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March 3, 2024 • 37 mins
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Episode Transcript

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This is Grow Omaha, the onlyradio show that talks about economic development,
construction, business expansion, and allof those things that make Omaha a great
place to live or visit. GrowOmaha on News Radio eleven ten kfab Well,
Good morning, and welcome to theshow. Jeff Beal's here at your
service, broadcasting live from the kfabPenthouse studio high above Underwent Avenue and beautiful

downtown Dundee. This is the onlyshow in the metro area that talks about
business expansion, real estate construction,really economic development, anything related to Omaha
becoming more vibrant and more prosperous.Thank you to our sponsors, Dingman's Collision
Center with four metro area locations,and Cheer Athletics, the nation's number one

all star Cheer Jim No. Withoutany further ado, it's time to bring
on my co host, a manwho is a legendary real estate deal maker,
all around good guy and native Omahonto Trenton Maggot. Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen. Good morning,Jeff Well, Good morning Trenton. You
know you and I we have beenknown to enjoy a restaurant, or to

a cocktail bar or two wouldn't yousay that's a fair statement. A lot
of it is, yes, anda lot of that is research for this
show. Yeah, that's the onlyreason you do it, uh to report
to our many fans and listeners.Well, the reason I bring that up,
Trenton is we have a grow OmahaEats restaurant review this week, written

by Sarah Baker Hanson, the premierfood critic in the metro area, and
we do these generally about every otherweek. They appear in the grow Omaha
newsletter. If you don't receive that, you can simply sign up for it
by going to gromha dot com orsending an email to news at grow Omaha
dot com. They're also available onthe gromaha dot com website by clicking on

eats Eats on the navigation bar.This week, Sarah reviews the Stuffed Olive
And this is one of the twonew cocktail bars that originated in the Iowa
City area that have opened, andthey're not two distant paths inside the Capitol
district, the other one being Roxy. These are in the three story mixed

use building that front's Capitol Avenue.A lot of people know it is the
building that has let It Fly andTexas Day Brazil in It But Trenton,
I read the review. I've notyet gone to either of these two places,
which is kind of weird for mebecause I'm usually quick to go try
new cocktail bars. So there's alot of there's a lot of new restaurants
and Coco bars coming up, Flagship, Omaha's Favorite, who has Blue Roja

Plank, a lot of different ones, And there's so many different opportunities down
there and different options that people reallyought to go try. And it's not
your father's downtown. Yeah, Soanyway she talks about, you know,
just the cocktails, it kind ofportrays it as a place with a lot
of nineteen nineties era Martini nostalgia.I do remember Martini's were a big deal

in the mid to late nineties andlooks like a cool place and you know,
if you like a good martini bar, they also have regular cocktails as
well. You might want to checkthat out. And that is your Grohamha
Eats restaurant review of the week.Shall we go into the news, Yeah,
we shall, but I think weneed to mention that you and I
graduated college in ninety one different colleges. And nineteen ninety one, that is

it. It was usually it waslike a dollar two dollars beer night that
we would frequent and now people comingout of college are going to places like
this, yeah, and spending tento fifteen eighteen dollars for fancy drink.
You know, it's kind of funnythough that you mentioned that, because you
and I, in the years thatwe have been age eligible to drink alcohol

in public, have gone from dollarfifty beer night to well that cocktails only
eighteen. That was a pretty gooddeal. Yeah, and and for that,
you know, that really helps theadvent of these fancy places. Well,
with that, we're going to gointo our News of the Week,
which is brought to you by EagleMortgage. Thank you Egle Mortgage for making
the news segment possible. They've beenwith us for a long long time,

and we've gotten to know Egle Mortgageso well. We've referred countless people to
Egle Mortgage who needed to get ahome loan, and all of those people
have said, Jeff Trenton, thankyou so much for sending us over to
Eagle Mortgage. Holly Schneidewen runs theplace. She's got a great team with
her and they'll do all types ofhousing loans. And remember we're, you

know now at the beginning to March. I mean it's March second. People
are thinking this is the crazy timefor buying houses. People are thinking about
moving. When you get to March, one of the first things you want
to do is go meet with EagleMortgage, talk about your situation, you
know, and get yourself a preapproval letter so you're all prepared. If
you find that perfect house, you'rein good shape. And sometimes still,

even though the housing market is notas crazy as it was a couple of
years ago, we are still seeingpeople having to compete in many cases for
certain kinds of houses if they're ifit's a really desirable place or in a
certain price point. So talk toEagle Mortgage. You'll take care of you.
And remember they're not a bank.They shop the banks. They represent
you and help you find the bestlending option possible. So unless you're paying

cash for a house, contact EagleMortgage Trenton. If they're paying cash for
the house. Everything I just saidis pretty much non applicable. I know,
but I just talked to about ninetynine percent of the eligible householders Okay,
with that, we'll get right intoour news of the week. The
first thing we have for you.Work is now under way to convert the

former Omaha Housing Authority office building attwenty seventh and Saint Mary's Avenue into a
new campus for Youth Emergency Service.A lot of people know Youth Emergency Services
by the acronym YES, and YESbasically works with Omaha's homeless youth population.
Really good services, a great organization. From everything that I've found out.

They're going to renovate that OLDHA building, but the northern portion of it is
gone. The crews have demolished itand in its place will be constructed a
four story a residential unit that willbe part of yes's services. So a
nice project there on the west sideof downtown. Yeah, my friend Erica

Schwarting does a great job with YESYouth Emergency Services and every year they have
a nice gala and I got atable and very happy for everything they're doing
there. The Xcarbon Curling Association plansto build a seven million dollar curling facility

at Tranquility Park near one hundred andtwentieth and West Maple Road. The project
would be in addition to the massiveoverhaul of Tranquility Park that has already been
approved and talked about here on theshow on numerous occasions. The Curling Association
still is raising money for this.I don't expect groundbreaking to be any time
terribly soon, but Trenton, youshould take up curling. Well, a

curling facility. I assume it's indoors. It says it's ice. They want
to year round. Yes, sevenmillion dollars sounds like an ice facility.
And other than Council President Pete Festersonand his family, I don't know anybody
that's into curling in Omaha. Ido remember seeing a little bit of one
of the Sessions Matches whatever you callhim, back when the US Olympic Curling

Trials were going on in Omaha.That was kind of fun. Yeah,
it was routing. The Federal RailroadAdministration is proposing several new Amtrak passenger rail
road routes, including one that wouldgive Omaha North South Railroad passenger service.
Right now, Omaha has service alonga line called the California West Zephyr,

the California Zephyr, which connects Chicagoand San Francisco. If this new North
South route were to happen. Itwould start in Minneapolis, goes southwest to
Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Omaha, Kansas City, eventually working its way
over to Albuquerque and Phoenix. Sothat'd be kind of cool. Very early
in the process, no guarantee thatthis would actually happen. The long awaited

construction begins Monday on the one hundredand ninety second and West Dodge Expressway Interchange
renovation. And this is going tobe dramatic Trenton. It's going to go
from what is considered kind of alow volume rural interchange right now to a
diverging diamond interchange. These are thekind some of you maybe have experienced these

if you're in the state of Missouri. Missouri has tons of these things.
But when you're coming to the road, either under or over the way part
you'll end up going uh. Ifyou know you normally drive on the right
side of the road for a littlewhile, you go over to the left
and you come back to the right. And it's designed to make it easier
to merge onto freeways. It's weirdif you're not used to them, but

they actually move traffic more efficiently thantraditional roads under or over freeways. So
that starts Monday, going to takeabout a year to complete that products as
opposed to like a clover leaf orhalf a clover leaf. Yeah, clover
leaf is the ones where you haveeverything is if you have a full clover
leaf, that every way you wantto go is a loop D loop And

I think correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the only true clover
leaf in Omaha is L Street andI eighty if I believe. But you
know there used to be there,used to be a clover leaf. I
think a full clover leaf at issix eighty and Dodge. But when the
Department of Transportation made that kind ofbig circle over there, they got rid

of some of that. By theway, Nebraska Department of Transportation does a
good job, but they missed theboat on that I eighty six eighty interchange.
That thing should have been the highspeed direct ramp style like you have
at six eighty eighty and I foureight eighty. That thing backs up like
crazy. That was a mistake.If you can't tell Jeff is kind of
a connoisseur, if not an expertin highway transportation. Well, Trenton,

I'll take that. Now, let'stalk about the big story. The big
story this week is the Crossroads Mall. I know we get a lot of
grom Hall listeners and readers that emailus what's happening at Crossroads? Why isn't
that moving faster? We don't entirelyknow, other than the fact that it's
a tremendously large project. There's beensome you know, one of the partners

passed away not that long ago.But we do have some changes and there
is going to be some proposals aboutthe Crossroads that will go before the City
of Omaha Planning Board this Wednesday.First of all, the overall value of
the project is now estimated to beup to almost eight hundred and sixty two

million dollars. The developers are proposingto increase the tax increment financing from about
eighty million dollars to about one hundredand five million dollars. The ownership group
has changed somewhat. Woodbury Corporation outof Salt Lake City has joined the group.
Woodbury very respective commercial real estate developerwith about nearly five billion dollars of

assets under management. Another big changea lot less office space and about double
the number of residential units as originallyproposed and perhaps the biggest change that people
would notice. Instead of preserving andusing the existing massive crossroads parking garage that
would go gone demoli and parking wouldbe interspersed throughout the project, including a

couple levels of parking garage space underground. Wow, it's in good hands.
Lockwood and Woodbury would do a greatjob there and Century Development is still involved
and a couple other projects going beforethe Planning Board this week. Fifteen eight

Marcy Street. If you're wondering whereis that, well, it's just a
little bit south Elevenworth at fifteenth Street. It was an old, kind of
underwhelming industrial lot with some small buildings. Those have been demolished. We talked
about the project last year, butthere's been a couple of little changes with
it looks like it's going to goahead and get started, assuming it makes
it through planning board. But it'sa four story building on top of indoor

parking, eighty three market rate apartments, seeking almost two and a half million
dollars in taxi comment finance seeing it'snearly nineteen million dollar project. Construction could
begin by the end of this spring, and completion is estimated to be July
of next year and then finally OpenDoor Mission, which has a complex at

about twenty third in Locust Street southof Eppley Airport, if you will.
They are planning a multi phase,huge expansion and renovation project. I'm not
entirely sure over how many years thiswould take place, but we're talking about
new five story building, new threestory building, a couple smaller buildings,
renovating space, and that plan isgoing before the Planning Board at least to

get some zoning changes to make itpossible. So Trenton, everywhere you drive
in our town, we see growthand development and it's pretty exciting and there
are no indications that that's going toslow down. Yeah, it's exciting,
but you're seeing new districts getting built, Heartwood Preserve, you're seeing proposed new
districts one hundred ninety second Avenue andthat kind of stuff which has already started,

but they're talking about doing it,doing it a lot bigger, and
just keeps on going. And that'syour News of the week, brought to
you by Eagle Mortgageegle Mortgage Company dotCom. Gonna take our first break of
the hour, and when we comeback, we're going to bring on one
of our colleagues, John Meyer ofnai NP Dodge commercial real estate broker,

and he's going to help us kindof talk about what's going on with warehouses
and factories and distribution centers, thesexy side of real estate, industrial real
estate. But it actually is goingto be a lot more interesting than some
of you might think. There's somesome drama in the industrial market, So
stay tuned for our discussion with John. You're gonna love it. You're listening

to grow Omaha. Brought to youby Dingman's Collision Center and Cheer Athletics on
News Radio eleven ten. Kfab EmorySonger, You guys are pretty funny.
I really enjoy what you're talking about. Thanks Marsh, appreciate that. Two
to six on News Radio eleven tenand welcome back to the show, Jeff
Beale sitting next to Trenton Maggot.We're brought to you by Dingman's Collision Center

and Cheer Athletics. Cheer Athletics isa name you want to keep fresh in
the front of your mind if youhave kiddos or grand kiddos that want to
compete and want to learn leadership andwant to learn communication and become better kids
and better future professionals. Someday.Cheer athletics is in the All Star cheer

business and competitive cheerleading is actually abig time sport. You wouldn't believe the
number of people that participate in itand the sophistication level at the competitions.
And cheer athletics is considered the Cadillacbrand in the All Star cheer world.

And we're lucky enough in Omaha tohave one of the few cheer athletics locations
in the country. It's in Papillionnear Highways fifty and three seventy. And
if you are thinking, hey,I want to check this out or I'm
not one hundred percent serted about it. If I want to at least know
about it to find out if it'sright for my kids, just go to
c A Omaha cas and Cheer Athleticscaomaha dot com and you can join the

All Star Chaer Revolution. Well,we got our colleague from nai NP Dodge
with us today, John Meyer.Good morning, John, Welcome to the
show, boring guy. Thanks forhaving me. Always a pleasure to be
here. Good to have you back. And John, you know, like
a lot of our our brokers thatnai NP Dodge does all sorts of types
of real estate deals any you canimagine, but he focuses the most on

industrial. That's his favorite area ofcommercial real estate. And why is that
Because I am not a patient man, and those industrial deals and the guys
that I usually deal with are verydirect and kind of no nonsense and straight
to the point. So that's reallywhy I enjoy doing that, because I'm
not a patient man. And ifyou have to focus on one, I
call him food groups, whether itbe retail, office, industrial apartments,

investment sales, that kind of things. Really industrial it's probably the fastest right
now as far as it's it's mostin demand. So people have to make
decisions if they find an available vacancy. And John and I work a lot
together in the industrial sector. Peopleneed to commit and they need to be

decisive. Yeah, they do.And they need a good knowledgeable broker who
knows about you know, what's comingonline before it's coming, and you know,
because if you're a tenant out therelooking for representation, you really need
a good broker that's in the knowand can get your foot in the door
before some of these deals they'ven getbrought to market. John, Well,

he and I have a couple subleasesas well, twenty to forty thousand feet
right now, where industrial is suchdemand and a lot of these third party
logistics firms and stuff that handle otherpeople's freight, transporting and storing. What
happens is sometimes they grow out ofspace, so they need a bigger space.

So we're kind of moving people around, which presents opportunities. And what
else do we have, John,We have a couple of those, right
Yeah. I'd put a shout outto my good friend Jim Cunkle with Trihard
Logistics. I found him via acold call about three or four years ago,
and I've fostered a great relationship withhim. I've grown him from ten
thousand square feet to over three hundredthousand square feet in a three year period.

So, John, what's the currentindustrial real estate vacancy rate here in
the metro area now? Right now? It varies depending on size groups,
right you know, so under onehundred thousand square feet right now, we're
at like two point two or twopoint five I think percent. We're actually,

you know, Omaha is has youknow, the second lowest vacancy rate
among all major US markets The onlymarket ahead of that would be Grand Rapids,
Michigan. That's crazy because if yousay something is less than three percent
vacant in the real estate world,you might as well be saying it's zero

percent vacant, because it becomes verychallenging to find space, you know,
if only two and a half percentof it is available. Yeah, when
I first got into the brokerage sideof this industry about six years ago or
so, the vacancy rate was closerto five five point four percent, which
is our where we traditionally stand.But both twenty twenty and the COVID and

the pandemic and everything is really reallydriven driven that vacancy rate, and in
those in those six years, we'veseen it probably go up. I would
say, what forty percent. Asfar as as rental rates, yeah,
rental rates are, I've gone skyhigh. It is definitely a landlord favored
market. Great time to own industrialreal estate. Well, in existing real

estate has become more valuable because it'sso expensive to build, so expensive to
build, you know, land castsare expensive. Really the scarcity of land
that is zoned for industrial real estateand has the proper infrastructure, so sewer
and proper roads and highways and theactual infrastructure that you need to be able

to do it. In industrial development, it's just really not out there right
now, which is really kind ofa shame. Yeah, guys. It's
interesting though, because when you havereally low vacancy rates, and we've been
low for a couple of years now, you know, the thought is,
oh, le't just build a wholebunch and pretty soon you have too much.
Well, we still have these reallylow vacancy rates in the industrial real

estate sector, and we've been buildingindustrial space for the last couple of years,
like crazy millions of score feet.Well, we have such great demand
for it, and you know,the you know, the interesting thing is
it's like, you know, we'renot like a Phoenix market where they you
know, places like Phoenix have overbuilt, like, you know, millions of
square feet of industrial speculative buildings andwe do not have that here. But

we're seeing some regional and national playerslike Opus, and then some strong local
developers like White Lotus, New StreetR and R and these. It takes
the vision and the bank accounts ofsome of these people to build one hundred
two hundred thousand square foot speculative buildings, meaning without a tenant, and that

demand is strong enough that they canbuild these logistics parks, logistics parks and
high cube warehouses and stuff like that, so they're still demand. But also,
John, when you're dealing when we'redealing with five thousand to twenty thousand
square feet, those are really reallyhard to come by as well, those
are even harder, I would argue, Okay, we're going to take our

middle of the show break, butwhen we come back, we're going to
continue talking about the state of industrialreal estate in the Omaha metropolitan area,
and we're going to talk to ourcolleague John Meyer about some new construction within
the industrial market that has taken place. So you don't want to miss that.
You're listening to Jeff Beihl's and TrentonMaggot on Grow Omaha, brought to

you by Dingman's Collisions Center and CheerAthletics on News Radio eleven ten KFAB.
Sarpee County a sanctuary county. Idon't think so, Sarpie County Attorney Lee
Podakov. Here the interview podcast linkMorningnewspage KFAB dot com, and welcome back
to the show. Jeff Bil's andTrenton Maggot at your service. We're brought

to you by Cheer Athletics and Dingman'sCollision Center. Dingman's that's the name.
You want to know if you haveany bumps and bruises on the automobile,
whether they're big ones, minor ones, medium ones, they'll take good care
of you. For metro area locations. Piece of trivia. Trenton Maggot was
involved in getting them a few ofthose Metro area locations, but Dingman's constantly

wins that Best of Omaha contest forbest Collision Repair, best Auto Body.
They just take good care of people, family owned business. The workmanship is
second to none. And if youfind yourself in a situation where you need
that kind of service, don't hesitate, don't even blink, just tell the
tow truck driver take it to DingleShop is great too at one hundred and

twentieth in Maprile. Whether you needyour tires changed, your engine worked on,
or whatever, they do it allbently fixed. And that's the voice
of John Meyer, who's one ofour colleagues at nai NP Dodge Commercial real
Estate. John's successful commercial real estatebroker does all sorts of deals but his

favorite submarket within commercial real estate isindustrial. And speaking of industrial, John,
you are going to share with usthe top five industrial leases of the
last quarter. Yeah, I'd behappy to. So this data comes from
co Star Group. This is numberfive or number one. This is the

I will go and order one throughfive, number one, number one top
least twenty four to twenty one RiverRoad Council plus Iowa. That would be
the Opus Development Group project that theydid down there. So just so people
know where that is. Are thosethe two brand new warehouses right by the
I twenty nine I eighty interchange correctokay, gray with blue stripe, YEP.

And so with that there was onehundred and fifty seven thousand square feet
approximately. Least that was the Campswhich is a palette manufacturing company. They
were represented by our good friend BrianHartman our associates. Number two was seventy

one third Q Street, No Maha. That was a eighty nine thousand square
foot renewal with FedEx. So fedX was put into that building or renewed
their lease there. The other onewould be twenty four to twenty one River
Road Council Bus Iowa. Again atthe Opus Development that we were just mentioning

the warehouse out that was seventy fivethousand square feet that was done there and
the tenant that went into there wasJay Skinner. The other number, I
don't even know where we are atnumber four for one one three sixty six
one Giles Road, which is onethat I'm very familiar with because I helped

my good friend Jim Kunkle Tryhard Logisticsmove into that sixty four thousand square foot
standalone building. We actually got thatdone before it ever even hit the market,
So that was a good one todo. And shout out to the
CBRE competitors on the other side forthat transaction, and that's smoothless, are

smooth and seamless. The fifth leasewas seventy eight to twenty l Street.
It was thirty three thousand square feetthat was leased by the flat Rock Group.
So there you have it, thetop five Q four deals. And
we're seeing big deals and small dealsgo and we're always looking for space.

So if there's any landlads out therecalled Trenton Maggot or John Meyer, if
you need your industrial building least soldor whatever you want to do with it,
John, let's talk about some ofthe new construction projects that are going
on in the industrial world. What'sbeing built where these days? You know,
there's you know, we could startover on the eastern side of town,

start over there in Council Bluffs.So that Opus development that we were
just talking about, you know,that's really a good prime example. There's
another I think about eight hundred thousandsquare feet of speculative space that's going to
be going in over there, youknow, at the same spot. No,
a little bit down the road.But but you know, we're seeing

a lot of a lot of developmentover there. Well always all the way
down to Mills County. There's onetalk about giant logistics buildings in Mills County.
And then New Street has an industrialpark, a logistics park over by
Nebraska Crossing and Gretna as well.But it's hard to find these land deals.

We've seen big buildings go up Highwayfifty and everywhere else. And you
know to that Gretina Point, youknow that NC industrial park that you know,
I mean that filled up quick andit's pretty much pretty much built out,
which is just on the other sideof the the west side of Nebraska
cross and Braska Crossing there. Butyou're also seeing we're still getting these these

large data centers Google, Jeff,as you know, the greater Omaha area
is I think it's the largest uhconcentration of Google data centers in the country,
if not the world, you arecorrect. Well, you've got Tesla,
you know who's going in over inCouncil Blood. They built a big

maintenance facility for Tesla over by thecasinos, over by the Mid America Center
kind of that sat there for along time, right next to those Opus
buildings. What about up by theairport, So yeah, down by the
airport, well in uh, youknow you've got green Slate is uh.
You know, I think they've beenwaiting over a year or so for the

surcharge for the dirt that they hadto bring in. Probably down there.
It's probably some wet, wet dirtdown there, given the fact that the
river used to run through there.Well, there's a legislator Justin Wayne has
has been in the news and otheruh members of the unicameral and in the
Omaha Continuency discussing a ninety acre airportindustrial park to make jobs and build abilities.

I think it was it ninety million, yeah about that and and funding
for that, so hopefully that'll increasesome jobs there. But we don't see
as much development by the airport aswe do between Omaha and Lincoln. But
we're also seeing industrial coming out Blairhigh Road how a one point thirty three

kind of where that Google facility is. Yeah, and I think you're seeing
that, you know, And that'sa tough that that's a tough area out
there for development just due to theyou know, the topography. All right,
Well, we are running tight ontime as we are wont to do
on this radio show. But John, thanks for joining us and helping us

inform everyone or update everyone with theindustrial real estate market in town. Happy
to be here, and just ashout out to Kevin Widner. Congratulations on
the new member of your family,Della Delhi. Yeah Meyer was a week
old on Thursday. And congratulation Helkeyand John Meyer for their second child.

And congratulations to Vera, the oldersister who's two years old. And I'm
sure she's listening and comprehending everything wesay as she is. All right,
Thanks John, appreciate you being here. That's John Meyer from nai NP Dodge
Commercial real Estate, going to takeour final break of the hour and when
we come back, it's light it'sthe Lightning Round. I'm looking at the

list and there's quite a few thingson there. I don't want to miss
any of it. You're listening togrow Omaha, brought to you by Cheer
Athletics and Dingman's Collision Center on Newsradio eleven ten KFAB. See I get
it. Sometimes you can't be radioside for every Day's Rosie to Ginozi.
But it's right there on the podcastpage under Jim Rhodes at kfab dot com.

And welcome back to the show,Jeff Beals and Trenton Maggot. Here
we are brought to you by Dingman'sCollision Center and Cheer Athletics. It's time
for your Lightning Round, in whichwe talk about a lot of things in
a short period of time, andas usual, we've got some pretty good
things to share with you. Firstof all, Moca Nut plans to open

soon in a former mathnasium space atone hundred and forty seventh and West Maple
Road. If you can picture it, there's a strip center there has a
Chipotle first watch in it. MocaNut sells Mokey Donuts and if you're wondering
what the hell are those? Well, they're basically a donut that originated in
Hawaii and are a combination of Americandonuts and Japanese moki. This is a

chain based out of Los Angeles,one hundred and fifty locations in the US,
South Korea, and Thailand. Trenton. I think you and I have
to put the opening on our calendar. Absolutely, we need to report for
the troops. Maybe we could relivean experience that you once had at Krispy
Kreme when it first opened. Hey, forty five bucks is forty five bucks?
All right? With that. Gray'sCraze Sharcuterie Boards and Boxes has opened

and at two twenty South thirty FirstAvenue in Midtown Crossing. Gray's Craze is
out of West Palm Beach, Florida, sixty nine locations in twenty eight states.
Other nearby locations are in Lincoln,Kansas City, and Denver. Everyone
loves a good sharcuterie board and Ilove that name. You could pick Gray's
Craze daily often brew daly Oones TacoRico opened this past Monday at twelve to

one East Pierce Street and Council Bluffs. Our own ed Pecchi from nai inp.
Dodge represents De Leon's Tacos and deLeones is out of Lincoln has five
Omaha area locations. Okay, alot of people ask us on the various
grow Omaha communications channels, what's happeningat one hundred and twentieth in Ell Street.

We've got the answer for you.Two restaurants are going to be constructed
very soon. In fact, sideimprovements started already this week for a scooters
location, Scooter's Coffee on the corner. I know hard to believe that there'd
be another scooters built in town,this one. I was saying we didn't
have enough scooters exactly. And justto the west, construction is expected to

begin in ninety days on a Burgerdetour. That'd be the third one of
a locally owned concept that only justrecently their first one third in Maple Yes
and the other one under construction attwo hundred and fourth in Pacific. I've
heard, well, I've heard mixedreviews and probably worth a try. I
try everything at least once, butI haven't been there yet, so we

have to put that on our list. Abby Lardo's Mexican Fresh will open a
restaurant inside the former Sinful Burger atforty oh five Twin Creek Drive in Bellevue.
Abby Lardo's is based in Papillion andthis might this surprised me when I
was looking up this information this week. Abby Lardos has fifty locations in the

metro Omahira, now thirteen in themetro area locations. They're in six different
states, but they started here.Yeah, I don't think we have enough
scooters or Mexican restaurants. Good Point, Hawaiian Brothers Island Grill has announced that
its first Nebraska location will be openin the middle of this month. It's
in Gretna in the Wick's South Pointdevelopment, which is southwest of Interstate eighty

and Highway three seventy. Congratulations tothe Hodges family Dean Hodges and family.
They have a number of Jimmy John's, about half of them in Omaha,
and then they also have Williamsburg Pizza. Another question that many listeners and subscribers
ask us, why did they buildthat new retail strip west southwest of one

hundred and sixty eighth and Maple andthere are no tenants in it. We
didn't know that either. It hasbeen sitting there for a long time,
but we find out there are twonew tenants going in to the two end
cap spaces of this retail center.And if you're sitting there thinking where is
this? Where is this? Okay, there's a there's a Target store southwest
corner one hundred and sixty eighth andDodge new retail strip just west of that.

The tenants are going to be GolfTech and a second location for tallis
Spirits and Sustenance, a restaurant thatstarted not long ago in Papillion got it,
so I'll have to try that aswell. Speaking of golf places,
the Back Nine, an indoor simulatedgolf venue, plans to open in a
two one and forty square foot spacein Regency Landing. That's the development at

one hundred and seventh and Pacific,so right at Pacific and I six's eighty
that has been renovated and redeveloped.The Back Nine will be open twenty four
hours a day, and it allowscustomers to play simulated versions of famous golf
courses, so like Pebble Beach orsomething like that. The Saint George,
Utah based company currently has twelve locationsin Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee,

and South Carolina. Soon it'll bethirteen and you can throw Nebraska in
there, Trent, and I'm justwaiting for you to say this. We
need more Mexican restaurants, car washes, and golf places. It takes a
lot of balls. Joy Foot Spaplans to open this spring at the West
Roads Mall. This is a localspa concept has the same ownership as Tranquility

Spa, which is also located inWest Roads Mall. Speaking of West Roads,
we're getting a little intel that wecould hear something in the not too
distant future about the former Granite Cityrestaurant building on the northwest corner, so
we'll have to keep our ears open. My predection is something that we've talked

about on this for a long time, is that the Yonkers long vacant Yonkers
will likely be Dillard's. But thathas not been publicly announced, but that's
the rumor that keeps going around aroundthe market. If you will so a
local place. Doodal Art has leastnine just under a thousand square feet in

Rockbrook Village next to Security National Bank. If you're familiar with Rockbrook Village and
a doodle Art will be a placefor children to do sensory art classes.
I have no idea what that is, but it sounds like kind of a
cool place if you've got kids thatlike art. And with that, the
music is playing, which means thatunfortunately we have to take a break for

almost an entire week, but thenwe'll be back with you next Saturday.
In the meantime, hope you havea wonderful, nice weather weekend. I'm
Jeff Beils and I'm Trenton Maggott.You've been listening to Grow Omaha, brought
to you by Dingman's Collision Center andCheer Athletics. We'll chat with you next
week at nine o'clock right here onnews radio eleven ten KFAB
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