All Episodes

December 9, 2024 • 90 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
So what happened over the weekend after I don't know,
arguably pretty crazy week, you know, the last week and a
half we've had. We almost had a third Korea. Don't
worry though. The president there says he's sorry he didn't
understand the how the martial law thing worked. No, really,
that's what he said. He didn't really, he said, he

really didn't understand it. What isn't that ross? You're not
you can't You're not in a position where you can
implement martial law, not yet. I know, I know you
got dreams, but you understand it, right that if you
do that, it basically is people have a negative reaction
to that, right yeah, yeah, yeah, think so yes, yeah, yeah, yeah,
it's sort of general consense to a rebicon. You don't

across well, or if you do, you got to be
prepared because now you got to go with it, and
then it's got camps and stuff like that. Anyway, it's
not not a good thing. So he's like, yeah, no,
I didn't know. I didn't had no idea. Yeah, yeah,
I just I thought it was a mechanism for essentially,

I don't know, redefine Well, how did he say? He
so redefining Korean values or something. So good luck with that.
You're going to be out of a gig. Speaking of
out of a gig, did we destabilize and depose an
entire country and ruler kind of sounds like it. It

looks it looks like the the uh, let's let's get
a sod thing, which started under the Obama administration may
have had a helping hand from the US. I only
know this because you know, President silver Alert kind of
intimated it when he was speaking yesterday, and then very

odd he did something that he's done once before, and
I kind of gave him a pass on it because
there was a lot of people yelling at him all
at once. But now I'm not so sure because he
did it again. Well, we'll play the audio from that.
But remember when do you remember when he was he

was talking about Helene. He was talking. It was right
after he got back from North Carolina, and he was
telling everyone that, oh no, they talked to everyone and
everyone's fine. Remember that, of course, how infuriating that was?

Speaker 2 (02:23):

Speaker 1 (02:23):
Absolutely. They then asked him you remember that, They asked
him a follow up question and he's like, what do
you say? What storm or something he'd just been talking
about coming back from you know, eyeballing what was going
on here in North Carolina and Georgia. I think he
went to Georgia too, and then in the same series
of questions, he's they somebody asked him a question about

a storm, and he goes, what storm? And what I
thought was the confusion was between Milton and Helene. But
then you would kind of say which storm, but it's okay,
And it was at that point I'm like, all right,
I think there was everyone yelling at him, and you know,
there's there was at the time. There was two storms,

Milton and Helene. So all right, fair enough, that's not
an excuse this time around. And we'll play that for
you as we break down what he had to say there.
And I, you know, I'm a dark soul sometimes. One

of my favorite stories in in Forever Man, Thank you Georgia,
thank you, Bad Decisions, bar owner, sports bar, dive bar
owner in Georgia. I have a ton of questions how
something came to pass that came to pass over the weekend.

And I shouldn't laugh because it turned into an entire brawl.
But what did you think was gonna happen? So I
find myself asking that at Rando them points this weekend
after I had seen this story. H it's so dumb.

I just uh yeah, let me. I don't want to
do it right now. I gotta do the I gotta
do the Biden stuff. But you want to you do
not want to miss the this story down in Georgia. Also,
uh Trump sitting down on uh was it?

Speaker 2 (04:24):
Was it?

Speaker 1 (04:24):
Meet the press? I guess being interviewed by who cares?
One of the ns uh NPC Uh wait not remember
that term. One of them started as some of that,
says nhs on here one of the NPC reporters. All

the same question, dumb questions like are you going to
fire Christopher Ray?

Speaker 3 (04:51):

Speaker 2 (04:51):

Speaker 1 (04:52):
What did you think you were gonna do? Bust him
down to what we're manning the phones? He nominated so
for his job. That's how it works, man. I don't
even work at the FBI or do I? Uh no,
like he nominated somebody for his job. Let's say, are

you gonna fire Joe Biden? Yeah? They call it a
fire and call it a forced retirement. Yeah, what are
you talking about? Of course he's gonna fire, but you know,
and then there was, and then there was all the gotcha's,
why are you making everything so horrible? Defend yourself? Not
once so they asked Trump what his favorite ice cream

flavor was? Never came up, Well did come up when
Trump was mocking the reporter for asking what his favorite
ice cream was. So though technically not him or her,
excuse me, but other reporters at her network. Yeah, it was.
It was everything you expected to be. And and I've
constantly battled like why does Trump sit down and do

this stuff? And I I I he likes it. He
likes telling them to their face that they're garbage. And
let me tell you, it feels good. I love getting
on the radio and if people are garbage, being able
to point out that they're garbage, and I have a
megaphone to do it. Tom Tillis will attest to this,

that guy garbage over the weekend. I'm not gonna put
I won't support any nominees that are not down with
the Ukraine. Did you just did you see the vote?

Speaker 2 (06:32):

Speaker 1 (06:33):
I don't do they do? They do? They drop something
off at your office up there? Let you know. You
got staffers to let you know. That was kind of
an issue in the UH in the race, a race
that was definitively won by the guy who's doing the nominating. Yeah,
so you know when Tillis is sounding like Amy klobashar
over the weekend, our job is to advise and consent

over the FBI. This is over the FBI thing. No,
it's not now, not with an FBI background check and
all that. So you know why, because the because the
founding fathers would have abhorred the FBI or the concept
of it. I don't necessarily disagree with the concept of it,
but at the time they would have abhorred it. So
when they're talking about advice and consent, they're they're they're

literally also talking about nominees. I read I read a
piece on this that was years ago where they were
doing breakdowns of it was right after the Heller decision,
the gun decision, where they were also uh wrestling over
what the different terms and in the Second Amendment meant,
and then they started talking about some other ones, like

what does advising consent mean and and all of these things.
And there was definitely a role there. It was a
role that we then interpreted into the process that we
do now. But there wasn't The defined thing was just
that you, as members of the Senate, would advise I e.
May perhaps make the nominator give some of the green

light for the nomination, like, hey, we have this guy
in pennsylvania'd be great for this, because you know, not
everybody knew everybody. It wasn't all that instantaneous conversation and connection.
So so she's up there screen. You guys not going
through the normal process. You know why because Trump didn't
go through the normal process because last time around, you
guys hung a bunch of plants in there that would

run to the media. There be four person meetings and
immediately everything that happened in these meetings would be out
there for Washington Post or New York Times. No. No,
you had people that were in that transition thing, which
is generally done by people who who were already in government. Well,
that doesn't work for a guy who's coming in to
probably fire a bunch of them. And then I saw

people defending this like, oh, he's going to crash the
economy by because you're going to fire all these government
workers who uh, this guy estimated that the average worker
in Washington probably makes twenty five to thirty thousand a year.
Have you been to DC, sir? Absolute lunacy, Absolute lunacy.
So no, he's not gonna go through your process, which

was it's never it was never a constitutional process. It
was just the way that the way that we thought
it would be easiest, and then, like everything else, it
was weaponized. So no, he's not gonna participate. Do your research.
Go get one of your staffers. Verbally abuse them and
emotionally abuse them like the story says you like to
do is thread them with a comb, eat your salad,

and you know Google, how's that will that work for you? Okay? Good,
all right, So let's do this. We'll come back. We'll
get into Biden's little serious thing. I'll play a little
of the Trump thing. It's it's it's basically if you've
probably seen some clips, it's nothing new. There's just another
opportunity for him to uh get in there. But he's

having fun, man, and I'm gonna play the clip that
shows that. So lots to get too sick. Sixteen Hang on,
we had some little I got the emails from I didn't.
I didn't go out this year. Ross you went out
this year. We had our big stuff, A bus out
at the Walmart on is it killed or farmed road
killed her? Yeah. Yeah. Down there in Kerry Ross was

a man in the booth for one of the days
this weekend. And I know we had some listener stopped
by it when I was on the air Friday and
donated some books and stuff. So Elizabeth, thank you very
much for that. It's amazing. It's amazing. How how how
stuffed was the bus when you finally left, but you
were there.

Speaker 4 (10:34):
Student, dude, completely, They stuffed the bus like five or
seven or twenty times. And every time they do, they
have to unload the bus and bring the bus to
where they bring the toys for the toys or toss
the Marine Corps. And they broke records this year.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
So today Lane Lane Dentistry and Associates. They are Family Dentistry.
I remember they because they had did drop offs like
a there were various because they have like a gazillion
different offices and so they were doing drop offs there.
And so the day the first day I was out there,
they brought it up. And you know that thing when
you're trying to go on a road trip with a
with a whole family. I was gonna say with with

with your lady, but or just a family situation and
you're having to play Tetris to get it into your vehicle.
When they came that first day, we had to transfer
to the bus. I was the poor bastard and the
bus playing Tetris, and it's just like it was me
and one other guy. We're just like, where are we
going to put all this stuff? So the generosity is
off the chain that I'm saying. But the funnest part

is occasionally somebody will come by and they're they're walking
out of the store and then they realize what's going
on and they're like, Oh, I don't have time to
run in. Here's here's twenty bucks. Why don't you go?
And then you get to go in the store to
shop for the kids, and this is where you get
to indoctrinate them. So this is why I understand like
being an administrator for a higher ed collegiate environment or

something like that, because like last year, I'm like, you
know what the kids are gonna get. They're gonna get
fishing supplies. Because when I was a kid, if I
got a free fishing pole and uh and a little
mini tackle starter tackle box, that was my summer planned man, So, uh,
what'd you indoctrinate the kids?

Speaker 4 (12:06):
Well, I got there super early before we even set up,
so I spent my own money on some on some presents.
Oh yeah yeah, So I went with what every kid wants,
which are Hulk Hogan figurines. Absolutely, yeah, what kid? What
young kid?

Speaker 1 (12:19):

Speaker 4 (12:20):
Isn't walking down the stairs on Christmas morning?

Speaker 2 (12:22):

Speaker 4 (12:22):
And I hope that's a Hulk Hogan?

Speaker 1 (12:24):
Like would you be walking down the stairs? You mean
coming off the stairs right, like leaping right? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (12:28):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, top turn buckle of stairs, man off
that thing right on.

Speaker 1 (12:32):
The stunner or something. Yeah. Yeah. Mom's like, what are
you doing Christmas? I'm doing this? No, it's out there
with Trevor. He actually told me a story too, talking
about wrestling, about the time that he ran into uh
stone Cold Steve Austin in a bathroom in Austin, Texas.
And it's appropriate place for I guess. Yeah, he got
a picture with him in the bathroom. Yeah, in the

bathroom with Stone Cold And it took aim while to
find the photo. I'm like, dude, if that was on
my phone, I would know exactly where they photo is
your scream round? Yeah right?

Speaker 4 (13:03):
It was like, did he give you a stunner? And
he said no, so disappointed.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
What do you do?

Speaker 2 (13:09):

Speaker 1 (13:09):
You do it is stunner? And then you're laying there,
he autographs your face and then just leaves. No, he
had a good time, though, Okay, good, good, good, good
good good. Yeah. I was. It's it's it's amazing how
many people show up for that, So thank you anybody
who did donate. You guys had a bust full of
toys and carry the murder capital of the world. Yeah,

we got away with it. So what do you do?
I was so scared, were you? Yeah, it's very terrifying
shopping center. I killed her far road carry. Oh absolutely, Yeah.
What's the most terrifying part? The other New York Bagel
that's right down the way. There's really good cars.

Speaker 4 (13:44):
Go buy him? What what gang is that?

Speaker 1 (13:47):
What? Am I gonna see? The point? You gotta be careful.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
I was happy to go back to the safety wig
forest out of here.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
Man. Yeah, it's about the fact that you survived. It
is amazing. Right, congratulations, dude. I had the did you
have the stretchy Hogan when you're a kid, the one
that's like half body pillow half h thing free to wrestle.
I did, yes, that's is that's not the one you
got that you just get you got figurines.

Speaker 4 (14:15):
I guess I'm silly. New one Python powerhole Cogan?

Speaker 2 (14:18):
What is that?

Speaker 1 (14:19):
Okay, look, maybe you didn't think of the kid what
do they do? And they just like, who's that guy
ripping his shirt off next to the president? Who's that guy?

Speaker 4 (14:26):
He's got a new generation of fans because of the
rn C, which once again all the kids have watched.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
Yes, as they do, as they do? All right, Well,
it's probably because the kids don't want to watch the
Commander and Chief answer questions because it's just too sad.
Like here he is talking about Syria, and you tell
me the CIA didn't have anything to do with this,
and now it's just a giant mess in the vacuum,
the vacuum now of ne'er do wells and just just nasty,

horrible people just sucking into Syria. Is going to be
a thing to watch and the thing that Trump has
to deal with. Meanwhile, here's Biden.

Speaker 5 (15:01):
The new constitution cover that serves all series. Really process
to be determined by the Syrian people themselves. In the
United States, will do whatever.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
It's gonna be either, it'll be determined by the people
with the guns. I want to mention too, So we
did the stuff a bus thing obviously with in our
Triangle Triangle station clusters of station cluster and that was
great success on the Greensboro side. I want to thank
everyone too who helped us support the Saint Jude fundraiser.

We were able to raise I think it's like one
hundred and eighty thousand hold on, one hundred and seventy seven,
eight hundred and ninety bucks, so that is amazing. This
is a toys for Tots thing too, so yeah, incredible, man,
absolutely incredible. Let's see how many they did, sixty seven

boxes of toys. The Saint Jude was one hundred and
eighty thousand raw stuffed the bus multiple times. So there's
a lot of of a lot of folks around the
Triad and Triangle because all of this stays local too.
This is so if you did come out and donate,
it's staying right in the community. So that's I really

like that part of the fundraisers, So thank you everyone
who took part. Now we can coast ride into Christmas
and two weeks away well, I know Christmas isn't, but
that's when our vacation starts, so deal with it, all right,
let me get back to this, all right. So Joe
Biden's doing the serious thing, and I'm gonna play that
cut again because it's pretty clear he wants to send

him a bunch of money. We don't even know he's
going to be in charge. I think it's pretty naive
to just assume that it's going to be a ragtag
grew and I hope that it is. I just want
to be clear here. I hope, and I suspect we're
helping to steer this, but yeah, you're gonna have a
transition time right now, and something tells me it's going
to be pretty ugly. And the because the nation is

getting flooded with ultra conservative, radical Muslim groups, which has
already been a problem. Israel took some land too, which
I'm sure will be a point of contention, and you
don't know who's gonna slide in there. Here's what I know.
I was watching video of people, you know, doing the

palace loot as you do. Because Asad and his family
they went to Russia, they're out and to get the
hell out of there because they remember, they were like, oh,
nobody wants to be Goadafi. You die with a stick
in your butt. No, thank you, we're leaving, and oh,
he deserves to die with a stick in his butt.
Just so we're clear, slowly, he is a monster. That

being said, there's other monsters to fill that vacuum. And
while people were eluding the palace, I did see the
smart people headed over to the Central Bank, and we're
just walking out with bags full of money. I don't
know how rampant that is. I don't know what that
does from an inflationary standpoint, like how much money is
getting taken. The whole thing's crazy. Uh and and it's

a it is a hand grenade that is now in
Trump's lap, but it's also the destabilizing of Asad is
something that was that started under Obama. He kind of
ramped into it. Trump did a little, but after that
gas attack stuff, he was kind of hands off with
Syria because remember we did fire in there. Now we fight,

We hit some targets in Syria. US did this wasn't
just this happened. We took the opportunity to uh missile missile.
Some folks as we do, and this is all tried. Now.
Trump's thing on it was this isn't our war, let
them let them kill each other, which is probably pretty
accurate when you see who's going to be vying for power.

But you still have people and you do like there
are people in Syria obviously who just want to do
their thing and not have to worry about gas attacks
or subjugation or random uh, random executions. You know, all
the horrible stuff that was was was right, you know,

brimming over, Uh they're they're in Syria and then would
spill over into these these conflicts, which would make the news.
Then it would go back to just sucking most of
the time. And and you hope they're the ones. But
they're also not that they're not armed. A lot of
those folks they're not you know, these are these are
they're not military folks, but they're essentially trained. Uh you know,

isis fighters, isis adjacent however you want to say it.
So we'll see how it pans out. But Trump can
say he doesn't want to deal with it and he
doesn't have to commit blood or treasure, but it will
be it's going to be something he has to deal
with because it's going to be going on around him,
and so, uh what that looks like? I don't know.

So as he's talking about it, and let me play
this cut one more time. As he's talking about it,
they start trying to gaze how much the US would
be involved in any of this. And as far as
Biden is concerned, if we're missiling stuff, Israel's taken land
and we're cool with that and we're offering to rebuild

it sounds like a financial quagmire.

Speaker 5 (20:16):
The new Constitution, new Governess.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
First, it sounds like you know, dreams uh, you know,
rainbow rainbows and unicorn kind of big dreamer stuff. If
he really thinks this, he's he's incredibly naive.

Speaker 5 (20:30):
For the New Constitution, New Governess serves all Serias and
this process to be determined by the Syrian people themselves.
In the United States will do whatever we can to
support them, including through humanitarian relief, to help restore Syria
after more than a decade of war and generation to
brutality by this SOD family.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
Right, Okay, and again he's not wrong in the way
that the SOD ruled. But yeah, I don't know that
people are just random people are going to be filling
that vacuum, and and then it comes into well when
you're sending well, we're sending relief, but it's just for
humanitarian aid. Well, we know how that goes. And and
then they'll be like, well we just sent boxes of medicine. Well,

we know how that goes. It's it's the North Korea
thing where they get sent food and medicine and then
they turn around and sell it for money. And then
you know, or weapons they traded for weapons. They literally
would trade food and medicine to China for weapons. We
knew this was happening. And then but politicians still go, well, look,
we're just sending a medicine, but you're not. You're sending

them sending them money. So well, but yeah, but they
need the medicine. No, I agree with you that the
people probably do need the medicine because Lukhu's in charge.
But if it's never getting to them, then it's not working.
So I don't know. And then they he got asked
about Austin Tice. Now, this is what I was comparing
when we started the show to when he was taught.
When he would come back from North Carolina after going

on his tour there and said that he talked to
everyone and they're happy as it pleased his punch, which
would you talk to one person who works for you?
I don't know, And then so he says something, and
then somebody then asked a storm question and he goes
which storm, and I'm like, yeah, there's two storms. It

was clear that they were talking about Helene at the time,
but there is the other storm. Maybe it's gotta have
a brief. Who knows, we kind of did it something similar.
So Austin Tice is a person that we believe I
don't know what intelligence fully the government has, but the
belief is that he is still alive. A journalist's former

marine I know once marine always ringing, but certain the Marines,
and then was investigative journalist, was investigative journalisming in Syria
and was captured and has been held there for let's see.
He was captured in twenty twelve, so he's twelve years
man almost thirteen years. Uh yeah, and we think he's alive.

And so they asked Biden about him, and then he
is why he Biden in the in the moment I'm
gonna play, I'm play the audio fully for you. He
starts walking away from the podium and somebody asks Austin,
when are you gonna get Austin tice after he had
just been mentioned, and uh, listen to Biden's reactions, what
did you guys know about where Austin pys might be?

Speaker 3 (23:31):
And if he's safe, could believe he's alive.

Speaker 5 (23:35):
We think we can get him back where we have
a direct drave in to that yet and spots as
your homecom.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
Haven't write a domination to go get him go it.
We won't want to get him out to identify where
he is, thank you. So it's so when when he
asks you have a plan to get him out, and
then he goes, who you just you just finished, You

just completed a sentence talking about Austin Tye and so,
And clearly that's a go get kind of question. When
are you going to get him out of there?

Speaker 6 (24:11):

Speaker 1 (24:11):
Who did he think he meant? In the And those
are not fifteen minutes apart either. That is the continuation
of how that conversation went.

Speaker 4 (24:23):
The only thing I could think of is in the
follow up question which he's asking the second part of
the question, there's another person who asks about a sod
and they sort of overlapped, so I can see him thinking,
are you asking me about a sod or?

Speaker 1 (24:31):
Tye? Well, no, the guy, the guy's voice is asking
about Tyson clarifies and says, there's two there's two people there.
Somebody says a'sd All right, let's say overlap. Yeah, let's
listen to it again. Okay, here we go. What did
you guys know about where Austin Tis might be?

Speaker 2 (24:44):
And if he's safe?

Speaker 5 (24:46):
Good ladies, alive? We think we can get back where
we have direct drive into that yet and thoughts beyond count.

Speaker 1 (24:54):
Haven't write an omination to get.

Speaker 4 (24:59):
All ty if you have it, we.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
Won't want to get him out.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
Okay, all right? And again that's the government's position, is
they believe he's alive. Yeah, I don't know, man I
who knows?

Speaker 4 (25:14):
Because he answers and he ends it talking about Asad.
Then she asked, she repeats, you know a similar question
of her. But there's another person that says Asad. So
I think he's thinking, are you asking me a sod
or twice?

Speaker 1 (25:24):
Wouldn't that be a big screw up right right?

Speaker 4 (25:26):
Because you know what if they were asking for some
reason about Asad and he just answers thinking they're saying
yes about Tyson. Suddenly the news headline is Biden wants
to abduct a SOD in Russia.

Speaker 1 (25:35):
They got that whole press corps out at Andrews. Like
when they brought the hostages home from Russia after the trade.
Remember the guy's like, God, never go to Russia, right,
But then the guy comes walking off the plane and
they're like and it's a sod. They're like, oh, oh no,
we got the wrong guy. But also going into Russia
might be a problem.

Speaker 4 (25:53):
That guy when they released him and he made that
comment about I'm never going there again. That's one of
the funniest things I've ever heard. Somebody they asked, what's
a piece of advice? Was the what's your biggest piece
of advice?

Speaker 1 (26:03):
Or somebody's like, don't go to Russia, never doing that again? Yeah,
oh man, you canceled your Moscow trip that same day,
I believe, right, Yeah, like, yeah, not taking the fam there.
Oh man. You know what you do is if you
want to side, you got to get idiot John Candy
and Chevy Chase.

Speaker 3 (26:21):

Speaker 1 (26:21):
Get him some big Babushka coats. Send them on in there.
I think they could do it. They were six. They
were very successful the last time.

Speaker 4 (26:28):
So that was a great documentary with those two, yes
what I mean? And he showed really why the Soviet
Union fell, whether military was weak, because all they did
was party out in the Yeah, in the tundra and
the frozen party, like you know in Siberia that will
party like a tundra party. No one was half naked.

Speaker 2 (26:47):

Speaker 1 (26:47):
I saw that.

Speaker 4 (26:47):
Yeah, absolutely can't win the cold wear like that.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
What do you do?

Speaker 7 (26:51):

Speaker 1 (26:52):
Obviously history has proved that. So there you go, and
you just have Chevy Chase over and being a hole
to him. It'll be fun. So you're the Why do
they keep writing Chevy Chase as in a whole articles?

Speaker 4 (27:04):
I don't know, but my weakness. I stumbled across one
this morning. It was UNDI like the my main page here. Yeah,
and anytime I stumbled across at Chevy Chase is an
a whole article, I have to read it because this
story is involved.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
There was fantastic It's Buddy Bastard though he is that man,
but those stories have been since his time at SNL.

Speaker 4 (27:22):
Yeah, everybody worked with them in SNL, Like he's been
an a hole. Everybody hates him. Him and Bill Murray
got in a fistfight right before they went live.

Speaker 1 (27:30):
It's what's so crazy is we know all this stuff,
and yet I'll still if Caddy shacks on, I'm watching that.
Whereas with de Niro, who also obviously is an a hole.
It's here we talk about this this subconscious effect where
you just don't want to watch movies, the movies that
you love, because you just don't want to see this guy.

And it's like, like if they had an a hole off,
I don't know who'd win. So I think Chevy's thing
is I think people give him a pass because it's
not political and it's such a good run.

Speaker 4 (27:59):
And it was before this, back when you could be
an a hole off screen and people wouldn't know about it.
So it took a long time for these stories to
permeate it. But he had such a good run there
for a while. Really, you said, Caddy shack a vacation,
fletch Christmas Vacation, like Chris Columbus, I guess was supposed
to direct Christmas Vacation. John Hughes asked him to, and
Chris Columbus was like, after having the interview with Chevy,

Chase that I can't work with that guy. He would
be an absolute nightmare. Later he followed it up with
a home alone. So Christoph Columbus did, okay, right, but
that's a crazy like he was like, Nope, can't work
with Chevy Chase.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
Over the weekend, I met an amazing person. Well, yeah,
I knew this person, but I didn't know this about
this person, A thirty eight year old who had never
heard of or seen Christmas Vacation. What yeah, thirty eight, thirty.

Speaker 4 (28:49):
Eight, that's not possible.

Speaker 1 (28:51):
Well it was. And so immediately I'm like, you know
what you're doing. You're watching Christmas They were they raised
in like a jungle in Thailand or something. No, I
don't absolutely that movie is all over the world, So
I don't know, man. But so I got to watch
a thirty eight year old watch Christmas Vacation for the
first time because I wanted to watch it too, laugh

of the whole time, I'm like, how is that not
in your life? That's amazing. So I don't know who knows, man,
it's uh, it was. That's the Christmas spirit there because
every time I hadn't watched that movie since last year.
Just art Man it's just art. I don't care. I
saw it.

Speaker 4 (29:31):
It's like, yeah, I saw people in social media that
they said their biggest problem with the Christmas Vacation movie
was they didn't understand that Christmas bonuses, once upon a
time existed. What is a Christmas bonus?

Speaker 1 (29:44):
Yeah? That's uh. Those are the days huh back Jelly
of the Month club. That's why I made that joke
the other day, and I assumed everybody knew it, And
then I met a person who never seen it. I'm like,
I don't know, man, I don't know. All right, So
you want to hear the craziest story. I the craziest
story for you. We'll do that coming up. Let me
grab a quick call before we do, Donna, Donna, what's up?

Speaker 3 (30:05):
Good morning, Casey. I just want to say that you
are fake news, sir.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
Why have I fake news?

Speaker 3 (30:11):
Well, you only told half half the story about your gifts,
about your gift giving to the children.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
Oh, when I go in the Walmart get some toys
for the toy drive last year, Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3 (30:22):
You donated a nice spider Man fishing pole. I did, Yeah,
but then a machete.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
Well, no, I didn't get to donate it. Because they
didn't want it. And I'm like, you wouldn't want a machete.

Speaker 3 (30:33):
I mean, what's conscientious content?

Speaker 2 (30:36):

Speaker 1 (30:36):
No, the boss, no, the boss is like, I don't
think we should put that in the bush. Yeah she
means I know. She was saying, yeah, yeah, yeah, it
just says four. That's what it says here.

Speaker 3 (30:49):
I got a quick question. When you were a kid,
did you have the wrestlers, the big rubber wrestlers. They
sure have changed, haven't they Now they're just a little plastic.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
Oh their poverty right, Okay, modern kids don't even know.

Speaker 3 (31:06):
Well, they really are missing out.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
Go on it takes for the call there, done it?
Go on Twitter? I actually posted a picture of the
most amazing slide that would have like in the eighties.
It's a it's a child death trap and it has
to be a billion degrees if the sun's out of slides.

Speaker 4 (31:21):
I fell off one of those as a kid.

Speaker 1 (31:23):
Yeah, there's no guard rails, there's nothing. This one's got
a high dive style ladder behind it, and then it's
just the super hot metal. But you know what, We
slid on those when we were kids and we liked it.
Damn it. Oh we didn't like it, but if you
kept going, it couldn't burn you.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
We had one that looked like it looked like a
rocket ship, and I had, like, you know, the outside
of literally a rocket ship phone.

Speaker 1 (31:47):
I'm like, oh, gravity does.

Speaker 4 (31:48):
Exist, yeah on that planet?

Speaker 1 (31:50):
It does. All right, hang on, we'll be right back.
Was this this would be Friday? He was Friday, yeah
or whatever? So uh over the weekend?

Speaker 7 (31:59):
A bar?

Speaker 1 (32:01):
I guess it's technically in Atlanta, Southeast Atlanta. Ross When
you say southeast Atlanta, is that a good part of
Atlanta or not a good part of Atlanta? That's not
more of the airport?

Speaker 4 (32:11):
Completely purge that for my brain.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
Okay, well here here's because I wanted to get a
sense of who hangs out at this bar for the
purpose of this story, because there's a there's a big
racial component. So one of the ways that I do
that if I want to learn more about an area
is even though they're monsters and frankly trying to control elections.

Google is useful for this reason, and that is you
go anywhere on the Google Maps and there's street view,
which could be helpful even though it's a snapshot in time.
But much like Yelp or trip Advisor. There's probably an
entry for that business where photos have been posted. And
one of the series of photos is you can see
I think it's atmosphere, and you click that so you

can see if you just want to see in the
let's say you want to go to a restaurant, you
want to see what the sea look like, you could
do that. So there was a bunch of pictures in there.
And I would describe this bar based on the parking
lot and the photos that I saw as kind of
a hole in the wall, a working class bar. Looks

like it's kind of like there's pickup trucks, a lot
of construction dudes, some motorcycles. It's probably predominantly white from
the photos that I saw. And it's a sports bar.
It's ideal sports bar. And so based on those photos,
using that to kind of figure out what happened, because

in the story, you gotta piece this stuff together and
once you do and you realize what happened is crazy,
all right. So a racially I'm gonna read from the
New York Post article, A racially charged brawl broke out
between a band and bar patrons at a watering hole
in Atlanta, leaving several people injured, including one woman who
had to be hospitalized. Customer an ideal sports bar became

agitated with a performing band after the members of the band,
who are in this case, the one guy they point
out who is really at the forefront you see him
in the article photo is a younger black dude. He's
a guitarist, it looks like.

Speaker 2 (34:17):
And he is.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
He's making some comments directly at this group of people,
and according to the article, he said they were derogatory
comments about white people. And I'm like, all right. But
also one of the patrons was reportedly after he did it,
started yelling the N word back at him. So it's on.
That's all it's on. I don't know the exact trigger point,

but I'm now curious what were the comments that the
band decided to make or one of the band members
during the performance that started this. And it's clear, it's
clear that that's what the that was. The first thing
lobbed was whatever this guitar has said. And it's not
until you get to the end of the article do
you find out what the guitar said and why then

it might have caused a patron to start screaming the
N word at him because at the end of the article,
and I'll get to all the middle part, but I
just want you to know off the jump what this is.

Speaker 2 (35:15):

Speaker 1 (35:15):
There is a statement from the owner of Ideal Sports
Bar quote. In reviewing the circumstances surrounding the incident, it's
clear that both parties contributed to the escalation. Emotions ran high,
leading to unacceptable behavior on both sides. We will be
taking steps to include the screening of the bands we book,

as we do not condone lyrics that call for the
killing of human beings. The dude was they start They
were singing about or talking about at least killing white
people in a redneck bar. Kind of definitely Redneck's not fair.
But I want you to understand what you're dealing with.
You're dealing with a bar that's full of a bunch

of working class dudes with pickup trucks. It's like a
it's like a crazy movie scene. It's like, they did
the meme, right, and somebody anytime a journalist, right, So
the Republicans pounced, you're doing the meme. They did the meme,
and I'll share with you the meme here in just
a moment, But you have to understand what happened because

it's also was the most stereotypical barroom brawl I've ever
seen or had described to me. Right, patrons turned into hacklers,
one man yelling the N word. Musicians then got off
the stage of fight, erupted barstools and pooled pool cues
were grabbed once the N word was thrown. I knew

it was going to be pretty bad, said one white
band member. What about the part where you're talking about
killing white people? Did you not think that that was
going to end pretty bad? I think they wanted to kill,
they didn't want to fight, he added of the hecklers.
Maybe I don't know, Maybe you shouldn't sing about killing
people and do it, especially do it in a racial

way in a setting where everyone's ingested a bunch of alcohol.
And by the way, it's just try to have a
good time. How about that surveillance video shows a younger
black guitars to the band taunting an older white man
standing near a pool table. The two are separated by women,
and then it looks like it's kind of hard to

tell because women are in the way, But then they
start going at it. One of the women. I think
it's popped. I think she bounces her head off the
pool table. It's kind of hard to tell. Then all
of a sudden, everyone in the bars starts throwing punches
and hitting each other with pool sticks. In fact, one
man grabs a woman who's dancing with the band. He
becomes the center of the skirmish, pinning the woman on

the pool table. When he emerges, there's blood dripping down
his forehead. One I love this The way they wrote
this one she made in is seemingly distributing wooden weapons.
So you know that scene or somebody's fighting and then
somebody's handing out pool cues. That literally is what happened.
And then there's a line in there that's just crazy.

I don't want to read this quote. I did. We
didn't expect that much violence, said one of the bad Well,
what did you? Is there an acceptable level? Right?

Speaker 6 (38:18):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (38:19):
One punch throwne? What the hell are you doing? And
when I said they did the meme, I meant they
did the meme. How many of you remember the old
SNL bit with Eddie Murphy? All right, So if you
don't remember the bit, Eddie Murphy is up there with
two other actors and they are pretending they're being a
reggae band. Okay, and they're a reggae band that gets

signed to play at a VFW. And it's a hilarious skit.
Ineligible guys in the vfwor.

Speaker 2 (39:00):
In esh shut the time, we have no son on
the ground. Take a bitch, mama, my ship do lolun shop.

Speaker 5 (39:25):
Was a bitch?

Speaker 2 (39:28):
What you.

Speaker 3 (39:41):

Speaker 2 (39:41):

Speaker 1 (39:41):
Then everyone starts leaving. Great man, But it's an SNL bit.
You don't do it in real life, bro, man, you
cut off the best part. Man, Oh I want to
is that you got in this other cut?

Speaker 6 (39:52):

Speaker 8 (39:52):

Speaker 1 (39:52):
Yeah, alright, alright. So, because Ross has been saying this
all morning, I had.

Speaker 4 (39:56):
Never heard the bit before until last night till you
sent it, and and I myself driving to work this
morning's singing it's very.

Speaker 1 (40:04):
Oh no, you're gonna start a brawl, did you? I'm
like I like that. Oh yeah, people.

Speaker 5 (40:13):
Become me.

Speaker 4 (40:16):
To the white people.

Speaker 1 (40:21):
What buy my redcord?

Speaker 5 (40:27):

Speaker 1 (40:29):
Why don't you buy? Why? He's like, buy my record first?
Always be closing? How did you do that? Real life Atlanta?
Why would you? And also the bar they're like, maybe
we should listen to music. I'm sorry, has anybody ever
booked a band and not, I don't know, listen to

what they sing? Dude. So yeah, like I said, it's
one of my favorite stories in a long time because
one the comment about we didn't expect that much violence
what goes on an ideal sports bar on the regular?
And two, how did you think that was going to go?

How did you think a bar full of intoxicated people,
most of which will appear to be white, we're going
to react to a singer not trying to be funny
like Eddie Murphy is, but you know, making politically charged
comments and talking about killing white How did you think
that was going to go? Pick the most country bar

you can think of around the triad or triangle, and
now put a band in there.

Speaker 2 (41:37):
Do it?

Speaker 1 (41:37):
Let me know how that goes. So yeah, yeah, that's
exactly what I would have predicted. It played out exactly
like I predicted. And now, by the way, all of
you would be spending your day kill what you didn't
do that at the sheets? You stabbed the sheets this morning?

That'd be awkward.

Speaker 4 (41:59):
No, no, no, dof today?

Speaker 1 (42:00):
Oh okay, all right? Once you singing that? So now
but there you go. So now when your boss like,
why are you singing?

Speaker 8 (42:06):

Speaker 1 (42:06):
Oh no, it's Eddie Murphy. Skit. You're off the hook.
You're welcome seven to seventeen. Hang on. So you guys
are all aware of MDC, the Metropolitan Detention Center up
in New York. There, you know, it is a place
for some rich financiers like to randomly hang themselves and
then the cameras break. Well, anyway, that's where Diddy's at
and uh so this is a TMZ says that Diddy

and his fellow prisoners will be allowed a Christmas party
this year, of which Diddy is one of the organizers.
What what it's why we're here, bro, you know, let
Didy organize parties in prison? Holy cow, let me just

let me just say whatever the part I guess it
is a Christmas Day. Probably don't want to go. Uh
don't want to go in the showers that day, That's
all I'm saying. Just you know, maybe the day before
and then just you know, go for a go a
day and then the day after Christmas. But I would
avoid a day of So what exactly is the party? Well,

according to TMZ, the party organized by Diddy and some
of his fellow prisoners will include a spades tournament, a
Domino's competition, three on three basketball, in a soccer match,
and they will feast upon cornish game hen mac and cheese,
cranberry sauce, and dinner rolls and something described as a
holiday dessert on that day. So there you go. Probably

a little different than a freak off, but maybe not.
I don't know. Sounds like nobody watches the prisoners at
that place anyway. Yeah, that's an Epstein reference. All right,
So I guess you could tell me which is the
which is the worst? Idea? There? Let me flip over
to this. I think this is a fascinating story. It's

not super political, but I just want to know what
you think. So I read this article over the weekend
the subtitle Generation while Millennia. Why Millennials and gen Zers
need everything spelled out for them? And in the article,
it talks about how gen z and Millennials, the majority,

the majority, say that when they watch media, watch a
movie or TV or whatever, they have the subtitles on. Why. Now,
don't get me wrong, When I watch I have the
subtitles on, and I just assume it's because I'm getting
older and I sit around with headphones on my head
do there's people in radio. There are people in radio

who when you walk into a studio, they have their
headphones on and you can hear clearly standing across the
other side of the studio. What is coming through those headphones? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (44:53):
Those are my headphones. Completely.

Speaker 1 (44:55):
You're not Chordal bad though, Oh is it was he bad?
But you know the you know the little thing under
the counter that boosts the audio. We had that put
in so Cordle could plug in. Nope, that was put
in so I could plug in. There, No, no, no,
the one that saw Saul made that for me, not
in your studio, in my studio.

Speaker 4 (45:11):
Yes, that was made for me.

Speaker 1 (45:13):
The one that's on the other side was made for you.

Speaker 4 (45:15):
When I joined the show, Saul put that in for
me because I could not hear. What which what was there?
I asked them.

Speaker 1 (45:20):
I swear, Cordal, has you got that dead wrong? I
swear Coortle had something. Nope, okay, well whatever. Yeah, so
I wasn't naming names. But if you want to confess
to it, Ross listens really loud.

Speaker 4 (45:32):
Yeah, my hearing is super bad.

Speaker 1 (45:34):

Speaker 4 (45:35):
Yeah, so a lot of.

Speaker 1 (45:36):
People in radio. But but I was, but when you
were twenty. If you're twenty, if you're twenty, what do
you need subtitles for? And I, honestly, I think it's not.
I don't think it has anything to do with how
old you are. I think it's because people don't mix
sound properly.

Speaker 4 (45:51):
No, the sound design and movies are horrible. Now, where
like the action scene, they're super.

Speaker 1 (45:55):
Loud and hear a word they're saying yeah. But when
they're just like a dialogue scene, it sounds like they're
mumbling and you can't hear it. And then the two
of those together it's awful. So what is And by
the way, the setting on my TV called steady sound,
it's probably it's you know, you know what that is?
They I'm on all the TV's where it's just all right,
we're just gonna it doesn't work, that's all bs.

Speaker 4 (46:12):
Yeah, no, it doesn't work. It's in that combined with
having a kid. We have, you know, an autistic child
who at times can be super loud, right, so it's
like we have to have it on so sometimes we
can follow what's on the TV. And also, to be honest,
it helps him learn to read like he likes reading
the subtitles.

Speaker 1 (46:26):
Now, mm hmm, yeah, it's I mean, I understand all that,
so I just again it's this isn't a political story.
I just think that's fascinating because it never would have
occurred to me when I was in my twenties with
the subtitles on. You know what I'm saying. I just
like it would I cause I'd been like, I'm not
I'm not old, I can hear. But now the I

get mad when an app updates on my streaming apps
and then the subtitles are turned off, like son of them,
I gotta turn them back on. YouTube turns them off
all the time too, although the YouTube subtitles are pretty
hit or miss, but still, yeah, honestly, I think it
has more to do with the way that we mixed on.
You can't watch a Marvel movie and hear the dialogue.

Darcy Bell. Darcy Bell is a San Francisco woman. She
is a defund the police ANTIFA activist. By the way,
when she's out Antifa en, she goes by a pseudonym,
Jerk Cousteau. AnyWho something happened over the weekend, so apparently

she had everything she owns in a twenty six foot
U haul truck parked on Market Street in San Francisco,
and they stole it. They stole the truck, and so
she what do you think she did? Call the police?
You know, the ones that she hates and marches against
and wants to defund. And she wants to defund. There's

no mincing words when you look at her social media posting.
She does not think police should exist. So I don't
understand what she thinks, which you would then do in
this situation, but she did, so she called him, and shockingly,
San Francisco police don't really see it as a priority.
It's almost as if they're wildly overwhelmed and unmotivated, because

when they rust somebody then they just get out. So
she called the police. She calls the police, and they
didn't solve it immediately. So she is on a digital
tirade over the fact that the police have not immediately
located or stolen possessions. Quote, I haven't found my stuff.
The cops didn't do anything, So I can't read the words.

She wrote, U Haul maybe file an effing police report.
There's cameras all over the city, but they haven't done anything.
I just want my stuff back. So then she posts
and some of you're gonna laugh when you hear this,
and then you'll laugh if for those of you who
don't immediately, you'll get it after I explain it. So
she starts posting on social media videos wearing a mask,

by the way, shooting a video in her house wearing
a mask. Hey guys, if you see a twenty six
foot U haul truck with Arizona plates, would you let
me know? Because it had like everything I own on it.
I think you mean in it. So a twenty six
foot U haul, which is a very popular size with

Arizona plates. You say, that's funny. And if you don't
know why that's funny, I'm gonna let you in on
something a little fun fact. Do you know that all
U hauls are registered in Arizona. It's just that they
picked that. I'm assuming that's obviously the from a licensing
your vehicle standpoint, It's probably the cheapest, so they went
with Arizona. Of fact, I believe that is the reason

I was reading about a one time, So good luck
fishing through all of those. But that also points to
what the police are up against because all they know
now they don't have a plate number in this other
part here, so that's gonna be more helpful for the police.
But you know, for people telling people to look for

a popular sized U haul with Arizona plates, good luck
with that. Then she got mad at you haul. Here
we go it was stolen. Your know and market and
fun fact you haul? She tagged them doesn't put GPS
on their trucks, and thieves know this. So I don't
know if she's implying that you haul once their trucks
stolen or or what.

Speaker 2 (50:27):
You know.

Speaker 1 (50:29):
Here's a here's a little fun fact, ma'am. Do you
know what an air tag is? Do you have what
you share? I think everyone should have an air tag.
Those are the little GPS cylinder things. They're very useful
for a variety of reasons. You can use them if
you mail something that you're a little hesitant about, but
you know, as long as you're gonna be able to
get it back or you know, take us charge to

the person for it. I know somebody who put them
in his travel gun cases. He's got air tags in there.
That's pretty smart. Yeah, and yeah, you can use them
for You could use them to lowjack your kid if
they're not paying attention, Oh, why'd you say you were
Billy's house when you were at the ball or whatever?
So you know, if you got the U haul man,

why didn't you put an air tag in there? Thrown
in the glovebox? Super simple, instead of the wanting the
police to go solve it and now and then they're like, well,
the police know who she is, so they're doing this intentionally.
I don't think so.

Speaker 6 (51:25):

Speaker 1 (51:25):
I think San Francisco that's the level of service you get.
And it's because San Francisco basically made it like that,
and idiots like her made it like that and the
people that she elects. So I'm sorry all your stuff's
in there. I'm sure it was really nice stuff. Probably
a lot of like cat stuff and more cat stuff
and crystals. There's got it, Ross. I think there's crystals,

probably crystals, probably a bunch of crystals and cat stuff.
So hopefully, hopefully they find the U haul with the
Arizona play man. I'm rooting for you, all right, you
want to hear here we go? All right, let's hear it.
Let's hear a little from Trump over the weekend. So
he does the NBC Weekend Show. And I've said why,

you know, and others have said why does he subject
himself to this stuff. He's not going to get a
fair shake. They're going to be They're going to be
combative from the start. The questions will be loaded beyond
loaded questions and stupid stuff, stupid stuff that's been out.
Like one of the questions this woman asked Trump is

is he going to fire Christopher Ray the FBI director? Well?
What do you think he nominated an FBI director? Do
you think Christopher Ray just evaporates. I mean, maybe he quits.
I don't know. Maybe he quits and somehow that's better
for his pension. I don't know. But it's pretty clear

that Trump is going to or wants to fire or
have Christopher Ray not be the FBI director anymore. Yes,
I know he appointed him, but a lot of us
were screaming on appointed him? What are you doing? And
I think that that I think Trump after that, and
then that you know, all these intelligence people signing this
garbage which turns out not to be true. I guess
now they got the signature, has got a hundred signatures

against Tulci Gabbard, So she obviously must be qualified. Yeah,
he watched that lunacy and he watched it all play out,
because everybody thought he was gone, like all right, we're
done with him, and then we're just and then the
and then the the punitive prosecutions and punishment started and
the FBI contributed to that, and under the under Christopher Ray,

Trump feels that that was a miscarriage of justice. The
majority of Americans believe it was the miscarriage of justice.
If you look at the polling around the New York trial,
the majority, the majority of Democrats. The difference is Democrats
were okay with it. So there's two parts of that
thing that were like, yeah, yeah, it is political, is
what they thought. But good because I hate him, which is,

you know, probably not a good way to go about things,
most people think. So Trump sees this and he's personally
the one that it's done to, Well, how do you
think he's going to react? It's you can say, well,
it's all personal, but no, because what he's personally complaining
about is a thing that's that absolutely appears to be
outside of how we understand our judicial system should work.

And everyone, the majority of people agree with what I
just said. That it's outside of the normal way that
the justice system works. It's political. The if you believe
polls at all, you gotta believe that one, and it's
pretty overwhelming, so it's not even margin of error. So
the reason he goes there, though, is he likes screwing

with them. There's no other answer. He enjoys to their
face telling them they suck, which you know, that's how
some people like to. I enjoy that. I I I
when I tell Tom Tillisey sucks. Absolutely I kind of
did in person, which is the whole thing I talked

about here on the show. The guy was just being
a jerk and wouldn't even talk to me for five
seconds after we just had him on the show. So yeah,
I'm happy. I'll do it. I do it every day
here on the radio. It is cathartic, but it also
doesn't win you a lot of friends, and you're definitely
not going to be in the cool kid club, I e.

The swamp. But Trump doesn't want to be, so he'll
go there. He doesn't want to cozy up to the journalists,
so he'll go there and you'll have these combative interviews
because I think he enjoys it, and I'm okay with that,
and let's just let's hear a little of that show.

Speaker 9 (55:34):
And you're saying something, sir, that's significance. I just want
to make sure I'm clear, which is that you're saying, Yes,
you're going to focus on the people with criminal histories,
but everyone who's here illegally has to go.

Speaker 6 (55:46):
We have to get the criminals out of our country.
We have to get people that were taken out of
mental institutions and put them back into that mental institution,
no matter what country it is. Do you know that
Venezuela the prisons are at the lowest point in terms
of emptiness that they've ever been. They're taking their people
out of those prisons by the thousands, and they're drugs

and just to get back because they know exactly what
you're getting. At number one, we're doing criminals, and we're
going to do them really rapidly. We're getting the worst
gang probably with MS thirteen and the Venezuelan gangs the
worst in the world than they're shock violent people, and
you see what they've done in Colorado and other places.
They're taking over literally taking over apartment complexes.

Speaker 1 (56:31):
And doing it with impunity.

Speaker 6 (56:33):
They don't care.

Speaker 8 (56:33):
They couldn't.

Speaker 6 (56:34):
They just are takeing there.

Speaker 1 (56:35):
And by the way, everyone has seen the videos of
them going and they've seen the multiple you see. You
saw the guy who got the face pummeled by that
group by the trendera ragua. They're in the Rura, Colorado.
And this journalist, rather than watching that video, listening to
the people and reading the police reports, has decided to

inform herself completely and solely on a politician who looks bad.
If this is going on, going, nah, this isn't happening.

Speaker 9 (57:05):
You know the local police say there that is not
the case in Colorado.

Speaker 1 (57:08):
Oh, it's totally the case. I mean, I think you
don't believe the local pot I play it.

Speaker 6 (57:12):
I used to play it at my rallies in your
single night. No there breaking into doors, they're taking over
the buildings.

Speaker 2 (57:18):

Speaker 6 (57:18):
By the way, the police, the police are afraid to
do anything.

Speaker 9 (57:22):
You raise the point that the logistics are complicated. You
said to yourself, what everything's going twenty yeah, I mean
you need twenty four times more ICEED attention capacity just
to deport one million people per year, not to mention
more agents, more judges, more planes. Is it realistic? To
deport everyone.

Speaker 1 (57:38):
This woman cheered when they want to add eighty two
thousand I rs agents, shut your face.

Speaker 6 (57:44):
First of all, they're costing us a fortune. But we're
starting with the criminals and we got to do it,
and then we're starting with others, and we're going to
see how it goes.

Speaker 1 (57:53):
Are the others?

Speaker 6 (57:54):
Others are other people outside of criminals. We have convicted murders.
We don't mean people that are even on trial. We
have people that have murdered numerous people are on our
streets and in our farms, and we have to get
them out of our country.

Speaker 1 (58:09):
What all right? So this is the this is what
all the kicking and screaming initially is going to be
with with Trump, and I think it will be the
loudest over this issue. But I'm going to give you
some numbers in the next segment. So if anybody wants
to immediately own some idiot like this reporter that you
can just use the numbers. We'll get to that in
a moment. Let's get race stage. You can. Here's got
some numbers. How you doing, sir?

Speaker 8 (58:30):
I got a number for you fifty six yards, baby.

Speaker 1 (58:34):
I got a number four you six? You know six. Number,
that's the number of touchdowns that Arizona State scored in
your stadium during championship game. Now here's another number. Five
You know what that is. That's the number of these
Cowboys have scored in that stadium this year. Wow geezeh
boy fun fact? What else?

Speaker 8 (58:55):
Hey listen, Yeah, you take what you can get, right
And anybody, and I was talking to some people this weekended.
Anybody who have thought that that kid was making that
kick except him because he's wink pretty confident, he wink.

Speaker 1 (59:07):
Did you know we're talking about the Clemson field goal kicker?
And you guys shouldn't even have been there. No, what
do you mean? They should have wanted Miami? No, sracuse
well Miami.

Speaker 8 (59:19):
So you that's all show what it could have should
have They were there, and honestly, I thought they should
have run away with it.

Speaker 1 (59:24):
I mean, and how both teams are now in the playoffs,
I don't is not holy cat. And by the way,
should Glorgia be able to go to the playoffs? I
thought the rule quarterback got injured, you can't go.

Speaker 8 (59:38):
Well, you know the rumor is that's why they kept Okay, well, yes,
and that's why they kept them suited up on the
sidelines to show that he wasn't injured. They didn't put
him in streak here because that was the rumor I
was reading.

Speaker 1 (59:49):
That was one of the nastiest hits I've ever seen
in college football. Man, that was you see the helmet
and d well, he's still in the air. He was,
he was, Oh, he was all right.

Speaker 8 (01:00:01):
But they Gunner could be the answer. Who knows.

Speaker 1 (01:00:03):
By the way, look on the bright side, at least
you're not the Bears who put up two yards in
the first half of their game over the weekend. There
this weekend anyway, there was there's some bad weather. We
don't need bad web, so yeah, and it's the rounds
of rain.

Speaker 8 (01:00:17):
Keep the Umbrell's handy till about Wednesday and Wednesday evening
as his first round pushing through scattered around and ending
west east from the try of the triangle around lunchtime
and then coming on through and by the afternoon upper fifties,
and then tonight we'll see another round of showers through
tomorrow and to get off again some fog tomorrow morning too,
and staying mild upper forties, low fifties tonight and miit

upper sixties tomorrow, and then we'll see the showers continue
Tomorrow night to Wednesday. May be some heavier rain at
times right now, especially late Tuesday night to Wednesday, and
a little bit sixties, and then it'll turn cooler and
Sunday finally the sun's going to come back out. I
think by Thursday Friday we're back in the forties with
those of the twenties. So damn start to the week,
mild start, a little cooler, more seasonable late week.

Speaker 1 (01:00:59):
I know, by the way, if you name your kid Gunner,
that kid will play football, right, yes, but I love
that name your football name. All right, appreciate it, man,
Thank you. Seven forty nine back in just a few
Know what this is. I'm going to explain to you
because I've now seen three different states that have proposed this,
and it looks like Ohio will probably get it done,

and there's been some interest. North Carolina is a little
different in the sense that we have obviously state run
liquor stores, but Pennsylvania is one of the other states,
and they also have state run liquor stores, so you
could feasibly do this wherever. You could do this with
either side. Sorry, pull that thing over here. You could

do this with either either state run liquor stores or
not state run liquor stores. But for those of you
who like bourbon, you've probably spent some time at one
of the fine ABC establishments near you coming through there.
Maybe you even did the thing, or you went over
the clerk and you're like, hey, remember me, I'm your friend.

Anything in the back, which they love because they you know,
they obviously don't hear that every minute of every day.
By the way, if you want it, if you want
to get a lot, actually no, I'm not going to
tell you my tips and tricks. There is a way
you can increase your odds. A couple of things you
can do trying to find those rare bottles. And what's
crazy about North Carolina is that since there's state run,

if they're selling a high end bottle, they got to
sell it for MSRP. So you can go. That's why
you can go get a bottle of Blantons for sixty
sixty five bucks or whatever. I'd say it's a little
more than that now obviously, but you know it was
when Blaton's was really really hot. It was like sixty
five bucks. I know because i'd i'd buy. If I
saw a bottle, I'd buy it because if I didn't

drink it, one of my buddies would pay me for it.
And and that's kind of how it went. So but
then people would get a hold of a blant and
you know, you could sell a bottle of Blantins down
in Georgia for like six hundred dollars. And I know
this because I went into a liquor store in Georgia.
They were selling Blaantins for six hunds and I'm like,
that's crazy, and the dude's like, that's the that's the

third one. I've sold the other two because you know,
people are dumb or they really want a bottle of
blends and they got a bunch of money and they're like,
well whatever, it's better than me having to spend time
in the store. But what it was is it was
a microcosm of capitalism. But of course it's not fair.
It's not fair that there was only ten bottles of
whatever the bourbon was and only ten people got it

and the other people didn't. And now if they want it,
then they have to pay what somebody is reselling it for,
which is generally a lot higher than MSRP. So here
we go. This is what they are actually proposing. And
I've heard some nitwits in North Carolina. I think this
is a good idea. I don't know. Maybe you think
it's a good idea. You can call and tell me
that you're not a nitwit and I'm a nitwit. That's cool.

That's what we do here. Are you ready? So under
the proposal, there's two plans. One and it has to
do with what a particular type of of liquor called
allocated spirits. So allocate theory are just going to be
the ones that are in short supply. All right, just
read it as that. So under the what they're doing

in Ohio, which merrors Pennsylvania, which mirrors Idaho. Uh is this?
So if you go into a store and in Ohio,
even though they're private stores, their state, they're there. Their
way in is that they're well, they're regulated by the
state because that's how the state does every Well, you're
regulated by us, so you're not a private endeavor. We

can do whatever we want. If you went into the
store and let's say that they had a bottle of
Van Winkle there, right, the holy grail for some of
you I don't know, Eh, it's okay. One, you would
only be allowed to buy one bottle per month, so
you'd have to put your id down and they keep

it on files, so then they would know what liquor
you're buying, which is something that I hate about North Carolina.
If you buy a bunch of bottles, so you're for
tailor gaining. We got a bunch at the beginning of
the year, and I gotta give you an address. F
off and giving you my address. That's the dumbest thing.
And it said, way we got to protect from the
bar's doing it. Well, maybe you maybe you shouldn't screw

the bar so hard? Have you guys thought of that?
You doults anyway, So not only would you be on
the list, but here's the thing that just got my
blood boiling. You ready, you would be required to open
it at the store. What one? Now you have an

open container in your vehicle. Now, it's not illegal to transport.
H I shouldn't say this. I don't know in North
Carolina if it is most states it's not. I never
I would never do this. I don't think it's illegal
to transport an open bottle. You just can't like have
it next to you. So, like you know, with our
open bottles for like tailgating and stuff, there's a big
cooler that's kind of like the bar. Don't steal it.

And so a lot of those bottles roll over from
week to week. So I don't I I don't know,
but no, what if, well, then they can't resell it
for a much higher price. Who the hell are you
to tell me what I'm gonna do with this thing
that I just bought. Maybe it's a gift for somebody
I've bought. I've bought many people gifts that were a
bottle of a decent bourbon or whatever. I got a

lot of friends that are into they're into bourbon. Get
them in a bottle. It's hard to find. Heck, yeah, man,
give him some Colonel. I gave a bottle of Colonel
here last year as a as a Christmas gift to somebody.
So no, I'm not going to crack open this bottle
that I just paid for that maybe I'm gonna give
us a gift, But also maybe I don't want opened
right now. I know it's not going bad next week,

but that's not the point of it. Not everything's fair.
You can't have everything, and sometimes people are gonna be
dumb luck I can't tell, I can't. Let me give
you one of the tips. If you if you're traveling
and you if you're traveling somewhere very rule place, but
a rule part of a populated county, because this is important.

So like Yadkinville used to be my victim for a while.
So if you're in a if you're if you're anywhere
around a population center but on the outside of it.
A lot of times, and I don't know exactly how
it works, but I've had this explain to me. When
they allocate to liquor stores based on by county by
county purchase, they have to allocate evenly to the stores.
I don't know if that's still the case, but what

you end up with is you end up with really
expensive bottles of bourbon in a in an area where
there's not a lot of people paying that kind of
money for it. Snead's Ferry ABC a lot of times
has stuff too, So like Elkin, Yadkinville, Snead's Fair. I

used to hit those all the time when they're going
to the beach or going up to uh Sparta area.
Stop buy and swing in there. But I'm not opening
a bottle on the premises because somebody's got mad that
they weren't able to get a bottle that they wanted,
which most people weren't able to get because they're very
small amounts of them. No government, get out of everything, man,
get out of everything. Yes, I did feel that that

needed to be done today, so I did do the story.
What of it already got me? Will you talk about
bourbon cauz talking about government is what I'm talking about.
Forget that it's bourbon. It's the idea that anything that's
out there that you want, uh ross. What was the
wait time for the plate? What was the Xbox or
PlayStation the last release, because generally you can't get those

all on day one, right, there's just a bunch of
people have to wait, right, I believe PlayStation was. I
don't know what it was for the last Xbox release,
but PlayStation like people, people go out and they were
paying stupid money for these things and then if you
wanted one, you just kind of had to wait. And
then eventually, obviously the supply catches up and there you go.
And while that may not do it with Bourbon, it's

not the government's job to step in and go, I'm sorry, sony,
you gotta you gotta, you gotta start the thing. When
somebody buys it or you you have to allocate a
certain amount. Life's not fair, and government is not here
to make everything fair, especially when it's on the equity side.
This is not equality the government. The other thing the
government should guarantee is that if you're over the age

of twenty one and you walk into an ABC store,
you're not gonna be thrown out because you're black, or
gay or any you know, any of the other things.
That's where government sits. And even people argue that. But
I'm using it as an example, not that everyone who
walks in absolutely positively can have the same experience, because
there is only so much of certain things. But man,

the government can't help themselves. There's always a pribe. I
always gonna get their nose under there. This is why
the more I read stories like this, the more enthusiastic
I am. If Elon Musk and crew are able to
pull off the Doge thing. I mean, there's going to
be that people are just screaming bloody murder. But at
the end of the day, is there less people unnecessarily,

so FEMA should start. Do you know, by the way,
those FEMA trailers we talked about, remember the ones that
I could have organized in one segment on this show
enough people to deliver all the FEMA trailers sitting there
in Hickory and then nobody nobody would, nobody knew nothing.
Our governor would never comment on it. Are soon to
be governor didn't want to comment on it. And it
was embarrassing. There's embarrassing as people sit there in tents

and makeshift shelters getting told they can't put temporary housing
on their own property because of flood planes and building
codes by elected officials who live there. Shut up, And
those trailers were sitting there and anyone could go and
see them, anyone. There were videos. Oh yeah, here's the
videos of them. And we're no, you're misconstruining it, or

it's the logistics of getting them up there are tough.

Speaker 8 (01:10:42):
Well, what do you mean.

Speaker 1 (01:10:44):
I looked at the size of them. They don't look
like it even have to be flagged as oversized. But
if you want to if you want to have a
little car with the oversized load thing, whatever, you want
to get some State troopers to do a caravan of
trucks with those things, you get them up in the
mountain in one day. One day. Well, FEMA last week
was being asked a question by w b T who

was it WBTV? Yeah, all right, so they were asked
a question at a Wednesday presser where they acknowledged that
they have them down there, and they started digging in
and here's what we learned over the weekend. One. They're
very sorry, They're very sorry. Apparently there was a mix up,
and yeah, they were supposed to get those travel trailers

and tiny homes delivered up there, and they've just been
sitting in Hickory. And by the way, most of them
are still sitting in Hickory as of Sunday. Here's the numbers.
FEMA spokesman. Following that comment that was made, Obviously, reporters
like what do you mean? And by the way, there's
the same reporters who knew full well those trailers weren't
there and only now got around to getting a FEMA
official to comment on it. The spokesperson for FEMA apologized

in response to the question about why the agency failed
to deliver dozens of travel trailers and actually it's more
than dozens. It's a one hundred and three. Believe why
the agency failed to deliver these trailers to North Carolina
residents displaced by Helene, And then we started getting into
the numbers. According to FEMA, the goal was to deliver

the one hundred and three temporary travel trailers by the
end of the week, so it was Wednesday. They asked
a question. They said, they're going to do by the
end of the week, which is feasible. Remember, you could
do this in a day if you got enough trucks
in a day. However, only accomplished in delivering forty six. Currently,

there are five hundred families that have already received approval
for one of these, and prior to them asking the question,
FEMA had only delivered twenty seven. So Wednesday of last week,
out of five hundred families promised these, with one hundred
and three sitting in Hickory, twenty seven had been delivered.
Once they got a fire lit under their butts, they

only were able to get forty six totals. And he says,
so it's not forty six more, it's forty six total
now and I don't know what the number is. This
morning as I sit here, But that was the number
from Sunden Saturday, Saturday. That's lunacy. What are you doing?
You tell me you can't take a giant knife to
that organization. What is with the ineptitude of these people?

But Buddhaji j Ot over the weekend talking about his
biggest accomplishment is spending all your money in a crap
banner and getting three charging stations built. But yeah, it's
a badge of honor. And FEMA is really sorry this
thing's happened. No, you know who needs to be really sorry? Yes,
you because this is insane. But also all of you
politicians who feasibly could have brought attention. I can scream

about on the radio all I want. If the governor
is standing over there staring at the trailers as a
backdrop holding a press conference, I promise you FEMA hals
trailers up the hill because it's now you're on blast.
At that point, you're on blast and you're and it's
the governor sitting there and he's pointing at these trailers,

going what the hell is this? Why are these sitting
out here by the Hickory Airport for anyone to go
see you?

Speaker 6 (01:14:11):

Speaker 1 (01:14:12):
You go stare at the fence. Don't break in, but
go see them. They're just sitting there. There's video. I
posted a video on the Twitter yesterday. Go look at that.
And this is where we are for everyone who's being
told that there's there's not problems or there is just
minor problems. No, that is pure dysfunction. That's the Clinton

Foundation getting all that hundreds of millions and building five
homes in Haiti which are probably all burned to cinder
now because things not going well down there. This is
why people want things like doge not the coin, the
office or the advisory Council or however they position this thing.

And then I saw nit go well, it won't be
an actual government office.

Speaker 6 (01:15:01):
Do you know?

Speaker 1 (01:15:01):
There's rumors that they want to cut the total number
of government offices to UH ninety nine or one hundred
or something. The number currently is three hundred and something,
so that's a pretty heavy lift. But also hearing that
there's ninety nine offices would blow my mind. That seems
like way too many ross Does ninety nine seem like

way too many federal government offices? Does ninety nine one hundred?
You just think about one hundred different agencies and organizations
out there that can essentially subjugate you in some way,
and currently that number is more than three times that.
I don't know that they'll get there, but there's lots
of fat, lots of fat, and it's demonstrated every day.

But the big takeaway the way that they wrote this
article is FEMA is very sorry. What was crazy is
how upbeat this FEMA official was at the start of
the Q and a. And then when that question got
asked and they kind of had to fess up to it,
the whole thing changed. The follow up question, there could

be five hundred of these because I remember they said
that they've had five hundred families, so you're saying there's
five hundred of these. Eventually it could be given out.
And the FEMA media relations specialist le Tenga Hope said,
here's the beautiful part about it. The answer is yes,
and we've done even more so we can handle it.
Apparently you can't. If I can, if I could band

together a group of good old boys to do it
in a day as an idiot on the radio, and
it would be done correctly by the way, be done correct,
and it would be correct and people would be polite
and helpful, and they'll probably be hugging each other when
it all got done, and then they'd all have a

little sweet tea together or something, I don't know, be
a wholesome moment. And if I could accomplish that with
one segment on radio and a bunch of used to
up patriots. You're telling me you can't get those things
up the mountain, even after you've apologized, you can't accomplish
it after you've been put on notice. I'm sorry, I
know I'm ranting on this. It's just mind blowing to me.

And then you try to spin it as a positive thing,
but you're very sorry. Nobody's buying this, and really the
gutting of some of these agencies can't come fast enough.
Will there be stops along the way where maybe we
cut something we shouldn't, I'm sure, but let's begin. We'll
be back and it's only Monday, so we'll rock and

roll with that. But luckily it does not preclude us
from talking to Ray staging from the weather right, albeit
just really differently. So, is there any any of the
Bowl games announced you're really pumped about because I saw
some you know, State plays ECU, which and then it's
also the first game of the season next year. So
I think some people are feeling like, oh, they wanted

something different, especially guys who like to travel to Bowl
games like I did. I've played right first state to Jacksonville,
but enough to travel to Annapolis, Maryland. Where'd you?

Speaker 3 (01:18:03):

Speaker 4 (01:18:05):
Uh see, I don't know.

Speaker 8 (01:18:09):
I don't know what ends up happening at the bowl games, right,
I mean guess that's gonna be the big debate. So
I I haven't looked at the bowl schedule yet.

Speaker 1 (01:18:17):
Oh I know, yeah, I know, I I don't know.
I just used an excuse to go to Florida around
New Year's Yeah. Yeah, that's a good down there, right.
And did you see, by the way, you see that
Texas is not gonna be allowed to have their mascot
at the Georgia Texas game. It's not allowed to really
that the I because because that incident a few years ago,

they weren't allowed to have it. I guess, oh Longhorn
tried to kill the bulldog.

Speaker 8 (01:18:43):
So yeah, well there's that, right.

Speaker 1 (01:18:46):
Yeah, yeah, vaguely had my money on that on that cow.
But yeah, well, the our game is gonna.

Speaker 8 (01:18:55):
Affect there's family issues now involved. You know, grand kids
were scheduled to go with Grandma out of Christmas dinner,
and now my one daughter is gonna be all up
in arms because the game's at four, and oh, like
I wonder if we can move? Yeah, you know, so
there's gonna be some conflict in the home because my
daughter's gonna move the game.

Speaker 1 (01:19:13):
They could maybe they would just for race stags right anyway,
all right, we got the five.

Speaker 8 (01:19:20):
Yeah, yeah, damn start to the week. Mild start, no
wintery precip to worry about this week. Uh, I don't
think we're gonna see much in the way of sunshine
till maybe Thursday. But these showers coming through now will
end in most of us by lunchtime are done west
to east the upper fifties today. Tonight we stay in
the fifties basically, with another dose of rain coming in

and scattered showers around Tomorrow, some fog in the morning,
even milder as we go mid upper sixties Tomorrow night
and to Wednesday there could be some heavier rain, maybe
a couple of inches, and by Wednesday evening seven o'clock
we could have anywhere between one and three inches between
today through Wednesday, yeah, so you So it comes at
around though, so we're not looking at a flash flood

threat obviously in the western parts of the state case
seed Yo, certainly they don't want to see any flooding.

Speaker 1 (01:20:09):
So we got fires from the down tree.

Speaker 8 (01:20:11):
Well yeah, we could have that too, but uh, I
think by the end of the week though, the sudden
be back pretty pleasant for this time of year in
the mid upper forties and returned with blows in the twenties,
you know, pretty close, little blow average, but where we
should be. But damn mile beginning of the week and
then some later.

Speaker 1 (01:20:26):
Okay, all right, well I appreciate it, sir. Tomorrow we'll
chat with you. If technologiyly allows, we will talk to you. Right,
thank you, appreciate it. All right, raced agic there. We're
going to talk to Jeff Bellinger here in just a
moment because I I flipped the brake there. But yeah,
I know, just going back quickly the Superman Batman stuff.
It's just like, is there anything you don't want to ruin?
And I've seen people in the numbers back this up.

Where people who are traditional uh traditional how do you say?
Comic book readers are are a lot more money is
go into the Japanese you know, manga or whatever. I
know nothing about it. I'm sorry. If you like it,
that's that's good on you. I think some of it's
a little weird, but you know what, it's not. It's

not woke, right, they're not woking up that stuff, And
so I understand why people gravitate. You got Superman lecturing
Batman about his rich white guy privilege. Shut up. Do
you remember this is the same guy who wanted Batman
to go broke for social justice. These are the people,
by the way, who are also sitting there cheering when
CEOs get assassinated. And you can't convince me otherwise. And

by the way, what a weird twist on that story.
Do you see what they say he had in that backpack,
which some people don't think it's a backpack, but I
don't know. Maybe monopoly money was full of monopoly money.
What's what's with that? Why? Explain to me why in
the world? And then I thought it dawned upon me

he was gonna throw that on the body, and I
think he forgot there's no other reason to have it, right,
And that's how you send the message about the evil
whatever you know the evil you know the evilness of
the insurance industry, the evilness of CEOs, the evilness of whatever.
You know your message is, and you throw the monopoly
money it it obviously it's fake money, but it also

you're a monopoly see you get it. I think that's
probably the direction they were going. I don't know. We'll
theorize in a moment. Let's get to Jeff Bellinger from
Bloomberg News. How you doing there, sir?

Speaker 4 (01:22:29):
I'm doing well, Casey.

Speaker 1 (01:22:30):
Hope you had a great weekend.

Speaker 7 (01:22:32):
Stocks closed out a winning week with a mixed session
on Friday, with the Dow losing a little ground, but
modest advances were enough to put the Nasdaq and S
ANDP at record highs ahead of the weekend, and just
the opposite this morning, the S and P and Nasdaq
futures are a little bit lower and the Dow futures
are up thirty six points, So we'll see what happens
at nine to thirty when the opening bell rings. Shares

of inter Public Group were up about fifteen percent pre
market after it was announced the advertised company will be
acquired by Omnicom. It's a stock for stock transaction and
it will create the world's biggest advertising agency. The combined
company will keep the Omnicom name. President elect Donald Trump
says he will not try to oust Federal Reserve Chair

Jerome Powell when he returns to the White House. Trump
discussed the matter on Meet the Press. Powell said last
week he's looking forward to a good relationship with the
new administration. Threats of new tariffs have prompted some people
to stockpiled daily necessities because they fear prices will jump
when Donald Trump takes office. A third of the consumer

surveyed by credit cards dot Com said they're buying extra
toilet paper, non perishable foods, and other day Today necessities,
even though the threatened tariffs, if they're actually imposed, would
only apply to foreign goods. Walmart says the countdown to
Christmas is in the final stretch. It's going to leverage
its supply chain and store footprint for eleventh hour shoppers.

Walmart customers will be able to place sword as late
as four pm local time Christmas Eve for express delivery.
Mawana II was the number one movie for a second
weekend in a row comScore estimates. The animated film from
Walt Disney took in another fifty two million dollars, and Casey,
tipped workers can expect to receive more tips this holiday season.

A Bank Create survey finds more people are planning to
tip this year. The size of the tips will be
about the same as last year. The survey found that
younger consumers will be the most frequent and most generous tippers.

Speaker 1 (01:24:32):
Casey, All right, well, probably people are more likely to
work in the service industry. So there you go. That
makes sense, all right, Jeff, appreciate it, Thank you, sir.

Speaker 4 (01:24:39):
Okay, have a good day.

Speaker 1 (01:24:41):
Do that teriff story too. Or people are running around
in their panic buying toilet paper. Get what is your
fascination with going to the bathroom America, especially if you're
buying American made products which aren't subject to tariffs. Some
people are just stupid, man, But whatever thest it is. Uh,
look at that Donald Trump is driving consumer spending, so

good on him. All right. Anyway, a couple of things
real quick, ross did you see that you see the
speaking of Trump? Do you see the colognad that he
did with Jill Biden's Yeah no, no, I did.

Speaker 4 (01:25:16):
Stephen Kenton just actually send it to me like twenty
minutes ago and he's, Oh my god, he's just like
he captioned it, I love this guy, and I'm like,
I'm like, sotwa she so yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:25:26):
All right, you know she voted for the reopening of
Notre Dame, right, And so Trump's sitting there and he
has two seats away from Jill Biden and Ashley Biden.
I think it's on the other side of her. And
there was one photo they were floating around where Jill's
kind of giving a course look or no, Ashley's giving
a course look, and they're like, see, they can't even
stand being around him. But all the other photos are
like him talking to the both of them, and they're

all smiling, although Jill's smile looks a little suss as
they as the kids say, and so what does Trump do?
He takes that photo of them looking animal. He's telling
him something and he says, here are my new Trump
perfumes and colognes I called him fight Fight Fight because
they represent us winning great Christmas guests for the family

go to whatever. The website is Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year, and the tagline in the ad or over
the pictures you see the bottles of Fight, Fight, Fight,
and it says a fragrance your enemies can't resist. I'm sorry,
that's funny, man, that's funny. I'm sure they be very upset,

and they're upset to She's like, oh, you called her enemy.
He probably wants her execute. Well, she called him hitler.

Speaker 4 (01:26:38):
But you can't convince me that she did not vote
for him. Listen, the big thing on election day was
she came out wearing that super bread right bright red dress.

Speaker 1 (01:26:47):
Yeah, but I also think she was the driving force
for wanting to keep Biden there. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:26:51):
I think she was pissed off they threw him out
and she's like, screw you, Kamala, I'm voting for Trump.

Speaker 1 (01:26:56):
Yeah. Yeah, So that's that's just so on brand man.
Anybody does it smell good? Does anybody have any fight
fight fight Colonne? Do you put it on your ear?
Where do you put it? I don't know. I don't know.
People had madd He's sewn clones. What is a private citizen?
And do whatever you as president elect? I mean, sell colognes.
Don't buy him if you don't want them. Every time

this guy sells something, they lose their crap, whether it's
uh uh, the coins, right, remember the coins are making
fun of them, which, by the way, they don't think
anything to do with those coins. The first ones. He
just kind of he tweeted about them. Whatever. People are lunatics,
but you don't know what's going on around you, dude.
I saw I saw a number. I'm gonna be delicate here.

I saw a number that blew my mind, all right.
One the story is this is a this is becoming
very popular among gen z and that is choking and
and you know what I mean by that in a
private manner if you catch my drift right, and doctors

are very worried. But there's a stat in this story.
I don't know why all the twenty somethings want to
strangle each other while they're hooking up, but whatever, there's
obviously danger there. And then I'm hit with this stat.
They estimate that a thousand Americans die every year from

choking themselves when they're this is actually doing alone time
all choke yourself. Well they're doing it. That means and
I broke this down. If a thousand Americas, a thousand
people walking around you annually choke themselves to death with
no pants on, that means that if you base allocated

on population, that that would account for about thirty or no, no,
it would be more than that. What do we have
about fourp I guess we have about four percent of
the population in North Carolina. They were talking dozens and
dozens of people, which means those are the ones who
get it wrong. What is you got to build an apparatus?
What is it if you need a rude Goldberg machine

talk to somebody? Holy cow, man, a thousand people. That
means somebody you know that's that is in danger for that.
I don't know if the Internet did that to us
or what. Man, it's only when you get it real
wrong and you're famous, do you hear about it? You know,

a little little carroting action, little Hutchins action. But nah,
there's a thousand people in the US who kill themselves
this way. I just feel like we would have heard
about it. That's all I'm saying. Again, trying to be
delicate here, but holy crap. Sometimes you just see a
number and you're like, that can't be right. But also

it would be something that's probably pretty easy to tallally
to whatever the coroner says. And if you show up
and the guy's got, you know, a bunch of like
belts hanging off the ceiling. I add that one of
the added the stack. So there you go. All right. Sorry, sorry,

there's things you learned that you just didn't want to know.
Did you know that? Also on YouTube just announced they're
demonetizing AI adult video tutorials. Apparently there's a whole cottage
industry of YouTube creators that just show people how to
make AI adult films, and YouTube had to step in

and demonetize it. I'm telling you, there's everything on the Internet.
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