaker 2 (56:27):
I started working for this cluster in two thousand and
like two thousand and six. Yeah, so I've been around
a long time. This is the same board we had
over on GU and O five and they moved over here.
All the other boards now were like Star Wars like
it looks like it belongs the Millennium falcon or on
the bridge at the Enterprise. They're all fans, and they
were saying when they were talking about this remodeling before,
they're like, oh, we're gonna get rid of your board,
and I was joking. I said, no, I like I
want my I don't want it to go. But apparently
they didn't know it was joking. So they're going to
be putting in all new boards except our studio, which
we're constantly talking about how everything constantly breaks all the time.
But one of the reasons we came here so early today,
I got here early, and would you want to make
sure it worked? To make sure everything is gonna work
come six o'clock.
Speaker 1 (57:05):
I was testing. I literally tested some equipment last night
remotely did a remote test on some equipment last night,
just in case it was gonna be a problem I
didn't want to have.
Speaker 2 (57:14):
I thought that dude, stuff stuff breaks for us every
single day, let alone when we're off for sixteen seventeen days.
Speaker 1 (57:19):
Right, But apparently the normal should be sixteen day breaks
and then it will feel normal.
Speaker 2 (57:25):
But our studio isn't gonna be This studio isn't gonna
be touched.
Speaker 1 (57:28):
No, no, your studio, my studio, and the studio next
to it, the B studio. You're all gonna say.
Speaker 2 (57:35):
It's like a time capsule here, man.
Speaker 1 (57:37):
Yeah, hey, it's eventually it's so retro you can make
money off of it. But U and that will be exciting,
not as exciting as not as exciting as this week's
about to get for our.
Speaker 10 (57:52):
Boy topping freezing for so long to race stage. Has
the normal gone and it's polar vortext.
Speaker 11 (58:02):
I'm freaking sick to having the show.
Speaker 1 (58:06):
So I got your song out for you.
Speaker 7 (58:08):
Multiple inches of snow hang on.
Speaker 11 (58:10):
This weather is just insane and I storms we'll hit,
of course, and then scoop cos.
Speaker 10 (58:18):
Mean nothing but pain.
Speaker 11 (58:23):
Global warmings, false advertising, cause the snow level keeps on rising.
You know what's keeping the sun from shining on me.
Speaker 2 (58:39):
It's the polar molar text.
Speaker 1 (58:41):
All right, let's cancel some schools and stuff you need.
Speaker 7 (58:44):
I think we did wesny here.
Speaker 11 (58:47):
It's thirty below.
Speaker 1 (58:49):
Maybe it's not that bad race agent for the Weather Channel.
He's here with us. I probably only get to play
that once this year. It's good.
Speaker 12 (58:57):
Yeah, on target, and you know on target with winter weather.
I mean it's January, right, we're into the new year.
Speaker 7 (59:05):
Snow reports.
Speaker 12 (59:06):
First, let's go to the past one or three inches
it is, it's that too. One of three inches basically
north of the triad he kept near a pilot mountain
three inches pinnacle two inches, level cross one point eight.
Speaker 1 (59:22):
These were all of.
Speaker 12 (59:22):
Yesterday afternoon and Stow winter weather advisories for some up
near the Virginia border, so Stokes into Rockingham Counties. Some
ice and mixed precipitation shown up this morning. Even as
we get close into Greensboro and High Point, there may
be some sleet or freezing rain mixing with the rain,
and temperatures are just above freezing around the triangle, so
this is mainly rain. It wouldn't be shocked if we
get some sleep mixed in with some bright banding going on.
So this is just round one, that's right, This is
just round one. Me get into the forties today, the
mid forties for most, and then tonight will drop down
to the mid umber twenties, so cold night tonight cold,
we near forty. Each day most of us will stay
in the thirties and nighttime lows and the upper teens
to low twenties, and then it's Friday night. Unfortunately, for
most people who want the snow day Friday case, it
looks like snow Friday night to Saturday morning snow or
a mix that looks like our next chance of seeing
some winter weather. And then next week looks cold too,
so we might have a brief warm up in there,
but another cold shot. I think the rest of the
month we're at or below average in terms of temperature overall.
There may be some brief warm ups, but it looks
like January's going to be a cold one.
Speaker 1 (01:00:30):
So that it's January, Yeah, Anuary does so. All right, man,
all right, we'll talk We'll talk football on SAANDAY in
the next time. Okay, all right, there you go to
race Agic from the Weather Channel.
Speaker 3 (01:00:40):
Speaker 1 (01:00:41):
I got so much more audio we got to get to,
including well, the new governor just figured out apparently there's
an issue out in western North Carolina. But don't worry,
he's on it. He's he's got it handled. And we'll
get that old state audio. I promise we'll do it
next Ha back CaCO Day radio program. And as a
result of what happened in New Orleans, the Sugar Bowl
had to be rescheduled because I can't have the same day,
so they moved it one day, which is fine, that's
what they should have done. Kind of you know, I
got a little weird with I think because it was
at least it was the evening game, not the middle game.
But I digress. But what should have been a very
easy and logical adaptation because of the tragedy that took
place quickly spun out of control. Once the game finally
aired the next day, and they chose to open their
broadcast with title sponsor All States, so All States Sugar Bowl,
and so they wheel out the CEO who is a small,
bespectacled man, and in light of a terrorist attack, isis
inspired terrorist attack that had just taken place. And even
though within the first few hours didn't want to say terrorism,
within like an hour after that they were we knew
what was up, or at least the flavor of it.
And yet this absolute twerp decides that this is how
he's going to open the broadcast. And I want you
to keep in mind that being a CEO of an
insurance company right now, things are a little weird. So
the fact that you would have the audacity to come
out with this garbage beyond me.
Speaker 13 (01:02:31):
Welcome to the All State Sugar Bowl. Wednesday, tragedy struck
the New Orleans community. Our prayers are with the victims
and their families. We also need to be stronger together
by overcoming an addiction to divisiveness and negativity. Join All
State working in local communities all across America to amplify
the positive, increased trust and accept people's imperfections and differences together,
we win.
Speaker 1 (01:03:00):
All right, What a scumbag. I'm sorry. If you then
don't say anything at all, how's that? But if you're
not going to recognize that this isn't about online, This
isn't you know, people beef it on Twitter or getting
it into it over on Blue Sky, which every story
I read about what a hellscape that thing is is
just compounded by the next I didn't even have I
didn't put in the stacks, it didn't have space today.
But it's it's lunacies, your lunacy over there. So don't
say anything. This is literal terrorism. And this isn't about
an ideology where they're upset because their neighbors left the
trash out one too many times. It is an ideology
that essentially demands the killing of non believers or the taxing,
but mostly the killing the raping of women who don't
comport to it perfectly legal, right, So that's you. You're
not You're not doing a team building event, in an
icebreaker event playing Red Rover and everyone's gonna be like, oh,
we're all the same. That's not how you go after this.
Somebody who is an ideaologue along those lines. Isn't changing
because you guys had a secret Sanna. So the tone
deafness of that was just out of there, man, But
it wasn't the most annoying thing I heard watching football.
Somebody explained to me, Now, is this how you Boston
weirdos say this? Or is this just Tom Brady's oddity?
See if you can pick up on the word I'm
talking about all.
Speaker 4 (01:04:39):
I've done such a good job in protection today. Sam
may have a little sense of comfort that at some
point you got to get rid of the ball. He's
held onto the ball quite a.
Speaker 2 (01:04:50):
Bit this season, and he's taken a.
Speaker 4 (01:04:51):
Lot of socks, with almost forty six socks this season alone,
almost forty six socks.
Speaker 3 (01:05:04):
What is that?
Speaker 5 (01:05:05):
What is it?
Speaker 1 (01:05:06):
What are you saying there? What is your you're a
football player, former football player?
Speaker 8 (01:05:13):
Is that?
Speaker 6 (01:05:13):
Speaker 1 (01:05:14):
What nobody pronounces it like that?
Speaker 7 (01:05:16):
Speaker 2 (01:05:16):
The word is sex? But is he saying it like
you said, like a Bostonian like a sex like right?
Speaker 4 (01:05:22):
Speaker 1 (01:05:22):
But he's not saying the other words Bostonian.
Speaker 3 (01:05:25):
Speaker 1 (01:05:25):
It'd be fine if it was in the middle of
typical drunken Bostonians, right, But it's not.
Speaker 4 (01:05:32):
Sacks almost forty six socks.
Speaker 1 (01:05:35):
We you know, end of the year. December twentieth was
our last show. The woman got lit on fire on
the twenty second, and it's just been crazy since then. Craziness.
Speaker 13 (01:05:48):
Speaker 1 (01:05:49):
There's not enough time in this show to get to
everything that you want to get to or I want
to get to. So we're doing our best. We're we're
plugging through. But also shame on you guys. Ross and
I left it per We had damn near achieved I
think world peace or something. And you know, we go
away for a couple of weeks and we come back
to this. The whole world's on fire, man, not just
the woman on the subway. By the way in New York.
Just so we're clear, today's the first day of congestion pricing,
or I guess weekday. Wherever you want to enter what
it was sixty first or sixty third, where's the tunnel there?
But anyway, mid sixties or south in Manhattan, there's a
huge extra charge. And the further south you are, the
bigger the charge. I think the Brooklyn Bridge is like
twenty some dolls.
Speaker 2 (01:06:41):
Yeah, I was about to say with some of the
prices I saw was like twenty Bucks and up.
Speaker 1 (01:06:44):
They don't get me wrong, those tunnels and the tunnel
Staaten Island actually I think it's it was at the
Vera's whatever I Vera's on a bridge and then whatever
the tunnel is there. I'm not super on this, but
it's wildly expensive and you already got charged for it.
I remember paying six dollars told one time when I
was driving up there, and what the what is this
for a bridge?
Speaker 2 (01:07:03):
But imagine driving to work like every day in the
one hundred dollars per week, well to go to work.
Speaker 1 (01:07:08):
Here's what's happened. So the zone starts at about, like
I said, mid sixties there. Apparently people are now driving
to within as close as they can get to and
just abandoning their cars in northern Manhattan and then and
then uh, you know, taking public transit up into there.
So they're driving still into Manhattan. You've just moved all
of the congestion to you know, uh, to just north
of Central Park there or getting to the north of
Central Park.
Speaker 2 (01:07:37):
Wasn't this where before we went on vacation, you had
a governor what's their name, hochel there whatever ivery pronounce
their name where she said, you know that the toll
was going to be more, but they made it less
to save you money.
Speaker 1 (01:07:48):
No no, no, no, dude, you have to you have
to understand. It's even worse than that. So the toll
was going to be more, and also it was going
to go into effect in October and demic crats freaked
out and they said, we can't do this right now,
and they so they got Hochel to stop implementing it
because they realized if they implemented that prior to the
midterms or prior to the presidential election, excuse me, that
they would absolutely lose congressional seats in the boroughs there,
specifically Staten Island and a couple others in Long Island there.
So they manipulated that for political gamesmanship the whole time.
And yes, they did cut some of it down. I
saw yesterday. They forgot to factor in that law enforcement
and fire personnel need to get in and out of
the city, and they use their personal vehicles to haul equipment,
right because they have a lot of equipment with them,
and so it was just kind of and then there
was a little way that they would reimburse them, but
now they don't have a process to do it. So
the fire people are like, well, we're not gonna haul
our stuff in and out. That's on you, and we
can't haul it on the subway, and screw all you all.
So so from now decimating the northern part of Central
Park northward to you know, people going to be losing
their minds and and you know from a congestion standpoint,
but also making it harder for fire to get in there.
Good job, good job you guys. On all of this
is hoped to force people to use the subway. The
subway that people are so terrified of that when they
line up for the subway all the pictures they're doing
it with their butt against the wall. So if you
look at some of these subway platforms normally where people
will be standing up to the yellow line just you know,
getting ready to push and shove to get in there,
they're all against the wall.
Speaker 2 (01:09:40):
Yeah, there were two subway stories that we are gone, right,
the woman that was lit on fire, the sixty one
year old woman. And then there was another story right
where somebody was pushed into an oncoming train.
Speaker 1 (01:09:49):
Yes, and they just had and they had two people
stabbed too. So there's actually three big stories and then
four if you count the governor getting on there and going, look,
it's perfectly safe while she's surrounded by security. Remember she
did that like two days after the woman got lit
on fire. It's like, oh, look, everybody, look how great
the subway is perfect?
Speaker 3 (01:10:09):
Oh it was.
Speaker 1 (01:10:09):
It's just so tone deaf man. This is this is
a tone deaf is the word of the of the vacation. Like,
I don't understand how you operate like this, And it's
maybe it's because people just words have no meaning anymore.
They give me an example, you're ready for this. I
was reading this this morning. Lgbt Q liberals start arming
themselves over fear of being placed in concentration camps. Now
here's the thing. If you're gay or not gay, whatever,
and you want to own a firearm, whatever, I don't care. Honestly,
I think you should and you don't. It doesn't just
have to be for you're not getting put in a
concentration camp. Just stop. But if you want to own
one and it's for the purpose of self defense, I'm
not going to progress that. I do think it's a
little rich that in this story there's never there isn't
that part where people are like, oh, they shouldn't have
as easy access to it. They should have mental health
screening or stuff like that, because there's like, there's a
whole part of a bunch of trans shooters who I
gotta be honest with you, when they start rambling about
all the conspiracy theories there, some would wonder if they're
really plugged into reality. That being said, when I say shooters,
I don't mean like criminal shooters. I mean people like
to shoot. But it gets even crazier from there. Did
you know there's a there is a secondary moonbat NRA.
I had no idea.
Speaker 3 (01:11:36):
I did not know this.
Speaker 1 (01:11:39):
According to the Philadelphia Choirer, this is where the story
emanated from, although I'm giving you the New York Post version.
This was a Sunday profile and it profiled several members
of an emerging gun toting left so one in Philly,
they have a liberal gun club. It's literally what it's
called on the UH women's side, pink pistols. However, there
is a there is what they refer to as a
liberal NRA, which I was not aware of this. Do
you know what the name of it is?
Speaker 3 (01:12:13):
The s R.
Speaker 1 (01:12:16):
The Socialist Rifle Association. Remember how I said words have
no meaning. How does that work? You realize if it
was a truly socialist Rifle Association, only the board of
directors would have guns. They to carry out socialism. One
of the things that you really have to lean into
historically is to remove access to firearms by the regular
folks out there. So forgive me if I'm like, that's
the dumbest thing I've ever heard. But again, if you
want to go and you want to become a responsible
shooter and you want to have you know you want
to avail yourself with this second Amendment. I don't have
any beef with it. However, I'm if you tell me
it's so you don't get put in a concentration camp
because you're sure it's happening in the next couple of years.
And don't get me wrong, we got people listen right now,
think that the moonbats want to throw them in one.
That's fine, but you have to recognize that calling your
gun organization the Socialist Rifle Association is hilarious and not
for fun reasons, just for like really dumb reasons. Or
why don't you know you don't have to join the NRA.
I'm not a member of the NRA. You don't have
to be. You got to have an organization. But if
you're gonna call it your version of the NRA and
then name it something dumb, I'm gonna make fun of
it on the radio. So what do you want from me?
It's how I roll, all right. But that's not the
dumbest story. No, no, we have that for you right here,
all right. So check this out. So these women get
together and decide they're going to open a bar called
the Ladies League. All right, little thing there. Maybe you
can get some membership aspects to it too, that's fine.
So they band together in twenty twenty four, August of
twenty twenty four to make reality this dream that this
one woman and two of her friends had, and that
was a sports bar for women. So what makes it
a sports bar for women? Well, it's the color palette
is black and pink, right, so you got that. It's
definitively it looks like it's they're catering to women. Which again,
this is not a problem, all right, not a problem
at all. Good, go out and do the thing. If
you want to make it more comfortable, women go to
sports bars. It may not necessarily always go for the
sports but if you want one that's less you know,
chewing tobacco and man sweat, as some of them tend
to be, and you think that there's a market. Fine,
And I was like, okay, all right, fine at that point,
but then I kept reading. See they they didn't make it,
and they just had to shut down after just five months.
And it's very deep in the story. But I think
I may have found the flaw in the business model.
Speaker 2 (01:15:17):
Speaker 1 (01:15:17):
Let me run this by you. You're a you probably
right been. You've been to a sports bar before, right, yes,
I have once or twelve? Okay, all right, So this
sports bar was a little different. Not only did the
color palette, the decoration, it had a you know, a
fruity cocktail menu, which again that's fine.
Speaker 3 (01:15:36):
Speaker 1 (01:15:36):
They also only showed women's sports.
Speaker 2 (01:15:41):
So see by the headline, I thought it was going
to be like like a sport like a like, I
don't know, like a.
Speaker 1 (01:15:48):
Juggies kind of set up.
Speaker 3 (01:15:49):
Speaker 1 (01:15:50):
No, no, no, no, no, no, it was It was
not one like. It was not a restaurant, right, which
I guess maybe that's is that what you were thinking.
It was a breastaurant. No, it's sort of like a hooter, right, yeah,
yeah whatever. The other one was shout out is that one?
Have you know opened anymore up on falls and news?
I don't even know.
Speaker 2 (01:16:07):
So this is you would walk in and it's not
that at all.
Speaker 1 (01:16:10):
It's no, there's pina colada on the menu and women's
you know whatever on you know, WNT.
Speaker 2 (01:16:16):
You walk in and there's now like you know, AFC
championship game or anything. It's like no highlights or something.
Speaker 1 (01:16:23):
Nope, inshow men's sports only women. So if in any
event that there were not women's sports on at the time,
they were so quote, uh let's see here.
Speaker 3 (01:16:36):
Speaker 1 (01:16:37):
They in addition to running live sports, if there were
not current live women's sports, they would run replays of
women's sports. So I guess they would just TVO everything
and then but anytime you walked in, what you saw
was women's sports. And even if it's the middle of
the AFC playoffs, too bad. So sad, nope, none for you.
They say that the big problem was are you ready
for this? The ladies just didn't show up. This is
that Bill Burbitt all over again, right with the WNBA
and with the interview with this one. I do partially
feel bad for her because obviously she surrounded herself by yes, yes, women.
Speaker 2 (01:17:21):
I guess.
Speaker 1 (01:17:23):
The Ladies League has announced it shutting its doors.
Speaker 4 (01:17:26):
Speaker 1 (01:17:26):
We knew we had a fantastic product an offer, but
unfortunately it's a small business. We just couldn't hold on
long enough to make it work. I don't think you
had I don't think you had a winner there. The
League apologized to its patrons on social media and also
apologized to the founder's level. So basically, these were women
who were friends of this woman, who made small investments
when they opened. However, the woman who let's see here,
let me just read this whole statement the clothes of
the Ladies League would not do. We hope it does
not deter others for wanting to open women's sports bars cease.
We hope this doesn't discourage anyone from opening a similar
concept in the future, because we feel it will be amazing. However,
Rose Valenti, who founded the bar, she used all of
her savings here it is. I used all of my
savings and even sold an investment rental property to fund
the bar. Unfortunately, we spent it all in five months.
I don't think you're cut out for this I mean,
maybe you are now because you've seen the underbelly of it.
And I understand restaurants are tough, but come on, people
are now sending their favorite restaurants. Twin Peaks.
Speaker 9 (01:18:49):
Is that?
Speaker 1 (01:18:49):
Oh that's one that was on Falls and News I
was wondering about. I went in there once for research
and not that one, but one of them, and it
was so grossy side. I never went into another one
of those. Now, Hooters have been in a few of those.
All right. So anyway, yes, sports, women's sports only a
sports bar not getting it done, not yet, but maybe
one day, maybe Caitlin Clark gets it there. Who knows,
We shall see. They say that their biggest problem is
that women's sports currently on broadcast sports networks only account
for twelve to fifteen percent of screen time. Look, I
don't think your problem was finding enough women's sports to heir.
I think it was fundamentally a bigger issue, and that
is guys who go out of their way to do studio. Hey,
how many of you? How many of you have ever
stalked out a table or a place to sit at
your favorite bar to watch football, college football or NFL. Right, So,
Tobacco Road used to have these recliners. Some of you
remember this on their Glenwood Avenue one and if you
got there really early, you could have a recliner staring
at like six different screens. I've stalked those out before.
I don't think that's what women are doing here. So anyway,
that money is gonzo. All right, look at that eight
twenty one, we'll be back hanging on a fortification or
whatever they want to call it. As to what's going
on with at the federal level. With Trump coming in
is going to be pretty crazy to watch. You know,
you got literally the Hill where is this stupid article?
The Hill was running an article saying, don't see trump man. Yeah,
here we go. The conscers provides that an oath breaking
insurrectionist is ineligible to be president. Now never mind that
nobody was convicted of insurrection. Conspiracy of insurrection was one dude,
one charge an insurrection itself. That so it's all the
same garbage. But it doesn't look we'll find out today
because today's certification day. We'll find out what that looks like.
But there's gonna be a lot of different things they
try to place in front of in front of them,
and what will be very interesting to see if Republicans,
any Republicans, go along with it. People were knocking on Massy,
but I think Massy knew the math with the speakers stuff.
But who knows what happens with HEG Sas and some
of the others. I'll tell you this right now. You
need to have people ready to go as quickly as
possible so they can't they can't run the paper shredders anymore,
which is clearly happening in the sense that you have
investigations that are winding down that are going to weird directions.
We're running around given medal of Honors or medal excuse me,
medal of honors, the Medal of Freedoms to Hillary Clinton
George Soros. People are like, well, Limbaugh got it, okay,
all right, and what's your point. Did Limbaugh literally bankrupt
various countries by shallowing their currency to the point where
they literally ended up having to fold in some instance
at least with the current structure of their constitution, Because
he's done that, and he is the original Elon Musk,
just so we're clear, and Hillary Clinton is Satan incarnate man.
In fact, did you see they sent a probe to
the Sun. You guys are probably aware of this, so
they sent a probe to the sun. And it's kind
of weird because you need to understand, there's video out
now of the sound that the sun makes. Kind of
there's no sound in space, right, there's no way for
sound to travel. That's important. However, in that situation, they
can the waves, they can check, they can use the
waves and then use the sound waves to reconstruct what
it would sound like if there was sound. So and
this is from the first inch of atmosphere because this
this Parker's probe isn't going to get in there real
tight obviously, because you know, unless they go during the
at night, the thing will be burned to a crisp.
But when I heard this, I was so happy it
didn't turn into the King Tut thing. Do you remember
what a big letdown that was like? For the first time,
for the first time, you're gonna be able to hear
the voice of King of King Tut. We were excited
here at the show, Roz. You're kind of excited to
hear that, right, Does King Tut sound like I.
Speaker 2 (01:23:30):
Remember the Mummy? I completely forgot that it was King Tut.
Speaker 1 (01:23:34):
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm pumped. I'm like,
let's do it, man, I want to hear what he
sounds like. And then it sounds like that. I remember
the video of the turtle humping.
Speaker 2 (01:23:46):
Something like that.
Speaker 1 (01:23:47):
So I'm like, man, this son better sound good. And
I can't decide. Let me play it for you. I
can't decide if it sounds more like Hillary Clinton or
your mother in law. I don't know. You tell me,
is there anything in space that says, hey, you should
travel me more?
Speaker 2 (01:24:17):
It kind of sounds like a tie fighter at a
certain point, like flying by does.
Speaker 1 (01:24:23):
So you think that what they actually stumbled upon was
what a finished death star with a tan or with
with some lights coming off it.
Speaker 2 (01:24:33):
I mean just from you know, like a sound guy,
like a sound point of view.
Speaker 1 (01:24:36):
Yeah, no, no, no, no, the moment you said that,
especially towards the end. Yeah, let me play this again.
Speaker 2 (01:24:42):
All right?
Speaker 3 (01:24:42):
So we got?
Speaker 1 (01:24:42):
You got? Does it sound more like your mother in law?
Not you necessarily not Ross. I'm not picking up Ross's
mother in law, but in general, his mother in law
jokes are fun or Hillary at a summoning ceremony or
a tie fighter right there.
Speaker 2 (01:25:04):
Yeah, it's a layer. It's like the tie Fighter going by. Yeah,
they're right there.
Speaker 1 (01:25:07):
Yeah, yeah, looking for that wamp rat man. A fight
going on, big battle. Mm hmm, there there it is, Yeah,
play that, play it over this. Yeah, hey, now it's
a Now it's a mummy and a tie fighter. Who's
not terrified of that? You're just like, nope, I'm out,
one hundred percent out man. Uh, that's great. I'd watched
that movie, you know why. I want to watch it
just to get the Conclave out of my head. How
many of you have stumbled into this?
Speaker 2 (01:25:50):
This is the New Pope Show?
Speaker 1 (01:25:51):
Right, it's not a show, it's a movie. But so
basically the pan and it's got Ralph Finds Uh, it's
got uh oh, I just was talking them off the
ear to Ross, Stanley Tucci. It's got John Lithgow in it,
a bunch of like, there's a bunch of big names
in here. And I got to tell you, and I'm
gonna not spoil it today because it's that fresh. The
premise is the Pope dies. They go in College of Cardinals. Right,
even if you're not Catholic, you understand the process. Boom
boom boom, they vote, they vote, smoke comes out if
it's black, boom, if it's white, Yeah, we have a
new pope. All right, you understand, great, Okay, But I
gotta tell you I was absolutely enraptured in this movie.
They did a masterful job of creating two big mysteries
in the movie, and they were it was so well done.
And how do I say that. One obviously is there's
some shenanigans of foot in the posturing to be pope.
That's not new or groundbreaking. We've seen that before. It's
the DaVinci thing too, all right, but it's not to
that extent. I just want to be clear. So that's one.
And they do a really good job and there's a
lot of moving parts because there's a cardinal from Africa
and it I would almost look like a prison thing
where everyone kind of separates by race only by language.
And so that's one. But number two, and this is
a subplot that's always in the back of your mind.
There's something clearly going on outside. And remember when they
go in, when they go into this process, this conclave
to select a new pope, they're they're not to have
outside influence, so they have a lock in procedure. They
may not always be locked in, they're not getting news.
And then there's the person who runs it is the
dean of the cardinal of the College of Cardinals, and
that just finds his character in here. And there's a
premise of there is a process, and this is a
legitimate process. I forget the Latin name for it, where
somebody could be named a cardinal seek and the reasoning
for the secret naming of a cardinal is that he
happens to be a cardinal that serves in a very
volatile part of the world. But he just kind of
appears and the other cardinals don't know. So there's all
these crazy plot points and I am I am hooked
on this movie until the last ten minutes, and you one, yeah,
it clearly is making all these cardinals look bad. But
I can, even as somebody who's a raised Catholic, I
can go along with it. It's fine. It's a movie, right.
The thing that happened in the second Da Vinci or
the Angels and Demons or whatever, that didn't really happen, right,
but it was. It was an interesting little plot device.
Speaker 3 (01:28:48):
No no, no.
Speaker 1 (01:28:49):
The big reveal, which I'm not going to give to you,
made me so angry so angry. If you know what
it is, you know, if you know, you know, If
you don't know, I'd still encourage you maybe to watch it.
It's on Peacock.
Speaker 2 (01:29:06):
Okay, now now I want to watch it right to
see what pissed you off so much.
Speaker 1 (01:29:10):
I think you'll. I think you'll figure it out. I
think with a few minutes left it'll you'll be able
to put your finger on it. So that's what we'll do.
I'm gonna throw it out there. I'm not gonna ruin
it for you, because again, maybe you want to hate watch.
Speaker 2 (01:29:24):
This thing, but what a.
Speaker 3 (01:29:28):
Speaker 1 (01:29:29):
Why? Why do that to me? So I watched that.
The other thing I watched during the break there was
Tulsa King, which I actually enjoyed. I ended up binging
over the course of like two weeks, binged two seasons there. Ross,
Have you seen that?
Speaker 11 (01:29:43):
Speaker 1 (01:29:43):
Ross was watching?
Speaker 3 (01:29:44):
Was it and Or?
Speaker 4 (01:29:45):
Speaker 2 (01:29:45):
We still? Yeah, we watched and Or, which came out
in twenty twenty two, and full disclosure, I thought and
Or when we started it was a planet. I thought
it was like Aldron, but it was like Android. And
Or is a dude. I guess that was in Rogue one, which.
Speaker 1 (01:29:58):
Is ald on a planet out anymore anymore.
Speaker 2 (01:30:03):
It will be in our hearts. It is in our hearts.
But yeah, it's a great show. Andrew is a great show.
It's it's it's not like your typical Star Wars show.
There's they I haven't seen any Jedi.
Speaker 1 (01:30:13):
Let's bring a super nerd in here on.
Speaker 2 (01:30:17):
Yeah, there hasn't been like any Jedi or lightsabers. It's
primarily like a heist show story on this dude named
Cassie and Or, and a lot of it takes place
on a prison, like an imperial prison, and it's pretty good.
Speaker 1 (01:30:30):
Yeah, all right, so that's.
Speaker 2 (01:30:33):
Yeah, Well.
Speaker 7 (01:30:36):
And Or comes I mean, I'm sure wrote Ross you
saw Rogue one, right.
Speaker 2 (01:30:39):
Here's the thing, So we watched Rogue one a long
time ago, and we kind of checked out halfway through
because we didn't know what it was going to be about.
And it had all these new characters that we were
unfamiliar with, right, because it's so separate from the other ones,
kind of sort of because of what it's about. So
we're gonna give Rogue one another shot. But I guess
season two if Andor comes out in April.
Speaker 7 (01:30:56):
Oh yeah, I watched and it's it's slower.
Speaker 12 (01:31:01):
It's a slower kind of you know, it's not this
you know, laser blasters and all kinds of stuff like that.
But yeah, you know, definitely, but you know, worlgue one.
If you didn't see the end, no, no, no, no,
I've seen the end. Okay, yes, how would you watch?
Speaker 1 (01:31:14):
You did not see the end?
Speaker 2 (01:31:16):
Well, I saw we checked out halfway through, but I
saw the end on like social media because the end
is so epic that the clips are out there.
Speaker 12 (01:31:22):
Yes, yes, that is probably the greatest transition from one
movie to another, and any movie of all time. I've
got to say the ending sequence was fantastic, and it
really was.
Speaker 1 (01:31:35):
But anyway, hey, college football is doomed, and I'm really
yes it is.
Speaker 7 (01:31:42):
Oh yeah, absolutely, it's a mess.
Speaker 1 (01:31:45):
And now we got I was like the Florida quarterback
who's changing schools for the fourth time and he's already
paid like thirteen mil in the nil I even I
don't know.
Speaker 7 (01:31:53):
This is this is how it goes, right, you know,
it's like you asked for it, you got it.
Speaker 1 (01:31:59):
Now we'll find out, all right, we didn't a ton
of snow, but yeah, yeah, tell us how wrong we were?
Speaker 12 (01:32:07):
Well, it wasn't a ton. There were a few inches
of snow and ice, especially north of the Try. There's
still winter weather advisory, so travel cautiously if you're in
that area, in and around Stokes County and surrounding counties.
There's still some pre sip around and some of it
could still be frozen with temperatures near freezing. So cold
morning with the rain around for most of the rest
of us through the Triangle, and we'll continue to see
occasional rain as we head through the day today.
Speaker 7 (01:32:36):
Sorry I had to call from coming out of the phone.
Speaker 1 (01:32:39):
Sorry about that disconnect. It's the Monday after big vacation.
Speaker 7 (01:32:43):
So right for time, Hold on, all right, We'll go
through the day.
Speaker 12 (01:32:49):
This is live, folks, with a rain ending and then
sun's going to be back on the forecast for midweek,
but a cold week, upper thirties to near forty degrees
overnight lows and the teens and twenties and wat deal
with another round of wintery presep I think better chance
for snow for more of us Friday night to early Saturday.
So it does look like the snow is not going
to come on a school day kids, but it does
look like it's going to be an early weekend event.
I think a better chance for more widespread winter weather
event Friday night and early Saturday.
Speaker 1 (01:33:17):
Okay, all right, thank you, Sarah. We're talking in nexter
tomorrow rather. Okay, back in the swing of things, and
we'll come back with Jeff Bellinger next. Hang on, the
biggest fan of congestion pricing.
Speaker 14 (01:33:26):
Jeff, Yeah, Joing, Okay, welcome back and happy New year.
Case major stock market averages broke their five session losing
streak on Friday. They posted games that range from eight
tenths percent to one of eight tenths percent. Stock market
futures look good this morning.
Speaker 1 (01:33:43):
They're higher right.
Speaker 14 (01:33:43):
Across the board, with the Dow futures up two hundred
and forty one. It is shaping up to be a
bad day for travelers because of the winter storm sweeping
across much of the country. Thousands of flights were canceled
or delayed yesterday. A lot of schedule issues building today.
United Parcels Service is preparing for the future. UPS has
been quietly building a healthcare operation to offset stagnation in
its package delivery business. There is the potential for big
profit margins. Unlike standard Brown box delivery. Customers who need,
for instance, injectable medicine shipped overnight in a refrigerated box
are willing to pay hefty premiums. One researcher says the
cost to the company for making a medical delivery is
about the same as delivering a box of j Cruse socks.
We could be hearing about mergers between companies in the
payroll processing and visual content industries. Sources say paychecks is
in talks to acquire the rival payroll company pay Corps.
Other sources say Getty Images and Shutterstock are exploring a
potential merger, and Casey Krispy Kremes teamed up with pop Tarts,
coming up with a limited time collection of doughnuts based
on the popular toaster pastries. The new flavors are strawberry,
chocolate fudge and brown sugar cinnamon.
Speaker 3 (01:35:00):
Speaker 1 (01:35:01):
So, I heard that people are just abandoning cars in
the high sixties so they don't cross into the zone.
Is it really that bad up there?
Speaker 2 (01:35:08):
I haven't been out yet.
Speaker 14 (01:35:11):
I know that that's the fear that the neighborhoods north
of the sixties will be more congested as people try
to drop their cars and get into this insanity.
Speaker 1 (01:35:25):
Well, at least bad weather doesn't jack with your guys
as mass transit, so there's that as well. So all right,
thank you very much, Jeff Okay, good luck man, good
luck in all that. Thanks sanity there