All Episodes

July 19, 2024 104 mins
Fail Stories, Friday Dad Jokes, Menace' Late Night Monologue & More! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Monday not all No Woody Show.He's the Woody Show. Insensitivity Training class

is now in session. Eg goodmorning, everybody, morning, All right.
Today is July the nineteenth, twentytwenty four, and some amazing news
to share with you. Everybody.Today is Friday. Yeah, it's Friday

morning. We've been it to theend of another week. Thank you for
being here with us. My nameis Woody. That's Greg Gory Menace,
Good morning to you. Good morning, wood We got Sammy, there's Bort,
Caroline Morgan's here. Vonna is heresitting in for Sea Bats, just
like she was yesterday. Gina Grettis here the most importantly. Welcome to

you. Welcome to Friday. It'sthe Woody Show. All yeah, now
officially Friday excellent. Yeah. Weget questions, what is that song?
Andrew wk party hard because you knowwe are party. We are party are
as. We do anything we canto get through the morning of the weekend
as fast as possible. Friday failstories and with the Sea Bass out today,

no duyq, but we will doa round of dad jokes. So
it's always good on a Friday FridayDad Jokes and MENACE's late night monologue Week
in Review. Oh yeah, Andas if that wasn't enough, it came
up on the show yesterday and Ifigured, you know what, f it
Man has made a good point.We talked about it enough, we might
as well do it. It's beena seven year hiatus on the show,

easily, I think one of themost requested things that we asked people like,
Hey, what's something that you wishwe'd bring back or something we've done
before that you want to hear again. Fat Chick Skinny Chick is happening on
the show. Greg and I arevery excited and I'm excited. Gena has
never even heard this game. Iam very excited and intrigued. Sammy hasn't
played this game. She hasn't beenhere since. Really this is new for

people. Yeah, it was alwaysone of our most popular segments, and
of all the people that could,a dude ruined it for a while,
Thanks dude. Yeah, and thisguy sucks anyway. He was like this
dude on Orange is the New Black? Forget his name? Who cares?
Yeah, I can't remember his name. He's not a household name. He's
a dude. Yeah, but it'slike one of those guys who on behalf

of all women. And by theway, the woman who volunteers, she
calls in, we have it alreadylined up. She texted us yesterday when
we're talking about it, saying Iwould love to play. She asked to
Yeah, she has to do it. It's fun, it's lighthearted and yeah,
so we're gonna play that today.Fun. That'll be cool. See
what else do we got here foryour phones? They were open eight seven
seven forty four. Woody, youcan hit us up with the text over

to two two nine eight seven.I got some weird crime news. Okay.
Police in Florida, they were calledout to a Walgreens. It was
three o'clock in the morning because theburglar alarm goes off and when they get
there, they could see that therewas this guy in there walking around and
after they looked at the security cameras, he went into the store's bathroom about

nine forty the night before. Itwas like twenty minutes before they closed,
and then he stayed in there forfive hours. Oh boy, okay,
long play. Three o'clock rolls around, he comes out. He went and
got into the food. He atesome tostitos, spinach dip, yeah,
some chips, some Reeses, andGiridelli chocolates. He drank it. Doctor
Pepper grabbed himself a pack of newPorts, and all that moving around is

what set the alarm off. Sohe was arrested. No stranger to the
law. In case you're wondering,he's got a pretty solid rap sheet with
the convictions of larceny and petty thefton there. But when the officers questioned
him in this case, all youwould say was that he just came in
to use the bathroom. He sureto stay. Yeah, yeah, for
a really long time. That's kindof been a fantasy of mine. My

whole life is to have an entirestore all to myself. I think that
would be so much fun. Targetaft Yes, yeah, to do something
along these lines, make let paperand then it's super cool happen. It's
what he showed. Weird crime.Weird crime. Next up the story,

cops in northern California. They pulleda guy over driving with no headlights and
his super sweet gold Toyota Camery andwhen the officer walked up to the car,
the dude was quote sweating profusely.He was wearing a Jason you know
from Friday the thirteenth, a Jasonmask, and in the back seat he
had an unregistered AR fifteen. Ohso clearly a guy not to worry about.

Not sure what he was up to, certainly nothing good, but he
was arrested and taken to jail.Weird. You ever see a car at
night without headlights on? And youthink, how do you not notice this?
Yeah? Right? Yeah? AndI think I know how how when
you have when you have like,uh, the automatic lights or daytime running
like, you don't think about it? Because how often do you turn off?

If you have a newer car,often are you turning on and off?
You're never ever? Right, Soif they were off, I think
you would notice that. But whatI'm saying if if if it's out of
auto, you're still going to havethe lights that are on all the time,
like the daytime running lights, andyour dash is still lit up,
you know, and so you knowyou're really what I'm saying. Don't you

realize that the road in front ofyou was dark? Yeah? Sometimes there's
enough street light where you notice,yes, yeah, But I always that
people are just in a fog.I always, uh you know, drive
up kind of close and do theflashy thing, and I try to pull
up next to him go like you'relord, and I know people are going
to text him like dude, thegang initiation. Okay, well I've done

that a billion times. Yeah andyet yeah, and usually I get a
thumbs like, oh, thank you, and they turned their lights on.
Thank you. I'm an idiot.Some weird crime. You might have seen
something about this guy. Seventy twoyear old guy in Florida. He got
arrested for shooting a Walmart delivery droneout of the sky because he thought it
was spying on him. Now,his name is Dennis Wynn. Along with

his lawyer here, he is defendinghis actions. I fired one round at
it. Now they say I hitit, so I must be a good
shots. Mister Wynn was defending hisproperty. He felt that this drone was
invading his private property. He isa homeowner, okay, And the problem
is society is not classy enough forthis drone stuff to happen. And Greg
wants to happen so bad. I'venever seen it. You hear about it.

Delivery robots and delivery drones where societyis not. We're just not ready
for it. You're not because we'regoing to do this crap all the time.
But who doesn't love like an oldschool Clint East would get off my
lawn, get out in my backyard. He's a good shot. Yeah,
I mean, that's the thing.If you're a privacy freak, Yeah,
it's not you're not people. Peopleare flying drones all over the place,

So you're gonna think that everything's tryingto be people now or that way.
Think you're always on camera. Ifyou're out in public, you are on
camera. Yeah, but no,I'm not proper. Do you want a
drone landing pat in my backyard?Awesome weird crime. Weird crime guy in
Florida again arrested taken the jail afterstealing a bag with forty dollars inside from

a twelve year old boy who isselling snacks to raise money. Oh,
you're a demon. According to thepolice, the a hole in question this
loser named Michael Hughes. He tookthe money out of the bag, He
tossed the bag and then threw arock at the twelve year old to the
future, Yeah, here is ahere's a little clip is the kid talking

about it on the local news andI looked up. I start, I
just start running. I think hejust needed the money real bad. But
that's not how you earn money.Yeah, right, this kid's out there.
How do you like when you're thatperson that steals out forty dollars?
What are you going to bed atnight and not think I'm a human piece

of garbage? Right? Losing?Right? And how do you look in
the mirror? You know, whatabout the people? You see it every
year now on it's Girl Girl Scoutcookie season, people rolling the Girl Scouts.
Oh yeah, you know, takingtheir cookie money and stuff. I
would love to talk to somebody thatdid that and ask them just that minute.
Yeah, like, how do youlive with yourself on a taily base?

Yeah? You get away with us, say a couple hundred bucks from
the Girl Scouts, and you buysomething with it. Are you proud of
that item? Are you happy withthat? Are you happy with yourself?
Yeah? Are you thinking about thatas you're injecting what you just bought into
your veins? Yeah? Question,you know right? Weird crime, weird
crime, scrap metal thieves. Theystole eleven plaques from a sidewalk near Los

Angeles that were too honor teachers whowent above and beyond. The plaques they
are worth around forty four thousand dollars. Yeah, plaes. That's that's government
pricing right now. Made of gold. I know, Hey, so diamond
letters. The city of LA wantsus to install some plaques. You want
to go out there and give thema bid? Sure? Hey, so
yeah, we want these eleven plaques. Can you give us a bid?

Sure, let's seek. Yeah,you know what I can do. You
saw this would normally be fifty thousand, but I can do it for forty
four. Reason those plaques costs foremployee of the month here. Oh they're
like thirty five dollars, yeah,thirty and that's the and that's to have

it customized. Yeah, oh that'sright. Now, let's try to sell
them to the city. Oh no, well, I can't do the math.
What's what's forty four? Oh?This should be easy, forty four
divided by eleven? Yeah four?What's our game? That's four grand?
Yeah? Four, that's what I'msaying. This should be the easy math.
But we're djsing, so we dothirty five times eleven. Yeah,

So we'll make them eleven times more. We're in the wrong business. Yeah,
I know we should be in theplaque business. I know, I
no doubt, no doubt. Allright, there's your weird crime news.
It is Friday morning, it isThe Woody Show. We're gonna take a
quick break. If you want tocall in eight seven seven forty four Woody
Friday check Ins. Tell us whoyou are, Where are you, what
part of town are you in?Include that information anything anyone you'd like to

have us mention when we get toyour check in. Maybe got some exciting
weekend plans. What you got goingon this weekend? Let us know all
about that. We just ask youto keep it positive. You know,
it's Friday. Everybody's in a goodmood, you know, so text on
over Friday check ins over to twotwo nine eight seven. What show will
be right back? The Woody Show. What's up everybody? It's a menace.

I hope you're enjoying The Woody Showpodcast. Just a heads up.
This Saturday, July twentieth, I'mgonna be at Citadel Outlets from two pm
to four pm giving away free icecream, doing a five hundred dollars giveaway
for Citadel Outlets also giving a WayTheme, bar tickets, concert tickets,
Woody show, merch and more.I'm gonna be located in front of the

world's largest boombox for you young kids. That means a stereo right in the
center of Citadel Outlets. So onceagain, hang out with me this Saturday,
July twentieth, from two pm tofour pm at Citadel Outlets. I've
had so many trees, but Icould even tell you what trees I've hid.
I'm gonna double now. This isthe Way Show and we are into

another new hour insensitivity training, freight, politically correct world on this Friday morning.
It is July the nineteenth, twentytwenty four. Welcome to it.
Let's get through it together and intothe weekend. Whatding, that's Greg Gory.
Good morning, Menace, Good morningto you, Good morning Woody.
We've got Sam in morning. SeaMass is once again out today and sitting

in for Sea Bass today we haveGina grant Hey, Happy Friday. Phones
are open eight seven seven forty four. Wooding, that's eight seven seven.
You can hit us up with thetext over to two to nine eight seven.
We're gonna do some Friday Dad jokesthis hour excellent. Normally we would
do duyq about this time on aFriday at sea. Bass not being here

gives us an opportunity to do somethingthat we normally wouldn't do in this time
Friday dad jokes. If you gota good one, you can start texting
over to two to nine to eightyseven with your dad jokes. We got
a bunch and ready to go,just to a good vibe for a Friday
and the Friday fail stories of course, and we're ready for another stellar performance.

We did pretty well last week.It was all right, Friday fails
here we go. All right,lets gelemen, boys and girls, it

is time for your Friday fell start. Always you have fought they had the
perfect plan to plan that could nevergo wrong. But then somewhere along the
line it went from being a greatidea to one big stake in Mega Uber
Ultra. All right, yeah,way better than less one. You know,

when there's been changes in the band, yeah, man's you know I
liked it. You know, whenPeter Setera leaves Chicago, you know what
I'm saying. Steve Perry leaves Journey. Although that Filipino dude that they found
to replace him, awesome, hesounds just like him. Yep, it's
crazy all right. Into the failedstories, We'll start with this one from

Florida. This guy and his girlfriend. They're out on a boat fishing when
the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission pulledup and started questioning him. The guy
gets super defensive and when they ranhis info, they found out that he
had a warrant out for his arrest, and so the girlfriend for some reason,
wants to see his phone demands hispassword. He's not getting up the
password. They're telling him that,you know, he's going to be under

arrest here, so he makes arun for it. Well cool, oh
okay, a swim for it again. They're in a boat in the middle
of the water, so he jumpsoff the boat. He starts swimming.
Didn't make it very far. Thecops were following right behind him in their
boat, just trying to just tryingto get him to give up. But
he managed to make the shore.That's where there were some more officers there
to greet him. He was cuffedto rest it and taken to fail jail

sailed. Yeah, how pathetic.Here's your daily mention of japan menace shout
out Japan. A social media influencernamed Subasa Eto was with his wife.
They're known for doing alpine adventures Gregfun, and this time they were scaling
a peak when Subasa fell into araging river. His wife dives in to

save him. They were both sweptaway by the raging waters, and a
few hours later the rescuers found bothof their dead bodies downstrom sailed. Now
there was another one. There wasanother woman who was like an influencer and
she's, you know, trying toget like this. Apparently she's videotaping whatever
and then she fell like four hundredfeet or something like that. Why and

you don't get this, Greg rightwhen you I don't hiking and scaling things.
No, being at home on yourcouch is the safest place on it.
Yeah, that's that's that's where youshould really be uninjured. Yeah,
like shout out to standing by yourman. She broke the golden rule.
You don't dive in after something.My wife would just be yelling, are
you okay? Yeah? Downstream?Yeah, see you later. Here's what

about this guy in Florida, BrandonGilmore is his name. He was at
a resort he ended up meeting thischick who was there with her four year
old son. Uh. She eventuallyinvites Brandon, who she just met,
to come back to the room withher, and so they're all hanging out
in the room. It's Brandon,it's the wife, it's the four year
old. Brandon's playing with the littleboy. Thought it'd be fun, a

good idea to hold the boy bythe legs and dangle him over the railing
of their second floor balcony, ashe later told the cops, to play
and scare him a little bit.Well, the kid starts squirming, Brandon
loses his hold on the kid.Kid falls down the concrete below, lands
directly on his head. He survived, taken to the hospital treated for blunt

force trauma injury to his head,but by some miracle, the doctors say
that he shouldn't have any long termmedical issues. Oh God. Brandon arrested
had taken the fail jail, notthe first time, by the way,
being in jail for him. Hewas arrested previously for stealing a Panama jack,
beach umbrella and some chairs. Idiots. That is fun and funny when

you terrify somebody. Yeah, yeah, hilarious. Yeah, this next one's
about this guy in Utah who wasfollowing a quote shortcut that Google Maps had
suggested. I've done that. Ittook him off a rough dirt road leading
toward a place called Strawberry Peak.Sounds lovely, he does, and he
ended up getting stranded in the woods, so he called nine to one to
one Search and Rescue spent hours gettingto him and rescuing him. By the

way, not the first following GPSfail story we've ever heard. No,
we have this one not too longago about somebody who drove down a big
flight of concrete steps, Yeah,because it told them to. And then
another one where this guy drove hisjeep off the road and into the cree
because Google Maps had told him to. Due it's called common sense if it's

telling you to make a right intothe creek. That's a famous episode of
the Office where Michael does that andrain Will Dwight says Michael, it can't
mean that. So I always thinkthat it can't mean that, But these
people are like I have a storywhere I was trying to take a shortcut
because of the GPS, and youknow what, it took me to a

road called Jackass Road that was adirt road, and I got to a
point where it was flooded and Iwas with my friends and are like,
oh, you can drive through it, and I was like, hell nock.
An hour and a half. Thisnext one is about these two broads.
They were working at an Rby's inPennsylvania and they were pulling a scam
with the roast beef. Oh hellno. They would slice it, hide

it in a broken oven, eventuallyput it in the trash, and then
one of them would take the trashout, and then before they threw all
the other stuff in the dumpster,they would remove the roast beef and eventually
just take it home. So theowner of this particular Arby's location was noticing
the loss. Initially thought there wasa problem with how the roast beef was
being you know, measured or somethinglike that. So they went back and

they looked at the store's surveillance video, saw what was going on, and
all they stole around thirty five hundreddollars worth of roast beef. So they
were both arrested, taking the failedjail, charged with felony theft and conspiracy
to commit crime. What a dumbreason to go to jail. I keep
that to yourself when these people inthe clink ask you why you're there.

Grocery store people would do that.They would throw items into the trash,
get off work, and then takethem out. See the fast food places
have changed the way they do thingsnow, but back in ninety four when
I worked at McDonald's, they wouldalways have burgers ready to go, like
in the hoppers, so like you'dorder them at the counter, they just
turn around, grab whatever you wantout of the ready to go stuff,
boom, and then you were outof there. And then they realized there

was a lot more waste doing that. And here's why, because myself and
all the other people at the grill, we knew that they can only be
in there for a certain amount oftime before you get serve in the customers.
Doesn't mean they were bad. Sothey'd make more burgers and whatever than
they needed, and then we alwaysgot to take that stuff home because that's
what the manager had always told us, like, hey, you know,
I'd rather you guys don't throw itaway, so before you throw it in

the trash, like you know,if you want to take it home.
So we'd always make way more thanwhat was required just to take it home.
Yeah, but it was intentional waste, I'm saying for the business,
you know. Uh, this ismy favorite story of the week, and
there's a video for this. I'llpost it on our Twitter and on our

Instagram story at the Woodies show.Uh, this is the one I was
showing you guys here in the studiothe other day. This is this chick.
She gets out of her car toconfront another driver, and when she
did, she forgot to put thecar in park, so the car starts
rolling forward. She ran to tryto catch up to it, and just
as she did, it was justin time that she got small in between

the driver's side door and the su V, so the door is opened.
She got out of the car,left the door open, so she's
standing there right. She then runsafter it, so so when she ran
up to it, she's within Like, did she closed the door got closed
on? Yes, because the carhit the right side of the car in
front of her, forcing the doorclosed. She's in the middle of it.

It's so good, and she waspinned, which had to hert Here's
some here's some audio from there.You're the wife swerving. I was just
following you. The cars are onthe way. O. No, there
she goes, all right, sogood? Not sober correct? Uh that

I don't know, but I wantto sober move. I'll post it on
our Twitter and on our Instagram ifyou want to check it out. At
the Woody Show, We're gonna takea quick break and then when we come
back from the break, some dadjokes. Awesome if you got a good
dad joke for us people like theseon a Friday, good Friday, vibe,
Friday fun. If you want tocall in with one eight seven seven
forty four, Woody will open upthe phones for that right now. That's

eight seven seven forty four. Whatpeople are already texting them over to two
two nine eight Seven's a Woody Show. All right? Yeah, man,
I just slicks at the text.That's the first joke that's on there that

just came in is from James says, what's the difference between Nicole Brown Simpson
and cancer? OJ couldn't kill cancer? Oh, I'm getting getting all right,
So dad jokes eight seven seven fortyfour. That's eight seven seven forty
four, Woody. You can hitus up with your dad joke on the

text over to two to nine eightseven. Having to go right to the
phones, and let's say hello toBbby, good morning, by Hey,
good morning, welcome, welcome fromfroucky so Rob, yeah, you have
to do it. We're doing great. What's your what's your dad monster?

Okay? Why shouldn't you put adiaper on a rooster? Why? Because
it's tankers in the front? Allright, Bybee, thank you for the
call. Appreciate you listening. Let'sgo from Bubbe to Roberts Robe. What's
up there, Robbie? Good morning, Rob guy, we're doing great.

What's your dad joke? I'm ondad joke? Why did the bicycle fall
over? Why did the bicycle fallover? Why because it was too tired?
Too tired? Because the bike hastoo tired? Right it does?
All right, Robert, thank youfor the call. Enjoy your weekend.
Alright. Let's go to Troy.Hey, good morning, Troy, good

morning, good morning? All right? What's your dad joke? What is
a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet? I see, I think I know
both versions of this. I'm notgoing to mow your lawn, Troy.
Is it R? No? Itwas the R, but it's the scene.

Yes, somebody have to get inon that for him. All right,
Troy, thank you to call.Appreciate listening to one. Show's going
to Tommy, Good morning, Tommymorning morning. All right. So what's
your dad joke? Why did thechicken cross the road? All right?
Why did the chicken across the road? Why? Alright? Alright, got

it? Got it all right,Tommy, thank you to call. Let's
go, let's go to Uh,Leslie, Hey, good morning, Leslie,
good morning morning. Why don't youwhat's your dad joke? What do
you call a can opener that doesn'twork? What do you call can opener
that doesn't work? What a can'topener? Can't? That's a that's another

one I hadn't heard before. That'sthat's all right, Leslie, thank you
for the call. I appreciate it. What do I went to this new
store? Yeah, it's called Moderation. Uh huh they have everything in there.
Oh that's good, all right,I got it. I'm just wondering
if you guys knew what clouds wearbeneath their pants? Clouds wear? What's
that thunderwear? Yes? Menace?What did the beach say when the tide

came in? What long time?No? Sea getting getting. You know,
for nearly thirty years of my life, I wanted something to remark to
me, Man, it's raining catsand dogs out there, like on a
rainy day, just so I canreply to them. You're telling me just
stepped in a poodle getting Did youguys hear about the guy who invented the

knock knock joke? No, hewon the Nobel Prize. Got it because
it's a knock instead of a ring. See. Did you guys hear about
this is breaking news? Did youhear about the kidnapping at school? They
woke him up. Did you hearabout the two rowboats that got into an

argument, No, it was awhole ordeal getting shout horse. Let's go
to Brandon. Good morning, Brandon, how are you? Good morning?
We're doing great. What's your dadjoke? Okay? I got a couple
for you. First off, whatis the hawk's favorite day? What is
a hawk's favorite day? What?That's a fresh one. That's a fresh

one, all right? And what'sthe other? And then how do you
make your water ped more down toyour you fill it with spring water?
Kidding? Okay, all right,Brandon, thank you for the call.
How crazy is this, we haveanother Brandon Brandon number two. Good morning,
Brandon number two, Brandon number two. Yeah, what do you got?
Good morning? Good morning? Allright, there's a three legged dog

walks into a bar, jumps upon the counter, and he jumps up
on the counter and the bartend he'slike, what are you doing at my
bar? Dog? And the threelegged dog said, I'm looking for the
man who shot my pall. Igot another one. I got another Where
dad keep all their jokes at?Where do dads keep all their jokes at?

Where in the database? Now?What I got? Why am I
not getting? The three legged dogone? Like his little paw? So
he's limping, yeah, but thenalso like his dad, like I'm looking
for the matcha gotcha? Gotcha?There's layers to that, all right,

here's one, four, one two? What drugs do fish do? What
seaweed? Which vegetables have the bestkung fu skills? What broco league?
All right? Where did Captain Hookget his hook from a second hand store?

Here's one for the eight five six. What's the difference between Woody from
Toy Story and a Catholic priest?What what he goes limp? When a
child comes in the room seven.Did you hear about the two guys that
stole a calendar? No? Eachgot six months. Let's say hi to

Kyle. Good morning, Kyle,good morning. We're doing great with your
dad joke? All right, startsoff with the simple question here, what's
the straight horse eat? What doesa straight horse eat? What? Hey?
What's a gay horse? Oh?Classic? Hey, getting Kyle?

Thank you. Let's go to Surge. Good morning, Surge, Good morning?
What do you show? Morning?All right? Dad jokes? What
do you got? Okay? Whydoes the mushroom get invited to every party?
Why does the mushroom get invited toevery party? I feel like I've
heard this one? Why right?It was right there, I could search.

Thank you, appreciate you listening.Great weekend. Bye, and let's
go to our good friend, ourloyal listener leagueod morning, good morning,
good morning? All right? So, uh your Friday dad joke? What's
the password? The forest comes email? What is the password the forest comes
email? What one? Forest?One nails it? Uh? Did you

hear? Oh? No, whatdo you call a seagull that flies over
a bay? Tell us a bigol? Good? Why is marriage like
algebra? Why? Because when youlook at your ex. You wonder why
I get a four sixty nine.I have a playlist that I listened to
on hikes. It contains music fromthe Cranberrys, Peanuts, and eminem I

call it my trail mix. Allright, Getting venice brings home? Oh
okay, did you hear about theguy who drank invisible ink? No,
he's at the hospital waiting to beseen getting visible. What do you call
rude cowboy? What? Oh mybad? What do you call rude cow?

Yes? A cow? Yeah,so not cowboy? What do you
call a rude cow? Okay?What? What? Beef? Jerky am?
All right, Well there's your FridayDad jokes, everybody, Thank you,
everybody, Christia participation. We're gonnatake a quick break. More Woody

shows next, taking back in abit, Back in a bit, Back
in a bit. Well, Menaceis going to be out tomorrow. Yes,
I will be at Citadel Outlets tomorrowafternoon from two to four. He'll
be in front of the world's largestboombox, giving away free ice cream,
five hundred dollars, Citadel gift cards, theme park tickets, concert tickets,
wood He show merch. That's tomorrow'slittle buddy, Menace come. He'll be

out at Citadel Outlets from two tofour pm. Go and say, as
the Woody Show. Here's another dadjoke that came in. What kind of
car does Jesus drive? Chrysler?Big story this morning. If you're flying

today, pay attention because this couldaffect you. Microsoft has widespread outages around
the world thanks to CrowdStrike, whichis a cybersecurity firm that services numerous industries.
And this outage has affected mostly airlines, I guess because they use some
system that helps with the scheduling andsome of the other kind of like the

moving pieces yea, the traffic withintheir own system and ticketing and all this
other stuff. So because of that, it's just a mess. But also
some uh, I mean airports alltogether. Banks affected, American airlines,
United Delta have global ground stops onall flights. The Berlin Airport in Germany's

affected, the London Stock Exchange isaffected. Google Cloud also affected. Even
ABC News how to cancel the report. Yeah, should just expect more of
this now than everysolutely. Yeah,because there was also a major hack when
it came to a big cooin yesterdayand they say that it was North Korea.
It was a bigcoin exchange that involvedsome exchange in India and they stole

like two hundred and fifty million dollars. I just know. Around here,
they keep talking about how they're goingto put like all of the audio that
we use for like you know,songs and commercials and everything else, all
instead of being held on servers herein our own building, our own facility,
It's all gonna be in the cloud. See, Yeah, that'll go

well, Like we can't even keepa solid internet connection around here, that's
true. But if it goes wrong, it goes wrong. I mean,
we're not in the middle of surgeryhere. Well no, but I'm you
know, it's it's revenue for thecompany. That's how you get paid,
that's how I get paid. Andit's going to be just a big headache
for people like us who have tosit here and go like, what the
hell's going on? Yeah? Whatnext? Yeah? Speaking of airlines,

two Spirit Airlines gate agents at theBurbank Airport in LA freaked out and we're
caught on video yelling at passengers wereyou there for this same there? Yes?
And why didn't you bring this tous as an eye witness? Well,
I think that things escalated after Iwas there, because I showed up
for my flight and there was alreadya flight that had been sitting there waiting

for three or four hours delayed.And so now my flight comes in and
our plane is going to take off. So they have two flights all at
the same gate. Nobody can fit. There's nowhere for everyone to go.
It sounds normal there, though,And apparently that flight that was sitting there
waiting before mine showed up ended upwaiting for eight hours. Oh yeah,
so there was still more. Theemployees were frustrated, obviously, the passengers

were frustrated, right, and soyeah, the gate agents they're yelling at
pastries, telling them to shut up. Yeah, he's a here's here's a
clip by the way up, Pleasebe what so I can think on what's

going on. I don't even knowwhat aircrafts because everybody's screaming numbers. I
don't know what I have. I'mgonna be honest, I don't know what
aircrafts sitting out there. I don'tknow what's going on. You guys wan't
give me a minute, Please giveme a minute. Yeah, I'm coming
back later. I'll see you.Guys. Must around at the airport with
this crap. Here's what I'll sayand what I witnessed for my flight,
and it's a spirit. So nobodyhas a printed boarding pass because you have

to pay extra for that. Soeveryone's I think, so I don't know,
but everybody has it on their phone. Everything's an upsell. Yeah,
And they made an announcement that theirsystem wasn't working for digital tickets, so
anyone who didn't have one had toget in line, and it was very
confusing. So there was a girlwho's screaming at all of us to get
in line if we don't, andthen they're like, don't get in line,
and then they okay. So theone girl who was screaming at us

when I got up to get myboarding pass was yelling at the other girl
the whole time. And she seemedvery meek and very like quiet, and
and there they were waiting for theirsystem to work, so she was moving
appropriately to how quickly the system wasworking anyways, but the other girl was
screaming at her the whole time.Now, the girl that you hear screaming
in the video at the beginning sayingshut up, I can't even think right

now was the girl I saw threehours earlier in shell shock from her and
from her coworker screaming at her.So this broke her. Yes, she
I mean she was being screamed atfor no reason. It was the other
girl shussed out, and then nowthis girl's on video and I kind of
feel bad. While Spirit released astatement saying that they have suspended both of
the agents that I kind of feelfor the one that snapped, you know,

like, what are you gonna do? Yeah, yeah, I agree,
you hit your your the wall.Yeah, yeah, she definitely hit
it. And I don't even thinkthe other girl was the one screaming the
whole time. And then the quietone snapped. Yeah, yeah, I'm
not waiting around eight hours. Yeah, you drive. You could probably get
to where you're going by that.Cancel your trip, yes, screw another

airline. Get a refund from thespiel go. Yeah, I'll go down
the street. Yeah, they havea I've been to the there quite a
few times. They have a lovelyPanda Express, So I'll just go hang
out there. Even forty four Woodie, if you want to call in Friday,
check ins on the text over totwo to nine eight seven. We're
gonna take a little bit of abreak in the meantime. Please lower your

standards. Hey, it's man's checkout. The Lazy Dog Restaurants made to
order lunch specials three dollars, offroad tribles and other delicious meals starting at
only eight dollars and seventy five cents, available every day until four pm.
Order for pickup or delivery, freedelivery on orders over twenty five dollars.
Lazydog Restaurants dot com. I feellike I was easily persuaded. You can

be persuaded. Persuaded, Yes,And it's another new hour of insensitivity trading
for a politically correct world. It'sa Friday morning. It's July nineteenth four
Woody, Greg Menace, Hi,Sammy, Sea Bass is out once again

this morning, and so sitting infor Sea Bass. And somebody just send
us a question on the text.Who is the female voice that I'm hearing
on the show this morning that Idon't recognize? That would be Gina Grad.
You know, our friend Tina Gradnice enough to agree to come in
and sit in while Sea Mass isout. Could be out just today back

Monday, could be gone until theend of next week. We're not sure.
He's off doing a TV thing andhe's got no phone or anything,
so which would be torture for me. Oh my god, phones are open
eight seven seven forty four. WoodHe hit us up with the text over
to two two nine eight seven.This hour. It's a big hour.
It's the triumphant return. We haven'tdone this in seven years something like that.

I got to go back and lookat the date. Fat chick,
skinny chill. Wow. It wasa fan favorite and you know who liked
it more than anybody? Women Andwe had the research to prove it.
And it's one of the questions weget all the time. Whatever happened to
that? We haven't done it inover seven years? But it's back,
and it's this hour on The WoodyShow, and we're gonna start this hour.

You are in for a treat,you guys, Menace. Are you
ready? Yeah? It is timeto see what happened this week? It
is MENACE's late night monologue week andreview. Yes, I love it.

Well, all right, so Menace, what is happening? Well? Hello
hello everybody? Oh all right?Hell yeah, Well you know it's been
a week dramatic park Yes, hello, hello, Well this week we found
out whose emails get ignored the most, and the ones that say the Woody

showing it or the ones that saySecret Service. Apparently the ones that say
the Woody Show ain't doing that back. And I want to say thank god
the shooter missed because we finally founda way to get rid of the band
Tenacious d That is just terrible.We can part stop pretending that it's actually
funny. So I've never and thishas nothing to do with what happened,

but I've just never. I'm nevergetting when it came to Tenacious Date thing
that song tribute and yeah, I'dbe at the station and all these people
will call and request the tribute.It'd be like playing Adam Sandler's hon Yeah.
Yeah, I'm with you. Inall seriousness, though, shout out
and thank you to the Secret Servicesniper that took out the shooter for Cory

and his family and all the othervictims. But speaking of things that are
not funny, we lost Richard Simmons, Shannon Doherty, doctor Ruth, and
Buddy the Elves Foster Dad this week. Yeah, and if you ask me,
if I had to bring back oneperson, who would it be,
And it would be Richard Simmons becausemaybe one day Sea Bass wouldn't be fat
anymore. Oh, I'm right,you're right? Yeah, right, now,

do you mind if I go backto talking about America for one second?
Sure? All right? I readthis fake article online that says that
the most popular beer in America isGuinnis. And look, if I want
people to lie to me, Iwould just talk to the quality control at
Bowen. Ye. Don't feel me, Guinness, you feel it is?

I feel you. I don't needyour random internet lies. I don't remember
the last time I had a Ginni? Yeah, do you know what wasn't
an lie? Though? The catchme outside Chick has made over fifty million
dollars in the past two and ahalf years from OnlyFans. Why did that?
And don't worry, Greggory, I'msure you. You know, work
hard and be a good person,you'll make at least fifty as in fifty

dollars. Yeah, speaking of fiftydollars, shout out to the price of
fast food delivery. If I wantedto pay that much, I would spit
in my own food. Prices aretoo damn high. And speaking of high,
why are sharks suddenly so hungry?All all of a sudden with all

these SATs, is it seaweed orjust weed? Sharks, try sushi.
It's delicious. It's better than humanI mean, so, I hear.
It's not like anyone in this roomhas tasted human fluids before, am I
right? Getting all I gotta say, Sharks, if you see me in

the ocean, I hear, Ihear. I taste like salt, That's
all I gotta say. And youhave plenty of that. Anyways, we
have a great show for you,Glenn Powe, Glenn Powell. Yeah,
shout out the Twisters and uh Sabrinacarbon dur is here is well. Anyways,

thank you everybody, everybody all right, Medicines, Late Night Monologue,
weekend Review. It was a roughweek, you know. Yeah, yeah,
we're here. You nailed it.Thank you, all right, thank
you very much. Menace Fat ChickSkinny Chick is coming up next here on

the Woody Show. I am veryexcited. I told my wife yesterday because
that was I think the only thingshe likes about the show. She always
says, well, why don't youever do that anymore? I go just
stop doing it for a while.Because there was a couple of people on
the show who are like, Idon't think it's I don't think we should
do it, and so like I'vejust kind of given it like a seven
year rest. But we get askedabout it all the time, and I

told her yesterday and she's pumped.Yeah, So I'll give you the story
now, and then we come backfor the break because Morgan's to get our
volunteer lined up on the phone.We have somebody who volunteered to be part
of this, which is the wayit always happens. We're looking for someone
who's either really skinny or really fat, no in between these, all right,

and then we don't know. Theonly person who knows is Morgan.
She set it up. We putthe call out yesterday and then she selected
somebody and we have a full bodyphoto. All right, Now, what
we're gonna do it. We'll askquestions you know, up to what two
minutes I think it was we've donebefore, and then we go around the

room and then we take guesses andthen you, as the listener, you
can also text in whether you think, based on the answers, that this
person's either a fat chick or askinny chick. Okay, all right?
And some of the coot. I'llgive it. I'll give you it,
Like how many pairs of jeens doyou on? Do you do you have
a gym membership? Things like that. Those are the kind of questions.

Okay, and then se but it'sa volunteer, and our volunteer get surprised
just for being a good sports Noone was pulled off the street. Yeah.
I don't understand why there's ever areason for anybody to get upset about
it. They want to be partof the name. Yeah, So the
way the game started is believe itor not. I had a personal trainer
at one point and she was like, she was this really funny lesbian chick

and she was telling me she goes, man, she goes. We love
to do that because she was onlike the dating websites at the time.
There weren't the apps yet, butshe was on this dating website and she's
like, man, I can alwaystell without even looking at the picture,
just going right to the the questionsand all the other stuff based on that
stuff. What were And she waslike, here, let me show you.
And she went into it and sheyou know, we went past the

picture went just and she goes,all right, reading this, what do
you think, like, Oh,and I got the idea. I'm thinking
this would be a good radio game. And she was great at it was
she had all the tells. Idon't know if it's a you know,
lesbian thing. She was just morein tune. Probably, Yeah, it's
like lesbian intuition. Yeah, right, exactly. And so that's that's how

it started. And then I broughtit on the air years and years and
years ago and it just became afan favorite thing. It's silly, it's
fun. We're not certainly not shaminganybody who're bullying anyone. We're just trying
to find out, based on theirhabits or things that they do, is
does that really have anything to dowith anything. We're going to find out.
Yeah, fat Chick, skinny Chickis happening right, first time in

a long time. Next on TheWoody Show, hang On, in the
last moments, I would find oneperson who I really can't stand and I
would murder them because I can neverI could never go to prison for it.
I took this lame person off theplanet with me. The Woody Show

already people volunteering to be the nextperson to answer the questions for fat chick,
skinny chick. Right, we gotsomebody on the text here says,
I'm so glad to hear that.It's back said, if you all want
to be inclusive in this day andage, you can call it fat person
skinny person. And I just wroteback, I have no interest in being

inclusive. Yeah, that's not howthis show is all about. We do
what we want, that's right.Yeah, all right, So we have
a volunteer that uh, the onlyperson who knows the answer going into it
is Morgan. Everybody else we're gonnahave to try to figure it out.
We're gonna put at least two minuteson the clock and then, uh,
she's just gonna answer the questions.We're asking her to answer them honestly,

obviously, and then we'll find outthe and I have here you can't open
as yet. The Morgan stable toshut this. This is for. This
is the volunteer's picture, the reveal. This is the record. Oh looking
all right, Sorry, Sam,I had dropped the bond the monitor there,
all right, fat chick, skinnychick. Let's say hello to our

volunteer. Let's say hello to Holly. Good morning, Holly, how are
we good? Morning. I'm good. How are you good? Good morning?
All right, So thank you forvolunteering, Thanks all, and just
for being a good sport. We'regonna set you up with a with a
prize this morning, because that's howit works. I just want to make
it clear, did you and oranybody pull you off the street and force
you to do this this morning?Or was it just volunteer by volunteer?

Great? Great, all right,So we're just gonna ask you some questions
again. Please just answer, answerthe questions honestly, and then listeners.
Once you feel like you have agood idea of what we have, either
a fat check or a skinny chick. We just want you to text fat
or skinny over to two two nineeight seven sound good? Ye? Ready,
I'm ready? Okay, who wantsto go first? All right?

Greg Gory? First question, Holly? Do you currently own a bicycle?
I do not? Right? Doyou prefer warm weather or cool weather?
Cool weather? Cool weather? Now? Do you? Ok? Do you
have like a house an apartment,condo? Condo? Okay? Do you
cook more or get take out more? Oh? Gosh, I do both?

Yeah? I do probably cook more, cook more? All right?
Are do you cook or bake more. I am not a baker. Not
a baker. May I ask yourage? You may forty nine? All
right? Do you have multiple earpiercings? I have no ear par What
about what about tattoos? No tattoos? No tattoo. Do you have any

kids? I know? Okay.Do you have any pets? Yes?
What do you got two cats?Oh? Cat cats? Do you drink
soda or diet soda? Yeah?Regular or diet soda? Neither? Neither?
Okay? What's your what's your beverageof choice? Wine? Yeah?

I was going to ask what yourfavorite alcoholic beverage is. Would you say
you had the same oh, good, nice red? Would you say you
had the same body type as mostof your friends? Yes? What kind
of milk do you buy? Pull? Two skim? What oat milk?

Oh? Oat milk? Oh?Jesus? Do you now or have you
ever been a smoker? Polly,I've never been a smoker. Nokay,
okay, phone kind of. Didyou play an instrument in high school?
No? No instrument in high school? Have been in any place? No?
Okay? Okay. On a scaleof one to five, five being

the most. How much do youlike crafting? Does painting count as crafting
other than five? Okay? Mmm? Have you ever cheated on your partner?
No? Is the interior of yourcar clean or messy? Have you

ever been a mistress? Are youcurrently in a relationship? I'm not.
No. Are are you okay withanal? That was a question on the
text they have a theory? No, no, no, I'm not the
way she sounds never when I wantto hang with never songs are boy shorts

thong? Well? Neither? Really? I like. I don't like the
boy shorts. I like the kindof high like the bikini. Yes,
thank you? Yes, okay,okay? And how many pairs of jeans
would you say that? And toguess? Oh? Probably twenty? Oh

do you like? What do youlike? Yeah? Do you like getting
pedicures? Yes? You do?Okay. I think I'm locked in,
guys, me too? All right? Yeah, I think I've heard you.
Got any more questions? Gina?I think I'm good that she's been
really yeah, really helpful. Yeah, Greg, You're good. You're locked

in and think so okay, I'mlocked man as Sammy questions, Okay,
So I locked in? Now youcould text over to two two nine eight
seven and you tell us, whatdo you think fat chick or skinny chick?
Two two nine eight seven. Alot of people say they were already
locked. All right, So here'shere's what I got, and here's how

here's how it comes down to me. I'm going skinny chick. I got
a lot of stuff in the skinnycolumn. Holly I, for whatever reason
I think, is a skinny name. She doesn't make no kids, oat
milk. Yeah, okay, didn'tplay an instrument in high school, not
down with anal And the bikini wastedthing that that, that and the fat

column. All I got is preferscool weather because all of us fat people
do. As a fat person,I can tell you the cat's thing and
then the fact she's got twenty pairof jeans, And I'll tell you why
I think that's a fat thing,because as a fat person, I own
a lot of pair of jeans becausethey're in different friggin sizes. Yeah,
oh you say, and you don'tthrow them out because oh you're hoping the
size back down. You see whatI'm saying. Yeah, yeah, So

lock me in skinny. Uh,Gina, what do you think? Uh?
You make it. You make acompelling argument, But I think that.
I think that Holly is on thefluffy side. Yeah, okay,
And and I and I'll say again, somebody i'd like to hang with.
But I'm guessing the you know,the sitting around and painting with the cats.

I'm getting a vibe again, I'dlike to participate, but I'm getting
a vibe on the fat check.Yeah. And so you're not married,
but are you single? Single?Okay, Greg Gory, I'm kind of
all over the map like you wereWoody. I think Holly it's not a
skinny name, don't you know why? Because I associated with the holl that

you know, No, Hugh Hefner, the the one. She doesn't currently
own a bike, but I thinkthat's pretty common with a lot of people.
And she's in a condo, right, Uh, no ear piercings,
no tattoos. That is such ananomaly for anybody. Yeah, And I
think of having a lot of eitheris a fat thing. The cats lean

I lean fat on that, andthen the clean car I do lean skinny
on that, and the wine Ialso lean fat. But I'm getting a
vibe. I think it's just hervoice, skinny, skinny, all right.
Greg Gory is locked in menace.Mine's super easy. I'm saying skinny
because oat milk and also no sodis. Oh yeah, I forgot, I

forgot to write that down. Butyeah, no soda. Not a soda
fan in general. So right there, that's a lock for me, locked
in. And then Sammy skinny aswell because the oat milk, the no
soda cooks more at home. Andyeah, so I'm alone on this,
I guess, Yeah, you're onYou're on fat Island. Yeah there telling
me all right, well we havewe have the big reveal, and we

haven't done this in such a longtime that I forgot exactly how we did
this. Oh okay, now no, now remember here we go like the
count of three. Yeah, onthe count of three, we're gonna We're
gonna open up. We have thepicture here that Morgan has printed out for
us, and then we get tosee fat chick or skinny chick when it
comes to Holly, is everybody readyon account of three one two three?

Skinny? We were right? Yeah, and she and she's cooking. Yeah,
like, what what picture is this? Is this like taking a cooking
class? Taking a cooking class pageI know is very very love skinny people
go to Thailand. Yeah, thislooks like a magazine shoot kind of thing,

like, oh this is this isstyle. Yeah, this is Hollie
and it's awesome. Yeah, sheteaches cooking classes. All right, Well,
hey Holly, thank you so muchfor calling and involved here. I
love you guys. Well, thankyou so much. All Right, there's
a there's Holly. Hang on sowe can get your information, get your
prize for participating this weekend fat chick, skinny Chick. There she is,

Holly ever really good? All right, thanks Holly, there you go.
Want to be your friend. Thatwas fun. We haven't done that really
so long. I really, Ireally enjoyed myself. Well, no,
it's like when you see an oldfriend that you haven't seen in a long
time. Like, I don't know. It was it was fun to play
get Rush. Yeah, I justlike okay, And we got a lot
of texts. A lot of peopleare locked in on on skinny large March

large March. Yeah, fail ontheir part. Hold on, I'm gonna
go back to Holly. Somebody's gota question on the on the text,
are you like vegetarian or vegan oranything like that? Tesctarian? Just fish?
Okay? That yeah, and what'sand what's your favorite position? That's
another question on the text. Let'sjust put it this way above or below,

like are you are you on topor not below below? All right,
Holly, thank you? Hang on, Sorry, there was just some
follow up questions on the text.Don't leave the listeners hanging. All right,
We're gonna take a break more whathe shows next? Hang on the
Woody Show. We'll be right back. Now here's where it gets rude.
Good. This will have great gory, but much needed time to think about

everything. He's gonna vacuum when hegets on later. Yes, the Woody
Show will be right back. Thisis the Witty Show, The Woody Show.
Well, we have a ninety eightinch TCL TV that we're giving away

and this is the final day.Once today is over, it's done.
It's a wrap ninety eight inch TCLTV. Thanks to our friends at tc
other More for Sale, which hasbeen happening all this week on their website,
tcl dot com and the major retailerswhere you can get the fifty percent
off TVs nice. It's very simple. The post to win is pinned right
to the top of our Instagram page. You can find that at the Woodies

show, a winner will be selectedtoday. What time? What's the deadline
for those maybe listening on the podcast? We have about half of the day
left. Okay, yepsening? Yeah, I know, but like if you're
on the okay, anyway, dowe have to draw it today or can

you do it like at you know, tomorrow, like just cut it off
at midnight tonight or something. Ithas to be done today, Okay,
Well, anyway, thank you toTCL ninety eight inch TV uptograms on our
Instagram page. But if you dodownload the podcast once it's posted, you'll
definitely have enough time. Okay.Bob Newhart died yesterday. He was ninety
four. If you're like under thirty, you probably knew him best for playing

Will Ferrell's Papa Elf in Elf.But back in the day, man he
had his own sitcom, The BobNewhart Show, New Heart. He was
really the king of deadpan comedy andhe was great, great dude. His
career was like more than six decades. He was so damned. He would
make some appearances on Big Bang Theory, that's right, of other shows.
Yesterday, Bob Newhart dead at theage of ninety four. Also, there's

a really loud rumor that President Bidenwill drop out of the race at some
point this weekend. Yeah, yes, so, and then we'll see what
happens, what happens after that,Well, isn't it? I mean that
absolute latest that for them not tovote for him to be the nomination is
mid August. Well, no,it would be their convention, which is
coming up in Chicago. What howmany weeks August? Yeah, August,

but all the few weeks the bigguys threatened to pull ninety million if he
doesn't drop out. I think that'sprobably sealing. Apparently even Obama had a
conversation with him. President Obama talkedto him like, hey man, maybe
it's best yeah, step Yeah,never seen anything like it. Yeah,
but all that money that's already beendonated, like unless they have to run

Kamala Harris because if they don't,like there's no way for her, yeah
right, name recognition and everything.Yeah, but in August nineteenth, and
then the other the other part ofthis that I've I've heard from there are
people who deal with both sides,like the RNC, the d n C,
and about their strategies for how they'replacing their ads for TV and radio,

and this provides a lot of insightabout how they're they're really shying away
from the presidential ads and they're reallyfocusing on all the House races. So
the shift seems to be like allright, from the from the from the
d n C is like, allright, forget about the presidency, let's
control Congress in the Senate, right, that seems to be their state the

House. I'm sorry, the Housethis controlled that at this point, right,
So, I mean, who knows, man, it's a it's all
unprecedented. I've never seen it.It's such a weird year anything, Like,
I don't know, people like,what do you think is going to
happen? I don't know, who'sno idea. All I know is that
my life personally hasn't changed significantly underany president since I've been an adult.

Yeah, that's a good point,right, And I realized that, Yes
I'm privileged and whatever. But I'mjust saying, like, I think things
happen more that affect you locally statewideor you know, community wise, yeah,
on that level than it does fromthe federal level. Really, and
if you actually read what you're votingon, Yeah, because those ads can
be tricky man. I don't know, dude. Anyway, I'm bringing it

up just because it's a huge headlinethis morning. But we'll move on eight
seven seven forty four to hit.It's up of that text Friday check in
two to nine eight seven. Sowhat do you still richer Friday check ins
on the text? You can sendthose over to two to nine eight seven.
Any exciting weekend plans going on?Anybody got going for I think it's

going to be pretty mellow. Iknow same here man, another weekend of
no plans. Good, Yeah,it's it's been a it's been Last week
was great because of the first timelike a month that I had that exactly
the best. Yeah, and thenthis weekend again, my wife's going out
tonight. Yeah, what's that later? It's late? Oh I think it's
with Sandy that would yeah. Yeah, I'm like, what is she doing?

Oh yeah, we always stay outvery late, they usually do.
Yeah, we'll try not to beout until two am, closing the place
down. This does matter as longas you want all weekend and fine to
be hitting on all the tube.Yeah, and I'm also going to the
Red Sox Dodgers game this weekend.Are you gonna wear a red Sox gear.
I am planning on it, yewith that. Yeah, I'm gonna

go swimming and then I have thatevent. Of course, that set it
out outlets two to four. Ifyou want to stop buying Saturday, that's
tomorrow. Then after I'm probably gonnahit the OC Fair for a bit.
Oh that's right. Yeah, Greghad mentioned that meme starts today in the
low Cow noon, friends at brewha ha are having a brew He event.
Brew He What is a brew heevent. It's just a hoedown where

you can have unlimited beer sample.So maybe I'll be sleeping down there that
night. Yeah, it's gonna befun. This one says Friday check in,
working a half day, taking myson swimming at the local high school
because like the rest of the world, I'm not invited to Greg Gory's manner.
And then I'm gonna crush some frontyard beers. No, let's good

a weekend. Let's see Brandon checkingin from Lehabra. Been listening since twenty
fourteen. Noise appreciate that. Yeah, just when you check in, make
sure you include your name and hetells what part of so Cal you're listening
to. The Woody Show at Allninety eighty seven this morning. Anything you
got going on this weekend, somethingyou're excited about, great, Just try

to keep a positive, good Fridayvibe. We just ask that and then
if there's something or anyone you'd liketo have us mentioned when we get to
your check in, go ahead andsend it on over the Woody Show.
And we are into another new hourany sensitivity Training for a politically correct world.
It is a Friday morning. It'sJuly the nineteenth, twenty twenty four

on Woodie. That's Greg. Hi, that's minute, What is up,
Sammy? Good morning, Good morning, sitting in for Sea Bass once again.
Today we've got the lovely and talentedGina Great. Hey, thank you,
good morning Gina. You have agood time so far. Last time
is this miserable and you're never comingback? Great? Thank you so much
for having me. You're well,I mean so much, so much room

for activities. You know, whensomeone's out, you know, there's like
what do you with Sea Bass out? I mean you're really feeling lonely over
there and Samuel like on that sideof the studio. Much space? Yeah,
yeah, all right, well comingup this hour, what you kind
of like what you're watching or whatyou're following. We've talked about a couple
of different things here recently, differentthings to follow, different things to watch.

And Gina was telling me about thisone thing that she's really into.
It has to do with these dudeswho are in prison. Yeah, and
so we're gonna get into that.It's like this prison it's it's dating thing
or like it's not supposed to be. They call it a pen peal thing,
but it's clearly dudes trolling for chicksthat are not behind bars. Okay,
not behind bars, correct. Yeah. They treat it almost like a

like a like a dating thing ornot dating, but like they're trying to
find somebody who will then what putmoney in their account, maybe put money
on their books, and they alllike he just you know, to pass
the time. Okay, now Iknow what you're talking about. This is
wildly popular online. Yeah, I'mobsessed. She's obsessed. It's amazing Idaho
pen pals. It is one ofthe weirdest phenomenons we've ever witnessed. Right,

women, Oh, enjoy prisoners.I love the show Love After lock
Up, just to see if thesetwo stay together or if he was just
in there for like the ramen moneywith her, you know, when he
was inside, and so I'm obsessedwith this whole genre. Yeah, well
it's it's new to me. I'minterested to hear the clips. And she's
turned its somehow into a game.We'll find out about that. This is

a very classy store that I see. A lot of people have been talking
about this brawl that broke out ofthe Sam's Club in Georgia. That's a
sacred place. A mother and herdaughters attacked a worker who said it was
too late to order pizzas. Iguess it was like literally two minutes before
closing. Okay, all still open, and here's the employee who got attacked

talking about what happened on the localnews. Mom she gets upset and she
goes from the front of the registeredsand she comes back into the kitchen,
and when she comes into the kitchen, she swings on me. When she
swings on me, she punches mein my face, and then her two
daughters come from the front. Iwas not mistaken it at all. I
just came in for a regular shoe. Yeah, I just came in for

a regular shift. Yeah. Womanworking with SAMs so yeah, the mother
was arrested charged with battery. Herpregnant daughter was taken to the hospital after
the fight, but she's fine,but there's currently a warrant out for her
arrest. Super classy great, alsoclassy. A woman who was on vacation
in Italy was caught on camera mimickingsex acts with an ancient statue saw.

The locals are pissed and they wanther band from ever visiting again next to
a statue of Bacchus, the Romangod of wine and excess groud. Yeah,
and she's bent over with her assagainst his junk and making it look
like Bacchus is taking her up toshoot. Here's yeah, there's a really

position that's class to be fair,those like statues are all over Italy,
you know, like it's it's notlike, uh they're super rare and it
doesn't matter. It's just like whywhy are you doing? But I know,
I don't know what's up with allthese travelers because you remember those guys
and that girl that got in troublefor like carving into the Uh yeah that's

it. But that's just pure vandalism. I mean, yeah, this is
this is just being wax is relativelymind nobody was harmed in the making of
that. They should have go infront the Eiffel Tower and see what people
are doing there with the Eiffel Towerso many different also the Leaning Tower of
Pisa. Y. Yeah, likepeople make it look like a boner.
Yeah. Oh that's why I meantthe Leaning Tower. Sorry, yeah,

but yeah, I mean you couldwith the eiff on your backs, you
know, like super like Eiffel Tower. Rod. It's so funny when you
go there because yeah, there's justpeople laying on the ground like doing all
these wacky things, and I don'tthink people and that uptight. Yeah,
it was. It was pretty funny. Uh man, what was it?

I'm trying to think of the accountanyway, speaking of what you're following,
there was oh I think it wasunder Operation butt Hurt. Have you ever
seen that on Instagram? No?Oh dude, if you like politically incorrect
stuff, operation butt Hurt on Instagramis a good follow anyway, there they
said, wow, what and itwasn't them. They just post different things
that other people post, like,but it all falls under that kind of

non PC thing And it was abunch of tourists at the Leaning Tower of
Pisa and they're all doing the samething where it looks like they're trying to
do the picture where they're holding itup pushing it back. Yeah, okay,
And they said, what a differencea little bit of music makes,
right, And so they first showthem all kind of doing this and holding
it up right, and there's aI don't know two dozen people all at
the same time doing the same thingall around the grounds. It's okay.

Then the next one they added somemusic from like old Nazi Germany, and
it's all these people with their handsup like that, and it looked completely
it totally changed the context because itnever showed the leaning tower. All the
shows the people their hands up becausethere's, like I said, like three
dozen people out there all doing thesame thing. So it looks like one

of those old Nazi rallies that yousee the old footage of. You know,
the account I'm still addicted to iskids getting hurt. Oh, it's
so satisfying, it's just oddly,it's so funny. All right, So
we're gonna play this game that Ginahad has created for us out of this
account that she's all about. Yeah, Idaho inmate, pen pals, Yeah,

from the Idaho Department of Correction.And there's some audio that goes along
with her. Because these guys they'remaking these like videos to try to get
chicks, Like they're like thirty secondsin under and it's like, you know,
they all try to be cool,but they all want to show why
they're the guy that you need to, you know, start pen pealing.
So there's some characters and I wantedto feature some of them and then ask

you some questions. Right, Sothat'll be next here on the Woody Show.
Hang up, The Woody Show willbe back in a sec. This
show. Fuck, it's like justthese fat people standing there. Who are
you, fard knockers? This isthe Woody Show. Hey be the I've
still got a Woody Well, let'slet's give this game a shot, right.

I'm also interested to hear what kindof stuff these guys I have to
say. And there are messages asthey're looking for women and looking for love,
looking for love, people to putsome money in their their prison account.
They're on the books and their ontheir books and uh, this is
the Idaho Inmate pen pals and what'swhat's the account? Again? It's it's

Idaho Inmate pen Pal. You're right, but that's that's the name because Greg
was trying to like follow, Yeah, showed it to him. And you
think it's from a variety of Christians. Yeah, I think it's from multiple
prisons. It's the Idaho Department ofCorrections. Sometimes you get lucky and get
some ladies, Okay, Usually it'smen. Idaho Inmate pen Pal is the
is the account to follow? Yeah, there goes Sam. You're looking for

a man, right, I mean, yeah, boys. Yeah, but
it will show up in like randomTikTok feeds. Yeah, so you just
put jail dating into TikTok and you'llsee a ton of this game works.
So I'm going to tell you whothe inmate is. I'm going to give
you a couple of fun facts abouthim, and play you a clip of

their their message to the to thepeople who are free, and then you
are going to guess, multiple choicewhat they are incarcerated for. Okay,
so why they're in jail. Yeah, So let's start with inmate Branson.
Uh, he's thirty seven and he'sa beefy dude with some neck tatsu and
a tat right below his eye.He definitely comes across as a guy you

might worry about, like punching youin the face for no reason, a
really like kind of scary dude.And this is what he wanted to say
to all of us. Okay,so guys, so look, I like
my girls stick like a milkshake withpretty ass feet attitudes. I'm not looking

for no Cinderella. I'm looking forthe wicked witch of the West. So
if you got a gratitude, prettyfeet, and your thick like a milkshake,
you already got to input. What'sdamn yeah, right, attitude.
He knows what he wants. Yeah, and you know there's gonna be woman
that's gonna be reaching out. Ohyeah, oh yeah, for sure,
especially the one there's a lot ofwhite trash hose out there. You know,

check those comments because tons of girlswere like, I'm thick like a
milkshake. You can leave comments.Oh yeah, do you have any for
this one? Yeah? One saidI got all three, daddy. I'm
thick with like many seeds and ishyattitude and what you need on your books,
daddy. That's another one. Nice. And I'm big, slim,

thick with pretty ass feet and bigasstude there's plenty of lady. We call
them the I can fix thems,like, oh, I can fix them.
Ye. Wouldn't that be something ifone of these chicks took money from
their current man just to put iton the books for their prison man.
I'm sure that happens. Yeah,Like they got like some sugar daddy on
the outside and now they're flirting withthis guy on the inside. I'm sure

that happens. But I think alot of these women are lonely that are
out for sure. They don't havean outside sugar d Alright, so we
got to try to figure out whathe's in for. Right, what was
his offense? You get three choices? Okay, assault, aggravated sorry,
aggravated and drug trafficking, heroin okay, telemarketing, fraud and wire fraud or

solicitation in prostitution. First one,Oh, I'm gonna go. I mean
the second one. He's pretty goodon the phone, you know, yeah,
he really sells it. I'm betweenone and three. My gut says
one. The heroin trafficking, Right, I agree, I say one,

this guy out there hooking up aprostitute. Yeah, I'm gonna go the
second choice. But could he havebeen a pimp, I guess, and
you get in trouble for prostitution.But he was soliciting, so he was
looking for John Yeah hooker. Nowhe's got too much confidence, it seems
for that. Yeah, I'm gonnago with one. Go to Okay,
So it's between telemarketing fraud and wirefraud and aggravated assault in drug trafficking Heroin

Woody, You are correct. Yeah, he was drug trafficking and may have
had some light assault. Have acareer in tear telemarketing later on. That's
right. Yeah, all right,let's move on to inmate Jacob He our
friend Jacob here. He he lovesinc He's shaved and tatted from forehead down,

with the neck and the chest andthe face, the whole vibe.
Someone in the comments said he lookslike Marv from Home alone. So that's
to consider. This guy has somepretty specific Daniel, that's right. He
also has a pretty specific request forsomeone he's hoping to connect with. All
right, So I've been doing timehere for twelve years and I get out
six months scott free. So I'mlooking for a badass ship with daddy issues.

Spin in my mouth and call medaddy. Do you know what I'm
saying? So hollow at your boy, even if you're a good girl and
you just want to have a goodtime. Me somebody solid and tired of
with them lames out there, hallat your boy on one of a kind.
So hit me up on jp Aseven four seven nine and idaho,
I'll let your boy all right?Oh okay, there goes Yeah, no

lames. He would like you tospit in his mouth and call him daddy.
I can't be the only person whois wondering how do they allow these
inmates to do this? Yeah,must be your best behavior. So maybe
he is getting something on there,but you're in jail. Well he's getting
out in six months, so Iknow. But you're in jail, Like,
why are you able to communicate withyou? I'm with you, Greg,
I don't understand. I don't understandhow any of this is. I

am assuming this is my conspiracy theorythat JPay is paying somebody to have this
service available, and why not promotethis service with transactions probably fees. Who's
who's getting those fees? Yeah,Well, there's a lot of people who
were into this guy. One ofthe comments was, my mouth is suddenly

very dry and I need to bedegraded. And someone else said, I
got an STD just from watching thisguy. Yeah, so you need to
now tell me what his offense is. What is he in prison for?
Arson? Securities fraud or grand theftand extortion? Grand theft? Immediately,
I'd like my gut just immediately litup when you said that you don't think

it's a fire starter. He couldbe the fire starter. I don't think
it has anything to do with securitiesfraud. I think nor would take grand
theft. I don't have no ideawhat the sentence for Arson is, but
we know he's been in there forat least twelve and a half years,
so I think grand theft, extortionYeah, well extortion, yeah, but

what would that be? So yeah, like Arson would be a longer,
would it be? I think thatArson would be a longer, longer than
sentence. I'm sticking with the dude. My gut went off so hard on
that one, so I'm gonna stickwith grand theft absolute same, Okay,
I'm Arson. Okay, Well,all the gentlemen are correct, nice grand
yes astortion like Arson. These days, they're letting people out on the streets

really yeah, all right, moveon, and what's the Instagram account again?
The next it's inmate Idaho inmate penpal Idaho inmate pen pals all one
word, Yeah, so many listenersare going to find love now, oh
beautiful? Yeah, all right,let's move on to inmate Edward. He's
twenty four, very husky dude,keeps his hair high and tight and the

beard shaggy, and he has nothingto say but also kind of everything to
say. He sings it. It'sone of his many singing videos. I've
seen all of them, and hechose Rihanna for this. This little love
Mad your favorite man. It's maybeyou can put some money on his books.
You love Ray. Yeah, I'mdown, Yeah, all right,
here we go. Way. I'mfeeling just kids and oh god, let

it go. Oh found love andblues please found love. And I said
he's doing her too, exactly feelingthis guy, I am so the whole
this place would be prison right andhe's trying to find love exactly. Fell

in love and hopeless exactly. Wow. I'm not normally a lyrics guy,
but he is a poet. Iwas hypnotized by him. Yeah. Well,
one of the Commentaris said was hecharged and sent to prison for bringing
his A game. So now youhave to tell me what is he in

prison for. Here are your threechoices. Okay, he sounds like a
low energy dude, so yeah,definitely not running. Yea, yeah,
no, we're running. What arethe options? Identity theft? Okay,
malicious injury to property or harassment?Identity theft, harassment, harassment, property
damage injury to property. I neverheard that charge, but I think that

is the one, because you're notinjuring a person right a property property?
Do they lock people up for identitytheft? Now? Do they lock people
up for anything? They lock peopleup for anything. Good question, that's
a good question. The level ofidentity. Yeah, they did, So
we're split between identity theft and maliciousinjury to property. No one's going to

harassment harassment. Okay for harassment,well, he is in fact in prison.
Four malicious injury to property? Wow? Out of a vending machine?
Yeah? Sure, Do we havetime for another one? Well, let's
do another one. Let's do anotherone after the break, got it,
because I'm gonna try something with becausewe have we haven't so yeah, we'll

give us time to cool off ifI can do like a hold on,
let's see if I can do amash up on the mash up Yeah,
yeah, hold on, I meanI know the song that s the lyrics.

What all right? Here we gohere we got away games and uh
it works out, Yeah it worksyes? Why alright? This is the

show? Yeah, this is theshow. Yeah, my smart all right.
So we're going through some of thisaudio. We have a little game
here Gina grad who's sitting in forSea Bass. Gina came up with this
game. She's got a competition.She follows. This account is where this

really started. We just kind ofturned it into something here with Idaho prison
pen pals, and so she's tellingus a little bit about the prisoner,
like their name and maybe any kindof like you know, tattoos or yeah,
but what they look like, becausewe end up hearing one of the
clips that they recorded, like forexample, we had we had this guy
in that last round. So guys, so look, I like my girls

stick like a milkshake with pretty assfeet attitudes. I'm not I'm looking for
no Cinderella. I'm looking for thewicked Witch of the West. So if
you got a gratitude pretty feet andyour thick like a milkshake. You already
got to already got the info.So anyway we have to guess multiple choice

what they're actually in for. Yeah, and so that's that's the game we've
been playing. Greg. That's agreat question. How are they even allowed
to do this? Let me,yeah, let me help you with that.
Because they don't have like their owncell phones or anything. They sit
at these like it's a like videoyeah, like exactly, these crappy phone
booth banks, and then they usethis thing called jpey and it's they just

have to sit there and make theirvideo and be out. Because somebody on
the text said, as someone whoworked in corrections for twenty years, I
can tell you these guys did notget permission for this. They were doing
this on cell phones. They snuckin again. Know, all these videos
are coming from one place in Idaho. Yeah. I did see a yeah,
and they would know about it.I did see one of the videos
now where like they're on you know, like when the TV shows or movies

they go to visit somebody in prison, they pick up the little phone receiver
on the on the side, thoseold school phone receivers. Yeah, some
of these guys are holding holding thatreceiver, and so that's what they're That's
why some of it sounds really garbage. Exactly. They try to hold it
on a video phone, but it'sphone, right. And here's one other
question. Do you prisoners can't smoke? Right? Because remember in the old

timy days, everybody in prison wassmoking trade stuff for cigarettes. Yeah,
exactly. Because it's a government facility, I'm assuming that all that no smoking
inside stuff. Probably they might beable to smoke in the yard. Maybe,
I don't know, that's what Ithought. I don't know anybody who's
been in prison. Can you tellus recently? Yeah, I know,
went to county jail and this personsmokes and they had to spend the weekend
in jail and they said it wasa torture because they couldn't smoke. Oh,

that was not the whole being injail part. Yeah, that part
was fine. Apparently they just needsomething to take the edge up exactly.
Yeah. All right, So who'sthe next person we got here? We
have inmate Christopher. He's thirty one. Uh. He wanted to make sure,
for whatever reason, that they puthashtag mullet under his account. It's

out of it mullet. He hasthis like short mullet and kind of pointy
ears and a goatee, and hedrops a list of facts about himself and
I'm pretty sure only one of thefacts is true, and I think you'll
be able to pick up which onethat is. So here it is,
okay, and Christopher Day go byCJ and May number one zero four,
one one three got a pretty badassmullet. You know what they say,

once you go mullet, you don'tgo back. I'm a bodybuilder. Wait
they say that, Yeah, Ionce you go mullet, you never go
back. All I've never heard that. They say, once you go mullet,
you don't go back. I'm abodybuilder, shark wrestler with an extremely
average sized penis, and I'm prettysure I could beat up John Wick while
solving rubs. So if you're intothat type of hit me up and let's

gids know each other, all right? Cool? A lot of facts.
He kind of sounds like a dorg. Yeah, all right, So we
got to figure out why inmate,Christopher, Yeah, CJ is in the
clink. Is it possession of acontrolled substance forgery or cyber bullying forgery?

What's what was the first one?Possession of a controlled substance. I'm gonna
go cyber bullying, possession of acontrolled substance. Possession that speaks maullet Well
what do you menace? And Sammy? You are correct? Yes? Right?
I love it all right, Ilove it almas as if like,

I don't know what is the term? I don't know, need more information?
Almost like you know, just sorry. I mean that I've been to
prison. No smoking, he hasallowed in any facility, right the government?
Well what could be private? Igot the word, but then there's

another one said, you can smokein state prison, not county jails.
All right, what's the word?Almost as if stereotypes sometimes are true?
Okay, okay, a guy withthem all Okay, let's do one more
energy drink. So this one.Get ready to have your heart strings tugged
at all right, young Cody inmateCody's twenty five. He has all kinds

of face, art, short hair, shaggy, little beard. He's a
poet. He just wants to wowthe ladies with his creative turn of phrase.
So really make sure you're in anopen heart, open space for this.
Okay, here we go me SoI wrote it into a poem.
My name is Cody, nickname Slime. I'm twenty five looking for a dime.
I'm a bad boy with a goodheart looking for a good girl in

a fresh start. I am originallyfrom Montana, working back Fami Lamma.
Even when I'm in the slammer,I have a lot of tattoos and bad
jokes. My hobbies include out dooractivities and giving you those long strokes.
Okay, it's a poet, allright. Anybody's panties hit the floor on
that one. A lot of peoplein the commons observe that that you generally

don't give women long strokes. Sowhat has he been doing? I was
wondering that I want. Was hegiven these long strokes to that? Yeah?
A lot of a lot of ladiesdid like his look, but many
of them said it. But someonesaid, someone forgot to tell homie,

you don't have to stroke the ladieswhen you're not in prison. Yes,
let's let's give young Cody his dueand find out why he is in prison.
Money laundering, money laundering, manslaughter, controlled substance possession. All right,

So money laundering, manslaughter or controlledcontrolled substance possession. Yeah, I'm
going manslaughter or control. I'm goingpossession. I'm gonna take a flyer on
this one. I'm gonna I'm gonnasay money laundering. That was my gut
instinct as well. He seems heseems like a door, he thought the

previous guy. So we have alittle bit of everything. Everyone's chosen something
different. I'm going manslaughter. Imean I think the drug possession is too
easy. Okay, well, youknow what is it? It's what's the
word? He's completely Yeah, he'sso dumb that he accidentally killed somebody.

Okay, oh interesting, Okay,so everyone picked a little bit of everything.
I'm sam you're sticking with possession,yes, okay, and then money
laundering manslaughter. Cody the poet isin prison for drugs. Drugs yea,
sometimes easy and what is it?What's the what's the word? Stereotype?

Yeah? Oh yeah, its down. God, I'll never forget it now.
Sometimes they have a truth to that. It's a fun gaming. Oh
my god. I'd be like,hey, there's lay again. I say,
I'll have you back just to dothe game, because it seems like
that's a lot of work, likedigging in finding like the clips and happy
to do anyway. I'm like,man, this seems like it's a lot
of fun, but that's gonna bea lot of labor only too happy to

do it. But the side effectof the game is horns, right,
yeah, people finding love more?What he shows next time on what do
you Oh? I was speaking abouthow my period? It's a Woody Show
and welcome back, Welcome to Friday, and for just joining us, appreciate

you being here. It's the WoodyShow. It is July nineteenth. It's
National Dakery Day. That's good fora Friday. It's also we were just
talking about this National Urban Beekeeping Day, right, we were talking about yeah,
like beekeeping and what was the otherone that was becoming more popular?
Super hot? Right? Why NationalFootball Day is today? It's also National

words with Friends Day that people stillplay that. I've never wordle goal,
never hear about it. Wordle that'sthe other one, right, And it's
an International retainer Day. Somebody tellmy kids they still have where my daughter
does, my son does not.He's about done with braces now they do
it differently. Now. When wewere kids, you would get braces,
you'd have him for like two yearsyep. Right, And you didn't get

them till you're like thirteen exactly.Okay, Now they give you braces like
at seven or eight, and youdo like around there because I guess,
like if you have to move certainthings, like you know, it's it's
easier to do it when you're younger. They have found and so they do
like stage one and then you getthem off and then like a year and
a half, you wait until certainteeth are gone, your other adult teeth,

and then you do another round.Ye damn, that's the new thing
that happened to me. I gotbraces put on when I was eleven that
I was only supposed to have fora year. They ended up leaving them
on for six years. Yes,I had them for six years. And
wear your retainer's kids, because I'mabout to probably do in VISI line.

I didn't wear them and I alreadywore braces for six years. Now Is
that because you didn't do the retaineror is it just because like overtime,
I mean, thing shifts, right, I did the retainer for a while
for years, but I didn't thinkit was a lifetime. I turns out
it it is. Because I've beenlooking into in visi line as well,
but the because I didn't wear myretainers, so things started to separate.

But I'm afraid because you have towear the invisile line all the time,
like twenty three hours a day.Yeah, and it will affect your speech
and I need all the help Ican get. But because I didn't wear
mine, I have this like weirdshark tooth and I hate it. It
looks like I'm missing a tooth.So maybe we should all get in visiline.
Yeah, and then if we're alltalking different, no one will notice.
Okay, I am. I neverhad braces, and I was so

jealous of kids that had retainers.I would take paper clips and straighten them
out and try to make a retainerout of it. But I wanted a
retainer so bad. That's like onegood thing I've got teeth. I mean
I did have braces back in theday, by like now as an adult,
like, I don't have that.See let's se those. Oh those
are nice those. I really smilelike this, yeah, smile. The

Emmy nominations came out this week.A couple of stats on that The Bear
broke the record for Emmy nominations fora comedy series with twenty three comedies.
It's not a comedy. I mean, there is funny parts here and there,
but it's not a comedy series.And that happened also with another show.
There was Something It burns all thetrue comedy. It was a drama,
but it was nominated. Not inthe movie, but it was drama

one with a Martian Right. Wasn'tthat under a comedy? Oh yes,
comedy or musical category. Yeah?So weak. And the Bear sucks.
By the way, I've heard nominatedfor anything. I've heard one good thing
from one person about The Bear.They love it, but everybody else,
people in this room included talk abouthow it is season one. I enjoy
season two. It is so boring. Nothing happens. Thirty Rock was the

title holder before The Bear just brokethat record. Carol Burnett became the oldest
female with an acting nomination for PalmRoyal Nice. She's ninety one. Wow.
Kelsey Grammer did not get nominated forFraser for the revival, even though
the original one. Damn near everyyear for something Real Time with Bill Maher
also got passed over this year.Two people that normally don't get passed over,

but some people feel that might bea political thing because Kelsey Grammer came
out quote unquote as a Republican andpeople have been pissed at Bill Maher because
you know, he's been objective andfair in his criticism of both parties instead
of just being a liberal mouthpiece.They can't figure out where he is.
Yeah, he's gotten more normal.Speaking of Fraser, the first two episodes

of season two, which are gonnabe out on September nineteenth on Paramount Plus,
they're headed back to Seattle for aspecial reunion with the old producer Roz
and Bulldog Brisco and Gil Chusterson andFraser's agent Bbie. Oh. Yeah,
she was a funny character. I'mall for that. Yeah, yeah.
Gee. I mean you haven't reallytalked about it. Are you into it
or not? Yeah? Yeah,I do like it. It took me

a while to get through season onejust because I don't watch a lot of
TV at all. There's so muchTV I'm behind on. Shout out to
Greg's favorite gay Neil Patrick Harris.This is actually too This is actually a
sad story, legit. Oh he'smourning the death of his Golden retriever Ella,
who was only four. Oh mygod, baby, He and his

family were on vacation when they gotthe call. There was an accident involving
a tree branch. The branch hadsomehow got caught in her collar, and
then while trying to free herself,she rolled around on the ground and wrapped
around her neck. Oh my god. Ye, who the hell's watching the
dog? Apparently nobody. That happenedto a friend of mine. Her darling
was on a leash in the backyard, like tied up, and they went

out to run errands or whatever.And it was on a I shouldn't call
it a leash, It was likea long change so it could have free
raised, and it ended up jumpingover the fence. And you can guess
what happened next. It was whathappened right? Yeah? Tell me that
sucks so sad. If you're lookingfor a deal on concerts, Live Nation

is offering four tickets for eighty dollarsto like thousands of summer concerts. Chance.
Yeah, I hit a b livenation dot com for more info on
that. Ciddy Lapper's son tried toname drop his mom when he got arrested
on gun possession charges. Do youknow who my mom is? He was
begging the cops to let him callhis mom and his life coach while he

was being arrested, but they didn'tlet him his son or her son is
an aspiring rapper. Declan Dex Slopperand ched Hank should get together, so
cool man chat. Here is afun fact for Sammy. Okay, did
you know that Glenn Powell your crush? Yes, his parents have been in
all of his movies. Yes,I didn't know that. You did know

that, and his grandma wasn't setit up. Okay, I don't even
know what set it up. That'sa rom com he did for Netflix with
everybody knows. I'm not familiar withhis whole resume. So parents in Top
Gun, Yes, yes, therewas a rodeo scene. That's the one
they referenced in the article here thatthere was a rodeo scene. And whoever
they were showing, the parents aresitting in the road right behind them and

they're very clearly on camera, right. Yeah, I guess the parents and
his sister or whatever they come visitall the sets. Oh yeah, they're
always on set. Heard the spoiler. I heard they're in Twister, Yeah,
Twisters. Yeah, and they goup in the tornado really. Yeah,
he was because he played hay Manin Top Gun Maverick. That was
sarcas. Oh, I don't know. Why did they go up into the

little exactly? They could have rightcould have been killed. And they had
little jumpsuits made for his dad tosay, hang dad. It was cute.
His parents always go on set.But also, wouldn't you be kind
of embarrassed, like, can youguys let me just do my job please?
No, that's this whole thing,you guys. He's very close with

his family. He brought his dogon the Red carpet for Twisters. Yeah.
Donald Glover says he is retiring ChildishGambino because it's just not fulfilling anymore.
Oh wow, that's so. He'son tour again. And then I
went to a supposed last show lasttour. Yeah, yes, justin long.
You know the actor, wasn't helike the Mac guy when they're doing

the Apple Versus Mac guys and somany. He's also in Kevin Smith's a
lot of his movies. He wastelling a story during one of his recent
interviews. He admitted that he oncepooped the bed with his wife. He's
married to Kate Bosworth. Right therenext to him. They were in Mexico
City. He had food poison,was going back and forth to the pot.

He just constantly. But at onepoint he woke up and he saw
it and his wife handled it likea pro. Uh. He said that
she was looking at him lovingly andthought, wow, this is really romantic.
The only thing that she got madabout was after he took a shower,
which you would after that situation,he tried to get back into bed.

Quote. I was avoiding the spot, but I was still getting back
into my filth. Oh my god, you got to be really sick to
pull that move. Oh, youknow, like you're just on death's door.
Yeah, that's so nasty, anybody, anybody. I have never done
that. I've been sick in Mexicothough, but not in that extreme.

More old dudes dating young chicks NewsSixty one year old Johnny Depp is dating
a twenty eight year old Russian model. Yes, you know, for him?
Yeah? Yeah, why not?I mean, good for him?
Bill Belichick and do it. You'reJohnny Depp's right, you can definitely get
up right. It's shimmer. We'regonna sit bageh birthday and you know we

don't get birthday all right, We'llsorry with the celebrity birthdays. It's the
birthday of Benedict Cumberbatch. He isforty eight years old today. He got
Anthony Edwards, who will forever beGoose in Top Gun. Speaking of Top
Gun, he was doctor Mark Greenon Er. He was also Gilbert Lowe

and Revenge the Nerds That Far HellYeah. Anthony Edwards is sixty two years
old today. John bone Jones,the UFC fighter former light heavyweight champ.
He's thirty seven. Brian May fromQueen is seventy seven. He's got a
PhD in astrophysics. May Yeah crazy. And Nancy Carell, Steve Carell's wife.

She was a correspondent on The DailyShow. Also played Michael's girlfriend Carol
on The Office. She is wasit Realtor? Okay? My bat fifty
eight years old today and your Portobirthday today is rosalind Sphinx and she's had
more packages than an Amazon delivery driver. Wow, it's a lot. In
one hundred and eighty eight fine adultfilms, including Family Pies Volume eleven,

she was in Scared out of HerPants Volume one, Fantastic and How to
Plan an Orgy Volume two. Ohinformational Yeah, Anal Adventures in Paradise.
She was also in Drill and FillVolume one. How about Nasty old bitch
Flasher meets a thirsty jogging nymph.All right, that's a long title,

that's a mouthful, that's what shesaid. And who can forget her unforgetable
role in Star Wars. May theFourth be with you? Nois nice.
That is rosalind Sphinx, who istwenty five years old today, and that
is your born of birthday, yourcelebrities, and a little lookie at what's
happening in and around the world ofentertainment this morning, Friday morning with the
Woody Show. We're gonna take aquick break. We got some more Woody

Show for you next hang on.Well to that, I would respond your
mom's box the Woody Show, Builawouldn't have heard the show. Well,
that's gonna do it for this hour. That's gonna do it for today's show.
That's gonna do it for the weekeverybody. Yes, the Friday Show
is over and it is time tooweekendy. All right, I'll make it

quick. Tell you what you canfind on the full show podcast today.
The Friday favorite, known as thefail stories. We did that also some
dad jokes and it was a triumphantreturn for a game we haven't done in
seven years. Fat Chick, SkinnyChick cow it Yeah, plus Menaces,
late night Monologue, week in Review, all that and more. It's on

the Friday Podcast. It was hellof a show. If you're just tuning
in now get caught up. Justgo to the woodieshow dot com. Check
it out there. Let's see nextweek for you. We have got on
Monday. Gina grad will be backall right, thank you for being here
the last couple of days. WeekendCheers and jeers. Another brand new redneck
news. And I got this guy, a friend of mine who's been dealing

with a squatter at his mom's house. Mom passed away, and so there's
been this squatting situation. Dude,every time I hear more from people who
are going through it, I'm moreand more amazed that there is so much
tolerance and patience. I know,crazy. So I'm gonna have him on
to share the story with us,and you can hear more about like what

happens if this happens to you,what you will end up doing. You're
going through the options that you have. It's it's wild stuff man, but
that and more Monday here on theshow. Anything you got for us in
the meantime, over the weekend,leave on the after hours voicemail. That
number is eight seven seven forty fourWooding. If you drunk, voicemail you
want to leave us, or justsomething as you're getting caught up on the
show, tell us how much youmissed Fat chickskinna chick whatever. It is

eight seven seven forty four Wooding,or finds follow us it's the show.
After the show on the social mediaplatform of your choice, look for us
at the Woody Show. All right, that's all I got, Menace,
Sammy, Gina, anything you liketo add? Oh, thanks for having
me. Greg Gory Parting, wordsof wisdom please. Yeah. They say
there's someone out there for everyone,and for a lot of people, that's

someone is a psychiatrist. Truth.Although you know it's really weird every time
I meet somebody like really crazy,they're a therapist of some kind. Or
here's another example closer to home.My sister, my sid the lesbian,

not the breeder drama. That washer thing. Like she she went to
school and you know she's a nurse, now, but like, originally she
was going to be like a therapist, and she was working in these programs
to help people who are like messedup. I'm like, but you're messed
up. I love you so much, drama, it's so weird. Help
yourself first, all right, thankyou very much, Greg Gory, Thank

you so much for give it theWood Show some of your valuable time this
week. You know we'd love itto appreciate you for that. The rest
of you guys can suck it.Catch back here on Monday. Have yourself
a great weekend. S M D. Double m bye. Have a great
Friday. You mother,

The Woody Show News

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