Episode Transcript
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This is grow Omaha, the onlyradio show that talks about economic development,
construction, business expansion, and allof those things that make Omaha a great
place to live or visit. GrowOmaha on news Radio eleven ten kfab.
Good morning, and welcome to theGromha Show, brought to you by Dingman's
Collision Center and Cheer Athletics. Myname is Trenton Maggot. My usual tenacious
co host, Jeff Beils is proudto announce that his oldest Jack Biels,
is graduating today from Millard West,so I want to congratulate Jack. Biel's
very excited. I'm joined by acouple fellas that I see almost every week
and sometimes during the week in thestudio today. To my right, I
have Brad Williams, who is myguest co host. Brad is a regular
contributor does a lot of stuff withgro Omaha. He is also the creator
of the Brad Williams gro Omaha ConstructionUpdate Brad Williams Photography, which is amazing.
If you ever need a photographer,I just want to see his pictures
at Brad Williams Photography dot com.And you're also a principal at Inna consulting
group. But you're a busy guy, Brad. Yeah, it's hard to
get going or keep everything going.But thanks for coming back and filling in
for Jeff once again and also joinedbehind the camera. If you go to
our website gromha dot com, youcan see the great works of Chris Corey.
Chris is a filmmaker, videographer,website designer, and he is now
a food critic. He does foodreviews, movie reviews. If you go
to gromha dot com you can seeChris Corey's work. So thank you Chris.
He's off camera. Ladies and gentlemen, Well, it's gonna be a
very informative and fun show. Todaywe have Mark Bouder joining us in the
next segment. Mark is the executivedirector of Builders of the Future program that
has a mission to locate, encourage, and educate the next generation of construction
trade specialists. Very important to payit forward. There's a lot of companies
that are involved in trades and companiesthat aren't involved in the trades that empower
that group. So we look forwardto talking to him the next segment.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, ifyou have kids or grandkids, who you
want to develop tumbling and stunning skills, you should check out Cheer Athletics Omaha.
Go to Caomaha dot com to registeryour athlete and join the All Star
Cheer Revolution located at one hundred andforty six and Gold Coast Road and Papillion.
Cheer Athletics Omaha competes at the highestlevel of All Star Cheer, which
differs from traditional cheer teams in thatits primary purpose is competition, while school
cheer involves crowd leading and other schoolroles. So, without further Ado Brad
the development News of the Week sponsoredby Eagle Mortgage. Eagle Mortgage Company has
been in business for about thirty twoyears. Their licensed mortgage brokers serving Nebraska,
Iowa. They have free consultations.They get you pre approved. You
need that pre approval of a letter. Have you seen signs coming up in
your neighborhood with for sale signs?I don't even see the for sale.
I just see the sold coming soonand then sold And it was never on
the market and it had multiple offersin one day on the market. Well,
look up Holly Schneidewind one hundred andfourteenth in Davenport. Eagle Mortgage they
do conventional VA and FHA. Theywill sit down with you, explain the
process, get you a pre approvalletter, and then they will shop your
loan to many different lenders. Soit's not like going to a bank where
you have to fit and check alltheir boxes. They're going to make your
loan specialized. So go online atEagle Mortgage Company dot com and they will
take care of you. There's alot going on in our city. This
week, our fabulous Mayor Jean Stothartdid the State of the City address.
It was called the State of theCity Milestones, Miracles and Momentum, and
that was on May twentieth, andthat was her eleventh State of the City.
And what I really like about JeanStotht is she's she's not looking to
run for a higher office. Thiswasn't ever a stepping stone. She is
the first mayor in Nebraska's history toget a third term. She's the first
female mayor. But most importantly,she's proactive and when we talk about a
list of what's happening from a developmentstandpoint, I think she ranks up there
with the if not the best mayorwe've ever had, but certainly up there.
Yeah, if you go around townright now, there is so much
construction development activity going on that youknow, she highlights in her State of
the City. She also highlighted alot of other things that you wouldn't see,
you know, just visually when you'rearound town. You know, as
far as the all the good thingsthat came out of the bad situation with
the tornado, all the volunteers thathelped out with that, all the money
that was raised and then got intosome of the crime, and how a
lot of the crime has gone down. So there's just a lot of good
things going on right now. Andit wasn't just mayrist Author, but her
team at the city, the PlanningDepartment, City Council. Here's just a
few of the fun facts. OmahaRapid Response estimates that fourteen thousand volunteers showed
up in the first nine days afterthe tornado disaster to volunteer. Together,
the Salvation Army, Red Cross,United Way of the Midlands and Omaha Community
Foundation have raised approximately three and ahalf million dollars to help our neighbors in
need. And those are things thatare part of the State of the City
address. But it creates the Ihate to say it but it's the Omaha
nice and that's all part of it, and that's why she said that.
The website Liveability is once again namedOmaha as one of the best places to
live in America in twenty twenty four, saying Omaha is perfect for families and
young professionals. And also Forbes Homejust ranked Omaha number one on its list
the best place is to Move toin twenty twenty four, giving us a
perfect score, which the second citywas eighty three percent. Yeah, that's
awesome. I mean to be We'vebeen up in the top of a lot
of lists, but to be numberone on the Forbes list was really cool
to see. Yeah, what's reallyinteresting too is you know, people want
to go to cities where there's nota lot of crime, there's not a
lot of panhandling and things like that. And what was interesting is that overall
crime in Omaha was down last yearin twenty three, fourteen percent lower than
twenty two, with one exception motorvehicle theft, which is what we hear
about those those Kia and the Hondaithefts. They got to get a retro
fit for them. That's not anOmaha problem, that's a national the number
of non fatal shootings dropped twenty ninepercent and twenty three from the year before.
And then the fun fact that Ithought was neat was the clearance rate
the solved crimes for making arrests isup. They've solved a lot more crimes
in twenty twenty three. The homicideclearance rate was one hundred percent, which
is almost unheard of, meaning thatthey solved all the homicides. Yeah,
no wanted people from murder from lastyear. And that makes our city straight
cities pretty safe, don't you think. The other thing too that people when
it comes to development, people talkabout are taxes. And interestingly, people
see their real estate taxes going up, mainly because their assessed values are going
up. And it's been one ofthe hottest real estate markets nationwide, but
certainly in Omaha. So Mayor Stouthis proud and she's working on her twenty
five budget now twenty twenty five bus, and she's going to reduce property taxes
levee again. It'll be our fifthlevee reduction for a total of nine percent.
The levee is that it's lowest sincetwenty ten. So even though your
taxes might be going up the leveepart of it, and she realized and
she mentioned that other agencies in thestate that I know, Governor Pillen has
been trying to reduce property taxes becausefor one, if we have to have
higher property taxes, if we havecity services, the roads are good,
it all adds to a better community. And speaking of roads, she highlighted
that what was the eight thousand lanemiles have been repaved since they that two
hundred million dollars bond issue was great, And think about all of the the
tower cranes that are going up,and she mentioned just a lot of projects.
Hotel occupancy tourism is good and theevents that we're having here and conferences.
Hotel occupancity in Omaha is the highestin sixteen years. Hotels brought in
a record breaking two hundred and seventyone million dollars in revenue in twenty twenty
three. Also, which a lotof people talk about every time we post
on the grow Maha page and Facebookor on our website, affordable housing.
Every time there's an apartment project,people will get on there and they want
to know about affordable housing. Well, the largest commitment from the city yet
sixty million dollars in a partnership withFront Porch Investments. The city is creating
and to preserve affordable housing and makeit accessible for renters and buyers. So
they are What I like about Stothard'sadministration is they're tackling everything and it seems
like they're making progress and everything.They're not just spreading themselves too far and
wide, but they're making a differenceand there's a lot of continuity over the
last ten years. And she hireda homeless coordinator to also kind of help,
you know, on the other endof the housing issue with the getting
people off the streets and into permanenthousing. Absolutely, and then Creighton University
is planning approximately half a billion dollarsof urban core investments over the next ten
years. And you know, they'vebeen growing the med centers, The Med
Center has been growing it. Ican't wait that the streetcar uh has been
ordered, a lot of the carshave been ordered, that the work's been
done, as she featured a lotof fun projects that are done or in
the works, you know, suchas how many people have visited the parks,
the Baby Bob, the Union SoccerStadium, the Luminarium, Steelhouse,
NASCAR Center for Engagement Arts, justproject after project after project. Well,
and already she says that along thestreetcar route, which isn't even in the
ground yet, well we'll be runningon it the next few years. One
point two billion a new development isunderway on that corridor, so that that's
proof that we're headed in the rightdirection. She also threw out some something
called the Tower District, which friendof Gromaha, Jesse Calbredo, might want
to talk to her about that name. But it'd be interesting to see what
the Tower District is. Yeah,our friend Jesse has over by the water
tower at eighty fourth and Highway threeseventy northwest is a big development called the
Tower District because of the water tower. But we'll see how that shakes out.
Yeah. Well, that is yourdevelopment news of the week sponsored by
Eagle Mortgage. Go to Eagle MortgageCompany dot com. This is Trenton Maggot
and Brad Williams on the Gromeha Showright here on eleven to ten kfab.
We'll be right back in two minutesand two seconds. What are four movie
sequels that you wish never existed?And also a wrap up to our marijuana
conversation and its potential legalization. Allof it on the Emerysonger podcast page at
cafab dot com. And welcome backto the Groma Show, brought to you
by Dingman's Clision Center and Cheer Athletics. I am Trenton Maggot, Jeff Beals
has the weekend off and Brad Williamsis my co host and we have had
a very busy week at NAI NP, Dodge and Ena Consulting, but we're
here with you now and I wantto thank our title sponsor, Dingman's Clision
Center, third generation, family ownedand they've been around since nineteen ninety six
in Omaha. There's four locations Northwest, Midtown, Omaha, Southwest and Papillion.
Dingmon's Clision Center has always chosen thebest, the best and auto body
repair every year since two thousand andfive. They do autobody, paint repair,
and mechanical two. They use thereal products ladies and gentlemen. I've
done a lot of real estate projectswith Boyd Dingman and Travis and Andy,
and not only they do amazing work, they are just nice people. And
you go in there, you gettaken care of well trained technicians and staff
and so couldn't recommend Dingman's Closion Centerany higher, and we appreciate their sponsorship.
Well, we are pleased to welcomeour guests, Mark Botter, who
is the executive director of Builders ofthe Future, a program to locate,
encourage, and educate the next generationof construction trade specialists. Welcome Mark.
Thank you for having me. TedGrace was kind enough to introduce us to
you and your organization. I knowit means a lot to him as well.
Give us a quick overview of theBuilders of the Future program. Okay,
Basically, Ted Grace was the cofounder of Builders the Future along with
Steve Skidmore and a few more membersof MOBA. It started in nineteen ninety
three and if you remember, ifyou went to the Street of Dreams,
it was the playhouse project. Sothey had themes each year. The first
couple of years it ran as thehome builders had their carpenters and finished carpenters
build a tiny playhouse. I rememberthose, Yeah, And they did that
for two years and they found outthere was a little issue trying to get
when people bought them, or didthe raffle how to get those into the
backyards of people that bought them.So then they changed the name to Builders
of the Future in nineteen ninety fivea couple years later, and they moved
that task to the high schools.So schools were given money and lumber and
materials to build different themes of houses, and they were moved out of the
industrial labs and then taken the Streetof Dreams and then sold And that's kind
of how it evolved. In twothousand and one, they incorporated and became
a got a nonprofit, the BuilderFoundation, and that was to help them
do scholarships for the trades. Sothey were able to fund that a little
bit easier if they did that frommobile. So you gave us an interesting
statistic for every trades person that retires, how many are entering into the building
trades. For every five and tradepeople retiring, there's only two join in
and going into the trades. Andthat's why we have such a deficit in
the trades right now. Say,that's not very sustainable numbers right there.
How do you how do you getteenagers interested in the program and decide where
they want to go into a trade. Probably the biggest thing for us is
to have the schools take on thesebigger projects You can talk all you want
to kids about different things, butif you sit there and just listen,
they don't get They don't get it. But if you get them to build
things bigger than a bread box,if you get them to build doghouses,
sheds ten by ten, ten bytwelve, sheds, garages, fences,
have them go out and do decksor basements. That's when they start to
rub elbows with maybe a plumber orelectrician. And they got to see or
a carpenter and say, hey,this is what they do for a living.
And that helps them figure out whatthey want to do. And you
were mentioned to us before the showthat you have you do have bigger projects
these days, So tell us aboutthe big one that you're working on now.
Yeah. A couple years ago werode to Grant and I was probably
I'm a half glass, half fullkind of person. I looked at it
and I said, we had DCWest John Brockhouse had somebody come to them
and ask him if he would builda house. Well, that was right
during COVID didn't quite go as wellas we wanted, but then we said,
okay, let's see if we canget other schools to do it.
If you remember back in the day, twenty three years ago, Benson High
School built houses. There was aschool in Iowa Council Bluffs did Fremont built
houses. So we thought, okay, let's try this again. So we
wrote to Grant one of the majorfoundations around Omaha. Gave us two hundred
thousand dollars to get five school districtsto try to start building houses. That
each school would get ten thousand fortools, ten thousand for scaffolding, and
twenty thousand dollars to pour a padto build it on at the school site.
And then once it's built at theschool, then it's moved to a
site and finished by a general contractor. The reason is is the travel time
lost of loading the kids in abus, loading the tools, get him
to the upsite, traveling back andforth and unloading everything again and unloading the
kids and all the live ability goeswith it makes it easier to just build
it at the school, build itthe school, and then you can move
poor foundations somewhere and actually it's it'sit's skinny enough that you can put twenty
six feet you can get it onthe streets. Yeah, and certain cities
say we have never done this before. Yeah, but there is houses moved
everywhere in the country and it's inthe city. But we made them twenty
six feet wide. By forty sixor forty five, they can be a
little longer. They just can't beany wider than twenty six Builders of the
Future program. How can parents getin touch with you, learn more about
it? And how can people contribute? They can just call me. My
number is four or two two ninezero twenty two thirty five. They can
email me at n E Builders ofthe Future dot at gmail dot com,
So then again it's ane Builders ofthe Future at gmail dot com. They
can also go to our website justany the Builder Foundation dot org and they
can just send us emails, phonecalls. I'm on the road lot driving
between schools. So it's a notfor profit. How are you funded?
We're funded all by grants and donations. Our biggest a lot of our big
don donors are Omall boat At realtors, the lumber yards like Builder Supply,
Millard Lumber, Chrissen Lumber, Aand E like brad Here works for a
lot of these companies. Turner Construction, they just walk into concrete. They
donate money every year to help fundall these projects for these schools. You're
telling us that it's not only aproblem getting kids into the trades, but
now you're having the problem getting theteachers to teach the trades. Yeah,
there's a big shortage of teachers inNebraska for industrial trades right now. I
think there's about ten teachers retiring everyyear in Nebraska for the trades. They're
only do seem approximately four teachers tofill those spots. So some schools have
actually had to find custodians or amath teacher or a science teacher that has
a little bit of background to comein and teach those classes. So the
skill gap even on the teacher andto start to hit us. So we're
at a unique time and when itcomes to education and a lot of people
are saying I want to learn atrade, I don't want or I don't
want to send my kids to thesecolleges across the country. It's very expensive.
They're not learning what they used tolearn. And give us an idea
of the kind of money that beingtrained in the construction industry. Kids that
maybe want to go to a tradeschool or go to college to learn about
teaching in the trades. What kindof money are we talking about for some
of these trades. Well, ifyou start with a carpenter, they're going
to probably make twenty five to thirtyor thirty five dollars an hour. If
you get in some of the HVACpeople, they're on the higher end,
they could make fifty dollars an hourif they're at the commercial side. It's
unbelievable the salaries that some of thesepeople can make now compared to what they
were twenty years ago, and theydon't have a bunch of school Dad.
Are there programs that you guys helpfund that takes away the cost of the
education. Yeah. We try toget scholarships for kids anybody wants to go
to Metro. We also have ascholarship for anybody wants to go to Wayne
State. We give ten thousand dollarsto Wayne State to divide up into four
scholarships. And we're just trying toget more kids because, like I said,
only four graduating each year with anindustrial teaching degree. We're hoping to
get that. Even to break even, you need about eight or ten and
we're hoping that that can grow intowhere we can get maybe ten or twelve
so we have a better quality ofteachers out in the field. What a
great program. Give us that websiteagain, it's the website. Yeah,
I have to look down e theBuilder Foundation dot org. Okay, very
good, ladies and gentlemen. Thatis Mark Bouder, executive director of Builders
of the Future. A great programand I encourage you all to look it
up and get involved. Whether youhave a student that is looking to do
something like that, whether you wantto contribute our success in the future of
Omaha for the built environment depends onprograms like this. So Mark, thank
you for coming onto the gro OmahaShow. Thank you for having us,
and we appreciate it, ladies andgentlemen. When we come back, we're
going to have the No All DevelopmentSpotlight and we are going to talk about
a lot of projects that Brad Williamshas has put into the this month's construction
updates. So you're listening to BradWilliams and Trent Maggott right here on eleven
to ten KFAB. We'll be rightback. News Radio eleven ten KFAB is
free and convenient on our iHeartRadio app. Free never sounded so good. From
music, sports, talk and podcastsand welcome back to the GROMA Show,
brought to you by Dingman's Clision Centerand Cheer Athletics. Omaha. I am
Trenton Maggot. Jeff Feels he hasthe weekend off, but he'll be here
next week. And Brad Williams isjoining me in the studio. And Brad
is a principal at NA Consulting Groupengineering firm. He is Brad Williams Photography
dot com. Beer's with Brad.We didn't mention that at the start of
the show. It's a it's apodcast. It's pretty fun photography podcast with
beer in it, we'll call that. And also he's an integral part of
Grohamha. The Not All Development Spotlightis a feature that we do here.
And you know Not All Development asone of the premier developer developers in the
Midwest. You think of Exarbon Village, Valmont Headquarters, the River's Edge and
Council Bluffs and back in the daythey built first National Business Park and even
commercial Federal Business Park which became nowit's BEMO or whatever they call whatever they
call it, Bank Between and they'rethey're they're a busy developer and uh,
you can find them at not aCompanies dot Com. Well, uh,
if you haven't been there lately,go check out the one hundred and eight
thousand square foot hybrid timber building downat one five zero one Mike Fahey Drive,
fifteenth and Mike Fahey Drive. Ican announce that the tenant. Finally
there's a new fitness facilities called FlyFitness Studio and it will occupy part of
the first floor. And uh,this is the first one in Omaha.
There's a couple in Lincoln, there'stwo in Fargo, North Dakota, and
one in Loveland, Colorado. Sothat building is taking shape. It's part
of the Builders District and it's prettyneat. And switching to Exarbon Village if
you're looking for a few new restaurantsand entertainment this weekend, Tiny's Pizza is
now open in the inner rail atExarbon Village. Xarbon Village Farmers Market is
now every Sunday through October thirteenth.The market will take place from nine am
to one pm in Xarbon Village atsixty seventh and Mercy Road. And if
you haven't if you didn't get achance Brad to go to eleven fresh Day
last night there's more live music atSunny's, which is that airstream trailer right
next to HDR. They have cocktails, all kinds of fun treats, and
tonight starting at eight pm you canjoin. You can jam out with DJ
Skyscraper. That's one of your favorites, I think, and tomorrow will be
the very talented Chris sab from elevenam to two pm on Sunday, and
that's your real estate development spotlight,brought to you by not Companies. So
I've never heard of DJ Skyscraper,but I will recommend Lemon Fish Day.
They are fun band, no greatcover. I love them for decades,
It's been around for a long timeand they again, yeah, awesome job.
But Skyscraper fits in well with thetheme of our show, so we
like that. So go to NadelCompanies uh dot com and check out what
they can do for you. Well, Brad. One of the things I've
always admired about you and you andI have known each other for twenty something
years. We both went to WestsideHigh School. But to watch you grow
in the industry, not just workingat e NA Consulting Group and becoming a
partner there, but Brad Williams photographyand things you do for major corporations and
organizations in Omaha. Your your print, photography, your videos, your your
drone Uh no drones, No drones. Helicopter. Oh helicopter, yes you
are. You like to be inthe drone helicopter work. And but but
a couple of years ago you cameup with the Brad Williams Gromha Construction Update
brought to you by Leader Construction andsince then, if you go to Gromha
dot com and you look up theconstruction updates, you can see a great
history and see plenty of tower cranes. What's going on and what I thought
would be neat is in this segmentis to feature some of those projects.
And let's start with the feature projectby Leader Construction. Yeah. So Leader
Construction awesome local builder. They havebeen sponsoring the Gromahawk Construction Update for over
a year now in the every monthwe feature one of their projects. We've
done everything from H and H Kiaout there Steel Ridge to apartment develop on
thirty ninth and Dodge Well. Thismonth we featured they're building a brand new
facility for the Boys and Girls Clubthe Carter Lake location it's you don't see
it, but if you're at Epleyyou're real close. It's right across the
lake behind the trees. And they'rebuilding a great facility that will open this
fall. So this fall to havebefore and after school activities, and the
next summer the summer camp they havethere will also use the facility. Sounds
like a much needed facility. Theclove apartments seventy eighth and Dodge that used
to be they tore down like anold motel. I think in a village
in Hotel and a village in Yeah, it really looks neat. It's a
pretty substantial structure. Driving down Dodge. It's done really nice with breaking rock
and right next to the little firestation that's a thirty four million dollars par
four stories and then they they dokind of like a pedalestal. That's the
new thing is it's to save onyou don't have to get too much land.
If you're putting the parking underneath thewell. Not only is it save
land, but it's also an amenityto the renters that keep their car in
with when this month where we havea severe thunderstorm every other day, it's
a great, great feature to haveabsolutely keep it out of the floodplane too.
That's one hundred and seventy five units. Switching out to West Maple Road
at one hundred and eighty third andBig Elk Parkway, you see this red
structure, this this big steel structure, big piece of land, Saint Patrick's
Catholic Church. That seems like quitea project. Yeah, So their current
locations on two and fourth in Maple, and there's outgrowing the facility and so
they're building. They don't their landlockedthere, they don't have any more room.
They're building this new church in ParishHall on it's like one hundred and
eighty six and Maple. It's calledBig Elk Parkway, but basically it's one
hundred and eighty six street. TheCostco there's been a lot of rumors that
Sam's was going to go out there. I'm not sure they're going out there,
and last I heard they're not,but it makes sense for them to
try to compete. Costco at onehundred and eightieth and West Maple Road looks
like it's enclosed and it's really goingfast. I think that's opening up in
like July, isn't it. Yeah, it's ondnnounced it on their website the
exact opening time. But you knowthose warehouse once they get them enclosed,
you know, there's not a lotof interior finishes that need to be done,
so they go pretty quick. Sothat's our third costco in Omaha.
And then back to Dodge Street BankersTrust Company. Sam Mosser who runs that
bank one hundred ninety second in WestDodge Road on the southwest corner. It's
an Iowa based bank. It's beenin Omaha rover fifteen years. Tell us
about that facility. Well, yeah, thanks for getting me the information from
them. I have a little bitof problem finding. A lot of times
I find information pretty easily on theseprojects, but that one was a little
tricky. But they were very niceand provide us with information. They,
like you said, have been inOmaha for fifteen years. I didn't know
that. But they have an officeout there at the first National Business Park
one hundred and forty fourth in Dodgeand this will be their first full service
retail location with all the typical bankingfeatures. Tellers drive through lanes ATMs and
that's right right by that MD onein that Avenue one district, right there
on one hundred and ninety second headingeast on Dodge. There's a lot of
talk about this. But over byShields Cheddars, there's a Cheddars at l
Street marketplace that's been there probably forten years or so. And Cheddar's builds
a really nice building and they havepretty good average food as far as I'm
concerned. But tell us about that. It's just like you said, in
Shields parking lot, just straight northof the movie theater or straight east of
Firebirds second location. I don't knowtoo much to say about it other than
it's a popular restaurant. It's verypopular. I go to Firebirds all the
time, but I know a lotof people go to Cheddars. They probably
won't be one of my sponsors fora while, but it'll be a nice
facility. One project that we geta lot of calls on. Over at
Hartwood Preserve, the old Boystown property, there's this massive it's actually one hundred
and forty fourth in Dewey you cover. It's a giant concrete structure. People
want to know if it's if it'sthe military, or what's going on over
there. So the part they're buildingnow is a five story parking garage,
and it actually the parking garage youwon't see when the project is done because
the apartment building will then be builtaround the outside of the parking garage,
hiding it in the middle. It'svery similar to what Broadmoor did on the
south side of Center, just eastof Xarbont Village. That the one thing
that they did say is this location, besides having a lot of similar features,
will have more amenities than the exarbonthe Yeah, Broadmore doesn't build an
excellent project. They've got thousands ofthousand apartments. They've been in Omaha for
decades and they always do a greatjob. The last project I want to
touch on before the break is seventysecond Dodge. That structure, you know,
the topping off ceremony we talked aboutlast week. Omaha Central Library give
us an update on that. Sowhat I said in the video is that
the building the renderings looked neat youknow, it looked like a neat cool
library. But when you drive bythat in person, that building is so
much bigger than I ever pictured fromseeing those renderings. Everybody says that it
is huge. Now I'm excited tosee that it's gonna be more than books
obviously, and it's gonna be avery interactive and I think it'll be a
great social meeting spot. And kudosto all the stakeholders on that. Well,
it's time to take our final break. When we come back, we
are going to have the Lightning Roundsponsored by Perkins Kratzer Construction. And you're
listening to Brad Williams and Trenton Maggot. We'll be right back in a few
minutes right here on KFAB eleven tenEmery Songer, I love it, Emory
when you get wound two to sixon news Radio eleven ten KFAB and welcome
back to the Groma Show. Iam Trenton Maggot joined by Brad Williams and
Jeff Beals will join us again nextweek. He is at his son's graduation.
Congratulations once once again. Jack.We talked to about the Brad Williams
Gromaha construction video. You can seethose right at Gromaha dot com. Just
go to the construction videos and you'llsee all the action packed and you can
go and see a few years ofthose. So figure out what's going on
in Omaha. It is time forthe Lightning Round, brought you by Perkins
Chrisler Construction Perkins Chrisler Construction. Youcan see them at pcconstruction dot com.
David Chrisler does an amazing job ofrunning that organizations. It is a full
service class a general contractor based herein Omaha that serves Omaha, Lincoln,
Council Bluffs and numerous cities around here. They have experienced construction team of project
managers, project administrator, superintendent's carpenterslabors, many of their thirty over with
over thirty years of experience in theindustry. If you want to see whether
it's retail, education, religious,industrial, financial, restaurants. You can
see a lot of their work atthe newly envisioned Miracle Hills shopping center on
the west side of one hundred andfourteenth north of Dostria. Really have you
seen that lately? They really cleanedthat up. Yeah, it's after sitting
vaking for so long. It reallylooks great. And can't wait see why
they're going to do the Boston Marketbuilding. You got FedEx over there and
I met with them and they saidthey have a great idea or a great
lead or something, but they couldn'ttell me any information. So that's all
right, but they've definitely cleaned upthe neighborhood and that was a long time
coming. So thank you to PerkinsChristler Construction. And this is your lightning
round. Well, if you everwondered what to do with a basement at
if you're in Dundee forty nine seventeenUnderwood Avenue, next to Good Looking,
there's a strip center and Duck DuckBottle Shop, a combination bottle shop,
a bookstore, an outdoor bar iscoming soon to Dundee. The shop will
host a handful of spirits and nonalcoholic botanicals. I don't know you could
drink those, amongst books and otherideas, all on a rotating many of
cocktails that can be enjoyed in thebackyard. So check them out. Have
you ever heard of Foling Warehouse FolingWarehouse, We've talked about it for a
few years. There's a friend ofours that that bought a franchise. It
is a fifty thousand square foot space. Falling rhymes with bowling. It's a
mashup between football and bowling. Itis scheduled to open in mid July,
just two blocks north of fiftieth andfort Street. The space will have thirty
lanes of foling, two full bars, and meeting space. The Fulling Warehouse
can accommodate individuals, families, companies, outings in large events. Our friend
Mark Wolf, we wish him thebest of luck on Omaha's first Fulling Warehouse.
Now, I've seen every sport andevery entertainment known to man offered in
Omaha. It's really cool. ButI mean, you go to some of
these places and they're a lot offun, and families and kids love them,
and you know, like for workoutings, they're a lot of fun to
do different things too. You know, I've always said we need more coffee
shops, and we need more coffeeshop chains. Moon Hollow Coffee has officially
opened an Omaha location at fifty onezero two North one hundred and fifty sixth
Street near Fort the coffee lounge drivethrough. Existing location is in Blair at
one four zero six Washington Street.Are you a fan of Wallburgers. I've
never had a Wallburger. I likehim in Las Vegas, especially after a
night of drinking, or at leastpeople around here drinking. They've officially opened.
I've never had a beer with Brad. Well, maybe I have Wahlberg
has officially opened inside the high Veat thirty four to ten North fifty and
fifty sixth Street, near a CrumbleCookie and Smoking goat. The fast casual
chain now has seven Omaha locations inhigh Ve's. I've been to the one
at the world's largest high Ve outon out On one hundred and ninety second
and Highway through seventy. There's soonto be one coming to the one at
one hundred and thirty second and Dodgeas well well. The second location of
Charred Berger has officially opened at SouthportOver right across the street where Smash Park
is going and Charge does a greatjob. It'll be opened that Strip center
right next to right next to andExpress and Jersey Mikes, Yep and Yep
and Starbucks and all of those.Let's pick one more Westwood Plaza. Vive
Le Rock, the latest tenant inWestwood Plaza opened. It is described as
a rock themed lounge offering your favoritecocktails in a rotastic atmosphere. So we
have to check that out. Yeah, that sounds like fun too, well,
Brad, I want to thank you, and I want to thank Mark
Bouder for being on the show todayand you're listening to Brad Williams, Trenton
Maggot on grow Omaha. We'll seeyou next week.