All Episodes

July 11, 2024 117 mins
Narc Week, Menace "Word of the Day", New Headlines & More! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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What is due to the graphic natureof this program? Listener this question is
it lies the Woody Show? Isthe Woody Show Insensitivity Training class is now

in session. Hey, good morning, everybody good. Today is Thursday.
It is July the eleventh, twentytwenty four. Hello, welcome, We
are the Woody Show. Yeah,I'm Moodie. That's Greg Dory. Good
morning. Menace here, Hi,we got Sea bass Boy. There's Sammy

Bort and Caroline holding things down theWoody Show production department. Morgan is here.
She is a super trooper. Youguys. Yeah, did you watch
the video from yesterday's Menaces No HandsChallenge? Did you finish? Yeah?
Right, yeah the video? Didyou finish the videos I watched? When
people watch those type of videos,sometimes they just get far enough and they're

done. They're like, oh,I watched the whole thing, yeah to
the end. Yeah. Yeah.Morgan, for one hundred and fifty bucks,
offered to clean Greg's toes of allthe peanut butter he was using to
make the peanut butter and jelly sandwichwith. It was fun with her mouth,
oh right, yeah, yeah,on my feet. Yeah. She
did a great job. Anyway,Morgan's here, Yeah, we got Vaughn
who did a great job putting thevideo together for us. He's our video

producer Morning Vaughn. Phones are openfor you if you'd like to be a
part of the show, our vipour guest of Vonna This Morning, eight
seven, seven forty four. Whathe is the number You can send us
a text if you like to dothings that way. Over to two to
nine eighty seven. Menas had agood question yesterday. Now that my foot
was in his mouth and then inMorgan's mouth, it's like we're a throuttle

now right, Yeah. Yeah,there's a lot of sexual connections. I
remember that from a sex said class. They were basically trying to scare everybody,
saying, it's not the person thatyou have sex with. You're not
just having sex with that person,You're having sex with every other person they've
had sex with, and every personthat that person had sex with. Whoa

growth, so many people and mynumber is like a million, right Yeah.
I was like, oh cool,Yeah, I was like, oh
yeah, that's awesome. When hesay it that way, it's kind of
god, that's true. That wasthe point sex said, trying to scare
the kids off you can do whatMeda's mom did. Just convince them that
no matter what you do, nomatter what kind of protection, you have
sex with with the girl, sheautomatically gets pregnant. Yeah, and it

happens every It's a one hundred percentchance. That's why he doesn't have sex
with them. I know, kidssuck. Ask my friends. All right,
see coming up on the show thismorning, it's a nark week that
continues day four of Nark Week.So Age's abashing of the cart. Narks
also menaces word of the day.Yeah, I'm learning this morning, learning

civic sex head Yeah, right,at this show, some of the trending
news headlines and whatever else you got. Hey, Sammy had a social dilemma.
Yes, so what was it like? You were at a restaurant?
Yeah, I was. I wasat a place that was super packed full
of people and you could walk upand order food and stuff like that.
This was so this wasn't the EmmettSmith thing, right, No, she

went to Emmett Smith's restaurant. Yeah, steakhouse. He's got a steakhouse in
Vegas. I thought this was reallycool. He was there and he came
out, he said hi to everytables taking pictures with people. Cool.
He said hi to everybody. Yeah, I took pictures and everything. That's
awesome. Yeah, and really hungout at the table for a few minutes
talking just about whatever. It wasawesome. Is that the one on cross
Street from the Wind? Yes,I believe, so you were there.

Yeah, you don't know where you'reat. I just you know, followed
followed the crowd I was with.You can't miss the wind anyway. But
the social dilemma doesn't have anything todo with m Smith. No, No,
it wasn't at that place. Itwas different. So the social dilemma
was I was at a place whereyou walk up and kind of order food.
All the tables were taken, andso I was sitting eating with my

brother and we're looking around at peoplewaiting for tables, and he said,
oh, how about we give itto this family right here. They have
some kids, and so I thought, okay, And as he got up
to give them the table, therewas a pregnant lady that was right there
waiting for a table as well.So the question is who do you give
it to the family with kids orthe pregnant lady. I get up and
I let them fight it out.Yeah, I get up and go why

do you select take you? Iwas just gonna you would you wouldn't be
like are we giving this to Yeah? They were done eating. Yeah,
yeah I always do that. Yeah. If a place is full and people
are waiting for tables, I pickwho's going to get my table. I
never even really racist to me.Actually, that sounds like the same.

That person has the same mentality asthe person who tries to control the speed
of traffic. So they're basically likea like they're speed checking everybody, like,
well, I'm in the left lane, sure, but I'm already going
a little bit over the speed limit, so I'm not going to move out
of the way. We're not talkingabout dangerous driving, just like a general
bitch, right, or the personwho knows that you're waiting for the spot

in the parking lot, and yetthey just sit in their car like I've
done that. They're like, Iam not going to let that person I
control it. And you're not rushingit though, your hands up, you're
not honking your horn, you're notdoing any of that kind of stuff.
You're just simply waiting for the spot. But they've decided that they're going to
take their sweet ass time because they'vedecided. The Sammis of the world have

decided that you are not worthy ofquote their spots, it is not your
table to get power move think thatway. I thought of it as being
nice if like, oh, we'regoing to give it to this like family
here, that's not your choice.Very strange. Yeah, I wouldn't pick
at all. Literally get up andgo now. I also do up up

next is gonna be you? Hey, wait, hold on first, let
me tell you you got to needlike a sob story, like any medical
bills. Does this family have cancer? I don't work there. That said,
I don't like the people who arejust kind of hovering. They see
you're about to wrap up, likeall these people look about done, and
so they start doing that circling,the hovering around your table around you like,

man, don't crowd me either.That is what the pregnant lady was
doing. But I didn't notice shewas pregnant until after because the table was
above her belly, and so Iwas like, oh, this this lady
no, And then we got it. I was like, oh, no,
she was pregnant. Wait did youcall her fat bitch? Jeez?
Now man's this sounds like another goodreason. And if you show up at
a restaurant and there's a line anda wait, I turn around and go

to the restaurant next to yeh,don't stop there. Wait, No,
it's you ordered the counter and thenyou go sit. You're waiting for a
table. You see the place.Don't to eat there. See the place
is too crowded for and you youintend on sitting obviously, you see the
place is too crowded for everybody that'salready there. So you go to the
next place. Yeah, okay,so under the let's say, under the
hypothetical, let's say that we weren'tall against Sammy here, right, okay,
just for the hypothetical. Okay,So it's between so you have to

family with two kids or the pregnantlady, and you are going to be
a dick, and you're going todecide you're gonna choose that you are the
Yeah, you are a restaurant god. Yeah, you are the lord of
the table over the table. You'retaking the job of the hostess. No,
there is no hostess or of whatever, the person who's supposed to be
like the manager. No, it'sjust a grab a table when Yeah,

the pregnant woman alone, she was, but I'm guessing there. No,
she's not alone. She's sitting fortwo with child. There was no one
else around her. But I havea feeling she was just trying to grab
a table and then call whoever shewas with. Okay, So if it's
between the family with two kids orthe pregnant lady, who are you giving?
If you're Sammy and you're being allrotten soul, but who are you
giving the table to? I wouldgo family. I'll go family as well,

because I'm not going to give awhole table to a pregnant one lady.
Yeah, she can find a cornersomewhere. I'm being pregnant. It's
not my fault. She had fun, you know. Yeah, I'm giving
to the family as well. Andjust because there's just more to try to
coordinate, coordinate by the corral.Yeah, so like and if the place

is crowded to begin with the wholefamily, Yeah, because I feel more
for the parents who are trying todeal with the kids who are waiting for
the table. Los suit dum Okay, Well we gotta wait for a table,
we gotta wait our turn. Iam I am sympathizing with the family
with that. Yeah, no,I mean, man's the other way to
avoid problems with kids. Don't havethem, but also don't show up to

wait to sit down place with kids. I know, compounding your issues.
Just leahm at home, like Gregsays, like put them in at a
brick on top and then go outto eat. Now, I know this
doesn't really matter because she's pregnant.But how hot was the pregnant ship?
Yeah, yes, Sammy, shewas. She was attractive, yes,

Seams asked the question. Sammy startslooking around. If we're going to give
the answer, I don't know.We weren't there once again? Is it
one that crossed from the wind?You were there? I don't know.
I don't know where the win is. A lot of people are a lot
of people are just oblivious to theworld around them. I don't know where
the wind is. It's huge.Walk out the front door of the restaurant,

it's right in front. I don'tknow. I remember there being an
escalator somewhere. I think there is. It's a multi level people the restaurant
I have never even been to.You know, when you go to Vegas,
there's that one place with the escalator. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, Oh I know that streetcorner. Yeah, I've never even been
to the restaurant. And I knowwhere Okay, it's in the multi level
building parking garage was and where weparked, and I need to see on

the escalator by the croc store,and that is what I know. Okay.
Do you know if the pregnantlady washot or not? Yes? Yes
she was? Okay, all right, Well still went with a family.
Of course, I get in thein the case where I suddenly don't make
in the case where I can decidefirst said, it's a hypothetical. Also,
it's first come, first served.It's that first come parentheses. Do
I like them more? But everyone'sjust standing around. I'm surprised that nobody

does this. I don't know.When I'm done, I would have never
even I cecked my mind. Iwill make sure all the trash is picked
up, if there's something that fellon the ground or on my table,
I'll even like brush the crumbs orwhatever. And I and then I just
I get up, I go throwmy crap away, and I walk out.
What happens after I walk away isnot my problem, not at all.
Well, now there is a there'sa human psychology thing where one like

like the parking spot example, whereonce we have something, even if it's
not ours, but once it's oncewe put it in our mind as ours,
we start taking control of it,ownership of it. Do this.
I mean, no one's in thiscycle like Sammy is you, But that
is a human psychology thing when youyou take control of something and you kind
of then want to manage it.Also, I can be aware of the

people that are around the table,but not the location of where I'm sitting.
She had to remember her parking spot. Man. Yes, man,
she's very complicated. There was alot going on in her head. Yeah,
that's right, apparently too much.Remember breathe in, breathe out.
Yeah, breathe in, breathe Arethat all day long? Shyeah? Alright?
Eight seven seven forty four Wooding andwhat to order for dinner? Right

now? Us up with the textover to two to nine eighty seven.
More Woody Shows. Next, TheWoody Show will be What's up everybody?
I hope you're enjoying the Woody Showpodcast. Just heads up myself. Menace
and Bort are going to be inNorth Hollywood. This Tuesday, July sixteenth,
from eleven am to one pm atthe brand new Raising Canes. On
Linkershim, We're gonna have a bunchof giveaways like dem Park tickets, concert

tickets, Woody Show merch and more. So once again hang out with us
this Tuesday, July sixteenth from elevenam to one pm in North Hollywood at
the brand new Raising Canes. Butin the meantime, keep on enjoying The
Woody Show podcast The Woody Show.Well, it's a pre Friday, it's

Thursday morning, it's July the eleventh, twenty twenty four. Psyched to be
here, even happier that you're here. It's kind of the way the whole
thing works, kind of the onlyway it works. Yes, you're here,
great, thank you for doing thatin supporting the Woody Show. The
word out. If you're enjoying theshow, let people know. Jeez,
it is. I hate how thathappens right in the middle, like everything's

fine, then all of a suddenout of know where you don't even feel
it coming. Yeah, it's beenhappening a lot with Menace lately. I
know it sucks. There we go. So if you're enjoying The Woody Show.
Make sure you're telling people about itwhere to find it, our podcast,
our social media at The Woody Show. On Boody. That's Greg Gory,
Good morning, you got a menace? What is up? Sea Bass
is here Agents of Bastion. It'sNark week Day four, cart and Arcs.

We have Sharks on TV and wehave Narkin carton arking going on here
on The Woody Show. I havesuch a first world problem with the shark
stuff that's so popular right now,and you can find every show Shark,
but god forbid you can find Jaws. Oh really, I can't seem to
find it. It's gotta be onone of the streaming services. Yeah,

how many do you have? Youonly have like a couple Max, Hulu,
Netflix and Prime. Wow. Yeaha lot more than I thought I
would figure it would be on Prime. Don't know, but I want my
Jaws. Yeah, we got cartNark's cone. I did look into it
because we were talking about it.It is free Slurpy Day, right,
which means you can just walk intoany seven eleven get a free small slurpee,

no questions asked, no app needed. Greg, I know I love
that. See that's how you actnormal speedway and stripe stores. They're doing
it too because seven eleven knowns themnow. But if you do have the
app, you can also sign upand get another free Slurpy. That's between
tomorrow and July thirty. First,excuse me again, Oh now you need
a slurpe right now? Does anybodyhere suffer from brain freeze? I feel

like I get them too easily,so I kind of like, you know,
don't really go for the slurpee andif it feels crippling when I get
only only if you drink it quickly. Yeah, I'll get one, but
it's worth it, well, youknow what mean? When I eat?
I like, And they're having acontest where you can win free slurpees for
a year. A DoorDash driver andUtahs the News accused of pooping into a

woman's drink that he delivered to her. Oh my god. So the woman
told the cops that she had orderedthe drink from Wendy's, and so an
officer confirmed her claims by observing therewere human feces inside her drink, and
just to be sure, they checkedwith Wendy's. When he's like, nope,
didn't do it. Yeah, ofcourse not, and that was backed
up by camera footage from inside theWendy's. They showed that the person you

know pour the drink put it there, the delivery guy picks it up and
then goes into the men's room withit. Oh oh god. It turns
out it was him. He wasarrested charge with propelling a bodily substance,
reckless endangerment, obstruction of justice,and property damage. That is where nightmare
scenario for this kind of stuff.This guy had no real ID and he

was delivering for DoorDash through somebody else'sDoorDash. You can. So there's a
lot of shady stuff going on.Yeah you see that. Yeah, you're
like, that guy doesn't look likethe person that's supposed to be delivering my
food. I don't know what theylook like. I've never looked up the
profile you do. Yeah, wellactually recently. And I love all the

delivery apps. I love DoorDash,I love uber eats everything, It's grub
hub, all super convenient. Ilove them. I just found myself spending
way too much money and using themalmost daily again, so I actually deleted
them. So my wife was pickingup my daughter from camp yesterday and wanted
to get her McDonald so she calledme at home to say, hey,

want you to like DoorDash or someMcDonald's. Let's make everything three times more
expensive. I said yeah, Isaid, well where are you? She's
We're on our way home. Isaid, is there not a McDonald's,
And bitch be tripping? That is? So? Is there not a McDonald's,
Like you're already out in the car. I can think I could think
of three between where the camp wasand where our house is. She goes,

oh, yeah, I guess Icould do that. I got how
much more expensive it is? Yeah, and it probably take more time.
Yes, of course it would.You're already out pick it up on the
way home. Let's double the pricefor no reason. Yeah. It just
became too addictive. It was justtoo convenient. And also like just ordering
stuff outside of food. Yeah,yeah, Greg, would you ever fathom

having a drink delivered? I woulddo that. I'm sure it was a
drink with her order. Okay,that makes it. I would do Starbucks
really, yeah, a single onelike twenty something? Yeah, not just
a drink. Would it's part ofa meal? Sure? Yeah, Greg.
You can always see what movies andwhere they're streaming on the IMDb app.
Jaws is on Peacock. It's alsoon Hulu. Oh it is on

Hulu. Okay, thank you somuch. Text Yeah, we got a
couple of people texting over trying tohelp you out. Now, if you
look at IMDb all the time,you can always buy like, go to
Apple TV. That's true, youcan buy it. I think it's actually
on Apple TV too. I gotto go to IMDb on the app.
I've told you. Peacock is onmy list of things to get. Yeah,
that and what paramount? Oh thatone too, mount Plus. That's
right, that's the one I want. Yeah. Well, it is Nark

Week, Shark Week on Discovery.Nark Week. Here on The Woode Show,
Day number four, Agent Sebastian tryingto get people do the right thing,
return those shopping carts. That's nexthere on the Woody Shows. What
is today's word of the day idiosecrecies in a sentence, his idio syncrecies
are our multitudes? What? What? What multus? Mult The Woody Show.

Well, welcome back everybody. Asyou know, as we mentioned before
the break, it is Nark Week. This is day number four. It's
Shark Week. On Discovery. Itis cart arc Week here on the Woody
Show, annual tradition. Agent Sebastian, our very own agent Sebastian has been
going around how how how long?How many years has this been for cart

narky Six years? Six years ofcard Arks at card Arks on Instagram.
Tons of people have seen it.He is now recognized in parking lots where
he's out there. Yeah, andyet people still do it. Yeah.
I've been setting the example, showingyou. You know, I've been shaming
folks, and people are still doingit. Well, here we are.
That's why it's a continuous, agood reminder for everybody put your shopping cards

back. What's who we got todayfor Nark Week. You know, I've
never noticed the subtle Cartnarks, Cartnarks, Cartnarks in the in the background of
that really beginning Cardnarcs. Yeah,but I never really noticed that little subtle

Yeah, there was some layering goingon there. She's Jaws. Yeah all
right, So what do you gothere? See bask Today's theme is side
missions. So when I'm out inthe parking lots, I see other problems
besides just shopping carts. Biggest oneis people parking over the lines or holding
up the line, leaving garbage inthe carts, garbage we've busted several times,

litter, narcs is out there,and so this is gonna be mostly
parking related and other side issues.So in this one here there's a oh,
there's a well, not an openthere's a parking spot up front that
the lady driving right in front ofthe wal mart sees is being the there
loading the groceries and blah blah blahblah. So she says, oh,
I'd love to have that spot.Yeah, Now it's gonna be a minute
for them to get all their stufftogether and do other things. So she

says, well, I'm going toa wait for that spot in the middle
of the driving lane. She's gotJesus four people behind her and she's now
made half a turn, so thatshe because she doesn't want other someone else
to come into that spot, right, So she's kind of angled herself toward
the spots. Now the other lightcan't get it either. She's got eight
or ten cars total to save herselfthree seconds, right, And so what

you're gonna hear is two things.One someone yelling at her. That's the
first voice. Then I kind ofjoined in and say, you know,
because I try to give help whenI noticed someone's in the right, and
I try to, you know,give so you know, social support.
So you'll hear her, You'll hearme, and you're gonna hear this person
who's being a total just paint inthe butt and see how they react to
being politely asked, Hey, getout of the damn way. All right,

is nark week? What do youshow? Card Narks? But I
agree, you got another parking spots? Right? Well, I kind of
do, ma'm because I'm the cardArks and we worry about parking and stuff
like that. But see what you'redoing is you know, all of us.

That's not nice, geezish. SoI say, oh, you know,
ma'am, she's kind of right,not not. Oh I'm sorry,
I'll get out of the way,shut up and f all of y'all.
Yeah, yeah, I get it. So people out there, when you
know you're wrong, just it's okayto say no, I'm sorry. No,
she can't take those l's, man, Nope, you can't swing around

and just park somewhere else. That'sall yet, because then you got to
walk. She does, She sitsthere and waits and waits because you know
it's their car. What are yougonna do? Shove the car out of
the way. And so I maybe thinking, well, maybe now that
she's calmer and parked, and youknow, maybe she's gonna will you weren't
willing to have a conversation about things, and I mean, now she'll understand
the error of her ways. Ohman, we're just trying to help you

learn. You told me to gofind another poppet space. He's not been
right up, but I'm long.But see, that's the whole point is
when you're yea, when that's thepoint is you don't care. No,
man, I'm trying to help you. So when you are right there for
the longest, you get a wholeWell that's the whole problem with a lot
of people today is they don't careabout others. And response it was you
don't, I don't care and fyou and should the let's talk about what's

actually happened? No, shut up, F you? How do these people
like get from point A to pointbe in life? How do you graduate
school? How do you have ajob where any conversation is shut up an
F you? And how are youthat self confident in that right, and
how do you. Oh, well, because she's a supermodel and a billionaire.
Great, Oh, hold on,you're in this terrible position in life

because of your rotten attitude you've done. Oh sorry, oh wow. The
cardnarks are peaceful, that's right,we're nice that even though this is kind
so okay. Unfortunately she's went in. Oh by the way she came out,
she lift her cart in the spot. But I was some love,
of course, of course. Soin this next one, this man he
has parked in the fire lane rightout in front of the store. Sweet,

and he's not just chilling waiting onsomebody. That happens a lot.
Still no good, but not great. He went inside. He doesn't want
to walk, dude. So Ihave I do have these because this because
I do see this so often,you know, people parking like idiots.
I have these parknark magnets to sayI park like a duty head. Oh
that's a good angle too, SoI put that on his I need some

of those, Yeah, I'll giveyou. I see him a lot when
I stopped at the Candian store onthe Wave in the morning, because that's
because I think I'm only gonna bein for a minute, so I'll park
across three handicap lanes just this week. So you know they parked, so
they parked straight in like they're linedup against the building right. Well,
this person pulled in horizontally across threespots. It's pretty cool. You took

up three spot, pulled up dukesand hazard style right in front of the
store. Took up three spots.Yeah, so I approached, I put
the magnet on and I'm waiting forhim to come out. And he does
come out. He's got two friendswith him. And let's see if he
was like, oh gosh, I'msorry you're parking there are I'm listening,

So you're gonna block everybody else isdriving? Though, what if your grandma
wants to drive through here? Shegotta drive around your car? Man,
First, my name is aes Abashed. With the car you park knocks on
the side. The party's every day. But why do you want to do
that? Though? I don't knowthat's why I want. That's like from

yesterday the empty Threats version of acompetition. I'm fixing to knock this N
word out now, Okay, Whena black guy calls a white guy the
N word. That's pretty cool.You've said that before. That is cool,
that's you know, that's that's yeah. I got an end pass,
essentially, But when he's threatening tobeat my ass kind of cancels it out
and cancels the coolness. Let's notargue. I just want to punch this

guy real quick. We'll be onour way. So he then says,
okay, well, he's just threatenedto punch me twice. He then says,
okay, hold on, maybe I'mgetting a little rash. Come here
real close. Let me tell youagain what I'm gonna know. Well,
guess what, man is. I'mstreet I'm street smart enough, I know
better than that, all right,but I don't want to be knocked out.
I'm talking to you first, Well, you can talk from here.
You just said you want to hurtme, but you parked it for everybody's

way though. But no, firstyou part. Well, I'm staying away
from a safety. We don't dothat because you're being aggressive. Why did
I do it? Might be adangerous who's the annoying who's the annoying bitch
in the background. Well, I'llget her that. She's annoying, but

she's also smart run away helping him. It just help a couple of people
out. So somebody that's acting aggressiveand then suddenly they change where they seem
like they're acting calm and they justwant to talk to you. That's them
setting that his sucker punch. Andhe says, and now he tried to
play on my ego. He says, why are you running away? Because

you're just threatened to knock me outand I don't want to be within range
of your fist. That I meanthat being said, I would have kicked
it. That's hood one on oneright there. And she knew that.
I think she knew that. Imaybe she suspected I wasn't hood savvy,
and you know, it was helpingme out, which is good for her.
Now in is the Woodie Show,It's Nark Week. This is the
date number four of this year's NarkWeek, Shark Week on Discovery. It's

cart Nark Week here on the show. And who is next? Sebt.
So this next dispute was not betweenme and a lazy bones. This was
between two different guys where they oneguy was waiting for the parking spot and
I just happened to notice it.I'd seen him for a while. He
was waiting, wait to waiting again. You're not saving any time just by
the time you drive and park,and you know he's just being lazy.
But another dude kind of been waitingaround the corner. And as the person

in the parking parking spot moved out, the guy farther away who'd been waiting
less swoops in and of course pissesoff the guy who is right there and
waiting longer. They start screaming ateach other at bonus points. One one
in anglace, one in Espagnol.Right, and I jump in, all
right, we're going wrong. We'llcome up kim. So yeah, I

got the old speak English there twentyminutes he's been waiting. That's an exaggerate,
even if that's remotely true. Icould have parked, shopped and lived
exactly so. And I did.I'd see, I seen it. I
saw the situation, and I steppedin with may I say, expert fluent
Spanish, did you okay? Youare see me here? I will say,

I have. He's been waiting herefor a long time, but he
was right here. He was rightye sir key, though self flashing,
you were maybe over the no keynotice the the energy came completely out of

that conversation. Conflict resolution United,Yeah, y y yeah see ID and
Carr. Nice job. So yeah, not everything, you know, I'm
here to I'm here to men fences, all right, So that's good.
We got one dispute resolve of thethree so far. For one more.
Okay, this is a this issomething and people will compare me sometimes to

these auditors, and for folks whoaren't familiar, there's a lot of YouTubers
who what they do. What theydo is they're sort of civil libertarians in
that they take phones or cameras orwhatever, and they go video recording places
where it is legal to video recordplaces, especially in government buildings, and
sometimes people working in and around thosegovernment buildings do not like that. They

walk in like a police station,just to be a dick, right,
and see that's the same exercise theirfirst now here. Okay, this is
class. This is the classic argumentis yes, it's completely legal, and
it is our rights to be ableto do that. What is also correct
in the what are you doing?They are because with cart is there to

be a pest is for no otherreason, You're just that they're looking for
is for people to say this ismy building, right, it's not than
Burnstein. They're not investigating anything inparticular like with the Carton arks, I'm
going after a particular social problem thatI particularly wanting to solve. So that's
why I don't like the comparison becauseto I think what he's I think you're
both correct essentially. So in thisI get tagged in this because this guy,

uh, he invoked my name unfortunately. Yes, So this guy,
he's one of the bigger ones.He's the Long Island auditor. And he
notices that a cop cars pulled upoutside of a bus stop at a home
depot and there's three or four loosecarts sitting around which people are using as
a bench and which I which II don't like that, Yeah, number
one, loose cards, number two. It's just tacky and trashy. If

you learn in that neighborhood to havecarts everywhere. People just kind of sitting
on him and it sucks. Andwe don't know what happened before this.
All we know is the cop isthere and he's asking the guys to get
get the cards back. And thisis what the auditor has to say about
that. Are you part of thecart mark, sir, or the self
a county police department. Okay,sure, are you part of the cart
marks? I don't know who you'stold me you never heard of the cart

narks? I'm responding, are youan agent for the cart marks? Yeah?
Right, see. And that's theother thing. That's the other problem
right there with these auditor types isthey're never funny and interesting, right,
very exciting. Yeah, he justrepeats over and over. He doesn't have
any kind of fun character or littleprops and things. Yeah, magnets,

which goes back, which goes toWood's point. They're just there to push
and push and push. They're notreally trying to solve anything. Really,
They're just there to get a reactionso they can then cry victim and sue
correct. And in this case,I think he's wrong too for the what
I just said, because those cardsshouldn't be there, and people shouldn't.
I don't. You don't have toarrest him for sitting on you know,

home depot cards, but you knowit shouldn't be there, so there should
be some kind of order. It'sa it's a civilized society allegedly, Yeah,
it's you know, so I II hate that he called me into
he called me up there and invokedmy name because in general I do not
agree with the auditors. Sorry aboutthat. You can follow at Menace if
you want to come out to meand am right. Your name is Woody

Producer on Twitter. So yeah,sorry about that. But otherwise we got
some some some positive stuff done there. Yeah, well there you go.
It's a It's nark week, everybody. Yeah, many different situations. Card,
we're on the Nark Week. Whatyou're gonna do? Yeah, you're

parking? There? Are you pokingthis? I'm listening. I'm listening bath,
So you're gonna block everybody else isdriving? Though? What if your
grandma wants to drive through here?She gott drive around your car? Man?
First of all, who are you? My name is a just a
bashion with the car now. Butyour park knocks on the side. It's
every day. But why do youwant to do that? Though? I

don't know. That's why I wantto stay away. All your wildest dreams
will come true after this, notall. What's some a few whatever,
it's the Woody Show. Give meyour teeth, care of them? The
Woody Show. Well tell me ifthis would have gone over with your parents.

Well, probably not. I don'tknow what it is. I'm telling
you right now. Mine would nevergo for it. Okay. Eighteen year
old girl made a PowerPoint presentation withher boyfriend to convince his parents, the
boy's parents, that they should startletting her sleep over. Oh hell,
now let her sleepover. They bothjust turned eighteen, but they're still in

high school when this happened, andtheir main points were they're technically adults now,
they're not stupid, they don't wanta baby because baby equals broke,
right, and they also promised notto stay up late or be loud.
Would your parents go for it,Greg Gory? You know what? I
think they would? What? Yeah, it's so weird because my parents were

mega strict in so many ways,but they were not strict with curfews and
they were not strict with sleepovers.Wow. I could sleep at girls' houses't
matter. Really, I could havepeople over, it didn't matter. Oh
my god. There was mega strictabout school, what I ate and sports.
I was in my twenties and engaged, and my mother and stepfather would
not let us sleep in the sameroom. That's extra. Yeah, that

is what your mom would have gonefor it. Met it's probably done.
No, No, she actually probablywould have. She would have been she
hammered into your head about having sex. Yeah, yeah, pregnant automatically.
Yeah, so she would have beenlike very Samuel, no chance, not
in high school, no way.But I'm also the girl. Yeah,
on the female side, right,Like his parents ended up saying yes,
But like, dude, my question, where are her parents? Right?

What do they think of it?Now? They're both really good students.
They were showing their report cards andthe power point the whole thing. Here's
a little clip of the PowerPoint toeighteen year olds. You guys think there's
gonna be sex, understandable that we'regonna go over your concerns in the slideshow.
Babies never sex means babies equal broke, and I'm not sure any to

be broke. I'm working off ofWalmart. And if you guys need a
little bit more, here's her grace, thank you. Yeah, so dad
mortified. But dad came something likethat, Yeah, I would have never
done that. Yeah, talking aboutsex. No, here's where I think

it was good. Instead of sneakingaround, they went to them right right
upfront about it. Yeah, theywere upfront about it, so as a
parent, that would make me wantto trust them more. I can't tell
you that I would have said,yes, my high school girlfriend, her
parents let me sleep over at thehouse. Yeah, did you guys end
up hooking up? Uh? Likeone time? Yeah? Okay, Well

there you go. I mean,it's gonna happen, regardless that the house
or not. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. I don't want
to enable that's all I know.That's the weird argument. Let me be
ignorant to it. They're gonna doit anyways. Let them do it,
I mean, but I don't wantto give them the permission. Does that
makes sense? You know? Butat least they did a power point and
just didn't just why they were professionalsgrades that was very nerdy of them.

Was Yeah, that's indearing. I'massuming they can figure out condoms and yeah,
sure the pill whatever. Yeah,at least pull out. You know,
would your parents be cool if ittext us? Yes or no?
Over to two two nine eight seven. How do you think your parents would
have handled that PowerPoint presentation? Yesor no? Do you think they would

have gone for it? Two tonine eight seven, But you were here.
Now now welcome back Nark Week.It's going swimmingly. That's the time
was shark. I didn't hear whatlike the big gimmick is this year was

Shark Week. I think Johnson ishosting. I did see that, but
they usually like was it the Rockgoing to fight the shark one year and
then Michael Phelps is gonna Yeah.I saw a lot of stuff that's popping
up on the Discovery Plus. Butit's like Jaws versus whatever. You know,
it's like stupid stuff like that.But they always have like one big

thing and I haven't seen it thisyear. Because of swimming, The mayor
of Paris says that she's still downto swim in the river River send to
you know, show people how safeit is the upcoming Olympics. You know,
concerns are the water is disgusting andthere's even those people the French activists
are threatening to drop turds in itas a protest to those activists are so
hardcore over there there they are.There's always a different protest going on.

And Greg the mayor, says thatthey've so far pumped over a billion dollars
into cleaning up the river. Wow, wow, billion? Yeah, a
billion for it. God, Idon't know. It reminds me. I
forgot what country it was. Butthey were trying to say that the river
water is clean and you can't evendrink out of it, and then the
politician drank out of it and thenimmediately went to the hospital speaking of disgusting.

And I know medic has been dyingto talk about this. I'm I'm
really over bringing her up. Idon't know why we're still talking about Gypsy
Rose. Yeah, oh, Iknow why we are. Well, I
mean, she's knocked up, that'sthe new story. But like, why
are we still talking about this personwhen she first got out of prison,
the story about how her and herboyfriend you know, uh got together to

kill her mom, who deserved it. I'm not, yeah exactly defending the
mom. Yeah, but why isshe being highlighted yea as a celebrity.
Yeah, well, I think she'sstaying in the news because she does have
that reality show and now she justlocked in season two. I mean she
messed up because usually you had thebay, the baby, season three,

the marriage, the big wedding isalways season two. Look, she got
famous for helping to kill her mom. She's expecting her first child with her
boyfriend now. For those keeping scoreat home, In less than a year,
she's been released from prison, abrief marriage and even quicker divorce,
got a nose job, still inbredlooking, new guy, now knocked up.

This new guy baby daddy she metthrough a prison pen pal program.
The new guy is actually an oldguy before her, and they started talking
again after her divorce. This currentguy, yeah, she she dated him
in prison and then they broke up. And then she got with that other
guy and married that other guy.But here's here's another thing. People say,

I'm not charitable, I have nointerest in talking about this, but
medicine has been dying to bring itup on the entertainment blocks. But here's
another thing. She dropped the registryonline immediately filled the public, bought every
single item. Yeah, it wassold out immediately. People beat me to

it. Tex says, it's thesame reason you still talking about the Houktua
girl. No, she's entertaining.Okay, I haven't watched the Gypsy road
Show yet. Two different things.I mean, like to be fair,
and that still is right. Youhaven't watched it. Maybe you would find
her captivating and we're still in themoment of it. But again, like,

why do we take these people likethis and make them into something that
they don't deserve to be in thefirst place. Well, to be honest,
not say the mom was a goodperson. At the same time,
you really did help murder somebody,to be honest, if you if you
watch the show Gypsy Rose actually saysthe same thing. She says, like,
I don't know why, like I'mbeing this way and say no like

that, I know that is veryinstance. Bands go we didn't want to
be famous. Why did you signwith a major record? Like are you
selling out? Arenas? Then?I mean, if you have the opportunity
to get free money and be honest, I would like it would be very
hard to say no, it wouldbe yea, but you would just come
out and say, oh, yeah, I sold out. Like we've said
that before. The people who saythey wouldn't sell out and the people who

have never had the opportunity to whosell absolutely right taking or take an opportunity
like that. She may not understandit, but she should at least be
like you should at least put anend of the sentence as I don't know
why people are treating me this way, like I'm some sort of celebrity.
But I'll take it right, Yeah, I'm loving it right. But it's
great. Yeah, you know becauseI got my whole baby registry filled.

Yeah, awesome, that is great. Good for her. There's so many
people who are needy, that's true, right when you think about that,
Like, there are so many peoplekill their legitimately need help with stuff,
non murderers. They need socks andT shirts and things like that. On
the meal. Jeff Bezos X wifeis for Okay, that's why we have

Mackenzie eight seven seven forty four.Woodie hit us up with the text over
to two to nine eight seven moreWooden shows. Next show, He'll be
right back. Meanwhile, will continuous, endless search for the perfect wig.
Yeah, I'm a hair plex.Sorry, I'm hair system. That's not
my scalp. I have light brownhair with bald highlights. Return. Hey,

it's man, it's check out theLazy Dog restaurants made to order lunch
specials three dollars off road trip bolesand other delicious meals starting at only eight
dollars and seventy five cents, availableevery day, until four pm. Order
for bickup or delivery free delivery onorders over twenty five dollars Lazydog Restaurants dot
com. All right, so oneperson is going to be the human cornhole,
human corn hole cocktail weeniet. Okay, that one rolled off his chin

up his space man. We areinto another new hour in sensitivity training for
a politically correct world. It isThursday morning, it's pre Friday. It
is July the eleventh, twenty twentyfour. We are the one to show.

I'm Weddy. That's great, gory. Menace is here? What is
up? Woody? There is seaBass, got Sammy fones. They're open
eight seven seven four Woody. That'seight seven seven forty four. It's up
for the text to ninety seven finIt's on social media at the Woodie Show,
on the social media platform of yourchoice. So many things want I

get to and talk about this hour, but you know we want to learn
something too. It's always it's notjust all fun and games. Sometimes it's
educational here on the Woody Show.Thirst for knowledge. That's right. Especially
one person here and that's a littlebuddy, that's menace. Wow, And
it's time for the menace word ofthe day. Yes, this is gentleman
word of the day. Now wehave some new listeners, so they might

be shocked by what's about to happen. Menace is not a fourth grade studio.
Yeah, Menace is very good atwhat Menace knows. One thing he's
not very good at is not havingdyslexia, English language spelling, you know,
things of that nature. Comprehension,right, yeah, So the Menace

word the day. We're trying toexpand his vocabulary from somewhere from blood and
dog and yeah, seen it that. We're just trying to add some words
to his vocabulary. And so wehave a word of the day calendar,
and on that calendar is the wordof the day. It's got a pronunciation,
as he would call a pronunciation guy. Oh yeah, that's very helpful.

The definition, the definitions, andof course a sentence the perfectly easy
sense from real publications where the wordis being used. And so the Menace
word of the day. Yes,all right, Greg, did you give
him the page? He's got itall right, Menace? What is today's

word? I feel like I've seenthis word before, but to remember how
to say it is pretty hard.Ignorant NamUs uh ignor my minos Now I
know it's like it's on the topof my head right now. Texting your

guess is to Yeah, the spellingis I g N O M I N
I O U S say it again. Well, that's for you to tell
us. I know, I'm tryingto remember the pronunciations right there. Oh
I don't have Okay, yeah,that doesn't help the menace. How do

you say it? Well like breakingigno mean I can't again say it?
You were so close just there,ignom, menace getting closer monos and so

forget the I G I G NO right, just M I N I.
Oh, yes, just by itself. If you just drop the I
G n the whole show again menace. I'm trying to Yeah, okay,
just put your put your thumb overthe I G N O part, that
last part starting with the letter M, Like, how would you say that
if that was just the word byitself? What I got that part right?

Take out the first four letters,because that's the part you're having the
hard time with ce. So like, how would you pronounce that many?
Ignominious? That's right there, andyou said I would be no help ignominious
just power through and be wrong.It's like the slow and down, A

hold up the show. Ignominious Nowgood that I actually I was totally wrong
on that. Then, I've neverheard this word. What did you think
it was? I? Yes,correct, because he loves the letter R.
He does. It's not there,it ends, ends and into stuff.

Never heard this word before? Well, let's learn more about it.
What's the what's the definition there?Definition number one? Mark by are attended
with ignormory, despicable, humiliating andignominious retreat. Doesn't really none of that

makes sense to me, bearing aredeserving? I uh, I can put
the words on for the next time. Let's have something like, actually,
ready, give us those two definitions, Greg, for the for the audience.
I'm afraid of the noun of itbecause is ignominy. I would think

it was okay, well marked byor attended with ignominy just creditable, humiliating
or I'm sorry, humiliating, anignominious retreat, bearing or deserving ignominy contemptible.
Oh wow, I'm looking at hereand this both pronunciations are acceptableinating See

you got it, Greg, I'mproud of you. All right, menace
word of the day the word usedin a sentence. Okay, Papa John
Shatner suffered what suffered an ignominious uhoyster from ulster oulcer, from his anominous

organation, what impominous organization for usingthe N word in context allegedly sadly he
is his sadly his uh contribution forhis culinary world, to the culinary world.

Yes, where was that? Itwasn't fit it just it does,
said sadly, his contribution to theculinary world, you said four, Oh
right, sorry, world of garlicparme Jean bred six who will be ignored
in his in the history books thatis Food and Wine Magazine, July twenty
twenty four. Can you send mea link to that could be good so

for them like that quote, it'sabout how Papa John got kicked out of
Papa John's Papa John schnett Er,by the way, Yeah, because he
was. He was like an investorcall, and he was talking about how
like Colonel Sanders used the N word, but instead of saying as I said,
yeah, John straight up said itoh public on an investor call in

context? Even why do you loseyour why do you read that? I
mean two things can be true atthe same time dumb to bring up.
Also, you's your company because youquoted a guy and I didn't contact.
I think when it's coming from aguy who's got a big, giant bronze
eagle in the foyer of his houselike that, like that adds some context
to it as well. Yeah,I can take it to things could be

a true on the same time,like just like Gaudy Well, I think
his his investors are saying, oh, this guy's completely moronic. We shouldn't
yeah invest in him because this showspoor leader. It's just this part of
having a public company is yeah,yeah, get tossed. But hey,
shout out to the Chakaroni pizza,right man, it's word of the day,

you guys. Yes, the boy'sbrain doesn't heard after that. I'll
try to add that to the rotationof words, but I don't think it's
not going to make We'll never hearit again. That's right, igr menials.
We're gonna take a break. Morewhat he shows next? Hang on
more wood show thought about you?Greg? Oh nice? This week is

a nude recreation week. Nude right, okay? You like the nude out?
I do? I spend a lotof time in his backyard nudees.
I don't, I don't. Iactually had them disappeared recently. Yeah.
Gone, is that from all thenude now? Yeah? Pretty much flying
on the raft like nude. No, like anything like that. No,

but then remember I asked you guys, if you can sunburn your your unity
got a cod piece, So thenI would take the bathing suit and just
kind of like drape it over.So not totally nude, okay. Well.
Nude Recreation Week is celebrated across thecountry every year in the week after
Independence State and aims to celebrate lifeoutside the limitations of clothing and to celebrate

the human body in its most naturalform. And it encourages us to let
go of our inhibitions and misconceptions nudity. I'll never let it go. I
mean, it's fun to nude out, but not around others nude activities.
It couldn't be a I couldn't doit like a nudist colony or no way.

I admire the people that have thatconfidence, I really do. And
I know there's the type of peoplewho you don't normally want to see naked,
like a nude beach or a nudistcolony, but I admire the confidence.
Greg. Can I ask you aquestion because we were talking about I
think you brought it up. Wewere talking about, Hey, you know,
blah blah blah blah, but it'skind of gay, yes, whatever,

you know, asking different things.Is this gay? As a gay
considering getting a spray tan for thevery first time ever before I go to
Mexico on the no kids vacation beforeyou go to Mexico. Yeah, let
me tell you why I end upfor a base right, No, no,

no, it's not for that.It's it's all because the people that
we go, So it's myself andmy wife. My wife always gets a
spray tan, Okay, before wego on trips like this. The other
couple we're going with, they're bothlike full blood Italian, super dark tan,
just naturally right. And then theother couple that we go with,

they both get spray tanned. SoI'm literally this white blob. Yeah,
because of course, chicks love gettingpictures, and as soon as we get
to the resort, we got toget this like, you know, group
photo. Here's us having our firstdrink, and I'm always this like white
like a urinal blob, and I'mthinking, by the end of the week,

i have plenty of color. Sobecause I'm in the water the entire
time, I'm I'm out there.I'm not hiding under you know, I'm
out there in the sun. Soby the end of the week, fine,
But for the first like four days, five days, I'm the white
blob and all the photos. SoI considered because Bert Kreischer was talking about
it, I asked him about it. He does it all the Yeah,
so is that gay? You know, I'm gonna say because I'm a big

fan of grooming, you know,procedures and cosmetic procedures. I love all
that stuff. I love face masksand all that. So I'm gonna say
no. I think it's in yourcase exactly the scenario you described. It's
almost logical, you know, right, And that's the only reason I'm doing

it. Yeah, it doesn't.I'm gonna say no. The only person
I still do any kind of coloringwith my facial hair or anything because and
when I'm gonna be in a situationwhere there's a lot of photos. Yeah,
I've told you, my entire disappears, my entire beard is not is
not gray. But there are areasof gray, and so when there's a
photo the flash and stuff, it'slike a green screen. The stuff that's

gray, the flash, it lookslike I had a spotty caveman beard.
That's the only reason. Once I'mdone with this and doing stuff where I
have to get a lot of pictures, no more face coloring stuff. Yeah,
I think, yeah, I thinkpretty photos. Pre Tanning for vacation
is ridiculous. I can see likewhen we're like gonna host an event and

stuff like that and then a lotof photos and videos and stuff like that.
That makes sense, but pre tanningis a little ridiculous, or like
actual tanning spree. Yeah, tanning. But I see how you're being forced
into it. I'm not being forcedinto it. It's just you are.
You don't like myself in any photosto begin with. You guys know this.
Yeah, I hate that's the waywe use cartoon characters. I hate

how I look in photos because Iknow how I look. I'm not a
good looking person, Okay, butwhen I am surrounded by people who are
all of it's beautiful tropical location,it looks really nice. And then there's
my big white blob and yeah,my shirt is not necessarily off. But
if I have like a tank topon the beach or whatever, like,
I won't have like, uh,you know, the farmer tan looking thing.

My face won't be just like glowingwhite. Yeah, I get that.
Yeah, I think you should dothe spray tan. I think you're
being forced that you don't have anytan lines when you get there. You
want to look good on your vacation. Yeah, okay. So here's a
couple of things on the text.Right away. As a female, let
me say this is a billion percentgay. I joined late. What if

you have to ask if it's gay, it's gay. No, spray tan
is one hundred percent gay for anyman, regardless of the rationale. This
one says its spraytan is hella eighties? Is that an eighties thing? No?
Two thousands? Yeah? I didearly two thousands for a radio bit.
Then I think they ended up doingit on friends actually like Seinfeld or

something. But we did it toomuch as a radio sign on like how
many times we could do it,and we actually like turn green whoa,
Yeah we I think it was likesix times in a row. See,
I think are eighties. Yeah,spray tans are like Jersey, Sure,
Jim tanned laundry. Gross. Ithink if you said, hey, I'm
going on vacation and before I go, I'm getting a manny petty, that

might be gay. I've never doneright. No, they want of those.
I know you haven't, neither haveI. But I think that but
a spraytan, what the spray tanwill wash away, wouldn't it? No,
spraytan it lasts long enough that bythe time it last fades. Right,
by the time it fades, Iwill have color for said, being
out of the water the whole time, the sun the whole time. If
you're in a pool, it canwash away. If you go in the

ocean, you're fine. Yeah,I mean I'm there's there's pool time.
Yeah, ninety percent of my timeis ocean time. But if you did
it days before, you should befine. I'm not sitting out of the
lounger tanning. By the way,you guys are like the foil folio looking
thing, and I'm not. I'mnot laying out to get color. I'm
just it just happens because I spendso much time in the water. Yeah,

you're at a resort, Yeah,but you're being forced into it.
Don't lie to yourself. No,nobody's asking me doing it. I thought
they're like burning you because you're theone that's standing on the photos. But
they're not. Nobody said anything tome about it. It's Woody that's giving
himself like, hey, maybe thismight be a good idea. I think
it's a fun idea. Fun.Yeah, it is fun. And you

know you have to get into oneof those like little cod pieces and they
spray you. Yeah, in thestudio, the dog like little tent that
they bring with them. Yeah,you can get air brushed. Yeah,
my wife goes to someplace and yeah, it's like a you know, and
here's a dumb question because I've neverdone it. An actual human does it

right? It's not a machine.Well, a spray tan is a machine,
airbrush human human. The human operates. You don't just stand there sprays
you. Correct, you can Howmuch hand are they gonna need for your
cheeks, for your cheeks, foryour ass? I wasn't thinking about your
cheek cheeks. I have a tinybut I have a tiny solid but it's

everything else. It's like my gutthat's big. Yeah. Yeah, what
do you do the exact same thingbefore vacation? So I don't look like
a flashlight in the dark. Thisone says straight Mexican man. Here,
I say, do it. Uh, just get ahead of it and start
natural tanning. Now I get alittle bit sun beforehand. Look, that's

what I'm I'm outside somewhat, youknow, just not as much, you
know to Really, I would Iagree with this text. I wouldn't say
it's gay, but it's definitely moreof a girl thing. Yeah, yeah,
no, I absolutely is. Yeah, but no, I think it's
a smart idea. I'm just throwingit out there. I wanted to see
what you thought. I definitely thinkyou should do it before another big event

that we have. Though, whyI don't care about the events. You
take way more photos and videos there. No, I know, but this
is different because everybody that I'm withis and the lighting it makes you even
more white. You're like so pasty, and so you say that. Meanwhile
you're telling me not to do it. Now, here's a thought. I
just said before events, not vacations. Here's a thought. What's the difference.

But you're agreeing that he looks pastywhite exactly because vacation I feel is
unnecessary. Events I feel is necessary. Really, I I kind of feel
like I I mean, I wantto look good at both if I can,
but when you're on vacation, youkind of want to look good.
And when you tan, your teethlook wider, and you psychologically feel healthier

when you have color, you know, because we actually see sunlight. But
my thought is this, if yourvacation is a couple months away, shouldn't
you try it first? Because whatif you do it, it looks ridiculous
and you look even dumber than youwould if you were. That's a good
that's a good point. So maybetry it first, you know, a

couple months before your vacation. Yeah, what it looks like? Just because
of how we ask questions around herewith Greg on this kind of stuff.
But I'm not worried about quote lookinggay. I really why would you look?
I say all the time, likeGreg, we should make out,
like you know, I'm not worriedabout anbody getting the wrong idea. It

was just one of the I've justnever done it before. Yeah, yeah,
I know a couple of dudes thatdo it, but not a ton.
I'm just kind of wondering what theconsensus was just in general. I'm
just throwing it out there. Ithink I'm going to do it just to
try it. That's a good pointabout doing it beforehand, because it might
look dumber than you think. Butif it sucks, is our way to
at least remove it. Remove thestuff from like your face and like the

exposed areas. Alright, I don'tknow. I can you use like I
don't know, but like gas ona rag or something and just rub it.
That's rubbah. Yeah, there couldbe baby oil or something. Again,
we should do it at the stationin the studio eight seven seven forty
four Wooding. Let us know whatyou think on the text two two nine
eight seven will be right back.The Woody Show will be right back,

LA's new alternative Woody Show. Soa couple of things happening. Costco is
raising their membership prices in September.The regular membership's going up by five bucks,
the executive one is going up byten dollars, and the company is

really making sure. They point outthey haven't raised any prices on the membership
since twenty seventeen. Oh wow,so yeah yeah, And they say that
the fees help them stay competitive againstthe other guys like Sam's Club and BJ's
First of all BJ's see jays.Bad news for seafood fans. A new
study has found that high levels offiberglass are being found inside oysters and mussels

for the first time because the dumboysters and the muscles they're ingesting a huge
number of the particles they mistake forfood. Oh, Tommy, he's smarter.
Dumb, Like, that's all Isaid about. You know, dolphins
and turtles. People talked about thesix pack rings. It's like, well,
then don't put your head in there, or don't try to eat it.
Stupid dolphin. Oh no, stopthat. What got to cut those

up? Yes, religiously, Ihave never cut one. Awful Why do
you want to kill animal? Idon't understand how it goes from my house
into the ocean, gets into theocean. Say, if I'm at the
ocean, you have one of thosesix packs, I make sure it goes
in the trash. Yeah, you'renot the one dumping it in there,
but like wherever your trash gets pickedup and taken to, maybe they're taking

it out of a boat and justpushing it over. I don't know,
maybe sometimes it ends up out there. Always cut those Yeah, I make
sure I clean up my trash atthe beach. Uh. I was reading
a little bit more. I sawa couple of the headlines. I really
lost interest in the Nathan's Hot Doggetting contest because of the Joey chest nothing.
I'm not impressed by this guy thatwon this year. There's so much
drama around it this year. Whateverhis name is. I love the lemonade

barfing that was. That's just therule. But anyway, this Nick guy
is being accused of cheating. Yeah, his hand movements were very odd.
Yeah. They say that he wasstealing plates from another competitor's stack and putting
them down in front of himself toget the count above fifty, which I
guess is considered the threshold separating everydaycompetitors from the true wiener kings. Right,

oh my god, you got toget at least fifty. Doesn't each
person who's competing have like a judgeright in front of them, also a
whole crowd in front yeah yeah,and multiple cameras. So they are doing
an investigation. Major League Eating,the mL which sanctions Nathan's famous Hot Dog
Geting contest and handles. The officialjudging for the event said that it conducted

an official investigation that are being madeaware of the accusations, but no word
yet on what that investigation found.Dunt dund dum. Yeah, I know
you're not interested, but actually thiskind of drama and the puking keeps them
in the news, you know,because if they just had some random winner,
it'd be here today, gone tomorrow. But I again, like you

whatddy though, I am excited forthe Kobeyashi versus on Netflix. That's gonna
be fun. They're doing that oneover Labor Day. I could have sworn
Kobyoshi retired. So weird. Moreand more athletes are getting caught betting on
games. You got this former TorontoRaptors player John tay Porter. He put
guilty yesterday to wire fraud conspiracy.It was a gambling scheme that ended his

NBA career. Worth it, totallyworth it, And during his appearance in
court, he admitted to sitting outsome games to help some bets that had
been placed on his performance. Wow. And an NBA investigation even found out
that this douchebag he plays multiple betson basketball games, including betting against his
own team. Now here's what's crazy, all right, man? So the

guy's betting, and he's facing upto twenty years in prison because of the
wire fraud. Oh that's why alwayswire fraud is automatic ten years. But
he agreed that he's not going toappeal any sentence under five years. He's
also gonna be paying big fines.But you know, this is the kind

of thing where I'm like, allright, wire fraud, think non violent
stuff. Yeah, like why twentyyears? Like meanwhile, you hear about
these other stories people doing really saltand robbery. Yeah, and they go
for like what six months a year? I agree, the wire fraud charges
stuff is like very old timey.It started with the uh, with the

drug dealers. That's how they canbust them and the right. Yeah.
So and even even the mafia too, they always get him on mail fraud
and stuff like that. Yeah,so they made those charges huge so they
could keep those guys in jail.But I agree with you because, like
again, we were reading a storyabout violent crime of like this guy who

robbed somebody for a Rolex watch andthen he only got probation ends up going
out and running over some lady duringa robbery and killing her. And meanwhile,
this guy, this idiot just gambling. Gambling is getting twenty years or
could get twenty years, could gettwenty years. Will Let's say you're an
athlete and you're just jonesing to gamble, like clearly he was because he got

in trouble for it. Wouldn't youjust if you were in that position,
use a proxy, like I wouldjust go to right, why are you
doing it? Like I would justgo to Woody and be like, hey,
look, I think we're gonna losetonight. I want you to put
ten grand for us to lose tonight. I'm not gonna do it, but
I would get a friend to doit. You don't text that person either,

No, email that person. Youtalk, just talk right and say,
look, hey, I have ahurt right knee. I'm gonna do
terrible tonight. Bet ten grand againstme and I'll go down in the third
or whatever. Yeah, but I'mnot gonna do it myself. No,
no, no, But these guysaren't smart, man, They're dumb.
They're apparently counted with a ball ora bat or you know whatever it is.
Yeah, outside that they run fast, right, Yeah, they're dumb.

Eight seven seven forty four Woody isthe number here. If you want
to call in eight seven seven fortyfour, Woody hit us up with the
text you can do that, andwe are into yet another new hour of
insensitivity training for a politically correct world. It is Thursday morning. It's July

the eleventh, twenty twenty four.That's Greig Dory high. Woody, there's
a minute. What is up,Woody, Sea Baske, good morning to
you. Oh we out here,there's Sammy. We got the phones open
eight seven seven forty four. Woody, you can hit us up with a
text over to two to nine eightseven. We got this week in audio,

Sea Bass What he got for us, let's start from the follow up
dot com news desk. What hebrought us a story of Matthew Pancake.
Who his name is Matthew Pancake.It was in that big long report on
rednecks right there was so there hasbeen so much redneck news here. Recently.
He went on a crime spree inOhio, including a Roosters which I

went to a resource when I wasshooting that movie in Ohio. And it's
a nice little chain. You gotpizzas, beards, all that kind of
stuff. It was also stopped bya pet store stole a bunch of pets.
Let a bunch of pets loose,and we have bodycam of mister Pancakes
arrest. I'm not calling it,but this might be a candidate for the
best audio of the year. Ohjust check out this first sentence. Okay,

here we go under. So washe known by the police, apparently
because they found him he's in alike a leopard print one piece on sie,
sleeping on a city bench. SoI think he may be known,
as they say, known to lawenforcement. Never forget he had hamsters stuck
in his pain. Well, hey, let's not forget that, you know,

because we're gonna find that out herein just a moment. So here
they are wrestling and getting because he'skind of like napping. He's just a
cute little napping guy. So theywrestle him into cups here, all right,
don't the cops are aggressive but respectful. And as when he just hinted

at yes, that pet store includedhe had some animals on him somehow,
like stuffed up the leggings of whyhe was refusing to roll over on his
belly, and him stuffed down thefront of his pants. He'd crushed the
Well, here's what the cops found. All right, take it on your
in the name of the law,pancake. Wow, I don't think cops

actually said that. What year isthis by the authority? They mister pancake,
that's so funny. On your seriousbreaking, that's so funny. They

were kind of at the time theygot him finally arrested, they were kind
of down by his ankles. Idon't know they so they start going through
his ankles like a lot of peopledon't know the difference between gerbils and the
hamsters. What is the girls havetails? Yeah, hamsters just have a
little Is it legend? Is iturban legend that gerbils are used for sexual

purposes? Well that was the oldRichard gear. Yeah, we had hamsters
one time, but then she gotpregnant ate her babies, so okay.
So uh so there that happens asea bass from his youth story discussing gross.
So so they get down there andthey, oh, oh my god,
there are gerbils or hamsters whichever ithappens to be in his pants,

and then they make sure to radiothat back into the headquarters. Multiple,
multiple, multiple durbles re covered multipleOh my god, think this was real

sounds like a cartoon does. Bythe way, this is from the we
played this. This is a YouTubechannel Police Activity. They got to lunch
of great videos. That's where youcan find That's where you can find the
Matthew Pancake arrest video. Multiple Wow, that's funny, mister Pye Cake.
By the that's right in the nameof the law of the law, mister

this weekend audio. All right,let's fun arrest audio here. This is
a TMZ has this video from aUnited flight to Miami to Newark, the
lovely city of Newark, New Jersey, and this lady who sounds like she's
from that area, she got intoa fight over probably something very important,
to the point that she was beingzip tied. Because now now we're we
are now at the point where everyplane basically has those zip tie handcuffs on

board because so many of your maniacsout there that just getting arrested left and
right every day. So there's ziptimer and she's actually she bit a piece
of the flight attendant's shirt off.She like reaches over his bash and then
she as she's getting coughed. She'snow mad at everyone for observing that she's
getting cuffed, she's yelling, she'sscreaming, including this one. Lady all

right nothing, old lady, LadyRussia, Lady Russia. Where are you
from? Old lady yea to Russia? Lady couded, Old greg That that

Brooklyn accent so sexy, Bronx queens. What do you think that is one
of those old lady? Oh mygod, Jenny from the block exactly sexy.
So good for her. She endedup well. The good part about
that is it left from Miami.She got into a fight almost immediately they
landed in Orlando and then everyone gotdelayed. They didn't you know, they've

gotten a whole new flight cruise.So thanks a lot, bitch. And
I'm sure she's out in free todo it again. Sure she just left
her on the flight zip tide witha sock in her mouth, exactly.
Ever yelled about going back to Russia, right and every time. I just
watched this other video where this womangets pulled over by the cop. She
has no license, you know,she's not supposed to be on the road.
She's got this other worn out forher arrest, and she's yelling and
screaming at this cop about how wellhe has no right, and she's done

nothing wrong. You just heard itright there. I don't need a license,
Like you're not required to have alicense for a private vehicle. This
is not a commercial VI that's asovereign citizens what that is? And yeah,
she's carrying on and on and on, and then when these people finally
are getting arrested, they're yelling andscreaming. In case anybody's videotaping, men

go, I didn't do anything.You're doing this for nothing. You're gonna
be in trouble and trying, Ithink, just to intimidate whoever's arresting them
into not doing what they're supposed todo with their job because they're worried about
getting fired. Of course, Well, can we off I think this lady
on the flight here's biting off flightattendants clothing. Can we throw her on
the island of menace? Yeah?Like that. You're not You're not deserving

a civilized to cook. There's likea little ramp on the back of the
plane. We can open up andjust shove her out. Movies they drop
tanks out of instill cars in theFast and Furious Southwest, has that right
exactly? I'm sure all right,this other guy. This making national news
out of Philly. This is uh, the man who's wearing a T shirt
with a candy cane on it andthe lettering says, it's not going to

lick itself nice. He's at adollar Tree store off Snyder Avenue of Philly.
This dollar Tree is next to theother store, which is a space
available. Tells you what kind ofnice a nice shopping set of that is,
and uh, he leaves a pieceof himself on a lady. Yeah,
this story has been blown up.And here's there's a little bit of
the audio because she she thankfully shegot some video of him running away from

her. Yeah, yeah, allwe go keep my you go back.
Yeah, he finished on her lega couple of things there. As a
man, I don't understand how Icould become aroused to that. That's what
we were saying. Yeah, fat, fat, thank you, that's what
yea. How you time it?Yeah, and how you see with the

hard time getting all the different elementsof dinner together, like and everything else
are all meanwhile this guy it's likea magician's dollar Yeah, so you he
couldn't have been prepared kind of alittle bit walking I don't know. Of
course, that moment can escape veryquickly. So the fact that he's able
to, I could get it,maintain it, walk around this room or

at a dollar tree getting prepared either. It's unbelievable. He's a medical marvel.
Well he of course he has turnedhimself in after the video, and
I think Meek Mill even shared thevideo mat Yeah, meek Mill actually put
a bounty and offered money to bounty. Yeah, this is my favorite part
is from one of the news storiesis he's known to frequent the plaza there
and the nearby underpass. Again,more people we don't need in society.

I have yet to hear the updateof whether or not her leg is pregnant.
Yeah, I mean that's the onething is at the very least,
I mean, it sucks. Iget it. She's obviously traumatized, as
the words go. At the endof the day, it's just her leg.
Thank god. Again another candidate forthe island guy, guy who's not
gonna lick it way with that check. Well, we're gonna take a quick
break. We got more of thisweek in audio coming up for your next
hang on rich hands in a second. If you go out in the hall

and test fire and there's no smell. And then you come in here an
you far loud Woody Show. Ohwe're back at it. We're going through
some of the week in audio.What's next to your sea bass? How
about some nice her audio? Somethingmore pleasant? This is from the It
was pretty much enjoying mister pancake.Pancake was great, and we had a

let's her a good audio from Yeah, yeah, the lady who lay and
the glazed on the leg in Philly. The other lady who got arrested on
the plane. Yeah, well,thanks to Menace, he's gonna appear to
brighten our dairy with a little miniedition of the Woody Shows. Local News.
Oh all right, so show localnews that it's official. And this
is from CBS News. Who founda crossing guard? Oh all right,

who is a special lady. Let'splay the intro here and then I'll show
you a picture of it. Okay, for students, crossing the busy streets
of Brooklyn can be nerve wracking,But in the distance, these kids see
something full of joy. My nameis esthera Bishop aka Star, and I
am the dancing cool cingar. Ilet them know we've got them dance.

For fifteen years, Star has beena member of the n WIDPD Crossing Guards.
Her goal is to make every driversee her. But she's really transformed
this street into a stage. Howcan they miss her? So she is.
Yes, they pay people at LipayCrossing Guards and I just old people
to volunteer in New York. Wow, she gets paid eighteen dollars an hour

and she has she's a crazy person. Yes, she's got all kinds of
face makeup like purple and green andblue. Now, Greg, we know
how much you love a nose piercing. This takes it to the next list.
So it's a nose piercing that isconnected with the chain to her hair
parings. And then she has agold headband. She's wearing these nit gloves
and a pearl thing on her head. Yesl I mean yeah, she's an

insane person who works for the cityaround your children, and she looks like
the kind of person you try tokeep away from kids. And she's dancing
in the middle of the street.But that's why, because that's why the
local news is there. I thinkthey picked us up nationally even but in
great Brooklyn accent there too, verysexy so uh, here is esther?
Aka Star? Why is she?Why is she so crazy? What's her

goal? What's my goal? Everyday? To do this right here?
You meet people you need, youseeing your faith again, uplifting people,
that's my goal? Well the goal? Can you have better? For a
crossing guard named Star? It's fittingshe makes this corner of this city shine
bright? Wow, yeah, greatvoy And you know I couldn't be more

sappy than sweet like I love hermessage. Don't get me wrong, But
if I saw her dancing in thestreet like that, I would call the
police owner. I'm a crazy personin the street. Let's think about it
in any other situation. Let's saythat she shows up to apply, and
let's say she had a nursing degree. She shows up to interview for a
job as a nurse, green facepain. Is she getting hired? I

don't think she is. She goesto the school. Forget the crossing guard
thing for a second. She goesto the school applies for a job of
any kind. You want to servepotatoes, yeah, lunch lady, janitor,
anything else They're going. We appreciateyou coming by today. We'll call
you. I'm dancing. There's noway she does her makeup like Mimi from

The Drew Carey Show. Yeah,but with about fifteen more pounds of other
things. Right, nothing wrong withher message. She really likes to bedazzle
her face. Does her message isdancing the street? All right? This
weekend audio Okay, it has SteveCarell crossed over into unfunny old grump oo.
This is audio BBC Radio one wherehe's talking. They had some lady

call in and she said she hatesthat's what she said jokes. How first
off, how dare she? Andof course Steve Carell formerly Michael Scott,
the King and Popularizer, If that'swhat she said. Here was his Here
was his take on it. Also, listen to a really good radio host
that's being really truthful and honest.Here walking around with my kids and someone
would roll down the window of theircar and scream that's what she said.

What what What I can't one ofyour most popular catch phrases. People don't
do that when you were mega fat? What I can't? But how of
the goal? Yeah, that's justobnoxious attention, fellow broadcasters. Stop lying
to everybody your reactions. No onebelieves you anyway, Steve says, not
only not only was he he wasso shocked and appalled when people would yell

that to him. He has hiskids around, but now he won't even
autograph photos with that. Oh yeah, that sucks. Well, whenever I'm
asked to sign that, I won't. I'm glad that I just can't.
I can't abide by that sort ofthing. It was fun in the moment,
and certainly that character thought it wasfunny, which was the joke,

because it was even a bad jokeback then, it wasn't very was did
not have a good sense of humor. So I think people forget that,
Yes he did. That's why hewas so likable, because even though he
was a dope, he was superlikable. What he doesn't want it to
die? But I'm on on eastside here, like we we know it

was it, we know it.That's what she said, wasn't. But
then the other people in the office, Jim and the Pam, they got
on board with that's what she said, had fun with it. You know
why, because it's fun because itwas huge. That's what she said.
To be at the point where Iwon't even like autograph it. No,
it's not like And by the way, it's not like Steve carl that's the
only thing he's got. He's done, He's got a great career. Yeah,

if you if you autograph things likethat, no one's gonna say,
Oh, he's just so, that'swhat she said. It's like how there
was a show Different Strokes. GaryColeman was Arnold Jackson. In the show,
Gary Coleman would refuse the what you'retalking about willis, which was that
was his catchphrase, and that wouldhe was actually known for. Yes,
like that's and that was pretty much. He's done it way more, but

still it's a big thing. That'swhat she says. And it's back what
we talk about with our good personalfriend Mark McGrath. If people like you
for something, they're doing it becausethey like you. Why ruin their joy?
I'm making fun of you. Leadsinger of Sugar Ray, who they
have really gone all into, justleaning into the nostalgia part of people love

their songs. You don't have tocome up with a whole bunch of new
stuff and tore on new albums.I want to talk about my Sharknadiove appearance.
You just want all those big oldSugar Ray hits when they go out
and they see the show, andso he's just given the people what they
want. Now, Greg, let'ssay you're listening to the show on BBC
one and you're not enjoying what you'relistening to. What other options might you
have? Oh? You have somany choices. Yeah, I don't like

what's on channel one. I'll goto Channel two. Yeah, BBC two,
Radio three or four. Yes,full choices with choice. I don't
perhaps enjoying Baby one, flip overthe baby C two. I got interviewed
by one of those channels when Iwas in London breakfast show, well,
no, no, by a TVshow. I was walking. It was

rainy of the rainy surprise London morningand they just had elections in London.
The guy walks up to me withhis camera crew. SHO was on Mike
in my face, which is quiterude, don't I don't do that night,
But anyway, I played along.What were your thoughts on the election
last night? Well you could tellat my accent I know a lot about
it. I want to talk toyou, and he goes, all right,
thank you mate, I appreciate it, alright, all right, brought

cheers. He was nice about it. Let's go up this super muscular,
handsome man and find out what hethinks about the election. He slams lots
of chicks. That's pretty cool.Yeah, this shows you it wasn't.
Yeah, I'm not walking around likesome dopey tourists, socks up to my
knees and my glasses on with thewide shirt. Yeah, he's like I
said, proper London chat bro texthere says you guys are all ugly except

for Morgan and Sammy, and you'reall being dicks about the crossing guard Lady
one. You're forgetting it. Didn'twe say she had a nice message?
Wouldn't we agree with it? Arepleasant? I didn't say that? Oh
said that? And also Greg Gregoryis pretty too. And when you are
see it's it's if you're a beautifulperson, you're not supposed to talk about
ugly people, right because that's that'srude. But when you're a fellow fat

ass or a fellow FuG you knowwhat I mean, Like you could talk
about ugly and fugly fat people andit's fine. It's having the past.
It's like being black and being ableto use the N word, like you
can get away with it. Whereasothers can. She knows, she knows
the way she does her makeup that'son her right. She knows any adult
wearing a grill. And we didn'tsee she just used psychopath and highly over

excessorized. Yes, she has alot of flair, a lot of what
else we got here? Oh,next piece of audio. Okay, this
is a woman who here in herInstagram name Menis is flowers in Spanish.
Okay, so what would does theword for flower, being Spanish menace?

You would? It would be florad. People are crapping on her and I
said, hey, I'll I'll letyou guys be the judge. Okay.
So she shows up to pick fruitout of a tree. Uh huh.
And she now she does this infull face makeup, with her thighs and
everything, and her hair is alldone. She got a nice high light
and all that stuff. And hereshe is, she's wearing one of the

sacks you put fruit in. Andhere she is telling us about her experience.
Hey, guys, it's one hundreddegrees out here, and these ladders
burn your hands and he just hasto carry this, so like, my
whole back is tweaty already backs already, so you have to fill it up
all the way. So you're likeliterally climbing up the hot ladder. You're
going to high up to this then, and you're just doing this for hours

and hours. Really small pustle's bigcare and this thing's puishes your lungs the
heavier it gets, so as you'retrying to cutch your breath, you're also
getting like sifocated as you put moreand more. We should come and like
replace farmakers for a day. Huh, what are not talking about it?
She says, Millennial gets or genZ gets introduced to hard work. Yeah,

gen Z shows up in full makeupand like, oh my god,
I like this letter's hot and stuff. And then of course I'm sure she
stayed there for the full eight hourworkday picking fruit. Right. Oh,
so like hard work, you like, you get sweaty, and then the
more fruit you put in, theheavier guess trushes your line. Doesn't crush
your lungs, idiot, So thisis like the exactly this is cause playing

as a laborer, but I wantto be an influencer instead against check out
florill on Flora flor flor This Superman'smom Florida. I think so. Yeah,
l's the dad, Flora the mom. Alright, one more clip this
week and audio. Here's a realinfluencer. This is a man who influences

people to be safe, especially aroundstorms and natural disasters. Yea, love
Frankie. He was, of course, got everybody ready for the hurricane this
week, and now he's just doingI just caught this one on his YouTube
page. Here is him showing youwhat it'll be like should an earthquake siren
go off. So here's Frankie McDonald. All right here if you want,

let's do an earthquake siren A right, good, just a test, just
a of the National Earthquake Service.We got it, Frankie, we got
it. Okay, Okay, I'vebeen to the table. Frank ever touched

a woman? First off? Howdare you get it? He's a celebrity
and he might give things about sexminutes. I get it, you have
sex all the time. But isa public service? Want to know?
Do you want to see his weed? I just want to know happiness in
his life? He does, he'salways serving the public, but is he
getting certain his happiness is helping people? And yeah, the weather and yeah

he just loves. But does hefinish after? Am I doing this?
Frankie? We apologize. This isFrank McDonald. There was a tornado siren
outside the Royal Canadian League siren siren. Well, there's this weekend audio Sam.

I mean he might be available.Oh I hope. So no,
Scotia, We're gonna take a quickbreak more what he showed next? Hang
on, And then I went tothe bathroom and I came back and the
planet totally shame to different experience.Oh no, no, we Woody show
right now. We'll be back.It's a show and we can put the

bow on. I think the newsis kind of tapering off now. For
what happened over fourth of July,as far as you will being dumb with
explosives and fireworks, yeah, thiswill kind of put the cherry on that
Sunday for this year, a fatherand son were arrested for setting off explosives.
This is in Manville, New Jersey. Sixty year old guy Thomas Kaiser

his twenty eight year old son Ericset off a single cannon during a neighborhood
block party, and in the process, this one dude, thirty four year
old dude got hit because the explosionsent shrapnel flying one hundred yards rex and
homes and some cars that were allaround the blast zone, and that do
that god hit had to be airliftedto the hospital. Geez, I don't

know what the latest on him is, if he survived. You're not.
But these guys, the father andson, a ton of charges aggravated as
salt and possession of an explosive deviceas it should be. What did they
think was going to happen? Now? Canon? This is not anything you
could buy at a fireworkstand of anykind. Doesn't matter where the cannon is
what. It's just like actual cannon. Yeah, they're like little cannons.

I shot one off with the peopleI was with on fourth of July.
But you put a blank in it, so it's not yeah, but you
don't put it actually rust her forassault, Oh my god, you guys,
Well, well, but you're supposedto put a blank in it,
so nothing happens. But it justkind of shoots off like a cannon.
It's like an old tiny cannon likeyou'd see like a deck of a pilot,
like you could set it on topof a table cylinder. Right,

are you sure with this story?Is a small one. I don't know.
Why would it be in the newsif it was a tiny can?
They say, well, because itwas still a real bullet inside of it.
We had a cannon in that moviein Ohio. It was like a
replica Civil War cannon that shot offlike Samuel saying blanks. Yeah, this
is a signal cannon. So thatwould that be something you would like signal

can with that, something for theNavy or something. I don't know.
I think I saw one of thoseon punks. I mean I could tell
you, I can tell you aboutall the Whosker duos and who's like the
stuff that you can normally buy.You know, you're gonna tell me right,
No, this is a huge cannon. Yeah, still rolling candles are
screaming maybies. Yeah. Oh comeon, man, come on man,
you ain't got none of the signalcannon. Yeah. You used to announce

the beginning of a ceremonial event.Okay, so a cool badass Yeah,
maybe at the beginning of the bigrace, you know, like the fire
of the signal cannon. Yeah,a marathon or something. Yeah, okay,
yeah, it sounds like overcharging anduh and there you go for twenty
twenty four, fourth of July news. We had a guy over the up
there hitting the car his head,killing himself. Dumb RP. There's there's

been a lot of other stories we'vecovered throughout this first week back, but
yeah, I think that's the that'sthe last one. It's kind of slowing
up until next year. Until nextyear, guys eight seven, seven forty
four. What he text two tonine eighty seven The Woody Show. Welcome

back, everybody, please to apre Friday Thursday morning. It is The
Woody Show. Got the Birthday's porna birthday coming up. Some of the
stuff's happening in and around entertainment.It is July the eleventh today. Of
course, it's a National seven elevenday. It's a free slurpy day.
Today is also National State Fair FoodDay. Oh yeah, and National Blueberry

Muffin Day. And it's his favorite. Yeah. I love a good blueberry
muffin, slightly warm melted butter,and nothing better than that. Need the
butter. Yeah, they're gonna bea verry muffy. You don't need it,
but you don't need it, butyou want it? Does you can't
have it? Is this weird?Most of the time, when I'm at
a restaurant and they bring the breadservice around, I don't use the butter

like I'll eat what. I'll eatthe bread, but I won't put butter
on it or wow, like I'mnot saying all if it's warm, if
they bring out the bread warmth,then you yes, I will put butter
on it, cause I like itwhen it all melts in there and stuff.
That's good. But if it's justlike you know, you kind of
butter your bread, I don't.I don't always butter the bread, but
they don't butter corn bread. Yeahthere is uh what Yeah, Like if

I get corn bread, I don't. I don't put butter on it.
You're such a health you're raising opportunities. I know, remember fine like blueberry
muffins corn bread that it's perfectly fineall on its own. I don't understand.
I'll eat it, but buttering way. Yeah. Remember the butter at
Hell's kitchen? Oh yeah, butwarm or room temperature and they put that
fancy salt on Oh yeah. Iwill say this though, there is a

bread basket out there that I've hadand I've been talking about it for almost
a year. Now that you cando it without Butter is a Martha Sewart's
restaurant, the Bedford at Paris BreadServices on the Vegas Strip. You got
to participate in bread service, sofreaking good. It's amazing you remembered where

that was. What do you meanyou went to a restaurant you remembered exactly
where it was? I know thelocation, I don't know, wh where's
the wind? I don't I don'tknow. I don't know. Yeah,
we're just we're talking to Sammy anda yeah yeah followed when I walk into
a restaurant. Today's a National moheedoDay. It's an International Essential Oils Day.

How about that, seamats, Whatare you going to do to celebrate?
I've got some peppermint and that's Iwill say this. Essential Oils is
the greatest branding of of a categoryof product ever because there is absolutely nothing
essential about this. Is it kindof like artisan? Well, it sort
of is, but it it meansfragrant, it means volatile oils. Essentially,

isn't the root of that like essence? Not not the fact that you
quote needed, but that's what peoplethey think I need this. Oh this
is good for my health to havelavender around absolute great marketing to dump people.
Is it basically perfume? Yeah,well perfumed oil oil oils that have
sense and it smells good. Imean you can buy it because it smells
good. People don't buy it becauseyou think you're boosting your immunity, right,

yeah, your chakras or something.But that's what people get it for.
Greg. Today is a National SwimmingPool Day. I know how much
heartake love it living it. Andwhat he does is not so much swim
as much as just sit in thepool and soak and I got a blow
up wrapt and I float around.Now. Did you see the motorized one,
Yes, inflatable motorized raft. Yeah, it's more like a seat almost

has a backrest like a joystick onit. Yeah, and you push a
button on the top that kicks onthe like the propellor. You need that
for I don't know, no reason, because it's like being in a wheelchair
in the pool. Who said needabout any of this? Do you know
what you need to get? Wantis a pool robot? Yeah? Cool,
it's the pool Candy splash Runner motorizedpool lounger. Just in case you

need to be like drive around yourpool totally in case you're in case you
can't flip your I gotta go tothe deep end. I don't effort.
Always got a little back, acouple of cup holders on there, your
little It's kind of like a videogame because you get to turn and move
around, you get to play,you get to play like you're a boat
pilot. I'm talking about that.I think menace, you might have undersold

the Martha Stewart bread basket. I'mseeing multiple articles where it's the people's favorite
thing at the place completely because ithas two oval bread crisps that are actually
embedded with slices of zucchini, cherrytomatoes onion stage and potato seasoned with a
shower of sea salt crystal. Thentwo thick squares of sour cherry ficaccia topped
with rosemary and some pillowy butter toppedand saltflexed Parker House roles. It's the

size of this fat lady's head.Now, Woodie, we do have a
dinner planned on the strip. I'msaying, if you haven't experienced, is
also all American Pet photo Days,so you get ready for a lot of
pet photos on social media today.The NFL has been ordered to pay four

point seven billion dollars for Violet antitrust laws with the NFL Sunday Ticket.
I did see there was like anarticle yesterday about how they cut a bunch
of the podcasts that the NFL produces, and I was wondering, like,
are they all of a sudden doinglike cost cutting stuff because they got to
pay out four point seven billion.But of course, uh, the league
and all the thirty two teams apparentlyconspired together. Took the jury less than

a day of deliberations to find themguilty. Oh no, of course we
were talking about this because the decisioncould force the league to change their broadcast
model. But of course the NFLwill appeal. I mean, it's four
point seven billion dollars. Hey again, why are they so? What do
they do wrong? So? Iguess there was like an opportunity where so

they created not a monopoly, Iforget the word that they use, but
basically so now it's YouTube. Itused to be direct TV, and so
you have to get the full seasonfor all thirty two teams. There was
a possibility I forget who the otherplayer was that they were talking about having
to be a part of it whereif you're whatever' you're failing. Gregg's a

forty nine er fan, right,so like he could just buy the NFL
Sunday ticket for the forty nine years, right, And because they didn't do
that, they're artificially setting the pricehigher for all their other broadcast rights or
something. It somehow falls under theantitrust laws. Okay, yeah, four
point seven billion dollars. Will Smithstill has eight years to go before his

ten year Oscar band for slapping ChrisRock would be over. But he's trying
to get that lifted early because heapologized. Oh, but also because of
the success of the New Bad Boysmovie and he feels he could still be
a huge movie star. Yeah,but that's not Oscar worthy. Well no,
but he's still saying, like,oh, I can still make that.
He could still do one of thosekind of movies. What was that
song he came out with, likethe bt Owards or whatever it was,

or it was like some choir thingwhere he was. But there are two
big things standing in the way ofthat even being a possibility. Number One,
a lot of the members of theAcademy they haven't forgiven him, and
some think that he should have beenarrested for that on account of it was
assault and yeah, kind of wasactually a crime. And number two,
Chris Rock hasn't forgiven him. Andso if Chris Rock had come out and

said, hey man, you know, we we fixed it up and whatever,
we're moving on, like, maybethey would consider it. But that
hasn't happened. I bet you.I bet you it won't be ten years
I could see because people have alreadykind of mostly forgiven him. He's he's
been on his you know, rehabtour. Yeah, like, oh,
look at me, I'm a normalperson. I go to the movie theater
with right people. Stuff. BillBelichick seems to be really living it up

with his feetus girlfriend. He's outhere with his legal adults. Yeah,
it's seventy two, she's barely twentythree. He's happier than ever twenty four
and she's the reason that he's beenable to see that there is more to
life than football. Well yeah,yeah, she was two, by the
way, when he won his firstSuper Bowl. Ring. That's adorable.

They met on a flight nearly threeyears ago and have reportedly moved in together
and nice often seen wearing matching rings. He's acting like he's actually like a
twenty year old dude. Is likesis the thirsty, like marry the first
chick that gives it up to youkind of guy. Yeah, he's with
somebody who's hot. Look he's yeah, he's seventy two and she's I mean,

I think it's been gross. That'sI don't fire him. Yeah,
I do the same thing. JoeRogan stand up Netflix special on August third
will be live. It's called Burnthe Boats. Back in February, Joe
Rogan signed a new deal with Spotify, said to be worth around two hundred
and fifty million dollars. Nice getready for some very mediocre stand up and
Kate beckinsales finally telling people would causeher to be in the hospital for three

weeks. She was doing a lotof those posts where she was in the
hospital looking sad with a ridiculously hugebow on her head. I'm sick,
but by my bows. Yeah,as you guys know, I love me
some Kate beckonshale. I think she'ssuper hot, but she's nuts. Like
I followed her on social media andyou see this stuff like on Instagram.
Yeah, this chick is nuttier thana squirrel. Turn and you think too

famous for too long. No,it's not even too famous for too long.
She's just crazy. Has she alwaysbeen crazy? Though it's a recent
Yeah. But anyway, So shewas in the hospital for three weeks and
everybody's like, man, what isgoing on wrong? Kate? Well,
she said that the grief over hermom's Stage four diagnosis and her stepdad's death
was so intense that it burned ahole in her esophagus. Doesn't Greg have

that every day? Yeah? Yeah, what's the deal with that? You
have like some kind of like esophagealI have a mega esophageal problem. It's
called EOE. Yeah, I don'tremember what its. Equal opportunity employer.
There you go, and uh,there's certain foods that I eat that just
eat away at my esophagi. Areyou taking anything for that daily medication?

Connexium? Yeah, something along those, like a prescription transcription strength. You
have to just like stitch it up. Well, they were, they were
going to do that surgery thing,and then they decided not to, So
I'll probably just die from it.Oh. Probably. The first trailer for
Gladiator two is out. I guessI should start by watching the first one,
right, I never saw that.How did you? It's perfect for

you? I know everybody said that, like, how have you not watched
them? It's one of those moviesthat surprises people when it was it Greg
that said he's never watched the StarWars. I've never watched anything but the
og Star Wars like the New Hopeso episode four, which I call Star
Wars one the original Star Wars exactly. But I'm with you, I've never
seen Glady neither. It's the earlytwo thousands. It's violence and revenge,

it's everything what he loves. Yeah, I mean I will. I haven't
watched it at this point though.Wow, I have no idea. I
can't answer that question. I reallydon't know why if you're up for it.
There's also a trailer for the newSpongeBob movie Saving Bikini Bottom. Okay,
this Sandy Cheeks movie. I dolove the uh, the way they
do the graphics of the movie.It's pretty cool. It's gonna be on
Netflix starting on August the second.And finally, eminem has some new merch

merch collaboration with White Castle Menace.Oh nice. It's a very limited run
though, so get it while youcan. On Eminem's web store. What
does what does Eminem have to dowith white castles? You know they put
a did like the white Castle logoinstead of castle. It says like white
rapper. He's also right, yeah, so they okay, all right,
all right, it's on his website. The birthday show this shimay. We're

gonna this shimmy. We're gonna sitshiver and you know we don't do what
birthday We'll starry with celebrities. Happybirthday to little Kim who is fifty years
old today. Crazy Justin Chambers,who is doctor Alex Karev on Grey's Anatomy,
which has been on for about abillion years. He's fifty four.
You got Richie sambora former bon Jovieguitarist, who is sixty five. You

got Greg Grumberg. He was alwayssuper cool, like back when he was
on Heroes and he was in abunch of other stuff too. Yeah yeah,
yeah, yeah. He's like reallygood friends with jj Abrams. So
j j Abrams put him in hisStar Wars movie and some of the Star
Treks. But like when he wason Heroes, he was doing a lot
of press and he would come throughand new interviews he was always super cool,
super friendly, nice guy. GregGrumberg is fifty eight, kiss him

already. You got Alicia Carr.I guess she's a pop artist, right,
Lara, Yeah, yeah, Idon't know. She won a Grammy
in twenty eighteen, twenty eight yearsold today. Yeah, I saw Graham
actor. She was a big deal. We've actually met her, we did,
Yeah, we met her at theGrammys. Sure. Uh see Lisa
Renas from Real Housewives of Beverly Hillsis sixty one. You got Debbie Dunning,

Heidi the Tool Time Girl and Homeand Perl, Yeah, who's fifty
eight. And then you got GiorgioArmani. He's alive. Yeah, the
Fashion Bogel who is ninety years old. Yeah, oh Joe. And your
porn of birthday today is Bella Rolandand she's handled more wood than an MLB

bat Boy four hundred and fourteen finefilms, including Around the House anal She
was in Burglar gets Booby Slapped.Also, it's a big category. Yeah,
Campbeltoe cam Girl volume one, shewas gonna he's pegging for it.
She was in Suckable Birthday Boobs volumeone, and uh, who can forget

her unforgettab her unforgettable role in Hornywith a Chance of Squirt. That's a
Bella Rowland thirty years old today,and that is your porno birthday. Your
celebrity birthday is in a little lookat what's happening in the world of Enter
Team this morning, on this Thursdaymorning, you're on the Woody Show.
We're gonna take a break. MoreWoody Shows next, Hang on more Woody

Show next. It is a throwback Thursday. It is the time when
we welcome to the studio. Heis the pride of Pacoima. He is
the senior vice president and managing partnerof Club Turn Up El presidente himself DJ
Tim Martine, Tim, what showother than photos and videos? I feel

like I haven't seen you in months. I was just gonna say the same
thing. Isn't that crazy? Youlook great? You look well rested.
I am pretty well rested. See. I mean we had a we had
a week off, and even theweek before that, I was on my
own, no wife, no kid. Yeah, it's not like you.
You took like an extended stay rightWell, no, because we were out
of town doing work, you know, for the burg Kreischer. Yeah,

that was in Pittsburgh, which isone of the markets that the show is
heard in, and so we weregonna be there over the Fourth of July
holiday anyway, bringing the kids aroundthe grandparents for that side of the family.
And I was like, why amI gonna fly all the way back
to LA to turn around and flyall the way back to Pittsburgh four days
later? Yeah? Yeah, SoI was living out of a hotel room,
and I told these guys I couldtotally do it. Yeah, you

could live like that because somebody islike, uh, doing your bed?
Are you doing your room? Ididn't even have the people really come through
and maybe once to get because Ineeded new towels, you know, but
other than that, how much youdon't need them much more. I'm not
really making a mess. I justneeded the towels. What about like clean
clothes and stuff like that. Howare you on that? Oh I did?
I did laundry in a hotel.I'm impressed. Yeah. I went

down to the desk. I boughtlike a little box of tide that they
sold, like a little single servething, which I didn't know they sold.
That's crazy, those little cereal boxes. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
A little secret sure on the clothingthing, washing clothes, and I'm not
I'm not proud of this at all, for sure. Okay, what's coming?
I don't know that I would knowhow to shut up. I have

yet to put a load. That'sawesome? Are you? I was in
my twenties when I learned to Whatdid you do? Yeah? When you
were married? Your mom? Mymom, you are Mexican. That's one
hundred percent correct. My brother inlaw's thirty. Every Mexican guy, I

know. I feel like live withtheir mom until the day they were married,
and it wasn't like until their weddingnight did they finally spent the night
away from mom's house and mom insistedon doing everything. And I was always
so jealous. I'm like wow becauseit was like serve, it was cooking,
it was the washing. Now,wow, I do I do my
I do my tes, I gotchores. Okay, but do you know

how it works? Could you doa load of laundry without looking it up?
No? No, I don't know. I don't know, like what
goes in cold, what goes andwanm. I don't know the knob on
the machine. I don't know whereto stop it. I love it now.
Sometimes sometimes I do know how totake the clothes out of the wash

to put them in the dryer,put the little little sheet. So,
but do you know what stuff doesnot ca the dryer? Like do you
know to pull certain things out sothey can just air dry. No,
that's a trick question, right,No, it's not true. I mean,
I guess the only thing I wouldknow is like if I buy a
brand new shirt and it's the exactlength I want it, I don't try

you hold off for a while,yeah for sure. Yeah, yeah,
because then you lift your arms andall of a sudden, Yeah, I've
seen belly, all that stuff.We don't need all that. But wow,
anyway, not proud, but Ijust felt like I needed to say
because you were saying I'm proud ofyou. You know what that is.
That's a gold star dude right there. I don't know. I don't know
now. If my wife ever leftme, I'm sure I would have to
figure it out, yes you would, or just find somebody else just dropping

off the yard. Charge you bythe pound. We got a place down
the street. Don't take care ofit. But it's even worse. I
see my kids like taking their ownloads. I'm like, whoa, what
do you do? Tim? God? What are you looking at? So?
I guess I got I guess ifmy wife left me, I guess
I got kids. Yeah, right, that's true. That's what they're for.

See, my my father in law, he fakes like he doesn't know
how to do certain Oh right,So he was working out of town on
business for like two months, andmy wife and my mother in law time,
Uh you know, this is yearsago before we were ever married.
They went to go visit him,and when they walked into the corporate housing

apartment that he was in for thatcouple of months, he had his laundry
on hangers hanging from the ceiling thingand it was that was the last day
I think he ever did a loadof laundry. They're like, oh my
god, dad, so help uswithout us, And then they just did
everything for him. Nice. That'show you that's the way you do it.
I mean, I guess I'm willingto learn that. This sounds like

a like a thing like we shouldsee you know how they give it,
like, uh, like you givea fourteen year old now a rotary phone?
You like use you know, weshould bring Tim to a laundry Man
Social Video in North Hollywood. We'llgo over there like one of the Lunderias.
Oh please don't. Well, there'sone. There's a good one right
down the street from our studio.And okay, cool by the grocery outlet

there. Yeah, we'll get tosome watches, all right, Tim,
there's all the stuff you need.Let's see how you do and then we'll
do your linens. Yeah, allright, well, Dj Tim, our
team this is here and is goodto see you, my friend. Yeah,
good to see you too. Wegot up in the clerb you know,
back in the day. He wasan actual club DJ, and so
every week he's in charge of pickingwhich song we go up in the club
with and Tim, what do yougot for us this week? Going back

to nineteen ninety one, great year, such a great year. We're doing
good vibrations. Marky Mark noy dude, Greg Greig. If you haven't heard
Greg story about when Marky Mark wasin Playboy, I'm sorry, Playgirl and
the extent that he went to totry to get that and not look it's
curious because he wasn't out at thetime. It's a it's a whole story.

It's a whole story. All right, let's go up in the Clerk
show thy feeling. Yeah, Ido to fail up at the clerb Yeah,
back Thursday. It is the WoodyShow. It is all ninety eighty
seven, Sammy. Do you knowa song? I don't really recognize it.

No, when you say good Vibrations, I think it's going to be
the Beach Book skip from How didyou Skip? From the Sixties? I
know the Mark Wahlberg. He's aBoston guy. I know. I don't

know much of like Marky Mark andthe Funky Bunch, though I've seen the
Only need to know, Literally,that's the only song that you need to
know from Mark Mark and the Funkyreally one hit one of Jesus. Oh
fun fact about Marky Mark. Hewas actually the second member of New Kids
on the Block, but he wasn'tcommitted enough, so then they let him

go. So Donnie Wahlberg was theoriginal member started New Kids on the Block,
and then Marky Mark was supposed tobe in New Kids, but huh,
he didn't do it the fact,and then when they blew up,
they they let him do his littlerap career. This guy, this guy
goes to one New Kid show allof a sudden, but I die he
read the playbill, Yeah, hedid, so if it comes up in

trivial pursuit, I'll make sure,I'll make sure you're my one lifeline.
I'm crushing. I'm crushing. DJTim Martinez yea, hey and Woodie quick
shout out to DJ Drew twenty oneyesterday. Yeah we did, we had.
We just mentioned that on the show. You did, of course,
yeah, menace remembered. I don'thave Facebook, so I don't know that.

Okay, yeah, that's how Ifound twenty one. Yeah, getting
hammers, and I did say thatyou were psyched because now you have both
kids out of school. No moretuition. Yes, so rip so many,
so much more money for activity.For activity, you can show up
with the rollie and like fancy sunglasses. You can upgrade those Dodger season tickets.

Oh yeah, there's so much moneyto be spent. No, just
dude, make it rains, isn'tit now? You make your rate?
Well, Happy birthday, DJ Drew. Yeah, yeah, thank you,
Tim, Hey, thank you Woody. Show boiler wouldn't approve the show.
All right, Well it's time towrap up. Get the hell out of

here. Everybody let's go. Yeah, put a big old fat check mark
next to Thursday full show podcast Waitingfor you to go to the woodieshow dot
com. Today Nark we continued loveit Woodi Show cart Narks day number four
found on the podcast. Also,we learned a new word today, menaces
word of the day. Yeah,trending news headlines, porno birthday and more.
All there on the podcast. Justgo to the woodieshow dot com.

Also make sure you check out thevideo from yesterday's no Hands challenge, the
peanut butter and jelly sandwich making thatGreg did with his feet. Yeah,
that was oily. I'm so gladthat I'm blindfolded for that. Yeah,
I would be. I love thepart and got a lot of feedback on
this one too, the part whereGreg is so I put the jelly directly
on the tarp and Greg is losinghis foot to rake it onto the slice

of bra But how about Morgan jumpingin I know Greg's toes. Yeah very
nice. Yeah. So if youmissed it yesterday, just watch the video.
It's up there if you go tothe woodieshow dot com. Also our
YouTube page YouTube dot com, slash, the Woodi Show and all the social
media platforms coming up for you tomorrow. Great news headline really is Tomorrow is
Friday Friday on The Woody Show,your fail Stories, your Dumbass contest,

duyq will wrap up Narc week.We got that, and really anything that
we can do to get through themorning into the weekend as quickly as possible.
That's on the agenda for tomorrow Fridayhere on The Woody Show. In
the meantime, you can leave whateveryou got for us on the after hours
voicemail that numbers eight seven seven fortyfour Woody eight seven seven forty four Woody
or Finest follow us watch the videofrom the No Hands challenge if you want

to get turned on links on oursocial media social media platform of your choice.
At The Woody Show, Yeah,Greg Manna, see Bass Sammy,
anything you like to add No GregGory parting words of wisdom please Yeah.
Since Throwback Thursday. Kids will neverunderstand that when we were young we had
to walk ten feet across yellow shagcarpet to change the channel. Well,

never be I had an erector setlike most boys my age, did I
think I did at that time.It was like these metal pieces and screws
and everything. You could build stuffout of metal. And I had this
idea one time, and I builta channel changer my erector sets, because
I made it long enough that whenI was sitting on the couch, I

could like extend it out to wherethe dial was and use the I put
a handle on the end of itwhere you just turn it and it would
change the channel. Nice. Youwere engineering for laziness. It wasn't.
It wasn't wireless, Yeah it was. It was a glimpse into my lazy
future, yea that I built withthe erector set first of all, erect
get all right, Thank you verymuch, Greg Gory, Thank you so

much for give me the show someof your valuable time this morning. You
know we love it, appreciate youfor that. The rest of you guys
can suck it. We'll catch youback here on Friday. Have a great
day. SMD Doublem. I quitthis bitch.

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