Episode Transcript
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Pretty slow around these parts. Thanksfor asking. Ross is back and he
was just wondering if he missed anything. No, we you know what was
good we got now we got acouple of people trained to run the board
for when you're gone. So that'sgood kind of that was that was something
we were needing to do. Sono, we took this very slow opportunity,
this, this this dearth of newsto go ahead and do that.
Why do you ask? You know, I'm just saying, after the nice
twelve hour drive back from Tennessee yesterday, ten of which were in North Carolina,
what about right, it seems thatway. Yeah. Yeah, it's
just good to be back, refreshedand see if any news happened while I
was gone. Yeah, understandable.Yeah, Oh seriously on Saturday though,
So on Saturday we drove into TennesseeMarkey Markey's grandmother passed away. She had
a stroke last week, very sudden, and she died due to complications.
So we drove to Tennessee and wechecked into the air and after d eleven
twelve hour drive and I look atmy phone. Oh, and I've never
seen so many individual texts from differentpeople all at the same time. And
I'm looking at my phone and Isaid to Markey, I said, dear
God, did a bomb go offor something? Right, like, what
is this? And we have messagesfrom the boss saying, hey, can
you guys come in, and I'mlike, I'm a little bit I can't
do it right now. I'm sorry. And then I you know, check
social media. You told me whathappened. You're the first person that told
me. You're the first person.I responded to him, like, what
is happening here? Yeah? Yeah, And I'm like, this is bad.
And then everybody from the family whowas there for the funeral it's texting
me as well because they all wantinformation from me. And I'm like,
I'm just finding this out in thesame time you guys are, yeah,
like you have the magic you know, you have the magic tablet that's connected
to the inner circle there. Andthen we have the wake on Sunday,
we have the funeral on Monday,and then stuff about the RNC starts popping
up, and I'm like, thisis the R and C week as well.
It was a little busy, Iguess. Yeah. Yeah. So
you know that scene in a moviewhere a bunch of people are at a
thing. And I'd tell you agood example is like, uh, you
see it in like that movie Swat. I think there's a scene in Top
Gun like it or something. Butbut but but where everyone's device starts going
off simultaneously and it's in the wholemood is just done right because something bad
happened. We need we need youover there. And but it is that
slow realization where just all of asudden, something's happening. So I'm sitting
in a Thai restaurant. I ameating a bowl of the was it tom
young guy? Whatever the soup iswith the coconut and the chicken spicy.
Oh, it's good stuff. Ilike that stuff. And I see people
literally looking at their devices and andyou have to understand the ross understands the
oddity of this people looking at theirdevices and conversing with each other. And
I'm sitting at the bar because I'llsit at a bar if it's just me
and eat. So I'm sitting there, sitting at the bar, eating my
soup. They don't have TVs oranything in this bar, because I mean
it's a you know, it's aKorean restaurant. It's not a not a
bar. Bar per se, andeveryone is sitting there, and there's two
guys that are sitting at the baras well, from Boston, of all
places, because I can hear theiraccents, and I'd spoke to them for
a few minutes, and all ofa sudden, one of them sees what's
going on and he just kind ofturns his phone and points it at me,
and I'm like, okay, allright, and here we go.
And it was minutes later that youand I and station management and everybody is
trying to coordinate this thing. Itwas. It was wild, and if
you think the day of was wild, every preceding day since then it has
somehow gotten crazier with little factoids.The factoids that came out yesterday are almost
more mind blowing than the idea thata twenty year old has no digital footprint.
I can't stress enough how that's theThis is the first thing when Ross
and I talked this morning that hestarted in on that was the very like
I said, I had a longdrive yesterday. First thing, Yeah,
to contemplate all of it. Ihad a long drive and I was figuring
by the time I got home,Uh, there'd be some more information on
this dude, because yeah, you'reyeah, what so, so you're telling
me maybe maybe maybe more has comeout that I am unaware of. But
so, dude is twenty right,right, and he was involved in obviously
a political assassination. So you wouldthink at some point in his life,
at being twenty years old, hewould post some sort of political meme on
a TikTok or Facebook or on Twitteror on Instagram, or at some point
in his life he would thumbs upa YouTube video or he would have a
YouTube account, or he had beenon Reddit. You're telling me this twenty
year old, twenty years old hasnever posted anything political on the internet.
That is kind of hard to benot just political anything anything you didn't you
know it does. He didn't takea picture of a sandwich and go,
oh my omg, look at thisthe only thing that I saw when I
saw this yesterday before I went tobed, and I can't I don't know
if it's true or not. Theysay that they found his Steam account,
like video game account, and hewas playing some game about the president,
like there was a political game hewas playing. But at this point,
you don't know if that's going tobe staged or not. But it's very
odd to have a twenty year old, right was he? Was? He
a modern day Ted kazinski I Whenhe had like the explosives in the back
of his car, he like selftaught, went to the library or whatever.
Because how does that even happen infour I don't know. I don't
know, you know, could Imake a device that explode? I think
I could with the help of theinternet. Yeah, I don't think the
complexity is there. Now would itwork? I don't know? Right,
And maybe this has also been debunked, but I was reading it. So
this kid's aloner and who's bullied inschool that I believe from we did.
There are videos from other students ofthem screwing with this kid, so I
think he absolutely was. But hewas also in a black Rock commercial in
twenty twenty two. That is true. That is true. That one is
true. That's true. We weretalking about it. He just never introverted
so well. But understand listening,I've been in media for a long time.
Yeah, I've been doing this nowalmost thirty years, and I still
hate being on camera. I'll dothe twitch thing, but I still have
like anxiety attacks from that. Soyou're saying this kid is like so like
super introverted, because I'm saying ifthey were to come here, like the
boss, Trevor goes, hey,we're going to be filming a commercial tomorrow
for whatever the company is, andthe camera is going to be here,
I'm going to be sneaking out ofhere like I'm Jason Bourne. I'm gonna
be in and out because I donot like being on camera. And this
kid, who was a super introvertslike, yeah, I'll do the black
Rock commercial. Put the camera onme. I'm cool with that. So,
so the commercial, the crutch ofthe commercial was it was black Rock
trying to portray you know, it'sone of these hey we're we're a good
neighbor, right, you know,we're just we're just like you and not
this behemoth that is manipulating culture andforcing companies to literally play along with our
DEI want so that their score willallow them to get working capital or go
out of business. Right, We'renot the monster that, frankly we appear
to be on paper. And sohere's some teachers making a difference. And
so he is in a classroom andhe's sitting right up front and the camera
is on the teachers on the board, you know, you know, write
and teacher stuff, and it's justa quick little shot there. But yeah,
yeah, he's straight up right therecenter frame. Another thing and another
question for you. So yeah,yeah, I'm just gonnappeal the onion here.
Okay. It's gone through a lotin the past weekend. You know,
I've been thinking about life and howprecious it is, and I'm thinking,
but I'm trying to focus on workas well. And it's so you're
telling me this kid shows up atthe rally with a rifle and a ladder,
a twelve foot ladder or five footbecause the receipt says twelve foot,
but the reporting is five foot.So that's another like, what what is
going on with that? Maybe hetraded on the way because he parked he
parked a mile away in the homedepot parking. Okay, So he walks
a mile a mile with a rifleand ladder and a twelve foot ladder or
five foot door five foot to therally, sets it up and goes up
on the roof. Have you arally ladder? You don't have a rally
ladder? Have you ever, likeyou know, tried to walk because I've
done this before, going from mybackyard trying to work on the gutters.
Right, yeah, and I've gotone of those twelve foot ladders, and
it's very awkward. You're walking fromlike one side of the yard to the
other, and you feel like you'relike, it's like three stooges, like
you're actually knocking out shemp and you'relike, you're stupid, You're you're you're
the poverty stooge. Anyway, getout of my yard. So this kid
is just walking and you've seen him. He looks like a complete soy boy,
right, So he's not like,he's not like he's jacked or anything.
Putting this ladder over his back andjust walking. So this kid is
like fumbling and walking with the riflein one hand and the twol full ladder
in the other hand. You're puton the roof that has the slope and
slope roof not an issue, novery dangerous roof too. It's so dangerous
that apparently law enforcement couldn't be upthere because it's sloped. I'm sorry,
have you ever been on a roofit's not perfectly flat? Have you seen
my roof? Has she been onthere? You're you're literally a Navy You're
literally a Navy seal. Congrats.Yeah, it's it's so dangerous to be
saying, pitch. I have somequestions as what I'm saying. You know,
Okay, first of all, youdon't have a rally ladder, that's
what it sounds like. So that'sjust weird. Who doesn't that's how,
you know, so you can seebetter. But but all of this,
and what the left is focusing onis the bandage in Trump's ear. Oh
yeah, covering up nothing probably huh, probably nothing under there. Did you
see somebody who's posting is this likea pillow? You get a team,
you like, you order the pillowand that shows up as a little tiny
one, little tiny yeah, orwhat's the other one? What's the other
one that they always make fun of? It's not teamy. I can't remember
what it is that was. Thatwas obviously gonna beme. So like the
thing you think it is right thingwhen you get it off this but yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, wellit's uh, you know, he's
the guy's putting in eighteen hour daysplus. Donald Sutherland passed away three weeks
ago, and you're telling me that'sa coincidence. I think Don just because
he's been in a few movies aboutthis. He was mister Black and JFK
remember sitting that bench. Yeah,and I could hear like when I'm thinking
of this stuff, I'm here andI'm thinking in his voice from that movie,
like, we would never let thatyour roof one hundred and fifty yards
away from the president be you know, not watched. We would never let
a Sway boy who weighs one hundredand twenty pounds walk a mile to the
rally with a rifle and a twelvefoot letter or five foot or five I
have a rally cherry picker. You'veseen it? Oh do you? Yeah,
you don't have to carry it.Then you can just kind of wheel
it in. What a cherry pickeris. It's the big thing with the
basket that's on like the four wheels, with the heavy bass that you see
guys working on power line. Anybodycan watch the rounds or yeah, from
like you know, a regular pointof view. But when you can get
your cherry picker and watch the rallyfrom above the candidate, that's pretty impressive.
Yeah, it's got a bunch oflike Trump twenty twenty twenty Yeah,
it's got the it's got the wholeseries going back twenty sixteen stickers all over
it, so it fits right in, it blends right in. So,
dude, I had this other thought, and I was waiting to run this
by you because the dude was wearingsome YouTube channels merch that's got to be
nightmare fuel right there, because like, you don't want anyone committing to crime
or for sheriff thing right at thatpoint. It's a complete rebrand of your
product. Yet. Yeah, yeah, so you know then the conspiracy,
I would say that there's a lotof conspiracies that are emerging here. And
are there some on the right.Yeah, absolutely, But like you know,
you have a member of Congress that'sa former sniper, right and he's
being interviewed and he's just saying,like, there's so many things that are
so insane here that a simple investigationof response to him. Did you see
the video I tweeted yesterday of themunable to their quick response team is unable
to gain access to the building.I, like I said, I wasn't
on social media at all yesterday.Okay, go on go to the Twitter
and look for the one where yousee about twelve cops Secret Service standing there
behind a chain link fence. Soif you haven't seen it, there's things
going down, and the quick responseteam is inside the rally and they never
left an opening even when a controlledopening right of this fence, so they
are they can see the building,you know, one hundred feet away.
It's right there, except they haveno way to get through that fence to
where this is happening. And theyare ramming the fence on multiple times with
a squad car trying to knock ahole in. This is jump over the
fence. It's a slope fence.It's very I'm thinking, I'm watching the
video time about right now, andit's like like a fence you'd have in
your yard. Just jump over thefence, dude, Yeah, yeah,
Hm. Then you see the squadcar on the left trying to bang the
thing down. It's wild man.Now, Dan Bongino take this for what
it's worth. Dan Bongino says hehas an unimpeachable source that says that there
was supposed to be somebody. Ohand the other thing is the building is
literally housing a swat team or asniper team. It was the sniper gathering
point, the building that the dude'sin with his five and or twelve foot
ladder on the very dangerous slope roof. So we're all the snipers in there
like to protect Trump, and thiskid walks in with his ladder and his
rifle and he's like, how doyou do, fellow snipers? Right?
Yep, yeah. And Bongino's thingis that there was supposed to be somebody
to actually be on that roof,which would make sense if you look at
the aerial footage of the of theevent, and you've probably seen it with
the pac Man diagram that gets passedaround when you do the security circle,
there's this V carve out and it'sfor those buildings. And don't get me
wrong, a security perimeter in alot of cases isn't going to be a
perfect circle, right, But moreoften than not, it's going to go
in the other direction. When youhave a series of buildings in an elevated
position that are within a and Ican't stress this enough, even though I
stressed the heck out of it onMonday for nearly an hour of the show.
When you have something that is heavenfor a sniper or somebody wanting to
do harm. That is within arange that even the even the most basic
person who signs up for the militaryand goes to basic training is a shot
that they're expected to make within afew weeks, not that they can make
or that they're really good. Theyare all expected to make that shot.
It is such a it is sucha short distance that you would think that
that'd be in there. Bongino's thingis that there was supposed to be somebody
who just didn't show up that day, and they were they were undermanned,
and then they just didn't pivot tocover it, which I don't know if
that's conspiracy, that almost seems humannaturey. So oh yeah, there's a
lot we need to know, andwe'll dive into what we can coming up.
Hang on, it's weird that anindividual who has no online presence but
an affinity for twelve and or fivefoot ladders would be adorned in merch from
a YouTube site of some sort,considering normally the way you come about merch
from a YouTube video site is byI don't know, watching the video.
I mean, it's just super weird, dude. They keep saying that there's
no internet presence on this kid.He's the only twenty year old on the
planet, right, no Internet,no YouTube, no Twitter, no no
Facebook, no reels, no nothing. He's never had a YouTube account.
What is YouTube? He has noidea, he's never liked a video.
But he's wearing a shirt from aYouTube channel. It makes no sense.
I'm gonna go with uh, I'mgonna go with one the object of ayre
because it is a gun you tube, right, I don't know if you
actually checked to see what the YouTubewas. I'm gonna go with because they
the left has to identify the boogeyman, right, and Van Jones is doing
a fine job on the CNN withessentially everyone being it. But I think
that by honing in on a gunsite on YouTube, that's probably gonna be
the wind for that. Once again, I was unaware of this because have
been gone for the funeral in Tennessee. So you're telling me the shirt that
the kid was wearing was a progun shirt. Well, yeah, I
mean it's a it's a gun tobe. It's a gun tube YouTube channel,
all right, where they It's weirdbecause I kind of eyeballed their videos.
I'm not super familiar with it,and I didn't see anything in there about
assassinations or anything, mostly like Tannerright and stuff. But you know,
you get the spin on this stuff, man, and you're able to uh,
you're able to deflect from the horribleness. Can I offer a possibility just
and this is just a theory.I want to be one hundred percent clear.
I have nothing to back this up. I'm I'm like everybody else,
just trying to plug in the pieces. What if this kid was and we
keep calling him a kid and he'snot a kid. He's twenty, right,
he has reached the level of adulthood. What if this individual when he
was a kid obviously dealt with animmense amount of bullying. He strikes me
as somebody who would if I couldjust stereotype for a moment. And that's
backed up by the videos. Andyou see the other kids at school doing
all the stuff the bully kids doright where they kick your foot out from
under you, They you know,kind of flick you in the back of
the head, your ears and stuff. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah,
all the stuff they do that teacherswill just ignore in many cases,
although maybe less so nowadays with hiscrazy as it's getting. And and that
follows him all through his adolescent years. Eventually, now he's an adult,
and even though he is away fromthat behavior, it probably was. It
probably was really the only time heas weird as his sounds, he had
a lot of people interacting with him. It's people are gonna get mad at
me over this, and that's notmy intention. And he's sitting there and
he's realizing that he thought getting outof high school would make all of this
stop, when in reality now he'ssuffering through adulthood, not having a big
friend circle, and things aren't gettingbetter for him. And maybe he's not
political, but maybe he says,you know what, I'm gonna do something
and they're never it's not even I'mgonna show them. I'm gonna do something
and they're gonna know who I am. Not only that, but he's gonna
do it to the person he's beentold since he was what twelve years old,
is the worst person on earth orthe next Hitler is exactly where I'm
going, And he says to himself, what can I do so they will
always remember me? Now? Theonly thing that flies in the face of
that is that attitude. Generally Iwould assume has some sort of manifesto.
You know what I'm saying, Thatsounds somebody with that mindset generally wants to
make sure that they're remembered exactly asthey want. But to your point,
if you're now looking for what youcan do, and you know that this
would be the biggest thing you cando based on what you've been what you've
been fed for most of your life, that falls squarely into the rhetoric discussion.
That falls into the I keep hearinghow he's the worst person ever right,
an existential threat to democracy, orhe'd be better off gone, and
and so that's and then boom,here's this gift right in your backyard.
This is happening right here. Heknows the area, how any how many
of you grew up in a smalltown and you know your fair grounds?
How many of you grew up inRaleigh and you know the fair grounds?
Dude, I've been here since whattwo thousand and six? And the end
of the fair grounds right, howmany in the triad know who have frequented
the Dixie Classic over the years,could probably in your head draw a map
of the fair grounds there up inWinston. Absolutely, Now that being said,
I don't know even though I knowwhere the Dorton Arena is, right,
I don't know if I could bringa twelve foot ladder and a rifle
and carry that a mile to DortonArena without knocking myself over somebody else on
the way. I mean that mightbe a little difficult, right right,
A little problematic. A five footor twelve foot ladder, Well, the
receipt would say twelve, but themedia would say five. I see,
what if it's that magic ladder?Remember the magic ladder from the infomercials.
I want to say it was thewas it the oh? I can't remember
who was Billy, who did itor whatever? But they had a ladder
that the US to have an infomercialover it did everything. I heard people
rally ladder that seems like a goodone. I heard people too. I
was reading a social media when Idid get home yesterday, and they were
like, well, was it analuminum letder a fiberglass letter? That would
make a big difference. I don'tknow, man, But going back to
my theory, if in fact thatwas, that was how it played out
where he was looking for something tofulfill this this this fantasy or this this
end game that he has envisioned inhis mind and he's settled upon this thing
that he's been hearing about for youknow, since twenty fifteen, twenty sixteen.
That is an absolute indictment of thislanguage discussion that we're having. How
about how about Jack Black? Howabout Jack Black with having to sit there
and and now canceled. Now he'scanceling the rest of the Tenacious detour politicians
in Australia trying to get him andKyle Gas deported Black saying he was horrified
when he heard Gas say what hesaid on stage the other day, which
was for his birthday. He justhe wants he wants to not to miss
next time, and Black said hewas horrified. He's very sorry, but
he repeated it. If you ifif you listen to the audio, Jack
Black repeated it and kind of chuckled. Now you might do that because you're
really uncomfortable with somebody has said.But it doesn't help that Black was one
of the hosts of the Joe Bidenthing that was along with George Clooney three
weeks ago. And uh he thetalent agency has dropped Gas. I guess
I honestly, I didn't know hisname. I just knew him as the
other dude from uh Tenacious D.But that guy's a piece of garbage.
He thought that that was hilarious.He went out and did it. Now
he issued a stay been saying,well, you know, I was just
trying to be edgy or something.I'll read their stuff coming up. I'm
paraphrasing right now, but it's notgood man. And now do you think
it was really like, you know, surprised by it, or was a
matter of it happened? And thensuddenly he's starting to get calls from venue's
canceling, and he's like, I'vegot to go into in the control this
and I gotta take control the narrativebe like, oh, I'm so appalled,
I'm canceling the tour. You knowwhat cynical me thinks that I think.
I think that. I think thathad there not been blowback almost immediately,
including uh uh politicians in Australia wantingto deport them, right, I
think if that wouldn't happened almost immediately, I don't know that Jack Black would
issue the statement. No, Idon't think suddenly he like grew a hard
overnight. I think it's a matterof they started canceling on him, so
then he took the u oh yeah, he took control of it and canceled
the tour to make himself look like, oh no, we're we're appauled that
I'm taken me up completely by surprise, that I'm not going to stand for
this. And people are like,well, he had to throw his he
had to throw his partner of thirtyyears or whatever under the bus. But
no offense to you, Ross.But if you got on here and started
calling for assassinations, I'm gonna dipout. So sorry, man, Yeah,
you know, I assume then that'swhy I would never say something like
that, because you know, it'sdisgusting. Yeah yeah, yeah, it's
pretty horrible. Typically you know itjust want to put you out notice,
and I would expect you do thesame for me. Okay, all right,
I mean we can't call for karmato you know, or the the
veil to be lifted on stuff.But it that is very different. And
that is not how because I sawsome people trying to spin it, which
was amazing to me. Of allthe things to try to spin, that
was that seemed the most obvious.But anyway, all right, I'll get
you exactly what they said. We'llget into that. We'll hear from a
handful of politicians. Also, theMorning Joe thing is interesting. I didn't
know what to think on Monday,and now that's turning into a whole thing.
And is MSNBC and CNN growing aheart, I don't know. That's
pretty crazy. We'll get into thosedetails next here on the Cacoday radio program.
When this latter enthusiast was spotted bylaw enforcement doing questionable stuff to when
the shooting actually happened, have youseen the timeline is now, I've not
twenty six minutes, twenty six minutesfrom the time that a member of law
enforcement saw him doing stuff he shouldn'tbe doing, including and not limited to
using a range finder. Do youknow do you know what it looks like
when somebody uses a range finder rightwith the one hand they're holding the device
and they click the button and they'llgive give him a range Golfers will use
it, hunters will use it.People wanting to shoot stuff will use it.
Twenty six minutes. It's like themore the more that comes out,
the more insane and almost near impossiblein it is to take what you think
you know about Secret Service protection?What do you think you know about Secret
Service protection? If you can attemptto divorce the happenings of Saturday from it,
you probably the most people's opinion wastight as a drum, right,
kind of cool, Right, Andif you ever get into like the tactics
and what they do, it couldbe a little intimidating if you've ever if
you've never been around Secret Service,to be in close proximity to them,
because you're like, I don't doanything stupid, right, and they're just
out there. You can pick whothey are and they're scanning this, scanning
that. Yeah, they're supposed tobe. I would say, like,
you know, like a few movesahead of everybody, right, they got
a plan for everything, Right,this happens, we go here, this
happens, we go there, andand you know, understandably that's how it's
portrayed. But to be fair,there have been a lot of incidents where
Secret Service has they have been ableto do things maybe not you know,
to thwart something at this level,or at least nothing we're aware of.
Right, there's probably some stuff we'renot aware of where a well oiled machine
or apparatus was definitely what was ondisplay, and here it does not appear
to be that. And whether it'sbecause the new boss is an idiot who
was put there at the best ofJill Biden's office, which is what the
reporting is. Who doesn't want toput agents on sloped rooves? Does she
have a particular pitch where it becomesuntenable. I don't know how many of
you are listening to the show rightnow who are going to be on a
roof today. Probably you know,any of you contractors out there, roofers
obviously, but people who do gutterstuff. I mean, you don't want
to put a secret service agent upon the roof though it kid's so hot
in the summer, dude, itdoes. Yeah, you're putting that,
You're putting their knees in danger.Yeah, well, he get some knee
pads. If you look at thelittle sniper kids, a lot of them
will have knee pads on there,especially the dudes who are kidded out.
So yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah, just absolutely rot with danger,
just the worse and worse it gets. Yeah, here we go. We
heard Monday from DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkisthat he has full faith and Secret Service
director Kimberly Cheetle, who said she'snot stepping down after the assassination attempt on
Donald Trump. Cheetah was interviewed byABC News and said the reason the Secret
Service didn't have snipers on the roofis because it was a sloped roof.
We've seen the video. You've seenthe slope on it. It's very minimal.
Yeah, there's such a slope thatthe shooter was laying face down on
the roof without falling off and gettingup. If you see the video,
he keeps getting up to reposition himself, move stuff around, you know,
get ready for the get ready forthe shot. People are yelling while this
is going on too, and he'sjust like he didn't care or it at
least doesn't seem to react in thevideo. The building in particular had a
sloped roof at its highest point.Yeah, you know what I'm here to
tell you? Do you know whyI, if I was to take a
shot off of a building, wouldwould like that? Because I now have
my rest. You've provided my restfor me. I don't have to I
don't have to fold up a jacketor you know, flip the bipod sticks.
I don't have to do any ofthat, and you've provided me an
extra level of concealment. So ifI have a slight slope on a roof
and I want to shimmy right upto where the slope is, I can
put my rifle on that I canremain where most of my body is hidden
from behind the other side of theslope. So somebody looking from the direction
I'm shooting is going to have lessto profiles. Yeah, sure, they're
going to see the rifle, andthey're probably going to see, you know,
the the upper half of my body. But it actually solves some problems
for me that a perfectly flat roofwould would would bring about the building in
particular as a slope proof. AndI'm reading this isn't this is an exact
quote. Prepared to lose your mindsOkay, that building in particular as a
slope proof at its highest point,and so you know there's a safety factor
that would be considered, So youwouldn't want to put somebody up on a
sloped roof, and so you knowthe decision was made to secure the building
from inside. Does that make anysense? What do you mean secure the
building from inside? That makes senseif they're going to rob the building.
That's like, it's just so insaneto me. It's like, oh,
no, my house is perfectly secure. We're all inside here. Well,
what if somebody I don't know isup on top of your building of your
house? Unfathomable. Have you seenthe pitch on the roof? Everything's fine,
but if a law enforcement officer.This is where these things come together.
And by the way, you've seenthe photo of all of the officers
standing over the deceased body of him. They're standing on the sloped roof.
You can't tell they're standing on asloped roof. Nobody's balancing themselves on anything.
They're all standing there normal. It'sthe shot of the three dudes in
excuse me, the two dudes inlike military tactical and two local law enforcement,
one crouching and the other one juststanding there and they're just staring down
at the body. The poor guy'strying to digest in twenty four hours what
you and I have been chewing onfor four days because he had some family
stuff. So and it all makesperfect sense to you, right, all
the pieces logically fitting. You gotno questions, I'm sure, so it's
kind of kind of like the opposite. I'm feeling like if you go to
your big your puzzles or your passion, you buy a puzzle and you put
it down there. Oh yeah,I figure out that, you know,
every single piece of the puzzle isactually a piece to a different puzzle,
and none of them fit together.It's sort of like that makes perfect sense.
A lot of people like puzzle games, right, isn't that a whole
section on like the Apple Store orwhatever? Those Some people are into puzzles
and it's a puzzle. It's adoozy man got we got secret service.
Who doesn't want to put people ona roof that's a quote sloped roof,
Except that's not true, as you'llcome to find out. One of our
callers wants to make a very validpoint, you know, for safety.
They secured the building and by puttingpeople inside, I guess drinking coffee or
whatever. Meanwhile, some dude parksa mile away at a home depot and
proceeds to haul a long gun anda ladder a mile going towards a rally.
You ever send it on a busy, busy event, concert, political
rally, whatever it is you're notalone. The closer you get, the
less alone that you are just wildman. And whether it's dereliction of duty
or some deeper conspiracy or whatever,Honestly, the vibe I'm getting is nobody
gave a crap. And when youhave that attitude from leadership, right,
we talk about how leadership can exudean attitude that then permeates the rest of
the folks. If you had ano show, as Dan Bongino's reporting this
morning, right, you just hadsomebody to say I can't make it.
I gotta playing golf for whatever thereason, and a decision was made.
It's okay, it's fine. Nothingever happens anyway. That is that attitude
of who gives a crap? Thatis how people who work for you are
going to operate. Not everybody,because some people's work ethic won't allow it.
But if somebody's sitting there going,well, now I don't got to
sit on a hot roof and Bobdidn't show up, but it'll be fine.
We're in the building. What's theworst that could happen? That is
an absolute indictment there, man,And that's a person you have, as
they say, you have one job. Now technically with Secret Service, you
have two jobs, but you basicallyhave one job, right, because most
people are not going to be parsingyour efforts as prevention of counterfeit bills?
Do you know what I'm saying?Like, I don't know that there's people
are doing a real deep dive onit because there's not that big emotional connection.
There's not the living, breathing humansthat are on the other side of
this. So if you're the headof the Secret Service, you're you're big.
How many people are under Secret Serviceprotection? How many? How many
people? Maybe fifty? And that'sthat's accounting for past presidents. You may
not realize this, but from timeto time cabinet officials, cabinet officials are
under Secret Service protection. And I'mnot sure what the what the number is.
That's family members for the current presidentvice president. That's candidates, right.
RFK finally received Secret Service protection andhe will be on the ballot in
North Carolina, but not Cornell.We because we have a corrupt board of
elections in my opinion, don't wantpeople drawn votes from Biden at this point
though, I don't even know ifit matters, but you got, you
got, like fifty people. Andif I'm wrong and somebody has a firmer
number, I'd love to hear whatit is. But that sounds about right.
And you have you are the mostyou are the best funded protection agency
in the world. And it's notclose. Right, you look at all
other agencies, all other organizations whoare who are out there, who are
protecting high profile individuals, politicians,the pope right, keep in mind that
the you know, the Vatican,obviously they have their they have Swiss Guard.
That's an agency in and of itself, and it's more than just the
dudes and the very loud clothing.They have a very high level of technology
and that was ramped up quite abit following the attempted assassination of Pope John
Paul the second. That's how wegot the popemobile. But it's it's just
wild to me, and for youto sit there and go, I'm not
resigning whatever. You either failed massivelyor something else is going on. Meanwhile,
the conspiracy is run in the otherdirection, arguably more so. I
have to sit there and watch peoplewho are convinced that there's nothing under that
bandage. Well, simultaneously, there'sreporting out from Axios this morning, saying
that editors are very concerned about thequote over use of the now iconic photo.
So there's two photos. There isthe one where you can see the
bullet, which is wild man.Well, you see a blur because even
with that frame rate, it's stillgoing to be a blur, but it's
very clear what it is. Andthen there's the one you saw everywhere where
Donald Trump is flanked by Secret Service, blood spattered on his face, his
ear is all messed up looking froma blood perspective, and what is he
doing. He's getting them to startchanting USA USA by putting his fist in
the air, which, if youremember, some people had a problem with
because how insensitive of him to givethe IMO case signal when there's when others
are not. Okay, listen,I haven't commented on this yet. That's
the most badass inspirational thing I've everseen from an American politician. I don't
care what side of the aisle you'reon. That is incredible, And I
go back to listen. One ofthe first things I remember about a political
campaign is when I was little andDecoccus was sitting in that stupid tank and
yeah, that was, and you'retrying to portray like you have strength this
was you can't. The dude isshot at he goes down, he shot
right, he shot right, heshot he goes down. And you had
people on the left for the longesttime saying if this would ever happened,
because people were saying they wanted itto happen. On the left, right,
you have what's her name, mKathy Griffin holding the bloody trumpet.
Right, it is somebody that they'vewanted for a while, and they've said,
when this happens, you're gonna seewho he really is. He's gonna
grovel and he's gonna he's gonna begfor his life. What does this dude
do? This dude his first reactionis to get up and to let the
crowd know that he is okay.That is leadership, because what because if
he panics, they panic and heunderstands he starts screaming right like a little
girl or something. I mean,as course as that sounds, he if
they they would have sunk their teethinto this. If he's if he's curled
up in a ball and he wetshimself, that photo is everywhere, But
that's not the photo. You gotunbelievable. The reaction that is leadership,
and that is just the initial Didyou see the initial way it was reported
that he quote fell down and hadto be carried. Yeah. Yeah,
yeah. I posted on ex amontage of various headlines where people were like,
oh, Trump falls on stage,Trump rushed off stage after weird noises
from the crowd, popping sounds,crackling sounds heard from the crowd. No,
your headline is Trump survives assassination attempt. That's what the headline should have
been. It's not difficult. Wellthere's a problem with that photo, and
you literally just prove their point thatpeople may find that as it's his inspiring
and yes, well now we haveto now we have to now we have
to question all iconic photos. Daniel, How do you think the Japanese military
feels about that? Eugen is aboutto say that, I was about to
say, that's on par with theEugima photo. It is. Yeah,
people don't want to hear that becauseof who he is, But you have
to look at it through the lensof that's a president. That's a president
who just had his ear shot through. Did you see the the graphic I
tweeted yesterday of where it's real timehis head turning. Yeah, he was
a second from getting shot in thebrain, like a million You see this,
you see this like model, it'slike a computer modeling of his head.
And you see that for in thatlike five second gap that it covers
four point ninety five seconds, he'sprobably dead. And you say, you
see why he turned his head.I don't know if you talked about this
while that's going, but yeah,he was pointing over at the h he
decided the numbers. He decided togo off prompter. Mm hmm. He
said, I'm going to go offprompter. I hope that's okay. This
Then he doesn't like how the cantit sounds canned when he's on the prompter
and you throw up the uh theimmigration legal immigration graphic. Yeah, and
he looks over at the and it'swhen he looked over he tilted his head
that the bullet whizz by his earand then closed his ear. Yeah.
Yeah, And people don't realize.We talked about this Monday that when you
turn your head to address something,you also reposition your body a little.
And so because people are going,well, just construct how to just turn
in his head. If you again, I would encourage you to do this,
not if you're driving, but standup and attempt to address something like
forty five degrees to your right,and you'll notice that it's not just your
head that turns you. Actually,you know, this is just this is
just the human balancing right. Youturn your body a little, just a
slight bit, and Trump does that. He actually turns it quite a bit.
But the net reaction to that isyou actually back up a little.
So if he'd had just turned hishead and not reposition his body slightly,
he still gets shot in the head. Right, his natural tendency to go
off script, which people are alwayslike, you know, that's gonna be
the end of them. You know, he's gonna go off script and say
somebody's not supposed to say that literallysaved his life, this wild man,
just absolutely. And then you havethese idiots right that are like, oh,
well, you know, it wasn'ta bullet, it was a shard
of glass, which is not trueat all, because the teleprompters were not
destroyed, and they were worth twoin front of him and at the angle
the shot was taken. I mean, this is even if that was the
case, which it was not rightif it was a shard of glass hitten
by a bullet from an assassin.Do you understand how ridiculous you sound?
No, no, they don't know. So now let me just finish this
and letna get into the calls here. Now you have Silver Outlets reporting that
is part of the Axios media trendassessment that multiple photographers and at least one
editor. They don't name who theyare, but this is Axios. This
is not a right leaning Siting reportedthat there was concern within newsrooms that the
overuse of that photo would be nothingbut quote free pr end quote photo ganda
obviously a play on propaganda because theTrump campaign will use the photo to quote
further their agenda, despite the intentto be simply capturing a news event.
You all are lunatics, man,you all are absolutely backcrap, crazy lunatics.
So he's going to use a photo, but he's not using the phone.
He's using the thing that happened.Okay, the photo is just a
record of it. Yeah, theywould prefer if you know, he just
didn't mention the fact that he wasalmost assassinated by a crazy lunatic. Well,
it's unfair. It's not fair.I know that he almost was killed
by the stairs a few times,just said a compare comparing that side by
side two weeks ago, or whatit would know? No, two days
before it was two days two daysbefore the assassination attempt on Trump. We
were all glued to our TVs,wondering if Joe Biden could get through an
hour, if he could put coherentsentences together for two hours, right,
or an hour? Like can hedo it? Oh my god? It
Collectively we held our breath. Andthen two days later, Trump gets shot
in the ear, goes down,pops up, power fists bloodied, and
then he plays around a golf thenext day and once his shoes. Did
you hear the audio? The actualsuper service audio? But I imagined it
because I read about it. Ijust imagined him being like, they need
my shoes, and they're like,yes, it's their president. They're just
like, but have you seen theshoes? Have you seen the shoes.
They're the greatest shoes. Go playthe shoes. Have you seen the shoes?
It's funny. It's funny audio fora horrible situation. It was the
first thing that made me laugh aboutthis, right, because you have to
find something within because if not,you're just like this is where we are,
which is a stark realization. Andthen he's like, where's some shoes?
Can we get my shoes? Andit's like, I just feel like
if I was shot, even ifit's in the year, f the shoes,
you know what I'm saying. Butno, he's like, have you
seen the shoes by the way,Yeah, I bet what do you think
those shoes would go for it auction? Right now? You can probably find
this entire campaign with the selling theshoes. Now, Elon Musk is doing
that forty five million a month cheese. Yeah, I was. They had
asked me, and I'm like,I don't know that I can spare it
this month, so I canna beable to all right, let me grab
but we'll start some calls. Anthony, what's up? Thanks for hanging on?
Hey? Well, first, Iwas just want to say, before
they built that monstras say, runof Ross's house on, I could take
cooking him out of any given time. But I was just gonna say that
the not that I would, butokay, the snipers, the snipers that
were behind Trump were on a steeperpitch than what that guy was on.
Yeah, for her to say shecan't, they don't, they won't worry
about it. It's a little bitdruth is ridiculous. Oh and I did
you see the Secret Service grow toput him in the car and then shut
the door and turn around, puther glasses on and like straighten her jacket.
Uh. I saw some people,one smaller lady because she had trouble
kind of shoot. Sure, herdraw was like she kept getting her gun
stuck in her jacket and she didduck. And I don't know. Here's
here's the thing. I don't knowexactly what her what her reaction, her
trained reaction was supposed to be.You don't like, I don't know what
her job is because there's obviously thebody people. And eventually when they did
that whole turtle thing, she wasin on it. But yeah, the
one I was talking about, shecame up, she's going to came up
on the stage. And then whenshe got him in the cars, she
she turned around, pulls her glassesout, puts them on like she's in
a movie or something. Well,one of the reasons that they wear glasses
is so they can't you can't seewhere they're looking, which you know that
actually I can see that from atactic and thanks for the callers, or
I can see that actually being likeI understand that, but like the whole
thing's wow. And here's the thing. Even if you're a member of the
Secret Service, you train, youtrain, you train, You can train
as hard as you want, butvery few Secret Service agents are ever going
to be in a position where somebody'staking shots at the president. And most
Secret Service agents probably go their wholecareer without having to experience that. So
again, if I had to lookfor holes in this, I think we
really need to start at the topand then work our way down. Just
my two cents. All right,we got a bunch of folks want to
weigh in on stuff, and uh, we're gonna we're gonna do that.
Coming up your calls right around thecorner, plus news. And I even
got a few stories that aren't necessarilyrelated to this that we got to get
in. So stick around, we'llbe right back. Conversation continues on.
And let's see here. Now wegot we got Mark Robinson coming up right.
My correct, it is a MarkRobinson day. I believe it is.
It is, It is supposed tobe, but he has not gone
back to me yet. Oh no, okay, I because I bet he
has some thoughts on this, soI hopefully we hear from him today.
Let's get some calls, folks beenhanging on and Jake, you're up first
or right ahead? Hey? Yeah, oh Jake, your phone is really
let's try all right? Thank you? Hold on that, uh you sell
like yeah, go ahead, sir, Okay. Yeah. I was gonna
say this is there's a tale oftwo Trumps and two secret services. Somebody's
head on secret service needs a rolebecause there's one dead, two shot or
three shots totally yeah, and uhand uh this is a different Trump too,
because remember when Trump was rested atthe stage, how freaked out he
looked? How did he look thistime? He looked freaking awesome. Oh
you're talking about the Vegas thing.Yeah. I actually was comparing what happened
in Vegas and that was a dudewho That was a dude who jumped on
stage. And I was doing itbecause people were claiming that, you know,
this wasn't a thing. Uh.You know, Trump heard a noise
and he was scared, and hesaid, I want you to watch everyone
around Trump because when a bullet,bullets make a noise, not once just
when they're being fired, but whenthey are literally moving. And anyone who's
been too close to a bullet it'smoving. Whether somebody is served in a
military or police capacity, or youjust have idiot friends arrange your friends anymore,
they know that it makes a noise. So uh, yeah, yeah,
he was that that photo is iconic, sir, and I love the
fact that they hate it. Theyhated so much, but we will see,
all right, Yeah, but fortunately, uh the phone. Let me
ask you a question, and Iknow that this is a dark question.
Do you think that the same attitudeto be had if that photo showed an
actual impact shot? You think thatthat wouldn't permeate the leak on the internet
within minutes and be shared in somevery dark circles. Honestly, they would
be playing it on Loop like itwas the modern days of Prouder film that's
the next tept. Not on CNNbecause they couldn't get the host to stop
touching themselves. I think would bethe problem there. But otherwise, yeah,
it would be Zapruder film on steroidsand we wouldn't be having this conversation.
But because of what the iconic photowas that emerged. Now now they're
like, wow, we can't showit too much. It might make people
feel bad for him. And Ihad this thought, and I'm sure you
had it too. I'm so thankfulthat Elon Musk bought Twitter because it would
not have been this way. AndI was talking, you know, it
was posting some stuff on social mediawhile I was in Tennessee, and people
were on Facebook posting the same stuff, and people were like, you know,
it was like forty minutes to anhour before I saw anything on the
internet even about the shooting. AndI'm like, well, I was on
X and I was seeing it,Oh, rather instantaneously. It was showing
up, and people were saying onFacebook and on other forms of social media,
it was taken a long time forto show up. Not only that,
but once you would post something,a lot of the times it was
being taken down. They were censoringit on other platforms, But on X
it was there right away. Thevideo. Do you see the video of
the people in the parking lots screaming, Hey, there's a guy on the
roof. There's a guy on theroof. So a couple people reached out
and said that they posted that onFacebook and and it got taken they were
taking them all down. Yep,yeah, yeah, no, absolutely,
it would have been to the extentthat I guess they could have managed it
a bit of a media blackout,which is wild when you consider this is
I want to this is this willbe one of the biggest stories in the
lifetime of people listening. And that'snot look, that's normally I would not
say that until we've really had sometime to chew on it, but it's
it's you can't argue that most ofus will never see or I shouldn't say
that most of us, most ofus probably will never see a completed assassination
of a president. Would you agreewith that? Yeah, I would hope
so, And yes, I absolutelyhope that's the case. So obviously there
are people within, you know,listening within the sound of my voice,
who were alive during the JFK assassination. I understand that. But for the
most part, this will be thethis hopefully will be the closest that most
people will witness. And so Ithink at that point it ends, you
know, how you just know whensome things are never nine to Eleven's one
example, obviously within my lifetime,in this no, I could tell you.
I could tell you just by thereaction of my phone. I can't
remember another news story since I've beenon this radio station where I said,
we checked into our airbnb. Ilooked at my phone. See I'm going
to tell my mom that we gothere safely, right. I looked at
my phone literally over forty individual peopletexting me, and all the text said
were, oh my god, didyou did you see that? Dude?
What just happened? Dude? Whatdo you know? And I said,
what happened? I thought a bombdropped. I'm like, did a bomb
explode somewhere? Because it reminded meto a bigger extent of when the Boston
bombing happened and they had us comein and cover it. Remember when that
happened, it was a big deal. This obviously a lot bigger. But
when it comes to stories that havehappened in my lifetime, dude, the
historic doesn't he it is I don'tknow what word you could use for it.
And and the way, look,people are going to process this in
a hundred different ways. I'll tellyou the most disgusting thing that I saw
on social media over the weekend wasand I'm assuming that they were. They
were a leftist. They were theywere almost upset that it wasn't Biden that
it happened to not because they wantedBiden dead, but because they resented the
fact that this would probably be helpfulto Trump. How screwed up is your
mind? No, Like I wassaying, it's that side by side comparison.
And they know that because two daysbefore the assassination, we all held
our breasts wondering and watching. Right, can Biden go an hour in a
press conference? Yes? Does hehave the stamina to answer the questions from
the press for at least an hourand not pre selected predetermined ones like on
the fly right? That was thedeal. And then next to them,
you have this incident with Trump justlike standing up power fist, yelling at
the crowd to fight. You can'tshake, you know, just shaking it
off. But there's no comparison there. It's and and by the way,
he did not at that moment herallied the crowd to fight. So it's
clearly he is the danger. Andhis first instinct was to tell the crowd
that he was Okay, yes,and you know what, yesterday we had
a report that the FBI was readyingfor retaliatory riots. Really, where where
where are they? Where are whereare the mass riots after this? Because
I don't know, I'm old enoughto remember many incidents, and within hours
we had riots. Yeah, butlook at what happened in France recently,
the loss, and they burned citiesdown, and they started fires in their
rioting, and then they won theelection, and then what did they do?
They started fires and they burned citiesdown. Well, there's still there
were still cities to be burned.Russ. You don't you don't want a
city. You don't want one cityto think that you're playing favorites with another.
Sitting point, I haven't got toburn yet, equity, dude.
I mean, we don't want tothink it. Like we said, we
don't want that to happen. Butif if, if the shoe was on
the other foot, right, Yeah, what do you think the reaction would
have been? Yeah? Yeah,I don't. I don't. I don't
think the Trump riots of twenty fouror something. So for the FBI to
put that statement out is to noteven remotely understand how people are reacting.
I'll tell you what though, andI'm not gonna lie if if if there
is some nefarious thing where somebody ismore than just incompetent, then I don't
know, maybe maybe it's off,Maybe maybe somebody does something, and that
terrifies me more right, because Idon't want to see any of that.
I don't want any of that.But I also don't want people who are
in a position of power who areeither willing to let something like this happen
or god forbid, it's even worsethan that. And I'm not going to
go there now, but I'm goingto recognize that it's a possibility, and
whether it's because they absolutely needed extraagents to go help with the Jill Biden
Pittsburgh event, which you know thatin and of itself, I don't want
to be. I don't want tocome across as a jerk here, but
Jill Biden's not president and is notgoing to be president. Yeah, Forard,
initially like I didn't have a changed, but I also read when I
was in Tennessee they were saying thata lot of those agents, the ones
you see fumbling trying to get theirguns back in their holsters in front of
the motorcade. Yeah, some ofthese agents. The reason they were reacting
that way is they were not SecretService agents. They were Homeland security agents
that were transferred over because Jill wasgetting more Secret Service agent. That hurt,
right, Yeah, it's still true. I don't know, but that
is I'll tell you there's there's justlittle pieces floating out, but that is
not that is not reporting that heis just conspiratorial. Right. The fact
is is there was a call formore agents, but we don't know the
conversation that happened. I'll tell youwhat's crazier a CNN's reporting. I talked
about him using a rangefinder. Iwant to be clear. He didn't just
use a rangefinder when he was onthat building. According to reports, he
entered the secure area prior to theevents, So you know, well before
Trump was to speak, and hewalked in and had he went through security
with a rangefinder in his possession.And I don't know if he told him
it was was the only thing hehad that he could use, is to
zoom in or whatever. But that'sthat right, there is weird. And
then in there he reportedly used itto range the building and range the other
snipers and one of the other oneof the snipers noticed this and radio that
this. You keep an eye onthis dude. He's he's literally using his
rangefinder on us. And then whenhe left, I guess they're like,
oh, he's not a threat anymore. Absolute lunacy. All right, Logan,
thanks for hanging on. What's up, hey, Casey? Can you
hear me? Okay? You sure? Okay? So I just wanted to
share a story regarding uh interaction Ihad with a friend of mine yesterday.
And he and I don't see eyepolitically, so we try not to bring
it up a whole lot. Butwhile we were out there, I felt
compelled to ask him, like,Wow, what did you think about,
you know, over the weekend,how insane was not? And his first
reaction, after having a few daysto marinate on it, was how was
that not a setup for Trump?Look at all of the great publicity that
he got? And I said,you know, well, first of all,
you sound like Alex Jones now andthen and he said, I don't
know who Alex Jones is, sothat tells you, you know, kind
of how plugged in he is politically. But he h, I said,
did you do you really think thatthe Trump team would allow for a five
five six to come within an inchof his brain for a photo lot and
where he's quiet, and where he'swhere he's moving, like I might you
might be able to convince me ofall of a sudden, he looked like
he was frozen and in plays orsomething. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm
thinking like there's like a like acircus act with the knives and the rotating
as you know, I wouldn't evenhave that my end laws take such a
risk, you know, much lessthan one of the most influential and political
figures of our time. Well atthat point, sir, I just hope
you you kicked the crap out ofhim on NASSA and made a few bucks.
Okay, I didn't make a few, So yeah, thanks for taking
me. Call it Casey good becausenow he can't send it to politicians,
all right, raced Agic Weather Channel, Sorry bro, and you a little
late. This is what we doin the worst part. Ross, Oh
yeah, everything's off track right,Ross is just trying to have it.
He was just disconnected and then likehis phone on Saturday, apparently you'd explode,
so oh goodness, Yeah, I'msure it did well. The news
really not different by too much.Today. Just got heat advisories now,
mostly for the Triangle try it justabout out of them now, but it's
still gonna be hot, little midnineties depending on where you are. Still
feels about one hundred and one ohfive cloud sun this morning. There might
be some sprinkles of rain north butfor the most part, I think we're
dried till this afternoon. The stormswill start firing into tonight and then Thursday
Friday, probably through the weekend scatteredshowers and thunderstorms. A lot of them
will be during the afternoon hours,but some mornings, like we're seeing this
morning in southwestern parts of the stateand out across North Georgia, you may
get it in the morning hours.There'll be hours to dry. Whether the
bigger change will be temperatures coming downupper eighties to near ninety on Thursday for
Friday on the weekend maybe the middleeighties. So nice little cool downcoming when
we do need the rainfall, sowe'll have some on to get off again
rain too. And by the way, this Philadelphia set the record for snowfall
at their airport. Really yes,yeah, only hell counts or something.
You guys just love it. It'lldo that. Yeah, yeah, one
of your headlines. Man, Ye, well that's just interesting our headline to
click then you got me to seethat's what it does. Well even this,
Uh well, we'll get into thetornado report in New York State.
You know a lot of a lotof beat not so accurate information comes out
sometimes. Okay, all right,we'll talking an hour and uh all right,
we have more calls coming up.It is the case O Day Radio
program. Jamal, what's going on? Hey, KC number one. I
just want to say I am scaredfor Mark Robberson. Like I said before,
I am scared for k C.I have been watching for the last
past three days. They never wantedunton I'm talking about as of last night,
MSNBC need to be thrown out ofthe R and C. They they
have press covered, so the freedomof the press does not necessarily mean this
particular agency. I have watched themnow say basically, President Trump is responsible.
Casey. If I was to callif something like this was to happen
to Barack Obama and I was tocall in the show now and I literally
say, well, you know whathe deserved, or something like that,
you will throw me off the airand say, you know what, Jamal
can't call back in. I don'tcare if people like him. He can't
call back in no more for atleast for a year or something like that.
That type of accountability be done forgood. I just want to let
everyone know that it's a very shortlist, but we have a list.
So you know what on our list? Okay, and you know what,
Casey, that type of accountability ison our side. I am watching MSNBC
hosts sit here and say, oh, well, his rhetoric. Joe Biden
was asked by Less to hold didhis language cause it because they've kept and
people need to remember this. Backin two thousand and six, Sarah Palin
did the show about rhinolds. Theywas talking about rhinos Sarah pay and she
said cross heads. Do you knowJoe Biden said, I said bulls,
I not cross ass like there wasa difference. He literally is trying to
not say cross said because he remembersthe law that they sat there and said
about Sarah Pail, So now hewants to make a difference. I'm watching
these people. I'm seeing these whothey did this and I shared with Russell
I don't know if he's seen this. They walked around California and asking people
about it. People saying they don'tcare, people saying that it's faith,
it's not real. I'm sorry butthem. I know people wanting to do
the unity thing, but people aresaying Democrats don't want unity. These people
are not our fellow Americans. Anduntil somebody showed me the yeah, Jamal,
I got like forty five seconds andI agree with you hundred percent,
and I think the and thank youfor the call. Ah. There's so
much stuff floating around. We werehoping to chat with Mark Robinson, but
when did he spoke Monday at theRNC. Monday, Yeah, Monday up
there, So I don't know ifhe's still up there, what he's doing.
Uh here, And by the way, he is just a little from
that, and you know, ifhe calls in, obviously, well we'll
do some chit chat. But hereis Robinson speaking Monday at the RNs.
The brave heart of our time.President Trump has had our economy. Roy
Das was a below two dollars.Unemployment was at a historic lob people could
afford homes, and we had apresident who protected manufacturing jaws under President Trump,
the American dream was alive and will. Under President Trump, there was
hope and we need that now morethan ever. So this November less then
the brave heart of our time,Donald J. Trump, to get our
economy back on track, restoring theAmerican dreams and make America great again.
God bless you all the God blessyou nice types of America. Thank you.
And it's been an interesting cast ofcharacters up there speaking. You know
that, Mark. I kind ofexpected the amber Rose thing. I gotta
tell you, between amber Rose andthe reaction to the har Meat Dylan,
who during her time on stage dida unity prayer, it's a seek prayer,
she seek, and the reaction fromsome on the right is baffling to
me. I gotta tell you,I am done with Matt Walsh. I'm
just done. Man. He youknow, do his thing whatever. He's
entitled to his opinions. But likeI understand, I understand the frustration one
would share if you feel that Overallis an organization, it's not trending in
the direction of where you'd like tosee it go, and people are gonna
be critical over that stuff. ButI absolutely don't understand. Uh, some
of these folks who who have anaudience, and Walsh was more of the
amber Rose thing. The harm MeatDylan thing is some other pundits who were
like they were visibly upset that Dylanwas up. Do you know who harmat
Dylan is? Do you know whatshe does? Like if there's a lawsuit
that needs done to battle back againstthe law fair and the suit, tell
their blue mentality that's going on.Dylan's been the one who stepped up for
this right there. So it iswild to me that people are so upset
and and and are are you knowsaying that the RNC they've lost focus.
They don't understand it can only bea Christian and specifically a particularly type of
Christian perspective that is that has spokeabout on that stage. I don't have
time for you, because all you'redoing is setting yourself up to not win.
And it doesn't mean you have toexpand your your ideals. I haven't
seen har meet Dylan advocate for anythingthat doesn't really strike as kind of core
conservative principles other than the fact thatshe's in fact of another religion, especially
a religion like is there a lotof is there a lot of seek terrorist
attacks going on. Now, don'tget me wrong. When you get into
other parts of the world, thatmay be a different discussion. That may
be a different discussion, but Iwould also point out that it is a
different discussion for pick whatever heritage orbackground you want and in different places.
Whether it is some of the violencethat you saw in Basque Country between Spain
and France, whether it is violencethat permeated the streets of Northern Ireland.
Right, this is it's not exclusivelya brown person thing. So the fact
that people want to make it thatis beyond me. Now, that doesn't
mean that you shouldn't be a stuteand watching what's going on in today's world.
And yes, that might even involvequestioning if somebody wants to be part
of the quote unquote program, buttake things in a decisively different direction,
and that's where adults have conversations.But the whole thing was just baffling to
me. And you know, tothe credit of people that I saw that
I saw criticizing this, at thevery least, they're at least sticking with
their positions so that people can decidewhether that's something they re or disagree with.
But as for me, I gotzero time for it, man,
and I and I really tried tounderstand where these folks are coming from,
and I'm unable to do it.So maybe I'm part of the problem too,
and you can go ahead and cancelme. Let's see here, by
the way, we got other problems. A knife wielding homeless man who allegedly
heard voices was shot dead outside theRNC yesterday, marking the second fatality to
GOP event in days. I believethere was another. They even had another
dude. They didn't shoot him,but who was like, I'm gonna go
kill some people, so, youknow, for for whatever, all the
motivations were the fact that we're sittinghere and watching grown adults have conversations about
how you know Donald Trump, Donaldthere's nothing under that bandage. Well,
then what happened with the photo?Are you implying that he's carrying like vials
of blood with him so he canslap him on to get the right photop?
You all sound you sound insane.You sound as insane as like all
the people all the QAnon stuff thatyou criticized. Right, that's you now,
wild, I said weeks ago,I remember what was like two weeks
ago, I said it. Ifeel like a lot of things are switching
sides where now that because you know, for the longest time, the crazy
conspiracies were coming from the right,not the ones that came true, that
were actually fact right, but thecrazy ones. And now you're seeing more
and more of this on the left, and it's nuts. I saw one
where somebody was saying, well,you know what the blood came from?
You were talking about like the bagof fake blood or whatever, being right,
it be it silly. But Isaw somebody who was really serious about
this saying, well, he hashistory in the WWE WWF, so he
knows how to how to cut himself. So when he went down, he
was a razor blade like they doin wrestling where you put it in your
your spandex there and you take andhe cut his he cut his eyebrow or
whatever. So is heeling this?I'm trying to figure this out. I
guess you would be the heel inthis person's opinion, right, probably,
yeah, okay, but what isthe twenty year old? He's the jobber
here. It's looney tunes, iswhat it is. Yeah, I try
to like make it all make sense, and that's the problem with this.
You can't necessarily make it make sense, Like it doesn't make sense that Ross
is wearing a neck brace. Now, I don't know, come back,
I can barely move. I wasattacked during the break by ninjas and I
came to this leg just get you. I run to the bathroom in Ninja's
good Jerry Lawler came in and paldrove my head through the studio floor.
Oh that's who's crown there, That'swhere I got the crown. Yeah,
that was nice for him to leaveyou a little uh little something there.
You probably should probably should take therest of the week off now that they
think about it, right, Imean, if you mentioned that I was
gonna pull, I was gonna persevere, you know, like, hey,
I'm not going to move the convention. Yeah, Ross the show right now?
Yeah, double fist. I can'tsee it. Yeah yeah, pretty
uh pretty inspiring actually, so,but hey, you know, you gotta
do what you gotta do. Man. All right, let's see here.
I promise I was gonna I promisethat we do other stuff not connected to
this, but I just have somuch to get to for so these morning.
Joe wasn't on the air Monday andyou know, there was a lot
of thoughts from well, they're justit's just continued coverage still from the weekend,
or MSNBC is like, you guysneed to not be on the air
because of the crap you say,or it was just having to do with
the fact that broadcasting from the RNCright and and really Monday morning is pretty
slow in the grand scheme of thingstill till everything gets fired up. But
apparently no, apparently there might bea little more going on. So we'll
get we'll get into that here injust a few minutes. We got audio
for you because they're not happy.All right, let me grab a call
here, Matt, Matt would okay, all right, I see you.
I look at my call screener here, Matt. You are a you are
a Democratic candidate for a North CarolinaHouse seat. Is that correct? Yes?
Yes, Good morning, guys.How are you doing. We're good,
sir, We're just we're trying todrink from the fire hose that is
this news cycle. So what doyou what do you want to come?
Well, unfortunately, good brother,that's what happened. Look, here's what
happened. If you want to knowa little bit, you know, In
about nineteen ninety two, Rush Limbaughstarted teaching people how to argue in a
disingenuous ad hominem type way. Right, and it is elevated to the point
where and an unaverage person thinks thatthey're filling their mind up with something concrete.
It gives them something to grab ahold up and guess what I'm talking
about? Democrats right now? Okay, So being am I would see what
you have to know. Please doplease no, no, I'm no.
I didn't say I'm in a badcell area. So just it just understands
I'm a Democrat who has been shotby a criminal, a black man,
and I don't want to confiscate.I'm a Democrat whose kid goes to a
private school and I don't want themto close. So instead of this who
is saying it, we need tospend a little bit more time about what
we're talking about. So in NorthCarolina, where between ten and fourteen,
kids kill themselves more than anything else, and between fifteen and seventeen they shoot
each other, and at eighteen,we want to give them a weapon of
mass destruction. So instead of havingthat common sense conversation about that, or
Duke regulating its pollution and all thatother stuff. Instead of saying, hey,
let's have a real reasonable conversation aboutsomething, It's almost like Casey,
we can't even freaking have it likethat. I hate Yeah, Okay,
I'm sorry. I was gonna say, what conversation do you think we should
be having right now that we're notone that deflects any sort of hasty generalization
about a policy. Okay, AndI'll am example, I did an interview
with the best of Johnson County,right, and the guy asked me a
question to go down to zero.What do you think about that? And
I said, well, if thingsare underfunded, any number other than zero
is a good answer. Right.So there's a substance conversation that we can
have about something, and I'm notreally hearing it filling people's minds. So
I think we need to kind ofup the production of what people kind of
rally around and discuss. I mean, I'd love to come on there and
trade jazz with you guys in afunny way, but I'm not so damn
serious that I got to be right, and it frustrates everything. And I
listened to the show yesterday and Ifelt that through you sir, you felt
what that I was just a frustration. You bet, I'm frustrated. I
but you know, I also recognizethat right now, the amount of emotion
that's connected obviously to this story,it prohibits like there's a There are a
hundred things I could be talking about. I got a bunch of stories that
we're not going to get too madbecause the reality is, and people can
call it panderin in the audience,but people are very single minded on where
they're concern lies. Right now.The idea that in our lifetime, with
we almost witness, for most peopleit would be the only one in their
lifetime the assassination of a president,former president, potentially you know president again
is is nobody planned for that tobe their Saturday? And and so I
understand. I don't know if Iblame it on Limbaugh telling people to ask
questions and then, as you say, argue in a divisive manner. But
you know, people people don't peopledon't feel that they're getting the truth are
going to be naturally divisive. Youwould agree, right because they're saying I
don't believe yes, of course,But I'll tell you what if you and
I were sitting in any sort ofreasonable long form conversation, then we could
get into a cause and effect relationshipbetween anything relative to the platform that this
two party system provides. I mean, there ain't but two stinking teams.
It can't be that difficult to discussstuff. And well, the only reason
I brought up Limbaugh is because hemade it like nouveau Reese to try to
have public policy discussions and just beinsulting as hell at the same time,
And that carries a lot of cardbrunch. I'm gonna say this, Matt
Walsh is an example of opportunism withina commercial endeavor, and that's him selling
his politics to somebody. And Ijust can't stand that, and I don't
think our nation can stand it fortoo much longer. Right, But do
you think Look, people are going, I'm not a registered Republican, but
I recognize that a lot of whatI think would definitely overlap. So is
I'm being hostile? I'm being argumentativeto Matt Walsh sitting there and criticizing the
army, Dylan and Amber Rose forbeing there. Isn't that positive discussion amongst
two people who probably agree on abunch of stuff. Yes, absolutely,
But The unfortunate thing is is thatwhat was his intent? It was to
be salacious, to create some sortof spectacle, which which gives him a
unique perspective. Well, guess whattax policy ain't sexy? You know,
kids out in rural North Carolina,outside the seven zones of economic prosperity,
who have never had equal opportunity toget educational advances. That's a boring ass
conversation, but it's one that needsto be had as opposed to this,
what's what's preventing What's what's preventing themfrom accessing equal Uh see, I'm being
argumentative now, you know, sometimeswe are having a look. If I
if my dream was to work,if my dream was to work at a
downtown show up in Tabor City,North Carolina, that is an unreasonable dream.
I don't know. If you've driventhrough Tabor Cities downtown it is destitute.
You bet you bet so. Ifthat was my dream to work at
a mom and pop shop on anidyllic Mayberry style main street, Tabor City
is not where it's happening. AndI don't mean to pick on them.
They've got struggles and they're they're doingwhat they can. But Ultimately, you
can't. We can't get everything.You know what, Man, I just
looked up at my clock. I'mgonna bug out forty five seconds. Look,
you call any time, especially onany of these topics, and uh,
we'll get you right on there andwe'll have the discussions to the I'm
a democrat. I'm not from adifferent planet. I don't believe you are,
sir, unless you are, becausethat's what you tell me. Right
to be fair, See I outedhim is three heads. No, that's
fine. Look call in man,you're not swearing. We don't have to
agree disagree any of that. I'mhere for it. So we'll get some
more calls and more stories and yes, maybe even some that are not connected
to this phone number eight eight eightnine three four seven eight seven four Hang
loose will be back in just afew minutes. See. Elon Musk even
tweeted out the photo of the roofof the White House, which I know
you'll be shocked to learn has aslope on it. And yet there's teams
up there. Man. And ifyou don't believe me, you can go.
Well. Now I'm telling how peoplehow to get in position across the
street from the White House is thew Hotel, I think it is,
And they have a really kick assrooftop bar restaurant up there. In fact,
every year when I go to DCto do the little radio road thing,
and I always make a point tohead over in that Direction's a couple
of restaurants. II like over there, and then go up that rooftop bar
and just kind of gaze out overthe Washington, d C. Metropolis.
But yeah, you look right downon the Way House. This is obviously
the biggest failure they've had in along time. But they've had a weird
track record lately anywhere. Remember whenthat dude just jumped the fan and ran
into the White House and we werelike, how could that have happened?
Got into like the east room orsomething. Yeah, yeah, it's And
then what was the And he wasn'tthe only one, because remember somebody else
got over the fence and then theyput the little spiky things on the top
of the fence and state they alteredthe fence of the White House. And
when I was there last time Iwas there, you couldn't approach the one
excuse men pop it on the mic. You couldn't approach the one side of
the of the White House, becauseit was we were still on the cusp
of mostly peaceful protests and so onthe ellipse or whatever they call it.
On that backside, you couldn't getright up on the fence line. So
now you're right, there's been somecraziness. Man. All right, let's
get some calls and let's start withRyan, Ryan, what's up? Hey?
The moone Casey, I've got ananswer for the Democrat and they just
call it in. And I'm nota rephilic kid, I'm a registered independent,
but I mean the Democrats. Wecan't have a normal conversation because the
Democrats inject venim into every conversation wehave. If they can't win a debate,
they go to the straight to theYork racist. You're a terrorist.
If you fort Trump, you're anational and white nationalist, you're They inject
gent them into every conversation. Sowe can't have a real conversation until we
start getting real with each other.You know, if you support Trump,
that doesn't make you a terrorist,that doesn't make you make you a white,
white nationalist. If you believe theelection was stolen, and there's some
shenanigans going on, You're not anelection denial. They've been denying Republican elections
since Bush Junior every election, andthey call it doesn't mean you're right,
but it also doesn't necessarily mean you'rea psychopath. Right, Yeah, exactly.
I still believe it was stolen,to be honestly, we did.
There was too much shenanigans going on. And but but the fact that I
mean, I'm not an election denier, that doesn't make need the enemy or
a terrorist. I'm just saying therewas something up with it, you know
what I mean? And they injectin every conversation that that's why we can't
have a real conversation anymore, mister, getting real with each other, better
about our conversations, so our presentsthat get shot at. Yeah, I
I you know I have. Thereare some Democrat folks that I know.
One is a very good friend ofmine, and it's frustrating to talk with
him, but he doesn't go adhominem. And and so if if the
criticism is just that you can't painteverybody with the same brush, I'm here
for it. I agree with that. However, However, I find myself
more often than not presented with thesituation that you're talking about, and I've
talked on this show and thank youfor the culture about I couldn't fathom deciding
that somebody who had been a friendmore than a friend for the majority of
my life, somebody who I considereda like a second parent, I couldn't
fathom one day telling them I can'tever talk to you again, not for
something I said, even, butbecause they saw on social media that I
would post stuff and they felt thatit didn't comport with their worldview, and
so they just said, hey,this is it. I'm done. And
that was my best friend, mybest friend in high school's mom, who
I considered another mom, who justpieced out. And so now that's one
individual story. But I can't fathomdoing that, and so yeah, and
we're colored by our experiences. WhatI would say, what I wanted to
say to the caller and I wasrunning tight on time, is I think
there's a delicate balancing act to teachingsomebody to argue disingenuously, which is kind
of what the caller was just describingand recognizing that a eventually a group of
people when when Cronkite said, andthat's the way that it is, went
is it is it the way thatit is because I thought it was and
then my own eyes are to tellI mean, that's not the way it
is. And you're seeing a lotof that right now. How about the
amount of people. How about watchingsomebody who wakes up to the good people
on both sides insanity, right,they finally see the whole video that has
to be if if you're honest withyourself, that's got to be earth shattering,
man. And let me tell youthere's things that I've believed and then
I, for you know, somethingcame along and it absolutely decimated my worldview
on a particular issue or just youknow what I thought of a particular story.
And you're hit with a moment there, right. You can either be
honest with yourself and go, woy, I had that all wrong? Whoops?
All right, and then you movingforward, you recognize that and man,
maybe you do a better job offiltering information, or you can just
double down and be like, Noah, yeah, I know it's on camera,
but nah, I was so right. And I think that that is
where you really get the divide.If you, regardless your political affiliation,
if you refuse used to do yourefuse to just accept, not accept,
but consider evidence and allow the possibilitythat it could change your mind on something.
Then you're not doing You're not you'renot doing analysis, you're not you're
not trying to get to the bottomof it. You're just you're like a
speak and say at that point,And I don't have use for speaking says
not in not in discussions about policyor politics or any of the rest of
it, because that's where the frustrationlies. So if that's what the guy
was, if that's what our collerwas vocalizing, I don't necessarily disagree.
But I also don't think Limbaugh issingle handedly responsible. If I keep telling
Ross that the studio door is notpurple, and he thinks it's purple and
it's brown, right, and Ikeep telling him, I keep telling him
that, you know, the thedevice of nature of me doing that isn't
necessarily because I want to be argumentativewith him. It's because I believe that
I'm right, and I'm going tocontinue that and he can either accept it,
or you can say, we're nothaving this discussion anymore. Oh you
shouldn't. He should look it becausehe can't turn his head. I can't
right because of the neck brace becausethat was attacked by the ninjas and Jerry
Lawler right right, right right,this close to lose in my life.
It was all a hoax, Soyou should you should have went with the
four lights reference. Oh it's ohokay, the Star Trek four lights reference.
You should want that makes more senseto like five people, the nerdiest
amongst us, but the best amongstus. I would say, yeah,
would you uh, what's on thehere? I just put the answer on
the TV screen? Would you lookover there? Oh you can't. That's
fright, Oh I can't. Ohman, this is my neck. Oh
that's too bad. All right,Mark, real quick, what's up?
He did more than the first thing. Before I get into my main point
in last twenty minutes, these twoprevious callers you had better than most of
the commentary I've heard since Saturday.And it's fantastic calls. And Matt out
there. If you're out there,you're a mutant in a good way,
buddy. I appreciate hearing what youhave to say. But my main point
is here we are sixty years afterthe Kennedy assassination, and you know,
people characterize that as an end ofinnocence. In this country, and we
still have we still haven't gotten thestory. And then you know, you
tag that into the Las Vegas shooter. You know, you see the mysterious
people are directed. In January sixth, we still don't have those answers.
Our government institutions really need to stepup this time and come clean. I
sincerely hope it was just a lotof incompetence that happened Saturday, I got,
I hope. So you know Harkin'srazor, I hope that's sir.
But what's the razor? Don't neverattribute to malice that which can be attributed
by stapidity, a stipidity or something. I hope it was pure and competence.
I mean, every we don't Idon't need to get into all the
capabilities of shooting a rifle. Itsounds like that that that one law enforcement
officer that came up and surprising timeand the rough tops spoiled the shots,
thank god, right, But theythe Secret Service, Homeland Security, they
really need to come clean on thisbecause we're a state in this country where
the disbelief of our government institutions isso over the top. You know what,
and you know what, people canidentify with incompetence as weird as that
sounds, right, you mistakes orwe know somebody we work with and they're
they're just like, how does thatlazy bastard still have a job? Right,
Like, we can we can identifythat is something that and thank you
for the call. That's some peopleare willing to accept. Not everyone.
Some people will be like it wasincompetence, born out of wanting to do
this. But you can look atit and go, yeah, you know
what, we just we dropped theball in and you know we're not gonna
give you. We're not going totell you all the changes we're going to
make for obvious reasons, but thisis wrong. The inability of the response
team to access without ramming a carthrough a gate. The fact remains that
the counter sniper when they were ableto take the shot, and I'm curious
what the process was for allowing that, Uh they brained him in the gourd.
They one shot of that dude andthere's photos if you want to see
it. So where was that responseWhere was the twenty six minutes? Where
was the dude haul in the ladder? Where was him bringing a range finder
inside the security ring? And rangingsnipers who noticed everything's crazy. Uh not
the weather though, It's just justhere to scold you. So that's the
one. That's the one sane pointin your gentleman. Did he did he
reference Okham's razor? Ross? Doyou hear what's happened? Do you hear
what's happening on the air right now? Are you talking about Akham's rasor Ramone?
Right? Is that what? No? But did he reference that?
I thought that's what I heard him? He referenced Harkham's razor. Oh Harkham's
razor. Okay? Is that different? Oh hark rasor Ramone? Got it?
Okay? I didn't. I didn'tknow. I was like, well,
that's good, so that's worked forme. But I was just curious
because that comes back forget it.It comes from one of my favorite movies.
I got that out of contact.Actually that's when Ockham's razor comes from
the corn Ockham's razor. Where themost obvious solution is probably the right answer.
Don't get a lot of good answersin my business, but I can
tell you this. The rain chancesgrow up, We're gonna lose this heat
and humidity eventually. Still probably gonnapush load mid nineties today. Triangle Heat
advisory try it not so much,but still hot everywhere and humid, a
few showers, thunderstorms. Rain chancesgo up as temperatures go down. For
Thursday and especially Friday and into theweekend. Still may get some mid nineties
in some spots. Tomorrow and thenFriday, Saturday, Sunday we may stay
in the eighties and maybe even somelow eighties in some spots the further west
you go. So we're looking atrain chances going up. Drought monitor comes
out tomorrow. You won't see anychanges from last week, most likely,
but then next week we may.As a most of the state has been
under some low levels of droughts,so the rain definitely needed and sows the
break and the temperatures still probably goingto be kind of humid, but it's
better than ninety seven eighty seven.It'll be better than ninety seven. So
that's what's coming later in the week. All right, leads you do in
math, appreciate it. There wego on and we'll come back with Jeff
Bellinger. Hang on morning. Caseystocks rallied yesterday, but looks like that
rally has no legs. Today thereare worries over China trade and stock market
futures are lower. Right across theboard, S and P futures down fifty
six, Nasdaq futures are down threehundred and six, and the Dow futures
are down one hundred and thirty.There was a bigger than expected rebound and
new home construction last month. Thegovernment says housing starts rose three percent in
June to an annual raid more thanone point three million. Mortgage bankers reported
today that home loan demand rose lastweek. The increase was driven entirely by
refi requests, as the average interestrate on a thirty year fixed rate mortgage
fell to six point eighty seven percent. Walt Disney is revamping at streaming services.
The goal is not just to attractmore subscribers for Disney Plus, Hulu
and ESPN, but also to getcustomers to spend more time watching the services.
Some live channels will be introduced forpeople who just can't decide what to
watch, and viewers who bail ona series before it's over, we'll get
emails prodding them to finish. ElonMusk announced two more of its businesses.
Well. His businesses will relocate theirheadquarters. X and SpaceX will move from
California to Texas. Musk indicated hewants to distance himself from California and it's
left leaning politics. And Casey,lest you think artificial intelligence won't one day
make your life better, here's somethingto consider. The Federal Communications Commission is
calling for the development of AI intelligencetools to filter out robocalls. Casey,
Now, well, it's a tradeoff because like, it does that,
but then it also murders you.So it's like, I guess at least
it won't murder you while your phone'sringing with spam. So all right,
thanks for the thanks for making lemonade, Jeff appreciate it. Alright, that's
a good There you go.