Episode Transcript
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This is Grow Omaha, the onlyradio show that talks about economic development,
construction, business expansion, and allof those things that make Omaha a great
place to live or visit. GrowOmaha on News Radio eleven ten KFAB Well,
Good morning and welcome to the show. Jeff Meels at your service.
We're broadcasting live from the KFAB PenthouseStudio high above Underwood Avenue and beautiful downtown
Dundee. We're brought to you byDingman's Collision Center with four metro area locations
and Cheer Athletics, the Cadillac ofAll Star Cheer Gems. Well, we've
got a great show planned for you, but before we get into any of
it, I'm going to bring onmy co host, a man who is
a legendary real estate deal maker andall around entertaining fellow to have a beer
with, Trenton Maggot. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Good morning,
Jeff Well, Good morning to you. And you know we've got a lot
of topics on the dock at today, So without any further ado, I'm
just gonna jump right into the newOkay, it's brought to you buy Egle
Mortgage. Egle Mortgage Company, dotcom. And as the name would indicate,
they're in the mortgage business. Soconventional loans, FACHA loans, the
A loans, they do all ofthat, and they just do a very
good job of customer service. Youknow, Eagle Mortgage knows that buying a
house is one of the biggest expensesinvestments that anyone ever undertakes, and so
their job is to work with youshop the lenders, match you with the
best lender that provides you the mostvalue, and then work with you throughout
the process. Now it's springtime.If you're thinking about buying a house this
spring or the summer, and Iknow a lot of people are, we
want you to talk to Eagle Mortgageand get a pre approval letter because we
are still running into a lot ofsituations where despite these interest rates, people
are still fighting for houses sometimes,and so you want that Eagle Mortgage pre
approval letter in your back pocket.It's an arrow in your quever. You
can find him online at Egle MortgageCompany dot com. Well, speaking of
houses, Trenton, you and Iwent to a Metro Omaha Builders Association meeting
earlier this week and they brought ina man who is a research in data
analytics guru in the real estate andhousing and housing construction industry. And to
sum up what he basically said,Omaha, out of the all of the
markets in the sixteen states that hiscompany researches, is about the best housing
market there is. It was veryinteresting. Guy named Edson Charles, He's
been in the industry a long time. Metromaw Builders Association brought him in.
He has people on the ground everythree or four months that physically count the
lots, build them a lots,sewers in the ground. They can build
a house, houses that are alreadybeing erected, and pretty some spot on
data and I was, I was. I pressed Bake basically saying that that
people at Omaha, especially in theresidential real estate business, should be happier.
He says, we could. Wecould be building another fifteen hundred to
two thousand units this year. Andto meet supply or to meet demand.
Yeah, he basically said, goand pray and give thanks this weekend at
your house of worship that you livein such a place with a great market.
It was just good to hear.It was good to hear that our
housing market stacks up so well againstand to help people out if they're wondering,
what are these other states? Hedoes sixteen states, and it sounds
like Nebraska is one of the westernmost. And then they go over toward the
east coast because Rginia. Yeah,like he mentioned, the only state that
has housing that's comparable or close toOmaha and Lincoln's right now would be in
Virginia. He said. For somereason, they're doing great in Virginia.
I mentioned it's always a good housingmarket there. It's not like we can
have our contractors go out tomorrow andbuild these houses good and ready for you
for the fall. It's about atwo year process at least before you take
a piece of farmland and you workwith the local jurisdiction, you look at
the soils and you get it readyand entitled in order to put in the
streets and do the financing and everythingelse. And that's why we got to
jump on that kind of stuff.And Omaha has been pretty good. We
usually like to have what do yousay, two and a half or three
and a half year supply something likethat of housing stocks so we don't run
out. So you gotta because it'ssuch a long lead time, you got
to schedule that, and I thinkoverall we have some really solid home builders
that make quantity homes as well assmaller batches for the higher end that do
a good job. So I takegroll Maha tours usually a couple of them
every week as long as I'm intown. And this week one of the
tours I did was well, itincluded the corridors northwest of Maple and one
hundred and fifty six. So Ijust kind of drove up and down the
corridors northwest of West Maple Road andone hundred fifty six because that's such an
area of intense housing growth and newsubdivision development, And a couple of weeks
had gone by since I drove upin that area of town, and I
swear even in a couple of weeksit seems like there will be like a
new subdivision that's graded or something likethat. But yeah, there is a
lot of single family housing construction inthat northwest far northwest area, and it's
fun just to name one, say, celebrity homes who's always done a good
job on entry level homes and above. And you know, those entry level
homes we're talking about are probably abovethree hundred thousand dollars for most of them,
and not your father's entry level home. No, it's not. And
Gil Larson and his team up there. If it wasn't for them, we
wouldn't have a lot of entry levelhomes it so we need we need more,
but it takes some strong wheels.And it's fun to see the growth
patterns out there. As you're talkingabout the northwest. Out there, we're
seeing more industrial go out Highway onethirty three Blair high Road, but we're
also seeing Greta is just on fire. Well Vista, we're seeing Bellevue and
Papillon also take off. Well,you mentioned Gretna and that brings us to
the Gretna Landing development. This isthe very large development that is in the
early stages northwest of one hundred ninetysecond and Highway three seventy and we wanted
to give you a few updates aboutwhat's happening there at Gretna Landing. The
first thing to open was a Scooter'sCoffee It is now officially open. There's
a Walgreen store that is really close. When you drive by it, you
can you can see in the windowthey're starting to set up the inside.
But the construction has done. AChase Bank building is fully enclosed and scheduled
to open late this summer. Now, the biggest development in that area will
be a fleet farm, and gradingfor that store, which is going to
be one hundred and fifty thousand squarefeet, should start this fall with opening
planned for the fall of twenty twentyfive. And then finally grading is underway
in that area for a two hundredand fifty unit multifamily project. So Gretna
has been an area of concentration whenwe talk about suburban growth for some time
now, but it is picking up, and we're talking about just west of
the world's largest high v one hundredand thirty five thousand feet. There's also
a big piece of land back therefor a national medical facility that we don't
know much about it yet, butthe developer said that that's who bought the
land a long time ago, andthey're going to the services out there.
If you're gonna put that many manyhouses out there, and it'll certainly be
a not just a bedroom community,I mean it, it's gonna be full
services for everything. Well, theday will come within the you know,
the next couple of decades where bothPapillion and Gretna have over fifty thousand people
living in them. I mean they'vegot the land to do it. I
mean Papillion is only twenty five thousand. It feels like it's a lot more
than that. Ten to twelve,yeah, about ten. Yeah, the
sign says five or thousand or somethingwhen you drive by, but that's it's
old because it's grown so fast.But yeah, the day is not that
far away, that many years awaywhere where both Gretna and Papillion will have
over fifty thousand people. Bellevue isalready pushing seventy and so those will be
some big, big suburbs down therein Sarpy County and real nice you know
the development that that Papillion, Gretinadoing La Vista, same deal, nice,
nice looking stuff that they've down there. And we're seeing population growth we
talked about the last couple of showspopulation growth has stepped up a little bit.
Yeah, it's accelerated a little aboutone percent. Yeah, and it's
showing signs anecdotally, just from myobservations and comparing it over the years.
When we've had a flurry of development, usually you'll notice a year or two
later, like an uptick in population, and so I'm kind of anticipating that
that growth rate'll pop up a littlebit, but we shall see. Well.
Taking it to South Omaha right now, this is an interesting project.
There is a building on the northeastcorner of twenty fourth and Q. Of
course, twenty fourth Street is mainstreet for old South Omaha, Nebraska.
Twenty fourth in Q building is aretail like building with a little surface parking
lot to the north. Ben vacantfor a while. Plans call for converting
it into South Omaha Global Market,and it would include a food court with
sixteen different businesses offering cuisine from aroundthe world. Sixteen million dollar project expected
to create fifty jobs and be finishedin twenty twenty seven. If that happens,
that would be a nice compliment tothe Plaza de la Raza expansion plans
that are down there. And thenthere's a group also working on a parking
garage that would serve that historic twentyfourth Street corridor. So good news there.
I'd imagine it's indoors, but Ikind of feel like it should be
indoor outdoor type of Yeah, foodcord down there. It's funny you should
say that because there's one thing thatThere's a lot of things that are cool
about South twenty fourth Street corridor,but one of them is that even on
a fifteen degree day or a onehundred and fifteen degree day, it seems
like there's out more outside activity thanyou see in other parts of town.
So that's a good point they coulddo that well. The Chi Health Center
Omaha is going to host the firstever championship of the Pro Volleyball Federation.
It'll take place on May fifteenth andthen the finals on eight and this event
it'll be broadcast on the CBS SportsNetwork. Of course, the Omaha super
Nova's are part of this inaugural leagueand doing really well. The team or
the league also has teams in Atlanta, Grand Rapids, or Orlando, Columbus,
Ohio, San Diego, and LasVegas. So good job to all
of you local volleyball fans that turnout and have made the Omaha super Novas
the attendance leader in this new ProVolleyball Federation, because I'm sure that's why
they chose the Chi Center for thechampionship. And it's just nice to see
more people visit Omaha for the firsttime or multiple times. For that matter,
and we need to spread the word. And I think the next decade
Omaha has great opportunities to attract morestudents, attract more families moving here,
and it's a quality of life thing. And the more hits we get on
national internet, national media will takeit. I agree. I mean,
I said it was either last weekor the week before I made the comment
that we are entering a golden agehere in Omaha, and I'm convinced we
are. I mean, you thinkabout the things that are going to open
in this town in twenty twenty sixthrough twenty twenty eight, and it's pretty
evident that we're going and we're goinginto one of those periods that I think
sometimes folks will look back at andthink, Okay, you know, in
the late eighteenth century Omaha boomed,and then in the nineteen twenties it did
great again. This is going tobe another one of those those those golden
eras well. One of the signsor symbols of this golden era we're entering
in as the new mutual of OmahaHeadquarters Tower. And we like to periodically
give you updates on this. Itis it keeps creeping upwards. The concrete
sheer tower, which is the spineof the future six hundred seventy seven foot
tall building is now up to thetenth floor. They're working. They're pouring
concrete for the tenth floor. Andif you haven't been by, next time
you're in the downtown area, justwalk over to fourteenth and Farnham or drive
by and you'll be impressed with thesize and scope of the building. The
parking garage, which will comprise thefirst twelve levels is depending on which corner
of the building. It kind oflooks like they're working on about the fourth
level in certain places, so that'scoming along quite nicely. Speaking of buildings
that are working on higher levels,Children's Nebraska is building the new Behavioral Health
hospital at about eighty fifth and Dodgeon the south side, so just west
of the primary Children's Hospital. Thatbuilding steel frame going up there and parts
of it already working on the fourthfloor. It looks monstrous. The scale
from Dodge Street is damned impressive.I mean it has a street presence.
Trenton cool, cool building, andeven cooler stuff will take place inside that
building. Some desperately needed services inour community that we're excited to get that
building open and then finally our finalitem today Westgate Plaza on eighty fourth Street
between Interstate eighty and Center Street.We have some big changes going in there.
Westlake Ace Hardware will be moving fromeighty fourth in Center into a bigger
space in Westgate Plaza. It's goingto take pretty much all the space north
of Mangleson's. There's also going tobe a Starbucks that will be going into
Westgate Plaza as well. So somebig, big changes going on in that
what is kind of a historic retailcenter, and that is my old stopping
grounds. The Tom Kelly Bowling atBowling Store Tom Kelley's Bowling Pro Shop go
ahead, thank you. I believethey are, along with at least I
read it, I haven't verified it, along with the Cake Gallery, are
both moving to bel Air at onehundred and twentieth in Center. Oh is
how where they're going. And it'sinteresting. I'm sure a lot of you've
seen it in social media. There'sa gentleman by the name of ed Otto
who I met a number of yearsago, and I think it's fifty years
or something, and he's been involvedwith the Cake Gallery for thirty five years
and they had like six thousand feetthere. Yeah, so it was a
big bakery. The news coverage ofthat, though, frankly, was a
little uncomfortably cringey, because the cakegallery owner was really publicly lamenting. Some
would say whining. I don't wantthat's not my word, but some would
say kind of whining about having toleave. And there was talk about doing
getting customers to pre order things.And it seemed a little bit weird because
you know, in business people tenantscome and go. It's just part of
the deal, right and and andI understand that it's a neighborhood staple and
it's been there for a long timeand stuff, but it's not squatters rights.
It's it's uh capitalism. And andhe was very vocal with a video
on the door and social media,and it was basically like, how dare
they kick me out of this?These two two two billion dollar companies,
this west Lake Ace Hardware that's movingin and then that shopping center in the
last couple of years ago was boughtby Dakota Reed, a trust stock exchange
company. But they're doing business,and they're doing what's right for their for
their building. Now, that's whytenants have leases and they should up their
leases before they run out, andeverybody has leverage, and I think the
cake Galley is a great product.Ed Otto was talking about six hundred thousand
dollars in order to put in thenew store at bel Air, and he
was pre selling gift cards and thingslike that, and I don't know where
that's going to lead him, butwe wish him luck. I just thought
it was interesting. It was oneof the first times in my thirty years
where I saw a very successful storenot planning ahead. And this was inevitable.
I'm told that the landlord gave himabout about a year year and a
half advanced notice. It wasn't asurprise public service announcement. If you want
to be guaranteed to never have tomove on your own building, all right,
That is your News of the week, brought to you by Eagle Mortgage
Egle Mortgage Company dot Com. Goingto take our first break of the hour,
and when we come back, wehave more to share. You were
going to talk a little bit aboutwhat's happening in the local real estate market
and much much more. You're listeningto Jeff Beals and Trenton Maggot on grow
Omaha brought to you by Dingman's CollisionCenter and Cheer Athletics on news Radio eleven
ten kfab listen to news Radio eleventen be anywhere anytime on your free iHeart
radio app, oh your music radioand podcasts. And welcome back to the
show. Jeff Bial sitting next toTrenton Maggot, and we are brought to
you by Dingman's Collision Center along withSheer Athletics. Now Dingmans has four metro
area locations, one near one hundredand twentieth and Maple, another one in
Papillion Saddle Creek Road, South SaddleCreek Road, that is, and the
fourth one is at one hundred andforty fourth and l. It doesn't matter
which one you pick. They're alloutstanding. It's more to come and more
to come. You say I waswith them yesterday. We're strategic planning.
Okay, breaking news right here onthe Groma Show. We don't know where
or when, but maybe a fifthDingmans, maybe fifteen, maybe sixth ding
Men's also okay, well you heardit here first. And this is why,
this is why you tune into theshow, because even during the dogon
commercials, we drop content on youthat you can't find anywhere else. So
thanks to Dingman's and Chair Athletics formaking the show possible. Well, Trenton
and I are part of the naiNP Dodge Commercial real Estate family and our
company releases commercial real estate market dataevery quarter and the most recent quarterly report
just now coming out, so thisis pretty fresh stuff and we want to
kind of give an update about howthe market is looking. Basically, it
is good. Doesn't matter whether itis office, retail or industrial. It's
all really good right now. Officemarket, you know, and we hear
all of these, you know,terrible things about the office space, and
we do know there are a lotof people working from home and there have
been some issues. But according tothe data that we use in this report,
which comes from co Star, thevacancy rate or I guess the primary
vacancy rate for office in Omaha isonly not even seven percent. Yeah,
and I was pleased by that number. And one thing that might skew it
a little bit, and I don'tknow if they broke it out on that
report, but we call it shadowspace. So there's a number of companies
in Omaha and across the world thathave leases they have space where maybe a
skeleton crew. Maybe it's people areworking a couple times a day and they
can come and go, and Ithink they they truly either they don't want
to sublease their space because they don'tknow if they're going to be coming back
there or not. So it's it'sgoing to take a couple of years still
to shake out. And I'm pleasantlypleased with with Omaha because we've been able
to fill some of these spaces thatwere just either vacant or some of these
companies decided on a different model,and we're gonna shrink our footprint. Total
office market in Omaha is forty ninemillion square feet and currently one point three
million square feet of office space isunder construction. Looking at the retail line,
but that not cut you off,but I did on the office markets.
That's AB and C space, Sosome of that space is probably functionally
obsolescent, still on the still onthe on the surveys, so that'll never
get least. Some of the spaceis great and we need that for expansion
of other buildings and stuff like that. So that's a comfortable vacancy rate for
office. Looking at the retail market, there's sixty six million total square feet
of retail space and Olmaha vacancy accordingto co Star is four point six percent,
which we used in their part.Kind of weird because they just did
an article about Omaha last week sayingit was only three something, so I
don't know they're sometimes sometimes you getdifferent stories from different co Star articles.
But nevertheless, it's good, niceand low, and we can talk about
what's available on the retail market outin the next segment and looks like,
right now we've got three hundred andseventy five thousand square feet of retail space
is currently under construction. And thenin the industrial market, this is the
segment that for multiple quarters in arow, has been by far the strongest
of the big three commercial real estatemarkets. There's one hundred and seven million
total square feet of industrial space inthe market place four point eight million square
feet of industrial space under construction.That's actually less under construction than last quarter.
Believe it or not. But here'sthe vacancy rate two point six percent,
which is actually a little higher thanlast quarter. We'll take you.
We need the space. John Meyerand I in our office are buying,
selling industrial buildings, filling industrial buildings, working with buyers and sellers, tenants
and landlords, and the industrial it'sbeen strong. There's a lot of home
delivery stuff, there's a lot ofmanufacturing companies that need space, and all
types of industrial spaces are getting leased. Well, it's time for our of
the show break because you need tohear the news so you know what's going
on in the world. We're goingto do that, and when we come
back, we'll have our novel companies, commercial real estate development Spotlight. We're
also going to be talking about constructionhappening and Heartwood Preserve. We might be
talking a little bit about even acouple retail items, so stick with us.
It's all going to be interesting andall worth your time. You're listening
to Grow Omaha, brought to youby Dingman's Collision Center and Cheer Athletics on
News Radio eleven ten Kfab. Listenon our free iHeartRadio app for all your
music, sports, talk and podcasts. Free never sounded so good. News
Radio eleven ten Kfab and iHeartRadio stationand welcome back to the show. Jeff
Bils and Trenton Maggott with you fromthe Kfab Studio. You're listening to Grow
Amaha We're brought to you by Dingman'sCollision Center along with Cheer Athletics. Cheer
Athletics is the nation's number one allstar cheer gym. We've got to tell
you on Sunday, April fourteenth.Coming up pretty soon, Sunday, April
fourteenth, Cheer Athletics is having anopen house at one o'clock PM. If
you or your child is interested,come out, meet with the owners,
the coaches and see their beautiful facilitythat they have. You can learn tumbling,
stunting, or join a team now. Cheer Athletics is located just a
little bit southwest of Highways fifty andthree seventy in Papillion, and we highly
recommend it. In fact, tryoutsare going to be coming up also pretty
soon late April and May for thetwenty twenty four to twenty five season.
We'll talk more about that in acouple of weeks, but for now,
if you're looking for a good thingfor your your kiddo, your grandkid,
whatever, go to the open houseSunday, April fourteenth, Cheer Athletics at
one o'clock PM. All right,Trendon, are you ready for the not
al companies commercial? Real Estate DevelopmentSpotlight of the Week. Yes, sir,
I'm glad you are, because evenif you weren't, we would still
go ahead and do it. Butit's always better if you're ready. This
is where we talk about some growthand development real estate of construction that relates
to Nodle Companies projects. And whenit comes to Nodel Companies, there's no
shortage of things for us to talkabout because they do so much to build
our community, and they actually buildmore than just Omaha. They have projects
around the country. But of coursewe really care about what Nodel Companies does
here and some of their big projectsinclude Exarbon Village. They do a Steel
Ridge which is a kind of abusiness, some retail, some industrial out
in where Papilion and Gretna Meat nearHighway three seventy and Interstate eighty. They
have the Builders District Downtown River's Edgein Council Bluffs, And of course they've
done a lot of big headquarters buildingslike the Valmont Headquarters in Heartwood Preserve.
Not Ale Companies project HDR Headquarters whichopened a few years going to Xarment Village,
beautiful building that's one of theirs.Two Well today this week we're going
to focus on the Builders District.This is part of North Downtown, so
it's a little bit west or westof Charles Schwab Field in North Downtown.
It is anchored by Keiwitz Global Headquarters, which was a Nodel Companies project as
well. And there's a big openarea that is say west of sixteenth,
east of seventeenth, and south ofCumming Street, and that is going to
be the Builders District's new public amenitiespark, and construction on that is really
going full board. Just yesterday Gromahawent down there took a look at it,
and a lot of work going on. Looks like there will be like
a platform with a big outdoor videoTV screen that is in place. A
lot of ground and foundation work andthis will be unique. But the closest
thing to it will be that Blickamenity space that Model Companies installed in a
Sarbon village right north of the HDRheadquarters. That's where they have Sunny's,
you know, the airstream trailer withthe bar and all that, So similar
stuff to that coming to the BuildersDistrict, and the construction on that is
coming along really really nicely. There'salso the timber building is getting done,
and there's office space to be hadin this beautiful new timber building right in
the builders district. Yeah, it'scool that when you look through the windows
of that building you can see theactual structural skeleton that's made out of those
real cool timbers. It's kind oflike an ultra modern, cutting edge office
building with a little bit of thatold market jobbers Canyon look on the inside
of it. And it's so importantto reinvigorate our urban core. There's a
lot of buildings that have been transformed, a lot of new construction, but
sometimes there's some buildings that are oneor two stories that need be taken down
so we can build bigger buildings,increase the density. That gets us a
lot closer to a full service grocerystore and other amenities, which really makes
downtown more lively. Yeah, andwe have heard from a good source that
a handful of developers downtown are competingfor that full service urban grocery store that
is apparently coming to the downtowner andwe can't wait to find out where it
lands in which brand it is goingto be. And that is your Not
All Company's Commercial real Estate development Spotlight. You can learn more about nodel by
going to not All Companies dot com. Well, you know we told you
that Insomnia Cookies opened last week lastSaturday week ago today in the Capital District.
We now know they will be openinga second location somewhere in the Blackstone
District. We're still trying to figureout the exact spot. They still haven't
fallen asleep is what you're saying.They still have insomnia and we think we
know spot, but we haven't confirmedyet. So we're working on that.
But pretty soon a second Insomnia Cookiescoming to the Blackstone District. Trenton.
We've got some Hartwood Preserve construction updates. Yeah, this is exciting. This
is the area just north of theMiller North Track and Field area, that
fenced area with all the signs andstuff on it. This is a fourteen
acre site that broad More development.Broadmore has been around for decades and from
the apartments at one Pacific Place justcountless the Broadmoor Hills up on one hundred
and eightieth and Dodge. They buildClass A communities and here's another one.
Just coming out of the ground.You'll see a building. It's a five
story building, looks like a bigconcrete wall and maybe some doors on the
sides. That is the parking garagefor the first building. It'll be about
five stories of three one apartment units, and then they can build a total
of about five hundred and fifty units. This first building will take two years
to complete. They'll have plenty ofamenities, just like all the other Broadmore
communities have, and we congratulate themon that. And then if you go
farther to the north, everybody knowsabout the new about their Charleston's that has
opened up, and Mahogany is aboutto open up. I don't think it's
open up yet. It is open, is it Okay? Mahogany is open
and there's two buildings that sits behindthere. Those are owned by the Gunderson
family, who are huge in thejewelry business. They have a number of
other different businesses. They're really goodfor the Omaha community. I don't know
all the details, but I knowthat they're going to have a jewelry store
there and it may be the largestRolex showroom. And they're one of the
biggest dealers in the country, ifnot the biggest dealer of Rolex. So
we're we're proud to have them inOmaha. There's gonna be on one of
those. There's gonna be a highend brew pub based on beer and other
libations. That'll be an exotic place. And then there's a gentleman by the
name of Charlie Yann who I've knownfor a while and we all know him
from from here eighty eight, whichis his family's restaurants. Uh. He
also he has local now and thenhe is going to do a private club
and the name escapes me, butI was talking to him about it.
Above one of these buildings on thesecond floor. They'll be able to cater
in food from Charleston's and from Mahoganyand uh, it'll just be a unique
setting to get away. It's opento men and women as well as individuals.
And check that out. We'll geta name for you and put it
on our Facebook page. And withthat we are going to take our final
break of the hour, and whenwe come back, we will have our
Perkins Kritzer instruction lightning round. I'mlooking at the list and there's a lot
on it. Restaurant, retail,interesting stuff. Don't miss it. You're
listening to Grow Omaha. Brought toyou by Dingman's Collision Center and Cheer Athletics
on News radio eleven ten kfab.How are ticket scammers trying to take our
money in new ways? On theinternet for local shows and also a celebration
of pro wrestling on the Emory Soccerpodcast page a kafab dot com. And
welcome back to the show, JeffMeils and Trenton Maggot at your service.
We're brought to you by Dingman's CollisionCenter and Cheer Athletics, and it is
now time for your Perkins Kreutzer ConstructionLightning Round, in which we talk about
a lot of things in a shortperiod of time. Especially we like to
hit on restaurant and retail news themost during the Lightning Round. Thanks to
Perkins Chretzer Construction for making this possible. Dave Kreutzer and his team over there
do a great job as a fullservice class a general contractor. They're based
right here in Omaha, but theydo the whole area, not just the
metro area. They'll do projects likeCarneye, Norfolk, North, Platts Who
City, Lincoln, so Omaha metroarea and they go out a ways as
well. Now PC Construction, that'swhat we like to call them for short,
Perkins Chrischer PC. They may bea newer company, but know this,
lots of experience on that construction team. It doesn't matter whether you're talking
about the project managers, the superintendent's, carpenter's labors, everyone. Many of
these folks that work at Perkins ChristlerConstruction have over thirty years of experience themselves
in the industry. Put it alltogether, you got a very experienced team.
Healthcare, retail, office, education, religious industrial, financial institutions,
even restaurants. They do all ofthat, and we recommend if you're thinking
about doing a project, get ahold of Dave Kreutzer from Perkins Chriischler Construction.
I'll be glad you did. Dave'san easy guy to work with,
very pleasant and knows the business extremelywell. Well, let's get into it.
The big news is it appears asif the machine shed a themed restaurant
out of Iowa. It's actually ownedby a company in Moline, Illinois.
Original location in Davenport, Iowa.There's one nearby in the Des Moines,
Iowa suburb of Urbandale. The logo, or the rather the slogan for this
business is a restaurant honoring Americans farmers. I've been to the Machine Shed a
couple times. I have not Yeah, the one in Urbandale, Iowa.
It's very good. I've was thereone time for dinner and it was good,
a little bit on the heavy side, but I've been there a few
times for breakfast and the breakfast areoutstanding. I know the Whalen family,
headed by Mike Whalen, the father, and they have a number of restaurants
convention Centers tells they also at Omaha. They already owned the Johnny's Italian Steakhouse
at Village Point. A little bitof controversy here the Throwback Arcade at fourteen
oh two Howard Street. The formerThrowback Arcade was full of controversy, got
themselves in a little bit of troublewith the State Liquor Control Commission. Same
owners are opening up a new conceptcalled Crush Ultra Lounge. They did receive
approval from the Liquor Control Commission,so they should be opening soon. Yesterday
they were they were working on thespace. Some might say, what could
possibly go wrong there with a namelike Crush, But we shall see.
And it looks like a neat placesignage is already in places the Cross Velvet.
They're going to have shows. They'regoing to have a producers will bring
shows in there, and I'm surea great time shall be had by own
building. I've ever going in there. Very cool. They got that rooftop
space in there. Lazy Buffalo Barbecueplans to open next week in the former
kathman Do Momo Station space at thirtynine to twenty four Farnham Street, right
in the Blackstone District. There'll bea live fire barbecue restaurant, but connected
to Script Town Brewing Company, justlike Kathmandu Momo Station was. They're moving
downtown to the sixteenth and Farnham Streetarea, by the way. Now,
construction is underway and the new buildingis mostly enclosed for the future. Hot
Pot eighty eight Restaurant twenty five ohtwo South one hundred and thirtieth Avenue.
That's the site of the old StoysagcheHouse of Sausage. It's interesting that they
tore that down and that might bea There's been hot Pot done other places
down at Can't Field Plaza and stuff, but this will be very interesting to
see the new take. Yeah,I think a lot of people are anticipating
this. They call themselves Asian Cuisine, but I think if it's hot pot,
you pretty much know that and theywill be coming along here. See
the sign on Smash Park. Idid, yeah, yeah, we did
putting some colors on that building.This is the Southport West area over by
Cabella's and they're still working on itand hopefully they'll be open. I think
it's supposed to be open this summer, isn't it. Yeah, this summer.
I believe that big facility, bigconcrete facility. Starbucks has opened a
new coffee shop in Heartwood Preserve.Heartwood Preserve what we were talking about in
the last segment. It is veryclose to that new Mahogany and Charleston.
So Music's plans are really fast.Two closings Addies closing its old Millard location
and LB's Mexican Restaurant closing it's Millardlocation south of Interstate ating on Highway fifty.
That's it for this week. I'mJeff Beils and I'm Trenton Maggot.
You've been listening to Grohmaha, broughtto you by Perkins Kreutzer Construction, Cheer
Athletics and Dingman's collision Center. We'llchat with you next week at nine right
here on news radio eleven ten kfab