All Episodes

January 9, 2025 • 92 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
What's happening out in California, man, Because somehow that got
even much more incredibly worse, sadly, uh than when we
were done with the show yesterday. I believe the the
death hole there's so let's try to do it straight.
It said, well he gets the water there we go,

all right, So I believe the death toll is five now, uh,
probably it's going to be higher. Some of the visuals,
you know. One of one of the things that is
great but also is able, I want to say, I
don't want to be used for bad but used to

make a point and really drive a point home, is
is the ability to side by side these pictures of
devastation with like Google Earth street View photos and and
and see what these neighborhoods, these business districts, the It's
crazy because the Pacific Palisades Mall, which somehow survived, is

really famous. The Pacific Palisades Mall. If you go on
like IMDb and you look at like where it's a
filming location for stuff, it's everywhere. I think they used
they I think they used the Palisades Mall for Back
to the Future too, when they're out there in the
parking lot. But it's just and and it's just like

the fire just went around it. And I've been to
the Palisades Mall. I you know, it's one of those
things where when I went out there, I'm like, I
got to go to these different spots for movies and stuff.
And so I did do the little nerdy tourism thing
just driving around La uh, you know, being a kid
from Lowman, it was pretty fascinating. And it's all gone. Man,

it's all gone. And again it's easy to say, well,
it's California. I don't get me wrong. From a leadership perspective,
We're going to do a bunch of that today. We're
gonna do a bunch of that today because it's it's
even more atrocious than when we last left it. They
were trying to ask questions of the mayor, who's over
in Ghana. Remember she's over in Ghana for the new

president's getting inaugurated. She's doing some like going back to
does she run around there like a middle aged white
dude from Boston landing in Dublin for the first time, right,
going to one of those ancestry centers. I'm home, which
is fine, go ahead and do that. Unfortunately, you're the
mayor of a city that's on fire right now and

being being devastated, and there's a lot of problems, and
so reporters obviously are there because you have the guiness
is a guines Ghani's I don't know how you say
it in mass but the new president of Ghana. So
there's reporters over there and they're trying to ask her
about it, and she's standing there, not speaking, just stoneface,

staring at him, clearly not willing to answer questions about
what's going on over there. Now she did answer some,
but not in a random environment, and you know, little
nuggets start coming out, like how she diverted seventeen sixteen
and a half million dollars that literally was the money

for fire preparation and for the fire department, but specifically
allocated for the maintenance side of it, which is things
like making sure the hydrants have enough water source and
are in proper working order. She diverted that to pay
for all of the illegal immigrant stuff. And obviously she's
allocated a lot more money, but that was directly pulled

months ago from the LA Fire Department's budget. So you
have that, you have Newsom who's now said, Wow, it's
the local people. You have the local media in Los
Angeles who were watching their own city burn again but
now in a much more insane and draving and fashion,

who are literally there running running interference for people who
might be critical. Rick Caruso was the runner up, if
you will, for the mayor of Los Angeles. And he's
a big developer. He's a billionaire. He's a super rich guy.

But he's a guy who obviously has some pretty good
management skills. He's not some conservative, by the way, get
that out of your head. But he's also not a
lunatic at least from what I've seen of him. Like Bass,
he would be kind of a be a California moderate
if you will. And and so he's getting a lot

of time because he talked about this stuff. He talked
about it during the campaign. He talked about how yeah,
he talked about how poorly managed things are, and he
wanted to bring his business acuum and his management skills, which,
by the way, being a developer in California has got
to be a bureaucrat nightmare of all nightmares. And you
better have pretty good management style if you want to

get stuff done and be profitable, and I want you
to listen to this. So you have this anchor there
from is it KLA, well anyway, one of the local ones,
and he's given a little report and he is playing
audio from Caruso being interviewed by one of their reporters,

and Caruso makes a statement that they're out of water.
You know the thing that yesterday while we were still
on the air, there were already reports coming out of
So Caruso says that it's part of the interview, and
the anchor at KTLA decides he's going to go ahead
and fact check the dude live on the air, and

then goes to a reporter who's literally standing there in Palisades,
Pacific Palisades, And I just want you to hear this
whole thing because it takes a team. Okay, it takes
a team. And well here we go, all right, So
check this out.

Speaker 2 (06:10):
Form rate eller, excuse me? Former LA mayoral candidate and
real estate developer Rick Caruso, criticizing the city's response to
the winstorm and fires, He says officials should.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
Have been Oh, by the way, you have to let
me and you have to know this. The talking points
are out and I heard them implement it almost immediately
on CNN and others. The fire is from climate change.
The scale of it is beyond anything that anyone could
have imagined. They're essentially trying to western North Carolina. The thing,

you know, like the people of Asheville should have expected
to be under twenty feet of water. No Californians expect
that when fire breaks out, it's going to be a problem,
especially with San Ana wins this time of the year,
so the time when it's the driest of the time,
when it's the windiest. So this is not like western

North Carolina. But but that is it. None None of
the people in charge, they couldn't have they couldn't have
fathomed this. They hold no responsibility. It's climate change. There's
nothing we could do, everyone's evil whatever. So those are
the talking points absolving them of responsibility. So that's what
this anchor is going to go ahead and try to do.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
Get more prepared.

Speaker 3 (07:27):
The real issue to me is twofold. We've had decades
to go remove the brush in these hills that spread
so quickly. And the second is you've got to have water.
And my understanding is the reservoir was not refilled in
time and in a timely manner to keep the hydrants gone.

So that's a failure, whether I'm DWP's part or another
city agency. But this is basic stuff. This isn't high
science there, and it's all about leadership and management that
we're seeing a failure of and all of these residents
are paying the ultimate price for that.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
Despite what you have heard from Caruso, no firefighters have
told us that they are running out of water.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
Okay, all right, So which is weird because like me
doing a radio show on the other side of the country,
like I was already seeing these reports well before you
talk to Caruso. So that's weird that I would know. Anyway,
let's why do we throw to your reporters standing they're
in the middle of what used to be I don't
know somebody's home, and let's go.

Speaker 3 (08:30):
Out to Gigi Gracie.

Speaker 4 (08:31):
She is live in Pacific Palisades.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
I know your signal's not the best, but Gigi, what
can you tell us?

Speaker 4 (08:39):
Well, firefighters have told me they have no water on
this block, and you may be able to make out
the emberstorm that we're in.

Speaker 5 (08:45):
The middle of right now.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
This house going to be a total loss.

Speaker 5 (08:49):
They have no water to put on this fire.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
They are standing by because.

Speaker 6 (08:54):
They're trying to stave the home that is.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
Next to it. Absolute clown show, Absolute clown show. Man.
You fact check, you don't know what the hell you're
talking about, and then your own reporter fact checks you
within five seconds. Stand you know why because right because

she's because she's standing in the middle. It's undeniable what's
going on. She's watching it, and you're sitting there at
your anchor desk. You're a nice little cushy gig and
you're completely unplugged. And this is the same network whose
reporter didn't know who Steve Gutenberg is. I just can't
even with these people. And when that's not going on,

they're interviewing people on the street. And there's a lot,
a lot of interesting cats in California. Arguably California should
arrival Florida for just the sheer, weirdness and lunacy that's
out there. And I don't know, I don't know if
some of these people are screwing with the reporters or
what's going Listen to this, this is an interesting theory.

All right, you're ready, let's test this theory.

Speaker 7 (10:03):
Yes, I can hear you.

Speaker 3 (10:04):
So the family with a with a poor little girl who.

Speaker 1 (10:07):
Is far opening right now walked about, why is there
a fire opening right now?

Speaker 7 (10:14):
There are multiple fires that are taking place.

Speaker 6 (10:16):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm youthful.

Speaker 5 (10:18):
You're supposed to know.

Speaker 4 (10:19):
Well, I don't know how it started.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
We don't know how it started. There, you know, all
the all the all the gay people in la.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
Okay, I got the unacceptable.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
What what kind of theory is that? Okay, let me
let me tell Ross. Would you do me a favorite?
Would you uh, We're gonna test this theory. Would you
look to see if San Francisco looks like Chicago late
October eighteen seventy one. All right, Ross is gonna check
to see if it looks like the great Chicago fire
but in sand because like under that theory, let me

just have to be a mule log. Let me check. No,
it's fine, Well it's not fine. Let's just be honest.
San Francisco's not fine, I mean relatively right, right. It's
the same drug dead that when we last left it. Okay,
So I don't know about that theory, sir. I don't
know that probably is probably is gonna be the leading
cause there. But okay, all right, so yeah, it's just

just wild times out there.

Speaker 7 (11:20):

Speaker 1 (11:20):
We got some more stories surrounding that. Also coming up
on the show, we will be reunited with our official
NERD correspondent, Stevid Kent. He'll join us. That'll be in
the third hour. We got Superman stuff to talk about,
Batman stuff to talk about. In fact, I'll tell I'll
tell you that the Batman story isn't advanced because's just
kind of crazy. Let's see, I don't know what's going

on over the Capitol. All the crazies are coming out there,
so we'll check in on that and uh, well, lots
to get to. I don't believe people are giving me
the proper way to say gunese peep. I think it's gnes.
I don't think it's the thing you say. Okay, all right,
not falling for that six ' nineteen Hang on with
the David Muir thing. As they pushed back, they said, well, no,

the reason he had an all clothes pinned like that
is so that the jacket didn't flat roun in the wind,
which is bs because one you can accomplish that without
showing a six pack off through a jacket. Okay, look,
it's it can be done. I'm able to hide my
six pack every day. Ross you ever see me wearing
something so tight there's a six pack showing through No,

So it can be done, David Muir. Secondly, none of
the other reporters did that. They're wearing the same jacket
you are. Uh. And Thirdly, where you're standing to anchor
your show, right, you're not just doing a one off hit.
You are outside kind of, But if you've ever seen
how they set these things up, there is a ton

of those light reflective materials. I promise you there is
a There is probably redirecting of wind because the air
is so bad where he's standing. And three, I don't
know if I necessarily believe he's fully outside and that's
not a screen behind him, But even if he is outside,

they have because the wind interferes with the audio and
the cables and the everything that's going on, the ability
to do an anchored show there. His hair's not moving.

Speaker 5 (13:22):

Speaker 1 (13:23):
Obviously he puts a lot of product in there, but
it's pretty clear that they have attempted to mitigate wind, smoke,
and sound for obvious reasons for broadcast purposes. So it
doesn't mean your jacket needs to be pinned. You just
look like a douche. Okay, you get our Douche of
the Day award. Congratulations, congratulations. So dude, some of these

anchors are absolutely puppets, just puppets, man, And it's just
like they're not even people. I know a lot of
news anchors, and I know quite a few of that
are not like that, but some of them are just
there's a reason anchorman is a parody worked, Okay, and
that's that's the vibes people are getting there. So now

I'm not not buying that. Excuse, get out of here
with that. All right, Let's check on just a couple
other things real quick, shall we. Okay, very good. So again,
prognosticating and predicting that this thing was under the right
conditions going to turn into what we've seen here was

was not difficult, but was quite the political football. I
saw a bunch of people yesterday were running around talking
about Trump going to not well, I'm playing the Rogan
thing here in just a moment, because they talked about
this when he was on Rogan prior to the election.
But do you remember when Trump was talking about raking

for us and they and and rather than to look
up what that term meant, which I immediately knew what
it meant, all right, and I'm sure some of you
did as well. It's not just somebody going through with
the rake, but sometimes it is. But really it's it's
getting the dry, burnable brush. They're like, when I grew up,

if you wanted to log for fence posts, you could
go to near burn areas or burn areas, so burn
areas where they didn't they didn't take out the tree necessarily,
or areas where there's a lot of underbrush. They would
incentivize those to where bee where the logging permits are
because inevitably you're also clearing down trees because you don't

have to cut them at that point, right, and you're
going for fence posts. So not only do they get
like it's like the permit was ten dollars a day
or something, right, and we could make a lot of
money busting our butt for a day. It was grueling work,
but it was a good way when I was a
teenager where we could make some quick cash. Right, And
you go through and you do that and it's necessary,

and where it's not and where you have a lot
of downtimber from windstorms. The Forest Service goes in there
and clears it. That's what they're talking about. And they
were running this report because he said he spoke about
it with the President of Finland or the Prime Minister
of Finland, whatever they have over there, and somebody asked
the President of Finley. He said, no, we didn't talk

about that. But the thing was they did, but the
way they asked the question. And we know this because
they taped them talking about it, and so that story
with the media turned out to be a lie. And
now years later people are bringing the damn thing up again,
and it's like, why are you fighting this. This is
where a lot of you live, Like this shouldn't be

a partisan thing. This should be an incompetence thing, and
you should be on board with this, and you should
understand what they talk about doing that, but the environmental
lunatics don't want you.

Speaker 5 (16:45):
To do that.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
They also basically, you know, the newsome was talking about
how proud he was for removing this big damn up
in northern California so the diversity smelt or whatever didn't
go extinct, and it devastated the ability to refill other
reservoirs up there. They took a whole reservoir full of water,
pull the dam up, and let it all flow out
to the Pacific. Absolute lunatics, man, And you're running around

with a de bank story. That was a gotcha Trump
story from you know, six years ago or whatever, rather
than going, holy crap, everything I know is on fire?
Why is everything I know on fire? Just so you
can get Trump again?

Speaker 6 (17:25):
They said we have no water. I said, do you
have a drought.

Speaker 1 (17:29):
No, we don't have a drought.

Speaker 6 (17:30):
I said, why didn't he have no water?

Speaker 1 (17:31):
Because remember this is months ago he said this.

Speaker 6 (17:33):
They said we have no water. I said, do you
have a drought. No, we don't have a drought. I said,
why didn't he have no water?

Speaker 1 (17:39):
Because he's talking about farm Central Valley.

Speaker 6 (17:42):
It's got a natural flow from Canada all the way
up north, more water than they could have use. And
in order to protect a tiny little fish, the water
up north gets routed into the Pacific Ocean. Millions and
millions of gallons of water gets poured. I could have
water for all of that land, water for your forests.

You know your forests are dry as a bone.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
Okay, dangerous That water could be routed.

Speaker 6 (18:08):
You know, you could have everything, not only dangerous. Billions
of dollars a year they spend on forests farret and
you know, there's a case with the environment. They're not
allowed to rake their forest because you're not allowed to
touch it. And all they have to do is clean
their forest, meaning rake it up, get rid of the leaves,
get rid of you know, leaves that are sitting there

for five years. And they'll certainly get rid of the
dead fall and get rid of the trees that are
falling at them.

Speaker 1 (18:34):
Yeah, this is this is this is forest management, one
on one stuff. And what he was talking about is
he was talking about when he visited California. He went
with a bunch of farmers. They're in the San Joaquin
Valley and and one of the interior valleys, I can't
remember which one he mentioned, the other side of Fresno there,
whatever that's called. And he was he was taken aback

because they have If you drive through there and you
come out of the desert before you kind of drop
into Los Angeles, there's a ton of agriculture. The bread
basket of America is what they love calling the central
Valley the San Joaquin Valley there, and in many parts
that is the case. But there's a lot of it
that clearly has been tilled and planted before that's unutilized.

And he's talking, and he was talking about that sharp
contrast where it's what should be fertile soiled, nothing's being
planted in it. And then all of a sudden there's
a very small portion of the owned property where they
actually do agricultural work, and that's because they only can
have so much water. California. Also, there's a massive thing
that with a couple big agricultural operations, the almond people.

There's a family that's like the Almond Barns, and they
were so up in local government that they have so
much water rights that they've accumulated they hold on and
then they had like they then sell it at like
panic prices to people, right, So like they're making money

off the almonds, but they're making a crap ton of
money off the public water that they've somehow acquired through
sweetheart deals that they sell back to people who are
desperate because the government doesn't have any more water to
sell them. Oh yeah, it's I can't remember the family.
It's a whole it's like a constant thing out there
with this argument, and they wanted to but it's death

by a thousand cuts. And even if you go look,
it's the greedy almond grower family, which is that they're
super super rich a little bit, but how do they
get those deals because you and your cohorts, you elected officials,
allowed it to happen. You allowed it to happen while
you screwed everybody else over because they had a better thing.

I mean, it's it's the stuff that you hate about government,
just under a microscope at this point, and you're able
to stare right at it. And yet nobody. Everyone's just gonna, oh,
it's climate change and and you know, Trump supporters or
what I mean, whoever you're blaming. It's incredibly sad. I
was able to. I talked yesterday to my family members

that live in California. They're thankfully not near they're north
of the big Malibu fire there, but well we were
just talking about and and somehow my cousin said, it's
it's far worse than when I was there for fires.
He's just like he goes, you know, you have no
idea how bad it's gotten. And he was give me

some descriptions and some of the regulations and stuff, and
it's it's crazy. It's like, and here's the problem. If
you want to do everything purely the environmental way, right,
and you want to make it look as though the
land is untouched, then you're going to have to excommunicate
a bunch of residents. You simply cannot have the population
density that you have in these areas. If you're going

to want to leave the land untouched, you can't do it.
It doesn't work. And even over in the European Union,
where you know, arguably they might even be crazier on
some of this stuff, they themselves realize that there is,
you know, the whole the Netherlands, the whole of the

the hole where the main cities portions are, and the
expansion in the Netherlands is all man made. It is.
It is one of the greatest examples of being able
to control water for your advantage that the world has
ever seen. It's really impressive. There's a name for the
project and I can't remember what it is. But when

you look at what they were able to accomplish over there,
and they're not putting up with this stuff, and they
got brackish water behind them in ocean water on the
other side, and somehow they make it work. California has
a mountain range that produces the one of the largest
quantities of runoff in the northern hemisphere, and they still

can't figure this out. Nope, I just got to go
ahead and make fun of, make fun of trump Man.
What is the situation with water?

Speaker 4 (23:11):
Obviously in the palisage ran out last night and the
hybrants I firmed the firefighter on this block they left
because there was no water in the hybrandt here.

Speaker 1 (23:18):
The local boats are trying to figure that out.

Speaker 7 (23:21):
I mean, just when you have a system, it's not
dissimilar to what we've seen in other extraordinarily large scale fires,
whether it be pipe electricity or whether it just be
the complete overwhelm of the system. I mean, those hydrants
are typical for two or three fires, maybe one fire.
You have something at this scale. But again that's going
to be determined by the local.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
Right, right, But the locals the lake to the extent
that is within their boundaries, can only control the water
that's within their boundaries. Okay, most of these reservoirs do
not sit within these cities like I told you is
Santa Barbara. The reservoir that feeds that is a reservoir
called Kachuma, which is a lake north of there in
the sanny Neez Valle, and it is way outside the

bounds of the city of Santa Barbara. So they are
beholden to these to the state at that point for
how much water they can use. I've read many, many,
many stories where it's the city arguing with the state
about how much water they can draw off Kachuma. And
so Newsome pretending like he's got no culpability here is

just completely on brand base. We're in the public safety face.
I hite to even ask this question, but the President
electros tous Anderson Cooper, by the way, and I hate
how he words this pace.

Speaker 3 (24:33):
We're in the.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Public safety face.

Speaker 4 (24:35):
I hate to even ask this question, but the president
electros to attack you, blame you.

Speaker 3 (24:39):
For this.

Speaker 7 (24:41):
One can't even respond to it. I mean, it's well
one should if people are literally fleeing, people have lost
their lives.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
Well, to be fair, people are also fleeing prior to
the fire because of you guys. Fifth year in a row, California.
Most fleets they just saw that and it's not even close.

Speaker 7 (25:02):
Kids lost their schools, family is completely torn asunder, churches
burned down. This guy wanted to politicize it. I have
a lot of thoughts, and I know what I want
to say. I won't. I stood next to a president
of the United States of America today, and I was
proud to be with Joe Biden. And he had the
backs of every single person in this community. He didn't

play politics, couldn't try to divide any of us.

Speaker 1 (25:26):
No, he was busy talking about something else. I seem
to remember, I'm a great fan follower. Look, I don't
good for him. That's that's great. I don't think the
residents of California want to hear about what a good
day you're having. It's like when he left, It's like

he did this in North Carolina. Remember, He's like, Oh no,
I talked to him. Everything's fine, and he's sitting here
with this. I'm a great fan follow He's getting the
choco choco chip response, Ross, can we get the choco
chocolate chip up please? Just so people know what I'm

talking about. It's like it's it's like entertaining a toddler.
Oh he's a big boy. Oh, it's so good. Look
at you. Oh you put your pants on right, Oh,
how nice. Oh you went potty by yourself. Good for you.
It's that it's that same energy like when he visited

Durham went and got himself some ice cream and they
stuck a microphone in his fund in his face, and
we got this.

Speaker 7 (26:38):
Chocoate chocolate chip.

Speaker 1 (26:44):
By yourself? Did you order all by yourself? Dude? The
gas the gas lighting from Newsome. Dear god, can you
imagine if we were ready to slip into a Kamala
Harris right after this, all Newsome and his cronies would
have to do is just count down eleven more days

and then you know, Harris would be right there with them,
trying to deflect from this. Oh. It's just it's enraging.
And I don't even live there. And it's enraging because
I know people there. But even if I didn't know
people there, because there are so many people in this
country that think California is this this beacon of how
government should be done? You do you want this? Time's

fifty or maybe fifty one, but fifty. Canada's got a
lot of water.

Speaker 5 (27:42):
By the way, I don't know if you guys know this,
the fact that they're blaming Donald Trump though. You saw
Bernie Sanders come out yesterday and he said, you know,
Trump has to take this seriously climate change, and it's like, dude,
you're talking about a state, but first off, Trump isn't
even the president yet, like Biden is the president, and
you're talking about a state that's completely run by Democrats.
But they're looking for the closest Republican to blame and

then they can blame that on climate change. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
Yeah, I think who posted I thought was it Jarvis
who posted that yesterday? It was really funny, but it
basically was like they were the problem. They ran into
the closest reprobat and there wasn't one, so they had
to make up one.

Speaker 5 (28:19):
Right, They're looking around, They're like, you know, where's the
Republican in California we can blame for this who's denying
climate change? And they're like, oh, crapper, in California, there
is none. We'll go to the next closest one who's
gonna be sworn into office in the next week or so.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
It's Trump's fault. Yeah, I can't believe he did that.
It's Trump and the gaze. According to the one guy
walking through.

Speaker 5 (28:38):
There, just if it's climate change, and if it's you know,
but politics of fault, then it would be Joe Biden's responsibility.
Then Joe Biden climate change serious enough?

Speaker 1 (28:49):
Right, well obviously not. But but but let's take it
a step further. If you honestly believe that, then you
would think, yes, I can hear you. So the family
actually clicked that if you honestly believe that that it's
climate change, and it's just this is this is what
Republicans have wrought. Let's go, let's go one hundred percent
in with that, you bear no responsibility. Shouldn't your priority

be to double secure your when bad things happen, supplies
right your bunker. Wouldn't you want to say, all right, well,
if the Republicans aren't going to take it seriously, and
this is what climate change is going to do, we
should have double reservoirs. We should have we should have
fire capacity within these fire hydrants that is far exceeding

what we normally do.

Speaker 5 (29:31):
Right right, If you think that's the problem, then you
you should have a big supply of water. And you're like,
we have no water because the climate change in the reservoirs. Well,
you've got like a record number of water last year.
What it was it? Remember all they we've talked about this.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
Well, hang hang on, I want to look it up.
I was just gonna look this up and we got
to go to break here. I'm going to find that number.
I think it was something like eleven million gallons per
minute or something. It was some crazy number, but we'll
get to it. Hang on. Earlier in the show, I
had said that the mayor of Los Angeles, the former
con gershwoman now Mayor Karen Bass, who again sat there yesterday, well,

like a b BA BBC reporter was picking up on
the accent in Ghana, is sticking a mic in her face,
going hey, you anything to say, and she won't say
anything about this. I had indicated that she made a
decision to move sixteen and a half million from the
fire department's preparatory funds basically for maintenance, for hydrants and
equipment and stuff like that, to give to migrants. And

that was not accurate. It was seventeen point six. So
wanted to make that correction. All right, looked up the
snowfall and yeah, so we were you know, we had
all these stories where we were talking about there's record snowfall.
I remember talking about with Ray stage it. The numbers
are crazy.

Speaker 5 (30:45):
You remember the videos because they were all screaming climate
change out in California because we never get snow here.
Look at all the snow.

Speaker 1 (30:51):
Yeah. Yeah, there's there's a famous photo of a dude
who's just below a cabin where there's seventeen feet that
have dritten out to arre. It is a little drift
in this case, but not by much. And I look,
I grew up with this, not we were at lower elevation,
but if you go to the top of our property,
it's damn near. Even with where the passes, their Donner

Pass and above that and the road the little reflector
poles on the side of the road. When you get
into a road like that, they're like ten feet tall,
and it's really crazy. And I have a picture somewhere
I gotta find it on my phone of you drive
through like I don't call it a tunnel, but where
there's ten feet of snow on the side of the road.

It's really disconcerting to drive through there too, because there's
no room for air and it's wild and It's one
of those things that whenever somebody's like, ah, we got
a lot of snow, I'd be like, that's not a
lot of snow, right, I do the old man thing.
But we got I think the most snowfall I remember
we got on the property one year was about two
hundred inches. But if you go above that, like just

above Cloud Peak, which is the main peak there where
I grew up, they get on average three hundred and
fifty inches. And that's at the top of a mountain.
This is above tree line, so there's not it's just
it's it's so much snow. They got six hundred They
got six hundred and seventy seven inches of snow. For

those of you who want to do the little early
don't want to do the quick math, that's over fifty
five feet of snow and they did nothing to procure
that bonus that mother nature. Yeah, Ross made a good
point off the air. It's like that joke of the
guy standing on top of his house with the flood
waters around him. Right, So he's stand on top of

his house and here comes the guy comes buying a
canoe and he's like, hey man, I'm here to rescue you.
And he's like, I'll be fine. I have Jesus right,
all right. Guy goes away, and then here comes some
dudes in a speedboat and they're like, hey, man, we're
here to rescue you. And he's like, no, it's so,
it's fine, Jesus will save me. And then and then
all of a sudden, here comes a rescue helicopter. Right

they're hovering over the dude's house, ladders down like, get in, man,
we're here to save you, and he's like it's okay,
Jesus will save me. And then his dumb ass drowns
and he gets up there right at the pearly gates,
and Saint Peter's surprised to see him, and he goes,
what happened to you? What are you not supposed to
be here? And he's like, oh, I drowned, and well,

I can't believe Jesus didn't save me, and and Saint
Peter goes, well, we sent you two boats and a helicopter. Dummy,
Well you got six hundred and seventy seven inches of
snow and ross. Do you remember what happened when they
just politely pointed out that maybe they should dig a
big ass hole down at the bottom of the mountain
and then let nature do its own thing. Remember how

outraged they were over that. How dare you? We can't
the diversity smelt?

Speaker 5 (33:54):
Yeah, no, it's so dumb, I was saying off there too.
Reminds you of like if you're playing like a video game,
you're playing like an RPG, and you come across you know,
there's a.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
Fork in the right choose your own advance in situation.

Speaker 5 (34:03):
You can save you know, uh, the the settlement, the
people in your settlement, which would be in this part
of California, or you can save the endangered species. I'm
not even thinking about it, and I'm gonna save my
settlement because I've been working hard and I'd rather that
not burned down. Or it's like yeah, I don't care,
so it comes, or another choice, like there's a media
coming and you don't have a choice in this game,

and the media can either hit a colony of Pandas
Adorable Adorable Pandas.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
All they're rolling around playing, aren't they all look at that?

Speaker 5 (34:32):
Or you know, random a Costa Rica somewhere like that.

Speaker 1 (34:35):
I'm no's where I like that's right? No? No, I
like that play So sorry pandas they I'll open the
panda's gate and give them a chance. Right, you're free
if you want it. But I feel like it would
turn like when the when those moon bats rated that
zoo in Wisconsin and they open all the animal gates,
and then the next day the zoo keeper shows up

and all the animals are in their pens because that's
where the food is. THO.

Speaker 5 (35:00):
They just played it on the National news there from
Fox at the top of the hour, they're like, you know,
twenty twenty President Trump had this solution, but the people
in California said it wasn't scientifically plausible because of the
endangered species. Well, no, you're choosing that. That's your choice.
It would have worked, but you're saying we can't do
that because of the endangered species. Well that's hold on,

hold on.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
You're over your skis here. Trump didn't have that idea.
The earliest agrarian societies.

Speaker 5 (35:26):
Yes, right, right.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
It wasn't like Mesopotamia was between two rivers to move
the water.

Speaker 5 (35:34):
It wasn't like it came up by there, like we
should give him a Nobel prize. It's as right, yeah, right,
the choice that you have made the Sumerians. The Sumerians
had that idea. And the sad thing is, see, now
if people like I'm just going to say, I'm just spitball,
like you probably have some sort of celebrities like a
Mark Ruffalo or somebody in this area, it's like, no,
we made the right decision because we have to save

the endangered species and what's happening now is climate change
and has nothing to do with that.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
No, they said, but I think that. But do you
remember when when the piece the Peaceless Summer peaceful mostly
peaceful protests was going on, and that one guy was all,
he's gone from Twitter. He must be over at Blue
Sky now he used to play basketball, and he was.
Within forty eight hours. He's like, yes, these this is
rage that you know, white people have brought on and

uh and so now you've got to take your medicine.
And then he's frantic tweeting forty eight hours later that
the criminals are in his neighborhood and please come save
us and how is this happening because.

Speaker 5 (36:31):
They came to his front yard and suddenly it's different.

Speaker 1 (36:34):
Yeah, He's like, God, I didn't mean all this stuff.
It's just it's it's it's self own, it's it's all
cell phone. And that with Karen Bass, the mayor there,
who's absolutely incompetent, and they should have known this. She's
been this way when she was in Congress, not answering questions.
Do you the way that they're they're defending her is
Ted Cruz. I know if you saw this yesterday, Yeah, well, well,

how how dare you criticize Karen Bass, who again wouldn't
even take questions? How dare you criticize her? When Ted
Cruz fled Texas during that snowstorm years ago and went
to can Kun do you mean the senator? You mean this?
This senator left during something that was run by state officials.

The emergency management has being run by state officials. Karen
Bass is the mayor, and you're all going to play
that game. And you know you're right, Russ. Some of
them will come down like Mark Ruflow and their house
won't burn down, and so they'll just hold on to that.
I'm sure John Cryer hasn't changed from last week when
he was on pill maher. They you just you messing

with your own livelihood. At this point, I told you
I talked to family members out. One of my family
members is not a conservative. He's also not an angry
progressive or whatever, but like, and he doesn't really talk politics,
but over the years, whenever we brought something up, he'll
come out with a take and I'm like, oh, yeah,
I forgot, that's okay, But you know, it doesn't bother
us that dude's so red pilled right now. He's so

red pilled right now. It was it was interesting talking
to him because I and I didn't want to stop
him because he's he's you know, he's dealing because he
had a friend who's whose house is gone. It's somebody
I don't know, but he was telling me that, and
he's so red pilled right now, and I just wanted
to stop and be like, bro, good for you. But

I didn't because he just wanted to vent and I
just wanted to get all that. But yeah, I don't know,
maybe maybe that's what it takes. The problem is you're
so far gone and and the the APPARATUSUS of power
in California are so fortified, and they do all the
stuff that the people scream bloody murder about like that.
All the Republicans at the North Carolina General Assembly are

doing this, you know why, because California has done all
of that already. There's a reason they don't even have
normal elections there. Yeah, what are they they're jungle jungle primaries. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (38:57):
The first time, ye first time you hear about this,
you're like, that can't your real thing? And because you're like, well,
how come you know they haven't voted for a Republican
in forever? Are they that evil or whatever? Like why
haven't they made that leap? And it's like it's almost
impossible now.

Speaker 1 (39:08):
Because when you get by the time you get to
the general election, like with the last Senate race, there
no two are sent of races ago because the last
one was in a race, it was an appointment. So
the way it works is this, So let's say that
there is there's an office, all right, and Ross and
I and Kyle from News are running all right, and

Ross and I are are super one ideology, and then
Kyle's the other because he eats Sey Chariso. We don't
want Kyle in there in his Sey Chariso. So what
we will do during the primary is generally they'll get
a couple different other Kyles. Sometimes they're not even really ideologues.

With Kyle, and they will spread it and then they'll
get the two Democrats or in this case, the Ross
and I for the purpose of the store, sorry, we'll
get well, we'll come out of the primary, regardless of
party affiliation, with the most votes, and then for the
general election they only put the top two on there.

So now there's not a chance that Kyle and Issouy
Chariso Brigade or others are going to even have a
chance because they're not on the general ballot. And that's
how that works. Tell me, that's not the craziest thing
you've ever heard. And what it does too, is that
I know a lot of people in California who are
conservative but don't even vote. They don't vote because they're

deincentivized because they can't even vote for, you know, one
of the bigger races and have it make a difference,
and then they don't vote then in the down ballot
races because they're not there. It's a big problem with
turnout for Republicans in California because people are just so
deincentivized by the way the rules are. And so then

you get more of this. So you know that the
struggle in the and what you have to do there
is you have to convert people that we're voiding, we're
voting for the Sudscherizo party, that are voting for Ross,
and I that maybe they should try souscheriso and sous
cheriso is a hard push in California. Well not really,
but in this weird scenario I've created, I'm sure they

love it out there. Chris, what's up?

Speaker 8 (41:21):
Hey, good morning, Casey, Thanks for taking my call. My
question is kind of for all the climate experts or whatever.
If it's climate change, why isn't it more widespread? Why
is it for like a specific area? If you look
at the grand scheme, the climate's like engulfs the whole earth.

Speaker 9 (41:36):
Then the other question I.

Speaker 8 (41:37):
Had for you, doesn't this seem like the similarity to
the Hawaiian fire, just like kind of secluded to one
demographic one area to burn them out or whatever. And
then the ethnicity of the people there, you know, it
doesn't seem like. No, no one's saying, oh this is
racist fire or anything, you know. But my question really
was just for the climate experts, is why is it

not such? Why is it more widespread? And thank you
for taking my car?

Speaker 1 (42:02):
Well, no, no, no, well, the thing is, sir, it is
they According to them, it is everything is everything that happens.
Climate change got them. Well I have a bone screener.
Why are you being crazy? All right, yeah, it is right.
Climate change devastated western North Carolina. Climate change made it
Hurricane hit Florida in uh October, and you're like, wait

a second, and that happened. Yeah, But but it's the
problem is, sir, is regardless of how you get there,
just put the climate change things to the side for
a moment, even though if they honestly believe that, then
they should the amount of water insurance with reservoirs and
stuff they should have. If they really felt that way,
they would make a priority. The the the reason for

that when when you push all that to the side,
is they're gaslight in you. And they've also and if
you just remove the climate change angle and you think about, hey,
do you think it's a good idea if we build
a sea of five million plus dollar homes in the
middle of Kindling, most normal people will be like, I
don't know that that's a good idea. How many of

you have built a cabin or a home in a
wooded area? Do they just let you cut out just
enough trees to go and get the house built, or
do you have a certain distance of trees you got
to clear. Depending on where you are, you gotta because
they don't want the possibility or the danger there from
a fire perspective, and also tree you know, large trees

falling on homes and it's a little loosey goosey. But
when you get into areas of California, Colorado, in parts
of Wyoming, you got to cut back. When we did
our cabin, we had to cut back on the on
the non water side because it fronts a creek there.
So yeah, yeah, so it's death by a thousand cuts.
But it stems from whether you believe that or not.
So I understand the question. But I mean, I've done

radio every every single hurricane season. I got to hear
how climate change made hurricanes happen.

Speaker 5 (44:05):
They're also jumping to the climate, not surprisingly to the
climate change. You know, solution pretty quickly because how many
stories in the past have we covered like this where
there's some sort of massive fire and it turns out
to be arson Arson.

Speaker 1 (44:17):
Yeah, well I told you California, it's a lot of
firebug stuff. Or now the other big fire was what
they blamed that on the electrical company, and I think
that that probably was fair. It sounds like they weren't
maintaining equipment there. But the fires that I remember, because
I remember it like it blew my mind that there
were so many firebugs. The fire We had like three
fires in California, big ones when I was there, and

each one with some lunatic who's like, I'm going to
start a fire. One of these fires clearly came from
one of the homeless camps. They haven't really stated on
together too.

Speaker 5 (44:48):
We tooked yesterday about the palettes. The homeless person was.

Speaker 1 (44:51):
The crazy lady burning palettes because she didn't think there
was enough fires because she's obviously got schizophrenic or something. Dude,
it's this is the death by a thousand cuts. This
is how you get there. You suffer lunatics, lunatics who
are legitimately need mental health and are living on the
streets doing whatever they please and accosting people and being

a general strain on society and public safety. And then
the ones who get in office. It's what's the old
Californian joke, It's about being a breakfast cereal. But it's
all fruits and nuts. I can't remember how it goes.
Oh yeah, it's fruits and nuts, and everybody else is
a flake something like that, which you know, it's a

little stereotypical, but it's not far off when you see
stuff like this. The lunatics are running the asylum. Six
hundred and seventy seven inches of snow fifty five and
a half feet and you let a wash into the
ocean that was last year. And if all you had
to do was dig like two big ol'd holes, and
nature would have done this because I don't know if

you know this. Rossnard looked it up. What happens to
snow when it gets a little warmer but not so
warm that it turns into evaporating mist. Oh that's right,
it turns into water, and then gravity will get it
there for you. If you pick the right spot, we'll
be back. Would you rather be a crazy person who
showed up at the Capital Visitor Center attempted to gain

access in possession of three knives and a machete? All right,
So that's team one, three knives and a machete, or uh,
some dude with napalm. I've got I've got to go,
Danny Trejo, You're going machete over napalm.

Speaker 5 (46:35):
Yeah, because I don't want the cancer.

Speaker 1 (46:38):
Well, here, if I could make an understandable, if I
could make an argument in the other direction, I think
if you're running, if you're a lunatic running out the
Capitol police with a machete, they probably would be able
to take you out.

Speaker 5 (46:52):
And and see that's my problem. I'm thinking long term.

Speaker 1 (46:55):
But with napalm, you're you're sitting there and some of
those police are got to be I don't make enough
money for this, right and so maybe that gets you
a little deeper in there. I don't know, but both
those things happened yesterday. US Capitol police arrested a man
near the Grant Memorial who claimed to have napalm. The

reason they were on such heightened alert is Trump went
to the Jimmy Carter where he's lay at the Capitol.
He's laying in the state there. Obviously Trump went and visited.
So this happened literally at the time, right around the
time that Trump was doing this, So people were a
little more security, a little more secret service. But as
he approached, ground crew workers noticed the man trying to

light something on fire. So he exited his car and
now he's got whatever this thing is, and they're like, yeah,
I don't know, that's probably not a good thing. When
asked what he was doing, the man said, quote, I
have napalm and I'm lighting it on fire. You better
get away from me. I'm trying to figure out what

he actually had. I don't think theyver released what it
actually is. I suspect they don't think it's napalm. They
where do you even buy napalm? Yeah? Army surplus store?
Where do you get that? But so that was that
was dude number one and dude number two. Capitol police

arrested a man attempting to bring a machete in three
knives into the Capitol. This happened just a couple hours
before Trump was coming to visit. So but these two
things happened like two hours apart. Capitol police say they
arrested him just after two pm when officers spotted the
machete in the man's bag. So, I did he put

it through? He tried to put a machete in three
knives through a screener? Is this some weird staffer issue?
What is going on here? Didn't they just remember over
the I remember over the break they had the staffer
for one of these guys trying to ring a gun in.
But we see that every now and then. Yeah, he
was he attempted to go through a security screen. What

do you think they're not going to notice that? Although ross,
you know what happened the last time I flew, I
had a big, a big one of the big heavy
on bottles that I bought for seventy two dollars whatever
they charged at Hudson News there.

Speaker 5 (49:23):
It's a good deal too, airports man. So I had
a when you forget your earbuds or something, then then
they completely got you.

Speaker 1 (49:33):
Oh you know what they got me on one time
is I had forgotten my my big iPhone charging cable
my long life. I always have to have a long
one too.

Speaker 5 (49:42):
Yeah, you're screwed.

Speaker 1 (49:43):
And I walked in. It was in the It was
I had flown from Raleigh to Miami and I had
a connection from Miami and I needed I'm like, ah, sucks.
And I went into that little tech tech store or
whatever around d thirty and I think I might I
think I might have paid like sixty five dollars for
this thing that fell apart in like a week. Just awful.

But I had bought the bottle in Raleigh when I
had left and had I had bought two bottles, stuffed
one in my bag and drank one and I forgot
the other one was still in the bottom of my
backpack and I never pulled it on on vacation. So
I come through, I screen in at the airport and

then I had to do a separate security screening through
customs too, and then rescreen into So when you land
coming from an international flight, when you land in Miami
or wherever, you go through customs, then you get your
bag and if you're on a connection, then you have
to rescreen security. They didn't catch a giant bottle of
water in my bag either time, and you know how

much they love to catch people who have a little
bit of water in their bag. The thing went through,
so maybe the dude thought he could get his naybe,
they probably knew who you were. The funniest, the funniest
question I ever got asked by the immigration guy. And
this is after Miami Airport. I was flying back. I
was flying back from It was when I went to

Ecuador and in Columbia to go to Glopagos when on
a flying back, and you know, sometimes I'll ask you questions.
Sometimes I just leave your passport looking into the camera
and then you're off and he goes, uh, he's one
of these guys who asked questions. And he's like, where
were you? What are you doing? What do you do
for a living? And I liked him.

Speaker 5 (51:26):
He goes, You're like, in went to the media and
you push him aside.

Speaker 1 (51:29):
Well, I told him, I said, I work for iHeartMedia.

Speaker 9 (51:31):
I do.

Speaker 1 (51:32):
I'm a radio host and he goes, are you famous?
And I go, I'm working on He goes, well, I've
never heard of you, and he hands me my passport.
So mean, I'm like, I did I got the one
who brought this up right, I wasn't over here, Like
do you know who I am? You asked me, and
I answered you honestly.

Speaker 5 (51:47):
They had a shame my success.

Speaker 1 (51:49):
What did I do?

Speaker 9 (51:49):

Speaker 1 (51:50):
And I was the smart asking me. It was going
to be like, oh, I haven't heard of you either,
but then I thought no, then I'm getting strip searched.
I did. That's how my brain works. I'm like, don't, don't, don't,
don't do it. Oh man, Wait, people are emailing me
how to get napalm? You know what, don't please, I

don't want to know. I don't want that to be
an evidentiary item.

Speaker 5 (52:16):
We posted the video up by Casey and the radio.
What no, should I delete that?

Speaker 1 (52:22):
The Internet's forever man, So it wouldn't do any wouldn't
do any good. Uh oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, well no,
so they they passed. So somebody's asked me, like, we
do we have Why aren't we hearing reports of the
private firefighters?

Speaker 5 (52:37):

Speaker 1 (52:37):
Well because, uh some municipalities made them illegal. Going back
to that fire that the cal Energy or whatever started
or whatever they call themselves. Now, if you're who was
it was a Kanye, you had private firefighters. There were
a couple of celebrities. Oh no, it wasn't Kanye.

Speaker 5 (52:53):
Who was Kanye? It was Kanye too.

Speaker 1 (52:55):
Though it was Kanye too, there was another one, another celebrity.

Speaker 5 (52:58):
I want to say, maybe Beyonce or somebody. But I
know I remember it because it was a big deal
when Kanye did it, because they were like, look at
how dare he provides protect his property because everybody else's
houses were burning down?

Speaker 1 (53:09):
Yeah, Like it's the first thing I'm doing man, you
just you just you built a reservoir on your property,
right you just by the hinge, right, yeah, you can.

Speaker 5 (53:18):
The water flows to the center of the henge, and
it's very nice with the rocks and stuff.

Speaker 1 (53:22):
It's yeah, evenings when the ceremonial fire is next to
the sacrificial altar burning twilight. Oh what a wonderful time.
So yeah, no, no, no, this is if I here,
I'm going to save the state of California, and I'm
gonna do it for cheaper than any of you idiots
could think of. Okay, this is what you get from
this show, solutions to the world's problems. You ready, I'm

gonna solve it. And to solve it, I'm going to
tell you about what. We have a five hundred foot
irrigation system. Okay. So the way it works is like this.
So my family's property is starts at a very a
very low elevation. It's it's you know, a mile up there.
But if you go all the way up the property
to the highest point where it butts into the deepest

part of national forest, you have an altitude gain of
about three thousand feet, okay, and about every five hundred
feet in elevation change. We have reservoirs, and so when
the water flows down, we're able to capture it. We
then fill a base and at the top of the
property it goes down and it will then spill over

part of it where we have like a culvert, a
meter culvert, and then it flows down to the next
one and then continue on. And there's not just one
series of it. There's actually two and two and a
half and and and we do that because we at
different altitudes need water. Also, it's less likely to evaporate

the higher up it is because the colder it maintains.
It keeps a lotter cleaner too. And it's it's ungodly
expensive to pump water uphill. So so and it's it's
not some big the logical thing. So here's what I
would suggest to the state of California. Do that, and
I'm gonna save you money on the labor cost. You're

gonna have to have the equipment. But if you stick
a bunch of like, you know, big construction equipment out
there and you just tell average dudes they can come
out and dig holes with it, there'll be a line
around the corner. You know how much every guy wants
to be able to run a bucket and it's really fun.

If you've never done it, it's like it's like you're
the kid with the thing in the park with the
sand digger, but for real, for real, you'd have guys
lining up all day to sit there and just dig
holes for you and move dirt around. That's why they
have adventure parks where you can go do that.

Speaker 5 (55:44):
That's why it's a meme.

Speaker 7 (55:45):

Speaker 5 (55:46):
Yes, you see like the guy digging the hole and
the other guy comes across and he's like, hey, is
this the hole.

Speaker 1 (55:51):
That's a nice hole. Yeah, So you're gonna have to
cover the equipment, but the labor's gonna be basically free
if you just tell guys they can dig hole and
then you get professionals around the edges. I understand that,
but most of the whole digging's pretty mind numbing. Not
knocking on heavy equipment operators. But you know when you're
digging too something of that size. Eh, there, I just

saved I just saved your state. You're welcome. Two easy steps,
so simple ray stage. I here to give you some
of that snowfall you need for water to run off,
so you can keep that song on fire. You tell
the state of California wanted a reservoir, and you just
told random dudes, Hey, we got a bunch of like

big cat equipment up here. If you you want to
come play in the sandbox, you wouldn't get free labor
for days. My wife doesn't get it. When we win
the lottery, that is my goal to actually talked.

Speaker 10 (56:47):
Yeah, buying an excavator and buying a buying a front
and loader and digging holes and then filling them in
and have people come watch me.

Speaker 1 (56:54):
Yeah your beer, yeah yeah, in beer for you. You're
operating in heavy equipment there.

Speaker 10 (57:02):
So well, I mean if it's on private property, I.

Speaker 1 (57:05):
Could do it. That's how you end up on the news, right, exactly, right, right, yeah, okay.

Speaker 10 (57:15):
Yeah, speaking of machinery, I don't know, probably some plowable
snow and ice, but it's really a forecast that leads
more toward sleep freezing rain and ice than it does
anything else. Not fluffy snow piling up, but still going
to be a mess here later tomorrow and Tomorrow night
and early Saturday sun.

Speaker 1 (57:33):
Will be after nine am tomorrow. Yes, So there would
be no reason why a radio host would take a
snow day tomorrow. Then they have threatened.

Speaker 5 (57:42):
No, this is some bull crab, it's what this is. Yeah,
blowny tell you who the host was. No, No, I
wouldn't want anybody to do that. But yeah, probably about
the same. It's all coming later in the afternoon.

Speaker 10 (57:58):
So yeah, today kind of the cold day, real cold
this morning, a lot of low mid teens around and
maybe forty later today. Most of us stay in the
thirties at tomorrow afternoons the clouds stick it up. It's
probably the onset some snow and sleep early and then
to go through tomorrow night snow, sleep, freezing rain.

Speaker 1 (58:14):
You're looking at.

Speaker 10 (58:16):
An inch maybe up to two inch to snow and
ice accumulating. There might even be a little bit of
rain in there before it ends on Saturday morning. Most
of the snow is going to be confined to the
west and up into the mountains, where they could get
three to six inches. So it really depends on where
you are. But kind of an icy mess. It's gonna
get pretty slick. I would prep maybe for some glaze
or some trees, potentially some branches coming down if we

do get the ice accumulation, So there might be some
spotty power outages. I'm not going real aggressive on that
right now, but at least a chance there worst of
the coming as we head on through later Tomorrow evening
into Tomorrow night and early Saturday. Maybe an end as
a brief period of snow, but then we'll quickly modify
into the forties Saturday afternoon.

Speaker 1 (58:57):
Okay, all right, well, I guess we'll be here tomorrow.
Then we'll talk to you in an hour, sir. Okay,
there you go, Race Agic from the Weather Channel. How
easy is it to acquire a four to five million
dollar mansion in North Carolina? Way too easy. We'll get
into that story. Plus Stephen Kent will join us for
all of our Hollywood in sanity and so much more.

That'll be at eight oh five. So stick around back
in just a few happy Thursday here on the Cacoday
Radio program. Unless you are let's see a banker or
post office, then a happy federal holiday that we didn't
get to avail ourselves of because the Jimmy Carter stuff.
So that's the thing. If you're going to be if

you thought you're going to the post office today, probably not.
But in the interim we truck on and we do
so with our official NERD correspondent, Stephen Kent have a
chat in a while. Obviously had all the big holidays.
How you doing there, Stephen?

Speaker 9 (59:53):
Hey, we're back. It's a new year, a new me.
We're going to be watching only good shows and movies
this year.

Speaker 1 (59:59):
No garbage, no garbage, all right, Well, good luck with that.
And luckily during this two weeks we were off, nothing happened,
So that's good. Everything is exactly how we left it.
Nothing crazy, nothing at all. Where do I even start?
Let me ask you, because like, and then we'll get
to some of this other stuff. Because it was two

days after our last show that a woman got lit
on fire right in a subway. And then yeah, and
then of course you hadn't knew what happened in New Orleans.
Then you had the cyber trunk at the Trump Hotel,
you had all of this British pedal grooming stuff going
on over there. Well, I can't in my mind, I
don't even know if I could encapsulate all of the

insane stories that are out there. What was the one
that you like, were like, holy crap, and we're really
paying attention to which one stood out to you?

Speaker 9 (01:00:52):
I have paid the most attention to the ongoing debate
over acquiring Panama, Greenland and Canada. That has been Uh,
that has been of the most interest to me, that
has actually offered me on the I forgot the longest
deep dives. Yes, So I'm looking forward to being appointed
governor of Panama and attending Greenland's next summit with Donald

Trump Junior as its president.

Speaker 2 (01:01:17):

Speaker 1 (01:01:17):
Okay, you not as big on the Canada thing. Huh,
prety little?

Speaker 9 (01:01:21):
Well, you know, like, if we're being serious that the
Canada thing is is totally a bluff and if we
were to acquire Canada, it would explode Democrat representation in Congress.
It would it would completely make Republicans outnumbers. So we
don't want that. But I'm actually totally on board with
Panama and Greenland.

Speaker 3 (01:01:39):
You know.

Speaker 1 (01:01:39):
So I I was. I flew through Panama. It was
in the Panama airport and I cracked a joke. It's
the bartender there. I said, Hey, I'm I'm American, but
I'm not here to take your canal And he had
no bandwidth for the humor.

Speaker 9 (01:01:51):
Did not think he didn't find that very funny.

Speaker 1 (01:01:54):
No, And it was weird because we'd been talking for
a few minutes and kind of yucking it up. But boy,
it was a sea change there. But you know, people
don't realize about Panama Canal is a couple of things. One,
the French tried to do it, but then they gave
the French yeah, I'm kidding, and so we're like, all right,
well if you can't handle it, will do it. And
also that wasn't Panama. Panama didn't exist, Okay, that was Colombia.

That was all Colombia up there, and Colombia was like, no,
you can't do that. So in pure US FAFO fashion,
we said, well, how about we fund essentially the over
the the independence of Panama. And so we did. We
we literally came in and we were like, hey, we're
the you know, we're like this would stand it up
to the bully. Here we are and so you you

said no, So we're just gonna not this isn't yours anymore,
the hubris of it. And then we built the canal.
Thirty thousand US service members died or contractors died doing it.
And we had this this this this buffer zone to
the Panama Buffer Zone, which they essentially leased over to
US from perpetuity and then Jimmy Carter gave it back
one day. Like there's a lot going on there. So

if you're Panama, you truly know what went down there.
Uh but let's let's be honest. It isn't about us
going in and taking the canal back and planning the
flag day. It's about timing what China does and what
China has done is they have essentially acquired most of
the control and maintenance of the Caribbean side, the Cologne side,

and they are fast acquiring essentially the rights on the
on the on the Pacific side. And uh, that is
that's not good for us. That's a really really bad thing.
And that's how China rolls. I've explained how what they
do in Africa. In Costa Rica, where I like to
spend my time, they have a brand new soccer stadium
that that China just built them.

Speaker 9 (01:03:43):
Justltimately, nobody, nobody ever pauses to think that there are
other countries in the world who have interests and they
like to play on our side of the globe. My
main gripe against media, against sort of the mainstream culture
is sort of the pearl clutching that happens anytime I'm
Donald Trump, uh suggests something outside of the normal. It's

kind of like what the Joker says when he's in
the hospital during the dark night. He's like, everything you
know is going according to plan, everything's fine, but if
someone suggests doing something outside of the plan, everyone loses
their minds. And you know, acquiring Panama and Greenland, these
are both things that have like rich history, hundreds of
years of discussion.

Speaker 1 (01:04:26):
To do this, we had to it Hoover who tried
to acquire Greenland at one time.

Speaker 9 (01:04:31):
And this is it's a valid debate. And I just
don't like when people act like it's outside of the
realm of discussion. It's just outside of the realm of
recent discussion.

Speaker 1 (01:04:43):
Well, and and people don't make an effort to understand why. Okay,
they go, well, why would you want Greenland? All right,
So here's why I'm going to I'm explaining this, and
it's really simple actually, because we want a pipeline. Naturally
we can pipeline energy to Greenland and then shipping it
from Greenland as support too years up. One solves Europe's
PROBM because Russia just cut them off, and two would

make us insanely and not to mention the natural resources
that are in Greenland, but just for the pipeline part
of it is immeasurable. And they are actively making one
of the new shipping routes to be a primary shipping route,
to be the North Passage. They're already ice cut it.
We use it for a few months out of the year,
and it's getting easier to ice cut it the more

maintenance you do and warming temperatures and all that that.
They say that the most important port in the world
at one point could be in Alaska.

Speaker 9 (01:05:35):
Because the world is not the same as it was
a century ago. There's more possibilities and even if you
talk about military and military operations and troop movements, there's
more possibility today from moving through the northern hemisphere than
there was previously, which means that we're going to have
to rethink operations.

Speaker 1 (01:05:55):
In the Artac and the Panama Canal plays in because
that is that's the thing. And people also don't understand,
you know, one of the one of the strategic advantages
that Russia has is US military uh US Navy is
not allowed to move into the Black Sea, right so
they can that's the deal. The Turks will not let

passage of US military stuff. Now they won't let any
military stuff through, but Russia obviously has a port in there,
so they can run around do whatever the hell they
want in there, and that is Russia essentially telling Turkey,
don't you dare. So this stuff is all really strategically important,
but I I will that will that for another time.
Let's go. You made a Batman reference there. Do you
remember remember when you saw the first Nolan Batman and

you're like, this is gritty and this is great, right,
It was definitely upward departure, and then the Joker. The
Joker was another upward departure and just gets grittier and grittier.
Is there anything grittier than cannibal Batman? What's that's all?

Speaker 3 (01:06:57):

Speaker 1 (01:06:58):
All right, yeah, if you don't. There's an actor named
Armie Hammer who was really really famous about seven eight
years ago, was said to be the next guy, and
then it came out that he's kind of into cannibalism,
or at least talking about it a lot and trying
to get other people to do it. And so he
got me tooed on cannibalism and some sex stuff. But

apparently he finally got he's finally going to be back acting,
and he landed a role in Dark Night. So now
Ross was joking, he goes, is if you criticize this,
some nerds gonna be like, well, actually, in episode seventy
or issue seventy three of the like Batman was a cannibal.

No no, no, no, So what are we doing here man?
Are we gonna go cannibal Batman? Or are they going
to make him not talk about that stuff?

Speaker 5 (01:07:52):
I don't know.

Speaker 9 (01:07:52):
I mean this is this is basically the equivalent of
someone losing their Hollywood career and then coming back in
a obscure sort of B movie porno named after a
Star Wars or Batman movie. This has nothing to do
with Batman. Casey, this is Yui Bowl. This is Yui
Bowl though. So this guy does bizarre B movies. He

did like the Rampage movie series and House of the
Dead in the early two thousands. He just does random
be action movies. So if one of your favorite actors
from like the nineteen nineties or two thousands disappears, they
will probably resurface in the Yui Ball movie. So Armie
Hammer is going to be doing just that in the
Dark Night. You know some movie about vigilante Justice and

we'll probably never hear about him again.

Speaker 1 (01:08:42):
And I did look this up. Do you know that
one of the Batman villains is a cannibal I'm sure Cornelius.

Speaker 9 (01:08:50):
No, I don't know. I don't know that one, but
that's kind of scary.

Speaker 1 (01:08:54):
Yeah, he was a cannibalisty super villain also imbued with
the power to cause fear or hallucinations through telepathy.

Speaker 9 (01:09:01):
So no, okay, so he didn't need the Scarecrow's little
chemical agent to make people scared. And apparently, yeah, I
did not know. Did not.

Speaker 1 (01:09:10):
Let's talk about Hollywood, and not just because it's on
fire right now and how horrible all that is. I mean,
if you have some thoughts, feel free to weigh in
on the fire stuff. But we've been talking about a
bunch of that today, but more specifically, I'm I I
battle with watching, and we talked about this yesterday. I
battle watching people like Jim Gaffigan or Jack Black who've

been on these like interview tours now talking about how
they never meant to insult Trump voters. They were just
talking about Trump and it's jokes and you need to
get over it, and and who was the who was
the commute was at Whitney Cummings right, who went scorched
Earth the other day on Hollywood? And it's like, do

you do you how do you gauge whether they mean
it or they're just trying to protect their paycheck, Because
I like with Jim gaff again, he didn't us say Trump,
He said the R word to describe half of the country.
And isn't it interesting to watch them come around? And
then you watch with Mark Zuckerberg, right, So what do
you make of all this?

Speaker 9 (01:10:14):
Well, there is certainly a lot of people trying to
figure out how to stay relevant in the coming years.
And it's it's not so much about Trump. It's just
I mean, put your finger in the air and kind
of feel where the winds are blowing. But the culture
is changing, and that's something that Mark Zuckerberg mentioned in
his video detailing the end of a censorship regime on

Facebook and Instagram, which is just that the culture has
shifted and politics is downstream of culture. So yes, Trump
is coming back, but the people in America and different
pockets erape are exhausted with sort of this affluent left
wing censorship regime and fear of comedy. I think that

things are really really changing and Jim gas again he's
gonna have to do I don't know. I think probably
a little bit of period of irrelevance because of how
far he went out on a limb to knock Trump
voters and just regular people, which is the real set here.

Speaker 1 (01:11:13):
And it is too because Gaff against stick is an
every man's stick, right, He's the hot pocket guy. Right,
that's not political unless you're some weird oh vegan And
he mentions.

Speaker 9 (01:11:23):
So well, Bill Burrs made the same mistake. I mean,
he's he's really going out on a limb to go
after Trump voters and everyday people on behalf of his
very very fringe leftist wife, and it's really putting his
career in jeopardy as well. I'm a big John Mullaney guy.
And if you like John Mullaney, he knows how to
do politics, right. Uh and he he doesn't burn those bridges, no.

Speaker 6 (01:11:46):

Speaker 1 (01:11:49):
His name is to skate. Who's the guy does the
Trump impression that got me tooed from snlies?

Speaker 9 (01:11:55):
No, I don't know that one, but uh you do?

Speaker 3 (01:11:57):

Speaker 1 (01:11:57):
Who am I thinking? Who's the guy does the Trump
impression that was Shane Gillis. Yeah, well he's Shane Gillis, man.
That dude's right, Shane Gillis. I think he's a conservative either.
I've heard him say some stuff, but he just he
doesn't get into it. He's out there and he's doing
a Trump impression and he talks about how you could
assassinate Biden with a punch. Right, that's funny, right, there's
so there are ways to go ahead and do this

stuff where he's blocking Trump for his delivery. He's also
mocking Biden for his age and nobody's getting offended. What
he got canceled for is he does a podcast. Uh,
and one of the guys that's on the podcast is
an Asian comic and they they're all like, they're all
joking with each other, and that's what they went back
and got him for doing essentially Asian boys or whatever.

But like that wouldn't happen today. I don't think I
don't think he no, I.

Speaker 9 (01:12:47):
Don't think so either. We're swinging back into a position
of normal and the comedy of Shane Gillis, which is
just aggressively normal. If you grew up before the year
two thousand and sixteen, that is going to make a comeback,
and people who don't burn their bridges are going to
be rewarded for that. And I've just been chuckling for

the past couple of days about John Mulaney's great skit
from several years ago about how Donald Trump is the
equivalent of a horse in a hospital. He never goes
after Donald Trump by name. He calls him the horse
in the hospital. And it's actually a great way to
think about that guy. He's just kind of there. He's
doing weird stuff that people don't expect. And what do
you even do when the horse gets on the elevator?

You just kind of scratch your head and wonder is
he going to make it up?

Speaker 1 (01:13:32):
Yeah, people who are good. The problem is is and
maybe these people are extremely talented Jim Gaffigan, it's very talented, okay,
And it's like you lose whatever was your motivation to
do the thing that made you so funny, and it's
you know, being willing to take a wide look at
what's going on and find the humor in it. And

once you allow the ideology to come in there, it
turns off that creative spigot. You still think you're doing it,
so you put out these awful s and O cold
opens with you know, with the Hillary Clinton after Hillary
lost with the song and like you allow yourself to
be trapped down there and maybe you don't even notice it.
So so there's a bit of sincerity maybe there, but

very little because it seems very self serving. Uh and yeah, lastly,
I got just about a minute here. Is this Superman
movie gonna work out or not? I know some people
are upset that they want with a new guy. Trailer
doesn't look bad, but I hear some of the focus
group stuff isn't isn't going well?

Speaker 9 (01:14:33):
So yeah, I've heard the same things. The focus groups
are really divided and not showing us good signs. But yeah,
I mean that trailer was hype, and it was because
it was just American, a classic hero romance with Lois
Lane a good villain. This looks like a movie that
is trying to take us back to a simpler time
where we were less sensitive and worried about everything. So

I think it has a lot going for it. But
we've grown to be taking superhero movie is so so
seriously that we expect everything to be some sort of
Oscar winning award work of art and maybe we just
need to enjoy.

Speaker 1 (01:15:11):
There's a lot, a lot of good examples that weren't
going for that are just entertaining, man. And that's take
that all day.

Speaker 9 (01:15:18):
All right.

Speaker 1 (01:15:18):
I didn't get over to the Star Wars. Well we'll
save that for next week. We got a roll.

Speaker 8 (01:15:22):
But uh, tragedy.

Speaker 1 (01:15:24):
Yeah, I appreciate it. We'll talk soon, Okay, talk soon.
All right, there we go, h Stephen Kent case O
Day Radio program. Hang on, why are they building an
arc down the hallway? What is going on? What is
that not? I didn't see any gopher? What are they
building down there?

Speaker 7 (01:15:42):
We do?

Speaker 1 (01:15:42):
We got construction crews in.

Speaker 5 (01:15:43):
There, and well, yeah we've mentioned like half the building
has gone so they're redoing.

Speaker 1 (01:15:49):
They hadn't been working before nine before you know radio.

Speaker 5 (01:15:52):
They came in today. It's like, yeah, a lot of
banging down there. They were still. You know, my studio
is right across from the rack room where they keep
all the tech computer stuff, and they've just been staring
at it, like, look at this thing, dude. I'm just waiting.

Speaker 1 (01:16:07):
Why is that guy in there talking to himself? What's happening?
Why is that? Why are those other people talking to
themselves in the other rooms.

Speaker 5 (01:16:13):
What's going on in the Captain America shield?

Speaker 1 (01:16:15):
Oh did you vanquish them? I didn't even see that. No, no,
because there's still banging that ross is just like why
people are banging down the hall. And it took me
a moment. Oh yeah, okay, I see what you're saying there.

Speaker 5 (01:16:27):
Well, no, because we were told in the meeting, right
and the meeting Trevor was I asked. I asked, yeah,
We're like, is that gonna be the you know, super
loud in the morning and disturbed the show? And he
was like, you know, no, they shouldn't work before nine.

Speaker 8 (01:16:37):

Speaker 1 (01:16:38):
Well, the way he worded it now makes sense. He goes,
they didn't mention they were gonna work before nine, So
I think he's got a little plausible deniability in there.
What aver it's still is, it's still not louder than
when the server room does the jet engine things. So's
that going? Oh man, all right, a couple of things here.
Uh you lost my train of thought there. Oh yeah, Oh,

now I got to get angry for just a moment.

Speaker 3 (01:17:03):
I am.

Speaker 1 (01:17:04):
I am blown away that we're still doing this. So obviously,
going back to October of twenty twenty two. Yes, it's
been that long. It's been over two years when tragedy
struck in the Headingham neighborhood of Raleigh with a mass shooting.
You had a young man he killed first, he killed

his brother and off duty police officer. He went down
to the News River Greenway and shot somebody down there,
and five people in total ended up dying. Then he
fled over like going towards Nightdale and right kind of
in the hook of the belt line there, went into

a cabin or a barn of some sort, and police
eventually went in there. And I honestly, this dude probably
should have died with the injuries he sustained, but somehow
pulled through. All Right. Why am I bringing this because
attorneys representing this dirt bag, alleged dirt bag who is
accused of killing the five people, are now saying that

it was due to a brain injury. So I don't
know if they're setting up for some sort of defense
from mental capacity. But the thing that makes me angry
here is why why are we still not being treated
to the totality of what was going on here? Because

and I will say this, I have very good sources
very good sources who from the jump have given me
a lot of insight, and I'll explain it to the
extent of what I can on the air to what
is going on here and what was going on here,
and I think it's a really important component. And I

still don't fully understand the reason why they're holding back
at this.

Speaker 3 (01:19:02):

Speaker 1 (01:19:03):
But this dude was going to shoot up a school. Okay.
This is why this is what makes me so angry,
because we're gonna come in there and be like, oh,
you didn't know what he was doing. This guy was
going to according to the information that I have from
law enforcement sources that are in this in this thing. Okay,

the do you know why the brother got shot first?
Do you think? Why do you think he just randomly
shot his brother first? Because his brother discovered plans that
he had put together. This is what my sources tell me.
And if I'm wrong, then they can come out and
correct me. But I'm not wrong, right, No one's gonna
be correcting me on this. This guy was meticulously planning

to go shoot up a school. His brother found out
about it, and he killed his brother, is my understanding,
because he didn't want his plan. You surved, but then
he'd killed his brother. So at this point, now you've
got to kick your plan into gear. And that's why,
you know, for other people lost their lives after that.

It is a particularly horrific story. But if you don't
recognize that the sources I have are talking about something
that required a dedicated mind to attempt to put together, right,
the logistics of it, acquiring the weapons, putting the schematics together.
I'm sure making a list of the people who hurt
you the most and figuring out where they're going to be,

because you know you're only gonna have a certain amount
of time to go in there and do your murdering.
These are things that somebody who's suffer you know, sitting
around with a brain injury and can't think of stuff,
I'm going to have a hard time believing that they
were able to put together. And so when we don't
have that information out publicly that I have been told

by multiple law enforcement people involved in this, then you
can't understand contextually this argument his attorney's making sounds a
little hard to swallow. Now there, I'm sure there's a
lot more here, and and maybe he did suffer a

brain injury, I suffered a brain injury. I know some
of you are not surprised. No, seriously, I was in
a rollover accident. I was ejected from the vehicle. I
had a basel or skull fracture, rattled some stuff. Oh,
I had. I messed myself up, man, Thankfully I was.
You know, I was twenty at the time. Yeah, a
little easier to bounce back when you're twenty and in

reasonably good shape. But it was, it was, And I
haven't shot up a neighborhood. So this is this is
why as we move forward with this, Yeah, people need
to know this. And if that is, if if my
sources are correct, and I believe they are because they

have been correct on damn near everything I've ever heard
from them. This is why this played out in the
way that it played out. This guy was gonna go
shoot up a school. His brother found out, his brother
was gonna tattle tale. He killed his brother. Then he
went all right, we're in this, and then the day's

events unfolded, so arguing diminishmental capacity, I don't know, I
don't know about all that, all right, eight eight eight
nine three four seven eight Sevenfore, this is stuff just
makes me angry. Here just makes me angry. Uh attorney
side of the vast amount of evidence connected to the

case when asking they want additional time too. They're trying
to put the trial back, including eight terabytes of data
that includes downloads of cell phones, laptops, and iPads. Hmm,
you know what's on the what's on the iPad and
the laptop there or the laptop I believe told what's
on the laptop plans to shoot up a school? So

why wouldn't that info be out there? Why don't people
have a deeper understanding of this? Why are there not
questions about how that festered? And were there any signs
out there where somebody might have known that this. I
guess he was fifteen at the time, fifteen year old
decided he was going to go do this thing, or

it was planning on doing this thing, and then just
did the the you know, the frantic version of it.

Speaker 3 (01:23:26):

Speaker 1 (01:23:26):
There also multiple pistols, projectiles, knives, rifles, magazine, showcasings, ammunition, ammunition, rounds,
and bullets all listed in the complaint. A total of
eleven firearms, one hundred and seventy boxes of ammunition. Let's

see here, what the chargy they charged of father with
I think what making accessible a firearm storage thing? But
still still we need to have more information. And frankly,
when you're cobbling together an arsenal like that, Now, some
of those guns are obviously the families, but when you're
putting plans together, cobbling an arsenal and making a murder list,

diminished capacity is is a lot harder. I've never understood
why why that's not out there? Why?

Speaker 8 (01:24:15):

Speaker 3 (01:24:15):

Speaker 1 (01:24:15):
What's the motivation.

Speaker 8 (01:24:19):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (01:24:19):
Because school officials there was a problem and they ignored it.
I'm not saying everyone wh shoots up. The school wasn't bullied.
So there there's there's more that needs to come out here,
all right? Eight forty four Racetagic from the weather channels,
hanging out, ready to do his thing. Maybe all right,
good go then we're here. Hey mister, what's going on? Dude, sir?

Speaker 5 (01:24:41):
Not much?

Speaker 1 (01:24:41):
Whill you like tonight? H I just said, what's going on?

Speaker 7 (01:24:45):

Speaker 1 (01:24:45):
Not much?

Speaker 10 (01:24:46):
YEA hanging around? Try not to scare everybody. I I
don't think Ohio State could be who do you like?
Ohio State?

Speaker 1 (01:24:57):
See? I I can't tell if Ohio well they can
Michigan beat him.

Speaker 10 (01:25:03):
Well, I mean in the from what I've seen in
two games in the playoffs, so we'll see.

Speaker 1 (01:25:09):
Yeah, I don't know. It'll be tough. It'll be tough, man, Well,
yeah it will. But also Ohio State, I know it's
going to irritate the Buckeye fans. Ohio State has the
ability to walk in and look like they've never seen
a football before. Incorrect, correct or they have the ability
to dominate it. It's it's it's really kind of like
Notre Dame, man where it's like Dame keep getting in
there and then they get absolutely waxed. And this year

they look a little better. But so I don't, I
don't know. I think college football is just on its
last leg. So to some extent, man who nil stuff.
You see the Florida guy's transferring again and he's already
been given like thirteen mil. They're just isn't it for shake?
That's crazy?

Speaker 9 (01:25:48):

Speaker 1 (01:25:49):
Yeah, I just I don't like all right, anyway, I don't.
I don't like it all.

Speaker 10 (01:25:53):
But there is a tie not to college football, but
for the Rams playoff game, to weather being fires going
on in La County. You know they're still monitoring and
if they do move the game, they could move into Arizona.

Speaker 1 (01:26:06):
You's got to go deal with that. What the team
has got to go deal with that. It's it's the Vikings,
isn't it. We have a we have a Yeah, we
have a Well.

Speaker 10 (01:26:19):
Just make it a home game, right, Yeah, we could
do that. But yeah, so that's the big story, really,
believe it or not. The winter storm kind of taking
second second fiddle. I mean, we're gonna get some snow
and ice. There's a winter storm watch for most of us.
They'll probably go to advisories or warnings. Today is kind
of like our setup day. Cold might not get out

of the thirties tonight in near twenty then later tomorrow
from west to east, probably about two o'clock at the
Triad and around four or five o'clock around the Triang
we'll start to see some snow come in, and there'll
be some mixed precipitation of snow to sleep and freezing
rain before ending sometime on Saturday through midday. Could be
around an inch or two of sleet and snow and
ice developing and accumulating. Soday is going to get pretty

tricky out there to travel, but it's not going to
be a fun snow, So it's gotta be wet and
messy and kind of gloppy. But with the freezing rate,
if you do get enough of it, there could be
a glaze of ice and maybe some spotty power outage,
so I would at least prep for that. I don't
think it's going to be widespread, but we're trending now
a little bit more ice than we are actual all snow.

But either way, it's gonna be a mess tomorrow night
to go out. So maybe take a Friday night, stay home,
watch a movie or something, and even on through early Saturday.

Speaker 1 (01:27:30):
But it should start improving. Don't get any prep, don't
do any prep and then blame climate change. It's very something. Yeah,
well yeah you could do that too. Yeah, help myself.

Speaker 10 (01:27:40):
Yeah, the afternoon in the forties and it's still chilly Sunday.

Speaker 1 (01:27:43):
Yeah yeah, all right, yeah take the California model. All right,
thank you, sir. We'll talk to tomorrow maybe if the
world doesn't end, and we'll come back chat with Jeff
Bellinger next with Jeff Bellinger. But there's no h nothing
going on in the market. So what do you want
to talk about? Sports or something or.

Speaker 4 (01:27:59):
The well we can talk about yesterday's where we were
going to start. Stocks were mixed yesterday. It was a
very volatile session up and down for the averages. The
now ended a quarter percent higher, S and P five
hundred game two tenths percent. The NASDAK closed a tenth
of a percent lower. As you indicated case, the markets
will be closed today to honor Jimmy.

Speaker 1 (01:28:21):
Carter on the day of his funeral.

Speaker 4 (01:28:22):
It's essentially a federal holiday with no mail delivery ups
and FedEx will be making deliveries. It is expected that
most banks will be open. The National Park Service website
says parks will be open as usual, though administrative offices
will be closed. A threatened strike that would have shut
down the nation's East Coast and Gulf Coast ports next
week has been averted. There is a tentative a contract

a contract agreement on a new six year deal that
reportedly provides more protection for union jobs as more port
operations are automated. This pact still has to be ratified here.
B and B announced it is working with the Los
Angeles based Or organization to offer free temporary housing to
people displaced by the wildfires in southern California. A new

entity has been formed in the retail sector. Spark Group
merged with J. C. Penny and created a new company
called Catalyst Brands. Besides Penny, Catalyst is the parent of Lucky,
Eddie Bauer, aeropost L Forever twenty one and Brooks Brothers. Casey,
A lot of people will sit through commercials if it
means saving money on their video entertainment. Walt Disney reports

one hundred and fifty seven million subscribers to its Disney Plus,
Hulu Plus, and ESPN Plus streaming services signed up for
the less expensive ADS supported tears. Disney says about sixty
percent of subscribers choose packages with ads.

Speaker 1 (01:29:46):
Casey, real quickly, you like Jeff tonight, Penn State, Notre Dame.

Speaker 5 (01:29:54):
Penn State.

Speaker 1 (01:29:55):
All right, you don't really care? No, No, I don't
a mark you down for that? All right? Thank you?
All right, sounds good? Take care? All right? Look at
that Jeff hates Irish people. Do you hear that?

Speaker 5 (01:30:06):

Speaker 1 (01:30:07):
Do you hear the hatred of the Irish? There like
a Penn didn't even didn't even think about Notre Dame.
It's like got right to the Penn State. Absolutely disturbing.
You know what else is disturbing? Imagine you you rise
to the highest pinnacle of elected office in your particular
little part of the world. Right, You're You're it, You're
the boss LFA, and you've decided that you're gonna, you know,

create your own creative vision for how fun should be spent.
And then yesterday they purplock you in the state police
arrest you. What's this world coming to? Well, that is
what happened with the mayor in Louisiana. He's twenty five.
Younger Dudes' name is Tyrone Tyrone Trong. He was taken
into custody by Louisiana State Police. Here's what happened, according

to the indictment. So what he did as mayor of Bugaloosa, Louisiana,
which is the most Louisiana sounding name I've heard for
a city in a while. As mayor of Boogaloosa, he
rented an Airbnb and filled it with hoes and drugs,
and you all paid for it, the residents of Boogaloosa, Louisiana.

So yes, look at this guy. He has he's it.
He's the man, he's the guy in charge of his
community of people. And he can't even have a secret
Airbnb hooker loft with drugs without getting in trouble. I mean,
is this America? What are we even doing?

Speaker 5 (01:31:35):

Speaker 1 (01:31:36):
Why even why even want to? Would you even want
to be mayor Ross if you can't you know, have
your own No, what's the point Airbnb filled with horse
paid by the taxpayers? What are we doing?

Speaker 9 (01:31:47):

Speaker 1 (01:31:47):
How'd you think you were gonna get caught?

Speaker 9 (01:31:50):

Speaker 1 (01:31:51):
What's this? What's his line item in the budget?

Speaker 2 (01:31:55):

Speaker 3 (01:31:55):
For you know?

Speaker 1 (01:31:56):
Right here? It's how much was it? It's not a
big towns like it had to be a very noticeable amount.
It's like tens of thousands of dollars
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