All Episodes

January 16, 2025 • 95 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Broadcasts live from the frozen tundra of iHeartMedia's Raleigh studios.
There you go so so like if you you know,
when you're in a really really tall building, a lot
of times the windows on the upper floor, like you
can't open the windows. I don't, I don't. I don't

think that any of the windows have been openable the
entire time I've worked in uh in Raleigh on even
when we were on the other floor, I don't know
that any of the windows have ever been openable. But
they're doing some renovations and like they're just gone. So
it's uh, you can wind tunnel things.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
You come in every day and there's like, you know,
new new progress of the construction they're doing here in
the seventh floor, but right and there's big signs that say, hey,
don't go in this area because it's a construction area.
You need to wear like this and that and this
and if you go in here, dude, you're gonna die.
So so I read that sign every morning and I'm
like that sounds like fun, and I just go see
with that, and I go in the area. I just
want to see the progress that's going on, you know,

And I avoid any giant Pitzer holes, or wires coming
on the walls that are sparkling, or you know the
dangers that can be in a construction zone. But one
of them, there was one. Yesterday there's a ginormous open
window in the seventh floor with like a makeshift AC
unit in it. And today there's two other windows that
are open and it's freezing, and I'm surprised, like a

bird or something hasn't flown in.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
Dude, Dude, I did I ever tell you we had
a bat go crazy in the studios in Minneapolis or
Minnesota it worked up there would be amazing, dude, So
they were, they were. They opened one of the ceiling
panels and a bat came out. And I love this
story so much because I'm in You know, most radio
studios are set up where sales is one side of

the building and you got studios and programming on the other.
Every every studio, every group I've ever worked for, same deal.
And the bat, it's right in the middle. It comes
out and the bat makes a choice. The bat's like,
I'm gonna go see what's going on in sane And
you can't see there's a little mini hallway, but all
of a sudden, I hear what sounds like a terrorist

attack in sales, and I saw the bat literally come
out of the thing. I was like one of three
people just happened to be in the right place at
the right time. I saw that back come out. I
see a book down the hallway and then there's a
blind turn and within moments I hear women screaming, and
so now I'm in like I got to catch the
bat mood because I don't know, guys, this is what

we do. And the funniest thing greeted me when I
got over there. We had a saleswoman named Robin I
won't give your last name, who is one of the
streamers who is standing on her desk because of a bat.
She's standing on her desk because of the bat. I

think you're processing why that's a terrible strategy if you're
attempting to avoid you know, bats. So I ended up
getting them with a box at a broom and then
dumping them outside.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
Happened to us here too, and I everyone was panicking,
right and oh yeah, crashed down and the bats surrounded
me and like a whirlwind, like a like a tornado
type thing. Because you were scared of them. Initially, Initially
I was terrified of them. They were my biggest fear.
But what ended up happening was I became vengeance. Oh wow,

And I became a creature of the night, and I
found that person that stole my award and I did
what I had to do.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
You mentioned this the other day, but not the origins.

Speaker 2 (03:39):
Yeah, and this music from Christopher Nolan came through. It
was inspiring. Is there a group of people who fear you?
You know, I would say all of the people in
in the night that I take vengeance upon. I don't
want to talk about it.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
Lot bottled up there considering you know, all that you've
been through.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
Now I'm not.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
Yeah, well what happened to your parents at the play?
And then you got to right, I remember you got
arrested for stealing your own stuff.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
This is bro.

Speaker 1 (04:19):
That's peak China.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
They're like, now, like your a thief.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
I mean, it's just like intellectual property from tech companies
with widgets. All right. So I tried, so tried. I
tried to commit myself to watching again the litany of
UH confirmation hearings yesterday, Bondies, Rubios, the CIA guy. It

doesn't matter. I didn't watch that one because they're just
overlapping and it's clear. It's clear that no matter who
it is up there, it is we are one hundred
percent not going to be having qualification discussions or how
do I say? Everything's a trap? Right, everything's about boxing

in and this is not new, but it didn't used
to be. It was like it was like a secondary
quest okay, right, it used to be you're going through
the process and you're asking difficult questions and yeah, there's
a partisan nature there, but you know, you couldn't you
couldn't accuse people of running rape congo lines and and

all of these things and along the way if you're
able to box them in on something like oh, will
you commit to this? Which is why I want to
point out, which is why every nominee now is one
hundred percent programmed to not get into things right, so

you don't get any insight, you don't get a deeper understanding.
A lot of it is on faith, and it is
because it's a you know, it's trapped. If you can
get a can if you can get a candidate but
an appointee that you're deliberating over, if you can get
them to commit to something right and and you know

of something that is coming up that you and your
party are going to be pushing through legislatively or attempting
to or this thing you're doing or whatever it is,
where if you can at least get them on the record,
you can sew a lot of discord and distrust and
accuse them of being a big fat lie, like you
got that in your pocket. And when you set out,

is that's your goal, you get the kinds of hearings
that we're having right now, or it's not serious, it's
it's Mazy Herono from Hawaii.

Speaker 3 (06:53):
Again, as part of my responsibility to ensure the fitness
of all nominees, I asked the following two initial questions. First,
since you became a legal adult, have you ever made
unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or
physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?

Speaker 1 (07:10):
All right, So, if you don't know who she's asking
that of, and I just mentioned you know, Rubio and
Bondy and Ratliff. That was the other one, and there's
a couple others, it's probably not the one you think
she's asking.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
Let's hear no, Senator, have you ever faced discipline or
entered into a settlement relating to this kind of conduct.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
Senator, all right, so why is herono asking that? Well, One,
she's asking it because she's still taking swipes at Hegseth. Two,
you think a lot of people blow off Pam Bondy
if she's blown up their dms. Also, if I, if
I just want to approach this from a pure animalistic nature, right,

if Bondi is is committing the unwanted stocking, I'd be
very surprised. Mostly could that it wouldn't be reciprocate because
dudes are dudes. But all right, whatever, But it's just
such a weird question. But at least she's not screaming
it like yesterday, although her whole delivery is very grating.

So I'm not gonna I'm not gonna go through you
know a lot of the gotcha. You know, Bondi had
some good her Her key exchange was with Adam Schiff.
But it's over there. It's like it's like seven it's
like seven minutes long, and it's just where she knew
obviously shifts not a yes vote, and he was he

was doing that thing where he's trying to like box
her in. He's trying to box her in on things
like pardons. She doesn't have. She doesn't make the decision
on pardons. Okay, she can advise. And I think Adam
shift that he found himself something cute where he's like, oh,
if you promise you're gonna review those, then you have
to promise that Biden or Trump's not gonna pardon on

day one. She's like us, he's the boss, and he's
the one that does pardons. We don't do pardons. It
was all dumb, and then she finally's like, weren't you
censured for this stuff? So I think he I think
he is going to be a no vote. But uh,
you know, for the most part, it was just more
of the same and I'm I'm not gonna beat you
to death with it. Today we got bigger fish or

more interesting fish, just different fish to fry Man like,
that's the Supreme Court hearing the uh uh the Israel
uh guaza thing that Joe Biden was able to get
done the last minute with all on his own apparently.

I mean, there's a lot of big stories breaking yesterday,
and this James O'Keefe thing is who they've already fired
the dude. But just firing this dude. If you don't
know what it is, I'll play the audio if you
don't know, Like just firing the dude. Who's the dude
in the video who thought he was going to get
lucky and instead he's going to get a pink slip

telling you man, like the number of people in DC
that are just desperate for love man, which is you
know people go, well, you know, keep doing it this way.
It's just you know who else does it that way? China, Russia.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
I mean the latest guy that they got. I was
laughing this morning because it was straight out Okay, it's
everything we say in the show, all everything, and this
guy is like Peter Griffin.

Speaker 1 (10:39):

Speaker 2 (10:39):
This guy's like, I'm a spy Lois.

Speaker 1 (10:44):
For a moment he thought he was a spy. Is
punching way out of his weight class man.

Speaker 2 (10:49):
There's even one of the cuts that were loaded in
where he laughs at the end, and I swear not
only does he look like Peter Griffin, but he laughs
like Peter Griffin. He does like a little like chuckle.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
Wow, Peter Griffin needs a new job. Okay, we'll we'll well,
we'll definitely get into all this. All right, let me
do this at six eighteen. We'll take a break, be
right back. Hang on, all right, you want you guys
want to hear Peter Griffin. You want to you wanna
hear what's going on. And now I will point out
we're gonna laugh at this dude, because you'll figure it
out real quick. But what he's saying, what he's saying

sounds a little treasony. I don't know, ross treasony. Little
treesony come across. Baby, It's hard to get through when
you're listening to him do that, and you're like, dude,
was it a trees and room? And I don't say
that lightly.

Speaker 2 (11:41):
I'm in this skiff, lois.

Speaker 1 (11:44):
Excuse me, a trees and skiff and the trees and
skiff is bad? All right, Okay, here we go.

Speaker 4 (11:54):
And I work at this uh top consulting firm uh
and my.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
Flying is the Pentagon, So I'm embedded in the Pentagon.

Speaker 4 (12:04):
I work in the Joint Staff, which is the top
military command. Once you lost, I went into the intelligence community,
and I became an FBI special agent, so I became
a spy hunter. So I was a counterintelligence agent special
agent at the FBI.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
What's your overall assessment of truck.

Speaker 1 (12:27):
He's a sociopathic narcissist.

Speaker 4 (12:31):
He's only interested in advancing his name, his wealth, and
his fame.

Speaker 1 (12:38):
By the way, there's something really really funny that this
dude says that right after going, hey, babe, you know
what I am the FBI, I was a spy catcher,
blah blah blah. Like he he could have said he
worked for the intelligence and then kept talking, but no,
he laid it out there. Man.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
Especially an he stare at the camera talking to this
woman looking like, you know, he just came from the
cosplay convention.

Speaker 1 (13:04):
Uh huh, Yeah, you're staring at who's the who's the guy?

Speaker 5 (13:10):
Jo? Is his name?

Speaker 1 (13:11):
Jamie Menina? Menina? Menina, Jamie Menina? All right, continue, Peter Menina.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
Is there anything you can do to like protect American
people from the stuff that you might try to do?

Speaker 4 (13:28):
I'm in conversation with a couple of little while retired generals.

Speaker 3 (13:35):
To try to explore what we can do?

Speaker 1 (13:39):
Is it which what? What? What generals tell me?

Speaker 2 (13:43):

Speaker 1 (13:44):
And and that's the other thing too, Like the way
that the O'Keefe operatives dig for info should like if
you're a if you're an intelligence guy, right, like, it
raises red flags me just watching this thing, going like,
are you what are you doing to? Like clearly she's
asking some really weird questions man for a first date,

and you're a you're somebody who's like who just bragged
about being able to, you know, undermine operatives and stuff.
So what's going on? The insurance General General Mills, who
is one two or three star general you probably.

Speaker 6 (14:27):
Know maybe four stars.

Speaker 4 (14:29):
So I also have a big day tomorrow, probably the
biggest today of all.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
So you have this huge, huge meeting.

Speaker 4 (14:38):
With military leaders, uh in a in a very secure
room called the tank.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
So we have a tank.

Speaker 4 (14:45):
Meeting that uh like all of the top top leaders
say military tomorrow on my my topic that I prepared.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
I think it went well, Sens.

Speaker 4 (15:00):
You keep it between us.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
The Peter Griffin Pentagon spy skiff Master a little undercover
audio here in a moment, because even though the whole
situation is completely mockable, it's also really serious what he's claiming.
And you know, like most of these most of the
time people are making claims and they're doing so in

a romantic setting. So it would you know, I don't
know if you guys know this. There are some people
out there that, when they're trying to get in the
romantic partner's pants, let's say, have been known to say
things that are in fact not true in an attempt
to I'm sorry, but yeah, I'm allergic to not telling

the truth is this is literally what it does to me,
or you know, just something I'm allergic to it. I
have no idea what it is, so you always have
to couch it with that, which also gives people wanting
to push back on it to you know, a way
to kind of just go, well, look, the guy was

he's an idiot because they fired this dude already. He's dumb.
He's just trying to hook up with them. And no,
none of that's true. But the problem is he's making
very specific allegations. So uh, let's let's dive a little
deeper here. There should be something that's pretty checkable, even
though it took place reportedly in a skiff excuse me,

the tank, but an unnecessary what an unnecessary detail there too, too, Uh,
just the whole thing. Man. All right, let's let's get
back to our our would be lover. I became an
FBI special agent. So I became a spy hunter.

Speaker 7 (16:57):
You're a spy hunter, you said, Well, I'm a spy hunter,
but I'm evidently a better spy hunter than you. Jamie
Manreina describes how he met Hillary Clinton in the mid
two thousands when he was here at George Washington University
pursuing a master's degree. He then followed Hillary Clinton to
the State Department, where he worked.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
This person I met in college, he was Hillary Clinton.

Speaker 2 (17:20):
So I met her in college and I worked for
her since college, and.

Speaker 4 (17:24):
Then when she became Secretary of State, I followed her
to the State Department and that's how I worked there.
And then she almost won again right in twenty sixteen.

Speaker 7 (17:36):
So after Jamie Manerina worked for Hillary Clinton, he then
became a special agent here at the FBI to in
his words, catch Russian spies because according to Jamie, he's
a spy hunter who specializes in counterintelligence.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
Yeah, so now he's not, he's it was a booz
Allen Hamilton was employer was contracted from. Yes, Yeah, so
he was under contract from Booz Allen Hamilton. But what
what you have to what what he's talking about? And
I think it's probably a good idea to get some

more details. Is a bunch of Pentagon big wigs, including
some I guess retired. A lot of these retired guys
still are briefed and and do advisory stuff, just kind
of like like the OLCOID president. They'll keep them up
on matters too. That's one of the reasons why we
brief incoming too, to get him up and running. So

there's a lot of people that still get intelligence briefings,
even though they may not be day to day service.
So you know, you're getting the you're getting the Hall
of Fame class there, and they're sitting in a skiff
trying to figure out how operationally they can undermine the president,
the incoming president. How does how does that not quality?
Even even if you don't need to go full Rosenberg

on stuff, How did how does that? How's that? Okay?
That's that? Look. I don't know if you saw what
happened with the Tulsi Gabbard and a couple of the
others folks hearings which were supposed to because that's why
I was confused with Gabbert's. I thought Gabber was supposed
to go right away, and then she didn't and then

I figured it out after the show. Apparently the FBI,
and I'm not making up the name of the other thing,
the Government Ethics Office, by they forgot to do some
of the screening and turn in the paperwork. Whoopsie, so
like they didn't have that stuff and then they couldn't

schedule the hearing because they didn't have this stuff. I
think on the Government Ethics Office, they just flat out
didn't do it their portion of the background part of it,
because it's they prepare and tandem a report on them
and then you know, they they give it over to
the senators there and then they use it to slice
and dize their opponents. But they didn't do it for

uh uh for for like three of the nominees. Whoops,
I I I don't I do, I do not understand
what is a higher priority than having national security apparatus
and and leadership in place? Next week considering right now,

like the headlines yesterday with the Israel Gaza cease fire
and will released some hostages and then everyone jocking over
who made it happen? Yeah, except for I do in
the State Department kind of gave some Trump some credit,
even though Biden took all the credit. It was just
a really weird day on that stuff. But the people

within the government look like they just chose not to
do this because they don't like Tulsi. Tulsi really rubs
them the wrong way. I was actually surprised that when
they when Trump was announcing the amount of vitriol that
came came her way. I don't know what. I don't
know what to think her expecting. I'll be honest with you,
but they hated her and so to undermine the ability

because it's childish, right like, eventually you go ahead and
get it done. And it's I can't decide if it's
death spasms of you know, deep state death spasms, or
it's just how they are going to band together to
fortify because you know, you got an animal backed into
a corner. I used to have a couple of traps.

I don't know if any of you guys ever do
any trapping. The only times I've ever almost been significantly
injured in like a hunting fishing game scenario is uh,
but you get a bobcat in a trap. You've never
seen something with so much fight in it, so angry

man like, that's it's like trapping sounds like an okay
idea until you have to deal with an animal and
a trap, and especially an animal like that. And if
they honestly think that Kash Patel and Marco Rubio and
Pete hag Seth and Tulsi Gabbard and and a handful

of others are actually going to come in and try
to purge some of the rot, what do you have
to lose? You're just all the stuff, the little stuff.
This isn't stealing the w keys on the White House
computers ahead of George Bush coming in. All right, that's funny.
They were in a damn box there. They got him,

They put the keys back.

Speaker 2 (22:41):

Speaker 1 (22:42):
This is real obstruction, real obstruction. Do you remember do
you remember during Trump's first term when they lied to
him about the number of troops that were where was
it in Syria? It was somewhere, And then they bragged
about lying to him. And Millie's the one who lied
to them, and uh one of the other, one of

the other generals. They lied to them. They bragged them,
they they bragged about lying to him. And I remember,
I remember that was one of the because it was
early on and I was it was blown away because
of all the stuff we had seen to that point,
it struck me as the most dangerous and because what

how what what do you do if? What if there's
what if there's a threat the president's being briefed on
and it's a threat that could impact those troops and
he doesn't know they're there, and he makes a decision
that then puts them in harm's way unnecessarily. Right, there's

a there's a thousand scenarios by where withholding knowledge knowledge
like that could I could get people killed injured, or
it could it could escalate a conflict that you don't
want to escalate where you're trying to be proportional, but
now because there's a troop presence, it's now more than proportional.
Do you understand what I'm saying? And so if you

have top Pentagon folks getting into a skiff and bringing
back some oldies, you know, some retired folks and actually
having a meeting like this guy's claiming, it tells me
they're they're very scared about what's coming all of the
you know, I I hope, I hope they're very scared

that's coming and that malfeasans will be uncovered it heads
will roll. Maybe we'll figure out. You're not going to
know everything where the money goes because there's a lot
of stuff there. Understandably, you're not gonna have details on
what's that? What's that big? Was it? Oakridge? Oakridge, Tennessee?
Do you guys know what that is? If you like
conspiracy theories, there's a lots surrounding it. There's a lot
of government stuff that goes there. You know, people live there,

and it was it was the heart of the manufacturing
for the for the atom for for when we were
developing the atomic bomb, right, and then you had obviously
you had down in New Mexico. But what wasn't most
of the work being done intent I'd have to go
back and check it. Admittedly I can't remember the percentages,

but like you see that on a spreadsheet, the budget
on that thing's crazy, and you get a sense of
what's going on there. She's never gonna know. I what
has driven them into a room into a skiff to
sit around and figure out how to undermine the incoming president.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
I mean, there's a part of me that thinks this
guy is just full of crap, trying to sleep with
this date. Yeah, That's why I lead with that, right right,
I mean she's just looking at the guy. I mean,
like you said, straight up, look at the thumbnail that
is Peter Griffin talking to this. I mean she sounds
like a hot, attractive female about I'm a super spy
hunter meeting with the generals and this skiff and I'm

doing and everything is bragging about his career and his resumes.
I think this guy is full of it, I think.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
But that's why I brought up the bragging about lying
to Trump about troops, meaning people within the Pentagon.

Speaker 2 (26:14):
Did it. They already did that completely, Like like I
do think there are groups of people who are against
the president one thousand percent. He came out with a
list of people recently they said like, hey, I'm not
gonna hire or work with any of the people that
worked with these people. And there was a list of
like general I like Milly was on it and Madison
was on it. Right, So I understand that they're taking

precautions and there's reason to do so. But when it
comes to this individual guy, I think he's full of crab.
I think he's bragging just to try to bag this girl.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
That's what he's saying yeah, and again that's why I want.
I wanted to point that out, and then I wanted
to point out the line knowing about troops thing because
it makes me, it makes me, it makes me unsure
where to settle.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
This guy seems like he's this has been an ongoing
joke on this show for now, for like years, how
everybody that sits down and gets gets you fooled by
James o'keefh All's well, James o'keef sometimes is sitting across
from them wearing like the the Marx Brothers Honises with
the nose and the mustache, and they go, are you
James o'keeve and he goes, no, not James o'keef. God yeah.

And it's the same thing in this video where this
guy's like, hey, you're not You're not, like, you know,
like a spy, right Lois, And the girl's like, no,
I'm not one. No, I'm not gonna post this on
my social media. Tell me all your secrets. And he's like, hey, okay, just.

Speaker 1 (27:34):
What was the what was what class was everybody's pay
grade in this meeting? And I need all the eyes.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
I would like to think that that if you're a person.
And not to say they're all like super geniuses, but
like if you're looking Edward Snowden, because he worked for
the same company this Booz Hamilton, right Boots Allen, like
he's he worked for the same company before he he
came out and made his accusations and ended up fleeing
and hiding and rush or whatever.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
Well, Booze Booze is one of these companies that does
every They're just like a super government.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
Remember everything. Snowden was working with them in Hawaii at
the time it came out during the Bomba administration, right,
so when it came out, and I would like to
think people that work for these companies are smarter than
this guy is in the video, Like where You're gonna
sit Gray, you would hope that these guys aren't really
gonna show.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
I want them, I want them to be right.

Speaker 2 (28:24):
Let me, let me spill all of our dirty secrets
in front of you, a complete stranger I just met
on the internet, like you're Eric Swallwell and Fang Fang.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
But there are there are countless examples through history of
people who just said sometimes it was yea and sometimes
it was just because they were dumb during the quote
during the Cold Wars, a couple of big examples where
people were running their mouth and it literally caused huge problems.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
No, no doubt. Historically, speaking, attractive females have been the
downfall of many quote smart strong you know.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
Yeah, it was East German East German honey traps that
would come over and essentially were able to weasel their
way in to figure out where they were bringing people
over the Berlin Wall because guys were like, you're so hot,
you want to you want to sleep with me? Sure? Yeah, hey,
let me tell you about this thing.

Speaker 2 (29:13):
Guys historically can be super dumb when it comes to
this stuff. Agreed, Yeah, but I would they're not as
dumb as this guy. You would hope.

Speaker 1 (29:22):
I just I you know what, after a cosumous job
and everything else, I mean, I hope you got a
kiss or something something. Yeah, right, you think you went
dodg er do you have to? That's the real thing.
Probably you probably paid for it too. That's the thing
that would cheese me because I'm out of a job
and I didn't get you to split the check because
you didn't really want to be on a date. That's

a speaking of people, losing their job. Ross, did you
are you aware of all of the details now surrounding
that insane Philadelphia Eagles fans screaming at the woman in
the packers garb.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
I've heard like updates here and there. I know he
was working in hospitality before he got fired. For me
in the JA he was.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
Working in hospitality.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
What was he working in?

Speaker 5 (30:05):

Speaker 2 (30:07):
Oh, that was the latest I read like two days.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
I think of the most insane and ironic field you
can think of. And I will tell you when we
returned on the CaCO Day radio program. Some some more
obscure nerd news, but you know everything, there's so much
incorporated in what's going on, obviously with the inauguration less

than a week away, and everything is happening in California
with the fires and a lot of celebrities you know
obviously up in that and uh with with TikTok did I?
I have to admit I avoided successfully finding out what this?
What is the what's it? What's the other platform? Read

something or other where the TikTok kids are going. But
it's even more under the thumb of the Chinese government.
So if you post anything that says like Taiwan's a
country or anything, lgbt Q pl whatever, any of that.
They just delete your account, so like it's a mess.

And then it gets crazier because like Elon indicating by
TikTok and then mister Beast. So we'll pick Steven's brain
on all of this. Okay, all right, let me let
me put the kapper on this, this Philly dirt bag story.
So the guy got fired. The fact that he works
at a DEI consulting firm is hilarious when he's sitting

there screaming calling this woman an ugly sword repeatedly. But uh,
and it was one of those guys from barstool. Actually
that's where I read this story. So good on them
doing some journalism and the the fiance of the woman, right,
because let's be honest. If you're at a sporting event

or if you're anywhere and you're with your girl and
some random dude is to her face calling her a
CNX Tuesday, how long? How much longer is that going?
I'm not saying you have to punch the person.

Speaker 2 (32:16):
That actually happened here. I'm sorry I told that story
before in the past. I know, I think I have
on the show where I was at like rarely a
station event, and you had like a younger dude, Yeah,
y off On Marquee and a and an intern we
had here and he was dropping the sea bomb and
he threw a drink in one of her and I
backed the dude into the corner and told him I

was going to like just punch, like I yeah, you
need to stop right now, dude.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
You can usually check guys like that. I give back
to a guy at a bar one time, who is
who was? He got physical with the waitress because he
thought that she was overcharging him, and me and my
buddy stood up. Yeah, and you don't hit him, but
he's against the wall and his whole demeanor right backed
him into the corner and I'm that was a tiny
dude then then, But it was like he stopped and
I actually that your girl, man, that's my whole life.

And I'm like yeah, and her friend And I actually
felt really bad about it when I got back to
because it kind of caused a scene at the event,
and actually ended up writing a letter to like the
sales manager at the time, and I was like, hey,
apologize and he's like, you've nothing to apologize. For right, Yeah,
was he did he work at the station?

Speaker 5 (33:21):

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Yes, Oh I think I've heard you tell the remdence.
I don't know all the details of this story, so,
but like, what was weird about this videos? He's like,
he kept going say it again, say it again, and
then she would look over and im film it, and
I'm like, what is So her fiance is like an

upstart influencer. So he's got you know, he's got a
YouTube channel. Yeah, he does some twitch streaming. I think
he's got a link for something anyway, and this dude
realized that the whole situation was probably potentially viral. So
rather than being like, what are you doing, you know,

in a more aggressive manner than hey man, so why
don't you say that again? It's it's he writes something
that it's happening. He posts that it's happening prior to
the video, so he's clear. So this thing is ongoing
and he decides to go ahead and film it. But
what needs to happen is his girl's got to suffer

more verbal abuse. And so when you watch the video
in that context, you realize that she's making sure he's
she's like because she's looking where he's filming, her eyes
go there a couple times, and she doesn't really push back.
She kind of also goads the dude to say it again,
I'm not I'm not saying that this Philly guy is

not a worthless piece of garbage, but it. He then
does the films the video and immediately promotes it across
his channels and then starts to go fund me. So
I'm sorry.

Speaker 2 (35:05):
So he's sitting there while it's going down, and he's
like calculating in his head and he's like, I can
make I can profit off this abuse of my followers
and get some followers and some clicks and you know,
some donations to a GoFundMe. That's all.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
Just have to let my fiance be humiliated.

Speaker 2 (35:19):

Speaker 1 (35:20):
Yeah, right, So, like I said, there's not a lot
of and frankly, I understand that she's the victim there,
but if I and who knows maybe her her fiance
is very controlling over her, but it looks like she's
making sure he's filming with the way her eyes are
kind of just like.

Speaker 2 (35:39):
Say, everybody's just so. First off, you're at a sporting
event and for some reason, people think when you put
on a jersey or a sports jersey, or you see
somebody in like a rival jersey that you're allowed to
be a complete a hole, right, Like the laws of
civil society just fall because you're wearing a jersey. So
you have these people that are in this environment, But
then you also have people that are so focus on

social media and getting the clicks and the ad revenue
or whatever that they're just completely it's so gross. It's all.
It's just gross all around.

Speaker 1 (36:07):
I can't I had I had to get I need
I wanted to take a quick picture or something when
we were on vacation, right, Uh it was, uh, this
is this is how uh uh Western nerdy I am.
It was a really really nice horse, it was. It
was one of those you know, but it's the breeding.

Speaker 2 (36:27):
No, But that's so like you because most people will
be at like a restaurant and be like, Wow, look
at this meal. I need to take a picture of
it post it on the Gram so people can see
what I'm eating. But you and I both agree that's
kind of like stupid and weird, and I would never.

Speaker 1 (36:39):
Yeah, no, I hate it. But like you're like, and
I've had you ever had somebody stop you before you
can eat and you're at the same table, yeah, I eat.

Speaker 2 (36:47):
I'm not at that point in my life at all.
I'm like the opposite of social media, like because something
will happen with me, or I'll be in traffic, or
I'll see something and I'll go, wow, I was crazy,
and then maybe I'll tell you about it, or market
I'll talk about on the radio, and instantly I get
from people or management or well, did you take a photo?
Where's the video? Did you get the clicks? And I'm
not in that maybe to my own fault, right, because

I'm in this business and maybe I should be focused
on that, but I'm just not. I'm not focused on
my phone all the time. I'm not focused on the
social media all the time. To be completely honest, I
don't care. I don't care enough to do it. I'm
just not so engrossed in the lifestyle because I try
to have a life outside of my phone in social
media because it's not real and it's not healthy and
it's not good for you. So stuff will happen and

I'll just won't post it, and then people will go,
where's the video, where's the proof? And I'm like, I
didn't even think about it at the time. But you
have these people that are so focused on everything where
you have something like this going on where your fiance
is being abused, and not only is her man thinking
we can post this on social media, but she quickly
gets the gist after he starts egging the other guy

and she's like, oh, we could put this on social media.
So you got like you said, you got bad people
all around.

Speaker 1 (37:56):
Yeah, So but why do you then laugh because I
took a picture of a horse. It was an Andalusia
because you even understand how rare it is to see,
because it's so you.

Speaker 2 (38:05):
It's so great because everything this stuff could happen you've
talked about before. You were you were in Asheville and
you were being harassed by the homeless guy who threw
something that your car.

Speaker 1 (38:14):
Seven foot tall homeless giant.

Speaker 2 (38:15):
Yes, right, you didn't film it, you didn't put it
on there. But the horse, the horse is the thing.
You're like, Wow, this is great and I'm gonna post
this thing.

Speaker 1 (38:24):
But I didn't post it. I just said it to
like other horse buddies. You look at this and Andalusian
all right. For those of you who don't know, if
you do you know pasa fino orn't it?

Speaker 3 (38:33):

Speaker 1 (38:34):
You ever see like the dancing horses in Colombia and Argentina?
You ever see the hor with that weird kind of
thing that they do the ros? You ever see you
have you ever seen any of the dancing horses? Is
this a whole thing in South America? So look, we
had we had quarters, I walker made Arabians growing up.
I've never seen an Andalusia you mean fully trained dancing horse?

Speaker 2 (38:54):
You mean like when the horses like stomp and do
like math with their hoofs or what are you talking about?
Like dancing?

Speaker 1 (38:59):
Yeah, I mean it kind of looks like that. It
is it, It's like it's it's the horses kind of
dance and the it's all kind of in one spot.
But the whole thing and there's four different gates. Do
you want me to get into the gate types and
all this? Because I can. I could do the rest
of the show just explaining horse breeds, gates, color patterns,
you name it. I'm happy to. But I decided to

be easier to point out that the dancy ones because
maybe people have seen those. Oh so anyway, no, no, no,
so this uh I was an Andalusian and it was
wearing the crick and the Cabella creolele I remember what
they call it. But it's got the bells and all
that stuff. Oh man, I had never seen one in person.

And so but this is what it goes to. Knowing
that I want to take a picture of this horse,
and I've already asked the guy. I'm like, hey, bro Andalusian, Yeah,
can I And he's like absolutely, I'm so bad at
getting my camera. Oh it's like thirty seconds of me
looking like an idiot who's never handled a phone. I

don't understand when a situation is going on, how anyone
gets their camera open. Yeah, because I'm so bad at it.

Speaker 2 (40:12):
I think that's why people freak out when, like, you
have these events happen and they are filmed and they're
posted and they're not like on portrait or motor landscape
or whatever the one you're supposed to be in and
they're like, well, you didn't film it, right, you move
your camera. Well, a lot of times these things happen
and people are just like panicking. They're just like oh,
they just take up their phone.

Speaker 1 (40:28):
Yeah, I think I'm gonna get you a dancing pasifino
horse or lose.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
Does it get up on like two legs, and like.

Speaker 1 (40:35):
They'll do a lot of stuff if they'll pretty crazy
if to lead the horse or it's it's what weirds
me out about. It is is it's all behavior that
for a workhorse you would not tolerate, Like where they're
making a lot of quick movements when they're in a
standing position there like that you would if you did
it on a quarter horse. You think the horse is

getting away from it. Then they're literally trained to do it,
and then they do it like in sync and and
the they have restaurants where you go eat and then
in the middle is like a dirt circle and they
bring these horses into dance while they play music. Can
you find dying? When I was in Argentina that they
had these things, I didn't go to one, but I
wanted to have.

Speaker 2 (41:13):
You ever like the strength it takes to dip a horse?

Speaker 1 (41:17):
Oh no, I had horses that would dip. Yeah, we
could try to you could you try to pack horse
to dip or to to bottom to literally get on there,
you know, touch touch their withers almost man so that
you can so that you can load or unload in
certain situation.

Speaker 2 (41:33):
Have you ever done the thing where the horse runs
towards you and you pick up the horse, like at
the end of Dirty Dancing?

Speaker 1 (41:39):
No, I didn't. I have picked up a bowl before,
but we didn't dance. It was it was in some distress.
But other than that, No, No missed out on that.
Uh any other weird horse questions that.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
I have.

Speaker 1 (41:57):
This whole thing was around me and being not able
to quick open to take a photo even though because
I was trying to go to the app and do
all this stuff. And like I I know, I know
in my brain that there's a one touch button on
my lock screen and my iPhone and I've still never
to this day ever used it when wanting to take

a photo. So I'm just I'm aging out. I guess
I don't know people. People, I oh, now people are.
I didn't say that Andalusian horses were from Argentina. I
said that they have them down there.

Speaker 2 (42:40):
Now you're gonna piss off the horse experts. Man, It's okay.
It's like it's like the gun debate.

Speaker 1 (42:44):
You want to know what horses do. Here's what horses do.
And I've said this before. I hate horses. I don't
hate them, but I hated the amount of work that
they caused me. And let me tell you, buying wild
mustangs even when you're a teenager and you bounce soft
stuff and then you and your buddies have to literally
break them a wild horse. No, it's awful, oh man.

And we get so beat up because we're stupid about it.
I mean, we're just like because you're like, I we'll
just we'll buck them out, when in reality, it's it's
like daily training sequencing. You put them in a in
a creek up to their up to their waist, and
there's different Like breaking the horses is a process. When
you're you're young and dumb, you're like, I'm just I'm

gonna go all chrisal To do on this thing, and
and then you had My buddy's got a permanent scar
because he looped the rope around his arm on a
seven year old wild blood mare man and it almost
ripped part of his arm off. So that's that's my
horse thing. But no horses. The greatest trick that horses
love to do is if you're riding a horse in
the woods, it goes, hey, there's a tree, I'm gonna

rub one of my sides on it, which, of course
you're l is in between that and they love that stuff.
So they're covered in sap and stuff. Oh yeah, they're
die uhbollicle man anyway, but some of them dancing, as
Ross said, do math, So there you go, all right,
seven twenty back in a minute. Don't think it's just
some ranting. What Ross? What did I text you right

after we went to break.

Speaker 2 (44:20):
A photo of an amazing looking horse.

Speaker 1 (44:22):
Thank you. That's the nerd I am.

Speaker 2 (44:25):
So that thing is incredible. Dude, yeah, dude.

Speaker 1 (44:28):
Uh. And and again, if you want to go dancey
dance with your horse, you want to do a little
uh dressage, it's called it dressage. To irritate my cousin,
who's really into us, it's a dressage. She was a
can chaser two and a nanny slammer. So what are
you gonna do? All right? So, uh, let me let
me grab something else here. Yeah, that's a that's a

crazy cool looking horse. Man, but again, not not a
not a breed I'd worked with, was familiar with, and
definitely not training them to h to do that. Right.
So they went to the rest of the South Korean
President yesterday and they sent and I'm not making this up,

three thousand officers to serve to serve the arrestaurrant. Okay,
all right, Like I've seen a few d like blue
cam videos are I'm like, man, there's a lot of
police onseene for that thing. Oh it's it's a it's
a naked, drunk twenty two year old trying to walk

like the line. I can't imagine why everybody's there. Three thousand.

Speaker 2 (45:36):
Though. The President's like, did you send enough guys? And
he looks at the wind he was like, oh, yeah,
you did, yeah.

Speaker 1 (45:41):
Three thousand, three thousand. Well, I mean because he has security,
he also has people who are loyal to him within
security services. So they're just like, yeah, we're gonna send
three thousand. Coming up on the show in a half hour,
we're gonna chat with Stephen Kent, and we got quite
a few things to get into with our official nerd correspondent.

And it's mostly because all the big insane news of
the day has a NERD component to it, and so
we'll pick Stevens brain on a few of that. Plus
he's he lives around d C too, so I'm sure
he is super stoked for the already nightmarish traffic conditions,
which is crazy how bad the traffic still is in DC,

even though we found out that like nobody goes to
the office anymore to be become just hell weak for him.
So we'll pick his brain there before that, let's go
ahead and get into yesterday. So ap did him dirty, man,
They did Joe Biden dirty yesterday. So Joe Biden had

his his his going away thing, and basically he into me,
I'm not gonna I'm not going to get into very
much of it, I mean, really any of it because
it's nonsense. It's the same stuff. And he's like, uh,
and he basically said, Hitler's coming in because this is
where we were, this is where we are again. Right

here comes the uh uh and and and then Elon
and he you know, he's warning it's about to get horrible.
So we'll see. And everything he did was great. Uh
he was Uh. I don't remember if we played did
we play the Afghan audio the other day from from Biden?
I mean the dude's delusional, uh, yesterday or the other day.

I don't think I played the ut here. Let me
let me grab it real quick. It should be right here,
do do? I forgot that. We didn't get to that
the other day. It's just the problem was, like any
other president, I probably would have done a whole show
in that audio, but it's just Joby and Joe Man
and I guess maybe that's how they break you. So

uh yeah, So it's it's a lot of that stuff
where you know, it's a lot of lipstick on pig stuff. Okay, there, Sorry,
I had to reload the whole directory for some reason,
but I didn't get it, so it's not. But then
it did. It became not about what he was saying.
Why the hell can I not find this? I'll the

Afghan withdrawal audio, Biden, I don't think we played it
the other day. I'm sorry. I just it dawned on
me we still had it in there. This is why
I can't take.

Speaker 5 (48:25):

Speaker 1 (48:25):
I thought it was like two days ago we had
that audio. I just didn't play. We never got to
it anyway. Whatever, just ignore me. I'll uh, this whole
thing's acting weird. Oh okay, you put on my brother,
all right, thank you. I must have scrolled past that
eight times. All right, This is why I can't take

any of it. Seriously, here he is from the other day.

Speaker 8 (48:50):
I can also report to the American people for the
first president in decades who's not leaving a war in Afghanistan.

Speaker 1 (48:59):
Two six What a weird like you have. You're like
an Elias sports bureau where you gotta be like Josh
Allen is throwing eight touchdowns on days that ended, be
this or write some weird obscure thing. So because Trump's thing,
I don't know if you remember his his thing. He

was the first president in my lifetime who didn't start
a war or start a conflict. A lot of people
they kind of like that. So you're the first president
who didn't leave his predecessor a war in Afghanistan. I
mean that's really specific. You also also, you ready for this,

didn't leave it. I didn't leave your successor a war
in Djibouti or like what. It's all stupid. So anyway,
I'm sorry, Go ahead, sir.

Speaker 8 (49:55):
I can also report to the American people for the
first president a decade who's not leaving a war in Afghanistan.

Speaker 1 (50:04):
To his success This isn't even the crazy part.

Speaker 8 (50:06):
But we've got bin Laden. During the Obama Biden administration,
the primary objective of war had been accomplished, and I
believe that going forward, the primary threat of O. Kaita
would no longer be emanating from Afghanistan, but from elsewhere,
and so we not need the station's sizeable number of
American forces in Afghanistan. So when I took office, I

had a choice. Only I saw no reason to keep
thousands of servicemen in Afghanistan. I've got scheduled men. I
keep on of my I don't hear, I don'nut, but
I keep on the back of my card the actual
number of dead and wounded with occurred in or the
longest war to remind myself. Keep spending one hundreds of

millions of dollars a day. We're no longer doing that.

Speaker 1 (50:55):
All right. So it's a little Rambley. But he's always
a little Rambley too. Is that that card referencing? Is
that the one that tells you where to sit?

Speaker 2 (51:02):
Dudeas such a liar, But.

Speaker 1 (51:05):
He is trying to put lipstick on a pig of
his Afghan withdrawal. It's insane. I'm sure what I know.

Speaker 2 (51:14):
It's so important to me that you know I you
know all the people, the servicemen that have died. I
keep a list of them in my pocket because it's
so important to me. And now I'm going, you know,
every day, I think about it every single day, like
it keeps me up at night. I'm like the Service
mount dying. So I keep it in my pocket and
then he goes to look for it and it's not there,
and he goes, well, not today, I mean not today,

it's not in my body. Yeah, because you're full of crap, dude, Ah,
somebody stole it.

Speaker 1 (51:39):
Man. You know, it's a valuable list right there, and
presidents might have notes that he scribbled on there and
that stuff. Collectors like that stuff.

Speaker 2 (51:48):

Speaker 1 (51:48):
So so two days after he's trying to make it
sound like he the whole Afghan thing wasn't a complete
and utter disaster. Oh the only redeeming thing that Kate Ross.
Did you see the video over the break of the
Taliban guys finally getting to go with that Blackhawk and
wrecking it.

Speaker 2 (52:08):
No, I haven't seen it.

Speaker 1 (52:10):
Oh, man, I got so there. These these they're you know,
they're yelling, they're all excited, will they get the thing
off the ground, And it is clear that like they
have no idea what the hell they're doing. Zero idea
how to pilot a black Hawk helicopter and it goes
badly and I don't see the crash, and I think

they survived, but it was inoperable. And so maybe that
was the brilliant part of the strategy. Leave these Taliban
a bunch of equipment that they don't know how to run,
so they kill themselves. But other than that, there's no redeemings.
So yesterday he's on there, he's talking about how Trump's
coming in It's going to be the end of the world.

But then he got into this whole thing where he
was like, uh, he was like reverting to earlier attack points,
and I just I zoned out of it. However, I
saw the pool photos, so not the video of him
speaking where you see him. He's sitting at the desk,

you know, pretty standard. The AP pool reporter got alongside Biden,
so he's shooting straight at what would be Biden's right side,
and so you see the cherry sit in. You also
see the little set up next to him, And I'm
not do you remember the thing with FDR and the media,

that whole thing. I get sure you guys are probably aware,
like the media, the FDR, the wheelchair thing was a thing, right,
and he thought that the wheelchair, especially in the time
of everything that was going on, with all the insanity
he was he it was almost a tacit agree where
they wouldn't show his wheelchair, and then I think somebody did,

and then it turned into a thing. I don't remember
the whole scenario, but like Joe Biden was propped up
on pillows man and I see people, Oh, it's a
posture thing. No, it's not the guy. He's shrinking, he's
and and and people do that. I'm not criticizing him
for getting older, but it does it. It does not

exude power that photo. Get him a chair that's right
sized if there's a problem, So you say, you don't
feel that he's seated properly.

Speaker 2 (54:25):
So it's like the opposite of how the press covered
for FDR. Like you think it's like a like an
attack thing. They were attacking him.

Speaker 1 (54:30):
I don't. I don't know what to make of it
because I wanted to see who took the photo first.
I'm like, oh my god, I wonder if the White
House released it, and I tracked down where the photo
actually had its Uh, it's licensing, and it's pool, it's
the pool photog and specifically it's the AP photographer, so
it's that's who. That's who took it. And then and
then it spread through all the media because they want

the pool in there. And then all the rest of
the outlets use the same picture, so they all made
a decision to use it. I've seen it in a
bunch of different places and then next to them. Do
you remember when you stayed home sick from school the setup.
I don't know, maybe your mom didn't if we were,
if if if I was homesick from school, if anyone
was homesick from school on that you're in your bed right,

and my mom had like a like a drug kit.
I guess you had like vis vapo rub had like
cough drops, had that throat spray that would like numb
your and then it had you know, she'd have fluids
there and she'd have that whole little train bringing in
and that little setup would be, uh, you know, sitting
by your bed table there along with I don't know,

maybe some saltine crackers or something, and Joe Biden's got
a little set up with water and lossages and cleanexes
and some other stuff. But that's not the part on
beef and on it's him sitting on a fluffy pillow. Man,
it's just so emasculating, and people go where you're being
petty bout no, no, no, no, I'm trying to look at

it through the lens of how people who hate US
view things. And as you're probably aware, they don't view
they don't view the US very very favorably. But they're
also clearly not scared of this dude. And those are
people who operate on fear terror in some instance. I

got a buddy who says that the world is run
by brute force, money and hot chicks, and he's not wrong.

Speaker 2 (56:24):
No, I mean, image is very important. And going back
to FDR, like you said before, I don't know. I
watch a documentary on FDR's march to the podium after
Pearl Harbor was bombed and he gave his famous speech. Yeah,
and the fact that the dude could not walk at
the time, like it was a big deal, Like it
was the most stressful part of that speech was getting
from point A to be you know, the hallway to

the podium, and they had to put the braces on
his legs because at the time like you said, the
media was covering they didn't want to make him look weak, right, Yes,
this is the opposite of that where you're just like, hey,
look at this dude, and you are gonna have other
countries looking at it, and they're gonna have their their
their opinions and ideas about it.

Speaker 1 (57:01):
No man should ever be film sitting on a butt,
don't it unless you just had like surgery, right, I remember.

Speaker 2 (57:12):
Like, actually I fought the bull. That's the way I
have the butt pillow.

Speaker 1 (57:15):
Okay, you can have one. You cant the the no
the butt oh ring? Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can
have one because you got a horn in your butt
because you're dumb and you were running with the bulls,
or you just had I don't know, you had some
sort of big surgery down there. But none of it
looks manly. And again to deny that because people will go, well,

that's not how things are done. That's how things are
done in a lot of countries. Why do you think
why do you think putin uh is you know, running
around shirtless on you know, uh, in proximity the dangerous
animals and and doing lifting heavy stuff right, because that
plays over there and it plays in a lot of
places and a lot of times we because we we

view other countries, We view other countries through our standards.
Right when you evaluate Kim Jong un, you're not evaluating
him in the way that North Koreans evaluate him. You're
evaluating him from us. And so he's a little runt.
He's a little this little thug, little runt dictator, right,
little adorable. I'll pat him on the head, that kind

of stuff like. And that's why he's that's why you know,
he strives to do horrendous things, because it's about image building.
You want people to forget that you're short, although comparably
probably not short compared to other North Koreans, but you
want people to forget that because you're willing to put
a guy in the middle of the field and turn
him to mist with a mortar because you're such you're

such a badass, because that's how you think it works.
And I'm sorry if those are people that we have
to tangle with, that's the process in their brain. And
you better understand it, all right, ken Boone. His brain
thinks one thing, weather and cold, cold snow to ruin
your travel. Go ahead, ken Boone.

Speaker 6 (58:57):
We do have some cold air hit it in as
we look towards early next week, but temperatures are actually
going to get a little bit milder first here, so
we had through the end of the week. So look
for mixic clowns and sunshine out there.

Speaker 5 (59:07):

Speaker 6 (59:07):
Temperatures up around are just over fifty this afternoon, upper twenties. Tonight,
mix the clowns and sun low fifties. Tomorrow, chancell rain
Saturday with high temperatures in the low fifties, lingering showers Sunday,
upper forties, and then really cold early next week with
highst Monday in the low part of the thirties.

Speaker 1 (59:23):
Okay, thank you, sir, appreciate it. We're talking an hour,
all right. You guys know that one of my favorite
moments in the while was when they were having the
tech hearings, when Zuckerberg was testifying before the Senate and
you had octogenarian senators asking them like, how do you
how you don't charge? How do you make money? Bro right?

And it's because it's just so funny because they have
no clue. I love those moments, and the Supreme Court
gave me one yesterday. But it might be a ruse.
I'll explain next coming up, we'll chat with We'll try
to get one phone call in real quick and then
we'll chat with even Ken at eight o five. So
there's a case in front of Supreme Court and it

has to do with the law passed in Texas. But
North Carolina's got their own thing having to do it
with the website porn Hub, and a lot of states
have you can't access it unless you have a VPN
because of the laws have been passed about id people
coming to the site. However you feel about that Texas.

One of the Texas versions of it, where they're trying
to define what percentage is just leude adult behavior and
what is might be educational is part of the case
they're trying to break down in the US Supreme Court.
So the following exchange happens.

Speaker 9 (01:00:43):
So one of the parties here is the owner of
porn Hub, right, yes, And what percentage of the material
on that is not obscene as to children?

Speaker 10 (01:00:53):
Well, you're honest, if we're talking about the youngest miners,
I would agree that most of it is. And that
is how we reach it.

Speaker 9 (01:00:59):
Is it like the old Playboy magazine? You have essays
there by the modern day equivalent of Gourvidal and William F.
Fuckley Jr.

Speaker 10 (01:01:08):
Not in that sense, but in the sense you have
sexual wellness posts about women recovering from history rerectomies and
how they can enjoy sex. That's on the on their
discussions of age verification proposals and where the industry lines
up as far as what they think should be legislated
and what should Now.

Speaker 9 (01:01:23):
Let's go down to what's the second most popular porn site.

Speaker 5 (01:01:27):
Your Honor.

Speaker 2 (01:01:28):
I don't I don't have.

Speaker 1 (01:01:28):
You don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:01:29):
You represent these people.

Speaker 10 (01:01:30):
We represent the industry Your honored, the portion of the
industry that answers to US laws and jurisdiction.

Speaker 9 (01:01:35):
So you are you familiar with what they have?

Speaker 10 (01:01:39):
Your Honor somewhat so yes, And I think the record
offers some indications of that.

Speaker 1 (01:01:42):
All right. So he's like, is it like Playboy with
articles and all that over at the board Hub. I
don't know. I'm a Spring Court justice. I'd never go there.
So one of two things is possible. He never went there,
or he knows, but he has to play dumb. He's like, Oh,
they got pictures of horses over there. I've never been there.

Speaker 2 (01:02:04):
He's a Supreme court justice. I mean he doesn't have
to go. He's swimming in it, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (01:02:08):
This is why they have chambers.

Speaker 2 (01:02:09):
Man, I've seen that video. Yeah, I've seen the video
on porn hubb.

Speaker 1 (01:02:11):
Yes, yeah, yeah, they and they get out. They always
win the case or get the kate charges dismissed usually
so oh he's rooting for him. Soay, I saw some
There's a whole bunch of shoplifters to get caught, but
somehow we's allowed. I'm not gonna have to Jamal. You
had to call right now. I got a guess. I'm
not gonna be able to get Jamal in in time.

There's no way he's gonna fit into forty five seconds.
Tell him to call back because well he can hear me. Yeah, sorry, Jamal,
I just got a guess coming up and all that.
But if you want to call back after the game,
or you can sit there on hold, I don't care.
Do whatever you want to do, or go see if
you can find some articles on porn hubb. I'm sure
they must be there somewhere. It's Steven Kent time, our

official NERD correspondent joining us. Who is I'm sure ecstatic
at what is to become of his traffic near where
he lives within just a few days. How you doing, Steven?
What's is it crazy up in DC area yet? What's
going on?

Speaker 5 (01:03:09):
It's getting a little bit crazy. The hotels are filling up,
and I am gassing up my helicopters so that I
can just fly across I sixty six and I ninety
five in the DC whatever I need, because you'll never
get there on the roads again.

Speaker 1 (01:03:24):
A guy who I know through one of the organizations
I do radio rows with, he has a house like
I want to say, like eight blocks from the Capitol
and he he like, he told me what he rented.
I'm not going to tell because I didn't ask him
if I could. He rented that thing out for like
a week, and it's going to cover like most of
his mortgage. It's crazy, man, It's a really.

Speaker 5 (01:03:45):
Nice that's wild. Yeah. I mean, we're we're looking at
going in for the inauguration and I kind of just
want to do celebrity spying and see how many cool
people I can find. But you know, when you live
in the DC area, you take Washington for granted, and
going in just feels like such a pain.

Speaker 1 (01:04:01):
You know what blew my mind's being to Washington is
those reports coming out like none of the workers are
going to the buildings to work, right, some of the
numbers are crazy. And yet I was just in DC
and your traffic still sucked. It's like nobody's going to work.
How come I can't make it from Reagan to the
Phoenix Park Hotel in under thirty minutes? How is this happening?

Speaker 5 (01:04:23):
Well, we'll see, we'll see what happens. I mean, if
Vivek and Elon get their way and Doze does a
good job, they're going to break up the bureaucracy, Casey,
and they're going to send some of these agencies out
into the country. So maybe you guys can get the
Environmental Protection Agency moved down to Raleigh and get some
of our traffic.

Speaker 1 (01:04:39):
No, we have one of the biggest lunatic environmental lawyer
offices in Chapel Hill, Southern Environmental Law Center.

Speaker 2 (01:04:45):
We don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:04:46):
It's a good it's a good fit.

Speaker 1 (01:04:47):
No, no, no, In fact, we're going to send that
to you late Christmas gift. You're welcome, But let's talk
about celebrities for a Moment's a good thing. You mentioned
that Kerrie Underwood's going to be singing. Uh. I think
you and I are enough to remember the first Trump
inauguration where any celebrity who indicated or even considered the

idea of performing for Trump's inauguration immediately they set out
to cancel him and they ended up having like he
I don't think they had any musical acts, right, except
maybe John Rich because he plays all this stuff from
big and rich. But like, they shamed a bunch of
celebrities out of doing this. And what's so wild is
Carrie Underwood's doing this. They're they're squawking out her online.

She clearly doesn't care. Jeff Bezos giving a million dollars
the inauguration, you have the village people are going to
be there, and it's like it's it's you can get
away with it now, is what we've been talking about,
even in Hollywood, Like you follow this stuff and you're

seeing some of it. There's the John Criers of the
world who you'll never fix, and then there's others who
all of a sudden, like Jim Gaffigan right having this renaissance.
I think we talked about this, this renaissance of oh no,
I wasn't insulting all the people that like Trump. What
I mean, this is just more of this right, and

this is a good thing. I'm assuming sure it's a
good thing.

Speaker 5 (01:06:18):
I mean, this is a completely different scenario than twenty
sixteen when Donald Trump first took office and was sort
of just this alien type political figure and considered to
be uniquely problematic at the time. He's mainstream. Now, his
views are mainstream. He has won, he's won the culture,
he won the election, and it is not interesting to

try to blackmail or cancel people who want to just
perform at his inauguration. He has been successfully normalized, whether
you like that or not. So I think this is
a great sign for him, and it's a great sign
for his agenda.

Speaker 1 (01:06:57):
Yeah, there's a little part of me that's going to
miss the really insane but not serious things, you know,
like like BuzzFeed articles, you know, crazy ones like how
how to cope with Trump? Five easy sandwiches to me,
you know, just stupid stuff like that. I'm gonna miss
it because it made my job easy and I feel.

Speaker 5 (01:07:15):
Like, yeah, that time is over.

Speaker 1 (01:07:17):
Yeah, so there's a little nostalgia there.

Speaker 5 (01:07:20):
How tell you. I was looking at that musical guest list. Okay,
see I was missing one one particular name I wanted
to see, Oliver Anthony, the rich man north of Richmond. Guy,
why didn't they invite him?

Speaker 1 (01:07:33):
Oh that's a that's a that's a minefield right there. Man.
Do you remember when people trying to go to pick
a side and he's just I kind of appreciate he's like,
I hate all of you because like, yeah, I feel
that way most days. And then what's going on with
your with the Washington Post up there? I mean, I'm
really gonna miss Jen Rubin obviously the conservative over at

the paper. But the I saw that the weekly uniques
went from twenty two million to four million from twenty
twenty one to now. That's obviously devastating, but it's you know,
this is what's happening. This is what's happening with newspapers.
But Post had really been kind of able to hold on.
They had three hundred thousand cancelations, not because they endorsed Trump,

because they didn't endorse anybody. And now they've got like
a brewing mutiny within the newsroom there. If you're just
how do you think this pans out? Man?

Speaker 5 (01:08:28):
Well, these these legacy outlets will be able to crawl
along and stay just barely alive. You know, Jennifer Rubin,
the so called conservative columnist, is leaving to form some
new website, probably end up being just a substack called
The Contrarian. You know, nobody really knows who this person is.
She doesn't matter. She only talks on completely irrelevant cable

news networks.

Speaker 1 (01:08:53):
You know.

Speaker 5 (01:08:53):
I think the Washington Post will survive. It will just
be a question of whether or not Jeff Bezos. It's
an Order sixty six type culling of their entire staff.
And I think it is increasingly likely that this could
actually happen. The way that Meta and Mark Zuckerberg are
repositioning themselves to be relevant, the Washington Post is rutten

by a serious hardcore capitalist. I think that they're going
to roll aheads in short order.

Speaker 1 (01:09:22):
La Times. You getting a little vibe. A lot of
people don't know that La Times, the owner of The
La Times, is also like he's like a world renowned surgeon, right,
so there's a certain practicality obviously to his thinking. I
I don't Knowmber, if it's neuros. No, he's a transplant.
He's like one of the biggest transplant surgeons, so and
he made a lot of money through transplant centers and

bought the paper there. La Times is interesting microcosm and
I want to switch over to that, and it's what
we were just talking about. You couple everything going on
with those fires out there, and you're hearing some celebrities
say some stuff that they probably to protect their career
would have never uttered. But then you have others doubling

down who I didn't expect to see it. So how
impactful in what we're just talking about are the fires
and all of the bureaucracy surrounding them. Do you think
that has an impact on Hollywood at large?

Speaker 5 (01:10:18):
Yeah, I mean there will certainly be some productions that
get slowed down. I mean, I'm kind of waiting for
news to come out of Hollywood about which studios or
which shows or TV programs are going to actually be
delayed by what happened with the fires. But you know,
it is absolutely very serious for the industry of Hollywood.

But you know, they'll recover, they'll bounce back. The question
will be whether or not these people will ever be
able to rebuild their lives given the incredibly onerous and
strict zoning regulations that have completely strangled southern California and
really the entire state of California from growing at the
rate that it otherwise should have.

Speaker 1 (01:10:58):
Well, no, no, no, and that's part of it. But
I'm more asking is ideologically, is it a red pill
moment for maybe some folks in Hollywood. Well, yeah, what
they've supported has failed in this instance.

Speaker 5 (01:11:15):
You know, I'm a little hesitant to say to say,
yes that Hollywood's going to be somehow red pilled. Now,
I don't think that they will, And I'm pretty sure
that these are the most likely people to be indignant,
to dig their heels in, and to not budge in
their commitment to insulting most mainstream Americans and Republicans of

any stripe. I think they're going to stay exactly right
where they are. But what is going to change is
that there's going to be capital money and financing that
does move increasingly to alternative studios, you know, for making
things that mainstream America might actually enjoy. You know, I've
just been getting caught up on the Chosen you know,
the story about Jesus Christ and his disciples, and I

mean just the amounts of money that has flowed into
that production and it has reached tens of millions of
people around the world. This is one of the most
popular shows that has been made in the past decade.
Uh and they don't really talk about it at all
in Hollywood, but it's bigger than everything that they're doing.

Speaker 1 (01:12:18):
Uh yeah, what what denomination are you? If you don't
mind me asking.

Speaker 5 (01:12:23):
I was raised Presbyterian, but I I just go to
a non denominational.

Speaker 1 (01:12:27):
Now, yeah, I did you see Here's say every time
I think they're gonna do So have you seen The Conclave?
Have you seen this movie?

Speaker 5 (01:12:35):

Speaker 1 (01:12:36):
Okay, so this it's got a ton of big stars
in it, right, you got oh Ralph Finesse. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It finds is the uh is the lead there? And
then you have the guy his name escapes me. Who was.

Speaker 5 (01:12:52):
The family Tucci?

Speaker 1 (01:12:53):
Tucci. That's what I'm thinking of. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So
and I went into the and let me tell you
and I'm a hey, everybody, I know I talk this
and I mentioned that there's a little spoiler when I
first talked about this last week. It's been a week.
I am going to I will tell you write what
I'm going to do a little spoiler. But I'm not
going to do the end one. Okay, I'm not going

to do that on the air yet. I want to
so bad. But it's still pretty fresh. It's on Peacock
or something. They Hollywood cobbled together a movie, and you
know how it is where they had they created two
really compelling plots within it. First, who was going to

be the new pope? It's about it's about finding the
new pope. And they have a pope, a cardinal rather
who nobody knew about because he was serving as the
cardinal of Kabul, right, and so anyone identify that it
was a cardinal because then people come kill him, and
so there's the mystery surrounding him. And while the conclave

is going on, there's something crazy going on outside, but
you don't know what it is. And I was so
hooked on this movie. And I got to tell you,
I have never been kicked in the teeth harder than
the end of this thing. And what the the what
the insult? And and they just taken a a crap
on the Catholic Church. Was it was profoundly insulting, and

so I I don't know, man, every time I think
that maybe they're going to get back to making good stuffy.
They just stick a stick a spear in you right
at the end, no pun intended, And I don't know, man,
I'm just if you watch the movie, just prepare to be.
But what I hated is like if the writers had
stopped for last five pages, they literally could. They could

have gone Aliens, they could have gone supernatural, they could
have gone straight drama. It was really well constructed. There
are very talented people there who can come up with
unique things, and then it has to kick into the
Dei stuff. So I hope this is the year that
they turn it around. Man gets some better now.

Speaker 5 (01:14:59):
The Conqui controversy has been incredibly interesting, and you know,
it's it's one of those things where again people seem
to have loved this movie and then just be caught
so off guard at the ideological twist at the end,
which is, like you said, just incredibly insulting to Christians
and Catholics in general. But I can't recommend people spend

their time on that movie when it just goes so badly.

Speaker 1 (01:15:23):
And if the if, the if, the other the all,
you know, ninety percent of the movie hadn't been so compelling.
I wouldn't be so angry if that's weird. I don't
know if that sounds weird. It was because I was
I was a really good movie up until then, and
I was like, oh, I can't wait to see what's
going on outside. Who's gonna be the Pope? And then
just poof? So all right, let me let me flip

over to this. I think it's incredibly funny watching people
flee TikTok to this. What is it red something or other?

Speaker 5 (01:15:53):
I don't I don't care enough to not Red Note.

Speaker 1 (01:15:56):
Which is is also Chinese, but is far more purging
of things such as LGBTQ content, mentions of Taiwan in
a favorable manner, as a separate entity, you name it.
And that's because TikTok may be shutting down on Sunday
unless mister Beast or Elon Musk buys it. So please

explain to us what the hell's going on here?

Speaker 5 (01:16:21):
Oh my gosh. Well, I think the bottom line is
that TikTok is very unlikely to be out of operation
or fully banned come the end of Sunday. You know,
that is the time when they're supposed to pull the
plug in one of two things was going to happen.
Either they were going to go completely dark and TikTok
would no longer be operable or available, or they were

simply going to comply with no further downloads and no
further updates and TikTok would die a slow death of
the course of a couple of weeks. But Donald Trump
wants to save it with an executive order in his
first week in office, and he wants to get sixty
to ninety days with an executive order to find a buyer.

And now we're talking about mister Beast buying it in
addition to Kevin O'Leary and Elon Musk. You know, I'm
a little I'm a little disappointed. I'm a little disappointed
in the President on this. This is just really hardcore
political pandering on his part, and I kind of thought
he was immune to that.

Speaker 1 (01:17:23):
Yeah, it's it's wild to watch the reaction to it
and the idea that Elon gets it. And then because
half the videos you see on Twitter are just reposts
of tiktoks, it seems like so like the two would
probably work really well to go, but we will see.
And then finally we're talking about celebrities. If you ever

needed a case to convince me that they're cloning celebrities.
You've seen those crazy conspiracy theories. What is happen, Bill Berman,
I'm gonna play some audio real quick.

Speaker 8 (01:17:53):
The wins moved, but you know, the fire coming and
all that stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:17:56):
So I feel lucky. Are you getting back? And I
think everybody did a great job. Yeah, I'm like the internet,
you know right, I know it's right. Oh my god,
all of these fire experts. Why didn't you just fly
a helicopter into the ocean?

Speaker 5 (01:18:11):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (01:18:11):
Looking at the footage on the internet, I have determined
that this here was mismanaged. They're talking about looting. But
CNN and Fox News are not going to bring up
the insurance companies that are just gonna keep everybody's premiums
and still give themselves a bonus.

Speaker 2 (01:18:26):
Yet we free Luigi, all right?

Speaker 1 (01:18:30):
So there's so much going on there. I got just
about forty five seconds. Is that Bill Burr or a clone?
What the hell's going on?

Speaker 5 (01:18:39):
You know, I'm gonna I'm gonna go contrarian on this,
Like Bil Burr is the barstool comedian that's his entire
stick and barstool politics makes no sentence. Every time you
think they're gonna, you know, have like the right wing
opinion or something, they just kind of come at you
with populist left garbage and you're like, oh, actually, normal
people don't really make political sense. And I think Bill

Burr is actually one of those people. And everything he's
saying just kind of sounds to me like what people
who don't follow politics think about these issues. And he
can just carry on.

Speaker 1 (01:19:12):
Yeah, I was I hate to see. All right, we
got to roll. We're up against it. Thank you very much.
We'll chat next week, sir. And I was talking to
Steven there, so Ross you did do your research and
figured out how that movie ended. I was talking about
right the con Oh.

Speaker 2 (01:19:25):
I dude, I sure did. They did. Dude. They they
just couldn't help themselves. They just couldn't do it. They're like,
we're at the end. Like you said, there's so many
different avenues and areas you could go down, possibilities. How
are we going? What is going to be our m night?
Shyamal on twist.

Speaker 1 (01:19:41):
And if you and you didn't watch the movie, and
this is why I told people to watch it, only
because it was so great. For the first ninety percent,
it was really what it was unique and well done,
and I was super excited, and I it makes the
twist so much worse, which and you, having not watched it,

we're able to come to conclusion that's a horrible twist.
Imagine being emotionally invested for an hour and a half
and then getting that.

Speaker 2 (01:20:12):
No, you're very strong, not too spoil it, because I
would love to spoil it, because it's so awful. It's
one of those things where like it deserves to be
spoiled in my opinion, so awful. Here's what I'm gonna do,
and it's so it's so predictable at this point, Like
once I read it, I was like, of course.

Speaker 1 (01:20:29):
That, you know, here's I'm here's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna spoil. I'm gonna give you a countdown, and
I will won't ross and I will only talk about
the spoil for one minute. Okay, so one minute.

Speaker 2 (01:20:43):
I mean it'll literally you could spoil it in like
just five seconds.

Speaker 1 (01:20:47):
Right, but but give the spoiler and then just a
quick or a comment on it, probably from from us.
But I will not allow to go on for more
than one minute, I will give you a three two
one countdown here in and in fifteen seconds we'll start
talking about it. So I'll give you a countdown because
I'm just I'm using my clock, so it'll be eight
thirty seven to eight thirty eight, because it needs to

be said. Okay, spoiler in three two one, that secret Pope,
the one nobody knew about in Cobble is trans and
now are the secret cardinal and now he's the pope
of course.

Speaker 2 (01:21:23):
Yeah, and this is a movie. We were saying that
they had to start at the end before they made
this one.

Speaker 1 (01:21:27):
That was the pitch.

Speaker 2 (01:21:28):
Yeah, and they're like, sure, we're gonna have a trans
pope and that's gonna be a surprise at the end.
And once again, because we can't help ourselves, we have
to do it.

Speaker 1 (01:21:37):
So and like I said, up until that point, absolutely
amazing movie. Loved it. I like the actors. They're great
one hundred percent, and I'm sorry that that they were.
They were a part of this thing, and it's I
just it's just such a waste of talent. And the

writer was very talented in constructing that story. Kudos to
them for ninety percent of it. And then that all right,
coming up on the end, we can't talk about the
spoiler anymore. So back three to one, all right, no
more mention of them. But it leads us to what
Roster's is telling me about Goosebumps, which I haven't seen.

And this goes back to a story the other day. Remember,
Disney had a movie and they had a very small
subplot in it of was it a trans character or
some sort of it was some sort of LGBT relationship.

Speaker 2 (01:22:37):
It was the new Inside Out, it was Inside two or.

Speaker 1 (01:22:40):
Whatever, and they took it. They removed it from the
movie because it came out pretty seamlessly, I guess, because
it wasn't a big part of it. But you were
telling me something about the Goosebumps, which I was too
old when the books came out, but my youngest sister
and brother were obsessed with Goosebumps back in the day.
And so now there's a series with the dude from Friends, right,

I haven't seen any of.

Speaker 2 (01:23:01):
Yeah, the first season it's on Disney Plus. And and
so going back to Inside, the thing that they cut
out was they were gonna have make like the main
character like like gay lesbian, and they realized, like the
culture has shifted, so we need to cut all that
out because the movie's not gonna make money. And they
cut it out and it did very well. So the
first season of Goosebumps, it's more of like, I mean,
it's not Disney Plus, so it's it's four kids. It

had Justin Long in it, and you had like one
of the main characters in it, the was a trans character.
And I remember we watched like the first episode and
we were we were kind of taken out by the
entire thing because we were trying to figure out the
sexuality or the gender of this character. And we realized
about you know, into the second episode, we're like, oh,
that's a trans character. Okay, So we finished watching it.
And the way they're set up is there's a story,

one continuous story from the first episode to like episode
eight or nine to the end, but every episode is
like an homage to a book that came out. So okay,
it's like that. So in the second season it has
David Swimmer in it, and it's the sort of like
a black oil type story if you have or watch
the X Files back in the day where you have
I don't want to spoil too much but there's a
monster and there's a creature and this stuff happens. Yeah,

halfway through, because we were watching it, we're like, this
is kind of like a regular, typical kind of story
that you would have. It's not like the first season
where you had that quote controversy with the trans character.
So about episode four or five, suddenly one of the
main characters, the younger female character, turns out that she's
lesbian and she's started there's you could tell that they're

going to start having like a storyline involving this character
and another character, and they're gonna, you know, they're and
your objected.

Speaker 1 (01:24:35):
Just to be clear, and I just the haters grab
onto this stuff. It's not the characters, because people who
are gay and people are they all it's I don't
care that. It's clear that Hollywood is overrepresenting or shoehorning things,
and that's what people most some people obviously, you know,
have their hang ups on that. But most people's objection

is you didn't I didn't sign up to get preached at.
And clearly you're only doing this to make a point.

Speaker 2 (01:25:04):
Right, They're just forcing it in there and it doesn't
make sense with the story and they're like, of course,
of course you have to have, you know, a gay
relationship in it, but you just have to know. But
a weird thing happens in the season of the show.
Because we did watch all the episodes, there seems to
be once they introduce this this gay relationship, there seems
to be a lot of the show missing.

Speaker 1 (01:25:25):
There seems like the plots not there's hard to follow
the plot.

Speaker 2 (01:25:29):
There's chunks of the show that seem to be taken out.
They'll be in one location, there'll be this build up
to go to a certain location, and then in a
blink of an eye they're there. So like the whole
journey from the one location to the other and anything
that would happen between has been cut out. And there's
also like changes in the character. So the character suddenly
this female character, her entire look changes, her hairstyle, changes

her fashion changes. You can tell like now they're trying
to make her like what more lesbian like.

Speaker 1 (01:25:57):
But there's no relationship, seems right.

Speaker 2 (01:26:00):
So it feels like they did the inside out thing
where I I am willing to bet that there was
a lot more content involving the storyline that Disney cut
out because they realized that there would be blowback, right,
there's there, there there's.

Speaker 1 (01:26:17):
A that's the first theory that popped up.

Speaker 2 (01:26:21):
There's several times in the in the final episodes where
Marky and I are watching were like, what just happened?
How are we at this location? Like what?

Speaker 1 (01:26:27):

Speaker 2 (01:26:28):
What's going on with story now? And I'm I'm I'm
betting you that they cut out big segments of the
show to avoid any controversy.

Speaker 1 (01:26:36):
You're probably not wrong then, and uh and and so
and then maybe next time when they do a Goosebump
style show when they're doing you know, initial shoot, the
initial filming, because obviously it's it kind of messed with
the continuity of it, then maybe they don't shoehorn.

Speaker 2 (01:26:54):
But you don't have to.

Speaker 1 (01:26:55):
It's it's a it's a you don't because it's for kids.

Speaker 2 (01:26:57):
It's a horror show for kids.

Speaker 1 (01:26:59):
Yeah, sheehorn.

Speaker 2 (01:27:01):
You don't need any that, you don't need any relationship
crap in that you just don't have.

Speaker 1 (01:27:05):
Tom Tillis do a cameo and still kids Souls or something.
Oh my god, did you hear you? So Tillis was
on the committee doing the BONDI thing yesterday and one
of the other senators earlier on started to engage with
Bondie about whether she's a q a QAnon person, and
she's like, I've heard of QAnon. I don't know. And

so one of the senators, a Democrat senator explains it.
I gosh, I remember which one it was, It doesn't matter.
One of the Democrat men was. He goes, yeah, they
think that Hollywood and the you know us are child molesters,
Adrina chrome and cannibals and all this stuff. And then

for like thirty minutes everybody else doing question. They get
to Tom Tillis and he starts his conversation with the
QAnon shaman and I'm like, what is he talking about?
And he thinks he's making a joke because the QAnon
shaman he said, did you know when we got him
to prison, we had to move him to another prison

because he's vegan. And so it's really funny when you
think about QAnon and I'm like, what do you They
don't think he's a cannibal. They think you're a cannibal, Senator.
They think you're a adrena chrome user.

Speaker 2 (01:28:28):
They like, wait, wait, wait, wait does he so wait?

Speaker 1 (01:28:30):
He had a backwards he had a backward He was.

Speaker 2 (01:28:33):
Under the impression that people that were like QAnon were
the cannibals, were the yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:28:36):
You know, like these weirdos who think they're vampires on TikTok.

Speaker 2 (01:28:39):
Like they're the ones that want to eat babies.

Speaker 1 (01:28:41):
Yeah. Yeah, he had all the things, all the craziest
QAnon allegations directed at the senators. He thought it was opposite. Yeah,
He's like, that's crazy. He'd be a cannibal and a vegan.
And I'm like, what are we doing here? Also, why
are we spending any time on QAnon stuff, let alone

a Republican senator?

Speaker 2 (01:29:05):
You know the news stuff is the Kimala stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:29:08):
Well, that's that's and that's you know, that's the other
side of the coin in there, and and it's it's
a crazy, crazy rabbit hole on its own. Man.

Speaker 2 (01:29:17):
These are the Kumala people that believe, similar to how
the Trump people believed before Biden was inaugurated, that that
Trump will never get inaugurated and JD. Vance is plotting
against him.

Speaker 1 (01:29:27):
Yeah. Oh, the one chick we played on the audio,
she made our audio up. She finally, uh where she's
remember she was like, Hey, it's okay. I got sources.
Remember we played that a couple of weeks ago. She
was saying, it's all part of the plan. They're gonna
swear commonly, and she was so sure she I saw
a video from her. She's bawling yesterday because uh, it
doesn't look like it's going to happen. And I feel

I kind of feel bad for her because like she's
in she's insane or really great actress. But also that
must be devastating because she seems so sure, Oh you
got it up there, and it's like she reminded me

of the lady who was talking about going into the
liquor store buying champagne and mocking the clerk. She's like,
you know, she's gonna win, and her follow up video
was deeply satisfying. But uh, yeah, this this lady Ray here.
So the rumor mill is buzz that JD. Vans is

actually working to turn state evidence.

Speaker 2 (01:30:36):
So this is just a rumor.

Speaker 1 (01:30:38):
I'm not going to play all this garbage. I got
stuff I gotta do. But uh, it has set in
for her apparently, which is weird. It's like, well, you
might as well hold out to Monday. You're already here.
Be the woman in the green jacket on your knees,
screaming at the sky. Right, get some clicks.

Speaker 2 (01:30:55):
For it, you do it for us?

Speaker 1 (01:30:57):
Yeah, it is selfish in nature when I'm asking for
all Right, now, I'm gonna ask for weather from the
ken bill so I can make somebody else fill airtime.
Go ahead, sir, what's up? All right? Good morning.

Speaker 6 (01:31:09):
We're gonna see temperatures get a little milder here over
the next couple of days, but much colder air do
in as we look towards early next week. Mix the
clowns and sunshine. Today, breezy at times up around here,
just over fifty down around here just below thirty. Tonight, sunshine,
a few clowns, low fifties Tomorrow, Rain possible late Friday night,
better chances during the day Saturday. Still looking at a
high right around fifty on Saturday. Starting to cool off Sunday,

though with a few showers. Highs mid upper forties, and
then much colder early next week. Low thirties for highs
on Monday, upper twenties for highs Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (01:31:41):
All right, thank you, sir, appreciate it. Chat tomorrow and
all right, we'll be back with Jeff Bellinger next, Jeff,
what's happening Well.

Speaker 11 (01:31:47):
Good morning, Casey. Have a nice rally on the street Yesterday.
Futures are mixed this morning, S and P and NASDAC
futures are higher now futures or up one hundred are
correction down one hundred and fifty two points. It was
a good holiday season, but the government's retail sales report
for last month was not as strong as expected. Sales
were up four tenths per cent in December, a six

tenths per cent increase was predicted. With auto sales excluded.
Sales still show a four tenths per cent gain. Target
says its holiday business topped expectations. The chain increased its
sales guidance. The retailer says online and in store traffic increased.
It recorded record sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday
clothing and toys with big sellers. Target now thinks comparable

sales for the fiscal fourth quarter, which runs through the
end of this month, will be up about one and
a half percent. There was an increase last week to
the number of workers signing up for unemployment benefits. The
Labor Department counted two hundred seventeen thousand new applications. That
was fourteen thousand more than the prior week. Took the
impending ban on TikTok to accomplish something that's really rare

in Washington these days. Republicans and Democrats have a common goal,
and they're looking for ways to keep TikTok acceptable accessible
in the US if the band does go into effect.
The Department of Transportation has filed sued against Southwest Airlines.
The agency accuses the carrier of violating rules that require
airlines to set and meet realistic flight schedules. The lawsuit

alleged Southwest is subject to chronic flight delays. Southwest says
the legal action relates to old flights that are no
longer on its schedule. And Casey, Universal Music is being
sued by a rap artist. Drake is taking the label
to court, accusing Universal of making a profit from a
track by Kendrick Lamar in Not Like Us. Lamar accuses

Drake of being a pedophile.

Speaker 1 (01:33:43):
Casey, Oh, that's going to keep going. Okay, all right,
I'm glad I really know nothing about that beef, but
appreciate the updake. Thanks Jo, Okay, take care all right, now,
there you go. Yeah, I couldn't be more disinterested in
the drake, Like, I don't even know what the beef is.
I'm and I'm happy. So let me just pivot to
try to fit two stories. This is insane, I'm about

this is it's horrific. But I saw this headline New
York City teacher arrested after allegedly exposing his sports car
his man part in front of his class of autistic
students at Bronx School. And the headline isn't even only
touches on the crazy, because I'm like, was it accidental?

Was he like? Were in shorts of what happened? No,
the teacher, a forty four year old man by the
name Dana Barsdorf, allegedly took it out and stuck it
in a lysol container in front of the kids. You

heard me, right, And then this line the teacher has
been reassigned to another school pending investigation. I'm I don't
say he's in a class. What is it a school
with no lifesole products? I mean, what, how does.

Speaker 2 (01:35:09):
The teacher has The teacher has been installed into the
wood shops chipper. Is that okay?

Speaker 1 (01:35:14):
Well that's what they mean. They're fine. Also what dude
has ever thought, Hey, you know it, feel good.
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