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And we welcome John Decker, twentyfour to seven News White House correspondent,
who's at the Republican National Convention,and consume the JD. Vance speech last
night, John, Good morning.What'd you think? Well, he did
what he needed to do, whichwas to introduce himself to the American public.
Most people are not familiar with JD. Vance unless they follow politics.
He's only been in the Senate forless than two years, so he told
his life story, which is afascinating life story. The other thing he
needed to do, and he didthis, is he reached out to working
class voters. These are the votersthat traditionally go with Democrats. Republicans are
making a real push for them,particularly in the battleground states of Pennsylvania,
Michigan, Wisconsin, and he didthat as well. So a mission accomplished.
And now tonight we get ready forthe acceptance speech of Donald Trump,
which will happen in prime time.Yeah, that was a little preview,
wasn't that of the campaign? Imean, he was obsessed with Michigan,
Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. He mentionedhe mentioned them all a bunch of times.
So tonight I was going to say, if you're a state. If
you're from the state other than theones that you mentioned, you feel ignored
to a certain extent. But thosestates gives you a sense. Those states
that he mentioned over and over againare the states that will decide who wins
in November. This will be aremarkable moment tonight. Donald Trump, the
former president who just survived an assassinationattempt, takes the stage. That will
be a moment not to miss.Just to see that moment. What do
you look from Trump and the speech, John because he said right after,
right after the incident Saturday, thathe tore up the speech he had planned.
Oh, I believe that. Ibelieve that. You know, I'm
in the I'm in the arena everynight. I'm you know, I see
the president every night and president everynight, and you know, look his
demeanors different. He appears humble.We don't see that side of Donald Trump
all that often, if ever,and I think you're going to see that
side of him this evening when hedelivers his speech. You know, out
on the campaign trail before that assassinationattempt, we often heard Donald Trump used
the phrase fleepy Joe or crooked Joe. We're not going to hear those personal
attacks. Tonight, he talked aboutchanging the tone, lowering the rhetoric.
President Biden has spoken about that aswell, and that's going to be a
speech that will be well received bythose who are there. You know,
they just you can tell. Youcan tell it if you're just watching it
on TV. I tell it.I can tell being there in the in
the arena itself. They love theirnominee. They believe that Donald Trump will
win in November. They're very confidentof that, and I think they're anticipating
this speech this evening that he'll deliverin prime time. I'm curious what was
the general vibe in the arena,John when the Union had spoken. I
think that was Monday night. Thatwas a first to have. It was
at first. I have to tellyou, Gary, I don't think they
knew what to make of it,because if you listen to the content of
what he was saying, it wasat odds with everything that the Republican Party
stands for everything, you know,I mean, they're not for unionized labor.
You think about right to work states, that's what they're for. That's
that's in their platform. You know, there wouldn't be these foreign automakers and
these right to work states moving tothis country. Unless there was right to
work, you know, you wouldn'thave Mercedes in Alabama and BMW at South
Carolina. So look, I thinkit was a nice touch. But also
keep in mind that the president ofthe Teamsters in that long speech, and
it was law a long speech.I thought, I think it went on
too long. Actually did not endorseDonald Trump in that long speech. He
just made the points about how importantunionized labor is to America. I've watched
quite a bit of a what wouldyou say, because you've been in the
arena every night, what would yousay is the greatest electric moments so far
in terms of the speeches. Oh, that's a great question. You know,
I think there's been some very goodspeeches that have been delivered. The
evening that Donald Trump entered the arena, boy, thunderous applause, because it's
two days after the assassination attempt.That was a moment. That was a
big moment that cannot be topped sofar as the biggest moment of the convention.
As far as the former opponents toDonald Trump. You know, in
the evening they were each making theirspeeches. I thought Nicky Haley's speech fell
flat. I thought Ronda Santis dida great job. And he was well
received too. That was striking tome. I mean, he was given
a very welcome reception by those inthe arena. That was interesting last night
when those gold Star families spoke,you could hear a pin drop. That
was just so sad. You feelfor every one of those families. And
I think they made their point quitewell, the point that they were trying
to get across about who they believewould be a better person to be commander
in chief. So those are someof the moments that I think stand out
so far in the first three nightsof the convention. Right, And I
love that World War two vet lastnight too. Man. Yeah, he
was great, He was awesome.Nice speech. You know, it's tough
at ninety nine years old. Theyhad a teleprompter for him, but I
don't think he was looking at theteleprompter. It's difficult when you're ninety nine
to deal with all of that technology. He was old school. But what
a great speech that he delivered aswell. It was John, Thanks good
maybe John Ducker, twenty four toseven News, White House Correspondent