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July 15, 2024 7 mins
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We're joined now for a few minutesby Nebraska US Senator Pete Record. Senator,
good morning, go to have youon, Wornie, Thanks for having
me on this morning. Bet horribleweekend. How likely do you think it
is that even with all of thequestions and some of the fever swamp theories
that are out there, how likelyis it do you think that what we're
looking at here is just a massivelyincompetent federal agency and owned as the Secret

Service. Well, first of all, I'm incredibly grateful that President Trump is
safe and recovering, and my condolenceof this is and I go to the
family of retired par Chief Corey Comparatory, who you know, just buy the
shields, loved ones. And ofcourse the other people were injured, were
praying for their recovery. And youknow, juans Here was right, there's

no place for political violence. Infact, it's anti America, this kind
of political violence. And to yourpoint about how could this possibly have happened
is just really incredible fact to havea full investigation to what has happened here.
This last night, I sent offa letter to the Department of Homeland

Security Secretary Alejandro Majorcis and the Directorof the Secret Service, Complete Chettle,
asking these types of questions, Transparencybrings accountability. We need to know whether
the Secret Service and Homeland Security newsor threats beforehand, whether anybody raised concerns
about the building and where the shooterwas located. Whether we need to know

whether it's true or not that lawenforcement was notified there was somebody climbing up
that roof, and whether or notlaw enforcement asked for permission to take the
shooter out and were denied. Thosewere some of the news reports out there.
And I think I will give youI can guarantee you I am not
the only person asking these questions.There will be a number of my colleagues

in the Senate and in the Housewill be demanding these answers from Mariorcis and
Chetl, and we are not goingto give up on this. It really
just seems competent that they could haveallowed a building so close to the President
to be completely vacant and to allowsomebody to climb up there in plain sight,
and news reports are that people sawhim climbing up and then not to

do anything about it. Do youreally think a Senator Ricketts well, I
guess maybe the better question is howmuch pressure can you put on these people?
Because it's an executive branch, it'snot a congressional issue. It's under
the purview of the executive branch,and in particular, the Department of Homeland
Security has been since two thousand andthree, used to be under the ATF.

What can you guys do You guyscan't fire anybody, Well, we
certainly can't fire anybody from the legislativebranch, but we can continue to use
the power of the bully pulpit todemand answers and keep this front and center
in the news because we have tohave manser. This is the first assassination
attempt of one of our presidents inover forty years, and the fact that

it came so close to being successfulis just unbelievable, especially what it looks
like. This was something that onthe plane face it should have been prevented
in the first place. So Iknow my colleagues and I will be continuing
to put pressure on my Yorcis withregard to this. Uh. You know,
last time around, my Yorcus uhyou know, was impeached. He

didn't get sure, wouldn't allow usto get a vote on it in this
US set up. But this isso so egregious with regard to the safety
of President Trump that I know Republicanswill not give up on this, and
this will be something that we'll behearing about till we get answers about it.
And frankly, I just can't imaginethe administration is going to want this
kind of distraction in the midst ofa presidential campaign. Yeah, there should

be no partisan divide on this issue. I mean you you should have every
republic On, every Democrat demanding Ithink this woman needs to resign. This
is the This is an outrageous breachof security and I don't want I don't
want to even go where some peopleare going, Wow, this was intentional,

they were trying thing, Yeah,because that's extraordinary. Extraordinary claims require
extraordinary proof. If you have someproof of that, let's see it.
But there may they're there are toomany there are too many people with connections
over the years who are saying thatthat has slipped badly the Secret Service.
Yeah. And you know, theonly thing too this brings up is just

you know, this constant demonizing ofthe other side, where you compare your
opponents to Hitler and so forth.You know, obviously we're going to have
to have a full investigation, andso the shooter, you know, this
may not be political at all.It just could be a very disturbed young
man. But certainly, when youcreate an environment, when you constantly demonize
the other side, that's got tocontribute to a toxic environment where people like

this feel like somehow this could bejustified. So that's another thing. And
you know, I certainly appreciate whatI'm hearing is that President Trump has written
as remarks for the convention to talkabout more focus on unity, and I
think that's spot on it. Youknow, we need people like President Trump
to really help us get to thepoint where we stop demonizing the other side.

Pete, what do you think isgoing to happen in three weeks?
Right now, everybody is talking aboutit, thinking about it because they're still
in shock over the closeness with whichwe came to having a murder in broad
daylight, on live television of apresidential candidate. And then the convention will
be over, and this will bea week or two before, or maybe
three before the Democrats convene. Whatdo you think the short term and long

term fallout for this will be willpeople forget about it and start getting nasty
again? If the consultants and thepollsters say you got to get nasty,
you got to come after him,You've got to accuse him of being everything.
But blah blah blah. Three weeksfrom now, where do you think
the political temperature will be in thiscountry? Well, and again, this
is where I think that we haveto have an investigation of what goes on

here. And I don't think theinvestigation this assassination attempt he is going to
be over in three weeks. SoI think it's going to be very difficult
for you know, Biden's campaign togo back to demonizing Trump when we still
I'm guessing we're still not can haveall the full answers about what happened here
in three weeks. So you're headedup to Milwaukee, yes, and now

to Milwaukee's afternoon. Are you adelegate? I am not a delegate.
I'm going to go and do alot of the National Republican Senatorial Committee events
and hit some of the other differentwhat do you call it, a little
receptions and stuff like that, andthen actually later this week I'm going to
go to Saint Loux, which isa village in France that was liberated by

the Nebraska National Guard unit that hadbeen federalized in World War Two. It's
the eightieth anniversary of that liberation,so I'm going to join some folks from
the National Nebraska National Guard Museum aswe commemorate that adieth anniversary. That's so
inspiring over there. I'm sure you'vebeen there before at something. Will you
have the best hospitality suite of anyof the GOP senators at the convention?

You know, I'm at the bottomof the senority ranks. Well, you
can climb on the ranks in ahurry, depending on what you serve for
complimentary food and beverage. Just siton your checkbook and say, hey,
come over here, thank you,Senator records. Always good to have you
on, very much, Senator Recordspre crasp sit on your checkbook. Well,

hey, money talks.
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