All Episodes

August 5, 2024 105 mins
Weekend Cheers & Jeers, 69 The News, Craigslist Price is right & More! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
What is the dune to the graphic nature of this program?

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Listen to this question.

Speaker 3 (00:07):
Is it lies.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
The Woody Show. He's the Woody Show.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Insensitivity Training.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
Class is now in session. Hey, good morning everybody. It
is Monday morning. It is August the fifth, twenty twenty four. Hello,
and welcome brand new week. We are the Woody Show
getting back at it. My name is Woody. That's Greg Gory. Hi,

wood Menace, Good morning to you. Good morning. We've got
Sea Bass, there's Sammy.

Speaker 4 (01:03):

Speaker 2 (01:03):
We got Bort and Caroline. They're here in the Woody
Show production department. Our associate producer, her name is Morgan.
She is here. Von our video producer, he is here.
We all made it back from the weekend. Hope you
had a great weekend. We'll get into the cheers and
jeers coming up a little bit later on this morning.
Good news, bad news from the weekend. If you want
to share that with us, you can call in texting

on that when we get to that. Also, today we're
gonna sixty nine the news. Oh yeah, that's when the
news gets it's sexiest. Oh yeah. Catch up on all
the weekend headlines, all the other stuff that you should
know about going into your day today. If you want
to call in be part of any of it, we
ask you to call in eight seven seven forty four
Woodie because we just like to get your voice on there.
We want to hear your voice, babe, of course I'll babe. Yeah,

So let us know what you got on the text
as well. You can do that two two nine eight
seven emails, work email at the woodieshow dot com or
or of course social media at the Woodi Show on
the social media platform of your choice. Let's see here
a couple things that wanted to bring up. You know,
I always have my list of people that you can't trust.
I'm adding someone to my list. You could ever trust

a man in a bow tie. I can't trust adults
who can't swim, that's weird, adults who can't ride a bike,
and now my latest edition. Never trust a person who
signs up to be on the HOA. There's a lot
of people that want that, I know, and it's weird
to me. Who's going to do it? Well? I think
they fit a certain like you know how the FBI

has psychological profiles, you know, or you can always tell
like if it's a group of engineers without even saying
what they do. You can be like, oh, those guys
are engineers, you know, or IT people, or like you
can just kind of get a vibe on Yeah, there's
a certain vibe. There's a certain vibe with HOA people.
The vibe I get is strict, right, easily annoyed. Do

you have an HOA? You do? Right? I do not.
I kind of wish I did. Yeah, your neighborhood does
not have an h I find that surprise.

Speaker 1 (03:03):
It does not, And I wish we did for one
main reason, and that's the damn garbage cans. They get
take it out way too early. They got left out
way too long. Literally four days a week, there's garbage
cans out.

Speaker 5 (03:15):
You have an ho mens, Yes, I do a few
because of our family, and the stuff that goes on
is hilarious, like one h way, like they're super strict
and crazy. And yes, if you leave out your garbage
can too long, you'll get a fine for that. And
then also I have an HA that fights with the
HOA company because there's a company management company and then

there's the HOA and that's always have Yeah, and the
HA will be fighting with the company constantly and they
always want to get rid of that company and get
a new company.

Speaker 2 (03:49):
And so they're always arguing the people who are on
the board and the homeowners, they're the ones who can
decide to throw out management.

Speaker 5 (03:56):
Yeah, so I do like that because it's a management
company kind of sucks on the certain property.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
I just thought, I'm just not sure what they do, honestly,
because i know that the things some things that I've
done to my house. I had to submit the thing
where you give them the plans and you got to
describe the materials and you got to show these different colors.
I mean, they ask you to do that. Even if
you want to, like let's say there's a tree that's
in like the front of your house and you want
to just put a different tree there, or you want

to do some new landscaping, you got to sound them
like this whole thing like a plot plan, Yeah, with
the what's going to be in each individual spot. And
I'm thinking, as I'm driving through the neighborhood, well, those
people didn't submit anything with the amount of like with
the amount of criticis and that criticism, but like how
much they're going over this is a fine tooth. Come
there's no way these other people did that.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
And they also don't do anything about all the people
parking in front of your mailboxes. Oh yeah, they don't
think about that.

Speaker 6 (04:49):

Speaker 5 (04:50):
And there's a weird thing in my family on my
mom's side that they all like their houses yellow, like
a really really light yellow, almost kind of whiteish. And
my aunt in this neighborhood that she lived in, they
she painted her whole house and they said the house
was too too yellow, so she had to repaint it
like right away or she would get like fine daily.

Speaker 7 (05:11):
Greg, may I see, yes, for your problem with trash
cans being left out some custom printed stickers.

Speaker 2 (05:17):
I know. I'm just I'm not as bold as you are.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
Like I'm worried about being on a ring camera here, psychoti, Do.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
You have a perfect excuse? You're walking your dog and
the sticker would say what it'd be like a post
It wouldn't be don't put my garbage can back like
a jerk.

Speaker 7 (05:32):
Yeah, I would. I think you to be to maintain civility,
you could be a little nicer. It would be like
a post it notes style thing that you could be
removed and you're just walking your dog by but the
can is between you and the house. So you're kind
of palming that little post and you slap it on there.
You're not going to be on the ring camera, and
I would say a friendly reminder.

Speaker 5 (05:52):
Yeah, garbage cans just wear a mask and start.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
I dropped it.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
I dread garbage day because then the trash guy too.
They the arm jumps the thing. There's garbage everywhere. It
looks like my neighborhood got vandalized every garbage day.

Speaker 2 (06:07):

Speaker 5 (06:09):
I have a friend who pays I think four to
seventy five a month for HOA and you go to
their community. The sign is broken. There's weeds everywhere, trash like, yeah,
taking that money, you're getting ripped off. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (06:27):
I just think it's weird, Like, aren't you busy with
your other parts of your life, your professional life, your
you know, uh, personal life, Like you got time to
be on the HOA looking at everybody else's plans. Let
you're just kind of a nosy, well yossip's perfect for retired,
grizzly old seats. Oh yeah, true true. Well. Case in

point here, this homeowner in Indiana caught a seventy four
year old woman pooping on the side of his house twice.
Nice the first time he saw her on the lawn,
later realized that she had left him a gift, so
he adjusted his cameras to that spot. A few weeks later,
same chick comes back again drops another deuce. This time

it was caught on camera in broad daylight, so he
took it to the police. The Old Lady Pooper is
a retiree who lives in the area and she's on
the board of the neighborhood Homeowners Association's Right. She initially
tried to lie say it wasn't her, but then they
showed her the video and she confessed. She told the

police that she didn't have anything against the owner of
the house, she just had the poop. But the homeowner
says that he does have an ongoing issue with the HOA,
but that he didn't know any of the members of
the HOA personally anyway. The Pooper was arrested, charged with
criminal trespass, criminal mischief, and public nudity, and she's no

longer on the board of the HOA. I do love
the law and order of the HOA.

Speaker 5 (08:02):
You just follow the rule, yeah yeah, and then but
you like you wouldie when I see the rules being broken. Yeah,
I'm all, okay, like you're being hardcore about all this
other stuff.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Ye, but you're not taking care of this. My thought
is weird. My thought is I think if you're gonna
like deny something or come down on something, it's got
to be something really egregious, like somebody put a ferris
wheel in their front lawn or they paint their house
bright purple. Yeah, exactly, like anything that's reasonable.

Speaker 1 (08:27):
And windowatments, and it may not be what you don't want,
like sheets in the window or tinfoil. I totally support
that tinfoil, Like you should have a certain standard of
window treatment.

Speaker 2 (08:37):
Pro tip. I just saw something like if you're looking,
you got just this. You need to sleep and for
blackout purposes, you take tinfoil and you put them on
the windows. But the way that you get it to
be perfectly no, perfectly blacked out, Yeah, it really works.
You just take a spray bottle with water in it,
you spray the window and then you put the tinfoil

up there. It sticks and will stay okay, and you
just cover the way. It completely blacks out better than
anything that you buy. I'd rather you don't. You don't
leave it up there. It's just for like, let's just say, like, man,
you really need to get some sleep, you know, and
you don't have an eyemass. You're working. Yeah I'm not saying,
but like you, you're working like a weird schedule for

a couple of just for not a permanent solution. I
would hope not. I would hope not too.

Speaker 7 (09:26):
I would never I would never have that be it
would have a similar tip Greg, you never have to
mow your lawn again. What you do is you get
some old, bleached out kids toys and just leave them
on the yards will grow wherever you leave them.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
Yeah. Yeah, but I saw it on Instagram, like you
just by and people are like, wait a minute. And
then so they tried it out and it gets it
because it gets all the corners. There's no light bleeding through.

Speaker 8 (09:47):
So have you tried this?

Speaker 9 (09:48):

Speaker 2 (09:49):
I didn't try it. Okay, no, but I'm assuming that works.
I can see where I.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
I wonder if you have this pet peeve that I
have would any piece of furniture that, even for one
millimeter blocks a window like a headboard for I don't
like it that.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
Goes over again like it. I hate that. I hate it.
When you're walking by somebody's house. And of course, like
you see something the back of someone's television, the front
windows of their house, or the back of an arm. Yeah,
and you look at it and they have the shades
or whatever open, and it's just the back of their TV.
So weird that you see. It's like, doesn't that bother you?
It's an assault on the eyes? It really? Uh. Some

other homeowner association douchebags from Colorado, where members of this
HOA called the cops to complain about a couple of
neighborhood kids who were quote running an illegal lemonade stand.
Dare they? They also said the kids were blocking the
road and so just for fundsies, the cops go out

they check it out. It turns out the kids were
not blocking the roadway, they weren't doing anything wrong, and
so as the cops were getting in their car to leave,
that's when one of these Karens ran out of our
house starts yelling at the kids right in front of
the cops, claiming that they were on private property. So
the officers older to suck it, saying that the property
was shared h o A property and because the kids

parents are part of the h o A they have
the right to be there. How much is that really bothering? Dude?

Speaker 3 (11:10):
H o A.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
People are the worst. It's just a couple of kids
with the lemonade stand. How long are they going to
be out.

Speaker 7 (11:16):
Ask the question, how long are they gonna be out there? Well,
like an hour business license? They have permit going to.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
Be out there like one hour, and you know no
one's gonna come by. They'll sell a couple of things,
get bored and want to go do something else.

Speaker 7 (11:28):
I will say something I think I did last week
that was so satisfying because.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
Some guy you called the cops and some kids, well
the local security of my units.

Speaker 7 (11:36):
Some guy decided that he wanted to have his little
doggie out there and hang out with him in the
hot tub. Not dog, the dog, but like people do
this all the time in my place, their pets, And
there's signs at every entrance no pets.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
I always sume that's in the pool though, like you're
just hanging out on the outside outside, because then they
started peeing.

Speaker 7 (11:54):
They start peeing and pooping on the cement exactly, and
you can't and you can't, well, my dog won't be
and poop your dog.

Speaker 2 (11:59):
No, first will I would would.

Speaker 5 (12:02):
Else think of I'll think of this matter on the
pool exactly, a dog going. I understand, yeah, they will pee.
You can't control them no matter how.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
But cuteness I means happened by a mile. But see,
I think that would go. I think that would go
with anything else, like, uh, you know, if your dog
does go, you pick it up or you clean it up.

Speaker 7 (12:19):
But they're not going to And by the way, where's
that again, a dog piece and it's standing directly next
to the pool.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
Where's that going in the pool in your mouth? Exactly?
So so you called the building management. We have a
security staff. So you called buildings on this half dozen times? Yeah,
and again because I walked where was.

Speaker 7 (12:39):
I was in a trader Joe's dog was crapping on
the on the f and I guarantee if I don't
gone to that lake from this situation, the same thing.
And then they go up and they say, hey, man,
we can't have a dog here. Yeah, so okay, do
you here's a question.

Speaker 2 (12:50):
Stay do you hang around like a creep and like
and like like someone who loves uh I know, but
you just happen to be I can't image. There's a
ton of people hanging around, so like you're so you're
just like kind of standing there and just like kind
of waiting and watching for some of the show up
just to make sure that they get busted.

Speaker 7 (13:08):
Why you're paying the exactly it's visible from the gym,
so of course I'm in there working out right, so
I can see.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
It from there every week as.

Speaker 7 (13:20):
But yeahs, like I said to everybody, anybody like because
if I talk to the lady who's dog crept in
the trader Joe's, if I talked to her this before
she entered that store and said, you know, you can't
come in here, it's against health code, and.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
She will because your dog might crap on the floor.

Speaker 7 (13:32):
I guarantee she would have said, like the people at
the pool, Oh no, they won't guess what.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
Your dog's not that well trained.

Speaker 7 (13:38):
No, no, none of yours ares.

Speaker 8 (13:41):
Does give off ho a president vibes like.

Speaker 7 (13:44):
I could see you being an h What he would
kill to have me is his president.

Speaker 2 (13:49):
There wouldn't be an I legal apartment.

Speaker 7 (13:50):
Inside his neighbor's garsa and to get to your damn
mailboxes that would end day.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
You wouldn't have a problem with the garbage cans, he
would have his.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
Stickers, and we need to get society to change their
views that having things orderly is not You're not the
crazy one.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
People that you don't want to mind your business is
my business, all right? Some people who run to be
on the hoa. You are now on the list of
people who can't be Trustedlial. It's just my list. It's mine.
I can have whoever I want on my list. At
eight seven seven forty four, hit us up with the
text over to two to nine eight seven will be
right back. Full of that thought, you know, not that thought. Wow. Anyways,

the show will be right back.

Speaker 5 (14:29):
I hope you're enjoying The Woody Show podcast. Just heads
up being Glendale, California, this Saturday from one to three
pm at fab Letics next to Macy's. Myself Menace will
be there. I'm gonna have a bunch of giveaways for
theme parks, concert tickets, what you show merch in more
once again. That's this Saturday, August tenth, from one to
three pm at Fabletics in Glendale at Glendale Galleria next

to Macy's This Saturday. In the meantime, keeping joining the
Woody Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
And we are into another new hour insensitivity training for
a polity clean, correct world. Monday morning, fresh week ahead
of us. Finally we get to start a new week, right,
we get to be here. If you want to explain
your your thought process, like your little rule of thumb, sure,
your life hack.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
To accentuate the positive, all you have to do is
change the word have to get so you don't have
to go to work, Get to go to work.

Speaker 2 (15:31):
And then on Monday, you know, yeah, exactly, you get
a whole new week ahead of you. Right.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
There's that other quote something like you don't realize how
great your job is until you don't have one.

Speaker 2 (15:40):
That's absolutely true too. Yeah, yeah, you sit around, you
bitch about your job all the time. Exactly. Imagine not
visible at your job, and then the next thing you know,
you don't have one, and then you're missing it. Yeah
that sucks. Well, anyway, we got a whole new hour
ahead of us. Here, we're gonna get to some of
the trending news headlines. Sammy's upset because you just got
spoiled on an Olympics. Now, I think you're the person

who cares about the Olympics more than anybody else I know, personally, Yeah.

Speaker 8 (16:06):
That nobody cared.

Speaker 10 (16:09):
But when I come in and try to talk to
you guys about it, you just could not care less
at all.

Speaker 8 (16:14):
It's surprising to me.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
I casually watch it, but I'm not, like, you know,
super into it. I hear enough about it without even
seeking it out to Yeah, I think that's plenty for me.
I go, oh, okay, yeah, exactly every.

Speaker 8 (16:27):
Four years, every two years, you.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
Know, every two years. The Summer Games happened every four years,
the Winter Games happened every four so there are Olympics
every two years. We're constantly hearing about Olympic Games. They
rule as well.

Speaker 8 (16:39):
The Winter Games.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
Yeah, I've never gotten to it.

Speaker 10 (16:41):
I'm very like specific to gymnastics. I could tell you
about all the teams since nineteen ninety six.

Speaker 1 (16:47):
Sammy gave me the biggest I roll last week. She
was so looking forward to going home and watching the gymnastics. Yes,
and so I was leaving for the day and said, hey, Sammy,
have a good day, enjoy your show.

Speaker 8 (16:58):
Yeah, like I was just a TV show.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
Oh my god, it's not a TV show. It's called
Rooting for America.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
But apparently only gymnastics is not the rest of America.

Speaker 8 (17:08):
I still watch everything else, but I'm just the most.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
Into weekend cheers and jeers will start with you, Greg Gory.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
My cheers is actually Olympics related, even though I didn't
see it, But cheers to French wieners. Another French wiener
in the news. We had that diver who got quite
famous because of his bulge, and now there's a pole
vaulter from France who lost out on a metal thanks
to his wiener. So as putting myself in his shoes,
you dream of going to the Olympics, You're an athlete,

You work for this your whole life. Your wiener ruins
it for you, I would not be upset.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
So it also turns out that it wasn't ruined by
the wiener. Oh it wasn't. No, what's the story.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
Well, as I understood it, and I didn't see the event,
I just saw the news as I understood it.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
He went over. His name is Anthony Amarati. Yeah, but
it's not true. He actually hit the bar with his
legs first. According to they did a you know, but
it alzoom didn't replay.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
Yeh sure, but if you see the video, it definitely
looks like it was the wiener that knocked the.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
And that's a nice things, nice balance on his package exactly.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
So cheers to them for becoming, you know, really well
known just because of their bulges. I mean, lucky them
and right h so metal smetal? Who cares my jeers?
And I don't know how to phrase it. Is it
to my sleep cycle or whatever? I feel like Friday
nights are one hundred percent waste because God forbid, I'm

able to stay awake past eight thirty pm on Friday
nighttraight to bed. Yeah, And then Saturday comes around and
I think so much for a weekend because I ruined
Friday night yet again. I cannot stay awake on a
Friday night. Do you nap after work on Friday?

Speaker 2 (18:55):
Usually not? Okay, Well that's your fault, I know, cause
you to go home. Like dude, I'm able to stay
up till like midnight, one o'clock in the morning on
a Friday night because as soon as I get out
of here, I go home. And I'm talking about I
got under the covers, shut down how many hours? Five? Yeah?
I mean I will pass out and I will stay
in bed as long as I can because I want

to have a normal evening. Nothing's happening in the middle
of the afternoon on a Friday. Wife's out doing her thing,
kids are off doing their thing, and so like, I'll
shut it down so that when everybody's like gathering back up,
it's like, where do we want to go? Okay, well,
my son's got hockey practice. Then we'll go out to eat.
And then we go out to eat, and I'm awake
to come home and watch a couple episodes better call
Saul or whatever it is. Y. Yeah, it's great. And

how you stay up? It's all about like midnight. Oh wow,
what's that like? Yeah, but not that I won't doze,
but I'll be on the couch and I'll doze. I'll
wake back up, watch a little bit more TV.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
And then you know what, night I'm totally feel fine
and can stay up as late as I want. Sunday
Sunday yeah, yeah, Sundays suck.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Yeah. Well, I'll go into my cheers and jeers because
I think I might have something that can help you. Greg. Okay,
So cheers to my sister the breeder. She is officially
opening her own private practice. She's a nurse practitioners. It's
integrative medicine is what she does. It's in Hartleysville, PA,

So just outside of Philly. And so, so she has
any any questions that you've got about what you need
with your health goals, which I know she does stuff
with you know, your sleep and really finding balance. Okay, yeah,
so welcome to Sanctuary Integrative Health. Thank you for making
your health the priority, Grego. Looking forward to working with

you on your personal goals and with you. Yeah, because
she's a she's a registered nurse practitioner. And I'll know
what this is. Are you a vetic health Are you
a vedic health counselor so? Yeah, I know she's been
doing this stuff with like training and stuff. It might
be like some some of that kind of like hippie
dippy you know, herbs and whatever kind of thing, but no,
she's actually a registered you know, like traditional medicine. Yeah, right, exactly.

So to improve improve physical health and sleep habits, balance,
daily stress. And she's also as I know in the
course of all that, she lost fifty pounds oh my god. Yeah,
and so her intention is to help others find their
own path to health and wellness. Again, this is my sister.
She's opening up this private practice I think toward the
end of the month, and it's called Sanctuary Integrative Health

And for those of you in the Philly area, it
is in Harleysville, PA. Good for her. Yeah, so cheers
to my sister. That's huge. Nice. Yeah, jeers too. This
is the last weekend before things get nuts. Yeah, like
the weekends. Yeah, the weekends from here until I want
to say the middle of October are slammed. My wife

and I were going over the schedule and it's not
that it's all it's bad stuff. It's just it's super busy.
And you know how much you know, Greg and I especially,
we look forward to those. There's no plans weekends, they
seem to be pretty rare. Yeah, and now there's not
little bits and pieces of of peace in there. Yeah,
but there's just a lot of stuff, a lot of
out of town trips, a lot of things happening, right,

But yeah, that's the that's the Jeers. So if that's
as bad as it gets for Jeers, that's not bad,
not bad at all. Yeah, that's not too bad. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
When you have to search for a gear, yeah, pretty good.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
This is something that somebody showed me over the weekend.
I thought this was great. I just wanted to share
this with you. It's this guy. I'm not even sure
exactly who this guy is. I've noticed that it's a
It's been getting shared around a bunch. It's this guy.
He's a doctor of something, and he's up there and
he's given an address to a bunch of different viep.

I posted it on our Instagram over the weekend at
the Woody Show and it got a I got a
lot of great response. Yeah, listen, listen to this guy.
This is good. I think a lot of people speaking
how you can help and deal of things in your life.
Listen to this.

Speaker 9 (23:01):
Stay away from people who act like a victim in
a problem that they created. There are people like that
in the world, or some of you offers do know
some of them, but they act like a victim.

Speaker 6 (23:17):
In a problem that they created. My antidote to that
is this, spend more time with people with whom you
have a common future instead of a common past. Pretty good, right,
That's powerful. Yeah, I thought it was awesome. I thought

that was really good.

Speaker 2 (23:39):
I like that, and that kind of goes along with
your You get to go to work today, you get
to have a fresh week ahead.

Speaker 3 (23:46):
Of you.

Speaker 2 (23:47):
That's true. Yeah, see so helpful today. Yeah, manas weekend
cheers and jeers.

Speaker 5 (23:53):
Well, I told you that, you know, some of our
all coworkers and friends that are really into visiting ballparks,
and they really wanted to go to the A's ballpark
before I went away to see how bad it was.
So I went with them, and it did feel like
going back into like the seventies, like it has not
been wow at all, but it still was a pretty
nice experience.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
I mean, the last time I was there on was
for a football game. But I turned thirty. I'm forty seven.
I'll be forty eight in October. Okay, I turned thirty.
We went to a game there and at the time
I always said, wow, that was my first trip there.
I go, wow, this is a prison with a hot
dog stands.

Speaker 5 (24:29):
Yeah, it's one of those weird stadiums were like baseball
and football would overlap, so the Raiders and the A's
would overlap, so the Raiders would have to play like
on baseball diamonds and stuff.

Speaker 2 (24:38):
So when you walk through the corridors, it's all cinderblock. Yeah,
right at the top because the cinder bock wouldn't go
all the way to the top, so it had like
other things like behind that wall, like supplies. It would
be coiled barbed wire just kind of gone along. It's
the ugliest place you've ever seen.

Speaker 5 (24:56):
It's pretty pretty grimy, yeah, yeah, but it's still it
was a lot of fun just to go check it
out for the day.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
How many people were in the stands? Was it?

Speaker 5 (25:04):
It was packed because the Dodgers were playing. People want
to see Otani, so yeah, it was like a record
for them. It was so big that the police had
to shut down the uber pickup because they're not used
to having that many people there.

Speaker 2 (25:19):
We had to walk through.

Speaker 5 (25:20):
Like, you know, the hood of Oakland to get to
our uber, which was fun. But then my jeers was like,
when I was out of town, I don't know like
what I did to the thermostat or whatever, but my
house got really hot. I think I turned on the
heater by acid or something and uh, and so a
soda exploded in my cabinet. Really yeah, it got that hot.

Speaker 2 (25:42):
And that's why we're hearing about the Southwest flights. The
sodas were exploding because the trucks that they bring the
sodas to the plane with they're not air conditioned in
any way. Yeah, sodas were sitting out wherever, and then
when the plane gets to thirty thousand feet the pressure
to boom.

Speaker 5 (25:57):
It just explodes in the cabinet. It's like by a
window too, So maybe that like elevated in some way.
But yeah, so I you know, I had this great
day and then got home to like an exploded soda
in the oven. But you know, whatever cleaned it up,
it's fine, dude.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
There was a news story I saw all the week
I thought about menace. It's not Spirit. You always always
bitching about the ram and they serve on Spirit airlines,
I know regular. Well, Korean air has announced they're gonna
stop serving instant ramen in the economy class. I heard
about that. Yeah, because the hot water and turbulence is
just not a good mix.

Speaker 5 (26:33):

Speaker 2 (26:33):
I think it's the perfect planes there because there it is,
But they have all these trays with like boiling hot
water they're carrying through and they get a little like turbulence.
The next thing you know, everybody's wearing it. This is getting
worse and worse. Yeah, so they're gonna still serve it
in first class, but for the back they're offering. I
think they said sandwiches, pizza and corn dogs.

Speaker 5 (26:53):
Okay, all right, I ain't that at that.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
Let's go.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Yeah it was around here, right know, normal on flight time.
Now it's so rare that you get food and it's
all random.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
Not being cheap and buy a first class ticket Greg
and it's that easy. Or just don't travel, or just
don't travel and travel. Yeah, Sammy weekend cheers and jeers.

Speaker 8 (27:16):
My cheers is that I saw some old friends over
the weekend. I saw their new house. It was so
much fun.

Speaker 10 (27:20):
We hung out, we had pizza, and we played games,
which I love. And I know this is going to
sound really sad, but I love playing games. But I
live alone and I don't Yeah, but so I don't
really ever get to play games, and so I was
really excited. We played something called Exploding Kitten.

Speaker 2 (27:36):
Oh yeah, it was really popular like five years ago.

Speaker 3 (27:40):

Speaker 8 (27:40):
I had never played it before. So yeah, cheers to that.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
Well, you're all lonely not being able to play games.
Here's the thing.

Speaker 10 (27:46):
I have so many games, and my nephew gets me
a game for Christmas every year because he knows I
like games and I don't have the heart to tell
him I don't have anyone.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
To play him with.

Speaker 8 (27:56):
So I have so many games that I've never.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
Even been someone to play with. Have somebody over, yeah,
like get a gay friend or something exactly, a dude.
Gay dudes love board games, am I right? Greg? I
haven't experienced. Really, I wouldn't turn it down really because, uh,
I've knowniced some people that have game nights and it's
always gay couple. Really, yeah, it's gay game night. They
have maybe people over. Yeah, maybe. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (28:20):
The one game that I like to play is it's
called LCR Left Center right, Oh yeah, dice game and
you throw in three bucks, I think, And yeah, you
play for money.

Speaker 2 (28:28):
That's fun.

Speaker 8 (28:29):
That is fun.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
You like that? I do? Wow?

Speaker 1 (28:31):
I mean like real money. Are you using that monopoly money?
No real money recently? So you could win like sixteen dollars?
Whoa look out?

Speaker 2 (28:40):

Speaker 10 (28:41):
And my gears is all the trash in crap that
keeps ending up outside of my place, And I don't
know why. People just look at kind of the little
mini fence in front of my place and thinks it's
a dumping ground. They put their coffee cups and whatever
else and they're all knocked over and there's.

Speaker 8 (28:57):
No one to pick it up but me. And because
I don't want trash over, were like pick up a
strangers trash to keep my place clean.

Speaker 2 (29:03):
So wait, they just put it like so there's the
sidewalk and then the fence and then your yard kind
of thing, right, so they put it just on your
side of the fence.

Speaker 10 (29:11):
It's it's like a very low fence that's almost like
hits at the knee ish.

Speaker 8 (29:16):
And so because it's not even it's just.

Speaker 10 (29:19):
Like decorative right exactly, it's just a border kind of thing.
And so they just people will just go, oh, here's
a spot to lay my trash down. Yeah, so yeah,
gears to me having to pick up people's trash because
I want my place to look nice.

Speaker 2 (29:32):
You see people do that in public a lot. Yeah,
it's like hotels, like random places in a hotel lobby
or they drop whatever there.

Speaker 1 (29:39):
And yeah, I was at a store this weekend and
somebody had a Starbucks cold coffee and there was about
a third left and they just put it on a
random shell sn this.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
I'll just leave it right here the post right at
the top of a flight of stairs. Ye, yes, that's
a good place for your cup just leave it there,
or your empty bottle. There's usually at.

Speaker 1 (29:56):
A store, there's nowhere to throw something out. Oh wait,
oh wait, there's always.

Speaker 8 (30:00):
Don't worry, someone else will take care of it.

Speaker 9 (30:03):

Speaker 2 (30:04):
Yeah, well there's your weekend. Cheers and jeers. Everybody jeers
that I love an Ai music creation. There is all right.
We have some news headline coming up for you next
if you want to be a part of whatever this
morning eight seven seven forty four. Woody is the number.

Speaker 5 (30:25):
One, Wode is the shoe.

Speaker 2 (30:34):
Well, it's a Monday morning and as uh the world
wakes up. There's a couple of things going on that
everybody's keeping an eye on. Number one is the hurricane
making landfall this morning, kind of in the what are
the kind of the armpit of Florida there, Yeah, I
don't know what they call that area. It's kind of

like between the Panhandle and the Chef right, I guess right. Well,
Hurricane Debbie, which strengthened to a Category one hurricane. There's
some places where they're saying they could see up the
two feet worth of rain. Oh my god, that terrible. Wow. Yeah,
that's very select areas that it's possible. Ron DeSantis has

already declared a state of emergency for the state of
floridacause it was just making its way up that out
the Gulf side. That is scary, yeah, because there's like
it's just shallow, warm water. Man. So yeah, yeah, that's
that's one thing. And then the other thing is a
lot of the eyes are on the stock market today.
That all right. So there was a few things I
saw of the weekend. But when the Japanese markets opened up,

like everything got crushed. Not good. Not good. So I
just know, like for the Dow future stuff, if you
pay attention to that, like says before the market even opens,
they're anticipating and open, uh, well, before the market opened
this morning, anticipating the market of like, you know, down
at least five hundred points, Okay. And then there was
also a big story about how Warren Buffett sold off

half of all his Apple stock. Yeah, and Berkshire Hathaway
has sold just a ton of stocks, going a lot
to cash. That's usually not a good sign. The jobs
report was not as good as they were hoping. Unemployment
ticked up like that. It's like yeah, like four point
something or five percent something like that. Yeah, And so

it's just all this kind of stuff. Oh and then
also whoever's in charge of at the doomsday clock people,
I think they said that there's now a twenty five
percent chance of a recession, so that ticked up the
possibility of a recession. Yeah, so there's just a lot
of a lot of fear. So everybody's kind of going
moving back into cash as opposed to being in stocks. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (32:47):
They said also they might do an emergency and straight
cut for inflation this month, and because usually they would
wait until September, but they might do it this month.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
So we'll see. I mean, someone was hitting us up
with the text like, hey man, what about your retirement. Well,
I'm not retiring today, So today it's like the stock market.
The good Dave Ramsey has always said, man, you never
get off the ride in the middle of the roller coaster, right,
But like, if you look at the stock market from
the history of where it first started until now, yes,
there's up and downs in between, but it's a it's

a forty five degree angle line up up up, up,
up up up. You look at any ten year period,
there's not a ten year period where it's lower than
it was ten years earlier. Okay, So it's bad timing
for people who are like, Wow, I'm retired right now
and I'm living off this stuff and what it's bitten
off right now. It's bad for people who may be
retiring in the next couple of years or whatever. But
if you're invested, man, that's the thing or that's why

that day trading and all that kind of stuff. The
short term stuff is a lot riskier. There's a better
chance of a better return, but it's you know, the
long term, steady retirement type thing that you're doing or
investing in. That's why you don't freak out. So many
people have lost their ass freaking out when something like
this happens. They sell a bell. Yeah, they sell everything

when this kind of stuff happens and things go lower.
This is when you buy mm hmm.

Speaker 5 (34:07):
That's why they're stocking up on cash.

Speaker 2 (34:10):
But you can buy. Yeah, you keep the cash on
the sideline. You wait and see how things pan out,
and when things hit your target price or whatever, then
you can start buying.

Speaker 5 (34:19):
Oh. Still, it's still does not have the stomach for you,
for sure. Loan sell high, Greg, Oh, Greg, I did
have a story for you. This guy in Virginia. He
was enjoying a lovely meal of Taco Bell and on
his second to last bite, he felt something sharp in
the back of his throat. He fished it out. Turned
out it was someone's nose ring.

Speaker 2 (34:44):
Look at the picture on the right.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Greg Oh, oh, for the love of god.

Speaker 2 (34:51):
Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, and uh yeah, so the now
slightly bent because you know from the bike. Oh god.
He took it to the manager, who I guy said,
seemed mostly unbothered by it. Told him that the piercing
couldn't have come from their kitchen, look at everybody's noses,
and that they'd be in touch. Well, Taco Bell headquarters,

they got wind of it and they're taking care of
the guy. Whatever that means. Oh my god, dude.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
Yeah, that photo, it looks like a fish with a piece.

Speaker 2 (35:21):
Of disgusting someone else talking about. Well, here's also gross.
A Freak of the Week nominee guy in Georgia arrested
after he approached this woman at the mall and started
licking and sucking on her hair. Oh. His name is
Devin Davis and he was arrested charge with simple battery.

Here's the TV news talking to a couple of people
I don't know of anybody that licks hairs. That person
shouldn't be around other people. I think that's gross.

Speaker 3 (35:50):
And I think I would have respotted in a way
that I probably would have been in jail today.

Speaker 2 (35:55):
I don't think so. Oh god, it could have been
ADS was up. Yeah, right right, that's what. Punch that
guy in his face or pepper spray him or whatever.
I'm sure they would have been fine with that. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (36:04):
People that are that bol doing that weird of stuff. Yeah,
they should be in jail or oh yeah, the island
that way the building to put them on. I know
you're not needed in island.

Speaker 2 (36:16):
Now back to the business side of things, Coca Cola
has to pay six billion dollars in back taxes and interest.
Even for Coca Cola, six billions a lot of money.
Good God. They have to pay that money over a
dispute with the IRS. It dates back to two thousand
and seven. I guess the IRSA the Coca Cola should

have reported a higher income because of some like international
pricing thing or something. But Coke is appealing the ruling,
as you would if you're on the hook for six billion.
But here's the thing. According to legal experts, they probably
won't win six billion dollars. Isn't speaking of Warren Buffett.
Isn't he a big investor in coke? Yeah, that was
a big thing because he loves die Coke, right, and

so he only buys the things that he likes, so
likes Apple, he likes you know, Coca Cola. So he
was a big investor. I wonder if I wonder if
he knew got out of that in time? Yeah, good god, yeah,
can you imagine, dude, that sucks. Here's some good news.
This woman in South Carolina lost her job, then bought
a lottery ticket and won three hundred thousand dollars locky.

So like, in the span of just a few days,
she went from not having a job so now she's
shopping for houses. God, pretty cool. Meanwhile, this guy in
North Carolina, he opened up a fortune cookie and it
said don't miss out on your chance to win big,
and so he went and bought a lottery ticket and
he won two hundred thousand dollars. Nice, like rip, I'm
not eating enough fortune cookies apparently, I know.

Speaker 8 (37:40):
I've never had one that helpful ever.

Speaker 1 (37:42):
No, Yeah, it's usually just some generic nonsense about being
a good person.

Speaker 2 (37:48):
Three h two texting over here in the crypto market,
like a small percentage of us are. It's effing terrible
opening up your coin base account. Oh dude, that's the
one thing, man, I know everybody's like you preaching and
all this and so never that's just never going to
be a part of my investing portfolio. It's ever complicated,

too complicated. I don't trust it, yeah, just like it's
so volatile, Like Greg doesn't have stuff for like good secure,
long term you know, like mutual fun kind of stuff,
you know, very conservative investment stuff. Yes I do. I'm
a very conservative investor. But when it you know, when

it comes to anything that there's like risk, like man,
that is I'm not risk averse. Ye dude, that's just
too much, that's too crazy.

Speaker 1 (38:40):
This is always why I really admire people who go
out on a limb to start a business. Oh yeah,
invest so much of their own money up front. Yeah,
and then when they succeed, I think that rules.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
Yeah, good for them, especially they're opening at a restaurant
or something that's like almost doomed to fail.

Speaker 1 (38:53):
Because that initial you know, outgo is so scary. Yep,
So good for them.

Speaker 2 (38:59):
Well, they a big risk, big reward, that's what they say.

Speaker 1 (39:02):
Yeah, that's not I wish I never got it like that.
I think big risk, no dog.

Speaker 2 (39:07):
Yeah, it's because every time we go to the casino,
we lose. Probably the last thing you really won for
luck was really on your side that way, I mean really, honestly,
I have one good weekend.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
Yeah maybe ever twenty years ago, never hitting a jackponpe
and never.

Speaker 2 (39:22):
Like I've not even got the scratcher ticket where it
gets free ticket ticket where you get like another ticket.

Speaker 1 (39:28):
Never and then that ticket you won lose, Yeah, never
kicking the losing can down the road.

Speaker 2 (39:34):
I want a damn thing. Actually that's not completely true.
The one time I did win, I think I told
this story. I was with my friends. We had a
couple of minutes to kick and you know, kick down
the road for the cab to the airport, and so
we did something called a slot race where each one
of us, there were four of us. Fun, you take
twenty bucks, you all put it in the same everybody's

on the same slot machine. They're usually all in one
little yeah, like a little cluster, you know. And then
and the idea is you're trying to lose your twenty
bucks as fast as you can. The first person to
lose all their money first is the quote winner. Everybody
has to stop. You say I'm out and cash out,
and you get to keep all the other money that
the other people have fun. I was, I'm like, dude,

this is my game, yes, because I don't win.

Speaker 1 (40:17):
That's probably the one time where you do quote win
is in slot races, and that's what I want a
bonus No, But I'm saying you your normal luck is
during a slot race, you would get like a bonus
round or you would get something big, and then the
person next to you would get hit zero and then
you hand it over.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
Well that's exactly what happened. So I'm doing a slot race,
I'm like, man, one spin away from being out, I'm like,
I was ready to get ice, and what happens and
you hit something? It hit for like five or six
hundred bucks, and then two seconds later one of the
other chicks that was with us, who by the way,
I loaned her the twenty bucks so she could play.
Did you get that? Yeah? I took the twenty bucks back.

I would too, but she told me just to keep
the winnings. I'm like, no, it's not how the game works.
But of course that's when it hit for.

Speaker 1 (41:01):
You know, Okay, I thought you were going to say,
that's the one time you won.

Speaker 2 (41:05):
That's the one time. Would have been yeah, yeah, that's
the one time. Actually, like where it's at at something,
here's something right, or I could have walked away with
some money. Yeah, and no, it was the last spin
before I would have been out and kept everybody else's money.

Speaker 1 (41:18):
Last time I gambled, I was at this slot machine,
some stupid digital slot with like fish on it or so,
I don't know what it was. And I got a
bonus round and I was so excited in that bonus
round and I had a witness. I won one penny.

Speaker 2 (41:32):
Oh wow, wow, w was that even a thing? It's
a lucky penny.

Speaker 5 (41:37):
I had one weekend where I hit number four four
times on Roulette in a weekend, and I went home
with like, uh, I think like like forty five dollars
for the week.

Speaker 2 (41:49):
Who yeah, and then never again. I just saw a
video of a guy so he was letting the social
media people decide what he was going to put the
it was let so we had ten thousand dollars. Yeah right,
and so ten thousand bucks is gonna go on one spot,
and so first they went black, so social media said black.

So he went on black. And the whole thing was
he was gonna let it ride, okay, on the next
to spin after that, so ten grand on black, it hits.
So then he put it on was one nineteen through
thirty four, so it hits any number between nineteen and
thirty four, and then that one hit. Oh my god,
he was sucked. Oh my god. I would be didn't

have to share it with the internet because it wasn't
their money. He was just gonna bet whatever they said
to bet. I would never Welcome back Monday, Woody Show.
The story I'm seeing everywhere this morning is about this
six year old girl in the UK who was denied

a passport because she shares a name with a Game
of Thrones character. Oh really. Her name is Khalisi oh No,
and her parents submitted her passport application and then they
sent it right back. Her parents were told they would
need Warner Brothers approval because they own the trade trademark
on that name. Wow, are you kidding me? So dumb?

I think this is one of those things where they're
just trying to be a panty ass for another some
unemployee got it, decided to be a pandyass. Send it
back because the story goes public, and then all of
a sudden, the passport officials apologize for the quote mistake. Yeah, okay,
so girls got I mean there's tons of examples, and
people are inspired by all kinds of things to name
their kids absolutely whatever it is.

Speaker 1 (43:40):
Yeah, didn't Nicholas Cage? Name is kids Superman or something
like that.

Speaker 5 (43:44):
I think it's like something like nickname of Superman. Yeah,
but yeah, I forget what it was a lot of
dumb names. One kid's name, one kid's impirate really not
his kid, but like some other celebrity. And you know
you're saying, there's there's also pirate pirate, celebrity kids named pirate.

Speaker 2 (44:04):
Yeah, so nick Cages is caught el el.

Speaker 5 (44:08):
Yeah, it's like a nickname like they involved Superman.

Speaker 2 (44:10):
You know, think about that. Brett, Yes, it's kel kelrypt.
Is it weird when I call you your actual name
set of Bort? I mean I interchanges at this point. Yeah,
it's only weird when my parents call me Bort. Then
I do you know what's so funny.

Speaker 5 (44:26):
It's the only reason I knew it was a nickname
of like Superman, because you were just talking about it yesterday.

Speaker 2 (44:33):
Oh yeah, yeah, random up in conversation with a couple
of people. Superman then, yeah, and the son for some
reason weird, so random, it is random.

Speaker 5 (44:43):
Yeah, but it reminds me, I mean kind of like
a name thing. But my my brother in law when
he was applying for a job then you know how
they do the background check, and the background check came
back that said, yeah, you're a wanted man, like somebody
within the that has the same same name.

Speaker 2 (45:01):
Yeah. Yeah, Well, because I'm a junior, I share a
name with my dad, There's been a bunch of stuff
that's come up. It's like my dad's stuff that's not mine. Yeah,
like on credit reports or whatever. Like my dad is
definitely benefiting from my credit. Yeah, for sure, more so
than the other way around.

Speaker 5 (45:17):
Yeah. But I'm like, oh, I bet like somebody stole
your identity when you're a baby, because that happens a lot,
but when there's like a junior or no, just in general, yeah,
just in general, because you know, people are just you know,
trying to get an identity, so they can like work
and stuff.

Speaker 2 (45:35):
And here's somebody who won't notice and until seventeen years Yeah,
until they go go do something. Yeah, they'll apply for
a passport. Y Khalisi right at eight seven seven forty four.
What he texts us too to nine eight seven.

Speaker 11 (45:48):
The Woody Show.

Speaker 3 (45:51):
We'll be right.

Speaker 2 (45:53):
Hey, it's man.

Speaker 5 (45:53):
It's check out the Lazy Dog Restaurants made to order
lunch specials three dollars off road for bulls and other
delicious meals starting Yeah, only eight dollars and seventy five
cents available every day until four pm. Order for pickup
or delivery, free delivery on orders over twenty five dollars
Lazy Dog Restaurants dot com.

Speaker 2 (46:09):
It's very impressive, especially first time at the Glory Hole.

Speaker 5 (46:13):
You know this is.

Speaker 2 (46:16):
I'm not sure about that. Well, it's another new hour
insensitivity training for a politically correct world. It's Monday morning.
It's August to fifth, twenty twenty four. I'm buddy, that's
Greg Gory. All right, good morning, we got menace. What
is up, Woody seabasses here, we got Sammy, We got

the phones open. Eight seven seven forty four, Wooding, you
can hit us up with the text over to two
to nine eight seven this hour, We're gonna sixty nine
the news. Yeah, I'm gonna keep a real sexying. Yeah
we got that. But your Olympic roundup for Monday. Noah
Lyles is the fastest man. He won gold this weekend,
running the one hundred meters sprint. He finished in just

nine point seven eight four second. Wow. The US women's
swimming team into their twenty twenty four Olympic run with
the most gold medals this weekend. Simone Biles won the vault.
Katie Ledecki won the ninth gold of her career. This
next one I'm only including because of the first of alls.
Vincent Hancock, first of all, won his fourth gold in

men's skeet. First of all, So first of all Hancock,
first of all, skeat nice golfer Scottie Scheffler cried like
a baby winning a gold medal. My question is, like,
do that because I don't golf. But this guy has
won forty one million dollars in prize money in his
career and another twenty million dollars in endorsements. Has he

ever cried after winning any of that? I wonder maybe
Greig would win five grand I would be balling. Let
alone forty million gold medal.

Speaker 5 (47:53):
I am assuming for your very first time, it would
be an emotional shage. Yeah, it's something you grew up
watching your whole life.

Speaker 2 (48:03):
It's what they want.

Speaker 5 (48:04):
Yeah, it's huge, pretty cool for your holding it down
for America.

Speaker 2 (48:08):
You don't got to sell me on winning a medal. Yeah,
I understand how that'd be a cool thing. I'm just
calling them a bit of a baby, that's all I'm kidding.
Would know, which is fine, It's fine, But again I wonder,
like dude, because Greg would cry, like if you woke
up and saw his bank account he's got fifty million
dollars or whatever it is.

Speaker 5 (48:27):
You know, screenshot Now, if you win a ton of
golden medals, like our friend Sean White, who's come into
the studio, like you have so many, you name dropping
sewn White, you don't even care anymore.

Speaker 2 (48:40):
You know our buddy sewn U.

Speaker 5 (48:41):
Yeah, our close personal friend shown White like he was saying,
oh yeah, like I forgot I.

Speaker 2 (48:47):
Had one in the car. I left them. Yeah. Overall,
Team USA had a huge weekend, adding twenty eight more
medals on Saturday and Sunday, ten of them gold, so
the USA dominating the overall metal out seventy one medals
for the US. Stupid ass China has forty five and
second place team USA is also now tied with stupid

China for the most gold medals. Nineteen O picks some
Olympic stuff that went viral over the weekend. We already
talked about that French Paul Vaulter Lucky went viral for
knocking the bar over with his package and people thought
the balls would caused him a medal, but that's not true.
He actually hit the bar with his legs. First, then
you have first it Dutch sprinter Femke Bowl, who was

able to help the Netherlands get the gold in the
four by four hundred meter Olympic race on Saturday. But
forget the winning, she's actually gone viral online for her
crazy high pitched voice. It's a lot like Mickey Mouse.
Did you hear this at all? Now? What sport is it?
This is a track? So four by four hundred meter
Olympic race? Okay for the Netherlands. Again, this is Femkey

Bowl is her name, and some new sites are saying
it's not a real voice, that she only sounded like
that because after the race her adrenaline was so high.
But yeah, let's listen to this clip here. When you're
putting your mind to me, you know exactly what to
do indoors. How was that for you?

Speaker 3 (50:12):

Speaker 8 (50:12):
It was amazing.

Speaker 3 (50:13):
I mean it was such a strong razorre oh runny,
so fast, lilipool running into fifties. So I knew I
had to go out fast. I'd leak in front of me,
so I wanted to be in front them. I could
hear all she wants to behind me, So I was like, okay,
this is good. Now he keeps going in this crowd
is so amazing.

Speaker 5 (50:28):
That is not just adrenaline, no, shed it's just a breath.

Speaker 2 (50:33):
But trust me, I've been gas tying my shoes going
up one flight of stairs.

Speaker 11 (50:37):
Yeah, sud was just like this, like Wendy like oh this, Yeah,
I forgot something upstairs.

Speaker 2 (50:45):
I had to run back upstairs and get it. But
I wasn't sure I was gonna survive. It turns out
I was.

Speaker 3 (50:51):
Okay, such a strong razor all running so fast, lilipool
running into fifties, so I knew I had to go
out fast.

Speaker 2 (50:57):
Okay, sounds like a little kid.

Speaker 3 (51:00):
Oh, hey guys, thanks for coming by.

Speaker 2 (51:04):
See you real soon. What are some gentlemen, boys and
girls make your mass.

Speaker 3 (51:09):
I'd leak in front of me, so I wanted to
be in front. Then I could hear all thing she
wants to be hid me. So I was like, okay,
this is good. Now he keeps going. It's ride is
so amazing.

Speaker 5 (51:18):
The show fuck like just these fat people standing there?

Speaker 2 (51:22):
Who are you fard knockers? This is the Woody Show, Hey, beba,
I still got a Woody Well. There's a lot of
different ways you can get updated on the news. You
can watch TV and read stuff on the internet or
on social media. Always you just get it the conversation

in the break room at work. Maybe it's on something
like the Daily shows Get All Your News or the Onion.
But here on The Woody Show, we like to get
it a different way. You like to sixty nine. Yeah,
what's sixty nine the news?

Speaker 5 (52:00):
It all comes together on sixty nine News And.

Speaker 2 (52:03):
This first story. The National Nuclear Security Administration just published
some very hard numbers, first of all, hard about America's
nuclear stockpile. The report list how many We've got, which
is three thousand, seven hundred and forty eight that weekend
still find and how many have been dismantled over the
last year. Sixty nine of those? Oh yeah, sixty nine,

that's right. In other sixty nine the news. This guy
the news after he set a Guinness World Record for
having the most rabbit tattoos on his body. Sweet, guess
how many he has? Sixty nine tattoos? Rabbit tattoos. He's
forty two. Got a late start on the rabbit thing,

so he only got his first one back in twenty nineteen.
And he doesn't even have a rabbit in real life.
He says, he just loves the aesthetic of a rabbit.
What a frigging weird early. So yeah, say he gets
seventy so you can break his record every day fifty
nine years. Is covering what's happening right now?

Speaker 5 (53:07):
All right?

Speaker 2 (53:07):
Sixty nine in the news. You can run from the irs,
but you can't hide. You remember that loser wrapper Takashi
six ' nine, Takashi sixty nine. He's a rat. He's
lucky to still be alive. But he's in the news
again because the irs just seized a couple of his
cars and sold them an auction to pay off his
tax debts. His twenty nineteen Lamborghini went for one hundred

and seventy five thousand dollars and his twenty seventeen Bentley
Continental GT. Speed went for eighty five thousand dollars. What
a deal and a fruity little side note. The cars
had super sweet rainbow paint splatter custom reps.

Speaker 5 (53:44):
Yeah, they look like they just had paints billed on them.

Speaker 1 (53:47):
Oh that's cool. Yeah, let's pay extra for that. Let's
make it a look Lamborghini. Yeah, let's make it look
like garbage.

Speaker 2 (53:52):
That's probably why they got it.

Speaker 5 (53:54):
Yeah, like a eighty I mean that type of car
for eighty thousand is actually a good deal.

Speaker 2 (53:58):
To Kashi nine. That is sixty nine sixty nine the news.
So many scams in the news. His latest one is
about how this lonely widower had thought he had met
the woman of his dreams online. They chatted for a while,
and then the woman convinced him to fly to Kenya
to meet her so they could build their dream home together.

He agreed, buys her a ticket, and even before he
got on the plane, he went ahead and sent her
one hundred thousand dollars of his life savings to pay
her medical bills, tuition fees, and to put a deposit
in that sweet new house. But when he got to Kenya,
you guys, he's at the airport and there's no one
there to meet him. And only then did he realize
that he had been scammed all the way. That sucks.

And not to victim shame, but let's do a little
victim shaming. But yeah, he's a little too old to
be so dumb. Guess how old he is. He's got
to be at least sixty nine. He's sixty nine six nine. Yeah,
what what fool do you feel?

Speaker 3 (54:59):

Speaker 9 (55:00):

Speaker 2 (55:01):
I know, man a right, sixty nine in the news.
Sixty nine news is there? Sixty nine news right here
on your radio? Some good news when it comes to
teen moms. The CDC just released some new data on
teen birth rates, and between twenty and twenty twenty two
they were down significantly, a whopping and he guesses sixty

nine percent. Sixty nine percent, wow, sixty nine. Back in
two thousand, there were more than four hundred and seventy
five thousand babies born the teen moms. In twenty twenty two,
there were just over one hundred and forty five thousand
that's the largest birth rate decline ever. The biggest drop
is with girls between fifteen and seventeen. So, wow, they're nice.

Speaker 5 (55:43):
That goes against what they were saying, like that Team
Mom glorified teens getting pregnant.

Speaker 10 (55:49):
Oh no, I heard the opposite of that, that they
saw the reality of what being a team Mom was.

Speaker 2 (55:53):
Yeah, failed fortune.

Speaker 5 (55:55):
I think, yeah, I think that actually what happened. But
like initially when t Mom came out, they thought it
would like would glorify.

Speaker 2 (56:04):
Yeah. The thing is, you watch that if you're like
a dumb kid and you're watching that and you see like,
oh yeah, the show itself is like, oh man, that sucks.
But then you keep hearing about them and all the
celebrity stuff TMZ, covering them as if they're like legit celebrities.

Speaker 1 (56:19):
And didn't we see in the news somewhat recently that
younger generations these days, they're not all that sexual. Yeah,
they're not banging a lot. Yeah, for whatever reason, I
don't know, if it's just like they're scared. You would
have thought we would have been more scared with the
whole AIDS thing. Now it's like it was always something
nobody cares about. Ads you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (56:39):
Eight aides is so eighties, but there's less and less
like sectual I don't know in person connection these days
with younger people.

Speaker 2 (56:50):
Right, but if you want the in person connection, think
how easy it is now. Yeah, if you just have
some kind of confidence. Yeah, oh then yeah, way to
keep those legs closed. He's keep it up. See, I
got another one here for you, all right?

Speaker 5 (57:04):
Sixty nine Yeah, yeah, it's hot, It's hot.

Speaker 2 (57:07):
Oh yeah. A new survey pulled over one thousand people
and asked if they would think about quitting their job
if given orders to relocate, and what percentage of workers
said they would greg sixty nine, I'm sixty nine percent
is sixty nine? Yeah. Broken down by age groups, seventy
eight percent of people in their twenties, seventy five percent
of people in their thirties, and sixty four percent of

people fortying up say that they would would relocate, would relocate?
How and there's your sixty nine in the news. It
all comes together on sixty nine News. Yes, they're always
keeping you updated the latest and sixty nine News never
been forced to relocate. I mean I wouldn't say I
was forced to relocate. I mean, I guess nobody can

force it. Gave me a lot of options, a lot
more options than these people. Then I was up against
where they're like, oh, well, I'm never leaving this town.
I can't be more than ten months away from my parents.
I'm growing ass adult. I'm gonna give up this career
that I've already worked ten years because God forbid, it'd
be more than ten minutes away from my mom. It's

nice to be close to It is nice to be
close to family.

Speaker 1 (58:12):
I'm not arguing that I'm jealous of people who are.

Speaker 2 (58:15):
I'm saying these people that are just tethered, yeah, and
they can't for whatever, even if it's a great opportunity,
they just can't bring themselves Like, dude, eventually, I'm sorry
to breaking it. Your parents are gonna be dead. They're
gonna be gone, and it's gonna be you, and you
have to look out for your family and your life
and your future and your retirement before then you die.
Your parents are worthless. Give it up, Yeah, just die

some day.

Speaker 8 (58:39):
Just forget about them now.

Speaker 2 (58:40):
Yeah, so yeah, get the head, get the head, start
to jump on it, and just forget about him right now, right,
They're just drains on you real.

Speaker 9 (58:46):

Speaker 1 (58:47):
We were talking about high school reunions recently, and it
made me think that the last time I went to
a high school reunion, I would say ninety five percent
of the kids I graduated with still live in our
old hometown.

Speaker 5 (58:59):
Really, almost all of them. I didn't find the case
with mine. Really, Yeah, I think like maybe two percent
of them still live.

Speaker 2 (59:07):
If you can pull it off, great, I know, you know,
but if you especially depending on what you have for
a career, yeah, exactly. I mean I've I've known people
that have given up what they went to school for
and you know, they end up having a job that
was relatively close to the hometown, and then they got
out of it all together just because they couldn't find
another job doing that within a you know, thirty mile

radius of where they already are of the hometown.

Speaker 11 (59:30):
It was because well, I can't imagine not being able
to go to my cousin's birthday party. It's like, oh, okay, well,
I mean you canay I'm mocking it because that wouldn't
be my decision. If that's your decision, and that's what's
ultimately the most important to you, and I do trust me.

Speaker 2 (59:47):
I love my family, I do. I know it sounds
like I don't you.

Speaker 1 (59:51):
Know, I'm oh, no, I can feel it. Yeah, but
I'm very close to my family, oh totally. And you know,
but it's there are there are airplanes, there are video calls.

Speaker 5 (01:00:02):

Speaker 2 (01:00:02):
You can do all kinds of stuff to keep in
touch with people, but in your your everyday life to
set yourself up so that you can have a future, right,
And you're selling yourself short just because you can't go
to all your cousin's birthday parties. To me seems a
little silly.

Speaker 1 (01:00:18):
All you have to do is do what I did.
You move for a job and then you hound your
family to move to that same town.

Speaker 2 (01:00:24):
Yeah, you can do that. It's not the other way around. Yeah,
you can do that, right. And then they say, no,
we're not going to do it right. It's on them.

Speaker 10 (01:00:30):
I know a lot of people who end up moving
back to their hometown once they're having kids because that's
where their parents are and they can get help with
the kids that way, And it is really nice because
childcare is expensive and if your parents are around and
you have kids and they can help help with.

Speaker 8 (01:00:44):
That, that's a big deal.

Speaker 2 (01:00:46):
I guess I'm talking more about people who have like
a real career going and just because they can't get
you a job in their own town, so they give
up on that on something that they really like they
or they went to school.

Speaker 5 (01:00:59):
With a career trajectory. Yeah, I know who you're talking about.

Speaker 2 (01:01:03):
There's a number of people. Yeah, there's a number of
people that I uh, I mean either I'm thinking about
one one person in particular in my life that that
I know completely gave up on all that stuff and
now has a job that they hate, making a fraction
of the money they could have made going forward, and
will admit that they have any regrets. But I know
they do. I could see it in their eyes. But

they get to see mom and dad. Yeah yeah, yeah,
eight seven seven forty four what he hit us up
of the text over to two two nine eight seven more.
What he shows next? Hang up? Are you all in
the Woody Show? Well, here is what I've determined to

be the dumbest story of the day. This guy says
that he was fired from the real life conjuring house.
Fired from the house. Yeah, like he worked at the house.
I guess the house has tours. Yeah, stuff like that.
The house they used for the movie The Conjuring got it.
He was fired because a ghost told the owner that

he was stealing. So the real life farmhouse from the movie.
It is in Burleville, Rhode Island, and it's open to visitors.
This guy, he's been working there, and the owner claims
the spirit of John Arnold, who is the person who
originally owned the home back in the eighteen hundreds. Ah,
so the ghost of the original owner told this dude

who owns the house now that the employee had swiped
three thousand dollars from the cash box.

Speaker 5 (01:02:40):
Okay, then I think the employee does have a case here.

Speaker 2 (01:02:43):
The employee denies it and says he doesn't think that
John Arnold's ghost would rat him out like that quote.
For a spirit to go after a staff member in
that manner, I've never heard of such a thing at
any haunted venue, lit alone the Conjuring House. And that,
my friends, is the dumbest story of the day. Yeah.

Speaker 8 (01:03:06):
Where the money?

Speaker 2 (01:03:07):
Yeah, where the money at. I'm not saying he didn't
steal it. Where the money exactly?

Speaker 1 (01:03:11):
Yeah, he's more worried about the method in which the
person was told. Right, the ghost told you the ghost
would rapped.

Speaker 2 (01:03:18):
I don't think the spirit of John Arnold would do that.

Speaker 1 (01:03:21):
Yeah, we're friends, ain't no rat. Yeah, I know the
money's gone, but yeah it's not. That's not the reason why. Yeah,
there's so many people out there to be concerned with. Yeah,
I'm looking up the house right now. It's a lot
smaller than you would think. We always look though, must be.

Speaker 2 (01:03:37):
It always looked bigger on camera, right guys, I know
Acres what a letdown. Yeah, I would like to go there.
I didn't know you could tour it. And then what
then you're stuck in Rhode Island? What else is there
to do? I don't I guess a bunch of roads
to drive on. I don't know. Yeah, and it's an
island of roads. Yeah, Rhode Island, you drive out, it's

tiny eight seven seven forty four. Woody hit us up
with the text over to two to nine eighty seven.
Grizzy sounds like it's an unadvertising word to me, it's
buzzy Gottler. Yeah, we have a turn winder, we have
a turn saucer. Buzy sun Glzzy. It's another new hour

in sensitivity training for a politically correct world. Monday, Morning,
August fifth, twenty twenty four. Woodie, that's great, gory, Happy
new hour, Happy new hour to you, Greg, thank you.
There's menace. What is up? Woody is encouraging everyone to
find us and follow us at the Woodie Show on
the social media platform of your choice to it. Sea

Bass is here trying to figure out it's latest comb
over technique better he's I could say that because he's
not the studio currently. Otherwise you would have would mean
to Sammy. Good morning in the world. Phones open eight
seven seven forty four Woodie text over to two to
nine eighty seven. Actually, my hair is quite muscular. You

like that? Would you like to run your fingers through
my hair? You did that to you ones. It's quite
it's also intelligence. He just wanted you to touch them.
And then Sammy said, oh yeah, it's I'll do that,
slam Master. It's great hair. Oh god, yeah, no problem
as well. No, I don't think she can get it.

You want to. I don't think she is. She does,
all right, So coming up this hour menace. It's a
game for it's it's a Craigslist price is right, but
it's not Craigslist. It's from Cracker barrel.

Speaker 5 (01:05:36):
It is. I was recently in a cracker barrel and
I don't know that store if you've never been there. Yeah, right,
when you walk in, it's pretty much just like a
store of knick knacks, even though it's a restaurant. Yeah,
and they have everything and anything you can think.

Speaker 2 (01:05:49):
Oh we all know. Yeah, some people meet like how
you get all the candies? Like they all like guys
stuff that you can't get typically like buck guys or.

Speaker 5 (01:05:57):
Rocking chairs, rocking chairs and different Yeah, thing for your household.

Speaker 2 (01:06:02):

Speaker 5 (01:06:02):
I saw a talking parrot in there, mechanical line.

Speaker 2 (01:06:05):
That spinning rack thing of all the things like you know,
if you were born in nineteen seventy six, and it's
all the things that were popular of the year that
you were born.

Speaker 5 (01:06:12):
Yeah, all kinds on this date. So I selected a
couple of items and yeah, we'll use those for the prices.

Speaker 2 (01:06:20):
Right, Yeah, so Menace holltell us about these items. Wow,
and we get through this. The first time I really
get to guests.

Speaker 1 (01:06:26):
You get to play a long I know, how excited
are I know it's very different from me.

Speaker 2 (01:06:30):
I know it's really fun to play. Yep, all right, anyway,
Phones open eight seven seven forty four. Woodie hit us
up with the text over to two to nine eight seven.
So I saw a story thought about Greg and then
also Sammy was telling a story about something that happened
to her house. Yep, this woman in Florida, Greg arrested
after she drowned her roommate's pet spider. Oh, who can

blame her? She was charged with animal cruelty and petty
theft charges. Since the spider, which I guess is a
jumping spider, oh say it was worth quote seventy bucks. Okay,
please a seventy dollars spider. Give me a break. If
you wanted to buy a tarantula, I wonder how much,
speaking of like a Craigslist prices, right, how much would
you spend on a tarantula? I think you can get

them for like thirty bucks. If they're a penny, it's
too much? Yeah? Can I share a tarantula story? Okay?

Speaker 1 (01:07:21):
I had the worst night the other night. I'm sitting
on the couch. Mario gets up from the couch to
go to the kitchen or something, looks out the window
and jumps back and says, oh my god. And I
thought this cannot be good. It was a legit tarantula
on the wall by the front door, climbing up the house.

Speaker 2 (01:07:41):
Bugs always on your front door. I know, right, I
don't get that part.

Speaker 5 (01:07:44):
And aren't transulas from like, I don't know, the Amazon
or something.

Speaker 1 (01:07:49):
I know that's what I thought. Yeah, this gets it
gets so dumb and bad. So we're both paranoid. We think,
what if it comes into the house, it must be destroyed.
But neither of us are brave enough to go out
there and get within X amount of feet of this
translat So I suggested the vacuum cleaner, just take the
extender suck it up. And he said, I'm not getting

that close to it. Are you crazy? I said, how
about a broom. He's like, why are you giving me
all these suggestions about how to handle this tarantula? You
do something? And I said, look, you know me, I'm
not going out there. I will I'll just have to
stay home for the rest of my life. I'm not
going out there. So he decides to be the man
and goes out to deal with this transula. But I
didn't know what he was going to do. I figured

he would use a broom or I said, use the
leaf blower. Something, just get it out of here. I
was so scared that I literally had to go to
the bathroom. So I said, I'll be right back. I'm
going to go use the bathroom number two, number two.
It literally scared the mish out of it. Yeah, because
this is a legit transula. No people say, oh, I

saw a transola and it was just a big spider.
This was like a legit movie Tarantula. By the way,
I'm looking online.

Speaker 2 (01:08:58):
You can get a Mexican red knee tarantula for thirty
nine dollars and ninety nine cents. There's also another one,
though this one's a little bit bigger. The bigger one's
one hundred and forty nine dollars. Wow, gassy one. There's
a giant Mexican red knee Transla you can get for
sixty bucks eighty four bucks. There's another one for twenty bucks.

This is the stripe knee Trantla twenty bucks. I think
I had the jumpo one.

Speaker 10 (01:09:23):
We've got to pick up a couple of Yeah, you
should have captured it and then you could have sold it.

Speaker 8 (01:09:27):
It's money.

Speaker 1 (01:09:28):
So I come out of the bathroom and Mario is
on the phone with the fire department.

Speaker 2 (01:09:36):
A serious. Okay, that's the gayest thing I wanted advice. Dude,
that's the fire department that wins the award for gayest
thing I've heard. This is how scared we were.

Speaker 1 (01:09:46):
And so they and they literally laughed at him and said, yeah,
you know, it happens.

Speaker 2 (01:09:51):
It's outdoors, it's a bug. And they went back to
their dinner of chili. So they go back to the
mess hall. Right, like, these two guys just called it
about a transla. I wanted to come out for a transulus.

Speaker 1 (01:10:01):
So then he said, well, I guess the fire department
won't come get it, so I'm gonna.

Speaker 2 (01:10:05):
Have to deal with it. I would at least call
animal control.

Speaker 1 (01:10:08):
Well maybe we have called them in the past when
we've seen snakes in the yard and they don't come
unless it's a rattlesnake. You should have called the cops.
It could have arrested somebody. So then I stay in
the house. He goes into the backyard and he's out
there for like ten minutes. I'm thinking what is he doing. Meanwhile,
he said, keep it eye on the translat I don't
want to going near the front door. What if it
gets in the house. So he finally comes around and

I see him holding a dish of some sort, It
was like a plastic bowl, and he's also holding our
super soaker. We got this pool toy, you know, you
just pull it to put the water in it. And
then yeah, he's holding that. What he did was he
went to the garage and took one of my industrial
sized things, a bug spray that I have for the outdoors,
and he poured it into a dish and then sucked

it up into the super sucker, and then from about
fifteen feet away, starts flooding this transla wait.

Speaker 2 (01:10:59):
Watered down stuff or full.

Speaker 1 (01:11:02):
On the full on stuff that comes in one of
those big jugs, and it has a wand attached to
her big jugs. That doesn't instantly kill it doesn't. And
then it fell to the ground and he's like reloading
the super soaker, shoots it again, reloading, shooting again. It
starts crawling down and then he goes up to it. Finally,

when it gets enough life of it sucked out of
it by this poison, he goes up to it with
the blunt end of the super soaker and.

Speaker 5 (01:11:31):
Just bash bash bashash.

Speaker 1 (01:11:33):
Bash, And I thought, thank god, you handled that. Now
the front area of the house looks like you host
it with an actual hose of water. It's all just dripping.
The dog is freaking out. She wants to go out there.
I said, well, we can't let her out. It's soaked
in bug spray, and finally killed it. It was, uh nightmare,

and the fire department didn't help, No kidding. I thought
it was hilarious, adorable. I said, who are you on
the with I'm on the phone with the fires.

Speaker 2 (01:12:02):
The talking for more than two seconds. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:12:05):
No, The guy totally laughed and he's like, yeah, we're
not coming out for that.

Speaker 2 (01:12:09):
Totally whipping boy was out. In fact, he has a
couple of pictures here. He saw they have a fifty
percent off sale right now on assorted basic Tarantula's discussed
normal price forty nine to ninety nine now just twenty
four ninety nine. Why do you pick up for us? Yeah?
Then he took a picture of this one. Let me
show you the picture here. Uh, there you go, then
you do dig in. Oh that's what was on my door.

Look it was that bad. I'm called a fine upon.

Speaker 1 (01:12:36):
The spider was all hairy like that. Oh, it was
a legit their hair. It was gross, and I kind
of feel bad that we killed it.

Speaker 10 (01:12:45):
Okay, So Greg, I have a spider story as well
that it's so funny the way you reacted to that.

Speaker 8 (01:12:50):
I wonder what you would have done in the situation.

Speaker 10 (01:12:52):
I was outside of my place wiping down all the
spider webs and stuff because it just kind of needed
to be cleaned. And I was wiping the side of
the house and underneath. I went underneath like a window
ledge and all of a sudden, a spider crawled out,
and I was like, okay, you know whatever. I think
I maybe hit where it was. And then all of
a sudden, like a dozen baby spiders came crawling out

on the side.

Speaker 8 (01:13:17):
I mean baby, they.

Speaker 10 (01:13:20):
Were read they were so little, baby just scattered.

Speaker 8 (01:13:25):
About, and I mean, I'm I did not call the
fire department.

Speaker 2 (01:13:31):
To spin web class.

Speaker 10 (01:13:33):
I felt so bad because I was like, I just
hit this nest and this mom and her babies, and
there was kind of like spider web string type things
attached to where like the babies were, and I was
grabbing those to place them on the ground because I
was wiping stuff down and I didn't want to kill them,
and I was just like, I hope you all live.
I don't like I tried to place them near their mom.

Speaker 8 (01:13:54):
Felt bad.

Speaker 1 (01:13:55):
Wow, she tried to place them near their mom means well,
I'd be getting a bucket of poison.

Speaker 5 (01:14:03):
Only spiders I'm afraid of are black widows. They are
hard to kill.

Speaker 2 (01:14:07):
I've had one of those in my garage. They will
mess you up.

Speaker 1 (01:14:09):
Yeah, and you spray it with raid for a good minute. Yeah,
and there's still a lot. I had a friend that
she was in the hospital for a week. Really, Yeah,
she was in her garage just cleaning something and it
like crawled on her hand in.

Speaker 2 (01:14:21):
Her not good. Well, a lot of people now saying
this would be a great animated podcast. No, we can
what it can be a one and done. Oh no,
I think we can make that out of me. I'll
make sure that we get that audio after the animation team.
We don't need forever. We have like a nice cartoon
pictures of the fireman back of the house. He didn't
kill laughing at you. These gay dudes just called up. Hey,

guess what, Chuck, Yeah, we just got a call. Yeah,
I hope you guys are hanging on your boots because
check this out. These two queers just called up about
a spider. One of them was so scared he had
a poo poop. Yeah, alright, more Woody Shows next, more
What he is? Woody Show? All right, welcome back. Hey,

I forgot to mention we're looking for some callers, so Morgan,
if you want to get some people lined up on
the phones eight seven seven forty four Woody eight seven
seven forty four Woody. So we know what we do.
The crankslist prices right, this is the Cracker Barrel. Addition,
awesome menace was recently at a Cracker Barrel. And I'm

assuming that you're tooling around the store. You probably had
to wait for a table. Ah yeah, just you waited
for a table. I thought that's something you just don't do.

Speaker 5 (01:15:39):
It's a few minutes. I can't wait. I can bear
with it for a moment.

Speaker 2 (01:15:44):
Okay, what did you order? Oh, the fried chicken, of course, Yeah,
fried chickens a good. I also like their chicken and dumplings.
I like the chicken fried stay. Yeah, and they got
that that corn castrole stuff. Oh I did not have that.
I did have a side of corn though. Oh no,
the hash brown castle. That's what it is horn castrow
somewhere else. Oh okay, yeah they have a hash brown
cast role. But check this out.

Speaker 5 (01:16:06):
I never got my base my biscuits though.

Speaker 2 (01:16:08):
Because we're like, oh sorry, we're out of business right now.
I'm gonna have the biscuits.

Speaker 5 (01:16:12):
Yeah, we'll have some warmed up within like ten minutes,
not hour later.

Speaker 2 (01:16:15):
Still no biscuits really shirts on that part. All right, Well,
if you want to play this Cracker Barrel edition of
the price is right, eight seven seven forty four? Whatody
is the number? That's eight seven seven forty four. And
this is exciting because of the first time I've ever
gotten to play Yeah, big day and uh and make
a guess as to how much these things are because
Menace is the one that was there, so he's got

all the prices and everything. Yes, and so he's gonna
like the same way the other game works. He's gonna
tell us about an item. We have to try to
guess how much it's being sold for there at the
Cracker Barrel, and then you on the phone, we'll just
have to guess is the actual Cracker barrel price higher
or lower than the bid that was given here in
the studio And if you could do that correctly, you
will be the winner. M hm again eighty seven seven

in forty four wooding. I almost feel like we should
have like little House in the Prayer music. I know. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:17:07):
When I think of Cracker Barrel, I figured that game.
It's a piece of wood and you have the pet
triangle with the golf t yeah, and you have to
jump the pegs.

Speaker 5 (01:17:14):
Yeah. And for some reason, if you don't know what
cracker barrel is, it is a restaurant that has a
gift shop in front of the restaurant. So these items
are from the gift shop in front of the restaurant.

Speaker 2 (01:17:24):
If you don't know what a cracker barrel is, I
don't want to know you.

Speaker 5 (01:17:27):
Yeah, are you never been?

Speaker 2 (01:17:29):
Yeah? All right, let's go to the phones and say
hello to our first contest, and let's say hello to Gilbert.
Good morning, Gilbert, Gilbert, good morning, morning morning. All right.
Menace was the first item.

Speaker 5 (01:17:41):
Well, let's start off what they're known for. There are
rocking chairs. If you go to a Cracker Barrel, they
can always have a bunch of rocking chairs outside.

Speaker 2 (01:17:48):
And here's a picture of the one that talking about.

Speaker 5 (01:17:51):
Is a Pollywood all weather heritage legacy slate rocker, and
then this flat rocker slatwalker rocker.

Speaker 2 (01:18:00):
I gave what your description? Does a case? Yeah for
a backup? Yeah, this is all weather.

Speaker 5 (01:18:05):
It's made out of a blend of plastics and includes
recycled milk jugs.

Speaker 1 (01:18:10):

Speaker 5 (01:18:10):
So now how much does this rocker cost?

Speaker 2 (01:18:15):
He's playing? Yeah? Who should we have? Okay the first time?

Speaker 5 (01:18:21):
Let's uh, let's have you picked?

Speaker 2 (01:18:23):
All right? Well, this is one that doesn't really need
any maintenance. It's a it's brand new. It's not going
to be any kind of discount price for sure, So
I would say two hundred dollars. Two hundred dollars. Yeah, Gilbert,
do you think the actual Craigslist price is higher or
lower than two hundred dollars? Higher?

Speaker 5 (01:18:44):
Higher than two hundred? Well check this out. You are correct,
it is higher. Really, it is two hundred and forty
nine dollars.

Speaker 2 (01:18:55):
Yes, Wow, pretty good? Who knew actual rocker cracker barrel price? Gilbert? Congratulations,
you already winner. You're on the cracker barrel prices right
hanging on second, we'll get your information. Alright, let's go
to uh Ted, who is next? Good morning Ted?

Speaker 3 (01:19:10):

Speaker 2 (01:19:12):
Hey, good morning guys. All right, we're playing the cracker barrel.
Price is right, what's the next item? And who's bidding
on a menace?

Speaker 5 (01:19:18):
Well, let's give this one a Sammy because she does
love snow glove. Snow gloves, you love country music. This
one is a boot that's made into a snow globe.

Speaker 2 (01:19:32):
It's a cowboy boot.

Speaker 5 (01:19:33):
Yeah yeah, and it has an led light up. Oh
so you can't wear this, No, you can't wear it's
a snow glove. It's an actual snow globe.

Speaker 2 (01:19:43):
Yeah, that's shaped as a cowboy. But I can't wear that. Yeah,
it's about eight inches high. I thought it was just
the look of it because it doesn't look like it.
It's not like in a globe shape. There's like water
in there. Yeah, that's good of a drop. Can't tell.
It just looks like a bunch of glitter.

Speaker 5 (01:19:59):
Okay, now see why you said you Yeah, yeah, I
started with snow glow.

Speaker 2 (01:20:04):
No, I thought it was just a style to look at.
It's meant to look like that, but the addition of
the but it just looks like it's a boot a
snow glow in the style of you know. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (01:20:13):
I shared a photo with Sammy yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:20:16):
Oh it says great for gifting or keeping for yourself. Yeah,
there's a horses yeah, one or the other. Greg, what
part of the house would you keep this interview at it?
You know what? I might go crazy with that. Put
it like on a shelf in the kitchen.

Speaker 10 (01:20:27):
Okay, or maybe just on the entryway table so people
can see it as soon as.

Speaker 2 (01:20:30):
No, of course, yeah, yeah, of course, or maybe the
garbage can now Sammy, yes, how much is this snow glow?

Speaker 8 (01:20:37):
I'm going to say thirty five dollars?

Speaker 2 (01:20:38):
Thirty dollars? Ted, do you think the actual cracker barrel
price is higher or lower? Hier? Higher? The price is
forty nine ninety right, congratulations, man, another winner. All right,
thank you, Ted, I appreciate you listening to what the show.
Hang on one second, we will get all your information. Next,

let's go to Brittany. Good morning, Brittany, Brittany. All right, Brittany,
good morning. It's all right. So cracker barrel prices right
next time?

Speaker 5 (01:21:09):
In please Menace all right for a great gory because
he does love cookwar. I do I have a twelve
inch Dolly parton preseason cast iron stamped skillet.

Speaker 2 (01:21:19):
Yeah, now it is a It is a lodge branded.
So that's like the brand for those cast iron skillets.
Oh oh, I see wow? Do you want me to
read the description? Minister, yes, please. Inspired by her music
and the butterflies that have always symbolized Dolly's spirit, this
special edition piece of cast iron will help you turn
out classic dishes and create new traditions. Made with just

iron oil and Tennessee spirit. The naturally seasoned cooking surface
is born to perform for generations to come. How much.

Speaker 6 (01:21:54):

Speaker 2 (01:21:54):
Twelve inch Dolly cast iron stamped skillet?

Speaker 1 (01:21:59):
I know that cook words quite pricey. Let's say you
know what sixty nine sixty alright, Britty?

Speaker 2 (01:22:10):
Do you think the actual cracker barrel price is higher
or lower than sixty nine dollars?

Speaker 3 (01:22:17):
I'm gonna say higher higher sixty nine dollars?

Speaker 5 (01:22:21):
Well, the price is thirty two.

Speaker 2 (01:22:27):
Sorry, yeah, sorry, Brittany. It seems like a pretty good deal. Sorry, Brittany,
but thank.

Speaker 11 (01:22:32):
You for show.

Speaker 2 (01:22:34):
Bye by. Let's go to uh Alyssa? Who is next?
Good morning, Alyssa?

Speaker 11 (01:22:41):
Good morning?

Speaker 2 (01:22:42):
All right, let's do let's do this last one here? Menace?
What do we got? The last one?

Speaker 5 (01:22:46):
And I'll give it to woody again because and I mean, Greg,
you can probably play long because you guys love signage
in the house.

Speaker 2 (01:22:52):
Oh yeah, totally. There's this light up sign. It's it's
quite small though. Okay.

Speaker 5 (01:22:57):
It's a light up sign that says, bless this barton.

Speaker 2 (01:23:00):
Bless this barn. Yes, oh okay, yeah, Oh I see it. Yeah,
bless this barn. It's in the shape of a barn
and just hangs up on the wall.

Speaker 5 (01:23:08):
Yeah, and it has a little led light up in
the back, so the little windows light up. Yeah, at
the bottom of it.

Speaker 2 (01:23:13):
It's at the bottom of this guy like this guy's
holding his hand and then it goes like just across
the width of his hand. It's not much bigger than that,
so it's pretty pretty small. So it's basically like a
night light almost. Yeah, say it with a sign our box.
Signs are full of personality and add a dimensional conversation
piece to your home decor. This conversation piece, I wouldn't

take this for free. Hey, where'd you get that crap?
Let's have a conversation about it. So how much is
this barn sign? It lights up? It lights up? Twenty bucks,
twenty bucks. What do you think Alyssa actual cracker barrel
price higher or lower than twenty dollars lower.

Speaker 5 (01:23:54):
It is a steal at five ninety that guy, I'll
pick up a couple of them for you.

Speaker 2 (01:24:06):
I mean at that price, you can't pass it up. Yeah,
all right, well listen, congratulations, you are a winner for
this round of the cracker barrel price is right. All right,
So there's a there's Alyssa. I love it. A lot
of winners there. Yeah, one more, yes, yes, Sammy, here
we go, Sammy. Now this is a Marquee Deluxe. Hold on,

let me get the contested Sorry, yeah, no, that was
my bad. Say how to Ralph? Good morning, Ralph, Ralph,
good morning morning. All right, it's the cracker barrel. Price
is right. This is an item that Sammy's gonna bid on.
What is a venas?

Speaker 5 (01:24:43):
It is a Marquis Deluxe Santa carousel.

Speaker 2 (01:24:47):
Ok. Just for fun, let's have you read the description.

Speaker 5 (01:24:50):
Oh god, that's why I gave you the descriptions. Okay,
to bring it home for uh, to bring home the
magic of a season, our Marquee Deluxe Santa Claus Carousel
in uh incredibly detailed and painted Santa and Andrey. Yeah,

Santa and his reindeer rise and fall as the carousel
turns and adds extra level of wonder using his optional
light show settings multiplex, Unison or steady. The AC adapts
AC adapter operates UH casual plays twenty.

Speaker 2 (01:25:32):
The AC adapter operated carousel Yeah plays plays twenty Christmas
carols with volume control to enjoy without music as well.
This is Sammy's dread no menace.

Speaker 8 (01:25:46):
Why is the box of this not sitting here for
me to take off? You saw this and you just
left it there.

Speaker 2 (01:25:52):
So little that you can play? Yeah? All right, so
can you hold that up? Sammy? We're gonna get the
bid here. How much do you think this is selling
for their cracker barrel?

Speaker 8 (01:26:03):
I mean, this looks nice. It is intricate and painted.
Is it is? It would?

Speaker 2 (01:26:09):
And it plays music and it plays music.

Speaker 8 (01:26:12):
I'm going to say one hundred dollars.

Speaker 2 (01:26:14):
One hundred dollars, Ralph, do you think the actual cracker
barrel price is higher or lower than one hundred dollars?
Lower lower than a hundred bucks?

Speaker 5 (01:26:26):
It would be two hundred and.

Speaker 8 (01:26:33):
If I forgive you for not having.

Speaker 10 (01:26:38):
Ye damn I want that, sorry, Ralph.

Speaker 2 (01:26:43):
One, guys, that's how you play the cracker barrel poses right,
thank you mans no problem that you had a couple
of minutes to make a game out of your seat.
He is such an efficient use of time guy. I know. Yeah,
there's always content, no part of the animal left unused.
I know, more Woody shows next. Hang on, we'll be

right back. Yeah, Menace is going to be out on Saturday.
I know it's quite a bit of way yes this point,
but there's a new Fabletics that's opening up what Glendale galleria, Yeah,
right next to the Macy's in Glendale. That's gonna be
from one to three this Saturday. He'll have some theme
park tickets, contrain tickets, gift cards, wood you show merch
and stuff. You know, you can always catch Menace at

the mall. That's just where he hangs out. Come hang
out Fabletics. I don't know if I've been to a
Fabletics store, like what kind of stuff that they got.
I think you like it.

Speaker 5 (01:27:37):
They have a lot of casualwear, but they also have
obviously a lot of workout gear. I was recently when
we went into our trip in Pittsburgh, I bought some
underwear there.

Speaker 2 (01:27:46):
As I do.

Speaker 5 (01:27:46):
Is that absolutely loved it and like that. I think
you'll really like the cashalwear as well.

Speaker 2 (01:27:51):
That's a Fabletics and Glendale on Saturday. She wants a
d and she's going to get one the Woodie Show.
I got one more item. Cracker Barrel. Oh okay, by
the way, somebody texted over saying, seriously, Cracker Barrel. That
place is hot garbage. My wife and I tried it
for breakfast because their coworker wouldn't shut up about it.

That place makes fire camp meals prepared by convicts, tastes
like top rated Michelin star chefs.

Speaker 5 (01:28:19):
Oh wow, okay, not a fan. I've always liked Cracker Barrel,
but I'll tell you my last experience.

Speaker 2 (01:28:27):
I like it for breakfast. The service was awful. Yeah,
that's the service. Like the food, like food. Its great breakfast.
I don't know if I've been there for anything but breakfast. Yeah,
I went there obviously.

Speaker 5 (01:28:38):

Speaker 2 (01:28:38):
I went there for lunch.

Speaker 5 (01:28:39):
I got the fried chicken, which was delicious, but they
brought out my side or super cold.

Speaker 2 (01:28:45):
I never got my biscuit. We never heard about the biscuits. Alright,
we got one more item here. Who's gonna bit on
this one? Greg ort to go again. Maybe it's a
semi type item. All right, well it's a care Bears mugs.
It's okay, caras you canna tell her about it?

Speaker 9 (01:29:03):

Speaker 5 (01:29:03):
Sorry, I gave you the paper. I apologize.

Speaker 2 (01:29:07):
It says, enjoy a nice cup of coffee or tea
in this awesome Care Bears twenty ounce rainbow heart logo
ceramic camper mug.

Speaker 5 (01:29:16):
Camera camper mug.

Speaker 2 (01:29:18):
Okay, it's a different between.

Speaker 8 (01:29:20):
The camera mugs are like kind of ten or whatever,
so they don't break. It's not ceramic.

Speaker 2 (01:29:23):
Yeah. I think the.

Speaker 5 (01:29:24):
Lip is different on them too, Yeah, a.

Speaker 2 (01:29:26):
Little bit that lip though, The lip is cute. All right,
So how much do you think this is going for?

Speaker 8 (01:29:32):
I'm going to say fifteen dollars?

Speaker 2 (01:29:35):
Fifteen dollars, Greg Gory? Do you think the actual cracker
barrel price is higher or lower than the fifteen dollars lower? Lower?
Lower lower? Actual cracker barrel price eight dollars and ninety
nine cents. That's yeah, wait to go, Greg Noice. I
won Yeah, I like it. You want me to buy

you one? Of course I do. My sister love care Bears.
That's so throwback. What's that? Didn't boys? I remember the
care Bears. I mean, everybody loves Smurfs, but care Bears.
That was definitely like divided among boys and girls. You
like the care Bears was general neutral? No, yeah, for sure. No, dude,

I know would have been caught dead with a care Bear.

Speaker 5 (01:30:24):
Young super young boys would not care about the care
Bears in the eighties.

Speaker 2 (01:30:29):
Dude, okay, no, father would have allowed it. Every father,
not in this house, not.

Speaker 10 (01:30:35):
Even just watching, just watching cameras.

Speaker 2 (01:30:40):
All right, more what he shows next? Hang on? You
know the Woody Show? All right, welcome back everybody, Monday.
It's August the fifth. We are the what do you show? Uh,

it's National Oyster Day, Greg, and know you're a fan.
I'm the only one here who loves them. Yeah, I mean,
do you like the oysters now?

Speaker 7 (01:31:07):
Or consistently said I don't know, as that's always one thing.

Speaker 2 (01:31:11):
Well, you love a chicken, right, yeah, No, I just
always associate you with the adventurous, adventurous, Oh for sure,
but yeah, oyster. Is this what's your favorite? The blue Points? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (01:31:28):
Absolutely, there's different kinds oh yeah, oh, tons of different
kinds of Yeah. I just love it when they're kind
of the equivalent of wine. Snobs when the oyster people
will say like, oh, this one is subtly sweet, this
one is.

Speaker 2 (01:31:38):
They're basically taste like sandy ocean. You like scallops, oh,
I love. I was.

Speaker 7 (01:31:46):
I was a five year old who loves scallops. Yeah,
because these are actually subtly sweet.

Speaker 2 (01:31:52):
They are texture correctly, but also you get like sand
and stuff. They big if you get to go do
it right. Yeah, yeah, maybe I just didn't have big
lean off what's called the beard, but they would they
use the good ones to put the bacon around the
outside of them, because that that's uh. When I used
to eat them, Yeah, the bacon, it was just one
too many times getting like sandic really sometimes you might

get a little grit, Yeah, a little grit in there. Great,
it's national couscous stays. Man, I know that you love
couscous couscous. It's like cold, Okay, you don't know what
couscous is. I've heard of it. It's a teeny little
sphericle rice. Yeah, like yeah, yeah, I mean I like rice. Yeah,

saying couscous doesn't like, uh, don't make connection, doesn't chicken
and couscous and like a vegetable menus. Yeah, chicken and couscouse.
I mean we went to it was funny. We went to,
uh this place. Uh where do we go? Catch right?

Speaker 5 (01:32:54):

Speaker 2 (01:32:55):
Catch all right. So it's like this, you know, nicer
you know, uh, nicer place. Yeah, and is for a brunch.
And we're and we're sitting there and you know, it's
all this like nice stuff on the menu and they
get the menace. They go, what would you like? I'll
have the steak and eggs. He orders his steak well done.
I said medium, well and then and then and then

they said, well, how would you like the eggs? Scrambled? Yeah, scrambled.
He did say that. But it's like a child. Yeah,
so not surprised. I guess it is a couscous are
I don't know if you would like for it's just semolina?
What a flower? You guys, let's stop now. If he's

getting to what's the other what's the thing like? Man,
it's another grain, not couscous No grits. No, it's you know,
it's got to hell. It's good.

Speaker 4 (01:33:54):
It's more like na it's okay, k is okay, but no,
because it's not it's got like there a lot of
times I feel like it has like a sour tinge to.

Speaker 5 (01:34:05):
It, really, like that's like bubble bitter.

Speaker 7 (01:34:09):
Yeah, yeah, why menace hates it because it has that
the grain or the shell, the outand of exosperitious garbage
and anything weat related.

Speaker 2 (01:34:19):
Menace hates. Yeah, weat not good. There's a couple lot
of food holidays for you. It's the entertainment stuff. There
a rumor going around that Tom Cruise plans to literally
drop in during the Olympic closing ceremonies. TMZ did a
whole thing about this, saying that he's going to repel
down from the top of what is this the Staate
de France, sure Land on the stadium field and then

proceed to carry the official Olympic flag to the next
host city, which would be Los Angeles. Now he does
all his own stunts. They're saying, I'll probably have a
stunt man. I don't know that he does a lot
of He would totally do that for the fifth time.
Travis Kelcey is a ninety nine club member. I know, Greg,
you're wondering what that is. Sure that is his overall
score in the New Madden NFL twenty five video game.

He's joined by Tyreek Hill, Trent Williams, Christian McCaffrey, and
the new Madden NFL twenty five will be out next
week next Thursday. That's August the fifteenth. That's always fun.
I used to man, I used to like live to
that day. Yeah, when that game the Day came out,
I would get it. Now it's like I get it
when we get it. Although like a lot of times
now my son's just downloading the game right to the

PlayStation and not even getting like the physical copy of
the game. You'll never know the excitement. You gotta love
Harrison Ford, you guys. He was asked what it took
to do motion capture work in the New Captain America movie,
and he said, quote, it took not caring. It took
being an idiot for money, which I've done before. Nice

finally acting super hard. No, it's so actually really easy. Also,
who ordered the Britney Spears biopic anybody right here? I'll
watch it. It is happening, supposed to come out later
on this year. Universal Pictures is doing it. It's based
on that book that she released, The Woman in Me.
John M Chew is directing it. He's the one who

did Crazy Rich Asians and Wicked.

Speaker 1 (01:36:11):
I always say your wife obviously, and I think, what
is it about Brittany that she doesn't know yet that
she has to find? I don't know, Like, I don't
get it.

Speaker 2 (01:36:20):
Even my wife is pretty much off board with at
this point.

Speaker 5 (01:36:23):
Yeah, that whole Did you see that whole thing that
was going on with Halsey just recently?

Speaker 2 (01:36:28):
No, that was super weird.

Speaker 5 (01:36:30):
So I guess Halsey like sampled the crazy I forget
what song, Britney Spears, Britney Spears song, whatever, and she
put it out and then Britney Spears went on this
whole tigh rate on how she didn't approve it and
all this stuff, and then Halsey came back and like, yeah,
we met with your team.

Speaker 2 (01:36:46):
We got everything approved and.

Speaker 5 (01:36:48):
Like had all these receipts, and then Brittany came back
like later that day. It was like, oh, sorry, guys,
that was it wasn't me on my social media.

Speaker 2 (01:36:55):
It's all good. I loved the Halsey song. She clicked. Yeah.
The last beef I saw was the thing going on
between them and the Osborne and the Osborne's just came
out like last week or something said oh really sorry,
but oh no, Bill and Ted. They're making their Broadway
debut Keanu Reeves Alex Winter. They're going to be in
a show called Waiting for Go Dot. It's uh yeah, Joe.

It's all kind of like, what's your face that is?
Isn't a gal Gado? Or so? That's good?

Speaker 5 (01:37:25):

Speaker 2 (01:37:26):
This good? Okay? Who who know? For years and years?
I don't know theater. You know, I'm not sure what
is that book? It's not going to start until the
fall of twenty twenty five, but a force What would
you rather do? Go to a play or a musical?
Play me too? Yeah? Play all day? What about back
to the Future of the Musical? Yeah? No, even that

can't get me there. Tori Spelling says she'll have to
go on OnlyFans to send her five kids to college.
Ye though, Warner Brothers and Fox they're teaming up for
a sports streaming service. Also here, I'll give you this one.
Gotta love Demi Moore. She wants to help destigmatize farting
Greg good for her, and so she's teamed up with

idea digestive health company to promote this new book. It's
called an adults guide to Farts, and she posted a
video on social media. I have a little clip here
for you, adults.

Speaker 12 (01:38:20):
Guide to farts. What's the big stink about? Farts are
nothing to be ashamed of. They're very normal. Cat's fart,
dog's fart, birds fart, even bugs fart. Of course, it's
polite to excuse yourself when appropriate.

Speaker 2 (01:38:37):
But if a fart slips out, wait for it. Just wait.
Oh wow, is that really her? I hope it is.
Mean acoustics got to make it sound like. Yeah, whoever
the sound engineer was was, it's pretty good, pretty sod. Yeah,
it's pretty good anyway. She uh. She dedicated to all
of her hot girls with stomach issues, and she challenge

Kelly Rippa, Ripa, Kate Hudson, and Chelsea Handler to do
their own reading of the book excellent. So all right,
there's just a couple of things happening in the world
of entertainment for you this morning. Time for your birthday
and your Corno birthday show Shivery. We're gonna it's Shiversday.

Speaker 4 (01:39:21):
We're gonna sits like it's Shiversday.

Speaker 2 (01:39:24):
And you know, we don't do what birthday And starting
with his celebrities, the director of Guardians of the Galaxy.
James Gunn is fifty eight years old. He got Jesse Williams.
He played doctor Jackson Avery. He had such dreamy eyes,
Greg that I think he would even put you to shame.
You know this guy, Jesse Williams, j E s s

E Williams. Okay, Yeah, yeah, yeah, you've seen that guy.
I mean, look at his eyes. They're just right to
die for. Yeah, he's forty three years old today, Greg,
What guess whose birthday it is today? Marsha from the
Brady Bunch. Oh, Maureen, Maureen McCormick. Next year is gonna
be one hell of a birthday because today she is

sixty eight years old. Next year we will take the
day off. Not Pap Smear Pat Smear, the ex Foo
fighter and ex guitarist for Nirvana. He's sixty five. NBA
legend Patrick Ewing is sixty two. The Olympic runner and
Bob sledder. Lolo Jones is forty two. Mark Strong he
was in Green Lantern and The Kingsman movies. He's sixty one.

And uh oh Lonnie Anderson, Ah, Jennifer Marlowe on w
KRP and Cincinnati. Oh yeah, she was like the hot
blonde secretary kind of receptionist. Shock. And she was married
to Burt Reynolds. Seventy nine years old today. And then
your porno birthday is Charlotte Sins. She's had more mouths

on her than a party keg three hundred and ninety one.
Find adult films on her resume, including Hot Eating Contest.
She was in Lesbian anal Cavity Search. Oh wow, also
sex Addicts Anonymous Relapse. Oh yeah, she was in Charlotte
has a creamy crotch. Oh and Greg who can forget
her unforgettable role in lesbian Nymphomania runs in my family's

genetic it's hereditary. They're insatiable. Yeah, it happens, you know,
gotta have the lesbian. Yeah, it's Charlotte Sins who was
twenty eight years old today. And that is your porno birthday,
your celebrity birthdays. And that is a little look around
the world of entertainment this morning, this Monday morning here
on the Woody Show.

Speaker 5 (01:41:38):
Wood he uh he said that peraps Smear Pat Pat
Smear is an ex food fighter.

Speaker 2 (01:41:43):
He's still in the food Fighters. He still is.

Speaker 5 (01:41:45):
Yeah, I confirm, Okay, okay, whoa, yeah, because I'm like,
I didn't hear that news.

Speaker 2 (01:41:49):
Yeah, all right, the smear dog, this is the smearness. Yeah,
he's there. He goes like in and out, but he's
currently in.

Speaker 7 (01:41:55):
Yep, pap smear pay. First off, his real name is
George Rothenberg. Yeah it is I guess pats Well because
he remember he was he came out of like the
punk scene.

Speaker 2 (01:42:06):
Okay, so that's intentions all edgy. Yeah, he's It's like
the radio guy that I used to work with. His
name was Justin justin case, right now, let's edgy. But yeah,
well he was on a country station, so he's no,
that was a very edgy for country.

Speaker 9 (01:42:19):
You know.

Speaker 2 (01:42:21):
More Woody shows next, hang on, all right, the crazy
fan just brought cookies again, and someone's gonna have to
eat them and see if they're poisoned. Most of the
Woodies Show will be right back. We Hopebuila wouldn't approve
the Woody Show. All right, Time to wrap up and
get the hell out of here, everybody. Let's go checking
Monday off the lists. It's the full show podcast waiting

for you if you go to the woodieshow dot Com
started a brand new week with the weekend cheers and jeers.
Also all the big trending news headlines. We sixty nine
the news today that was that. More can all be
found just go to the woodieshow dot com subscribe to
the podcast. Never missed an episode of the wood Show.
I me it's your favorite show anyway? Why not remember

like TVO season pass? Yeah, set a season pass done, Yeah,
coming up for you tomorrow. It's gonna be Fresh Breath Day.
That's one of the holidays, Fresh Breath Day, right, and
so we're putting these different mouthwashes and bad breath fighters
to the test with mister Bodega breath himself. Oh my god,

I know him. Yeah. So Menace is going to be
trying a couple of things to see which one testing. Yeah, yeah, testing.
So we'll we'll have some garlic and some onions and
some coffee and stuff like that, and we'll see which
one of these things does the best job at fighting
the Bodega breath. Yeah. So that's tomorrow, Fresh Breathday plus

a brand new Redneck News. Anything you want to leave
for us, you could do so in the meantime on
the after hours voicemail that number eight seven seven four
Woody eight seven seven forty four Woody or find us
on social media the social media platform of your choice
at the Woody Show, you minute, Sammy anything like to
add no Greg Gory the Parting Words of Wisdom please.

Speaker 1 (01:44:06):
Yeah, if you work from home, you kind of live
at work. Yeah, that's true, you know, Yeah, none of
us are a fan.

Speaker 2 (01:44:15):
Well I know, yeah, I'm not a fan of work
from home. I like getting some work done, you know
after I leave here for a day, which is normal. Yeah,
instead of trying to do everything here, like I'll save
some stuff, just do it later in the day. But yeah,
I know a couple of people who this is way
before the COVID thing, and they were doing, you know,
go work from home situation. They would have to wake up, shower,

get dressed, leave the house, drive across town to like
a Starbucks or something, pick up coffee. They'd bring their laptop,
check emails there, and then they drive back home to
start their day because they couldn't get motivated. They were
so used to like having to get up and go somewhere.
So even though they're going right back to their house. Yeah,
it wasn't like slippers stumble downstairs kind of thing. They

actually had to go somewhere get a coffee and then
come back to start their day to get it. You know,
do too, make it feel like you're doing right work
all right, Thank you very much, Greg Gory, Thank you
so much for giving the show some of your valuable
time this morning. You know we'd love to appreciate you
for that. Rest of you guys can suck it. Catch
you back here on Tuesday. Have a great day. S

MD double M. I quit this bitch.

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