Episode Transcript
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Is the dune to the graphic natureof this program. I want to listen
to this question. Is it liesthe Woody Show. It's the Woody Show.
Insensitivity Training class is now in session. Hey, good morning, everybody.
Morning wood Well. I woke upthis morning and it was Thursday,
and I thought to myself, ripnice. I mean it's I could full
one rip and we still got todayand tomorrow. But Thursday, We're always
in a great mood. It isThursday morning. Yep, July the eighteenth,
twenty twenty four. Good morning,Thank you for being here. Appreciate
that. My name is Woody.That is Greg Gory. Yeah, Hi,
good morning, Good morning to you, Menace, Good morning. Sammy
is here? Sea Bass is nothere? Oh I know what. I
was seeing Greg cry in the hallwaynow and I was like, what is
happening? Feel empty? Yeah?I mean even Greg will say he appreciates
what Sea Bass does for the show, just on a personal level. Like
Greg lately though, Yeah, No, that's fine, I think because I
think maybe it's just been a changein your kind of approach to him pretty
much. Yeah, because he's thesame. I mean, he doesn't really
change, that's true. But thereason that Sea Bass is not here.
He is out for at least todayand tomorrow. He's going to be filming
some TV show which is like avery big, top secret thing. Somebody
said I alluded to it being Survivor. He'd be gone for way long,
just a couple of days. Yeah, if it was a Survivor. It's
not Survivor. It's some other showthat we can't talk about yet. But
he had to to sign a nondisclosure agreement so we can't talk about it
on the air. But once itcomes out, I think it's gonna be
really really cool. Yeah, andjust to see how you know, he
would do, because he thinks he'sso awesome at everything, so anything short
of winning, we're gonna get toridicule him for being a loser exactly.
But anyway, so they took hiscell phone. He has no internet access,
so he could be gone for acouple of days, or it could
be gone for a full week thanyou Survivor, because like they were like,
dude, let's just get this guyoff the island. Anyway, So
sitting in for Sea Bass at leastfor today and tomorrow is our good friend
Gina Grad. Thank you, pleaseplease sit down. Thank you, Gina.
Hi, nice of you to joinus, Nice of you to have
me appreciate you coming in. Well, she was in for a couple of
days and uh what back in February. Yeah, we got some really good
feedback on that. Uh, andso she's sitting in for Sea Bass and
I think Greg's happy with that,Like for sure, Beef. Yeah,
you're much easier to get along withthan Sea Bags. Yeah. Yeah,
there's zero b We got Bort,we got Caroline Morgan is here, Vonna's
here. Phones are open for youat eight seven seven forty four Woodie at
eight seven seven forty four. WoodHe hit us up with the text you
can send that over to to nineeight seven. Gina was a co host
for Adam Carolla on his show foreight years. She currently leads a podcast
that she does and then also let'ssee he wrote a book, What a
book do? A couple of pods, did a little bit of radio in
the morning, television, a littlebit of TV. Yeah, Jill of
All Trades, Master of zero.Yeah, she did a show their other
friend, Mark Thompson's Right Mark inthe Morning formerly Mark and Brian was the
big show back in the day fora long time, and then when Mark
went to go do his other thing, he hired Gina and she was his
co host for that show. Soshe comes very highly recommended to join us
today. And I know, ifyou could put up with guys like Adam,
and you can put up with guyslike Mark, you could certainly hang
with us. Yeah, this isgonna be very Yeah. We've known Gina
for a while. I'll tell youthis. I didn't grow up on Mark
and Brian. I only know theirname because of radio. But I did
know one thing that I thought waskind of cool. Yeah, nine O
two one oh. Back in theday, they had a bumper sticker.
Oh that's cool, Mark and Brianin the show. In the show,
they're that big. They loved it. They had Mark and Brian stickers all
over the lockers everywhere on nine otwo one oh. And even when they
had their little like radio show inthe morning on it, they referenced Mark
and Brian in it like acting pretendingto be like them. And that's why
they would like Luke Perry used togo on the show all the time.
They loved Mark and Brian. Andthat's how you got your start, right.
You were like a like an intern. It was not an intern.
I was doing it for college credit. Yeah, because by the time she
got in the radio, they weren'tdoing that anymore. Nobody was working for
free anymore. Did she get coffeefrom them or something? Yeah? She
was like, yeah, you weredoing like what bardopping? Yeah I did.
I did, call screener. Idid. Yeah, I I That
show helped me a lot because Iwas able to kind of just work around
and learn everybody's job. That's great. Yeah. I don't mean to pull
rank or I guess in a reversesituation. But you know, Sammy and
I have a history. We do. Like what kind of history, Greg
Drink on a Friday? Yeah,I trained Sammy a billion years ago to
pick up a phone and answer itat your very first radio job ever.
Gina trained me, and then whenGina was out, I would fill in
for her. That's right. Andshe was a baby baby. Were you
still you may have even still beena teenager? Yeah? I was nineteen
wow. Yeah wow. Anyway,Yeah, not the kind of history.
Yeah, Greg would like that wasvery exciting. Ye. Well check it
out you guys here. What's happeningon the show today? We have an
a studio guest. A little bitlater on this morning, comedian actor TJ.
Miller will be there. So great, Yeah, so TJ. Miller
will be here. We're also goingto get in to a brand new redneck
news of course, all the trendingnews headlines. We're gonna have the Porno
Birthday and all that stuff coming upfor you as well. Phones are open
eight seven seven forty four. Woodyhit this up with a text over to
two to nine eight seven. Howabout a round of wood he showed.
Did you know, all right,okay, when it comes to eating mac
and cheese, do you eat itwith a fork, a spoon, a
spork? I mean, I don'tknow, Wait what do you do?
I fork it? Well, whatever'sclean. I have different rules for different
kinds of mac and cheese. Iprobably extra creamy, maybe a spoon.
Yeah, I probably go fork first, fork kraft. You have to do
a spoon because it's slippery. Thankyou. You're welcome, all right now,
slipped elvida or like one of thoselike homemade where they bake it in
a casserole dish. That's that's afork, right, straight garbage. Yeah,
you fork good stuff, craft allday and with a fork, straight
garbage. It is all the kindof cheese sauce strips through. No,
it's not that cheesy. You wantit so cheesy, so good, you
go Kraft, you go powder allright, yeah, out all day and
you get those powder crystals where it'sextra cheesy powder crystals. Yeah, from
the kind of clump and yeah yeah, bite into them and they are like
a delicious explosion in your mouth.Look into it. Seventy percent of people
use a fork, twenty four percentuse a spoon, and the the other
six like Gina and I guess sayit depends. Yeah, well, one
person said, if the if it'sserved on a plate, I eat it
with a fork. If it's servedin a ball, I eat it with
a spoon, And to me,like the Kraft mac and cheese, that's
a bawl. Yep, yeah theyever put it in a plate. Yeah.
We've heard that people with bigger assesset off the false alarms at the
airport's security more often and cause themhad to go through the extra screenings to
the airport. And now research hasfound the chicks with larger cans are more
likely to face aggression from other women. Oh really, I can take this
one. So before my surgery.Oh that's right, you had a breast
reduction surgery. How long ago?A couple of years ago? Years ago?
Yeah, so now I'm like downto an app. I swear that
is so true. I don't knowwhat the threat is. I'm not trying
to take your man. I'm justtrying to live my life. But the
women really had a problem with it. I think it's because the guy was
a problem like even now, notas much now, but I think the
guys were super uh like she hadto look down at her just to just
to check. I was a walkingside show. So I really feel like
the guys were really I mean,I felt like it, no, what
were they They're reduced down to anF they're in the d's now, but
I really went down six cup sizes. So it's a thing. Yeah.
Sam was like Geez, was likeplants to go up to where I went
down to. You know, thisis Sammy, you know what you're experiencing
right now. This is when wetalked to you about like I can't gain
weight, you know, right,I do. Like you know, it's
like you're like, oh my god, that's so cool. I think,
oh my god, Gina, that'sso cool. No, it's not.
It's because too big and besides beinglike in a side show, it's just
kind of like matronly, you know, it's not sexy. I think I'm
not a boob guy. So theboobs are probably one of the last things
that I noticed. Well good becauseI paid good money to lop those off.
Yeah, but how's the recovery?Like, not bad? But I
mean, do you want to know, are you anybody eating? It's not
a little gruesome, but I'm allhealed up, all right. Well,
this Texas A and M study onit says the hostility comes from, you
know, big boob women being seenas, like you said, more of
a threat to other ladies. Howdo you feel about gift registries? You
guys, I've never really been afan. I don't know why people do
them for weddings. It was great. Recently went to a kid's birthday party
that had when it was the bestbecause I didn't know what they already had
or not. That's That's what I'mbringing up here. So we talked about
this recently. Menace doesn't like theidea of the like a wedding fund.
Yeah, people, a wedding askingfor money sure, yeah, but what
about gift registries for kid's birthday?Beautiful? Because it's getting more and more
popular. I gotta say, asa parent, I get it. I'm
all for it, but I knownot everyone, according to this thinks that
it's appropriate. Only thirty three percentare cool with it. That doesn't make
any sense because the only question youhave when you're invited to a kid's birthday
is what are they into? Iknow it changes every week, so what
are they all the time? Yeah? I wouldn't know when it's like,
oh, they're into buzz light Year, but they have every buzz Lightyear.
It's already on the market. Sowhen you get it right, it only
comes to the money thing. Justto recap. It's not that I don't
care. I'll give money, butI again, I have issues. I
don't know what is too much?What is too little? You know,
the one they kind of just leaveit over you're comfortable. We clear that
up. There's no such thing astoo much, so you can take that
out of the equation. Okay,right, right, yeah, so whatever
it is. No, but onceyou think, like personally, you're like,
oh, I could have actually gotaway with this amount, you know,
I just gave too much. Becausewhen you when you said that,
somebody mentioned to me their trick forthis is they come with the card all
filled out. They put the checkin there once they're already at the wedding
at the table, because what theydo, no, what they do is
they'll sit there. They'll see hownice of the wedding it is, like
in other words, like is itlike a seated dinner? Is it a
buffet dinner? Was there an openbar? Was it like a cash bar?
Mega? Nice? Yeah? Upand maybe a little bit. But
what they'll do is they'll try tofigure out they have this math. It
was like you take whatever it wouldnormally cost for you, and whoever you're
there with, is your plus onefor a dinner like that your plates you
cover your plate plus twenty percent,which would be like a tip at the
restaurant, and then that is yoursand so you can fill that out like
you you're guestimating, right, butyou fill that out while you're there,
and you put in the card andI just into the onto the under the
gift table the card. Well whateverthe if it's a buffet, they're getting
a couple extra bucks. Yeah,because you can go back to the mar
Yeah. Yeah. Now. Thedemographic most likely to be cool about gift
registries for kids, birthday or othercool young people like me, gen z
men, you know, the mostagainst it boomer women really, because they
want to probably like DIY some craftfor a kid. No, I'm thinking
my mom is a boomer woman andshe would love that. She's always asking,
she wants the ideas, what dothey really want? She wants to
get them something that they want,because they probably want the excitement of going
to a store and like finding somethingand yeah, but purchasing, saying,
my mom wants to know what theywant. She'd rather go out and get
something specific, like tell me whatit is, Yeah, I'll go find
it. I want to be happywith what they're getting. What the hell
does my mother know about as alate sixties woman to buy for my twelve
year old daughter. They want togo outside and do it. My kid
all about Dragon Ball Z and Pokemonand Ruto and other things. I don't
understand the Ruto, yeah, I'venever heard of it. And my hero
academy. I don't know any ofthis, And I always say to my
mom, be a hero, getthem a Target card. He's eight,
years old. It's he has hisown money. Rip. Yeah, we
love gift cards. Right minutes.That's fine, Yes, that's acceptable.
All right. Phones are open eightseven seven forty four. What a you
got opinion about any of the stuffmac and cheese, big boobs and women
you know, feeling threatened by otherwomen or the gift registries for kids?
Got any thoughts on any of that? Hit us up or anything else you'd
like to be a part of todayPhones eight seven seven forty four. Woody
Text over to two two nine eightseven. We will be right back the
Wooty Show. We'll be back ina sec. What's up, everybody?
It's a menace. I hope you'reenjoying the Woody Show podcast. Just a
heads up. This Saturday, Julytwentieth, I'm gonna be at Citadel Outlets
from two pm to four pm givingaway free ice cream, doing a five
hundred dollars giveaway for Citadel Outlets.Also giving away theme bar tickets, consert
tickets, Woody Show, merch andmore. I'm gonna be located in front
of the world's largest boombox for youyoung kids. That means the stereo right
in the center of Citadel Outlets,So once again hang out with me this
Saturday, July twentieth from two pmto four pm as Citadel Outlets and now
back to show. Damn, we'rein two another new hour insensitivity training for
a politically correct world. That's whatwe do. It's a pre Friday,
it's a Thursday morning. It's Julythe eighteenth, twenty twenty four. I'm
Woodie. That is Greg Gory.Good morning, we got Menace, we
got Sammy morning. And Gina gradis here. He Gina sitting in four
Sea Bass, who will be outfor the next couple of days at least,
maybe up to a week. He'sfilming some kind of like competition TV
show and he's off the grid.They took his cell phone. He's got
no internet access, so no,there's no way to get in touch with
Steves. I know I didn't callhim last night. Oh weird. How
were you able to sleep? Gregory? Now, it was a rough night.
You'd like to check in every night? Check in second night? Yeah,
for dinner. We got a brandnew Redneck news coming up here in
just a second. There is astory their I guess finally apologized, but
NFL Hall of Famer Terrell Davis hasbeen in the news because he was handcuffed
and taken off of a flight.Yeah, what happened there? I keep
on seeing the headline. So heturns out he lightly tapped a flight attendant
on the arm just to try toget their attention because they were doing the
whole drink service thing and his son, he was with his wife and his
kids. His son needed a cupof ice, so Terrell asked the flight
attendant. But I guess they didn'thear him, or they were ignoring him
either way. As they were aboutto pass his row, he just reached
over and just tapped the flight attendanton the arm to get his attention,
and his flight attendant dude freaked outand shouted, don't hit me. Wow.
Nothing else was said. They saidnothing else to him. The flight
went on, they landed, andwhen they landed, six officers came on
board, put Terrell in handcuffed.He was questioned and then just let go
because the CODs realized the flight attendantwas just being a dramatic little bitch.
Yeah yeah, and so Terrell,yeah, and he put this whole thing
on and he didn't hear from Unitedfor quite a while. It wasn't.
It went very public. Yeah,and he was going on all these different
sports talk shows and stuff talking aboutit to clear up what happened, because
it was like oh, because everybodyhad their phones out, like, oh,
look, something's going down. He'sa Hall of Famer, like people
know who he is. I get. I'm not victim blaming here. He
I mean, you shouldn't touch anybody, and he just anyway, I understand
these It's like tapping somebody. Thatis an extreme overreaction, no kidding,
a flair for the dramatic. Yeah, yeah, that sucks. What a
loser. You hear about people freakingout on flights, like crazy, getting
naked and all this kind of stuffand they get to walk. You know,
the Detroit airport stopped the traveler whowas carrying ninety giant African snails.
Oh sick. They were sniffed outliterally thanks to the odd odor. Oh
people are weird. There was avideo I saw last week where they were
unvating bags. You know, theyput the little conveyor belt thing up to
the place under on the plane.They're taking all the cargo area, and
this thing tumbled open and all theseeels spilled out I don't get like the
people with the fish, yeah,or the turtles. Turtles, yeah,
I told you, my buddy.Are they selling them on the black market?
Like? What are they doing withall of these? He just really
loves snails. I don't know.Maybe he's gonna right, Maybe he's gonna
eat him for food. My buddy, who lives in Saint Louis, his
in laws live in New Jersey,and they're convinced that you can't get you
can't get good chicken, you can'tget certain things in Missouri. So she
packs one small duffel bag the motherin law with her actual clothes, and
then she packs a full on suitcasethat she checks that have chickens produce really
yeah, And she brings it soshe can prepare meals while she's at my
buddy's place, ensure it's refrigerated correctly. Yeah, she's got it all packed
and uh in freezer packed. It'snot a long flights like two hours.
I don't disagree. There's probably alot more crap and chicken here than where
she comes from. But you don'tneed to. I don't want to eat
airplane chicken. No. It drivesmy buddy crazy. He's like, what
are you talking about. It's chickens. We're in the same country. It's
a two hour flight. Yeah.And then and then the father in law
is the one who breaks everything.I told you. They're like they're Russian
Jews. Oh yeah. And uh, every time he comes down the father
in law from taking a shower,scult, these come off, break and
he's holding the shower hand in hishand. Then uh, he went and
used he went and used my mybuddy's car to go run an air and
he came back. He goes,scult these uh came off. It's the
door handle the car. He's like, what are you doing? This guy?
The Yeah, I mean he's abig guy, but he's not like
I think. He's just strong.Yeah. He runs a junk yard in
Jersey. Oh yeah, it's roughand tumble. Oh here one more little
school. Oh. He told meone time because I had like a cold
going or whatever. He was tellingme like, this is what you do
and goes, get in bed,take a sock, right, put this
song. He's two shots of vodkawith hot chili pepper flakes. Yeah,
in the shot, shoot it,Put on the sock, go to a
bed, wake up next morning.Glorious. No wait, no, no,
you got you forgot the one partyou put like the onion. No,
that's different. That was for whenmy buddy's kids were sick and they
were cutting up onions and sprinkling aroundthe crib the inside of the cribs.
Yeah, and then putting them insidethe kids socks during the day because it
draws the toxins out of the bottomof the foot. Is that how you
word off vampires? And then alsothe same again, same in laws,
but this is now the grandmother whenthe kids were babies, she wanted all
the pea diapers because she would takethe kid's pea diapers and rub them on
her face. I mean because itwas for the skin. Yeah, yeah,
I mean that maybe the joke's onus. Maybe this is what we're
supposed to be here. I meanthat all makes sense, But the onion
thing is weird. Yeah, you'reright, Yeah, you know, dude.
So imagine you're sitting on a plane. You're looking out the windows,
the planes backing away from the gate. You start to taxi. You see
a couple of bags just sitting allby themselves in the tarmac. Clearly they
forgot to load them and then yourealize, hey, those are my bags.
Oh, that's what happened to thisdude. He was traveling with his
aunt. He said, hey,look, they dropped two suitcases and she
said those look like ours, andshe was right. But they already left,
so there was nothing they could do. He said. One of the
bags had a five pound block ofcheese in the menace oh food, which
is now just baking in the sun. But in the end, the airline
did deliver the bags to the destinationof The guy adds that, against all
odds, the cheese is fine.But here's the picture they took out the
window. This little dot right,Are those are their bags? Huh?
So they're like, I mean,they're just out there right. Here's here's
something. Here's one that sucks.Yeah, it's it's just their two bags
themselves on purpose. How do youmiss those? That's spite, that's cheese,
spike, Dude, that sucks becausethere's nothing you can do. It's
happened to me before. Where youknow, I sit on the plane and
I just happened to have the rightseat, and I'm looking out the window
and I see all the bags andI feel like I'm watching them unload every
single bag, and I don't seemine. Me too, and I get
really nervous for the entire flight.Yeah, although I've moved now to air
tags so I see exactly where theyare. It seems like a good idea.
I've never tried that when it getsstolen, you know, Yeah,
Chase, they do that, that'swhere you got to go track them down.
Yeah, and then I go issuesome vigilanti justice, if you know.
The moon landing was Pike and panput Is Wheel and today's redneck news
is from Texas where this dude namedAaron. He got into an argument with
his uncle Jerry about some roosters.Aaron said that his uncle had two of
them that were his and he wantedthem back. Now, the rucks started
with Aaron pulled up to the houseand started to load up the birds.
Uncle Jerry came out confronts him,which started with yelling and cussing at each
other. Then it turned into afistfight, and it ended with Aaron,
as the report puts it, quotetaking out a handgun and shooting his kine
O cos over a couple of roosters. So the cops they were called.
By the time they got there,uncle Jerry was dead. Oh my god.
Aaron arrested taking to jail. He'sbeen charged with capital murder, which,
if convicted, which he will be, he's looking at the death penalty,
so you know, worth it.Oh my god. Officials didn't say
whether this was at all linked cockfighting, but according to others familiar with
these dudes in particular, it totallywas, and according to the cops,
cock fighting is quote rampant in thearea. So that is from Texas where
a dude shot and killed his uncleduring a spat over a couple of roosters,
and that is today. He's right, Nick, Hell yeah, I
recently saw a video. There wasa cock fight going on and this guy
was standing in the let's call itthe arena, yeah, and this rooster
runs up to him and it leapsand it pecks at him or maybe it
clawed him. I don't know whichhit him in the ephemeral artery what.
Within seconds, there's a fool ofblood guy die. Yeah. Oh man,
that's a good right there, becausethey clawed you right well, you
like crazy, but also the fightersthey put razors on their on their yeah
yeah, yeah, well that's classystuff. I was brutal. I had
some problems with some cocks over atmy aunt's house where I want to go
feed the chickens, and one justlike straight went for me. So I
had had a why I always animaldown? There was there was always bumper
you go into If you go intouh the hen's house and there's a cock
in there, dude, it's comingright for you. Yeah, yeah,
it's gonna take you out. Andthen so I had a football of a
bitch. My phones are opening eightseven seven forty four. Wooding hit us
up with the text over to twotwo nine eight seven t J. Miller
on the Show Today, comedian actorTJ. Miller. Yeah, we got
some trending news headlines that will becoming up next here on the Woodie Show.
What are you thinking here? IsSam? It's like, Okay,
you're on the right track. It'sa lie. Well, it's a Thursday
morning. We got some of thenews headlines for you this morning, so
you can go into your day knowingwhat's going on. Would he Greg Menace,
Sammy, Gina grad is here andfor a sea bass today, who's
out for the next couple of days. We'll start with this is pretty bad
ass man, This woman in Floridaalive today thanks to her own badassory.
She was taking a dip in ariver and she was attacked by a four
hundred pounds alligator and she got itto let her go by punching that bitch
right in its snout. Yeah,she had to have surgery to save her
leg. But all things considered,man, yeah she's doing okay. But
also, don't we know better thanto go for a dip in a stream
in Florida? Yeah, Florida,you can't mess around. I don't even
want to walk through like a rainpuddle in Florida. I assume there's a
gator in there. Absolutely, Iassume there's gaters in your driveway. Everyone
told you. My cousin who livesdown there, walked out there was a
gator under his car. He heardlike this sound like a hiss kind of
thing, and like, what thehell is that? Looking thought it was
like a cat, looked under thecar. It's a gator. He's like,
nope, nope, right back intothe house, called the people out
that came, got the thing outof there. But yeah, it was
really weird, man, Just coincidentaltiming, I'm sure, but not long
after President Biden did an interview withb E. T where he said he
might drop out of the race ifhe was diagnosed with a medical condition by
doctors, it was announced that hewas canceling his campaign schedule headed back to
Delaware because he tested positive for COVID. Yeah, I mean that wasn't I
mean, that's not a severe medicalcondition. But we're still doing that.
We're still running home and isolating.Yeah, apparently I didn't think we were
doing that anymore. If you're eighties, here we are. He's getting more
and more pressure from the heavies inhis own party to drop out of the
race, the latest to being CharlieSchumer and Adam Schiff. Right, So,
I don't know how the whole thingis going to turn out. I
don't know. Sorry, gena oxygenenarian, Oh sorry, octagenarian means someone in
their eighties old. So it turnsout that local police had warned the Secret
Service about how they didn't have themanpower to secure the building that the Trump
shooter climbed up on. The SecretService put an officer and a patrol car
outside the building to quote help secureit, but obviously that didn't work.
The director of the Secret Service saysthey chose not to guard the roof in
particular because it was too slanted andposed a safety issue for the sniper teamer
team was on a weren't they wereon a peaked roof. Yeah, and
there's not enough manpower because everybody wasinside the building. Oh yeah, yeah,
like the local sniper team or whatever. I guess they were in the
Yeah, they were inside the building. The whole thing is so weird.
Yeah, the local police and theSecret Service are contradicting each other's stories.
Yeah, who was I think itwas just in competency. Like I don't
believe all the conspiracy theories, butnot at all, But I will say
I understand the people who have themright, Yeah, like yeah, not
for me, but I understand,Like I am actually pretty burned out.
Everything is a conspiracy. It doesn'tmatter what it is. Everything is a
conspiracy nothing. And I understand alsobecause and I guess as I'm saying this,
I understand because how all the lookat all the AI stuff, How
easy that is, Like, whatwhat do you believe? What is real?
What is not real? But eventhe people who are sitting there in
front of a fire, and theysee the flames, the heat is singing
their eyebrows, and they'll go fake, Yeah, you know, like nobody
lose anything, or is just whatit is, or things just don't happen.
There's no accidents, there's no whatever. But man, I'm burned out
on the conspiracy theories. But Ican see where people would go hm,
and you know me, I lovea good conspiracy theory, but usually the
most logical answer is the answer.So what this incompetent? Incompetency, I
agree. If I hear one moreconspiracy theory, I'm going to walk right
off this flat Earth show of hands. Who gets flat earther? Yeah,
it's appost like cat food in here. Something's burning all of a sudden.
It's like, oh, yeah,noodles. Someone's probably cooking something out there.
Well, we've been guilty that anumber of times, with all the
illegal appliances that we've got hardcore cash. This guy, J Michael Klein,
founder of the website Fandango, tookhis own life. Apparently he jumped from
the twentieth floor of the Kimberly Hotelin Manhattan really landed in the third floor
courtyard. God the cops that heleft a suicide note in the room that
reads, so sorry, I can'texplain the pain of effing up this much.
I love you all. And thenwow, what a way to go.
Yeah, because I just saw theheadline, I thought, oh,
maybe he passed away from a conditionor something, jumped off a building,
like you're trying to send some sortof message. Because that is a big
deal. Dude, you start afandango. Come on, you got going
on? You can go to allthe movies you want. Yeah, that
is awful. Yeah, it sucks. The University of Virginia is in the
news. They booted a second fraternityon campus after a hazing incident earlier this
year. It's the Theta Chi fraternity. They hate some new pledges by verbally
harassing them, making them and holdon, let me go to Morgan here,
because Morgan, weren't you in asorority? Yes? I was,
okay, so and I don't haveany experience. I didn't go to college.
I didn't have any kind of likefraternity experience. Try to pledge,
you know, for forever friendship,you know, exactly with with you know,
such loving, real doing stuff that'snot gay. It's just trying to
show how loyal. You are right, it's just naked and it involves sex.
Yeah, you're king for your friendsessentially. Yeah yeah right, So
wait, wait, which sorority wereyou in? Zeta tel Alpha Noia guess
that she was in a sorority.Yeah, I was what you call a
crack slipper. So there's so manygirls that go through the program, there's
just bound to be a few that, you know, slip in, Yeah
that aren't really supposed to be there. But okay, so this Theta cod
fraternity. They were hazing the pledge, just verbally harassing them, making them
run errands for older members, andthey even forced them to eat a mixture
of these unknown items and some hello, I'm sorry, have an arrow peppers?
Okay, Yeah, I've heard worse, but I've heard way worse.
This is so normal for fraternities.They do that all the time everywhere.
You always hear about the male stuff, But is anything going on with the
females, Like, yeah, like, what did you have to do when
you pledge? I was very upset. Right before I pledge they signed this
national no hazing agreement. I know, I didn't even earn it. Yeah,
so we didn't. They were sostrict about it because they had just
signed that agreement for Zeta And where'dyou go to school? University of Arkansas,
which is a big fraternity sorority school. So yeah, I was really
disappointed we didn't get HAZE. Butthere are sororities that still like, yeah,
did you hear about did you hearabout any like previous? Yeah,
a lot of stories of making girlssit on you know, dryers or washers
naked and if you shake, thenthey like fat shame you until you need
to lose weight. This is whenI heard. I never saw that.
Yeah, I want to do that. It's a pretty brutal version of skinny
chicken. Yeah. Wow would youif you sat on a washer? I
mean pretty much? Wow? Yeah. A lot of it is just making
the younger just do things for theolder people to be hotter. What do
you have to do, like donateto a charity or something like if they
sign this thing? Like, whatwhat do they make you do to get
in? Just sign up? Paid? Well, first you got to make
it. You have to be chosen, and then you have to pay dues
that are super expensive. That's whyI ended up dropping out. And then
you have to go to meetings everyweek and there's no initiation. No,
oh, there's initiation. Yeah,I'm not supposed to talk about it now,
Yeah, okay, honest question,what happens if you talk about it?
You know what I'm not I'll talkabout it off the air, but
I know, like what happens?I'm asking like what? Probably nothing?
I know what happened because a lotof people join frats and sororities for network
for later in life, right kindof network. But how anybody know if
you were or weren't any unless youbrought it up. I mean, if
it got out, If it gotout, then you probably you can like,
oh, I see this person worksat this company. Yeah on LinkedIn,
you can't say hey, I'm partof whatever Sigma PI. Technically,
I'm not even supposed to claim thatI'm on the lowe of Zeta because I
dropped out four years yea. Anyway, yeah years you were not a fully
vested member. Yeah. It wasso damn expensive. That's why I like
how much? Uh, let's seeabout two thousand dollars a year. But
then you had to go to thesemeetings. If you missed a meeting because
you have to work or something,you have to pay. So there's fees
for everything. If you miss anevent or some kind of fundraising thing,
you have a fee. Oh now, so they had up. Did the
sororities make like obviously before your time? But were they making them do like
lesbo stuff the same way that theyyou know, the same way the fraternities
make the dudes do gay stuff exactly? You know what they might have back
in the day when I was there. No, but get this, guys,
you're gonna love us. In thehouse they have. You can choose
to live in the sorority house,right right. Guess how many girls lived
in our house. I'd say fortysixty nine. No, actually, yes,
that's very cool. It's the coolest. No, I didn't see any
lesbian things unfort but you make itup in front of everyone on a washer.
Cool. If you're fat, you'resupposed to see if somebody's Do you
have a question. Do the sororitieshave a secret handshake like the fraternities?
Yes, but I forgot it andwe have like a secret password. Yeah,
it's really and we had Did youhave no boys allowed signs? Did
you have meetings in a treehouse?Boys were not allowed in the house,
except for like the cooks and thecleaner guys. They were you know,
college guys in school. Was thebest job ever. And did you have
to do the thing where when yougo to a party you have to leave
with your sorority sisters? No,that wasn't rule. But we couldn't get
on elevated surfaces to to answer oranything. You couldn't have any pictures with
you having a drink in your hand. So if that got posted that night
of you were, you know,drinking, even if you were of age,
you would get in trouble. Whatkind of sorority is is? I
thought it was all about partying andstuff. It's a cult, is what
it is. You know what I'msaying is this was this like some kind
of academic sorority? No, minewas, you know, Yeah, sure
because of that thing that they hadassigned that they were super strict. And
then yeah, if you have likeparties and then there's drinking and there's underage
people there, yeah, I'm sureyour house can get shut down. That's
happened to a bunch of houses.Yeah, but all the parties were at
the frat houses. We never hadhim at the sorority houses. They were
always at the frat noise. Sothat's why all the guys are getting in
more trouble, you know, becausethey're always the one hosting these Yeah.
So I think, what's the craziestthing you witness as part of the sorority,
Like, you know, the partyor oh gosh, my memory is
so bad now, probably at afraternity. This guy had a go pro
and it was like, you know, the first night of all the pledges
being accepted into the frat, andso they're going around and what they do
is just make them drink until they'realmost about to die. Yeah that's fun.
Well, yeah, it's one forthe older guys and then they have
like the basement. But anyways,there was this guy like puking his guts
up in the baths and everyone thisdude's just recording it on his go pro.
Everyone's yelling at him. So Imean, that's not that crazy.
That happened all the time. Butyeah, I mean I went to a
couple of frat parties because my friendwas part of Sigma Nu. Yeah,
and yeah, nothing like super wildwas happening. No, And if it
does, they don't talk about it. Like the guy with the GoPro.
He ended up throwing it away becausehe was scared. You know, yeah,
you're going to get in trouble foranything that's like animal house. Oh
right, So what if I justlike wink wink, find out about like
what this initiation is, and thenI share it. I'll tell you yeah,
very good. Yeah, because that'sthat's then that's not you know the
person who told me, it's justyou know, it's just something I heard.
I'm envisioning like some sort of candlelitceremony where you have to repeat something
lots yes, and guess what.The robes were all white, so it
looked kind of you know, yeahit was Yeah. No, I'm picturing
like a you know, like asand ceremony at a wedding. We're like,
this is and this is your family. We did have a little vessels.
Now we're sister. Yeah, wellthanks for the inside man. Yeah.
I love the washing machine thing.Yeah yeah, that should be a
yeah something we do before we hiresomething. Then there would be nobody on
the show would be all kicked off. We're very jiggly. I do miss
fat Chicks, Can you chick?Let's bring that back? The Menace and
Sea Mass can we talk about thisat some point because I'd like to,
look, can we take a breakand then we can If you're not familiar
with it, we'll bring it up. But yeah, hey, it's your
show. Why are you blaming me? And because you're the ones who I
was like, you're the Jets soldjeWorth the squeeze on it. Well,
I mean we can get into that, all right, eight seven seven forty
four Woodie. It's a fun gameshow, all right. So I asked,
I asked Morgan what the initiation wasfor our sorority. It's so dumb
it's not even worth for the sodumb oh way boring? Is there any
like blood or kill? Church ismore exciting picture of the most boring church
service you've ever been to. It'sworse than that. It's worse. It's
so boring, no goat? Yeah, all right. So the fat Chick
Skinny Chick thing, we did agame for the longest time. It was
mega popular. It was called fatChick Skinny Chick Fun. And we would
get a volunteer, a woman wouldvolunteer. You either had to be like
really skinny or really fat. Wedon't want any in between these, right,
Okay, Yeah, like, youknow, you're either skinny or you're
fat, you know, and thenthey would volunteer. Whoever volunteers get a
gets a prize, and so weget them on the air and we'd ask
a series of questions like do youdrink regular coke or die coke? Do
you have a gym membership? Howmany pairs of genes do you ow?
Things like that, and we'd havelike what ninety seconds two minutes to whatever
ask questions, and then we hadto try to take a guest based on
those answers, whether we were talkingto a fat chick, we're a skinny
chick, and everybody you know who, And we did research, of course,
the company does research on everything.You know. Who loved fat chicks?
Everybody liked it. It got areally good, you know, audience
score. You know who loved themost women? Wow? And just like
everything else, you know, whoruined it? A dude wow? Someone
who had nothing to do with it, was a volunteer who would call in.
Nobody was putting a gun to theirhead or whatever, and so you
know, it was some guy whowas on Orange is the New Black and
People magazine and a couple other peoplewrote an article about how he was pissed
off about it, campaign about itagainst us to get us canceled, which
clearly didn't work. That I waslike seven years ago. The only problem
is it did affect some of oursponsors. Okay, but if you're the
one, if somebody's calling in toplay the game, to volunteer to play,
who are we to tell them?It's all the things and of all
the things that we do so surprisinglySea Bass and Menace, Well, because
not Menus is as a surprising withSea Bass, who's typically like whatever about
anything. Yeah, because it's likeevery single time you do it and then
you get off work that day youhear about it. So we haven't done
it for seven years. I guessI still think we should do it against
dudes. Yeah, I and Ibelieve that you talk about it enough,
you might as well just do it, right, I agree? I would
you like to play? You're prettymuch? Yeah? Are willing volunteers?
Exactly right? All right? Wegot TJ. Miller coming up, nice
actor, comedian TJ. Miller.He's gonna be on the Woody Show this
morning, The Woody Show. Hey, it's man, it's check out the
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right, while we are into anothernew hour beating sensitivity training, free,
plitically correct world. It is Thursdaymorning. It is The Woody Show.
Greg Gory, Hi, Hi,TJ. Alright, we'll just go right
down the line. Right, it'sGreg Gory, good morning, Good morning.
T J. Miller is here,right, yeah. Yeah, then
we got Sammy there's Menace in andSea Bass is out today. Mister Gardenark's
not here, so we have Ginagrad sitting in for for Sea Bass today.
Yeah. T J Miller's here.I didn't you know. Usually I
do like a big grand kind ofrollout lead up, like a big announcement.
But that would be helpful because Iwas about to ask saying, yeah,
is that Karp doing his larp?Yeah? Well exactly. That would
have been a good thing to startout, It would have, but I
like that you bear gifts when youwalk in. Oh yeah, I do
bear guess yeah, which, we'llget here ahead to pay my lift driver
an extra ten dollars to wait forme while I went back up and got
happy. I did so. Ididn't speak much English very much, made
it clear that he was grateful forHe used gestures, So TJ. Miller,
because he's not here just for fun. Yeah, I mean he's here
to make a living, you know, to come. Yeah. So it's
gonna be the Laugh Factory in coand tell him how much I'm getting paid
for the appearance. Yeah, howmuch? Oh for this one? You
mean, oh zero dollars? Yeahyeah, that's our budget yeah yeah negative,
yeah, young out of pocket alreadyLaugh Factory in Covina. That'll be
this weekend Tomorrow through Sunday. Ticketsare available. TJ. Miller does not
have a website. Dot com Lovealso some other Woodies show cities, Las
Vegas September twenty seventh through twenty ninth, and then Pittsburgh still a while off.
It's not till February, but spendValentine's Day with TJ. Miller.
Yeah, I love Pittsburgh. InPittsburgh it's my hometown. Yeah, hometown.
No, I'm from Pittsburgh. It'sthe best. Yeah, I love
Pittsburgh. It's a beauty, afull city. People don't know. I
say that it's one of the Pittsburghand Chattanooga are these two cities that people
don't yet know how cool they are. Pittsburgh and so Oklahoma City is really
cool. Yeah, school does toget to travel all over. But I
was gonna ask if you do gamble. I thought you said you're from Vegas.
No. No, and I don'tgamble at all. No, I've
never won. I've never won once. There's not even where you got to
keep get so good? Are youa gambler? I'm not a big gambler.
I have a friend who's sort ofa professional sports book gambler. He
has a he's on a gambling theSports Gambling podcast network, has his own
show. And one weekend he pickedWhat's yeah? CJ Sullivan, He's very
c J. Sullivan was taken onInstagram and he did this thing. Again.
I don't know that much about it, but he went through and he
picked who the winners would be forevery game and every sport for that weekend.
Wow. And one weekend, hegot every single one right now,
So then he suddenly became this likeluminary in the scene, and all the
other podcasts were like ripping off hispicks. But it's like, that's that
that almost I could tell that.He was like, yeah, that really
doesn't It's like getting a hole inone in golf. And how much did
he win on that? He said, now we don't. He doesn't like
to talk about that gentleman on somethinglike that, Like that's because then you
go, you want to know,did you win? I won thirty seven
thousand dollars? Okay, next weekend, how much did you lose? I
lost the eight thousand. Well,Drake does take you on that. Drake
does it. He puts out howmuch he bets and then how much he
loses. Well, I mean,gentleman. Gentlemanly wouldn't be my first adjective
when thinking about Drake. All right, So T J. Miller Dead Ones,
Okay, Silicon Valley, which oneof my one of my favorite characters
of all time, was there.I loved that was a great show.
Actually, a friend of mine workedon that show and I got to come
down to the set a couple oftimes. Really Brett do Santo's and oh
I love him. Yeah. Yeah, he's a good dude. A hard
ass, yeah dude, but he'sa good Well he got he had to
keep everybody in line. He keepyou in line. He was the real
thing. Yeah, but I lovethat show. That was great, Mike
Judge show, Transformers four plus.So I always thought it'd be really cool
to do, like I wish youwould have hugged me when he came on
set. Yeah, you know whatI did? Say Hi to you.
Yeah, that's not much of ahug, is it. No, it's
not much of a hug. Butthat's not even a verb. But hello,
I was trying to pat on thebutt. Did you give what he
the high hat? Did you justbig time him? No? Way?
He said hi, And I lookedat him. I think in my eyes
I said, that's not much ofa hug. Yeah. Yeah, probably.
I could tell exactly how because Iremember I walked up. There was
like a little snack table. Uh, there was a courtroom scene that was
being filmed, and so I walkedup because Brett's like, hey, my
buddies say, hey, come meett J. I'm like, great,
beget my favorite character. And Iwalk up. I go, hey man,
really really really a fan of theshow. Love love your character,
and he's like cool, thanks Manheld out his hand. I got like
this, like I don't know ifyou thought I was gonna pull a weapon
or something. It was like thatkind of looked like, what's up with
this guy? Your beard is toowell trimmed to be pulling weapons. But
a moment, yeah, I hada moment. It was it was cool.
I love that show. It wasa great show. Well, thanks
forving me on your show. Ilove your show. Oh well, thank
you. I love all of yourshow. Thanks man. You were on
one of my all time favorite showsthat I thought was so underrated Happy Endings
when you played Sure Show, andI would I would had the first time
I saw you on that I hadto put close captioning on to understand what
your name was. Sure Show.Yeah, I don't know show. Yeah,
it's really great. That's one ofthe shows that it got canceled and
there was an uproar, and thenthey keep different places, kept threatening to
put it back on, and itnever They just never got it back on.
But people really wanted and it wasn'teven an underrated show. Everybody who
saw loved it and everybody and soit's really confusing as to why they It
wasn't a very expensive show, andthe chemistry of the cast was just so
rare. I think it was evenbetter chemistry than on Silicon Valley because I
just think every single person that showis firing on all cylinders and related really
well to each other. And what'sit about. It's a group of friends
and you know, one is gay. There's this couple who's really uptight and
tidy. There's another couple that itwas about to get married, and then
they broke up, and then Sureshowcomes in and you're about to marry Penny.
I think it was if I rememberright, that's right. And and
your character on that was like kindof the annoying one, you know,
like he was very loud and obnoxious. It was such a good show.
The chemistry, like you pointed out, perfect well. I loved I just
I love that show. And itwas it was just kind of about people
of a certain age kind of flailingand figuring it out right, But it
was it just was such a goodYeah, it was just so well written,
so tight. It's really really great. And you know what's frustrating is
sometimes a show will go on alittle too long. And I'm not going
to say I've been in anything likethat, but I do think the flip
side of that is there's so manyshows like that, like how the endings
were You're you're just like, whatthat's it? What happened? Yeah,
what exactly happened? What did anyonedo wrong? And so it's just a
fickle business television. And now Ithink it's so strange because you can bounce
to you know, to go fromone place to to be right. Yeah,
Yeah, that's my big thing.Is a lot more opt everybody's looking
for content. Yeah, that's mybig thing right now. I'm always talking
about to be it's easy to getmovies on there. Yeah, well you
can like your phone and make amovie like The Shark Side of the Yeah.
Yeah, TJ. Miller's here.You know. One thing I've always
admired about you is that you don'tseem very shy to you know, speak
your mind. You definitely put yourselfout there, and I know sometimes it's
it's it's guy, I trust me. I'm I'm a guy does the same
thing. So you sometimes find yourselfgetting in trouble. But I think you
are authentically you, and so Irespect that, and I just try not
to really do the I don't know, I don't It's not that I don't
like playing the game. I findit refreshing when people are just honest in
themselves kind of. Yeah, otherpeople don't always find that refreshing. Yeah,
you don't find it to be likea brisk shower on a hot afternoon.
I'm relating to you. Go preach, but I think it's Yeah,
there's so much now of tiptoeing andwatching out and and what's sad is that.
A couple of times, just inthe last you know, a few
weeks, I have had the momentwhere and I guess I'm a provocateur,
I guess, but not on purposereally, and so I do. I
don't know. I've had a momenta couple of times the last little bit
where I go, well, maybeit's just not worth it to do those
jokes and manager that's a dangerous andthat is censorship. Yeah, that's that's
other people, especially in comedy.There's a tricky kind of time for comedians,
as we've now been saying for Ithink since the slap I think it
was John Stewart that said, Iwish we would hold the politicians accountable the
way that we do comedians. True. I think that's right. And when
you're in the world of comedy,like who cares what they're joking about?
Like, it's right there, it'scomedy, it's jokes, and it's all
disclaimer. Yeah, it's all subjective. That's what I always thought would be
cool about, you know, beinga comedian is because like, all you
have to really do is keep yourfans happy, and you will always sell
tickets because the people will come seeyou. It gets tricky in your situation
because you're doing comedy, but thenyou're also doing you know, movies and
TV shows and you know, peopleby going, oh, I don't know
about you know, it could affectthat side of things if you just kind
of like there are some comedians whojust don't care. They go out there,
they do their thing for their audience. They don't worry about the rest
of it because that's their their breadand butter, so to speak. Just
keep your audience happy and that's allyou have to worry about, yes,
And I think that's something that Iconsistently. The thing is, though,
I liked tour, and I don'tsee myself ever getting to a place where
I don't. I'm in a placenow where I'm not going to really do
anything unless I'm making it, soI don't. I don't love the idea
of being cast in something. Iwould do something if it made sense and
it seemed completely awesome. But thestand up, I mean, I could
just do stand up for the restof my life. It looks fun,
it looks like something like that mightbe fun to try, but I think
it was. Now you think Ihave to be more of like the storyteller
comedian more than like the set uppunchline kind of community that you just have
such a bizarre affect, Yeah,lend itself to stand up common like you
hear like you mean like visually oryou just the way that you talk.
You're sort of you know, youhave this kind of a vibe, yeah
vibe yeah, yeah, yeah,you have this sort of cadence. And
it could Joe Koys telling me tolike open for him like dude, and
I said, Dude, I'm neverdoing don't say you will because he will
hold Oh I know, guy,Yeah, And you'd be in front of
so many people but he wants meto I'm the ugly friend, you know
what I mean. That's like yeah, like you know, he could be
like a six on the level.I'm not saying he is, but he
could be like a six comedian.But he's gonna have me up there,
like before he comes out, he'sgonna look awesome. Yeah, he looks
like a t J. Miller ishere. He's got shows all over wood
You show Land, Vegas, Septembertwenty seventh and twenty ninth, Pittsburgh till
February fourteenth or the sixteenth, butput up this weekend Tomorrow through Sunday.
He'll be at the Laugh Factory inCovina. Just go to his website,
which is ironically TJ. Miller doesnot have a website dot com and get
tickets. Some more information more withTJ Miller next year on The Woody Show.
Hang on, We'll be right back. TJ. Miller is here,
rocking it out at rock and rollRalphs. Yeah that is that? The
is that? What's called rock?And I've been here ten years. I'm
not heard of the rock and rollroups. You know they put up a
sign now, oh they did becausethey want to claim it. There used
to be rock and roll McDonald's inChicago. That's right. I've been to
that. Yeah, my god,yeah, because I started comedy in Chicago,
and I remember I worked down thereand there were two places that we
love to frequent rock and roll McDonald'sin a place called Snickers, which had
the blue shot, which was likefour dollars and if you ever go hey,
what's uh, what's in this?They go blue? But what's what's
rock and roll? Ralphs? Rockand roll Ralphs is the Ralphs on Sunset
makes it like all the clubs,all the rock clubs. I mean,
it's it's it's close, it's thebeginning of the Sunset strip. They didn't
really theme it out or anything.They got to sign now well yeah,
and I mean I've seen people kindof rock back and forth, sort of
cry or like talking to themselves.I've dropped. I've dropped a couple of
things that have rolled down the aislepicked up. That's rock, I haven't
that is rock and roll, that'spunk rock. It's a little late,
though, right for that sign,because hasn't the scene kind of died around
it? I think so. AndI think also if you put the sign
up, especially in Los Angeles,it's not really rock and roll anymore.
It's not rock and roll. Tosort of try and exploit that it makes
it less cool. And then thenyou know, Los Angeles a city built
on people turning to each other andbe like, hey, you see that
Ross. Hey, yeah, youknow that's actually known as rock and roll
rock? Wait what I saw thesong that? Well, you know what
I mean. I used to rockback and forth and I've dropped saying it's
rolled down the aisle. And thenthe first is like, that's not really
that funny to say that loud,and then you're like, okay, well,
I certainly won't do it on theradio. If you're looking for us
something to do this weekend, TJ'sgot his shows at Laugh Factory in Covena
that is tomorrow through Sunday. Ticketsare available. TJ Miller does not have
a website dot com. It's TJMiller does not have a website dot com.
It's the first time I played theclub of the first time ever.
Well he recently opened up as atheater and now, yeah, the comedy
shows I've been coming through and they'vebeen great, So a lot of people
are not even aware that the thatit's there now, oh there. It
could be a first time for youand TJ both together this weekend, just
like someone that can be trusted.Yeah, if you think, yeah,
it is you, You're looking athim and be like, yeah, I
think yeah. I think it's theglasses and the sort of green we both
have similar green flannel. Yeah,yeah, kind of, but yours is
more trust really minus I think ifI if I think I saw somebody dressed
like me, I kind of go, I'm not going to talk to that.
But the Covina Laugh Factory it didjust open. Yeah, I heard.
It's really really good. It's anice intimate club, which is good
because I do a riff a lot, so I'll talk to the audience,
but also I just kind of talkabout you, thank you. But I
also just talk about the audience,so I don't really talk to them all
the time, which I think iskind of more fun. And so the
size of this club, I thinkit's really going to lend itself to That's
my favorite thing is to do clubsthat are, you know, smaller,
that are two hundred, two hundredand fifty people even less can be really
really good and so Covena is itis supposed to be that. So I'm
excited to go there and I'm Ineed to perform. So check me out
the laugh Factory. It's this weekend, this weekend, Friday Center, Sunday.
Yeah, it's TJ Miller. Sorry, I got excited. It's the
WOODI Show, the show. Allright, welcome back. Hey TJ Miller
is here. What's happening now?Yeah? Hey, you ask a quick
question when we were kind of talkingoff there. You said, menis looked
really trustworthy. Guess his ethnicity?Okay, what's your last name? Oh
J, that's a tell I wouldsay Mexican. Oh oh yeah, he
loves you for that. It's likewhen you when he asked what he said,
a woman says, guess how oldI am? She's like forty ago,
I don't know, twenty nine?Oh I love you. Yeah,
you're guessing that he's Mexican. Manjust made his day. I guarantee it.
It's true though, And you arewhat he is obsessed with. My
No, I'm not. I amCaucasian, is what I did. People
are shot? Oh wait a second, wait were not shocked? Wait a
second? Wait a second or Soare you the guy on the forms that
we all fill out where it saysCaucasian and then all of us have to
put not of Hispanic to say Caucasianthat one. I don't know why,
because you're like a unicorn. Iknow, I grew up in an all
Latino neighbors kiss you a really longtime. And then every time people always
assume that I am Latino. IsMcMurray McMurray not exactly Mexican. Yeah,
doesn't so am I not trustworthy nowthat I'm white? He didn't say that
I am no longer trust now you'rejust some Irish drum So in March one,
Yeah, there's a new album thatTJ rely is called Smooth Peanut Butter.
You have like this thing with peanutbutter. What what's the peanut butter?
Because there there you got your ownline of peanut butter, my own
peanut but you brought peanut butter inTV and Jay peanut better and I have
toffee crispy. This is cherry chocolatewith wheal dried cherries. You guys are
going to finish this and then darkchocolate coconut. The lady, Hell yeah,
it sounds like for breaking. Iknow you will. Yeah, so
what is the what's the peanut butterthing? Like, what does that start?
Yeah? I love peanut butter.I started by making my own hot
sauce. All this is available onAmazon dot com and my website. TJ.
Miller is not a website dot com. So he started making hot sauce
and it went so well that Isaid, well, I should make something
else. What do I love asmuch as hot sauce? Peanut butter.
I love peanut butter. I can'tright now. I'm trying not to keep
a jar of it in the house. Yeah. I think you guys know
the end of that. Yeah,yeah, it's so so good. I
grew up on crunchy, skippy peanutbutter, and my mother used to make
me. Uh my family eats peanutbutter on their pancakes. I love that.
Yeah, and then I going toschool. I wanted to do this
recently, but she would make awaffle sandwich. It was genius. It
was two waffles and it was acircle of peanut butter around the edge of
the waffle and then syrup in themiddle of that circle, and then she
pressed it between two Aggo waffles andgive it to me and that was my
breakfast like all the time. SoI had, I had, I've had
a lot of peanut butter growing up, and then I just I love peanut
butter. I had a bit aboutGeorge Washington Carver him inventing peanut butter if
when he first invented it, didhe kind of keep a secret for a
while, his own little you know, special peanut butter secret. It sounds
like you see like a special personevery once in a while and they have
like an obsession with one likener.Yeah, and for me it's peanut butter.
Yeah, for you to be thatvery special person. But I do
love the idea like, would youguys keep it secret if you invented peanut
butter and you tried it obviously andit was this good as peanut butter is,
you would immediately tell everybody? Orwould you kind of keep a secret
for a few weeks and kind ofsneak sneak some pbdestine romance you kind of
they're like, all right, we'regonna have our toast and jam and you're
like, yeah, I'll take you. Then you come back out on every
body and they go, he seemsso happy. I mean I guess yeah,
no, at first, maybe Ikeep it a secret. Then eventually,
no, I want the credit.I said this a million times on
the show, like I won't leavea tip at the bar until they're looking
at me smart, like I'm notjust putting the tip in the tip you
know, cop or whatever. Iwant them to see that I'm putting it
in. I'm the guy. Yeah, because like so many these other jerks
aren't tipping, and they're gonna seethere's money in there, they're not gonna
know who it's attributed to. Andwhen I come back up here, I
not expect, but I would hopethat I would get like a preferential treatment
because I'm tipping on the drinks thatI'm getting. Yeah, I want the
credit. I'm never gonna be theanonymous donor to a charity. I'm gonna
make sure that my Yeah, yeah, I thought you meant that. When
you're at a bar, if thebartender is sort of not looking at you
and then just ask you real quickand then gets your stuff and never really
looks at you, that you don'tleave a tip, and that kind of
made sense to me. Also,that's yeah, yeah, I want them
to know where the tips coming fromyeah, the bar action. Otherwise,
pretty soon it's going to be replacedby AI, which I'd be okay with.
I mean, you know that's finetoo, although I don't like the
robot bartenders that you see, they'regetting thing, they're getting better. You
pick your like, you know,mixer or whatever, and they shake it
up for you and serve it on. Yeah. Yeah, it takes forever.
Really, yeah, it's kind ofboring. Yeah, I don't like
it, but it's until they reallyhave those kind of cyborgs that are doing
because I have you guys seen thisone AI cyborg or whatever robot the the
guys like, can you give mesomething to eat? And can you also
put this thing? You know,this this ball through this and he did
all of this, and then whatwas crazy is he goes, can you
explain to me why you did thatthe way you did? And then he
explained everything. WHOA. It waskind of like the only thing that was
edible on that in the bin wasthe lettuce and so I gave that to
you, and obviously when you askedme to do something, I had to
figure out how to get so itwas very That was really bizarre because that's
a different type of thing to seea robot say like, well, yeah,
I mean I guess the way thatI did, it's just instead of
a scary yeah, and that's that'smore letters than I usually. It's gonna
get way more weird. Like therewas a thing. I forget where it
came from, but they put somelike kind of skin on something. Yes,
it's like a like basically a robot. Yeah, like a humanoid with
with skin cells they grew in alab. Yeah, it was really weird.
It was really weird. Can't waitto have sex with it, speak
on it. See real quick aboutyour peanut butter. I know it has
to be good because last time youbrought in some hot sauce and dude,
I killed the bottle right away.It was so well yeah, yeah,
true. Yeah, try try someof the the dark chocolate coconut one.
Greg is a really good he's agood taste tester because he's really good at
describing what he's experiencing. He's thebest, No, dude, that's absolutely
true. So T J. Miller'shere. This has got his own line
of T P, B and JPeanut Better. He's available on his website,
also on the Amazon. This isthe chalk the dark chocolate coconutj You
should see what we do with peanutbutter around here. That's right. We
recently had a wait, we gotto hear it. Oh my god,
it's next level. It's very coconutforward, which I love because if you
don't love coconut, your psychopath agreed. It's not cloyingly sweet, which I
appreciate. It tastes natural. It'sthe coconut has a great crunch, but
it's not like it so it's notlike soggy coconut you in the middle of
like a like an almond joy orsomething. This tastes like it was made
one minute ago. It's so damngood. It's not oily, but it
is smooth. A f look atthe light just went on. What about
the dark chocolate flavor? How's that? Because I'm a sucker for dark,
dark chocolate, and but it's presentand it's not overpowering. This is insanity
in a job. See TJ.Miller peanut butter on Amazon. And then
there you go. It's great,right, and it does taste like I
made it a minute ago. Idid it in the parking lot. This
is awesome. I'm gonna on thespo. Yeah, who cares. Well,
you got a lot going on.You got peanut butter, you got
hot sauce. You're doing comedy,you're working on maybe a movie thing.
It's a comedy for sure, dude. I'm doing it. And I've got
a series called The Loneliest Megaplex,which I'm excited about. It's a it
was a period piece about the pandemic, but now it's a spencer of the
death of malls. Like oh,so then there you go. And so
it's this failing mall and I'm kindof this like successful loser. I call
him, and he the Megaplex whereI used to work, gives me an
offer to bring me back to thejob, and I'm like, okay,
cool, and they're like, andwe're gonna give you a dollar twenty five
cent raise. And it's exciting becauseyou'll be both the manager and the assistant
manager and you're allowed to or you'regoing to be taking tickets although most people
buy through the apps, right,and you'll be doing concession and the janitorial.
We're doing all of it. AndI'm like, am I working with
anybody else? And they're like no, but let us know because there are
other people interested in and so Itake my job back and I'm the only
employee at a thirty screen megaplex inthe MA all that's sort of almost dead,
and it's called the Loneliest Megaplex.I'm gonna put that straight on to
be see it all came full startleg J. Miller, everybody. So
this weekend TJ Miller the Lave Factoryin Covina, California, Southern California tomorrow
through Sunday, and then some otherdates in Las Vegas September twenty seventh through
the twenty ninth, then in FebruaryFebruary fourteenth, sixteenth being Pittsburgh, and
I get all the dates, allthe information. TJ. Miller does not
have a website dot com. It'salso where you can find the peanut butters
in the Hot Sauce and all theother stuff. He's always releasing new specials
and different stand up comedy things.So check it out there. TJ.
Thank you for coming in. Thankyou. My YouTube has new content all
the time, and I have likeseveral long form stand up comedy shows.
Those are very very fun. Onein Spokane, Washington. That's all about
Spokane and if you don't live there, it's another great funny, is it
really? Yeah? Oh my god, everyone who everyone is smoking has to
watch the special watch it is soso hilarious. But yeah, I always
new stuff there. And get yourtickets to Covina because it's going to sell
out for sure because it's a smallerclub, really fun venue. First time
there. Thanks guys, TJ,thank you, Thank you more. What
he show next? Hang on?You know the Woody Show. Thanks again
to TJ. Miller for having thismorning. That was great. It's cool
to have here. Make sure youcheck out TJ. Miller does not have
a website dot com for all histour dates. And peanut butter. The
peanut butter, My god, peanutbutters are really good, like legit.
It's legit, basically deserved. It'sso good. Yeah, you may think
that we lie, not about food, dude, No no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, so good. Here's an
audio clip. This is from acity board meeting where they were talking about
rezoning of a city street. Butthis woman, you know how these things
go, This woman steps up tothe mic. When it came time for
the public comments, I had nothingto add about the topic at hand.
All she wanted to talk about washow she doesn't like the internet. Oh
yeah, because she can't find ajob. Yeah, listen to this crazy
woman and we're discussing the rezoning forthe Portellos. Do you have any comments
on that? For what we're discussingthe rezoning on fifty third for When you
hear this woman, you gotta wonder, like, how does she not get
jobs? How's our it's not clamoringto hire her, you know? Yeah,
yeah, well I live on sixtythird. Again, we're here to
hear comments about the rezoning. Well, I don't like Facebook and I don't
like the Internet because I can't finda job. The library blocked my password.
Now tell me, does that makeany sense to you? We're not
here to discuss your personal life.I'm sorry, Do you have any comments
about the rezoning on the topic thatwe're talking about? The old lady trying
at least, But I told youin high school I had a job like
help broadcasting these these meetings, andthey wouldn't actually stop people that were off
topic. They would just talk aboutwhatever. I guess they're allowed to speak.
They're the public, and every singlemeeting there was always a one guy
that would come in and talk aboutbicycles, like how much he loved bicycles.
We had alien people, We hadso many different like waggy people,
and you had to give them thetime to talk. Eight seven seven forty
four. What he hit us upwith the text over to two to nine
eighty seventh. This is man.We are into another exciting hour insensitivity training
for a politically correct world. Itis Thursday morning, July the eighteenth,
twenty twenty four. I'm hoodie.That's Greg Gory, happy pre Friday.
There's a menace. What we've gotSammy Gina Grad is here, Hey,
sitting in for Sea Bass who isout on on assignment. Thank you.
He's a contestant in some TV gameshow kind of thing, like a challenge
show. And we can't give anyother details on it that he doesn't have
a cell phone, he doesn't havethe Internet and whatever. So we asked
you to come in and hang outwith us. I appreciate it, so
thank you for being here. Phonesare over. But eight seven seven forty
four he hit us up with thetax to check in over to to nine
eighty seven. Got some sexy newsto start out. There's a forty seven
year old middle school guidance counselor inConnecticut who was busted sending nudes and giving
lap dances end quote, engaging anothersexual acts with a thirteen year old male
student in her office. Here's thepicture, because I know you're cured always.
I mean, has she looks likea seventies actress or something. Yeah,
kind of like a maybe what's JeddApatow's wife? Oh yeah, yeah,
kind of Leslie manish? Yeah,a little bit not manish, No,
Leslie managed, but kind of lookslike Leslie man right, exactly.
Yeah, not terrible. She gotcaught when her friend hasked to borrow her
phone. The friend saw the sexymessages and money transactions between her and the
kid. Oh no, she is, or was, I don't know,
married and a mother of three.Oh no. She resigned from the school
before they even had a chance tofire her. Now she's under house arrest
and she's banned from having unsupervised contactwith miners. How mortifying kiss family.
I meanwhile embarrassing. A man inFlorida was arrested after exposing himself to women
in a Walmart parking lot. Hisname is Trinelle Webster and during the first
incident, a woman was sitting inher car waiting for a family member who
was inside, and his super sweetblue Toyota Corolla pulled up next to her.
She glanced over and saw him withhis hog out in one hand and
he was holding a cell phone onthe other hand. And then a couple
days later, there was a momand a daughter sitting in their car again
in the Walmart parking lot waiting forsomebody, when Trenelle rolled up in that
same super sweet blue Toyota Corolla andjust like the first time, penis in
one hand, cell phone in theother. Wow. And when he was
caught, they asked him in whatare you doing? And he told them
that when he's driving home from work, he sometimes quote decompresses by driving around
the Walmart parking lot before he goeshome, because you know, that's how
everybody's got their system. I can'twait till you get home. I don't
know if yeah, the details ofthis. Is he using the cell phone
to record people's reactions or is heborn? Not sure? I know because
I told you that one time.It was like, I don't know,
maybe five thirty am in the morning, I was out by a grocery store.
No one was there. It wasa lone car, a bunch of
fog, and some guys holding uplike a wallet sized photo joeing in the
middle of the parking lot, butoutside of his car or in his car.
In his car, he went fullanalogue not digital right now, great
that guy. I'm not calling thecops on No, I wouldn't kill the
cops on that morning. I wait, yeah, he's in his car and
you know what, no other carsaround. That was all for him.
That wasn't that. He wasn't tryingto get anybody else's attention. He just
knocked on one out in the car, right and for all we know he's
a person experiencing homelessness. Yeah right, you know you never know anyway,
This guy was booked at the CountyJail charge with exposure of sexual organs.
Never have I ever seen a flasheror a public dream really either. I
saw one last year, and theyreally when when they're not holding their cell
phone, they stare you down.Really, oh yeah, like that's more
for them, Like everybody, lookat this. Did you just happen to
see it? Or did he doit because he saw you like another word,
it's like it's quite quite the compliment. No, because like there's some
people who are just doing it andyou happen to see it. There's another
one who like they get your attentionand then they want the reaction. I
think, well, this dude hadalready started before I walked by, So
I think this was more of likea exhibitionists. You just happened to run
into it. Yeah, I gotreal lucky. What was the setting?
Like a park? It was avery industrial part of Los Angeles, and
uh, it's probably where something likethat would happen. Yeah, huh interesting,
Thank you you call anybody? Didyou report it? Was? I
supposed to? Well, I don'tknow, I mean I was weird.
Would you have called the cops?Sammy? No? You know what,
because I've seen this as well,and it was kind of a park ish
area and it was a homeless personwho was clearly like it was his bedroom
or something like, not even thinkingthat anyone was around, and laying down
and everybody was just walking by him. Because what do you do the way
they're carrying on with theirs, LikeI don't know, I mean, yeah,
it's like a drum circle or ahacky sack circle breaks out you jumping?
Yeah, yeah, call the cops. If it's directed at you,
definitely call the cops on that one. But if you have a a Joe
or not, I wouldn't and they'renot by a school. Have you ever
seen or have you ever even hearda news story of a woman doing this
in public? I think we knowthat'd be rad though. Haven't we had
stories like that? No, we'vehad people like having sex. No,
I've seen it, but yeah,I think so. How long we've done
the show? I think in likeredneck news, but usually when it is
a woman, I think drugs areinvolved, but they're not just out there
like masturbating for you know, shockvalue. No, no, no,
the people masturbating right yeah. Look, you know if anybody wants to do
that, ladies, I'm looking.I told you, it doesn't matter like
how gross somebody is, if theirboobs are out, every guy will at
least look. You know. Youmight not like what you see, but
you're gonna look. He'll go Iwouldn't even look, Yes, you would,
yeah, alive, of course youwould. Some other sexy time fun
facts. A new survey of twothousand sexually active adults found that two and
five single people are looking for avacation hookup. Twenty six percent of people
say they want this hook up togo down while they're on vacation. Forty
two percent said they've hooked up withsomebody they've met on vacation, and two
and three are interested in exploring newsexual experiences while they're on vacation, like
trying out new positions. All right, why not? You're using sex toys?
Sure, sure, and mena isspicing things up with some lingerie stupid
A waste of time and money.So wait, you said two and five
single people, like, wouldn't itbe one hundred percent of like five and
five looking to hook up on vacation. I don't know if people go on
vacation looking to hook up, dothey? I mean, if you're like,
no matter what you're I don't knowwhere you're you're at. I mean,
I hear, I hear what you'resaying, But I don't think that's
the purpose of the vacation. Wellno, I mean that's not the only
reason. But I would come withmenace. You would think that number would
be five out of five would hopeto act. But this to me read
like they're actively trying to the mission, like a spring break scenario. We're
hooking up, and sometimes they're reallyobvious about it. I don't know if
you've ever been on a cruise,but I've heard tell that you put a
pineapple on your door and you putit upside down. Yeah, and that's
how you know, like this isthe party room. Yeah, that's the
swinger thing. Yeah. I hadthis shirt. You ever heard that company
untuck it? Yeah? Okay,so I bought this like shirt. I
think, oh, this is likevacation e right yeah, and yeah,
it's like a blue button down likeyou know, nice breathable, kind of
light fabric. I forget what it'swhat it is and uh like a linen
kind of thing like and I woreit a couple of times, and then
I heard about this swinger thing andI'm like, wait a minute. That
shirt that I bought, it's blue, but it has like little stencils of
pineapples on it, and I'm like, man, people probably thought I was
like because I look like somebody whocould be a swinger. Yeah, like
fat, you know, fat marriedfor you know, fifteen years, I
meaning energy, Like I don't thinkI give swing energy. But if you
will, you know, I mean, if you want it to be Yeah,
it's it's it's never the hot pieceball, it's not the people you
want to be on the nude beachor who are the swingers? It's always
gross people. Yeah. Has anyonehere been to like one of those parties
swingers? Yeah, we've been toa swinger party. Yeah. It was
in a warehouse many years ago.I was invited because the only way guys
could get in was if they broughta girl with them. And so I
was doing this guy a solid andI went and I just have a friend.
This is not somebody that you're dating. This was no, god no,
and he's like, you want tosee this? I was like more
than anything in the world. SoI go and it's like the like an
airplane hangar, and like the frontlike dance room has all these scantily clad
old broads, and there's like abuffet dinner and then you those are the
people that go to the strip clubfor the lunch only for dudes who don't
bring girls, okay, And sothe girls can go in any room they
want. The guys have to beescorted because they don't want it to turn
and like a super whatever. SoI went in all the rooms to see
the vibe. And I went upstairsand it was just full floor full of
mattresses and all these couples. AndI'm just sitting there with like a little
like dress on, and everyone's wavingat me, and I'm waving back like
an idiot. But I didn't knowthat was like a well like And then
I got the body painted and theguy at the end, I went to
shake his hand and I thought Iwas but his hands were above his head.
That is not a place I'd shakehands. I was just trying to
be friendly. He spent all thattime body painting me. Yeah, anyway,
friend, do I ditched him longago? Oh? Will you go
in these rooms and there's like likechairs, Yeah, I lost him immediately.
Is it success rate? Is whatI'm asking? Okay, So the
funny thing is these were not attractivepeople. A lot of dudes with like
sashes, dress shirts and socks,but like no pants, and they brought
we brought with us. I meanthey did two professionals to like get the
party started. And these professionals wouldn'ttouch anybody. So they said, you
can keep your money I'm no,thank you. So did you do anything?
No, the professional the ones beingpaid to do it, but like
just being in that environment, likedid you find this stuff getting like turned
on at all? Now? Didit do anything for you? No?
It could have, but this wasjust not the crew. This was not
the crew that I was gonna,you know, start a new life with.
Huh how long were you in there? The whole play was four hours?
Oh my god, damn well Ididn't drive probably like bleach and old
pennies in there exactly. Shrimp sogross? Yeah, who eats there?
That's so disgusting? Eight seven sevenforty four. Woody, you can hit
us up with the text over totwo to nine eight seven. We'll be
right back. What do you showback in the back? You're right back.
Greg always gets sick, Yes,whenever there's a vacation, usually day
one vacation. There's a time thatwe were talking about, like people looking
to get late on the vacation.Greg would just like to not get sick.
Wouldn't that be vacation? I know? Yeah. So people who rarely
or never get sick were asked what'sthe secret. People said, stay away
from kids, go to sleep early, and get nine hours of sleep every
night. Oh, wash your handsconstantly, don't touch your face, rub
your eyes. One person said,I barely leave the house. Stop eating
indoors at restaurants. Keep an optimisticattitude. And there are a lot of
people that say they believe they havea strong immune system because they embrace germs,
even to the point of not washingtheir hands on a regular basis,
on purpose to the door knob.So maybe try that, great, just
maybe try being gross. Yeah gross. It is a throwback Thursday. Lustra
is the artist Scotti does No It'sthe Woody Show all ninety eighty seven.
Yeah, Vaughn's been begging us toplay this scan eight does in No that
and me do it in my vanevery Sunday. She tells them seasons fuh
he does in Still she's on me, Like Vaughn is like literally out in
the hall stream. You're so happyusing all the screaming. It's like people
watching the concerts through their phone.Right, you're missing the song. Dude,
Scotty doesn't know Lustra. It isthrowback Thursday. It is the Woody
Show, It is all ninety eightyseven. It's LA's new alternative. We
look how people with food poisoning feelbecause it has a head. Now,
chicks are always trying to be carefulabout giving it up too quickly, thinking
that sex on the first date meansthey're you're not gonna get a second date.
Well prepared to have your mind blownbecause a new study says that is
not true and finds that sex onthe first date has no effect on whether
or not a guy will call youagain. Yeah, I never understood that.
I would agree with that. Iworked at that logic. If a
guy got laid on the first date, I think you would want to come
back, right. That's terrible experience. The research found that most dates don't
wind up turning into relationships, andif two people do wind up in a
relationship, there are way more factorsat work than when you had sex for
the first time. But the bottomline, all that matters here is how
much the couple like and are attractedto each other, and that determines,
you know, how many dates theyhave and whether or not the guy calls.
It's not going to be I toldyou. My least favorite piece of
lady logic is when they go,well, you know, I want to
wait because I really like you soif you didn't really like me, we'd
be doing it right now, youknow, like that sucks, that makes
zero say, yeah, it doesn'tmake sense. If you really like me,
now let's do this now. That'sa nice way of saying she's really
not that into exactly. Well,I think you're right. I think she's
probably thinking, yeah, I don'twant him to, you know, hit
and quit it. So I needto wait a little while. I need
to show him I'm not a wholenormally, right, But when the time
comes, that's right. Oh yeah, My wife and I were just talking
about this the other day. Therewas some Lenny Kravitz video that popped up,
and I said, hey, youknow, this guy has been celibate
for what was it seven years?Yeah, a long time, Oh,
Lenny Kravitz, How is that possible? Well, because he's probably had enough
for lifetime. Lifetime, I agree, But like I would think a couple
of years. You know, whetherit's seven or not, I can't remember,
but it's a long ass time.I mean, I think we can
all agree that that's self imposed.Of course it is. Look at those
as yeah, of course it is. I mean, maybe he just can't
get out of the leather pants,that's true. Skin he works out in
those. Maybe he can't get outof them. He's busted out of them
before we're on stage when they brokein the front, like, uh,
I think he had like a ringone. Good for him. Hey,
we were talking about during the break, this whole Lenny Kravitz thing, And
so what we did is everybody puta number. You know, they knew
they want. Key party is likeeverybody puts a key and then they draw
a key out and that's the personyou end up like going with, going
home with. It's not a keyparty or anything like that. Nobody's hooking
up with any anybody here, butuh, it's a it's a number party.
And there are a bunch of numberswritten on a piece of paper here
in these in this little cup here, this little coffee cup, and the
number on there is how long it'sbeen since the last time you had sex.
And so I'll give you the numbersif you want to write them down,
and then everybody can then take alook at those numbers, and then
we come back from the break,we'll find out whose number is who.
All right, well, we're guessingthe numbers. We're guessing the numbers,
all right. The first number isI thought a key party was a cocaine
party. No, that's everybody putsa key like to their hotel. It
was supposed to be a hotel room. Okay, that's old that's how old
time it is. Whether the keyswere on the keychain, had the room
number w keleton keys? Yeah?Yeah yeah, and then you would like
some somebody would go up with it. The guys were drawing and the girls
were drawing, and they'd draw thekey and whoever's key that was, that's
who we were going back to theroom. Yeah. Wow. Then what
is DJ Khalen saying when he saysmajor key alert, like a key to
success? Oh okay, okay,that's what it is. First number is
four four yeah, so these aredays? Okay, okay, four days
all right. Next number is twelvetwelve days ago, and next one is
up. There's another four, sowe have two fours all right, all
right, twelve four? What's that? I said? Four twelve four four
twelve four? Oh, this isa date. So let's backtrack to March
eighth. Okay, let me getmy calendar out. I know how to
math. Hold that March eighth,O, my God, all right,
we'll figure out how many days thatwas three days lucky, all right,
and then we have last one wouldbe six six six days. But for
March eighth, let's put down whatfour months in ten days? And who
does this? So this is what? So this is So it's myself,
Gina, Greg Menace, Sammy MorganMorgan, Yeah, Morgan's in there.
Love it all right. So let'suh, let's get our guesses together.
If you want to text over like, who's do you think? Let's just
see out of curiosity, let's juststick with March eighth. Who's do you
think is March eighth? And thenwho's do you think is three days ago?
So we'll start with the lowest number, and then obviously the biggest one.
We'll keep it to that because otherwiseit is gonna be all over the
on the text. So on thetext over to two to ninety seven,
who do you think the last timethey had sex was March a? And
then who do you think had threedays ago? Text over to two two
nine eight seven. You know whatnot bad? I mean, look at
us considering active. Well, seethat's not the case. That's not the
case anymore. We used to bethe ugliest show on the radio. It's
not so much the case anymore.This is way hard. Greg. You
keep getting comments on on the socialof the videos and stuff about how skinny
you are now I wish yeah,and Greg has always been beautiful. Greg's
looking Yeah, Sammy, let's comeon. Okay, Sammy and Morgan,
are you kidding? Yeah? Imean, you know, Menace, what
a handsome devil, you know,Dash he's edible? Yeah, oh my
god, head the toe it wasa Saturday quit GQ. Yeah yeah,
yeah, all right, So getyour guesses in. Who belongs to March
eighth? Who belongs to three daysago? As far as the last time
they did it, nobody here isin. Nobody here is in uh Lendy
krab It's territory, that's for sure. No. Eight seven seven forty four.
Text your guests over to two twoninety seven. We'll be right back.
The messages to the Woody Show.Yeah, wellcome back. Time to
get some results here. If we'retalking about how Lenny Kravis has been celibate
for years, years, years andyears and years, somebody said they've been
selling the text says I've been celibatefor eight years. So It's not because
I'm fat or ugly. It's becauseI'm busy with my career and taking care
of my children because i'm a singleparent. Okay, you can carve out
one night. Yeah, come,yeah, I'm sure your parents are dying
to hang out with their granddidates,right. You know, I'm questioning the
honesty of this game. I'm hopingbecause without naming names, there was somebody
who really, really really didn't wantto take part in it, and the
advice to that person was, well, then just lie. Oh so I'm
wondering. I just hope they're honestanswers. Okay, okay, I'm rooting
for honesty. Well, let metell you the text. Because the numbers
that we have in the other dayssince the last time, two people said
four which somebody on the text thatwas interesting, two of you had sex
four days ago. Yeah, yeah, I'm assuming not together. One would
assume. Another person said twelve days, somebody said three days, somebody said
six days, and one person saidMarch eighth. You don't know how many
days that's been, but they justsaid March eighth. And we asked people
in the text to text over like, uh, who did you think had
the March eighth date, and thenwho do you think had the three days?
So the longest and then the shortest? All right, all right,
then according to the text, asfar as March goes, it was really
a toss up between me Menace andSammy. Oh okay me because you know
talk about like you know, thekids stuff and the weird schedule and that
whole thing. Right for the threedays, the favorite by far as Greg
and then the follow up to thatwould Morgan. That's according to the tax
for three All right, we're gonnastart. We're gonna start in the middle.
All right, let's go with uh, well, how do you want
to do this? You just wantto do like I want to each person.
Let's go round the room, eachperson, all right, So give
me your guesses, Gina, foryou don't really know us as long as
no we know the rest of eachother. But I listen, I'm a
p one. I got it,all right. So should we start with
if we're in it? What's that? Oh? No, you have to
you can get someone else. Butthen that adds. Don't we just give
the date and everybody say the namefor that date? No? No,
we just always throw people off.Oh, okay, right, great,
okay, just lie yes, allright. For the four day crew,
the four day pick, I'm goingGreg and Menace. Okay. For the
twelve days, I'm going with you. Okay, this is where things got
a little complicated with the ladies,So let's give this a try. Six
days Morgan, March eighth, Sammy, and that leaves three days me.
But that's as far as I cango. Okay, all right, all
right, I'm gonna say for thetwo fours, i'll say myself and Gina.
Okay, I believe it's been twelvedays for Morgan. I think Greg
is the three day. I thinkMenace is the sixth day, and I
believe that Sammy is March eighth.Interesting, all right, Greg, what
do you got? I have Woodywith twelve days, I have Morgan with
four, I have Menace with six. Gina with a guy they say he's
got BDE you give me fsee frequentsex energy. So I have I have
you at three. Yeah, Ihave Sammy with March a, March eighth.
All right, Menace, I'm goingwith four days for Woody and myself.
Then I'm going twelve days for Sammy, four months for Morgan. Whatever,
March day, March the March day. Yeah, and then Greg,
of course he has to be thethree days. I've always said he's a
central Devian that I'm saying six.I had a theory on this. I
say six for Gina because of theday of the week at lands On that
she would have more energy than anybodyelse in the room. Okay, interesting,
all right, detective work. Allright, Sammy, I have for
the four days, I have Woodyand Gina. I have Greg as the
three days. I have Menace asthe six days, Morgan as the twelve
in me as March eight. Something is is she telling the truth?
Right? Not that one? Youknow what I mean? Look at that
poker face. Very good? Allright? So, uh who has the
four days? Raise your hand ifyou got a four day? O?
Greg? And I got that one, both of them. I don't know
you guys. Yeah. See Iput medaces six because I figured, like,
you know, that's uh, youknow, he's running around the lot,
He's got all these other things,and you know, right, he's
always running out of the energy.As it is a lot of times it's
always kind of Greig. I'm sodisappointed. Yeah, it will be like
four minutes. I feel very validated. Well, then, who is the
three? Good for you? Thankyou very much? You have do you
have what you say energy? Myhusband might disagree, but you know,
you just gotta get you, justgotta get done, all right. Good
for you, Good for you,all right? And with a kid in
the house too. Yeah, soimpressive, very possible, so impressive,
very tricky. All right, whatabout the what about the twelve days?
That would be me? Twelve days? Interesting? I knew Morgan and Sammy
had to be the longest. Yeah, because single well they never say anything
about at all. Yeah, allright, what about uh what about March
eighth? Oh no, the sixdays, six days will be mine?
Yeah, okay, oh yeah,yeah yeah, six days mine and then
March eighth, that only leaves Morgan, which I yeah, dude, nobody
saw that god at all, neither. But yeah, what also a good
question on the text? How doyou remember March eighth? Why why March
eighth? Well because it was thelast time, so I just looked up
my text the last time I hadseen this person. But yeah, I'm
celibate for life now action you are, No, you're not. You've taken
a vow. Why well not avowel gino. But I mean it's been
so long and like that Texter said, they're so busy and they have things
to do and I don't have theenergy, and I just don't. Wow,
think I'm attracted startling. You goiceso many UFC events, you would
think they would be off. Idon't know. You should do? You
should fill it in like an oldpool, you know what I mean,
like yeah, dirt, yeah,board it up and just make a garden
out of it. Well, thereyou go, you don't understand. There
you go. Informative. All right, guys, we got to take a
break. More what he shows next? Hang on, So we said I
wish Sea Bass was here today becausethat guy gets no ass. Well just
kidding, says the eight one eightalthough Medicine, saying he's been getting roasted
a lot, like yeah, poorSea Bass on the social media show any
posts about Sea Bass. I'm atthe Woody Show on Instagram. Man,
would we have gotten an honest answerout of Sea Bass, because I'm guessing
he would have said something like itwould have been last night. It was
a huge night, so technically zerodays today, you know, it would
be like it's zero true, don'thave the right down hours. I gotta
figure out how many hours are going, right it was with the porn star.
But yeah, like the the feedbackon our social media is like this
guy never gets laid. There's theway. The thing is like this,
he's nice people. He's shown upat like events or like a Greg Still
party that he had that one timeyou showed up with like this really attractive
blonde lawyer like and we're like,what's wrong with you doing not to him?
We said that to her, what'swrong wrong with you? He puts
on a different persona that's yeah,you know, yeah, he puts it
on. He treats it like achallenge. Project. Yeah, everything's a
project. Let's apply science, let'sengineer it romantic. Yeah. So right,
we didn't we didn't have him say, And we're into another new hour
insensitivity training for a politically correct world. It's Thursday morning. It's July the
eighteenth, twenty twenty four. Woodie, Greg Menace, there's Sammy. As
you heard, Sea Bass is out. So we have a Gina grad sitting
in for Sea Bass today and tomorrow. A little follow up to where we're
all trying to guess how many daysit's been since we've all done it.
This one it says, I knowI'm a day late in the buck late,
but it's almost been a year sinceI've gotten any Wow. I'm surprised
that Sammy had the twelve days becauseshe gives very grandma energy. I'm sorry,
Sammy, but I'm more surprised withMorgan. Oh, I mean I
do have grandma energy, that's true. Yeah, maybe the knitting and the
crochet which yeah, yeah, I'msurprised with the two of them. I
thought it would be flipped. Ihaven't gotten me in seventeen years, since
I was twenty eight. I'm fortysix. I've just been too busy.
Come on, I'm too busy.Not getting busy day again. This one's
says I'm married and it's been oversix months. A right, and then
we have a question on this one. It'll five. I'm curious to know
if Woody has snipped or uses otherforms of contraception. Yeah, contraception.
I no. I've talked very graphicallyabout my basectomy and how it was like
the easiest thing I've ever done.Yeah, di mega easy and pretty pretty
full proof. What do you meanfull proof like you've disconnected the Yeah,
yeah, the pipes. Yeah,the pipes have been disconnected. No,
it's great, you're're harmless. Youcan put it anywhere. It's like sailing.
You know. We're giving away thatninety eight inch TCL TV thanks to
our friends over at TCL. They'remore for U sales happening right now all
this week at TCL dot com anda major retailers. You can say about
the fifty percent off TVs nice.So just hit up our Instagram for your
chance to win this ninety eight incher. It's right there at the top
of our Instagram page. It's pannedright to the top. Simple instructions about
what to do to enter the drum. But that just goes here till the
end of the week. Is itthrough the weekend or is it just till
tomorrow? Yeah, tomorrow, tomorrow'slast day. So sign it's so easy.
Yeah on our Instagram at the WoodyShow. That's the ninety eight inch
TCL television. Thanks to our friendsat TCL forgetting. We're gonna take a
break. We've got some more WoodyShow coming up for you next next.
The universe has a way of leadingyou to where you're supposed to be supposed
to be there the Woody shows.All right, welcome back everybody, It
is Thursday. Sorry, I hada little like I was wondering what that
was a little little bubble, littlebubble, You are really good. Toms
has like a chewy tom. Thoseare like legit good with a hard shell
in the center. Yeah, thoseare great. Yeah, they're almost like
skittles, but they're tombs three timesthe size. And they are because I
have a little like, uh,you know, a little acid reflux or
whatever. Yeah. Aa and uhsomebody had given me like, oh,
oh here I have some thumbs.Take these, and I'm like, oh,
these are like, oh, theseare delicious, but you're not supposed
to have too much of that stuff. Yeah, you get pop them like
candy, right yeah. Yeah,because I forget what it does. But
it'll it'll like, uh, Iknow, it'll mess up your kaca.
I think, yeah, it'll blockyou up pretty good. Also, I
don't know if it's bad or not, but I just don't want to do
it every day, and I thinkyou do. But the uh, the
Zyrtech, Oh yeah, I don'twant to become dependent on ztech? Was
that dependent? I don't want toget any more sinus infections. It was.
It was to the point where Igot sinus infections so often that my
doctor said, hey, man,this is it for the year. And
it was about this time. Itwas like late July early August, and
like, hey, anymore between nowand the end of the year, we're
gonna have to do surgery. Yeah. It really helped. Yeah, And
so the the nurse came in asthe follow up to give you my paperwork
so I could be on my way, and what type of surgery they go
in and really roto yeah, yeah, oh yeah, because it's it's things
are stopping up and it creates abacterial infection there, which is why you
need the antibiotics to take care ofit. Okay, So she goes,
hey, I used to have thesame problem. Try it out just a
regular and it's a I just saidit to Mike the Showkiller the other day
because he just had a nasty scienceinfection. He's got a lot of them
too, Like at at Costco.It's called Allertech and so there's three hundred
and sixty five and one bottle andso that's every day for a whole year,
and it's good for twenty four hourssince I started that tip from the
from the nurse, You're good.I've had maybe and this is over the
course of like six or seven years. I've had maybe two sinus infections.
I used to get at least atfour Wow, every year. Huge difference,
huge difference. And the doctor said, it's perfectly fun. It's not
gonna people take a like full onallergy gallery medication, like hard more hardcore
stuff all the time. Yeah,for sure. Yeah. Did you ever
see some of the people They taketheir their medication each day and it's like
a giant hand Yeah. Our friendBill does that, and he's got this
giant handful and they're all like horsepills, they're huge, and he takes
all these. He's got to dolike two or three things like that a
day. He could just throw themback, no problem. This thing is
smaller than the tic tac menace.It means so small. No, it's
tiny. Yeah, I know,to the point where I wondered if it
would even do anything. I'd takeonce in a while, yeah, attech,
but there was a point where Iwas gonna, I was like almost
taking it every day. You know, this can't be good. Zyrtech and
nexium, which is like speaking ofan acid reflux. That the nexium.
I learned you're only supposed to takethat for like two or three weeks.
Yeah, total. Oh I tookthat every day for like four years because
my doctor had told me. Thisis a different doctor had told me to
And then I started reading up onall you're not supposed to do that attack
and yeah, you're not supposed todo that. Now, the r tech,
the zyrtech, You're fine. Istopped taking tile and all because it
gives me the poops. Yeah,I should take something and apparently, yeah,
that affects a lot of people.So I thought I thought i'd be
profen was the one that disrupts tummies. But no pill ever disrupts my Tom
all about it. No pill everworks for you. That's true. They
don't work. And I've never inmy life had at Tom's. M Oh
my god, you got to getthese chili roues. Dude, put him
in a bowl like bank candy.Well, the story about Barstool Sports founder
Dave Portnoy is pretty crazy. Yeah, you see that he and his mom
had to be rescued by the coastguard. They're on a boat. The
boat lost power goes a drift offof Nantucket and Dave said that he was
screaming for help. He fired aflare gun to try to attract attention,
which worked. This woman was sailingnearby. Notice then radio for the coast
guards. So that's awesome, socrazy, Yeah, pretty cool. Katy
Perry was doing a live chab somefans. This one's for you, Menace,
and somebody asked about Orlando blooms penis. They wanted to hear all about
it. Yeh and Katie replied saying, quote, well, we've been together
for a while. Uh huh.Now here is a wiener picture for Menace.
This is from when he and Katiewere on vacation. This photo,
to me, it's a legendary photo. Uh uh yeah. Experience it for
the first time. But this thingwent viral. All right, ladies,
great, great and Greg grade gradethe penis. I would take it.
This is a p Yeah, thisis this is this is the picture of
him. Orlando likes newting out nakedpaddle boarding. Yeah, all right,
here here we go. Yeah takethat. What nice start that excited about
being on the paddle board. Iget that. No, no, but
because flaccid penis goes like he's definitelyhe's definitely a show or not a grow.
I was going to say he's both. I mean he's probably both,
but yeah, that is flaccid.Yeah, I would take that all day,
all day surprises, I would call. I would consider him an a
lister. I'm surprised he does well. I was trying to see it was
being blocked, Sid, No,because he was being blocked. Yeah,
that's decent, decent. What he'smad? Like? What are you even
that greatest penis like a seven sevensolid seven and three quarters? Greg?
Wow? Nine? Right? No, what doesn't make it? Like?
What's missing? People? Well?I guess I can't tell because it's not
like at attention, right, Soit's not just a magic how much?
Yeah, way more. I'd ratherbe. I'd much rather be a shower
than a grow of course, becauseif you're a shower and you grow,
and even if you don't grow,yeah, so fine, then you're still
fun. Now, Greg, whyis he out there if he's a listener?
Yeah, because he's from England,Greg, and he is. Yeah,
and so like I didn't know thatyou can go to England and watch
I mean you lived there for alittle bit, Greg, ny on television.
That doesn't mean he's from England.Nude out. You know, if
I was an a lister, Iwould not be nuding. No, Greg
said, if he had a giantpenis, I would be nude. Right
wing like saran wrap a little.I'm with you. I would have to
petition at work to allow no clothes. There's a trailer ound for the new
Lifetime movie about the infamous fake psychicMiss Cleo. It's called Miss Cleo Her
Rise and Fall. I just rememberthat was a commercial you could not escape
back and she always whenever someone lied, she said, don't make me take
it to church, young man.That was her thing. Wait, so
this is another documentary. Well it'sa trailer. It's a new uh,
a new Lifetime movie. Okay,all right, get the document Yeah,
no, this is a movie,all right. And so yeah, Miss
Cleo Her Rise and Fall, whatit's called documentary was fascinating. Great news
Menace, BT's launching two new TylerPerry channels, Nice Cares, some music
news to use and taking back Sunday. They're going to tour together this fall.
Another woman is accused Marilyn Manson ofsexual assault Ozzy Osbourne says he is
sick of Britney Spears Instagram dance videos. Yeah, how could he stop watching
it? There was a way,Yeah, it doesn't have to watch and
what year is this? Nine InchNails and Doc Martin's have teamed up for
a new shoe line inspired by theclassic Nine Inch Nails album The Downward Spiral.
The shoes quote incorporate elements of therecord's artwork, with several striking black
and white models that embody the brand'ssignature style. Three of the four styles
will be available starting on Friday,so tomorrow on the Doc Martin's website.
And then there's the other one thatthey say is just going to go to
like the guys in the band,and then like a handful of like really
hardcore Nine Inch Nails, which ispretty cool. I love Doc Martins,
but I just can't pull them off. Yeah, I me either. I
wore them back, that's all Iwore. Yeah, like not with shorts,
but yeah with jeans. I couldpull it off. I did for
many years camps in the nineties,the Doc Martins and the Birkenstock people.
Yeah, that's true. Another rockand Roll news metal is self titled nineteen
ninety one album, Love at theBlack Album has become only the fourth album
in history to spend seven hundred andfifty weeks on the Billboard two hundred.
The only other ones to do thatnumber one is Pink Floyd's Dark Side of
the Moon nine hundred and ninety weeks, Legend by Bob Marley eight hundred and
forty three weeks, and Journey's GreatestHits Album with eight hundred and thirteen weeks.
But now the Black Album there ison the list seven hundred and fifty
weeks. Wow, pretty amazing.Yeah, that's awesome, pretty cool.
During speaking of old dudes, tellyour dad the Eagles are extending their residency
at the Las Vegas Fear and WeirdA Yankovic's going to release a new single
in video tomorrow, So for youalfans out thirty indeed, right, that's
what I'm saying. Well, let'sthrow back Thursday, you know, curiously
Yeah, eight seven, seven fortyfour, Woodie, if you want to
call in text us over to twoto nine eighty seven. We're going to
check in on this Birthdays and yourpart of Birthday Today show Shimay. We're
gonna it's Shiversday. We're gonna sit. She was like, it's shiverday and
you know we don't do what allright. Starting with the celebrities, Happy
birthday to Vin Diesel, who isfifty seven years old today. Kristen Bell
Else's sister Anna and the Frozen Movies. She's also Veronica Mars and the narrator
on gossip Girl. No idea,O MG, well she's forty four.
Speaking of gossip Girl, he playedNate on the show Chase Crawford. Uh,
he's now the Deep on Amazon's TheBoys. Okay, Chase, sorry,
Chance, Chase. Yeah, ChaseCrawford c ch a c h Chase.
Oh my god, what extra douche? What's that extra douche spelling?
Yeah, Douche's spelling nine today.When he was born and he figured out
how to spell his name. He'slike, I'm such a douche dude.
I love this this character. Sucha badass bitch. Beth Dutton on Yellowstone.
Oh, I got to get intothat dude too. For those of
you who watch Yellowstone, you knowwhat a badass Beth Dutton is. She's
Kevin Costner's character's daughter. Nobody Like, I'm scared of her and I know,
she's not even real and she's juston the show, but she's played
by an actress called Kelly Riley,and she's forty seven years old today.
Richard Branson, the billionaire behind theVirgin Empire, is seventy four. The
former Yankees and La Dodgers manager JoeTory is eighty four today. Steve Forbes
on a old duce today, youknow, Forbes Magazine seventy seven. And
then he got James Brolin, whois eighty four. What about And today's
porno birthday is Lee Winters and she'sgotten nastier than the floor's here in the
Woody Show Studio one ninety. Findadult films on her resume, including anal
rebels. She was Hotel slut InspectionNoise Sammy, here's one for you.
Cheerleader Orgy Volume one, Oh nice, first love that, Yeah, I
love Sammy was a cheerleader back inthe day and did a lot of orgies.
Yeah, a lot of orgies,especially at camp, you know,
wedding dress and a dildo Volume one. It's a really sweet film. She
was in satisfying her slutty feet fantasyand who can forget her? Unforgeta a
role in our babysitter does anal volumetwo bonus. Yeah, that's a good
piece of che cooks, she candrive and she personal. That's Lee Winters,
who's twenty eight years old today.And that is your porno birthday at
your celebrity birthdays. And just acouple of things happening here on a Thursday
morning with the Woody Show. We'regonna take a quick break more Woody shows
next, hang on next show,well to throwback Thursday. Also alternative income
keywords throughout the day. So we'regonna go up with the club with DJ
Tim Martinez here in just a second. But if you want to win a
thousand bucks, the keyword this houris credit c R E D I T
going time between now and ten.You just want to hit a BALLT ninety
eight seven FM dot com. Enterthe keyword credit for your chance to win
one thousand dollars and ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. He is the
King of Pacoima. He's not evenlike a Pacoima's favorite son. He's the
King of the Pride of Pacoima.And he is the senior vice president and
managing partner of Club Turn Up.I give you l Presidente, the King,
DJ Tim Martine, the King,the King. You have, You've
come up, you have. Ican't who in Pacoima would be bigger than
Tim Martinez. I mean there's probablya good Luck doors. Don't say Richie
Allen's that's old. No, wellwe're talking now, we're talking now,
yeah, yeah, yeah, Imean within the last three weeks, for
sure, I'm up there. Yeah, for sure, dude. I'm sure
there's a taco guy outside of thetarget that's pretty famous in the area.
But still no DJ T Mar Howare you doing, my friend? I
love the choice of a T shirttoday. It's a Cypress hill stop.
Yeah, look at the back,look at the back, the funky Cypress
hill ish noise. That's it.Yeah. I felt a little hip hop.
Yeah yeah, yeah. We weretalking about different songs, you know,
yeah, or hey, what youknow, Tim? What are you
thinking about this week? I hadnever heard that he's so disappointed in me.
I'm not familiar with this song byM C. Breed. Oh,
I'm so shocked in front. Ican't believe it. I mean it's a
little hurtful. I recognize it whenwe played it a little bit of because
the beats have been sampled, lyricshave been quoted many times, and other
songs. Yeah, yeah, people, I'm not saying I hate to second.
I'm not saying it's not familiar.I think I think what it feels
like to be Sammy. Every weeki'd say, actually, I've been hit
on the side, like on socialmedia and stuff like that, like,
yo, Timar, why don't youplay MC breed. I'm like, that's
a great it's a classic. Youknow. I'm a little I mean disappointed.
I don't know, like but whathe said, oh I did.
I did break out the babe.Yeah, Like my heart was just a
tad dented, Like I'm not heartbroken, just I'm dent it all right,
mom My, apologies. I thinkI got a pretty good track record as
things go, for sure. Ido sincerely apologize. Don't apologize, you
know what, babe, It's meokay, all right, all right?
Yeah yeah, and it might bea great song for another week. Because
then he brought up another song asif I wouldn't know this one, and
of course, well I knew thisone. I mean this is also an
anthem. But I was like,well, would he or would he not?
And then when I brought it up. You were like you felt hurt,
Like, are you kidding? Iwould I not know this immediately immediately
it's a classic. Yes, we'regoing up in the club. What is
the year? All right? Soyou're kind of throwing off on nineteen eighty
eight. Nineteen eighty eight, Sammywas like negative four, all right,
I don't know everything, like eightyeight. I was born in Oh she
go was the mask? Literally,I'm doing the math, all right,
do you get wrong? All right? Nineteen eighty eight we are going children's
story slick right up in the clubthe wood Show Thursday, of course,
Motel Jordan's Yes, sampled the hellout of this one. This is how
we do right, but just slickrick slick rick children's stories. Yes,
hell yeah, the clerb DJ TimMartinez and it's choiced him. Oh,
thank you. And I guess Imean it's kind of tradition. I mean
Sammy, yeah or nay on thatone? Uh yeah, it's cool.
No no, no, no,no, no, yeah, there's no
no, I've never heard of it. I actually every week now I'm like,
would Sammy know this? Don't evenworry about that. Sorry, she
kind of doesn't know what she wasborn. Was I born in eighty eighty?
I'm doing them? He was leadingme down the negative paths. So
then I was like, oh,eighty six years so I wasn't born yet.
And then I was like no,what I was? Okay? Okay?
Great sorright Sammy? And then andthen I would like to wrap today
up. I know it's a coupleof days old. Now. Shout out
to Tail for winning the home Runner. Oh yeah, come on, what
everybody already forgot? No? No, okay, But the thing is,
everybody's talking about the anthem. Theanthem is what tru How bad was that?
Oh? It was awful? Iknow she's a four time Grammy nominee.
I know I thought three quarters ofit was Okay. No, I
wouldn't. I would say the firstthirty seconds you liked, Yeah, it
was. It was just I mean, I don't want to I don't want
to re rehash that. But holycrap. No, we should put in
rotation. We should start every showwith it. You know, you like
a sporting absolutely a djim everybody,what is Joe? Have a great weekend.
Thank you, Tim, We'll seeyou next week. Hie BYEA Buila
wouldn't approve The Woody Show. Allright, Well, that's gonna do it
for Thursday morning. Ripple the FullShow podcast that's waiting for it if you
go to the Woodieshow dot com.First and foremost, thank you to TJ.
Miller for coming by and hanging outwith us this morning. We appreciate
that. Also today on the show, we have a brand new Redneck News.
We covered some of the trending newsheadlines. Find all that port our
birthday more on the Full Show podcastby going to the Woodyshow dot com.
Let's see tomorrow. What is sospecial about tomorrow? Uh? Oh,
tomorrow is Friday? All right,So Friday morning on The Woody Show,
Gina grad will be back again withus sitting in for Sea Bass. We're
gonna do some Friday fail stories.We're gonna do the Friday Dad jokes around
those because no Sea Bass, noDyq for you tomorrow. And also get
ready huge comedy menaces, late nightmonologue, week and review. All right,
so that more. Anything we cando to get through the morning end
of the weekend as quickly as possible, that will happen tomorrow Friday here on
The Woody Show. Anything you gotfor us in the meantime, you can
leave on the after hours voicemail.That number is eight seven seven forty four
Woody. You can also find usfollow us on social media the platform of
your choice. Look for us atthe Woody Show Menace, Sammy, Gina
grad anything you'd like to add No, no thanks, Greg Gory parting words
of wisdom please. Yeah. Therewill always be so much to do and
so little desire to do it.I suffer from that. Yeah, Lately,
that's all I suffer from. I'vebeen finding like the list used to
have to be pretty long for menot to know where to even start.
I totally and now I think it'sjust because, uh just overwhelmed and in
a certain way, like just somuch. I feel like there's so much
to do with that. If Iwrite it down, I'm like, there's
four things, all right, juststart somewhere because I want you to start.
You're good, that's true. Youjust gotta start. It's like not
that you have been skydiving, Greg, but no, Sam, you've been
skydiving. When the door opens,you just go. You don't think,
hello, have you been skydiving?Gina? Never, you just go yep,
you just jump and then the freeFall is the best. It is
a perfectly serviceable place. Yeah,I know, of course, never ever,
ever, ever list. Thank youvery much, Greg Gory, thank
you so much for giving the showsome of your valuable time this morning.
You know we but appreciate you forthat. The rest of you guys could
suck it and we'll catch you backhere on Friday. Have a great day.
S M D double M. Iquit this spitch.