All Episodes

July 22, 2024 104 mins
Cheers and Jeers, Redneck News, Squatters & More! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Is the dune to the graphic natureof this program? Listen to this question,
is it lies? The Woody Shows. The Woody Show Insensitivity Training Class

is now in session. Hey,good morning everybody. Morning. It is
Monday. It is July the twentysecond, twenty twenty four. I just
don't have that same energy as wedo on a Friday. But you know,
are yeah, back at it hereon a Monday morning. But a
lot of good stuff lined up foryou today here on The Woody Show.

Thank you for being here and givingus some of your valuable time. My
name is Woody. That is GregGory Menace. Good morning to you.
Good morning wood there's Sammy sea Bassonce again is not here. Well,
at least he's not here yet.If he's showing up, who knows.
He's just going to appear right,But he's been off filming that TV show
Big Secret, and they took hisphone and there was no internet for him

either, So he'll just show backup when he shows up. But sitting
in once again for Sea Bass today, we have Gina Grad. Thank you,
Ingina Grad is here. See phonesare open eight seven seven forty four,
Woody, that's eight seven seven fortyfour. Woody hit us up with
the text over to two to nineeight seven on the show Today, Your
Weekend Cheers and Jeers. We've beengoing around the room, but I'd like

to hear what you guys had goingon the weekend. If there was like
a good news bad news from theweekend, Your Weekend Cheers and jeers,
you can start texting over on thetext with that one, or be able
to call in a little bit lateron the morning. As we get to
that brand new Redneck news will getcaught up in all the big trending news
headlines, stuff that happened and brokeover the weekend, some other stuff they
need to be aware of this morning. And I got a friend of mine,

his name's Anthony, and he's beendealing with We talk about squatters on
the show in the news sometimes andunbelievable how people who are just you know,
deciding that they're just going to livein somebody's house. Yeah, let's
take it over. They have allthe rights. It's insane on their side,
and the people who actually own theproperty can do nothing. They have
Dick, I don't know make anysense. It's just hearing the stories in

the news is enough. But Iwas talking to this friend of mine and
he's going through a situation where hisdad died a year ago, and this
woman is squatting in his house,has been there for the year, and
he has gone through all this stufftrying to get her ass out. She's
still in there. And when youhear some more of the details of the
story, your blood boils. Yeah, but I think it's important, even

though it's not like a fun story. It's it's a very frustrating story for
any law biding person or any homeowner, like most civilized, common sense normal
people. I hate the term squatters, right, it doesn't make any sense
zero. It's an oxymoron totally.But I think it's important that people know,
like what's going on out there,so that we can pressure the people

who do make the laws and changethe laws in order to make it so
like, oh, it's this person'shouse, they can do whatever they want
with that, exactly. Yeah.So we'll be talking to my buddy Anthony
a little bit later on here thatstory phones again. If you want to
call in, great, that's awesome. We got the birthdays, we got
the porno birthday. I'll come upfor you this morning. You're on the
Woody Show as well. If youwant to skirt the TSA's three ounce liquid

rule. I learned this this weekend. Okay, so there was this guy
who brought some whole coconuts onto aplane and that's allowed. Yeah, it
turns out it is a lot becausepeople are saying, how did he manage
to do that? Yeah, andit's totally allowed. Each coconut, by
the way, can all the thirtyfour ounces of fresh coconut water. But
have you ever tried opening one thehammer penetrating it? So I'm glad you

asked, because this is what hesaid in the article. He uses one
of those metal reusable straws. Oh, it just sort of like yeah,
and then that works. Yeah,he can jam it in there. Yeah,
that definitely works. And surprise hecan bring that and then you got
what a metal straw? Yeah,yeah, like that you could stab someone
in the neck with it. Bringknitting needles and I'm sure Sammy's done that.
Oh yeah, crochet Yeah yeah.I sat next to Sammy on on

a flight one time. That's whatshe was doing. Wait, you guys
make your little sweater. Yeah,you guys are knitting needles. Yeah,
you're not surprised that a guy couldpenetrate a coconut with a metal straw.
No, you needed like a bullpeenhammer. No, because they're they're trying
to. It's so hard because there'sa there's a soft spot, yeah,
on the coconut. It describes methe article you said, I've got coconut

curiosity, but really like you're gonnago through all that just so you can
have some coconut water or to skirtthe law or whatever. But so it
got people wondering what other liquidy thingsthe t s A allows. And so
the article here says over the countermedications. Okay, that makes sense,
prescription medication in gel, aerosol orliquid form, fresh eggs, let's stick

some eggs, live fish transported inwater. What's a wet battery? Is
that like a battery with like alike a liquid acid or something, you
know, like, what's a wetbattery? See if you can look that
up. Greg. Biological specimens,breast milk or formula for you know,
infants, teethers for kids that theychew on, you know, the fill

with the liquid, you know,freezer or ice pack, stuff like that.
Anything medically necessary of those kind ofitems food or drinks for toddlers and
babies, okay, and sealed dutyfree items, so you know, when
you buy something in the duty freezip, tie it together and you yeah
right. Also, you could bringany frozen liquid, but it must be

completely frozen to meet the TSA's requirement, not partially melted, not slushy like
a water bottle in the freezer,as long as when you get to this
TSA it's frozen solid, because itain't gonna be frozen by the time you
bored exactly. Yeah, I lookedit up. I don't know what this
means, but flooded batteries, alsoknown as wet cell batteries, have a
traditional design consisting of lead plates submergedin a liquid electrolyte solution. Okay,

whatever were the hell? I thoughtit was like more like wet burrito,
you know, oh delicious, it'sa battery, yes, right, yeah,
some other normal by the numbers.Since we're talking about flights and planes
and it is the season where peopleare doing a lot of traveling here for
the summer, many rules that areblack and white when you're flying on an
airplane, like what you can can'tbring through TSA. But what about some

of these unwritten rules normal by thenumbers on airplane etiquette, and so you
could see how your feelings match upon these things. Number one, does
the person in the middle seat getboth armrests? I say, they do?
You too, I say they're stuckin the middle. Yeah, yeah,
I say yes. And then evenif they have those two and then,
first of all, they're in themiddle. But if you're on the

aisle, you have the aisle armrest, and if you're at the window
you have the window side armrest.You're probably gonna be leaning against any right
exactly to get away. You don'twant to be leaning up against that person
in the middle. So I sayyes, yes, yes, yes,
yes, okay, fifty seven percentsay no what overhaps they know, yeah
that they got a share. Ihave sat in the middle where people will

take the arm rest. I meanjust because they're bigger, they feel like
they need it, I guess.And then I just like squish myself in
the middle and don't do anything.It sucks. Number two, can I
bring up there, Yeah, it'shard to share an arm rest period in
general. Yeah, okay, they'reso small, there's yeah, nothing,
well like when you go to amovie theater. Yeah, I believe in
the whole theory that you know,because they all have cup holders. It's

when you get whatever you get one. Yeah, but you get whatever cup
holder you have claimed with your cupfirst. Okay, yeah, you know.
It could be the left, itcould be the right. But whichever
you claim, that's yours, right, and that's that you've planted your flag.
Yeah, right right. Number two, can you take your shoes off?
No? I say yes, Isay yes. I does anyone else

travel with like travel socks. No, I'll put some clean socks on and
just chill and take my shoes off. No, So like you're wearing sandals
with no socks, I'll wear like, I'll wear shoes. But are you
all wearing an extra pair of socksand put on clean socks and chill.
But are you already wearing socks underthe shoes that you took off? No?

Okay, that's okay. So yeah, I thought you just had socks
like you put the other socks onfor when you get off the plane.
No, No, I only takemy shoes off on international like, and
if I have like a bed,yeah, I'll take my shoes off in
a flight. Always take my shoesthem not not barefoot. It's what you
do with your feet once the shoesare off. If they're down on the

floor, who cares. And nowthey have those little hammocks that you can
put around the tree table. Fiftysix percent of people say no, forty
four percent say yes, so kindof a toss up, but people say
overwhelmingly eighty percent say the socks shouldstay on. Yeah, agreed. Can
you recline your seat always a debatabletopic. I really don't like it.

I say yes, it sucks forthe person, but it creates the domino
effect and everyone does it. Butagain for me, where the cushion on
the head hits me, it pushesme forward. So if I don't recline
my seat, I'm pushed forward thewhole flight. Well do we need to
cater to you? Well, needto cater to you, yes, I
mean if the seats go back,they go back. Why don't you bring

a booster seat? Yeah? Wellyeah, yeah, right, but my
feet, I mean, my feetdon't sick book or something. I get
it. It sucks, but likeif you're on Spirit, they don't lean
back. A lot of airlines havestarted doing it and if you're on an
airline that allows it, then ifthe person in front of me is reclining,
then I'm reclining, and I willtell the person behind me like,

hey, sorry, I'm gonna reclinea little bit because the person in front
of me and by you know,a dentist. Now, I always get
stuck behind somebody whose seat is fullyreclined, and then they're leaning their laptop,
and I never have the nerve tosay, yeah, you're right,
need this and children should not beallowed to recline. Yeah, well,
samu's the size of a child.Now that's true. Eighty eight percent say

yes, you can recline the seat. Uh. Can you bring food on
a plane? We talked about thisbefore. Uh huh absolutely not hot food.
Yeah, a smell I can't yep. Ninety two percent of people say
no, the stinky stuff is obvious. But fifty five percent also say that
crunchy foods are a no. No. You can hear yeah exactly, yeah,

but yeah, I mean, Gina, you haven't been here, but
I've been saying the same thing,like hot food on a plane. I
don't care. See here's my takeyou Oh the message, didn't we just
bring a burrito on a flight recently, didn't we get like a breakfast?
We were starving and so we gotlike a breakfast breedo. Oh no,
that was a sandwich. Yes,we got to sandwich when we each house
the sami sandwiches fine, but hotfood onto a plane is ridiculous. I

don't care. I'm never gonna seethese people going to chime in. It's
like food smells like food, right, And I agree, Greg, But
I don't think you fly enough tounderstand like it has an odd odor,
even though it might be a foodthat I would enjoy eating. Yeah,
I just don't see how like ifa burger smells great or a piece of
pizza smells great, you bring iton a plane and all of a sudden
it's quote grow. And also keepin mind, is that stuff they brought

from home. It's not some weirdstuff whatever. It's whatever will be available
in the airport, which is basically, you know, pizza, of burgers,
sandwiches. Yeah, some weird reasonit's funky. Greg. I'm shocked
that you're okay with this because oneof the reasons I don't want to smell
it is because being like a seminervous flyer. It makes me feel like
I might puke. I don't wantto. I don't want to take it

good here or in the other room. Do they have barf bags anymore?
If they do, Yes, theydo. I have a psychological reason that
menace. You might hate it.Is it because you're kind of jealous?
Like, oh that person? Iget to the airport long enough where I
can get food. Can you tucka small item like a jacket or a
purse in the overhead bin? Sure? No, not to take a place

of a supers that's the thing.If it's taking up space. I hate
that you already have a bag inthere and you can fit like your jacket
or something wedged on top, thenI think that's fine. Or if it's
already filled up with as many bagswill fit in there, and there's some
space in there for like a jacketor something like that, and that's fine.
Seventy three percent say it's fine.I don't care what you say.
My purse is going in there.Don't talk to someone if they've got headphones

one that seems obvious. One hundredpercent of people I will have money on
there aren't even plugged in just toshow it. I don't want it,
not even on a plane, justin life. Ninety four percent of people
say it's the equivalent of like ado not disturb sign. Yes, phone
calls after you land, it's okay, right with that? Sixty nine percent
of people I think it's rude,and then you should wait until you're in

the airport flying with the baby.One in four whish it was never allowed.
Can you laugh while watching a movieon a flight? Why not show?
Fifty eight percent of people say no, you're not allowed your happiness in
No, you got to keep itquiet. Chuckles are okay, but keep
the laughing out loud to a bareminimum, to the top your mouth.

I'll give you one more before wewrap this up. Do not bite your
nails. You don't have to goaround to this and clip your nails.
And I only like when people arefiling. That gives me like a It
gives me like a chill down myspine. Yeah, it's it's like when
somebody takes a popsicle stick and dragstheir teeth. Noase, they drag their

teeth across the not okay, yeah, something like that. Yeah. Ninety
two percent of people think it shouldbe a rule like don't do your nails
like you're painted. It's the smellof that too. Very all right,
eight seven, seven forty four Woodyis the phone number. Go ahead and
give us a call this morning.Be a part of the show. Hit
us up with a text check inif you like. Over to two two

nine eight seven More Woody shows next, hang on. The Witty Show will
be back in a sec. Hey, it's man, it's check out the
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over twenty five dollars. Lazydog Restaurantsdot com. Manie, what is today's

word of the day? Idio secrecy? In a sense, his idio secrecies
are are multitudes? What what?What multenius multin enorian The Woody Show.

It's another new hour insensitivity training fora politically correct world. It's a brand
new week. It's Monday, isJuly the twenty second, Yeah, twenty
twenty four. My name is whatdy? That is Greg Gorey, good morning.
The menace is here. What isup Woody idiosyncrasies, IDEO secrecy,
secrecies secrecy. We got Sammy Morning. Sea Bass is still out on his

super Seed for TV project. Ifall goes his plan, he should be
back. Even if he goes allthe way through whatever it is, he
should be back by the end ofthe week. All right, we'll see
what's going on there again. He'sgot no cell phone, no internet,
so you know, I don't know. He's like in a in a black
hole. Greg likes him in ahole. I miss him so bad right

now, all right, there's somuch missing without his cell phone. He
and I have been just in communicadoso much. Wow right yeah, yeah,
and so sitting in once again forseed baths today, we got Gina
grad Hello, Gina, Hey,good morning. Phones are open eight seven
seven forty four. Woodie. Youcan hit us up with the text over
to two to nine eight seven weekendcheers and jeers. Oh yeah, it

wants to go first. I'll gofirst, all right, I cheers is.
I went to a bunch of events. I met a lot of Woody
Show listeners, a lot of peoplethat have been supporting show for a really
long time, and they had somany good things to say about the show,
so thank you for that. Mygears is though. I was on
the highway and attractor trailer. Iwas kind of like on the side of

it, and then I don't knowwhere, a rock just flies up.
It looks like so many shot.Yeah, I like that. It hit
it so hard. I thought itwas actually going to go through safe that
repair SA. I know, Iprobably if I put my finger on it,
it would probably like break all theway. There's the thing. They're
crazy expensive. Safe light. Yeahthey're good, they're good, but they're

expensive. Shop it around. Ilearned this recently. My wife was at
an intersection and they were doing someweed wacken on the side of the street
and the weed whacker kicked up arock and hit our back passenger window,
and just to get that replace,we called around. People wanted like eight
hundred dollars. No, it wasthe it was the backseat passenger side window

eight hundred. One was nine hundred. We got a local place that did
it for about like four fifty.I mean it was significantly less. You
got to shop around. Just don'ttake the first it's all the same.
I remember I had another windshield outand we took it to a dealer.
It was like three thousand bucks.Yeah. Well, sometimes when you buy
a car, they'll ask you forcertain you know, if you want to

get this kind of protection, thatkind of protection. Sometimes I don't have
it now, but I remember atone point I had like a windshield protection
thing because they were given it tome at like costs because I knew the
person who was like running the salesdepartment or whatever, and that saved me
a couple of times because it waslike a fifty dollars deductible and then that
was it and you got like themanufacturer glass, you know, that's the

good stuff, you know, premiumglass, Like i'd know, does it
fit? Is it leaking? Isee through it? Yeah, but shop
around yeah pro tip. I wastrying to count how many times does this
happened to me? And I thinkthis is my third time? To be
fourth. Yeah, my wife's gota problem on her car with tires.
She's always running over nails. Yeah, a place near new construction, that's

super common. See. The problemis where we live, all the houses
are about twenty four years old atthis point, so everybody's starting to do
remodeling, remodeling like the outside,like hardscape stuff like redoing the driveway,
redoing other things since redoing roofs,you know. And so we drive around
the streets of the neighborhood and she, but she's the one that always catches
the nail so far. I mean, I'm knocking on wood like it that

I have not had that problem.But you had a flat before, but
not hers is like its constant.Yeah. Another thing I started thinking about
too, because it was like almostlike a straight up bullet. I was
thinking, Wow, motorcycle riders,like, how do they do not taken
out by these things? Especially thedudes who don't wear helmets? Yeah?
Are they? They don't have likea shield jammer like yeah, like those

acorn like helmets. No, No, I'm not talking about helmets. I'm
talking about shield just like on thethe bike in front. Yeah, man,
because I remember the first time Ilost my windshield and it was a
can of something that fell off atruck and it like it started flipping that
too, that took out the entirewind shield. Are you wiley coyote?

No, Like I'm Piano, I'msure that everyone has like a windshield story
you haven't had. Yeah, andit's always from a big truck, so
I try to avoid them. It'sa rock far away. I wasn't even
directly behind the truck, and Iwas on the I was in the middle
lane. It was on the rightlane. Yeah. And then yeah,

I don't know. They spray abit. Some dude dropped a brick over
a bridge while I was driving.I thought I was going to die.
That's cool. We had a uh, we had a freak of the week
that was on Craigslist years ago abouta guy who was doing that for it
because it got him off. Hegot like all excited about like throwing stuff
a car. So he's doing thiswhole fantasizing about like, you know,

has anybody done I'm really interested indoing like because it got him like aroused
the idea, the idea of causingchaos got him around. Okay, joker,
Yeah, relaxed, freaky weekend Cheersand jeers. I'm going to give
cheers to my willpower. You guysknow very well that I'm highly addicted to
my fake phone slot machines. Yes, yes, he buys fake chips chips

with real money. That doesn't gethim any kind of real winning. Oh
yeah, oh yeah, And Iremember he buys credits for real money,
for real money. Okay, don'twin, no, you win nothing.
You play these slot machines that soundsfair, are incredibly realistic, like you
think they're the actual slot machine.And I got to the point where one
day, many many many years ago, I thought, who would buy chips
on this thing? Yeah? Donewell, I became that guy and I

was buying chips and I thought,oh man, I have got to stop.
And I finally quit. I didn'tyou know, was it last week
of the week before I were like, what are you doing? You're called
turkey on it. I didn't quitthe app. But now I'm only doing
the timed chips, like every everyfour hours, get chips. So I'm
trying to accumulate instead of buying them. It's so pathetic, but I'm that

I'm cheering to my willpower. Becausethey actually had a deal a couple of
days ago and I said a sale. Was it free shipping? I said,
oh, wait, for nine ninetynine, I can get twenty two
billion. That's pretty good. Twentytwo billion chips only last me maybe one
day because I'm betting twenty five milliononline. Yeah, and I'm playing that

much that a few billion will lastme like an hour. And so I
did not buy them and I willnot buy it. And what does that
cost? What does that cost you? Let's say I do it a couple
of times, what would even makeyou happy? Hit? Right? I
had to weigh that, man,because I thought, as stupid as this

is, I do enjoy it.But I then the needle kind of tilted
towards this is pathetic. Yeah,it spiked that way. It's dumb.
So I quit, and I hearby. I didn't quit the game,
right, I quit buying chips.But there are apps where you can win
real money. Yes, a thousandtimes, and I used to have that

game, but I disconnected it now. To be fair, greg, people
spend money on a lot of dumbstuff, right, you know, everybody's
like my grandmother used to always say, because she would go to Atlantic City
and people are like, why,you know, she's on a fixed income.
This is my entertainment. I don'thave cable. I can't get out
to go to movies. She didn'thave a car like she like. So
every once a month, the oldpeople get on the society or you know,

they would charge like a bus ora plane from Pittsburgh to Atlantic City
and they would go and she'd beat the taj Mahal or whatever it was,
and they treated her like a queenbecause she had like the Players Club
or whatever, got a free roomand then brought her back home. And
that was way more. And sowhat Greg's doing. Yeah, we had
a chance to win some actual moneysomewhere, but maybe had a nice and

we chalked it up like, wow, we don't get it. That's her
entertainment and this is Greg's entertainment.That checks out, Greg, I have
to think about it's still done.I know it's And then Greg, I
mean, you like football, Whydon't you just bet on football. You
can take ten dollars, put iton some parlay back somebody exciting. You
could win real money. Weekend cheersand jeers? My jeers? Is that?

Why do you always start negative?What we're supposed to start with cheers?
It's called cheers and jeers? Yeah? Good news, bad news?
Yeah? Okay, Well the goodnews is I just had a great weekend.
In general, it was kind oftough for me to even find a
Jeers. I hung out with Woody'swife. We had so much fun.
We went out, we had drinks. We always have a great time,
and we hadn't seen each other ina while. So cheers to singer.

And then I went to a baseballgame that was a lot of fun.
Yeah. I did two things thisweekend, you guys. That's big for
Sam. That's normal a month's worthof activity. Literally so much socializing,
I know, it was so sureshe had to like speak to people.
Yeah. And then my gears isto basically stores everywhere that aren't carrying clothes

in store and you can only getthem online. I've been searching for gene
shorts everywhere and they just don't havethem anywhere. They don't have sizes what
well, I was gonna say,please don't say because they're too small.
Well, they have one option outof half the sizes, and you just
can't even try things on. Sothen you would have to order it all
online, which you get it intime, try a bunch and return it

because they won't fit. Have youbeen the old Navy? Old Navy's got
a ton of summer stuff, dothey? Yes? But did they have
like good gene shorts? That are. I don't know. I didn't go
to the girls section. I'll checkthem out. I haven't been able to
find any one over there because Iwas trying to find some new swim shirts
Menace, because we have like abig thing coming up this weekend. You
got to get a Yeah what aswim shirt? Yea, yeah, like

athletic wear athletics. It's basically likeyou know, athletic where like the stuff
that they sell to people who shouldbe jogging in them and stuff use that,
and Menace uses that we use thoseas pool shirts because nobody needs to
see our man tits, yeah,I know, and giant bellies, and
we always run into listeners. I'mlike, I'm not taking a picture off
right. Yeah. So I juststopped in there, and like they had

a ton of I mean, Iguess because we really haven't gotten to the
hardcore back to school stuff yet.That's when they really bring out all their
fall crowds. I think they needto get rid of seasonal restocking though,
because the seasons are always ahead oftime are way too rarely. Yeah,
and then when people need like summerstuff, it's super you're costing yourself.
Like all you see is jackets.I'm like, I don't need a jacket

right now. Yeah, it's likeJanuary, they're selling all the spring stuff.
Yeah, like that's so old timing, Like people are not like buying
stuff ahead of time. So mymom was trying to find just a jacket,
like a regular like kind of windbreaker, light jacket, and so she
went to a couple different places,one of which was as Macy's told her,
we don't carry jackets in store anymore. You can only order jackets online.

Insane. And then they say theywant you to go to the store.
Okay, yeah, give us jacketssmall alive or aren't we balls are
failing everywhere because they don't keep anythingin stop stock and you have to like
jackets just seem to be like underwearand socks. So that's the thing that
especially the light coats, maybe notthe big heavy winter coats, but you
know, always someone's looking for somekind of like light Yeah, all you

around, I don't know what theywindbreaker, I don't know what they a
wind breakout? Right? Is thatold timing? I don't know what they
like? A light coat? Youknow, that's all the time, all
the time. I once went toa home depot in June to look for
an outdoor umbrella, and they said, oh, that's out of season.
Yeah, it's summer. Also,it's like any time you sit outside,

yeah, except the block sun right, Gina. Weekend cheers and jeers,
Well the cheers, Uh, Sammy, I had one of your regular weekends.
I left the house a total ofone hour and twelve minutes. Good
for you. One was to goto my kids basketball game they lost by
two points, and one was togo get a new office chair. Otherwise,
aggressive relaxation watching Hoarders, Love afterlock Up, True Crime. It

was awesome. It was rejuvenating.It fed my soul. The gear.
None of you are going to wantto touch me. I'm scared. Not
that you do a lot of touchingme, but I think I have a
wart on my hand. Really,I've never had one before. I thought
it was a blister, and Ilooked it up and I think it's a
wart. And then I looked atwhat you looked at you that I've never

had that before, and they said, you're supposed to put duct tape on
it. Duct tape. Looks likethat might be a ward. Get something
called clear away. I believe it'sa little bottle was kind of goofy liquid.
I haven't even thought about warts oranything like that. I remember like
in the eighties or early nineties,somebody add like a ward thing, maybe
like one of my sisters or something. I don't know. Somebody did and

they went and got this stuff andyou just kind of drip it. It
comes like in a little like likeI drop her looking stuff and you just
drip it on there and like driesit out. I don't know, I
think that's clear away. I didn'tknow what does this say about me,
though, because I've read frogs forsure, I was gonna say I'm a
witch, I kissed a frog,or I have something that I wasn't aware
of. I don't know. Ifelt your genital herpes. You've been touching

yourself a lot. Yeah, transferredto your hand. It just comes back
and forth. Yeah, I feltso about In elementary school, there was
a creek by our school and therewas a bunch of frogs in there,
and somebody got like some huge frogand they were holding it and then the
frog peed all over there and thenbut the frogs I don't know, but

like all the kids are like,oh, they're screaming and yelling have warts
all over here. Yeah, justthe story alone is going to haunt that
kid for the rest of his life. Yeah. Hey, that's but that's
a I don't know what they havein their skin or right. I don't
like what causes a WART. Idon't know. Look that up. Yeah,
I think it's just from being dirty, all good. I think warts

are caused by certain strains of HPVreally barely so. And then also hearing
of it, that's her power finger, different strains, that's her power finger.
Well, no, because then Isaid, I read that it was
really contagious. And if you toucha surface that somebody with a WART touched,
really says, HPV causes too muchkeratin, which is a hard protein,

and that can develop on the topof the skin layer. But why
is this the first time I'm hearingthis and I've been with the same dude.
Does he have HPV? I don'tknow. I don't know how that
works. I'm learning as much asyou are right now from Greg. I
have no idea. Does say howyou get it? He just says through
skin to skin, That's what I'msaying. They said it's really contagious.
Shoke someone's hand. Maybe, ohyou warty people, did I shake any

of your hands this morning? No? Oh, I should you give?
I don't want that. Sometimes they'resexually transmitted and appear in the genital area.
Yeah, I'm good there. Mostwarts affect the fingers, hands,
face, and feet. We're gettingpeople texting over compound. W what's that?
I've heard of that before? Iit okay, this is great,

thank you, because I'm pound totape duct tape. That's like when if
someone gets a skin tag, whichI hate that term skin tag is so
disgusting. I feel about that theway that a lot of people do about
the word moist. Yeah, butskin tag people are like, oh,
you just tie a type piece ofdental floss around it and choke it off,
Like nah, nah nah is thata I don't think that's a medically

approved No. No, the sameway I'm pretty sure that uh duct tape.
Like if you went to the hospitalor you went to a doctor or
whatever and they go, oh,by the way, you have a ward
hold on each other medical drawing andbreak out duct tape, I'm not sure
that's how that would go. I'llget a reel, I'll get a real
I looked it up. Yeah,you can't get worse from frogs anyway,

and they don't know how that mythstarted. Also that I found out about
the peeing thing with the frog it'sactually so they can get away from and
people that might be harming them smart. So it is that actual pe or
is it just like those legit peI thought they screte through their skin like
I thought they Maybe they do thattoo, but when they get scared of

they pee. I know the grassgrasshoppers will poop in your hand. Good
because we used to catch like thesegrasshoppers as kids and then like you know,
you let them go, but thenyou have like brown stains, say
with ladybugs it's yellow, yeah,lady yeah, yeah, you get like
this yellow stuff on you. Ithought they were all sweet. They are,
but they also want to get away. Yeah. My weekend cheers and
jeers. So good, Neil,I'll start with the cheers. Seven pounds

down, oh good. So,since since I got back from the fourth
of July break, just really beenback on the weight Watchers thing and also
just you know, track, soI'm tracking everything but also just eating really
well the way I'm supposed tom andthen it would go. But yeah,
but I'm eating way more than Gregis. Greg's eating like two ounces of

anything a day and like beats andlike one teaspoon of cottage cheese that's all
he's eating. No, So I'meating you know, you know seven you
know, eighteen hundred calories whatever itis, seventeen eighteen hundred calories. But
I'm still not doing any exercise.So I can only imagine maybe if I
did anything a little bit any different. No, no, oh yeah,

yeah, define that before better thanbefore. There you go, there you
go. And then my other cheerthat I have here is, you know,
so my son tried out for thehockey team and he didn't make it.
He was in a cast for likea month leading up to the tryout
and so hadn't been on the icebecause they wouldn't let him on the ice
with a cast, and so hehe didn't make the team. But they

had told him, hey, here'sa couple of things that we want to
look you know, if we havea roster spot that opens up, because
they shuffle around, like maybe thiskid was you know, picked maybe for
junior varsity. Some kid from varsitymoves and they move another kid up and
so anyway, long story longer,they have a spot and so he's got
another tryout coming up on August fourteenth. We got a call late last night
from the team organizer or whatever,and so I'm so happy and excited for

him because this has meant so muchto him. It's always been looking forward
to for the last two or threeyears. So I'm really excited about that.
The jeer is man, I amso done, and I'm drawing a
line in my life which I thinkI have before, but like I'm really

gonna like adhere to it. I'mdrawing a line with drama, you know,
and I can't take it like it'sit's just not for me. I
don't want it. I'm very upfrontand you know, whether you like it
or don't like it, at leastI'm being upfront where you stand and you
know where you stand. Yeah,I've known you for long. I've known

everybody in this room for a longtime, and that that's just how I
am. Sometimes it's not good,sometimes it is, but at least it's
all there's because I try to stayout of that stuff. Yeah, I
really don't now a good rumor orwhatever is, you know, that's juicy,
right, Greg, But you knowwhat I'm talking about, and people
that try to drag you into theirdrama, people who are just drama and
so just in general. But thenover the weekend, man, there's some

family drama going on, and Ithink, I think I'm done with this
particular family member. In fact,I hit him up. I hit him
up with lose my number. Andthis this is a very close family member.
Did you get crap from other familymembers because that's happened to me.

But nope, zero, good foryou zero. So but like I can't,
I can't take it. Don't dragme into your drama. It never
changes. No, you know whatit's and it's and it's upsetting. Somebody
mentioned to me I saw something maybeit was on Instagram or something like what
he is always miserable, Like hehates his job, you know, he

hates being there. I'm like,dude, that is so far from the
truth. I love this job.In fact, Greg and I were just
talking about this right right, LikeI love this job. This is a
great job. Any of my miseryis really just with myself, like personally,
whether it's my weight or how Ilook or feel about myself. That's
it. Like it has nothing todo with anybody else. It certainly has

nothing to do with this job,is my It is like I like,
people go, why don't you justtake the day off for yourself and just
like, you know, go takeyourself to lunch. I'd like, No,
I'd rather be here. Yeah.I don't like waking up at two
o'clock in the morning, Like thatpart I don't like, Yeah, But
the rest of it, this iswhat I wanted to do my whole life.
I'm not miserable my job at all. Like I think what's going on

here is great. Yeah, andI'm completely happy and satisfied with that.
And good for you for hunting outthe things that are making you miss.
Yes, the only thing that Ican do without I could do without drama
and man if it's been an ongoingthing I think for my whole life.
It's just like my own personal youknow, opinion or you know, view

of myself for whatever reason. Trustme, There's been plenty of therapists and
whatever who have tried to crack thatone, and yet and yet here we
are. But that just I justwanted to clarify that I, like,
you know, I you know,other than getting opinionated and whatever, which
is my job. Oh what isalways so opinionated? Well, yeah,
that's what I'm supposed to be.I'm the host of the show. This
is what I do, and Ilove what I do. So but you'll

always know like where you stand.And I know some people don't like that,
but man, the drama stuff.Please, it sounds when it's family
that you want to cut somebody out. Yeah, don't water dead plans that
I love that. Yeah, man, I don't have my phone in here
on me. But yeah, therewas a great uh basically stop pouring energy
and the people who don't pour theenergy back. And you know I post

that over the weekend. You needto be sixty nineing with energy, right,
all right, Well there's your weekend. Cheers and jeers everybody, Yes,
hell yeah, we'll take a quickbreak. I just spent the entirety

of that last break everything yeah,commercials song looking for my phone. I
was going to bring you that quote. Oh yeah, cheers and jeers.
Yeah, and uh the quote goesdid d It says, I'll let you
on a secret. You don't haveto tolerate the relationships that drain you.

You don't have to keep showing upfor people who have no interest in showing
up for you. Exactly. Yeah, Anyway, the fall was gone,
so I'm like, damn, theyprobably left in the car. So I
was doing really well. I leftthe studio, I go right to the
lobby, hit the button for theelevator. The elevators already on our floor.

That never happens, jump in,the door closes. I realized,
damn it, don't have my keys, So yeah, so how am I
supposed to look at the car.They're sitting on my desk, So go
back up, get the car keys, run back back. And as soon
as I got to my car andlooked in there and saw the phone was
in there, I knew exactly whereit was. I took a dump,

and I got here today. Iwas sitting on top of the toilet paper,
which I very rarely am in thereat all. Exactly Again, I
will, unlike Greg and Menace,I will poop at work, but very
rarely happens. Does it ever happen? That's what we never leave our phones
in there, will. So youwent on in odyssey for no reason?

Yeah, it's like, man,as soon as I got down there and
especially after like leaving without the keys, like idiot face. You know it
was it was a Christmas story whenRalphie was helping his dad changed the tire,
like and he was like trying toyou know, the like time me.
Yeah, I could have done ithad it not been for Ralphie flipping
the lug nuts into the traffic yellingfudge, Fudge. It'd be fun to

get all the security video of youbeing frustrated. This a bitch, all
right. Well, the big storyfrom the weekend President Biden dropping out of
the race, the first sitting presidentof the dropout since Lyndon Johnson did it
in nineteen sixty eight. That'll beJay. Yeah. So President Biden's already
endorsed Kamala Harris to replace him.But you know who has, which I

thought was very interesting. President ObamaNancy Pelosi, like two pretty heavies,
pretty heavyweights. You know, theyhaven't figured out what they want to do.
Yeah, yeah, So Kamala isnot a lock for the nomination there.
Their convention, I guess, islike next month August, so they'll
have until then to figure it out. There's also a strong rumor that her
running mate will be Pennsylvania Governor JoshShapiro, some other people getting kicked around

the rumor mill to run for thePresidencylifornia Governor Gavin Newsome, Michigan's governor Gretchen
Whitmer. Oh yeah, you know, it sucks. Apparently the White House
staff found out about it on socialmedia like the rest of us. Yeah,
that's what they say, but theyhad to know. I don't know.
I think that you hear about stufflike that because they keep it such
a secret. I'm sure, likefor sure, but the Press secretary new

sure it wasn't a complete blind slidingdude, and wait to be dramatic on
CNN Van Jones, you know thatguy. Yeah, he broke into tears
delivering the news. He said hewas heartbroken and compared it to taking the
car keys away from a relative whohad become too old to try. Wow,
what kind of right? But like, the analogy is not terrible,

but I learned it on the weekend. Now, I forget what's the nickname
for the the Gretchen from Michigan.Don't they call her like big or something
like that. I have no ideayea her nickname couldn't tell you. I
heard she's like swears and stuff that'sfun in the interviews eight seven seven.
Hit us over the text over totwo two nine eight seven. I'm sweating,

yeah, like a beverage. Letthis be a life lesson. No
pooping at work? Yeah that didn'thappen, all right? Hit us up
with the text over to two tonine eight seven. Should I just man
up and stop being a whining kleefboy? This is the Woodie Show,
all new term and trend alert foryou, Greg and how you love these

things? Where's my trend notebook?It's for single ladies and it's called boy
Sober Summer so being boy sober meansno romantic or sexual relationships, including dating
and casual hookups. That sounds boring, all right. So therapists have noticed
a trend where a bunch of chicksare taking these intentional breaks from dating.

But now it's got a name,boy Sober, Summer Choice sober run for
me, Thanks, I'm boy Sober. The chicks that are doing this say
it's just the burnout from online datingapps unsatisfying experiences that ove them to this,
and that going boy sober has allowedthem to focus on self improvement strengthen
their friendships with their girlfriends, andquote reclaim their energy without the pressure of

seeking male attention or validation. Once, I mean, you're wrong about that.
I know that you're mocking what they'resaying, but if you are consistently
dating people who are not great people, you got to look at yourself and
who you're choosing when you start labelingit boy sober Summer. Go to the

last quote. What has talked aboutenergy? What was the last quote?
It says, uh, going boysthe focus on self improvement, strengthen their
friendships with their girlfriends, and quotereclaim their energy. Yes, without the
pressure of seeking male attention or validation. Right there, that statement just shows
the red flag that it's them problem. This one chick they talked to in

the article about it in USA Todaysaid that going boy sober made her realize
she was actually a lesbian. Sothat's pretty it was her just in that
case. Right there, are talkinglike people who've never been on dating apps,
and those haven't rough. I hateddating. I've never done it.

That was tough stuff, man.I never I've never had a friend who
really seem to enjoy doing it,which is why I never did. Because
it's like they're going on all thesecoffee dates in the middle of the day
and then coming back and just notliking it and not having a right time
and w should waste your whole night. But they're still wasting their time because
they're going on so many dates thatI always felt like and just not enjoying

themselves. Isn't that you just kindof having a limit, Like, look,
I'm willing to do this maybe oneor two times a week, especially
for coffeees. That's easy. Yeah, you're not wasting your whole Friday or
Saturday night. And if it's anumbers game, how do you know that
one coffee date won't be the one? Well, I guess you would have
to believe it's the numbers you wouldhave to try to yeh know. Any
relationship person that deals with people tryingto help find relationships, they'll say it's

it's not the apps where you gofind somebody. It's changing your environment,
changing your routine, where do youmeet new people. Every substantial relationship I've
ever had came from a time whereI wasn't looking for one true you know,
or like there was times I waslike, yeah, I wouldn't mind
dating somebody and then it's just likelike the Sahara desert, you know,

but not that you're not meeting peopleor going like but it's like it's all
duds. You're absolutely you know.The minute you stop looking for your keys
or in my case this morning,the cell phone, that's exactly when you
find it. Yeah. I wason all the too many dates. I
ended up marrying somebody I used towork with, because everybody's got that one
female friend who her whole life islooking for a man. Yeah, and

it never worked. I tell themthe same thing, would I'm like,
stop looking for them, Yeah,and then you'll find it. Great?
Am I right? Though? Wasit them? Probably? You like to
be put on a spit as Shesaid that she would be on that front
and from behind the same time thedevils. Yeah, I didn't know what
you're talking. I want to makesure you were clear while we were talking.

All right, you're well. Sheis seated next to the glory Hole.
She's tongue flicking. What's on thisshow? We got a new round
of morgasms tomorrow. Rap Yeah,it's summer. So she goes to an
ice cream store rap perfect. Yeah, wants to try the ice creams and

I best we really like it.He's not the New Hour insensitivity training for
a politically correct world. It's Mondaythis hour. I've got a friend of
mine, Anthony's one of the world'snicest dudes, and he's dealing with the
squatter situation. Now. Now,now you've seeing any stories and news you've
heard about him, but do youreally know what goes on, like what

the people who own the property haveto go through to get this loser out.
And he's gonna tell us all aboutit because he told me the story.
I'm like, you've got to comeon the air and tell people about
this because I think the more peoplethat know about it, the more that
maybe could be the people will getmore upset about it. Like I'm trying
to make you, guys upsets sothat maybe you'll write to your lawmakers.

Yeah, it's been done in insanityplaces like Florida, I believe Texas,
where they'll throw you out on yourear. It's not your house, Get
the f out bye. Like,there's this dude who calls himself an illegal
migrant influencer and he has been encouragingpeople to squat in US homes. Death
he gives himself an illegal alien.I'm sorry. He himself is an illegal

alien who was arrested back in Marchafter he was bragging about all the money
he was making off the US governmentassistance. And then since his arrest,
Homeland Security has been going through hishistory in his social media and they found
out that he was giving people tipson how to be a squatter. Oh
and before illegally crossing the border intothe States, he was a sergeant in
Venezuela's military intelligence unit. That's whothis guy is. Hate him, hate

him. Squatters are the lowest formof life. Yeah. A guy in
Virginia. He goes to an openhouse and he talked to the cellar about
how much he liked the place andthought it would be great for him and
his four kids. And then hemoved in two days later. Oh pretty
quick, right, Yeah. Ididn't make an offer anything. He just
showed up with his kids, gotinside, refused to leave. Wow.

So the police got there, orderedhim out, but he just h He
just stared at them through the window, So they went inside. They arrested
him. It turns out he wason probation. He's got warrants and two
neighboring neighborhoods and Child Protective Services tookthe kids in. They're gonna be turned
over to a responsible family member.But that's how it starts. Yeah,
people just get in and depending onwhere you are and what the law is,

some dumb loophole like, yeah,you ever got one piece of mail
there, it's your residence, whichyou could have sent to yourself, Right,
don't they care whose name is onthe deed? Does that not matter?
Well, because apparently they'll say,well, it's just a dispute with
the homeowner. They say they havea lease, and so by the the
cops aren't there to determine what's areal lease and what's a fake lease or
what's a fake or real agreement,So they can't necessarily drag them out if

they're saying they have an agreement.So then you have to go through all
the rigamarole of filing for a courtdate, getting a court you'll hear like
my buddy's calling in here in justa couple minutes, will have them on
the air. But dude, Iwant to give a shout out to these
new homeowners who did what they hadto do to get the previous owners to
stop squatting in their new house.It was the previous owners who just refused

to leave. Oh weird. Apparentlya pair of squatters went years without paying
their mortgage and then refused to leavethe house once it was auctioned off until
the new owners bought the house andintimidated and tormented them. They finally left.
They camped out on the lawn,buckets of paint. They painted messages
on the house. Now they're theowners. At that point, they also

gave all of the neighbors permission togo in and out of the house whenever
they wanted. They even tore downthe fence and all the landscaping until the
squatters finally gave up. So nowthey have to go and they have to
do all this stuff. But theysaid that spending the money on that because
they wanted to redoce some stuff anyway. They wanted a new pay in the
house, they wanted a new fence. They said, I'd much rather spend
the money on that then give itto these people to get out. Yeah,

I don't understand, like how everypolitician everywhere, no matter what side
they're on, don't run all this, don't run on the campaign like I'm
going to change. Yeah, thisthese squatter laws, Well this goes to
the mentality of just because somebody hassomething that you don't, gives them some
kind of entitlement or free reign.Yes, it's gonna take one on both

sides, no matter what you areon the political side. Have you met
somebody that are like, oh,yeah, I get it both. I
support the squatters. Yeah for ever, Well, ever, let's take the
break because I want to get theI want to get Anthony on the air,
because when you hear some of thestuff that they're up against, the
laws that apply to them as thehomeowners as opposed to the squatter, Like

the homeowners really have no rights.So I mean when it comes to like
you think like, oh well Iwould just do this, this, this,
this, well you do that,you go to jail. It's insanity.
Insanity. This is all right,Welcome back everybody. Hey, yeah,
all right. So we're talking aboutthose couple of squatter stories. We

hear the squatting stories and the newsall the time. It really is frustrating.
It's the worst. And I understand, like the laws that they haven't
changed, that's what we were saying. And I have a friend and he
was telling me about the situation thathe's going through, and it's such an
incredible story because you can hear thesestories, but then to talk to somebody

who's really going through it and allthe different things, Yeah, it's really
a big pain in the ass.So I asked him if you'd be willing
to come on and uh and talkto us about it. So we got
our friend Anthony here, good morning. I'll tell you it's it is so
close to what you're saying, becauseI was like, I'm reading the stories.
But now for the past nine months, it's like every day, five

or six or ten times a daythere are phone calls and things happening at
my dad's house, which is howthis started. And you don't realize it's
just never ends. So your dadpassed away and there's this house, and
then the person who's in the house, who is this person? How did
they end up there? So that'sa good question because we had to learn

some things because evidently my dad workeduntil he was like eighty five at a
Hallmark store, and he invited herin because she was a co worker and
she had nowhere to live, sowe had an extra bedroom. And then
after he passed, she won't leave. And here's the part that you guys
just mentioned. Because it's New York, if you stay thirty days, you

are now considered a renter, evenif you've never paid rent or lease.
So she do she has the samerights as the homeowner. It would have
been my dad. That's my bigquestion, Like who sits down, Like,
so you're a lawmaker in New Yorkand you sit down and you come
up with this stuff. I'm assumingthat these people who are lawmakers, like
some of them are homeowners, right, No, I assume these are just
outdated laws that have never been updated. Or is it the opposite? Is

this like the news? I thinkit's probably a newer thing. Do you
do you know the answer to that, Anthony, Like, is this like
a more newer thing? How squattersare treated. It looks like because the
COVID took two years, and fortwo years, nobody had to pay rent.
As soon as they got rid ofthe mandates, and people wanted to
stay in their place but wouldn't payrent, nobody was getting to the landlords

to give them their money. Yeah, so landlords started to evict people.
So they stopped it. Yeah,they said, well, no, if
you're there thirty days now, youhave to go to court. As a
matter of fact, we have togo to court. I'm going to have
to. I have had to hiretwo more lawyers. Oh my god,
to go to court. And ohwait, they hit this part. They
just found out yesterday. Once theygo to court for the eviction, which

should happen, that's sixty days fromnow. Then it's a six month wait
to get a sheriff to do it. That's how far backlog they are.
Why I just assume you just goin and grab a sheriff that day.
Yeah, you call the cops.Yeah, You're like, hey, somebody

broke into my house. Yeah,serious, there's a trespasser. There's a
couple of things here. So,like you mentioned the house is in New
York state, Okay, that's correct. Anthony is in Dallas, right,
So dealing with that from there toNew York and and and so tell them
what you told me about when youtalk to the lawyer. And they said,

well, look, you got totake off your Texas hat. Oh,
because this was like insane. Sotwo lawyers ago, I'm talking to
the first person because I'm like inshock. I'm like, hey, wait
a minute. What do you meanwe want to sell the house. It's
up for sale, but the ladywon't leave, so now we can't sell
the house. So blah blah blah. But she says, well, here's

what I need you to do.You need to take that Texas hat off
and put on a New York hat. We do things differently around here,
I mean backwards, the wrong way. I almost. It wasn't a good
day. The only the only personlosing money is you. You're hemorrhaging money.
Yes, so it's in your nameright then, Well that's an interesting

thing. Here's what we learned.It's in my dad's name, even though
we passed away a year ago.To get to the point where it's in
my name, we've been waiting ayear and they're telling us we still don't
have ADMIN, which will take anotherthree months. We've been waiting since last

summer to sell it. No,it's because they're backed up. Oh my
god, what do they do allday? So let me let me uh,
let me, let me, letme use your expertise. Unfortunately,
you have expertise now in this area. So anybody who's listening, you get
somebody who is squatting in your house. The first thing you do is what

you just try to like talk tothem yourself and then try to get them
to leave. Oh interesting, yes, okay. Well, first thing is
that it depends what state you're in. Okay, So if you're in Florida,
they'll just come trow them out,right, which is great. In
Texas, come trill them out.Yeah that this case. Like, so's

say for your situation, we'll gowith your own experience New York. So
you what you contact this woman,you go, look, you got to
get out. We got to sellthis house. Well, let me introduce
you to a phrase I've never heardof in my life. The first step
you do is called cash for keys. That I did mention it to these
guys, I think maybe off theair. Cash for keys is a program
where now this is a whole industry. Now it's an instactly because there's such

a squatting problem. The cash forkeys means that you give cash in exchange
for the keys to your own houseto the tune of what well it started
a lower amount, and then telleverybody what's gotten up to ten thousand dollars
woow that' And they have until todayto say, yes, we could they

the lawyers first said I should tryfifteen, and I choked a little bit,
so I said, well, we'lltry ten. The interesting thing is
they don't have to take it,but a lot of smart people do because
they are going to get evicted eventually. But now she's going to live in
my dad's house until next year freewill. We pay all the bills,

even the electrics. She pays nothing. You're not allowed to by law,
you're not allowed to allow. Sothey're going to go after you if you
turn your yep. This is Effenberg. This is like a horror I told
you, Like I was talking Anthony, I'm like, dude, this is
you got to tell people the insand outs of this, because I don't
think a lot of people understand justwhat an impossible, rotten person, what

an impossible nightmare situation it is,having to deal with the swap a squatter.
And let me tell you what.Let me tell you one of the
things in that vein, she calledthe cops on us. Yeah, my
god. When the cops came thenhe told us we weren't allowed to change
the locks, do anything to her, take her out, move anything,

or we go to jail. Yeah, I'm reading a story right now from
a woman from Queen who got arrestedfor trying to remove a squatter from her
own home. Yeah, that's insane. Isn't the mafia still around? Can't
we like a couple? Well,it's it's funny you say that. So
the like, there's this this cashfor Keys program where you're you're negotiating with

terrorists and you're you're you're giving into these people exactly what they want.
That's done. There's also another guyyou might have seen him online. He
calls himself the squatter Hunt. Ohyeah, and this guy rules and Anthony
reached out to him and talked tothe squatter Hunter. What did what did
he say to be blunt about it? He said, not in New York?
Oh wow, nothing he can do. They call it bullying. They

call the cops. It's called bullying, and the police will take him out
of the house. This is ohmy gosh. I'm even just saying my
the hair on my let my armsand everything's up because as I say it,
I'm realizing I'm that guy. ButI'm like, I just feel bad

for your blood pressure that you're goingthrough the nightmare, So you're not all
I got one more thing. Letme just say, in New York they're
called mother daughter homes. My sisterlives downstairs, and she can't get out
because if she leaves, they're afraidthey'll destroy the house upstairs. She's got

protection and cameras everywhere. But I'vejust just this week, we've decided she's
going to get out at the endof August, no matter what, and
we'll just hire somebody to watch theproperty. We can get to court more
money than even if Yeah, exactly, it's it's never ending. And well,

how much is that? It makesme sick? How much has this
costed you so far? And there'sno recourse, I mean obviously yea or
something, Just give me ten Well, no, he's got it. That's
what he's saying at the beginning.That's what you're saying at the beginning of
the of the conversation. So thenyou have to file for the eviction.
Then it takes six months or whateveryou said, to even get the thing,

and then after that takes another whatdo you say, six months?
But because they're so backed up toeven execute the the eviction, you know,
as you say that, it justdawned on me that what is going
to happen is when we go tocourt, the state will give her a
lawyer for free to fight us tokeep her in that un I can't take
that. Yeah. Well, I'mreading some other articles here and luckily some

local politicians are trying to change thelaws as they should. Why don't they
do it today? I mean soyeah, so dumb. It should be
done tomorrow. But I'm just strowingit out there again. And for ten
grand I can probably do this.I have removed homeless people, have friends
houses and not being a bully,just just being irritating. Yeah, this
is being annoying. We'll talk allright. Did I feel I feel so

bad that you're going through because no, you are. You're going through like
you know, loss, like youyou lose a parent. Now I got
to deal with the house and allthe kind of stuff. So you're trying
to make that happen, and yougot this person who won't leave. You're
having to trying to figure out,like what kind of money you can You
can't disconnect the the electricity or theutilities change a lot. Yeah, you
should be able to smoke them out, absolutely not able to do whatever the

hell like a flash like a flashbang or one of those. But what
are those things that the cops useand then like smoke bombs. Yeah.
Meanwhile, if somebody steals a car, they'll have a fleet of cops chasing
after this car. It's a car. Meanwhile, your home gets literally stolen
and they just sit there. Ridiculousweak, you know. But if you

think about it, why wouldn't youtake the ten grand and go? Because
you're insane, which is why you'rein this situation to begin on that though,
I'm wondering because all these squatters arelike I have rights and they you
know, they know this stuff isif they know that the fifteen grand is
standard or whatever, that they're holdingout for more money because they know they
can get more. I'd rather burndown my own house. I'm sorry what

you do? Yeah, I don'tknow, dude, You're wait until she
die a better person than I am, because I don't know how you've been
dealing with this. Well, Ijust wanted to, you know, have
everybody get a chance to hear yourstory, because you see these articles,
you hear what the squatting thing is. God has gotten even more of a
problem here as of the last likea couple of years. Who are these

lawmakers pandering to because nobody would agreewith this, you know, and they're
empty bags. It's not like they'regoing to get money from the squatters.
What's the deal. Well, Ithink if there's anything, anything at all,
if somebody's listening, has somebody inthe house right now, you need
to get him out while you're aliveand now, or you're gonna lose everything.
Yeah, like, don't wait,don't be nice. Yeah, you

got to figure out how to gethim out right now while you have time.
Because I'm telling you, this isa never ending thing. We're gonna
pull my sister out because I can'ttake it, and I know, I
know it's scary, so and shehandles it like a trooper. But but
but after that, we're talking abouttwenty twenty five before we even maybe get

somebody at the door. Well,I'm sorry going through that. Thank you
guys. That sucks. Man.Keep us updated on the on the process
and how it's going. But sendus her phone number if you haven't.
Yeah, yeah, medical send herlike his own cock on a box or
something, not pulling a guess aguest. Very annoying, very annoying.

Well, that may be bullying.I'm not sure. Yeah, well there's
Anthony. Everybody that's there up ina good line, all right, good
luck, keep us updated. Isthat frustrating or what? I would be
tempted to ignore what law enforcement saysand just deal with it. And yeah,
throw windows, pure gas, cutthe utilities off exactly, Like that's

the most insane part. Like I'mgonna get arrested for cutting your utilities off
to a house that nobody's living andnobody's supposed to be living in. Yeah
you all, yeah, I'm payingfor right. It's shocking to me.
Eight seven said, Yeah, Ijust went for this last year, same
laws and steps man that blows likeI like this one texts. I like

the way he thinks. What ifthe house suddenly had a cockroach problem?
Yeah, or burned down? Rats. Befriend one of the squatters, take
him out to a bar, gethim hammered, then have a copyrighty to
pull him over while they go tojail. Move into your own house a
more, he shows next, hangon the woody shirt, prettyep, pretta

tell what I Hey, I thoughtthe the windows were unbreakable on a cyber
truck. Wasn't that the whole thing, like we were tall. They pitched
it that way, yeah, becausewhat menace? Uh yes, sort of
like you go watch this and hetook like a I don't know, it's
like a cannonball looking thing, andyeah, he threw it at the end

and it chattered, not chattered,but it cracked, and they're like,
oh yeah. But I thought,like one, that was way when he
announced it, like way long agowhen they announced it. But then I
thought when they came out that wasthe whole thing, because I've seen people
shoot arrows and stuffing on the sideof it. But isn't the glass supposed
to be I honestly don't remember theglass. I thought it was just the
bottom. Says that they're not bulletproof, but that Tesla offers a version with

thicker, fixed Paine glass windows thatsome say are bulletproof, but it's not
the standard option bulletproof. A womanin Ohio she got arrested after she smashed
out the windows of some random dudescyber truck and she had her own kids
in the car when she did it, Like, hey, give mommy a
second. Here's some audio of thewindows being smashed in. The owner of

the world's ugliest vehicle talking about it. You just never think something like that's
going to happen until it actually does. I feel really sorry for the children,
and then you just really wish thebest for everyone when everyone come out
okay on this. Yeah, that'swhat you say on the news exactly.
You have some other words and someother names staying happier. So many cyber
trucks now, yeah, unfortunately they'reall over the point. I'm seeing none

to seeing quite a few. Yeah, I'm so hideous. Look they are
built in roadblocks. They're so ugly. I don't mind it. Oh yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah that tracks, Yeah, that tracks. Yeah,
they're just oddly huge. For awhile. Their menace is going through
the uglier the better face. Remembersome of the shoes, like he would
go out of his way to findthe ugliest shoes ugly cool because they were

because they were super trendy and cool. They were like that's what you say,
Well, was that not the true? No, it's the truth,
not true. There's a lot ofshoes out there that are example, well
there's this Valencia Gucci hybrid shoe andit's so heinous that people love it.
Was that big red boot things thatthere's a cartoon, but no, you

don't have that. The bapes,Yeah, some of those. Everything looked
like it came out of like ahighlighter factory. You know. It was
always like, don't pretend like youhave amnesia. Now I don't. I
don't, but I'm trying. No, I'm just so you've moved past that.
No, I just want to see, like what you thought was ugly
about it. I don't know thename of that. Oh yeah, I

don't know the name saw them,right, I mean, you can describe
it. But some things. I'mnot defending ugly shoes, but some things
are so ugly that they almost becomegood looking, yeah, if that makes
sense. Like some cars that arereally you're almost like, Okay, that's
kind of cool. I understand howpeople could like the cyber truck, for
example, because it's so dumb looking. Yeah, but I think part of

it becomes almost cool looking, Yeah, because part of it is like,
you really just need to stand out, and so four people think it's quote
cool exactly because it stands out.It's an attention getting but not necessarily good
attention. It's like, oh God, sometimes the uglier it is, the
more popular it becomes the exact people. Yeah, look at the Easies when
they came out. That's there's anotherexample from shoes like those are the world's

comfort did you have? I had? Of course, I had like fifteen
pairs, right, and they,Oh my god, they were like walking
on clouds. And then Kanye hadgo and mess everything up on that jew
Hayen. He was freaking racist,so I had to get rid of them.
Eight seven, seven forty four,Wooding evacuated The Woody Show, and

it's another new hour in sensitivity trainingfor a politically correct world. It's Monday
morning, so July the twenty second, twenty twenty four. What's good,
Hey Moody, That is Greg Gorey. Good morning, menace, what is
that, buddy? Good morning toyou. Good morning, we got Sammy
Morning to her right would normally beSea Bass, but he is still out
on his television adventure. We're notsure exactly when he'll be back, but

it'll be some time this week.Because the longest I think he was able
to be gone for this whole thatwas a week, all right, and
then he left last Wednesday. Soyeah, so sitting in for him once
again today is Gina grad Good morning. Hello, Gina. Right, phones
are open eight seven seven forty four. Woody, you can hit us up
with the text over to two tonine eight seven. I'm very excited.

We did it once before. Weweren't quite sure how it was gonna go.
Menace was even kind of like,I we'll see how it happened.
People loved it. MENACE's lyrics onthe fly Oh wow, Yeah, I
would rather get a physical exam.It's so scary. But people love it.
I know. I mean we didpretty good last time. Who's that

that freestyle rap guy that I wassending you links to. He's awesome.
I forget his name all over socialmedia right now. I mean white guy
with a beard. Yeah. Oneof my favorites is mister fab. He
is like one of the o Gfreestyle guys, but such a talent.
This uh, this white dude whokills it. He goes out and he
does like the live shows too,and he'll like all right, so it's

a live interaction with the audience,right, So he's like, I give
me four words. Oh he justhe just did a video with Rain Wilson
Dwipe from the office and he goes, look, man, he goes I
went through this book. These areall words that I have no idea what
they mean. I'm the most unfamiliarwords. And then Rain picked out four
words and he worked him into afreestyle rap. It was brilliant. Yeah,

I mean I could. I can'tremember any of the words. They
were so obscure. What is hisname? It's gonna piss me off?
I mean that's what that's like.Yeah, that's a lot of how the
freestyle competitions work. They will justhave those random words that they'll pull up.
If you listen to his sway,he uh, he's a radio show

that's been a long around for quitea long time and has been like perfecting
this. But if you watch thevideo version of his show, he'll just
hold up random words and it's cool, Well, incorporate them. I'm really
impressed by it. Was the dude'sname, Harry Mack. Yes, okay,
Harry Mack on Instagram. That's whereI've seen all. I'm sure he's

on all the platforms. That's justwhere i've seen him. Look at the
one with Rain Wilson. It's amore current video. All right. He
was just on Rain Wilson's podcast.It was really good. Meanwhile, like,
my name is Greg and yeah,I'm here today. I hate that
that came from a TV commercial andthat's why, Yeah, Freddy Pebbles,

Yeah, and I'm here to sayand then every dad in America imitating dropped
at that. Yeah for twenty years. Yo yo yo yo. Yeah.
So MENACE's lyrics on the fly that'scoming up this hour. We'll see how
that goes. And I got abrand new redneck news show. If your
sister's college fund involves two for ontable dances and you're her Vegas contributors read

big News, Harry Mac. Ifeel like the anxiety, the adjita building
up inside me when it's something righton the tip of your tongue like that,
and you like, yeah, that'swhy I suck on game shows like
Weakest Link and all that stuff.It's like, well, you're not involved
in the game. All of asudden, you're like so easy. You're
walking around. Yeah, so verymac, Harry Mack, go check them

out, all right. Well thisis from Tennessee. A former employee of
the Jacksboro, Tennessee Police Department gotbusted after he stole cans of Vienna sausages
and used them to vandalize the homeof the city's vice mayor. Oh no,
with sausages. Yeah. The vicemayor says he heard loud thumps around
eleven o'clock one night, went outsideto go inspect and see what was happening.

Walked around his house and he foundsome broken windows and various cans of
Vienna sausages laying around. Ye oh, so whole can. Yeah. So
the police investigated. I guess theygot some footage from like a ring doorbell,
and then they're like, oh okay, and so they looked at some
surveillance video from all places the Walmart, and they got footage of this guy,
security footage of him buying all theVienna sausages that day that ended up

using in the vandalism. And thenhe ended up admitting to the crime.
He was unaware that they invented rocks. Yeah, he's saying. He said
that was quote supposed to be funny, but it could have something to do
with the fact that his job gotcut. And I think the vice mayor
had something to do with whatever happenedthat resulted in his job getting cut.

Yeah, exactly. So you know, Vienna sausages, that's pretty funny.
He was charged with vandalism and theft. So there it is from Tennessee,
the former employee of the Jacksboro,Tennessee Police Department, of all departments who
vandalized the city's vice mayor's house withstolen cans of Vienna sausages the most random.

Yeah, and that is today's raid. Nick. We got some more.
What is show coming up for you? Next? Lyrics on the fly?
Whatever? Brain juice? You needmenace? I need a drink some
of that. Do some jump jacks? Wake up? Great? All right,
it's next. Hang on, whatdo you show? It's great.

It's a great thing in the morningwith the coffee. You have a little
morning gratitude. I feel like Iwant to Oh my gosh, I started
sweating like crazy. I'm a littleupset that we ruined good donut show.
Well it's time once again. Secondtime you've ever done this lyrics on?
This is your idea, dude,I know, I know it's stressful.

I think Sammy's about to have astrong Yeah, I'm just gonna freeze.
I can't. I'm overheating right now. There's the recap. Yeah, the
lyrics on the fly. I don'tknow if you're ever in the car.
I know I do this what hehas expressed that he does this as well,
But my mind's all he's like rip, nip and slipping. Yeah.
Yeah, when you're listening to asong, you might change the lyrics and

make your own lyrics. Now here'sthe ni slip. Here's the hard version
of it with us is we onlyget We only get the instrumental. So
you might like, when you're listeningto a song and hear the lyrics,
you might get some inspiration to changethe lyrics. Here it's lyrics on the
fly, so you only get,you only get the instrumental, and then
you got to come up with thelyrics as it's happening, right, it's

freestyling. Just it's not necessarily rap. It could be rap depending on the
song. Now, Menace pulled somesongs here. You guys have to pick
a song. Green Day, Boulevardof Broken Dreams, Lincoln Numb, Whiz
Khalifa and Snoop Dogg, Young Wildand Free, Vanilla Ice, Ice Ice
Baby, nine Inch Nails, Closerin Sync, It's gonna be me Adele

Rolling in the Deep, Dolly partonnine to five or Evanescence Bring Me to
live. These are just your options. I like that. It's a big
chasm. Yeah, exactly. AndI threw out a challenge here in the
room. Not a challenge, butyou know, I said I would be
willing if you guys want to comeup with a topic or a subject.
I'm not gonna get all Harry Mack. I'm not gonna be that great at

it. But like, if youknow anything, did you guys come up
with something? Do you want tostick with mowing lines? I think it's
fair that he gets to do exactly. That's fine, all right, so
all about mowing lawns? All right, we're gonna give other people something.
No, no, no, no, never. I gets to pick their
own. But we could start withuh, let's start with Greg God or

do we don't want to go right? You're excited, now get over.
I can't. I can't pick asong. Else to go for a song
for real, it's not gonna wantit's gonna come out. She is freaking.
I'm so excited. I'm just gonnafreak get it over with ye skydiving.
You know how the deal that oncethe door opens, you go,
yeah, I'll start, I'll start. You're gonna start all right, Greg,

what do you What do you want? Nine inch Nails? Nine inch
Nails Closer one of his favorite bands. Yeah, all right, do you
have a particular theme or whatever you'regoing for? I I'm I have something
in my mind. Yes, okay, here we go, Greg gry Lyrics
on the Fly, nine inch Nails, start Closer. Okay, I'll give
you account in three two one.You let me? But are you?

You let me smear you? Youlet me maasticate you. I think I
started too early, and I reallylove you. Eat you. I want
you in my belly, eat you. I'll take you with some jelly,

eat you. I want to putsome salt on you. You bring me
closer too, those I'm still tooearly. I want to eat you like
a bagel. We'll get you,okay, micros to eat you like a

bagel. I got you. Iwant to feel you on my inside.
Right, this is really good.I really need some jelly belly. You
get me closer to God. That'shis wife. Oh man, I'm let's

get to the bagel shot. Nicework, all right, that's really good.
Good. Sorry. See that's differentfrom the version like the beginning of
the intros. We call it it'sshorter on the one that we have here
in the studio. Now the sealhas been broken. Yeah, yeah,
that was the album intro. Relax, use the time to think. Sammy.

All right, Sammy, Yeah,all right, Sammy, picket too
better than Greg. You can't getanywhere. Stop wasting our time. Pick
a song in sync? In sync, it's gonna be me. I'm excited.
Are you ready? All right?Good Sammy. I can't count you

on this one either, because Idon't I don't know the song. Bella
is my dog, babe. She'swith my pair, and I miss her
when she goes. I mean,that's all I got now what picked up?

Her name is Bella, her favoritecolor is yellow. I don't have
to take when she's with my parentson the shes there. I don't have
to be that bitch or take herfor but I miss the good parts.

Yeah, she's gonna come on.It's not my song. That was really
good in the car. I can'ttake care of her. All right,
let's go with Menace. No,I'm not gonna be good. I'm gonna
be worse than Sammy. No good, it was actual Greg, actually,
well garbage. You want to goin as well? You want to change

it up. I don't care gonnago in hell? Yeah, I do
it, alright? Do it aboutBella? Yeah? All right? No
lyrics on the fly? Yeah?Yeah, Well I know about the dog
named bell Line. She has anowner that doesn't like her, always sends

her out of town because she wantsto clown around and crochet and doesn't take
care of her all day. PoorBella. You don't have a home to

go to because your dog owner hatesyou. Now, how you heard that
song before that? But I meangreat doing a topic at the last second.
I went with it. What wereyou going to go with? I
know some maybe something about diarrhea.Yeah, I'm schitzing right, Okay,

that means sweating. Yeah? Howabout vanilla ice? Vanilla ice? Oh
wow? Good? All right,that's a that's a great choice. I
just figured I would kind of introducemyself because a lot of people might not
be familiar with yo. Let's kickit all right, all right? Nice
baby a, Gina? What's up? Hi? My name is Gina,

and I want to give my mouthbetween you get gears when I'm up in
the studio. People last if mylast name is Julio. Something grabs a
hold of me sizzling when I'm watchingmy shows about prison. Will I ever
stop? Yo? Probably not.If you think I'm trash or if you
think I'm hot. You sing I'mextreme, but I'm really quite boring.
Well, you're a partian. I'mprobably snoring my nice nice lady. You

know I'm a nice sice lady.Cramps, Peers and tams go dam cram,
sorry so good. I love thebackup, I love the hype.

Yeah yeah, uh, fix somethingdifferent. I was interally thinking, say,
the three I was really between wasnich Nails, Vanilla Ice or Green
Day Boulevard and Broken DRAMs. Okay, I'll go with the Green Day Boulevard
and Broken Dreams. It's a longintro it is, yeah, no,
it's not okay the right song.I thought it was a zero zero Okay.

The radio version it's pretty Uh,it's pretty short. I think,
all right, this is on whatdid you say, mow and lawns.
That's what wanted. Yeah, yeah, and I told you guys you could
you could pick my topic. NowI wish we could go with peers and
town. Okay, here we go. Listen to us coming in. I

drive up to the house and mymouth drops. Oh man, I'm a
shade. My will looks so terrible. I just have to go and take
a change into the yard clothes becauseI don't want to mess up my old
navy nice stuff. So into thegarage, grab the lawnmower and the weed

whacker, and I head outside.Don't know how to talk to cut the
grass because it's so hot. Youdon't want to sparse into burns. So
Hi, hop on my ride lawnmower, go in back and forth,

make all the patterns, and itlooks so rat like it's a Major League
ballpark. No, it's time todo edge nice. I grabbed the weed

whacker, careful not to run itwhen people walk by. My catch a
rock, then you my catch someoneand thought you can put there. I
out if you're not careful, Butdon't forget to do the edging, because

it won't look and that complete thingsalone, all shook grass hanging over the
edge of the sidewalk and the drivewayand very very good. Well yeah,
wow, it's really hard for Itold you because most of the time when

I'm doing songs like that, I'vewrotten. I've wrote a number of songs
from my kids and for my wife. For my kids, they're all for
my kids are all clean, butthe ones for my wife are filthy,
nasty and so pornographic. That's forthe Yeah uncut Yeah album. Yeah,
all right, well there's a there'slyrics on the fly. We're all live

Sammy, great job. So Isaid, what he has the singing voice
of weird Al Yankovic. Yeah,I kind of I think channeled him there.
That wasn't that wasn't a plan onthat one. By the way,
I do have a clip of thenew weird Al if you haven't remember,
we said it was coming out.Yeah, so weird Al's new song.
It's a take on Billie Eilish,Taylor Swift, Miley cyrus Adele. I

think a little nas X is inthere. Really, it's called polka Mania.
Oh yeah, here's a here's here'sa little clip of that. Here
we go. Nope, Nope,not that one. Uh here it is
you get really rough God just makingenough. Guy, just don't wait for
pup. Guy. I'm that badtype, big your mama sad type,

big your bad, bad type.I'm the bad guy. So hello.
From the song, I must becalled a thousand times to tell you.
I'm sorry, we're bringing your art, but it don't matter. Clearly doesn't

tear you apart anymore. I thinkthis excellently. Didn't buy myself flower.
My name is the same, soyou get the idea goes to it,
like all the different songs Polkamania soundnow the old one he had was Polka
your eyes out, So I think, yeah, he likes doing those montages.
Yeah, and there's a video already, you can you can find it

on YouTube. You weird all everybody, So alright, more what he shows
next? Hang out on the woodShow Menace will eat something gross, He'll
be hungry. In an hour,The Woody Show will be right back.

You made it then, just intime. The show is all right.
So we're still basking in the afterglow. Round of lyrics on the fly,
so much fun. And people reallyliked Gina Grads. Sorryre just kind of
introducing herself to everybody, because youknow, you have but on that much

a couple of days, a coupleof days back earlier in the year,
filling in and then with see batsout filling in again, and so yeah,
Gina grad just like it's almost likea high. My name is like
a right. Yeah. Well,also, don't downplay how great you were.
You were in great, Yeah,did a great. The whole entire

timing was off. Yeah, itdoesn't matter, it doesn't matter. That
was my bad. Then I gotyou, then I got your back on
track. But then I got thatwe mentioned get your back on track.
Yeah, and then you saying giveme a topic, any topic, and
yeh. The person that could reallyuse a redemption is Sammy. All right
to pick another song? Say it'stime, Yeah, it's time. You
gotta do another one. No,No, No, Green Day Boulevard,

Broken Dreams, Lincoln Park, NumbWhiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg, Young moldn
Free, Vanilla Ice Ice, He'sBaby, nine Nails, Closer in Sync,
It's going to be me. Yougot to know Adele rolling in the
Deep. Yeah, those are hardnotes though, how well I know nine?
I don't like these class all right? How about how about one here?

How about one from the last round? Uh Rihanna, Diamonds, Cold
Play, Clocks, Britney Spears,give me More, Owl City, Fireflies,
don't know, Christina Aguilar are Beautiful, which I think you did before
time. That was the only oneI knew on that list about Rihanna Diamonds.
I don't know that you don't knowthat song. I mean, like
not well enough. You don't knowal City. I would have to even

I would even have to hear itright now to remind me what that song
is, Okay, and then whenyou hear it, just start singing.
You're so full of excuses and nota lot of fun. Well, gimmick,
give him move all right? What'swhat's song? Give me? Give
me a song that you know reallywell. I don't have the instrumental for,
but just give me a song youknow very well. I mean,
do we have like I mean,I know Billy Joel songs, but but

I mean like I'm gonna need atopic now, I'm like, I don't
know a piano man? Yeah,okay, do we have piano? Do
we have piano? Man? Wedo have piano, a hard one,
but I don't Again, it's nota man. It's like a thirty second
intro to this thing. Oh,all right, here we go, piano
man sing along? Regular. Yeah, you make up your new lyrics.

You're gonna be singing lyrics single.You're gonna be singing over his lyrics.
I need a topic, just picksomething talk about like you don't know what
the topic is, anything you seein the room. And I'm trying to
figure out a topic because I havenothing between my ears. It's not that

hard. You can do this.It's thinks it's not that hard to do
this, but it really really is, William and I hate it not doing
this, but I'm doing it soTonic Engine. Okay, I like my

pants to poop my pants. Iam William Shatner. Up, I'm sorry,
give me a tamp. It's thattime of I'm not you know.
Yeah, that's that could work,I got it. Doesn't understand here?

Yeah we do. We want todo one about tamps and piers. You
guys are doing tamps and peers.I thought, yeah we do tamps here.
Yeah, I can, I canstart. I'll start you we'll creak
it off. All right. Herewe go all about Tampa Piers. It's

five o'clock gone a Saturday, AntiFlow rolls on in and I'm wearing white
pants with no panties, and soI have to go find me tan,
Greg, you got the next one? Oh? Really? Okay? All

right? Come on, of alldays, why did I wear? Why?
Now? I've got the big staysfakes a mother nature. I hate
my pier. It is such abrain train blood. The look glood looks

squirm and squish, squirm and squish. It looks like a friggin murder season
as much blood. So to seeTampa peers. It's not that hard,
Sammy. They don't even have Tamptonpiers. Yeah, yeah, we don't

about it but yet. But yougot a squirm and squish. Yeah thats
actually so no more? Do whatabout scrolled more? Woody Show? Next?
Hang on? All right? Yeah, so hot. That is a
hot entrance the Woody Show. Allright, welcome back everybody. Yeah,
it is the Woody Show. It'sMonday morning. It's a July twenty second
Day's Mango Day. You know,I'm not a fan of mango. Over

rated, Yeah, overrated. It'sfine. I love this. It's not
worshipable. Thank you Benga. Peoplelooking up in the middle of the night
to eat manga. It's a Worldbrain Day. It's also National Hammock Day.
That's something else that's overrated. Hammock. I love the hammock. I

love the hammock. It's a Nationalrat Catcher's Day as well. Oh wow,
wow. Look out. We'll getto the birthdays here in a minute.
But shout out to Michael Strahan's nineteenyear old daughter Isabella. She's had
a rough go of it, yes, cancer, but she finished her final
round of chemo, did six weeksof radiation, had to have three brain

surgeries. But now she is cancerfree, which is an awesome So congratulation
to uh Isabella Strayhan. There's anothernew trailer out Menace for the new Beetlejuice
movie. I watched it is awesomeand it's so good. And also I
don't know if you're still watching this, but part one of the final season
I saw a Cobra Kai's out.Yeah, I saw the trailer for that

as well. Yeah, I wason the well no, it's out now,
the first part, part one ofthe final season of the episode.
I saw a trailer for it,yeah, because it popped up on my
Instagram. I think you ever timeI see the Cobragui stuff. Yeah,
exciting to have it back. Yeah. Part two is going to be out
November fifteenth. That's the same day, by the way as the Mike Tyson
Jake Paul fight. Oh that gotrescheduled. The season finale of the Boys

on Amazon came out last week witha warning, A trigger warning. It
warns you that the episode contains quotescenes of fictional political violence. Okay,
and it makes it clear that anysimilarities to what happened to President Trump are
quote completely coincidental and unintentional. Ohreally, you mean you mean a show

that was filmed months ago. Wehad not to deal with what happened a
week earlier. We have to putit out there because the public is done.
Amazon even changed the title of theepisode from Assassination Run to season four
finale. Oh, okay, gotit easy. I have never watched The
Boys, but the people that loveit absolutely love it. And I guess
there's a lot such There is alot of apparently gay SEXTI yeah, it

was pretty good. There's wiener stuff. Lawrence Taylor, you know who that
is, right? He used toplay for the Giants and he was very
feared on the field. He's anidiot off the field, arrested for failing
to report a name or residence change. He's required to do that as a
registered sex offender. How to endup on that list? Well back in
twenty eleven. I don't know ifyou remember this. He pled guilty to

sexual misconduct and hooking up with aprostitute who turned out to be sixteen years
old. I don't remember that,and other legal dealings where it is that
Alec Baldwin is playing to sue theSanta Fe County sheriff and the prosecutor in
his shooting case. According to legaldocuments that were filed, his lawyers have
put them on notice telling him tosave all the elephant info, the emails

and the texts and all the documentsand stuff that revolved around the case,
which is what you do when you'repreparing to sue. Speaking of lawsuits,
the surviving members of the Beastie Boys, they're suing, of all places,
Chili's, the restaurant chain Why forusing their song Sabotage in a twenty twenty
two ad without their permission. Wasit like Salsitage or I don't know.

So random that that a company likethat would use non approval. Here's something
for Sammy. There's a reality serieson the next Hallmark Holiday movie star.
They're trying to find who that willbe. It's called Finding Mister Christmas.
Oh okay, it'll be on Hallmark'sstreaming service this fall, where ten dudes

will compete and a series of challengesto test their acting skills and their Christmas
spirit. Watching this, tell yeah, do they have to dress like lumberjacks
or like is that what they alwaysdo on Hallmark movies? Well? Yeah,
I mean they dress for Christmas,understood. Jonathan Bennett is the host.
He's been in some Hallmark movies,but everybody knows him as Aaron Samuels

and Mean Girls. The winner willearn the title of Mister Christmas and will
film a movie which will premiere onHallmark Channel during the countdown to Christmas.
Nice. Yeah, so very excitedin July right now, anyone, So
if you turn on Hallwork Channel,you're gonna get Christmas movie. My wife
was super obsessed with Christmas and thenshe's nothing compared to Sammy Christmas. Yeah,

that's like chiss in July. Yea, yeah, show Shivery. We're
gonna it's Shivers Day. We're gonnasits like it's Shiversday. And you know
we don't do birthday all right,The birthday is starting with the celebrities.
Happy birthday to David Spade, whois sixty years old today. Joe Dirt
Selena Gomez is thirty two. Thecomic genius Albert Brooks is seventy seven years

old today. He's definitely too oldfor this ish these days. Danny Glover,
Oh yeah, is seventy eight.William Dafoe, Yes, how old
he? Yes today? Greg,let's go with sixty sixty nine? Yeah,
he got John Legozamo. Nice,he runs the chop Shop and the
John Wick movies. And he hadthe voice of Sid in the Ice Age.

He was in Romeo Juliet. Yeah, forever, honest, he's sixty
four. And then he got SeanMichaels, the Heartbreak Kid, the former
WWF WWE superstar wrestler, totally fiftynine years old today. Don Henley from
the Eagles is seventy seven. Really, he retired Oakland Raiders wide receiver Tim
Brown is fifty eight years old today. And Greg guess whose birthday it is

today? Today? Let's go withMartin Gore from Depeche Mode. Nope,
it's somebody very near and dear toyour heart. Forty cocks and in fact,
you look a lot like him.Terrence Stamped Oh yes, who was
Zod got in Superman two? Nothing? Yeah? Oh wait till I show

you a picture we photoshop Greg's faceonto onto the character of dude. You'll
have to see it. I hatethat thing. It's so true. Wells
and a wall clock that has zodGory on it. A breakout anyway.
Terrence Stamp is eighty six years oldtoday, and your porno birthday is kimber

Lee. Kimber Lee and Today's birthdayslut. She has been spread more than
a tubble landa Lake's butter one andseventy four fine films, including Perfect Weather
for an orgasm. She was ingetting Horny and Wet in the shower,
another one of your favorite, Sammy, you deserve a foot job? Oh
yeah, you know what. Sheloves feet. Yeah, she was in

a lone time with my purple vibratingwand Volume one and uh, who can
forget her unforgettable role in Nude CakeFight. Oh there we go, a
men's favorite. Yeah right, Ilove it. The cake Fight's good.
What about a new rule that iskimber Lee, who is twenty nine years
old today, and that is yourpart of birthday, your celebrity birthdays,

and a little bit of what's happeningin the world of entertainment. This morning.
It's here with the Woody Show.Let me see if I can find
Let me see if I can findthe zod gory picture for you. Yeah,
because yeah, I'm picturing Terence Stamp. Yes, images, I don't
know. It's been going on forwhat fifteen years? You look like this
guy? Yeah, maybe fifteen yearsago, twenty years ago and certainly not

the what eighty four year old?Exactly? Yeah, I will see.
You had it as his desktop folksfor the longest years. Finally he changed
it Gory Woody Show. I justwanted to see it because I'm telling you,
when you see it, you're like, you know what, You're right?
Where do you think it is?Is it like in the eyebrows or

everything. I'm looking at the oldschool Terence Stamp picture and I wouldn't say,
oh my god, that looks justlike Greg. But I get where
you're going. No, I can't. I can't bring it up. It's
not coming up. I'll find it, Okay, it's not an insult,
No, dude, it neil beforez E I just told somehow great?

Then I know I will kill youfor it? All right? More?
Why shows next? Hang on theWoody Show back and see you Buila wouldn't
approve the Woody Show. Well,that's gonna do it for Monday Morning,
Everybody Full Show podcast. It's availableif you go to the woodieshow dot com.

You're gonna hear the cheers and jeersfrom the weekend. Uh. That's
been a new fan favorite. Yeah. Like I get a lot of really
good feedback on that. I wantto start including like your cheer and jeer,
like where you can call in,you could share yours, your highlight,
your low light, let us knowon the Aftertowers Voicemail eight seven seven
forty four Brand New News Today.And my friend Anthony, I've done this

guy for a while now, andhe was telling me a story recently about
this squatter that took over his dad'shouse. His dad passed away, and
I had him call in today becauseyou hear about these stories in the news
and these squatters and they're taking overpeople's homes just by deciding they're going to
be there, and the person whoowns the house has like no rights.
It's insane, sucks, absolutely insane. But just how insane is it?

When you hear his story, yourblood will boil And if it doesn't,
you're part of the problem. Butthat's on today's podcast as well. Trending
these headlines and more all on theMonday podcast. Just hit up Thewoody Show
dot com. Still not sure ifSeaBASS is gonna be back yet. We
haven't heard anything. But what aboutGina? You good for tomorrow? All

right? Just in case, we'llpencil Gina in again. We got some
higher education. Menace talking to ananimal medium. I loved it, and
so this is some one who communicateswith your dead pets. Yeah, okay,
Menace gets super high and learns allabout the animal medium that is tomorrow

and more for it and whatever yougot. Like I said on the After
Hours voicemail, you can leave thateight seven seven forty four Wooding, send
us an email email at the Woodieshowdot com, or find us on social
the social media platform of your choiceat The Woody Show. All right,
Menace, Sammy, Gina, anythingyou like to add? No Greg Gory
parting words of wisdom please? Yeah, this is very important to me,

Woody. They should not be calledpopcorn ceilings. They should be called cottage
cheese ceilings. It looks nothing likepopcorn, looks exactly like cottage cheese.
I think that used to be alittle bit more aggressive. I think maybe
that's one because that's when it gotits name. I see, it seems
to be what we see now moreor less, is like a toned down
version of what it used to be, like fluffier. Yeah. Do you

remember people that used to texture theirwalls with like leo sponge paint, not
the sponge stuff. It's like theywould they would take like a wet spackle
and they'd use a what do theycall like a spatul almost and make it.
Yeah, it looks like frosted.Yeah, it's like effect, yeah,
like an orange Yeah, exactly.Yeah. I still don't like the

look. I don't hate the lookas much as some people do. Popcorn
ceiling me neither. I never understoodthe hatred for it. But it's easier
because then you don't see any kindof blemish in the ceiling. True,
but it should be called cottage cheeseceilings. Agreed. I'm very passionate about
that. I thank you very much, Greg Gory, thank you so much
for giving the Woody Show some ofyour valuable time this morning. You know,
withoud appreciate you for that. Restof you guys can suck it.

We'll catch back here on Tuesday.Have a great day. S M D
double M. Quit this bitch.

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