All Episodes

August 8, 2024 103 mins
Burlington taste test, Headline News, Redneck News & More!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
What is due to the graphic nature of this program
listener discretion? Is it lies away the Woody Show?

Speaker 2 (00:20):

Speaker 1 (00:23):
This is the Woody Show. Insensitivity Training class is now
in session.

Speaker 3 (00:44):

Speaker 1 (00:44):
Good morning everybody. Today is Thursday. It is August the eighth,
twenty twenty four. Hello and welcome. Thank you for being here.
It's a brief Friday. We are the Woody Show. I
am whatdy? That is Greg Gory? Good morning? We got menace?
What is up? What is Sea Mass? Good morning? Agent
Seabasslet we turn your mic on. There we go try
that out now, Yeah, now it works. There's Sammy, Good morning,

Sammy bort is here, al bortoniz, Carol is here. We've
got Morgan Alborto. That's right. And then we got von
our video producer phones. They're open for you, our vip
our guest of honor today. As always, thank you for
listening and giving them what he shows some of your
time today eight seven, seven forty four. What he is?
The number you want to call in with? Hit us

up of the text over to two two nine eight
seven coming up for you today? What do you show?
Freak of the week soring. So we got a brand
new freak of the week to introduce you to also
a brand new Redneck news, some food news, and a
taste drive. So this is a This is interesting because
Men has had all this stuff. He went to the

retailer formerly known as Burlington Coat Factory. Yeah, who now
just goes They've simplified it down to Burlington because it's
way cooler that way. So much stuff and apparently they
sell snacks now. Yeah, and so he bought a bunch
of stuff and like non traditional looking snacks like stuff
that I haven't seen these at the grocery store. Oh,
these are some unique items and I guess are exclusives

to Burlington in the snacks section right right next to
the scarves, the scarves, the whole good the wallets which
apparently have all kind of stuff. So Men, it's gonna
tell us all about that trending news headlines and a
whole bunch more for you here on this Thursday morning
on the Woody Show. Let's see. Okay, I thought this

was fun just because it's throwback Thursday and thinking back
to your childhood movies that kind of define your childhood. Oh,
so many, there's so many for me, gooonies. Back to
the Future, Princess Bride, Revenge of the Nerds, Stripes, Jaws,
National Lampoon's Vacation, My Favorite, Better Off Dead. Okay, now
we think about like kids, kids movies that like when

you were even younger. Do you remember an American tale? Yeah,
puppet movie? Yeah, Frozen? There are no cats in America
and the streets are paved with cheese. Yep, yep, I
remember that one doesn't know that one? Hello. Hello. So
this was a list and we can see if we

agree or disagree. Twenty five movies that every kid should
see before they turn thirteen, all right, and number one
on their list. I see this one at the top
of all those. Even when they just talk about this
this franchise. Toy Story two. Loves that one, not Toy
Story one. Toy Story two, well, love Toy Story two.

I still like the original better, the first one better.

Speaker 4 (03:38):
He was great, which is the one that love everybody
cry when he went on to two or three?

Speaker 1 (03:43):
That's the one when he went off to school, right,
he went off to college? It was three three?

Speaker 5 (03:47):
Yeah, and the toy well, spoiler alert, they give away
the toy.

Speaker 1 (03:51):
Yeah whoa yeah, spoiler alert. But they're doing another toy story,
are they not? Yeah? I five. Yeah, a movie I've
never seen, is it? Number two movies that every kid
should see before they turned thirteen? Chicken Run, Chick Run.
I can picture the postings. It's a lot of love.
But I've never seen. Wasn't that the Claymation one? Yes?
It was. Yeah, Yeah, you.

Speaker 6 (04:13):
Never saw it because it came out obviously after you
were a kid at BU two thousand you had your kids,
so it's yeah, it came out at two thousand zone
for you.

Speaker 1 (04:20):
Number three came out nineteen twenty eight. I think they
decided to throw this in there the circus wherever the
hell that is? Shut up, nobody knows it. On the
Lion King at.

Speaker 7 (04:32):
Number four, Yes, Lion King was childhood for me.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
Yes, that's what it.

Speaker 7 (04:35):
We had the soundtrack, we had everything.

Speaker 1 (04:37):
Lion King, all right. Shrek at number five, great movie.
I like all those Shrek movies. They're fun. Well, there's
plenty of stuff in there for for adults.

Speaker 6 (04:46):
It's one of those greg watch why watch adult movie
when you can watch a kids movie with some stuff
for a Yeah, do.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
You ever watch Shrek? I saw a Shrek and that
you hate it?

Speaker 8 (04:54):

Speaker 1 (04:55):
It was fine.

Speaker 6 (04:55):
But again when people saw it as, oh it's got
some adult humor in it, it's still a kid's movie.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
I thought it was very clever, like taking all the
fairy tale stuff, and I thought.

Speaker 6 (05:03):
It was By the way, the Circus was a Chaplin film.
Oh no, Charlotte, which none, no one in this room
and no child has ever seen.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
Never, I haven't heard of it. In nineteen eighty nine
a movie came out called The Bear. I remember that one.
It was it was just about a bear. I remember that.

Speaker 7 (05:17):
Is it a cartoon?

Speaker 1 (05:18):
No, no, no, it was a real bear. Yeah. Mary
Poppins at number seven. Oh, how to Train Your Dragon
at number eight? Now one, okay, another movie from my
childhood is I'm reminding of remembering two things now, Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory like Reilly Wonka with Gene Wilder,
and the other one Pete's Dragon. I loved Pete's Dragon. Yeah,
Pete Dragon ruled. We watched that in school for some reason.

I don't know why, because you went to crappy public schools.
Well I did. Maybe I was out the day and
the half day or something. We're drunk or something. But
How to Train Your Dragon at number eight, The Wizard
of Oz at number nine. Of course that's got to
be on there. Inside Out at number ten, talk about clever.
But the first time I watched that movie, I went
into it going like, what the hell is this gonna be?

I thought it was gonna be like some kind of
like touchy feely, hippy dippy thing, which it was. But
at the same time, just like man, the concept on
that is very creative, very well done. You even saw
Inside Out too. Because of that, I have not seen
Inside Out too yet. I'm gonna watch it. Sorry you
want it to, I apologize, I'm going to. But the
amount of times I get to the movies is not
very often. The Land Before Time dude, Yeah, No, nineteen

eighty eight eleven too sad.

Speaker 7 (06:28):
It was scary for me.

Speaker 5 (06:29):
I had the Big Dog flying just I had nightmares
over that movie.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
Yeah. Another one on my childhood lists the Muppet Movie.
I liked all those two Muppet movie. Muppets Take Manhattan,
all that stuff.

Speaker 8 (06:40):
I have.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
The Muppets not transition, they have a new era. They
have it. We tried to get the kids into the Muppets,
like showing them up the Muppet Movie all that, No
show them.

Speaker 7 (06:51):
The Jason Siegel Muppet movie, No did not.

Speaker 9 (06:53):
That one is.

Speaker 5 (06:54):
Great and it's newer and I love it budget all
the time, but like as.

Speaker 1 (06:58):
An adult you watch it all the time.

Speaker 10 (07:01):
It's very good.

Speaker 1 (07:04):
I don't know about that.

Speaker 5 (07:06):
I mean, I highly recommend, just high and he says, no,
you've seen it.

Speaker 1 (07:12):
Yes, and you don't like I shut it off because
it's terrible. A Disney movie that I never got into.
Beauty and the Beast, huge classic, but I just you know,
that's a banger. Never did never did much for me.
Like I loved The Little Mermaid, I love the Lion King.
I like, you know, a lot of those classics, but
Beating the Beast was not.

Speaker 6 (07:29):
So I won tickets to Beating the Beast and our
dad had to take us uh, and I was like,
I don't know if I want to see this.

Speaker 1 (07:35):
I want to be a gay and I was like,
I don't want to be a gay nine movie, but
I got free tickets. Yeah, so what you end up doing?
We went and I turned gay and gay he's gay now.
He's like, damn and be right back. I have to
go use the bathroom and he went in there and
waited for other dudes. Yeah, he did a wide stance

in the stall. Another one from the childhood. Man, I
love this movie et, yes, classic, I love that movie. Uh,
this one I never saw until I was older, I
think because it came out while I was away at
boarding school and so you know, from then until you know.
But I think I was in my thirties before I
saw this. Sandlot Yeah so good. Yeah, that was a

big one for my childhood.

Speaker 7 (08:18):
We all watched it all the time, well into I
mean adulthood.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
You're killing me small. You watched it last week?

Speaker 9 (08:23):

Speaker 10 (08:24):
Yeah, actually did.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
And if I would have watched that when it came out,
it would have been an instant favorite. Yeah, Like it's
right down the middle of the pike for what. Oh yeah,
the Lego movie at number sixteen. I like that. It
was good, a movie that got a lot of hype
and a lot of praise that. This is another one
I just never really got into.

Speaker 4 (08:43):
Wally, I never saw that, and it seems like you
would hate it from what little I know about it.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
Yeah, isn't it like an anti litter movie. It's a
it's basically about how lazy everybody society has, Yeah, society.

Speaker 6 (08:58):
It's also about carrying for the planet. But it's not
it's not over the top with its environmentalism, but it's
about carrying and connection and great, that might be.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
A great movie. It sounds like I might have to
watch that number eighteen Home Alone, the Original Great another
one I never Yeah, I don't think i've I don't
think i've seen it to this day. March of the Penguins,
I haven't seen that. I remember that got a lot
of they won a lot of award people loved it.
Two on the list here that I've not seen it all.

Coco never watched it. Oh that's great. That came out
with that movie. I came out in twenty seventeen. And
then the Iron Giant. Oh, Iron Giant's great. You love
that movie.

Speaker 6 (09:36):

Speaker 1 (09:37):
Iron Giant actually didn't get a lot of love when
it got released. Later it got appreciated. What I went
into VHS Okay, Spirited Away, number twenty two. It came
out in two thousand and one. I have no idea
what that is. I think it's either horse or biking
or something. It's a horse, yeah, the BMX riding. Yeah,
the og, you know, ten speeds and stuff. The og

Willie Wonk and the Chocolate Factory came out and nineteen
seventy one, that one number twenty three. I saw this
thing where Gene Wilder was talking about the only reason
he agreed to do the film. He's like, he kind
of read it and he was like, oh, it's fine.
And then he had this idea for the Willy Wonka character.
Remember when he's walking out of the chocolate factory to
meet the gates, need to meet everybody at the gates,

and the cane kind of sticks and he does that
like tumble Ford. That was his big ask. The city
wouldn't do it if they didn't let him do it, Yeah, exactly.
But the reason it was awesome a weird line.

Speaker 6 (10:32):
The draw So Spirited Away, Yeah, is Japanese fantasy film
about a little girl whose parents.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
Turned into pigs Japan. Oh.

Speaker 6 (10:39):
It has to take a job working in a bathhouse
to find a way to free herself. Probably not that
probably not that kind. Oh okay, and turned to the
human world.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Yeah okay. And what were we saying?

Speaker 4 (10:49):
The reason that reason he did that is because he
wanted the audience to never know if he was being
honest in the movie, or you know, should we believe him,
he's still tricking us.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Yeah, I respect that. I said number twenty three, number
twenty four in the list of every movies of every
that every kid should see before they turned thirteen Spider
Man into the Spider Verse, No love it. And then
the Princess brought a number twenty five. Also shout out
to a couple other ones. Menace. How about the Flight
of the Navigator will yeah, son, Flight of the Navigator ripped?

Also space Camp, the movie Space Camps what rip? Yeah,
there was a movie called Space Camp. It's look it up,
I will yeah. And then, uh, what was the other
one I was just thinking of of, like, oh, Iron Eagle,
Iron Eagle, Yeah, Lewis Gossag Jr. Hell yeah, the kid's
dad was taking hostage. He was a fighter jet pilot,
and so the kid his son, and uh and Jappie

I think is his name or Jaffy that I don't remember,
or yeah, I remember the plan something like that. Lewis
gotsa junior's character in Iron Eagle. Somebody looked that up anyway,
So he trained the kid how to fly a fighter
jet out of nowhere. He was flying like a crop
duster type before that. And they went into where the
hostages were being held and he got him out. He

got his dad out. Yeah, ye chappy, not jappie. That
was a derogatory earlier.

Speaker 6 (12:12):
By the way, that plot mirrors the plot of Space
Camp where kids were at space Camp and what happened.

Speaker 1 (12:16):
Yeah, they accidentally got launched in the space children doing
adult things. He was a kid, also Little Kid.

Speaker 11 (12:24):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
I'd like to shout out a couple of movies. If
you love goonies, there's another movie that's not as popular,
but in the same realm. It's called Monster Squad. Loved
that movie. Also another John Cusack movie called One Wild
and Crazy Summer. I love that movie. So good anything
John Cusack?

Speaker 5 (12:43):
And can I please shout out I mean for the
Girls Now and Then best movie ever?

Speaker 1 (12:48):
I've never heard of that. What is that?

Speaker 7 (12:49):
It came out in as.

Speaker 5 (12:51):
So many people in it as rita will He has
an aperiod piece o'donald and then it has there a
birch and Christina reach and it's like the coming of
age story.

Speaker 7 (13:00):
It's like a STANDI me for girls. But it was
made in the nineties. It's called Now and Then and
it's the frigging best.

Speaker 1 (13:04):
That's got Rosie O'Donnell.

Speaker 10 (13:06):
Yeah, an all star casts.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
So it's the best movie you ever made.

Speaker 7 (13:09):
It's like girl to watch before you're thirteen for girls.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
Yeah, good Beaches. We're gonna take a quick break down.
That was one of my sister's childhood movies. She watched Peach.
I'm like, you're watching this woman die of cancer over
and over again. Spoiler alrd Sorry I guys eight seven
seven forty four hit us up with a text over
to two two nine eight seven. We will be right
back The Woody Show.

Speaker 12 (13:31):
We'll be back in hope you're enjoyed The Woody Show podcast.
Just heads up being Glendale, California, this Saturday from one
to three pm at fab Letics next to Macy's. Myself
Menace will be there. I'm gonna have a bunch of
giveaways for theme parks concert tickets.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
What do you show? Merch In Moore once again?

Speaker 12 (13:49):
That's this Saturday, August tenth, from one to three pm
at Fabletics in Glendale at Glendale Galleria next to Macy's
this Saturday. In the meantime, keeping joining the what is
Your Podcast?

Speaker 10 (14:02):
I feel like I was easily persuaded.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
You can persuade persuaded.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
Well, we are into another new hour of insensitivity training
for a politically correct world. It is Thursday morning. It's
August the eighth, twenty twenty four. I'm what of you?
That is Greg Gorge Menace is here? Good morning? Minute?
What is our Boddy Sea Bass? Good morning to you.
Sammy's here. Money phones are open eight seven seven forty

four Wooding. You can't hit us up with a text
over to two two nine eighty seven. It's been a minute,
but we have to introduce you to another Woody Show
freak of the week. We don't have to. We get to. Yeah,
we get to that's what Yeah, so Greg says all time. Yeah,
it's gonna be an honor. Yeah, so see Bass will
introduce us to them. I'm not even sure if it's

a he she? What is what their? What makes him
the freak? I don't we'll find out. Hey, I did
want to bring up there was an update wacko Japanese
guy he spent like all that money to become a
human collie. Yeah it was said, so I hate that
guy so much. I hate him like a furry like

he legit, like walking around all four across the room.
You'd be like, well, it's getting even weirder now because
that dude is now claiming that he has a dog
best friend, Like, not a real dog, of course, this
is just another canine. Cause player, this guy's in a
husky suit. Oh it's so disturbed. Now gets sexual? Yeah,

here comes the sex. Yeah, I'm I'm I don't know, man,
it's just I'm weirded out by this guy. Well, of course,
he walked around in a park like he was a
real dog, and you know, about to mount a husky
for a lot of things. I go, you know, whatever,
you're in the feet. I'm mean, I don't get it.
But whatever doesn't bother me. Bother me. This bothers me

because this guy is such a weird Oh and he's
pretending to be a dog and he wants to be
treated like a dog.

Speaker 4 (16:13):
Didn't he spend a ton of money and didn't he
lose his family over it?

Speaker 1 (16:18):
Yeah? He spent sixteen thousand dollars to wear a college costume. Wow,
I seriously think he got abandoned by his family.

Speaker 6 (16:25):
Well that's the difference, you know, shout out to Japan,
of course, Like, if you pull this crap in America.

Speaker 1 (16:29):
I'd be like, oh, well, you know, that's just what
he does. Yeah. Now Japan like no, out of the family. Yeah, dishonorable. Yeah.
So now there's this this new video where he and
this other idiot and a dog costume. They're dancing and
playing with the toy dog Cuty, and people are like, oh,

I'm so happy to see you because I guess he
disappeared for a while, too bad, not off the face
of the earth. But and other people are just like,
I am just completely confused. I mean, I know what
to think. This guy's just a weirdo, of course, but
I mean, I guess he's not hurting anybody, but he's not.

Speaker 4 (17:07):
Just it's just too weird. It's too weird. It's just
I don't like that I hear stuff like this. I
always think, what if it was a relative of mine. Yeah,
I don't at first to drag them to mental health.

Speaker 1 (17:18):
Yeah, at first I was like whatever, But now that
he has a partner, I'm like, Oh, here we go,
we're ramping it up. Yeah, get hot. Yeah. Another weird story.
This mom in Ohio. Her name is Lee. She has
been just producing too much breast milk for her newborn
son and she doesn't want all that liquid gold to
go to waste. And so what she's doing, she's making

popsicles out of it. And she's tried other things like
making smoothies or soaps, even butter, but this was the winner.
And she says her kids and her husband love the popsicles.

Speaker 6 (17:55):
Yeah right, I fully disagree with this lady. However, I
could see my mom doing this.

Speaker 1 (18:05):
And sisters. Not not today my mom, but I'm back
in the day your mom. Yeah, do you see your
dad trying it? I could see. No, I will give
him credit, he doesn't.

Speaker 6 (18:17):
He tolerates my mom Shannigan's okay, but he is not
an active participant. I can see him like because you know,
like doing it, you know, trying once just for funds,
like not to piss her off. But yeah, yeah, I
could see definitely her off her.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
So her husband thinks the milk is sweet, and she
was also curie enough to you're curious enough to taste,
and she says, I'll stop making them when my kids
and my husband stop eating them.

Speaker 12 (18:43):
So Greg and I know a story of a former
coworker of ours, Julian, and she just recently had a baby.
And again, yeah, they always joked that she has five kids,
but she only has three. And she was just recently
in Mexico and her pump broke, so she breast pump

and she was full, and then she realized that it
kind of like.

Speaker 1 (19:09):
Shot out a lot.

Speaker 12 (19:11):
So she was at the bar and then she was drunk,
of course, and just starts letting it shoot out everywhere,
and like random's.

Speaker 1 (19:18):
Were running up, running up and drinking it. No. Oh,
we have the video rand putting her random dudes and chicks. Yeah,
and she's just like bring everybody. Yeah, like she had
like a square gun.

Speaker 4 (19:33):
And in this one video you think, oh, there's some
sort of emergency at their table because some dude is
running from afar and no, he came to run to
lean back and open.

Speaker 1 (19:44):
So they weren't like putting their mouth on her. They
were like five away. Yeah, everybody was asking to do it. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (19:52):
Look, if I'm drunk at a bar in Mexico, I'm
joining in. What was her husband? Who we he was looking?

Speaker 1 (20:02):
She was with her friends and family. Yeah, okay, so
her baby was there, I'm guessing too.

Speaker 6 (20:07):
No, No, okay, this is a trip because I learned
that you do get alcohol in your breast milk when
you drink.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, all yeah, pump and dump and yeah
at the bar.

Speaker 4 (20:18):
When you see the video, you'll be like, is there
any left?

Speaker 1 (20:22):
It was crazy. So she just had her cans out.

Speaker 7 (20:25):
Oh yeah, yeah, it wasn't like through her shirt.

Speaker 5 (20:28):
No, no, it's not Julianne very thin tank.

Speaker 1 (20:37):
Yeah everything. I mean, I had the video she sent it.
Julian is the same person, by the way, who when
we we had a fire droll one time here at
the radio station and everybody had to go outside, walk
outside away from the building, and there's like an overpass
where they take everybody down over the overpass and you
look down there's there's the highway right like all these

lanes of traffic are going by, and as they're going by,
she's flashing.

Speaker 7 (21:01):
Everybody during the work fire drove.

Speaker 4 (21:04):
Yeah, oh yeah, she's she's the funniest.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
Your eyes. Look. Wait, I don't see her wors I
can't see where she is. Wait, no, there's people running
up there. Yeah, these are the people running up. Here
we go and then oh god, it goes every Oh
my god.

Speaker 13 (21:28):
Okay, and that's today's rad.

Speaker 6 (21:35):
I believe it's still going, by the way, she's got
her left one out and she's got her right hand
on it.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
Just spray and wow, there's a shot. Guy.

Speaker 6 (21:45):
And by the way, she did this as a celebration
of her fortieth birthday.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
That video, and there's another one. This is when the
winds started coming up. She got a right one out
and left. Yeah, the right ones for the ladies.

Speaker 7 (21:56):
Yeah, I was from the tap that was oh.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
Yeah, but again at bar in Mexico. This is the
fortieth birthday. Yeah, this is where you do that's right, yeah,
WOODI Show Freak of the week. Damn Juliane on Instagram
and that wasn't She's not that she didn't win, she
just honorable mention. Yeah, anyway, so we'll have the official
excuse me, freak of the week. That's a Jesus that's
coming up next to here. The Woodies show hang On

was shocked all and just horrified, crazy as hell, set
your lighting, pubic can everywhere. I forgot about that guy.

Speaker 6 (22:32):
I think we could get him on the show regularly
because he appears to be a media whore.

Speaker 1 (22:36):
Oh yeah, he loves the media. Dude loves the media.

Speaker 6 (22:38):
Specialty is you know, activism and blah blah, blah, but
surely get him to talk about pretty much anything.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
That has Yeah, se Latin pubay a welcome back to
the wood. He show phones open eight seven seven forty four.
What do you know we cannot post the video of
Julian sporting people at the bar. No. Yeah, although I
was just talking to bored because you know, my wife
and I are getting ready to make our our trip,
our annual trip to Mexico, the No Kids truck, and

so that week of Labor Day, we're going back and
we're finding a bunch of stuff that hasn't aired in
a long time. There's a lot of stuff that involves Julian.
I mean, boy, you're pulling all this different stuff.

Speaker 8 (23:15):
Oh yeah, there there's so much Julian. Julian getting fight
into fights at the bars. Used to work. Julianne running
down a highway for a kid's play place.

Speaker 1 (23:25):
So she was dodging traffic to get like some kids
tour that fell off a truck, right we had when
she got cut off with the cruise ship for drinking
too much.

Speaker 8 (23:33):
That one may have been deleted. Julianne voices puppets. It
was a special one. Anyway, we got we got a
lot of stuff.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
So here's the thing. Because of you know, the changes
we maybe leaving the show, all these different people who
are all part of our like archive of audio and
stuff like that, We're gonna do a whole week where
it's like all this stuff from all these past you know, uh,
employees or people who have been a part of the show.
If you've got a special request for you know, something
involving Julianne or Andy or any of these people that
have been a part of this, you can just make

a request. Then board's getting all that stuff together for
that week of Labor Day, and then once that's done,
we're we'll be able to move on from all that
stuff and it all go into the archive, all going
to the archive in the vaults, still be available on
podcasts and stuff like that. But like it's not gonna
air again like like on the air, just too many

different people or you know, part of the crew and stuff.
So anyway, make your request on that. It's time for
the Woody Show Freak of the Week and Sea Bass
has somebody who's gonna introduce us here too. And these
people are real, live people. These are the people who
are maybe I don't know what they do for a living,
you know what I mean? Like this could just be
like their little their little side gig. Maybe they're the

ones helping you at the grocery store. Maybe they're the
nice person that works at your kids' school. You don't
know we are? Yeah, all right, so freaking the week?
Who is this? Seabas Well?

Speaker 6 (24:53):
We're gonna start off with Actually, if you don't mind
switching out our music, would he?

Speaker 1 (24:57):

Speaker 6 (24:58):
I'd like to actually pulled a song from want Avril
Levigne that I'm sure no one in this room was
actually heard. Do you know she had a song called
Mercury in retrograde?

Speaker 14 (25:13):
Oh yeah, this wasn't a big hit.

Speaker 15 (25:23):
I know.

Speaker 1 (25:24):
Now hav a new intro song for Sammy?

Speaker 5 (25:27):
Did you bring this up because you know mercury is
in retrograde.

Speaker 1 (25:31):
I didn't want to. I didn't want to scare anybody, Sammy,
but we curly Greg be careful as we saw. Mercury
is in retrograde. So now that's why my phone is
acting off. Yes, yeah, yes we are. We just about
out of the woods on the whole eclipse effect, like
you no, that lasted to six months.

Speaker 7 (25:49):
Yeah, but mercury retrograde is not all bad.

Speaker 9 (25:53):
You guys.

Speaker 5 (25:53):
What Yeah, everyone says it like it's all bad. But
you know, people come back from the past. You can
find things that you love. Things will come back to
you during this.

Speaker 1 (26:03):
I bring us up because I found I was just
looking around this guy has an astrology fetish. Well he
uses it again, That's what I thought to like, how
do you use astrology as a well, this could be
the guy Sammy Right, So.

Speaker 6 (26:19):
This is Omar and actually he blends astrology into his
other fetish. And I'll have you know what he did
an interview and I'll have the guy who interviewed him
tell us what's going on with Omar.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
And now it's my great pleasure to introduce Omar to
the show. Omar is on the podcast today to discuss
the potential intersection between fetishism and astrology. It's an enlightening episode.
So let's jump right into the Fart Fetish podcast.

Speaker 6 (26:48):
I believe we may have had them. He's been going strong.
He's a he has a good podcast. You could tell
the sound is pretty deah. He's a professional presenter.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
So Omar, Yes, he loves farts and he loves astrology.
And Greg, you'll be glad Omar went right into your
question is how do you become how do you realize
you have actually obsessed with farts? And it was back
in Omar's.

Speaker 16 (27:11):
Childhood growing up with wrestling and rough housing with my stepbrother.
Wrestling moves were became, I guess, like an opportunity to
fight on me.

Speaker 1 (27:18):
So that's how I got into it. Interesting.

Speaker 12 (27:22):
Interesting, So your stepbrother is farting on you and then
you think that's hot.

Speaker 1 (27:27):
Yeah, it it becomes a sexual actually, actually, men, it
was more than just that as a child. Oh okay.

Speaker 16 (27:32):
Actually the first time I experienced it was at daycare
and like nap time or something, and somebody had farted
and I somehow like ended up like being near like
near the person, like our cots were right next to
each other, and I was like trying to.

Speaker 1 (27:44):
Smell it, I guess. And then there is just this.

Speaker 16 (27:47):
Friend I had that was like a really talented fart
I let's say, because they could like fully do it
on blast and they were just doing like I remember
having a playdate with them and I was like in
my small apartment with my mom just there they were
just like farting next to my.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
Head, Like I know that my mom could hear this
is going on. She didn't stop with.

Speaker 4 (28:03):
Wow, I'm not satisfied with the answer. It doesn't mean
it it turns sexual. Yeah, like I was all the
time exactly.

Speaker 6 (28:11):

Speaker 1 (28:11):
You know water balloon fights as a kid. Does that
mean you're attracted to balloons? Yeah, drawn to it? I
don't know. I cut one. I cut one the other
day that I could feel was like really it was silent,
but it was like really warm and and just so
I kind of you can feel like kind of like uh,
not heavy, but you know what I mean, like yeah, yeah, yeah,
so you go walk in front of your no, so

like so no, I was laying in bed and so
I cut it. And then I'm laying there and I
didn't smell anything. I'm like, wait a minute, that had
to stunk, right, So you didn't do the up down,
uptown and up down with the bant. I was already
on top of the cover, so I I cupped my
hand like and I'm doing like the freestyle, you know,
swimming move, and I just kind of like tried to
and because it was so heavy, because I'm like, there's

no way that didn't smell. It's like the hot ones
are the worst.

Speaker 6 (28:59):
It's like when you see like they have like a
click a swamp gas, it'll just kind of sit.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
Yeah, that's exactly right, that's exactly what. Yeah. Due, I
was in the room by myself, so gross myself when
a chef goes up for a pot and just kind
of it Yeah yeah, yeah, disgusting. Okay, so that's how
you're gross.

Speaker 6 (29:16):
Yeah, I know that's how Omar's fart fetish works quote unquote.
But now again astrology, what's going on here? Well here
he says that he got into astrology, obviously not as
a child, but once he got into astrology, he figured
out how it fully explained his fart fetish.

Speaker 16 (29:30):
When I found astrology, like and I found that as
soon as I was born.

Speaker 1 (29:34):
This is already kind of written. I think this was
like with Venus and Uranus.

Speaker 16 (29:40):
But the aspect, he says, you certainly cannot handle being
smothered or tied down anyway except maybe in the bed,
so like definitely like something I experienced.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
Okay, all right, here's here's a question. How are you
in the fart fetishes and you're calling it urinus getting
some people do so he used to try to you
even know what that means your planet getting menace.

Speaker 6 (30:05):
I think he doesn't say you're in because he doesn't
want it to be, you know, seen as a joke.
That's a serious astrology. So he just said a word
there which I had never heard. But he said his
aspect in astrology?

Speaker 1 (30:16):
Sammy, what does that mean? I just looked it up
thanks to a I Okay, she knows.

Speaker 6 (30:21):
The aspects in astrology is the angular relationship between planets
and other points on a birth chart.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
Oh, your aspect ratio.

Speaker 6 (30:29):
So like, I guess when you look at an astrology chart,
you look at where you're born, and then you draw
lines and stuff between the other astrology astrological.

Speaker 7 (30:36):
Sign right, it's how many degrees?

Speaker 1 (30:38):
Oh? Ayeah? And this is all nonsense.

Speaker 6 (30:40):
Yeah, but what he read his there was some joke
about getting tied down except in the bed, and he's like, well, oh,
I like getting smothered and farted on, therefore astrology.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
Yeah, okay, so weird show freak of the week, all right,
talking to Omar again the Fart Fetish Podcast. Now you
might think, okay, this guy is just a complete weirdo
in a door and so on and so forth. But no, no, no,
he's actually otherwise relatively normal. What is your feeling.

Speaker 2 (31:06):
Towards uh uh, gender and farts?

Speaker 16 (31:09):
Like, in terms of like relationships, I'm like a straight males,
but like I have like friendships with like guys who
do this without us at being anything else. So that's
kind of my relationship to it.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
That's awesome, that's really cool. Wait, like just bros getting
together farting on each other. That doesn't have to be sexual,
Like you guys who want to come over and just
farting each other straight, but let's not get you know,
let's together.

Speaker 6 (31:34):
In fact, he has Omar the fart guy has a girlfriend.

Speaker 1 (31:38):
Why what's his name? Getting no? I just feel bad,
like when when other guys hear this who desperately want
a relationship, and they're like, all right, this guy's got
a girlfriend. And meanwhile I'm here in the wind tryingtend
like I'm out here with nobody. I can't find anybody
to date me. This is blownely loser. Meanwhile, Omar here
the fart guy, he's got a girlfriend. And how he

broke that down?

Speaker 14 (32:02):

Speaker 16 (32:02):
I told her because like I kind of figured since
her like brother was like a not just fart that
she would kind of like understand, Okay. Once I admitted
it to her, she kind of like did it for me, like,
but she was still stry about it at first. So
I'm glad she was open to it, like after she
found out, but before she was like she was resistance
to like doing it around me, even though she would

tell me that she would have to interesting.

Speaker 6 (32:28):
It's interesting, it's always interesting, or that's interesting.

Speaker 1 (32:33):
Yeah, So yeah, I love the like the girlfriend to
pretend to be in it for him. Oh yeah, kind
of something you would just keep to yourself, I would think.

Speaker 7 (32:42):
So if he needs to get together with his friends exactly.

Speaker 4 (32:46):
Date Greg that kind of learned to live with it
or or learn to If somebody farts around you that
you like it, okay, then just keep that to yourself.

Speaker 1 (32:57):
Find the brand you like, and only like, uh, you know,
investing in the I mean that one person like, oh man,
this person smells really good. I like how they smell
like the inside of a pumpkin, you know when they come.
I know, I pumped in fart all the time. I
have this guy interview, should ask the question like, okay,
when you guys get together, like what's the the meal prep?

Like you know what are the appetite taco bill again?

Speaker 17 (33:20):

Speaker 1 (33:22):
Or or two?

Speaker 18 (33:22):

Speaker 6 (33:23):
Greg, that sort of attitude shameful. What if I told
young Greg Gory is a you know, twenty one year
old college student. You know what, if you're into men,
just keep that to yourself, don't tell anybody.

Speaker 1 (33:32):
But I'm not saying that authentic self. I'm not saying
what I'm proud due to these men publicly. Yeah freaking
the week now, Greg, Yes, this is again.

Speaker 6 (33:44):
You can keep this quiet, this fart fetish stuff, or
if you express it, it can actually take your relationship to.

Speaker 1 (33:49):
The next level.

Speaker 16 (33:50):
Oh, it kind of like just binds me more. It
makes my relationship have a stronger bond, like I would
have a stronger bond to somebody, being able to have
them a far for me is more intimate than I
think anything else.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
It's really the glue. Yeah, but that is what really
gets We had five kids, but it wasn't until right yeah,
until now we're intimate.

Speaker 6 (34:21):
Okay, So that is Omar from the Front podcast and
Astrology Podcasts.

Speaker 1 (34:25):
And Omar gave us one thing.

Speaker 6 (34:26):
He gave me a bunch of tips about like because
where does he go online to watch fart porn, and
he said one of the girls he likes. Her name
is Kelly Shamrock, and she does like these fantasy role
play videos. So I went to her Twitter and this
one she's pretending to be a plumber that showed up
to investigate the sink in the bathroom.

Speaker 1 (34:43):
Yeah, of course, because men is probably puked in there
or something. Here's what she found, all right, let me.

Speaker 8 (34:50):
Take it out.

Speaker 19 (34:59):
It looks like a hole in your floor.

Speaker 1 (35:02):
You might be a bull frog or something down there
that's making all that noise. You hear it.

Speaker 10 (35:10):

Speaker 1 (35:10):
I think they had to have those sounds in post
or did you that Gassie like ready to go? Like
she's like, all right, guys, you're ready to roll, Let's go.
It's like I could do this on the right. That's
Kelly Shamrock. What a show. Freak of the week, everybody.
I had a new song for Sammy and a new
song for Sammary Sammy Avril a Bene Mercury in retrograde.

It does have like a song she would be instant. Yeah, yeah,
it does, that does yeah.

Speaker 4 (35:38):

Speaker 1 (35:38):
This is this is the soundtrack for any movie that
ever had, Like high school Cheerliers, and like he's all
that never been Yeah, your books? Yeah, all right, more
one it shows next, hang on, this is the Woody Show.
I think Sammy spent the entire commercial break arguing with

us about how she would never like a song. It
sounds like that, like that that the sound of that
aver Levin song, which is a total I don't like
it like pop. Okay, that's you a question. I'm just
gonna throw this out there, like if I had forget
what we already talked about, if I had said, I'm
gonna play this little clip of this song, and I

want everybody to tell me who in this room is
most likely to love this song? Yeah, and to be
like who would you guess? Would you guess Woodie, Greg
Benis Sea Bass or Sammy? You would get it would be.

Speaker 7 (36:37):
System, Yes, most likely in this room. Yes, but I
don't like the song, like not even a little bit.

Speaker 1 (36:44):
Do you like ath Levin in general? I liked I
did kind of.

Speaker 7 (36:48):
Like skater boy and complicated?

Speaker 1 (36:50):
Okay, so what's that was?

Speaker 8 (36:52):

Speaker 1 (36:52):
That's gonna ask you. Do you like Ashley Simpson? Do
you like Hillary Duff? Do you like Jessica Simpson? Like
that's all in that realm.

Speaker 9 (37:01):
That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (37:01):
Like, I couldn't even name really any of their songs.
I do remember listening to Hillary Duff when I was
in high school.

Speaker 10 (37:08):
I couldn't.

Speaker 5 (37:09):
I don't know Ashley Simpson songs. Well, she only has
like one in Jessica Simpson.

Speaker 9 (37:13):
I don't remember.

Speaker 7 (37:15):
I think she had like one hit that I listened to.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
Psychologists at Lundon University found that people who believe in
astrology tend to be less intelligent and more narcissistic. According
to a study published in the Journal of Personality and
Individual Differences. More narcissistic. Well, it's literally it's the study
of how is the Universe About Me? They recruited two
hundred and sixty four English speaking adults using questionnaires and tests,

finding that those who believed in astrology scored higher on
narcissistic traits and lower on IQ tests. The study suggests
that astrology believers are more self focused and see themselves
as special, yet tend to have lower intelligence. This is
who you want to associate yourself with.

Speaker 7 (37:59):
You guys are the ones saying this. I don't know
the study, Yeah, no, I don't believe that.

Speaker 5 (38:05):
Do you guys think Okay, if we had the people
texting right now about who the most narcissistic person in
this room is, who, do you think they're saying?

Speaker 6 (38:13):
Okay, that's that's probably I get the answer on that one.
The point being, though, that's not what the study says.
It's about science people who are into astrology.

Speaker 1 (38:22):
Right, But Sammy doesn't come off as narcissistic. Yeah, at
least on the air, get it. Yeah, we don't know
how she lives your life, do you? Yeah? Aren't you
like pushing kids out of the way on the sidewalk
and you're walking your dog? And will I do that?

Speaker 9 (38:43):

Speaker 1 (38:44):
Here comes Sammy. Everybody, look out, not gonna car All right,
we're gonna take a quick break. More what he shows next?
Hang up next, Hey, it's menace.

Speaker 12 (39:00):
Check out the Lazy Dog Restaurants made to order lunch
specials three dollars off road trip bles and other delicious
meals starting at only eight dollars and seventy five cents,
available every day until four pm. Order for bickup or delivery,
free delivery on orders over twenty five dollars.

Speaker 1 (39:14):
Lazydog Restaurants dot com. All right, welcome back and into
another new Hour in Sensitivity Training for a politically correct World.
It is a pre Friday. Good yeah, it is Thursday morning.
It is August the eighth, twenty twenty four. I'm moody.

That is Greg Gorey. Good morning, Woody. We got Menace.
Hi is Sea Bass. We've got Samy. The phones are
open at eighty seven seven forty four Wooding. You can
hit us up with the text over to two two
nine eight seven. We got a redneck news coming up
here in just a moment. It's all me, the all
the redneck news, fancy stuff, Sammy, all right, ready to go.

It makes She's just like look at me, like uh.

Speaker 5 (40:01):
Because you were looking at minutes, so I thought you
were wanting me to get MENACE's attention.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
I did, but it was like it's like when cops
in movies they go around the house because they're gonna
and they do the point in the yeah yeah, yeah
that way you five yeah right right right yeah. So
red neck news is coming up here in just a moment.
We also got some what do you show food news? Yeah,
food news this hour, and a taste Drive Show Taste Drive.

Because Menace, you're ripping out like you you just heard
it for the first time. But if you're the one
who had to prepare it, I know by the food
news part I'm still intrigued by. My question is because
he got all these items from Burlington. Yeah, formerly Burlington
Code Factory. Formerly Burlington Code Factory, but they sell food items.

Speaker 17 (40:45):
They do.

Speaker 1 (40:45):
I was shocked, and that's why I wanted to bring
it to the table. Okay, a lot of the like
Ross has some food stuff. Yeah, I know. H and
M now has food. It's usually like pasta twenty one
and then uh by it seems like they've expanded the
food items that they have there. Okay, these are all
things that he saw when he was at the Burlington

formerly known as Code Factory. Yeah. So wood is show
taste dried. Maybe you'll find your new favorite snack, your
new favorite food not Burlington, yep, Burlington bites. Yeah, so
I like that. That's red The news also happening this
hour and has Problem's got a brand new redneck news.
The show Weird Power has a Wooden Bumper is Renick News.

And today's Redneck News is from Adams County, Pennsylvania. Where
you got this forty four year old broad who crashed
her super Sweet twenty nineteen Honda Sedan into the side
of an apartment building. In fact, she hit it three times.
Is it on a curve? She hit it the first
time and then she turned around and she crashed into

the building, then backed up and struck the building again.
Then she got out and tried to set the building
on fire. Now she hates that builder. She had those
envelopes that she had in her car, which she lit
with a lighter and then leaned them up against the
apartment building, which, believe it or not, did not work.

They just burned up and went out. But people saw
the crash and they saw her trying to set the fire.
They called the cops while they were on the way.
She tried to hide her car behind the building and
then ran from the scene. They confronted her. She tried
to fight them, but according to the police report, they
were finally able to get her at handcuffs and under
arrest using quote substantial force. So on top of all that,

she was charged with causing catastrophe. It's a cool sounding
charge to me, unsafe driving, criminal mischief, resisting arrest. And
it turned out that her super Sweet Honda Sadan had
a suspended registration because her insurance had been canceled on.

Speaker 13 (42:57):
There you go.

Speaker 1 (42:57):
That's from Adams County, Pennsylvania, were a woman intentionally crashed
into an apartment building three different times and then tried
to set it on fire by burning some envelopes before
fighting the cops as they were arresting her. He just
really got it out for that building. And that is
today's rad Nick. Yeah, what what was that Steve Martin

movie The Jerk? He was working at the gas station
and the guy was trying to shoot at him and
he kept missing, shooting the cans of oil that were
stacked up. He's like, what are they trying to shoot
these cans? Rights? I rewatch that, dude. That's a g
I remember it.

Speaker 13 (43:42):
Tell me anything else except this lamp. Well, this lamp
and this map. Only anything else in this lamp and
this map, well, and this chair.

Speaker 1 (43:54):
Is that when he lived at the gas station or
something like that? No, no, no, this is after he
had hit it really big.

Speaker 7 (44:00):
Yeah, those glasses with the wholder.

Speaker 1 (44:03):
For rich Yeah, oh my god, I don't remember.

Speaker 7 (44:06):
Effective So then they have to like he take all
this stuff.

Speaker 1 (44:10):
And I don't remember. Oh my god. That is a class.
I love Steve Martin though. Yeah, and he's one of
those guys, by the way, he's one of those guys
who's been old my entire life, Yeah, entire love. I
did watch his documentary. I think it's on HBO Max
or List, but it is quite interesting how he was
like failing big time, just like trying to make it,

and then he finally popped off.

Speaker 20 (44:32):
I didn't realize that's so great documentary.

Speaker 7 (44:35):
Fairly knew it came out this year.

Speaker 1 (44:37):
Yeah, brand new, but he like opened for Elvis, and
he like would bomb for like different huge bands. He
would just keep on getting these opportunities bomb and then
finally became.

Speaker 10 (44:48):

Speaker 5 (44:49):
The interesting thing about him is is that he his
act was basically the same the whole time that he
was continuously doing bombing, bombing, bombing, and then it was
like society hit a certain point where they were ready.

Speaker 1 (45:00):
For him, so he did the curve.

Speaker 3 (45:03):

Speaker 7 (45:04):
Yeah, it's pretty interesting.

Speaker 1 (45:05):
And now he's so loaded and so successful that he
can go around pretending like people care about his banjo playing.
I know, he is like a world class banjo player.
World class what the hell does that mean? World class?
World really good? Yeah, crazy good. Yeah, like do you
pass a test, like, how do you know your world class?
Is it based on people's arbitrary opinions? I don't know.

You can banjo faster than anybody else?

Speaker 7 (45:30):

Speaker 1 (45:31):
Probably maybe, yeah, I mean would assuming. I mean he
takes that very seriously. He loves that banjo. All right. Well,
if you haven't seen The Jerk, that is a class.
It's an old timey classic comedy Steve Martin, check it out,
The Jerk. We're gonna take a quick break. We got
some more Woodies show for you. Next, hang on, we'll
get to the Food News and the Taste Drive with

those food items from Burlington. Yeah, I can't wait. Next
on the Woody Show. Hang on the Woody Show. Would
like to pass for a moment to address emergency diarrhea situation.
We'll be back right after this Woody Show. Hey, it's
man's check out.

Speaker 12 (46:07):
The Lazy Dog Restaurants made to order lunch specials three
dollars off road for bolts and other delicious meals starting
at only eight dollars and seventy five cents, available every
day until four pm. Order for pickup or delivery, free
delivery on orders over twenty five dollars Lazydog Restaurants dot
Com as.

Speaker 1 (46:24):
A person who's currently peeing. As I laugh, it shoots
out one a woody show. All right, welcome back. Now
that we're all rednecked up, we're ready to move on
to our next bit of business today. That's actually is twofold.

Uh huh. I've got some news nice and we've got
a wood show Taste Drive. Oh yeah, this has a
bunch of different items from the retailer formerly known as
Burlington Coat Factory Show. I can imagine our surprise when
they came back and said, guys, I bought some food
items trust to Taste Burlington. Yeah, we can't eat hats

and gloves. No, they have food there. Yeah, so what
kind of items do you have?

Speaker 10 (47:13):
So many?

Speaker 1 (47:13):
Okay, you want me to bust them out?

Speaker 18 (47:15):

Speaker 1 (47:15):
Yeah, because like as you're like passing them around the room,
I can do something because I got food news as well.
The first item I have is a dippin' dots like
freeze drive, cookies and cream like cube. Yeah cute. This
isn't popcorn because I saw it's made by the Hers brand. Yeah.
So I never, by the way, I never trust food
that has those stickers on it because it always seems

like that be like the clearance expired, discontinued.

Speaker 6 (47:39):
It's got the price on the outside, yeah, price considered,
like just off toff off ice cream.

Speaker 1 (47:45):
Yeah, quickly grab one and take a bite.

Speaker 6 (47:48):
I remember when my uh I did. I didn't go
to the National Space Museum in DC, but like my
mom did, freeze.

Speaker 1 (47:54):
Dried ice cream respect there. Yeah, I like it. Freez
dried ice cream is always astronaut ice cream. Yes, like
a candy cereal. That's good. Yeah, it tastes like cereal. Yeah,
and it's cookies and cream, yes, cookies and cream flavor.
It does have a slightly weird after taste, like it
almost gets sour. But that's good. I'm sure it's not natural.
You know exactly. This side I have here is popcorn

for oh okay, for a little little Greg over here
many Eminem's candy pop. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (48:28):
If I had this stuff in my house, it wouldn't
last two seconds anything any pop or that's drizzled or we've.

Speaker 1 (48:34):
Had the other ones, the reesist ones.

Speaker 11 (48:35):

Speaker 1 (48:36):
So here's a question, metas when you're in a Burlington,
how is the store set. I haven't been in there
since it was just codes. Burlington Co Factory is lit. Dude.
They have everything like that workout equipment. They have an equipment. Yeah,
they have a ton of home goods. It sounds like
a TJ Max. Yeah, but is it TJ Max times

like five? Okay, so they've just kind of evolved. Yeah,
it has. I got some lovely laundry baskets. And so
they have a food section or is this stuff just
kind of like randomly in caps food section? Now, corners
bomb is bomb.

Speaker 4 (49:11):
It's got the eminem's, the little minis that are essentially
melted into the popcorn, not inside, but like stuck.

Speaker 1 (49:18):
Like a chocolatedrizzle. Right yeah, now, Greg, do you think
also this is because you've been eating nothing but beats,
potatoes and cottage cheese for months probably, yeah, anything like that.
I haven't had anything sweetened.

Speaker 12 (49:32):
Now, this is where we might have a miss. These
are ginger choes, original Ginger. They're made by Prints of Peace.

Speaker 1 (49:42):
Okay, so are these like little like gingerbread kind of
cookie trackers. I'm guessing there's no bread involves. They come
out in individual packets. These are like these like old
people candy.

Speaker 7 (49:53):
Yeah, don't help your stomach.

Speaker 1 (49:55):
I think I maybe I don't know. Ginger shoes, gingered shoes,
ginger Oh yeah, it's I've seen this sort of stuff
before where it oh, it's like a dry even the
bag on appealing that has because it just has pictures
of real ginger root on the It's a texture of
it looks like it would be holding like a fishwasher soap. Yeah,
like a texture of a very chewy twizzler. Maybe more

so you have to chew it a lot people, Yeah,
really on purpose? Yeah, thick gummy bear. This how you
guys feel about candy corn?

Speaker 8 (50:26):

Speaker 1 (50:26):
Probably this is for me.

Speaker 7 (50:28):
It's just weird that it's not I can't eat it.

Speaker 12 (50:31):
I like it.

Speaker 1 (50:32):
I like the what do you showed Taste drive this year?
These are all things that Menace found at again the
retailer formerly known as Burlington Cote Factory. They have food,
They have some food. This one is going to be interesting.
This is snack Club Taheen gummy bears, gummy bears. I
don't know about that mix together. Well, people put ta

heena on on fruit obviously, so it's a fruit flavor
with the taheen flavor. Yeah, like on.

Speaker 6 (51:00):
Watermelon and stuff like folse who don't know is typically
dried chilis, lime, juice, powder, sea salt, et cetera, et cetera.

Speaker 1 (51:08):
That Ginger trew was spicy to finish is spicy, yeah,
first of all, finish. So the bears the definitely you
could tell they're coated with a good tahmo. Yeah, it
seems to be a pretty positive reaction so far. They're
bugging out of his head. He's having the best day ever.
You gotta go to snack club. Taheen. Gummy bears. Those

are I give those like a ten spy good, All right,
that's just kick. This is spicy meat ball on this
one is doctor pepper cotton candy. Okay, all right, so
I don't even know cotton candy in the bag, Like
it looks like a little bag of chips. We had
doctor pepper beef jerky recently. If you were calling that
was gone off. All yeah, this looks like, oh my god,

shout out to dry dude. It looks like, yeah, something
at my laundry bass. You know, it looks like yeah,
it looks like you know when you buy a shirt
sometimes and they're like all shrunk down into like a pluck.

Speaker 7 (52:03):
Oh yeah, you have to get it wet.

Speaker 9 (52:04):
To expand like.

Speaker 1 (52:07):
And yeah, you're not try terry parts. Gross little piece, yeah,
a little little yeah. Yeah. Does it taste like doctor Pepper?
It does? I mean that was that that was the
tiniest little piece of a decent amount. Yeah, you're so
happy it does. It's disconcerting, looks bad.

Speaker 7 (52:32):
It does kind of taste like Doctor Pepper. It's weird
for cotton candy to taste like doctor Pepper.

Speaker 1 (52:36):
But it's not bad. The kid would love them. Yeah,
my daughter anything cotton kids, she gets cotton candy ice cream.
I know.

Speaker 8 (52:44):

Speaker 1 (52:45):
We went to a place with the Italian ice, you know,
like Rita's, and they have they have a cotton candy ice.
I can't imagine that be any good. No, it doesn't
sound because cotton candy is always kind of somewhat disappointing.
This in general is coconut mac karoon. Yeah, you've got
to be the guy who's bought the most food ever.

I know, I did look crazy. I just had bags
and bags, just have like a couple of things. He
did his grocery shopping. Smells good. Now, I do like coconut.
You like coconut? Right to worship the brand is dual
zura surely, yeah, dual zula? Does that look like it

sounds doula from what I can see from here? Wait,
let me see again. Coconut macaroons dulzura, dulzura? All right,
coconut macaroon a little small, like quarter size as well,
maybe a little larger cookies. Okay, but for a macaroon,
it's not good exactly.

Speaker 4 (53:46):
Like you can sense the coconut, but you're not overloaded
with it. It should there should be more actual shreded
coconut and more coconut flavor.

Speaker 1 (53:52):
They're kind of dry and bland.

Speaker 7 (53:54):
There's way better macaroons.

Speaker 12 (53:56):
Don't recommend, okay, Burlington Co Factory not coming with uh
knack of rooms.

Speaker 1 (54:02):
Now. The next item is warhead cubes. Okay, are you warheads?

Speaker 21 (54:08):

Speaker 1 (54:10):
It was like a gummy flavor because warheads are usually
the gummy. Are these like hard candies and what gloves
on their gummy? Because I'm handling food, oh, I.

Speaker 12 (54:18):
Say yeah, because what heads are usually like they have
the candy shell and there liquidity in the middle. This
is like a gummy almost a gummy bear. For yeah,
I took the orange one. It's what's the word. You
can't concern. Uh discern what flavor it is? It's weird?

Speaker 7 (54:38):
Is they're pretty good?

Speaker 1 (54:39):
You like them?

Speaker 17 (54:39):

Speaker 1 (54:40):
They're like sour pat that's exactly what they are. Yeah, okay,
yeah we can take those home. All right? Now my
last lene, I can't even say it, grazulas. Where's the.

Speaker 20 (54:53):

Speaker 1 (54:54):
Yes? Can you say it? What you say? Great? Do
you say it?

Speaker 18 (55:03):

Speaker 11 (55:03):

Speaker 1 (55:05):
Cookie is Greg has a gay ass?

Speaker 3 (55:08):
What not?

Speaker 1 (55:09):

Speaker 10 (55:10):

Speaker 1 (55:10):
I want to go to Mexico and they have Cocoa
crispus and says Coco crispus, Dame Melvin. It's like Melvin,
is this the cartoon character they've signed that in Mexico,
He's like this elephant. Now these looks the Melvin. They
look like cookies that have fun fetti on them. Yeah
yeah yeah, little short bread kind of cookies. Yeah, they
smell kind of good actually all right, yeah, they got
a very vanilla smell. Yeah all right. These are all

items that were taste driving from the real retailer that
used to be known as Burlington Coat Factory. And now
apparently they have a whole snack section. Good yeah good,
very dry, very dry, more more dry than the macaron.
Oh yeah, yeah, do you know. What they remind me
of is animal crackers, consistency, We're good, okay, and then

sprinkles give him a little pop.

Speaker 7 (55:57):
Yeah, I feel like they need to be dipped in something.

Speaker 1 (55:59):
Greg. Ball of things that that you've tasted today, we're
the top three snacks available at What's Burlington.

Speaker 4 (56:05):
I really enjoyed the what is this freeze dried ice
cream thingy cookies and cream that was good. I'm trying
to envision what I would sit down and just how
popcorn with the M and ms or popcorn would be
number two. And then these cookies that we tried last
I could eat this whole box so good.

Speaker 1 (56:23):
Okay, menace.

Speaker 12 (56:26):
I just had the cookies because I was distributing everything,
and the cookies were delicious.

Speaker 1 (56:30):
I do want to try the popcorn Eminem's. I think
those are pretty. That's what are your rankings?

Speaker 6 (56:36):
I will say the graheas as we say as native,
the Spanish pronunciations.

Speaker 1 (56:41):
I didn't know he was even supposed to be Spanish.
It's yeah, it's Spanish for a small sweet pill. Uh,
the to heen gummy bears, the warhead thing majiggers, and
the popcorn very nice. All right, I'm gonna try the
Dodtor pepper con canty for the first time. All right, Sammy,
what was your favorite?

Speaker 7 (57:01):
Same as Sea Bass. My favorite is the Warhead cubes.

Speaker 5 (57:04):
Yeah yeah, and then I would do the Taheen gummy
bears and then the popcorn.

Speaker 1 (57:08):
All right, Menas, what do you think about dr Peppercot?
All right?

Speaker 9 (57:13):
I liked it.

Speaker 1 (57:14):
That's fine. Well, next time you're at Burlington, guys, yeah,
you're in your hot coat or some exercise equipment or
some snacks, yeah, or a low basket launching basket. All right. Well,
there's Menaces taste drive for us this morning from Burlington. Noine,
We're gonna take the break, and then I ask promise
I do have some Woody Show food news next on
the Woody Show. We'll be right back.

Speaker 21 (57:44):

Speaker 1 (57:45):
All right, welcome back. We just had a Woody Show
taste drive for all these different items that you can
find it Burlington aka Burlington Coat Factory. You mean they
sold snacks, yes, trying the other stuff you had Menace yes, yeah,
I know you're like helping out clean up over there.
I do want to try the Warheads. Try the Warheads

like yeah, Sammy loved those. Yeah, they are good. Yeah,
you're insane print. Yeah alright, well got some wo do
you show food news? All right, some food news starting
with this one. Here, some more fun snack mashups could

be on the way.

Speaker 19 (58:31):

Speaker 1 (58:32):
The candy company Mars they're in talks to acquire Kelenova,
which makes pringles cheese, its pop tarts and Ago waffle. Yes,
imagine the possibilities.

Speaker 6 (58:44):
It's go time, you know, menace Like, there's a lot
of possibilities to eat quote unquote infuse goes with any
number of candies.

Speaker 1 (58:51):
Yeah, oh yeah, and strings and all sorts of gooey know.
The pop tarts, well they already have Uh we tried them.
We tried the fruit pebble pancakes, right, So the same idea.

Speaker 17 (59:03):

Speaker 6 (59:03):
But the thing with the eggos that I always appealed
to me and to my mom when she bought us
cases of them, is you just throw them at people,
throw in the microwave, toaster.

Speaker 1 (59:11):
Is it's it's ready to go out the box. Yeah,
I thought they I could have sworn. I've seen in
the frozen breakfast food section they did have some of
the fruity pebble cinnamon toast crunch joints. Like waffles or
pancakes or something. They should inject them with caramel. A dream.

Speaker 12 (59:29):
Yeah, let's see. You know there's an aggle waffle Airbnb
out there. I think it's outside Connecticut. I've seen or something.
The free pancake mix certainly, but I mix yeah, frozen, yes.

Speaker 1 (59:40):
Yeah, I think I just maybe maybe I dreamed it. Maybe, Yeah,
that I see. Oh, this sounds pretty good. For the
month of August. I hop is featuring lemon Oreo as
their pancake flavor of the month. Lemon Oreo. Yeah so,
and also a lemon Oreo milkshake to go along with it.

Speaker 13 (01:00:00):
I did.

Speaker 1 (01:00:01):
Yeah. My daughter when it was her birthday, we ordered
her a nothing bunt cake and she picked the one
that she wanted and she got the lemon lemon and dude,
what a great switch up. Because Norman, my wife always
buys the chocolate one, which is great. The chocolate one's good.
The white raspberry is good. That's good. The care cake
there is good. But man, that lemon joint is so good.

The lemon go to. Yeah, the lemon is so good.
But I hop The lemon Oreo pancake stack has the
classic buttermilk pancakes filled with pieces of lemon oriole cookies
and you know, top of the same cookie pieces and
a mouse that tastes like cheesecake. Greg. It's a dessert
for breakfast, total dessert and just to just in case

there's not enough sugar and stuff on there, you top
it off with some whipped cream of course, and then
the lemon Oreo milkshake is exactly what you think it is.
So both are available at participating I hop locations nationwide,
that is, through the end of August. Some other food news,
Campbell's they've introduced some new soups. Okay, oh, here we go.

Here's you and the Chunky Soups collection. Campbell's Chunky Surline
Burger with Country Vegetable Beef soup, Campbell's Chunky Texas Style
Barbecue Burger soup, and Campbell's Chunky Cheesy Jalapeno Burger with
Bacon Bits soup. Oh yeah, Now, the one sounds best

to me is that Texas Style Barbecue Burger soup. So
it's got barbecue spices and smokiness with a combination of
beef surline steak burgers, bacon, peppers, carrots and potatoes. Right,
that settles it. Soup tastes test. That sounds pretty good. Yeah,

hid a soups the old school, like the Surline Burger,
Like when they first rolled down out. Dude, that was
a game changer in soups because every time, no, because dude,
every time we had soup before that, it was always
the basic ones where you had to like put the
concentrate in the pan and then add like a can
of water to it, and it was crappy, real thin
noodles with a little flicks of chicken. I fully agree

with you. I remember the red and White commercials with
his mom and all that stuff. Yeah, when they came
out with those those Surline Burger ones, man, those were
good them bitches is good. That was that was huge
news thirty years ago. But these new ones day? Are
you not on board with soup in general? But it's
not like it's not news, Yeah it is. That's fine. Yeah, Hey,

I'm with you, menas I'm willing to try. I want it.
I would love new chili news. If any companies out there,
it's gonna drop it hit us up. I don't know
about any chili. All I do know is, uh, what's
the chili that they have at at Costco. I don't know.
Can chili is Dennison's. Dennison's is officially goaded. Oh, here

it is. I took a picture of it so I
can mention it to Menace. It's cattle Drive Gold chili. Okay,
this stuff is so good. It comes in like a
pack of like twelve cans. Interesting. Yeah, cattle Drive Gold
chili with beans available at Costco. And we got it
just to get it. Huh, like we like chili, we'll
try it. And man, is really good, really just right

out of the can. Super good. Here's another thing. Have
you been around me when I eat soup at all?
I don't know. Maybe we can't think you I think
you would remember, No, you would. I think you would
remember because I'll take the whole box of crackers.

Speaker 12 (01:03:29):
Yeah, and I'll pretty much just make a mush so
there's not actually like any liquid, so it's like porridge.

Speaker 1 (01:03:35):
Yeah, it's it's pretty much. I'm eating a box of
crackers with soup on top of it. One world piece
of food news. Friends of Popeye's Menace, they have introduced
to new limit edition menu items that are dessert related.
Instead of chicken stuff. They got chocolate chip biscuits, oh okay,
and apple caramel cheesecake. So the chocolate chip biscuit combines

the beloved flavors of its iconic buttermilk biscuits with delectable
chocolate chips in one delightful treat. Starts with their signature
soft buttery biscuits, you add chocolate chips and the drizzle
of icing, which they are good for breakfast, snack or
dessert all the time.

Speaker 6 (01:04:15):
I think we can't make a fatter food itemcol Hope
they're not stingy with the chips though.

Speaker 21 (01:04:21):

Speaker 1 (01:04:21):
And the new apple caramel cheesecake. That's with the rich
and creamy cheesecakes world with caramel apple filling and baked
into a gram cracker crust as long as not too
carmel only. Both of these new items are available participating
Popeye's locations nationwide for a limited time only. And there's
your food news. Yeah, we could probably roll that biscuit

and some sprinkles if we tried. Hardy. Yeah, some more
Woody show for you. Next. Hang on, and we are
into another new hour insensitivity trending for a politically correct world.
We are the Woody Show. Wody, that's great, gory g
would good morning to you menace. Good morning. We have

got Sea Bass, We've got Sammy Morgan is here. Good Morgan,
good morning, I said, good Morgan. Good Morgan. Getting a
lot of feedback still on the last round of the Morgasms,
which is not what we have for everybody today, but

it's another new thing that, uh, that Morgan brought to
the table that we got some really good feedback on.
Remember we played Bush or Bear? Yeah, yeah, okay, Well
this time Morgan went to a cat convention. Yeah, cat Con,
cat Con, Yeah, I mean world famous. Yeah, okay, well

she went to cat Con, and we're going to do
a round of Bush or Bear with the cat ladies
from cat Con.

Speaker 10 (01:05:57):
You know, I assume that when I went to But
don't make assumption that you might be surprised.

Speaker 1 (01:06:01):
I mean because some of those cat ladies, I'm sure
just want to be ready for if and when the
time ever comes.

Speaker 10 (01:06:06):
Right, and I you know, I was there for a bit,
so I clocked out, you know, the ones that might
not be bushed. So I tried to get some variation
in there.

Speaker 1 (01:06:13):
Oh, by the way, Uh, you know, it's still like
you always say, like man first, everything else second, right,
cat ladies are still women, which means that even if
you're the most disgusting cat lady, you could probably get
laid whenever you want. Oh yeah, yeah, I mean you're
not going to find you guys have to get You're
going to really have to like lower your standards later

because we all what was that website menace where you
got the women are putting in all their like particular.

Speaker 22 (01:06:39):
Delusion calendarculator calculator so like the guy's least six foot
tall and makes six figures and has you know, green eyes,
and what it turns out there's like six percent of
men on the planets.

Speaker 1 (01:06:52):
And this is not a joke. This is actual like
facts and analytics of how many men are available in
those categories. So I'm not saying that the cat ladies
have their pick of the litter, but a lot of
them were. I'm sure they have options, right, they could
probably get a guy, right me out kidding? Yeah, So

Morgan with Bush or Bear, tell me more about this,
like cat colling, what are people doing there? Like, what
do you do at cat Con?

Speaker 10 (01:07:27):
It's a bunch of walking around. It's at a big
convention center, so everyone has boost set up like vendors
with toy anything you could think of. There was like
a ring toss and you toss it into this cat's butt,
you know, or there's adoptions where you no, no, it's
like these.

Speaker 2 (01:07:43):

Speaker 10 (01:07:43):
I saw a bunch of products for like cat litter
and they have tofu cat litter now guys. Wow, Yeah,
and I talked talk to a girl about it. No,
I don't mean I didn't touch it. Or they have
scented ones, they have flavored ones and yeah it's supposed
to be better for the environment and the turtle and
all that. So basically a bunch of weird stuff that

I would never.

Speaker 1 (01:08:04):
Ever giant sale. They just want you to buy crap.

Speaker 10 (01:08:07):
Yeah, it's all. There was nothing for free.

Speaker 1 (01:08:09):
Is there any entertainment like cat shows?

Speaker 10 (01:08:11):
Or they had speakers which is in the middle of
all the vendors you could barely hear them, but they
had people going up on this little stage talking, you know,
every thirty minutes about When I was there, there was
this girl talking about what plants are safe for your
cats and all this, you know, really rivet.

Speaker 1 (01:08:27):
Get like cat grass and yeah, yeah, stuff like that
cat catnip.

Speaker 20 (01:08:31):
Yes, there was.

Speaker 1 (01:08:34):
People in the backstoring cat nip, like like, what what
is catnip? And what what about? It makes people go
so crazy. It's like some kind of like herb that
gets the cats high. Yeah.

Speaker 10 (01:08:46):
Yeah, I don't know exactly what it is, but it's
supposed to make them essentially, you know, like they're smoking.

Speaker 1 (01:08:52):
Weed, right yeah? Or does it make them trip out?

Speaker 10 (01:08:54):
Yeah? Which do we know that cats like it?

Speaker 4 (01:08:58):
Or it says here, I mean take it with a
grain of salt. Cat nit mimics feline sex hormones, so
cats enjoy the substance.

Speaker 1 (01:09:05):
And get horny. I guess. So, I know, like sea
bass when covered this cat con one year, this is
something different, this bush or bear angle on it. But
here's one of the cat ladies gett he ran into
this is This woman's name is Diane.

Speaker 17 (01:09:18):
Diane. I love your hat and your shirt.

Speaker 19 (01:09:20):
What do they say you say, cat lady like it's
a bad thing.

Speaker 1 (01:09:24):
Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 17 (01:09:24):
It's almost become a slur these days when it doesn't
need to be right.

Speaker 19 (01:09:27):
No, just because we're crazy.

Speaker 17 (01:09:31):
What are some of the most interesting things to you
personally that you've seen a cat con?

Speaker 19 (01:09:35):
I love seeing what everybody's wearing. The ears and the
T shirts. Oh cool, and all of that. You see
Marie from the Aristo Cats.

Speaker 17 (01:09:45):
Oh so you have a backpack with Marie on.

Speaker 19 (01:09:47):
It, and I have the Disney cat Lady purse.

Speaker 17 (01:09:51):
Also, so, how many cats as a crazy cat Lady
do you own?

Speaker 1 (01:09:55):
Yeah? So that was the game that we played before,
like guess how many crazy? How many cats this woman had?

Speaker 20 (01:10:00):
You have?

Speaker 1 (01:10:00):
Like a a kind of guess because I don't remember.
I don't remember her from back in twenty twenty two.
So I'm feeling four. It's all new again. Four.

Speaker 19 (01:10:08):
I'm thinking three.

Speaker 1 (01:10:09):
I was thinking more like three to two. I'm going
hardcore sick because she doesn't sound as crazy as some
of the other ones that we've heard.

Speaker 10 (01:10:16):
She's very self aware about her craziness.

Speaker 1 (01:10:18):
Yeah, yeah, all right, let's find out how.

Speaker 17 (01:10:20):
Many cats as a crazy cat Lady do you own?

Speaker 20 (01:10:23):
I only have one right now.

Speaker 1 (01:10:25):
Oh wow.

Speaker 20 (01:10:26):
Franklin is fifteen and a half.

Speaker 1 (01:10:28):

Speaker 20 (01:10:29):
He weighs seventeen and a half pounds.

Speaker 19 (01:10:32):
He does not like other cats, so he's gonna be
my boy by himself. But as soon as he's gone, yeah,
there's gonna be more cats.

Speaker 1 (01:10:41):
Oh my god. She's looking forward to him. I know,
Well he's an a hole and that cat's way dead
by now recorded that a while ago. Do you want
to do another one? Yeah? Sure, a blast from the
past cat Con twenty twenty two, and then Morgan's going
to have the latest from cat Con, which is Bush
or Bear? All right, it's a whole new game with
the cat ladies.

Speaker 3 (01:11:01):
This is Kelly was hard getting up this morning, so
I just came with the curlers.

Speaker 17 (01:11:06):
And then you have a button on your chest.

Speaker 1 (01:11:08):
What does that say?

Speaker 19 (01:11:09):
Oh I might smell a cat.

Speaker 9 (01:11:12):
That's a real good chance.

Speaker 17 (01:11:13):
Now you were just posing with some very sexy men
who are there.

Speaker 3 (01:11:17):
Yes, see Australian firefighters.

Speaker 17 (01:11:19):
And this is why you came to Katcon this year.

Speaker 20 (01:11:21):
That's why I came to cat Con.

Speaker 3 (01:11:22):
And also the woman that was taking my picture with
them hung up on my boyfriend as he was calling
me to get the picture.

Speaker 17 (01:11:30):
So you do have a boyfriend though, yes I do.
The stereotype about crazy cat ladies is they're just weird
old loaners no one wants to hook up with.

Speaker 19 (01:11:36):
Well know, we kind of have weird boyfriends too.

Speaker 17 (01:11:39):
As a crazy cat lady, how many cats does your
crazy ass have at home.

Speaker 1 (01:11:42):
Huh, okay, sense of humor. I will say, see, I'm
gonna go I would say four. Really, I'm thinking two.
I'm going to three, three, three, five, five, I'll say
three three. This is crazy. Kelly the the clat, Kelly

the cat Lady.

Speaker 17 (01:12:05):
How many cats does your crazy ass have at home?

Speaker 1 (01:12:07):
I have ten cats? Ten cats? Yeah, legal, holy ten cats.
That's cat.

Speaker 17 (01:12:16):
You're not just costuming this, you are living the life.

Speaker 1 (01:12:18):
I'm living the life.

Speaker 17 (01:12:20):
What are their names?

Speaker 3 (01:12:21):
I have Pippy, I have jan I have Kevin, I
have Angela, Meredith.

Speaker 17 (01:12:29):
I'm sensing a theme here.

Speaker 3 (01:12:30):
Then we have Mama Cat, Jim, Bob, Carlos, Santana, Bootsy
and Celestie.

Speaker 10 (01:12:37):

Speaker 1 (01:12:37):
Wow, that's ten. We're count along. Now, that's crazy. That's
a lot. I like Bootsy and she definitely sounds like
a full bush woman.

Speaker 13 (01:12:46):

Speaker 1 (01:12:46):
Oh, yes, she's got too many time for no time?
Does she have more hair on her couch or on
her coach?

Speaker 20 (01:12:56):
H that's a good question.

Speaker 1 (01:12:59):
Couch or all right? So we'll have Butcher Bear from
the latest cat con that Morgan attended. It's gonna be
fun last weekend, and we'll get to that game caught
up next year. On the Woodies Show. Hang on, little
that thought, No, not that thought. Wow. Anyways, the Woody
Show will be heading back shoe welcome back. Yeah, cat Con.

Morgan was there, ky Yeah, covering it for us, and
so there was just a ton of cat ladies, Like
what do you think the split was? Male? Female? Oh?

Speaker 10 (01:13:40):
You know what, there were more men than I was expecting,
but probably seventy five female twenty five men. Yeah, I
forgot to mention this though. There were a few furries
walking around. I say a few, probably like seven to ten.

Speaker 1 (01:13:54):
Yeah, a lot makes sense. Okay, Now, well they're not
going to act out there and be sexual, but they'll
be there. Well, Morgan went to cat Con and she
just turned in her receipt for the parking. So so
before you think that she she went there just because
she wanted to, like, no, she she went there because
she's working so work. Yeah, yeah, no, I'm more I'm

more than happy to cover the park. And uh, we're
gonna go through these clips and we're gonna hear from
these different cat ladies and these are questions that Mortgane
just decided to ask and then at the end of them,
we're going to try to have to guess, is she
bush or bear? Yes, so we've done this game before,
so and we just to clarify for everybody who might

be uh new or the first time hearing this, Uh,
bush would be any kind of hair at all. So
even if there's like a landing strip or it's just
like a real trim yeah, real trim down, that was
still count as bush even though it's not full bush
because bear is obviously you're completely.

Speaker 10 (01:14:51):
Shaped at all, all right, so.

Speaker 1 (01:14:54):
Uh cat con and Morgan talked to this woman named Hannah. Hannah,
how old are you?

Speaker 20 (01:15:00):
Thirty six?

Speaker 10 (01:15:01):
What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?

Speaker 1 (01:15:03):

Speaker 21 (01:15:04):
It was one time this guy was chasing me with
the meat hook and I had to run through a
swamp and I didn't make it.

Speaker 10 (01:15:11):
He killed you in your dream, absolutely, And because most
dreams like you don't die, you wake up before you die.

Speaker 20 (01:15:16):
I die in so many of my dreams.

Speaker 19 (01:15:18):
My god.

Speaker 10 (01:15:18):
So what do you do for a living?

Speaker 20 (01:15:19):
I'm a cartoonist. I have a book coming out.

Speaker 21 (01:15:21):
It's called Cat People, and it's about like a freaky
Friday situation where a girl in.

Speaker 20 (01:15:26):
Her cat swap places and the cat takes care of her.
So do you have cats at home? I got two
of them. Yeah, tell me about your pussies.

Speaker 21 (01:15:33):
My cat battleship is a big lovablash and then my
other one's a demon from hell named mouse, and I
love him, but I don't respect him.

Speaker 10 (01:15:40):
Do you think they respect you?

Speaker 20 (01:15:42):
Absolutely not? Why would they?

Speaker 10 (01:15:44):
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would
it be.

Speaker 20 (01:15:47):
I would love to not have crippling self doubt.

Speaker 10 (01:15:52):
One more question for you down below? Are you Bush
or bear?

Speaker 1 (01:15:56):
Wo Bear? Well, I cheated and I looked at her photo. Yeah, man, Well,
I mean you told me if I asked you what
she looked like. Yeah, I try to wait, how did
you look at her photo? Well, because she told us
the title of her book and her fast.

Speaker 10 (01:16:11):
Yeah yeah google.

Speaker 1 (01:16:14):

Speaker 10 (01:16:16):
I mean she's pretty generic looking. She's like a supermodel.
She has brunette.

Speaker 6 (01:16:20):
It looks like a picture of her from cat Kan
She yeah, brunette, we say thirty seven right, Yeah.

Speaker 10 (01:16:25):
And then she's not you know, she's not superfished, she's
not overweight. She's just very Yeah. She's basic, but not
in a bad way. She was really cool, actually, she
just she's nice. I like the self doubt that helps me. Yeah,
there was a lot there by the way, I'm saying
Bush really yeah, Bear, why.

Speaker 5 (01:16:48):
I actually I think because of the self doubt thing.
I think that she would groom.

Speaker 4 (01:16:53):
She puts more effort in stuff like the opposite with
the self doubt she would not I know the same
thing she wouldn't. Yeah, like why bother that's a you
have absolutely changed my mind. I'm saying Bear, Bear, menace,
Mega Bush, Mega Bush.

Speaker 6 (01:17:10):
I understand Bush is going to be the default at
a cat convention, but I'm going there this time.

Speaker 1 (01:17:14):
Cat. I just don't think she no offense.

Speaker 6 (01:17:16):
I don't think she has a lot of sex because
of the self doubt cats to the point she's writing
books about them.

Speaker 1 (01:17:22):
Well, Sammy just wrote a So she looks frumpy, but
I didn't want to stay on there.

Speaker 10 (01:17:27):
My god, she looks like a nice girl.

Speaker 1 (01:17:31):
Wow, Hannah Bush or Bear down below?

Speaker 20 (01:17:35):
Are you Bush or Bear Bush?

Speaker 19 (01:17:37):
Baby? Dude?

Speaker 20 (01:17:38):
Of course?

Speaker 1 (01:17:38):
Thank you?

Speaker 10 (01:17:39):
Well see tell me more because Bush is making a comeback.

Speaker 20 (01:17:42):
You know what, I don't care about anything. That's the problem.
I don't care one way or another. I'm lazy, That's
what all it is.

Speaker 1 (01:17:50):
Nail, He was right about her being like frumpy and unkemped.
I know, geez, that's pretty not nice. It's really cool
to talk to us. I got a point, never said.
All right. The next up at cat Con, this is Rachel.
How old are you?

Speaker 10 (01:18:04):
Rachel? I am thirty four and what do you do
for a living?

Speaker 9 (01:18:08):
I work in the construction industry.

Speaker 10 (01:18:10):
Do you like it or how do you feel about that?

Speaker 9 (01:18:12):
I do like it, except for the rampant sexism that
you experienced on.

Speaker 1 (01:18:14):
A day to day basis.

Speaker 20 (01:18:17):
Anything dumping there?

Speaker 1 (01:18:22):
Yeah, yeah, we're saying full bush. Right, let's ahead and
hear her out.

Speaker 11 (01:18:27):
That's the time go thank you works construction and first
complaint ramp and sexism on the job industry. Do you
like it or how do you feel about that?

Speaker 10 (01:18:40):
I do like it, except for the rampant sexism that
you experienced on a day to day basis. What's your
biggest regret? Anything dumping my ex.

Speaker 9 (01:18:46):
Boyfriend and having him jump off the cliff?

Speaker 1 (01:18:48):
Oh my gosh. Yeah, she's full of surprises.

Speaker 10 (01:18:52):
It went real dark person. I wanted to ask more questions, but.

Speaker 1 (01:18:56):
I felt, you know, it was aggressively bush like up
to the belly button bush Yeah, put your face in it. Okay, Wow, okay,
so uh again.

Speaker 5 (01:19:08):
Well, I wonder what she said to him during the
breakup for to blame herself that that happened.

Speaker 10 (01:19:14):
Right, I don't know, dumping my ex boyfriend and having
him jump off the cliff.

Speaker 9 (01:19:18):
Yeah, it's a pretty big one.

Speaker 10 (01:19:21):
If you were just handed one hundred thousand dollars to
open your own business, what would you do? I would
probably create cat con cat Con two point zero with strippers.

Speaker 9 (01:19:30):
And black jack.

Speaker 10 (01:19:31):
Is this your first cat con or how many have
you been to? I have been coming here since it started. Yeah,
I came to the very first one. So tell me
about your pussies. How many cats do you have at home?

Speaker 9 (01:19:39):
I have one beautiful pussy, she's about six years old.

Speaker 20 (01:19:42):
All black pussy, all the black pussies.

Speaker 10 (01:19:45):
So one last question for you. Are you bush or
bear down below?

Speaker 4 (01:19:49):
Okay, I'm changing it to bear You are the sexual No,
I'm sticking. She's putting on the sexual persona me.

Speaker 1 (01:19:59):
She went from like pants come off and the lights
go out because it just got released, like a tree
that you've you only tie up the Christmas tree and
you cut it, it fills out like from when you
drop her pants. The lights go out of eclipses too.
Now I think maybe she at least like like trims
it keeps it Kemp. Yeah, but weird. I think she's

definitely got Bush. It's weird that she like she seems
like she wants to be part of She wants to
talk sexuy, she wants to be dirty, she wants to
be in construction, but she hates the rampant sexism and
she's dorky. Okay, So I'm going Bush, Greg You've changed
the Bear. I'm going Bear, Bear, menace, I'm going Bush.
And she's doing it to prove a point Bush.

Speaker 9 (01:20:38):
Yeah, I'm sticking with Bush.

Speaker 6 (01:20:39):
With Bush, she's aggressively, but you know what I'm gonna say,
aren't it Bush too?

Speaker 1 (01:20:46):
I don't know. I don't know if you have the
answer to that.

Speaker 10 (01:20:49):
But Rachel, are you Bush or Bear? Down below?

Speaker 1 (01:20:55):
Thank you?

Speaker 10 (01:20:56):
She's making a comeback.

Speaker 20 (01:20:57):
It never left, Rachel.

Speaker 10 (01:20:58):
I just walked by you and you said to give
Woody a message.

Speaker 1 (01:21:01):
What did you want to tell him? Suck it? Woody?
Oh yeah, she'd probably hurt you, hurt me.

Speaker 10 (01:21:08):
I would not get with her.

Speaker 1 (01:21:10):
Yeah, yeah, all right, this is a Bush or Bear? Morgan?
Was that cat con talk to the cat ladies. Next
up is Leslie, Leslie, how old are you? I'm thirty?

Speaker 9 (01:21:19):
Sorry, I just hear thirty.

Speaker 10 (01:21:21):
Dude, me too, Yeah that's how do you feel older?

Speaker 18 (01:21:24):

Speaker 20 (01:21:25):
No, you don't really I do not.

Speaker 9 (01:21:28):
I still play video games.

Speaker 1 (01:21:30):
I still I don't know.

Speaker 9 (01:21:32):
I don't feel like I'm a real adult. But the
way I look at it is everyone struggling, even though
you know we're all in this together, all struggling together.

Speaker 10 (01:21:40):
What's your dream job?

Speaker 9 (01:21:42):
I would say my dream. Also, my dream would be
my farm. Yeah, I really want my head.

Speaker 1 (01:21:47):
Flush him.

Speaker 10 (01:21:50):
An animal farm too, But well either either.

Speaker 1 (01:21:52):
Way doesn't matter.

Speaker 21 (01:21:53):

Speaker 1 (01:21:54):
Bush. Also, she's drunk, but she's definitely high. I know
this girl, she im p picturing her. She is five
one two uh and and uh wears it that kind
of gothy.

Speaker 10 (01:22:09):
No, but she has like the female equivalent of dreads.

Speaker 1 (01:22:16):
Yeah, she's probably wearing like hemp knitted clothes. Yes, yeah,
she had homemade skirt.

Speaker 7 (01:22:21):
I did not look she wearing a bunch of rings.

Speaker 10 (01:22:25):
No, she wasn't, actually, but she definitely had a cold
a musk about like you know, you tell that she
had just come from the parking lot.

Speaker 1 (01:22:33):
What do you give us all theseasy ones. Morgan, Hey,
I tried to, you know, okay with him.

Speaker 9 (01:22:40):
I really want to take over the world with hemp
plastic him.

Speaker 10 (01:22:43):
Okay, so tell me more about himp plastic.

Speaker 1 (01:22:45):
It's awesome.

Speaker 9 (01:22:45):
So it's biodegradable, so you can only last for like
what six months. I'm trying to figure out to make
it last a little longer, just for shelf life. But yeah,
I want to make hamp plastics so people can use
it like her grosery bags of bottles. So that way
our planet we don't worry about straws anymore. You guys
all melting and going away.

Speaker 10 (01:23:06):
Say the turtles, what's the dumbest thing you've done on
a dare?

Speaker 9 (01:23:10):
What was I doing?

Speaker 1 (01:23:11):

Speaker 9 (01:23:12):
It was in college at Tradition. You got a streak
across the courtyard. Yes, so did that end up falling
and straining an ankle?

Speaker 20 (01:23:19):
So while you were a butt ass naked.

Speaker 9 (01:23:21):
But naked and I couldn't walk clearly.

Speaker 10 (01:23:25):
And people had to help you.

Speaker 19 (01:23:26):
Yeah, thank god for a girls.

Speaker 9 (01:23:30):
Yeah, it's a moment, you know.

Speaker 10 (01:23:31):
So what do you do for a living now?

Speaker 9 (01:23:33):
I work at a the hospital.

Speaker 20 (01:23:34):
Yeah, tech, and you enjoy it?

Speaker 1 (01:23:36):
I do. I love it.

Speaker 9 (01:23:38):
I love the animals. I love taking care of them
and helping them.

Speaker 1 (01:23:40):
You know, someone has to.

Speaker 10 (01:23:43):
All right, So have one more question for you, a
big one down below.

Speaker 20 (01:23:46):
Yes, this is a big question. Are you Bush or Bear?

Speaker 1 (01:23:49):
Okay? See, I went all over the place trying to
guess on this one. Really, yeah, because a lot of
it sounds kind of like, you know, bushy, Yeah, yeah, right,
every single thing, yeah, her voice, yeah, like every single thing.
But then the streaking thing got me thinking, like, you know,
maybe it wouldn't because because if she's showing off, she's prepared,
you know, yeah, she's at least trimmed. But she got

bush dog, you know, And I think I think I've
met that kind of vetech too, like where you go
in there and she's got the white girl dreads kind
of thing.

Speaker 3 (01:24:23):
Right, she is.

Speaker 1 (01:24:23):
She's the female equivent of my one of my brothers,
really one of your brothers.

Speaker 10 (01:24:30):
I asked how long she had to go to school
to be a VETTEG. She said like nine months.

Speaker 1 (01:24:34):
Oh wow, not very long. Bush. Yeah, all right, I
will say Bear. I'm sticking with Bear. Greg h. I
clearly I'm the worst of this game, but I'll go
Bush on her. Bush bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Everyone's bush.
Everyone's going bush. All right, Leslie, are you bush or bear? Well?

Speaker 9 (01:24:58):
I guess semi.

Speaker 19 (01:25:00):
That thing.

Speaker 9 (01:25:02):
I forgot what I was watching or listening to.

Speaker 20 (01:25:05):
But they're talking about.

Speaker 9 (01:25:06):
Dying then, and we're like, what if we made that
a tread? Like, Hey, what color is you?

Speaker 13 (01:25:11):

Speaker 3 (01:25:12):

Speaker 9 (01:25:12):

Speaker 20 (01:25:13):
Purple orange? That could be a thing, you know, Diegram.

Speaker 10 (01:25:18):
I have a coworker named Sammy. She does like a stencil.
She shaves her heart into her pupil.

Speaker 20 (01:25:23):
That's cute.

Speaker 1 (01:25:26):
That's so cute. Cure stencil pubes.

Speaker 10 (01:25:30):
Yeah, yeah, and I got in the sense I put
it right on.

Speaker 7 (01:25:33):
It makes it so much easier to Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:25:36):
That's right. You gave us that pro tip about how
to do that. I'll pull that off. That's right. Any
beauty is the cube coloring people? Oh very nice? Yeah,
all right, well that's a that's bush or bar. Everybody,
you're on the side the answers, Morgan appreciate that.

Speaker 10 (01:25:54):
You're welcome.

Speaker 1 (01:25:55):
We're gonna take a quick break more when he shows next.
Hang on in the meantime, have a next crisis show. Well,
we're uh, we're looking at that. See I'm trying to think, Oh, yeah,
we have a few minutes. You want to do one
more from a cat con busher bear. It's sure redemption,

all right, redemption for me. Okay, you got this, Greg,
Come on, I had two out of three at one
on the on the first one I whipped on the
last one. I should have known you were right with
the white girl dreads.

Speaker 11 (01:26:28):

Speaker 1 (01:26:28):
Also I should have known that was some kind of
bush streakams.

Speaker 6 (01:26:31):
Also, you're wrong about that because that's a that's a
bush activity.

Speaker 1 (01:26:34):
That is seven naked bike ride. That's a lot of bush.
It's naturalism, nudism. I don't care what my body looks like.

Speaker 6 (01:26:40):
Girls who surprised, counterintuitively, almost who shaved down there, keep
it clean, wax, et cetera.

Speaker 1 (01:26:46):
Are much more private. They're hotter, and typically they're hotter.
Yeah no, I was also like, do you think off
like you're growing a bush? You are maybe more willing
to show it up because it's some kind of covering. Really,
don't you don't see You don't see anything really like,
especially if you've got some long ones. Yeah yeah, yeah,
all right, let's see next person. So there's a cat con.

There's just a bunch of crazy cat ladies and stuff,
wandering around buying cat crap and all these different cat
products and and things like that. Does it cost anything
to get into cat Con? It does.

Speaker 10 (01:27:18):
I think it was like twelve dollars, twelve bucks something cheap,
you know, but to get anything once you're in there,
it costs money.

Speaker 1 (01:27:24):
Yeah. All right, So next up again, we're going to
listen to this little question answer that Morgan did with
one of the ladies of cat Con and then try
to guess is she Bush or Bear down below? And
this next person, her name is Mary.

Speaker 10 (01:27:38):
What do you do for a living?

Speaker 15 (01:27:40):
I have a T shirt company that raises money and
awareness for stray animals, these dogs, little dogs, cats, kittens,
all of the.

Speaker 1 (01:27:48):
Above, giant bushy and it's you know what's mostly the voice, Yeah,
really older lady and the name Mary Mary, Yeah, Mary Mary,
damn your Harry Bush. Yeah, animal rescue, that's all. Yeah,
hair Mary.

Speaker 15 (01:28:04):
Our shelter got shut down doing space and noodles because
one woman thought it was her mission because apparently a
friendly cat and a friendly cat is a cat that
just lives in the neighborhood that maybe what got out
was friendly got picked up and got spader neutered and
she threw a fit and she shut everything down. So

we have not been able to do any Spain neuters
for over three years. And it is we've just gone
back in time. We've gone back ten years.

Speaker 10 (01:28:32):
So what's your biggest fear.

Speaker 15 (01:28:34):
My biggest fear is that will never get back to
people being compassionate to their animals and keeping them for
their life. Everyone wants a kit and a puppy and
they don't follow through with them. At the shelter that
I'm met, we have the most fabulous large dogs.

Speaker 10 (01:28:53):
So I have a coworker that thinks that pitbulls love
eating children. What do you have to say to people
that have those views? I think they need to come
to the shelter, have a seat.

Speaker 15 (01:29:02):
I'll bring them out ten different pitbulls that will give
them more love and effect every new puns.

Speaker 10 (01:29:09):
So I see people are looking at your shirts. I
don't want to take any more time. I have one
last question for you down below. Are you bush or bear? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (01:29:17):
I know they're like very serious and right now that's
talking about I.

Speaker 10 (01:29:21):
Know something funny.

Speaker 1 (01:29:22):
There was no one looking at her. I was like,
I'm done with this at all. Yeah, it was funny.

Speaker 10 (01:29:28):
If you were there.

Speaker 1 (01:29:29):
Wait, really, someone's looking at my shirt? All right? So
on Mary Bush or Bear, I'm saying full Bush, Bush,
she doesn't enough time for anything else? Yeah, true, doesn't she?

Speaker 6 (01:29:40):
Yeah, exactly, And I'm curious how her shelter got down
for three years because they spade someone's straight in without
their knowing.

Speaker 1 (01:29:48):
There is a bigger story here. But yeah, obviously Bush
of course. Uh let's see menace. Yeah, Bush for sure.
And I would love to hear a reaction, because she
doesn't seem like she would be thrilled.

Speaker 20 (01:30:00):

Speaker 1 (01:30:01):
Here's here's Mary down below.

Speaker 10 (01:30:03):
Are you Bush or Bear?

Speaker 1 (01:30:06):
I don't. I guess I don't know what that is.
I'm too old.

Speaker 18 (01:30:09):
Oh so Bear would mean like you have no hair
in your pubic area? No, I have hair, Okay, Okay,
that's funny. I'm sixty three, so and I don't have kids.
So I didn't that You want to edu shopping with that?
Oh that's funny.

Speaker 1 (01:30:22):
Oh that's funny.

Speaker 12 (01:30:23):

Speaker 10 (01:30:24):
Yeah, because explaining it to her was in your cubic region.

Speaker 1 (01:30:28):
Yeah. Here, let me show you mine. So, yeah, you
don't have no hair? Hair? Yeah, you know your vagina
is yours look like this?

Speaker 10 (01:30:33):
What does it look like we've been out.

Speaker 1 (01:30:34):
All right, Well, there you go. There's one more around
from Cad Lady Bush or Bear from cat Con. Nice work, Morgan.
We're gonna take a quick break more. What a show's next?
Hang on, hey, it's Venice.

Speaker 12 (01:30:45):
This Saturday, I'll be at the brand new Fabletics store
from one to three pm at Glendale Galleria. The first
one hundred people making a fifty nine dollars purchase or
more will get a free legging or men short. Plus
I'll have giveaways in every single Fathletics item is fifty
percent off.

Speaker 1 (01:30:58):
Become a Fabletics v I and say more. See you
this Saturday. Oh no, I think I'm about to have
a period. It's a woody show, all right. Welcome back everybody. Yeah,
it's a pre Friday. It was a Thursday morning. Today
is August the eighth, twenty twenty four. For all you
pick a ball fans out there, it's National Pickleball Day,

all right. It's also National CBD Day, your favorite two
things that are very overrated, pick a ball and the CBD.
Oh great, here this is for you. Today is National
Tarantula Appreciation Day. We were just talking about the murder
Day it's take a penny, Leave a penny Day, which
seems like an outdated thing. Thank you, National sneak some

zucchini into your neighbor onto your neighbor's porch Day. Hell no,
don't sneak a zucchini into your neighbor kidding, just onto
your neighbor's porch. That's weird. Also not a big fans
National Mochi Day. Oh yeah, yeah, I'm stay Yeah, I'm
with Greg. I like ice cream. I like sweet ice cream.

And how can we ruin it?

Speaker 4 (01:32:06):
Let's put it and in some gelatinous weird bob, Let's
make it dirty and difficult and cornstars.

Speaker 1 (01:32:12):
Yeah, no thanks. And it's a National Frozen Custard Day.

Speaker 18 (01:32:16):

Speaker 1 (01:32:17):
That's so creamy, so creamy, so good. Some of the
entertainment stuff. The nominees for the MTV Video Music Awards
are out not going to bore you with the categories,
and the nominees just wanted to make sure you knew,
so if you were interested, you know, look it up.
Didn't know they still did those. Yes, the American Music
Awards are skipping this year that they can skip. Yeah,

he cares about that. They're going to try to bring
it back next year. It wasn't that just like a
dick thing Dick Clark made up. It was a dick thing. Yeah, yeah,
it was a big dick thing. But like, do they
even care? Do the artists even care? I don't think.
I don't know anybody. The MTV Awards are always really good,
really love those. All right, let's see we've got Oh,
this is pretty funny. A group called Ryan meet Up.

They were in the news early this year. They threw
an event in Texas called the Ryan Rodeo, where only
people named Ryan were invited. Remember, but now they're back
in the news. They rent out of a movie theater
to watch The New Deadpoole and Wolverine, you know, because
Ryan Reynolds Hilaire. However, you guys check it out. They
did let one person not name Ryan Ann. His name

is Hugh and it's a nod to Hugh Jackman, of course,
but he did still fit in perfectly when they revealed
his full name and he guesses what it was, Hugh
Oh grection, uh grection jackmin huge. So do you think
this is another not the Hugh Jackman, just ah Jack,
I'll say, Hugh Jackson. Hugh Jackson.

Speaker 7 (01:33:44):
I think it's Hugh Jackman as well.

Speaker 1 (01:33:45):
All right, you wanna tell him your full name? You
My actual name is Hugh Ryan, and then all the
Ryans went crazy. His name is U Ryan. That's pretty dorky. Yeah,
thank you, Greg. Good news. Back news. NBA analyst Charles
Barkley not retiring after all. He is staying with TNT
until twenty thirty two. So basically he's, you know, he's

going to honor his contract which he just signed in
twenty twenty two, and it's a ten year deal. So retire. Yeah.
Oh wait, I like money a lot. Damn. So they
don't have NBA rights, but so can they do their
own show about the NBA does not air the games,
I assume, so, or is it gonna have to be
about something completely different? I don't know. Yeah. See Daisy Ridley,

who plays Ray in the new Star Wars movie, has
been diagnosed with Graves disease. Oh no, which is an
autoimmune disorder that sucks. Yeah. See Disney, Hulu and ESPN.
They're about to get more expensive price hikes across the board.
Ratting on October seventeenth looks to be two dollars a
month more for most of all the plans. When will

one of these a holes surprise the world? And you
know what, we're going to cut the prices. They're still
not making Disney Is he just now started making streaming money? Really? Yeah,
so there's no one's still making much money anymore. Janet
Jackson finalizing a deal for a vague Vegas residency. Also,
you know the singer pit Bull, Well, he bought the
naming rights to Florida International University's football stadium and then

we'll now be known greg as pit Bull Stadium. No way, awesome,
that's pretty cool, I know, right, that's money to burn.
Imagine to bring your dog to the game day there,
that would be the best day all pit Bulls. Documentary
about comedian Mitch Hedberg is in the works. People have
always said he's one of the best of all time
unpopular opinion. Oh here comes. Oh no, you didn't like him.

I've always thought he was just okay.

Speaker 6 (01:35:39):
Really, it's it's tough now because you've I've heard his
jokes so many times. I loved him when he first
when he was still alive.

Speaker 1 (01:35:46):
Yeah, I think people think he's better than he was
because he died young. Like one of those situations maybe
they've always sad about like Nirvana, would still feel the
way about Nirvana that they do.

Speaker 6 (01:35:54):
I thought he was so My friends and I were
obsessed with him for a good In fact, he held
at me at a show because I drunkenly as a
nineteen year old.

Speaker 1 (01:36:04):
Trying to correct him while he was on safeorial because
we had listened to his his I guess just one
CD at that point so many times I knew all
his jokes.

Speaker 6 (01:36:15):
He said a joke, he said the set up for
a joke, and I which again I understand.

Speaker 1 (01:36:22):
Oh well, it was a drunken night.

Speaker 6 (01:36:24):
I was under age with a fake idea in a
comedy club and he told me your timing sucks.

Speaker 1 (01:36:30):
He had a great comeback. That's pretty sadod thank you.
He's funny. He was only thirty seven when he died,
according to the Medical Examiner, drugs, coke and heroin. So
fun Yeah, people all of a sudden talking about this
old interview where Julia Roberts was talking about what it
was like working with Dolly Parton on the set of
nineteen eighty nine Steel Magnolias, And the only reason I'm

bringing this up because I think Greg is going to
love this. I think I might know this? Is it
what Dolly told her about not complaining? Yes, Julia said
love this that she was amazed Dolly wasn't complaining because
I guess it was like really hot, intense heat. They
all have like raised cubes and everything else, trying to
cool themselves down. Dolly's got this wig on. She's not complaining,
not saying a thing. And when she asked her why,

Dolly said, when I was a little girl, I wanted
to be famous and I wanted to be rich, and
now I'm both of these things. So I'm not going
to complain about it. Isn't that the best?

Speaker 9 (01:37:22):

Speaker 1 (01:37:23):
Dolly rules, He's a national treasure. That's the best. Also
for Greg, the Portia nine twenty eight from Risky Business
is going up for auction. No way, they're guessing it's
going to go for around one point four million dumps.
My budget was one point three. Oh no, damn that
would rule. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:37:44):
What was it?

Speaker 1 (01:37:45):
What was it in the Ferris Buellers was that a Ferrari?
I was a Ferrari? Okay, I get my cars mixed
up here my time for your birthdays? Goat show this
shimmy We're gonna it's shimmer. We're gonna sit there and
you know you don't do what I'm gonna start with
the celebrities. Happy birthday to Dustin Hoffman, who is eighty

seven years old today. Dusty enjoying an old eighty seven?
Are you serious? Yeah? The famous line like he was
in the graduate he was the same age as you know,
oh years ago. I didn't think he was that old.
I love them, my friends enjoying a renaissance right now.
Scott's Staff from Creed is fifty one today. The Edge

from You two is sixty three. Sammy j C from
In Sync Y j C. Shase is your favorite is
forty one. She likes in sync r Justin.

Speaker 7 (01:38:41):
Is my favorite, and then jac is my second one.

Speaker 1 (01:38:43):
Legally, Katie Leung Choe Chang in the Harry Potter movies.
He's thirty seven years old, isn't doesn't cho Chang sound
like it should be a like, uh, like something derogatory,
like when people go like, uh, if it's somebody's name,
I know, but like the fact that she wrote the
story and she came up with that name, Like why
not just say ching Chong? Does it seem like something

that should be offensive, I guess anyway, thirty seven years
old today, Roger Fetterer, the tennis stud is forty three.
Deborah Norville from Inside Edition Over Loves Edition, She's sixty six.
Sewn Mendez the singer is twenty six, cool Modey, So
being gonna throwback Thursday Rap Legend sixty two today. First

of all, Larry Wilcox Ponch's partner, John Baker on chips right.
We were just talking about him the other day. A
seventy seven years old. And Rena Merrow, she was a
sable in the WWF until her ego got so big
that Vince McMahon fired her. Oh no, that happens. Rina
is fifty seven years old today, and your porn of

birthday is Charlotte Stokely and she's had her backyard turn
up worse than a home. Putting in a pool sixty
seven fine films, including Glazed and Confused, Volume six. She
was in Ride Like a Hurricane, also Too Hot for
Panties Volume one. She was in one of Greg's favorites,
Leave No Toes Unsucked. She was fantastic and Captain Munch

and who can forget her? Unforgett her? Role was I
was tight yesterday, Volume four yesterday and something happened. Yeah,
Volume three happened yesterday. That was yesterday. Yeah, anyway, anymore,
Charlotte Stokely, who's thirty eight years old today? And that
is your porn of birthday, your celebrity birthdays, and that
a Thursday morning. Look at what is happening in and

around the world of entertainment here on the Woody Show.
We're gonna take a quick break. More Woody Shows next,
hang on, be right back.

Speaker 17 (01:40:44):
Buila wouldn't approve the Woody Show.

Speaker 1 (01:40:47):
All right, well, tie to wrap up, get the hell
out of here, everybody, Okay, Wednesday show in the books,
Hit up the woodieshow dot com. Check out today's full
show podcast. Gina Grad sorry for the confusion, my win. Yeah,
So we mentioned a couple of times this morning, but
Menace was supposed to be out, like out of town
to go meet with a client today, like a business thing,

and so we had asked Gina to come in and
fill in like she's done already a couple of times
last for Sea Bass, and so she shows up this morning.
But here's Menace, Hi, and it's because the meeting got
rescheduled for a while, like a couple weeks from now, right. Yeah, yeah,
So anyway we figured out Gina, since you're here and
you already showered, did you make up? You might asood?

You must want to hang around and you smell all night.
So anyway, thank you for being here this morning. Hope
you enjoyed cameo on the Cheapo all the way. You're
just tuning in now you can go back hear that
on the podcast. Trending news headlines, also the Porto Birthday,
celebrity birthdays, all the entertainment stuff, that and more, all
waiting for you. Wednesday Podcast at the woodieshow dot com.

Tomorrow is a pre Friday. It's a Thursday morning. It's
gonna be the Woody Show Freak of the week Hot.
So we have a new freak to introduce you to,
plus a break new redneck news, some food news, oh
yeah for a Tomorrow and a Woody Show taste drive,
some items that men is found at the retailer formerly
known as Burlington Code Factory, Yeah, now simply known as

Burlington the place to go for food. He has to
go for food. Yeah, So that and more. Tomorrow Thursday,
You're on The Woody Show in the meantime. Anything you
want to leave for us, you can do that on
the after hours voicemail eight seven seven forty four Woody,
or keep up bos by following us on social media
the social media platform of your choice. Look for us
at the Woody Show. Yeah, all right, Greg, you ready

to go? I am mena Sea Bass, Sammy, Gina. Anything
like that. It Greg Gory parting words of wisdom.

Speaker 13 (01:42:41):

Speaker 1 (01:42:41):

Speaker 4 (01:42:41):
I saw this quote and it had Woody written all
over it. If you're not willing to work for it,
don't complain about not having it.

Speaker 1 (01:42:51):
That is super true. I heard another one too, like,
if you ever want to get to a point in
life where you don't have to look at the price tags,
stop going to work looking at the clock. I like that.
Who yeah, I can watch the clock. If you don't
want to watch the price tags on stuff like, stop
watching the clock. I guess I'll forever be looking at
price tag. All right, Thank you very much, Greg Gory,

Thank you so much for giving the show some of
your valuable time this morning. You know we'd love to
appreciate you for that. The rest of you guys can
suck it and we'll catch you back here on Thursday.
Have a great day. S M D double M. I
quit this bitch.

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