Episode Transcript
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What is the dude to the graphicnature of this program? Listen to this
question? Is it lies? TheWoody Shows? The Woody Show Insensitivity Training
class is now in session. Hey, good morning everybody. Today is Tuesday.
It is July the twenty third,twenty twenty four. Make sure all
the microphones are under good We'll startwith you, Greg Gory check check out,
checking checking one, two, three, all right menace check. Hi.
Hello, you got me doing greatgory? Yeah, I'm great gory.
They're Sammy Sea Bass is uh stilldoing his television adventures. Uh not
here today, So filling in onceagain, we have Guma gres sibilants.
Is this not exactly what you signedup for? I know you signed up
for last Thursday Friday. This isnow Monday. Much I am a hero
in a state? What is sibilants? Siblings? You never heard that?
You've never heard like when they're doinglike a like sound check for a band,
like siblings or part of phone check. But michaelvahone checkup been part of
many sound checks in my life.I've never heard a sibilings. Figured you
would be the one to ask whatthat means? And you you heard it?
No, no, no, Ifigured I would ask you what,
Yeah, exactly really yeah, becauseyou were like a v guy sibilants,
like a hissing sound. Yeah,it's like for like you know, popping
peas or the s's and the youknow, so they always said it.
I thought it was weird. Yeah, never heard it. Yeah, like
a des right Yeah, nothing,okay, interesting anyway, Welcome another day,
another dollar here on the Woody Show. Very excited today we have morgasms.
Yes, it's summertime, so wefigured why not have Morgan go to
an ice cream store? Some moreawkward interactions between in this case, uh,
Morgan and the person working at theice cream store. Oh yeah yeah,
and it was a dude by theway. No, yeah, it
was like the best day of workfor him. Right. Would you like
another sample that's coming up today?We got the point of birthdays before the
hours up here. Also some ofthe trending news headlines we'll get to that.
Phones are open eight seven seven fortyfour Wooding. You can hit us
up with the text over to twoto nine eight seven. Today. Speaking
of ice cream, Greg, it'sNational Vanilla ice Cream Day. Your favorite
favorite of all ice creams? Oh, I love it. Vanilla ice cream.
It's a peanut butter and chocolate day. How do you go wrong?
It's also National sprinkle Day, noise, and for whatever reason, I prefer
rainbow sprinkles over the chocolate ones,right over the jimmies, Jimmy's jimmies.
Yeah, So of the holidays fortoday, just the word cream really doesn't
Yeah, I love that word icecream eight seven seven forty four. What
he texts us over to two tonine eighty seven that I mentioned that everybody
I can't remember it's Tuesday. It'sworth repeating, all right. I thought
this was pretty crazy because you know, it seems like everybody's got dogs,
even the people who are hardcore environmentalists. But your dog causes twice as much
pollution as an suv all right,based on the energy it takes to produce
enough food to feed one single dogin it's lifetime. All right, Well
that makes perfect sense. Yeah,it's a living thing. Yeah, and
I don't care in case, becauseyou know I usually need the baby,
right, your baby? I mean, the way they put that together makes
sense. Do you have a dog? No, I'm a I'm a dog
sitter. I'm an anti a dog. Any pets at all. No,
No, because I've there's a kidin your house. There's a kid.
He's our pet, and I thinkI'm super allergic to everything. I need
to be in a bubble. Ginasays something to me the other day that
I thought what she said. Canwe all stop it with the puppies are
so cute thing? Kittens are waycuter than puppies. I did say,
I absolutely stand by it. You'reinsane person. Puppies are often not fluffy,
so what are we to do withthem? Kittens are super sep in
your arms? Y is there agift from Jesus? Understood? But they're
not as cute. There was thisdude that was trying to date me a
million years ago and he was puppysitting like five, like a litter,
and he's like, oh, thisis gonna I'm gonna get in her pants.
And I was like, they're cute. I get it, not fluffy,
and I get it so fluffy cute. Yes, you're insane, that's
crazy. Cy. I understand kittensare cute. I'm not. I'm not
arguing that, but dude, thesmall I think we just got a big
red flag. There's nothing on earth. That's cuter than a puppy. Nothing,
No, nope, some other Woodyshow. Did you know anyone in
Sweden can get a copy of anyoneelse's tax returns and find out how much
money they make? What dude,this would be Greg Gory's dream. Oh
yeah, he'd be there all daybecause you are constantly on like willow yea
like God forbid, Greg ever,find your address, He's going to be
on there within two seconds. I'mway obsessed with that, but I'm complete.
I've done a one eighty on wantingto know what people earn, except
for celebrities because I don't want tocompare. And then oh yeah, yeah.
The only catch is that the personwho's returns your request, they'll get
a message telling him that you ifyou could do it on the slide,
yeah, you'd be there all dayon the radio, or just get some
random person you know that the otherperson doesn't know. Sure, and then
do it? Are a task rabitto go on for you. I did
have this one roommate who worked ata bank. Yes, and my ex
wife worked at a bank. AndI know where you're going with this,
Okay, So then I worked withthis guy who was a total dick.
And he was a customer of thisbank and he said, hey, blank
blank came into the bank today tocash his paycheck. And I went,
oh, how much is his paycheck? Said, I'm not allowed to tell
you, but I will, andhe told me. I went, how
much was it? Yes, Iwant to say it was like fifteen hundred
bucks. And this guy acted likea ball or fifteen hundred Yeah, he's
a celebrity. He was in radio. He's not a celebrity. Yeah,
okay, check for someone in radio, right exactly. But this guy acted
like he was Bill Gates. Yeah, and it kind of made me joy.
I don't think that works the sameway anymore where like any bank employee
can just look up at town.Yeah, because back when you know my
ex wife, that was this nowyears ago. We got married in two
thousand and so, like very byearly two thousands, you were still able
to do because they would do itall the time. Yeah. Yeah,
same time period. I had friendsor are young and they're looking at people
all the time all the time.You mentioned fluffy. If you want fluffier
scrambled eggs, try adding a littleSeltzer water to the mix. It doesn't
take much they said, like,you know, one teaspoon to your mixture
for every two eggs that you're making. Just make sure that you only use
plain selts. I've used the stuff. You know, it's gonna make your
eggs taste gross. But the bubblesquickly expand from the heat and they just
fluff everything up. I love that. Yeah idea, Yeah that's awesome what
he showed. Did you know thisis gross but obvious and some people still
get upset when they hear it forthe first time. But those baby swim
diapers, like they make sure thesekids they have their swim diapers on obviously
don't absorb any liquids. You're puttingthem in a pool, so the baby's
pea just passes right through them.It's only meant to hold solids. It's
all those like little diapers, swimdipers. It's not holding the pea in
duh. Yeah, but you neverreally stopped to think about it because you
see a diaper and you just yourmind as automatically goes to, oh,
well, we're saying, yeah,it's containing everything. But no, that's
not the case. All those kidsare paying right, Babies super not cute
because they're not fluffy at all.Babies are not. Graham Crackers were invented
by this evangelical minister named Sylvester Grahambecause he believed that grains were the key
to suppressing people's sex drives. Yes, this is true. This is they
came up with like cereal and stuffright for the same reason. Is that
right, that that men were touchingthemselves? Yes, yes, that cereal.
Yes, hold on, I thinkthat's where they came up with,
like Kelloggs, like special k andstuff. Okay, I mean I think
I get horny for a gram Cracker. I know. I think one of
the only people in this room wholike because I'm not a fan, no,
because you say they're for kids.Yeah, I think of it as
a kids love the gram Crackers.Dog, I'll eat them all day.
Yeah, I just love the flavorof them. Oh yeah, I'll put
some peanut butter on it. Oh. I mean, yes, that's the
only time I eat grand cracker.But you can't just take a regular gram
Cracker and then you get some chunkypeanut butter on top of it, Oh
so good, or dunken milk.Oh. Yeah. Do you want to
hear the rumor that I'm referring toit, says Kellogg's corn Flakes may seem
like a perfectly wholesome and innocent breakfastchoice, but they have a rather bizarre
origin story. Rumor has it thatthe reason behind the recipe was to act
as an anti masturbatory mourning meal.Oh yeah, I did hear about that?
Yeah, you're too full to beatit? Yeah? No, no,
no, is that what it wasabout? What would that? No,
there was a guy so boring whereit came from. The now I
remember there was a there was adrunk history about it. I'm vaguely remembering
it. And now it was liketwo brothers that started it, and one
of them like had like a sexcolt, and this is what they would
make to feed feed the people inthe colt. And then it became like
a huge brand. Yea, wellI'm glad it did. Yeah. Yeah,
oh thank you. Yeah. Ilove cereal anytime of the day.
What he showed. Did you knowmore than half of the one hundred largest
lakes in the United States are manmade? Really half of the one think
that? Yep. There's a reportout on how some parents are willing to
do whatever it takes to save moneyon back to school stuff. Twelve percent
of parents have admitted to stealing stufffrom work to give to their kids for
school, so pens and markers andnotebooks and stuff like that. I think
the biggest item that I took everwas a chair, like an office like
an office chair, because I wasdoing so much work at home and I
figured, you know what, here'sa show it's not being used. And
I was spending hours at home eachday after work doing stuff for work.
I'm because the initiesting is I'm justgoing to borrow this until I get another
chair. And I had it forso long and I did it. Eventually,
I said to them, I said, you know what's funny, I
took a chair home about three yearsago. They're like, ah, just
keep it right, because I neededa chair, and the intention was to
get another one, you know,and then bring it back. He's like,
ah, I don't even worry aboutit. It was related. Yeah,
It's like, you don't feel thatbad taking like a ream of copy
paper home if you're a lot ofthe stuff that you're putting at home is
for work, which right point,which used to be the case. I'm
not printing a stuff A bunch ofstuff at home anymore. Yeah, phones
are open eight seven seven forty four. Wood You can hit some of the
text over to two two nine eightseven. Get some more Woodies show for
you next, hang on, allright, we're all gonna give this sectomies.
Yes, even reve and listening toour team. Here'll be right back.
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Lazydog Restaurants dot com. Grizzy clothsounds like it's an unadvertising word to Mettler,
Yeah, we have a we havea term. Saucer sun Gizzi into
another new hour, insensitivity trading,free, politically correct world and ladies and
gentlemen. It's Tuesday mornings. It'sJuly the twenty third, twenty twenty four,
and that's he takes his position tothe studio's the triumphant return of Sea
Bass. Yeah there he is,guys. Wow, look who's here incredible.
Look who's here? Sea Bass?Gina Genus Sea Bass? Just a
reintroduction? Yeah, who's this?She's sitting in for you since she'd been
gone. How was it? Iknow you can't say much, so I'm
not gonna ask you. I've signedvery top secret documents, but it will
be. I'll be on TV.Probably were viewed by a couple hundred million
people. Nice? Is that all? Is this like you being seas or
no? That's a that's a verybig clue as to what sort of project.
Yeah, so yeah, either thesuper Bowl or something else that gets
that gets millions of yous Housewives reunion? Was it fun? You know?
That's okay? Can I not?Well, it's always fun for me because
I can come back here and talkabout it, So even if it's crappy,
I can have fun complaining. Yeah, but yeah, that'll all be
just we can't wait. As soonas this episode comes out, we can
talk all about it. Okay,All right? Well this welcome back any
slams while you were gone? Like, how does that work? I suppose
that is part not part of theNDA? Is I can talk about any
sexual adventures? Yeah? What sexualthings? Sexual adventures? Because like you
weren't allowed to have your phone,you weren't allowed to be on the Internet's
like what do you do? Yeah, yeah, there's show NonStop right.
Well, the problem is there's alwayscameras around, so okay, like on
like the Jersey Shore where they giveyou a sheet. Oh right, there's
like live sheets. There's lumps movingunderneath the right but like what so what
are they? Like? What doyou do not in the downtime? Well,
a lot of these type of shows, they you would want to kind
of get to know people because maybethey're a social component. Perhaps there's voting,
the strategy, strategy, alliances,things of that nature. So a
lot of folks do that if ifthey just if they so desired, and
I have to kind of force myselfto a little bit. You don't say
because you don't want to be thatweirdo because it is I don't want to
deal with him. Yeah he's out. Yeah, that must have been really
difficult for you, I know,talk about acting exactly stress your is on
there saying exactly, I will lookforward to being able to hear all about
you said. How long? Probablya few weeks? Two weeks? Oh
wow, that's pretty quick turnaround.Yeah, okay, cool, Well,
welcome back we are out here,sea basses. Here, ladies and gentlemen,
welcome back from the sexual escapade.One of the uh. It's been
fun pretending to be Lady Sea Bassright, one of the UH. One
of the stories this morning that alot of people were talking about. I
guess a few days ago, thiswoman ordered some pizza and some mac and
cheese from Californ Pizza Kitchen and Ilike both. Like their tied chicken pizza
so good, and the mac andcheese is always really good because the kids
never finish it. If you're apizza place, do you need mac and
cheese pizza? Yeah, but theyalso have other stuff on the menu.
They do have some pasta dishes,giant salads, don't they have? Are
pretty good. Yeah, I forgetwhat those are called. Those are,
Yeah, they're not like potsticker potstickersthere dumplings. They're like chicken ginger,
but they have like they have aspicy sauce on them. Those are good.
Forget what those are called. Anyway, the delivery arrives, there was
pizza and then just a container ofcheese like cheese sauce, no noodles,
So she calls to restaurant, twodifferent people told her they didn't make a
mistake, that you need to specificallyorder the noodles or you'll just get cheese
when you order mac and cheese.Now, I don't know how the delivery
part works, but I know whenyou're at the restaurant because we've ordered mac
and cheese a number of times forthe kids. It always comes with the
noodles. We didn't to specify anyway. Here she is online. I ordered
mac and cheese from California Pizza Kitchenand they just sent me cheese, just
cheese. No, man, there'sno noodles, there's just some bread.
I just called CPK and two separatepeople told me that I should order the
noodles separately and that I ordered wrong. I was like, I ordered mac
and cheese, and they said,yes, that's what that is. And
I was like, no, macand cheese is mac and cheese. They're
supposed to be macaroni in it nicein the name. Yeah, it's just
cheese. Not only the California PizzaKitchen apologized. They sent her a package
with a ton of dry noodles anda car, letting her know that they're
giving her free mac and cheese andfree pizza for the rest of the year,
actually for a whole year. It'sfor the rest of the year that
we benefit her messed up order.They're giving everybody, even us, half
off mac and cheese for the restof this month, which means now through
next Wednesday. Okay, they hadthat item we're talking about anymore. I'm
looking at us postick or joints.Yeah. Yeah, they're not called potstickers.
They're called the wedge. No,that's not a salad tomato basil bisk
dynamite trip. Is it called caesarsalad? They have avocado club eagrolls,
but chicken dumper that's them. Okay, Oh that's Is that under main plates?
No, it's under appetizers, Yes, under pastas is it? Yeah?
Are these dumplings? I'm looking atthe same guy, soy ginger chili
sauces. Oh, yeah, therethey are. You're right, you're right.
You freaked me, chicken, Igotta cause a panic. I brought
them up. I know they're delicious. I hear. I'm thinking that they're
gone. They did one of thosethings. They changed the menu unnecessarily,
just to change things, right,Greg, exactly, Well, for change
sake, exactly where we need togo. Speaking of Greg, you know
Greg likes to present himself as fancy. He loves ice cream, but is
he classy the way he eats theice cream? I can't answer that right
now. Resounding no pouring magic shellinto the curtain on the couch on the
couch and the couch on the couch. This woman, her name is Lucy
Challenger. She's a formal etiquette expertfrom England who lays out the quote proper
way to eat ice cream warning funaccent ahead. Or if he served ice
cream in a bowl, you wouldeat it with a spoon. Ice Cream
served on a plate, for example, an ice cream roll you would eat
with a fork. If you wereserved cake and ice cream, then you
would use both a fork and aspoon. The fork is used to hold
the cake and the spoon is usedto cut and bring the food to your
mouth. When the cone is presented, you should then proceed to lick the
ice cream in swells. It swellsswells. Okay, is this the most
big duh audio out there? Well, people are dumb because they say that
people will bite the ice cream.You don't want to do that. You
don't want to do the whole thingwhere you like put your your whole tongue
out like kiss. Oh yeah,where the tongue just stays out and you
move the ice cream around it likeyou don't want to do that. I
didn't catch it. Do you?If you have a cone that's a like
a soft serve, do you tryto get as much of it in your
mouth as possible? Oh? No, you also just grab it your bare
hand, buy the ice cream?Do you want to it? Do you
want to like see how far youcan get it? What was that?
What was that called menace for?There was a big internet thing for a
while where people were ordering a softserve cone and then grabbing it by the
ice cream. Yeah, it wasdumb. That was just pranking a waste
of ice cream right right. Andyou know she's legit because in the video
she's wearing a Blanciaga shirt, soyou know she's fancy or is that a
dress? I can't tell, whocares whatever? I think it's yeahs fancy.
It's like a shirt dress, allright. So here's where guy coming
up for you next. It's anotheredition of Morgasms Morgan's Awkward Situations and this
time because it's summer and the temperatureis hot. Things are getting real hot
at the ice cream store, allright. Yeah, she's going in there
because you know they'll give you freesamples and stuff. That's right, that
could be very invigorating. Yeah,so morgasms the ice cream store. Well,
it is time for Morgan to letus listen in on how her trip
to an ice cream store went forthis round of morgasms. Good morning,
Morgan, Good morning. You broughtus ice cream, Morgan. You know,
I thought about saving, you know, the one that I actually bought
at the end of this to bringit in, But it's just one scoop,
so you know they'll sell you moreif only they had more there.
Yeah, going out of business.I'll teach you how segments work in the
future anyway. So Morgan, oneof her heroes is Sasha Baron Cohne Barrat.
She loves that movie bar Like,so all that kind of stuff is
you know what makes her laugh.It makes me laugh too. It all
started when she went to the nailsalon and was having these over the top
reactions, really like orgasmic reactions tojust getting her nails done. I had
a great pedicure. It was areally great pedicure. And then Gina is
the one who said, man,moorgasms like it was right there. It
was so effortless and it just allcame together and just how it should be.
Yeah. And so now that theweather is hot, it's summertime,
and so she goes to the icecream store, and you know, they'll
always give out the free samples.I love that part at the at the
ice creams because you see all thesegood looking flavors and you're like, I
wonder if it's really as good asit sounds. I want all the samples,
but it sounds like these are reallygood, delicious. Yeah. So
you walked in, Yeah, ithad been a long time since I've been
an ice cream shop. First ofall, Yeah, they have so many
flavors, and last time y'all havebeen that you haven't even walked by one.
I haven't been see it through thewindow shop in probably ten years.
She's always working out, man,she's not going into the ice by one.
I walk by it, I don'tsee the flavors anyways. I walk
in employees, they're ready to helpme because not a single person in there.
I don't know how they stay inbusys got their whole attention. Yeah,
So I'm like, okay, herewe go, and I'm like,
well, let me see. Butthe funny thing is as she was there,
of course, because this is likethe middle of the day, it's
summertime, so people start coming in, right, So there's there's other people
that are filtering into the store asshe is trying these different samples. Here
we go moorgasms and her first sample. Hey there, how can I help
you? Hi? I just wantto try some samples. Do you see
anything you want to try? Okay, yeah, I want to. I
really love nuts. Can I trythis pup on prailing one? Please?
Right? You go? Oh oh, I haven't had ice cream forever.
That's good. Did you want toget that? Can you try another one?
Actually? Which look for? Letme see did you want to get
that? Oh? He's like,you really like that one? This guy
is having like the best day ever, I think so, And there was
facial expressions he was well, he'salready smirking kind of he'll start laughing soon.
But there's another guy in the backthat I think heard me too in
another employee. Yeah, he's justdoing stuff in the back. The guy
helping him looks to be like,what like mid twenties, he's like twenty
five ish. Yeah, like maybedoing like a you know, just a
little summer job kind of thing.Right. Maybe he's in second gig,
I don't know, yeah, orjust a loser. I don't know.
But there's another guy working there.Is the best day ever? After this
first taste, you can tell thatthe guy working in the back is slowly
what is going on? To seewhat's going on? Moorgasms? Ice cream
store sample number two? Do youwant to get that? Can I try
another one? Actually? Let mesee? How about baseball? Nut?
That sounds good? Is that good? Here you go? Oh god,
so good? Let me try anotherone? All right? Over there?
You have so fluster you should Youshould have seen his face because he's like,
do you want that? And I'mlike, no, one more?
And and you really seem to likethese two? Yeah for good? Baseball
is a real flavor apparently. Yeah. What it's like in the porns that
we watch together every Friday, thewoman gets her boob touched and she's just
not even on the nipples, justlike the minute you put the spoon to
your mouth. Oh god, Atthis point, the dude's like back,
like not even trying to hide it, laughing so hard. I wonder how
many, like because I went inthere, I told Morgan, go in
there, like, how many sampleswill they give you? Yeah? So
far up too, I'm assuming endlessat this point, you can be there
all day? Yeah right, yeah, so yeah, let's try another one.
Allrre we go. Let me tryanother one? All right, all
right, let me see, Ilike nuts in my mouth. I want
to find one that's uh, youknow what. Let me try the almond
budget on please? Oh my,oh one more. At this point,
he's kind of looking around like,oh my god, camera is that?
Yeah? Yeah, he's got outgetting pranks like oh he's like you know,
like we said, so he's like, yo, like what you right
over there? So good? Rightover there? Yeah here right over there.
Now, in any other situation,would you find the ice cream guy
hot? Would you? Were youembarrassed? He's not looking he's just not
my tonge okay, probably a shortcamera no, not short. He just
had Gauge's long hair. Skater brooh my, do you hear him?
Like? B that's em? Allright? So this is morgasms. Morgan's
awkward interaction. She's at an icecream store and she's ready to try one
more sample. Let's see how thatwent that? Then? Oh one more
okay, nutty coconut please? Yeah, all right there you go? Oh
wow, oh okay, that's sogood. Oh wow. I don't know
it's going on, but I needyou to, you know, decide here.
Oh wow, No, I thinkthat's enough. Okay, Yeah,
yeah, I think that's I thinkthat's enough. Okay. Well, at
this point there's people literally waiting,ye like four pm. Yeah. By
the way, I did ask herall adults, okay, all adults and
there were no children, decide whatflavor? Hold on, she's she's about
to decide. She's tried all thesedifferent flavors. What does she go with?
It's so good? Oh wow,I don't know it's going on,
but I need you to, youknow, decide here. Okay, So
can I get one more sample?Or no? No? I think that's
enough. Okay, you know what, I'll just vanilla vanilla? Yeah,
just vanilla please? Wow? Whatit's so funny. I don't know it's
going on, but I need youto, you know, decide here.
Okay, you know what, I'lljust vanilla, vanilla. How rude the
bartender cuts you off and you wentvanilla. Great ice cream was really good
stuff, very creamy, very satisfying. I love that. Yeah, one
more time, just so we canhear the yeah, oh my, oh
wow. It reminds me of whatwas the dude, where's my car?
Yeah? Did the guy in thebasketball to the counter? He kind of
like once there were people behind me. Yes, he's kind of like coming
out because I don't know if hewas sweeping or what. Changing. Well,
at that point, he was definitelyaware of more than ice work.
Oh wow, great success. Infact, he didn't bring any ice cream.
Give me a lot of them inthat. There you go, moorgasms
the ice cream still or more?What he shows next? Hang on,
just stop kissing and snuggling turtles?Well, I think energy. Yeah,
you could have got Salmon Millers,who sucks down people talking about morally questionable
life hacks quote unquote. Oh yeah, there's a guy online that's dedicated to
all of them. He shares thempretty much daily. I mean, sometimes
there's some simple trick or tip thatyou know, I'll just save some time
or energy or whatever. But someare morally questionable and so people are asked,
what's the most evil life hack thatyou know? And uh, this
one stood out. I use myexes and my boss's phone number at the
gas pump because I use their fuelrewards like that to steal their discount.
So, you know, if youspend a certain amount of money at the
grocery store, gets you a certainamount of money offering gallon. Let's say
he's put in a phone number likethat and then used to using your bosses
or your exes good discount? Whatdo you mean good? Why not?
That's that's basically a victimless crime.I'm spending my money. I want to
get my discount. I want myYeah, I want my twenty five cents
off or whatever the hell. Itis also mention credit card charge back to
get a refund when a company won'tbudge because they're usually cave just because they
want to avoid that hassle. Ohyeah, chargeback is one of those words.
Yeah, I don't understand. Likea did car dealership, there's chargebacks.
I got a friend that works ata car dealership and she she talks
about chargebacks, and I'm not quitesure exactly what that means. I mean,
I'm assuming that the dealership gets chargedback for whatever it was. Right,
that'd be a hassle. All thatfinance stuff is so confusing. Here's
one. If you don't want someoneto sit in front of you at the
movie theater, pour some soda onthe seat. Now we're getting into or
like smear smear something on the Ohright, Oh, you know, just
because the ones that I've seen onlinefrom the guide, they're brutal. He
goes go to a restaurant and leavea large tip and then leave your social
media and then so the waiter willtell you say thank thank you to you
online and then you find out theirfull name and their address, and then
you report them to the I RS for not claiming their their tips on
their taxes and you get a rewardfor it. God. Yeah, I
wonder, uh, I wonder ifthis works? They say in many elevators
you can hold down the closed doorbutton while choosing the floor and get a
non stop ride. It's meant tobe used by rescue service and firemen.
Oh, because I figured the closeddoor button doesn't really work. It doesn't
do anything, just to make youfeel like it's like a placebo button.
It does literally nothing. Yeah,I wonder if that works. We should
try. It should definitely, butat this time, you know, like
people are still coming in and itdoesn't matter. It wouldn't doesn't really matter.
I wouldn't do anything. Yeah,oh but this is straight theft,
questionable, morally questionable life acts whenyou walk into a food place or any
restaurant that puts online orders on ashelf, walk up to the shelf with
confidence and take one of the bagsand walk out free meal. I'm a
I thought about that not doing it, but I saw, like, what's
to stop anybody that's it's like,you got it. Yeah, it's like
you got to like if you're adelivery driver, like go to the counter
and go, I'm picking up thisorder and they go, okay, maybe
they hand it to you. Nobodythinks about It's like taking a bag at
the airport. Yeah, this onedoesn't seem like morally questionable. When you
enter a raffle drawing, I've heardthis before, fold or crinkle your ticket,
slip whatever, it is just alittle bit because it makes it slightly
more likely to be drawn out becausepeople are reach like it's just like a
texture to it, or we shouldsomeone that had worked for them a few
times. Really, I thought somethingto feel guilty about. It's a strategy,
Yeah, it's Walmart has a ninetyday return policy for pretty much everything
they sell, AC heat wave,AC broken, whatever, rent a couple
of window units from Walmart. Wona seventy two inch TV for a you
know, big event or whatever,rent it. I will admit I have
done the TV thing back in myvery poor regular the Super bowls coming up
and I didn't have a TV.I went to Walmart, got the big
color TV, watched it recardition,and Sammy, you can't look that surprised,
because as a woman, you can'tlook me in the eye and tell
me that you also have not purchasedclothing, kept the tags on, used
it for what you need to useit for, and been like, you
know what, this just wasn't theright color. Thank you. Oh of
course I have one percent, ButI'm just surprised that like nothing happened to
it, nothing went wrong. Ifeel like I would be so nervous with
the TV being an electronic and gettingit back in the box and bringing it
back that everything went smoothly. Youknow, I'm meticulous. Why are you
only saying women like I've done that. Oh really, yeah, of course
the tags on stuff, the clothingthing. Yeah, because we had to
take some pictures on the RAO station. I'm like, I learned that also
from our friend Charlottmagne and the godhe's big on that. He use it
for all the war shows. Ican told you. There was a sales
guide the radio station I worked atone time. We the station was in
them all right, right and soyeah, so he would leave the station
before a sales call, go tothe department store, clown up, and
then and then go on a salescalles, you got one for us?
Morally questionable life hack text over totwo two nine eight seven with it lead
a show of Hans who's getting I'mnot asking, I'm demanding, it's the
show. Well, the feedback isstrong from morgasms right now. Oh yeah,
nice work Morgan ice cream ice creamtaste testing. It didn't remind me
so that one clip where the yeahoh yeah, I mean I'll replay that
one if you missed. This segmentwill be on today's podcast obviously. Oh
my god. Yeah, nice.It reminded me. I was like,
what is that reminding me of?And then all of a sudden, it
hit me. It reminds me ofuh, what is it from? Damn
it? Old school, old schoolFrank the tank takes the trunk dart into
his neck. That's the most powerfultrenk gun on the market. Got her
in Mexico. Cool, Yeah,it is cool. They say it can
puncture the skin of a rhino froma heart. Yes, that's awesome.
Yes, what you just took onein the jugular man whoa yes, yes,
shouts sham William Scott. Right,yeah, yeah, tell you.
He was a great guest. Wehad him in years ago. Forgot the
movie, but yeah, he was. He was a lot of fun.
Nice, especially, as we've saida thousand times of these things. If
you're that employee, this is yourbest day you will ever. Yes,
not only that day, not onlyof that, like that shift in the
history of that job. Why tellher she needs to leave? Yeah,
we had this chick come in onetime. Yeah, because what Okay,
So if you get if you getfired, what you can't get another ice
cream store job. There's not enoughof those jobs. Guys. If that
chick, that chick Morgan walks intomy bat check, she can stay here
all day, right, whatever,she wants why not? Yeah, what
is your favorite ice cream flavor?Morgan not vanilla? Question? Probably probably
cookie dough like vanilla with cookie doyeah. Classic. Yeah. Well,
the whole Microsoft Cloud strike outage stillcausing problems. Yesterday Delta had to cancel
over eight hundred and twenty flights backedup, which is about twenty one percent
of their daily schedule. That thingis still playing out. Dude, I
got a bitchbe tripping story involving mywife. She took my son to the
Apple Store. Okay, okay,there was a okay thing going on with
his phone, and so they wentto go get a checked out. And
you know, my wife always likesto make small talk and be super over
the top friendly. She's very nice. Okay, back and no, but
I'm saying in her attempt to dothat, she walks in, they go,
hey, how you guys doing today? We're good. Hey, So
have you guys been all like backedup because of the atage today at the
Apple Store. Even Greg understands whythat's funny exactly because the Apple Store is
not using Microsoft. It's like it'slike asking the people at Coke if the
pets pepsi problem is affecting the bitchbe tripping aleempted small talk though, like
topical, Yeah she knows what's goingon, kind of yeah, I'm hip.
That's so cute that the opening ceremoniesof the Paris Olympics are on Friday.
And this isn't about the games orreally sport at all. It's about
the cardboard beds that the athletes sleepon. We've heard about those and just
how durable or not durable they arefor you know, possible slamming, for
sex stuff. Yeah. Yeah,So anyway, this this one guy fun
with accent ahead here this uh,this guy checked out the beds. He's
already there because a few athletes areall there and they're posting videos testing them
to see how sturdy they are.He's an Irish gymnast. He's jumping,
he's running, he's body slamming,even headstanding on one of the beds to
test it out. Again, funwarning in the Powers Olympic Games and then
once again have these cardboard empty sexbeds. When I tested the last time,
they withstood my testing. Maybe Iwasn't rigorous enough to test. It's
fake, fake news, it's fake, it's fake fake news. One of
those big fake news I bet youwe wouldn't last on one of those menaces.
This guy can have sex on itmenace, right, Yeah, he's
got to be like half of eitherone of us your gymnasts. Here's a
natural bas cardboard bed, sustainable andminimum see one hundred and fifty bucks.
It looks like kind of like cardboardtubes put on their side. Will it
hold me? Yes, that's whatI don't want to know. Wow.
It says seven thousand pound capacity.What you're good. It literally says they
can get two of them. Wecould both be on there, god two
of us sixty nine yea to holdyou, your partner and up to thirty
three other people. No way,just in case. Oh wow for a
big Olympic orgy. No sense.Yes, it unfolds kind of like in
the couardy. Have you ever hadthat that packing material? That's kind of
yeah zaggy right, they started makinga couches like that too. It unfolds
like that. Now hold on,this is just the bass though, and
then you put a real mattress ontop of it. Okay, yeah,
well yeah, they're not sleeping oncardboard. Well, then what's the point
of calling a cardboard it's the base. Yeah yeah, okay, like the
bucks rank right well. To me, that's kind of like fake news.
That's that's fake news. Why isthat fake because fake news? Yeah,
your point because it's not a cardboardbed. It's not a cardboard bed,
but it's it's supporting, like ifyou put your mattress on cinder blocks.
It's not a brick bed, youknow what I mean. Yeah, this
is all like high hype for thewhole premit. I feel like with the
mattress on there, you'd be questioningwhether this cardboard base can hold you.
Not really No, I think afew books would hold you, right,
Greg, I think this is thisis the definition of clickbait. Okay,
because this whole time, because thesecardboard beds came up the last Olympics,
and I thought they were lying onthe cardinals like they're homeless in a subway
station. Why would they be layingon cardbo because the anti sex mattress.
The prisoners aren't sleeping on cardboard there'syeah, it's a bench that's got the
right the prisoners thin mattress. Theseprisoners are sleeping on these metal bunk cots
with a roll. So you don'tcall that a metal bed, right,
they're sleeping on a mattress. No, that itself is cardboard. Yes,
and to call it anti sex alsomakes no sense. Exactly no, because
the question was about whether it beable to support two people, right,
like the weight of the cardboard.Stupid question. Because you have powerlifters who
were probably close to three hundred pounds, you know, shot put discus guys
who are essentially an alignment. Maybeyou would. You wouldn't question that if
it was the metal bass at theprison, you wouldn't question whether that can
hold. The question was hold withthe cardboard base. I see your point,
but I would question if the cardboardquote mattress would hold me. I
wouldn't question the cardboard U what didwe call it a base or a box
brand? Thank you? I wouldn'tquestion that because you could lay down almost
anything. I never once mattress madeof cardboards. I never maybe because I
saw the video from last year orwhenever this last time it came up.
I always are the last Olympics,whatever that was. I'm with these guys
because if you're going to call ita cardboard bed, that sounds like something
you do for staging for a houseand then you take this eat off and
it's a couple of when do yougo when you go to buy a bed?
It is the bass true true,like semantics, the bed is not
the mattress. We've seen from likeSochi and other Olympic you know, situations
where they were living in squalor,so why not put them on a cardboard
box? I mean, anything seemspossible now, but I think in this
context that's why I thought the actualmattresses cardboard, because they're complaining about it
and cares what the base of yourbed is? Right? Thank you?
It could be a bunch of breakswe've we've beaten in a weird way.
This is where I feel smart andI feel like you guys are dumb.
Well, like this is opposite becauseyou are started up to let's say you're
like, what do you medis?And super? That's like super uh literal
right, but that's but then ifyou are like what you medics and you
realize that's what they're talking about,just the base, not the actual mattress,
that's not a story. Okay,so you guys thought there really was
a cardboard mattress. What do Ilook like? That's the question exactly and
that's why they complained about it inthe last Olympics, and I felt bad
for them. What we're putting athleteson cardboard. If it's the base,
it could be you could put amattress on Who cares. The story is.
The way it was framed to meis I always knew it was the
bass, but I didn't know howstrong the bass was, and they presented
it as it's not strong enough tohold the bed to have sex on top
of it into people. But youdo bring up a good point bat answer
there. Yeah, there are powerlifters. You can hold one powerlifter five So
maybe I had stronger cardboard than theothers. I don't know. And the
way the story was framed was poorolympians are sleeping our card Yes, yeah,
exacts how the whole thing was framed. Oh my god, how are
they gonna they these are pro athletes, They're gonna hurt their back. I
did because I saw the pictures inthe videos. I just never I was
never confused by it. I knewthat there was a mattress on top,
but I did picture it to bemore of a cot like type mattress so
that it would affect more if itwas cardboard underneath, like you could feel
it right, like a mattress topper. Right man sex on a cardboard bed.
Imagine all the burns like paper cutsare one thing, cardboard cuts like
you're breaking down a box and theOh, I mean, I know there's
disagreement in the room, but thiswas an eye opener for me. Wow.
For years I thought they meant cardboardquote match. How could they do
this? Who gives a rats askwith the Face Show and into another new
hour Insensitivity Training for a politically correctWorld. Tuesday morning. It's July the
twenty third. That's Greg Gory,Martin Menace. Good morning to you,
Good morning, Woody, Sammy ishere. Look who rejoined us this morning?
Can you believe it? Sea Bass? So exciting. Sea Bass is
back from his TV adventures, whichcan't tell us much about yet, but
once that first episode airs he'll beable to share more with us, he
said, probably the next few weeks. Likely, Yes, likely in the
next few weeks. And uh withhis return. Gina grad who has been
filling in for SeaBASS, doing afine job. And thanks you still here
with us this morning? Ah phonesare open eight seven seven forty four Woodie,
you can't hit us up with thetext over to two two nine eight
seven. A couple of things inthe news. The director of the Secret
Service got grilled yesterday by the HouseOversight Committee, and there must have been
fun. She's not stepping down.So far, nobody's been fired. She
did admit that the whole President Trumpthing was the agency's quote most significant operational
failure in decades. Here is whatI found really interesting. She still gave
the agents an A grade for theday. Oh, how how do you
how do you get it be?Yeah, you can, you can feel
however you want about uh, youknow, Trump or But like when you're
a Secret Service, like I thinkanytime a guy gets a shot off at
whoever you're supposed to be protecting,I think I understand that if you step
back just a second, because theywere just told to do what they were
supposed to do. You know,it's not just the management's fault. The
management is the one that coordinates wherethey have to do. Is organizational?
Yeah, sure, yeah it's not, but it doesn't. But still,
like at the end of the day, they're responsible right absolutely for the protection
of whoever it is. Yeah,And the grilling was brutal. Yeah,
just absolutely, even under the circumstances. I don't know if I could,
like face go rogue and then starteddoing stuff you're not told but with a
straight face, I can't say I'mgiving us an a for the day when
you just said two seconds earlier thatit is, I wouldn't call it the
most significant operational failure in decades.I would have again, I want to
give management in a like the middlein charge here saying yeah, like they
they didn't. They were all goingby procedure. Yeah, sniper a team
sports guys, team sport. Youget the sniper in a Yeah, yeah,
the guy that took out the shooter. But if he was with them
when you average in with the f'sthat are in there, yeah, it's
maybe one I can see. Yeah, plus generous. One congressional rep used
the S word twice. I waskind of flabberating. Is that the chick
from Michigan because she's always swearing.I think it was Taylor Green makes sense,
And she said bullish and then shesaid that is a bunch of ish.
I thought, wow, dude,it's becoming more and more Springer esque,
Like when you hear these like youknow, hearings or whatever they're doing,
they go after each other's fake eyelashesand hair and yeah, yeah,
it's like a reality show reunion episode. It's like how people used to dress
up to go on flights and nowthey're in their jammy's. You know,
it used to be a thing whereit was like a really prestigious Absolutely,
there's a lot of kind of procedureand pomp and circumstance around, like any
of these congressional hearings or everybody's justtrying to get their soundbites in. Uh.
This guy who was a cornerback forLSU, he turned himself in Video
voyeurism is the charge. He hada warrant from the East Baton Rouge pair
of Sheriff's office that he was chargedwith having sex with a woman and recording
it without her consent. Why wouldyou do that? Videos on his iPad
recorded through a clock that had abuilt in camera near the bed. That's
not even like my nest I forgotabout that. Yeah, he has been
suspended from all team activities, accordingto a statement from l s U M
no offense, but guys are sogross and dumb sometimes no offense taken you're
not wrong, Like, do youever hear like, oh a woman,
that's a wild statement. Never,thank you. I'm glad you appreciate it,
and I'm glad you agree because younever hear like a woman doing this.
These are all guys just being creepyand horrible. So what's the female
equivalent? Like, so the guysare creepy, but women, what about
the teachers who go after the Okay, that is that the female equivalent absolutely
trying to relive their glory days.All humans, we're all monsters, you
know. It's not like one sexor one race or one whatever is any
give Like, everybody sucks in theirown special way. It's their own special
brand of suck. Would that beyour presidential campaign platform? Everybody sucks animals?
Yeah, hey douchebags. Yeah.Plus I would think the angles would
be terrible just from a video,you know, Greg, menas you went
to art school, Yeah, atclock radio camera, that's gonna be good.
And then also the quality like butit's at it to you know later,
my brain is good. Greg.When you shut your sex tape,
which was done with full consent,we should say yes, like the angles
look terrible because it's you're like youryour gross butt. It's pretty bad.
You're not a professor. But Imay have learned to become a pretty good
video editor then. Yeah, Iknow. So you know, if you
want to hire me for your weddingor something, tripods, good lighting,
rig oh, you know it,plots and everything. I want to take
a break because then we can comeback. I got this game that I
just put put together last second forGreg. I'm so excited. This has
given me energy today because today I'mlegally still asleep. I think you're gonna
love it. Okay, I thinkyou're gonn love it. And Sammy knows
what it is because I had torecruit her for some help on this because
some expertise that I don't have inthis particular area. And it was just
spontaneous. Yeah, I'll tell youwhy. I'll tell you why. But
it's a fun little game for Greg. I guess everybody else can play a
long time tree. Some of uswill have more of an advantage than others.
What have I done to Dessert?Just being like your special self?
I'll pay Wow, this is like, ah, I got a game for
Greg. Hope you like it.I'm sure I will. Hope you would
I be nervous. No, okay, awesome, No, this is just
this is why we could What couldyou possibly have say, hey, Greg,
I have something to tell you,and that it's like some horrific buve
story. No no, no,no, no no no, this is
an actual game. Okay, okay. You know how much Greg loves tamps
and pads and all things feminine hygiene. Love it appears, so I read
this this morning and I made agame of it. So there's a new
report that found that the price oftamps and pads had been going up fast
than the price of food. Youknow that pink tax. There's been a
close to a forty percent increase sincetwenty nineteen. Geez, there's been a
fourteen percent drop in annual sales ofpads and tamps since twenty twenty. But
my question is, how, like, don't you need them? No matter
what? Maybe they're doing homemade ones. Is free bleeding a thing? I've
heard that term before, free freebleeding, the little cups, the Diva
cup, Oh yeah, I heardabout. They used to have one called
the instead cup, and my buddyand I about threw up the first time
we heard about it. If they'rebuying from team or something. How much
is it boxing? Yeaham how muchwould a box be? Okay, well
that's the question. We have awe have a round of tamping pad and
feminine hygiene prices right for Greg?Oh my god, it's terrible. Yeah,
awesome. I didn't know either.This is why I had to call
in Sammy. I'm like, dude, I've been on I've been on a
mission, you know, running thestore. And I asked my wife,
Hey, do you need anything?She goes, yeah, pick me up
some tampons. I got no problemsome tamp I am more than comfortable doing
that. But I tell her,you got to tell me exactly what to
get because I don't know kids.Right, Oh there's a thousand Yeah,
there's a thousand aisle? Okay,and looking all because I was on the
Target website. These are all Targetprices. I didn't go Walmart. I
went Target because Greg's little fans here. So these are Target prices and I
didn't know which one would be likejust I said, just get of all
these, which is just like themiddle of the road average. So she
helped me out on them. IfI if I had a wife and she
wanted me to get tampon, soI would require a photo of the boss.
Oh that's not a bad idea.All right, here we go,
so you know what, let melet me start with that one. We'll
just go straight tamps first. Okay, I got four things for Greg,
all right, and the first one, Oh yeah, i'ma start with tamps.
Tampax Pearl triple pack tampon so regular, Super, super plus, uncented.
It's a box of forty seven.It's time to tampas and live your
life without limits. Get incredible allday comfort and protection for up to eight
hours with Tampax Pearl tampons, gotleaks. Choose from five different absorbencies to
match your changing flow. Uncomfortable toremove, go down an absorbency. Plus,
Inserting the tampon is made easy thanksto the applicators anti slip grip oh
nip slip grip grip, while Tampac'sform fit protection lets it gently expand to
your individual shape. So here's theuh, here's the box. How much
how much they charge you for thisbad boy? Forty seven tamps in their
rag? Your supply is worth?I don't know. This reminds me of
when Sally Rod was going with thespace NASA aster. If one hundred tampons
would be okay for a week?Yeah whatever, Yeah, wow, I'm
not helping yet, Night Team dollarsnineteen dollars, menace any guesses. I'm
gonna say twenty five dollars, twentyfive dollars Sea mass. By the way,
I'm looking at TIMU and they dosell tamps nice, yeah, please
don't do that. I will saytwelve dollars actual target price for the Tampacs
Pearl triple pack tampons thirteen thirty nine. Wow, that's thirteen thirty nine for
forty seven of that. That good. Yeah, and they're whining about that.
And by the way, Greg,I'll have your recent here at the
end. Because the tampas one actuallyeven gives instructions on how to insert and
remove a tampon. I would liketo read that. Yeah, yeah,
I've never By the way, TIMUalso pushing reusable menstrum pads. Reusable,
they're washable, and so we havelike lions and bunnies on them, texting
over saying period underwear taking up thespace. I would use that for a
million dollars. I have seen that, but I wouldn't use it either it's
supposed to be like absorbent underwear.Change it in the middle of the day.
I don't get it all right inmy opinion. Let's see all right,
how about h How about this nextup for Greg, the Honey Pot
Company pre Biotic Foaming Vulva Wash.It's a five point five ounce bottle.
Here, the future of your volvahealth is here. Supercharge your vaginal wellness
routine with our pre biotic foaming wash, formulated with prebiotics and clinically tested to
support a healthy balance of good vaginalbacteria with the infusion of prebiotics, which
is gentle and non irritating. Thisis the Honey Pot Company pre Biotic Foaming
Vulva Wash. Just concerting. Here'sthe vodka or something. Yeah, very
high end. Yeah, that's nice. Yeah, this again Target prices directly
from Target's website. This is no, it's like a foam. I guess
you would use what in the shower? Right? Yeah? Yes, wash?
Yeah. The bottle looks like youcan put it up in your liquor
can exactly seems what you know whatit is? Yeah, what do you
think? How about eleven dollars?Eleven dollars? Menace I'm gonna go eight
dollars, eight dollars mass it soundslike a stupid product that you don't need,
so I'm gonna go higher nineteen dollarsthe actual target price eleven dollars and
fifty one sent bread. You nailit. It's like I have a Volva.
Yeah, that's awesome. All right, let's go with We already did
tamps, so let's do pads.Okay, these are the Always it's the
brand Always Ultra thin heavy. Ohsorry, Always Ultra thin extra heavy overnight
pads. Yeah. Oh it's athirty four count says Always. Ultra Thin
overnight pads with Flexi wings provide youwith one leak free come for no matter
how you sleep. Rapid dry technologyabsorbs gushes two times faster than the leading
store proved. You guys are solucky, you lot. I know odor
lock that helps prevent unwanted odors tohelp you feel fresh and clean throughout your
day. If I ask a superrandom question, do you put the pad,
clip it onto the clip or whateverwing it onto, then put them
on or dicky right, so youput the pad and then and then the
underwear. Wait, there's like anadhesive on the back centre right. Yeah,
for the clips nod wings, becausethese reusable pads they have like little
snaps gone. Oh, the reusableones. Okay, uh leak free comfort.
How much do you think for thatthirty six inside the box that looks
like, yo, this is abonus pack, an extra Yep. How
about I've already forgotten how much thetamps were, let's say thirteen dollars.
Thirteen dollars, menace. I'm goingback to eight dollars, eight dollars sea
bass fourteen dollars actual target price sevendollars and ninety nine cents. Menace.
The closest on that one seem andthey're crying about this. Yeah, all
that gush absorbency right, outer lock, odor lock, I'll give you.
I'll give you one more. Speakingof odor, this is difficult. The
vagicill odor Block Daily Intimate feminine wash. So it's a twelve ounce bottle,
looks like a shampoo bottle, saysno wonder. There are thousands of sweat
glands in your intimate area. Exercise, your period and diet can also alter
your natural scent, so at onepoint or another you may find it unpleasant
or noticeable. That's where vegicills,odor block wash can help. There's a
girl in my apartment complex who needsthis. I got a cologists tested hyperlogenic
light and clean scent, twenty fourhour older protection, gentle enough for every
day use that much. She Sothere's a room that's like she's like a
weight room, and then a yogaroom. And in the yoga room's also
some cardio equipment, like a roller. She gets on that rower and people
literally have to crack. It reallysmells like the ocean row your bone.
You know what it is too.You're like, oh, you can tell
it's not that's not just bo awful. For this, I will go twenty
four hour older protection. I'll goeight dollars eight dollars. All right,
menace kids. I was going sixdollars, six dollars. Call it seven
dollars seven dollars actual target price fivedollars and twenty one cents a deal.
Yeah, I'll take it. Yeah, you should just leave them on the
rowing machine. Oh okay. SoI was right about the free bleeding thing.
That's where the period and where itcomes in. That's considered free bleeding
because you don't have anything up thereto stop it, so you're just freely
bleeding. Well to what end?Where do we I don't know. Maybe
you're like, how you know?It's irritated? I don't what about it?
Somebody explained heavy flow. The averageprice for a pack of pads right
now, average price across the boardall six dollars and fifty cents. Oh
man. The average price for abox of tamps for your box eight dollars
and twenty nine cents. I mustbe getting the Cadillac of tamps because I've
never gotten off that cheap. Really. Yeah, well it's called well here
I got the Uh how long isthat? Well? The one said?
The one said, Sammy pointed outwhich the middle of the line work.
Yeah, that's the variety, Jack, that's thirteen thirty nine. Are those
like that? That's a forty sevencount? Like, okay, honest question.
I don't know. How many doyou burn through per per period?
Yes? Do you? You changeit? Like twice a day? That's
it? I thought it was waymore than that. Well, it depends.
I mean, yeah, that's adifferent branding. Maybe three times at
the most. I mean, mygod, you need to you're going in
the bathroom too, or you changedevery time you go to the bathroom every
time, no fall out, NoI know here speaking of here, Greg,
I told you that the tampacs includedin the whole description of the item.
I guess instructions right there, justin case you needed it while you
were shopping for tampons on the onthe Target website. Now it talked about
difficult to remove. So if itis difficult to remove, you just like,
like, look at a picture ofHenry cavill or something and give it
to Greg. You want to runit through. Yeah, How to insert
a tampon? Okay, slowly insertthe tampon applicator from the tip all the
way to the grip after you've pushedit. But then you rip and slip
it out and do all that afteryou Right, so, after you've pushed
the plunger in all the way,pulled the applicator out. How to remove
a tampon. You'll use your thumband finger to grip the string and slowly
pull it out. Please just notSammy, flush your tampon. Properly disposed
of your tampon in the trash.I will flush all day. That's what
it's directly in the right there foryou guys, to give this a try
on a anatomically correct doll, justto see you. I couldn't do it,
would do the easy peasy that doll. It's got a yeah, you
can turn it around. Yeah,but that that might be like, you
know, unrealistically tight hang out withYeah, you know, I feel like
it's about the same. Back towhat he's questioned, how in one pier,
how many tamps do you one peer? I mean you're peer six days
between like three and seven or eightdays, so you're looking at about eight
day. Yeah, I've been bringingout that many tamps. Yeah, I
go through more than probably twelve tofifteen. I mean I would need to
get it probably a thirty two packsafe damn. Yeah, that's the whole
thing. Go to Costco. Yeahyeah yeah. Would you like your game?
I loved man. That was fun, and I was curious about the
prices and educational very education and morewhat he shows next hand show will be
right back. We were talking aboutthe the morality of some of these life
hacks, right that people said,like, oh, just walk into a
food place for the to go ordersand just confidently walk in there, grab
a bag and walk out, allright? Not moral But when it came
to some of the conversation about returnpolicy stuff and Walmart was was brought up.
Somebody had mentioned that Costco notoriously haslike a very liberal at all return
policy, but there are some thingsthat they will not take back. Okay,
like electronics purchased more than ninety daysago. Someone made it like an
official list, so you know,some are part of their limitless return party.
Like vacuums. You can do that, Greg, but you can,
yeah, okay, but most can'tbe returned for a full refund unless they
were brought in less than you know, or bought less than three months ago.
Got it. Cigarettes even if they'venever been opened. Can't return those.
Alcohol, can't return alcohol. Batteries. Can't return batteries really yeah,
unless the batteries don't work right,okay. Tires, duh duh. Costco
known for their tire check and fixedpolicy, which even includes free rotation,
balance and inflation checks. I didn'tknow that. But you can't return tires
that you buy there they were sellinggold bars. Yeah, of course they
were right. Heard about that.It's hard to get, but this is
something that you cannot return once youbuy it. It's your gift cards you
can't return, and then Costco shopcards, so even the gift cards for
Costco itself can't be returned. Youcan use them to buy anything in the
store. Just use it. Isit because they don't want to give you
cash for something that you didn't buyif it's a gift card. Yeah,
it sounds probably easy opportunity to laundermoney. Yeah, right, But they
take back all kinds of the couches. Remember that one family just returned the
couch not that long ago. Theyhad it for five years or something.
Something is years. It was evenmonths, it was years. And we
had a listener who said that theydid that all the time. I always
get confused. The Christmas tree.The woman who brought back the live tree
after Christmas, like in February.I looked, was that Costco or is
that like a home depot Losco.I look to do it this year,
but I called around and all ofour Costcos only sell the fake trees.
Now. I wanted to do thatthis year, but Giant Picnic one year
and got way too many hot dogsthat were sitting like out in the sun
and then like coolers with melted ice, and we returned them and they took
them back happily. Yeah, itwas very nice of them to take them
back. Took a sea bets didn'tgo to the costco with that one slice
of pizza? Yeah, the foodcourt and then yeah, just when when
after the Christmas tree story broke,we decided to do a little test,
right, Sea Bass on your side. I apologize, but I need to
return my pizza. I tried toeat though, but it made my will
tell me too full? Right,but then it made my tummy too full?
Yes, please, sir, howabout I be Oh, yeah,
I need to return my pizza.And where's a pizza? Oh there's there's
a little bit right there. Whatdo you Yeah, there was like a
pepperoni slice pepperoni, Yeah, aslice of pepperoni and like a little maybe
tiny like tidbit of cheese. Andthat was like, no, no,
nothing on it. It just mademy will tell me too full. Okay,
you realized something free initial pizza?Yeah, I was eating and I
was like, oh, yeah,but you eat the pizza and then yeah,
that's exactly right. He the pizzanow. And by the way,
they gave refund yep, stop itthey did. It was the Gillaway let's
get this guy out of here.Yeah. Well either way, they took
it back money show. I lovethis story. Her name is Alisa Irenina,
and she claimed that this drunk guywas hanging around told him to stop
touching her after he spent part ofthe night behaving inappropriately at this This is
a Russian club where she was celebratingher twenty first birthday. And there's some
security footage, video footage showing theguy coming toward her with his left arm
rais and she takes a step backand that I mentioned she's a female MMA
fighter, noice. She takes astep back and launches the cleanest left hook
that you've seen, catches him righton the chin. He goes down like
a ton of bricks. What's up? Yeah, dude's so funny. She's
wearing this, you know, whitedress, high heels. It's her birthday.
She's being a lady. Yeah,and then she walks off security.
It's just seen laughing. Yeah.She's a popular MMA fighter in the Russian
region, where she has competed ata very high level for a number of
years. So I mean, justjust messing with the wrong person. Good,
what's happening? Hello? I comeover here. I thought, you
boob, what you'll do? Hehits me in the face. What's up?
Yeah? Love that? Eight fourwooding and it's up with the text
over to two to ninety. Somebodyon the text, somebody just asked us,
why is the what he show soobsessed with tampons and menstro cycles every
day? We're not. You knowwhat I'm obsessed with. I'm obsessed with
greg obsession on the abbreviations like tampand peer. I told you it's a
public service, right, it's justso lady. Yeah, when Greg starts
laughing, as you guys know,if you've listened to the show for any
amount of time, when Greg startslaughing about something like you want more of
that? And so the fact thatthe word tamp and peer, it just
makes it makes it a really unpleasantweek more pleasure. It's just obsession,
you know what it is. It'shilario. It is hilarious. So Greg's
abbreviation of stuff and the way helike even words that have no real abbreviation,
he has made one up. Guilty, guilty of it. Yeah,
and I'm not sorry about it.Like if if something's like really like oh
god, it would be what hainto be hat makes It's like you can't
win with these brides, like,you know, don't talk about our tamps
and yeah, now we're putting itin the forefront. We're trying to be
Yeah, now you're talking about ittoo much. I really didn't know those
questions. I really had no idea. I asked Gina during the breakaid the
dry dock thing, like we weretrying to get it out, yeah,
sometimes yeah, And I said,well, couldn't you just think of like,
you know, you, Glenn what'sname, Like, couldn't you just
stak it like Glenn pal for acouple of minutes and all of a sudden
the thing would just slide right out? Or Henry cavill right whatever, you
just try that time, like youfigure out a way to flood your own
basement, right, it would help, right, doesn't just yanking it out?
Is? Yeah? Right? Stuff? Alright? More what he shows
next? I go right back,Holy crapcility show. We are into another
new hour insensitivity training for a politicallycorrect world. Tuesday morning, July the
twenty third, twenty twenty four.My name is Woody. That is great
gory, good morning, menace.Is here? What is up, Woody,
there's Sammy morning. We got SeaMass back in this saddle. Everyone,
dam Gina grad who's been doing agreat job filling in for Sea Bass.
Phones are open eight seven seven fortyfour. What he hit us up
with the text over to two tonine eighty seven, dude, the sad
story slash you know from Guns n'Roses. His stepdaughter Lucy Blue has died.
It happened last Friday, but threehours after her death. This is
what's weird. There was a selfiethat showed up on our social media,
a scheduled post sad and haunting.It said, quote, whether I made
you feel excluded, manipulated, controlled, told you to quit your day job
from the comfort of being financially supportedby my parents, or drown real issues
in toxic positivity. I'm sorry countlessmissed opportunities and connections due to a disgustingly
big ego, insecure heart, andfear of feeling and being vulnerable. Made
my soul learn to evolve from mypoor job at being Lucy Blue. Peace.
Eh? Wow? Right? Darkis scheduled on purpose? Yeah?
I think so. Yeah. TheLA Medical Examiner's Office says that her autopsy
has been scheduled. I mean,but nobody just dies at twenty five.
Wow. Yeah, that's really sad. Yeah, whatever you know or I
you know, pass an accident orwhatever. It's one of those things people
go, well, you know,we got to live for today because you
just never know, live live not. You got to be aware of the
future and not totally. Greg's beena big yolo guy lately lately. I
know, right, but it doesn'tmean that you just spend every dollars you
have, you don't plan for thefuture, but you just got to be
aware of you know, don't livenow, live for tomorrow. Like Tims
says, yeah, right, itlooks like you were dying. Well.
I think the reason I'm so yololately is I found out that yet another
let's say, kid from my classin high school died. Kid, yeah,
well he was grown. And nowi'd be someone who's currently in that
school. Know anybody what's to theschool of used that class? Somebody in
my class And considering my graduating classwas only two hundred and two people,
and I think there's about there's overten that have already died. I want
to say, like twelve. Somecar accidents, some heart problems whatever the
case, health issues. And whenI heard about that, I made it
a concerted effort to get more yolo, you know, because I've always been
so obsessed about the future and youknow, being overly cautious and overly thrifty
and overly that. And I thought, you know what, I kind of
want to just when I die,I don't want to have leave my fortune
behind. Not that I have afortune, but I don't want to leave
what I have behind, you know. I want to use what I have
and enjoy what I have. Yeah, you get those reminders every once in
a while. It's good perspective tohave, it is it fades unfortunately,
because you get into that mode andthen you kind of get out of that
mode. Yeah, but I'm hopingthis will last a while longer. I
had a thought recently about, youknow, because as my kids are getting
older and my son's going into highschool and things like that, the natural
uh, just evolution, not evolution, but the natural timeline of things.
You know, my parents, theirgrandparents died and so therefore it was then
their parents, and then their parentsare gone and then next is you like,
that's a trip, you know,And I'm very I'm very fortunate both
my parents are alive. I haven'texperienced that yet. But yeah, that
because then it's like you're up.I know my dad kind of struggled for
a little while with that that idea, Like, dude, now you're in
the waiting room. Yeah, yeah, so weird. So yeah, dude,
you know, yolo yo, Likeyou said, don't be reckless about
it, but how are you yoloing? Greg? Yeah, Like, I'm
not overthinking at stuff that I buy. I'm not overthinking oh what about tomorrow?
It's a little not irresponsible. Yeah, I'm not being reckless by any
means, but just not being aslike you know, that's such a miser
like he was before, not notbeing overly worried about stuff. Yeah,
I'm trying. It's it's a work, it's a journey. It's hard.
What do you guys think? Justspeaking of high school because some friends of
ours, the husband had to goto his wife's like twenty year high school
reunion this past weekend. Oh cool, sent me a picture looked awful.
He was like, oh, you'vealways been answer. Yeah, yeah,
well I'm putting it now. I'mputting this out to the room. I
went to my tenure. Had ablast. It was so much fun,
like it has it everybody has?It kind of been like the magic of
a reunion. Has that been lost? Because of social media? Everybody knows
what everybody looks like and what's goingon in their lives. I guess the
surprise of what people look like currently, I guess that is gone. But
meeting up with people in person wassuper fun because you're not just going to
have those conversations through social media.And was it awkward, Like did people
walk up and just have conversations withsomebody? No? Well I did think
it was awkward. Awkward because ofsocial media because you're like, oh,
I didn't even realize that person waseven paying attention to what I was posting
online, and so they would bringup things that happened in your life and
then you got to discuss them.So that was super fun. I missed
my twenty year I was in Amsterdam, and luckily that same night that it
was happening, some friends that Iwent to high school with that I graduated
with were in Amsterdam at the sametime, so we kind of had our
own like little mini reunion that nightand we got wasted nice. We pretty
much a drink the whole minimar.Yeah, Sammy, I know she's probably
all in on the high school reunionstuff. I would love to be the
glory days of her life. Yes, except for our ten year reunion was
a huge fail that didn't end uphappening because we didn't realize that who we
nominated as our president who would thenbe in charge of the reunion, was
Mormon. And then our reunion wasvolunteering community service. What yeah, that
was you contacted about doing community servicefor our reunion and then it just didn't
happen. The key is you gotto get somebody that's kind of cool and
kind of responsible at the same time. You know, he can't get like
the jock who's like it doesn't evenknow how to basically write down his own
name, because he's not going toknow how to coordinate. Because there's two
people that are nominated to you know, keep it going and put them together
every year, and it's you're aclass president and then like the treasurer that
keeps you know, that handles themoney because you do have to pay to
help put it on. You gotto pay to go to your high school
union. Yeah, yeah, theycan't just rent, you have to buy
a ticket. Guess that's true.I didn't think Yeah makes sense. I
just not I don't think about it. Yeah, you get a couple of
drinks. You guys are you guysare doing it all wrong my reunion.
So every every whatever the reunion timemay or whatever the hell it is,
they you know, they will doit on campus. So like the five
years will be over in this areaand the ten years will be in this
area. Okay, so he's amoney saver, right, it's a money
saver, big organizational saver. Well, you're graduating. How many people in
your class? Roughly like one hundredand five ish. We're in my class
graduated in eight eight, so right, no one's one's no one's being in
my class. Yeah, I thinkthere was about four hundred something four hundred
year did you graduate? N Iwould see it being a problem, But
we didn't really graduate, same asMenace. Yeah, we didn't have a
five year though, only ten years. We didn't. I could see it,
like if it were a big schoolwhere there's thousands of kids, I
could see that being a problem.But for our we have large campus and
you know, only a couple ofyou one hundred something people per class.
That makes it's easier to do itall you went, I went to the
five year. Yeah, that's surprising. I wouldn't. I wouldn't see you
as a guy going to the reunionbecause people are still hot high school.
But my high school was three blocksfrom my house. That's no reason.
I mean, it's not like abig deal to do. Yeah, yeah,
I mean, I just, uh, I don't get the people that
are so anti well for reasons.Obviously, I went to a different high
school, mostly boarding schools. Throughouthigh school. I spent my freshman year
at a public high school New Jersey, sophomore year at a boarding school in
Oregon, junior year at another boardingschool in Alabama, and then my senior
year at a public school in Pittsburgh. So rare. But that's the reason
that I'm not. And by theway, I did watch that other documentary
series that you told me about teenTorture inc. I think it's called With
Them where they had that bad babychicken there the Turnabout ranch that she went
to, and then Paris Hilton wasin there. Yeah, you know those
are the kind of places that Iwas in. Yeah, So other those
two public schools. Yeah, soit's like, dude, oh no thanks,
no thanks. So that's I meanthat obviously you can see why I
wouldn't be. But even when Facebookstarted, it did, like Mena said,
it killed the whole excitement of seeingwhat people look like. Yeah,
but it's totally different in person.But I don't even have curiosity before I
got into that, you know,hell situation with the morning school stuff.
From kindergarten through my freshman year,I was with all the same kids.
I don't have any interest in themwhatsoever, unless they're the people that I
already kept in touch with. Noteven Melissa Horowitz, but I kept in
touch with her nice and my friendJoe. There's a couple of people that
I kept in touch with, buteverybody else, Like, I don't care
to rekindle that part. I'm surethere's people that you forgot about, though.
There's plenty of people that randomly comeup and you're like, I forgot
about that. But if you wereat a reunion, you'd be like,
oh, that happens at the reunion, right, Hey, Greg's like not
just out of your memory, buteven being face to face with them,
you didn't remember who they were.Nothing you don't prep. No, and
uh here here's something else. Iagree because I I view high school reunions
this way. It's a gathering ofpeople that peaked in high school because the
people that were most interested in goingback for the high school reunions. I
would see more of a college reunionbeing a thing because you chose what school
to go to. You chose,you know whatever. High school is kind
of like not prison, but likeyour elementary school, you have to be
there. It's based on where youlive. You're stuck with these people.
There was no choice. No,I think there was no choice. You
feel that way. I know,I'm just thinking out loud. I'm out
loud. I think that's easy outfor people to say when that didn't have
a good experience in high school.So they're like, oh yeah, I
kind of feel like, you know, like the but the whole thing about
these are all the people who'd bemost excited about a high school were two
groups of people. One the Ipeaked in high school people, or two
the people who were losers in highschool who now have made themselves into a
success and they can go back andbillionaire shows up like like and you'll face
and your face all those people whowere peaked in high school with medicine.
I it's neither of those things.It's like, hey, we went our
separate ways. We all, youknow, went to college different places,
did a different things and be interestingto see what you's just curious and I
could see I could see seed bad. I'm sorry, I could see medical
into these things. I'm really surprisedthat the seed bass would go. I
would just doesn't seem like you knowsomething humuld do. Yeah. I mean
I was because because I didn't goto the same school as anybody went to
high school with you. No onewent to my even the same city,
so I just lost track of people. Yeah, it's just interesting. Okay,
you guys played football with I mentionedthis before a bunch of times.
But my whole high school class,there is a Facebook group that we're part
of and then we updated all thetime. Yeah, we have that same
group. Yeah, but there's people, like you said, there's people in
that group. I'm like, Idon't remember this person through all. This
person That's how I learned one ofmy classmates start was on that special page
No No. No. No.Eight, seven seven forty four Woody High
School reunions yay or nay, Textyour vote over to two two nine eight
seven yay or no. Or ifyou got something to say on high school
reviews, you can always give usa call. Eight seven seven forty four
Woody More, Woody Show, Next, hang up, Show'll be right,
We'll be right, be right back. We love him, but he's a
monster. We don't care what helooks like. This is the Woody Show.
We were talking high school reunions beforethe break. Everybody seems to be
for the most part, at leastinterested in the idea, maybe not fully
on board, like looking at thetext and stuff. Always said, I
live in such a small community thatno one ever leaves, so it's like
a class reunion every time I goto the store. So a nod dog
for me on reunions another day.There's another day. We heard somebody yas
I was getting a couple of nays. High school for me was very traumatic
and the majority of people would justcomplete a holes. Why would I want
to go back and give them amoment of my time? Yeah? Really,
yeah, that was that was theThat was the experience for a lot
of people for this. Yeah,but I understand, like why, like
bo. Do you want to goback and hang out with those people who
just were terrible to you if youdidn't have friends, obviously, Yeah,
exactly. You don't want to readnow. One thing that has come up
in the past, and I consideredgoing where there were reunions from you know,
like a group of people we allworked at the same place, like
at a station a given time,and like, there are a couple of
players that I've worked were, man, that was like a really fun group
of people, and I was like, oh, yeah, I like you.
I wonder what they're up to aYeah, it was like it was
like one station. It was likeone snapshot of time. Yeah, anybody
that was at the station from youknow, two thousand and four until twenty
ten. We're getting together at thisplace and you know, we're just gonna
have some drinks, super casual,just meet up at a bar. And
you did or did not go?No, I didn't go because I would
have meant travel and stuff. Yeah, didn't want to do that. My
most recent reunion was quite disastrous,and it was totally my fault. The
reunion went off without a hitch.But I've never told you guys this,
but I really like to drink.What Yeah? What? And I happened
to go to my reunion. Itwas Mario's birthday. What a trooper to
go to a somebody's high school reunionthat you weren't even part of on his
birthday. Yeah, And I feltkind of guilty about that, like,
oh, sorry, we're going tospend your birthday at my high school reunion.
And I proceed to get wasted,and somebody came up to me and
said, you know what you shoulddo is get up on stage and wish
him a happy birthday on the mic. And this is after all these people
gave speeches, like the class presidentgave a speech. I heard drunk Greg
on the mic. Oh yeah,and think of the worst way that I've
ever acted whilst drunk on stage andmultiply it by ten. I got up
there and I said, I don'tknow how any of you guys gave speeches
up here. I'm so nervous.And everyone's like, oh, I want
to hear Greg's drunk stage birthday bash? What do you want me to do?
What? This is free? Ithink I don't know, Scotty,
why did I So? I'm like, yeah, I'm saying how nervous.
I am to talk in front ofpeople, and I'm trying to wish him
a happy birthday. And then afterI give the speech about Mario's birthday,
which was made that look good,did you mention his age? She would
get there's a little bit, yeah, I probably did. I probably did.
And then I get off the stageand a little while later, this
girl that I went to school with, her name's Karen. I see that
she's totally crying. And I wentup to somebody and said, well,
I happened to Karen, see that'sanything that's hot. Were you the one
that said you think it's hot whenchicks cry for stupid reasons? Yes,
okay, Well she was crying andI found out why she was crying is
because I had gotten up on stageto wish my partner Mario happy birthday.
She knew I was divorced, butdidn't know I was living my true life
as a gay American, right,She said, your game? So she
and so my other friend Natalie,She said she always had a crush on
you. No, I didn't knowthat, and she just realized because you
gave the speech to Mario that you'regay, and she was crying and then
we had that after party at thehotel and I was again quite inebriated,
and we all a group of us, had to use the bathroom and I
went in and I'm at the urinaland I couldn't even stand up, so
I like leaned forward and I wentboom with my head on the wall.
And that's why I stayed in astanding position by using my head against the
wall. So embarrassed. And thenI finally go back to my parents' place
because the school obviously is in theirneighborhood. I stayed at their house and
I go to getting to bed andI missed the bed and landed on the
floor and woke up my parents.What the hell is that noise? Yeah,
I fell on the floor. Mariowas mortified. I and I've never
forgiven myself. And I'm going toskip the next one because I'm so embarrassed.
No, absolutely more to You're good? What what? What? What
I'm about? Drunk Greg and hismessage for minutes his birthday. If I
had one wish for you, itwould be stop saying that's what I've been
saying. You're like, oh whenit comes to sucks by low Sell High.
No, you mother, I've beensaying, great birthday, that's a
good TV show and it's on Amazon. That's what I've been saying. You
No, you mother. Everybody he'sbeen saying that. So stop saying that's
what I've been saying, or Iwill kill myself. Wow. Can you
feel can you feel the love?Yeah? Good gosh, yes, good
morning. I would like to sharewith anybody that you wouldn't normally sober,
that I wouldn't normally share. Idon't give them. I don't give him.
I don't, I don't. Idon't give a. I don't give
a. I don't give up.I don't. I don't. I don't
give how many drinks have you hadthis even like four hundred and seventy two,
four hundred and seventies. I don'tgive him. I don't give him.
I don't, I don't don't,I don't. Dreg is a star.
I don't give him. What's thematter? Yeah, yeah, you
and I not. Penis is nota eleven. I'll never Ironically, I
remember that night because, like Itold you, i'd still be there because
but you helped you carry out thestairs. I rescued Greg carried and I
told you we were on the phonea couple of days ago, and we
were talking about contentment. Yeah,it's consider all my contentment gone now after
Greg so imbarrass it show show allright, welcome back everybody. People love
drunk Greg. No, they don'tknow. Everybody said, don't ever play
that song that says Greg, I'min tears right now. I love you
so much. That is hilarious.Greg, You're fine. It's not like
you had to text an apology becauseyou embarrassed a wife at the previous night's
dinner. Drunk Greg is awesome.Nope, ye, keep it going.
Yeah, it's like, uh,Greg, you just got to live your
life. You do. Yeah,but you think I would learn from all
my experiences to not act like that, But you don't have. That's the
thing you like. I don't understand. It's just it's very embarrassing. It's
celebrating. Yeah, yeah, no, one's I mean, I'm giving you
very very excited. You guys feelthat way, Yeah, because it probably
will happen against him, your littleyou're little message to Menicos. Stop.
That's what I've been saying. Yeah, you know you can't say that I
said something first. Well, that'swhat I've been saying you are one of
two people, the kind that believeseveryone is nice until they prove that they're
a bad person, or the campthat I'm in everyone sucks until proven otherwise.
Which one are you? Text youranswer over to two two ninety seven.
I got some normal by the numbers. It's hard not to be cynical
these days. I'm leaning you haveto prove that you're a good person.
Yeah, yeah, you're not assumingthat they're like necessarily evil. No,
but I'm not going into it assuminglike you have good intentions or that you're
just a good person. It's veryhard not to be cynical. Yeah,
menace, I Yeah, I'm Idon't even know how to answer that question
because I just think people are peopleand then eventually they'll show you who they
are. Right, But going intoit, which one are you? I'm
not automatically thinking they're a bad personnow, Sea Bass, I'm actually positive.
Now I will I'm very quick toturn Yeah, but I would say
in general, I'm actually positive,Sam. I think I can figure out
who somebody is pretty quickly. Though. I think I'm positive, but I
don't really trust them necessarily. Idon't think they're bad people, but that
doesn't mean that I'm going to trustthem right away. Yeah. Again,
I'm not saying that they're evil.I'm kind of very neutral. I don't
know. The question just seems prettyextreme, like they suck that's true,
you know. Well, I meanthis was the question they put it out
to people normal by the number seventypercent, think nice until proven otherwise.
One person said, assuming people aren'tnice leads to people actually becoming less nice.
Another person said, neither until provenotherwise. And I go in with
an open mind. Yeah, Idon't think I go in with an open
mind necessarily, but I don't.Yeah, I'm kind of I am kind
of in the middle. I'm withMinnesota is an extreme. The choices are
extreme. Yeah. Yeah, Idon't think everybody's rotten. But if you
go out in public and you seepeople leaving their cards out or whatever,
twelve And my reasoning behind it wasmy reasoning behind it because I went through
a time in my life where Igot burned a lot and in pretty quick
succession like where like the trust thatI had for people was man, it
was just incinerated, right, Andso I was constantly disappointed in people,
right, people that I didn't youknow, I had respect for who I
liked and I ended up getting burned, and so I had this thing of
a well, would you rather setyourself up to be constantly, like,
pleasantly surprised just assume they suck andwhen they turn because I don't think most
people suck. I think probably mostpeople are good people. They're cool enough,
like you can sit in there,you know, just be cordial and
civil. But wouldn't you rather beconstantly pleasantly surprised and constantly disappointed? I
mean, you know, I guesspreferably, But then you have to go
into it with stinking thinking, youknow. So, yeah, and that's
what works. But do you wantto take a vacance? Yeah? Are
you looking to prove yourself right thatthey're not a good person? I mean,
that's no, it needs to meobviously. I'm hoping people are cool.
That's the that's you know, that'swhat I want. I want people
to be cool. That's kind ofwhat I adopted for a while, just
assumed like everybody sucked, and thenoh, you're pleasantly surprised, and you
got to be more pleasantly surprised anddisappointed when people turn out to be you
knowsh heads. So that's the reward, the pleasant surprise. I just don't
get invested that much. What isit for you? Which camper you in?
Everyone's nice until they prove otherwise,or the everyone sucks until proven otherwise.
Text over to two two nine eightsevens The Woody Show to be back.
I'm stowing that out there. Isit too good? It's pretty good?
I hope good, though I'm thinkingmaybe it's not good. The Woody
Show. All right, welcome backeverybody. It is Tuesday. It's the
Woody Show. We got the birthdays, the Parno birthday come up here in
just a couple of minutes. Lookingforward to morgasms a little bit later on
this morning, the ice cream storeswhere she was creating her awkward moments.
Yeah, and as I mentioned,Gina Grad was here for the very first
ever morgasms and now back again forthat. We've had a couple since you've
since you've been here, because youshould. Yeah, it's amazing. I
think Greg's I've heard the audio.I think Greg love it. I can't
wear gas. Yeah, so that'scoming up a little bit later on this
morning. Phones are opening at eightseven seven forty four and it's up with
the text over to two to nineeight seven. Did I see Twisters?
That was middle again, But Iwant to you didn't see. I was
busy and I'm never busy, butI planned they will see it this week
for sure. I know quite afew people that did see it and they
said they loved it. Yeah goo, Yeah, they gave it eight out
of ten. Also, did yousee that it made sixty percent more than
projected? Yeah? Really I madelike yeah, I think eighty eighty some
million dollars. Yeah, I hada huge weekend. I never care when
they ever when they mentioned like howmuch a movie made, particularly we I'm
like, I don't have points onit, right, Like I get none
of that. You know, it'svery interesting to see how it engages,
how many people want to go seeit. Yeah. No, I'm always
interested in, like what was thenumber one movie the box office? Or
if there's something I'm looking forward orI think I might want to see how
it did, you know, notthe critics who cares, but the audience
score stuff. I'm always more interestedin it. But I love the data
because I love to see if theprojections come true. But people talk in
a way about like when the justthe average person, nobody in the industry,
they go, oh my god,it one hundred and twenty million,
Like, dude, you don't getnone of that. Yeah, exactly,
what do you care? I judgeeven more harshly when somebody wins an oscar
and a viewer cries. I judgeso hard. But they're happy for them.
Greg, Oh, yeah, allright, it's okay to be happy
for other people. Greg. Yeah, people, you know that's what he's
saying. Ryan Reynolds had to meetpersonally with Madonna to get him permission to
use like a prayer in Deadpool andWolverine, and he says it's not only
did Madonna give them the song,but she also gave them a note about
how to make the particular scene better, and I guess they used it.
Ryan sets her idea was quote spoton and right, which I hate to
hear. If that was the case, I wish they wouldn't even hold her
because that just goes they didn't hurt. An ego gets bigger, like,
oh, if that's possible, She'ssuch a rag. Some food news,
In case you hadn't seen this yet, Travis and Jason Kelsey were kind of
talking about cereal. Oh yeah,I saw this was kind of you think
this is? I'm ripping for it. I'm willing to try it, Okay,
I can see how it could bea miss. They teamed up with
General Mills for their quote own cereal. It's called Kelsey Mix and all it
is is just a mix of theirthree favorite cereals, which are Cinnamon,
Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms and Reese'sPuffs. So it's all mixed together.
Awful. I'm willing to try it. Try it today. I try it?
Where is it? Yeah? Butthen you got to spend four hundred
dollars on three boxes of cereals.Sounds like just to try one ball?
You know? Is this a Walmartproduction? It just says it'll be in
stores in September. And I'm notGeneral Mills. I'm sure terrible. Come
yea General Mills. Are you listening? Yeah? Boxes. Peacock is now
charging new customers seven ninety nine fortheir standard service with commercials. The costs
for their premium service went up toup twenty dollars to seventy nine ninety nine.
That's a big jump. The adfree premium plus that's more expensive now
thirteen ninety nine a month, butthat only went up like two bucks from
where it was before. If youalready had Peacock, the price increase doesn't
take effect until next month. Ithink if they said around August nineteenth,
just depends on your next billing cycle. Well that's good because everything else is
going down in price. Way.Just add it to the pile. Peacock.
It's pretty good. I don't Idon't hate Peacock. You know,
if I had to get rid ofone, I would probably get rid of
Peacock. I just used it.I forgot what I was watching, though.
I'll take Paramount plus over Peacock.Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,
I feel like I do my sv U watching on Peacock. Does that
sound right? I don't know.It's criminally you're ignorance about h G t
V though I don't know anything aboutit. I mean like it's it's criminal.
What was it? Greg? Wewere having a conversation and Gina knows
nothing about h G t V.She at all ever Househunters. No,
I've seen I've seen h G tV at the dentist. Dentist. Yeah,
my dentist has that, Greg,really yeah, mine just plays music
now. No, there's like littleTV screens above the chair and you can
watch and you can tell him whatchannel you want, So of course I
go h G t V h G. Yeah, and it's like, you
know, like, what what what'sthe one the hundred day house thing dream?
Yeah, that was pretty cool.I usually used the cock for s
N L O Ye peacock. Okay, sorry, I think the office and
parks and record stuff they yeah.Uh. Kyle Gas from tenas D has
deleted the Instagram post where he apologized, so the apology post taking it back,
so he deleted that the joke hemade about the assassination attempt on President
Trump, so who knows. Andthen, on what would have been Chris
Cornell's sixtieth birthday, his widow shareda video montage backed by him singing Tracy
Chapman's fast Car which the country artistdid, which has been super super huge.
Who did that? What's a who'sthe country artist that did it?
Come on, Sam, you gotthis is your wheel something? You know.
Look, if you don't understand thestuff that's like in our wheelhouse,
that's fine. But when I gotto you on the country stuff and you
don't know what it is like,man, give me a short list of
the stuff that you actually on theon the fly we'll know something about.
Okay, but like you should havebeen being a big u. That's the
biggest, that's one of the biggestcountry songs. It has come out in
the last No, no, yeah, you want to hear a little clip
of this Chris Ell doing Tracy Chapman'sFast Car, You Fast Car. I
don't want a ticket anywhere you canmake it, do you? Maybe any
of the week can get somewhere anyfaces better stepping from zero gain nothing to
loose. Maybe we'll make something.Me and myself, I got nothing to
trul maybe anything you speaks from SouthCountry? Oh yeah, wait is this
the Cacurgion? You can't hear that'sChris Cornell? I know, but see
listen it. Maybe any of theweek can get some Chris Cornell That is
a thousand times better than now.Yes, absolutely not. That is way
to produce for Chris Cornell. Hehas like one of the best voices in
all format ever and like he barelyneeds any music behind him. I think
kind of. I mean it's awayfrom I don't know that was amazing voice.
I don't know that was ever released. Who knows if that's a mastered,
you know, finalized mix or whatever. I thought it was pretty cool
though, And that's all that wasposted. His wife says, quote,
there's more to come. Luke somuch, Greg, I don't Lucas is
the second coming of Christ, butI think this is better. That was
better than Luke Combs. Chris Cornellis one of those guys. I can
hear him sing anything. Yeah,that's what I'm saying, Like need barely
a guitar, Chris Martin. Ican listen to him sing anything. And
then Aaron Lewis from Stained, He'sanother one. Like dude, I don't
care what he sings, right,yeah, country rock covers, it'll sound
good. Yeah. Hey, Greg, just I guess who just joined the
billionaires Club? Billionaires? One ofyour favorites? I think I know that.
WHOA Bruce Bruce Springs. According toForbes, he's now worth at least
one point one billion dollars voice,and they did note that a lot of
that came from him selling his musiccatalog for five hundred million dollars. That
helps out. Yeah, as greatas Chris Cornell is, go to the
polar opposite Bruce, I've dropped lightbulbs on the ground and it sounded better.
Oh my. Overall, I'm nota Bruce Springsteen fan. There are
a small handful of songs. Oneof them is not born in the USA.
Oh yeah, you think he's agood singer. I literally question your
sanity. There's like thunder Road,I hate it. Okay, he's terrible.
What about that beer commercial terrible gota d U I f it was
awesome? Yeah, it's good oneawful, really pink Cadillac Dancing the Dark
that one? I like hate it? What about Santa Clausa coming to Town?
Oh yeah, but dancing in theDark, dude, that's a pretty
good Terrible Streets Philadelphia. Yeah,that's a great one. If somebody else
sang it, would you be okaywith these songs? Maybe you just not
down with that boy. That's whyhe sold this catalog, because now other
people can sing it. Yeah.I was getting some of the birthdays and
the porn of birthday before Greg getstoo upset stroke talking about bros. Shimmy,
we're gonna it's shimmers, We're gonnasit it's shimoda, and you know
we don't do all right. Startwith the celebrities. About Daniel Ratcliffe,
Harry Potter thirty five years old today? Excuse me? You got the Woody
Harrelson, who is sixty three unbelievableas today from Guns n' Roses and Velvet
Revolver. He's fifty nine, Greg, what today is Martin Gore's birthday?
How did I not know this?And why am I here today celebrating?
He's got to be sixty two,sixty three, sixty three? You were
close, he was sixty two yesterday. That's that's what I mean. Greg's
favorite band of all time, depecheMode. And then we got to three
people who are all turning fifty onetoday. You got Catherine Hahn, who
I know Greg likes because of badmomad Mom WandaVision if you were into that.
So it's her birthday, it's nomore Garcia PA's birthday. The only
player in MLB history with the lastname Garcia Para. Huh you know what
team he played for? No?Are you serious? No, mar no
mar Garcia Para. You're a RedSox fan. Yeah, and you didn't
know, No mar Garca. You'restill not putting two m together back to
the wheelhouse thing. So, mygod, the way he phrased it,
you know, my well, Iknew it was going to be a Boston
Oh and when I said the onlyplayer in MLB history, maybe I'm very
tired today. Okay, God,he's fifty one, and so is Monica
Lewinsky member, Oh yeah, Monica. Marlon Wayans is fifty two years old.
Today. He got Charisma Carpenter fromBuffy and Angel, who's fifty four.
And then Ronnie Cox first of all, Ronnie Captain Bogomil in the Beverly
Hills Cop Movies. He's eighty sixyears old to Wow and your porn old.
Birthday is Victoria Pure and her lastname may be pure, but she
is far from it. She's shownthat in two hundred and ninety two fine
films here on her resume, includingbanging in a gas station. I'm sorry,
that's banging in a gas station bathroomspecifically. She was also in Blonde
Street Horror banged in a car.Apparently she likes to go on the right.
She was in My Boss Loves MyFeet Volume one, also Pumped and
Dumped volume two, and Greg whocan forget her unforgetta role in Steamy couch
Pee Session. Oh. Greg,won't even sit on his couch, Steamy
let alone to do that. Hesaid, how does that work? That's
a Victoria Pure Watch and find outshe's thirty six years old today and that
is your porno birthday, your celebritybirthdays. And that just a look of
some of the stuff's happening in theworld of entertainment on this Tuesday morning.
We're gonna take a quick break.Got some more Woodie show for you next,
hang on, just take your feetup on the dashboard. Back in
a few the Woody Show. Builawouldn't approve the Woody Show. All that's
gonna do it for Tuesday morning,everybody. Yeah, and look who's back,
mister Sunshine, Mister Sunshine. Seabass Uh is back again. So
delighted. So yeah, I meanyeah, we talked about all the missing
oh yeah, lackerly so trying inthe hallways. The question is like it
was one of those like no,you hang up, no, you hang
up, no, you hang upaway about who missed each other the most,
you know between Greg and Sea Bass, you know, immense miss Yeah,
but today on the show, goback, check out the full show
podcast, morgasms, Yeah, theice cream store. Yeah, so you
think the weather's hot outside, waitto hear this round of morgasms. It
is on the full Show podcast.Also the trending news headlines, and a
whole bunch of other stuff that wegot to including the birthday's porn of Birthday
coming up for you tomorrow. Highereducation with menace. He's talking to an
animal medium. Now, Sea Bass, you've got a chance to hear this
audio. I mean it's it's avery stoned menace talking to a pet psychic.
It's fun, it's perfect. Yeah, awesome, She was great.
Now does he sound like more highthan usual or just kind of the normal
shit? It's it's appropriately high.So we got that for you tomorrow here
on the Woody Show. Anything yougot in the meantime, you can leave
on the after hours voicemail eight sevenseven forty four. At eight seven seven
forty four, Woody fought us onsocial media at the Woody Show. Gina
grad thank you so much, Oh, thank you for having She did a
great job, Sea Bass. Youwould have been proud. She threw around
her MENSA certificates. Yeah, shelorded her superior intelligence over all of us.
Show us her muscles, yeah,yeah, she shows her muscles and
talked about how many slams that she'shad to talk about her penis size.
Yes, yes, yeah, ofcourse, well she's filling in for you.
Yeah. No, thank you,Gina. That was That was a
lot of fun. Uh that's allI got. Met as Sammy Sea Bass
Gina. Anything like to add greatgory parting words of wisdom please? Yeah.
Next time you think you're having abad day at work, think about
all the poor people at the Let'sGo Brandon T shirt factory. Oh yeah,
what are you doing now? What? I guess that's the next shipment
off to whatever? They said?Whatever? This the super Bowl shirts?
Oh? I know man, Yeah, hey, new T shirts coming all
right. Thank you very much,Greg Gore, Thank you so much for
giving the show some of your valuabletime this morning. You know, we
love it, appreciate you for that. The rest of you guys can suck
it and we'll catch you back hereon Wednesday. Have a great day.
SMD double M. I quit thisbitch.