Episode Transcript
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What is the dune to the graphicnature of this program? Listener discretion?
Is it lies? The Woody Shows? The Woody Show Insensitivity Training Class is
now in session. Hey, goodmorning everybody. It is Tuesday. It's
January the sixteenth, twenty twenty four. Hello, good morning, Welcome,
we are the Woody Show. Whatdy? That's Greg Gory? You that right,
there would be a menace? Whatis up, Woody? I told
the other day that your last nameis mc murray, and it blew their
mind. They said that was likesuch a mismatch. Got to have a
real last name. John said,Like when they were like, you know
that my last name would start withthe M and my nickname starts with a
M. While they were asking like, well, what ethnicity is is menace?
Yeah? And I said, well, was his last name's McMurray,
Like get out what? Yeah?I don't think they were expecting mc murray.
That's all. Yeah, but there'sa there is menace McMurray. What
is up? Good morning the UCBass. There is Sammy bort is here.
Good morning bort Uh. We gotCaroline Morgan's here, Vaughn's here.
Phones are open eight seven seven fortyfour Woody. That's eight seven seven forty
four Woody. I literally just realizedthat mc murray rhymes with Nick Flurry.
I just thought, yeah, weird. Yeah, you know what, if
you're talking ethnicities, I think Morganis the biggest ethnicity mystery in the room.
Oh yeah, yeah, I don'tknow what Morgan is. That's a
good point. Yeah, what isshe? Uh, I'm gonna get I
like, yeah, go get her, Yeah, go get her. I'm
gonna say, like, I mean, she is born and raised in Dallas,
Texast. She could be half Latinohalf I was leading like Caucasian.
I was leading like Portuguese or something. The same reason, yeah, the
same reason she's from the Azores,oh yeah, or like yeah, some
kind of I was thinking, like, well, cook is not like her
last name is cook. Yeah,and I uh, that's why she was
gonna guess. I was going toguess Russian, like some virgion. Maybe
Russia. That's my other thought,is like Russian, trying to guess what
your ethnicity is. Yeah, Serbia. I went Norwegian. I get Russian
a lot. I'm not really sure. I know my grandma's get through mail
order. You know. No,I didn't ask I know my grandma's Native
American, but oh you could be. But I've also never really known my
grandma. You're twenty three to me, Yeah, your mom here to do
that? Why aired database? Ohstop it? My stars spit to some
creep on the internet. Then twentythree and me, Yeah no, but
I think it's bizarre. You wouldnever even ask your parents. I'm sure
they told me when I was younger. But you have no idea. No,
I have no idea. What's wrongwith you? Could you call your
mom today and find out it?Right now? Yeah? Callar Please call
her, wake carass up, callher, find out and then come back.
Hey, Mom, get I'm gonnago Turkish as we got some bitch
be tripping stories coming up for youa little bit later on this morning.
Bitch be tripping. Some people callthem blonde moments. You said something you're
like, oh my god, Ican't believe, or you had a bitch
be tripping moment. Didn't even saysomething, just something really dumb that you
did, like I can't believe Idid that. Like when Greg got the
new credit card in the mail toreplace the old one because the one that
had like expired or whatever. Doneit more than once, and he shredded
the new one. Ye brand newone more than one. Oh, it's
happened more than one. I'm likebye, yeah, bitch, Brevan.
So we'll take your calls and yourtext messages on that. There's a brand
new redneck News some of the trendingnews headlines for you today here on the
Woody Show as well. Phones areopen eight seven seven forty four Woody.
You can hit us up with thetext over to two two nine eight seven.
I saw this and this woman shewas a pastor and now she is
making one hundred thousand dollars a montha month as an adult content creator.
It's easy as a sugar baby.Oh, her name is Nicole and Iko
l E. Mitchell. She nowworks as an adult model and life coach.
And she's working as a sugar baby. Okay, so he working as
a sugar baby. She gets paidto go on dates. She says she's
earning anywhere between thirty thousand dollars andone hundred thousand dollars per month, deciding
on how much she decides to workin that particular. Maybe she wants to
yeah, yeah, sometime off.She's a former pastor, talks about her
children and her content, and evenlet some of her quote clients buy gifts
for her kids between the ages ofthirteen and nine. Oh wow, yeah,
I want that gig. That's soweird. You can take me to
dinner and pay me Morgan's back.What are you well? First, my
mom was like your Caucasian and I'mlike yeah, I was like, okay,
high five. So apparently I'm American, Indian, German and Scottish.
Really okay, now you know me? Thanks, But now you got to
do twenty three. Me see ifyou have enough Native American then you can
get some get some of that casinomoney. Yeah, okay, yeah,
the world is your oyster. I'malso guessing there's a mystery in there too.
I think somebody's in the not toodistant past messed around. That's why
I'm kind of saying to do twentythree and me. But if I find
out my dad's not my dad oryeah, we got into do that.
Yeah, that'd be cool. Thatwould be cool. I think, you
know, it'd be it'd be coolto I mean, this is to see
if there's anything actually in there.Okay, I mean I'm willing to do
it, no kidding. Look,at all the other stuff that you've done.
This is like the easiest thing.Yes, the government just cleaned Greg's
feet, his peanut butter feet.Yeah, very nice too. Did you
ever did you ever talk to yourdad? Yeah? I did. I'm
like, Dad, you're an entrepreneuryourself, like I thought you'd respect the
hostage. Yeah, so we haduh, you know, we had the
menaces no feet or yeah, Menaceis no hands challenge where he ate a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich that Gregmade with his feet, like spreading the
peanut butter on the bread with hisfeet, jelly kind of raked it onto
the bread, put it all together, fed it to Menace and then his
uh, his feet were just amess, just so much peanut butter on
there and so just on a whim. I had no thought at all that
she would say, oh okay.I mean, of everybody I think around
here, I think she's got thebest chance to say yes. But I
really didn't think that you were goingto say yes. And I just had
the jokes at Morgan, you know, would you be willing to clean Greg's
toes with your with your mouth?And she's like yeah, how much?
Like how much should I pay forthat. I'm going to do it.
And she's said one hundred and fiftybucks done, and she loved it.
And then when she did it,Yeah, what really got me was when
she started putting jelly on top becauseit was too much peanut butter by yeah
right right. It was like turningthis into a meal. Yeah, cut,
you're just too much. You justhad to cut the peanut butter a
little bit. Yeah, it wasso good and is a meal. Yeah,
So anyway, we post a video. Yeah's we post a video on
our social media of her doing this. And she got a text from her
dad, who she has on herphone is daddy. Oh that's what I
called him as a kid, andand says we got to talk about limits.
Yeah, chose to go. Yeah, it is not smart to have
your parents will follow anything. Ohhe didn't see the video. That's the
problem. It's because Ron in Dallasnow and so he heard it. Yeah,
you know he watched it. Ihope he had. He had to
watch that. Well whatever, he'sproud down so he got that entrepreneurial spirit.
Yeah, what's his full name andwhat town he's living. We'll get
me a shout out. Make surehe sees the video, right, Yeah,
what does he do for a living? He owns a used car dealership.
Okay, yeah yeah, And thenwere you guys. Were you guys
close like growing up? Yeah?Pretty close. I was closer with my
mom for sure, just because Iwas around her more. He was always
working. My dad's great. Werethey divorced when you were growing up?
It's a very interesting story. Theywere never together. You know, they've
always lived in the same house.They still do, but they've never never
got married together, never been married, you know, sleep in different rooms
type of things. So they sacrificeda lot to raise me and my sister.
So is your sister there kid too? Or as far as we know,
where the thing comes in? Youknow you now, I don't know.
Yeah, because you look like her? Yeah you can. You're fine?
Shot to dada dad. Yeah.Well because a lot of times,
you know, if you know awoman has certain personality traits or display certain
you know, behavior, yes,or they'll go well, that must be
like a really weird you know,relationship with her father. Growing up issues.
Daddy issues, Yeah, daddy issuesnone here, So no daddy issues,
is all right? Say hey dad, sorry for being a good sport.
Yeah, making money for going outall yeah, going off. I
don't know what you're making to usedcar dealer, but I hear get in
this paper. Yeah I made thatabout five minutes. Yeah, yeah,
not even Yeah. And did youtell him Grace gay? No, I
didn't guess there's because there Yeah,there was nothing sexual. But give him
a call, let them make surehe knows that details. Yeah, I
just want to let you know hewas gay. Oh, no problem,
honey, Yeah, all right,then it's all good. Well, the
stories that we've heard about Morgan,this would be the least of his concerns.
Yeah right, yeah, I meanhonestly though, I mean a lot
of the things that she could talkto him about, true, Yeah,
things that she's done or experienced orwhatever. He's smart, though, it's
like a don't ask, don't tell, you know, I take care of
my stuff. I'm trying that withmy parents. Man, Like my dad
and my stepmom, they don't reallycare, you know, when it comes
to like stuff. They would hearlike it would never become an issue.
My mom for sure, because she'ssuch a private person and she doesn't like
sharing a lot of details about likepersonal stuff. But that's why she hates
social media because she's like, Ican't even have a conversation with somebody anymore.
Like you want to catch up witha family member and she goes,
oh, you call him to go, hey, so I saw you were
visiting with so and so, andwell I was calling to tell you that
I had a great visit and noreason, right, I can't surprise you
with that information. I was goingto. My mom doesn't have social media.
She doesn't have like any kind oflike Alexa device or what like.
Yeah, So the fact that weshare, like all this stuff that I
share personally, all this stuff,it like I think it's super uncomfortable for
no, Like she just liked.She doesn't like the idea of that.
She thinks like, you know,that's it's somehow violating your privacy. Yeah,
you know, big privacy person.Yeah, so sharing stories at us
call, I'm like, well,that's why I share stories about myself.
Yeah she does text, that's good. Yeah she does text. But uh,
I've I've told her a million times, like, ma, the show
is not for you. This isnot a show that you should be tuning
in and listening to. You're onlygonna be disappointed, you know, and
so, and I've said that tomy wife too. I'm like, look,
I said, I don't need tohave conversations with you about stuff that
we did or talked about on theair. Damn, just don't. Just
don't listen. You know, it'sit's it's work, it's a show,
it's whatever. But she seems,she seems to know. She seems to
know a lot about what happens onthe show for someone who quote doesn't listen
to Weird and my mom certainly listens. Yeah, so I'm not quite sure
ever when or what she's heard.But I've gone into this thing, this
job for amount of time just assumingthat anybody I know in love will hear
anything that I'm saying exactly. Soyou just kind of have to suck it
up and then if it comes up, you can just go, oh,
yeah, that wasn't it's just forthe radio if it was. Yeah,
Like the stuff I'm sharing is true, Like I got no problem sharing because
it is true exactly if I sharedit on the air, I got no
problem talking about It's like, doyou really want to have this conversation?
Like did you tell your dad Morganthat after you lick my feet. You
said, Oh I loved it.Oh yeah, because he heard mogasms.
He is in for a tree toget all the guys together. Used car
dealership because you guys, you guys, it's my daughter. Yeah. Checked
this out and joy to college.More more Woody Shows, Next Tango Sitday
Show, Next, What's Up everybody? It's minutes now. You might have
been listening to this podcast and heardthat we're gonna do a meetup at Raising
Canes in North Hollywood today Tuesday,July sixteenth. It is canceled. Do
not show up. We couldn't getthe permits. I apologize, but please
do not roll through. You canstill roll through though. This Saturday,
I will be at Citadel Outlets forSure from two to four pm in front
of the giant boombox. It's theworld's largest stereo at Citadel Outlets. I'll
be doing giveaways from two to fourpm, free ice cream, a five
hundred dollars Citadel Outlet gift card,giveaway, theme par tickets, concert tickets,
Woody Show, merch and more.This Saturday, July twentieth, at
Citadel Outlets from two to four pm. In the meantime, keep enjoying the
Woody Show podcast show, and weare in two another new hour in sensitive
be Training for a politically correct worldTuesday morning. It's July sixteenth, twenty
twenty four. Thanks for being hereand give them some of your valuable time
on Woody. That is Greg Gory, Good morning, Woody. Menace is
right there. What is up?We've got Sea Bass, We've got Sammy
and you on the phones. We'regonna need you this hour. We've got
some bitchb tripping, blonde moment whateveryou want to call them, BITCHB tripping
stories like what's the dumbest thing you'veheard someone say or some dumb thing that
you saw them do? Maybe itwas you, Yeah, maybe you did
the dumb thing. Yeah, maybeyou're the bitch a's tripping. Seven seven
forty four Woody is the number.That's eight seven seven forty four Woody.
Eight seven seven forty four Woody.You can also text it over to two
to nine eighty seven. Again.The real BITCHB tripping example that I have
is like my wife calling to haveme door dash something from McDonald's for my
daughter while she was already out runningerrands with your daughter, right with my
daughter. Yeah. Yeah, collegegoes, hey, can you order her
something from McDonald's. Yeah, Igo, aren't you out right now?
Like she was picking her right fromcare? Yeah, it makes sense.
H zero set And I said,well where are you? And she told
me where she was. I'm like, there are three McDonald's between where you
are in the house. She goes, yeah, I guess you're right.
No, bitch be tripping. Youdon't guess he's right. That is a
fact. She just wasn't thinking aboutit. I got reminded of an old
one. I think it's maybe abitch be tripping, But from when I
was in high school. I didn'trealize because I was just talking to one
of our old coworkers, Eric,who just recently had a baby, and
I asked him like, how wasyour fourth of July And he's like,
oh, it was kind of aa lot of chaos because he has a
new baby. And then he's likeyeah, and then my dog got a
period and I was like, oh, I remember when I was in high
school. I didn't know dogs atperiod. That's why I was afraid to
get a female dog because I thoughtthey would have period. Yeah, And
I only discovered it because I wentto my friend's house and her dog was
wearing a diaper. Why is yourdog wearing a diaper? She's like,
oh, she had a period.Once they get spaid, they don't.
Yeah, but Buddy Joe his momhad two ship sues and yeah, they
would, uh, they would gettheir rags. So weird. Yeah,
they don't make tamps for for dogscanine, but don't make any canine types.
I remember that day though. Mymind was blown when I found out.
I was like, what dogs haveperiods? Yeah? Well, I
guess this is to piggyback off thatdo all female animals periods? Then?
Like cats and like monkeys? AndI'm sure they do what I don't.
It's pretty weird. Mammal like,it's something that you don't think about lizards,
well, not mammal like mammals.Yeah, yeah, so bats have
a bat period. They have batalperiods. Oh, man, you need
a big tamp a whale Okay,now, I mean I'm a hundred percent
unsure. Maybe like bats, we'rea little diapers. Do you realize what
a big tamp you would need fora San Diego? I know, right?
Wow, Oh my god, thatis food for thought. Man.
Yeah, here's one my girlfriend.My girlfriend and I had a heated debate
about whether or not dinosaurs were aliveduring the American Revolution. Her stance was,
there's no way to know. Okay, tripping all the time. I
mean, my god, I mean, if you really like the dodo bird,
I guess will be considered like adinosaur. Maybe I don't know birds
in general. A dinosaurs? Yeah, alligator? WHOA? Do they have
periods? None? Says One timeI overheard a couple in a restaurants saying
the baked potato had too many carbs. The waiter said it was carb free
because they washed the potatoes before theycook them. Oh that's how it,
mom, God, that'd be great. Yeah, you got a good bitch
be tripping story. Something you said, something you did, something you're partner
said, did cowork or whatever?How about this one? My friend spit
gum on the sidewalk and said,don't worry, it'll evaporate. Oh yeah,
bitch be tripping. Yeah, Ohthat does sound like something your wife
might say. My wife, Yeahno, just because of the McDonald's thing.
I mean, come on, Imean, given other examples, Yeah,
there's more. We've all to befair. We have all had these
moments. Yeah, it's not exclusive, not exclusive to chicks. No,
I mean one sex might be guiltyof it more than the other, just
saying I don't know that. Uh. My sister claimed the temperature in her
house never changed, so she didn'tunderstand why she was always hot or cold.
Turned out she had left a stickeron the digital thermometer and that's why
it always said seventy two degrees.Nice. That's a good one. Bitches
be crazy. Oh my god,eight seven seven forty four wood. He
hit us up with the text overto two to nine eighty seven. This
one says, I gave my wifetwo options for dinner, an Italian restaurant
or one with more options. Shesaid she hated Italian, so we went
to the other place with the moreoptions and she ordered lasagna. Bitch,
be tripping totally, you guys getI'll think I'm tripping what I tell you.
Don't do laundry unattended because you go, oh, it's oh yeah,
it's an appliance. Has nothing todo with the water. And man,
no, I know because Greg hasscared me into it where I don't run
the Washington dryer when I'm not atthe house. Good really Oh yeah,
I had a bitch be tripping.Just last week. I was grilling right,
and after I was done, Ileave it on high heat to kind
of burn off all the residual likeanything that food whatever got stick, It
just turns to ash. And thenyou turn the heat off, you know,
like I wait till after dinner andthen turn all the burners off,
yeah, you know, and thenI wait for it to cool a little
bit and then I go down backout there with the grill brush and clean
out the gray and stuff. Right, all right, Well, I forgot
to turn the gas off, soit was at high for I don't know,
maybe fourteen hours. Oh my god. The next day I went outside
with the dog and I heard that. I heard that. Whoa. I
realized that the grill was going yeah, just be crazy, like dude,
no idiot, is that going tocost a lot? You think? Because
the gas is coming from the house, right, it's not like appropriate,
yeah, yeah, it's like yeah, it feeds off the but even still
like yeah, if it wasn't propane take, it would have burned out.
It would have been toast. Ithink I use a gas fireplace.
It's pennies for an hour, liketwenty cents an hour. This is about
like thirteen hours. Yeah, it'llbe five dollars and my mistake. Yeah,
but luckily you're not a smoker.I mean the grill was lit.
Oh it was yeah, yeah,he was going. I turned it on
again. The heat, like thewhole thing got incinerates. Like yeah,
food that's left on the grates,like after you're done, you how sometimes
the cheese or whatever from your burgersor other things that will stick to the
to the grates. I did dothat last week where I thought I'd turn
it off, but I just putit on like really really low. I
turned it the other way by accident. Yeah, and then the like the
grill was still going for a while. Well, Greg, back to your
appliance thing, like you got toclean out not only the lint trap from
your dryer, but also the lineyou know, the the the vent.
Yes, it goes from your dryerback out to the outside the house.
Yeah. I did that after wemoved into our current house. And dude,
I don't think they ever did it. There was so much crap that
came out of there, like yearsworth of crap. I bet most people
don't do it. How often areyou supposed to clean that? What do
you mean? Well, you saidyears worth of stuff? But I yeah,
what's the every six months? Yes? Every year. I've been doing
it like every other year, youknow, once a year. I figured
they went about eighteen years before thewant you know, yeah, and then
a year and it works better,of course, it definitely does. Yeah,
all right, So you got agood bitch bee tripping story eight seven
seven forty four. What we'll getto your calls. I'll read some of
these text messages that are coming in. We got Kayla here on line number
one. Good morning, Kayla,Kalela, good morning, good morning.
All right, bitch be tripping?What do you got? All right?
So I know someone who started ajob working at wingstop and she's in her
first week and a customer comes upand says, I want to order a
twenty piece of chicken wings. Soshe goes, okay, hold on just
a second, goes to her bossand says, hey, this guy wants
to order some chicken wings. Whatdo I tell them? And the boss
looks at her and goes, doyou ask them what sauce he wants?
And she goes, So we onlysell buffalo wings. Oh wow, there
for a while, no idea,Yeah, a hundred differents. I guess
you can't miss it. You don'tlearn that as all the hour one of
your job. This is your friend. You think the buffalo's actually had wings?
I don't know, ye, orit was just that one buffalo sauce.
Somebody had said they they're at subwayand they asked the person there,
like what the tuna, you know, like more fit? They said it
was a dolphin from the Philippines.Okay, oh I think that was a
Yeah, what is your tuna madeof? Yeah? Yeah, well because
there wasn't there there was a bigthing about subway in there and there tuna.
That's right that it wasn't actually tuna, right, yeah, yeah,
all right, Cayle, thank youfor the call. Appreciate you listening to
Winter Show. Oh thank you.People will always go after subway. Yeah,
tuna's that tuna And there's like rubberin the u bread and the bread
like are you serious? If yougot a good bitch bee tripping for us,
give us a call eight seven sevenforty four, Woodie, text over
to two to ninety seven. Here'sanother one on a first day. A
woman said that she wanted to bea veteran because she loves animals. Oh
veteran, yeah yeah, okay,well cool, so go serve yeah right,
yeah yeah, and then you willbe and then because you love animals.
A guy thought his car was stolen. Turned out he had driven it
across the street to buy a soda, walked home and forgot he moved it.
Bitch, be tripping. I likethis text. My brother said,
if you connect an island to amainland by a bridge, then it's no
longer an island, it's a peninsula. There was a classic one man I
uh I had a guy called intothe the show one time. This man,
this is years ago. They waslaughing about his wife. He said
that they were making TV dinners,you know, just like frozen dinners in
the microwave, and she put hisin first and then his done. So
he's like starting eating. She's justkind of sitting there. He's like,
what are you doing? Aren't shegonna aren't you gonna eat yours up too?
And she goes, yeah, butI can't do it until seven o'clock.
It meant to heat it for sevenminutes. But you know how they
on the package will say, ohyeah, yeah, heat at seven and
then like it looks like seven o'clock. Yeah yeah, and it was only
six. Oh, you gotta waittill seven, had to wait till seven.
And he's just laughing. And sherealized immediately, is like she was
kind of burned out, you know, work had been a lot. But
he he's like, it's still funnyto this day. But maybe they know
that's a per time to cook it. Yeah, you know what they say,
Like there's a sticker on said bestbuy and then whatever the date is.
You know, maybe if you heatit up at a specific time,
that's when it's at its best andit tastes the most abious. Yeah,
all right, bitch be tripping eightseven seven blonde moment, whatever you want
to call it. Eight seven sevenforty four wood all right, bitch be
tripping, Yeah, aka blonde blondemoment. It happens to the best of
us. Google did an April Fool'sJoe claiming you could taste things by licking
your phone screen. This person saidthey did several times before they realized it
was April full God. This wasas I dated a chick who thought the
sun and the moon were the samething. The moon was just the sun
when it runs out of fuel eachday. And then yeah, that's awesome,
that's good stuff. Man. Uh, let's go to Cody. Good
morning, Cody, Cody. Hey, that's going morning, all right.
So a bitch be tripping blonde moment? What do you got? Uh?
So it was one of my oldco workers. We were out working at
night and for whatever reason, hecould not figure out why our magnetic work
light would not stick to our aluminumtrailer. Over and over. Guy's magnet
priken got magnetripon, broken on aluminum, I can say now, by the
way, Oh yeah, that onewas a challenge for him for a number
of years. Yeah, I learnedit. Yeah, yeah, I couldn't
do it. Yeah, well,any of it happens. People get like
the stainless steel fridges, especially reallyproud moms that want to hang up all
their kids crap on there. Yeah, it's the best because they can't clutter
it up. Greg, I agree, it doesn't. No, No,
you can't stick magnets. I didn'tknow that on the front of a stainless
steel fridge. Sometimes the sides becausethey're not the stainless steel. Yeah,
you can still stick things on thesides, but yeah, not on the
front of it black, which isa great feature. Yeah, all right,
Cody, thanks for the call.Appreciate you. Eight seven seven forty
four Woodie with your bitch beet trippingstory. Eight seven seven forty four Woody.
I found another clip from my wife. Oh yeah, here we go
this again. This is just offmy phone video field. Guy, I
look awful. What was your question? No, don't video meann't feel guys.
So there's West Virginia. There's regularVirginia, and then there's West Virginia,
right or is it just one?I know there's like North and South
Dakota, North and South Carolina.Well, the technically there should be a
West and East Virginia. There's nosuch thing as East Virginia. Well there's
a west. That's a whole answermy question. State where Oh my god,
West Virginia is a different state thanVirginia for two different states. I
promised you that's true West Virginia.Talked about this before, but I forgot.
Yeah. So yeah, how's thepoint though, why in Virginia and
West Virginia should be West South Carolina, North Carolina. But at least that
makes sense. It's not Carolina andSouth Carolina. I mean, I see
her point. Yeah, they shouldchange it to eat like Virginia. Starting
campaign on that one. Someone says, my twenty year old daughter asked me
what state Illinois was in? Oh, okay, this one five to one
two. I worked at a rivertubing company. There were a bunch of
stairs where you got out of theriver at and the lady was letting all
the air out of her tube.Asked her why she was doing that.
She said, so it would belighter to carry up the stairs. Her
husband just looked at me with thislook that said, please don't ask.
But I had to. I askedher how much the airwave? Yeah,
and she said she didn't know,but it was lighter. It really boggy
down this one five seven five,my older Mustang broke down. I towed
the car home, overhauled the engine, and you know, just thinking it
gave out. Once I overhauled it, it still wouldn't start. And that's
when I realized it was just outof gas. Oh no, that's always
the case. Let's go to Beckyon the phone. Good morning, Becky,
good morning. All right, bitch, be tripping. What do you
got saw previss. My sister wasyounger, so not converser too much,
I guess. But I live inlike a super like rural area and we
were just driving down the road andwe happened to be passing some Amish people
and my sister started screaming, Ohmy gosh, I finally get to see
pim grums. It was hilarious andshe was serious. Hi after Wow,
Yeah, all right, it wasgood Becky. Thank you for calling child.
Appreciate you listening the one show.I had yourself a great day.
Uh, thank you. We gota text about this one. I'd forgot
about this guy. This guy wasa congressman, Hank Johnson. Hank remember
he uh he had that theory aboutGuam. Oh yeah, this is a
part of the island and I don'tknow how many square miles that is.
Do you happen to know? Idon't have that figure with me, sir.
I can certainly supply it to youif you'd like. Yeah, my
fear is that the whole island willbecome so overly populated that it will tip
over and capsize. And we don'tanticipate that. There's like the Army Corps
engineers they were talking to them aboutlike, you know, there's too much
population on one side of guambwo capsizetip the island. Yeah, stupid,
because that's how that works. Weyeah, don't anticipate the four four.
I was going to Michigan for work. We were driving through Ohio. It
was late, been driving all dayand I saw a sign that said,
oh lottery, Like, oh hlottery, Ohio? Sure, and I
got so it got so where there'slike, oh lottery, And then I
merely was like, Ohio, ohh got It just felt so dumb.
Thought it was a sign said ohlottery, Oh lottery, Oh lotter,
lottery. Oh I should play sevenone four. I remember heating up a
bagel in the microwave. My momsaid do it for sixty seconds because a
minute was too long. No,yeah, that's way better. I thought
that was crazy, so I paused. I looked at her with a blank
stare and said what. My bestfriend in many years thought fleetwood Mac was
a SoundCloud wrapper from Bakersfield, becausehe said it sounded like it would be
a rapper's name, Fleetwood Mac.That'd be a cool name. My blonde
moment in my twenties after years ofalready driving. My friend told me to
keep my hands at ten and two, but I didn't know was referring to
a clock. I thought ten andtwo meant ten fingers, two hands on
the steering wheel at all times.Yeah. Actually, young people don't know
like old timy clocks. What thereare still clocks, there's watches, there's
all kinds of stuff. But we'vealready, like we've read studies on how
younger people that don't even know howto read those old clocks, they only
know dish. Let's go to Delilah. Good morning, Delilah. How are
you hi? All right? Sowhat's your bitchb trip in blonde moment story?
So one of my really good friends, I love her to death,
I really do. Which she's technologyPune and I was telling her, you
have a smartphone just to use it, and she's like, I don't have
a smartphone. I have an Android. Sounds like somebody we know in the
room, appreciate listen to the showkind of be kind of reminds me I
had a bitch be trip in yearat like all through chemistry class in high
school. When I read the wordinfrared light, Yeah, I thought I
said infrayed light and the whole year. I never had the nerve to ask
my teacher what's infraed light? Andthe whole time, the whole year.
And then I heard him say infor radom, ah, it's infrared light.
And I still don't know what itis, by the way, infrared
light. Yeah, I don't knowwhat that is. It's like infrared light.
Yeah, okay, uh, here'sone. I took my wife to
Walmart. Right as we're getting outof the car, I let a big
fart rip. I started to lookaround. I say, damn ducks.
My wife starts to look around andsays, where are they? She likes
where, she wants to see wherethey are. Bitch, be tripping.
Let's go to Ronnie. Good morningRonnie. Ronnie. Hello, Hi,
what do you got for us?Well? I have a bunch of cats.
Yeah, and my daughter in law, who lives next door to me,
had a couple of chickens, andher kickens was always coming and stealing
all my cat food. I juststarted beating them the cat food in their
own pile. And when I toldher that, she got serious, really
mad at me and said it wasgonna make the eggs taste like cat food.
Thank you. Wow, well thent would taste like that was the
case. Yeah right, yeah yeah, and I'm thinking so they taste like
grasshoppers, you know, that's whatthey need, grasshoppers and bugs. So
that's what the eggs tastes like.Ye prefer bug eggs? Yeah, yeah,
is that what you want? Yeah? I will. Hey, Ronnie,
thank you for the call. Appreciatelistening to Woody show. Thanks Ronnie,
have yourself a great thank you.All right, and there's Ronnie.
Guys all just chickens running around everywhere. That's awesome, goosey. Let's see.
Yeah, once says my high schoolstudents can't read a clock. We
give him a quiz on it everyyear. Yes, two things kind of
understandable. Yeah. My wife atfirst thought it was laft fitness, left
fitness like a French gym uh oh, what are You're never gonna make bitch
bee tripping happy. But no onecalls it. That blonde moment is fine
by itself, all right, someone'striggered there. Oh no, jeez,
well, I got news for you. For years and years on my show,
it was bitchb tripping the whole thing. It was never blonde moments.
I prefer tripping. Yeah, itgoes look it does, it does go
for both. All right, SoI think we got to end on this
one. And there's there's a tonthat we could share here. But this
is ah. This is from theAll Star Game last night. This is
Ingrid Andres. I think this isa country singer. This is a four
time Grammy nominee. All right.And she sang the Star Spangled banner before
the home run derby last night andpeople are calling it the star Mangled banner.
It was awful. This is yousee Bye the Dolls, What's so
Brownly? We by the trial lightslast clean, Hood's broad shape, sound
bread through the pairs. Fine.I think Gregg's liking it so far,
so far, waiting for much worseparts were getting there so far? I
like it. Yeah, I'm notkidding. It's just her singing style.
Okay, so far, so good? All right? Oh the but we
watch We're So gayly stream gets readOkay, there it is set of flag
what oh no, the range theywent downhill. So this is a country
singer. Yeah, that's weird,four time Grammy nomination. Jesus good song
her singer, I mean, probablyin a studio She has good songs,
but her singing styles like an indiemusic totally not a country singer. We're
not done yet, crowds lovel crowdslove. Say does the Sto spring O
the of the Fredo? You suck? I mean, if you don't suck,
why do you sign up for that? Oh she sings wishful drinking and
she sings more hearts than mine.And I loved that song. I loved
it hearing this. I'm so disappointedwhen you're doing live, oh my studio.
Even Whitney Houston, who had oneof the greatest voices of all right
time, wasn't live at that superBowl that she is known for. Even
Whitney Houston, this chick my god, good lord, horrendous more what he
shows next? Thing? It's notlike thrilling for me. Menace by the
way, on Saturday, just aprogram note, Yes, Menace will be
at Citadel Outlets this Saturday from twoto four pm. You can find them
in front of the world's largest boomboxstereoe. Young kids, yes, back
in the eighties, used to cruisearound, have it like on your shoulder,
you know, getting down, youknow, do you remember your first
ever dual cassette. Yeah awesome.Yeah, so he'll be giving away some
free ice cream, five hundred dollarsCitadel gift cards, theme park tickets,
concert tickets and what do you showmerch you had at ice cream? Yeah
that is. That's all with Menaceat the Citadel Outlets this Saturday from two
to four pm. Come on through. It'll be fun. Uh. Thank
you to our friends at L Loco. Yeah, as we were walking out
yesterday, there was a delivery fromL Toyoo. As we've said it before,
like we keep talking about these stuffedcase of dias they've got, like
they have stuff case is we wantthem bring and they did. Yep,
they delivered. Yeah. So theyhad the shredded beef one in there,
the chicken Bleblano, the chicken avocado. Those are all available now at the
El Loco. And they're big too. I mean they're huge, They're massive.
It's like a double meal for Sammy, for me and Menaced. It's
a great start. Yet you gettwo of those things. We did post
a video on our story on Instagramif you want to check it out.
If they want to come every day, we will to be angry. We
would thank but to thank you toEl Loco. Let's wrap up this bitch
be tripping here real quick. Acouple of right text messages. Our friend
Steve, and he's texting over.My neighbor's kid almost burned down their house
because he tried to microwave a hotpocket for sixty minutes. Oh my god,
because it had a clock on theoutside and it didn't read the sixty
seconds put in it for sixty minutessixty zero. We had that happened here
at the Rido Stace, you remember, Oh that's right, somebody put it
in. It was supposed to bethree minutes and it was like three hours
or whatever. Yeah, this onecame in on the text seventy five.
One time I saw a triple Atow truck drive by and it read Triple
A Batteries available, And I thought, why would a big toe truck have
little tiny batteries on it? Like, who's going to them for triple A
batteries? Okay, weird? Uhseven three two says my worst one,
and this was recent. I thoughtcyber Monday only applied to sales on electronics.
My wife still makes fun of mefor that one. That's funny.
Uh nine one five said that mywife thought that the sun was closer than
the moon. Nine one four.My sister sat in the wrong funeral for
thirty minutes until she realized that shedidn't know anybody there and names weren't adding
up. Oh no, no,yeah, that's sad. Let's see.
My friend messaged me and asked ifyou could cook pork pork chops in the
oven from the five one five?Why couldn't you? Four one two.
My dad told my sister to putice cubes in her soup to cool it
down. Two minutes later, shelooks at the soup and asks, what
happened to the ice? Yeah?Where triple U? Nine one nine.
My brother says that if you connectan island to the mainland by bridge,
then it's no longer an island.It's now a peninsula that's from Corey.
Yeah, that's how the earth works. And then this one for for my
brother told me that he had somefriends that were twins, but they had
different dads. Oh, oh mygod. We worked at this one sales
check and she was really impressed bythis other saleswoman's outfit and she goes,
oh my god, I have thosesame pants except it's purple and it's a
dress. Okay, it's not thesame at all. I think ultimately was
the salesperson that asked what website thatthey had to be on the charge the
laptop. Yeah, this is whenlaptops are relatively new in the workplace.
Yeah and yeah, they'd just givenlaptops to all the salespeople. Yeah,
and she wanted to know, Yeah, what website do you go to to
charge the laptop? It's charge mylaptop dot com. Yeah. It sounds
like the kind of questions that Boardgets, like when he adds people to
his annoying co workers list. Ohconstantly, Yeah, here this website?
Yeah, uh four. What howyou doing there, James? I'm doing
well. Thank you? Up tostart work? All right? What do
you do for a living? I'ma pool boy, a pool boy,
all right. A lot of naughtyhousewives out there, man, luck with
that, all right? So bitch, be tripping? What do you got.
I remember being a young kid,just turning eighteen, and I applied
for a paint store job and theguy told me that I need to go
take a drug test. But Itold him I won't be able to pass
right now, but I'll pass ina couple of weeks if you just you
know, all right, yeah,well they never called me back. Oh
all right, James can lucky allthe pools. And there's naughty housewives.
Man, thank you, my hey, it's man. It's check out the
Lazy Dog Restaurants Made to order lunchspecials three dollars off road trip balls and
other delicious meals starting at only eightdollars and seventy five cents, available every
day until four pm. Order forpickup or delivery, free delivery on orders
over twenty five dollars. Lazy DogRestaurants dot com, The Woody Show,
and another new hour eating Sensitivity Trainingfor a politically correct World, Tuesday Morning,
working our way through it. It'sJuly the sixteenth, twenty twenty four,
Woodie, Greg Gory. There's amenace? What up? Sea Bass
is here? Good morning, SeaMass Samy, Good morning, Good morning.
Phones open eight seven seven forty fourWooding And it's eight seven seven forty
four, Woody h. We gota redneck news coupled up for you.
Also, we'll get into some ofthe trending news headlines. We had that
around of bitch b Tripp And here'sa here's another person we can add to
the pile. This forty year oldwoman. Four zero. Forty year old
woman claims that she gets I d'dall the time. We just talked about
a woman like this recently. It'slike, no way that's true. There's
no way. Well, this woman, again forty, says she gets id'd
all the time. People always thinkshe's twenty eight at the most. But
why why Well, according to her, it's all thanks to the fact that
she wears sunscreen every single day,no matter what the weather is. So
you might be wondering how that's workedout for Let me show you the picture.
You tell me she looks twenty eightskin. It might be the way
she dresses and her makeup. Youknow, it's her face. Her face
does not look twenty eight. Shelooks childish. Yeah, well got it.
She's got it like she's touched byan angel. Yeah special, she's
kind of a yeah psycho. Looka lot of eye makeup. Yeah,
she doesn't look like she has aton of wrinkles or anything. She's not
getting carded. I think she lookspretty good for forty. Yeah, for
forty. Do you think she's twentyeight years old? Getting carded, she's
forty's good for forty, random storesgood for forty. If you told me
she was twenty eight, I wouldn'thave a reason to think not really.
Yeah, wow, you'd be terribleat the fair. If I if I
blind guess, I guess the way, guess the age thing. If I
had just ran, if I didjust guess, I would say thirty two,
thirty one. Really, there's thisone picture of her where she absolutely
looks, I would say twenty fiveright there? Really, see, don't
you think I'll I've only seen theone picture, the one that just showed
you. Yeah, she she mightnot be lying. Look at this one.
See, yeah, that's forty's.Also she's got some is that her
husband or some boyfriend who's got likelooks gray hair and young hair, looks
like Stanley Tucci helps her out.That helps her out a lot. Yeah,
she looks like she's gonna go tothe red neck rodeo. Yeah,
she's a young lady there. SheBritish, but she looks kind of trashy.
What's the what's another red neck eventthat you heard about? Sea Bass?
Somebody texted it about it? Yes, someone texted, And I think
it's called Redneck Rumble. It's likethe Rumble tough Man contest, kind of
like rough and routy sort of.I'm sure boxing people were saying, we
could probably get some really good audiothere. We could if I was available.
Yeah. Oh, you're not tocheck the schedule, did you?
Yeah? I did check the schedule, and yeah, I'm not in Oklahoma
City. That also we're gonna missrednecks with paychecks too. Oh yeah,
yeah, because we've got to goto the other end. I just seemed
like, I think of Sea Bassused to love going and stuff like that.
I still do. Yeah, he'sstill down. I'd be going.
Yeah. When is the Jugglos?When's the gathering of the US, like
the third weekend of August. Okay, I knew that had to be coming
up. It's about Jugglo season.Clear the schedule for well. I what
I do for that is I prebuy as soon as they announced the date.
There's there's only one hotel that's evensomewhat close because it's in the field.
It's in corn And so I prebuy the best Western near there because
that will sell out real fast.Do you get the King Sweet? Yeah,
to get the room. I thinkthey have because it is one of
those those type of one of thehandicap rooms where all the counters are really
low. It's a nice wide shower. It's very nice. Yeah, I'm
sure, because yeah, you don'twant to be camping with those juggalos,
especially if you have camera equipment.That's that's the you're asking to get steel
like beers and fireworks from each other. Sure, they gotta steal my stuff
others and sisters. Yeah, that'sfamily. The Insane Clown Posse has a
big gathering of their fans every yearand it's speaking of white trash and redneck
news and everything. It's like it'sone of the most Like if you hadn't
seen it for yourself or Sea Bassgoing there and witnessing it himself and giving
us eyewitness accounts and audio and videoand everything else, you wouldn't really believe
that it's true. People don't livelike this right now, Like you hear
about the Folesome Street Fair, whichis just like Sodom and Gomorra type event
that happens in San Francisco and notin San Francisco in like a private club
right on the street. Like ifyou hear the stuff that goes on there
and you wouldn't think that's You wouldthink that somebody is just you know,
you know, making that up.They're still embellishing. No, it's it's
completely weird. Google it and thenquick images and that's all. I want
to see his favorite events to goto. Speaking of this, Rednecks with
Paychecks is like a big mudding thing. But that's during the Fallshome Street for
a weekend. Yeah, so manythings going on. He's already had a
legacy event, you see. Yeah, and then what was I gonna say
with the is that kid Rock tourthat's going to like not big cities intentionally
it's kid rock and Jason Eld maybeYeah, do you know what I was
going to ask? Do you seelike the attendants increasing or decreasing with the
Juggalow meetups. It's because I feellike their last major hit was Miracles.
Miracles was a hit like that wouldmake It's one of those things that anything
they do is a hit within theircircle, but their circle has never really
been but outside their circle. Miracles, the song where they talk about magnets,
that's all because that's only because SNLmade fun of it. This is
true. It was never a legitimatelike it was I people enjoyed it.
Ironically. The tendance The question Ithink menace is is the Juggalo fan base
increasing. Are there younger Juggalos becausethey're because the Juggalo actual mainstream hit was
late nineties early two thousands, andby the hit, I mean barely a
blip on anybody's radar. And they'vestill been releasing albums. They've still been
doing They're still they still tour hereand there. They do appearances at these
like sort of you know one offfestivals. Uh and I they're their fans
are pretty old, like they're they'rekind of moving into the forties middle making
it to their forties. Well,there was only one overdose death last time,
but it was that was Juggalo Jesus. Like, do Juggles even like
have healthy babies that survive or theyall like still births, you know,
because of all the drugs on thefield. Do they have a memoriam h
RP happening there? Like one outof six Jugglo kids actually make it past
like a couple of months old.It's from there they were born like you
know, hooked on heroin or whatever. Because the reason I'm asking as well
as like aware aware of what juggalosare is our main audience are aware of
what a juggalo is? No,no, no, I think the Insane
clown Posse. I think if youonly know them, you walk to a
twenty five year old on any inthe mall, let's say you said,
what's a juggalo? One out often? Maybe yeah, they saw something
out hot topic. Probably maybe maybeyeah, I'm with sea bats on that,
or like the Insane clown Posse,that's better. They might say,
oh are those or something? Yeah, I mean, but not not what
it was? What it was.I certainly don't think they're growing their their
audience at this point. That's whatI'm saying. I think that it's kind
of like I say, Fish andthe Grateful Dead have done a pretty decent
like a lot of their audience isalso older forties and fifties now, but
they do a pretty good job atrecruiting young stupid hippies because we get the
John Mayer to join in and rightfans, I also have healthier babies that
make it past you know, yeah, because because the the Fish and Grateful
Dead fans these days have real jobsand you see them, because they'll go
back to they they pay hell theFish or no Grateful Dead at the sphere.
God, those were those tickets werewell into the three hundred dollars.
Yeah. Yeah, so you haveto have money to go to those shows.
But the people who follow the showsare the people in their twenties,
just stupid hippies who like, heyman, there's love. Yeah. Well,
there's a lot of exciting events comingup. See bats will be covering
a lot of those, as healways does, and we're looking forward to
seeing and hearing audio and video fromall these different places where people bathe in
the lake. Yeah lake, wemean we mean mud pitch. Time for
a redneck news show. You evergot a flat tire on your house?
That formig news. Here's the text. Uh seven one four. I'm thirty
six years old and I'm a juggalo, never done any hard drugs besides pot,
and I have two amazing kids,both are healthy. Well, hey,
congratulations through the ano. Yeah there'salways one or two. Yeah,
you've outkicked the percentage, right,there's all kinds of functioning heroin at you
beat the stats. That's true,all right? Well, this Redneck Newsday
is from Mount Juliette, Tennessee,where the cops he pulled over this broad
on a routine traffic stop, andwhen they ran her info, they learned
that her license had been suspended andit turns out that she was wanted in
three other counties. So they pulledher out of the car, put her
in cuffs. They searched the car, and that's where they found a bunch
of meth LSD THC and some fentanylbased gummies pills in marijuana, all right,
which he tried to disguise by wrappingthem up like burritos and taco bell
rappers. She took pictures, Theytook pictures. They posted them on the
police department social media with the captionnot your typical taco bell order, all
right, that's fun stuff. Thewoman taking the jail. She'll also be
facing charges in the other counties forher previous crimes. But that's from Mount
Juliet, Tennessee, where the copsa busted a woman with a suspended license
who had warrants in multiple counties withmeth lsd fentanyl and pills wrapped up in
disguised as taco bell burritos. Ohman, And that is today's raid.
Nick, I got a countertext fromnine to nine. Okay, my niece
is a juggalo and she's in prison. Well, there you go, and
that trust, fellow comrades in mediocrity. How would you listen? Very careful,
you can all go straight to well. Looking at some of the headlines,
it is Amazon Prime Day, youguys. That's right. Amazon's tenth
Prime Day kicks off today, runsthrough tomorrow. Deals in over thirty five
categories. You have up to fiftypercent off certain shows and movies Greg on
Prime Video, Ripple, and youcan get discounts on channels involving or including
crunchy Roll, which I've never heardof, Crush crushing streaming. It would
not be interested Stars, MGM Plus, AMC Plus, Paramount Plus with Showtime
Great, excellent. That's what you'vebeen wanting, right, Paramount Plus,
that's the one, and then Iguess Peacock as well. Yeah, but
Paramount Plus was showed time fifty percenton. Okay, that might be my
incentive us their deals on the Amazondevice of course, Ring Doorbell, Kindle,
Scribe, Fire tablets, and more. My Amazon got hacked. I
looked and I had a bunch ofemails in a row saying your order for
these weird track pants went through,and then the next email it was canceled.
The next one it's the track pantsorder is back, then canceled,
then back. Then I go tomy account. There's a different name on
my account, there's a different addresson my account. So I edit all
that. Then I had a twohundred dollars gift card put into my account,
then two hundred taken out, thentwo hundred in, then out,
and then in again. So Ihad this two hundred dollars gift card that
I don't know where it came from. I had edited all my stuff so
it was just me. Then itsaid my credit card is not on file,
which it was. And now mygift card, this two hundred dollars
gift card that was put in there, one hundred dollars was taken out.
Yeah, so now I still havea hundred Busy stuff that happened weird all
the time on our account. Mywife always has to call and it's a
whole thing, and sometimes I can'teven tell you what's going on. Yeah,
and then when you request a callback, they don't. Yeah,
And it takes her a little bit, but she gets through it and they
fix whatever. I forget what itwas the last time, it was like
something, why the hell, Ohit was a welding kid, Why the
hell? Oh? Yeah, yeahyeah, and it was going to some
house vacant. Yeah, Like wethe address because you know, it shows
like the address that's going to,so we Google mapped it or whatever,
and the address was one of thosethat was blurred out. And then so
they they figured it all out.Yeah, I think paying the ass Sea
Bass. You and I are bigtime Amazon users. This never happens to
us. I was gonna ask,what do you think is the myster What
is Greg and what his wife?What are they doing to get their accounts
hacked? Well to the joint account. Tell me, I'm not blaming you.
Well, we're trying to figure itout, of course. Is it
an email that looks like Amazon email. This isn't the first time too.
I think Bord hacked me before becauseI said, I looked at my thing
and I said, you have anorder for like a bunny cage, bunny
feed and hey all this like likeguinea pig suplo little guinea pig type stuff.
Yeah, and that all canceled.Yeah, so I would recommend.
Did you reach it? Did youchange your password number one? Yes?
Did you change it to something thatis fully like you use one of their
password generators? So sixty nine sixtynine? Yeah? Yeah, is sixty
nine. By the way, Bardhasn't got his order. Yeah, oh
yeah, I threw it away wasteful. Yeah, it's the second time that's
happened. But this new, thismost recent one is with this gift card
that was put in there, soweird. Did anything get charged on your
card? No? Luckily. TheRepublican National Convention got underway in Milwaukee yesterday.
They officially nominated President Trump as theparty's nominee. He announced his pick
for Vice president, J d Vance, who was a senator from Ohio.
I'm reading his book. I hadno idea he was even a senator.
He's got a Book's also a movieapparent, right, There was a Meryl
Street movie with what's Amy Adams.It was about him growing up like he's
a bit. He grew up totalwhite trash, hill billy and that's what
it's called hill billy ellogy. It'ssort of a known like memoir book.
I finally picked this. I've beenout for ten years ago. I've I've
heard the name before. I didn'tknow anything about him. This guy.
I couldn't even told you. Iwas from Ohio. It's a movie and
I was like, oh, ohhe's a senator. Oh he was vice
president. He was abandoned as akid or something. Well, his his
mom was in and out of jail, and he lived with his grandma and
so on and so forth. Trumphimself showed up at the convention yesterday your
bandage, which I was surprised about. Again, I thought he'd go out
there it just like you know,I thought it would raw dog it,
Yeah, show off the injury holyField style, but got massive applause.
Saturday sucked, but he had agood day yesterday because I judged throughout the
classified Documents case saying the appointment ofthe Special Council was unconstitutional. It was
probably gonna be an appeal there becausethe assassination attempt. On Saturday. They
finally gave Robert F. Kennedy JuniorSecret Service protection at least a couple more
months until that whole thing is.It's about time over, It's about time.
I don't I don't hate I don'thate him. Like when he talks
he says some stuff that I go, oh yeah, but I can't make
it through the voice. The voiceis so uncomfortable. I heard it.
I was like, and why whydoes what happened? There was something,
there's something, some kind of spasmsin his vocal career. US. It's
a tough lissen. He was ona famous podcast called the All In Podcast
and where he did a couple ofhours and I'm like, I can't get
through this, I know. Andthen he was also on a Guess with
the Flagrant podcast where he talked abouthow, oh yeah, the government was
totally in on the jfk assassination.I totally want to listen to the Cheryl
Hines right, yeah, right,curb you enthusiasm. I don't know if
I could get through it. Yeah, it's it's it's a it's an uncomferable
same way I feel about the chickswith like whiskey voices, you know,
whiskey smoke. Heye, what's goingon? Do you know who's science sound
like that? A little bit?Is Gavin Newsom? Oh yeah, what
about Jeff Garland, that actor comedian? I love him that. You know,
Steve here was a jerk, ButI do like his characters Steve O
has like that, Oh yeah,people always thought it was from drugs.
He just says he just wasn't talkingcorrectly, like a doctor looked at him
and said, you just got lazywith your speech. The Secret Service is
getting a lot of heat after whathappened on Saturday. And it turns out
the director of the Secret Service,this chick name Kimberly Cheele, had no
past security of law enforcement experience andgot the job. I guess because she
had a close relationship with Jill Biden. At least that's the report allegedly.
Yeah, I said, this isthis is what the report is said that
she worked for Pepsi before that,right, and internal Security and more.
On that fall that Richard Simmons tookin his bathroom the day before he died
is when he fell. His housekeeperbegged him to go get checked out,
but he refused and said that maybehe'd go see a doctor on Saturday.
So she helped him back to bed. Next morning is when she found him
dead on the floor next to hisbed. Reports are that he was feeling
dizzy before the fall. Still noword on the cause of death, but
the medical Examiner's office announced that thecause of death has been deferred, meaning
that an investigation and additional testing areneeded. Wow. So it reminds me
of Bob Saggott. Yeah, BobSagont hit his head and then just died.
Just thinking about Bob the other day. Here's more proof that people suck
hard. Rock Stadium in Miami destroyedon Sunday by fans after the Copa America
final. The escalator was completely destroyed. You see the pictures in the video
of that. How the hell areyou destroy They tore you know, you
know, the rubber handrails and stuff. They those were ripped off, like,
the stairs were ripped up. Venuevents were busted, open, handrails
broken, There was glass and trasheverywhere. What a bunch of losers.
Again, soccer fans they wild,but now they're losers and they're poor.
They wild? They wild? Yeah, they cool, right, yet that's
super cool. Alcohol. A formerburger king manager in Mississippi says nepotism is
the reason that she was fired alongwith her son and his three friends.
She had hired the boys as away to keep them out of trouble,
but got a lot of attention becauseshe got a share from Nick Cannon on
social media and so Burger King foundout about it, says she broke the
rules. Here she is. Thisis Shaquila Dixon and her son Cordon talking
about what happened after Nick Cannon's socialmedia post at the at the Burger King
problem. Like later on the evening, the post whatever started doing numbles.
I think he got to like onek. At that point, I got
a call from my area manager andmy district leader and she said, you
know, we don't want to turnsomething good for something bad, but we
have a couple of concerns, thefact that cornerion was my son, how
much money they was getting paid.She told me that a minor is supposed
to get paid differently than when thedog gets paid. But it was never
brought some attention beforehand. It wasa good thing that it went out to
a lot of people, you know, and I hope they didn't know what
I'm saying, and traded a lotof people to do things dude, and
stopped the vials and stuff like that. Well, the good news is here
that she has a future as anauctioneer. Wait, I don't know what
happened, so yeah, I stilldon't understand. So she set out a
tweet how she hired her son andher friends. Is that happening that Nick
Cannon shared it? Nick Cannon sharedit right, right, and so it
got all this because yeah, Igot to like, you know, okay,
a couple of thousand, like veryquickly, a couple of thousand views
or shares. Okay, So sheshared the story that correct, I hired
them so they would stay out,Yeah, okay. And then they found
out that she was paying them morethan she should have as their manager.
Yeah. I didn't think like youcould pay them differently just because they're miners.
I thought it was like if you'rean employee, like you work certain
number of hours. I never heardthat. Yeah, but I never heard
there was a difference in you know, how much you could you could pay
its Mississippi. I don't know whatthe laws are there. Yeah, no
idea, that's too bad. Imean it's otherwise a nice story. It's
a good idea. Stop the violencein there, yeah, I mean,
like keeps them off the streets,keeps them out of trouble, they're doing
something productive. Yeah, I thoughtit was cool, but so much for
that, I guess Burger King hatespeople not being violent. Yeah, so
let's unemploy these people. Well,and you know, and I am a
burger King apologist, that is true. I always feel bad I have.
I have weird empathy for that BurgerKing by my house, which I never
see a real line of the drivethrough. I kind of feel bad that
no one's there. Well, gothrough it today. I've been through it.
It's delicious, it is. Iagree, I've been going. Have
you been going? Have you beendoing your part? I haven't. Don't
think so, and I do.I'm trying to think of an item that
I don't like there, right,what smells better? A Burger King or
a KFC smells Yeah, and Ilike the smell of KFC, but that's
just oil and fry kind of stuff. I like to like the spell of
the grill more. What he showsnext show? Hey you guys. Bad
news for Columbia. They are reportedlystruggling because they're producing too much cocaine.
We've been saying. As the articlehere points out, it's due to quote
tectonic shifts as a result of domesticand global forces that are reshaping the drug
industry. The changing dynamics have ledto blocks of unsold coca paste piling up
across Columbia, spurring a humanitarian crisisin many remote impoverished community. Guys get
out there and start buying up thiscokes these people and these remote impoverished communities
is feminol. People aren't doing itanymore because it's too risky. Cocaine used
to be fun and semi safe,and now think of the eighties guys,
Yeah, was it ever safe?Compared guy? Literally, people one hit
and they're gone. Yep, That'show I always felt growing up. Like
that just say no campaign really workedon me. Man, Like I thought,
Man, if you did cocaine,your heart would explode. You just
dropped dead. I think the peoplewho did it and didn't drop dead were
lucky. Oh they got lucky,the rare yes and crack forget it.
Then crack came around and the onlypeople I knew back in the day that
died from cocaine were fat people.Really, to be honest, yeah,
they can't handle it. And thendid you ever do cocaine? Me?
No, because I I know thatprobably if I try it, I would
love it, and then I'll doa lot of it. Yeah, I
keep hearing it rules and I'm like, nope, that's yeah, I wouldn't.
Yeah, so I never did that. I never did ecstasy because of
the almost the kind of thing withfennyl where you could die if you take
the wrong pill. So I neverdid ecstasy either. Well why don't you
just get some cocaine and then whenthe cops bust you with it, you
can say, well, I'm concernedabout the humanitarian crisis going on in Colombia,
the economy in Colombia. Yeah,but helping. Hey, great news,
everybody. Necrophilia is now illegal inMichigan. Finally, Whitmer. It's
now a two year misdemeanor to intentionallyand sexually sexually touch a dead human body
and a fifteen year felony to havesex with the dead human body. So
yay Michigan. Oh you did it. That is the finally, all time
weirdest, most creepy, weirdest disgustingwhat if it's sad? Oh we had
that in freaking the week before.Like the people who like they're looking for
someone to pretend that there are acorpse they're creepy so that they can have
sex with them, like the onewhat the one guy they wanted? Like
the ice bath person. I wehad women who've told stories of guys.
Oh yeah, you had you talkedthat one show. This is yeah,
this is not just like some fantasywritten none. These are people we actually
interviewed. You's so scary, socreepy. Yeah it's illegal now, yeah,
but how hot you know? Ohoh yeah? Eight seven seven forty
four, Woody hit us up withthe text over to two to nine eight
seven Woody Show, and we areinto another new hour in sensitivity training for
a politically correct world. It's Tuesdaymorning, It's July the sixteenth, twenty
twenty four. Thank you for beinghere giving us some of your valuable time
this morning. I'm Woody. That'sgreat, gory. There's a menace.
What is up, Woody? Seebasking morning to you. We are out
here, there's Sammy Morny. Phonesopen eight seven seven forty four, Woodie.
That's eight seven seven forty four,Woodie. We got a taste drive
coming up noise this hour, thiswhere we have some things that maybe we
have mentioned on the show. Iknow for a fact there's at least two
things this morning that we've mentioned onthe show previously that get the taste and
see if it's if it's worth it. And we also got some food news.
Oh yeah, well the show foodnews, starting with horror Mel,
who are adding the Korean barbecue flavoredspam as a permanent flavor. Yeah yeah,
I mean there's so many different flavorsof spam. It's described as a
unique blend of soy sauce, garlic, ginger, paprika, and sesame with
a hint of spice. According tohorror Mel, the new flavor is inspired
by spam's popularity in Korean culture andthe rise of Korean barbecue in the US,
and they recommend eating the new spamvariety grilled and served over rice or
on a toasted bun with kim cheese. Law. Oh yeah, I'll be
fancy. It's it's a vail wellnow exclusively at Walmart, both in store
and online. Yeah. Oh,food news, foods Grilling spam is you've
got to I don't remember the lasttime I had it, but I'm definitely
not a spam hater. You weren'tin studio then when we had the maple
bacon spam. Uh oh a yearago. Yeah, I don't know how
people do it. Oh yeah,but no cook spam. You know what
I liked as a kid. Iused to like raw hot dog. You
know they're already cooked. They arecooked. I mean all hot dogs is
when you buy them from the store, they're already constill eat those. Yeah,
it's kind of like boloney. Yeah. Yeah. I used to love
cold hot dogs, like just rightout of the package. Yeah. I
haven't done that, and you know, I don't know. Let's call it
four decades. If you want tocold it up, A cold hot dog
with cold slice of American cheese.Oh, it's good, dry, high
slash mess of all people. Yeah, I like mine warm. I mean,
yeah, that's preferred obviously. Yeah, but you know, if you're
wasted. I did see this atthe grocery store. I know it's a
real thing. I know it's alreadyout there. Kellogg's and Crumble like Crumble
cookies, they've teamed up with anew breakfast cereal, the Flavor of Crumbles
chocolate chip cookie, which is myleast favorite commercially available chocolate chip cookie.
Other than being big and soft,it doesn't have a lot of flavor.
I don't like the fact that Idon't use semi sweet chocolate chips. The
most overrated cookie of Life. Ido like their other cookies. Their other
cookies are good. I think thechocolate Mint, but you know, I'm
a sucker for a fresh out ofthe oven soft chocolate chip cookie, and
I just don't think Crumbled does avery good job of that. There are
other cookies are great. I dolike those, but this is Crumble Chocolate
Chip Cereal. And they say forpeople who have tried the new cereal,
it's a fresh baked roma compared toCookie Crisp, and it's available now retailers
nationwide. I saw the regular,the regular grocery store cookie Crisp was the
dreams, and then I remember beingdisappointed with how little the cookies were.
Oh really, yeah, because theywere like super small. Yeah, They're
like smaller than a penny. Ithink I was expecting to be like quarter
size, you know, like likea famous Amos. Yeah, you know,
those little cookies like you get outof a vending machine. The commercials
were deceiving. No, it wasjust a cartoons. Yeah, so good.
Pretzel Maker, the creator of softpretzel bites. They've teamed up with
Cheetos to introduce a new limited editionflavor Cheetos Pretzel Bites. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. The new bites are freshbaked, hand rolled daily, and
each bite is dusted with the iconicCheetos flavor, not just the Cheetos flavor,
the iconic Cheetos flavor. Yeah,and they're available until September twenty ninth
nationwide. Yeah, Rich, probablyin the freezer section, I'm guessing.
So McDonald's. You know, theyrolled out that five dollars value meal.
They did this back last month,and because the complaints were coming in about
the high prices, right, andall that kind of stuff, So they
rolled out this five dollars value mealand now it's wildly popular and they're taking
it away of course two days.Well, right, I'm sure just take
it away from the other meals.Right, people are just buying the five
dollar meal versus the more expensive Accordingto the article, McDonald's had its busiest
Tuesday of the year thus far onJune twenty fifth, that's the day that
it launched. And the only problemis it's unclear how long the deal will
be on the menus because McDonald saysit was only going to be available for
a month. Oh they didn't tellanybody that. I didn't know that.
If you remember, they were gettingcrush because everybody's like, oh my god,
so expensive, right, right,right right, some food news,
food news. Let's go to oneof our favorite places, Trader Joe's.
Oh yes, Trader Joe's fan favoritecelebration cake gelato is returning to stores.
Cake batter flavored gelato with cake piecesand rainbow sprinkles. And that's that's gonna
be that. Yeah, that's gonnabe out there. I mean, I
don't I don't think I've had that. I definitely have not. If I
get ice cream at Trader Joe's,it's only the coffee blast. Oh,
I get the one that has thetwo chocolate chip cookies with the vanilla ice
cream in between. Yeah, thechip is it chip witch chip wich?
That's nothing at Trader Joe's brand name, but the same concept sublime, right
was that what it was? Idon't know. I get the I get
the cookie butter ice cream. Ohit was on a big cookie butter kick.
Oh yeah, My favorite was gettingthe cookie butter and you did pretzels
in it. That sounds good likelittle mini pretzels. Oh yeah, that's
good. Yeah. Some other returningdesserts include the hiracha ice cream you got
the chocolate and vanilla beans, swirledgelato. Yeah, oh yeah, fudgy
cookie dough, ice cream, ubemochi. Yeah, there's a bunch of that
flavor at traders right now and otherthings. It's wildly popular because it's probably
purple, but it does taste good. Is like a sweet potato, right
yeah, from the Philippines. Ohdude, hot damn. Check it out.
The mini carrot cake sheet cake.Oh yeah, rich cake made the
carrots, warm spices, wallets topwith the cream cheese icing. Oh yeah,
only three calories per serving? Whocares? How do they get that?
Two years? But Sammy was righton those ice cream sandwiches. They
have seen those little mini sheet cakesthey sell. I don't spend all the
time of the dessert. Yeah,it's uh, it's in the it's by
the where the Kringles are. Yeah. Yeah, it's in the bread section.
But they also have like the littlemany cookies and stuff over there,
and usually tore one of the morebottom shelves and it's a I got a
I got a lemon sheet cake onetime that was good. Yeah. Oh,
this carrot chet cake is like asingle serve you can just you know,
Okay, it's not single serve,but I'm saying for us, all
for us, it is eighteen AKAright, yeah, yeah, I want
it. Well, we got theThe Woody showed Taste Drive. One other
things you want to tell uh Medicewhat's coming up? You want to give
him like a heads up and something. It's something a flavor of ramen that
we discussed recently, and and somethingfrom the creators of South Park. What
I got something else after you haveall that, after all that, and
so for dessert, I've got something. I'm excited. Yeah. So what
he showed Taste Drive, that's nexton The Woody Show. Hang on,
he took a dog of mayonnaise,slapped it down on the leather couch and
stuck his bare butt on it andlike wiggled it around around. We'll be
right back Woody Show. All right, See, MAT's what's the what's the
first thing that Medas is gonna tryhere? And we're all trying here where
the wood he showed tastes dried.By the way, somebody while you're handing
this out. Yeah, that lastfood news segment started to do uncomfortable listen
to you only because I think wenow all know what meta sounds like when
he's trying to have sex. Ohyeah. Uh. This one says if
any of you have not tried thepecan Prey leans from Trader Joe's, I
highly recommend trying them so good fromthere. I just had some of the
Celebration ice cream last night, andwe were just talking about that at Trader
Joe's. It's easily three times betterthan the cookie butter ice cream. It
tastes like Susie Cake's Celebration cake.Ten out of ten. Really, Oh
yeahah, soy said the Crumble cookiecereal sucks. They tried it. Oh
another Crumble note every other week.I guess Crumble does now offer semi sweet
chocolate chip cookies because I guess theysaid enough people complained about how bad the
milk chocolate ones were. Now Ithink I just complained to the restaurant Greg,
I know, Crumbles. Yeah.So let's see, orange creamskulled cheesecake
is coming soon in the Costco.And I'm sorry, I forget how I
said about it's it's horchata whatever thatwas. My my apologies, my apologies.
Well, we're going to start witha recent food news item that we
were talking about from cup noodles.Menace already knows it because he probably can
smell it. It is the Ramencup noodles, campfire s'mores a dish.
Yeah, I think you got totry it first, because you're the one
who went to the factory of themuseum or whatever and no Yokohama Japan shout
Japan. I told you I wasnot excited for this because I don't like
ramen sweet. So smell it first. It smells. It's got that terrible
like artificial chocolate flavor. It smellslike, let me just try it.
It comes so it's a ramen noodleslike a chocolate powder and and little minichild
you know, the de hundred marshmallowas the time, looks like baby corn.
All right, Oh, this isreally not absolutely terrible because I'm picturing
like, before I go into this, I'm picturing like a like a hot
chocolate and then the noodles, whichcould you know it kind of tastes like
a hot chocolate port on top oframen noodles, but without the chicken flavor
obviously kind of what it is.My question is just wow, why why
this is bad? Instant hot chocolate? Bad instant cocoa. It's terrible noodles.
Yeah, it's not as bad asI thought it was gonna be good,
Like, it's not vomitous, butit's just why it makes you crave
irregular cup noodles. Yeah, ohthat's gross. I do love the texture
of ramen like this stuff like cupnoodles that is not bad horns disgusting,
not the worst thing ever, Ran, I can't imagine a kid would even
want this. All about this,I think so for sure. It's the
artificial chocolate is the worst part aboutit. Just get it. You get
a Hershey bar. Yeah, Igive it like a six out of ten.
I give it a three one yeah, again, only because it's not
as bad as I anticipated. Morefudgy. I think I thought I was
going to puke, to be honest. Yeah, I mean if you threw,
you threw chocolate or dramatic about it. But yeah, what else you
got here? Sea mask? SoCasa Bonita? Yes? From South Park?
Right, I'm trying to get aresie. What's up? So the
message is a reservation? So therewas the famous episode of South Park where
you know they had the cliff diversand then the restaurant closed down. And
the South Park creators bought it backand spend millions of dollars renovating it and
recently reopened it. Yes, Manues, I'm on their mailing list. That's
how you get a resie reservation.So I will click through it and I'm
like, well, I'm not goingto be in the Denver area anytime soon.
So I just clicked through and lookedaround on their website. And they
have a shop online where you canorder their items. Something that was like
they have like they have a bloodyMarry mix remix. Oh love, it
had green bloody mary and they hadsomething on there. They have a Molay
sauce. You pass that around there, Greg, it's to your left in
that bin. And most Molay's theyare very rich because it's a thousand things.
It's tomatoes, tomatillos, chili's,chocolate, you know, a thousand
different spices. They do theirs alittle differently. Their main ingredient is plantains,
okay, and chocolate. Then allthe other stuff, you know,
sunflower, pumpkin, seeds, vanilla. It looks it looks like well,
all Moley sauce looks like straight downMoullay is really not my favorite, but
try this one out. Okay,hmmm, not bad. It's not bad.
It's tasty. I find it tobe delightful. It's got real heat
to it. Yeah, yeah,my Sami can't stand it. Yeah,
you got it again? What waythat's good? Bad? Not good?
But like what is not good aboutit? This is what Sea Mass is
always trying to get you to elaborateon it. Like the texture of it,
really like it's I don't like thespice of it too hot. It's
not that it's too hot, itjust is not. I think the spice
is great, Samy's very basically.Yeah, you've already given your feedback,
all right, next, I thinkthe spice is really good. I do
like the spice level. The heatlevel I think is not bad. Like
it's not overdone. It doesn't tastequite molley like correct, they do it
differently. It's way different. It'sgood. It's good. Though. I
would have it. I would havethat would on literally eat this. Yeah,
it can go on anything, vegetables, chicken, beef, you could
put versatile. You don't have theworst memory on planet Earth, and I
don't remember what happened yesterday, butone of my very first memories of life.
I was three when we went toCosa, and I remember it for
the rest of my life. Whatwas that restaurant where you can dove off
the cliffs? And then I wentback as an adult because I loved it
and I remembered it from being three. I can't remember like what we did
earlier in the show. I can'tHow long did you sign up for because
I signed up three months ago andI still haven't got anything. Oh.
I didn't sign up for a reservation, but they offered it to me.
It's what you're gonna fly to Denver. I'm gonna be in Denver, depends
on when you get the reservation.I know, well I'm gonna be in
Denver anyways. Else hoping I cantry it all, get a line and
menace, let's not forget manex.Does a want to be social media influencer?
Yes? And I would love togo for the ground you got inside
with the cliff divers huge. Sohey, uh, founders of South Park
Trade, Parker, Matt Stone,we approve of your Greg and I do.
Are you? I do too,He's come on our show. How
much does that set you back?A jar of that? I think it's
like nine bucks. Then ship isa trillion dollars. It was good.
That's pretty good. All right.Yeah, if you're if you're a cultured
person who enjoys fine Mexican mining,all right, Uh, give me one
more thing here? See basketball hegot, Well you show taste goodness.
Gracious, hey, Greg, whileyou're over there and see those nuggets there,
Yes, nugs, now, menace. These are not just nuggets.
What these are? Well, I'lltell you what they'll tell me. It's
like it's not vegan vegetables, sometofu crap. Hold on, I gotta
pull up my order because this isThis is proof that advertised, as Greg
ha said, advertising works. Thesepopped up as like just a Facebook pre
roll. Add these nuggets got someinfluencer nuts trot. Well, why you
tearing it open? I'm looking atit seeing what it is. That is
a stuffed chicken nugget stopped. Yes, one of them has holopeno and cheese.
The other has chicken pop pie.Oh my god, this is so
good. Dip in the molley.I've also got some uh, some ranch
and some honey mustard if you want. I took a bite without the moley,
dipped it the pop pie one evenbetter that stuff that I see online
by social influencers called nugs or isthis no, I'm pulling this back up.
I literally forgot the brand. It'spretty good if you want to sneak
veggies into your diet like I wouldn't. I wouldn't be making them in the
microwave. This is definitely something needsto go in the air fryer or the
oven. Yeah, I got aopinion one. Yeah, what's spice level
on it? Mm? Almost?Did you know? Did you dip it
in the moley? Try that out? I recommend it highly that right?
Did you dip it in the Yeah? Yeah? Right? That made it?
That made it better. That's whatI mean. I don't know.
It's not bad, but I wouldn'tget excited. I think the idea is
like, you want to sneak youwant to sneak veggies, you know,
carrots, piece of stuff into yourkids. Wait, you just snuck veggies
in me, one of them.Got I told you, chicken pot pie,
carrots and stuff in there. No, that's really good. I like
it. And of course you alwayshave a sauce with a nug naturally,
Yeah, I would give I giveit was like a six. Cool,
I'm going seven five. I meanfor what those are like, they're I
think they're slightly above average what youwould get like in a frozen nugget the
grocery store. Yeah, they're they'regood size. Yeah, because there's a
little something extra to it. It'snot just a plain nugget. Little Now
when you add the the malay sauceto it that we're dipping it in,
then that that brings it more tolike a seven. I like the I
think these are new the brand.He sent me a link. How hard
is this stupid? All Right?So we got we got the the s'mores
cup noodle terrible, that's a that'sa gear, right, that's right.
And then the malay sauce I thingoverall cheer. Everybody seemed to like that
made Yeah, that was the SouthPark was it the stuff online? Yeah?
And then uh and then this,uh, this stuffed chicken nugget,
which he's trying to find the nameof the of the brands just wasn't in
the box. What's the box rightthere? That's a different that's a different
thing. That's a that's a differentthing if he wants it. Okay,
Well, there's more to taste.Oh yeah, we'll do that because I
have something for Menace. Yes,yes, all right, that's next after
the break here on the Woody Show. Hang on, all right, so
what do you have for Menace?One last thing real quick? And then
I got something loves him, someblueberry muffins. So let's have me with
some of that Menace. Are thoseblueberry muffies look exactly like those green things
you add o the fertatas? Okay, they're brownish, they're not like white.
Yeah. Did you get the brandof the stuffed chicken nuggets? All
right? Yeah? Not bad andMenace. Guess what surprise vegetables That is
the same brand Veggies made Great thatmakes the fertatas that are your favorite.
Oh so they do make something good. They got blueberries. They got cucumbers
in their Menace carrots? Okay,all right? Berry. Yeah, these
are new, these stuffed nuggets.They are called chicken pot pieloaded nuggets and
cheesy Hallowpennio loaded nuggets. They arefrom a brand Pilgrims. They also have
a buttery mini nugget and a zestyranch mini nugget. The blueberry joints had
a little bit of butter up onthem. That some bulley on it.
No menace. Something I haven't seenfor a long time out there, but
it still exists. Look, bigLeague chew what I know they still make
big lead chewing. Now. Thisis in the pouches like the chewing tobacco
would come in, except the shreddedbubble gum. And I know in a
lot of places they stopped selling itbecause they were saying that it was encouraging
kids to chew tobacco. Children,which before I give this to you,
guess what I found actual chewing tobacco. Lucky. Remember when we did that
with the zen and then you dida dip, but we could not find
the chewing tobacco. Well, you'refinally in luck that I have the original
blend meetings and stuff like that.This is the original blend and then the
Golden Blend of America's Best. Itsays, how does the chewing tobacco even
work? You just chew it easy, put in the back of your mouth,
spent. Yeah, you tell itin front of your No. No,
that's a dip issue. Actually chooselike shreds like you would big League
check. That's how you release thejuice. Which which would you like?
Would you like the original blend orthe golden blend? First? This is
the This is the conclusion of theGreat Tobacco Tastes. O G O G
here we go. Oh god,there it is. How much do you
do? I think you just takelike a like you would like a piece
of like a enough that would belike remember big lee chew enough. That's
true again, I don't know.Am I gonna get dizzy? That?
It's chewing the back guaranteed? Whatdepends on how long you keep it in.
So, since eighteen eighty seven,John Pinkerton has delivered the world's freshest,
most satisfying chew. His commitment toquality remains are promise. All right,
but but he got got you gotchew it like really let it loose,
terrible helmet, I don't think.Don't swallow. Don't swallow like chemically
like it's like bark like I'm doing. Look super soft beef tricky. Yeah
yeah, alright? Does it getbetter as you chew it? There goes
some spit. Don't just let itdrop out of your mouth? Man?
Yeah? You know? Right?Okay, so are you supposed to?
I don't Here's what I don't understandabout chewing tobacco. Part of my ignorance.
Are you supposed to chew it untilall the flavors out like cheap gum?
I have never known. I didn'trealize that they still made this stuff
the floor. Maybe the golden blendsbetter. I don't know how long you're
feels in it now? How longare you supposed to leave it in all
day? Right? I think you'resupposed to chew it until the flavors gone.
My is my guess. Chew spy, it's spicy. Yeah? Do
you have a buzz here? Doyou want to chase it with some big
lue chew bubble gum? That's nota bad idea because I'll get that'll pay
loose particles. So what do yougive it? Like, like between the
zin, the dip and the chewingtobacco, what do you give it now?
I got the tingly like high feeling. Okay, yeah that's what you
want. That tastes oh good,feel like I'm gonna throw up? Huh?
Was that the big lead chew?Okay? Oh yeah, I'm getting
weird, like my throat is burningnow some of it and then my stomach
hurts and then I feel a littlelike light That's that's what you want.
You want that lightheaded feeling. Yeah, but that's a terrible feeling at the
same time. Yeah, stick withit. It'll get so good. No,
it's like my mouth's on fire.Like the is the gum helping?
Is the big lead chew helping?Yeah? I think I did swallow something
that was the problem. But Ifeel like I'm gonna throw up. Do
you have a garbage can? Yeah, we do. Hold on, we'll
get to the garbage can. Well, there you go. That's the conclusion
of the Woody Showed Taste drive todaythe game and the sight conclusion of the
tobacco taste test for the likeheaded feeling. Yeah, I mean you know there's
marijuana. All right? You good? Are you here? I also brought
the same place I found the biglead chew. They had candy cigarettes,
which I haven't which I haven't seenin such a long time. Wow,
these were so cool when you werea kid, you really felt like you
were awesome and really smoking. Ohso cool. All right, more Woody
shows next, hang more, nextbaby show. Next, He'll be younger
than an hour. All right,Welcome back, everybody. It is Monday.
I turned your microphones on. Trythat out. Hello, Sammy,
there we go. I'm looking rightat you. Try out the microphones.
I guess they work. Ye,everybody's here. Good check Jack Gray Gory,
you're here. Good, I'm here, all right, welcome back.
It is Tuesday morning. We gotthe pornal birthdays coming up here in just
a couple of minutes. It's Julyto sixth teeth. It is Fresh Spinach
Day, Menace. I know you'reexcited your favorite. Yeah, yeah,
I mean I'll eat spinach, likein a small portion of it, like
spinach dip, Like if it's spinachart choke dip? Is it like cooked
in a skillet and it's like coveredin butter or something like that. I'm
uncovered in butter, covered like likesawt tae spin with garlic. Yeah,
you can deal with like garlic.Yeah that's really good that but why would
you spinach in the context of thethe egg white for toad the other day?
It wasn't good. That's why.Oh okay, it tastes like crap.
Yeah, it's a Fresh Spinach Day. It's also National cherry Day.
Oh your favorite. I do likea good cherry. But man, I'll
tell you the peaches are perfect.Right now, this is the window.
It's a very short window, butthe peaches are really good. Now it's
a National corn Fritter's Day. Okay, it is a I appreciation Day.
It's about time y'all started appreciating AIa little bit. What were you just
talking to Greg about? I heardyou guys talking about something AI. I
always asked me if AI could doa certain thing, and it was like
make a logo or whatever, AndI know, I'm sure it could,
but I've never I never pursued thatbecause AI right now you can like text
something and it'll make a full video. YEA, not really doing BI logos?
Well, yeah, I saw it. Actually, there's an app that
keeps popping up on Instagram, butI'm looking at it, and it is
for some kind of app that willgenerate AI logos. The logos that uses
the example look pretty cool. I'msure they look nothing like that when you're
trying to generate them on your own. The difference between a fast food burger
and then what you actually get,like from the commercial to reality. Well,
I'm sure you can tell AI makeme two hundred different logos in this
style and I'm sure you can findthat's what I did with the music,
is it like for all those songsI'm doing, It takes probably ten twelve
different tries. Yeah, and thenI'll maybe go in and tweak it a
little bit myself manually, but yeah, you get there. But when it
comes the logos, I've always usedfiver. Yeah. Yeah, that's a
person who then goes and yeah,but they're really good at it and they
turn it around really quick. Bored. Today is guinea Pig Appreciation Day.
Yes, shout out guinea Oh yeah, so Bor it's a big, well
small animal enthusiast, he really is. But guinea pig's your favorite? Oh
yeah, definitely. So what's theguinea pig situation? Now? I know
you had one that passed away recently. Did you replace it or? Like,
how does that work? No morningperiod? You have to wait a
certain amount of time before you canget a new one. Well, I
mean usually I think with a pityou would have a morning period. But
I did have two other guinea pigsor who are friends bonded together so they're
on their own. Uh, thisguinea pig was by herself before when we
got her, so it was kindof like not replacing her. It's just,
uh, these ones going. Butwhat's kind of sad because like with
any animals you have in the household, when one of them passes, the
other ones know and they get kindof depressed about it. And you could
tell that with guinea pigs. Ohyeah, they're like, oh my snake
is so like my goldfish is sad, Like, like, what's the They're
fairly intelligent. I mean, itwould be anything like a dog would act
or a cat would act. Theynotice that their friend isn't there anymore,
so they not as enthusiastic. Arethey just less active? Yeah, less
active, less like kind of responsiveto you know, things you want them
to do and stuff. Yeah,so it's got bummer. It's a National
guinea Pig Appreciation Day. Bart,Thank you please pass along our appreciation to
the bored guinea pig. I shallWhat is the lifespan of a guinea pig?
Minimum is four years? They couldget anywhere up to six eight.
We've seen a few that are twelvefort cheese, so they can live for
a long time. It's just kindof all the roll of the dice,
kind of like dogs. What's thearea in the world where they have a
ton of them new Guinea Get ityou talking about Peru menace? Yes,
we don't talk about Yeah, wedon't talk about that because they don't use
them for pets. Yes, whywhat else could they possibly do animal?
Same thing that they do with dogsin other countries? Okay, yeah,
well today it's also a World SnakeDay. No thanks, all right?
Just sple before was number one ofthe box office again this past weekend.
Still haven't seen it here mixed reviewson it. The one I still want
to see is Inside Out two?Do you really? Yeah? Yeah I
do. I like the first onea lot. I thought it was really
clever. Yeah, why is thatfunny? I thought I was. Since
you're not a young child. No, they're really well done. All those
Pixar movies are pretty good, man. I mean shout out to pure There's
a lot of stuff in there,like for adults. I think the adults
can enjoy just as much as kids, whether you have the kids with you
or not. Oh for sure.But the first one I really liked.
That's the one with all the emotions, right yeah. But Inside Out two
came in third this week. Thena horror movie Long Legs, which was
produced by Nicholas Cage and starring NicholasCage. That came in second Long Legs.
Eddie Murphy and his longtime girlfriend gotmarried. Now it's one of those
situations where they got engaged in twentyeighteen. They've been dating since twenty twelve,
those long term engagements. I neverreally put much thought into it,
but then the more I started noticing, the longer the engagement, the shorter
the marriage will last. Really yeahnever no, no, yeah, Like
I looked at it. Well,it's one of those things that now that
I've said it, notice it.Okay, Like if you hear about a
couple getting divorced, ask them howlong they were engaged, Okay, before
they got married, because it's like, why why'd you wait so long?
Even like once you got engaged,you waited and COVID changed things, I
mean because people got hung up bythat. But just a typical we got
engay. Let's say you got engagedtoday, but the wedding is until twenty
twenty eight There's something going on therethat's keeping you guys from actually going through
it. I would think the supershort engagement would result in divorce. No,
I mean the short engage that long. You're already used to each other,
you're been together that long. Butwhy so why wait? That'sah,
why why are you waiting year?I would say in his case because he's
older, Yeah, already has atrillion kids, right, is worth a
ton of money? Doesn't care?Doesn't care? Yeah, I'm saying no,
it's obviously not the case for everysingle long engagement. But like,
why are you waiting so long toactually get married? Was it one of
those things you got engaged just becausethey wouldn't stop, like, well,
when are you gonna ask the question? When are you gonna pop? The
question? When are you gonna puta ring on my finger? And then
they do that just to kind ofbuy them some time, and it's a
long drawn out Just ask the questionnext time you hear about somebody getting divorced,
how long were you engaged? Orsomebody has a really long engagement,
See how long the actual marriage wasif they get married. Yeah, when
people are always like, oh,well, we're just enjoying being engaged.
We don't want to plan a weddingyet. And by the other stuff that
says that you have to get married. Look at Greg and Mario, they're
not married. You know, Gregfound out to how much a wedding would
cost. He's like, forget it, no dog. Season three of Euphoria
begins filming in January. Most ofthe main cast is coming back, except
for you know, Angus Cloud becauseyou know, could we that? And
in place at Angus Cloud. Yeah, I'm down, Greg, How excited
for you? The first trailer forCaptain America Brave New World features a drop
in by Red Hulk. Oh yeah, No. Charles Barkley has elaborated on
his decision to retire from broadcasting afterthe next season. I think we probably
mentioned this a little bit, butwe did mention that he was leaving.
Did we talked about the party.He's just got that loyalty of TNTs.
He just wouldn't feel comfortable working foranother network. But I loved this quote
on here. Maybe this is Idon't know if you heard it. I'm
sorry if I don't have enough moneyby now, I'm the biggest loser in
the world. Good for him,So why can't I just go retire?
Yeah? And finally, Bill Belichickis joining inside the NFL as an analyst.
He's also going to make regular appearanceson the pat mcavie Show and the
Manning Cast throughout the upcoming season.That's when he's not banging his way younger
than him girlfriend, yeah or herinitials NFL getting I have no idea.
All right, time for your birthdaysand your porn A birthday this morning here
on the Woody Show, goat show, its Shimmy, It's shimmer. He
was like, this day and youknow what, we don't do what.
Let's start with the US celebrities.Happy birthday to Will Ferrell, who is
fifty seven years old today. CoreyFeldman, who is Mouth and the Goonies.
He was in stand By Me andthe Lost Boys, and for some
reason he fancies himself a singer andsim brads good to talk to him at
a party. Yeah, no,thank you for reason, Thank you for
the fact that he's been a singerfor decades. Great and not creepy at
all. Corey Feldman is fifty threeyears old. You got Jimmy Johnson,
first of all. Jimmy first ofall Johnson, former Cowboys coach and now
co hosts the NFL pregame show onFox. Eighty one years old today.
Really from Jackass and MTV Wild Boys, Chris Ponius is fifty. Ed Kowalcik
from the band Live he is fiftythree. Got Stuart Copeland from the Police
who is seventy two. Phoebe Kates, who is Linda in Fast Times,
Ridgemont High, Kate and the Gremlinsis sixty one years old today. Anneline
McCord, who was on nine ohtwo to one oh, is thirty seven
years old today, and Carly Lloyd, the soccer Olympian and twenty fifteen World
Cup winner, is forty two.Your pornod birthday today is Kira Noir and
she showt off how she's got betterball handling skills than Kyrie Irving. I
met her, did you thank you? At the ABD? We probably have
her in audio somewhere. Yeah,seven hundred and thirty five fine films on
her resume, including Super Horny FunTime. Yeah. She was in Ride
That Face Volume one, also poolSide Squirting. Yes, say, she
was in The Penis Chakra Volume one. Chakra, she brought her a game
in Bush Friends Forever and who canforget her unforgettable role in Ainal at the
Office Volume two? Alrighty, thatis Kira Noir, who is thirty years
old today and that is your pornobirthday, your celebrity birthdays, and that
just a quick little look at what'shappening in the world of entertainment here.
She is like she was all overthe ad NS this war this year when
you guys were at the award show, right the ceremonies. Yeah, like
a forgot the awards. She wasup there. She's been she's like really
like a rock card. Yeah,she's one of the big names important these
days. Yeah yeah, yeah,yeah, Okay, good enough, Thank
you, se mas I. Thisis why I go every year to get
get to keep my finger on thepulse, keep your finger somewhere, I'm
sure getting all Right, more woodyshows next time, the Witty Show.
We'll be back in a sec insensitivity training for a politically correct world show.
I don't care about your feelings.All right, Well, that's gonna
do it for Tuesday Morningswe Tuesday inthe Books full show podcast. It's waiting
for you there. If you goto the woodieshow dot com bitchbe tripping stories
today, blonde moments wherever you wantto call them. Uh, some funny
stories in there, dumb things youcouldn't believe it the minute you the minute
you said the minute the last wordcame out of your math. God damn
it, Why did I do?I've always had those dumb moments. Can't
believe it said that redneck trend touse headlines, all that port of birthdays
and more, all on the Tuesdaypodcast. Just hit upthewoodyshow dot com.
Coming up for you tomorrow. We'regonna do a Last man Standing. That
is that contest that we do wherewe set a topic and then we get
some calls in. Whichever one wethink is the best call by the end
of the segment ends up winning aprize. And the topics that we saw
that we talked about a few weeksago. House Party's gone wrong. Okay,
remember we talked about that one girlwho put the invitation to her house
party online. All these people showedup, trashed her house, and then
somebody called the cops just to gether busted. That sucks, But house
Party's gone wrong. If you gota good story for us, you'll be
able to call in. Hopefully yourstory will be the best one at the
end and you win a prize.We're gonna have that. Seabass's local news
story of the day and more Wednesdayon the Woody Show. Anything you got
for us in the meantime, youcan leave on the after hours voicemail that
number of course, anytime after tenam. It's the same number that you
call in during the show with eightseven seven forty four Woodie. That's eight
seven seven forty four wood He findus, follow us on social media,
social media platform of your choice.Look for us at the Woody Show.
All right, menace see that,Sammy. Anything you like to add no
Greg Gory parting words of wisdom please. Yeah. If you have dinner with
an Amish person, you'll never knowif it's a romantic candle at dinner or
just a regular dinner. Yeah,it was weird. I was on a
flight recently and I saw some Amishdudes and I was like, wait a
minute. I didn't think that youwere able to fly. But I guess
there's like different. I mean,it's kind of like people who are like
hardcore Catholics. Oh, really casualCatholics, I guess. But they had
all the homage gear going and thelevels of homish. Yeah. Yeah,
I wouldn't think I would see oneon a plane either. Right, that's
pretty interesting, how amish are you? I know, right, how devoted
are you? It'd be like anamish guy. We're going to best buy
it? Yeah, okay, concert, yeah, all right, Thank you
very much, Greg Gory do it. Thank you so much for giving the
Woody Show some of your valuable timethis morning, you know, with of
it. Appreciate you for that.The rest of you guys could suck it.
We'll catch back here on Wednesday.Have a great day. SMD double
M. I quit this bitch.