All Episodes

July 17, 2024 100 mins
Seba's News Story of The Day, News Headlines, House Parties Gone Wrong & More!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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What is the dune to the graphicnature of this program? Listen to this
question? Is it lies away theWoody Shows? The Woody Show Insensitivity Training

Class is now in session. Hey, good morning everybody, Good morning wood
Today is Wednesday, midweek. That'sgood news. We're getting through it.
It is Wednesday, July the seventeenth, twenty twenty four. Hello and welcome,

Welcome to it Woodie Show. Wouldbe myself, Greg Gory. Hi,
menace is we have Sea mass wearingsome what those lego glasses? And
these are those cool eight bit glassesthat are on all the memes and these
days. Oh yeah, so likewhat somebody he delivers a sick burn and
then then yeah, and then thenwho was it? The last episode starts
playing or what is it? I'mtrying to forget what the music is,

and then the eight glasses slide down. He's like, yeah, rule it.
There's one that are in the crowdand they go, whoa there?
Yeah, Like when you just seeevery dumb thing online, do you just
like ordered immediately? Sometimes yeah,it's cool. Yeah, you talk to
your money guy about like, allright, what's my dumb stuff budget?
And what's my budget for glasses?Based on the memes, you're chosh key
bokay, there's a Sea Bass.We've got Sammy, good morning soon,

Bort is here, there's Morgan,We've got Caroline. We got Vaughn.
He's our video producer. Phones areopening eight seven seven forty four, Woodie.
That's an eight seven seven forty fourWoodie. You can send us a
text over to two to ninety seven. Of course, find us on social
media with all those really cool memes. Hell yeah, talk the Woodie Show
on the social media platform of yourchoice today speaking of sea masks, the

local news story of the day,and we're going to have one of those
last man Standing contests today. That'swhere we set a topic. I forget
what the last one was. Well, we set a topic and then we
asked people to call in. Itmight have been like, what's the most
redneck thing you've seen? Or wasit the jail ones? And that turned
it details from jail. Maybe therewasn't a last man standing on that one.

That was just like because we hadthe people that Sea Bass found online.
But yeah, this is well.We bring it up because there was
a story that we had on theair about this girl who threw a party.
She put the invitation out to thepublic. All these people showed up
trash the house. They put allkinds of stuff like in the washing machine
and the pitches, the trash,Yeah and so, and then they called

the cops on the girl. Thepeople were at the party called the cops
just so she would get busted.And it sucked. So house party gone
wrong. We started talking about differenthouse party things. So did you throw
a house party where you at ahouse party where things just went sideways?
So we'll get your calls. We'llgo through the calls, and at the
end of the segment it'll be whoeverhas the best story that we've heard will

win some kind of prize. Andwhat you're totally right. It was the
most redneck thing you've seen. Wasthe Last Last Man Standing. We did
a couple of months ago, andthat's when we had so many epic stories.
Yeah, but I had to giveme a three people, like a
coworker's wedding was creeds, my ownprison. The honeymoon was at the monster
truck show. That's right. Yeah, guy hit a deer with his van,

immediately skinned it and ate it thenext day. Yeah, brother living
in a metal Storch. Yeah,some show related news starting tomorrow. SeaBASS
is not going to be here.Oh no, he's off doing one of
his quote special projects. You guys, I'm not allowed to I'm not allowed
to tell because it is we're basicallydoing nuclear testing. And when you literally

have to sound like an NDA.Yeah, it's one of those things where
you signed the NDA and it doesn'tultimately it doesn't matter, but you do
sign it. So I can't say, right, but and he could be
gone for a day, It couldbe gone for a week or so,
a week or so, it justdepends. Greg said off air, take
a week if you need it formental health, for Greg's mental health.

Now, you can say what youwant about seed best, but it is
it is. Uh yeah, itis good when he's here. No,
exactly, it's weird when you gothere. It's weird. I'm missing.
I'm very pre missing. Yeah.Anyway, My point is he's going to
be off doing whoever he did thatmovie in Ohio, Right, But I
was able to pipe that's different.I'm not allowed to pipe in. Actually
I'm not allowed. There's not nojoke. I'm not allowed to have access

to any electronics like no phone.I've told no internet, not nothing,
friends and family, Like I cangive an emergency contact so I get hurt
somewhere, it's called But because ofthe nature of what I'm doing again,
very serious in top secret. Yeah, is it dangerous? Well, I
mean, have you heard of SealTeam six? You think those guys call

home when they were where you goon island? Yeah, he's on his
way to save Neverland burned down.Yeah, so like you could text me
and it would just it'll be nowhereanyway, So some more exciting things for
for Sea Bass maybe, yeah,And we're told it's going to be really

awesome once, once he's able totell us exactly when I give, it'll
be something we're going to have alot of fun talking about, all right.
Yeah, So anyway, that'll beuh, that'll be tomorrow and well
at least the rest of this week, I'm assuming, and then maybe the
next week but not possibly. Ourfriend Gina grad is going to be sitting
in for Sea Backs for the nextholiday, so that that'll be fun.
So if you wherever you're going andyou want to use your phone outside of

what you're doing at night, forexample, I would have to quit the
thing. I wouldn't to do that, And I'm assuming they provide plenty of
like entertainment whatnot, just because like, what are you supposed to do?
Like to you're just sitting there twiddlingyour thumbs. That's part of the process,
Okay, you know experiments. Yeah, sounds like he's going to go

see Jeff Probs. You know,well that's I think you're allowed to say
when you go on and Survivors,it's a thirty nine days, right,
forty survival? Wow? Yeah,I guess that's longer. Yeah, you
know a specific amount of time withsurvivor. Yeah, that's true. You
make it. Are you going theAmazing race? Yeah? Cake boss?
Maybe a cake? Are you transitioning? Are you going to go one thousand

pounds? It might be the greatBritish baker? Are you getting hpe?
Yeah? Are you going to pimplePopper? Oh? I can. I
can go to Columbia for a walkingsculpture. Are they bringing back the swamp?
Yeah? Are yeah? Cool?It could be any of those things
or something we haven't even named yet. Yeah. Oh wow, I well

I have something here that I'll bringup wild sea basses here because he has
one of these the idea of goingto college, you know, we've heard
just not as popular as it usedto be. I mean, I guess
the idea of going and being astudent loan death for the rest of your
life just and as as appealing asit once was. But if you're gonna
to go, got some data here. This is from the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York showing quote the mostlucrative areas of study for college grants.

Well, guess engineering. It's prettymuch all engineering. Yeah, so uh,
the money right out of college ifyou're looking for that is to study
engineering like any kind of engineers.People think doctor, lawyer, Yeah,
but that's postgraduate. Yeah, andyour mega debt aren't doctor. You easily
get a quarter million dollars debt togo to medical school. And most lawyers

aren't the ballers you think they.Even some doctors, like, some doctors
aren't balling the way you think theyare, especially the first few years after
medical school. You maybe you're makinggood maybe six figures, but yeah,
you're schedule loans schedule sucks. Youget all those loans you have access.
Yeah, I have a friend whotook out loans. And if you're working
for like the city. After becominga doctor, they get forgiven at a

certain point a for like ten yearsor something like that. I mean,
that's fun and all or city doctorin the free clinic. And I've been
to those clinics and they These arethe top majors, along with their median
salaries out of college. Number one, Computer engineering eighty thousand dollars median salary.
Chemical Engineering at number two, whichis SeaBASS graduating got his degree in

from Georgia Tech Chemical and Biomedical Engineeringseventy nine thousand. That's the median salary.
Computer Science at number three, seventyeight thousand, Aerospace Engineering it's seventy
four thousand, shut up SpaceX,followed by electrical engineering seventy two thousand.
Number six on the list is industrialengineering at seventy one. What's industrial engineering

that is like yours. Let's sayyou want to put in a new factory
somewhere and you want to design howthat factory is laid out. That would
be a classic industrial engineering problem.Seventy one thousand dollars median salary right out
of college. Mechanical engineering is numberseven, seventy thousand, and then number
eight is a tie between general engineeringand miscellaneous engineering sixty eight thousands. That's

gonna because I worked with the generalengineer who had because you can get state
certifications as a certified engineer, andthat kind of is the same. Like
you have kind of a broad viewof how factories were, chemical process You
kind of have a little bit ofeverything. See as could I be an
engineer? Do they have like oh, Subway has sandwich engineers? Right?
Yeah, so much artists sandwich ardamit? Oh yeah, do Chipotle have

Brito engineers? I got to goall the way down to the number ten
to get the first non engineering,so the business something one of the top
majors and their median salary finance.Yeah, there you go at number ten,
sixty six thousand, boring, andthat's a four way tie between civil
engineering, economics, business analytics,and mathematics all at sixty five thousand.

And then at number fifteen a tiebetween construction services and pharmacy, and that's
sixty four thousand. On the flipside, the fields with the lowest wages
right out of college. Oooh,library sciences. Yeah, philosophy of your
arts. Let's see, you gotthe theology, theology and religion, performing

arts the liberal arts, leisure,and hospitality. I'm want to be a
cruise around. Yeah, I wantto treatment therapy. The hell is that
is that? Like that's not workinglike at a rehab facility, right,
maybe working at a spot that mightbe. I don't know, maybe it's
all kind of lumped in there togetherand thinking like either working at a rehab

or physical therapy, uh, socialservices, psychology, let's see also not
great nutrition, history, fine arts, elementary education, secondary education. I
want to be a wife. Degreesanthropology, philosophy, and criminal justice.

Those are all the garbage degrees,the lowest wages right out of college.
So you get all the college debtwithout the wage training out of college.
How do you get paid to bea philosopher? Well, that's a lot
of teacher. My dad's undergrads inphilosop because a lot of pre law guys
will do that because it's basically justlike easy stuff. Yeah that and it's
like thinking and arguing and stuff,and so if you're pre law, that's

what you're gonna be doing anyway.So he that's what a lot of those
guys go into. M looks liketherapy degrees are related to your psychology,
like therapists. Treatment therapy. Soyeah, right, treatment therapy. So
what's the difference between that like psychologywhich is on here, not much just
probably depends on where you're going whatthey call it. All right, Well,
that's uh, hopefully helpful to somepeople. I know, man,

one of my friends their their daughterwent to college and they said they were
I forget what garbage degree she wasgoing to get, and he was so
bummed out. He's like, he'slike, I want her to follow what
she's interested in and what she's goingto have like a passion for. But
at the same time, it's like, I just know that there's no money
in that. You like, youdon't need you know, if we would
have known that going in, wedon't need to send you to college to

go do that, right right?Well, you know he's trying to he's
caught between like trying to be supportiveand also being realistic and going, well
this is well, we all havethat one friend that wants to be in
a band, you know, threegive it up. The difference is they
didn't spend one hundred and fifty thousanddollars yeah to get a band degree,
did it? Yeah? And youhear stories about like your grandparents or whoever's

talking about when they went to college. But when they have to college,
it was like two thousand dollars ayear. Yeah, exactly, you know
which she's getting. People say,well, that's college so expensive because you
can't get out of it. Thatdebt is non nonexpungable. You can't declar
I can't declare bankruptcy and have itgo away. So there's that's a bunch
of free money for the colleges.So what are they going to do?
Jack the prices and keep they say, Jay Jackens, all right, eight

seven seven forty four. Woodie hitus up with the text over to two
to nine eight seven. We gotsome more Woodies show for you. Next
hang on, THEO will be rightback. What's up, everybody? It's
a menace. I hope you're enjoyingthe Woody Show podcast. Just the heads
up. This Saturday, July twentieth, I'm gonna be at Citadel Outlets from
two pm to four pm giving awayfree ice cream, doing a five hundred

dollars giveaway for Citadel Outlets. Alsogiving away theme park tickets, concert tickets,
Woody Show, merch and more.I'm gonna be located in front of
the world's largest boombox. For youyoung kids, that means a stereo right
in the center of Citadel Outlets.So once again, hang out with me
this Saturday, July twentieth, fromtwo pm to four pm at Citadel Outlets.

This is the show. Hey,good morning, all right, we're
into another new hours. Look atthat insensitivity training for a politically correct world.
It is Wednesday morning. It's Julyto seventeenth, twenty twenty four.
Wooding, that's great, Goring,Hoywood, We've got menace. What is

up? Boddy? Right? Thereis Sea Bass what Sammy? Good morning
to you, and good morning toyou who are listening. Our guests of
honor always so welcome to be partof the show. Any time you want
to call and be part of things. Give us a call eight seven seven
forty four. What is the bestway to do it? Call in eight
seven seven forty four. Wood He'dlove to get you on the air,
or you can send us a textover to two to nine eight seven.

Follow us on social media at theWoody Show. Got some of the trending
news headlines coming up for you thishour, and we're gonna start this hour
with Sea Bass's local news story ofthe day. I got something like wet
and warm on my back. Itis the love well Bam. I was

actually going about me a pizza Bargofor bugget cat. You finally did it?
Death's well, it's off books lawhome. Do you know how this
fire started? It was pleasant cousin. He's mad because he can't get with
me. He sport Animal is agood show. Local news, Oh yeah,
always some interesting stuff happening. Youlook at the local news channels,
you know, across the country,and it can't all be the big national

stories. They got to try tofill some time with some other stuff,
and they find some pretty wild thingshappening. And what the Sea Bass has
here for us today in the greaterMinneapolis, Minnesota area is where we go
where there was a simple roommate disputes. Yeah, okay, so one lady
was renting a house and then shehad sublet another part of that house or
another like like downstairs or whatever toa second lady, and then there was

an issue, and then there wasa video, and then there was an
animal involved. We will start withFox nine. In this five bedroom of
Dinah home, Marissa Simonetti was livingupstairs. Jackie Vesquez was staying on the
lower level, and on Friday,when things got heated between the two,
Jackie started recording. Simonetti is blastingloud Christian music, banging pots and pans

and screaming. But then it getseven more intense as she tosses a tarantula
down the stairs. All right,all right, okay, okay, do
we know? Okay, that isa good question. Mesis obviously people.
First off, the type of womanwho keeps a tarantula, you wouldn't expect.
You would think like some weird littlegothy chick. No, this chick

has got a giant fake rack.Wow, like dark straight hair, looks
to be maybe late thirties. She'sthe one that was doing the pots,
right, she's she's the person wholeased the house. So you can tell
by your eyebrows that she would owna tarantula. It does look like a
chick that I used to know thatI used to work with. She was
a big gut, she had ratsand she had snakes. Yeah, and
the eyebrows. She was really intowrestling. They're very arched into contour and

she's crazy. And by the way, this is sea bass bait. Right
here. This you know, hotchick, big fake rack. However,
hot chicks, big fake rack oftenvery crazy. Yeah yeah, and we'll
go to your question, manas whatwhat's the beef? Why are tarantula's going
downstairs? She tosses a tarantula downthe stairs and a myriad of other things.

He did throw things in the tarantulathing down the stairs, that tarantula
thing, that home alone that KevinMcAllister, I'm telling you that's her.
Yeah. But now so you're justtrying to be funny. I mean,
there is an element of humor tothat movie. Yes, and at the
end, what was I supposed todo? Dude? She'd make you finish
so hard? Yes, she would, you know what I mean? She

is that kind of crazy, likeshe'd probably be like unbelievable and crazy enough
to talk to the news. Yeahyeah, yeah, because she got arrested
that night, you know, Imisdemeanor, aggravated battle, whatever, etcetera.
But yeah, now she claims shewas the home alone defenses. I
was, you know, up downstairs. I mean what I do exactly?
Come on, Okay, that's herexplanation of why she did it.
She was playing the home alone justpranking cards. Sure, and now let's

go to more about the dispute involved. The battle apparently started because Vasquez was
complaining of a spider infestation. Simonettisays her complaints were non stop and she
asked Vasquez to leave, but shewouldn't, and then says Vasquez sent harrassing
messages. Simonetti says, she andher son expect kindness and respect in their
home. But do you understand that, like just from an outsider, what

you did wasn't maybe kindness and respectful. I mean so perhaps as someone who's
in my home not paying a squatter, perhaps I should have invited her up
for tea and crumpets. Oh wow, damn, sounds like a hater to
me. Actually downstairs, because Iwill say that the downstairs lady the sub
leaves less, are much less hotthan the SIMOONI it sounds like some caddis

she's just jealous of a rack.Yeah, super hot rack. Yeah.
Now okay, okay, this isall interesting and all. What's she's claiming
that she was the downstairs lady wasn'tpaying rent, which the downstairs lady disputes.
Okay, now why is this reallyin the news? Oh? This
Semonetti chick, she's running for office. Of course she is, y Wowsquest

says she wasn't a squatter and shepaid fifteen hundred dollars to stay there.
Simonetti told Fox nine that Bestquest didin fact pay, but then talked in
circles a bit. Simonetti says shewill still run for Hennepin counter commissioner.
Do you think you're fit to runfor Hennipen County Commissioner? Yeah. I'm
good at creatively solving problems and atthe end of the day, I didn't
physically harm anybody. I'm a littleun conventional in my ways sometimes. I

mean I'm a selling goose. Ohmy god, that's a great defense.
Yeah, got my vote. Creativeproblem solving, yeah, yep right,
I'm on unconventional m M. I'mnot going to go about things the same
way everybody else has done it.And this is a girl you want on
your side. Oh yeah, thesecond she turns on you, which could
be any second, because she's unstable, it's bad news. And in fact,

second story, this is a bigdeal apparently there in Hennepin County.
NBC eleven locally did a little bitof digging on miss Simonetti, and they
found out that she this is nother first run in with the law.
No, I know, shocked,right man? Yeah, I don't know
about you. I'm surprised. Simonetti, who was the runner up in this
summer's special election, has faced anumber of allegations in criminal and civil court.

She was charged with credit card fraudfor more than eighty thousand dollars worth
of charges on her ex fiance's creditcard, but that was dropped when the
embattled former Woodbury dentist settled with Simonettiin civil court. Another ex boyfriend,
the father of Simonetti's child, currentlyhas a her harass restraining order against Tibet.
Court paper show allegations of assault,and he accuses Simonetti of creating a

phony grinder account using his name andphoto and messaging several men who then showed
up at his house expecting to hookup. That is silly goose behavior.
Yeah, it's unconventional in her ways. You said it was like Sea Bass
bait. That does sound like acouple of stars that Sea Bass has shared
about. Yes, I like it. This is the type of chick you

You maybe hook up with her onwhat's her at? Uh? Oh,
well, mendas you can Marissa Simonette. You can look it up on Twitter
when from a recent post she wasat a gun range practicing target shooting for
her concealed carry permit. Oh goodagain, who was shocked? Stay away
from this woman. She will ruinyour life. He's racked up eighty grand

on a credit her dentist boyfriend.Well, how do you think she got
her books? Yeah? I meanthis rack probably costs six to eight grand.
But you know there's yeah, ifyou get the rack, you gotta
take a few weeks off because shehas her hair, so she's spending money
there. Can you send me alink because I don't know how to spell
her name? Here, I'll giveyou, I'll give you the Is there
a copy of the Fox nine newsMarissaetti? All right? So again follow

her but at a distance. Allright. So that was a great little
local news story I found. Well, going through the local news, I
found a new game we can play. Okay, we I love games in
this in this room, who didthe best job pandering? And so?
Yeah? Who fake cared the best? Now? The story, of course,
about the bad, bad bad NationalAnthem rendition has been found out.
Okay, she was drunk, Sonow you gotta everyone's hot hot for a

day. Everyone's ha ha ha.Look at this dummy, and she can't
sing. Blah blah blah blah blah. Now you gotta put on the brakes.
She's got a problem, right,we gotta you know, we gotta
help. So I searched anytime anybody'sany kind of turmoil, it's always rehab.
Yeah, and that's just get everybodyback off. So course, we
have a service where we can searchliterally every news station out there. So

let's see if you can guess thephrase I searched for as I went around
the country seeing who who pays thebest. We'll start with the ABC six
Philly. All right, it's nothinglike a self revelation. We wish her
the best, we do sports,Yes, let's do it, Yes,
all right, we wish her thebest. That is correct? All right?
Okay, so that's ABC six Philly, pretty sort and they're all ribond

her of the day before, right, but now that she's now that she's
got an issue. I heard onlike some news station like the worst of
all time. All right, well, yeah, I mean it's up there.
Oh sure, sure, this isthe old was it the old Mitch
Headberg joke? Alcoholism is the onlydisease you can get yelled at for having
best is highlighting the very next day, the same people that are ripping it's
all the same cut and paste,boring nonsense that they don't mean. Let's

go with CBS six Portland. Dothey wish her well, let's find out.
There was a lot of feedback onsocial media and it definitely appeared that
something was not right. What's goodfor her apologizing? I didn't expect that
though, So yeah, okay,we wish her the best. Yeah,
absolutely, still counting down to thekickoff of Portland Pride. Yeah, they

both ended both clips so far kindof game, I'd say a little bit.
I mean the Philly one, right, I mean, had the guy
at the nothing like a self revelation. We wish hew the bet we did
sports. Yes, let's do it. Yeah, Yeah, let's do it.
Okay, let's talk ball In atotally unrelated clip, let's go to
San Francisco. Here's NBC eleven andhow did how did they bag pedal and

pander? Imagine? Some people areso nervous they forget the words. It's
happening. Yeah yeah, oh yeah, well everyone knows the words, right,
yeah, that poor girl should seeingwalking on Sunshine. She knew the
words even while drunk. Yeah yeah, hopefully she gets herself under control.
All right, hopefully she gets herselfunder control, because no one has ever

been drunk ever, exactly right,Well, you know, I love what
do you like to petition for agold star because of the air? What
did I call? I said,will this be an l king sort of
thing? Where I called it?Thank you the gold star for you?
Yeah? All right, so thoseare your three auditions. Who panned her
the best, who apologized and fakeapologized the best? Who wished her the

best of the best yet Philly,Portland, and I would say San Francisco
because they they yeah, they expoundedon it more. Yeah, they were
they they kind of went more.They were still joking about it. How
well, do you know the worstof walking on Sunshine? Yeah? Yeah,
that was part of the whole excusemaking right right right, Well,
Matt, it's called that off theair also, he said, Well,

she's gonna complain. It's going tobe like the monitor. She couldn't hear.
Yeah, because it is hard whenyou're they say, when you're doing
announcements in a stadium, you can'tpay attention to the echo because it'll it'll
throw you off. I don't wishher well. I don't wish her ill.
I just don't care. Like itwas funny she you know, she
jacked it up. I don't carebecause she was drunk or what the reason
was still funny. Wait, wait, you don't wish her the best?
I don't because I don't care.I like you more that she was.

I don't even know who she wasuntil yesterday. This is what I said
about l K. It's it's littlecountry, it's a little rock and roll,
it's a little bunk rock. Iappreciate it well. I thought her
whole singing style is more indie rock, And I'm like, is this an
indie rock chick trying to be country? Because everybody's trying to be because usually
the drunker you get, the morecountry you get. So here here's a
montage of some of the worst anthemattempts of all time. Let's turn it

out and it starts with Roseanne barthat's the all time. Everybody knows that
one. That's intentional, though,how about Aaron Lewis from Stained. He
skipped some lyrics, so stream therock. That's Carl Lewis, couldn't hit

the high notes. I'll make afort now, Fergie t Asy. I
got a really old Timmy one heretoo. This is Bobby Vinton. Now

he's like what medicaying, couldn't catchup to the organ or I kind of
went and backtracked and then finished strong. Now, back in this day they
didn't have the inn air monitors andstuff. So list at the end,

Well in your Polish, should livein Pittsburgh. You can do anything you
want with the words yep, sayokay, all right, anything you're okay
terrific. So, guys, whileI was searching for which news station wished
drunk Country, what's her face thebest? I saw this clips from something
called it's something called Daily Blast Live, which is a syndicated I believe,

kind of like it's just a chatnews show, you know, it's not
really any particular network. And guesswho they were talking about when they wished
them the best? All right?She actually spoke about her upcoming death in
a way that is just unbelievably brave. So we wish her the best her
upcoming death. Oh, that's gotto be sharing Shannon, I wish the

best. Yeah. We like whereshe was like giving away her personal We
were talking about that she was givingaway a personal I was going through.
So it's such like, this iswhat I talk about, Well, there
is an afterlife, sos ay,afterlife, you don't want to be clutter.
This is what Jimmy Kimmel talks abouttoo, is that these news people
just have these phrases pre programmed intheir brains and they don't think about the
words coming out of their mouth.They're just like, well, blah blah

blah. I guess wish are thebest. She's dead, Yeah, the
TV people are the worst off teleprompter. You know, maybe she's just walking.
Yeah, you know what. Sheactually spoke about her upcoming death in
a way that is just unbelievably brave. So we wish her the best.
Good luck to you. Yeah,a strange context. She'll be happy to

hear it. I guess we couldwish her any worse. Yeah, yeah,
don't worry, gets better, ye, hanging there so weird, we'reetty
tired anymore? Oh wow, sorested. Shout out to Daily Blast Live
peaceful rest right. They did great. All right, well, there you
go. There's your local news storyof the day. Everybody. Yeah,

nice work. Sea masks here andnow we know who we're voting for for
commissioner or whatever she wants. MarissaSimonetti crazy. There you go, but
she's hot. Oh yeah, it'sshow local news. More Woody shows.
Next, hang on, you bettermake her as ugly as she was in
real life. She looked like afoot he was so unattractive. Means step

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right now. Don't matter where youare, as long as you're on Instagram.
At the Woody Show, Kimberly Cheatle, who for now is the director

of the Secret Service, taking fullresponsibility for the breakdown of security on Saturday
for President Trump's rally, but shedid say that it was the job of
local police to clear that building thatthe shooter took a shot from crawled up
on the roof. We've also learnedthat Trump's Secret Service protection actually been increased
because there was some intelligence. USintelligence learned of a plot by Iran to

assassinate him. Yeah, that's notscary at all. Yeah, because I
guess in his last year in office, he authorized a drone strike that took
somebody out. That was some deal, some muggety muck. No indicasion by
the way, that this stupid kidwas part of that plot, but they
did finally manage to get into hisphone. They also established a timeline that
led up to the shooting. Hehad visited a shooting range the day before

that on Saturday, went out andbought like fifty rounds of AMO, hit
up a home depot by a ladder, and then he headed to the rally.
So here's something else interesting. TheUS Concealed Carry Association has a booth
at the Republican National Convention happening Milwaukeethis week, and if you stop by,
you can enter to win a gun, specifically an AR fifteen, which
is the same gun that was usedin the fascination attempt. So interesting choice.

A AR fifteen style gun. Thankyou. Yeah, we love saying
that. Sorry, gun folks,what he's not exactly a gun guy?
What are you talking about? Whatthis shooter? Right? Semi automatic rifle.
I'll just say people just say ARfifteen because all the reports have been
AR fifteen, because it gets moreheadlines. All the reports I've seen were
AR fifteen. My bad, it'swhat his fault? Yeah, no it's

not. I'm just saying, look, I don't want to get gun text
again and saying I'm a gun guy. I'm a gun owner, I'm a
gun supporter. You know, ainresponsibility like anything else. I'm also for,
you know, common sense, definitelyinsanity. Would yeah, that is
insanity. That's crazy. But man, I tell you what some of you

gun nuts you're really crazy about.Like when someone says, oh, a
clip and you go, excuse me, it's a magazine, Like oh,
what did you say the other day? You said bullet and we got the
text lit up. It's not abullet around it's like all right people,
oh yeah, yeah, beer people, yeah, like hardcore and to anything

correct people the other thing. Andby the way, this was not intentional
from me. It's just it's it'swhat I it's it's how I've always referred
to anybody who's been president. Likewe're talking about Obama, I'll say President
Obama, President Clinton, right,and uh somebody took issue with me.
Oh boy where they were saying likeexcuse no, yeah, because I said,

you know, at President Bush's rallyand they were like they were all
upset about it, and uh,let's see because I was like, what
I say, Bush? Yeah,sorry, Yeah. It was like you
know, uh, get over it. Oh god. Well, people are

so politically insane that no matter whatwhatever side that you're talking about, they're
going to hate it, Yeah,I forget it anyway. Did it come
from our boss? No, itdidn't. But he was one of those

guys, uh who was like,you know, he's like one of those
being better shot guys. Oh great, Yeah, I would see pro Kyle
Gas from uh oh, Kyle Gasfrom you saw you see that whole thing?
Yeah, yeah, one of thebiggest fails of the week. Yeah,
he came out on police. That'sthe band with the Jack Black and
Kyle Gas, not Craig Gas.No, no, Kyle Gas. Like

if you haven't heard about this,They did a show on Sunday in Australia
and unemployed. It was Kyle's birthday. They brought out a cake and the
wish when he blew out the candleswas that the next shooter wouldn't miss Donald
Trump. And that turned out tobe career suicide pretty much because he was
dumped by his agent, Jack Black, pulled the plug on the rest of

the tour, end quote all futurecreative plans for the record. Jack says
that he was blindsided, had noidea that Kyle is going to say what
he said. Well, Kyle doesn'tneed Jack so whatever, not that it
really matters. We learned Is thatis that Jack Black doesn't need Yeah,
I'm not going to bother with it. Kyle issued a statement saying quote,

I'm incredibly sorry for my severe lackof judgment. I profoundly apologize to those
I've let down, truly regretted anypain I've caused. Believably, he should
go to birthday wish rehabs. Youshould go to off the cuff stage,
off the cuff stage joke rehab.Right this, this is obvious, This
is is this not the definition ofcancel culture right here? With Kyle Gas
he made a joke that was importaste. Obviously I don't agree. Let me

be officially, I'm going to saythis, I don't agree with that.
Joe Oh that you wish him well, I wish him the best. But
at the same time, does hedoes he, you know, deserve to
have his career ruined? Well?But I mean it was his partner who
said I'm not working with you anymore, and it was his manager who dumped
him. I mean it was public, which is again, but yes,
they're just doing it because they don'twant to be associated, right because if
they don't do it, then theyget the problems. Yeah, right there,

they Jack Block seems like a guyhe doesn't really want to get involved
in well, especially with Tenacious D. It's supposed to be a fun comedy.
He's gotten political lately, but notto this extreme. And also,
I don't think in the context of, like, you know, when you're
doing like a Tenacious D show,like again, people go where was the
uh? But we just can't youjust say I screwed up. That was
a dumb joke. Let's go tothe next show. Yeah, no,

I agree, don't cancel the tour. I am not for huh. Go
ahead, I'm sorry, go ahead. We know what were you saying?
So it doesn't sound like you agree. It sounds like you were making an
excuse for why he should get kickedoff the tour. Should the should the
tour be canceled? I just saidno, but that's what's happening. Yeah,
so I said he's he committed careersuicide. I don't. I wouldn't
have. Well, what are youtalking about? First Jack Black said they

were going to postpone and then itwas canceled. Yeah, yeah, Anyway,
I thought this was refreshing. Youknow, the movie Twisters is going
to be in theaters this weekend,and the characters make mention of storms being
more frequent, more violent than ever, but nobody mentions global warming or climate
change. And there's a reason forthat because the director says, quote,

I wanted to make sure that weare never creating a feeling that we're preaching
a message, because that's certainly notwhat I think cinema should be about,
like because that's every movie. Yeah, but I thought that was I thought
that was refreshing. You know what'sincredible about that movie is technology has gotten
so good. They made a mouselook like a human being. I know,
it's so attractive. It's awesome.We're still talking about him, but

looking like a mouse or an owlor whatever you study. I mean,
it's just a fact, like amole or I mean, but he's very
attractive. There wasn't sure's a ratboy. There was that trend that we
talked about the rodent man. Yeah, exactly. It's are having a moment,
which is great. They are areyou running out to see its attractive

And of course I don't need tosee him. I'm waiting. You're like,
I hope the tornado rips his shirtoff. It's pretty good. Do
you have interest in the movie itself, or you just seeing it because he's
in it. Oh, it's justbecause he's in it. Yeah, it's
Flenn Poe is in it. I'llgo. I don't understand that when when
dudes would say, just admit thatyou watch Dancing with the Stars because you
like ballroom dancing. So guys werelike, there's hot chicks, Like we

have the Internet. That maybe wasthe thing. It's the difference between what
you have access to now with thisphone in your hand, compared to when
we were kids and watching trying tofind a nipple through scrambled cable and looking
through the National Geographic trying to seea boob. You did those things.
It wasn't because you were really interestedin National National Geographic. Yes, you
look through it to try to seea nipple. Now it's like you can

look see whatever you want. Youcould look at Glen Pale all day long.
You can watch Yeah, but that'sthe whole reason people are cast in
movies exactly. I'm Sammy on this. I'll watch any movie if Liam Neeson's
in it. Yeah, it's justwhoever you like it enjoy watching on screen,
but you like but you like himas an actor she is just flooding

her basement over this guy. Nogood. Did you not see Hitman or
the hitman was Hitman? Yes?I did watch it. See what Here's
the difference between men and women iswe think of women. We think like
women just are like us that theyjust want to see naked men doing No,
they want to see handsome, ruggedmen doing heroic things aka twisters.
We don't care, like you saidwith Dancing with the Stars, if she's

got a ball gown on or abra on, dude, I'll tell you
that. They'll say, like,I'm just watching because of the hot chicks.
Okay, really get I get that. But I'm saying you're putting that
you're putting that mindset on Sammy andnot understanding the female brain like I do
as a feminist. Yeah, okay, cud, you're here, skids.
What's your second gold star of theday? Yeah? You want more to
come? Yeah, we're back.This is the show, all right.

So he got the first alternative incomekeyword coming up just after six o'clock.
I already told you all about that. Bones are up in eight seven,
seven forty four. You can hitsome of the text over to two to
nine eight seven. Now, I'mthe first to admit that I'm not a
very smart person like Sea Bass,who loves to brag about how much he
knows, which, by the way, is not an actual indication of actual

brain power. But am I moreintelligent than I thought? I solve this
thing? Subtle signs that someone isvery intelligent. Okay, interesting, And
I only read through the first coupleof things, and I'm going to see
how many I can check off here. When they have a giant head,
you know, the kind that makesyour mom's PTSD flare up on your breath,

which my head is big, mustsay you say you have a giant
head. I know that because Ibuy hats, and right most hats don't
fit. I gotta get remember theit's such an organ, Yes, it
was such an ordeal. Get thejoekoy hate none of them fit. Yeah,
I'm giving myself a check on that. Okay, giant When they're very

good at problem solving, they alwaysapproach problem with the right angle, even
if it's something they have no experiencewith. I am a very good problem
solver, okay, Like I cancoordinate a lot of things, a lot
of you know, moving parts allat once, that's something I'm actually good
at. I'm giving myself a check. Okay, I guess I'm over too.
When they feel challenged by new things, not threatened giving myself a check,

Like even this show, like weare naturally syndicated, but the way
we have to do it from westto east. Everybody said couldn't be done,
and we figured it out. That'strue. All right. Good When
they ask a lot of questions andthey're not worried about being perceived as stupid
for asking them. Check. Ido that all day. I do that

all day, but I always prefaceit with all right, you guys are
gonna laugh. But no, Iask a ton of questions and I go
into it knowing that, all right, you guys are gonna have to help
walk me through this. Yeah.When being taught to do something new,
they care just as much about whyit should be done a certain way as
they do about what needs to bedone. Check. Okay, see I

didn't get this far in the listlike the first three things. I'm like,
oh, like I'm smart. Whenthey know and can admit they don't
know everything. Oh yeah, okay, this is half and half and can
admit a mistake sometimes sometimes sometimes onthe other one, sometimes in the second.

Yeah, I think I admit thatI've admitted every time I don't know
everything. I think he'll admit amistake. But if it was somebody else's
exact same mistake, it's a bigdeal. When you do it, you
go, it's all good. No, do you have an example. No,
I just think that you won't mentionif you make a mistake. A
lot of times it doesn't he it'snot that he. You just don't mention

it, okayake, just silent aboutit. Yeah, let's see. Yeah,
I'm giving myself a half on that. I'm giving my halfy because I
will admit that when I don't knowsomething that's true on the DUI go,
I don't know the okay, halfpoint when they're observant, yep, check,
it's mostly what I do. Yeah, your eyes are open, I

know. Yeah, I mean Iobserved. I was going to say most
people are, but that is notthe case. Most people are in a
fog. Yeah, when they canagree to disagree with someone instead of getting
all angry over it, or whenthey can hold two opposing ideas in their
head at the same time, basicallyunderstanding the nuances of something enough to be
able to debate either side of it. M I don't think you get a

point for that. You're stubborn.I am. But I'm also good to
agree to disagree, Like I don'thave to have a conclusion. I don't
have to have where there's a clearwinter like I because people like have an
argument back and forth. I go, Look, we can agree to disagreat.
I mean you'll dig your heels intothe ground. Yeah, yeah,
because I'm not. I'm not goingto change my opinion just because somebody else
doesn't agree with it. No,but no, in the middle of the

discussion. Yeah, it's not aboutchanging your opinion. It's about how stead
fast you are with your opinion.Correct, So I would but agree to
disagree. I guess when they canadapt their communication style, vocabulary, tone,
and content to fit the situation andthe people they're talking to. Nope,
get in where you fit in XWow, I lack tact. This

is making me feel very not smartwhen they're able to explain something complicated in
simpler and more readily understood terms.Once I understand something, yes, yeah,
if you're really good now getting meto understand it, maybe could be
a right, I'll just give myselfan X on that one. So not
bad, pretty decent? Yeah,I mean I have ten things one,
two, three, four, five, six, seven, six and a

half yeah, six and a half, six and a half. Where you
are, dude? Yea? Sopossibly signs you could be more intelligent that
you're leading on. You know,welcome back. I might look cute and
cut. They are very mean spirited, way back, everybody show well.
I read about this. The Olympicsare coming up and there's this two time

Olympic silver medalister name is Helen o'breeryof Kenya, and she is going to
make history at this year's games.Menace. She's going to be wearing spray
on sneakers. Yeah, that's awesome. The cloud Boom Strike LS shoe.
It's created by having a robot spraya single continuous filament onto a foot form,

creating the entire upper part of theshoe in three minutes. Uh.
Now, this woman she wore theseshoes when she won the Boston Marathon back
in April. So spray on shoes. Can you imagine menu ray on joints
turned out? I mean, arethey fashionable? What's that? Are they?
I? Doubt it. Those toeshoes that runners swear by hate those

I hate toe socks. I thinkthey're ever seen those those those toe shoes
that run. Yeah, you know, I've seen the toe socks. I
think the shoes are the shoes theyuse them. Okay, this is odd.
They are actually the actually look kindof like hokahs. They had that
big thick sol on. Oh really, and they just kind of like a
hot Yeah. I think the colorschemes are hideous and they kind of spray
on like what do you say thatthe upper but it's kind of like a

very thin sock filament sort of thing. Interesting. Interesting. The shoes are
probably like getting the BJ from afat check. Feels good. Just don't
look down too bad looking. That'snot my line. I didn't coin that,
didn't write that one. You know, it's something I've heard the streets.
We can we can stop the hate, the shame. Yeah, spray

shoes. Imagine like, you know, you step into this thing and spray
your shoes on before you leave forthe day. How do you get them
off? Oh? Yeah, I'msure you peel them off, maybel them
off. Yeah, it's supposed tobe a better environment. Really, but
how is that. It wouldn't bedoubt. Creating a whole robot system is
better for Yeah, exactly, Yeah, and there's zero chemicals on shore.

He buy some new shoes a while, Jones, You need to mass yeah,
you know, to fill my voidin my life. Right see you
said that happen menace be shopping speakingof things women, Yeah, yeah,
eight seven seven forty four. Youcan hit us up with the text over
to two two nine eight seven orwhoa, yeah they show. I'll be

right back. That is beautiful.Hey, it's menace. Check out the
Lazy Dog Restaurants made to order lunchspecials three dollars off road trip boles and
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food and menaces, Yeah, totallywon't tag it breas show And we are
into another new hour insensitivity training fora Politically Correct World. Wednesday morning,
July the seventeenth, twenty twenty four. I'm Woody. That's Greg Gory.
Good morning, Minace, Good morningto you. Good morning Woody. There

is see man. Hi, wegot Sammy. Now the phones are open,
but for a particular reason, wehave a focus on the calls that
we're taking right now. At eightseven seven forty four, Woodie, we're
gonna do one of these last manstanding segments that we did. One we
did recently was what's the most redneckthing you've seen? So you call in

and you share with us the mostredneck thing you've seen. We pick a
different topic each time. Well,the topic today house party is gone wrong.
Okay, so you hosted a houseparty. You went to a house
party and they just went sideways.We're looking for not good who's got the
best house party gone wrong story?And this all started. We had a

conversation about this girl and she gotreally screwed over. She was trying to
do something fun, she was tryingto be cool. She her parents are
out out of town, and soshe threw a party at the house and
the invitation was public, and soall these people showed up and they were
pouring stuff into the washing machine andthe dryer, and uh, you know,

ruined the countertops and destroyed the place. And on top of all that,
the loser kids who came to theparty, they called the cops just
so they would show up and bustthe girl whose party they were at.
Sure. Yeah, so not onlydid you destroy the house, you also
threw the girl who hosted the partyunder the bus by calling the cops.
Yeah. I know. People treatthese parties like they treat the place where

they work the minute you walk in. Yeah, you're a pig and an
animal. And honestly, I've heardenough of these stories. It's why I
don't really like having a large amountof people over to my place. I'll
have small groups of people. Yeah, you know, I was an adult,
I would say like ten or lesshigh school kids exactly. No,
I know, I'm not gonna flushwoody silverweare down the toilet. Yeah,

I'm not going to break your countertop. I mean, sea bass might
try to poop in my shower.I do enjoy having large parties at my
place, but I have a commonroom maintained by the buildings. That's differently.
An animal to take a drink andgo sit on your couch. But
man, some people just love entertaining. The more people, the marrier they'll
like rent tends to pop up outside. Yeah, there was there was a

lot of that going on with thegraduation parties. Valet then or you don't,
I don't want people in your house, you just do a garage party.
Yeah, that's the move, bythe way, Like, yeah,
Mene Menet at one point when hebought that kitchen aid stand mixer, like
that was to him. For nobodyelse, it's not like he's going to

use it, but to him,it was like a sign that he made
it right as an adult. Especially. Yeah, yeah, like a sign
that dude, you really got it. Going on is if you have a
valet service for a gathering at yourhouse. It's like an extreme But that's
what that's what you're saying. That'slike. But I also wanted, like
how much that possibly cost. We'rejust talking about somebody to go park cars.

See how much that it's probably moreabout having a space to dump the
cars in parking long the street,but they have to go like the next
block over to park it. Exactly. You can just hire kids to do
it. I mean never work.I've seen the local kid. Have you
ever seen Father of the Bride?Yes? Okay, well then you know
it's about idea. But like intheir early twenties or whatever. Side,
you don't want to hire somebody professionalbecause of insurancesurance, ding, indoors or

whatever. Yeah, yeah, Imean, I'm sure you could do it
on the cheap. I'm I'm figuringthis is probably something is a lot more
affordable than we think. I'm notsaying it's cheap. All right. Here
are three attendants for five hours,four hundred and five dollars including tax for
the whole thing five hundred bucks.Yep, five hours. That's good.
See, okay, five hundred bucks. It's a lot of money. I

get it. But now it doesnot cost does not include cost of a
location permit. So like in otherwords, the lot, if you had
a lot or something, right,right, right, But I'm saying if
it's in your neighborhood and there's amplestreet parking, but you don't want your
guests because you're having them over andthey're wearing like maybe some nicer stuff,
you don't want to disturb the numbers. Yeah, you want to disturb You
don't want your guests walking like ablock and a half just to get to
your house. I've never gone toa party where civilian has had that.

Only celebrities, yes, right,but like, yeah, I went to
a we all went to one pointwith the the Ralphie May Party Rest in
Peace, comedian Ralphie May. Hehad a he had a party, and
I mean he lived in an areawhere it was like the streets there was
nowhere to park exactly, and sohe had these valets and I thought that
was a pimp move. I know, it's awesome. Yeah. The question

is if you're a guest at oneof these parties, random house party and
they have a valet as the guest, you you tip, right of course?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it'sdefinitely. Uh. This is also
kind of up there with being thefull bar candy bar house on Halloween.
That was my personal goal, Likethat was my kitchen Aid stand mixer.
Yeah, like Menace had the kitchenAid stand mixer. Mine was one day

and I remember thinking this as akid, one day, I would like
to be the full sized candy barhouse on Halloween. And I've done it
for the last what four or fiveyears. Yep, it's not hard to
do it. It's not. Yougo to Costco get a box. Yeah.
Costco has like deals. I thinkit's like fifteen bucks you get thirty
bars or something like that. Uh, you know, and it's and it's

all the good stuff too, andI load up on those and yeah,
I say. A friend of minesent me a photo. Apparently Walmart has
full on knockoffs of like Snickers.Now, oh, really nice. It's
like Walmart brand right taste, youknow, Sam's Choice or whatever they call
them, like crickers, slackers.What do they call their Dr Pepper?

It's oh, doctor Choice all rightor something? Oh no, yeah,
no, they have they have amountain dew this like mountain blast or something
or something. Now I think knows. All right, So we're opening up
the phones, and so the ideathe way this works is you're gonna call
it if you have a good story. If you think you have the story
when it comes to a house party'sgone wrong, something that you've either hosted

or been a part of, you'regonna call in right now. We'll get
you set up eight seven seven fortyfour woody, and then when we come
back from the break, we're gonnago right to the calls. We'll hear
the first call, then we'll takethe second call. We'll hear that second
story, and then we'll go aroundthe room and vote which one's the better
story. That person moves on.Whoever is left standing at the end,
that's gonna be the person who getsa prized. Sometimes it comes down to

where we can't decide, and thenwe'll throw it to the text and you
guys can help us decide. Lasttime, yeah, well last time that
redneck topic, there was like threeor four people. Yeah. So good
doctor Thunder, Yeah yeah, nicedoctor Thunder. It's good like doctor Breber.
Yeah. So if you had astory for us house party gone wrong,

the house party in some way wentreal sideways, go ahead and give
us a call. Eight seven sevenforty four, Woody. That's eight seven
seven forty four, Woody, Andwe'll get to those stories coming up next.
The topic for this round of LastMan Standing, house party's gone wrong.

House party is gone wrong. Soyou either hosted or you attended.
You think you got the best storyabout a house party gone wrong, go
ahead and give us a call.Eight seven seven forty four, Woodie.
We're going through and getting people linedup as quickly as you can, because
what we're doing here is we're gonnatake the first call hear their story,

take the second call here their story. Whichever one we determine will go around
the room, whichever one we thinkis the best one that moves on,
and then by the end of thesegment, when we run out of time
here, whichever one's left standing,last man standing will win a prize.
I'm not sure exactly what that prizewill be, but if you've got a
good house party gone wrong story,call us right now. Eight seven seven

forty four, woody quick story.When I had a house party in high
school, I was working at thegrocery store, so I thought i'd be
fancy and I had shrimp and likea whole spread. The only alcohol we
could get was tequila, and itwas, you know, not the good
kind. And eventually the girls gota little wild and they did like take

off their shirts and run down thestreet and that was pretty cool, Oh
yeah, dog, And but oneof the girls ended up like puking all
over my kitchen floor. And it'sjust like, yeah, just shrimp bits
and like sauce and that kind ofstuff. But I think what I messed
up is I cleaned the house sogood that something was off. And then
my neighbor did say to my momlike, oh, some girls would running

down the street screaming, and Igo, yeah, I didn't hear that,
you know, so I didn't getcaught. Yeah, how to clean
up some bar? All right,let's go to Giovanni. Good morning,
Giovanni, Giovanni, Good morning,Good morning. So house party gone wrong?
What is your story for this roundof last Man's Standing? Man,
I was just talk one, some and my girlfriends got to fight it

to a party and of courtun thisis my first time drinking in a good
while. So I'm just drinking andguinea hammered. I blanked out. I
remember I'm in the restroom throwing up. Everything's just a complete mess. I
passed out. I remember my buddy'sgirlfriends knocking on the door. Actually give
me one second. So I triedcleaning everything up. I ended up talking

to sink and I just walked out. Next thing I remember, I am
waking up in the front lawn,passed out under a Mustang. Everybody comes
in. They said, hey,guess what, disconnect. There's no call
for that kind of language. Luddyvulgar and abusive language. That's an automatic
disconnect. You've got a dirty horse. Well story, gotta remember that you're

on the radio, right, Yeah, the words that you can't people just
are just oblivious to, like generaldecorum. Yeah, all right, we
just cuss words left and right.Yeah. Well, I mean, you
know, they're not trained professionals.We swear like sailors off the air.
Yeah, the second the microphone.Yeah, but I mean I have to
give him some props for the sinkpuking and I relate to that. And

he was passed out on the frontlawn under a Mustang, So that means
there was a Mustang in the frontlawn. Yeah, I gavanni hang on
one side before the let's go toJen. Good morning Jen, and watch
your mouth. I'm here all right, all right? So a house party
gone wrong? On what happened?So our annual Halloween party by year seven

got a little out of hand withall the randos that started showing up by
word of mouth. Yeah, andyou know, you're trying to get all
the drunks out of your house thatyou don't know because you find out they're
stealing your cvs left and right towalk in my dining room. That's on
fire because the cute little skull candlestickholdersthat are cheap. Once the candle melted

all the way down, caught thecandlestick holder on fire, which caught the
tablecloth on fire. It's caught thetable on fire. You find the fire,
I just like going up the wall. Hey, you're running around trying
to get the fire extinguisher. Yougo to the basement to you open up
the basement door to grab the fireextinguisher, and there's some random people having
sex on your disgusting basement floor.Yeah, so you slam the door shut

and forget that. You went infor the fire extinction. Meanwhile, oh
my god, Yeah, but it'smy eyes, my eyes. How damage
was everything? Like, like,what kind of damage did the fire do?
It had just hit the wall,so the wall was easily repainted.
Table had to be thrown out,everything on the table was ruined. No

big deal because it was you know, three o'clock in the morning. So
finally chaos is over. Sit downon the couch like almost everybody's gone.
My best friend comes flying down mystairs in my living room, decides to
super fly me from the bottom ofthe stairs and across the living room,
hits the couch, breaks the backoff the couch. Everybody sitting on the

couch with me. We all goflying backwards. I'm just like them moment
the night, the same night.All right, Well there's there's Jen story.
I hate, I hate to blamethe victim, Greg, but if
your candleholders are that cheap, lookit's just for like the core, for
like a like a one off party, you know, and every day use
thing. You could still have higherstandards than between gen story and Giovanni story.

I'm going Jen j Yeah, yeah, we told thank you Giovanni,
you should apologize. Let's go toLet's go to herman. Hey, good
morning, herman, Hey, goodmorning you all right, good morning.
House party is gone wrong? Whatdo you got, oh man? Dude?

Okay, so this was six yearsago when we had a family and
French party. So we all gothammered, right and we we called it
a night before that, I hada he didn't arguing with my father and
they split us up. They tookhim to his room. They took me
to my room, and we calledit at night. I'm I'm in bed
with two of my girlfriends. Andthe next thing, you know, I

get woken up by like five copscoming into my room and I'm I'm tripping
out because I'm halfway drunk and I'mscared. There's five cops in my room.
And next thing you know, theytake us out and they have us
in handcuffs, me and my brothersand even including my mother. And it
turns out that my aunt, whichis my my father's sister, because she

thought that we heard them or somethinglike that, so they literally broke down
our door. So when I walkedout, our door was broken down.
Oh my god. All right,it was what people call the reason.
I know. Well, you're thelast person. I do it the cop
all the time. But people,but yeah, not on number is like

on a big display. I'm sureat the police station, like this guy
calls all the time and therefore importantwe should listen to him. Yeah,
yeah, for sure. But Iknew where this story was going once he
said it was a family party inmy family dispute. Somebody's jealous. Yeah
alright, I'm still going with genstory. Yeah yeah, everybody else,
Greg, Yeah, yeah, it'sgot to be Jen. Let me raw
herman. Thank you for the call. I appreciate listening show. Let's see,

let's go to Kevin. Hey,good morning, Kevinn heyre we're going
Hey, last man standing House partygone wrong? All right. So I
was like fourteen, My brother wastwenty one, and he had a huge
party in my parents' house. Theywere on vacation Hawaii, and there was
probably two hundred people in a twothousand square foot house and somebody brought bear

spray and sprayed it throughout the wholehouse and there was a massive cuke fast
going on. People are freaking out. Yeah, there was no fires,
but it was absolutely insane. Whobrought the spray that? I don't know.
I lived in the Pacific Northwest,so there's lots of hunters and all
kinds of yeah up there some justsome some college kids brought it to the

party. Thought it was a greatidea, I guess, and just went
just sprayed, went through the wholehouse. Everybody. Everybody was just toast.
On both stories, it was.It was unbelievable. All right,
Uh, what do you guys think, Jen or Kevin? I mean that's
a version of the fire extinguisher,Yeah, setting off somewhere but obvious.

Yeah, fire sex Yeah, seebroken couch oh yeah broken count Yeah,
all right, Kevin with her?All right, thank you, Kevin,
Kevin Son. All right, let'sgo to Steve Hey. Good morning,
Steve, good morning. What doyou show? How you guys doing?

All right? So house party gonewrong? What do you got? Yeah?
Major party till here. I'll tryto get very quick uh the summery.
Basically, I was thirteen years oldattending my buddy sixteenth birthday party hosted
by his hot milk mother. Anyway, aaull story short. I quickly get
very ineborated. I pew call overmyself. So the mother felt bad,

brings me upstairs, takes my clothesoff, puts me in the bathtub,
unattended the milk lane there and she'syes, nice, yes, so why
I'm an attendant in the bathtub.She goes off and washes my clothes.
Well, here the party discovers I'mlane there, I'm like a stud jarble
bald is a cue ball because againI'm thirteen and so then so the whole

party discovers this. There's two waysin from the left and then exit to
the right. So they all walkby, laughing at me, ridiculing me.
And basically that Monday morning. Iwas known as Hueball for the rest
of the school. Yeah que Ball. All right, well dude, that's
awesome. Yeah. Unfortunately, beunattended and the party discovered it. So

basically about thirty five people witnessed.I was hung like your sir jumps that
gerbils. Yeah, and you werewasted at thirteen. That's pretty bad as
that's pretty awesome. Yeah right,I think I might have been eleven.
Yeah, well cool, I wasten, but I looked like that was
that was That was chat? Allright, Steve, hang on one second?

Votes around the room. I mean, story is pretty cool. It's
a great kid. But Jen allday still Jen? Yeah, I'm sticking
with Jen. All right, Steve, great story though, thank you for
the call. Appreciate you listening.What do you show? Man? Guys?
All right, later see step let'ssee let's uh, let's go to
Aerin. Hey, good morning,Aaron, good morning, what's up?

Morning? All right? Last manstanding house party gone wrong? Yeah.
So I lived in Arizona and uhwe were having a little party and I
decided to call some friends and nextthing, you know, like one hundred
and fifty people showed up. Mostof them I didn't know, and uh,
we're all drinking bottles and uh atone point, oh, now that

that might have been that might havebeen my faul hanging on Aaron you there,
Yeah, yeah, okay, soyou're drinking bottles. Yeah. So
on one of my buddies got gotin an argument with one of these dudes
and girlfriends and it turned out intolike a fight from the back of the
back patio of this house. Yeah, and I was standing out fronts of
the time, and I heard likeall this chaos. There was glass smashing

everywhere and everything. And whenever Iopened up the door, literally everybody in
this house was throwing beer bottles ateverybody. It was absolute chaos, and
uh, I had I had this. This kid was coming down the hallway
and he put a gun at mychest and I told him this in my
drug cell, told him, andhe didn't have enough balls to pull the
trigger. And uh as he ashe went by me, somebody smashed the
beer bottle over his head. Anduh, I see two, two through

three guys that threw my buddy througha wall. And then like after all
this aftermath was done and everybody leftcleaning up all the glass, I had
to take two of my buddies tothe hospital. So we get back.
We're fixing. The wall in thishouse is up. We looked at all
the damage and stuff. We allpassed out. We're pretty drunk now up
the next day and what we didn'trealize is they stole our garage door opener

and they robbed our complete grow.They got it our garage, all of
our cross that our motorcycles was gone. Who was the guy with the gun?
Like nobody knew this gun. Nobodyknew now this Arizona. I didn't
know these Arizona like this one kidand like so many other kids showed up.
Okay, all right, well there'sAaron. Yeah, yeah, that's

what happened. Good. Yeah,yeah, I don't know. I might
be swayed toward Aaron. I know, votes motorcycles stolen, our fight essentially
broken glass hole in the wall.No. I'm still going to Gen though,
because she has so many different factorsto restore. And there's nothing cool
about that, Like it's just dangerous. It's just like, oh, some
bikers showed up and wrecked the place. Yeah, destroyed it. It's called

being a plus, you know.Yeah, so you're going Gen SeaBASS Gen
the variety of gennas. Yeah,I'm going yeah, all right, this
is actually scary. Aaron, yougot my vote, but we were we
were outnumbered, my friend. Butthank you for the call. I appreciate
it. Yeah, man, thata good one. All right, later
they safe, all right, let'sgo to Uh Kyle, Hey, good

morning, Kyle, Kyle, Kyle, Hey, guys. Uh, it's
gonna be hard to top Aaron,to be honest, Well, Aaron's already
out. Jen is still on topright now. But what happened? House
party gone wrong? Yeah, thiswas right after that movie Project X came
out. I remember that movie.Yeah, that that's American history. American

history, Bady. He doesn't haveany references in the past twenty years.
My bad project this was. Itwas a high school party. Uh.
One of my buddies just blew itup into that inviting I want to say,
one hundred people. More than threetimes the amount of people showed up
just by word of mouth. Uh, there's the jungle juice, bit so

white carpet, red juice, readeverything. These gang members ended up showing
up tagging the inside of the house. Somebody got so drunk they drove the
car into the pool. All this, It was a terrible situation. Everyone
looked sick and then come you know, two am. The idiot doesn't realize

or he doesn't realize he didn't tellus. Oh the house just went into
escrow and the new homeowners is comingby tomorrow morning to check out. Not
good, so needless to stay.Our buddy was screwed pretty bad. It
was his parents place, right,Uh, it was his parents former place.
Alright. You're scrambling to get everybodyto help clean it up and everything,

and uh the pool, yep,exactly all right, Kyle, hang
on one second. What do youguys think? Votes? Man? I
love the car in the book andthe interior got tagged. Yeah, and
then it was going the next day. I'm going with that one. Yeah,
yeah, pretty good. How doyou not stop somebody somebody? I

don't do that. Don't do that? What are you doing that? You're
so busy? Yeah? Or somebodyanybody? If I saw anybody anybody un
your house, well maybe because aregang members, they were afraid to stop
them. Yeah, all right,Kyle, hang on one second, man,
Jen, hang on one second.This might this might end up going
to listener vote pretty good? Yeah, all right, let's get to one
more call. Let's go to Colton. Good morning, Colton, Colton,

good morning more. We're doing agreat last man standing house party gone wrong.
What's your story? Yeah, absolutely, So my family and I were
actually out of town, so Iwasn't at this house party, but it
was at my house. So myolder brother, he was in high school,
and he had his friend to comeover to house it for us,
and while we were all out oftown, he decided to invite I guess

a few people over. Yeah,that that few people turned over to be
like one hundred people and and througha giant house party. There was trash
everywhere in the house. There wereused condoms in all the kids' bedrooms,
So pretty nasty situation to walk hometo. Yeah, use condoms on your
fire truck bed? All right?Uh well, Colton, that's a that's

a good story. I don't thinkit's I don't think it's in there with
Kyle and Jen though, you guys, we appreciate your call. Man,
thank you sucks as good. Allright, it's like you know, bye,
all right, So now the votingis open. Which one do you
think should win this round? Thelast man Standing? Kyle that's the guy
where somebody end up driving, uh, you know, getting a car into

the pool and then Jen the livingroom or you know, dining or whatever
caught fire. People were stealing stuff. The people were like banging in the
basement. When she ran down thereto go get the fire extinguisher, couch
god broke. So you're gonna texteither Kyle car in the pool, Kyle

k y Eli over to two twoninety seven or Jen j e n for
the living room fire story? Whichone do you think should win this round
of Last Man Standing? Tough?We will have the results for you.
The listener vote will count toward,while the listener vote will determine who wins.
See, we're putting it all inyour hands, guys, we got
it this far. You guys takeit home. Results next here on The

Woodie Show. Hang on show.I'll be right back. Hey, welcome
back. It's the Woody Show.And you guys had a great job sending

your votes in for Last Man Standing. House party has gone wrong that uh
you know, we'd like you towin a ninety eight inch TCL television.
Yeah, so you know, goahead and pat yourself on their back and
reward yourself win this ninety eight inchTCL TV thanks to tcl's More for You
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off their TVs. You can alsofind these deals at me major retailers that
sell the tcltvs. But nine eightinch very big, huge, and the
post everything you need to know directionson how to sign up right there.
It's pinned to the top of ourInstagram at the Woody Show on Instagram,
So go ahead and do that,all right. So it was between Kyle

and Jen. Kyle's story was thatit was just chaos at the house party.
People were tagging the inside of thehouse with graffiti. Somebody got so
drunk that a car ended up inthe pool, And then we talked to
Jen, who's dining room caught fire. It was like a Halloween party,
so that the candle mishap. Yeah, the candle burned all the way down

to the end. It was acheap Halloween candle holder, so that thing
apparently flammable. Good idea for acandle holder, Yeah, to make it
out something flammable and ended up catchingthe wall on fire and destroyed some stuff,
And we're stealing from her. Peoplewere stealing, banging in the in
the basement when she went to whichyou discovered when she went down there to
go get the fire extinguisher, soher eyes were burning. Her dining room

is burning. Literally. Yeah,now we do have a clear winner,
and before we go to the actualvote, here SeaBASS, who gets your
vote? I'll go with our lady, Jen. Jen got the more interesting
I think, more than those specificsare more perhaps real. I'm enjoying her
story, all right, Sammy,I'm going with Kyle, Kyle ye,

all right, minutes. I'm goingwith Jen all day because the different categories
of drama within her story. Allright, and I too, I'm going
with Jenn. I like the varietyof problems, less hooligan ish. Yeah,
exactly, like people tagging walls andwhatever. Okay, Like, well's
your party? This was just likea candle like people banging that happens at
a house parties. If it's agood party, it is no gang warfare,

no tagging. Yeah, yeah,I'm gonna go with Jen as well.
Now here's the thing. Jen gota vast majority of the vote,
so our winner of this round.Congratulations to you, Jen, Are you
are the winner. It's party gonewrong. So hang on one second.

We'll get all your info and that. We appreciate you listening to the Woodies
Show. Hang on, okay,thank you, all right, you're welcome.
And Kyle, that's a that's agreat story. Thank you for calling
in. Appreciate your support of theWoodies Show. My friend. Yeah,
thank you, guys running it backall right? Yeah, all right,
Kyle, thank you, there's there'sKyle and Jen everybody, thanks again for
your votes. Quick break, moreWoodies Show coming up. Hang uphow,

we'll be right very Menace is gonnabe out Citadel Outlets on Saturday. Yes,
I know you're looking for something excitingto do on Saturday and you're like,
man, I really wish Menace wasout somewhere. What you're in luck,
it's this Saturday from two to fourpm Citadel Outlets. You can find
him in front of the world's largestboombox. Yeah, he'll We'll be giving

away Greg free ice cream. Iknow that's my favorite bar. So besides
the ice cream, five hundred dollarsCitadel gift cards. So I'm assuming that's
good for anything that's there at CitadelOUTLETUS, Right, yep. Any of
those stores, plus theme park tickets, concert tickets, Woody show, merch
and more. That is Menace atCitadel Outlets coming up this Saturday from two
to four pm. Stop buying andwe are into another new hour insensitivity training

for a politically correct world. Itis Wednesday morning. It's July the seventeenth,
twenty twenty four. I'm Woody.That's Greg Gory Menace. Good morning
to you. Good morning. We'vegot Sea Bass, We've got Sammy,
and the phones are open eight sevenseven forty four. Woodie hit us up
at the text over to two tonine eight seven, and we actually have

somebody else here in studio. Sayhi to our friend Gina grad everybody,
Hi Jay, thank you so much. Let me yeah. Well, so
here's the deal Sea Bass. Ithink we mentioned this maybe once or twice,
but it's a big under wraps secret. He had to sign an what
are they called NDL Non Disclosure AgreementNDA S. Sea Bass is going to

go tape some TV show. Idon't know where he's going, I know
what the show is, but we'renot allowed to disclose that to anybody right
now. And so you know,Sea Bass is going to be out for
at least a couple of days,if not a full week taping the show.
Once we're able to talk about whatit is, it's going to be
awesome. I think they're bringing backthat show, the swan Yeah, Doute

edition because the surgeries they swand upa chick. Yeah, but they did
that show before now yeah, it'slike a hair restoration thing. I think,
full getting body. Yeah. AndSo with Sea Bass out for at
least a couple of days, maybea week, I figured it'd be nice
to have somebody come and hang outand fill that spot. And so Gina

Grad, who has been in beforefor a couple of days, and she's
been gracious enough to agree to comein and hang So my pleasure. Thank
you. People really enjoyed having youon the last time. Now, Gina
Grad a little background for everybody.She was a co host for the Adam
Carolla Show for what eight years?You're here to tell the Dale. She's

done all kinds of other radio beforethat, obviously, and then after that
with another one of our good friends, Mark Thompson, formerly of Mark and
Brian, she did a morning showwith him. She's got like a bunch
of podcasts and other TV things thatshe does. She wrote a book,
yeah, about being a stepmother,step parent. Don't be too impressed.
It's a children's book or whatever,but I mean, you wrote a book

just to get the little ones,you know, vibeing with the idea of
a stepparent. I'm totally impressed.Thank you tried. And it's tough,
is what it's called. My extramom, extra mom. Yeah. Anyway,
so Gina grad is here and she'shanging out with us. Now,
what I have and I don't knowhow much time you got, but what
we have here is something that Gregfound. I thought it was interesting.

It's a research We all love aresearch study, and this is actually for
fun. Neuroscientists, right, Oh, they recently did a study on what
the perfect feel good songs are.Yeah, and they looked at and they
studied different factors like beats per minute, the key, the chords of the
song that make it feel good.And I have the the top ten songs

that they said are the biggest orthe best that meet that formula. Right,
put you in a good mood.Yeah, these songs will put you
in a good mood. One ofthem I wholeheartedly agree with. Is it
wholehearted. I missed that song.Yeah, there's a couple of the few
that I see that's a no brainer. Yeah, there's one on here.
I'm like, ugh, I onlywant to hear this song in the context

of the movie that it's from,But it gets played on the radio a
lot, and I go every timeit comes on. Click. It is
scientific, though, because you knowthat song like a G six yep.
Right. The guys that helped producethat, they were called the Cataracts,
that are the producers. And Iwent to their studio once and above the

mixing board they had like these coloredcharts of like different sounds and everything,
and how like if the color chartlike blended together, it would make a
hit song. So like they weredoing it scientifically, so unromantic but still
cool. Whatever. If it works, it works, you know, I
mean, if you want to goplatinum. I did like to song.
I didn't know that, Like ifthey would have if they would have told

me that before I heard the song, I would have gone into it with
stinking thinking yeah. But the factthat you know, you find out afterwards
you're like, oh, that isa good song. Yeah, I do
like that song. I like aG s I forgot about that song too.
I love those Yeah, So Iwill have those songs coming up for
you next. And then I haveasked everybody here in the room to give
me their song. And dude,I'm telling you, I'm still trying to
narrow mind down. Mine's down twobetween. It's not easy. Let's see

one, it's down to five songs. It's down to five. But the
songs that put you in a goodmood. What's your song? The song
that you hear it and you're ina good mood. All of a sudden
hit us up on the text overto two two nine eight seven. I
think what you're talking about that sensation. I don't think the diaper makes it
so that you want to pee.I think it's I think there may be

some kind of effect where you knowyou've gone and I can feel the warmth
kind of like head them down towardmy pestle. The show in the Woody
Show, Oh yeah, welcome back. It's the Woody Show. Songs that

put you in a good mood.So a group of neuroscientists recently to study
on what the perfect feel good songsare, and they looked at and they
study different factors beats per minute,the key, the chords of the song
to make it quote feel good goodand according to them, and I have
some clips of the songs just incase, I you know, say the

name and whatever you recognize it.Katrina and the Waves. The song Walking
on Sunshine was at number ten onon their list. You guys know this
song? That one, that's theone I completely agree with. Yeah,
yeah, how can you go wrongwith that? Yeah, it's all right,
a lot of it. I don'tnecessarily love it, but yeah,

yeah, it's a happy song.I love when I got quoted in Intervention,
Yeah it did. Addicted to PoppingDuster. Yeah, and then they're
like, what's it like and she'slike, it's like walking on Sunshine walk.
Yeah. I've only heard that oneclip from Intervention with the guys like
the Crying Guy. Yeah, Cruynumber nine on their list of songs that

put you in a good mood.Gloria Gainer, I will Survive the thing.
I love this one, the nineBanded Cake. Oh you get a
cover of this that I like athousand times better than this. Gloria Gainer
versions This is just like raw Rob'sbroad burning crap. To me, this

is just doing it for themselves.Yeah, love like Lady Marmalade. How
that song was you know? Yeah, this Lady Marmalade, Marmalade, Marmalade
fans here, all right, Sothis is the one I totally agree with.
I agree with number eight on theirlist from bon Jovi Living on a
Prayer, Although every time I hearthis song now I think of the one

that somebody did with the go toYell me go, this guy banger.
This song for me, I don'tknow how to say it other than it's
just too popular, Like it makesme, it makes me. That's very
hipster. I know. I havea little PTSD from this because one of
the lines is Gina works the dinerall day and I got teased mercilessly when

the song came out. Yeah.Otherwise Tommy, oh, he used to
work on the docu. Well,the union has been on strike. Yeah,
it's been tough, all right.Number seven on the list of songs
according to neuroscientists that puts you ina good mood. And I do love
this song. Cyndy Lapper. Girlsjust want to have that. Yeah,

my wife hates this song. Well, she needed to get her brain checked.
I don't like. I can't spayher. I mean I like.
I like Ciddy Lapper, just she'sin general simpers show. Yeah, Cidey
Lopper is fun and on tour,by the way, so make sure to
go check her out. Number sixon the list, we're walking away up

to number one of the songs thatput you in a good mood, The
Monkeys. I'm a believer y again. They just looked at the different factors
of all these different songs. Beatspermitted the key, the core to the
song to make it quote feel good, that's weird. I'm not old old,

but when I tell you this,it makes me sound like I'm ancient.
My first full length record I everbought was The Monkey. That's like
I was def Leppard. My first, my first I'm talking vinyl album I
ever owned, was The Monk.I was addicted to the growing up.

I didn't even know The Monkeys wasa real band. I thought it was
like a TV thing, all right. Number five, this is the song
I can only hear in the contextof the movie. In the movie,
it's great, but they play iton the radio and I can't stand it.
Number five is Survivor, I ofthe Tiger really hate it. I
thought you loved this song. No, I don't like it at all.

Again, in the context of themovie. Great if it's rocky, great,
But but it's just like I'm onthe you know, do you like
the oldies station? This is nodog. I like the song, but
I'm coming with Greg that is overplayed. Yeah, I don't know. I
just I just picture Mall Walker's punchingthe air. Yeah, it would be

a nice surprise song if it wasn'tlike in regular rotation. Samy's gonna like
the song at number four. I'ma big fan of Billy Joel Uptown Girls.
Ye, this is a good one. I'm down. Yeah, the
video is awesome. No one candance. Yeah, I ask you because

I was actually thinking about Billy Joelthe other day. Was there a point
where he was like super attractive,where he was getting supermodels? Or is
it all his talent that's attractive towomen. I think it's his personality and
the fact that he's in a band. Yeah, you know, like amazing.
I don't remember what he looks likeyoung, so maybe he was like,

oh dude, he was you know, never like like a big,
you know, hunk kind of guy. But he had a look. He
had a look before. Now yousee him now and it's like Darth Vader
with the mask off. Yeah,he does, and he had moment.
I mean I thought he was attractive. I mean, I know that he's
universally known as unattractive, but Idon't really know why. I don't think

he's not bad. Number three onthe list Beach Boys, Good Vibration,
Yes, she's Yeah, you don'tlike any of this. I was over
it. Stuff that you'd hear ata malt shop. Yeah, stuff of
your hear up. I mean loveBarry Hill. Look, it's no monkeys.

That's I'm glad you record guy.Yeah, we all know what Beach
Boys sounds like. Number two anothersong another artist. If I never heard
this group again, it'd be toosoon. But hey, put you in
a good mood, right, abba Dancing Queen, Yes, that's one.
I don't get the abode. No, they have so many better songs.
I hate this song. I dotoo. Oh Abba, period,

you're not into it. It's allthe same, Greg, I guess it's
just you and metis absolutely because I'mturning it up absolutely. Yeah. Yeah,
you guys, get out yep.Just Me and gregor hanging and your
Big Feather love It, and thenand then number one again from the group

of neuroscientists who did the study onwhat makes the perfect feel good song,
looking at the different factors beats perminute, the key, the chords of
the song that quote make it feelgood? Number one. Somebody actually texted
this is theirs over to two twonine eight seven. Number one on their
list is Queen. Don't stop me, now stop your career. Yes,

I might as well be at thetheater. I at number one. No,
but it's not bad. I don'tknow about number one. Well,
you hate Queen overall? I'm not. Yeah, yeah, And I told
them only one or two songs.No, I'm not a fan of musicals,

right, I'm not. I won'tgo to the theater for a musical
and this listen to this, Yeah, this might as well be. Uh,
what's that play? Your wife likesHamilton? Yeah, listen to Bohemian
raps. Oh. I hate BohemianAnd I understand they're big, and I
get why people like them. Likea lot of people like music. Theater
like the musicals. Greg and Iwe just don't get musicals because the musical

it was just the the overall epicsound that Queen was able to provide without
technology back then, which was themajor appeal tonight. And I can appreciate
that, but you respect it withoutliking it exactly. Yeah, I respect
Prince. You've almost gotten me toyour side about the Queen thing everything.
You know, It's like it's Broadway. Just stop bust now, big Greg?

What would he Let's go to theStar And I'm so thirsty. Would
you like a coffee? One lumpertwo? Oh? One lumper two?
Oh? You ask a five onecoffee? It's like you don't even know
me, Greg, what is uh? What is your good mood song?
My good mood song? And Ithink you are a fan of it as

well. But I was thinking aboutsomething that puts me somewhere mentally, which
is a good memory. And whenI hear it, I just go,
yes, I love it is bangerRing by Scrilla. Oh yeah, what
do they call they call a dubstep? Yes? Is that? It's just
it's so damn good. I've nevergotten sick of it. It's kind of

very like just got out of work, driving home, horrible weekend kind of
sas Friday, you're with friends,dubstep thing for every somebody mentioned it.
It is stuck with me every singletime. Just sounds like robots having sex.
Yeah, but I like it.I like it, Grill. This

should be also a person that shouldbe celebrated as just a cool person.
He's a really cool guy, likeif you meet him in person? Guy?
Yeah? Am I the only onewho thinks that he and Corey Feldman
could be brothers? The internet?Okay, I can pick him out a
lineup the world. Here's a niceguy, though Disney minutes, he's the

best, Ye Sammy, what aboutyours? Okay, So this song has
come on for me in the lastweek, just out in the wild at
a bar. Inc It's not butI love the song and when it comes
on, I can't focus on anythingabout the song. And that would be
Brandy by looking Glass I loved.Okay, all right, I knew a

Brandy that was named because of thissong. Really yeah, Okay, there's
a lot of those out I'm beinga total Sammy right now. I don't
think I've ever heard that song.What really, I've never heard it.
I don't recognize it, no kidding, shocking, it is shocking, menace.
What Tupac song is yours? What'syour good mood song? I'm actually

gonna throw you for a loop,and I'm gonna pick Boston more than a
feeling. Are you here? Iwould have never guessed that this is when
you remind me how white you actuallyare. I am alectic. This is
where your McMurray comes out as opposedto your menace. You know why,
why be predictable and give you aTupac song? Well, I'm hey,

I'm saying like this is your youdon't know me do what I want?
So many different times I can gofind I'm to Boston to Tupac, to
this CM and then back to Abba. I'll always go back to Abba.
This is like the that's what Icall plastic rockets. Call you eleven.
Yeah, hey man, hey man, rock Man will turn it up there.

I don't like you put it ina box. Yeah yeah. First
of all, box. I dealwith enough people who like are so precious
about different genres and music. Ican't stand that. Uh, let's take
a break and then we'll come back. I dude, I'm still between five
songs. You have to pay it. I know, I do, can't
do all I know I gotta Igotta pick one. Yeah, what's your

uh, what's your song that justputs you in a good mood? And
mine are really all over the place, actually, now that I'm looking at
there's some old timey stuff in there. There's some stuff that probably doesn't belong
as a feel good song in there. But yeah, what's the song that
puts you in a good mood?Text over to two two nine eight seven.
Maybe you guys can help me decide. I can tell you it's not
Queen or Abba, neither one ofthose. And it's sure as the survivor,

I the tiger. But I thinkI got some good, good choices
here. Ice Cube was a gooddamn seen on the text. Paradise City,
that's a good one. Dancing inthe moonlight that's a that's a good
one. Come on, Eileen DexyMidnight Runners party in the US A Miley

Cyrus coming over the text? Allright, more next Tex, How dumb
are you on the Woodie Show.We'll be right back the Woody Show.
That all right? So before Iwent into the break, I had it
down to five. Which one isgonna be my my number one song?

The song that puts me in agood mood. I've already eliminated one because
it's kind of cliche for me atthis point. But run DMC. It's
tricky. Love the song, butI'm moving on. I'm moving on from
that one, all right. Nowthe other ones. It's a real toss
up because I also love this songfrom the Beatles, Oh Blade a Bear.

Yeah, this is a great song. I mean, this is one
of tho songs I can't hear andnot be in a better movie. I
think about Quirky every time TV show. Yeah, it's about a retarded kid.
Yeah, shout out to Quark.All right. Uh, yeah,
that one's out. Here's one,dude. This is a feel good song

for me. But I think thisone's also gonna be out. Looking at
the other two that are still onthe list, Rob Zombie and White Zombie.
All right, more human than humansget sunk? All right? Look,
dude, this this song gets beenpumped. They're weird. I have
raged sex too. Yeah, what'dyou say, menace? I said this

is a song that you have ragedsex, like hate sex. Yeah,
anger sex. That's a great song. It is that's more human than human?
All right, So it's down betweentwo and uh boyd, all right.
The one I'm gonna go with isElton John. I'm still standing.

I don't know what it is aboutthis song. I like Elton John,
I don't love Elton John. Ilove this song as well. How are
you gonna make fun of Abba andGreg and I are drinking Martinis dancing to
Abba and not drink Martinez with usdancing this song as well? What?
Yeah? I agree? And howare you gonna hate on show tunes and

love John? No? I likethis song. It's in the ring.
No, dude, you listen.You listen to that, and then you
listen to that Queen song. Youtell me which one is? Like?
Okay, this one's definitely more jazzy. That is total like musical or Abba

dancing. This is definitely like that'sa slower version. This is and your
dancing song together. No do ab on that. It's basically the same
thing as the Elton John nod theother one we just determined the other one,
the Queen song is way more musical. That's way more musical theater stuff,

right. The other one I wasgonna go with, by the way,
that was considering was Redbone Come andGet Your Love Oh the song is
the thought you were saying. Yeah, that's what I was gonna say.
Yeah, yeah, I love thissong and all right, so there you

go. It's a great song.Thank you everybody for your songs too.
Sultans have swing dire straits. I'mseeing on there, Jamier Aqui virtual insanity.
Right yeah, any song from theMotown era puts me in a good
mood, says the five six two. Greg doesn't agree with that one,
not so much. I don't allright more what he shows next? Hang
on the show? Buila wouldn't approvethe Woody Show. Well that's it for

Wednesday morning, everybody? Really yeah, yeah, really, all kay?
Look at the time, Greg,time to go full show podcast. Just
go to the woodieshow dot com.Today the Sea Bass local news story of
the day. I don't know whereyou find some of this stuff, but
hey, man, thank god forthese kind of people, because I always
have that thought every once in awhile, like, man, what if

there's nothing to talk about? Ihave yet to be disappointed. We also
the last man standing the topic todayhouse parties gone wrong. So you were
part of a house party or itwas the one that you were hosting.
We got people to call in withtheir worst house party gone wrong story,
and the one at the end endedup winning a prize. So we got

that, trending news headlines and more. It's all on the Wednesday podcast if
you hit up the woodieshow dot comtomorrow. It's gonna be an interesting day
because Sea Bass is gonna be outfrom now maybe a day, maybe two
days, could be up to aweek. He's gonna be out filming a
project that we can't talk about,can't talk about. Where is going.

I'm like that last thing that hedid. Yeah, but I'm telling you,
like once, once the details areout there, this is gonna be
pretty cool. It's gonna be awesome. I can't wait to be able to
share that with you. But tomorrow, since he's gonna be out, we've
invited our friend Gina Gradh great who'sbeen filling in a couple times here on
the show. She's gonna be backwith us tomorrow and also on the show,

comedian TJ. Miller will be oneof our guests. All Right,
we'll have a brand new Redneck Newsplus anything you got for so you want
to leave on the after hours voicemail, leave that eight seven seven four Woodie
and don't forget you have a chanceto win a ninety eight inch TCL TV
thanks to tcl's More for You saleall this week at tcl dot com at

a major retailers. But sign haveto win that big ass TV right there
at the top of our Instagram page. The post is pinned the details and
instructions. I have to signed upvery clear on our Instagram At the Woody
Show, Yeah, mess Sea BatSammy. If you like to add no
Greg Gory parting words of wisdom pleaseYeah. Nine out of seven people struggle
with math. Getting that sounds likesomething I would actually say, much like

my World War eleven. Yeah,oh yeah, oh I just got it,
Greg. Oh good. You knowthey struggled with yea getting I think
I was smarter when I was inschool than I am. Oh yeah,
you know what I mean. Wedon't use our brains as we guys that
I've been saying. We had tomemorize so much crap. Yeah, also

our dislect. So I heard itbackwards, you know, So we heard
seven out of nine. All right, thank you very much, Greg Gory,
Thank you so much for giving theWoody Show some of your able time
this morning. You know we'd loveit to appreciate you for that. The
rest of you guys can suck it. We will catch back here on Thursday.
Have a great day, SMD doublem. I quit this bitch.

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