All Episodes

August 6, 2024 102 mins
Fresh Breath Day, Redneck News, News Headlines & More! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
What is the dude to the graphic nature of this program.
Listen to this question.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Is it lies the Woody Show.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
He's the Woody Show Insensitivity Training.

Speaker 3 (00:37):
Class is now in session.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
Hey, good morning everybody.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
It is Tuesday.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
It is August to sixth, twenty twenty four. Welcome, we're
back at it.

Speaker 1 (00:54):

Speaker 2 (00:54):
Yeah, to their least favorite day of the week. That's okay,
we'll get through it. My name's whatdy. That is Greg Gore. Right,
good morning, there is menace. Woody Seabats is here. We
got Sammy, we got Bort Caroline holding things down the
Woody Show production department. Good morning to you guys. Morgan,
our associate producer, is here. Von our video producer on

the job this morning as well. Phones are open eight
seven four Woody and it's up with the text over
to two to nine eight seven. You could follow us
on social media at the Woody Show on the social
media platform of your choice. Coming up for you this morning.
It's Fresh Breath Day. That's one of the holidays today,
as we'll get to when we get to the entertainment
stuff for the birthdays and all that kind of stuff.
But yeah, Fresh Breathday, and so at least. How the

brainstorming for this idea came up is we're gonna have
some garlic, like cloves of garlic, some onion, I figured,
like some finely chopped like red onion.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
That's the good stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
And then coffee, which he drinks anyway, we'll have menace
try you know, like chew a clove of garlic. You
don't have to swallow it, it's just for the garlic
in the mouth thing. And then we have these different
options for mouthwashes or breath fresheners, things that can take
care of your gnarly breath. Okay, and so we're gonna
try to figure out which one works the best, most powerful.

Speaker 3 (02:10):

Speaker 1 (02:11):
I mean, because you know, you've.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
Been accused of Bodega breath for a number of years. Now,
what do you because you've tried a bunch of different things,
what has been the best you have found so far?

Speaker 3 (02:20):
Recommendation of theorough breath? Theorough breath, Yeah, and it's I
mean it's not cheap. It's like fifteen dollars a jug,
really I target. Yeah, but I found that to be
the breath. Yeah, but sometimes I run out like mintee
or there's a bunch of different flavors. Okay, bubble gum
really cool, all yeah, but I'm currently out of thera breath.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
Yeah yeah, I know.

Speaker 2 (02:44):
My daughter shows like those funky toothpaste flavors like bubble gum,
cotton candy, you know things like that. Anyway, So fresh
Breathday that's coming up today. I got a brand new
Redneck News. Of course, we'll keep you updated with all
the trending news headlines, that and more for you this
morning here on the WOODI Show. One thing I wanted
to bring up, so obviously Raby is no longer part

of the show. We've had a number of people over
the years who used to work on the show who
no longer work here anymore. And so typically as these
things have happened, we have phased out different things that
we're able to use when we go on a break,
like on a vacation. Some of the you know we
always have like the hey, if you haven't heard it,
it's new to you, kind of stuffy. So if you're
a newer listener and you're hearing some stuff you'd never

heard before, well so now that. But you know that
the core four of the show is always myself, Ravy,
Greg and menace. Well, now that Raby is no longer here,
no longer part of the show, and we do wish
her well in her future endeavors. I was talking to
Bored and we're in a situation because my annual trip
with my wife to Mexico is coming up, right, and

so obviously we'll be gone for that week Labor Day,
which we always It's a very slow week. Looking at
the ratings over the course of a whole year, it's
one of the lowest number of people listening to radio.
They can always tell us. Yeah, because it's the end
of summer, right before school goes back, so everybody's trying
to get in their last minute stuff, so we don't
really see much of a need. That's a great week

if we are going to take some time to take it.
But this is for my wife and I just to
go to Mexico every year. Yes, and are you doing
are you doing anything this year?

Speaker 3 (04:20):
Men, It's like no, I'm saving it for the end
of the end of the year.

Speaker 4 (04:23):

Speaker 3 (04:23):

Speaker 2 (04:24):
Well, anyway, so we figured, you know, because Bort and
I were talking, we don't have enough stuff yet stockpiled
for these times, right. Raby just left in in June,
and so you know, we just don't have enough. So
what we're gonna do? I think this is pretty cool.
Do you have any requests for things that have happened

at any point on the show, doesn't matter who was
part of the show. I'm thinking like just some of
the people who are no longer here, So just Ravy, Randy, Julie. Yeah,
I mean there's so many Cameron, Oh, Sandy Panther gone back.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
Back, yeah, dumbass Tyler.

Speaker 2 (05:02):
Dumbass Tyler. Yeah, yeah, we had all these different big.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
Oh yeah, yeah, that's right. Nick Soundway, who now.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
Has a baby, I know, Danielle Oh yeah, Danielle our
old board op. Yeah, Young Michael, oh yeah, young Michael.
I mean, you know we've we've been at this same
place for ten years. So, like I said, and by
the way, let's just go to make this point, there's
always changes.

Speaker 1 (05:28):
Things always change. This is a big change with Ravey.

Speaker 2 (05:31):
But we also figured like, okay, so once this upcoming
week is done, we are officially archiving and retiring all
that stuff, okay, and so it'll live on a podcast,
but as far as like hearing it on the air anymore,
we will have moved on we will have turned the
page and moved on. So if you have like some
stuff that you remember, whether it's like the garlic sauce

we get a Bad Breath, the Papa John's.

Speaker 1 (05:54):
Garlic sauce with Sea Bass.

Speaker 2 (05:56):
And Randy, you know, something like that, or one of
these old older things that we've done. If you got
a request, hit us up, you can email us, you
can set it on the text and that will air
the week of Labor Day. So whatever, what are the
first week of September is what are your favorites?

Speaker 1 (06:12):
What's that?

Speaker 2 (06:13):

Speaker 1 (06:13):
Yeah, I thought you were asking me.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
No, yeah, yeah, all right, So and then board's already
got a number of ideas, oh of what we can
put in there. So that's just something I wanted to
bring up, all right. The other thing I got for you,
I got an email here. This is from one of
our good friends Jay. You guys remember Jay from Kansas City. Yeah, yeah,
of course he's got an issue, okay, and he would

like everybody's advice on this. Says hello ladies, gentlemen, and
Sea Bass I get I hope I haven't missed too
much over the past few months, and says I stole
you breakfast next time in town, rip please do yep
oh and board, He says, his guinea pig is doing
just fine. However, I need your advice. My wife and
I just celebrated our one year anniversary of buying our house.

We live on a mostly quiet street and heart the
interact with our across the street neighbors except for the
occasional handwave and when we're both outside. Now, if anyone
has been social much with them, it's been my wife.
A few weeks ago, I was checking the mail when
the guy from the other family approached me to ask
if I had a package that was intended for him

that had mistakenly delivered to my house instead. Mis led
to a short two to three minute chat where I
said that my son loved his son's Mustang, and so
then we went back to our respective homes. Nice little chat,
that was it, okay. I have not seen my neighbors
in any form since then, and I was wondering if
my next actions are the reason why. Within three days

of that interaction, I got a dog, and I had
a security system installed with cameras pointing to my street.
But it looks like it might be prominently aimed at
the neighbor's house. I don't think that was intended obviously.

Speaker 1 (07:54):

Speaker 2 (07:54):
Note both these things I'd been planning to do since
we bought the house last year. But now I think
my neighbors might think I'm a racist because that I
mentioned my neighbors are African American. Oh, and so, like,
do you think that has anything to do with it?
Does he look like some kind of like paranoid guys
who all of a sudden, like you know, locking the
doors is absolutely not people are walking around. I didn't

think so either. No, I mean I do reckon he
seems to be very concerned about it.

Speaker 3 (08:19):
I do recognize when my neighbors installed new security systems
and cameras and stuff. But maybe that's just because I'm
super into that. But I wouldn't think it was because
of me.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
Because he says, like he goes, and what do you
think I should do? If that's the case, I don't
think you do anything. I think if you do something,
if you make mention of it any kind, then you
will look yeah, sure, super guilty, right.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
Because it crossed your mind. Yeah? No, I mean, especially
if he hasn't even seen them. You just go about
your own separate ways. And then yeah, every once in
a while you run into I mean you chat, yeah, and.

Speaker 3 (08:54):
If you had a friendly interaction, I mean they would
have any idea that you would be thinking that at all.

Speaker 4 (09:01):
Yeah, it sounds like the relationship is exactly the same
before the camps were put in as after.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
You don't have to be like super tight, super close,
super chatty with any of your neighbors. The in fact,
that drives my wife crazy because she wants things that way.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
Uh huh.

Speaker 3 (09:13):
And you would love my neighborhood why because everybody just
sits there and.

Speaker 1 (09:16):
We all know each other, We chat, we say hi.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
You see, like all we all know each other and
everybody's super cool. But everybody's busy, so no one's just
kind of like when the kids were little, yeah, and
everybody's kind of having to monitor kids outside, there would
be a lot more neighbors hanging out, yeah, because like
the moms would be standing there talking while the kids
are playing. Now the kids are all old enough, a
couple of them are driving, but I mean they're even
the youngest ones are now old enough for they don't

need that kind of supervision. But like it's not there's
any kind of beef with the neighbors. There are other
ones though, that you do wave and that is obnoxious,
Like if you know it's your neighbor and they wave
and you don't give the wave.

Speaker 1 (09:51):
Back, that's kind of a dick move, it is.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
I think that's weirdo behavior.

Speaker 2 (09:55):
Yeah, But for for Jay here, I think it's just
one of those things where it's like, this is one
of the this is an acquaintance, This isn't a friend. Yeah,
as long as your interactions are friendly and you're not
avoiding each other, you had a good talk.

Speaker 3 (10:07):

Speaker 2 (10:08):
Now if all of a sudden they cut your wife
off and they don't want to talk to her, even
though that they've been doing that ever since you guys
moved in, well then maybe that's something, right. But I
don't think the dog and the security cameras or what's
doing it.

Speaker 1 (10:18):
No, And I just assume that everybody in most neighborhoods nowadays,
not everybody, but most do have cameras. Yeah, and I
have one. I don't think my neighbors think, oh, why
is that pointed at our house. It's just pointed. It's
just pointed out the street or whatever, one particular house. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
Yeah, it's going to be pointed at whatever is directly
across from right right exactly.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
That's all camera works. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (10:39):
I think Jay's maybe just being a sensitive little bit,
that's all. But we miss you Jay.

Speaker 5 (10:46):

Speaker 2 (10:46):
Jay's a good dude, the nice guy.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
There's an email.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Sitting just text us. He sent it to the show.

Speaker 3 (10:52):

Speaker 1 (10:53):
That's funny.

Speaker 2 (10:53):
Yeah, email at the woodieshow dot com if you would
have liked to send us an email.

Speaker 1 (10:57):
You know what else Jay has at his house and
just to these cameras, he has the Woody Show cardboard cutouts.

Speaker 3 (11:02):
Oh he does.

Speaker 2 (11:03):
Yeah, Okay, that's a little weird. That's wee. Yeah, that's cool.
I saw he brought him home from like an event
or something.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Yeah, exactly. He had posted a photo somewhat recently and
he's in his house and in the background. I'm like,
that's the Woody cutout. That's really funny.

Speaker 2 (11:18):
All right, phones are open eight seven seven forty four. Woodie,
you can hit us up of the text over to
two to nine eight seven. Got some more Woodies show
for you next, hang on.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
Oh great, the cost are here.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
Okay, sit tight for a few The Woody Show'll be
right back as soon as that he dies.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Now, Okay, come on, guys, freaking get down the show.

Speaker 6 (11:35):
I hope you're enjoying The Woody Show podcast. Just heads
up being Glendale, California, this Saturday from one to three
pm at fab Letics next to Macy's. Myself Menace will
be there. I'm gonna have a bunch of giveways for
theme parks concert tickets. Woody Show merch in more once again.
That's this Saturday, August tenth, from one to three pm

at Fabletics in Glendale at Glendale Galleria next to Macy's.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Saturday. In the meantime, keeping joined the Woody Show podcast, The.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
Woody Showy pretty pretty good.

Speaker 3 (12:09):
I got to talk.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
I gotta tell what I'm well.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
We are into another new hour insensitivity training for a
politically correct world on this Tuesday morning. It is August
the sixth, twenty twenty four. And whatdy that is Greig Gorgy?
What's up withoody minutes? Good morning to you, Good morning Woody.
There's a sea bass seas we got Sammy phones are
open at eight seven seven forty four Wooding. That's eight

seven seven forty four Wooding. Hit us up with a
text oh to two to nine eight seven. Yeah, stocks
got crushed yesterday, but they're expected to bounce back a
bit today because the Japanese market, I guess, was doing okay,
and so that was gonna be a big indicator. And
so I mean, it's not going to recover the thousand
points that have lost yesterday.

Speaker 3 (12:56):
I mean, shout out to Japan. Shout out to Japan.
There's amension of.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
But oh, you know who got killed the most yesterday,
said poor Jeff Bezos. At least on paper, he lost
thirty six billion dollars of his net worth in one day.

Speaker 3 (13:13):

Speaker 2 (13:13):
Even still though even after that, he's still worth one
and eighty billion dollars, even after losing again on paper.
It's all lost on people. People, I've made so much
money on my house.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
No you didn't know. You haven't sold it.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
Oh, I made so much money in stocks this year.
No you didn't, not until you you know, sold.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Cash it in. Haven't made it or hence the ride.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
Yeah, you know, you didn't really lose any money yesterday
if you're hanging in.

Speaker 3 (13:41):
I mean, don't people predict a buying spreed the next day?
Oh yeah, that much of a bad day?

Speaker 2 (13:47):
When the yeah, when when the stock takes a dump
like that, you always want to what's the what's the
advice you always had menace?

Speaker 3 (13:53):
Yeah, the advice is to buy low and sell hot.
This is that bilo period. Yeah, right, like I would
be buying things although your crypto is getting killed right see, Like, oh,
let's take a look what the bitcoin prece it's like
down twenty percent.

Speaker 5 (14:07):
You would think bitcoin would flow opposite of stocks because
it was all getting crushed. I would think, because it's
it should be a hedge against the market variations. Yeah,
you're to date, you're to date still up twenty five percent?
I think you but yes, past couple days down.

Speaker 3 (14:24):

Speaker 2 (14:24):
Hurricane Debbie winds storm surge to Florida also washed up
twenty five packages of cocaine on the shore, seventy pounds
of cocaine, which just some like you know, average person
found worth more than a million dollars. I mean, I
hope they tested to make sure it was actually cocaine,
just to make sure you knew what it was. Sure

you'll wanted to create like a situation about nothing.

Speaker 5 (14:48):
You know, if I handed anyone in this room a
pound of cocaine, let's say, would you immediately dump in
the trash, turn it into the cops.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
Would if you hand it?

Speaker 2 (14:57):

Speaker 3 (14:57):
If you and I we came across, right, came across
sounds of cocaine, I.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
Belave it where I was.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
I mean, yeah, it would be so scared.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
Squares didn't see anything.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Yeah, I mean I would love to sell it. Squares,
what would you do with it? I mean, go to
your local dealer and say I got a deal. Because
you're a local dealer. You know, I would have no
idea where to take it. If I wanted to make money,
go to local dealer dot com. Oh, if we wanted
to offload it for real, right.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
I mean that would be preferable. To be honest, I
want to sell it. I know people who love coke.
I'm sure I can ask them, Hey, do you want
a pound? Yeah, this goes back to my whole thing. Man,
I'm not going to jail for anybody, No, thank you.
Can you imagine like something so stupid that you found
coke on the street or washed up on the beach
and he did something dumb like that.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
And now you're in jail for it. I would leave
the dumb would you feel, because my fear would be
I would turn it over to the cops and say yeah,
I found this, and they'd say, sure, right, you found it. Okay.

Speaker 3 (15:54):

Speaker 2 (15:55):
With this hurricane man, so all the coke washing up,
tons of rain, nearly two eat of rain on parts
of Georgia and South Carolina, these four people have been killed.
I have not seen any kind of announcement yet. But
this morning Kamala Harris is supposed to announce her VP pick,
which is going to be Governor Shapiro from Pennsylvania.

Speaker 3 (16:17):
A spoiler.

Speaker 2 (16:17):
They said it was down between him and the governor
of Minnesota. And they're launching a rally today where they're
going to go to all these different swing states. In
Philadelphia today, of course Shapiro is going to be there
the governor, but also it's very clear I think that
he's going to be the pick. I have not seen
anything yet. If it's already happened, let me know. Yeah.
The campaign today in Philly, jd Vance, I guess is

going to be like kailing her. No, so all the
stops they're making, he's following right along. So he's going
to do these rallies rebuttals in the same cities that
she's going to.

Speaker 3 (16:50):
Every step of the way, So I would send Trump if.

Speaker 1 (16:53):
You need me.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
I'll be right here on the edge of my seat.
Oh yeah, me too, Me too. But therese are a
couple of the bigger headlines from this morning. Uh it
is fresh Breath Day. Oh yes, and so Menace nickname
Bodega Breath. But she what she earned over a number.

Speaker 3 (17:10):
Of years from a street person, Well that was after
you had many years and years of Okay, Sammy, you
have been sitting next to Menace for two years now,
is there any truth to the Bodega breath rumor?

Speaker 4 (17:24):
I have smelt it in the past, but it's not daily.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
It's a work in progress. He's been actually spending a
lot of time and effort and trying different things.

Speaker 3 (17:38):

Speaker 2 (17:40):
But anyway, so with fresh Breath Day today, what are
the things that always caused bad breath?

Speaker 1 (17:45):
Coffee? Garlic.

Speaker 2 (17:47):
So we've got some coffee, garlic, We've got fresh cloves
of garlic, and then we also got the very potent
red onion mellet.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
Yeah, some cigarettes. Smoke a pack? Yeah yeah, right here
in the studio quick, I'm all right.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
So the thing is, then we also have some some
remedies to see which one works the best.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
Now, menace. You have said, what's the wash?

Speaker 3 (18:16):
There a breath, the breath, and that gets recommended to
us all the time too. Yeah, people spoke that I
got oh nice, I mean you kind of cheap down,
got the cheaper bottle. But what do you mean smaller?
That's small. There's ten bucks small?

Speaker 1 (18:29):
But how much do you need for the studio?

Speaker 3 (18:31):
I need the big.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
Joints like eighteen bucks? But this is all you so
you're going to be using it so you can take
it home.

Speaker 3 (18:36):
That's wash, thank you.

Speaker 2 (18:38):
This is a dentist formulated fresh breath oral rints. First
of all, oral fights bad breath for twelve hours.

Speaker 3 (18:44):
Yeah wow.

Speaker 2 (18:45):
Figurating icy mint, yeah, starts working instantly.

Speaker 3 (18:49):

Speaker 1 (18:49):
So there's the thorough breath old timey packaging for that.

Speaker 2 (18:55):
Old school altoids. Altoids, yes, okay, because I always noticed
that Menace has a tin of mints lots and he'll
he'll pop those a lot. We've also got this remember banaka.
Oh but it's not banaka, but it's breath spray branded
instantly freshens breath breath spray.

Speaker 3 (19:14):
It's a mint flavors, you know, the banaka stuff? Do that?

Speaker 2 (19:19):
Do you ever do the thing when you were a kid,
like you try to see how many squirts on your
tongue you can do.

Speaker 3 (19:24):
Out and then also burned. And then also at school,
we woul dare each other to do a spray up
the nose. Oh yeah, well that another another another man's favorite.
Breath strips. Oh yeah, I loved to those for a while.
The melt in your mouth. That's another product I thought
had gone away.

Speaker 2 (19:44):
Like and you know, for people in the pinch, you
can always go with the old school starlight mince.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
It's not that you get Italian restaurant on the way out.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
Yeah, the white, the red and white like swirly mints flavor.

Speaker 3 (20:00):
Kid, I was ripping out.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
Like old school, old school mints. So you got that.
Of course, you know, gum, those are a grandma's bowl.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
Nice. Yeah, now, menace, we have all these things at
your disposal, and so the deal will be, like you
take a like we'll say, clove of garlic, like one clob.

Speaker 3 (20:19):
You don't have to swallow, but just chew it, chew
it chew, chew, chew chew. I don't know if I've
ever done that.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
All right, well, well we'll check your breath and then
you get to pick your weapon of choice, like what
do you think will kill the garlic? Right? And so
you have all these different options. But once you use
one of those options, we have to move on to
a different thing. Okay, so then the next one like
the red onion, chew chew chew, spit it out, and
then you have to pick it different and then we'll have.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
You and then you get to pick who you get
to make out with to see if it works well.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
I think Greg. I think Greg's a good option not
to make out with. But you could be the breath tester.
I was thinking Sammy would be really good at that.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
We have a lot of a lot of opportunities.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
We'll figure we'll figure it out options. It's a it's
fresh birthday. The whole idea is to try to figure
out which one of all these things it is the strongest,
is the best, Like what's what's the best thing to
fight bodega breath?

Speaker 3 (21:14):
Yeah, it's like a science experience.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
It is science. Yes, the morning.

Speaker 3 (21:21):
Today is fresh breath day. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (21:27):
And uh Sea Bass has been a very good soux
chef and he's been preparing the the the different items.
So we have fresh garlic it's a whole clove of garlic.
We have some chopped red onion also for uh oh,
look at that. And then we also have we have coffee.

Correct a coffee we have we have some coffee, now, menace.
I'll let you choose which one you want to try first.
So you try that, and then you get to choose
which one of the bad breath fighting agents we have
here to see which one is gonna be best. Now,
did we decide between Greg and Sammy who was going
to be the breath tester?

Speaker 3 (22:07):
I think it was great.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
I think it's Sammy, but I mean we could both
do it. Can we get a baseline as well? And
expressed that's actually a really good idea science. This is science.
You want to get your the master of science. Actually
a really good point.

Speaker 3 (22:19):
Baselines already terrible because I've had nothing but coffee this morning.

Speaker 2 (22:23):
Well this is you know what, that's probably perfect. You've
had nothing but coffee. Do you have any more coffee
over there?

Speaker 1 (22:29):

Speaker 2 (22:30):
Here, I take a sip and like switch it around.
Let's make it the fresh. Yeah, yeah, make it fresh.
I guess what I am? Oh, that's bad.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
It's last time you floshed what you say, menace every day.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
Did you brush your teeth this morning?

Speaker 3 (22:45):
Yes? And I had h there are breath but okay,
but I've had nothing but coffee.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
Coffee, all right, so baseline on coffee.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
Who wants to take a hit first, let's go all right.

Speaker 2 (22:58):
So Greg, get it, get it with for that. So coffee, okay,
I will admit not bad, borderline pleasant because I'm a
coffee fanatic. That was pure coffee. Because it's it's very nice. Yeah,
all right, on a scale of one to ten, what
are you giving it nine?

Speaker 3 (23:14):
A nine? It's perfectly so that'd be really the be.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
A two because ted being the worst breath? Oh yes, yeah,
well yeah a one or a two. Let's go to
that all right? Uh, Sammy, it's a two. He's right,
it's not bad.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
It's not bad.

Speaker 3 (23:30):
It was just warm, like you're a witch or something.

Speaker 1 (23:34):
It was warm and soothing.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
Men, it's your options again. Are we have the thorough breath.

Speaker 3 (23:41):
You know, if it's not that bad, I don't think
you even need that. Okay, yeah then coffee, yeah yeah,
just give me some.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
We also have the breath spray kind of like Banaka.
We have the strips, which I know you're a big
fan of Yeah, oh, here we go.

Speaker 3 (23:56):
We have the breath strips. Man, they package the things
so unnecessarily always the.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
Rest strip We got Altoids, and then we have the
starlight mins.

Speaker 1 (24:04):
Which one would you like to go with?

Speaker 2 (24:05):
I'll start with the Altoids, the Altoids.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
We open up that package for you. Done this before,
all right?

Speaker 2 (24:11):
Anyway, so Altoids we'll see how it does with the coffee.
And then next up, I think, what do you want
to go? Do you want to go with the garlic
or do you want to go with the chomped red onion.

Speaker 3 (24:22):
Let's go onion onion. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
Now again you don't have to uh swallow, you don't
have to swallow it.

Speaker 3 (24:31):
Yeah, you can spit all right, right, let's do the
onion like an apple.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
Okay, but hold on, let's let's make sure you get
that Altoid. Okay, yeah, okay, see me a quick. Here
is that better?

Speaker 1 (24:47):
That's nice? And then give Greg one. So the Altoid totally,
that's a one. The Altoid did a great job.

Speaker 2 (24:55):
So that's an easy putt though for very easy, very
easy for an Altoid coffee. All right, So now for
the for the red onion. We do have something that's
chopped up. He's got about what a half an onion?

Speaker 3 (25:03):
There have an onion.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
It's a red onion hat. So you just to take
a bite of it like an apple. Yeah, and make
sure you chew it up really good. There's a there's
a spiciness to a red onions. Oh yeah, yeah, are
your eyes watering?

Speaker 3 (25:17):
Mm hmm? Oh like really push it on your tongue
into the of.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
Your mouth, going down. The juices are going down your mouth. Okay,
don't swallow it.

Speaker 3 (25:35):
I'm rolling, but it's all water, all right. That's that's
the red onion. He's not used to putting something in
his mouth and that.

Speaker 2 (25:46):
Yeah, that's weird. His naturals, his natural swallow instinct. Let's
go with the oh yeah, yeah, what are we gonna
go with?

Speaker 3 (25:56):
Jumping the gun? Oh?

Speaker 1 (25:58):
Just so what you can prepare? What do you want next?

Speaker 2 (26:00):
Got a TOIDs but like thorough breath, breath spray spray, spray,
spray spray. Okay, all right, here we go, Greg, give
him a whiff.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
Oh red onion. It's a combo of toothpaste and onion.
It's gross.

Speaker 3 (26:16):
Okay, before I even get there, like Samy's already discussed.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
All Sammy leaning all right, get get it, get a
good wit okay.

Speaker 4 (26:24):
Oh yeah.

Speaker 3 (26:25):
Like feeling the breath, I don't like the feeling of it.
It's not even the smell. It's just the warm.

Speaker 1 (26:30):
What is the smell hot?

Speaker 4 (26:31):
The smells onion. It's very much onion smell. Okay, to me,
it was all onion. I didn't even there was no
altoid or left.

Speaker 2 (26:38):
I tell her, on a rank scale one to ten,
what do you give that onion breath?

Speaker 1 (26:42):
It gave me. It made me strong. I would say
a six.

Speaker 3 (26:47):
I was gonna say seven. I got all onion.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
It's way worse than the coffee. Okay, so you're going
with the uh yeah, this is kind of yeah, the banoca.
This is the CBS brand.

Speaker 1 (26:57):

Speaker 2 (26:58):
It used to be like an aerosol can back. Yeah, yeah,
but I think that now it's all green. The environments
that do it under your tongue, yeah, because it's.

Speaker 1 (27:09):
This thing. Does this thing like.

Speaker 3 (27:10):
Bnaki used to Oh yeah, all right, just for fine
for old school do nothing.

Speaker 7 (27:15):
Oh my god, Oh my god, that's good spring into eyes, yeah, directly, that's.

Speaker 3 (27:35):
What I said.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
Yes, it's avoid springing eyes it's a case of eye contact.

Speaker 3 (27:38):

Speaker 2 (27:38):
No, I don't hear about the nose. Yeah, I mean
I found a new wake me up.

Speaker 3 (27:43):
There is alcohol, Greg, Oh, I feel dizzy.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
I'm not doing You can get drunk off this, really
because you want to do yeah, just like yeah, just
a quick just a quick hit. Dude, already breathing and
square at the same time.

Speaker 1 (28:03):
Have the aaffron.

Speaker 3 (28:04):
Yeah in my eyes?

Speaker 2 (28:16):
You know, Greg, what hurts worse the breath spray or
Mario in the eye.

Speaker 1 (28:27):
What burns more? Mario is like a massage compared to that. Wow,
he looks like a pirate.

Speaker 3 (28:33):
It says, if you spread your eye, are supposed to
wash with water.

Speaker 1 (28:36):
Yeah, it is on his eyes closed. I can't open it.

Speaker 3 (28:40):
Would you like some water?

Speaker 8 (28:41):
Get him water for real? They say to do okay,
still get drug hits to the he's opening. I'm drinking
water today, some water.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
I'm drinking water today because I have to have a
blood test letter, so I'm doing that stupid fasting thing.

Speaker 3 (28:57):
It wasn't water, say anything about taking the breath spread Jesus.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
All right, Well, while while you're waiting on the water, Greg,
wat't you lean in there and check his breath.

Speaker 3 (29:07):
He chewed some red onion.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
I can find it, all right.

Speaker 2 (29:10):
So he chewed some red onion, and now he used
the breath spray with the banaca style breath spray.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
I broke my eye and I broke my nose. Okay,
give it a get a whiff, all right, get anything here.

Speaker 3 (29:25):
He might just smell, because red onion is pretty strong.
He might just smell spray.

Speaker 1 (29:31):
It smells like that you just had a slice of pizza.
So it's oh nice, he's kind of pleasant.

Speaker 3 (29:37):
I'll give that a four.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
So it took it from a six to a four. Sammy,
give a smell to that breath.

Speaker 3 (29:47):
Oh that's not bad.

Speaker 4 (29:48):
Actually, yeah, I'd give it a four. You can still
smell the onion. It didn't mask that, yeah enough, But yeah.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
Because the red onions pretty pretty strong. Yeah pretty. Greg's
doing that eye flushing thing like if you if you're
gonna lap his heads faced the wrong way.

Speaker 2 (30:04):
So it's pouring down, okay, Yeah, take your hand, pour
some water in your eye and kind of like rub
it around in your eye.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
I haven't washed my hands in a minute. It's going Yeah,
I'm not worried about the dirt on your hands. As
much as I am.

Speaker 3 (30:17):
The oh damn. Yeah, and it is just alcohol, so yeah, yeah,
it'll be fine. You're good.

Speaker 2 (30:22):
Yeah, you wear glasses sometimes anyway, so maybe just need
a different prescription.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
You guys should try it.

Speaker 3 (30:29):
And the eye not in the eye.

Speaker 2 (30:32):
I'll try snorting one, all right, yeah, all right. Next up,
we have the clove of garlic. If you're just tuning in,
this is It's fresh breath day. Yeah, it's a holiday today.
Menace notorious for his Bodega breath. Uh.

Speaker 3 (30:45):
He has already tried.

Speaker 2 (30:47):
The coffee's been drinking NonStop coffee. And then he used
one of the breath freshening altoids and that did a
pretty good job. That was pretty low on the stank scale.
Then he chewed up. He took a big bite out
of a red onion like an apple. He chewed that up,
and they gave him a six and a seven on
the funk scale. Then it knocked it down to a

four after the banoca style breath spray from CBS. And
now we have a clove of garlic. This is a
full clove of garlic. Go ahead and just take one
of the clothes and.

Speaker 1 (31:19):
Chew it up.

Speaker 3 (31:20):
Chewed up really good. No, no, are they still in
the shells?

Speaker 1 (31:26):
Three? Are you sure?

Speaker 3 (31:28):
Yeah? Yeah, he's not. I'm just time we got here.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
Well, damn it, dude, I'm thinking like one. Yeah, I'm sure. Three.

Speaker 3 (31:43):
Worse than the onion.

Speaker 1 (31:44):
It's got to be worse than the onion. Just raw,
just raw raw garlic. He's chewing it.

Speaker 2 (31:56):
Check it real good in your molars. I'll do it,
all right, Okay, still burns, it's on fire. Okay, okay, alright.

Speaker 3 (32:12):
I can smell the garlic.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
It smells. Wow.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
I love I mean I love garlics. Yeah, alright, all right,
he's gonna smell. Greg's gonna get in there smell first.
This is MENACE's garlic breath. Oh jesu, Greg, that's that
that huh? That's an eight eight. I mean I enjoyed

the smell of garlic, but that garlic breath.

Speaker 1 (32:42):
Yeah, all right, what do you what are you giving it?
Sammy leaning there good with.

Speaker 4 (32:54):
Yeah, I'm gonna give that a nine because the last
one was a seven, and it's nine notches up from that.

Speaker 2 (32:59):
That's for the worst think of them all, which which
I would have anticipated. So Menace, you still have theorough breath.

Speaker 3 (33:08):
Yeah, that's what I'm saving.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
All right.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
You still have the breath strips, and you have the
good old fashioned starlight mints. Which one do you want
to put against the worst offenders so far? Which is
the cloves of garlic?

Speaker 3 (33:21):
I gotta go with their breath, man, Yeah, their breath.

Speaker 1 (33:26):
We get the how's your mouth feeling now, Bernie?

Speaker 3 (33:30):
Yeah, getting the child proof seal off of this rock.

Speaker 5 (33:34):
Garlic is only slightly acids. That's probably the other aromatic
compounds that are giving you that, Bernie.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
That's what I was thinking under it as a yeah, yeah,
totally expert. Yeah, all right, so here's the here's the
their breath. Yeah, so what do you just take like
a little mouthful? Like does any kind of things? Yeah,
just like you would like uh, alisterine or that switching around. Yeah,

you're gonna up swam.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
All right? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (34:04):
How long you're supposed to? Uh?

Speaker 1 (34:05):
What does it say on the bottle there?

Speaker 2 (34:06):

Speaker 1 (34:06):
Does it give any kind of directions?

Speaker 3 (34:07):
Like how I think it's like thirty seconds?

Speaker 2 (34:09):

Speaker 3 (34:09):
Thirty seconds?

Speaker 1 (34:10):

Speaker 2 (34:11):
All right, well i'd say he's got about fifteen second
ninety second? Right, break well, hold on, don't don't spit
it out? Yeah, you got ninety second. All right, While
you're doing that, I'll try.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
To snort that. Yeah, why not? What he's about to snort?
Some breastspread ready already? It is like afron though, that burns. Now,
I go for the eye. Take your glasses off and
do a.

Speaker 2 (34:39):
Direct Yeah, let's know what it feels like.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
Yeah, you want to hit since everyone else has. Yeah,
it's a good morning wake me up.

Speaker 1 (34:48):
That is a wake me up. Yeah, yea god, that burns.
Let it be a part of your new routine.

Speaker 3 (34:52):
My eye is tearing like Greg's was. But yeah, yeah,
we used to do that in sixth grade. My fingers
are already super garlic. Sorry, ladies, no hand stuff right today.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
Yeah, there I go, nice breath. I don't hate it.

Speaker 2 (35:17):
I hate the initial.

Speaker 1 (35:18):
I hate the initial like sting.

Speaker 2 (35:20):
But then but then afterwards, Yeah, it is kind of
like if you've ever had afron, you you have a
cold mental afro.

Speaker 3 (35:26):
And then a little bit of dizziness hits. Yeah, after
like a second and a half, it's not terrible.

Speaker 2 (35:31):
Just don't go.

Speaker 1 (35:33):
Do you want you want to try it?

Speaker 3 (35:34):
Do I want it?

Speaker 1 (35:35):
Do you want to? Everybody else has tried it?

Speaker 2 (35:37):
I know it. It's actually good for every us because
one friends are doing. Yeah, before you do that, let's
let's see how the thorough breath did. Alright, So on
the chewed up garlic cloves.

Speaker 3 (35:53):
It's it's too soon. It hasn't really is supposed.

Speaker 1 (35:57):
To knock that out?

Speaker 3 (35:58):
Ade is is?

Speaker 1 (36:00):
I'll give that a five because I can smell equal
portions of both. Yeah, go ahead, garlic and forough breath.

Speaker 3 (36:07):
Oh yeah, you know what I mean. But did a
good job. It's trying you to give it a four.

Speaker 2 (36:14):
Wow, So you took it from nine all the way
down to a four. That's pretty good considered. It goes
three clubs of garlic, right, what are you giving it five?

Speaker 1 (36:22):

Speaker 4 (36:22):

Speaker 1 (36:22):
I could smell equal parts all right.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
Well, the strongest thing was definitely taken care of by
the strongest I think weapon that we had in our arsenal,
at least neutralized to some degree, or was it the
strongest weapon in our arsenal? I have one more thing
that we can try after the break for huh you
do fresh lock of dog poop? What the show? Our

little experiment for fresh breath Day? It National Fresh Breath Day, menace, Yes,
mister bodega breath himself. Hi. We tried coffee, We tried
red onion, raw red onion, and then raw garlic. Three
cloves of raw garlic. Chewed it up pretty much, and

then tried his go to, which was a thorough breath,
which is what he's been working with and actually doing
a pretty good job.

Speaker 1 (37:27):
Very good. It's great. And the baseline breath before we
even started the experiment was really not bad.

Speaker 3 (37:32):
Yeah, not bad.

Speaker 2 (37:33):
The garlic gave him the worst breath of all. What
about what you though? What about roasted garlic? Roasted garlic?

Speaker 3 (37:40):
Yeah, I took some of the extra garlic cloves threw
him in a just I just drowned them in butter.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
Okay, threw all right, So let's take the roasted garlic. Now,
this stuff you can eat.

Speaker 3 (37:50):
Yeah, you can straight up chew and swallow them.

Speaker 2 (37:52):
Oh my god, god, that stuff man, so good. You
spread that on some on some good bag atte Greg.

Speaker 1 (37:56):
You know it looks so just melting.

Speaker 3 (38:00):
Round in butter. Yeah, butter, my wave, it's all rubbery.

Speaker 2 (38:05):
It was.

Speaker 3 (38:07):
But yeah, he's like initially yeah, he was like a
dog and you give it a pill.

Speaker 2 (38:13):
Yeah, he psyched himself out.

Speaker 3 (38:15):
Yeah, not that bad, not that bad.

Speaker 5 (38:19):
It might be a little it might be a little
tough and rubbery because it was older and sprouted garlic.
So I think it's not maybe not as crisp and
fresh as.

Speaker 1 (38:27):
It might be that the stuff we've just got.

Speaker 3 (38:30):
Yeah, that two of those clothes had straight up green
shoots come out of them, really green shoots. Really.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
All right, Now, go ahead and smell his breath now
after the roasted garlic, Greg, I don't throw it out.

Speaker 1 (38:41):
Greag probably doesn't eat it, yeah, gregorlean see foul?

Speaker 2 (38:45):

Speaker 1 (38:45):
Is that better or worse than the raw? Almost worse?
It's about the same.

Speaker 2 (38:51):
Yeah, all right, Sammy, give it a whiff. Okay, I
mean she's not reacting as well.

Speaker 4 (38:57):
It's not as bad because I can still smell the
fair a breath on him.

Speaker 3 (39:00):
That's what's really working. It's strong.

Speaker 1 (39:03):
We did have I would give that like a five
or six.

Speaker 2 (39:07):
I can't use the breath. Yes, six sounds good mess.
We did have one more thing for you to try, okay,
for your breath, and Sammy brought the sin dead. It's
a greeny like you'd have for your dog.

Speaker 3 (39:20):
Lots you don't know, you don't know, because like dogs,
it's supposed to work.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
I mean will eat their own butthole.

Speaker 3 (39:26):
And then yea, you explain it's a dental treat for
dogs and uh dog food treat.

Speaker 1 (39:37):

Speaker 2 (39:39):
Breath daily dog treat. Now, the thing is that it's
uh it fights plaque and tartar and bad breath for
your dogs.

Speaker 3 (39:46):
And so it's a it.

Speaker 2 (39:47):
Looks like a little green bone, but on the one end,
it kind of looks like a toof brush. Yeah, if
it makes it any better, see if it's minty, yeah,
I would think of be like minty, although like.

Speaker 1 (40:01):
It's rock hard having eaten dog. They taste like chemicals usually.

Speaker 2 (40:07):
Don't don't smell once you hold your nose even you
don't have to worry about it. Just take a big
just take a big bite off of that thing. I'll
put the whole thing your mother.

Speaker 9 (40:17):
Yeah, sop it up, all right. It's like rubber, rubberbe
your dog, rubber, ingredients, wheat flower, we.

Speaker 3 (40:33):

Speaker 1 (40:34):
It's not gonna like what does it taste like?

Speaker 3 (40:39):
Rubber was like a weird coating over it. It's like weird.

Speaker 1 (40:50):
Does it taste like raw flower magic?

Speaker 2 (40:52):
It kind of tastes like a like a shot of
wheat grass here's here's a little piece. Give the that's
a that's a chewable size. We should have cut it
the first place.

Speaker 3 (41:04):
It's designed to be knocked around in the dog's mouth.

Speaker 2 (41:06):

Speaker 3 (41:06):
Yeah, yeah, there's a smaller that's easier to show.

Speaker 1 (41:10):
Put that back in your molars.

Speaker 2 (41:13):
Yeah, you know, you're gonna have a nice chisel jawline
like guys are doing now with the gum.

Speaker 1 (41:18):
Right, what they're called hard gum or something something like
that strong gum.

Speaker 5 (41:22):
Okay, I'll tell you because I have words in a brain. Yeah,
it's it's very heavy on the wheat. If you ever
had like you've ever been to a Okay, here's a
very specific reference. If you ever been to a brewery,
like a bewery they make beer. Sometimes they'll give you
like the roasted the roasted grange, the malt or whatever.

Just shample and I actually it's very tasty. It's all
like that.

Speaker 3 (41:48):
Like that's why I meant to hate it, because it's
it's a whole grain wheat. I don't know what what
it tastes like. It's like it's like great, you know,
it's similar to grape nuts that nuts or you know,
but it has a weird coating on it. Well, yeah,
the idea threw that up. Huh did you to that up?

Speaker 2 (42:05):
Okay, go ahead and give another whiff there, Greg after
the greenie, See if it made any kind of difference
with that roasted garlic.

Speaker 3 (42:16):
Go ahead, take a whiff, take it out.

Speaker 1 (42:20):

Speaker 2 (42:20):
No, before we go to break, Sam is the only
one who hasn't tried the breath spray in the nose
like she's got to do ahead of it.

Speaker 3 (42:29):
We all did ahead.

Speaker 2 (42:33):
Dry make sure that the nozzles pointing directly hold directly
below your nostril. Yeah, and then as you take a
deep breath in, just like squeeze the burns burns. Hang
in there, hang in there, hang in there, just hang
in hang in Yeah.

Speaker 1 (42:54):
Gets so good.

Speaker 3 (42:54):
Yeah, it's really good.

Speaker 2 (42:56):

Speaker 1 (42:57):
Yeah, that's how you know it's good. All right? Yeah,
just let it?

Speaker 3 (43:00):
How great can you feel?

Speaker 1 (43:01):
Let it hit?

Speaker 2 (43:02):
Let it hit nessy not see now you're coming around,
I can tell you now I'm like to do it again.

Speaker 3 (43:07):

Speaker 2 (43:07):

Speaker 1 (43:09):
He took a dog of mayonnaise, slapped it down on
the leather couch and stuck his fare butt on.

Speaker 3 (43:15):
It and like wiggled it around.

Speaker 6 (43:21):
We'll be right back Hey, it's Manna's check out The
Lazy Dog Restaurants made to order lunch specials three dollars,
off road, tripleles, and other delicious meals starting at only
eight dollars and seventy five cents.

Speaker 3 (43:31):
Available every day until four pm.

Speaker 6 (43:33):
Order for bickup or delivery free delivery on orders over
twenty five dollars.

Speaker 3 (43:36):
Lazydog Restaurants dot com.

Speaker 1 (43:39):
What are you thinking here? Is Tom?

Speaker 3 (43:41):
It's like, Okay, you're on the right track. It's a lot.

Speaker 2 (43:58):
And we are into another hour in sensitivity Trending for
a politically correct World. August sixth, twenty twenty fourth Tuesday Morning, Woody,
Greg Menace, Sea Bass, there's Sammy Hello. Phones are open
eight seven seven forty four Wooding. You can hit us
up with the text over to two to nine eight
out of a lot of random smells.

Speaker 6 (44:18):

Speaker 2 (44:18):
In the studio, after our fresh Breath Day experiments, brutal Yeah,
I brought the breath spray into Morgan and I asked
her if she wanted to take a hit. Oh nice,
and and she did, And we'll give us your review
of Morgan.

Speaker 3 (44:34):
So this is the freshest my nose has ever felt.

Speaker 2 (44:38):
Right, wow, you know, comparing one nostril to the other. Yeah,
it's like a whole new world, like you're breathing, like
you know, I didn't even think I was gonna be
able to be this clear effort, right, no, right, great?

Speaker 1 (44:48):
I mean it did burn for yeah, a good three seconds.

Speaker 2 (44:51):
But once you get past that and you can see
when it happens. We've noticed it now with each person
who's snorted the breadth spray, and you could see that
and where things change.

Speaker 3 (45:01):
Yeah, I see there, it is there, it is.

Speaker 2 (45:03):
Yeah, I'm a fan. Yeah, now, don't try this at home.
I guess legally we have to say that, right. You
can make you can make your eyes fresh too, Markan.

Speaker 3 (45:11):
Oh, yeah, I'm good. Yea great. How clear is your vision?

Speaker 2 (45:15):

Speaker 1 (45:17):
You want to get you want to take a blast
to the eye.

Speaker 3 (45:19):
Yeah no, no, I don't know. Okay to do that
on the packaging.

Speaker 2 (45:23):
Thanks for thinking of me though. We've got a brand
new red neck news here for you, Joe.

Speaker 3 (45:28):
If you're an air conditioner is just an.

Speaker 2 (45:31):
Ices cube in front of a box lay some dultang.
Today's red neck News is from Saint Petersburg, Florida. For
the cops, they pulled over this cards the routine traffic
stim and when they walked up to speak with the driver,
he can see that she was frantically moving things around,

which seems suspicious. And then as he's talking to her
he could see there are some drug stuff right there
in the open. Oh, so now it was the search.
The driver is this forty one year old broad who
doesn't look a day younger than fifty. Now morning, her
muke shots is pretty hot. Grid.

Speaker 1 (46:10):
Oh god, yeah, Oh I'm good. I'm so glad. I
wore my loose pants.

Speaker 3 (46:14):
That's forty one.

Speaker 1 (46:15):

Speaker 2 (46:16):
She looks literally late sixties, right, that's forty one years old.

Speaker 3 (46:20):
I mean she's brunette hair, dead, sunken eyes. Yeah, I
mean you could doll her up a little bit.

Speaker 2 (46:26):
Her name is Lauren Riley and she had a purse
on her and in that purse the officer found a
bag that was labeled quote bag of drugs. Oh guess
what was in that bag? Let's go with a bible
at Ham, Sanfrica. Well, I have a listen here. There
were some crack, some powdered cocaine, oh, some crystal meth,

plus some xanax that you didn't have a prescription for
along with some other pills random pills. She also had
some needles and straws, metal spoon, four glass pipes. So yeah,
the bag turned out to be as advertised.

Speaker 1 (47:00):
Back of throats.

Speaker 3 (47:00):
How was she still alive?

Speaker 2 (47:02):
Lauren was arrested, her car impounded. There was no way
for her to avoid being grounded. Her parents had to
come home from vacation to get her in jail than
to have her father hitting her anyway. She was taking
to the jail charge with a variety of drug felony
drug charges. Sorry, I can't get over the mugshot's just
way too hot.

Speaker 3 (47:20):
So, by the way, you can buy these bag full
of drugs bags which are designed for makeup and stuff
like that, not trucks, on Amazon for.

Speaker 1 (47:27):
Like seven dollars.

Speaker 3 (47:28):
Yeah right sweet.

Speaker 2 (47:30):
So that's from Saint Petersburg, Florida, forty one year old
Lauren Riley who was pulled over and caught with a
bag of drugs, which she made very easy for the
cops to identify since she had labeled it as bag
of drugs. Yeah, so there you go, and that is
today's raid Nick Woody Show, All right, check it out.

Some of the news that people talking about today, talked
about how the stocks got crushed. Yeah, yesterday, talked about
Kamala Harris announcing her VP pick this morning, Hurricane Debbie,
talked about that the Debbie bricks of cocaine, twenty five
packages of cocaine that washed up on shore, seventy pounds

of it. How about Team USA adding eight more medals yesterday?
Tell them are your Olympic roundup?

Speaker 3 (48:27):

Speaker 2 (48:27):
Yah? Some Miles wrapped up her twenty twenty four Olympics
and maybe her career with a silver medal. Women's floor
Jordan Chiles took the bronze in that one. Now, Simon,
I guess had a chance to meddle in the balance beam,
but she fell, you guys, a loser. So she's leaving
Paris with four medals. A lot of celebs there to

see the gymnastics, Tom Cruise, Snoop and Martha, Tom Brady,
Nicole Kidman, Natalie Portman, Bill Gates, I mean there's a
ton of people. Tony Hawk'spike Lee, I mean, everybody was there. Also,
the Chick three and three basketball team won bronze. Meanwhile,
there's a report that the US men's basketball team has
spent fifteen million dollars to stay at off site hotels

to avoid the Olympic village, cardboard beds and lack of
air conditioning.

Speaker 3 (49:13):
I get it.

Speaker 2 (49:14):
These are all millionaire Yeah, NBA superstars not dog no
was there one?

Speaker 3 (49:19):
What the one guy was sleeping in the inn the park?

Speaker 2 (49:23):

Speaker 3 (49:24):
Yeah, this room sucks. Did you see that? Snoop allegedly
is making five hundred thousand dollars a day by being there? Really,
I don't know why and how because I saw I
was watching on NBC and they and what's his name
brought Snoop into and they were going to show him
some highlights and apparently he's gonna, you know, react in
a hilarious manner, and it sucked.

Speaker 2 (49:41):
It was just like, damn dog man, he really got
that one? Cuz yeah, I heard a couple that were good.

Speaker 3 (49:48):
He's like, he's not funny.

Speaker 1 (49:50):
I saw him dressed up at a question in gear
with the stories.

Speaker 2 (49:54):
Hey dude, for five hundred bucks a day, five five
hundred thousand a day.

Speaker 3 (49:59):
Oh, I don't blame him.

Speaker 2 (49:59):
I but yeah, Snip will say no to nothing. He
will say yes to everything, but he does have a price,
Like if he's gonna get featured on the song like
He'll be on anybody's song. We could write a song
Snooper agree to do it? He would not say no.
But he's got a price, and if someone wants to
give him that price, take it, then take it.

Speaker 1 (50:21):
I'm just kind of burnt. Also on the ironic friendship
of Snoop and Martha like with your friends.

Speaker 2 (50:27):
Hey, porn website has made an official offering to that
French Paul Vaulter, you know, the guy who showed uh
his big package bouncing around.

Speaker 1 (50:34):
I do want to see it.

Speaker 2 (50:35):
Yeah, well they're offering him two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars take it to show his penis on camera?

Speaker 1 (50:43):
Would you do it for two hundred and fifty If
I were him, I would do it for two dollars
and fifty cents. Let's he Here's the thing.

Speaker 2 (50:49):
I wonder if the legend matches with the reality, because
when you watch it in that video, it's bouncing around,
looks like a big package.

Speaker 1 (50:57):
It would have to live up to what people I
don't see how it couldn't.

Speaker 3 (51:03):
I mean there was Well unless it was a prosthesis.

Speaker 1 (51:05):
It not, I know it would live up to it.

Speaker 3 (51:07):
Yeah, unless he has like some banana hammock thing.

Speaker 1 (51:10):
I don't know. Maybe maybe maybe he's not to know.

Speaker 2 (51:13):
I'm saying like maybe he's like mostly nuts, you know,
like maybe he's got just big giant balls. Well, here's
the thing, because it was a whole package. It wasn't
like it was an outline of his shaft.

Speaker 3 (51:21):
No, it was like it's absolutely again and again you're
gonna bring it up here. Yeah, an analysis. But if
I'm this guy, I'm taking the two hundred thousand because
what is the longevity of a pole vaulter after the Olympics.

Speaker 5 (51:37):
Now there was there was another competing bulge guy swimmer.
He was all he was all sack.

Speaker 3 (51:44):
It was all balls.

Speaker 5 (51:45):
Yeah, they're like, look at the side of his bulls. Yeah,
but it's clearly a coconut down there. It's not a
sausage as it's the whole balls. Rosen was massive.

Speaker 2 (51:54):
Well, this chick you swims for Paraguay was kicked out
of the Olympic village because she apparently was creating an
inappropriate environment. Some of the reports are that she decided
to spend time at Disneyland Paris instead of supporting her teammates.
Other reports say that she was distracting the other competitors
with her skimpy clothing. She did not address any of that,

but she did post on social that she is retiring
from swimming. There was some posts that Antonio brown ab
made and he goes what sport this is? And it
was it was from like I think it was like
is water dancing or something, because it was like people

yes and so yes. The woman had her legs sticking
up out of the ground and they were kind of
like split apart, but the bathing suit was literally a
string of floss gone right between her labia and so
just her flaps were like on display.

Speaker 3 (52:52):
What sport this is? You didn't say, Pulitzer Prize winning
journalist Antonio no no no CTEs p you know. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (53:01):
So for ten days of action, Team USA still leads
the overall metal count with seventy nine and uh, China
distant second and fifty three, and then the US and
stupid China end of the day with twenty one golds each. Noise,
here's your Olympic round up.

Speaker 3 (53:17):
You gotta say garbage country China.

Speaker 2 (53:20):
Well yeah, I mean you gotta figure it, because said
I was gonna say stupid China for the gold medal thing. Stupid,
stupid China. Somebody sent a complaining email yesterday about that
to Mike the Show Killer. Oh oh, well, that's the
place to send it, because he will Yeah, because the Yeah.
And then their email they said we said stupid Chinese.
We didn't say the stupid Chinese. No, it's the country
that we have a problem with, the government of China

that we have a problem with the government.

Speaker 3 (53:42):

Speaker 2 (53:42):
I feel bad for the people. You're still going a
garbage country run by garbage people.

Speaker 1 (53:47):
I'm gonna email Mike the Show Killer communist.

Speaker 2 (53:50):
Yeah, we give out his director emails to be Just
to be clear, It's been a rough summer for the
former director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle. You know,
she resigned of the whole Trump thing, and now there
are reports that she wanted to destroy the cocaine that
was found in the White House.

Speaker 1 (54:06):
Last year before they even tested it.

Speaker 2 (54:08):
Right. She allegedly asked a Secret Service Forensic Services Division
and the Uniform Division to destroy the evidence before even
finding out who the bag of drugs belonged to. But
her request was denied.

Speaker 3 (54:22):
And good news, ladies.

Speaker 2 (54:24):
Time to get back in the kitchen and make Harrison
Butker a sandwich because he just became the highest paid
kicker in the NFL. He just signed a four year,
twenty five point six million dollar deal that he negotiated himself,
no agent.

Speaker 1 (54:39):
So he keeps good for all of that.

Speaker 2 (54:41):
It's a seventeen point seventy five million guarantee to kick
good on a lot of jerseys.

Speaker 1 (54:48):

Speaker 2 (54:49):
Well, so much for that whole thing of everybody's going
to get him canceled for whatever he said that graduation.

Speaker 1 (54:54):
I remember exactly what he said.

Speaker 3 (54:55):
The thing was just I don't know this week that
Morgan Walling walked out in a concert with the Buttons
Mahomes and Harrison Butcker and Travis Kelcey. But no, uh
Mark uh wall Wallen was wearing the Buttker jersey as
he was.

Speaker 1 (55:12):
Walking morgana was wearing the Butker jersey.

Speaker 3 (55:15):
Yeah, we got that story eventually.

Speaker 1 (55:17):
Yeah, so what happened to Mark?

Speaker 2 (55:20):

Speaker 3 (55:20):
Wait, so Morgan Wallen was doing a concert. Correct, he
was walking out and behind him was was Travis Kelcey
and Mahomes and Mahomes.

Speaker 2 (55:29):
Okay, I thought he walked out because somehow Okay, got
it now, now I got it? Yeah, got it, but yeah,
people were to support, people were megapissed at. We'll still
are with Harrison Butcker but he don't care. Oh well,
twenty five point six million dollars deal for four years
to kick off football? How many times a game they
go in, let's go kickoffs right, right, so he'll do

the kickoff and then the extra points and then field goals. Right,
so it's called eight ten times. Yeah, I was gonna
say like six six to eight times.

Speaker 1 (55:59):
No, I spens take right.

Speaker 3 (56:01):
He said his percentage is eighty nine percent. That's right.
Can we go back to Antonio Brown's Twitter feed? It's
it's not not unfollowed, dude, So he's insane.

Speaker 2 (56:12):
First of all, he's got what like Homo the day,
He's got over the weekend, He's got the word of
the day over the weekend.

Speaker 3 (56:18):
A guy tweeted Antonio a picture of supposedly of him
proposing to his fiance in Paris, and uh, Antonio Brown
crowned them crackers off the weekend. Yeah, crackers of the
weekend and then congrats and words Antonio Brown money off
social media? Who knows? I think he's I don't know

what he's losing. Whatever, he's doing he's losing money. At
least it's entertaining.

Speaker 1 (56:41):
Who's his homo of the day?

Speaker 2 (56:43):
Oh yeah, great, but say homo, he used a different word,
So scroll down you'll see that he's got like every
day he's like got he's got a sea word of
the day. That's an Asian slur for the new Netflix
Squid Games.

Speaker 3 (56:58):
But that must be like here strategy though, to make
money off of social media because the amount of engagement.
If he's doing that on X, he's gonna make money
because it's not They're not like Instagram and Facebook where
they'll kick you off for that stuff. So you'll probably
make money off of the amount of people that are
like interacting with it, because what else is this revenue

source right now? Nothing else?

Speaker 1 (57:22):
He owes people so much money.

Speaker 5 (57:24):
He's got two billion followers. Yeah okay, okay, yeah, but
he owes he has like seventeen kids out there that
he's got.

Speaker 3 (57:30):
Oh yeah, new one's popping up.

Speaker 2 (57:32):
And this is a crazy story. I'll wrap up with
this one. This guy, his name is Antonio Rano. He's
been a fugitive. He's known as the Devil and he's
been on the run for twenty years after he's shot
and killed someone in Ohio. Oh great, they've caught him.
And guess what he's been doing this whole time.

Speaker 1 (57:52):
Umm, it's got to be something outlandish. I'll say he's
been a teacher.

Speaker 2 (57:58):
He's been working as a police officer in Mexico. Oh no,
a guy on the run for murder. Yeah, somehow this tracks.
I'm not sure that the Mexican police department does much
background checking. Are they known for being like wildly corrupt?

Speaker 3 (58:17):
Place? Did you give him a fifty and be on
your way?

Speaker 1 (58:21):
Isn't that the reputation? Yeah to a guy.

Speaker 5 (58:23):
Who was Yeah, he was in town and Tijuana, got
picked up just on the street by the police until
they gave it, until he gave him two hundred fifty dollars.

Speaker 3 (58:31):
And he was parents who lived in the country, spoke
fluent Spanish. Wow, it didn't matter. Now Mexico garbage country
like China. No, oh no, no, he's love Mexico.

Speaker 1 (58:43):
Place. Did you mean Paradise? Yeah, of course.

Speaker 3 (58:50):
Show we'll be right back. You made it and just
in time, the Wood Show is back. Well the big sh.

Speaker 2 (59:01):
Kamala Harris did not go with Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
I went with the governor of Minnesota faked everybody out,
make out it's their fake out, right, So that was
that was the announcement this morning. And now get the
campaign trail with that guy whose name I can't even remember.

Speaker 3 (59:20):
Walls, walls w a l Z walls walls all right,
all right, I mean there were jokes right themselves because
it rhymes with balls, that's right.

Speaker 1 (59:32):
Yeah, governor falls, governor balls speaking of.

Speaker 3 (59:35):
It, it was amazing how the whole JD events having
sex with the couch things literally came out of nowhere.
It was literally just something a guy made up online
and suddenly I haven't heard this, what is it? Oh yeah,
so the it's sex with the count Now that's this
is how it works. Yeah, I just hadn't heard it.

Speaker 5 (59:52):
So that was That was the joke, or has been
the joke since he was announced, and they claimed some guy,
just random dude on Twitter nobody knew claimed it in
his book book held Billy Elogy that he claimed at
one point did JD.

Speaker 3 (01:00:03):
Vans had sex with the couch? Fully h fictional? Not
in the book nowhere.

Speaker 1 (01:00:08):
People have done that.

Speaker 2 (01:00:09):
Yeah, when you're a teenager, you'll grind your junk up
against anything of the.

Speaker 5 (01:00:13):
Couch famous Scott Rock Scott Wiland said when he was
in jail, they taught him how to put like a
you put a rubber glove inside of a roll up
twel Yeah. Right, But that was just some dude made
it up on Twitter and that was that was a
joke for two weeks and people repeated it, just took it.

Speaker 1 (01:00:28):
To his value. Yeah, that's how those things go.

Speaker 3 (01:00:30):
Yeah, and the joke was like, oh, it just shows
you how many people didn't read that book. Yeah, you
speaking the truth. It's not in there.

Speaker 2 (01:00:37):
You say it enough speaking that just kind of believes it.
And this has followed Richard Gear for forty years. But well,
I mean he probably actually did that. I mean that
one's yeah, that one sounds legit. You know that Richard Gear,
in the height of his popularity, put a gerbil in
his butt for sexual pleasure because we got desperate.

Speaker 3 (01:00:54):
Also, I want to make something clear. We do have
one text or who says the Morgan Walling thing that
I brought up that was all over the news that
he wore a butter jersey. Apparently he just likes wearing
jerseys with the number seven. But it was in name
on it. Yeah, I had his name on the back
of it, but it was in Chiefs colors, so yeah,
colors front of leaps number seven. You didn't see butt

cert necessarily, ye, yeah, but the headlines were buck urgers.

Speaker 2 (01:01:20):
Wow. I'm glad we cleared so much stuff.

Speaker 3 (01:01:22):
I know there's some texture that's very upset by.

Speaker 1 (01:01:24):
We're keeping up.

Speaker 2 (01:01:26):
We'll keep you on top of all these things.

Speaker 3 (01:01:27):
This morning.

Speaker 1 (01:01:28):
It's cool. Yeah, here on the Woody Show. Hey, if
you feel like you could be as sluss China.

Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
Woody Show, we'll be right back. So Menace is gonna
be out.

Speaker 2 (01:01:41):
I will be at the Fabletics store at the Glendale
Galleria this Saturday from one to three pm.

Speaker 3 (01:01:48):

Speaker 2 (01:01:48):
So, uh, the Fabletic store is right there at the
Glendale Galleria, kind of.

Speaker 1 (01:01:52):
Next to Macy's.

Speaker 2 (01:01:53):
Be there. He's gonna have theme park tickets, concert tickets,
gift cards, wood you show merchan a whole bunch more.

Speaker 1 (01:01:58):
Is this like a new store grand opening?

Speaker 3 (01:02:00):
Yeah, it's great opening.

Speaker 1 (01:02:01):
All right.

Speaker 2 (01:02:02):
I said that yesterday not really knowing really.

Speaker 3 (01:02:04):
Yeah, this is no.

Speaker 2 (01:02:09):
And we begin another new hour insensitivity training for a
politically correct world Tuesday morning. It is August the sixth,
twenty twenty four.

Speaker 3 (01:02:21):
I'm Weddy. That's Greg Gory.

Speaker 2 (01:02:22):
Hi. Wood Menace is right there, Hi, encouraging you to
find us and follow us on social media. Who we
can look for us at the Woodie Show on the
social media platform up your choice. There's mister Carton, Ark's himself,
there's Agency Bashi. We got Sammy here. Phones are open
eight seven seven forty four. Woody hit us up with
the text over to two two nine eighty seven. A

couple of things here for you, starting with some fancy.

Speaker 1 (01:02:49):
News for Greg. Oh, I love fancy news.

Speaker 2 (01:02:51):
Juel Chane Gabana just launched a new perfume for dogs.
It's called Spark Spark's. It's named after Dominico Dulci's dog.
How do you say, is a Dominique Domenico Dolce's dog,
So that's the uh. They say it's approved by vets

last all day and dogs really seemed to like the scent.
But again, these things lick their own asses, so you
do huh.

Speaker 1 (01:03:22):
Yeah, this isn't too outlandish, I don't think, because I
remember in the past when a neighbor's dog ran out
into some pasture and rolled around a manure because dogs
love things that stink. That's not an opinion, that's a fact.
They love stinky stuff. So they rolled around, and this
dog rolled around the manure, and then they gave it
a bath and sprayed it with this like strawberry water stuff,

and it smelled like strawberries afterwards. The DNG website description
reads as follows an old factory masterpiece featuring the cocooning
of warm notes, nooning of elong, plus the clean and
enveloping touch of musk, and the wooden, creamy undertones of sandalwood.

Speaker 3 (01:04:03):
That is elong, which a long which is sandalwood.

Speaker 2 (01:04:08):
Okay, I think it sounds lovely, which is the woody,
creamy undertones of I like it. Trying to guess how
much three point five ounce bottle. Oh, the logo on
the front of the bottle of this perfume for your
dog is plated with twenty four care gold.

Speaker 3 (01:04:24):

Speaker 2 (01:04:26):
It does come with a d n G dog collar
and an immersonalized name tag.

Speaker 1 (01:04:32):
Oh my god, that's what the bottle looks like.

Speaker 3 (01:04:37):
Dog collar and all this golds the pretty class.

Speaker 1 (01:04:40):
Okay, my dog does have a Gucci collar. Serious, Yeah,
it's pretty awesome. How much.

Speaker 2 (01:04:45):
Did you don't tell us, we'll guess after we guess
on this, Well, save that for a second.

Speaker 1 (01:04:50):
We made it out of a Gucci belt. Wait, so
you destroyed a Gucci belt just to make it a
dog collar? Exactly? Okay, she wears it when we have
company every day. You say the newest gayest thing ever.

Speaker 3 (01:05:03):
Next level.

Speaker 2 (01:05:04):
Yeah, right, I think you meant to say every day
is surprisable. I would say how much was the Gucci
belt that you destroyed to make it into a dog collar?

Speaker 1 (01:05:15):
I don't recall.

Speaker 3 (01:05:16):
It's sort of cheap, though, Greg, because you can buy
Gucci dog collars.

Speaker 2 (01:05:20):
You can. Yeah, but like my question is like, I
don't give me a ballpark on a Gucci belt. How
much of those cars?

Speaker 3 (01:05:25):
I don't know, Like you can. Probably depends on which one. Yeah,
it was.

Speaker 1 (01:05:31):
Three hundred dollars and you murdered.

Speaker 2 (01:05:33):
It for How much is a real one a Gucci
dog collar?

Speaker 3 (01:05:39):

Speaker 2 (01:05:40):
Probably more affordable, so way less material and adorable, so
way less material, same price, maybe more just because it's
in the form of a dog color. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:05:49):
I wanted to get my dog's Tiffany collars, but I
didn't think it wouldn't I don't think the color would
look nice on them, though I know it's Yeah, that's
a huge part of it. Yeah, I don't think of
blend with their how embarrassing for the dog. I'm sure
they would love it. My dog hates yeah, but with
this don't shake a bana thing, I think it's I'm
guessing with the collar and all that kind of stuff.

Three bottle maybe six fifty seven hundred, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:06:16):
I'm going five seventy five.

Speaker 3 (01:06:20):
Eight dollars. That's steel sold. Steal deal sold. What do
I order?

Speaker 1 (01:06:24):
You can pre order right now. It's on their website.

Speaker 3 (01:06:26):
Now I did tell you, remember you you learn about
how I take my dogs to get anal expressions, right.

Speaker 1 (01:06:33):
Yeah, you squeeze the glands on their buttole right yeah,
you take them to the scots out.

Speaker 3 (01:06:38):
I mean, groomers will do it, but they don't do
a good job. So I take them to the vet
to do it. But when I take them to vet
to do it, they also follow it up with like
some kind of perfume afterwards, like powder for their butt.
And now I request no perfume because it reeks so bad,
because it feels like a kind of like of a
mix of the expression and like, I don't know, some

kind of weird perfume scent. It's not good, So I
don't recommend it. If you go to get an expression,
don't get the perfume.

Speaker 2 (01:07:05):
I'm trying to think of the most I've ever spent
on my dog other than the ve ve. Right, I'm saying,
like on something like I thought you loved your dog.
I do, but it's a dog she wants, y'aller she does,
Probably Tiffany.

Speaker 3 (01:07:21):
Tiffany would look good, honestly.

Speaker 2 (01:07:23):
Probably it's for her birthday when I go and I
get her a filet mignon. Yea, I grill her a
flame mignon, and I get her like a from like
a dog place, like a dog bakery cake, but like
a little we moved on to cupcakes. You got her
like a full cake one time, or like there's no friend,

nobody else is eating this besides her.

Speaker 1 (01:07:45):
It's a dog cake. It's a lot of cake, you know.

Speaker 2 (01:07:48):
But my wife thought I was nuts forgetting her the
fla mignon, which was like, I don't know, twenty bucks, yeah,
twenty five bucks and she ate that thing in two seconds. Yeah,
once a year.

Speaker 3 (01:07:57):
It's for her birthday, and so I griller her own flavor.
Sheat's better that that night than we do.

Speaker 1 (01:08:02):
Of course, the Tiffany pet collar around the room. Tiffany
pet collar, is it real thin?

Speaker 3 (01:08:10):
One night, I'll give you it's very It's basically.

Speaker 1 (01:08:12):
You can put on cats.

Speaker 3 (01:08:13):
It's I wouldn't say that's for dogs.

Speaker 5 (01:08:17):
It says fifteen to eighteen inches one inch wide, black
with a just a silver Tiffany. It says, please return
to Tiffany and Company.

Speaker 3 (01:08:26):
I wasn't looking at the black ones. I was looking
at actually Tiffany like collar, which.

Speaker 5 (01:08:31):
Is all current their current offerings they have.

Speaker 1 (01:08:35):
They have go Greg.

Speaker 3 (01:08:36):
They have a Tiffany bowl which is that blue and
it says but it says dog on it adorable. Yeah,
that's his cat. So they don't have right now a
tip that.

Speaker 1 (01:08:44):
Would be cool, but you don't like the one. The
signs that say like laundry. That's why it's on the
dog ball.

Speaker 3 (01:08:50):
Yeah, Tiffany.

Speaker 2 (01:08:51):
So the dog ball's fine, or if it sail or
had a bone on it. But I didn't try to
figure out where you draw your line.

Speaker 1 (01:09:00):
Yeah, probably just like stuff that tells you what it is. Yeah, kitchen.

Speaker 5 (01:09:03):
So the collar they don't have it. They don't currently
offer a turquoise one. They have a turquoise leash, but
the collar is three hundred and ninety five. Oh wow,
and it's in black though the current offers they have
the leash is black and turquoise.

Speaker 3 (01:09:14):
That's four hundred and forty five. And then the dog
ball that says dog only one ninety ooh, what a steal.
But if you're buying a Tiffany, Gucci, whatever, et cetera
dog collar and you're not like that could feed a
thousand people in North Korea, Africa, feel in the blank whatever. Cool,
they're not here though, And my dog needs a collar,
but your dog will never know what the hell it is,

doesn't understand?

Speaker 1 (01:09:37):
Yeah, does lot of stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:09:38):
Doesn't That kind of go against your whole argument where
you know, well, what you could have done, you could
have done, or you could have been talking about this,
like why are you talking about this? Well, we could
be talking about this other thing. This is exactly that argument.
So I don't want to hear Jack squat about oh.

Speaker 3 (01:09:52):
Blah blah blah, oh oh poor people need this and that.

Speaker 5 (01:09:54):
If you're buying Tiffany dog collars, exactly that's exactly my argum. Okay,
so I don't want to hear like all the fast
free workers twenty dollars an hour, you bought a Tiffany
dog collar.

Speaker 2 (01:10:05):
Okay, they could have supplemented some of their income exactly donated.

Speaker 1 (01:10:09):
Almost people need blah blah blah.

Speaker 2 (01:10:11):
Well you pay for them with your Tiffany dog. Great,
just mutilated a Gucci belt. Yeah, so this pit bull,
he deserves it and she wanted And when.

Speaker 1 (01:10:20):
We have company, Yeah, did you guys don't hear the
part about company. Yes, she's like you know, like when
you have company, you dress up better, clean the house,
having class, right, and then you put your dog in
her fun collar.

Speaker 2 (01:10:36):
Send us that text two two nine eight seven. You
watch years after years after years, and then you see
them in verson and it's it's ally different experience than
you do.

Speaker 1 (01:10:52):
Watching them over the sperience. What show back?

Speaker 2 (01:11:00):
Sure it is back. Who's up for a dumb debate?
A silly stuff, nothing super important. Okay, this is a
couple of things that have been going on and taking
social media by storm. People chiming in on these different things.
So we'll start with this one. It's a parking issue.
It started when this guy walked out to his car

and a neighbor had left a note on it saying, quote,
would you kindly refrain from parking your vehicle outside of
my house for days on end? A few hours or
a day is acceptable, although you are of course legally
within your right to park outside my home, but please
have some consideration and park on the opposite side of
the road when the space is available.

Speaker 1 (01:11:42):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:11:44):
So he he posted a note on Facebook, started this
huge debate, and so people were asked, is it okay
to park in front of your neighbor's house?

Speaker 1 (01:11:55):
I think ideally, if the spot in front of your
house is available, wouldn't you just park there?

Speaker 5 (01:12:01):
Well, because what happens a lot of times is they
have many many cars, y ten cars. Yeah, it's a
typical culprit.

Speaker 1 (01:12:07):
And you know my pet peeve is when you have
a garage, park in the garage. I don't care why
people don't do that in the car. I know you don't.

Speaker 2 (01:12:14):
It's like my son uses it for hockey. Dude, just
load it with crap. Yeah yeah, a bunch of junk
in there that, you know, stuff you don't I.

Speaker 1 (01:12:20):
Could park in there, but he uses it for hockey.

Speaker 3 (01:12:22):
See, but four hours a day, you can always find
a reason not to use your garage exactly.

Speaker 2 (01:12:28):
Now, we have a driveway, so the cars are in
the driver they're not on the street. And this is
what drives me crazy about our neighborhood. Everybody's got driveways, right,
So you have the garage and you have your own
personal driveway, right, How is it that people are still
parking in front of mailboxes where the postal worker gets pissed.

Speaker 4 (01:12:46):
Because kids with cars or other people like you said
multiple cars, Like my family had six cars because there
was four kids all driving at the same time, plus
my parents.

Speaker 2 (01:12:55):
Yeah, but my point is there's still plenty of other
places on the street for these guys parker parking front
of the mailboxes. They choose to park in front of
the mail there's.

Speaker 3 (01:13:04):
Also oblivious city also, they don't want to do oil
leaks on their driveway because it's unsightly.

Speaker 2 (01:13:09):
City street parking is different, you know, because if you
don't have a garage, you don't have a dedicated parking
spot exactly. And you got to find I've lived in
those situations before where you'll circle the block for you know,
thirty minutes, sometimes just waiting for something to open up.

Speaker 3 (01:13:26):
That's why you should get a bicycle.

Speaker 2 (01:13:27):
But yeah, but that's about it.

Speaker 3 (01:13:30):
That's about as nice a note as you could write.
I mean Days on End is a little bit exactly's aggressive.

Speaker 2 (01:13:35):
But there's one car that's on my street and one
of the neighbors is doing work in their yard, like
you know, new driveway. So it's a lot of dust
and dirt and stuff. So it's been going on like
that for at least a few weeks now. This car
I know hasn't moved because it looks like they just
pulled it out of like the desert. Yeah, it's covered
in a thick, heavy coat of dirt and dust.

Speaker 5 (01:13:57):
Was it forty eight hours or Addy Murphy's old Porsche
or whatever we've been in you know, i'd been in
the garage for fifteen years.

Speaker 3 (01:14:02):
Oh yeah, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:14:03):
There's cars I'm like when they pulled the Dolorean out
of the cave in the Western version of Back to
the Future.

Speaker 1 (01:14:09):
There's cars on my street that have weeds growing through
the wheels and cobwebs on the wheels that they moved
in ages.

Speaker 3 (01:14:15):
And you have have you called Greg?

Speaker 8 (01:14:17):

Speaker 3 (01:14:17):
I have that.

Speaker 2 (01:14:19):
Wow, as best ABC always be calling the cops.

Speaker 3 (01:14:24):
Oh dude, there's this neighborhood that I drive through, and
I feel bad for this neighborhood because somebody has like
kind of like a mini yacht that they keep on
the street and they move it constantly from like in
front of their house to their neighbor's house, And like,
how is that even legal? Can you keep huge boats
on the street like that?

Speaker 5 (01:14:43):
A lot of cities will let you put anything on
a on a trailer on the street, right, Yeah, some
period of legal.

Speaker 3 (01:14:50):
Move it to make it legal if it's just that.
In the same spot some.

Speaker 2 (01:14:53):
Of the comments and you can text over to two
to nine eighty seven. Is it okay to park in
front of your neighbor's house? One person says, totally agree
with that. I've had cars parked outside my house for
weeks at a time. Not illegal, of course, but it
is a bit thoughtless. Public road equals public parking for all,
says another person. Our neighbor across from us did that.
He had the same response as you. He also left

his windows down, so my husband watered the yard. Petty
deserves petty.

Speaker 1 (01:15:22):
I wouldn't do.

Speaker 2 (01:15:24):
Listen, people, you do not own the parking spot in
front of your house. It is a legal spot for
anyone to park in. Oh really, because that's what I said.

Speaker 3 (01:15:33):
See, people love making arguments that don't exist aka straw man.

Speaker 2 (01:15:36):
So that they could feel well, that was the neighbor
that we were dealing with, where the person kept parking
in front of the mailbox to where the postal guy
would stop delivering the mail to that cluster of mailboxes,
which by the way, did not include her house, right,
and so we had to then go down to the
post offics to pick up our mail every day for
two weeks, like a punishment.

Speaker 1 (01:15:55):
But you didn't do what I suggested, get all your
neighbors to hound the HOA about it, because the HOA
does they don't do anything.

Speaker 2 (01:16:03):
You got to know, people have complained to the HOA
a number of times, but like they don't do anything.
They do of course, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (01:16:12):
They're useless.

Speaker 2 (01:16:15):
When she was confronted about this, she goes, my kids
can park on the street wherever they want, not in
front of the mailboxers in the hours that they're delivering
the mail. Because park in front of your mailbox, your
mailbox is not parked in front of have your mail blocked.

Speaker 3 (01:16:29):
Actually no, they can't.

Speaker 1 (01:16:31):

Speaker 2 (01:16:32):
If you want to guaranteed parking spot, you need to
live somewhere with the driveway and not depend on public parking.
Public parking is first come, first serve, plain and simple. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:16:41):
I agree with that. It's just you know, how about
just being polite.

Speaker 1 (01:16:47):
Yeah, how about this one?

Speaker 2 (01:16:48):
If I want to park there for days, that's my problem.

Speaker 1 (01:16:51):
You don't like it, move out of the neighborhood.

Speaker 3 (01:16:54):
These are all comments from people.

Speaker 5 (01:16:55):
These are all classic examples of people who aren't aren't
property owners, aren't homeowners.

Speaker 3 (01:17:00):
You know, these are losers. This is loser commenting. So
I said, I must be weird, but I don't mind.
If it looks like more people are at my house.
I think the crooks would think twice before breaking in
if there are multiple cars and people. Okay, so that's
a good reason. Then stay for weeks.

Speaker 2 (01:17:17):
As long as the park car is plated and registered,
I don't see a problem. Like it's not abandoned. It
is absolutely about being respectful to your neighbors. Seems like
manners and.

Speaker 1 (01:17:28):
Goodwill are a thing of the past.

Speaker 2 (01:17:30):
As long as not blocking private driveways.

Speaker 3 (01:17:33):
It's basically saying, hey, if you have visitors, they got
to park down the.

Speaker 1 (01:17:36):
Street, right, And if I have a space, because I.

Speaker 3 (01:17:39):
Won't because I'm lazy and or I have too many.

Speaker 2 (01:17:42):
Cars, right, And if you have a garage, you can
park in it. And totally a first world problem that
Sammy brought up. We have six cars?

Speaker 3 (01:17:51):
Yeah, well we don't know, because.

Speaker 4 (01:17:55):
I do think man our neighbors must have hated us,
of course, but luckily we kind of had where we
were situated on the street. There was a street that
went I guess perpendicular to it that had a bunch
of empty spaces that we could park in. But my
sister's boyfriend would park in front of the guy across
the streets house a lot because all that other parking
would be taken. And he did write a note one

time on his car saying like, can you please not
park in front of my house? So then he didn't.

Speaker 2 (01:18:19):
It wasn't a big deal.

Speaker 4 (01:18:20):
But we had just cars everywhere from people coming over
from our own cars.

Speaker 3 (01:18:25):
Yeah, I mean that's gonna happen. Wait, how old give
me the ages here? Because four people that were all
a driving age at the same time living at home.

Speaker 2 (01:18:31):
My parents had four kids in four years.

Speaker 3 (01:18:33):
That'll do it. Yeah, wowghborhood. I'm a woman because I
get it over.

Speaker 2 (01:18:42):
Now returning people on the postal work a postal workers
who complained about having to get out of the truck
to deliver mail can suck it do you're effing John.

Speaker 3 (01:18:49):
Again, that's not what he said. Stop arguing points that
weren't made physically in front of the mailbox the post off.

Speaker 1 (01:18:57):
Yeah, and this goes as you can.

Speaker 2 (01:19:00):
Doesn't mean that you should have a little uh, you know,
respect for your neighbors. Park in front of your own
house like what you know, park in front of your
own house exactly.

Speaker 1 (01:19:08):
That's what I don't get.

Speaker 3 (01:19:09):

Speaker 1 (01:19:10):
Sometimes my neighbor out of the clear blue who parks
in his driveway will back up and then come park
in front of my house and then at the end
of the day he puts it back in the driveway.
Why weird? So weird?

Speaker 2 (01:19:20):
All right, So the parking debate, is it okay to
park in front of your neighbor's house?

Speaker 3 (01:19:25):
Yes or no?

Speaker 1 (01:19:25):
Greg, I mean the courtesy thing, I would say no.
I mean legally yes, But that's not the argument here.

Speaker 2 (01:19:33):
The situation here is days on end exactly what we're
talking about. In this particular situation instance, I would say,
I'm saying no.

Speaker 3 (01:19:39):
No, menace, not polite, but you can do it, all right, Sammy,
not for days on end, all right if I'm saying no,
obviously no, And there will be consequences after, especially after
the note comes.

Speaker 1 (01:19:50):
Out and seas that is true. Spike strips. Yeah, and
whatody for you to park in the driveway kind of
don't think?

Speaker 2 (01:19:57):
Yeah? Is it?

Speaker 1 (01:19:58):
Yeah, pa driveway? It's pretty nice, kind of dumpy. Yeah, Oh,
my son plays hockey in there, you know, twenty four
hours a day, seven days a week. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:20:07):
Oh wait, Greg has a big pet peeve with that.

Speaker 1 (01:20:10):
I do you having a garage? I was very late
in life that I had a place that had a garage.
And it is the ultimate luxury to have a garage
that you park in, all right, it's the best. And
then people, oh, I got my boxes in there and
my Christmas tree. Oh, we'll put them somewhere.

Speaker 2 (01:20:27):
Else then and in your garage, Yeah, pay for a
storage space, right, just so you can park your car
in there and leave the driveway.

Speaker 1 (01:20:34):
Can put so much crap that you have to get
a storage space. You don't need it again.

Speaker 3 (01:20:38):
Your problem Boody show is coming up next.

Speaker 2 (01:20:40):
I got another debate for you, all right, and this
one's this has got to be the dumbest internet debate
of the day.

Speaker 3 (01:20:46):
That's okay, I'll have it for your next hang on
it because you think you have it all figured out.

Speaker 1 (01:20:50):
Next thing, you know, you live another twenty years.

Speaker 2 (01:20:53):
Show for me, right back.

Speaker 3 (01:20:56):
I think there's some shenanigans going on the Woody Show.
Whizz back. Okay, you make the call on this one.

Speaker 2 (01:21:04):
People are debating or arguing whatever about this on social media,
and the question here is, is it rude to order
Fajidas at somebody else's birthday dinner?

Speaker 1 (01:21:20):
I told you, I told you it was silly.

Speaker 10 (01:21:22):
Here's an argument, I don't care how close we are
and we're best friends, is if you order Fajidas and
my birthday dinner, you know that it's my birthday and
I'm the star of the show. And so for you
to order a big sizzling tray of Fahidas, you know
that when it comes out, everybody's gonna say, Oh, what
did you get?

Speaker 1 (01:21:39):
Oh what's what's making.

Speaker 3 (01:21:40):
All this noise?

Speaker 1 (01:21:41):
It's smoking everywhere?

Speaker 3 (01:21:43):
What are you doing?

Speaker 10 (01:21:44):
Trying to order something so attention grabbing.

Speaker 2 (01:21:46):
At my birthday dinner and my birthday.

Speaker 3 (01:21:49):
Mammy chuckles as if this would be her exact it's
taking away.

Speaker 4 (01:21:54):
I knew that was going to be the argument, because
it's too much attention the tr on guys my birth
and in the gold balloons.

Speaker 2 (01:22:03):
Yeah, because some people say the whole pageantry of the
whole thing is a scene stealer. The focus should be
on the birthday person. God say, it's dumb, you order.

Speaker 1 (01:22:11):
What you want.

Speaker 3 (01:22:12):
There's one place I go to I swear the flames
are like three and a half half feet high. It's
like they I don't know what they pour on it,
but they just start shooting. Just come with a fire.
This one place that goes.

Speaker 2 (01:22:26):
Show videos firing, like right right before they serve him
on the table. They they'll fire them up and so
it's like this flame. Then by the time you sit
it down, it's the flame's gone. But it's man, that
sounds dangerous.

Speaker 5 (01:22:36):
It is.

Speaker 2 (01:22:38):
Well, I mean, think about the people that pour the
flaming shots at bars in a lot of places. Yeah,
I mean I get I guess why if they said,
oh we can't.

Speaker 3 (01:22:45):
Do that, I would get why they can't do it
have fun anymore?

Speaker 1 (01:22:48):
When people order bananas faster.

Speaker 3 (01:22:52):
Overrated dessert, it is, Yeah, it really is overrated, big deal.
Oh yeah, here's look, here's one of them.

Speaker 2 (01:22:59):
Yeah, like.

Speaker 3 (01:23:03):
That's a song. All oh yeah, oh yeah like that.
So yeah, it's like it's it's the same idea. Apparently
it's brandy or whatever.

Speaker 1 (01:23:10):
Yeah, but is it rude?

Speaker 3 (01:23:11):
I think Sammy is the one to answer this one.

Speaker 2 (01:23:14):
No, I don't think so.

Speaker 1 (01:23:15):
I think that's crazy.

Speaker 3 (01:23:16):
Order what you want?

Speaker 1 (01:23:17):
Who cares? Order what you want?

Speaker 3 (01:23:18):
And it's easy to say it's not your birthday? Are
you calling out Sammy saying that she would be.

Speaker 5 (01:23:24):
I would care because this is mean girls sort of
thinking it's I want attention, attention, attention from think I'm.

Speaker 4 (01:23:29):
A real mean girl like that, Like you can't order
what you want because it's my birthday.

Speaker 3 (01:23:33):
I think you have tendencies. No, oh, you're saying she's
obsessed with attention. Is that what you're implying?

Speaker 2 (01:23:38):
No, I don't.

Speaker 1 (01:23:40):
I don't get that from her.

Speaker 3 (01:23:41):
I mean that's Sea Bat. I'm asking Sea Bass. I
think nothing's the one bringing I think at this age,
maybe in her early twenties, as she's kind of simmered
down now.

Speaker 2 (01:23:49):

Speaker 4 (01:23:49):
Sure, in my early twenties, did I wear on a
sash and a tiara on my birthday?

Speaker 2 (01:23:53):
Of course I did that.

Speaker 3 (01:23:54):
My friends got for me because it was expected. But
I think I wouldn't have. But you would have mean
girl herd behind her back. I would not have not
over something like that.

Speaker 4 (01:24:07):
If someone else is wearing a tiara and stash on
my birthday, then yeah, I would be like.

Speaker 3 (01:24:11):
What are you doing? It's my birthday? Yeah, well that's
not the I want, right, But no.

Speaker 4 (01:24:16):
I wouldn't care if someone ordered a fijida at my
birthday dinner at any age, I would not have care.

Speaker 1 (01:24:22):
And the woman in the video sounds like quite a
grown adult. She should not care so much about your
own birthday.

Speaker 3 (01:24:29):
Friends with her for sure.

Speaker 1 (01:24:30):
If anything, you want to kind of downplay your birthday, Sorry, menace,
I know you can't relate to that. But he celebrates
for a whole month.

Speaker 3 (01:24:35):
Yeah, but I wouldn't care. I'd be like, oh I
would I would enjoy the show of the vega even
though it was my birthday and I didn't order it.
I would like, oh, fijidas.

Speaker 1 (01:24:45):
I wouldn't care about the Fihida thing.

Speaker 2 (01:24:46):
I also don't care about people who get engaged at
other people's weddings.

Speaker 3 (01:24:50):
I don't either.

Speaker 2 (01:24:51):
Don't care about that. I don't care about that. It's weird.

Speaker 3 (01:24:53):
I'm with you, but I'm with Sam. It's weird.

Speaker 2 (01:24:56):
I don't know why you would know why you would
do it, but if you did it, I wouldn't care.

Speaker 1 (01:25:00):
I think it's weird.

Speaker 3 (01:25:00):
I think the only reason to do it is to
put the attention on you.

Speaker 1 (01:25:05):
Built in crowd.

Speaker 3 (01:25:06):
That's psycho thinking, like this chick that we just heard.

Speaker 2 (01:25:09):
All your friends, like your friends and family are probably
you know, that depends on who it is, like whose
wedding it is, like if you're if you're a work acquaintance,
you're at the wedding.

Speaker 5 (01:25:17):
Yeah, I heard all that. I agree it's weird and
it's attention, so you can first its own sake. But
what if it's let's say, your older sister getting married
and obviously your family's already there.

Speaker 3 (01:25:28):
Correct, That's what I'm saying everyone, that's the situation, real
in crowd.

Speaker 1 (01:25:31):
Yeah, I think you do the proposal.

Speaker 3 (01:25:33):
Yeah, if it's a family member and you already spoke
to them ahead of time about it right, Yeah, it's
rand Von Randerson.

Speaker 4 (01:25:40):
Yeah, I guess I don't see the wanting the crowd
and all your family and friends there for your proposal
to begin with. That's something I know a lot of
people do it, but I guess that's just not something
that should be.

Speaker 1 (01:25:49):
A private moment. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:25:50):
Yeah, you know what I would have a problem with
if I was at that dinner. I wouldn't care if
you ordered the fihidas. But it is a little weird,
like Greg's friend used to do, which I'm not sure
if you hang out this person anymore. Okay, she used
to throw her own birthday party, so she would schedule
the whole thing herself, invite a bunch of people there.

Speaker 1 (01:26:06):
And they always think that's weird. I never said so
weird that we don't hang out anymore.

Speaker 2 (01:26:10):
No, But here's the thing, because I don't when the
bill would come, she'd just leave it. She's got always
people out for the dinner, that's her birthday dinner that
she organized, and then just leave the bill. That's true,
which I think it was weird. And then and I
didn't like it because I felt like she was using gregs.
I said, Greg, that's.

Speaker 3 (01:26:25):
I don't like this.

Speaker 2 (01:26:26):
That's true and it took me many years to really
take advantage of that's true. Yeah, you need to cut
her off. But I also think that if you are
throwing a birthday party, you should host. Don't throw the
party if you're not going to host the party, correct,
you know what I mean? But why throw your own
birthday party?

Speaker 1 (01:26:41):

Speaker 3 (01:26:41):
I guess because you like things? Just yeah, do you
like it because you want to have fun?

Speaker 2 (01:26:45):
Nobody else is going to throw you on? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (01:26:49):
Or what he shows next?

Speaker 10 (01:26:50):
Oh yeah, oh yeah, right back.

Speaker 1 (01:26:58):
Now back to show.

Speaker 3 (01:27:01):
All right, welcome back everybody.

Speaker 1 (01:27:03):
Hey, hey it is Tuesday morning.

Speaker 3 (01:27:06):
We are the Woody Show.

Speaker 2 (01:27:08):
If you're just joining us, good morning. Hey, Hi, rub
those igns. That's feels so good. It's one of my
favorite things. Oh yeah, like before I go to bed, man,
I'm just sitting there, I'm just like pushing on my
eyes and like rub it into the corners.

Speaker 1 (01:27:21):
Oh man, it feels so good.

Speaker 2 (01:27:22):
It's hard to stop once you start, I like, especially
if they're itchy. Yeah all day and people tell me
all the time. I go, you're gonna stretch out your eyes.
You're gonna stretch you know, like you're like like the Yeah,
skin around like and make it look less hot.

Speaker 1 (01:27:38):
There's no, there's no ruining my face. Yeah, it's I
was born that way. Ruined face, dumb face.

Speaker 3 (01:27:48):

Speaker 2 (01:27:48):
But anyway, Tuesday morning, it is August to sixth, and
we already mentioned it's a National Fresh Breath Day. We
got the Fresh Birthday experiment with Man. It's coming up
a little bit later on this morning. See which one
of these mouth remedies works best for breath. Today is
also Greg Balloons to Heaven Day. Oh no, if someone

or something dies, you're supposed to release a balloon off into.

Speaker 1 (01:28:12):
Let's out onto the air. You know I'm going to
do that, go up to the angels. Yeah, exactly. How
to honor your loved ones, let's pollute and kill animals.

Speaker 2 (01:28:22):
Every time I see somebody doing that, I always send
Greg the picture or the video. Hey, no, Mike Creig looked,
they're sad. We should release some of Greg's honor with
his name, address and phone number on it.

Speaker 3 (01:28:33):
Yeah, I've shared the story before. That happened to me
at an event then. Oh yeah, it had some flyer
and they released ten thousand balloons and on the flyer
had my name on it as the host, and people
started like tweeting me on social media at a PlayStation
event or something, some video game video game thing, and
they just hired me to introduce some band and I
did it. It took like five seconds. And then once

they had the band go on, they released ten thousand balloons.

Speaker 2 (01:28:59):

Speaker 3 (01:28:59):
God, and it was like all over the city. It
went in the water and all the stuff, and people
are calling me a hole online and said are you
going to come clean this up? A whole and all
kinds of stuff. Yeah, it was terrible. I had no
idea that they were doing this balloon thing. It was terrible.

Speaker 1 (01:29:13):
I hate when people do that.

Speaker 2 (01:29:14):
It's National root beer float Day. Yes, it's Hiroshima Day,
like Hiroshima, Nagasaki, getting right. Yeah, And it's a national
wiggle your Toesday not as not as fun as curl
your toesday.

Speaker 1 (01:29:27):
You know what I'm saying. Oh, I get it.

Speaker 2 (01:29:30):
And entertainment, we've talked about how Aerosmith has retired from
touring because Steven Tyler not really fully recovered from his
vocal issues. They released that statement saying, quote, we are
grateful beyond words for everyone who was pumped to get
on the road.

Speaker 1 (01:29:43):
With us one last time.

Speaker 2 (01:29:44):
So play our music now and always dream on. You've
made our dreams come true.

Speaker 1 (01:29:49):
So that's it. They're that's it.

Speaker 3 (01:29:52):
No, that's it.

Speaker 1 (01:29:53):
He's not gonna be able to recover the guy.

Speaker 2 (01:29:54):
Dude, Steven Tyler's pushing eighty yeah, yeah and looking good.
That is one old lady, know what I'm saying. At
this point, dude looks like a lady.

Speaker 1 (01:30:03):
Yeah, totally. So it has for a while.

Speaker 2 (01:30:05):
So you know, they're taking a permanent vacation. See what
I did if I were him, retire, just take a
treasure bath. Zach Afron was taken to a hospital after
an incident. He was at some kind of resort or something,
and he was a swimming incident and he was founded
a pool by two people working at the villa and
they pulled him out of the water. He was taking
the hospital to get checked out and then released. I
haven't heard anything else other than that, but then again,

I don't care to do a follow up on a
zac Efron's story.

Speaker 3 (01:30:30):
Very mysterious. Sam and I are very concerned.

Speaker 4 (01:30:32):
Yeah, it's weird because he had to be pulled out
of the pool, so what could have been going on?

Speaker 3 (01:30:37):
But doesn't.

Speaker 4 (01:30:37):
They say he was taken to the hospital just for
precautionary measures. It's like, really, but how did he pass
out on the pool drinking?

Speaker 1 (01:30:45):
Yeah, some kind of like medication.

Speaker 3 (01:30:47):
Too hot. Yeah, that kind of happened to me just recently.
That's what I was. That's what I threw up all
over my bathroom just recently. Oh yeah, because I was
just too hot in the pool and I didn't eat anything.
I was drinking too much. Yeah, so it probably happened
some dork news.

Speaker 2 (01:31:04):
Wesley Snipes broke two Guinness World records thanks to his
return as Blade in the dead Pool and Wolverine spoiler movie. Well,
he is now, I guess, the longest career or has
the longest career as a live action Marvel character.

Speaker 1 (01:31:17):

Speaker 2 (01:31:18):
His return comes twenty five years in two hundred and
forty days after his first appearance in Blade back in
nineteen ninety eight. Oh and by the way, Deadpool and
Wolverine made close to another one hundred million dollars in
its second weekend.

Speaker 3 (01:31:29):
I absolutely louve seeing him in the movie. It was
such a nice surprise.

Speaker 1 (01:31:32):

Speaker 2 (01:31:34):
Puddla Mud singer Wes Scanlon was arrested after a standoff
with police in his car.

Speaker 1 (01:31:40):
He's always a mess.

Speaker 2 (01:31:41):
According to the police report, they pulled him over and
his super sweet Hummer H two in Burbank for a
traffic violation. They asked him for his ID, and that's
when they found out that Wes had an active warrant
out for his arrest from a previous case for having
a weapon at an airport. Oh, so he refused to
get out of the car. They even brought in a
crisis negotiator, okay, and when that didn't work, they brought

in the swat guys and they simply smashed out the window,
pepper sprayed his ass and is dragged him out of
the car.

Speaker 3 (01:32:09):
Wow, which is what they should have done the first place.
I know.

Speaker 2 (01:32:12):
Ben Affleck is showing off a new haircut. You guys
see it. He's got this thing as like a faux hawk. Yeah,
looks really weird.

Speaker 3 (01:32:19):
I didn't see it. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:32:20):
Also, there's a rumor that he might play Hulk Hogan
in a movie about Hulk Hogan's multimillion dollar sex tape
lawsuit against Gawker dot Com.

Speaker 3 (01:32:31):
Him playing that's a little weird.

Speaker 1 (01:32:33):
That's weird. I don't hate the new haircut.

Speaker 3 (01:32:35):

Speaker 2 (01:32:35):
Really, Like, I mean, Greg likes anything so short that
you can just see skull exactly. I know.

Speaker 1 (01:32:40):
It's not that I like it. I just don't hate it.
He can pull it off.

Speaker 3 (01:32:43):
Is this like, you know when girls get bangs?

Speaker 2 (01:32:45):
Is he going through a Yeah?

Speaker 1 (01:32:47):
Maybe I don't know. Haircut, Yeah, I'm not sure.

Speaker 2 (01:32:51):
HBO released some preview footage of some of the upcoming shows,
including the Last of Us the Penguin, and the Game
of Thrones prequel called a Night of the Seven Kingdoms. Also,
YouTuber mister Beast is accused of being a horrible boss
to contestants on his upcoming show, Beast Games, and the
rumor is now the show might not air at all.

Speaker 3 (01:33:11):
Wow really Yeah, so much hype around that. But again,
this is something that he isn't He's not using his
regular production crew. It was a partnership with Amazon, so
you never hear anything about his previous stuff when he's
just doing it on his own. Yeah, and now you know,
you have to live within the rules and regulations of

budgets as somebody else in.

Speaker 1 (01:33:35):
Other production company.

Speaker 2 (01:33:36):
Some guy was arrested for threatening to shoot Patrick Mahomes
and Travis Kelsey had a Morgan Wallen concert in Kansas City,
heard about that the guy was posting terroristic threats on
x Twitter, whatever the hell you want to call it,
saying that he came out or they came out on
the stage, that he was going to shoot them. So
the concert was delayed forty minutes while they searched for
this loser. They found him and he admitted that he

had made quote a stupid, stupid, stupid mistake end quote.
He's interested on felony charges and taken to jail.

Speaker 3 (01:34:08):
I'm so happy they found this guy just to set
an example, like, hey, you can't just pop off in
the internet like that make threats.

Speaker 1 (01:34:16):
And I know this has existed for a while.

Speaker 2 (01:34:17):
I don't know if you saw anything over the weekend
about this menuce, but they're using a lot of facial
recognition stuff at NFL stadiums. They're talking about going into
this new season. Yeah, I mean it's crazy, like if
somebody walks to the front gate, they can find exactly
where they are as in a matter of seconds they're
scanning because the cameras will automatically scan the entire stadium.

There they are, and it focuses in like it looks
like it's from a billion miles away with it in
two seconds. It's like I'm standing right in front of
Greg looking at his face. It's like in super high definition.
It's not this blurry, kind of grainy looking thing.

Speaker 3 (01:34:53):
America has been perfect such against this and everywhere else
it's done. Like you step outside of America like this,
facial recognition is available everywhere. They have cameras everywhere. And
guess what lower crimes happen, guys. And I know it's
like Skynet and a big Brother and you know they're
going to take you over and all this kind of stuff.
But what would you'd rather have?

Speaker 1 (01:35:14):
I would like to know the crime.

Speaker 3 (01:35:16):
I like to cut the crime long also, But I
get what they're saying, you give up more and more
of your freedoms next thing, you know, But I'd rather
not have somebody shooting up a concert, all right, So
football stadium.

Speaker 2 (01:35:29):
A devil's advocate for the people who are against it.
I would think as somebody who doesn't want to go
to jail for anything that I didn't actually do, I
never want to go to jail anyway, So I'm not
gonna do anything that would send me to jail. If
everything if your every move is on camera, isn't that
better for you, like if you ever need an alibi
unless you're up to bad stuff, if you're up to
no good.

Speaker 3 (01:35:49):
But then the conspiracy people are going to say, oh, well,
they're going to make an AI video ribbing a bank.

Speaker 1 (01:35:54):
I know, even there's no cameras out there.

Speaker 2 (01:35:56):
Now, look at how easy it is to make any
kind of AI video or deep fake of like some
chick that was sick in your high school class. Now
all of a sudden, it's like, you know, superimposed into
naughty stuff.

Speaker 3 (01:36:07):
Yeah, it's so easy. Like I totally get it. And
my argument, Greg can do it the country. The countries
that do have this, the crime rate is super low
or they catch people that make crimes.

Speaker 2 (01:36:18):
Yeah, but that's probably how they found this guy though.
I mean, they knew who they were looking for. They
were able to scan the you know, scan the venue.

Speaker 1 (01:36:25):
I think it depends on what they're going for.

Speaker 4 (01:36:27):
If it's the really bad people doing really bad crimes, yes,
But if it's like stupid dumb kids who do anything
and then everyone's getting in trouble for every move they make,
that's going to be a problem because everyone's gonna be
all pent up and not be able to have any freedom.

Speaker 2 (01:36:39):
Yeah, they're not gonna be able to egg Greg's house.

Speaker 3 (01:36:41):
I'm not going to be able.

Speaker 2 (01:36:42):
Then Greg won't get to find out who they are
if you go to their parents. Yeah, all right, time
for the birthdays and the birthday for you this morning goat.

Speaker 1 (01:36:53):
Shows it's shiver. We're gonna it's shivers. Were won't sit
like it's shiver and you know you don't do.

Speaker 2 (01:37:03):
Starting with the celebrities, and of course I'm going to
put her first happy forty eighth birthday to Sole Moonfry,
Punky Brewster girl love her. That was my first ever
like celebrity crush. Yeah, I was just a young boy.
I wouldn't know what to do with it if I
got it. I just want to hold her hand and

maybe kiss her on the cheek, puts her on the
swing or something. You know. Oh, that was innocent stuff.
Sole Moonfry is forty eight today. M Night Shamalan, the
director of sixth Sense and all those other movies. Uh,
he is fifty four. She got Jerry Halliwell Ginger Spice,
who is fifty two. David Robinson, the NBA legend is

fifty nine. She's Naomi Putnam in The Handmaid's Handmaid's Tale. Ever,
Keradine is fifty Ever is that? Oh?

Speaker 1 (01:37:54):
Yeah, ever?

Speaker 3 (01:37:55):

Speaker 1 (01:37:55):
I guess. Ever, Yeah, No, I don't know. I was
just thinking that's a strange name.

Speaker 3 (01:37:59):

Speaker 2 (01:37:59):
And then Adrian Curry from America's Next Top Model Winter
there and also the comic con Veteran Like she was
big into all that cosplay stuff for the longest time.
Was she married the dude from the Brady Bunch? Yeah,
she was, Oh, Barry Williams, she was.

Speaker 1 (01:38:12):
Yeah, I believe.

Speaker 3 (01:38:13):
I think she just recently, like just disappeared. She yeah,
like all television in the nursing.

Speaker 2 (01:38:19):
Well, she's forty two years old today and your porno
birthday today is Alesca Diamond. And she's ridden up and
down more chafts and an elevator technician in four hundred
and fifty fine films, including toe Licking Garden Pleasure. She
was in Alesca Chokes on His Chicken Volume one. Also
our exchange student wanted to learn everything. Yeah, she did

lips on Lips Volume one. There you go, Greg, that's
nice And who can forget her? Unforgeta her role and
lusting for the Juicy Clam Volume six. That's Aleska Diamond,
who is thirty six years old today, and that is
your porno birthday, your celebrity birthdays, and that is a
Tuesday morning. Look all a little what's happening around the
world of entertainment and whatnot? We are the Woodi Show.

Phones are open eight seven seven forty four. What he
hit us up with the text over to two two
nine eight seven. We will be right back siddy next
Fabuila wouldn't approve the Woody Show, all right, Ty to
wrap up, Get the hell out of here, everybody. Okay, Bye,
that's it for Tuesday Today officially Fresh Breath Day, So

menace trying out those those different remedies for bad breath. Yeah,
I mean there's all kinds of stuff that you could
choose from, but which one was best? Go back on
today's podcast and check it out. They're at the woodieshow
dot com also a brand new redneck news, the trending news, headlines, porn,
a birthday, all that. Just go to the woodieshow dot
Com subscribe so you never miss an episode of the
wood or is it an episode or never missed a show?

Speaker 3 (01:39:53):
I don't know how you'd say.

Speaker 2 (01:39:55):
Tomorrow Wednesday cameo and the Cheap Oh yeah, that's a
fun game. My wife just got my daughter a cameo
she did really yeah for her birthday. So there's that
what's that Michael Jackson show that's on Broadway, MJ the Musical. Oh,
and so there's this kid that plays Michael Jackson. I
think when he's like a you know, younger version of.

Speaker 1 (01:40:15):
Michael uh huh.

Speaker 2 (01:40:16):
And my kids love this guy really so yeah. So yeah,
my wife got my daughter a cameo from that kid. Wow,
and she was psyched really like people really do buy these. Yeah,
cameo on The Cheap Owing More tomorrow on The Woody Show.

Speaker 3 (01:40:32):
Anthony got for us.

Speaker 2 (01:40:32):
In the meantime, you can leave on the after hours
voicemail that numbers eight seven seven forty four Woody eight
seven seven forty four Woodie or Finest follow us, leave
whatever you got on our.

Speaker 1 (01:40:41):
Social media at the Woody Show.

Speaker 2 (01:40:43):
Yeah, Menace, Sea Bass, Sammy, anything you like to add,
No Greg Gory parting words of wisdom please.

Speaker 1 (01:40:49):
Yeah, before you compliment somebody's mustache, keep in mind she
might not appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (01:40:54):
Get it.

Speaker 2 (01:40:57):
I love your stash, girl, I did say something to
my wife recently about that, because like she was sitting
in the passenger to see the car, and I looked over.

Speaker 1 (01:41:06):
I'm like, it might be time to do something with that.

Speaker 3 (01:41:09):
Oh wow, what do you mean do you just let
it hang out there? So what do you want to know?

Speaker 1 (01:41:14):
I would rather know, Yeah, I would rather know.

Speaker 2 (01:41:17):
I'm sure that she does know, though I don't know
by the looks of it, I don't think she did
just rocking.

Speaker 3 (01:41:23):
If she's just rocking, and I don't think she knows.

Speaker 2 (01:41:24):
Why was she holding a sign that says mustache rise
twenty five cents?

Speaker 3 (01:41:28):
So does she get a wax or laser?

Speaker 1 (01:41:30):
I don't know what she does that. See, that's the
part I'm unaware.

Speaker 2 (01:41:33):
I don't know what. There's something she does regularly. It's
just time to do again.

Speaker 3 (01:41:37):
Now she knows if yeah, she lasered, didn't want to
come back. I mean, but if you wax it comes back,
oh yeah for sure, or bleach it and thicker.

Speaker 1 (01:41:47):
I think that's an old wives carrier. Yeah, I think
so too.

Speaker 3 (01:41:51):
She's gonna pretty much braid it in like a couple
of mons.

Speaker 5 (01:41:53):
I know.

Speaker 2 (01:41:53):
I felt an extra tickle and a kiss you.

Speaker 3 (01:41:55):
Know, yeah, the Whiskers.

Speaker 1 (01:41:57):
I thank you very much.

Speaker 2 (01:41:59):
Greg Gory would thank you so much for giving the
show some of your valuable time this morning. You know,
I love it, appreciate you for that. The rest of
you guys can suck it. We'll catch you back here
on Wednesday. Have a great day. SMD Doblem I quit
this bitch.

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