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August 7, 2024 6 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome Abby Barmore a program for a few minutes. Susker
online dot com our Husker volleyball insider Abby.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Good morning, Good morning, guy.

Speaker 1 (00:12):
Good you're in the Chicago for Big Ten Volleyball media days.
Everybody's in love with Nebraska volleyball number one again right.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Yes, they were a pick number one for the preseason pull,
so there will be another fun and intent. You're in
Nebraska volleyball like always, does.

Speaker 1 (00:32):
This new cadre of teams coming in from the West
Coast alder the picture at all? The Big ten's known
as the best volleyball conference to begin with. Does this
enhance it? These West Coast schools?

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Yes, they've gotten even better somehow. So they're going to
bring some hardcore competition and a lot of travel for
all the teams. You know, some of them have to
go coast to coast now, so it's going to be
really interesting just the time change and stuff like that.
But all four of them are really strong volleyball programs

and different kind of styles play to the Big Ten
a little bit faster with you know, less physical teams
because the Big Times really physical, like Nebraska Wisconsin. So
it's going to be very different but it is going
to be really interesting this year just to see how everyone,
you know, kind of adjust to each other and how things.

Speaker 1 (01:28):
Work out Wisconsin. You mentioned Wisconsin has kind of been
the mobi Dick for Nebraska. You know, it's kind of
been the white whale, and I don't know if part
of that is psychological, but these are obviously two great programs.
How does Wisconsin stack up, do you believe this year
versus Nebraska?

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Yeah, it's it's always interesting every year. I mean, both
teams are returning a lot, but Nebraska's turning all six
of their starters and lay Choy as their defensive specialists,
so they're really stacked, and they added a couple of transfers,
but you know, Wisconsin added a lot back to if
Sarah Franklin is the inner Shrek Carter Booth, all three

of those ladies were selected on the Big Ten Allson
All preseason team, So it'll just be really interesting. And
then also Wisconsin, they both of their setters have graduated,
so are they going to stick stick with that six two?
Are they going to go to the five to one?
It just depends on how well the setters can you know,
sync up and if they have like similar styles that

work out for that six two, But as always, they
have a lot of hitters that they like to get
on the court, and I don't.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
Blame them now, Abby.

Speaker 3 (02:46):
I think it was a little bit of a shock
that John Cook did not arrive at the Big ten
Conference Media Day press conference riding a horse or at
the very least a ten gallon cowboy hat. He talked
about how he preferred the Burwell Rodeo than the United
States Olympic Volleyball team in Paris. He's been a plenty

of Olympics games. It's not that big a deal. But
what's the reaction to this trans cowboy?

Speaker 2 (03:14):
Yeah, I think people interast will love it, and there's
a lot of cowboys and a lot of cowgirls here.
But I think it's great that John has found something
that he loves to do outside of volleyball. That's probably
going to be his number one retirement thing whenever he
gets there. Whenever he gets there, So I think it's
fun and it's also fun at Big ten media Day

that something light to talk about. And besides volleyball, we
all talking love cousing volleyball, but son to talk hobbies
as well, and you know, the Burwell Rodeo. He's the
grand master, so it's a pretty big deal.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
It is. Now happy before we go here. Rosie brought
up a good point earlier. You know, Sean is our
Husker Info strong man, and so we need to have
a title for you. And I don't know if strong
woman is right, Rosie? What were you suggesting?

Speaker 3 (04:10):
Fabe Husker Volleyball Info wonder woman?

Speaker 1 (04:12):
How about that? Abby? You like that one?

Speaker 2 (04:14):
Oh? That is incredible. It's it's slightly long, so maybe
we need like an acronym or something, but I love it,
wonder woman.

Speaker 3 (04:24):
I'm so in Well, it's a brand that you'll never
be able to shake, so you better wrap your.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
Arms around well. Abby, thanks always good to have you.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
I appreciate it right, Thank you guys.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
YEP, Safe travels back from Chicago Big ten Volleyball Media Days.
That is Abby Barmore eight forty one, Now News Radio
eleven ten KFA B. Yeah. What did they get? Abby?
Are you still there? Yes? When do they get When
do they start? When do they get cracked up? When
does the season start?

Speaker 2 (04:52):
So the Red White scrimmage is on the twenty fourth,
and then their first game is in Louisville, against Kentucky
on the twenty seventh are the.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
Other Do you ever hear from these other players from
these other schools about what it's like coming to Nebraska?
But I don't think there's another place like this. Is
there for volleyball they have a big, huge arena like
that and fill it up.

Speaker 2 (05:21):
I mean Wisconsin they fill it their arena, but it's smaller,
so it's definitely different. A lot of schools have past arenas,
but most of them are smaller than Nebraska's. But a
lot of the players, do you know, they talk about
just the intensity of it all, and also like the
new teams that are coming in. A couple of people
ask them about just playing out and sold out arenas

going from the Pact twelve. So that is going to
be something that is really interesting to see how they
adjust to that, going from you know, not very full
stadiums to the fullest that it gets.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
Yeah. I remember when Nebraska played Creighton at CHI which
I guess it was Central Central like Center then that
was an amazing experience. I mean that's a big that's
a big time arena. Well, and the place was jumping,
I mean it was packed. We'll imagine playing in front

of ninety two thousand. Yeah, well, yeah, of course that
was incredible. Abby. Thanks Abby Barmore, huscar online dot com.
Volleyball about to begin for Nebraska
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