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December 12, 2024 • 93 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Just downed upon me. Tomorrow's Friday the thirteenth, we got
one of those, so, you know, for whatever that's worth.
Although it's like, what possibly, what could you do to
make things worse with just everything going on? When Jimmy
Kimmel's producer is sitting there and openly saying that she

wants to quote go visit Luigi and jail, make him
cookies and quote maybe more, I don't know where we
are except in probably the most dangerous and buying I'm
going to bring this back to Trump. I don't if
this attitude continues to permeate, not just among some idiot

producer who has a lot of influence, considering she produces
a national television show.

Speaker 2 (00:51):

Speaker 1 (00:54):
Elizabeth Warren and others who are clearly on this eat
the rich kick okay, clearly, well, who's richer than Trump?
In the minds of people who are not all there
and think they should go out and do stuff, it's it.
It's this might be one of the greatest pieces of

projection I've ever heard of or watched unfold this. Words
words are violence, Words are violence. Maps with districts being
targeted is violence? Right, every all of these things had
to be spun to fit that narrative, and then you
have actual members of Congress, including senators, House members would

be candidates, state candidates. I mean, the list of people
that are coming out and and saying stuff that sounds
slightly permissive or really permissive makes me think that if
you're a ce because here's what do you think the
CEOs are going to do? If you think inherently that,
Like Elizabeth Warren and others have stated, Kamala Harris stated

that all of these CEOs, which by the way, the
majority of CEOs are of the top well essentially on
the Nasdaq, the majority of them give more money to Democrats,
just so we're clear here, So like more than half
of these are quote unquote your people. Okay, but if

you think they're all just sitting around in cigar filled
rooms and at rich guy clubs, which don't be wrong,
a lot of them are, but you're making nefarious something too.
CEOs might like to interact and talk with other CEOs
because they're kind of in the biz and they network
and they do all this stuff. Okay, So with that

in mind, but if you think they're all evil and
don't care if you think they're inherently evil. What do
you think they're going to do. Do you think that
they're going to slash their business so it's essentially a
nonprofit or you think they're just going to hire security,
really really badass security. I had a friend in Minnesota.

Well I have still have a friend, but when I
lived in Minnesota, a good friend of mine and a
guy did some radio and TV stuff with and he's
now a retirement age but I met him when he
was in his fifties. I'm in my thirties. We did
a lot of work together, including we hosted a syndicated
hunting and fishing show. And so this guy is he's
not a political guy. He's an outdoor writer. He's written
for think of any outdoor magazine, he's written for it. Okay,

his wife, i'd give you his name, but I'm not.
I'm gonna talk about his wife now, who's not a
media person per se, but was one of the vice
presidents at a huge one of the biggest companies in
the world. You've heard of it, Okay, And part of
her job because she was a vice president for labor
and essentially the hr vice president. But but for her

because the company is worldwide. She would have to go
to a lot of places is where we do a
lot of business from agricultural standpoints around the world and
basically solve the needs of the company there, like she
And so when she traveled, because I asked my buddy,
I'm like, do you get nervous? His wife's a pistol,
don't get me wrong, so very nice lady. But she's

also you know, one hundred and fifteen pounds, five foot
three or something like. And so when they would send her,
because she did a lot of work in South America too,
they'd send her with all the blackrock carried out blackrock,
all the what do they call themselves now, the the
academy folks, right, the mercenaries. They would they'd have a

whole team of mercenaries with her just to go, just
to go to places that you might even feel comfortable
going on vacation because more so than just any inherent
danger there, you know, it's the rich people kidnapped thing.
Remember I told you that George Norri. When George Norri
came to do a station event with us in Greensboro
years ago, was also when we had that big storm

where nothing was moving for days and me and George
Norri are literally Initially we had this whole hotel to ourself, basically,
and then when all the power outage went, like a
lot of people from the Triad went to hotels and
it's just me and George Norri for like three days,
stuck this hotel. And so you get to talking, right,
He's kind of an interesting dude, obviously, and he was

telling me what happened. He just went to Mexico to
essentially do what he was doing here. He's got a
lot of fans like Coast to coast down to Mexico too,
and so he went down to Mexico City, and they
like professionally, they attempted to professionally kidnap George Norri because
you know rich guy, Okay, well, you get a cera,
a vice president of a major conglomerate. There's some incentive

there if they knew that she was coming, and they
would know because she's going down to some of these
places which are rural places, and they're establishing factories and
processing plants for the agriculture and some of the other stuff.
And so people notice when literally hundreds of people all
of a sudden have a job the next day. Okay,

so that's how she traveled. What do you think the
CEOs are going to do? Do you think they're gonna
bend to whatever will if you just shoot enough of them,
or do you think they're just going to use the
money that you're so mad that they have to buy Rambo?
Let me tell you they're buying Rambo. And eventually you
hit that tipping point where even people who were like,

all right, you know what, good for him because I
hated my healthcare experience, Well then you grease somebody who's
not healthcare. Now you're mad at the mortgage industry. Now
you're mad at the banksters. Those are a popular target.
You're mad at a food CEO because you think they're
price gouging because the eggs are more, because you've been
told that over and over and over again that the

only reason that these items which are hangible items that
need to be produced, acquired, packaged, and retailed, and the
supply it's not like a mountain where you found where
you have a known quantity of whatever ore you're pulling out,
and it's all about your production schedule. We're talking about

av and flu can flip the side of the price
of eggs. We're talking about government regulation which requires you
to fund on site FDA employees if you want to
open a slaughterhouse, thus precluding the majority of small producers
from rising to that level because it's cost prohibitive. But
you know, the big companies don't care. When all of

that happens, and then somebody does something to one of
those folks, you're going to have people tapping out of
this ideology. And what's left are the purest or the lunatics.
That's where we're headed. And I'm you know me, slippery
slope guy. But Elizabeth, Elizabeth Warren out for what is is,
she says her people. We'll call out for scalps. Right

all right, here we go. Here is the lunacy. She
told her reporter.

Speaker 3 (08:07):
We were talking a lot about this Fluiji MANNGIONI, the
you know, the case about the United Healthcare seat. People
are very angry United Healthcare, I think for good reason,
denying care and the whole system. And we were just
talking of the previous block, you know, killing us, that
it is not the way you change. You have to
regulate them, right, and so we've got attempts to try
to rein in some of these big businesses. The consumer
financial protection here, which was your creation.

Speaker 4 (08:26):
The Trump administration wants to get rid of it.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
That is like protecting people from like credit card fraud. Yeah,
what happens if that goes away?

Speaker 1 (08:33):
So look terrible by the way, the whole promise to
that question, the whole setup where she of course had
to knock the victim first, right, but you remember what happened.
If you go on and be like, oh, the George
Floyd thing, I don't think you should have died, but
I don't think you should have put a gun to
a pregnant woman's chest or been high out of his
mind on whatever the hell that was. Well it was
a little bit of everything, or you know, trying to

pass a fake bill. Oh man, you brought any of
that stuff up. People lose their minds, try to cancel you.
What are you talking about? What are you talking about?
Do you have evidence that he himself did that?

Speaker 4 (09:08):
You might?

Speaker 1 (09:09):
You might just look at the denial numbers there. And
again this isn't about your beef with United Healthcare. You
have to be unequivocal on this stuff. And that whole
Consumer Protection Financial Bureau, that the whole thing was that
thing just turned into another mechanism of control for government
and a funnel of taxpayer dollars to progressive causes. And

then occasionally'll get around to, you know, highlighting a credit
card fraud thing. Right, it's the idea that that that
they're that they're inherently pure in what they do, and
the reality, like most of government, is there not. And
so the way that you get rid of that, no, no,
you don't shoot that person. You elect people who go
this isn't working. Either we need to do something else
or maybe nothing at all. All right, See, the whole

question is garbage, of course, but the answer even more garbage, individuals.

Speaker 5 (09:55):
But stop and think overall about the social contract. You know,
part of the deal in how we've kept this this
democracy's economy, this country on a fairly steady path for
more than two hundred years, has been that those at
the top pay a little more in taxes, are a
little less rich the majority might be, and everybody else

at least gets chance. And what happens when you turn
this into the billionaires run at all is they get
the opportunity to squeeze every last penny. And look, we'll
say it over and over. Violence is never the answer.
This guy gets a trial who's allegedly killed the CEO
of United Health. But you can only push people so

far and then they start to take matters into our
own hands.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
Yeah what what? Why did you have to add that?
At the end, people can only take it so much.
I'm telling you they are setting up for more of this,
and I don't know if it'll be CEO. I'm I
honestly I think it. I think that they'll at some point,

and I hope I'm wrong on this. I think at
some point in the next four years there's somebody there
is a significant attempt on Donald Trump's life. Ross do
you what do you think? I hate to be the
guy making this prediction, but do you think that that's
a very real possibility in this environment.

Speaker 6 (11:19):
Where considering we've already seen this like twice and now
this is happening.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
Yeah, you think the Ruth lunatic whatever that dude and
his pervy son allegedly.

Speaker 6 (11:29):
I mean, listen, there's a lot of crazy people out
there that are ideologically driven. And what's going to happen
is one person does it, and then a person sees
that and says, oh, well, now I'm going to do it,
and then a second person sees it and says, well,
now I'm going to do it, And every time it happens,
it creates more of the same thing because people become
more like they feel like they're justified to do it now,

like it becomes like a norm.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
Because this isn't speculative violent, well maybe me saying that
maybe Trump has another attempt, but that's I don't even
know that's speculative, because as you pointed out, they made
two attempts last you know, six months or whatever on
the guy that being said, you can't have the producer
of Jimmy Kimmel going yeah, it was kind of cool,
or the ladies on the view it was kind of cool.
Or Elizabeth Warren, which I don't understand it. A lot

of people like that woman. Her whole premise lunatic who
used to live down the street from the radio station.

Speaker 6 (12:20):
Her premise alone along about taxes is stupid because we
didn't have an income tax till nineteen thirteen. Right she's
talking about this has been like a foundation of the
country for over two hundred years. What are you talking about.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
Because that's what she needs to You can't if you
don't have taxes, you can't redistribute it to your friends. Yeah,
that's your mechanism for extracting this money from them. So
it's dude, these are dangerous times and they may not
feel like it. And frankly I did. I didn't. The
fact that that she then and this is how you

know that she knew she screwed up. The response was
so overwhelming she had to issue a clarification. Quote clarification
reads violence is never the answer, period. I should have
just been much clear. There was never a justification for murder. Now,
So your clarification is you want to you meant the
opposite of what you said. That's not that's not. Oh

I got I got a town name wrong, and let
me clarify it because I gave an example. He said, No,
you went out there and like, dah, yeah, you probably
shouldn't murder unless you're pushed too far, and then you
know it's, uh, it's understandable. What do you What are
you lunatics doing? And if somebody points out that you're

a lunatic, that in and of itself like, oh, you're
demonizing your political opponents and dehumanizing them, so people go
kill him. That's what they said about Trump literally every
day of his first uh time in office. Every day
he remember, he was trying to get all the press
corps killed by calling oh you called him fake news.

It dehumanizes him. It's what Hitler did to the US.
And it's like the amount of projection here is so
off the chart. It's like the you know what, it's
like Tim Walls right where It's like, now we know
in hindsight that the reason that he came out and
was jd. Vance is weird is because he was weird,
really weird, really really weird. And what I love is

things like that are backfiring. But you never know who
you're gonna catch along the way. Jd. Vance is remarkably
Look is he a little weird? Yeah he is. He's
a famous dude. He's a senator and he's going to
be vice president. There's a little oddity to you, and
a lot of it's just how people perceive you because
of your life being so different than than most people's.

That being said, Tim Walls is a lunatic man, and
he always has been a lunatic. I just luckily I
was able to forget about him because I moved away
from Minnesota until I was reminded, like JD.

Speaker 6 (14:56):
Van's right, like his his path has been super weird,
like an exceptional path.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
Oh, youth is different. I don't know if weird's the
right words. Yeah, me either.

Speaker 6 (15:05):
But when you see him actually sit down and have
a conversation with people like Joe Rogan, You're like, this
dude is super normal for all.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
Of the things that he's gone through and achieved. He
is like, if you're going on that sliding scale, that
is really normal. That's really normal. We talk about the
vampiric effect of DC and you and I have experienced this.
How many people have we talked to either at the
beginning of their congressional career or when they're running, and
then they get into office and you're like, who are you?

I thought I booked the guy I used to talk
to or the gal I used to talk to. And
it's really depressing and I've commented on it, but some
of them just get weird and you can kind of
deal with weird. JD. Vance is remarkably unweird on that scale.
And and the thing is is the people screaming loudest
about his weirdness are the weirdest ones, Kamala Harris is weird,

Tim Walls is weird. Weird, Elizabeth Warren is weird. Don't
you think you'd feel shame after all of the stuff
that's been uncovered about you? But she doesn't because they
don't care. And the fact that you have to have
you have to clarify, and the clarification is, yeah, whatever
I said, I meant the opposite. You're a clown. Anyway,

we'll be back. Hang on, do you remember with the
Kyle Rittenhouse thing. What would happen if you'd go on
social media or go to Reddit even and say something like,
you know what, maybe he was justified in doing that.
You could literally just suggest it in the same way
a lawyer did. Redd It at the time would give
you a three day ban depending on unless you had

more on your history than they might just purge your account.
Anyone even after the verdict, who said, you know what,
maybe Rittenhouse was justified in what he's doing, including obviously
a jury in a court who said that you were
subject to bands. Reddit is a cesspool right now of
people who are really into this, dude. And it's not

all smarmy and sarcastic. It's like you got a bunch
of people or like you know, who have that eat
the rich mentality and they're not handing this stuff out.
You can go post all you want on Facebook. You
think the CEO thing was okay, you can post it
on Twitter. But Twitter is a different animal now, so
I don't know that that's a fair comparison. But you
can post all this stuff, and obviously you can post

post it over on Blue Sky. Of course you can't
post the opposite. So you're actually watching that filtering process happen.
And obviously to think that Kyle Rittenhouse is the same
as this Luigi guy, that's that's insanity. But you're dealing
with insane people. You're dealing with people who project case

in point. And I guess let's go ahead and get
into this because I brought up the walls. The walls
they're weird, right, I think that I think, what were
you calling him Captain Jazz Hands or whatever or general
jazz Hands? Right? Just watching Tim Walls operate is strange.
And I even give them the Minnesota's uh scaling because

Minnesotans are especially ones who really really are the walls
is not as Minnesotan. I'm talking like almost Fargo esque
folks if once you get to know them, it seems
really normal. But for outsiders because of it, Minnesotans are
a little weird. And I think Minnesotan's kind of like
that too. I remember I spent over a decade living

in that state. And and but Tim Walls is something different, dude.
And so him and his wife, there's a video that
was released of them doing the final decorations and waxing
nostalgic over their Christmas tree and it's it's it's for

their daughter. So it's and which is not abnormal if
you've got adult kids that are not they're not home
for a particular moment over the holidays. Now it days,
even folks who are senior citizens are savvy enough and
understand how to use the technology, in many cases better
than a lot of folks, to capture these moments in

these videos to send to family members who aren't there
to converse with. Maybe they have members serving in the
armed forces, or they're away at college for now and
they miss the tree decorating, but they'll be home for
whatever it is. That's not abnormal. The problem is twofold.
The way the video I'm gonna play it for you.
I don't want to. In fact, let me not give

you any parts of the video specifically yet, so you
can you can cleanly judge this. But here's the problem.
They said it got posted even though it was meant
for their daughter, it accidentally got posted to their social
media for everyone to see. I don't believe you. I
don't believe you because the Walls is and Gwen Walls

specifically does social media stuff and post videos of herself,
which is where they were able to mind some of
that insanity on her, so she's not not savvy to
how to do it. I honestly, my theory is this
is it's fake. It's not fake in the sense that
they filmed this in the idea that was for their daughter.

But I think the plan all along was to post it,
which makes it far worse because now it wasn't shot
just for your loved one. And you know, sometimes people
people have things in their families that seem weird to outsiders.
It's always interesting, how many when you lit the first
time you went to Christmas or Thanksgiving or whatever with

your spouse's family a little weird, right, because people do,
especially Christmas and stuff they do things a little different,
and sometimes it's just like everyone gets so open to
present the night before and you're like, my house, that
wouldn't have worked, but and you blend that stuff together.
But no, I don't know what's going on here, So
I want you to look at it through the lens

of it was intended just for their daughter and it
was a whoopsie, which I don't believe, or they did
it in an attempt to normalize themselves because now all
that they're getting and hearing on these shows, and including
that big media panel that Kelly and Conway and Van
Jones and all those folks were on that big forum
the New York Times is putting on, You're pricing clips
on Twitter like even they even all the Democrats on there,

keep talking about how weird Walls and his wife are
and how he was a bad choice. So you know,
and nobody wants to hear that. But then you think
you can do something about it, and so you put
this video out. Are you ready? Okay, here we go.
You have been warned. Let's do this.

Speaker 7 (21:42):
Hey, hope, mom and dad here, Hey help her girl.

Speaker 8 (21:45):
Finishing decorating the family tree in the living room or
in our family room here, and it's all of the hen.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
And also that weird little clarification like, wouldn't she know
where the tree is? Why do you have to tell
her that it's in the family room and then correct
to a different room, Like, didn't Ross, and you're growing up?
Was your tree mostly always in the same place?

Speaker 6 (22:04):
This entire thing?

Speaker 1 (22:06):
Well, don't poison anybody. Yeah, I'll let you get have
the first ran at the moment it's done, though, I
promise Ross has some thoughts. All right, I'm just asking
your tree when you were growing up, was usually in
the same place? Tree? Yes, yeah, why would you have
to clarify?

Speaker 7 (22:20):
Hey, Hope, mom and dad here, Hey hooper girl, finishing.

Speaker 4 (22:23):
Decorating the family place all the way through it in our.

Speaker 8 (22:26):
Family room here, and it's all of the handmade ornaments
over the years. So we were thinking of you, and
I just wanted to show you a couple. We were
cracking up about a couple of these. So I'll try it.

Speaker 4 (22:35):
Here. You go, take a look at this.

Speaker 9 (22:37):
Look at those pretty sparkles.

Speaker 8 (22:39):
Youse two thousand and five. Here's children are like snowflakes.
Each one is unique.

Speaker 9 (22:46):
Right there, you're on a little reindeer at rock Sands house.

Speaker 4 (22:49):
All right, and uh, here's Gus, your brother.

Speaker 10 (22:54):

Speaker 9 (22:54):
He made us that one from basketball.

Speaker 4 (22:56):
When he was dunking. So anyway, hey, Hope, we got
the final one.

Speaker 8 (23:00):
You're gonna love this toilet paper roll angel you made it.

Speaker 9 (23:04):
Do you see your little hands? Here the angel wings.

Speaker 4 (23:08):
So here we go on the tree, not on.

Speaker 9 (23:10):
A real tree, but on this family tree. We dad
got it on their Joy to the World.

Speaker 4 (23:17):
All right, there you go.

Speaker 8 (23:18):
I know you're missing your Grisweld family. Decorate your house
for Christmas.

Speaker 4 (23:23):
We're thinking of you. Love your hope bye.

Speaker 1 (23:25):
All right, all right, so the Joy of the World
reference all right, ros I'm told you that first bike.

Speaker 6 (23:28):
Oh I am more confused by this video than by
the drone videos we're seeing coming out of New Joow.
That is not how you talk to a family member
in a video. It is And listen, I can be weird.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
I can.

Speaker 6 (23:41):
I am a super introverted person, especially on camera, but
not even my own family. Like if sending my sisters
or my mom a video. I've known you now forever.
If I were to send you a video in the studio,
it wouldn't be like Hi, k C.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
It's me Ross, co worker for over a decade.

Speaker 6 (24:02):
I'm here in the studio in which studio you know,
in which studio I don't know. So clarify the way
they're speaking the presentation, like, hey, this is our tree.
These are our ornaments, a real tree. These are ornaments
that you've probably put on the tree for a lotly

yearf through year. Because these are old ornaments. You don't
need to explain to her if she, if this video
is for her, what these ornaments are, because she has
seen them.

Speaker 1 (24:33):
They hold it up and go, remember this.

Speaker 6 (24:36):
This would listen, This would make sense if say, and
I as and I'm saying this as as I don't
mean this isn't offensive. I'm saying this is a parent
of a special needs child. It sounds like they're talking
to a three or four year old or like say,
like an older special needs child. It makes and she's
not special needs, which is like she's a great she's

an adult. Correct.

Speaker 1 (24:58):
Correct. Her and her brother did a video that was
before and they actually seem more normal than their.

Speaker 6 (25:04):
Making a video where where you're like, I hope i'm
your mom and dad, it's Christmas, and here's our tree.
Here's ornaments that we're putting this thing is as as
as real and as generic as all these fake promo
campaign videos as they put out during during the like

where he's like, I'm just a guy and I'm changing
the filter in my car, and now let me tell
you about the economy. You know what it's It's all fake.
It's super fake, and they're weird. I don't understand the
point of this. It's bizarre, Like I said, I am
more confused confused by this video, the presentation, how they're speaking,

and what they're doing, than the weird drones in New Jersey.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
Which, by the way, that's become a choose your own adventure.
We'll get to that here in a moment. But yeah,
and and be what makes it extra weird is so
you believe, like me, that this was not a whoopsie
that they meant for their daughter or do you think
it was.

Speaker 6 (26:07):
I I don't know what it, Like I said, I'm
confused by it. I don't because it's really creepy both way.
It seems like a weird produced like the kind of
stuff you saw from them during the campaign that didn't work.
And the reason it didn't work is because it's weird.
It's relate to how you speak. If I'm if I
A were to send a video now to my sisters,
it wouldn't be it would be very It wouldn't the presentation.

It seems like it's they're trying to produce something. It
wouldn't be like, hey Karen, it's your brother Ross. It
would be hey, how are you so? What's It would
just be like a conversational type video where it wouldn't
have to be super focused in and the camera would
be moving around. I've sent videos to friends and filmly
and that's how those videos are because you're not thinking
about it, because it doesn't have to be overproduced because
the world isn't going to see it.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
It's a thing. It's a And I saw some people
who are like, oh, the toilet paper angels the problem. No,
that's the least for the problem. Homemade homemade ornaments from
your kid when they were younger is normal.

Speaker 6 (27:03):
Right, And I have those at home, and we have
the angel, we have the stuff that Lincoln made at
school out of a pine cone that looks like it's like, yeah,
we have all that kind of stuff, and the macaroni art.
The reason they're showing that is because they think it's
relatable because everyone has it. Because it's fake, it's phony, it's.

Speaker 1 (27:18):
Not real what they're seeking. Let's just be clear. People
don't want to be hated. I mean maybe a few
people do you know if your last name is the Impaler,
But most people don't want to be hated. And I
think what Tim Walls and his wife want is they
want that moment where when people talk about them in
the news, they go, man, we missed out right. That's

for losing politician. One of the one of the few
things that can then make you feel better is if
later down the road people start having second thoughts and
and and are almost apologetic that they didn't embrace you
when they should have. I feel that's as good as
you can feel, and I think that's what they're looking for.

Speaker 6 (27:58):
I feel bad for the daughter too, because the daughter's
friends are going to see that and be like, why
are your parents talking to you like like you're three
or four?

Speaker 1 (28:06):
Yeah. I don't know. Maybe it's but I don't know.
Maybe our friends are all lunatics too. I don't know.
I don't know, man, But I saw that video and
I realized it was cringe. But it was cringe on
two different paths and I don't know, but that's like
all of our stories, there are two different paths. Like
I mentioned, the drone thing is to choose your own adventure. Ross,
do you want to go with aliens or Iranian mother ships?

Which page you want to flip to Iranian otherships or aliens?
I would prefer the aliens? All right, all right, so
let's do this. We come back, we'll see if Ross
just landed in quicksand we'll do it next. Hang on,
there's we'll get into that. I'm gonna probably irritate some
of the some of the Catholic community here, but I

just like, I don't understand some things. And I'm my
family's Catholic, and I was raised Catholic, so I did
a catechkids, I did all the stuff, okay, and I'm
just really confounded with stuff that's going on here. So
I don't want you to think there's an attack on Catholicism.
It's an attack on what these things. And then Ross
told me that the Pope was opening portals and I'm like, oh, okay,

what the hell is that? And now I figured out
what it is. It is different, but we'll do our
best to explain that I am, you know what, ross,
I can't go to news sites because every damn news
site has a top breaking news banner about Bill Belichick
and it's just killing me. And you know who had
to send me like nine friggin emails yesterday because he's

so super excited. It's probably gonna go out a fangirl
and try to groop you over there or something. Yes,
I'm aware of what's going on. I think it's interesting,
as I saw one writer write that you essentially felt
a way to you felt a need to purge yourself
of a seventy three year old who clearly you thought
the game was passing him by to hire a seventy

two year old. That's interesting to a lot of people.
But maybe it works out. Guys got six whatever, you know,
they doesn't have the NFL to constantly find them. Probably
won't get in trouble for filming other people's practices even
though they're not supposed to.

Speaker 6 (30:12):
I think you're gonna have an implosion of epic proportions.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
When it does go bad. It's gonna go so bad,
is yes? I would agree with you there, all right?
So well, yes, I'm aware of it. Thank you all
the news sites and Boston Paul's relentless email campaign. All right,
so the Jersey drones thing for a moment had an answer,
and then it didn't. So now it's to choose your

own adventure. And I'm even more confused. So when we
last left the story, you could either yesterday gravitate towards
the drones are from an Iranian mothership, and then a
few short hours hours later they're not from an Iranian mothership.
And that's not a thing. And these are Pentagon spokespeople

and members of Congress telling you two different stories. So
I guess at that point you get to choose. All right,
So Ross you went with aliens, right, so Ross is
going with aliens. I'm gonna go with Iranian mothership. Let's
hear how those two things play out. We'll start with
the mothership because that was the first press conference or interview. Rather,
it was an interview on Fox of the Day. Let's

do this and focus now.

Speaker 5 (31:19):
Republican Congressman Jeff Van Andrew of New Jersey, member of
the House Judiciary Committee on the Hill.

Speaker 3 (31:25):
Right now, how do you address this at this point?

Speaker 11 (31:30):
Well, here's the real deal, Harris you know, I'm also
on the Transportation Committee, on the Aviation Subcommittee, and I've
gotten to know people and from very high sources, very
qualified sources, very responsible sources. I'm going to tell you
the real deal. Iran launched a mothership, probably about a
month ago that contains these drones. That mothership is off

I'm gonna tell you the deal. It's off the east
coast of the United States of America. They've launched. Drone
is everything that we can see or hear. And again,
these are from high sources. I don't say this lightly. Now,
you know, we know there was a probability it could
have been our own government. We know it's not our
own government because they would have let us know. It
could have been some really glorified hobbyist or hobbyists that we're.

Speaker 4 (32:17):
Doing something unbelievable.

Speaker 11 (32:19):
They don't have the technology, but let's pretend that's possible.
The third possibility with somebody, an adversarial country doing this.
You know that Iran made a deal with China to
purchase drones, motherships, and technology in order to go.

Speaker 1 (32:35):
Forward wildly competing quote unquote official announcements on this one
from a member of Congress from New Jersey who also
sits on a bunch of different committees, including Foreign Relations, Transportation,
and Aviation, which those are the you know, that's the
group that's probably gonna be the most wondering what's going on.

And he's from New Jersey, and he started talking about
how sources told him that the drones were emanating from
some sort of Iranian mothership, which if it's a mothership,
you'd have to subjugate it, but whatever, So that's the
terms they use, which is that's crazy, But is it
really that people would sit in international waters and screw

with folks? Not that crazy. You'd have to have some
range on those drones. But also it'd be even crazier
as if that is something that they knew and they
weren't popping these things out of the sky. But we
saw what happened with the Chinese weather balloon thing, the
spy balloon insanity. And so with that, Ami, I'm going

to finish this story and then we're going to get
into the pardons that were just announced. Yes, that story's
breaking this morning, and I wanted some time to digest
what was on there, to make sure they weren't trying
to slip anything through I don't know that this is
the end you're going to see on this stuff, but
it is. It is surely a new record. So that
here in just a moment, none of the big names

that you're thinking about are on there, at least in
this batch. But I'll explain the reasoning for over fifteen
hundred commutations and pardons which were just announced. Okay, so
let me get back to this. So this congressman comes out,
He tells Fox News that there's an Iranian mother ship
and that they're sending these drones to spy. And there

was a bunch of drones that were over Bedminster, which
is the golf club that Trump owns. They're in New Jersey,
so I'm probably mispronounce it, but I don't care.

Speaker 5 (34:35):
Like that.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
But also it could be a bunch of moonbats. I
think it's funny to screw with Trump. Like, people just
want answers. So would a foreign adversary do something like
that the Iranians who have empowered people to sit there
on the tip of the Arabian Peninsula and fire indiscriminately
at any boat that goes by. Yeah, Iran would do
something like that. So then the Press the Pentagon like

the White House has a daily press conference, and so
several hours later we go to the Pentagon and they
have the Pentagon spokesperson there, who's who is now has
to hit this head on And I assumed it was
going to be a bunch of no comment, We're looking

into it, we had a handle on it, but instead
it was something completely different.

Speaker 12 (35:24):
So aware of those drone sightings that have been reported.
At this time, we have no evidence that these activities
are coming from a foreign entity or the work of
an adversary. We're going to continue to monitor what is happening.
But you know, at no point where our installations threatened
when this activity was occurring.

Speaker 2 (35:42):
Can you rule out that these are American drums, were
military drums.

Speaker 12 (35:47):
These are not US military drones. Again, this is being
investigated by local law enforcement. What our initial assessment here
is that these are not drones or activity coming from
a foreign entity or adversary.

Speaker 2 (36:03):
Representative Jeff Andrew, who is a Republican from New Jersey,
was just on the air saying that Iran launched a
mothership probably about a month ago that contains these drones,
and that that mothership is off the coast of the
East Coast of the United States. Is there any truth
to that.

Speaker 12 (36:20):
There is not any truth to that. There is no
Iranian ship off the coast of the United States, and
there's no so called mothership launching drones towards the United States.

Speaker 1 (36:30):
First of all, here's my quibble. There are are there
Iranian ships out there spying on the US. Yes, are
they at the technology that ours are? No but Iran
Even though even though back in the day, and it's
very very famous, long story that I'm not going to
get into, we went to go we went to go
down one Iranian ship or aircraft like to send a message.

They're trying to figure out what to do, and these
insane Iranians kept engaging far superior US military and we
ended up annihilating half of their fleet. We didn't even
try to We didn't even try to annihilate the half
of their fleet like THEYD because they drive buying a
ship and they'd have I don't know, some uh, you know,

some big manned mounted gun on the ship but clearly
not its primary weapon, and they would just indiscriminately fire
them at US battleships and then, like some do, the
battleship after he'd had enough but just be like can
we engage and like, well, I mean technically if they've
engaged you and then he just hit a button and
then just blow them to smitherings. And this happened for
like thirty six hours. They ended up losing half their fleet.

But they're still out there, So don't tell me Iran's
not out doing stuff. Okay, that being said, how are
these takes so different? And who's motivated to tell us
the truth or not the truth? It's really hard to
weigh this stuff because this isn't where a lot of
times you can look at this stuff and realize that
one side's playing a little Koi and the other side

is playing a little Koi and there's a little bit
of truth to both things going on. But she said, unilaterly,
there is no Iranian mothership. There is no drones of
foreign adversaries or US military drones. She ruled both of
those out unequivocally, and v Andrews said, literally the opposite thing.

Who's lying? And then you just have to start asking, well,
who benefits or loses politically, because even in times where
people are actually scared and it could be just exaggerated,
like some of the killer clowns some of the shark
media stuff, or there's something really going on, and even
if it's hoaxters, you have to take that seriously. I

saw one of these state reps in New Jersey doing
an interview yesterday because he drove to DC. They called
local officials together to DC and they had a one
hour meeting and during the meeting they provided no information.
Guy was livid, livid. He's like, I drove two hours

and I've drive two hours back and it was one
hour where they told us nothing. They brought him in
a room, made him travel to tell them that they
knew nothing. They weren't really looking into anything, and it's
probably nothing. So now I have to sit there and
run it through the thing. Now, would the New Jersey
guy do it? Because he's ginned up and he's getting
hit by a bunch of constituents and he was led

astray by a source. It's a possibility. But the other
possibility is it is a foreign adversary and they don't
want a bunch of you good old boys in bass
boats pop it out there at eighty miles an hour
with a shotgun to handle this yourself, which kind of
seems like more of a possibility. Are you look at

those Trump flot remember the Trump flotillas during during the
Florida rallies. They have all these boat flotillas, right, you
think there's not half those people out there? Thought they
were flying drones to survey of them. That wouldn't be like, Oh,
I wonder if I could shoot one down. I know
people I went to school with would be first in
line for that. And that's obviously that's not a good
thing if you're wanting to maintain every aspect of control,

even if your control kind of looks like you're ignoring
this thing. So I don't know what the answer is,
but those those two cuts couldn't be more different. Okay,
So that's we'll leave that. They're eight eight eight nine
three four seven eight seven four. I don't know what
do you what do you think is going on? And

I got a hard time with the I got a
hard time listening to the Pentagon lady, because you know,
I don't know if you know this. Over the years,
the Pentagon has not always been truthful with us. In fact,
I think they had some papers one time. I don't
have to look back on that. Oh, here we go.
What do you want what I do for you.

Speaker 10 (40:55):
Yeah, if you're seventy two years old, right, I'm doing
and it's a possible ability you may have to replace
your twenty four year old girlfriend already ready to go?
Do you go to the well? So what is so
hard literally for you to understand? Yeah? Exactly, Yeah, you're
having a hard time understanding this. And on the drone thing,

they write to us so much, Uh, it could be
Iran And she come out and said it's absolutely not Okay,
then mat it's China.

Speaker 1 (41:26):
Well said it's absolutely not for an for an adversary.
That's the other thing. If she'd have just said it's
not Iran, I'd be sitting here going okay, somebody else
and she's being koy about it. But she said it's
not a foreign adversary. Well, how do you know that?

Speaker 10 (41:39):
If you don't know anything, I don't believe anything they
say an it wants.

Speaker 1 (41:43):
So I have another theory you ready?

Speaker 4 (41:46):
M hm?

Speaker 1 (41:47):
It's it's Bill Belichick.

Speaker 10 (41:49):
Has you know his assistant coach Tom Brady. He's probably
gonna make the next superstar of a quarterback come out
of you.

Speaker 1 (41:58):
And see, are you gonna go out there like groupie
with tight tight little belly belly shirt on and some
short shorts. If you can go hang.

Speaker 10 (42:05):
Out with I'm gonna paint myself blue. Yeah all right.

Speaker 1 (42:11):
Yeah, so you realize that when this goes bad, it's
gonna go real bad.

Speaker 10 (42:15):
Right, it might who knows, but it may go very well.
You don't, you don't know.

Speaker 1 (42:19):
It's a coin toss, but eventually it will go bad
because that's.

Speaker 10 (42:23):
The coin does. Yeah, all right, that's why he's going
to the well.

Speaker 1 (42:28):
Rigged coin toss, which they now catch in their hands
a championship game.

Speaker 10 (42:32):
That's why you go to the well.

Speaker 1 (42:34):
Yeah all right. By the way, don't be a bunch
of creepy old men going out to the UNC to
the well and trying to pick up college students there.
Pick him up at the bars like a normal person. Donna,
what's up, Good morning, Casey, good morning.

Speaker 13 (42:47):
Uh, you were wrong once again, Bill Belichick. Bill Belichick
has eight rings, six for head coach and two for
defensive coordinator's giant for.

Speaker 1 (42:59):
The Giants, which is why he's harassing and probably former
Giants players living just south of Manhattan there. So I
was not wrong. I said he had six rings with
the Patriots.

Speaker 11 (43:11):
No, you didn't.

Speaker 13 (43:14):
Six rings six.

Speaker 1 (43:16):
As a coat. Well all right, so we're splitting hairs here,
but what that whatever?

Speaker 13 (43:18):
Okay, okay, Ross, we need to replay.

Speaker 1 (43:21):
Hey, yeah, you're probably right. I probably didn't clarify, but
that's what I meant.

Speaker 13 (43:24):
So so two things. If if Boston Paul wants to
share an uber, I will go group you with him,
and I will also paint myself blue.

Speaker 1 (43:35):
I don't want you guys doing that, please.

Speaker 13 (43:37):
And the other thing is, I know you're going to
be talking about the commutations, and I sent you some
stats because they want to they want Biden to commutate.

Speaker 1 (43:52):
We got the audio.

Speaker 14 (43:55):
Stat make sure.

Speaker 1 (43:58):
Yeah. I thought it was about all the murdering, but
apparently it's about the racism. So yeah, right, yeah, we'll
find out. So all right, kay, yeah, we're headed down
that rabbit hole in a moment. So don't fit yourself blue.

Speaker 11 (44:14):
This is.

Speaker 1 (44:16):
There's going to be interesting. Seven eighteen. Hang on, Biden
commutes roughly fifteen hundred sentences and pardons thirty nine people
in single biggest day act of clemency. And it's not
even close, by the way, fifteen hundred and thirty nine
people on one day. Pales to the current record holder
or I guess the previous record holder, which was three

hundred and what Barack Obama held the record, remember when
he did that mass thing, which, by the way, it's
pretty interesting when he then starts seeing how everything turned
out for everybody who was pardon there. Now, I will
say this, there are a lot of people when you
get into the clemency side, that probably are deserving of that.

And it's it's one of the reasons that states have
pushed in many instances to provide a pathway to doing
things like being able to regain your ability to vote. Okay,
it's weird that they always wanted for voting. They never
want it for the Second Amendment, and gee, I wonder why.
But if you think people have had have turned their

life around, they've served their sentence, that is remarkably different
than some of the preemptive pardons we were talking about.
And then we can we can debate on a case
by case basis, but to throw fifteen hundred out there
on one day, that's pretty crazy. So who are we
talking about? Well, it runs the gamut. It runs the gamut.

You have you have pardons that you know, pardons or
clemency that a lot of there's a lot, you know,
there is. There's a lot of people who were released
from prison during COVID. Remember we were doing that. We're like, oh,
let's get people out of the prisons because they're all
going to get the COVID. And they claimed it was

gonna be all non violent offenders. It wasn't. But a
lot of folks who then didn't decide that they were
going to go out and do a lot more crime
or at least get caught for it, are on this list.
But it's not the big name stuff that people were
talking about. Okay, it's not the you know, it's not
the Merry Garland, it's not to Adam Schiff, not yet.

But the White House does say that they'll they'll have
they'll have some more before the end of the term,
and so you keep a watchful either. But yeah, no,
they it's it's it's quite the number there. So I
don't know whether that will distract people all day from
the fact that there's either alien or Iranian mothership or

something else. Drones, as many of you pointed out, its
interesting the location, Like you notice, if they were if
the goal is to surveil or harass Trump flying over
his New Jersey club. Wouldn't it be a lot better
to surveil and harassed Trump over mar A Lago? Right?

Why do you think? Why do you think that they're
surveilling and harassing truck if you believe that's the goal.
And I mean they're definitely like there was like eleven
different drones they've cided over and that's from New Jersey
State Police or whatever. They just don't know what they
are over there, So it clearly looks like it. Why
do you think that they're willing to do that to

New Jersey but not Florida? Any guesses as to why
that might be? Because those drones don't make it back? Yeah?
Who could have predicted this? Right here? So at first
this was identified the person who is dead, they identified
as the former deputy mayor of some city in Siberia.

Turned out it was it's not him, but it's like
his assistant. Okay, So it's all What it's all about
is what it will released. What they're saying is it's
part of a larger corruption investigation into bribery. Although in
Russia maybe it's because you wouldn't take bribes. I don't know.
But so they bring this guy to the Russian Investigative

Committee building. And you should read this as the current
iteration of some of the secret police KGB Stazi kind
of stuff. It's just now they're wearing nicer suits kind
of stuff. But still, I mean, it's rubber hoses and
answer our questions. You don't want to go there. Well,
what happened was is they're trying to get to the
bottom of this. They take this individual into the interrogation rooms,

which are this whole building, are on the eleventh floor,
lucky number eleven. And apparently while they're while they're interrogating
this guy in one of their conversation rooms, because you
don't call him interrogation rooms anymore, right, even in US,
they call him something else. But I don't know, I
haven't been arrested enough. So and apparently something happened, something

else happened, and before you know it, there's literally video
from street cams of this dude's body emanating from this
this big Florida ceiling window there on the eleventh floor,
then falling to his death. But first he didn't hit
the street. He actually fell through the building next door,
which is two stories slam through the roof into I

think it was a restroom arry or something, is what
they were saying. I have a question, how many of
you have watched a show with police and suspects? Ross
you ever watched a show with police and suspects? Police procedural?
You ever lay eyes of those? Okay? When you and

you've seen interrogation rooms in there they have Okay, do
they have Florida's ceiling openable of windows? Do they have
that in the interrogation room?

Speaker 6 (50:02):
I typically I don't think so. Maybe maybe it's different
in Russia. It's like a.

Speaker 1 (50:06):
Culture currently it is. It's very dangerous whenever.

Speaker 6 (50:08):
We see it, like you know, like like American media,
it's like that interrogation room is like in like a
basement or something.

Speaker 1 (50:15):
Like you they want you, don't want you to be
able to wiggle out of the window. So yeah, very dark,
not a big window there now. But in Russia they
want to let the sun shine in man so or
in this case it's Siberia's there's probably not a lot
of that. What the hell again for the for the
umpteenth time, Ah, guess we'll never know. They're looking into

it though, they're trying to figure out what happened. So
I'm sure they'll get back to us. Just say every week, man,
every week, it's something, all right. So now I've had
I've had a moment. This is one of the most
click baby. Oh geez, Now Carolina Football's your Twitter account
is just posting Family Guy for the There's this thing

right now going on where you take Family Guy clips
and then you stitch it into real life. It's really weird.
And so they're just doing all the Bill Belichick Family
Guy appearances. Are you guys gonna change your name to
the Silly Nannies too? That'd be interesting. So thank you
really for everyone who's tagging me on that as I
block you or at least mute you. So this is

such a clickbaity headline and it relies on people not
having any concept of Catholic dogma, which is fine. A
lot of people don't know everything about all the differ
and I surely don't know all of it. It's been
a while since Catechism and really going to the Catholic
Church on the regular. So with that being said, when

you read this headline, Russ sent me pretty crazy, man.
Pope France is to open five sacred portals on Christmas
Eve for a ritual that's never been done before. That
sounds pretty interesting. Huh. The Pope's going to open portals,
portals to where the upside down heaven?

Speaker 9 (52:02):

Speaker 1 (52:02):
What's going on here? What does that mean?

Speaker 6 (52:06):
It brings in all three Christmas ghosts and two mystery ghosts.

Speaker 1 (52:10):
Oh we got mystery like cameos or something? Right, which
which ghost do you want cameo for this? I was
I was gonna say, what about large march? Can we
camm can we cameo her in before we bring Jesus back?
Which you know you're probably gonna go finale on that thing.
So the Holy ghost, Like, No, that's not what it means. Okay,

it's not. Just so are clear. There's no portals per
se here. The the opening of these doors, which are
very ornate doors. Oh and why do they say they've
never been done before, because the timing is different, and
more specifically, the location of one of the doors is different.
But these are really grandiose. If anybody's been to Rome

and been to Vatican City, it's obviously the architecture is
pretty over the top, kind of a whole mark of churches,
especially some of the great, big churches around the world.
I don't just mean of the of the Catholic faith
or the Christian faith, but like some of the most
impressive things that you can see from historical architecture because

it was such an integral part of or integral part
of a life, whether you wanted it to be or not.
Back then, they spared no expense for these things, and
it's it's really impressive stuff. And if you get a
chance to go to Europe and you're in any of
that stuff, I know it sounds boring, but I'm a
history nerd and it's not. There's so much history there
and so much like if you get a chance to

go to Rosalind Chapel, I know it got rug into
all of the if you're in Scotland, I know it
got drug into all of the you know, the Tom
Hanks movies and all of that. And there are a
lot of people in the church that weren't pleased with that.
But it's a it's a it's a very unique ornate place.
It's very interesting. So what they're talking about outer doors

that are symbols, Okay, it's symbolism, and essentially the symbolism
is enter through here to enter under the protection of
God and in the city, you know, and and in
and into the faith. Okay, So it's not science fiction portal.
It's not a wormhole to the multiverse. No, it's not.

It would be interesting if it was. I'd be terrified
what would pop out of there.

Speaker 6 (54:24):
I mean, they got some interesting stuff in the catacombs,
like the basement of the Vatican or whatever. I mean,
they could one in the base the Vatican archives. Oh yeah,
there's I mean, there's speculation what's all in there. But
the stuff that we kind of know is in there
is pretty crazy, right. So yeah, I'd love to get
I'd love to get in there. I don't want the
air turned off, but yeah, no, i'd love that would

be that would be fascinating.

Speaker 1 (54:46):
Hey man, that almost ended badly. So with that in mind,
that's what they're talking about with these doors, and I
could get into more of the specific nature of it. Well,
the thing that's different this time around is one he's
he's kind of hurrying the process, the pope. But more importantly,
one of the doors is in a prison. Okay, rub Eva,

I can't remember the name of the prison, but and
so it's the first time they've done one of these
in this prison setting, and I guess the pope's theory
is that they need hope because they're in prison. So
this is what we're gonna do, all right, And it's
more symbolism for people in prison, not necessarily even in
the historical concept of this prison. And then they do

they have doors in the different basilicas, and they it
starts Christmas at Christmas Eve, and then they do it
on specific days, including New Year's which is which is
a thing within the Catholic Church as well. There's a
lot of religions and so that's what they're talking about here.
There's no actual wormholes, but what a clickbaity article. And

I'm sure I probably shrewd a little of it up,
but I'm on there. The thing that I'm more concerned about,
and this is what I'm curious. What's up with that
nativity scene? And it's not the only one, but the
fact that this Jesuit pope is kneeling in front of it,
I'm really concerned. So I don't know if you saw this.
There's a nativity scene and baby Jesus is swaddled in

a Palestinian capilla or whatever, The thing is, you know
the thing, you know, the thing that all the protesters
are wearing. The baby Jesus is swaddled in this Muslim garb.
What are we doing? This is like protect the home team.

I don't know if you know this. Also, some Jewish
people are pretty mad about this, except that's a whole
sticky wicked. But you know, when he was baby Jesus,
he was a Jew. So some people find this extra
what are you doing? But for the Catholic pope to
be kneeling in front of it, somebody's gonna have to help.

It make sense to me. Yeah, it's super weird. You're
seeing this more and more.

Speaker 6 (56:58):
I've said, besides this, I've seen it where it's like, hey,
this is the new Nativity scene and they're like decked out,
like you said, in like Muslim guard. But it's like
this is before that was the thing like this.

Speaker 1 (57:08):
And to be clear, within the Muslim faith, Jesus existed. Okay,
the beef with Jesus as I understand it, and I
admittedly i'm not I'm not your your go to guy
Muslim stuff, but the generic understanding is, yeah, Jesus was
Jesus was a guy. He was a prophet, but he
wasn't the son of God. And if you want real
prophecy looked to Muhammad. All right, So but obviously there's

a disconnect. Though.

Speaker 6 (57:30):
It's all pretty racist because the people making this and
saying this is how it was, they're pretty much saying, hey,
it's in this section of the world. Everyone looks like this.

Speaker 1 (57:38):
Yeah, yeah, it's and and and and it's I expect
lunatics to remember with Baby Jesus during Trump, they were
putting Baby Jesus in cages right to make politiic. Do
you remember that early Trump where they would have some church,
some super woke church would have like or a Nativity
scene with baby Jesus in a cage, right, And it's
just like, can you not write? Can you not right now?

And I don't know if you know this. He was
in a cage. He wasn't in a cage, but he
was executed. Yeah, so drawing the comparisons here's kind of
a crazy thing. But I expect that. I don't expect
the pope to kneel in front of it. I don't
don't expect that at all. So I, you know, forget

the clickbaity headline. Maybe just look to that and go,
what the heck's going on here? What are we doing?
All right? Eight eight eight nine three four seven eight
seven four, let's get rased agic from the weather channel here, dude,
everything's everything's crazy. So either there's an Iranian mothership launching
drones or it's aliens. Do you have a preference? Do
you do you care which one it is?

Speaker 15 (58:42):
Wellgo, I'd rather have the aliens, honestly.

Speaker 1 (58:44):
Oh wow, just yeah, nucas I get it over with. Well,
I mean we don't know.

Speaker 15 (58:49):
I mean anybody else would probably want to do that, right,
so we don't know. We could have aliens come down
and they could be very friendly.

Speaker 1 (58:55):
Yeah, with three boobs. We talked about this, Yes, yes
we did. Yeah, but over this, Yeah, it's certainly.

Speaker 13 (59:04):

Speaker 1 (59:04):
I was gonna say, it's a good invasion weather, so
it's gonna make it.

Speaker 10 (59:07):

Speaker 15 (59:07):
I was gonna say, yeah, certainly getting better. Multiple inches
rain yesterday, especially to the northwest, and uh they try
it over three inches about one to two inches locally.
Now the cold rares come back, and we're in pretty
good shape next few days as the mild weather will
quickly return. So cold morning, but as we get into
the afternoon. Should see plenty of sunshine, a little breezy,

mid upper forties, tonight in the twenties again, and then
tomorrow upper forties to low fifties with a little more
cloud coming in, but a decent Saturday upper forties to
low fifties, mostly sunny, and then some rain on Sunday
afternoon and too Sunday nights. So it does look like
we'll get some rain back and some showers early next week.
Is the mild the weather returns are back into the
sixties next week case, so another little cold shot, quick

kind of jab in the arm. Then it goes away
cold this morning, probably tomorrow morning, and then the milder
day is coming with as I said, close to sixty
by Monday, and that rain chance probably second part of Sunday.

Speaker 1 (01:00:02):
And I'd be curious to see.

Speaker 15 (01:00:03):
What you think, Maybe not now, but at one point
or another Belichick in North Carolina.

Speaker 1 (01:00:08):
Oh, No, I was just gonna ask you, are you
terrified as a Clemson fan? No, I think I think
this ends in a spectacular fireball, but maybe some good comforts.

Speaker 15 (01:00:18):
I just can't wait for the first press conference.

Speaker 1 (01:00:21):
That's just what I'm saying. This is they are so
snowflaked over at un see, not all of them, but
you know, it's it's definitely a very high snowflake environment.
And Belichie throws sharp elbows.

Speaker 15 (01:00:34):
Yeah, and I don't know, you might agree, but I
don't know what he was without Brady, do you agree
with that or with that?

Speaker 1 (01:00:43):
On this show is crapping all over Boston, So you know, Okay, yeah,
that's the thing.

Speaker 7 (01:00:49):
Sounds good.

Speaker 1 (01:00:50):
Yeah, that's my thing. But no, no, here's the deal.
Because of the high profile nature of the press conference, right,
there's also opportunities grabbed on the regular by some of
the protesters there at UNC. If you're a protester at UNC,
the highest profile thing you can go and glue yourself
to something in front of is a Bill Belichick presser
because that's where all the cameras are going to be.

So if you're one of these climate psychos who wants
they blue yourself to the Mona Lisa or whatever or
start screaming or doing the wiggle worm, bill Belichick's presser
is are gonna do it? You think Bill Belichick's gonna
put up with that? There's not a chance. Oh so, yeah,
like I said, it's gonna be interesting, so we'll find out,
all right, Thank you, sir, appreciate it.

Speaker 14 (01:01:31):
All right.

Speaker 1 (01:01:31):
Hey, you guys, remember when you weren't allowed to refer
to Haiti as an s whole and then Trump did,
and then CNN decided to say s hole like a
hundred times in one day. I'm just wondering if that's
allowed now, and I'll explain why. Coming up next, a
NERD correspondent and a big time climate lawsuit enthusiasts. Judging
by your Twitter feed, how are you doing this morning?

Speaker 14 (01:01:52):

Speaker 1 (01:01:55):
Did I not get him on? Hello Steven? All right? Yeah?
And put that on hold there. They got him, they
got him, he figured something out and then they got him.
Well well all right, so we'll see if we can
get that rectified here real quick. Oh anyway, we've got
that's more audio too. We're gonna be getting into before

the before the end of the show. So uh, busy, busy,
busy hour. All right, we're going to go okay, good,
all right, Steven Kent? Are you there this morning? Sir?
What's up?

Speaker 14 (01:02:27):
Good morning, casey and nice to be with you.

Speaker 1 (01:02:29):
Hey, how you doing so all right? I thought they
got you from I got one of the drones. Got you, dude,
what do you think is going on there? Yesterday or
till we have one congressman saying that it's an Iranian
mother ship, and then the Pentagon spokeswoman she's like, no,
it's none of those. It's not a foreign adversary, it's
a So now we're back to aliens. I don't know
what the heck's going on or is it just one
of those media frenzies. Where are you at a US?

Speaker 14 (01:02:53):
Well, if we're talking about lights in the sky, I'm
always of the mind that this is the mess stick
technology being piloted and tested out over the American homeland
by the highest highest levels of government, the deepest, deepest
of the state that most pilots and even even generals

don't even know about. So that's that's where I think
this is headed, and that's why we'll never find out
what these things truly are.

Speaker 1 (01:03:23):
Wow, that is that is a very well, now that's
not true. Maybe one day, very long down the road
we do. I was just reading yesterday the CIA did
classified some reports from the Army where they were studying
reincarnation and astro projection, and apparently they thought it was
working so like, you know this, this stuff comes out
of the wash. But I think that you can offer

a theory. I think it. I think that the idea
that foreign aversary, well, we know that foreign adversaries literally
park off in international waters because we do it everywhere, right,
That's why we have submarines, we got ships. Sometimes we
roll in a whole flotilla there and uh like look
at us. And sometimes we do it clandestinely, and and
this happens. In fact, during the Cold War, I have

you ever seen a map of how many Russian subs
and listening posts were right outside of US territories. It's
it's like I didn't realize I had that any submarines. Okay,
so that's not a new thing. So if you tell
people that there's a busted Iranian ship, because remember there
was one day in the eighties where we destroyed half
of their fleet and we didn't even mean to. They're

so bad at needy stuff. So but if they got
one of their busted ships sitting off there spying on
us or just screwing with people, I wouldn't put that
past Iran because of the way that they handle things, right,
they proxied the hoo thies down on the point of
this Sarrabian peninsula to randomly indiscriminately fired.

Speaker 14 (01:04:42):
I can't even I can't even imagine the Iranians on
the water. Do they swim with that thing that they do?

Speaker 1 (01:04:49):
They have boats, so it's an amazing story. We went
we were going to go do a proportional response, so
we were going to sink one of their They didn't
even have a battleship. They I can't remember what they were.
We're going to go sink one, but we're gonna do it
in the way where we're like, hey, we're about to
sink this. You guys should get off right just to
do that. And then these these lunatics started busting out
all of their navy and they would fire like mounted

fifty cows at US battleships. And at that point it
jumped from hey be very clean and concise to they've
engaged you in this way, and it's you know, one
of our sailors had hit a button once and then
it would blow it to smitherings. They're very bad at it.

Speaker 14 (01:05:27):

Speaker 1 (01:05:28):
But if you think, if you think that there's a
ship sitting off, you know, out where, guys are willing
to run to go fishing. You think a bunch of
good old boys in bass boats with shotguns don't think
they can solve that problem. And that's the last thing
you want, obviously, is some guy in his skeeter with
a twelve gauge. That being said, I don't think they'd

admit if that was happening there, because it also looks bad.
Am I being too conspiratorial here?

Speaker 14 (01:05:55):
I think somewhat casey? I think I think you're you're
off the off the reservation here.

Speaker 1 (01:05:59):
Oh okay, all right, fine, whatever, that's fine. So you're
gonna go with what hobbyists or just mass panic, which
is a possibility obviously, so.

Speaker 14 (01:06:10):
I always will choose mass panic.

Speaker 1 (01:06:12):
Okay, all right, very good. Well let's let's get into
a few other things. Uh, why is Harry Potter now
the gonna be the new victim here? Or do you
not see it that way? Where if you don't know,
they're wanting to recast Snape, who was played by what
Alan Rickman? Right? That's Alan Rickman's character loved me Smith,
and I want to recast it with a black actor

who I don't have a beef with the actor, but
fans of the source material point out that we know
what's what was his first name, Servius. We know what
Servius Snape look like.

Speaker 14 (01:06:45):
Oh my gosh, it just through.

Speaker 1 (01:06:46):
The ire of ross in my ear, Severus Snape. So
we know what he looks like from the book descriptions.
So what are we doing?

Speaker 14 (01:06:55):
Yeah, I mean he has described numerous times as having
pallides in, being deeply pale, sallow skin, the color of
sour milk, with greasy black hair. He's pretty much also,
then at the very end of the book, after he
is confronting Voldemort, is described as marble white, and then

you kind of have you know, leftist for visionaries will
come out and say like, oh, yeah, you know, Snap's
never really described as white, so you know it's flexible.
Well that's not true. He is, and that's fine. I
have nothing against the actor. His name is papau A CD.
He's a TV actor for the most part who comes
from the Lazarus Project. He was a murder on the

Orient Express. But for the most part, no one's ever
seen this person. My main issue is that he's just
so young. He's so young, as well as the person
that they're casting for Hagrid they're talking about bringing in
Ted Lasso actor Brett Goldstein. You might know Brett gold
Seeing and Ted Lasso as the cranky soccer coach, the

one who cusses a lot. The cast is just going
to be a lot younger. It's going to be like
a bunch of kids playing Harry Potter dress up. And
it's very strange.

Speaker 1 (01:08:13):
And so I got the impression when I was first
reading about it that the reason was is because it
takes place earlier on and they need younger actors. But
it doesn't look like that's the case.

Speaker 14 (01:08:24):
No, I mean, they certainly don't. If you want to
be if you want to be a super picky about
Harry Potter, you know, Severa Snape is technically thirty years old.
In the first Harry Potter movie, The Sorcerer's Stone, he
fell in love with Harry Potter's mother when they were
twenty years old, and that is when Harry Potter's mother

was killed by Voldemort, which makes Severa Snape a thirty
year old man who is younger than me, and he
already has all these wrinkles and lines and then droopy
eyes all over his face. So they already cast in
the in the first movie a guy who was actually
probably too old to play separate snape, but they did
it anyways. I do have an issue though, with the

race spending on these characters, because it is it is
done in a provocative way. It is meant to have
people dare say anything about it? You have a problem
with this? How dare you? And it's just it's inviting
conflict on a show that is otherwise going to.

Speaker 10 (01:09:29):
Be pretty exciting.

Speaker 14 (01:09:30):
People are jazzed about Harry Potter coming back. If you're not,
you know, one of these sort of like JK Rowling,
radical haters, But now this is going to really mar
its return and I'm not excited about that.

Speaker 1 (01:09:44):
What was the other one? I saw people go, oh,
they were upset over the new Star Trek movie trailer.
I can't hember what it's called, But with that one,
I got the impression that they were saying, this is
going to be something completely different within the universe. I
think that that. Now, why would you have a problem
with that? If they say it's going to be different
within the universe and they're going to be coming up

with new characters and it has a different vibe, isn't
that what you kind of want is some experimenting. I mean,
maybe it's full of woke stuff, but like I find
that less problematic than established characters in established timelines.

Speaker 14 (01:10:19):
Yeah, well, you know, we've kind of been in this
same you know, ballpark with James Bond. There was a
story recently where former Bond girl from the Daniel Craig films,
Jimma Arterton, was just talking about the idea of a
female double O seven and said it would just be like,
way too outrageous, and it's just better to have female

action stars doing their own thing rather than stepping on
the foot of something that is well established and beloved
by people. And for Star Trek, you you're kind of
dealing with the same thing. There's no reason that you
can't just carve out a corner of the universe to
tell a completely original story that features people who might

not fit the bill of casting. When Star Trek was
originally kickstarted decades and decades and decades ago. The same
goes for Star Wars. People will always comment about how
the Empire was pretty much all white in the original
Star Wars films, and so they would tie that to
fascist regimes and the Nazis and all this stuff. But

as Star Wars has evolved over the years, you can
now find women and black officers in the ranks of
the Empire in Star Wars. In fact, the first order
in the newest Star Wars films were majority Asian and
black and less white officers on the board of those ships,
which sort of cuts against that very message of that

this is some sort of fascistic Nazi homage in space
because it's so multi racial, and I think that's sort
of an interesting blunder for liberals in Hollywood to make
it undercuts their own ideas.

Speaker 1 (01:11:59):
Yeah, yeah, Trevor, Rogue One, all right, So when Rogue
One came out, like, I don't know how you felt
about that movie. I like that movie. I liked it
and fantastic. Yeah. Yeah, But so there's parts of it
where it needs to hold the storyline. And obviously things
that happened to Rogue One informed some of the more
recent Star Wars productions. But and it kept with the

storyline about how how do the Rebels get the plans right?
And and so it told a very unique story there.
I don't think it's stepped on any toes, and I actually.

Speaker 14 (01:12:29):
There was there was no discussion about recasting the dead
Peter Cushing, who plays Grand Admiral Tarkin, with a black
or or Latino actor, just to make a point. They
did everything they could to make sure that the understanding
in the audience of this character was was maintained across
time and space. And you can again make this case

about severa snape. This is a reboot, a television adaptation
of Harry Potter. But it just these things destroy act
audiences from being able to simply enjoy the story that
they thought that they knew, and people want to feel
as though they know and are connected to these stories.
And I'm kind of shocked that this is happening while JK.

Rowling is still at the helm of Harry Potter and
she is still in control of this production.

Speaker 10 (01:13:20):
But it's worth.

Speaker 14 (01:13:20):
Remembering that even though she is on the opposite end
of the transgender wars and is sort of hated by
the far left for that issue, she has always been
and continues to be, a political liberal, so this probably
doesn't bother her.

Speaker 10 (01:13:35):

Speaker 1 (01:13:35):
Yeah, let's keep in mind, before we got into trans stuff,
there was a lot of revisionist stuff that Rally did
on character sexuality, right where she essentially said, oh, that
one character of the book, Yeah, he's gay or he is,
Like so she she already was cool with that. I
don't know that it was changing as much as it
was adding storyline to the backgrounds of so many characters,

so like she was engaging in it, and then she
just hit a point where she's like, no, we're not
doing this and then public Enemy number one. Let me
ask you a question. Are you a fan of American
horror story?

Speaker 13 (01:14:09):
I was?

Speaker 14 (01:14:09):
I really I watched every season up until the Witch Coven.
I saw that one and then I felt like it
kind of jumped the shark, but I enjoyed it for
a while.

Speaker 1 (01:14:18):
Yeah, the Future the Doomsday Monker season was very good.
I like that show. But what was unique about that
show and very interesting is that you'd have the same
actors coming back each season, and occasionally there'd be carryover,
like some of the Witches carry over into other seasons,
but for the most part, the actors would be completely recast.
So you had the Haunted House and then why McDermott

didn't come back, You had most of the actresses who
are now what do they do with the asylum? Was
the next one? Right? And then yeah, and then onwards
and now you got everyone playing all these different characters
each season. It's a very unique, interesting concept. Why is
Marvel trying to do it though? And do you think
it'll be successful? Case Robert Downey Junior will come back,

probably as Doctor Doom. There's some speculation on the Avengers Doomsday,
and now reports that Chris Evans will be joining the
film's expanding cast, but not as Captain America. So my
question is do you think fans are going to be
cool with this? And before anyone and we mentioned this yesterday, Yes,
there is some character shifting that Chris Evans does in

the recent Deadpool Wolverine. I don't want to spoil it
for you, but it's more of a cameo. That's more
of a cameo, right, So if all of a sudden,
here comes here's Captain America, but he's not Captain America.
And here's Iron Man but he's not Iron Man. It
kind of feels like that. But I don't know that
fans are going to embrace it as much. What do
you think?

Speaker 14 (01:15:43):
Yeah, well, you know I do remember, you know Kevin
or Chris Evans, his first appearance on a Marvel anything
was two thousand and five, as he was in The
Fantastic four.

Speaker 1 (01:15:54):
The Human don't because I don't need people screaming. We
mentioned that yesterday and then people got mad and said
that Fox, it's not Marvel.

Speaker 14 (01:16:01):
So well it was, but that's not my point, Like this,
it's not the NCU, but the point being, like you know,
we've kind of seen Chris Evans pop up throughout Marvel
stories for a long long time. I do think that
people won't mind Chris Evans being recast in another role
in the continued MCU under Kevin Feige. I just think

that general audiences will be confused, and that's kind of
what I'm always most concerned about. Kind of good to
pivot back to Star Wars as an example, when The
Force Awakens came out in twenty fifteen and you had
this thing called the First Order. I remember distinctly and
had conversations for years the confusion of dads in the

audience about like, oh, yes, and this is the Empires.

Speaker 1 (01:16:47):
It's the Empire.

Speaker 14 (01:16:47):
They're back, but it's not the Empire and they're not back.
There's something else, and now you don't understand. And I
think that people really hate that, and so Chris Evan's
coming back and Robert Downey Junior coming back. I think
for the pore fans of the MCU it will be fine,
and that's enough to carry those movies to box office success,
but it will gradually alienate people from these stories over time.

There's no reason to pull these people back.

Speaker 1 (01:17:14):
No, And I think it's the greatest admission. Okay, we
got to go to Let me just say this real quick.
I think it's the best admission that when they had
that come to Jesus meeting going what happened? Why do
we make all the money the first time? And what's
going on? They are leaning hard into the nostalgia. Now
with this, it's very clear to me, so at least
maybe they recognize that they got a little off track.

So we'll see, because I think with the word Avengers
in the title, will probably do pretty well. All right,
we got a roll. Probably we got so much weirdness,
so much weirdness, you know. I mentioned with Steven Kent
there like this with the CIA with their oh yeah no,
we and the Army more specifically this report from nineteen
eighty three that got declassified basically where they were trying

to do astral projection and reincarnation. And this is why
I'm bringing it up because I've heard of the astral
projection stuff. Right, all of these experiments they did with
well you know, from mk Ultra up to the men
that stare at goats and that kind of that stuff
was real, by the way. Obviously the movie took license,
but that was the thing that happened, and astral projection

was a big thing because Spye, right, what do you
you're gonna be able to go in there? One of
my what was the movie where the one character goes
in and gets like Iran's nuke secrets? Was that that
was one of the suicide squad, right, like, this is
the kind of stuff that they want. So I thought
it was weird. But there's also reincarnation, and I'm trying

to understand how that works for spine unless they think
they can, I guess, kill you and then you reincarnate,
but as your enemies and you're still loyal. Like the
whole thing is weird, but yeah, that's out there. If
you're like falling down rabbit holes on stuff. Was the
other us? What was the other one? You were never
talking because neither of us understand it. It was the

quantum computer thing, right, for the computers figured out that
what we're actually yeah, yeah, and.

Speaker 6 (01:19:09):
We're going across this yesterday and they're like, well, the
quantum computers have proven that the multiverse does exist, right, yeah,
and that apparently and then it also is it with
simulation theory rights And I read it, and I read
it numerous times and I'm like, I don't understand what
this is saying. Because they were trying to explain it.
I'm like, so I'll just move on to something different.
But but you're going to take accept it. Yeah, now

you get the reincarnation. Well, now reincarnation or astro projection
that that ties in with. You know, if you're in
a simulation too, right, you just oh, your character got rebooted.

Speaker 1 (01:19:42):
It's like you kill it. It's like some some character
you killed. But every time you go back into the level,
there it is again. So I don't know, there's all
sorts of weirdness out there, but it's not limited to
just the sci fi stuff. If you missed the first
part of the show, I'm going to do this again
because holy hell, it's weird. So Tim will his wife.
There was a video yesterday they got posted to social

media for everybody. But the story they said was whoopsie,
we meant to send this to our daughter, Which how
does that work unless they were gonna tagger on it?
But is that how you send a video to a
family member? Ross Do you upload it to social media
and then try to DM it to him or do
you just text it to him? Because I feel like

you just text him a video right or FaceTime or
whatever it is. So I'm really confused. So I don't
believe them. I think that this video was made to
recover some of their dignity because he wants what any
losing politician wants, and it's really the only thing available

to you. He wants people to become of the thought
that they made a big mistake. He should have been
in there as vice president, Kamala should have been in there. Whatever,
he made a big mistake or they made a big mistake.
They I just wish they had chosen you, because that's
the best thing you're going to get after you've been
handed a loss. Is people nostalgic for you. It can

kind of be a little save for the soul. So
I think that's what he's chasing here. The problem is
whether you believe it was just for the daughter, or
if you believe it was a scripted or at the
very least organized, devised plan to go whoopsie, we posted
this out there. Look how normal we are like all

the rest of you and your family around Christmas, which,
by the way, don't use the word normal and families
around Christmas because people do things a little differently, and
I think all of us have probably over the years.
Maybe we went to Christmas at a boyfriend, girlfriend, or
spouse's home, and they just do things different, and some
of it's a little weird. It is weird because it's unusual.

This is not that I would argue this is. I
don't know what this is. I'm gonna play it for you.
It's one minute long. And remember it's it's and his
wife knows how to post videos to social media that
she shoots. We know this. There's there's so much going
on here, but it's one minute, and it's purportedly to
their daughter, who is a grown adult, and that is

very important. And you tell me what you think.

Speaker 7 (01:22:21):
Hey, hope, mom and dad here, Hey help her girl.

Speaker 8 (01:22:23):
Finishing decorating the family tree in the living room or
in our family room here and it's all of the
handmade ornaments over the years. So we were thinking of
you and I just wanted to show you a couple.
We were cracking up about a couple of these.

Speaker 1 (01:22:35):
So all right, before before we get into those, that's
just weird off the bat. Why do you tell your
adult daughter where the Christmas tree that's always in the
same place as I think at the rooms backwards, like,
it's just that's strange. You would just say you're decorating
the tree because you're going to assume if she lived
eighteen years in your house and can visually see the tree,

that she'll know where it is. So this is these
are all the clues.

Speaker 4 (01:22:59):
Right you go take a look at this.

Speaker 9 (01:23:01):
Look at those pretty sparkles you.

Speaker 8 (01:23:04):
Two thousand and five. Here's children are like snowflakes. Each
one is unique.

Speaker 9 (01:23:10):
Right there, you're on a little reindeer at rock Sands house.

Speaker 4 (01:23:13):
All right, And.

Speaker 1 (01:23:14):
Uh, here's Gus your brother's cutter off too.

Speaker 9 (01:23:17):
There he made us that one from basketball when he
was dunking.

Speaker 8 (01:23:21):
So anyway, hey, hope we got the final one. You're
gonna love this toilet paper roll angel you made it?

Speaker 9 (01:23:28):
Do you see your little hands.

Speaker 4 (01:23:30):
Here the angel wings. So here we go on the tree,
not on a real.

Speaker 9 (01:23:34):
Tree, but on this family tree.

Speaker 1 (01:23:36):
What is that?

Speaker 9 (01:23:37):
Dad got it on?

Speaker 10 (01:23:38):

Speaker 9 (01:23:39):
Joy to the world.

Speaker 4 (01:23:41):
All right, there you go.

Speaker 8 (01:23:42):
I know you're missing your Griswold family. Decorate your house
for Christmas. We're thinking of you, love your hope.

Speaker 4 (01:23:48):

Speaker 1 (01:23:49):
And then the Grizzwold reference sounds forced. So do you
like that's clearly that that clearly looks like that was
intended for everybody, and they thought it was normal. And
I saw people like, oh, it's like the ornaments. No,
the ornaments are not abnormal. That's not abnormal. In fact,
I think my sister made one of those tries.

Speaker 6 (01:24:09):
I mean, what's abnormal about it is the whole way
ron Like when you send a video to a family member.
It's not like, Hi, Hope, it's me your dad, and
here's your mom, and here's the Christmas tree in the
living room and here's some ornaments that you've maybe never
seen before that we're gonna put on the tree. The
whole presentation is weird. Like if I were to send

you a video, it wouldn't be like that, right, It
wouldn't be like, hey, Casey it's me Ross, you're coworker
of like what twelve thirteen years are I'm here studio.
I'm here in my studio. This is where I do
the show. And they're talking. If she's a grown adult,
I could understand maybe this video if the kid was
three or four, it sounds like they're talking to.

Speaker 1 (01:24:49):
A child in the video. Yeah it does.

Speaker 6 (01:24:52):
Yeah, it just it's like everything else that you saw
in this campaign, it's fake, it's phony, it's produced. It's
like when you saw him working on the car or
taking the phone calls from Kamala Harris right, or the
gutters thing. Yes, so weird man, So like what clearly.

Speaker 1 (01:25:09):
Looks like an effort designed to show that you're not
weird is like the cherry on the weird cake, which
was the entire campaign. I went cake because that's how
he would say it, and not pie. So anyway, what.

Speaker 6 (01:25:21):
You just summed up the entire campaign?

Speaker 1 (01:25:23):
Yeah, that's why it was projection from day one or like, ah,
like advance, he's so weird, is he?

Speaker 2 (01:25:29):

Speaker 1 (01:25:30):
For a guy's who's done everything he's done and is
now going to be vice president, he's arguably one of
the least weird people. I've seen in that and I
expect weird people to fill that slot.

Speaker 6 (01:25:38):
If my sister sent me a video similar to that
one with my brother in law and with my nieces
and my nephews and it was it was like that,
I would I would call her back and be like,
is everything okay? Yeah, no, you'd call you call another
family member check on her. We do a welfare check
on Karen or whatever.

Speaker 1 (01:25:57):
I mean.

Speaker 6 (01:25:57):
Think about how many videos that you've sent before in
the past, or I know I've sent in the past
to family members.

Speaker 1 (01:26:01):
They're not like that. They're casual there, you know what
I mean, They're yeah, and my mom, I get the
parents that the thing where you're trying to kind of
embarrass because I mentioned that. My mom thought it was
hilarious because she had like the descending getting older photo
thing where there's like, you know, ten slots per frame,
and then she had each of the kids over the
years and one of the first photo is me and

a cowboy had buck naked. Write what I learned to
walk running around? Right?

Speaker 4 (01:26:26):

Speaker 6 (01:26:26):
And if somebody already send you that video, right, if
it was a family member, to be like, you know,
you see the person, the frame whatever, and be like, hey, dude,
check it out. I found this old fold.

Speaker 1 (01:26:33):
Do you remember this?

Speaker 14 (01:26:34):

Speaker 4 (01:26:34):

Speaker 6 (01:26:34):
And it would be really quick. It wouldn't be this
big presentation.

Speaker 1 (01:26:37):
No, that was to have for ornaments you made and
have been there, which again that's the least weird part
of this too. Kids make ornaments and they and they
continue to go on the tree. Uh My mom had
do you know remember the hands redipped the baby's hand,
mom's hand and plaster, she had those made into this
like Christmas display thing. It didn't sit on the tree,

but it sat on the mantles. You were so proud
of that thing. But it was you know, it's very personal,
clear thing. At no point since the when I was
old enough to go, what is this thing? And she
told me right from then on, did she ever have
to explain to me what it.

Speaker 6 (01:27:12):
Is unless you were, like you some tragic accident, you
were in a coma and you woke up and you
have amnesia and they're trying to explain to you what
everything is. That's how the video comes across.

Speaker 1 (01:27:20):
Yeah, it's it's pretty pretty cringey stuff, man, absolutely, But
also what it was then he had Joe Biden yesterday
did you hear Joe Biden yesterday? Like this is the
other reason too, because Vance has been there, Dvance, excuse me,
A wall's been kind of thrown to the wolves. And
I think his wife didn't like Everyone run around thinking

she's weird. But it's because she's weird and so is he,
and and they don't like that. And and now you
got the Bidens are who are punching down on the Harrises.
You can't you can't tell me this isn't what she means.

Speaker 16 (01:27:53):
So I hope that you all feel that sense of
you know, peace and light, and that uh, just for
a moment when you leave here today, that you feel,
I don't know, a little a sense of joy, because
I think we all need like this, you know, we
all need to feel joy now during this time of

the season, during just during this time. So anyway, okay,
now I'll start.

Speaker 1 (01:28:21):
Everyone knows that, don't read into it, she says, everyone knows.
I'm sorry, and I don't even mean this in a
fully negative way. Jill Biden is a bee on wheels, man,
like she'll cut you, so she'll cut you. She's clearly
mocking Harris. There, right, we agree on this one. Hundred
per second. I'm I'm on Ross's theory that she voted

for Trump. Now I'm in. They convinced me, what are
you talking about? We need joy? And she was saying
in the weird whimsical way that Harris would say it too.

Speaker 6 (01:28:52):
Dude, she's not going to vote for the person that
stabbed her husband in the back.

Speaker 1 (01:28:55):
No, she's clearly clearly mocking her. And you know what,
I'm here for it, all right, a forty six, not
to be mocked. Whether God, no, please don't less you know,
please don't cowboys hire Bill Belichick or something. But yeah, I.

Speaker 15 (01:29:10):
Didn't want them. So I'm just ready for the show,
which led me to a whole bunch of other things.
I hate this time of year because now anyway, I
started booking things, and I'm not going to book anything
in Chapel Hill yet because Clemson will play there.

Speaker 1 (01:29:27):
If you come to do some sort of Chapel Hill visit,
pilgrimage or anything like that, maybe maybe Clemson, then we're
gonna have to do something showy show thing too. Absolutely
a little meet and greet, Okay, definitely that I need
you to do. Well thirty seconds because I went.

Speaker 15 (01:29:45):
Oh, of course, of course, we'll go from the sixties
today to maybe fifty the average highs or a low
to mid fifties. That probably closer to normal the next
few days with no rain. I've been up for forties today.
It's a little chili. We're back close to fifty tomorrow
and Saturday, a lot of sun maybe some tomorrow afternoon.
The next chance of rain in here Sunday afternoon, and
it will be rain getting into that time of here.
We're got to watch these systems coming in and I

do think, Casey, we get back into the sixties next week.

Speaker 1 (01:30:11):
Okay, all right, we'll take it. Thank you, sir, appreciate it.
We'll come back with Jock bellingcher next. Hang on now,
good morning, Casey.

Speaker 17 (01:30:16):
There was a bigger than expected increased last month in
the overall rate of wholesale inflation. The Producer Price Index
was up four tenths percent in November, mostly though we're
hearing about, because of egg prices. With food and energy excluded,
the core PPI was up two tenths percent. That was
right in line with forecasts. There was a surprise increase

last week and the number of new claims for unemployment benefits.
The labor department counted two hundred and forty two thousand
first time applications. That was seventeen thousand more than.

Speaker 1 (01:30:47):
The prior week.

Speaker 17 (01:30:48):
Stock market futures are pointing lower times. Person of the Year,
mister Donald Trump, will be ringing the opening bell on
the big board this morning. Perspective, home buyers are apparently
paying close attention to mortgage infestrates. Redfin reports, home tours,
mortgage applications, and pending sales are all rising as rates
on home loans tick lower. The richer getting richer. Elon

Musk is now worth more than four hundred billion dollars.
He's the first person to reach that milestone, and while
Musk is the world's richest individual, the world's richest family,
Walmart's Walton family is about halfway to a trillion dollar
fortune thanks to the performance of Walmart stock. As for
the rest of US, Casey Bamboo Hr says forty percent

of salaried workers have not perceived a raise this year,
and for the sixty percent who did get a salary bump,
the raise was smaller than the one they got last year.

Speaker 1 (01:31:43):
Casey, well, at least they got one. Hey, can you
give me a favorite can you shoot one of these
drones down so we can figure out what's up?

Speaker 4 (01:31:50):
Yeah, I wish somebody would do that.

Speaker 1 (01:31:51):
It's been that I put it on you. Come on, man, Jacks.
One is misery, like you want to know if it's
an Iranian mothership or aliens. Very curious.

Speaker 17 (01:32:00):
So a lot of people are I live in New Jersey,
so let's sake this topic.

Speaker 1 (01:32:05):
Gay Well, I tasked you the only New Jersey person
I know, So all right.

Speaker 4 (01:32:08):
Get on it.

Speaker 1 (01:32:09):
Thank you, all right, take care. They got Jeff Bellinger
Bloomberg News to sitting on his roof with a gat
later that it'd be great. By the way, And if you
live in New Jersey in the the greater New York area,
you probably need something to distract you. I was looking
at the NFL lines trying to figure out because you know,
you got Thursday night. Then I just kind of feel

where my head's at this week. Should I wish to
dabble in the world of sports gambling. But I'm not
a big dabbler. I'm like a five to twenty dollars
kind of guy. But yeah, it adds a little extra
layer there. I don't think i've seen a sixteen and
a half point spread on a game in a long time.
But that is the spread for the Giants Ravens game.
The Giants are getting sixteen and a half points, which

is a in a college game, sure in an NFL game,
Holy cat, I didn't even do the math on you.
Not that you could probably get a money line bet
on this anyway, but I think you'd pretty much have
to put your house up to win a hundred bucks
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