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July 14, 2024 • 37 mins
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Episode Transcript

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This is Grow Omaha, the onlyradio show that talks about economic development,
construction, business expansion, and allof those things that make Omaha a great
place to live or visit. GrowOmaha on News Radio eleven ten. Kfab
Well, good morning and welcome tothe show. Jeff Meals here at your
service. Glad you've joined us.This is the only show in the metro

area that talks about the growth anddevelopment of your favorite Citi Big thank you
to Dingman's Collision Center and Cheer Athletics. They are the title sponsors of the
program and make the next hour offun and enjoyment possible for you. Now,
without any further ado, it istime to bring on my co host,
a legendary real estate deal maker andall around good guy, Trenton Bradley

Maggott. Good morning everyone, Thankyou, Jeffrey, Stephen bill Well,
thank you, and Trenton. Ilearned a little something about you last night.
I want to share with kfab Nations. All Right, So my wife
Stephanie and I went out to adelicious dinner at Kandara. Canara is the
outstanding outstanding Indian restaurant in Regency Court. Nice owners, Yeah, Ashish and

I can't remember his wife's name,but at any rate, we were having
dinner love Kanara. I've only beenthere a couple few times, but every
time has been awesome. And thenall of a sudden, the owner shows
up at our table and he thanksus for being there, and he looks
at me and he says, hey, are you the grow Omaha guy?
So, yeah, that's me,and he said, your partners here all

the time. We love him.So apparently, Ladies and gentlemen, our
friend Trenton likes to eat Indian foodat Knara. I do like the restaurant.
I've only been there a handful oftimes, but he's a very nice
guy and I seem to make animpression. Yes, you do make an
impression. Anyway, that was agood place. And since we don't have
a gro Omha Eats restaurant review thisweek, that's the closest you're going to

get, ladies and gentlemen. Butwe want to bring on a voice and
a name that you know. Itis Brad Williams from E and A Consulting
and the proprietor of Brad Williams Photography, and we like to call him our
frequent radio contributor Brad, Good morning, welcome back, Hey, good morning
guys, thanks for having me.And he is also the host of the

Beers with Brad podcast. Right yeah, I just had a new one this
week where I went over my twentytwo favorite cauld World series photos. I
saw that. I saw that oneand you're drinking beer, right yeah,
well a beer, but each timefeatures a beer. Future A lot of
times I do local pick a localbrewery and pick a local beer and talk

about photography. I have a beer, and this this one got a little
long. You know, I wasgoing to do my top ten photos and
the next thing you know, Ihad twenty two in my folder. And
so you drink a tall boys,what you're saying it was? It was
tall. When people ask me whatmy favorite drink is, I usually say
the seventh one. And with that, we want to we want to make
an official announcement. So Trent andI have been kind of talking a little

bit about this the last few weeks. We've been kind of teasing it,
if you will. We've said afew things on social media and a lot
of you have figured this out,but we want to say it for official
purposes. Groamha now offers daily newson the gromha dot com website, and

so we encourage all of you tocheck it every day, especially every business
day. We'll drop a little biton there on the weekends, but every
business day we have new news onthe site. So you go to grow
Omaha dot com and boom, it'sright there on the front page. You're
going to see when you first goto the page. There are news briefs,

which are just quick, little oneparagraph news stories. We post a
couple of those a day, andthen to the right of that, at
least if you're on the computer screen, we have the featured project of the
day. We have a construction projectthat we have on there each business day,
and then below that we've got storiesthat go into a little more depth
when it comes to Omaha growth,development and business stories. We also have

an ongoing list of new restaurants andretailers. We have transportation articles written by
Eric Miller. We're partnering with aGreat Omaha Chamber and Visit Omaha, which
is the Convention of Visitors Bureau herein town, so we're providing with a
lot of content and we are evenworking on a series of very useful lists.

We're gonna have restaurant lists and retaillists that are coming soon. Those
will be on there eventually, butalready lots of news. So we would
encourage you to make it a dailyhabit. Go to grow Omaha dot com
every morning. Like maybe you're aWall Street journal guy, or maybe you're
a New York Times gal, ormaybe you check your favorite sports team or

Omaha dot com or one of theTV or radio stations. While you're doing
that, add it to your list. Grow Omaha dot com New news every
business day. So it's the catch, Jeff, There is no catch because
it doesn't cost you a thing.It's the same price as the weekly market
report or like they say, likethey say on some of those TV commercials,
there's no risk. Absolutely your moneyback, their money back. If

you don't like it, it's yourmoney back. But it's f far doub
free. And this is something thatyou created and then I inspired afterwards and
if that makes sense, and it'sreally expanded into retroactive retroactive inspiration, the
source for Omaha Business news, economicdevelopment News, Transportation Development Planning Board.

And what's nice about it is we'resaving force because so many people look at
this. Could you imagine the amountof copies that people get. Over twenty
thousand people printed it. Yeah,every Thursday afternoon. All you do is
go to gromha dot com, goto the weekly Market Report, sign up
for that, and while you're there, you're going to see our news feed

and it is brief and informative andyou're going to be in the know.
Okay, yeah, And so justto clarify something Trenton said there, he
talked about the Market Report, thenewsletter that twenty one thousand of you subscribe
to that stays, that keeps comingout every Thursday afternoon, is not affected
by this. This is an additionalnews service that is available to you on

grow Omaha dot com. And thankyou to all of our sponsors on all
forms of GROMA media that make thispossible. And with that, speaking of
sponsors, we want to go intoour Eagle Mortgage News of the Week,
which is brought to you by wellit's Ego Mortgage because it's called the Eagle
Mortgage News of the Week. Youcan find them in person at their office
hundred and fourteenth and Davenport, oronline Eagle Mortgage Company dot com. It

doesn't matter what kind of loan you'relooking for. The main thing is if
you want to get a new oryour own piece of the American dream,
you probably need a loan and theywill do that for you. Sit down
with them before you start the homebuying process, talk about your options,
get a preapproval letter from Eagle Mortgage, and then go out and start searching.

If you already have a house inmind, that's fine, it's not
too late. Just give Eagle Mortgagea call right away on Monday and they'll
get you started. They'll help youfly through the process. Eagle Mortgage Company
dot com. Okay. A couplenews items Trenton and brad. The first
one is the final City of Omahaprogram created with federal Pandemic Recovery funds is

going before the City council next week. The city is setting aside two million
dollars in ARPA money American Rescue PlanAct that will go towards safety, security,
and improvements of qualifying business improvement districts. Now. These bids are places
where are in town where property ownershave come together making contributions to kind of

improve the place, improve the city, improve the area. We have seven
bids that applied for and qualified toreceive these funds. Benson Blackstone, Downtown,
Dundee, Nor twenty fourth Street,North Saddle Creek, and South Omaha.
A couple quick highlights. What arethese bids, Missiness Improvement District's going
to do with their share of thetwo million dollars. Benson going to install

some pedestrian safety features Blackstone ballards andlighting in an alley Downtown. They're going
to improve lighting in the old marketDundee. Concrete sidewalk repairs. I'm a
big fan of concrete repairs right now. That's a very important issue in our
town. A North twenty fourth Streetinstall permanent pedestrian lighting on twenty four Street

between Pinkney and Ohio Streets. SaddleCreek is that new Business Improvement District they're
going to work on pedestrian lighting,and then South Omaha also lighting pedestrian lighting,
permanent lighting inside the area. Sonot the sexiest development news, but
important and it makes our city saferand better and happier. And the other

thing I want to mention, whichis also related to some organizations getting money.
We have three development projects tractions ifyou will, that are under development
in the Omaha metro area that arereceiving additional funding through the State of Nebraska's
shovel Ready program. This is alsomoney that was from the arp ACT and

looks like we've got about two milliondollars each going to Omaha Performing Arts to
help them finish the downtown t NascaCenter for Arts Engagement, which is under
construction, one hundred and eight milliondollar project on the east side of Holland
Performing Arts Center. Jaws Led ArtMuseum in September is opening. It's one
hundred million dollars forty two thousand squarefoot edition, which we'll have contemporary art

that's getting really close. They're gettingsome of this money. And then the
other recipient is Elkorn Athletic Association.They recently opened the Interstate Bank Sportsplex and
Valley. It's on the north sideof Highway to seventy five, big youth
sports complex. They're going to makeit even bigger. Already it's one hundred
and twenty eight or complex. They'regoing to add some more ball diamonds and

fields and this sort of thing.So good uses that will continue to improve
and a lot of these things bringingout a town money. Yeah, and
I like it because everything you justmentioned are public venues, public spaces,
not private companies that are getting incentivesor getting tax and crip financing and things

like that. And then, Brad, I want to get your take on
this. The City of Omaha anddevelopers this week celebrated the groundbreaking of Phase
one for the south Side Terrace redevelopmentproject. That's a public housing project located
generally by twenty eighth and W Streetsin South Omaha. Thirty five million dollars

first phase consists of a four story, ninety two unit apartment building which will
replace two smaller multifamily units in thatarea. A lot of these units will
be reserved for previous tenants of SouthsideTerrace, but there'll be a new additional
ones coming as well. But here'sthe cool thing. Another six phases in

addition to this first phase in progressthat will add hundreds of mixed use income
apartments, more retail, commercial communityspace. Brad, that'll change the south
Side. Yeah, I mean thishas been a long time coming. I've
been talking about it for years now, and I can only picture it's going
to be eventually like the Highlander upon the north side of downtown, which
was a very similar public housing complexback in the late nineties when it closed

up. So great things for SouthOmaha. I think it's going to do
wonders for that neighborhood, a lotof progress in East Omaha, which is
desperately needed. Well, with that, we're going to wrap up our news
of the week by Egle Mortgage EgoMortgage Company dot com. If you want
to get a hold of them,and we have an announcement to make,
it's the Call in Show. Wedo this few times a year, four

to six times a year, inwhich we allow people to call in.
If so you have a question onyour mind about anything related to Omaha growth
and development, we'll take a stabat it. The number is four oh
two five five eight eleven ten.Four oh two, five five eight eleven
ten. Pick up the phone,give us a call. Perhaps you're driving
by some project and it's under constructionand you're thinking, what is that.

We'll call the Grow Omaha guys.We'll take our best, Uh, we'll
take our best attempt at it.And don't wait till the end of the
show. We always get all jammedup at the end with questions we have
up up front, up front,Yeah, jam us now all right,
four oh two, five, five, eight, eleven ten. The phones
are open. We're waiting for youto call and we'll we'll be curious to
hear what is on your mind.You're listening to Jeff Beals, Trenton Maggot,

and Brad Williams on Grow Omaha,brought to you by Cheer Athletics and
Dingman's Collision Center on News Radio eleventen. Kfab Hey, and welcome back
to the show. Jeff Dials,Trenton Maggot, and Brad Williams at your
service. Were brought to you byDingman's Collision Center and Cheer Athletics. You

just heard the voice from Cheer Athleticsjust a moment ago. But we cannot
say enough about the quality work thatCheer Athletics does for the youth of Omaha
and really the youth of America,because they they have other locations and other
major markets. The Omaha location isright at the just southwest of Highways fifty
and three seventy in Papillion, anda great chance for your kids to compete

in many cases at the very veryhighest levels. Cheer Athletics is the Cadillac
brand in the all Star cheer world, which is becoming every year a bigger
and bigger sport for kids to participatein. You can find out more at
Caomaha dot com. It is thequarterly call in show. We've got three
people in the docket right now ifyou want to join them. The number

is four two five five to eleventen four oh two five five eight,
And first up is Mike with aquestion about something going on on West Maple
Road. Good morning, Mike,Good morning. I understand Fleet and Farm
is supposed to be putting in theirfirst Omaha location out near the New Costco
and I wondered when if you knewthat that was going to actually start taking

shape. Yeah, you know,this is a very popular question. We
get asked about it all the time. They bought that ground several years ago.
Now I just looked it up becausewe got that question just two days
ago. Probably they still on theground, but there they don't have any
building permits yet, so I stillbelieve it's coming. I've never heard anything

different, but there's nothing. There'snot been any action anytime, sitting without
a building permit. And interestingly,they also own a site northwest of one
hundred and ninety second in Highway threeseventy and there's a local developer that is
in charge of those, and Idon't know why they're waiting. So other
question is which one are they gonnabuild first or are they going to build

them at the same time. Well, and the one that is planned for
the West Maple Corridor. Last wechecked Machine Shed, which is a theme
restaurant out of the Quad Cities areaof Iowa, supposedly as planning. Because
they control the spot, there'll beinteresting to see if Machine Shed ends up
building. All right, well,Mike, we appreciate the call, and

let's go to Greg. Greg,you have a question about something around Warner
Park. Good morning, Greg,Hey guys, Yeah, I was kind
of curious development wise on what's thecurrent status on tenant place. It seems
like they kind of did a lotof work to get ready, like in
the last couple of years, andthen it's just sitting there. I drive

by it every day and the wayto work. And then I had one
quick comment to make I know youguys talk about it in pre patience,
but the Crossroads development that I waslooking on i Omaha forums, we've been
talking about that since twenty eleven,so I think some frustration. Possibly skepticism

is still warranted to a certain extent. Anyway, love everything you guys do,
and the construction updates from bread allright, thank you, Greg Trenton.
Why don't you tear it into thePennant place? Okay, first of
all, it's funny you call itPennant play still and that goes back a
long time. I originally had thatground listed back in the day, and
Jerry tours On of BHI owns thatproperty now right in front of the ballpark

along Highway three seventy and I believeit's now called Generations, And I've seen
a couple of iterations and site plansand things like that, but they definitely
are are developing that there's gonna besome office to the east and where the
apartments are and it'll take a littlewhile, but it's still moving forward.

A lot of the streets are inalready, which is nice. Brad,
do you have anything to add tothat one? Now? That was how
Omahaw Storm Chasers game on say,and I didn't notice all the roads were
in and open and some people wereeven parking on them already, so great.
And then the second the crossroads,Yeah, it's been a long time
since Frank Crazie bought that at agood price, and it's probably been fifteen

years or so. But I wastalking to Chip James with Lockwood this morning
actually, and pretty much all thehorizontal infrastructures done, the sewers and the
roads and the utilities and things likethat. There is a deal with Woodbury,
a group that I think they're worthabout four billion dollars out of Salt

Lake City of a very prominent multigenerational family. They've gone to the city
and gotten approvals and they've changed afew things. The city will own three
subterranean parking lots and just like they'redoing with the park Oma around the city
and all that kind of stuff.And I think we'll see more stuff coming

up next year. I know it'sa lot of consternation on people's parts about
why is it taking so long orwhatever. It's a complicated project. At
least they're doing it right. Itsat there for a long long time,
but all indications are it'll start goingvertical next year. And the Woodberry edition
is fairly recent. It was justearlier this year when that was announced that

they joined the team. Right,Yeah, absolutely, it'll be a phased
project, but you can kind ofI think that they're going to have like
apartments and condos, they'll have retailoffice and so it'll be mixed use and
it'll be vertical, which will benice and really compliment the new library.

So I understand why people have beenfrustrated with Crossroads because we have been talking
about it so long. Like Gregsaid, and I'm not saying Greg was
implying this, but a lot oftimes when we hear questions from Gromaha listeners
or subscribers, it almost sounds likethere's people think there's some sort of nefarious
lie or something that's being hidden,And I just kind of want to remind

people that we've been talking about itfor a long time, but there have
been multiple players involved, different peoplethat were involved at different times and it
didn't work. And then we haveto remember that the original person behind all
of this passed away a couple ofyears ago. And then now we have
an entire new development company coming inand we're talking about a project that is

somewhere between when it's all said anddone, five hundred million dollars and a
billion dollars. Sometimes this stuff justtakes a while and weird things can happen,
but I don't see any reason tobelieve that Crossroads won't eventually end up
a very special place. I've neverin all the twenty years I've been working

in the development world, seen someonepassing away speed up a project. It's
always put it. I mean there'sa couple others here in town to where
it's put it two three, fouryears behind. So it doesn't help at
all. Definitely a shock to asystem. With Greg, we appreciate that
call, and then we do seethat Bonnie is on the line as our
next color. Bonnie, we wouldrequest that you stay with us through our

news break. I know it's askinga lot you've been on for a while,
but Bonnie wants to talk a littlebit about Gret and his future.
You'll be our first one when wecome back. But after Bonnie, the
phones are open, so if youwant to get a call in, it's
four oh two five five eight eleventen. Four oh two, five five
eight eleven ten. We're going tobreak for the news, but you are
listening to Jeff Beal's Trenton Maggot.We're joined with our good friend and contributor

Brad Williams. And we're brought toyou by Dingman's Collision Center and Cheer Athletics
on News Radio eleven ten KFAB andwelcome back to the show, Jeff Beals,
Trenton Maggot, and Brad Williams.At your service. We're brought to
you by Cheer Athletics and Dingman's CollisionsCenter. Dingman's has four metro area locations

and doesn't matter which one you goto, they'll take very good care of
you. Dingman's is It's been ownedand operated locally since nineteen ninety six and
has been chosen as best of Omahain the auto body repair category every year
since two thousand and five. Alsodo paint and mechanical work as well.

Dingman's Collision Center. All right,ladies and gentlemen, it's time for your
Not All Companies Commercial real Estate DevelopmentSpotlight of the Week. And Not All
Companies has multiple developments around town andaround the country, but here in Omaha
they have a Sarbon Village, VillagePoint West Medical Campus, Steel Ridge in

the Papilion Gretna area, River's EdgeAccounts, plus many many others well.
One of them is the Builders District, and a lot the Builders district is
awesome. This is that area justwest of Charles schwab Field. But we've
got some news inside the Builders Districtthis week. Ellie's Chinchoro Caribbean Beast.
It's a family owned Caribbean restaurant thatclosed in February. They had been on

South thirty second Avenue by the oldLoslo Meal which is now called The Meal,
and it didn't quite work there,but they've moved to a new location.
This one is right on the northwestcorner of sixteenth and Cumming Street,
so it's close to the Tip TopBuilding, Omaha Design Center, the Keywit
Headquarters. Ellie's Chinchoro Caribbean Bistro nowopen. In fact, the grand opening

is today and we encourage you tocheck that out. It looks nice,
nice little It's a black building,really stands out and with a lot of
accent tellers part of that Builders District. It's really cool. The Pocket Park
has the big screen up now.Yeah. Ellie's is a nice, nice
addition because it took a rundown propertyand made it really really attractive right there
on an important corner. All right. That is your Nottle Company's commercial real

estate development spotlight of the Week.You can learn more about Nodle companies by
going too not All Companies dot Com. All right, Bonnie, sorry for
making you wait, but we're gladyou did. You are next on the
grom Ha Show. Okay, amI am now, yes you are?
Okay okay. First of all,kudos to grow Omaha, One of a

kind Omaha Show. Thank you,love you, love you. And secondly,
uh to hearing that Machine Sheds movingin because we take occasional field trips
to divide and we love Machine Shedthat much. Everybody in Omaha will love
Machine shed guarantee it. Yeah.Great operators, the Whalan family with Heart
Heart of America Group. They alsoown Johnny's Italian Steakhouse and Village Point.

Didn't know that, okay, okay, so that's good to know. Now.
My question along the Gretna corridor,what do you see in Brentna's future
development such as perhaps big box retailstores, targets and lumber stores such as
you know, Low's Home Depot orManards and all. So the future of
maybe a handful of sit down restaurants. Right now we have a handful of

fast food restaurants, but something morealong the line of a sit down restaurant.
I'm going to throw out a fewnames, maybe Longhorn out out that
that type of a thing. Andwould there be in all these in the
future, anything along that line.What do you here might be happening out
here. Well, there's so muchgoing on there that stuff's going to happen.

There's no way around it, youknow, with that all the land
around Fleet Farm that's getting developed rightnow, and then all this the hospital
projects. Yeah, and all thisstuff so far has been happening on the
north side of three seventy, soyou basically have the entire south side of
three seventy that has yet to bedeveloped. I don't know any specifics.
I know that there were minards didown land around by the Walmart area on

three seventy a little bit further south. I cannot can't believe there's not a
home depot or lows out in thatvicinity yet. I'm sure that that's only
a matter of time. Well,I'll tell you what. We have regular
conversations with Mike Evans. And bythe way, you have a fabulous mayor,
and Mike Evans he's the only onerunning, so it's great that he
is great, and he's very progressive, and he does something that he should

do. He does his job andthat he protects Gretna from many people that
want projects that don't make sense.And so you've heard a lot about the
Good Life District and hopefully that comesto fruition all around Nebraska Crossing. You're
going to have industrial properties over thereby Lovely Skins Warehouse, You'll have sports

related things. It'll take a while, but you're gonna I think you made
a good point that there needs tobe more upscale restaurants to complement the fast
feeders. Jeff Well, I wouldjust say I agree with these guys.
You ain't seen nothing yet. Youknow, someday Greta will have tens of
thousands of people and every retailer youcan possibly imagine, and that day is

not all that far away. Ialso see downtown Gretna has some real potential
to have kind of grown and expandeda little bit, being more of a
Blackstone or Dundee type area. Yeah, and none of that even takes into
consideration all of the significant growth thatwe expect to happen in and around the
Nebraska Crossing area by Interstate eighty.Well, Bonnie, we appreciate the call,

appreciate you waiting as long as youdid. And Chuck, you are
the next caller on GROMA. Goodmorning, Chuck, Good morning guys.
Hey, I just got a question. I want to drive all around what'll
be Omaha Counse Bluffs for Gretna andyou see new construction site starting up,
But a lot of times you don'tsee signs of coming soon Longhorn or home

of whatever. Is your reason whythat doesn't happen on the time, Well,
a lot of times the infrastructure goesin ahead of all that, and
when those sites actually get sold andthe deals finalized, then you will see
a coming soon sign. But alot of times that's you know too,
maybe eighteen months at a quick paceafter the construction started. The other thing

is some of these businesses that aregoing in the buildings under construction want to
keep their powder dry for a while. A lot of times they're trying to
wait for a big announcement and theydon't want it all over the place.
Then of course we at gro Omahacome around, find it out and wreck
it. But a lot of themwant to wait for grand announcements and they

kind of keep some of that quiet, and then I think sometimes people just
don't even think of it. Theyjust they're focused on getting the building up
and they just don't even think aboutthat marketing aspect. And a lot of
times on retail especially, it's reallyhard to pinpoint an opening date and they
don't want to overpromise under deliver,so they don't promote it until they know

that they have a hard date.And so everybody's a little bit different.
And we've been told withholds some informationsometimes and usually we do if we like
those people. And with that chuck, we really appreciate that call. We're
going to squeeze in one more callin the next two minutes, and that
means the last caller on girl Omahatoday is Jan with a question about Miracle

Hills. Good morning, Jan,Good morning. When we're wondering they have
redone this shopping area and it's sopretty, but we have no idea if
there's any retail or what's going innow. Well, Jan, glad you

asked, and I have to tellyou you just scooped the Perkins Chritzer construction
lightning round. But since you broughtit up, I will mention what we're
talking about Perkins. Chrischer Construction isthe firm that is has been building that
brand new property or the brand newlyrenovated property there at Miracle Hills. I've

been building it for Perkins Properties.But at any rate, we had a
University of Nebraska Medical Center project goinginto that area that's already open. But
the big news is, let's let'swait till after the break. Well,
I'm gonna answer a question. Well, she'll stay up. We got other
stuff we got We've got there's alwaysplenty of them. We've got a big

stuff for the lightning round. Yeah. So I mean I told you.
I told her Shardy scooped it,so I got to give her the answer.
Okay. Funny Bone Comedy Club ismoving from Village Point shopping Center and
they're going to go into a sixteenthousand square foot space in the west side

of one hundred and fourteenth Street MiracleHills. They're going to be joined by
a newish concept called Draftcade as draftas in Beercade as an arcade draft Kade.
They have locations already in Kansas City, Richmond, Virginia, and Toledo,
Ohio, and they will kind ofco locate with Funnybone. They won't
open until into twenty five, soI believe June of twenty twenty five,

so it will have to wait alittle bit untill they build it out.
If you can remember what used tobe in that Miraclehill Center, they're going
to take a former space that whoHot Restaurant was in, plus I think
some other space. Now they areworking on making some announcements soon about something
that will go into the former BostonMarket space, and they're also working with

a couple other tenants that I'm toldwe're going to be excited about, but
Funnybone Comedy Club is the first one. All right, So Jan, we're
glad you asked and appreciate you listening, and we appreciate everyone who called in.
Today. We are going to takeour final break of the hour,
and when we come back, weare going to have lots of things on
the Perkins Chritsler construction lightning rounds.So don't worry, sorry that we already

divulged Funnybone. There's more excitement yetto come. You are listening to Jeff
Beal's, Trenton Maggott and Brad Williamson grow Omaha brought to you by Dingman's
Collision Center and Cheer Athletics on NewsRadio eleven ten kfab and welcome back to
the show. It is time foryour Perkins Chritzer Construction Lightning Round in which
we talk about a lot of thingson a little bit of time, and

we want to thank Perkins Krits arefor making this possible. That is a
full service class a general contractor.We just told you they are going to
be the ones building out the newFunny Bone and Draft Caid space in Miracle
Hills. Shoot. They built outthe entire Miracle Hills renovation project, but
they do so much more. Alot of times we talk about some of

the restaurants they've built here because ifyou haven't noticed, Trent and I have
a little bit of a food addiction. I think Brad's kind of got a
little bit of the same problem.We know Chris Corey who does our restaurant
reviews, He's got a serious foodaddiction. So we appreciate all of the
restaurant that Perkins Chreizer Construction has built. We all fed our food addiction on

the way here this morning. SaddleCreek Breakfast Club in the Countryside this morning,
Yeah seven in the morning, therewas a wait out out the door
and there you had Jeff Beal's,Trent Maggot, Brad Williams, and Chris
Corey, the four of us sittingon bar seats because we couldn't get a
table and was totally worth it.Yes, man, that food is amazing
and they're not even paying us tosay this. All right, into the

Perkins Chritzer construction lightning round. Let'sget into it. Big big news that
we announced this week. We justput it up on our new website as
a construction project and everyone got reallyexcited about it. But construction is underway
for Cone Flower Creamery's future West Omahalocation in downtown Elkhorn, right on Main

Street, across the street from Boydand Charlie's. Opening expected sometime at twenty
twenty five. They're still putting upthe walls. But this was if you're
familiar with downtown elcorn there was alittle cavity in the downtown where there was
no building and basically this is adental filling for the cavity. And everyone
loves Cone Flower Creamery. You know, another concept that everyone loves in town

is He's Pizzazz. He started outas a food truck actually a food bus
and wildly popular. They moved Omahafrom Las Vegas for personal family reasons and
brought the food bus with them,and then they opened up earlier this year
a first bricks and mortar location ontwenty four Street Downtown. They're going to

put a second one inside Prehistoric Putt. Prehistoric Putt one of those themed indoor
miniature golf places. It's going intothe former Knobby's store and Bellar Plaza and
for you really old time Omahon's theformer Food City grocery store. If you're
old enough to remember that when Iwas a kid, you did because it's

a city food Oh okay, anyway, so Izzy's is going to go in
with Prehistoric Putt. Now. Thecool thing about pre Historic Putt that's the
same owner who has Fat Putter Downtownand is putting in Capital Arcade also at
tenth and Dodge in that area.Good guy. And he's in other cities
as well, doing a couple ofdes Moines. I think he's got one

on Lincoln. Is there one kCity too that I don't know, but
it's a great concept, and Iknow Fat Putter Downtown has been a home
run not to mix my sports metaphors. Brad David Terbach, owner of Yoshitomo
and Kogi, is taking over SakuraBana at seventy fourth and Dodge. That's
a big deal in the Omaha restaurantworld. Yeah, that's uh. I

was excited to see that. Youknow, the old time restaurants around here,
A lot of times they seem tofade away, and it's great to
see some new young energy helping theowner out so he can retire. And
that goes back to sushi intro buttI mean sushishiban for the end slip in
the old I Hoop on the cornerof eighty fourth and Tang Road. Yeah,

this sushi tastes like pancakes and keepingwith the sushi theme, Ajisai Sushi,
a new Japanese restaurant that offers allyou can eat sushi, has signage
up in the former Best Bison restaurantspace near seventy eighth and Dodge. Official
opening date has not yet been announced. And whoever thought of this as Genius

packs popcorn and Cocktails has officially openedin the Old Market eleven eighteen Howard Street,
in the place of the previous tenantwhich was the Table Coffee Company before
Table Coffee Company moved a few doorsto the west into the old Stokes Bay
on the corner. So this that'skind of confusing. So Table Coffee Stokes
went out of business, the oldMarket Table Coffee Company moved to Stokes now

packs popcorn and cocktails. They servegourmet popcorn with premium cocktails. I'm in
Is Table Coffee still there? Yeah? I just said they moved to Uh
really that was the confusing thing.Oh, they moved to the former Stokes
Keep up on the old market musicalchairs. Who's on first? All right?
Nordstrom grand opening date? We haveit October twenty fourth and Village Point,

I think, and people might lineup just like they did for the
Costco yesterday at one hundred and eight. Yes, Dunkin Donuts going into an
end cap space at a strip centernortheast corner of one hundred and fifty sixth
and Ida. And for all youTesla drivers, Tesla is relocating its Council
Bluffs leasing and service center later thismonth. It's currently located near the Mall

of the Bluffs. The new locationwill be just northwest of the Mid America
Center. It's beautiful facility. Yeah, right there by Interstate twenty nine.
And I eighty wantan Joe's closing itsfood truck a bit of a surprise that
was very popular. Little Caesar's newlocation going in close to Indian Creek Golf

Club in northwest Omaha elk Corn area. And I think that's it. I
think that's it. We got throughthe end. We never get through the
entire list iterative. First, I'mwaiting for the Jocelyn do open the music
September tenth. The music is playing, which means that we're done. Brad
Williams. Always good to have youwith us, Okay, it's always great
being here. That's Brad Williams ofBrad Williams Photography and E and A Consulting.

In the meantime, I'm Jeff Beilsand I'm Trenton Maggot. You've been
listening to Grow Omaha, brought toyou by Dingman's Collision Center, Chair Athletics
and Perkins Chritzer Construction. We'll chatwith you next week right here on news
Radio eleven ten KFAB
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