Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
CaCO Day Radio program. Glad to have you along this week.
What a weekend we had and what a no doubt
crazy drone discussion filled week it's going to be today. Yeah,
so uh so over the weekend that that story just
continues to get weirder and weirder. I have a question
for you, though, And I saw people bringing it up,
and let me throw it out there, and that is
what if it is something, obviously they're not going to
tell you, and do you want them to?
Speaker 2 (00:36):
And here's what I mean by that.
Speaker 1 (00:38):
And I saw people obviously this is a big this
was a big, a big example of it. But it
did make sense, you know, we just we maybe obviously
we just had the movie Oppenheimer, right, And basically what
you had there is you had that whole situation down
in New Mexico. Obviously what they were doing down there
in the Manhattan Project and the necessity for that to
be a secret thing, so that obviously the US would
have that literally in their arsenal and could prevail. And no,
they weren't going to tell you about it. And when
they were developing weapons at Area fifty one or other places,
including what we now know was the SR seventy one
being tested and developed there. They weren't going to tell you,
and there was a you know, there was a security
necessity of it. So if in fact they are using drones,
and they're using drones, and I'm not convinced of this,
by the way, so just let's just be clear here,
but they are using drones for gamma ray. This is
just one of the examples for gamma ray detection, even
though we have a lot of methods for it that
you know that is a possibility. And then you wonder
why they're only doing it at night if they honestly
think there's something out there.
Speaker 2 (01:58):
But again, just go along with the premise for me.
Speaker 1 (02:01):
If in fact that is what's going on, and you
have a broken arrow or whatever they actually call it.
But maybe that is what they call it. It's just
you know, Hollywood. Who knows with Hollywood if you have that.
And I've seen people speculate it's anything from a dirty
bomb to a literal lost warhead or something from Ukraine.
Speaker 2 (02:27):
I've seen all sorts of different stuff.
Speaker 1 (02:29):
And that's here in the US, and they're freaking out
because I don't know, some some some dude who's all
about the jihad or whatever is just waiting for a
big Christmas market thing, and and there you go, and
it's going to be the sum of all fears.
Speaker 2 (02:46):
The government going around and looking for this thing.
Speaker 1 (02:49):
If they honestly believe it, or if they have some
sort of intelligence that they believe.
Speaker 3 (02:55):
They you don't.
Speaker 1 (02:56):
Want them to tell you, right or what I mean?
What go to tell people in one of the most
populated portions of the country that this is a concern.
The amount of panic that you would cause in the
New York area. Now, granted, if they honestly did believe that,
don't they have an obligation to let you notice, you
get the hell out of there. And you know I
saw people going, well, no, because then it would tell
the people to go ahead and trigger it. Well, obviously
they got to see the something's up, right, So, like,
the whole thing is strange, But you know, it comes
down to a trust level. I think so many people
are so cooked on actually trusting the government that I
don't know that you could ask for and receive the
same deference that you would around World War two or
where you know, everyone's just like, hey, do what you
gotta do, man, keep us safe. I'm going to go
finish putting that bunker in over at my house for
me and my family. So I don't know the answer
to that, but also you have to think, well, if
they did believe that to be the case, there's also
of the possibility that won if it's the Ukraine thing,
that we start tracking back, how the hell did that happen?
Or if it's something as simple simple as not the
right word. But if it's it's it's something that's different
in the sense that it's some sort of a dirty
bomb that was able to be made here in the
US and we have intelligence was it Is it an
operation that's being carried out by people who may have
entered our country along the southern border in the middle
of basically the open borders, and that's not going to
look good for all the powers that be in Washington.
I mean, they still have to deal with it, but
obviously the story behind it would be it's it's not
a good look for those in charge. And I don't
know the answer to any of that stuff, but the
national security side of it, where it's just like, look,
whatever the reason, you gotta let them, you gotta let
them work, you gotta let them work, even even if
afterwards everybody wants to point fingers. At the very least,
you got to let them do something and try try to,
you know, try to stop it. And the practicality of
basically evacuating Manhattan and the surrounding area not very easy, man,
especially this time of the year. Holy cow, how do
you even facilitate something like that? So I don't know
the answer, but the fact remains that because now you
also have a bunch of people who are clearly out
there flying their own drones, you have a bunch of
people who are not helpful in the sense that they
can't they can't figure out the.
Speaker 2 (05:39):
What a plane looks like. Because a lot of these
are planes.
Speaker 1 (05:41):
They're clearly planes, and that's just because you get the
panic of people. But a lot of them, I don't
know what the hell they are. And some of them
are quite honestly clearly drones, but they don't look to
be really crazy drones. And yet you know, people put
up and then people will shoot their own videos. I
saw some stuff where clearly people mocked it up, and
that's not helpful. And I don't know the answer to
any of that. I gotta be honest, I really thought
about this and battled with it, because inherently, if you
think that the government, even if even if you got
a lot of beef with them, at the very least,
when it hits the road, even people who are slightly
confident realize they need to step up or they need
to figure something out. All right, So broken arrow as
a damaged nuke, a lost or stolen nuke is an
empty quiver. And that's from somebody who emails who I
know I actually trust on this. So all right, well
whatever fun reference it is, right, like, it has to
be something that has been speculated. It might be out
there Rossa. Did you come to any different conclusion staring
at this thing over the weekend? Yeah, Like, I still
don't know what the hell to think. I don't know
what the hell to think. Do I trust the government
if something like this is happening to you don't get
their craft together? Maybe maybe if I if I'm honest
with myself, because the problem is here's where I don't
trust it. I think that if there is something whether
it's dirty bomb or it literally is a lost see
Ukraine's you have to remember when Ukraine, when all that
went down with the with the fall of the Soviet Union,
everybody doing their own thing. Ukraine had the second largest,
at least within their borders, amount of nukes. It was
the second largest in the world or third, I can't remember,
because we remember Russia's most of Russia's were in Ukraine,
but anyway they were, they were top three. Okay, obviously
there's US and then Russia and then Ukraine, and we
basically cajoled them through a protection kind of agreement to
give up their nukes. But I don't know that the
US knew exactly how how many were in Ukraine. And
I got to be if I'm the new government of
Ukraine and I think that there's some quote unquote off
grid nukes, and you're convincing me even though I'm terrified
that Russia may come in and try to recapture us.
And you think there's three hundred and thirty and I
know there's three hundred and thirty five. I'm giving you
three hundred and thirty. And I don't know from a
technological standpoint how all that tracks, but you know, you're
always gonna have a little sum back there. And then
that's why I got a little crazy when obviously, uh,
you know, Russia's going into Ukraine because the and it
wasn't just us, it was basically the world community convinced Ukraine, Hey,
you shouldn't have those nukes. You're young, fledgling country. Obviously
you got this thing with Russia. Don't worry where your
big brother. It'll be fine. And then you know what
that looks like forty years down the road. I don't know,
don't know, but uh yeah, I think that there's And
if it's a training exercise, how dare are they? But
the point is is that would they tell you and
would they adult up even if they were trying to
not have egg on their face? Well, if if it's
somehow was something that got in because of a porous
border or you know, something else that is going to
make a lot of people in Washington basically unemployable and
perhaps prosecutable, they're not going to rush to tell you
they are going to screw with it. They are gonna,
you know, cover it up to some extent. So look,
a lot of a lot of possibilities. And I guess
if I hit on one that says straight, the CIO
will get me. So we'll we'll go with that. What
is this you're giving the administration too much credit? Yeah, no,
not what on the cover up their h their criminality
and perhaps a liability. No, I'm not given them too
much credit. I think that they've demonstrated they'll do that. Now,
whether they can mount an effective way to locate and
neutralize something like that, time will tell if that is
in fact the case. I hope. So, even with all
the stupidity and all the law fair and you know,
the clear weaponization of the d o J which may
have quite frankly taken their eye a little off the ball.
You're the FBI. What is what? What?
Speaker 2 (10:15):
What endeavor?
Speaker 1 (10:16):
Has consumed most of your resources here over the last
I don't know, two years. I don't know from a
man hour standpoint, if if, if you had to pick
one thing, if that Jay, if the J six hunt
wouldn't have consumed a lot of that. That was a
massive operation by FBI. Now they're not the totality of
people who may deal with this, but it seems like
the only, the only job, the only business the FBI
has been in here as of late. And I know
that's it's not the only business, but that has consumed
so many people. Is the the is the J six
investigations and the Trump investigations. And sure they got a
thousand other irons in the fire, but the J six
thing was massive, massive, And that's and then if you
believe that they, as Ray testified prior to retiring, that
they have put as much as many resources and as
much effort. I believes his phrase into the location, investigation
and prosecution of peaceful protesters from the summer of peaceful
mostly peaceful protesting, which I don't believe, but obviously there's
some that's a that's a huge lift by the FBI
because that was nationwide. It was in almost every damn
city with more than one hundred thousand people. Yet something
going on. And then the question becomes, were all those
resources consumed with one or two things? And they really
dropped the ball on other stuff that's going to be
cover up city and you got kash Ptel. This is
what isn't even further rabbit hole. Now that you also
realize that Ray's going to be out and Ptell's there,
how long has this being this thing been going on,
Maybe for a while they've had this intelligence incident. It's
only now when they realize the end is nigh that
they've had to step up their efforts because they can't
slow roll it and try to be secretive because as
as soon as the next guy in there gets his
eyes on, you know, all the information, the you know,
the the jigs up man. So if you want to
wildly speculate and irresponsibly come up with theory, we could
do that eight eight eight nine three four seven eight
seven four. Also coming up on the show Monsters, monsters
up in Loudon County, Virginia, which just can't stay out
of the news. You remember Louden County from where a
father literally almost found himself incarcerated for ten years because
he had enough with the school district blatantly lying about
his daughter's rape and spoke up at a school board meeting,
and then a Soros prosecutor literally had to be pulled
off of her ability to prosecute in a pretty unique
way because she was going to throw this guy in
jail for being upset that his kid got raped by
a boy in a woman's bathroom, and then also that
this same student is alleged to have then been put
in another school, like it's a you know, if we
just move him, maybe he'll stop all the raping and
then rape somebody else allegedly, and Dad had righteous indignation.
Nobody blamed him and the school tried to cover it up.
Speaker 2 (13:25):
That loud in County. Oh well, they're back in.
Speaker 1 (13:28):
The news because apparently a teacher is under fire for
some horrible things she did. So we'll get into that.
Trump and everyone with photo photo time at the Army
Navy game, which was very cool, but a special guest
there drove the media just absolutely crazy and so much
more so. Oh and I got a super super duper
nerdy story for you too. I just saw Ross hasn't
even seen this, but I think he'll figure out what's
going on pretty quick.
Speaker 2 (13:59):
So we'll get into all this.
Speaker 1 (14:00):
Some more coming up Kco Day Radio program, CaCO Day
Radio program. All right, so we're gonna we're speculating on
the drone thing, just because you know, obviously that'll full time,
but also, yeah, you know, one of the big discussions
was what if it is the government, but what if
they're up to something that is, you know, some dangerous
is going on and they're trying to do what they
can and telling the public would create a mass panic situation.
Speaker 2 (14:29):
And it just is what it is. And somebody made
that decision.
Speaker 1 (14:33):
Do you have enough trust in your government then, because
I mean it's a possibility, it's a scenario there, but
it doesn't really explain why they're you know, just kind
of none of this is happening during the day. And again,
you have a lot of stuff. You have a lot
of stuff where people are clearly taking the pictures of.
Speaker 2 (14:52):
Planes that are in landing and.
Speaker 1 (14:54):
Or take off mode. You can tell by the light
patterns on the planes. Although maybe the aliens that copy
it saw some people speculating on that.
Speaker 2 (15:02):
And you just gotta let them work. You gotta let
them cook man.
Speaker 1 (15:06):
And hope that you know, even with all the stuff
that people have concerns about, that go ahead and are
able to accomplish whatever they're going to accomplish. And they
didn't tell us about Los Alamos, and they didn't tell
us about the development of you know, various pieces of
equipment the U two program, And that was just because
that's how it had to be. Now this, you know,
whether it's an organized government, if they think it's terrorists,
if they think it's just somebody who you know here
in the US who finally had enough and did something.
I don't know what that is, but it's a possibility.
But it doesn't only explain the searching on one day,
and it doesn't help when you have Marjorie Taylor Green
posting chemtrail stuff. Okay, that's not helpful. Contrails are a thing,
and you can if you want to learn the actual physics.
Maybe i'd have race stage achuld explain how those things
end up. Okay, older temperatures or temperature differential, a certain
amount of humidity, obviously, the exhaust of an error. These
are all things that happen that are not abnormal. But
if they wanted to spray you with stuff, it'd be
a good way to cover it up too. So that
is that. But in this case, no, And she clearly
was posting pictures of that, and that's just an extra
added layer of stop it. That's not helpful, she always
but she did tweet something and I and it basically
said it is the government. They're not telling us. And
I don't know if that's meant to sound like she
knows something or any of the rest. But the possibility
is maybe it is. Maybe there's a reason for it,
And are you trustworthy enough with that? Even with all
the political differences, all the Shenanigans everything. Do you think
that there's enough adults there, even adults who may be
a little ideologically compromised, or they go, you know what,
we got to stop with the partisan stuff. We got
to figure this out because this is bad, bad, bad.
So I throw that out to you. Also mentioned the
I saw this story this morning. This lady, she lives
in Long Island, she's a widow, and she is inundated
with tickets that come in the mail for you know,
toll either you didn't pay tolls, or speeding infractions, some
parking stuff. And it comes from all over the country,
all over the country and even in Canada. She says
she got some stuff from Quebec. So how did this
poor woman end up just in the state of New
York with about two hundred tickets? I'm sorry, that's just
New York City is one hundred and ninety four tickets,
roughly seventeen thousand dollars in fines. Well, they figured out
it tracks back to her.
Speaker 2 (17:49):
Husband, who is now who's deceased.
Speaker 1 (17:52):
His vanity plate that he got for his vehicle, which
she still owns still has plated. I don't know why
she doesn't drive. She has plated vehicles still, but and
his vanity plate, which was an issued by the state
of New York and a pretty good get considering the
population up there is NCC one seven zero one.
Speaker 2 (18:12):
Now ross, what is that significant about?
Speaker 4 (18:16):
What is what is n that is the Starship Enterprises designation?
Speaker 1 (18:21):
There you go. So obviously her husband was a big nerd.
And I think it's funny because she says she doesn't
know that. I bet he told her and she went,
that's nice because she doesn't care. And I don't blame her,
but now she cares because that and apparently you can.
You know, you've seen vehicles for people, especially in North Carolina,
where you don't have to have a front plate, people
get vanity plates. I don't know how that works though,
because these vanity plates on Amazon, which they kind of
are pointing to, they look like real New York license plate.
I'm looking at it. It looks like a real New York
license plate. So that's obviously obviously Why the why the
the cameras or whatever picking it up. I would hope
it's not human seeing that not realizing that. But uh yeah,
so uh York posted a big article and now the
DMV's like, we're gonna go ahead and figure this out,
but like, maybe maybe you should put that that plate
or I don't know that you can auction plates off.
I'm sure there's somebody in New York who'd love to
have that plate, probably a single guy with a lot
of collectibles, probably all over that thing. So mystery solved there,
you go. Let me grab a quick phone call here, Jeremiah,
what's up? No, I was just I got a theory
on the drone thing. Sure, O, what's up, sir?
Speaker 3 (19:45):
Speaker 1 (19:45):
Biden Worth parton to December twentieth or something, so he's
got a window.
Speaker 5 (19:50):
Well, he can do whatever the name of God he
wants to right now, and ain't nobody can do anything.
Speaker 1 (19:57):
I think it was I think I think it kicked
in five days. It went into like a few days
after it was announced or something. So I'm with you.
Speaker 5 (20:06):
I thought it was December.
Speaker 1 (20:07):
But of his December, I mean, he should. He should
have all the crack and all the hookers in any
state he wants and go this, you can't touch me,
which is what I pretty much. He could step on
mass on television and kill somebody if you wanted to.
Speaker 5 (20:22):
Just a cover up.
Speaker 1 (20:24):
Yeah, all right, so you're gonna go. Well, I saw
a lot of people suggesting it's a distraction from a
variety of things. I just don't know that I'm necessarily
bored yet. But who knows or who knows? I don't know.
Speaker 2 (20:33):
Yeah, we'll find out, all right, Thank you, Thank you
very much for the call there.
Speaker 1 (20:38):
Yeah, I don't know. I think what I saw most
people speculators was distraction from let's see, what was probably
the most popular. I think the most popular was just
you know, Biden's ineptitude in general. But it's like, well,
why why do it now? And you know, maybe maybe
an aptitude is at play, but it has to do
with something that came in on the Southern board. There
are some individuals who did I mean, we know, we
know that terrorists have come across the border. We know
we haven't apprehended all of them. We know for a fact,
like that's that's not even that's not even up for
debate now what they're up to. And just because somebody's
on the terrorist watch list doesn't mean they're coming to
the US to do terrorism, but they're at least open
to it. So, uh, we'll find out, all right, uh,
I hate playing Monday night. I gotta tell you, man.
So the Vikings clinched yesterday, they clinched. But the way
that we had this is how we had to clin
This is what had to happen. Pat We had to
root for the Packers, which I couldn't find. I couldn't do.
I was still rooting for their demise. I'm like, let's
go and get it our own way. But because the
Packers won, knocking Seattle down mathematically, well we're not gonna
win our division probably, I don't know. Thank you, by
the way, to another team out there for handling the
Lions for us yesterday. Did appreciate that that was every
bit to shootout that I thought it was going to
be when I took the over. So thank you, thank you,
thank you for that. Now should the team that beat
the Lions, thus helping mathematically all that stuff work out?
Should should they be sad that their quarterback didn't set
another single game record for the third week in a row.
I don't know that's up to that team. So, but yeah,
appreciate that Cowboys over the Panthers. That's like, what was
their eight.
Speaker 2 (22:32):
Wins combined going into that thing?
Speaker 1 (22:34):
I didn't know what was going to happen, and it's
it's crazy because Bryce Young can look he's had these
flashes looking real good. But there were some times just
saying I think even Panthers fans will admit this where
you're just like, what is he doing? He's a young quarterback,
So you know, you hope that that gets better. I'm
trying to think anything that stood out. The Jets actually
looked like to you remember how to play football for
a little while yesterday, So there was that.
Speaker 4 (22:58):
I think like Monday night football, your team plays, Yeah,
it does kind of suck, but I think it's works
when you have like a Sunday, like the primetime Sunday game.
Yea Sunday, You've got the day off, you got nothing
really to do, you're just painted, you know, you're paying
attention to football. So that day when you have the
eight o'clock like eight twenty game, it just drags. Whereas
in Monday night you've got other things to occupy your
time because it's a weekday.
Speaker 2 (23:23):
Right, but you're also gonna have a short week most likely.
Speaker 1 (23:26):
Right. So although we got all sorts of weird football
days coming up, like like you have what two games
on Christmas Day this year. I don't think it's either
of our teams. In fact, I know it's not because
I did look. Yes, I can't remember the four teams
that are playing. But yeah, let's see. Trying to think
from a playoff standpoint, I mean, Kansas City, they they
cook the brab Browns had some injuries. I didn't realize
until after. I wasn't really watching it, So Kansas City
just kind of did this thing. Let's see here.
Speaker 2 (24:00):
Oh, good right, I got some more drone theories. I'll
get into those in a moment.
Speaker 6 (24:04):
Speaker 1 (24:04):
Eagles won, But is it a good look when you're
head coach is going to find one of your players
in this case, Jalen Carter on Sirianni is the head
coach of the Eagles. He's going to go find Jalen Carter.
He's mad at him about something. I can't remember what
the play was, but Carter, I don't know, missed a
block or something. And the lines coach literally is this huge,
huge former lineman. Obviously, big black dude gets it. I
don't know his name, gets right in between the head
coach and one of his players, not letting him have access,
and they're screaming at each other. So like, even if
you're winning, if you're a head coach and you're in
your lines, coach are screaming at each other on the sidelines.
I don't know how that's very helpful going into the playoffs,
but it is. I think of other takeaways. I will
say this, ROSSI, even though we're gonna talk about your
team in general, the hits that they're trying, they tried
to put on your boy yesterday where he was. He
was smart enough to get under the hits, thankfully. Like
if the dude had connected on the one slide one,
I think your guy would have been in the blue
tent in a second and probably not back in the game,
and that guy would have been suspended and find out
the wazoo man. And there was a no call on
the whole thing, which just blew me away because you
still could have called because part of it is you
have to start to quote retreat and.
Speaker 2 (25:30):
There was no retreat. He just missed the hit.
Speaker 4 (25:32):
He was but it was on Patrick Mahomes. The guy
would be in prison.
Speaker 1 (25:37):
It's true. Absolutely.
Speaker 4 (25:39):
You mentioned you mentioned before too about there were no
NFL Josh Allen broke two NFL records.
Speaker 1 (25:44):
I said, no single game, okay, fair Yeah, yeah, yeah, no,
he just broke you know, all time records.
Speaker 4 (25:49):
So and he's now number forty nine in the NFL
all time rushing list.
Speaker 1 (25:55):
He always a running back, is he he is? Now
he surpassed larry'sanka. Oh okay, that's pretty good, your wit,
your statistic. That would be like if hypothetically we were
leading the ratings in a demo that we don't even
target here on the show, right, that'd be crazy, wouldn't.
Speaker 4 (26:10):
Can you imagine that?
Speaker 1 (26:11):
Oh my gosh, or you know, like a bunch of
them but you know the one can wish or read
the ratings.
Speaker 2 (26:19):
So any who, Yeah, yeah, that's that's pretty good.
Speaker 1 (26:22):
I saw it. And then they were like, oh see,
Josh Allen, I saw this is literal analysis. I saw
after like, Josh Allen can be best. And they were
talking about the fact that Golf Look Golf had like
five hundred yards and five tds. I mean, it clearly
was not on Detroit's offense, except for that one time
that they decided they were going to do a special
an on side's kick which I'm just so disappointed watching
kickoffs and on side kicks this year. It's just so dumb.
Speaker 4 (26:50):
Yeah, because now you have to say you're going to
do it, you have to get.
Speaker 1 (26:53):
The on side kick. Yeah, you gotta be like, hey,
we are doing this now. Granted teams new right because
everyone line up on the right side or whatever.
Speaker 4 (27:00):
Typically you would do it at the end of a
game when you were down and if you got the
ball back you could possibly win. So and now they
have to give notification, even if they do it in
a weird because yesterday that if they didn't have to
give notification that it would have been a surprise and
maybe they would get the ball back. Could have Yeah, maybe,
because that's not a spot you would normally do that kick.
Speaker 1 (27:18):
No, it was clearly he's Look the coach is a
clearly gunslinger and I and it was crazy because last
week they were like lotting him for it. Look how braving.
Speaker 4 (27:27):
Well, yeah, because when it works your genius. When it doesn't,
it's like, what are you doing?
Speaker 1 (27:31):
Oh, here's the other thing? And I know that mathematically
it probably doesn't matter. The decision by the Saints to
go for the two points instead of kicking the extra
point to go into overtime, they ended up losing the game.
So yeah, it was a couple of crazy things going
on yesterday. But any who, all right eight eight eight
nine three four seven eight seven four the phone number.
Well when we come back Chris Rock on. Now, I
don't know if you saw the controversy going into the
and I thought it was a dumb controversy and I
was vindicated over this. It was clearly Chris Rock trying
to work a joke out, and now we know where
he was trying to work the joke out for. But
of course, like I don't understand why people hate Chris Rock,
And even after the Will Smith thing, you still had
a lot of people that were like hating on Chris Rock.
And I don't know what it is because he's like
with Chappelle. I understand it became kind of popular because
of the jokes about the trans community, which he still
continues to make, and that they tried to cancel Dave Chappelle,
which obviously isn't gonna happen.
Speaker 2 (28:35):
But I don't know why Chris Rock gets all the hate.
Speaker 1 (28:37):
But they were trying to torch this guy at the
end of the week, and now we realize as he
hosted snl Over the Weekend what that was about.
Speaker 2 (28:44):
But his monologue was pretty crazy, man.
Speaker 1 (28:48):
Pretty pretty and it was partisan, but it was mutually partisan,
and he's clearly just a comedian making jokes. And it
was interesting watching the SNL audience digests those jokes because
some of it was.
Speaker 2 (29:06):
Clearly aimed at, you know, the New York.
Speaker 1 (29:09):
Liberals and that political class, there's no question about it.
But it's I don't know, it kind of felt like
they had an easier time laughing at all of them
in general. And it's kind of a microcosm of the
election we just saw, where you had people who might
have been secret Trump voters who were very open about it.
So we'll we'll pick through that and much more. It
is six poin fifty though. Let's go ahead and take
a break. We'll be right back. Things continue to get
crazier over in Europe, you know, the UK obviously, and
I guess France to some extent. Yeah, people, you know,
they have the discussions like basically, what what what is
the future of those countries and it turns into a
very dicey people get accused of being racist, and they
because they point things out, they point things out, like
in the UK, the most popular name, and this goes
this is they literally just put the list out. The
most popular boy's name is Mohammad. Most of the mayors
of big cities over in London are are people with
not traditional British names. And then people fight about that
and again the scream racist. Other people say, what are
you doing. You're basically the heritage of the country. You're
flushing that down. But Ireland is Ireland is remarkably, probably
more so for some of this stuff, in a very
odd place, a very transitionary place, in fact, so much
that Israel has now decided to go ahead and close
their embassy. And it's there's because your lawmakers over in
Ireland have taken some remarkably anti Israeli positions on things,
and so much to the point where there's Ireland's Israel's
just like yeah, no, no, thank you. And there's a
lot of even though it doesn't get the amount of
pub there's been a lot of significant scrums, if you will,
over in Ireland with folks. It's pretty crazy. And I
got to tell you, it's been a while since I've
been to Ireland, but the last time I was there,
I finally succumb because I was in Dublin, and previous
to that, I hadn't really spent any time in Dublin
other than like a day here, day there, coming in
and out. But I had a few days in Dublin
to explore, which was fun, really enjoyed it. But I
didn't want to coordinate the Jamison Distillery and the Guinness
Brewery and a couple other tours, so I did. I
did do one of those big day tours, and so
they take you to the Jamison Distillery and then they
take you to the Guinness factory there at Saint James
Gate and all that stuff, and then they all give
you a tour around Dublin and even so, and then
I traveled across Ireland through the Ring of Kerry there,
spent some time in kinsale galway up the up the
other coast there, and you know, pretty for those of
you guys who've been to Ireland, you've probably done a
lot of those things. And while I avoid the tour stuff,
I did the thing in Dublin and it was it
was very interesting and funny to me because one, Dublin
itself was not a very multicultural city, and this would
have been in the late two thousands.
Speaker 2 (32:33):
I haven't been back to Ireland since then, and so
it was like a very almost everyone he ran into.
Speaker 1 (32:39):
Was clearly old school Irish, right, hasty, looked like they
sunburned easily, had apostrophees. I fit right in. Although they
in Ireland they mispronounced my last name, or they would
say they correctly pronounced my last name as Ode, which
is fine. And I've told you this like I'm on
one side of my family, like it's it's the third
generation off the boat kind of stuff. And so we
have relatives in Ireland. In fact, they have a castle
and it's called dysert Ode Ode uh and it's over
over towards Shannon uh over there, but you can go
visit it. You know, a lot of those tourist attractions
in Ireland are privately owned. People don't realize this. When
you go to the bar and E Stone, there's a
family owns that castle. That dude who's lap you got
to lay on to kiss the thing, that's just like,
you know, this is one of the older members who
really likes people laying on his lap. I guess I
don't know. So, like I had a certain working knowledge
there and it's very very a lot of apostles, a
lot of o's and mix and you know that kind
of stuff. So with with the last names, so I
like and and I had and I was in the
UK at the same time too, on that same trip,
and so it was a very different vision. That being said, Uh,
it's gotten pretty pretty interesting over there, and a lot
of it has to do with decisions they've made.
Speaker 2 (34:05):
They kind of mirror some of the decisions we saw in.
Speaker 1 (34:07):
The US that irritated people, where you had the you know,
people are who are having a rough go of it,
who are watching folks literally just walk through the southern
border and get handed a prize package and they're just
and it irritated a lot of people and it clearly
played into our last election. But the funniest thing though
about that tour is like multiple times all right. So
one of the places they literally took us on the
outside of the Guinness tour, which I'll tell you about
the moment is they took us around and you know,
they showed us here's the famous bridge, I can't remember
the name of it. The hotel I was staying at
was near like the two famous pubs. Here's the genealogy centers,
which they have these in Ireland, so visitors can go
and basically have access to all of the records and
they can track their family. It's a very popular thing
to do over there. You can pay people to do
it too, take you over to Trinity Trinity College there
and do all that. But then they took us over
to where these office buildings are. And much like most
European cities, when you see photos of them or you
see video of them, like Hollywood always tends to concentrate
on the old stuff, which I understand right, or some
of the more famous traditional landmarks. But they have modern
office buildings all over in Dublin. At the time, as
you looked across the skyline, it was nothing but cranes.
They were building everywhere. And so they take us over
like this modern office center, and they clearly had a
set of canals that came in off the river there
to facilitate which is not unusual to Port City. They
had this one where the canal runs all the way
up to this big office building and there's like a
parking spot for a big old yacht and the yachts there.
And so they then proceed to tell you about the
National treasure and the most beloved thing in Ireland and
that's you too. They love them some you too, man,
They love him some Bono You. It's like the guy's
the king of Ireland and so like literally on the
tour they're like, that's the headquarters of you too, which
I didn't realize a band needs an entire I guess.
I guess be a marketing all the rest of it.
I don't how many people work for him. It was
a big office building and there's Bono's Yachta's park there.
They just and and the tour lady was just so
excited about Bono. Clearly she you know, she probably is
a bit of a groupie, loves it and like at
other points on the tour she kept bringing you two
up to the point where I was kind of joking,
kind of joking with the girl I was dating at
the time took the trip with me, and.
Speaker 2 (36:39):
She's just like, they like Bono lot.
Speaker 1 (36:41):
I'm like, they really like some Bono.
Speaker 2 (36:42):
And then Ross had some advice for me off there
to try to.
Speaker 1 (36:45):
Get me beat up, which would have been funny, but
I was I didn't know he wanted me to go. Oh.
I thought Bono was Scottish. What's going on? I think
they would have thrown me out of the country, I
gotta be honest. They also taken to that big park
there where the Pope spoke very proud of that, which
is fine. I like that. So I generally don't like
the tour stuff being with groups, like to do my
own thing, but it was the most efficient way to go.
Speaker 4 (37:08):
To all these Does he keep the jesuita tree on
the yacht?
Speaker 2 (37:11):
I'm assuming it's in that office, right yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4 (37:15):
Just like no man the accident. I swear he's from Scotland.
Speaker 2 (37:18):
Yeah no, it's not Edinburgh, right, yeah, I know.
Speaker 1 (37:21):
I think I would have gotten beat up and then
thrown out of the country just drunk. I like they
have some Irish hooligans that just pop out, maybe out
the side of the yacht, I don't know. And then
it's funny too. So if you were and I'm sure
some of you have been to the Guinness tour. So
they take you around, they show yeah, here's the gate,
here's the actual gate, They tell you the history of it,
and then you know they have little museum thing in there.
They take you all around, but when you walk in,
they hand you like a like a stone, a little rock,
little smooth pebbal thing, and they tell you to hold
onto that, and you're doing all the tour and you
get to it, and then they take up this elevator
and they have like I don't know how many floors
you go up, but you go up aways. And then
they have like, you know, like the top of the
Holiday Inn in Raleigh where they had like the circulating
restaurant thing up there. They kind of have that, except
just this wide open bar with all these windows and
you look out over the skyline of Dublin. And then
the pebble is your currency to get a Guinness or
you can get one of the other beers that they
brew there. And and the reason they do that is
because they're running tours in there, so you drink your
one beer and then.
Speaker 2 (38:24):
You're out of there, right and then the next tour
group comes up.
Speaker 1 (38:27):
So you can't even pay for stuff extra because they
don't want you just sitting up there all day drinking.
So I got the pebble, go up there. And then
they have when you go by the windows, they have
like little plaques like here's what you're looking at. So
there's you know, there's the Irish Parliament, and there's this,
and there's and then they're one of the windows, like
there's Bono's yacht, there's U two, there's U two's headquarters.
Speaker 2 (38:51):
It's like this whole thing.
Speaker 1 (38:53):
It was crazy as there was a there was some
folks around my age that were on the tour and
kind of was talking to them and their ilways wish
he's getting along with his girlfriend and so we're doing
the tour and just chatting but not really because that's
how guys roll. And we get up there and like
the guy he comes over, he's like, hey, man, it's
great to meet you.
Speaker 2 (39:11):
Here's our pebbles.
Speaker 1 (39:12):
We don't drink, And I'm like, why would you go
out and get us tour if you don't drink? Man?
But he wanted to go to the top there and
look out. I understand that. So I broke the rules
and had two beers up there that day. But yeah, man,
they love them some. You two love them some you
two over there. But it's it's pretty wild. What's what's
going on over in Ireland? And now with the the
whole embassy thing, I I don't know how any of
this pans out really because whenever I read these stories
out of Iron, out of Ireland, there's there's a lot
of a lot of very interesting and very heated debates
going on over there. All right. So Chris Rock hosting
the SNL over the weekend, and there was a story
at the end of the week where I saw they
were lighting the Rock up up for this Apparently he
was doing an event for some private event for a billionaire,
and so he's doing a set and somebody I guess
was recording him and he kind of flipped out on him.
And you know, here's the deal. If anyone's been to
a comedy club here, I don't know, in the last forever,
one of the things they don't want you doing is
recording in their Comedians don't like to be recorded, and
I understand why. Sometimes they're working out material. And remember
a comedian, especially a touring comedian, is primarily going to
do the same set within that span of whatever that
tour is. It's gonna look it may ebb and flow
a little, but for all practical purposes, if Chris Rock
goes on tour, any comedian does, and you catch their
show in Denver, and then you happen to be in
Kansas City a week later, and you'd go to the
show again for whatever reason, you're probably gonna see basically
the same show. So that's why comedians don't want whatever
their current set is out there because then it's not
new to people. And also there's an added extra thing
now where people all they want to do is cancel people.
Speaker 2 (41:09):
And when you're trying to work a.
Speaker 1 (41:10):
Set out a lot of especially jokes that are dicey,
you gotta groom them. Like in the hands of a
skilled comedian, you can get away with a lot of
stuff that at the random, you know, mostly if the
person on the street set it, even if they were
trying to be funny, could be a career ender for him.
And Chris Rock is willing to do that kind of material.
I don't think I have to give you a lot
of examples. I think you know some of them.
Speaker 4 (41:35):
You know, it's funny. The first time I went to
go see stand up, I was like eighteen, right, and
it was Doug Stanhope from The Man Joe Rogan's best friend.
Speaker 1 (41:42):
Speaker 4 (41:42):
I was like, this is the funniest guy I've ever seen,
And I ended up going to see him again, like
a second night, r Yeah, it was so great. And
at the time, because I was so ignorant as to
how stand up comedy worked, I was completely like depressed
that it was the same set because he was so
talented that when he was up there, it seemed like
he was just ad libbing and riffing the whole time, right,
And You're like, no, that's the act. Now, now that
I'm older, I'm like that I was so ignorant. I was,
you know, stupid and young.
Speaker 1 (42:10):
But it also makes sense, right, he write a new
show a year, but he's still the right sixty of course.
And you know, if it stand, Hope clearly has done
that because I have. You know, he's got a gazillion
different albums out. It's all different stuff, and unless you're
a lot of crowd work comedian, that's what you're going
to get.
Speaker 4 (42:27):
But then you realize how talented they are.
Speaker 1 (42:30):
So Chris Rock he made a joke about deporting Mexicans
on h Space mechs okay at this thing and that,
And when he was filming so or so, when somebody
was filming him and and he he he ended up
leaving at this this event that he I'm sure he'd
been paid handsomely for this private event. He ended up
walking out, and so that turned into the story where
they're like, ah, Chris Rock, and it's because he told
this bad joke and he was about how they're going
to deport this time. They're reporting him but to Mars
and that's what Musk is there for. But it clear,
it was clear he didn't have the joke worked all
the way out, and so people are just like, yeah,
because he's just a big old racist, and I'm like one,
I thought people had some sympathy for Rock because he
got slapped on National TV and he didn't wig out
about it, right, He kind of rolled with it and
made Will Smith looked awful and you know, that was
what it was. But for some reason they were then
trying to cancel Chris Rock. Well, it became clear why
he was working that setout. He was working the setout.
He was doing the monologue that he ended up doing
on SNL, but he wanted to practice it, which makes
perfect sense. And when he delivered it then on SNL,
it was polished. It was it was still edgy, but
like it it all made sense and the joke's kind
of funny, I thought. So anyway, I guess you don't
all have to think so. But then he's doing it
to a he's doing it to an s no audience,
all right, So I like, let me just here. You
want to you wanna get some examples. Are these these
are not in order right? Because the Clinton thing? No,
those are in order right the way that you have
the cut staggered. I'm sure I didn't re listen to
it this morning. Yeah, they are in order. Okay, all right,
let's uh, you know, let's let's start down this path,
shall we.
Speaker 7 (44:17):
We got Luigi. We got Luigi, you know, and that's good.
I really feel sorry for the for the family. I mean,
everybody's fixating on how good looking this guy looks. If
you look like Jonah Hiddle, no one would care. They
already giving him a chair, already be dead. Okay, but
he actually killed a man, a man, a man with
a family, a man with kids. Man.
Speaker 3 (44:48):
I mean, I have condolences.
Speaker 7 (44:50):
I'm gonna have real condolences for, you know, the healthcare ceo.
I mean, this is a real person, you know, but
you know, also got a you know, sometimes drug dealers get.
Speaker 1 (45:03):
Shut all right, So, like I said, like you said,
he's doing edgier stuff, and obviously he's a comedian, but
he's a comedian. He's kind of saying what some of
the other folks are saying out there. And we'll get
into this. I'm just up against the clock here. But Denny,
he starts in on the political stuff, and he starts
in with like Clinton jokes, and he goes to the
Elon Musk thing, which I kind of spoiled for you,
and he does Hunter Biden jokes, and you know what,
audience is laughing. And we've seen some pushback, even when
Chappelle came back and was doing some edgy stuff where
people were kind of like grumbling a little. But you know,
I wonder if that is a bigger sign of people
are more comfortable with it. I get maybe because it's
lame ducktown. I don't know, but it was pretty funny.
We'll get into some more of that and much more.
And we got to talk about the Army Navy game
because some guy got some maybe some karmic justice all
coming up. Hang on anyway, over the weekend, finally figured
out why you lost the election. It's a doozy.
Speaker 2 (46:01):
We'll get to that coming up here in just a
few minutes.
Speaker 1 (46:05):
Also, oh also this, hey Ross, im me asks you
a question in the world of sports, what do you
think the ultimate prize is? What trophy or I guess
I guess it doesn't have to be a trophy per se,
but let's go with trophies. What trophy do you think
is the ultimate achievement in sports?
Speaker 4 (46:21):
I would say Lombardy.
Speaker 1 (46:23):
You get to go Lombardi. Some people might say the
Stanley Cup just because it's what it looks like, the
British I think the British Open Prize. I mean that is,
they make a big deal about that. Unfortunately for Lombardi,
for the Master's Green Jacket, for the Stanley Cup.
Speaker 4 (46:43):
What with a kumite?
Speaker 1 (46:44):
What do they have a trophy?
Speaker 4 (46:46):
They give you the sword?
Speaker 1 (46:47):
Oh yeah, that would be pretty good.
Speaker 2 (46:49):
Considering it's a sixteen hundred round round robin.
Speaker 1 (46:52):
It's quite the achievement. No, No, there's a new winner
unveiled over the weekend. Then new best greatest trophy in
sports is the Orlando, Florida based Pop Tarts Bowl trophy.
So hear me out, hear me out who is in?
I didn't even know who's in the pop Tarts Bowl.
I didn't even Look, it doesn't matter, will you Will
you google real quick pop Tarts Bowl to tell me
which two teams are in that while explain this thing. Okay,
all right? So so they held a press conference to announce,
you know, they always hold one about the bulls, doesn't
matter what it is. And so they had the people
from the bowl committee and that they had some folks
from the company that makes pop Tarts, and so they
got on stage first. The trophy is in a giant
foil package, so it's per it's perfectly on brand, and
so they they they unveil this trophy and it's pretty impressive,
but it's just, you know, just visually, obviously it is
the pop Tarts Bowl thing, but no, no, no, no,
this is more than a mere trophy, mortal. The trophy
has a plug in. See the trophy is actually a
giant toaster with a magazine where you load the pop
tarts in and then it auto loads pop tarts and
just makes pop tarts. Is there a debate even that
that's not the greatest trophy in sports? Can you imagine
capturing that thing and now you have an automatic pop
tart gun?
Speaker 4 (48:31):
Essentially, it's a I always stay in Florida.
Speaker 1 (48:34):
You all right, so somebody in Florida is somebody in
Iowa was gonna have this bad boy? Tell me that.
Tell me you don't want that to do? Do we know?
Does Lombardi Trophy make food? Do we know? I don't
think that it does. This thing does though, and it
comes in a giant pop tartfoil wrapper. Amazing.
Speaker 2 (48:56):
So yeah, I just happened to see that, and I'm like, oh,
there's there.
Speaker 6 (48:59):
You go.
Speaker 1 (49:00):
Well there's no question on this thing. And I guess
you could have and then you can. I'm sorry. Just
had the video on loop here of them opening this thing.
That's amazing. It's the button Pop and the pop tarts
shoot right out of the football. I'm literally I'm retweeting.
I'm reposting this right now on Twitter. Just the video there.
Go look at this thing at Casey on the radio.
It's the button Pie and literally it's like a circular trophy.
But then it has a giant football on top of
it and it is out of the football, which is
like the actual toaster part that the pop tarts emerge. Amazing. Dude,
technology is so great. I know we could be making
spy planes and cold fusion and stuff, but I'm gonna
I'm gonna go with the trophy that makes food delicious,
delicious food. Although I will say the setting on this
is clearly lacking those pop Tarts. There's not even any
color to the underside, So hopefully there is a a
toggle for that, because you don't want to be locked
into one if somebody likes pop Tart's well done versus
you know, just barely worn. All right, So with that,
let's get back over the Chris Rock stuff. Sorry, I
got distracted by pop Tart. I was hungry though. It's
about to go grab a little something to eat during
the last break, all right. So so Chris Rock on
the SNL A lot, a lot of fertile ground. There
a lot of fertile ground before we get into the
real political stuff. Let me just a little more on
the setup here. I thought this was this is pretty fun.
Speaker 3 (50:31):
Paul beating Mike Tyson. What the hell? What is this,
Jake Paul?
Speaker 7 (50:38):
This twenty seven year old punching a sixty year old
man in the night.
Speaker 3 (50:43):
Is this what the white man has reduced hips up to?
Stop it?
Speaker 7 (50:48):
Speaker 3 (50:49):
Who's he gonna fight next? Morgan Freeman? I hate Jake Paul,
I got a landlord.
Speaker 1 (50:58):
Hate Paul, all right, So anyway, but then when he transitions,
now he's transitioning to the material that was at the
heat or at the heart of the Heat. He was
taken here last week for walking out of that thing,
but it's clear he was trying to prepare this material
for a national audience, and he was using obviously this
opportunity and I'm sure he did some other sets with
it to work it out, which is what comics do.
It's like if any of you have ever been to
a comedy club where it's more of a random you're
going to show up and see what's on, or if
you've been to the Comedy Store in Los Angeles or
any of the others, it's not uncommon to walk in there.
Speaker 2 (51:39):
And all of a sudden Robin Williams would be on.
Speaker 1 (51:41):
Stage, which he used to do a lot of just
impromptu shows there, and a lot of comedians do that.
You never. In fact, some of the LA clubs you
walk in there are New York clubs for that matter,
You walk in there, and even though there might be
some others, it is not uncommon for somebody who's a
really big name to come out and want to do
twenty minutes or something, and of course if they're a
big name, they'll let them, and it's it's it's pretty amazing.
There's a couple of times that actme, which is the
club in Minneapolis where you had some rather big comedians
that came in and did impromptu and that's how I watched.
Speaker 2 (52:15):
That's how I was able to see Mitch Hedberg. He
wasn't even the guy who was on.
Speaker 1 (52:18):
It was more of an open and Hebburg did a set,
so I was I was really cool that I got
to see Mitch Hedberg do a set live before he
before he died, and it was it was basically most
of the material that's on that second album that was
really kind of the popular one that went out, but
very cool. So Rock's doing that now he's getting over
to the political stuff, and it's interesting to hear how
a New York audience responds to what are clearly partisan jokes,
not necessarily in their ideological fate.
Speaker 8 (52:48):
Trump's a savib An assassination attempt sabab assassination attempt won
the presidency again by winning the popular vote.
Speaker 7 (52:59):
Was just name time Man of the Year, you know,
it could happen to a nicer duy.
Speaker 3 (53:09):
You know, a lot of people are scared.
Speaker 7 (53:12):
Like, oh my god, he's gonna be so undignified. And
when I say a lot of people, I'm talking about
the nine New Yorkers that didn't vote for him.
Speaker 3 (53:19):
Okay, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 7 (53:21):
People are like, he's gonna be so dignified the presidency
of the United States. Dude, it's the United States presidency.
It's not you know, come on.
Speaker 3 (53:34):
We've had some presidents in the United States.
Speaker 7 (53:37):
Come on, man, this is not the most dignified job
in the world. You know, We've had presidents show up
to the inauguration with pregnant slaves.
Speaker 3 (53:46):
Okay, and I'm just talking about Bill Clinton.
Speaker 1 (53:54):
Come on, man, that's a pretty good joke. That's a
pretty good joke. In fact that the Clinton parts probably
the lesser funny part of it. And he and he
has some other material that I heard him do that
I think is part of this with a little blip
I saw.
Speaker 2 (54:08):
Online the other day. So all right, so now.
Speaker 1 (54:11):
It pivots over to the material that was at the
heart of this this walkout he did where people were
trying to roast him, even though it's now perfectly clear
that he was doing this is the joke. The part
of it. He was working out at the time, somebody
was filming him and he left. And again now it
makes sense.
Speaker 7 (54:27):
It's not playing, man, it's right. This time is totally different.
Speaker 3 (54:31):
He's working with.
Speaker 7 (54:31):
The number one African American in the world, the richest
African American in the.
Speaker 3 (54:37):
World, Elon must That's right. He is African American.
Speaker 7 (54:46):
Elon got more kids than the Cleveland Browns, That's right.
Nobody knows how to get rid of people like a
South African.
Speaker 3 (55:00):
Oh you serious? Is not playing They got They're gonna
put him in a rocket ship. We call it space Max.
Speaker 1 (55:12):
That's a good joke. It's a good look. It's so
I don't know if it's just because it's Chris Rock
and Chappelle and those kind of guys that are almost uncancellable,
but you know, it's just it's refreshing to see that
there are comedians that will go out and do that.
And is that cutting on Musk and Trump a little maybe,
but also not really right. The African American stuff obviously
is gonna draw the ire of folks. And just so
just so we're clear, he didn't mind them going after
one other time Joe.
Speaker 7 (55:42):
Butten pardoned this son hunt the button. I got a
handed to Joe.
Speaker 1 (55:47):
Speaker 3 (55:48):
You know, he don't move as fast as he used to.
He don't talk as fast as.
Speaker 7 (55:53):
He used to, you know, but that middle fingers still works.
Speaker 9 (55:56):
Man complained, got the nerve to complain.
Speaker 3 (56:09):
Only an animal would not pardon their son.
Speaker 7 (56:14):
Oh my god, imagine going home to your wife if
you didn't parton your son.
Speaker 3 (56:20):
Every parent in the world would.
Speaker 7 (56:23):
Pardon their son, except the parents of the Menindez brothers.
Speaker 1 (56:29):
Which he actually opened the set with a quick little
or It was kind of a setup, so that was
the callback to the beginning of it, and then he
transitioned into We're gonna have a great show, YadA YadA.
Hears who's here? So I don't know, man, It all
came together on that on on on what was like
a two minute rock scandal.
Speaker 2 (56:46):
So speaking of scandals, let's get Ray stage.
Speaker 1 (56:48):
You can here to apologize for depressing all the Panthers fans.
Why you guys gotta be one with that man?
Speaker 3 (56:54):
Well, hey, yeah, there.
Speaker 10 (56:57):
Was a little touch and go there, touch and go
for a time.
Speaker 1 (57:01):
Interesting, Yeah, yeah, it was the Cowboys. My Cowboys buddies
were happy for a change this season.
Speaker 5 (57:07):
So yeah, I mean, but so what does it really mean?
Doesn't really mean anything for anybody.
Speaker 10 (57:12):
Right, It's all about shocking for draft.
Speaker 5 (57:14):
Position right now, but you guys basically what it is.
So yeah, yeah, I mean, and there's that, But I
don't know. I would never play to lose. I mean,
it just doesn't.
Speaker 10 (57:25):
But I guess some do.
Speaker 1 (57:26):
But you're not the Jets.
Speaker 10 (57:27):
So a couple of good late games, that's for sure, dude.
Speaker 1 (57:31):
I gotta be honest that it was the afternoon games
that were really the one. The Bills game obviously was
the one I wanted to see, and the Eagles game,
obviously it was important game with the Pittsburgh there, so
right right, yeah.
Speaker 5 (57:43):
And that wasn't I thought it'd be closer. I mean,
not that it was a blowout by any means, but uh.
Speaker 2 (57:49):
The line was I think five and a half when
it opened.
Speaker 10 (57:52):
Right, yeah, right, anyway, Yeah.
Speaker 1 (57:56):
But it was. There's some really interesting decisions that took place.
So but let's talk about this. Did you see the
trophy for the Pop Turple over the weekend?
Speaker 10 (58:07):
I did not the.
Speaker 1 (58:08):
Greatest What do you think is the greatest trophy in sports.
Speaker 5 (58:13):
The greatest meaning like the most important or the greatest achievement.
Speaker 1 (58:17):
There, it's the cup there for the British Open. Do
you think it's Stanley Cup? It's the albums suck compared
to the new one? Well, I really trophy makes pop tarts?
Speaker 10 (58:32):
Oh wow.
Speaker 1 (58:33):
The trophy is a coaster with a pot of heart repository,
so you can pre load and then it just shoots
out whatever pop tarts you.
Speaker 3 (58:39):
That's excellent.
Speaker 10 (58:40):
That is now my favorite trophy, the greatest trophy ever.
It is, it is. It was funny.
Speaker 5 (58:46):
The pop Tart Bowl came up in the conversation Saturday
night at dinner. Oh my buddy's Uh yeah, well we
were out with my good friend here while my best
friend here in the area and his son's actually the
starting center for Auburn, and they were kind of like, yeah,
we really.
Speaker 10 (59:01):
Thought we'd be at a bowl. Well yeah, well it's
not my.
Speaker 5 (59:05):
Son, but I live vicariously through him, so fine, we
ended up something.
Speaker 1 (59:10):
No, if he did he heard you say this, he'd
probably be.
Speaker 5 (59:15):
Like yeah, but anyway, that popped art Bowl came up. Bob,
let me get into a forecast. Is a little different
really depends on where you are.
Speaker 10 (59:24):
Yesterday we were a wedge the.
Speaker 5 (59:26):
Triad where the high was forty one in Greensboro at
the airport, and a Raley was fifty three.
Speaker 10 (59:31):
And looks like that wedge is still hanging on.
Speaker 5 (59:33):
It's kind of this little cup like U shape of
cooler are you go just west of Durham and just
west of Sandford, and you've got upper thirties going right
into Winston Salem. It kind of bowls around and goes
up into Virginia, and then you got forty plus further east.
And today probably another day where we'll stay in the
fifties or the Triad, maybe the mid fifties and get
into the low sixties for the Triangle. So pretty changeable
weather around depends on where you are. Maybe some fog
and then we might have a little fog again to morow,
most of us in a little bit sixties, one more warm,
one with a better chance of showers Wednesday, cooler, drier
towards the end of the week.
Speaker 1 (01:00:06):
Okay, all right, did you have you got to use
the German word I taught you for the weather system?
I have not. I'm sorry. Okay, all right, Well, let
me know, if that works out, we'll talk it another. Thanks. Yeah,
I can't remember what it was. Something flout anyway, but
what was that flucent? Yeah, duncal flout yeah, which is
by the way, weather term they had to make up,
and it's when it's neither sunny nor windy, so you
can't produce alternative energy. The dunkel flout, like all German words,
are either hilarious or foreboding. Pretty crazy stuff anyway, seven
point fifty will take a break, be right back. Hang on.
I went down a couple of rabbit holes over the weekend.
I love the new reasoning by the Harris campaign share
on why she lost. The complete lack of introspection is
is not a unique thing in politics, but it's really
interesting to watch this time around.
Speaker 2 (01:01:01):
Right, we're at no point and they ever go, Well, maybe.
Speaker 1 (01:01:05):
The process where we basically bypass the voters turned people
off because it's you know, it's one hundred things. But
the primary thing is I saw Kelly and Conway say
over the weekend in an interview, she said, it's two words.
It's Kamala Harris. And you know, any type a politician loses,
chances are that's the least part of it, but she
wasn't doing herself any favors. So so and by the way,
there are there are there is a new branch of
the there's bluing on.
Speaker 2 (01:01:40):
First there was quan On, then there was bluing on.
Speaker 1 (01:01:43):
Do you know what? The new one is Quamala, which
I'm here for that, so Kamala but with a que
at the beginning. So they're calling them the Kuamala cult,
and uh, I don't. I don't know if you know this,
but they have. They're not convinced that she's not going
to be the president him. But to have listen to
one of these lunatics lay it out over the weekend
was pretty incredible because I wasn't even aware that this
was a theory floating around out there. Are you ready?
You want to hear?
Speaker 2 (01:02:12):
You want to hear some crazy to get your Monday started?
Speaker 1 (01:02:14):
Okay? All right?
Speaker 2 (01:02:16):
So I think this woman.
Speaker 1 (01:02:19):
Does a pretty good job of succinctly laying out what
the theory is.
Speaker 2 (01:02:23):
And yet it will still not make any sense to you.
Speaker 1 (01:02:26):
But you have to understand who is working against Trump,
who's turn state's evidence? And it's a twist I didn't
see coming. Are you ready here we go.
Speaker 10 (01:02:37):
So the rumor mil is and I.
Speaker 1 (01:02:39):
Love that she put music behind it. Oh, I love
that so much.
Speaker 11 (01:02:44):
So the rumor mil buzz that jd Vance is actually
working to turn state evidence.
Speaker 6 (01:02:54):
Now this is just a rumor.
Speaker 2 (01:02:57):
Would it be state's evidence considering it's fedril, I don't know.
Speaker 11 (01:03:01):
However, I'd like to point out that your girl here mean,
on August eighth, I posted a video predicting this.
Speaker 6 (01:03:11):
I'm on leaked the video.
Speaker 11 (01:03:12):
In this video, I just wanted to say she damn,
I'm telling you I knew, I felt, I felt if
it's true, if it's true, I don't know.
Speaker 7 (01:03:23):
We don't know.
Speaker 10 (01:03:23):
If it's true.
Speaker 11 (01:03:24):
I wouldn't be surprised because who's seen jd Vance and
like since the election?
Speaker 6 (01:03:32):
Yeah, this weekend, man, crazy.
Speaker 4 (01:03:43):
See what happens?
Speaker 1 (01:03:44):
Something's great?
Speaker 4 (01:03:44):
Wait wait wait wait wait, So she so she posts
on her page, yes this theory in August, right.
Speaker 1 (01:03:52):
And jd Vance is secretly a turn coode or maybe
he was never a turncome maybe it was an operative
but yeah yeah.
Speaker 4 (01:04:00):
And then people start talking about it, like her followers
and stuff.
Speaker 1 (01:04:03):
So then this everybody's talking about something something talking.
Speaker 4 (01:04:06):
About And then she goes back and she says, well,
this is the proof. So she created the rumor, right,
and then now she's sourcing herself.
Speaker 2 (01:04:15):
It's like pollusion fis a warrant.
Speaker 4 (01:04:17):
Yes, you know, it's like on the show where I'll
say something silly and then and then I'll say it
like a minute later, I'll be like, no, I heard
that on the radio. It's source, right, that's confirmed.
Speaker 1 (01:04:27):
Mm hm. But also we've seen jd Vance everywhere, Well
she hasn't. Yeah, so you would because I know what
you're thinking. You're like, I saw him at the stock
market right last week, right, because there's.
Speaker 4 (01:04:40):
Guys making money.
Speaker 1 (01:04:46):
There's clearly deep bake video there. And then over the
weekend he was at the Army Navy game in a
box with Trump and Musk and Daniel Penny, which was
not sitting well with some folks out there, a lot
of mostly on the left. And yes, uh, but yes,
you're right, she is. She is one of the sources
for her own own theory. There, she's got a she's
got a big following two of lunatics. So yeah, JD
Vance is a plant man clearly there too, uh, which
doesn't make a lot of sense because her theory then
is if Trump is ousted that somehow they swear Kamala
in which I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.
Jd Vance gets sworn in, and even if he was
working for you, that'd be a hard thing to turn down,
wouldn't it. I'm president now, So just just know that
there is there is a segment of folks out there
that believe between now and basically a month from now,
all of this will unfold and they'll finally have gotten Trump.
No got they got him. So I just want to
throw it out. And if she's right, I will apologize
on the radio for calling her a lunatic. Okay, I'm
on the record. No, they were there of the Army
Navy thing. They were in the box. People got mad
because Penny was there. But the craziest thing and I
I I in my opinion I have I'm trying to
hear it. It kind of sounds like somebody was booing
this guy. But I don't know if you saw to
open the Army Navy game. When it was time to
do the national anthem, they had a rather interesting performer.
Was not some pop starlet who you hope gets right.
God help, can you imagine screwing up the national anthem
at the Army Navy game, some folks are going to
have stuff. I saw people were. In fact, they were
mad Advance because Vance wasn't saluting during the anthem, nor
did he have his hand over his heart. Do you
know why that is? Because it's a marine thing. Now
it doesn't have to be. He does have some fluid there,
but for the same reason you didn't see penny, and
that's because they're not in uniform and they did not
have cover. Okay, and I don't know the exact part
of the u CMJ there, but or if it's even UMJ.
I'm throwing out things I don't know, but basically of
the protocols that specifically speaks to this. Now Trump was
and as a former president, that also is a thing
that's designated.
Speaker 2 (01:07:25):
So people are making mountains out of molehills.
Speaker 1 (01:07:27):
But when it came time to do the anthem, they
didn't get some young pop star out there, some country singer,
some some opera singer.
Speaker 2 (01:07:34):
They bring out a ninety.
Speaker 1 (01:07:36):
Six year old World War Two veteran.
Speaker 2 (01:07:39):
With a harmonica.
Speaker 1 (01:07:42):
Who kills it ninety six all right, and then somebody
can get mad me for cutting off, but so so
he's out, he's ninety six. The dude probably kicked Hitler's body.
Probably not, but like, give the guys some respect, and
almost everyone did. I swear, though there's a video out
there and it's really hard to hear where it sounds
like some idiot booze that there's a dude, what are
you doing the guys ninety He probably still kick your
butt ninety six with his harmonica out there slaying the
national anthem at the Army Navy game. It's nothing more appropriate.
And like I said, and everything was fine. Then they
had a game. I was wrong, an Army pretty much
domina or excuse me, Navy dominated that game, and that's fine, right,
and that's what it was. And there's a re and
it's the only game on that day because some people
get frustrated, but it's about reverence, right, that's the reason
for it. Ayeah, ninety six year old victim. Although I
did see a story where apparently the guy who was
said to have booed also fell.
Speaker 2 (01:09:13):
Down some stairs, so I don't know if that was.
Speaker 1 (01:09:14):
Karma or they pushed him like they're a little girl
who survived cancer at a Bills game I don't know. Sorry, man,
that was a low shot, but it's the only comparison
I had. By the way, if the rest of the
Bills fan kicked that guy out of Buffalo, I think
they probably had to have already. So yeah, yeah, it
was a really cool thing that happened over there. There's
always gonna be one jackass man, and I hope that, frankly,
that some of the people were just misinterpreting what was
going on there. But Kudo's this guy's ninety six and
he still showed up to play harmonica. I'm probably the
biggest stage's ever done anything from a public standpoint. I mean,
some would argue the biggest stage is the dual conflicts
in both the Pacific and the European con but at
least in this current sector of his life. So I
thought that was very cool. All right, So I mentioned
what is the Harris campaign's reason? All right? Well, no, okay, good,
So I got Marines said, are telling me, okay, all right,
So Marina is indoors but does not have cover, on
which they would not if they're indoors, right, it would
be under their arm or carrying a weapon or on
guard duty. They stand at the position of attention. But
don't Okay, all right, Yeah, that's how I understood it
when I was sitting sitting there reading this this morning. Yeah,
but you know, just people, people got to start. And also,
why do you think why do you think that Vance
and Penny, who are both the Marines, why would you
think that they would be intentionally slighting the country unless
you believe that JD. Vance is some sort of state
plant to try and snare Trump or whatever that lady
was talking about.
Speaker 2 (01:10:55):
But meanwhile, I'm sitting there and I'm watching.
Speaker 1 (01:10:58):
The the deputy excuse me, deputy campaign manager for Kamala
be interviewed over the weekend and explain why they think
she lost. Are you ready? The campaign manager is claiming
that the candidate was not able to fulfill her vision
of reaching non traditional Democrat voters and the way they
said that they had a whole strategy and that they
wanted to get her on the sports programs, sports podcasts,
so the traditional broadcasts like the ESPN shows, as well
as trying to set up like halftime interviews during early
season NFL games, and apparently most of the hosts didn't
want any part of it, probably because they were smart
enough to realize that they didn't want to jam politics
in there when they were clearly seeing backlash to what
was going on with Democrats. What else do they want
to do? Oh and then what are you to do
a halftime interview with that? L Let me ask you
a question, how do you think that would have gone?
You already have demonstrated you can't do unscripted stuff. So
let's just say you even drug Walls in there. You
guys torched yourself on football stuff already. And it was
a non sports interview. Merwyn Walls was battling about how
Kamala runs a mean pick six, and everyone's like, you
are a coach, the hell are you talking about? I
think that would have been I think you would have
lost by more because if you go on to a
sports program with wonky sports people and you say that
sure they heard about it after right, They're like, if
you got a love of sports and you normally consume
sports program, and you probably heard what they said about
the pick six thing and a couple other things, and
as a sports person you take offense to that. Even
if your politics a line, You're like, who is this idiot?
So now you put them on a sport a wonky
sports centric show one. Some people are going to tune
out because they're like I too, and for sports, not this.
But the moment Walls is babylin incoherently, or she is
about something sports related, you just look stupid in the
same way that a politician who comes out who knows
nothing about guns and starts talking about how about the
fifty col ar fifteen that weighs as much as eight
boxes of printer paper or whatever Maxie Waters was rambling about.
People are out, They're not listening to anything else you
have to say, especially with like gun people. Right as
soon as you saund as soon as it's clear you
don't know anything about guns, they don't care what you
have to say, and that's how it's going to go
for sports people too.
Speaker 2 (01:13:44):
So no, I'm sorry.
Speaker 1 (01:13:45):
I don't think the reason you lost is because you
couldn't get on Colin Cowherd's show or she hadn't name names,
but some of the big ones, right, you weren't on
part in my take, which would be a hilarious setting
too with the structure that show, which I think was
actually ending right, and you sure as hell weren't at
halftime of one of the early season NFL things.
Speaker 2 (01:14:09):
None of that contributed to your loss.
Speaker 1 (01:14:12):
I'm sorry, but if that's how you want to as
a deputy campaign manager and your inability to face facts, yeah,
here we go. Soon after the VP became the Democrat nominee,
deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty turned his attention to sports.
The campaign needed to introduce Harris quickly to people who
weren't obsessed with politics. Sports is perhaps America's last remaining monoculture. Well,
as much as you guys are trying to ruin that,
I arguably it kind of is. But you know, they've
never seen something they didn't want to inject politics in.
So Flerty said, the team decided to book her on shows,
but one by one the biggest personalities and programs declined.
They also they wanted her to do something with MMA.
How did you think that was going to work with
the UFC considering Dana Whites at all of Trump's things.
But even if they did put her on there, what
do you think a UFC audience would think of Kamala
Harris walking in there? I think they were seeing what
happened when Trump showed up to these things like we
want some of that, and I think they thought if
she just walked out of the tunnel waving, then it
would be like that. I promise you it wouldn't be
like that. And Colby Covington will probably be making fun
of you walking in because you know he has got
no filter.
Speaker 2 (01:15:28):
No that's not, I'm sorry, not the reason you lost.
Speaker 1 (01:15:31):
But if that's what you need to tell yourself, go
right ahead and do that. But again, they were also
trying to deal with the Stephanopolis thing, which we'll get
into as as well. All right, a twenty one Kcoday
radio program. Hang on, all right, let me go ahead
and get into that. I hate when I have to
do this, but it is important when you do this,
and this is especially if you want to hold people
to that standard. I screwed up. I'm glad it was
something like this that I screwed up at. But it
also explains why the whole dooing thing. So somebody sent
me the harmonica video. I didn't watch the I got
didn't watch the Army Navy game until about the second
quarter when I actually got where I was going. So
because somebody sent me the video, and then I went
on to Twitter and I saw the video posted tagged
with the Army Navy game. So the Harmonica thing was
not ahead of the Army Navy. It was actually ahead
of an event in New York a number of years ago.
And that also explains why somebody would boo a ninety
six year old person because it's in New York. But
Russ was telling me, you watched the Christmas Prime video,
the Red One, But that's got like the Rock and
like everybody in it.
Speaker 4 (01:16:35):
Right, Yeah, it's got like the Rock and Chris Evans.
Speaker 1 (01:16:38):
So they spent a gazillion dollars on that, and obviously
it's supposed to be a Christmas movie.
Speaker 4 (01:16:44):
So verdict is it was Okay, it's not going to
make our yearly list. Okay, there's certain movies who watch
every year. It's not going to make it.
Speaker 1 (01:16:53):
How is that possible? When you have one hundred thousand
days of Christmas.
Speaker 4 (01:16:57):
Or whatever it is, there's just not enough time.
Speaker 1 (01:16:59):
There's this It was one hundred and thirty better Christmas movies.
And you know what I watched over the weekend though,
The New Joker, because it came on.
Speaker 10 (01:17:08):
Oh how was it?
Speaker 2 (01:17:11):
You know, here's here's the thing.
Speaker 1 (01:17:14):
It's different it's clearly different. It's very dark. It's a
musical though right, Okay, at times it is, and I
was kind of getting annoyed because it really high point,
but then they wouldn't sing the whole time, and some
of it it kind of fits. So I don't know
that I but I don't know that I would go
full on it's a musical, but also it's very like
there's not a lot that's accomplished in the run of it,
Like it basically is the trial kind of and and
some incarceration stuff and the transition of her as a fan,
her disillusionment. I'm not going to get into all the
rest there, but it was it's one of the darkest
takes I think I've seen on anything with than the
Batman comic sphere. It's really dark, and so if you go,
if you're fine with that. I didn't think it was
bad because it's one person's interpretation of Joker, and it's
a it's not one that has any of the fun stuff, right,
there's not. It's it's sure as hell, isn't the old
TV Joker Batman stuff. It isn't even Heath Ledger's Joker.
Although it's clear that.
Speaker 2 (01:18:28):
They kind of do an homage in.
Speaker 1 (01:18:31):
There to that with some of the earlier makeup scenes.
I don't know how to describe it without ruining it.
That being said, if that's just one person's interpretation and
the Joker is an inspirational figure that is born from
somebody who is clearly insane, then it kind of works.
But you're not gonna You're not gonna watch that movie
and be happy and you're done. Even though it opens
as a cartoon. So for a moment, I'm like, did
I click the right button? What is happening here? And
they have like the whole Looney Tunes Warder Brothers opening
with the music and everything, but in cartoon, and then
there is cartoon part and then you get into the
the real I don't think it was bad. I think
people were criticizing it because of the way that it ends,
and I'm not going to spoil it for you, and
they were disappointed because then it wouldn't allow for some
of the other stuff that we know Joker was up to,
and it sure as hell wasn't. Jared leto Joker, Thank
God for that. So I would I would say, if
you don't mind, really the darkest interpretation. I think I've
ever seen of any DC product. And you're fine with that,
and you want something that's a little weird, it's it's
worth a watch. I don't know that i'd pay for it.
So if you have HBO Max, you're good to go.
But or you know, wait for it to come on one
of the channels or or later. So yeah, but I'm
sorry to hear the whole Rock movie was bad so
that God might have given that a watch.
Speaker 4 (01:20:05):
I mean, I don't know. If it was, I wouldn't
call it bad. Yeah, but it just didn't rise to
the occasion.
Speaker 1 (01:20:11):
Okay, Well with that much star power, because you know
the Rock they do funny stuff. Evans can do funny.
Speaker 4 (01:20:16):
Stuff, and that much money.
Speaker 1 (01:20:18):
Yeah, well, and that's I mean, that's that's just Hollywood
in a nutshell right now, just throwing money at anything.
Speaker 2 (01:20:24):
Everything's dumb, man, That's that's how we roll.
Speaker 1 (01:20:28):
So speaking of another thing that's dumb, the scripts National
Spelling Bee. Oh here we go.
Speaker 2 (01:20:34):
So you know that's always an interesting thing. Last year's
were I don't know how to pronounce this.
Speaker 1 (01:20:41):
Is it samophile? Samophile an animal or plant that prefers
or thrives at sandy areas and it's spelled like PSA,
all the m's whatever. So so this year they send
out guidelines obviously for and it's not just what you
see on TV. They have different guidelines and works for
different grades in school, which makes sense, and so some
people kind of raised eyebrows though, because of the third
grade packet that went out. So the Scripts National Spelling
Bee has sent out a word list for third graders
who want to participate in their region, local, regional, statewide,
and then national. But the younger the younger version, not
the one you see on TV with the high school
students there but or whatever that window is, but the
very youngest youngest spellers. And some people have some thoughts, ross,
can you spell the word women? Women?
Speaker 4 (01:21:40):
W uh huh oh, yeah, you got it?
Speaker 1 (01:21:45):
M yeah, nailing it?
Speaker 6 (01:21:46):
Speaker 4 (01:21:47):
What the no?
Speaker 1 (01:21:52):
Well sometimes yes and then what was the last one say?
Then yeah yeah yeah, So here's the Technically you're correct,
but you're not the only one who's correct. According to
the guidelines of Scripts National Spelling Bee. Acceptable also would
have been w M y N. And it's not the
only word where they're doing this. Yes, the weird whatever
you know, woke version of it is now will be acceptable.
So your kid will be able to participate in a
spelling bee. Well, they will be awarded points for misspelling
a word because some people wanted to add a why
to it a few years ago, and now apparently that's
a legit spelling and they've done it with some other
gendered words. These are third graders who are being taught this,
which is not an all indoctrination, I'm sure, but yeah,
what are we doing. We're literally to that part of
nineteen eighty four where we do change the books, which
because you got to get your woke agenda in there now.
Script says it's not their fault. They had no choice
because Scripts uses the Merriam Webster Dictionary as their official
rule book, so to speak, on how words are spelled,
and because Merriam Webster, which by the way, is just
they're all super woke. If you've ever seen any of
the Twitter accounts that are run by Merriam Webster or
one of the other dictionary companies, they do like word
of the Day, and it's clear that they only pick
wrote woke words, or they pick words that are clearly
designed to troll people to so if like Trump like
Trump would had indictment, Like their word of the day
was indictment. Right, So there's somebody who's running that account
and thinks they're very funny. So of course I'm not
surprised that Merriam Webster would would literally destroy their own creation. Right.
They can argue that it's just a representation of what
words are, but you're the arbiter of words. Who cares
if some politicians like we can spell woman with a why?
Speaker 2 (01:23:58):
Now, who cares? You're the dictionary.
Speaker 1 (01:24:01):
There has to be some truth that's held onto and
we're and we're quick losing that. So the idea now
that you're going to say, oh, well, well you know
what we have to do is we have to go
ahead and we have to follow what they say. Well, no,
not if they're inherently just doing stuff for political reasons.
So no, this is on you. You went along with it.
You went along with it, and and so no sloughing
this off. But yeah, so if your third grader takes
part in this, they can misspell a woman. How exciting
for them? All right, But look, you're not tracking a
lot of logic on a lot of this stuff. All right,
eight forty three, let's get raced age, it gets weather logic.
Speaker 2 (01:24:40):
If he's ready to go run into another story there.
How are you doing, sir?
Speaker 1 (01:24:44):
What's going on?
Speaker 10 (01:24:45):
Good? How are you?
Speaker 1 (01:24:46):
Oh? You know, just one more day down and we're
off if after the end of this week.
Speaker 2 (01:24:51):
So just like man watching that clock.
Speaker 10 (01:24:54):
So yeah, you make my life a little easier.
Speaker 1 (01:24:56):
Buck. I saw something that made me feel very sad
over the weeks. Can you ever have to you ever
have to be back in the day Papa clutch on
a vehicle to start it? Yeah, right, pretty normal stuff.
Apparently if you're under forty, you don't know what the
hell that is. This dude posted a video on Twitter
and it's a he's looks like a good old boy.
He's got his car, hearts on whenever. He's in an
old pickup looks like a cab of like a Ford
maybe eighties forward right, and he's on an inclined and
you see him the cameras on the passenger seat and
you see the door open and him doing the thing
where he's pushing it to get the vehicle rolling, and
then jumps in and starts rolling down a hill, right,
and you know, put puts the clutch stick in the
first and does the thing with the clutch and you
hear it roar to life and you know, thrust and
then and people don't know what the hell is happening
in that video.
Speaker 10 (01:25:46):
That and if you can't find it, grind it right, and.
Speaker 2 (01:25:49):
He does and he hits into second.
Speaker 1 (01:25:51):
I spent a whole summer with an eighties pickup. Mine
was a Chevy at that point eighty four Chevy. I
spent a whole summer where I could only park on
a hill because you can start it, so I it started. Yeah,
so like every day I'd have to, like when I
park at school, I'd have to drive and make sure
I could park on the hillside because I I park
in the gravel lot unless I get one of my
buddies to push me in his truck as well at
grill guards. That was it. That was it. I used
to make sure I had a friend with me if
I was driving around, just so I had something to
help push.
Speaker 10 (01:26:24):
And it was funny, you'd think it didn't take much.
Speaker 1 (01:26:27):
No, And I looked at little little going there and
you're run, Yeah, you better stick too, because you kill
that thing in an intersection.
Speaker 5 (01:26:35):
Yeah, it's seventy seventy seven or seventy eight four pick up.
My father had them with clutch, so we used to
do it just for fun, just to be like, oh,
let's see if we could started by the clutch.
Speaker 1 (01:26:45):
That was poor. No, yeah starter fig Well you could
also bridge the starter, which is a whole other thing.
But yeah, in the clutch. But I was very it
was very disappointed because people are like, what's happening in
this video? I don't understand. I don't know what's going on.
I feel old.
Speaker 10 (01:27:01):
It's a real thing. Well, yeah we are.
Speaker 1 (01:27:03):
We're getting there to struggle, all right, let's struggle with
the weather and fuel.
Speaker 2 (01:27:06):
Little yeah, knee hurts or whatever.
Speaker 5 (01:27:08):
Yeah, at least the cold away temporarily. Temperatures are starting
to get more uniform now across the area where in
the upper thirties low to mid forties. Goldsborough right now
is fifties, so a little milder off to the east.
There is some fog mainly to the east, and today
pretty widespread differences in temperatures retreat the Trya and the
Triangle as they're still kind of cooler in the mid fifties.
Try the Triangle added just above maybe sixty degrees into
the gafternoon, a lot of clouds a hanging around then
to fight the fog will be back upper forties, maybe
fifty in spots, and then everybody more uniform. Tomorrow, mild, cloudy,
mid upper sixties, and probably the same on Wednesday.
Speaker 10 (01:27:49):
If there is a shot.
Speaker 5 (01:27:50):
At seventy degrees, that would be Wednesday, and there is
a shot with a fog early in a few showers.
Those showers are likely Wednesday night before the chili air
comes back later week with sunshine. Thursday, Friday load to
mid fifties, overnight lows back close to freezing or just
below and maybe only in the forties. Over the weekends,
we get a little cold shot in with loads of
the twenties, upper teens. I try it and west into
the mountain, so a mild star, a little damp. I
don't think we're going to get a bunch of rain
this week through about Wednesday Wednesday night, and then the
rest of the week looks like we'll start that cooling trend.
Last week, oh bunch of garbage on the internet and
the interwebs about colder and chances for snow for Christmas
week and all that, and.
Speaker 10 (01:28:31):
I don't buy it.
Speaker 5 (01:28:32):
And then I stood a'll buy it, And it looks
like it's going to be damp and maybe even some
rain showers for Christmas week. So if you're dreaming of
a white Christmas at this point, I'd say keep dreaming.
Oh okay, all right, that's kind of mean. But hey,
good Antarctica. Yeah that too, all right, man, thank you.
Speaker 12 (01:28:49):
Well, good morning, Casey. We have the Federal Reserves Policy Meeting,
the highlight of the last full business.
Speaker 1 (01:28:55):
Week of the year.
Speaker 12 (01:28:56):
The Central Bankers begin their session tomorrow, which widely expected
they'll ounce a quarter point interest rate cut on Wednesday.
Stock market futures are higher right across the board this morning.
Renting an apartment has gotten a little bit cheaper. Little
being the operative wordwheeltor dot com says. The median national
rent last month was down one percent from November of
last year. The dip was not enough to make renting
affordable for low income workers. Minimum wage journers need more
than one job or extended hours to keep the roofs
over their heads. The median asking rent in the Raleigh
Kerry market was fifteen hundred twelve dollars a month as
of last month. Starbucks is increasing the paid parental leave
for its instore workers beginning in March. Birth parents will
receive eighteen weeks off at one hundred percent pay. Non
birth parents will receive twelve weeks. Chocolateers and the consumers
who love chocolate can expect prices to remain high. Coco
futures have hit a record high in New York because
of renewed supply concerns and a casey the Postal Services
reminding people sending holiday mail to members of the military
that today is the absolute deadline if you want a
delivery by Christmas, and in order to get it there
in time for the holiday, you'll have to use the
premium Priority Mail Express Military Service.
Speaker 1 (01:30:13):
Casey. All right, appreciated. Jeff, we'll chat tomorrow, sir.
Speaker 12 (01:30:17):
I'll be here talk to you then.
Speaker 2 (01:30:19):
Okay, there you go, Jeff Bellons your Bloomberg News.
Speaker 1 (01:30:24):
Speaker 2 (01:30:24):
The Stephanopolis thing is hilarious.
Speaker 1 (01:30:26):
So if you don't know the full details, although I
think if you pay some attention you may ABC News
right as we're heading into the weekend, because of course
you bury this stuff on a Friday. Has settled with
a lawsuit that was foiled by Trump over it was
a defamation suit, and it came from George Stephanopolis, who
was doing an interview with Nancy Mace, the congresswoman from
South Carolina. And the way that Stephanopolis talked about the
civil trial, the e Jing Carroll trial, with what was found
there where Trump was found liable of, among other things.
It was not some sort of sexual Remember, it's a
civil trial, and specifically they did not find them liable
for rape, which was one of the charges. In fact,
do you look at the charge sheet. It's public record.
You can see it posted everywhere. Here is, by the way,
just a bit of this interview. I'm still gett judged
for it today.
Speaker 4 (01:31:21):
Asking you a very simple question, and I answered it
for my political choice.
Speaker 12 (01:31:25):
I'm asking you a question about why you endorse someone
who's been found liable for rape.
Speaker 1 (01:31:29):
It was not a criminal court.
Speaker 3 (01:31:32):
This was it. There.
Speaker 1 (01:31:33):
He goes on to say it like three other times,
kept saying liable for rape. And I'm really blown away
because there's standards of practices there, man, Right, there's there's
a bund, there's executives, there's a lawyer. They're all watching
this and they're watching this interview and it's like there's
nobody in his ear going. You can't say that. And
it's not the first time that Stephanopoulos is just blatantly
mischaracterized something. But he was sued. ABC was sued, and
they agreed to settle, and there's a lot of speculation
what was up there. They didn't want Stephanoppolis having to
do a deposition, which was the next thing. They didn't
want the discovery because then all the emails and who knows,
can you imagine getting an unfiltered view of emails at
one of the major news outlets.
Speaker 2 (01:32:20):
And he kind of saw it with Fox. They saw
what happened with Fox.
Speaker 1 (01:32:23):
And the dominion stuff, and I don't want any of that.
Speaker 2 (01:32:26):
But also he's clearly, in my opinion, he clearly libel Trump.
He said that he and he was not and that
was a specific it's not even up for interpretation because
it was its own separate thing on there that the
jury did not find them liable for.
Speaker 1 (01:32:44):
So he said that a whole bunch. So the settlement
of fifteen million, this is the funny part, is going
to go to the Trump Presidential Library and if they
don't put a plack up, which would be so on
brand for Trump just from a trolling state point. I'm
gonna be very disappointed. Like this display funded by ABC News.
You put a big old plaque up with that, that's
gonna be great, man. Although whatever you do create with
the fifteen million, I think it'd be even funnier if
it's only things that are on the lower shelves that
Stephanopolis can reach and just really drive that point home.
And I would also point out he's not the only