Episode Transcript
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What is due to the graphic natureof this program listener discretion? Is it
lies? The Woody Show? Isthe Woody Show. Insensitivity Training class is
now in session. EG, goodmorning, everybody morning. Today is Wednesday.
It is July the twenty fourth,twenty twenty four. My name is
Woody. That is Greg Gory.Hoy Woody Hoy, Greg. Happy hump
day, Menace, Happy hump day, Woody. See that is here.
Thankfully, there's Sammy. We gotbored, We got Caroline, we got
Morgan. Who is here, MissMorgasms? Yeah, yeah, that was
That was a lot of fun yesterday. A lot of a good response from
Morgasms yesterday. Von our video produceris here making all the video magic happen.
Phones are open eight seven seven fortyfour Woody as eight seven seven forty
four Wooding. You can also hitus up in the text over to two
to nine eight seven coming up hereon the show for you this morning.
Menaces Higher Education. Yeah, soMenace got himself nice and high and he
talked to this woman who's correct mesee you as an animal medium? Is
that correct? She can talk toshe can speak to animals, both alive
and dead. Yeah, Ru,she's like a miracle. Yeah, so
Mena is super high talking to awoman who claims to be able to talk
to dead animals. That should bepretty fun. We've also got the trending
news headlines. We're gonna have someof the entertainment stuff, the Birthday's porn
of Birthday all later on here inthe hour again. If you want to
call in, text in, bea part of it that way, or
find us on social media. Lookfor us at The Woody Show and the
social media platform of your choice.Email send us those email at the woodieshow
dot com. Which Samy, didyou see the guy that he's got a
radio crush on you? Did yousee this guy? I did see the
email. Yeah, it seems likea nice enough guy. I'm not being
you know, I'm not being sarcastic. He seems like a decent enough dude.
What's a radio crush like? Hedoesn't know her, just crushed from
listening on the radio, says HoyWoody Show. I've been listening to the
show for many years now. It'snever a dull moment. The show scratches
an itch that no other show hasbeen able to scratch. For me.
I love the humor, on theshow. I especially vibe with Woody.
I feel like you're that cool dadthat has the same dumb sense of humor
that I have. The laughs arecontagious, especially Gregg's, and the energy
that you guys give is great.It almost feels like cheating if I listen
to another station it is. Butthe real reason I'm sending this email is
because I think I'm might have asmall radio crush on Sammy in Good Fun.
Of course, there's something about her. She's goofy and charming. She's
got a great smile and is quiteattractive. Now, before you all,
how do you know that from theradio? There's videos video, So he
has a crush crush? All right, Yeah, before you all start calling
me a simp, it's not audio. Let me sell Sammy on why she
should date me. Oh okay,I am average height and build, five
foot nine, more fit than not. That may not meet her height requirement,
but maybe she'll pass it. I'mtwenty eight, twenty nine on August,
So if she wants a younger guy, I'm down for a cougar.
Yeah, you're so old cougar.Oh God, I don't know how I
feel about being called that. Yeah, cougar might have whipped all that.
What age, that's smart, that'ssmart. Yeah. At what age are
you considered a cougar? Forties?Forties? I mean to somebody that's I'm
just asking. No, I'm saying, I'm just asking like it, because
cougar is a cougar. I'd saymid for you may agent like, where
now you are? That's that's athat's the that's the pond you're fishing in.
Right, it's mid to late fortiesforties. The problem is porn has
ruined everything. Where now millfs arelike twenty six. Yeah, yeah,
yeah. If she wants a youngerguy, I'm down for a cougar.
Oh my god, gotcha, boy. I just looked it up, and
according to Urban Dictionary, cougar isa woman generally at least thirty five.
Oh yeah, to qualified, theysay often in their forties or fifties,
even sixties. Surban Dictionary, Well, the authority, Yeah, I'm a
dog lover. If you aren't,you're a psychopath. I actually have a
Yorkie as well, one that Iadopted from my sister, named Peanuts,
so I'll definitely vibe. I waslike, that's mad, sus But I
mean you got it from a family. Remember, I'll definitely vibe with her,
little Dugan. Now, what hehasn't mentioned is his occupation, which
is a bad sign. Let's see. Well, I'm still going then the
list here. I actually also havesome somewhat of a lazy eye long story.
Okay, so like relatable or whatyeah? Hell yeah, broll because
yeah, because Samy's got that eyething that she's talked about. Uh,
let's see, I am Puerto Rican, so I can teach her Spanish and
hook her up with that Puerto Ricanhome cooking. I did feel Spanish,
so I could use some help there. I've attached some photos. Maybe she
can give me an honest rate.Okay, so he's looking Okay, everyone
else first, keep doing what you'redoing. Would he showed me love that's
from Frisco. That's that's his name, all right? Let me like okay,
now, one of the things becauseGreg greg Old tip his cap,
he did tip his hand. Hedid bring up saying, oh, my
height might be a problem, butSammy, you said that it's not a
problem. You like short kings.Yeah, but maybe that's too tall.
I'm thinking right, ideal is fiveto eight oh five. Nine. You
would you would not even notice thedifference between five eight and five nine.
No, I wouldn't know. Okay, So here I'll show Greg. Maybe
he was thinking of Morgan with herheight requirement. But don't look at me,
she's so big, don't look allright? So, SeaBASS, which
which one do I show Greg?First? This one? That one?
Or three? Uh? Three?Looks hella gay? So I would go
with all right, I want tosee number three. I'll show you number
two. First. Here we go, Greg, just a normal dude.
Yeah, so he has that stupidalfalfa haircut, the broccoli. Here.
Here's here's picture number one in caseyou were wondering, all right, it's
also kind of gay? That's gay? Or yeah, he's got his hand
on his like his I really likea red curtain backdrop. Yeah, I
liked his hair in the first picture. And then here's the way pronounced.
Here's the third one. That's theone that Sea Bass said was kind of
gay. Really because he's well dressed. I don't know. Yeah, he's
just he's got well he's taking aselfie in a mirror, which is that's
women, let's be honest. Uhand yeah, just the the hair he's
gonna got like a Patrick Mahomes lookinglike where it's like that moppy curly thing
on top. He's also wearing amiddle of the mall suit right like a
purple. Yeah. See, there'sthis thing with a couple of years ago,
it became law where every male adultor even even to the teens has
to get a like a tight fadeon the side. Yeah, and if
they have any kind of curly listto their hair at all, they have
to they have to poof out likebroccoli. That's all my son's friends,
exactly fifteen year olds. It becamelaw a few years ago. I blame
TikTok TikTok dudes, because here's thething. Like now, if a fifteen
year old boy goes missing, theyall sound the same. Yeah yeah,
like a pair of athletic shorts,socks pulled up high, with some kind
of nikes on, hoodie and moppyhair really big. Yeah yeah. All
right, so Sammy, here wego. Okay, he wants an honest
rate. Okay, and be honest. He's asking you for an honest rate.
All right, here we go.Here's Frisco. Okay, that's not
good at start. Yeah, it'sprobably about a six. A six,
yeah, like a solid six.Okay, how's he losing points? Like
they tell you when you get yourcredit report? Like, all right,
so here's some things that are affectingyour score in a good way. Here's
some things that are affecting your scoreto bad. I don't like the weird
beard that he has going on onthe bottom, that's just at the chin.
Yeah, he's just got like juston his chin under the shadow,
which I don't like that, butnot even like a soul patch. It's
just under under Yeah, it lookslike a shadow. His It looks like
he touched up the picture. Likehis face looks feminine to me? Does
it look like that to anyone else? Like, I don't know, after
his mother, you know, yeah? Maybe here's here's here's the other one
that Sea Best said, look kindof gay. Yeah. Yeah, I
don't like the outfit for sure.I think that can I chime in.
I think that he could drop theglasses. I don't think the glasses work
for him, or maybe a differentstyle of glasses. I think if he
if he got some laser find hair. Let's then let's go back to the
picture number one. This is theone with no glasses. No glasses is
that better? This is like theeye doctor, better or worse? Keep
the glasses but get different glasses.So no glasses is worse. Definitely haircut,
right, it could be trimmed alittle bit at the top. But
I do like his hair. Ilike the full Yeah, okay, it's
thick and curly. Like. He'salso not smiling in any of his pictures.
He's like, kind of that's howyou look cool, dude, he's
trying to look cool. Yeah,he's taking himself too seriously. He doesn't
look fun in any way. Youdon't look at the pictures and go,
I'd love to hang out with thatguy. It's not I think with a
couple of adjustments, you know,he could get them up or something.
I mean, he said a lotof change, haircut, he said a
lot of nice things and smile.I mean, did anything stick out about
the email that was either like ared flag or like, oh okay,
that's like the dog thing? Isthat like a red flag for you?
That the type of the flag withthe type of dog that he's got as
a guy, that's not a redflag first dog, per do. Now
he did couch it, saying hegot it from his sister, inherited it
somehow, or okay, that's notcaring for that's not as bad, right,
he saved it. Yeah, that'svery nice. The cougar thing is
what got me. You called mea cougar. Go away. Wow,
that's when I heard his age.I want him. That's kind of young.
And then he called me a cougar, I'd go away. So so
this is this a case where thenegging has gone uh you know, bad
sea bass like sideways. Well,because that wasn't a terrible nag now was
It was actually a really good nagif delivered in the right way, which
I thought he did over text.It's hard to do, of course,
but he did it in the rightway, like if he was like because
if you did that, you know, in a bar, like, oh,
I don't know. I don't usuallygo for the cougar types. And
he did follow it up with hallaat your boy, that's as stupid.
But also he's not like particularly saidhe was. He's not fit or fat,
he's just average. Okay, he'sgot a very mediocre boy, because
in the pictures he looks like hemakes himself so seriously that it doesn't come
off as a joke, Like nothingthat he said came off as a joke
to me, right, Like thatworks really well if delivered properly in person.
Well, sorry, and again Friscodoesn't mean you can't have a radio
crush, like you can't listen andpretend like she never said that stuff about
you. I mean it's photos.Sorry, photos give off f boy energy,
you know, right, and heshot his shot right, And again
he didn't ever mention his profession,which goes with what Menas just said.
Probably crappy job, probably doesn't makea lot, I mean, ry gold
diggin sammy. What's the requirement?What's the requirement from like a like a
job or employment requirements? They canbe unemployed at least a job or can
he be unemployed? It can beunemployed. They can be unemployed, but
not expect you to put the bill. You wouldn't, right, No,
I wouldn't date somebody. Are yougoing to hang out? You would date
somebody without a job? Well,I guess it would depend on the situation
between jobs all the time. Yeah, when you get to a certainly you're
an unsuccessful person if you know,I don't know, maybe maybe this is
not the time to date. Maybeit's the time that like, you know,
maybe go on an interview or two. Yeah, focus on yourself.
Girls could be worth at in theirearly twenties and working chicks. Maybe work
on that resume now when they're likein their late forties, like you not
like when you're a cougar, you'reretire. Come on, send us an
email email at the Woodieshow dot com. We'll be right back. Hang on.
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Woody Show, Well we are intoanother new hour. Yeah, insensitivity training,
free, politically correct world on thisWednesday morning. It is July the
twenty fourth, twenty twenty four.I'm wody. That's great, gory,
good morning. Menace is here?What is that? Woody? We got
sea bass, we got Sammy phonesare open eight seven seven forty four.
What do you this? You knowwe'll call in any time eight seven seven
forty four. What you can hitus up with the text over to two
to nine eight seven menace is highereducation, oh fin, and then it's
got super high on a weed vabeuh huh and talk to not an animal
psychic and animal medium. I cantalk to you. Yeah, we can
talk to your dead pets. Sadand people always find these higher education segments.
Were you a stoner in high school? No, not at all.
It was a late to life.We'd got super late to life. We've
got oh yeah, like when whenwas it really? I mean, because
it was like I would say,in the past, uh what ten years?
Yeah, yeah, past ten years. I started doing it, not
even ten years, probably ten years, yeah yep. And then uh I
was like wow, and Greg's gonnahate this because you don't drink as much.
Yeah, it really dialed back theamount that I drink. And because
drinking, you know, as youget older, it is the recovery is
extremely hard. Unless when you sayas you get older, because like older
people are not gonna be like,oh you know, I hate them when
you get you talk to somebody who'slike twenty one, and they go,
now that I'm older, I'm gettingolder as you get older. Yeah,
the recovery time from drinking is muchmuch harder, at least with me,
because I'm a big strink, abinge drinker. I'm not a consistent drinker
like Greg, who can have aneasy recovery time me is a professional.
Really, Yeah, I'm just like, oh, I won't drink for weeks
and weeks and then I'll just goso hard and then ruin my next couple
of days. But with marijuana,the drinking dial back, and then I
feel absolutely fine, like the nextday or within a couple hours. Yeah.
I feel like once I hit myforties when I started having a bigger
problem with some of the alcohol stuffI told your vodka used to be and
all of a sudden inastant headache thatdidn't start until my forties. Huh.
But don't worry, I haven't completelystopped Greg. Yeah, I'm not.
When he ordered something, he's orderedsomething, usually it's served in a pineapple
or with an umbrella, the fruitor the most delicious love it like a
good fuzzy navel, you know.Yeah. So yeah, Medice's higher education,
the animal meet him be talking tothem some other animal related stuff.
There was a story I saw thismorning. A couple of fishermen in New
Hampshire out doing their thing. Yesterday, This pissed off humpback whale landed right
on top of their boat, destroyedthe boat, did you yep, flipped
it over. The guys got ejectedfrom the boat. Yeah, twenty three
foot boat just smashed. I'm shockedthat they're alive. The two fishermen were
saved by another fishing boat nearby.Yeah, they're lucky because they were in
front of the boat and then thewhale like slammed the bottom of the boat.
If they were in the bottom boatdead yeah right, yeah, and
I'm glad the whale's okay. Yeah. That was probably super to see that
until it smashed their get very excitedseeing whales. Didn't you recently put that
on your list of things that's overrated? Yes, seeing a whale, Yeah,
I think it was cool because Idon't think i've seen one. You've
never seen a w out in theworld, No, but I've seen whal
Yeah, I've seen that something likethat, but want in captivity, not
out in their own element. ButI think, like, yeah, maybe
just seeing a whale like swim bykind of week, but a whale that
like goes out of the water,that's pretty cool. Call that reaching reaching.
Yeah, but I do think ifI saw one either breaching or otherwise,
it would be boring after about fiveminutes. Yeah, no, you
know what I mean? Yeah,absolutely, like, wow, that is
it's a whale. There's non stopbreaching. Dude, I'm there for non
stop breaching. I mean, theyprobably do it a lot, but I
think I think it would get oldsomewhat fast. No way. And then
some other animals. So oh,I did see another cool video where these
guys they're out on their boat andhis great white shark is just like super
interested in their boat, like wherehe's sticking his face up out of the
water like kind of like trying tolook in the boat. Oh God,
like what's in there to eat?Me? At the fridge? You anyway,
And they weren't, they weren't feedingor throwing anything into the water,
but he's pretty big and he's like, you know, his mouth look like
you'd see in Jaws or something likeare they going to attack the boat?
Some snacks? Little wants a snack. Yeah, speaking of a little Doggies,
litt dugans and newsies, dogs arethe best man. New research shows
that dogs can smell stress in humanslike it even alters their own behavior.
Really, the researchers say that understandinghow human stress affects the dogs well being
very important to consider when dogs arein kennel's or you know, when they're
training to be companion dogs. Butof course they can sniff cancer, why
couldn't they smell stress or as theysense it, they sense it exactly.
Yeah, like when you're not feelingwell, doesn't your dog kind of mellow
out? Yeah? Like my dog, who would normally want to go on
a walk if I'm sick or lyingon the couch s ill, she knows
to just be mellow. I'll justgo do my own thing. They've always
had dogs will match their owner's energy. Yeah, all the dogs are way
better than cats. True. Mydog knows. I was I was going
through a thing recently and I wasjust like super stressed and bummed, and
you know, it was in afunk. And she came up. And
she doesn't do this all the time, like she'll cuddle and stuff, but
she came up and I was sittingon a couch and she put her two
front paws on my lap and thenlike kind of nuzzled her her head like
right under like my chin slash shoulder, like right on my collar bone,
and she just laid there And shenever does that, like she never does
that, did Baby? Yeah?Oh nice? Yeah, it's awesome.
I love it. Also, thisis cool. Two dogs have been trained
to sniff out PTSD just by smellingsomeone's breath, and they say it's about
ninety percent accurate. They tried totry, like these twenty five different dogs
to do this, but only thesetwo we're able to make it all the
way through a Golden Retriever named IvyBaby, and then a German Shepherd Belgian
what are they called melanoa mix namedCali. Cali the same name as Greg's
dog sister. Yeah, so god, that's incredible. Yeah, that's pretty
cool. Dogs. We don't deservedogs, how long until we have the
technology to be able to do that? I mean, if dogs can sense
it out, how can we notcreate the technology to be able to like
sniff out PTSD and somebody I don'tknow, well, how would we create
smelling technology? What do you mean, I don't know whenever they're picking up,
right, like being able to identifywhatever it is the dog is picking
up, sensing smelling, Okay,we're close to that, right, that'd
be pretty cool. But I meandogs have how I can never remember the
stat of how powerful their smell is. Yeah, it's like seven thousand times.
But to be able to say hookup, you know how you do
with your car is plug it inand it spits out a diagnostic like that'd
be so much better than which Igot to schedule colonoscopes, lucky, prostate
exams, breast exams, pap smears, all this other blood work, all
these other things you're supposed to do. Wait, you got to do a
no dog. I'm including everybody.I'm being inclusive service. Yeah, being
inclusive, although I am getting Uh, it's weird. Like the people that
my health insurance is through, they'redoing some kind of advertising with the with
the radio station, and so I'mgetting one of those full body MRIs which
will show anything and everything including yourpenis greg exactly. You'll be able to
see individual slices of it. Youknow, Wow, you kind of see
what it's made of. See thatwould lead to paranoia for me, they
would find because who knows what they'regoing to find. It will find something,
and they will find something right,not all the time, but as
you again as you get older,and they say really more like in your
fifties, but you know, yes, things can be in there that are
fine, benign, right, Soit'll show up. But the thing is,
they call it the rich Man scan, right, and like, uh
so they asked me if I wantedto do it, because they'll cover it,
like just to have me do itso I can talk about like what
it's all about. Now the processworks, uh huh, a little perk
of the job. But like Iwant to know, I feel like I
can deal with anything as long asI know what I'm dealing with the stuff
that I feel like I'm not beingtold or I don't know about. That's
the stuff that drives me nuts.That's what's killing me right half the time,
you know. But if I feellike I know what it is,
you at least can develop some kindof plan whether you'll be successful in dealing
with you know, yeah, Idon't know. But this full body thing,
here's here's the problem for most people, Like anybody can get one done
if you pay for it. Ithink it's about three thousand dollars if you're
going to pay out of pocket.See way cheaper than I've been hearing.
That's what I was just told,like the other day, when they asked
me about this thing. So howmuch that thing normally costs it? They
kind of about three thousand and they'lldo a head to toe MRI scan.
The thing is, besides the threethousand bucks, whatever shows up. You
could have like some kind of growthin your body that ends up being benign.
But in order to you know,make sure that it is, but
you end up going through all theseother tests or biopsies or whatever, because
if they see something, they're goingto investigate it as they should, right,
I mean, but you should.But the thing is a lot of
people will show something, right,and so you're going through and you're looking
all this stuff. I would ratherknow and be able to check it out
a peace of mind, whole pointof it. You don't know how many
follow up appointments you're going to getsomething. Can I just have my dog
smell me? Everything could be something. Yeah, I'm also getting one of
those things that ministers had done.What's that plaque? Thing, the plaque
scam. They check and see whatkind of blockage, if any, you
have in your in your heart,okay, like arteries. I was so
nervous about that. Yeah, howthey do super easy like electrodes. No,
it's basically like like a cat scan. Oh okay, yeah, my
mom just did one, and mymom you know, older, and she
has virtually zero build up, whichis insane. Wow, same here,
which really is so inane. Yes, they didn't tell you, like your
sixteen. My doctor and I wereboth shots somebody else's results like like are
we sure? Yeah, but itwas Yeah, congrats on. I was
very nervous when we were reviewing histeeth. Now that's a lot of plaque.
It's great. All right, welli'll let you know how that goes.
Definitely, I'm super curious brush arteriesbefore you go. But wouldn't wouldn't
be awesome if you just like,you know, let your dog sniff you,
or they could plug in, youknow, for an exam. They
just plug in and it says,all right, well here's what's going on.
I guess that's what blood work doessort of. I think that technology
that we're just like talking about rightnow is gonna happen. Well, yeah,
like soon soon. What's the chick? They just went to prison where
they say like one drop of bloodsaranose chick. Yeah sucks because it's actually
gonna happen. Yeah, but ithadn't happened, and she was telling everybody
that it did. And then bothafter your dog gives you the exam,
you get no bill. You justhave to cuddle, kiss kiss it eight
seven seven forty four. Woodie hitus up with the text over to two
to nine eight seven minutes is highereducation. He's talking to an animal medium.
Nice, would you like to talkwith your dead pet? This woman
claims that she can do it,but it's a woody show. Well,
it's not heinous. Everybody knows it'snot heinous. Oh hain. It cracks
me up. How Greg is soobsessed with abbreviating any and all things.
I know. That's why I like, That's why I likes tamps and peers.
Well, plus, I'm trying tohelp the ladies at the time of
month because it's not a pleasant time. But if you say tamps and peers,
it makes it makes it fun.Yeah, it makes it cute.
Yeah, all right, welcome back. Everybody, and uh, once again,
Menace got super high the right,Yes, that's you're sating out to
high nineties. Uh the thing isMountain high, Mountain high or something like
that. Right. Uh. Yeah, it's delightful. And how do we
find this person? Because this wasan email I got. This is a
slam dunk. I mean, howcould it go? I haven't heard the
audio yet, but Sea Bass hasbeen telling us like man high, Menace
and like an animal medium. Ohmy god, it was so much fun.
That's like, it's not serious.You know. It's a lady who
believes who's a psychopath and thinks shecan talk to you. Hey, cold
on. Yeah, So I don'tlike that. This was an email you
to talk to an animal psychica,like I know who does? Yeah?
I do a little buddy here,Yeah he does. Fun. So Menace
got super high and had a conversationwith this woman. Now does it have
to be? Does it? Like? In other words, if I brought
my dog and who's very much alive, could I sit there with her and
ask her like what the dog isthinking? Or yes, yes, your
name is Susan? Had her translatefor me. You can find her work
as Susan Allen medium and what youwould be looking for in that In that
case, what he you'd be lookingfor an animal soul speak session where you
bring she does. She does animalsthat have passed on to the Great Beyond
what they call it mile Bridge tothe farm. Now you would bring in
hopefully and you don't have to bein person, but it's good if you
can bring your animal in person.Fifty minutes with Susan Allen will run you
only four hundred and fifty dollars.Oh deal, that's fifty minutes, I
mean fIF minutes. This priceless tobe able to talk about. She's literally
talking to you, talking to youranimal. Current pat case four hundred fifty
grand sign she has animals, shedoes people. And this actually is one
question from a very high menace.And before we get into the actual clips
here now, Greg, before wehear a peep out of her, Yes,
you very much miss your dog Rex, yeah hundred, so think about
him every day. Is this somethingthat you would do? You okay,
you wouldn't, even though you believein ghost and stuff like that, you
wouldn't well ghost for real. Butthis is just laughable. So why do
you think it's possible that Rex isa ghost somewhere. I think I think
it's post dog. Rex has beenreincarnated into my current dog. Similar,
do you not want to speak toRex through your current You wouldn't be willing
to give it like a try?Am I not worth four hundred and fifty
robbers? Yeah? Right? No? Are you no? Because what is
she going to say? Like,Okay, he misses you too. Don't
know because just the ghost just sayall the stuff that you want to hear,
right, So doesn't love this.So this goes into MENACE's first high
question is about what what does whatdoes Susan need? Like just a photo
and you know, things like that, and remember this good question. Yeah,
this is gonna be helpful for Menacebecause I doubt just listening to this,
I doubt he remembers very much ofthis. So I on the when
you're speaking to animals, is there? Did you have to meet the animal?
Wait? No? Do I haveto see the animal? No?
No? Well maybe yeh Jesus Menace. Usually he ramps up like he and
by the way this is cut down, he reminds me of that kid in
that viral video that you know,the one when have you ever want to
have you wanted with Well, I'mjust gonna know my thoughts out loud,
my bad, I'm saying, butI know you're I know your mL going
into these things like you you know, you start obviously when the when the
like by the end of it,you're really baked. Yeah, so it's
not like this one. You wentinto it really big. I'm vaping the
entire time. Yeah, but atthis point, like where were you at?
I got a scale one to ten, Like how baked were you?
Sounds like a yeah probably yeaow okaydo you do? You have to get
a visual of the animal before,so I'd like looking at pictures and I
like looking through the eyes. Sothat's the short answer. The long answer
is I can see in the spiritworld the animal. They know my frequency
at the moment, they'll they'll giveme an image. Are you there?
Yeah? Yeah, sweet, I'mreally here. WHI Yeah? All right?
Now okay, So Susan part ofwhat gets Minnesota high is with we'll
be fine with all these interviews thatwe get pitched. They will go on
and on and on, and soshe probably did ten minutes of her whole
background about how she when she wasa little girl. She like, her
dad would bring her to this barnand she is a little girl, would
talk to the horse. I wouldtalk to her, and she at some
point didn't realize that, oh,this isn't really happening, and just kind
of continued her allegedly allegedly well nowhere. But she was never like,
oh, am my wrist is reallyhappening. Until a friend of a friend
of a friend was a horse trainerand she was telling people she could talk
to horses. They're like, okay, crazy lady, come talk to our
horse that's racing because it's not doingwell. So Susan show what's going on.
Yes, Susan shows up to thehorse track to talk to this horse
and see what the deal is.Her husband was a horse trainer. They
asked if I could come down andtalk to this horse that just wasn't winning.
And I said, why aren't youwinning? And she said because I'm
just a number to him, andI'm like one of so many he trains.
And I'm like, I don't thinkthat's true. Because they contacted me
just to talk to you, soI think you really are important to them.
The reading ended. It was justlike a few minutes. I didn't
tell them anything, but I wentand I bet on her. Nice and
oh that's sweet. And then youhave to track every day. Yeah,
just talking to the horse awesome.That's the one thing people always bring up
with psychics, and psychics never havea good answer for it. Is,
well, if you can read thefuture, talk to the path, you
know, talk to a horse andfind out if it's feeling. Well,
you have my real life sports almanac. Yeah she did, though, she
talked to the horse and then sheput money on the horse, one money
and one money. It said,nope, I'm done right, I'm not
doing that again. No, noto who needs free money? And also
like, if you're getting paid bythe trainers or whatever, why wouldn't you
tell them anything. Well, here'sthe thing is, that wasn't She wasn't.
That was still an amateur reading.That was her. She was.
She's discovering her. But when thishappened, that's when she said, oh
my god, I do have apower to talk to her again. If
anybody in my life said hey,I can go talk to you, we
can talk to my horse. No, like they'll tell me things right,
Yeah, I would never talk tothe person to be out of my life,
closed minded, The guy with agiant butterfly net shows up and you
go away. This is MENACE's highereducation, meaning that he got really high
smoking the weed vape and he wastalking to this lady who is an animal
medium. So this nice question,I think is actually a pretty decent question
that a lot of fel folks havefor psychics, is well, if you
can talk to the dead, animalsand people or whatever, then I guess
death really isn't a bad thing.Right. Oh and I oh, do
you know what question I've actually nevernever asked a medium. Do mediums get
sad when people pass away? Well, it's a good story, you know.
I'm just checking in with my brotherthat crossed into the spirit world in
October. He hit his head andgot a brain injury. One that's scares
me because I'm not even joking.I do that a lot. Do you
fall down and hit your head?Yeah, well I don't. I think
you're going to be okay, thankyou. Yeah, but all of a
sudden, to this point, everything'staking a lot more sense to her.
But I was saying it was like, if you can talk to people in
the afterlife constantly, then yeah,death might not be his death. Yeah,
it sounds like, but no hithim grandma anytime. Yeah, And
I do hit my head a lot. Yes, I'm not lying. And
you remember, men it's vaping hardon the weed. So she this again,
This is Susan Allen, psychic mediumto this to the pets and the
dead people. And she's going onabout some garbage or whatever, and menace.
I think hit the weed a littletoo hard here. And they're so
connected to you. No, mantam, where you go? I mean,
I remember when Billy Corgan called meand I was on the phone with him
and he's about to leave and hedoesn't want to leave his cat. That's
sick. Yeah, And I'm like, that cat's going with you. You
know, it's going wherever you go. Yeah. I love Billy, isn't
he great? Yeah? He loveswrestling. Oh yeah, he's big time
wrestling guy. Nicest people in theworld, just very down to earth.
Yeah. I love I love Billylike I like Chicken. It's a classic
throwback down. I like Chicken.Yeah. Well, here here's the one.
I was thinking. A menace hittingthe wat vape here. Okay.
I find that the spirit world bringsme the people that are supposed to be
read by me. And why whereare you laughing? Okay, sorry,
I apologize. That's okay. Asyou were saying, she is so she
is so patient with you, she'sso nice. Can you play the story?
Spirits are? Yeah, you findthat the spirit world brings me the
people that are supposed to be rightby me. And where are you happening?
Sorry? Sorry, coffin. I'malways I said these interviews up.
I'm always very like, this isaudio only, don't turn your camera.
It's great. She was very nice. Yeah, all right, so this
is higher education. You can here. Medics is very high. He's talking
to this woman who's an animal medium. She claims that she could talk to
your dead pets or you know,maybe be a horse whisper or a turtle
whisper. What a kind of petyou've got? Menace is asking all these
questions and he would learn so much. And Greg is the only one on
the show who really has had someghost experience. So Medae is gonna ask
Susan about Greg's ghost experience. AndI think, Greg, you I don't
remember these some of these details.I think Menace in his high state,
maybe embellishing a little bit. Okay, So I have a coworker named Greg,
and he believed that there was aspirit in his previous home named Elmer.
Now what people didn't know publicly thatGreg and Elmer were lovers, because
check this out. You want sometea about this relationship. Greg got an
Elmer tattoo after only dating each otherfor a week. I think maybe he
knew, like he knew it wasa soul relationship. Well, yeah,
unfortunately Elbert ye had died of whatmeth? I was unfortunate? Wow?
Yeah, yeah, I like howyou melded two things that are not related,
but they actually are true. Ghost. He did date a guy.
Guy. The guy's name is notElmer, was the name of the ghost?
Thrill? Yeah, that's right,the meth part was, but the
ghost not really? Yeah, tattooreal, I forgot about that. All
men This is higher education, andMenace is a high interviewer. Sometimes we'll
let inside jokes from the show leadinto his interview, Like and let's say
we're talking about World War I,I aka World War eleven, which is
what you read on a paper someyears ago as World War two, not
world War two War eleven. Solet's see if menace. Can we've had
into his interview. My dad wasin World War two. He was in
Normandy and wait, hold on,have you heard of World War eleven?
No, neither have I. Somebodysaid world War eleven on the radio when
they met World War two. Ohjeez, this is the world end.
But yeah, it was so funny. Yeah, yeah, poor Just wait
a minute, She's like, holdon, you're telling her the story and
she's trying to like humor you.All right, we got time for one
more clubs to wrap it up.This is Menice's higher education, the animal
medium against Susan Allen is her name, and less she wants to give get
one final message from Susan. Allright, and is there anything else that
you would like to uh talk aboutthat we might have missed? No,
I just want to tell everybody thatlove, as you know, is the
highest vibration ration. So think ofthings you love, and think of people
in the spiritual world that you love, because when you feel loved, you're
raising your entire vibration. And that'skind of where we have to be right
now, is staying positive and keepingour vibration. I love that I do.
Alright, Well, there go hishigher education. Oh yeah, she
was. She was. She wasvery sweet. Did she have like a
website or anything? He was anallenmedium dot com. You don't need four
hundred fifty dollars necessarily. She doesgroup readings for like one hundred and fifty.
Photo of your dog and she'll getall the pets together. Oh good,
Yeah, I love it all right, thank you, Menace. Thanks
to you by some of the feedbackon a great job. By the way,
Menace, Oh, thank you.But you know I put a lot
of work into it. Higher education, let's see. Oh my god,
the higher education with Menace is alwaysthe best. Thank you. L love
y'all. Plus, I'm kind ofhigh myself. Oh okay, this one
says Menace needs to work on hisdositch. Oh what more? I can
do more if they want? Yeah, yeah, work on it. Yeah.
What I like to, uh,you know, be able to actually
speak. I can get to apoint where I can't speak, Yeah,
Menace, I'm a HVAC tech forl A Cush High nineties picks up our
trim to make their extracts. Isthat English? I don't know. Yeah,
we speak, Yeah, I don'treally understand what the hell that means.
Yeah, does that mean great?Yeah, but they I assume use
their they pick up our trim.Okay, that has a whole different meaning
in my my my world. I'massuming they do the HVAC system for the
company that makes that. Yeah,but what's the trim to make their extracts?
I'm glad it's fire? They say, okay, yeah, it's awesome.
Yeah, what's the trim? Isthat like leftover pizza pieces? Pizza?
Yeah, it's left over? Isthat pizza? There is pizza in
some of that? Yeah? Man? But yeah, uh yeah. I
mean I always feel bad for thepeople who First of all, it's one
thing if you know you're scamming people, it's a very nice lady. But
I always feel bad for the peoplewho truly believe that they are communicating.
I know there's some I do haveempathy. You don't know that they're not.
Yeah, I do. But it'slike we mentioned before, we really
do you want to believe it.It's a placebo that people believe because it
makes them feel better. Correct,Because what on earth would she possibly say
to you, like, oh,your dog is glad it's dead, it's
not with you anymore? It didyou? She's going to tell you it
misses and loves you. I toldher, I don't think it got aired,
but I told her that my stepmomhad a horse. And then she
immediately described the horse without being givingof it and everything. Oh my god,
let me guess. Was it someunique color? It was brown?
Brown? It was a brown,golden golden, golden brown. Brown.
Man, not all horses are brown. Racist it like apples? Yes?
Oh okay, well, Gregor areyou communicating with it right now? I'm
also seeing sugar cubes. What.Yeah, it could have been white color.
It could have been white. Itcould have been black stallion. Yeah,
we immediately went to brown. Yeah. Yeah, it's a lot like
Sarah j Just cald Parker says,menace. Wow, that's the way you
say that, right, because we'veasked you about this horse of the Woody
Show comments no, oh yeah,because someone's gonna come after me for that
comment about the about the horse.We're like, oh, describe the horse.
He goes, well, have youever seen Sarah Joe worker kind of
looks like that? I never saidthat. That's what you said. Your
worst life. And it's another newhour in sensitivity training for a politically correct
world. It's Wednesday morning. It'sJuly the twenty fourth. Moody, that's
great gory. We've got menace.There is sea bass. Sammy is here.
Phones are open eight seven seven fortyfour. That's eight seven seven forty
four. Woody, get us upwith a text over to two to nine
eighty seven. You see the videofrom I guess there was a spot called
Biscuit Basin, which sounds like gonnabe a good breakfast place, Biscuit Basin,
And I hate to, you know, throw it out there and say
that's what I've been saying. Oh, this is at the Yellowstone National Park.
It is now temporarily closed or somethingcalled a localized hydrothermal explosion occurred.
Right. It was a ton ofblack and white water and rock just shooting
into the air. Like at theguyser it was just, uh, were
running, Why is this happening?Not at first they weren't running at first,
like oh, then like oh maybewe should run because the guys it
goes off all the time. Andthen suddenly this happened, and why is
it happening? Why is it?The super Earthla super volcano guy, yellow
dude, I'm telling you google itsuper volcano Okay, google it. Google
it like the ground out there liquefyingit. This broke while we were on
the air yesterday as everybody hoped thatKimberly cheatle Check, the director of the
Secret Service, is now the formerdirector of the Secret Service. She resigned.
Also, uh, it's everywhere thismorning, you'll see it. But
President Biden's going to be giving aspeech from the Oval Office tonight. He's
talking about his decision to drop outof the race and quote what lies ahead.
But what I think is really funnyis this this clip that's going around.
I've never watched the show Veep meneither with Julia Louis Dreyfus. Yeah,
I love that show. Yeah,see that's always one that like,
oh yeah, I'll check that outsomething. I have not watched it,
but I did see the clip andit's like wow. You know, people
say the Simpsons called it all thetime. So in the show Elaine from
Seinfeld, Julia Louis drive if sheplays the vice president and people are watching.
Apparently the audience numbers on the showare like through the roof again because
this clip goes viral. The oneI'm talking about after Biden dropped out this
clip starts going around. Here's thehere's the audio front. It is going
to be running for a second term. Ma'am give me the straight poopiers,
just for real. It's totally thankyou all the places I have liaised.
I have enjoyed liaising here the most. Okay, guys, we don't want
to get our head of ourselves here, we've got a lot of work.
We're going all the way. Andfor the record, ma'am, I always
believed in you well. I haveto say that I believed in me too,
of course. So that's the end. Reminded me of Kamala Harris.
So here I have I have theclip with Kamala at the end. Can
it be running for a second term? So this is basically the meeting with
Kamala Harris and her staff. Right, oh my god, Gods, give
me the straight poopiers just for real. It's totally thank you all the places
I have liaised. I've enjoyed liaisinghere the most. Okay, guys,
we don't want to get our headof ourselves here. We've gone a lot
of work. We're going all theway. And for the record, ma'am,
I always believed in you well.I have to say that I believed
in me too. Of course Ihear a little bit of Aunt Christy in
that laugh as well. Yeah,a little bit, a little bit,
yeah, a little bit. Uheight seven four Woodie. You can text
us over to to nine eight seven. What's up Daniel? Who's checking on
the text? Dani's from the eightone eighth. Also, can you please
say happy birthday Sabrina? Love youguys, I listen religiously. It's from
the five oh five. Thank you. Also question, do Gregg's hoodie sleeve
still wear out of the elbow?That was the thing, Yeah, a
while back, the last elbow ofanything, long sleeved t shirt, hoodie,
anything, the left elbow would wearout so fast, and it's still
happening. Yes, my jeans areall mysteriously wearing out at the knees.
And I mean nothing funny about that. I just want a pair of pants
that stay together. Dude. Ohthat's weird, That's what I was saying.
Remember I returned those American Eagle jeansthree pairs with the crop the crotch
rip ripped out. Yeah, sendus your text over to two two nine
eight seven. Turn that fat assadshow. We're getting a great feedback on
the moorgasms. Oh yeah from uhmaybe, I'm sure you did you hear
from your dad or your dad seemsto be listening a lot. No,
I actually have not heard from himabout that. Yeah, he's too ashamed
to call yet. Yeah. Yeah, that was the first thing I asked
when I saw her this morning.I go, oh, he's your family
proud, that's funny. My momdoes love the moorgasms. Okay, but
yeah, as far as I know, my dad was blasted in the shop
yesterday. Yeah. Oh nice,hopefully. Yeah, all his coworkers knocked
one out in the shop restroom.You know. I'm so proud. Yeah,
proud. Well, a nice joband getting a lot of great feedback.
Another fast food freak out in thenews. A nasty dispute over a
missing chicken strip one resulted in thiswoman in Saint Louis striking a Jack in
the Box employee with her car.Oh God, what an idiot. People
are so dumb. Let's risk prisonover them. I seen chicken strip I
get it though. Speaking of peopledoing dumb stuff, seventeen year old dude
this is in Nebraska, A selfproclaimed train enthusiast, which can I also
add to my list of weird people. Train enthusiasts strange. They're strange,
They're like reptile people. Yeah,a little bit doesn't mean they're not nice
or they're not cool or whatever I'msaying. Those people always end up being
a little weird. Yeah. Areyou talking about actual trains or like model
trains? Both both? So youthink the old man who's eighty five and
spends his time on little scenery forhis model trains, that's weird, weird,
a little weird. I mean,I give them a pass now,
train if you label yourself a trainenthusiast, Yeah right, yeah, some
weird about it? Now, thisis this is not weird, but just
interesting. Gad. In high school, there was a couple of guys that
were into trains, and they endedup be coming out as gay, and
then they also became train and truwhat conductors? Conductors? Yeah yeah,
but both of the guys that areinto trains, I mean, ended up
being gay. Trains aren't for everybody, you know, but apparently they are
for the game. Gays love agood train, you know. Yeah,
Tom, so, Tom, how'syour man? This train enthusiast seventeen years
old, busted, causing a derailment, which he hung around the film.
They found a iPod set up.He started recording like four minutes before the
train actually derailed, and he madeit happen. Yeah, so two locomotives,
five fully loaded railcars. He evenshared the video with the local news
for their coverage of the train derailment, like, oh, I happen to
get it on Yeah on video,I'll sell you. The footage turns out
a switch which had been quote misalignedby the kid, okay, which normally
there would be a padlock attached toit, but the investigator noticed that it
was missing. And then as theinvestigator was there doing his thing on the
scene, here comes this kid walksup to him and asks him what happened,
And when the investigator said that thecause was undetermined, the boy said,
quote, well obviously a switch wasflipped the wrong way. WHOA what
a loser? Well maybe he wasjust a train expert. Yeah right,
we loser. That reminds me whenI was a kid, we had all
these fires breaking out one summer inthe neighborhood I lived in, and they
did this mega stigation and the firechief was the one setting them because he
wanted to be the hero. Hewas always first at the scene. Wasn't
that a movie? Yeah, aFirestarter or something like that. Yeah,
yeah, but no, backdraft wasthat kind of it. Wasn't the guy
who was responsible for these backdraft firesat fire I don't remember backdrops from hundred
years old? Firestarter was like DrewBarrymore with evil powers. Yeah, but
that's like this kid. Yeah,he wanted to be the hero. I
cat it on video. I thinkI know how this happened. Was the
fire chief gay trains? Yeah?No he was not. Yeah, he
likes fires, dude, not trains. It's not He wasn't a conductor of
man, Okay, he was afire chief. Didn't know, just asking.
I just remember Gary Coleman, RememberGary Coleman. He it was weird.
Oh yeah, he dressed up alittle like midget conductor outfits and stuff.
But that was for the show.No, that's in fact. In
fact, remember I told you likehe would not talk about different strokes.
I could not talk about what you'retalking about Willis. I said, well,
what the hell are we supposed totalk to him about? And they
go, well, he loved training, dude, you know what? Yeah,
he didn't have the train stuff onthe show. He did a guest
spot on the remember of that show, the Silver Spoons, and they had
that train in Silver Spoons and thenhe was like right on along on the
train. And I think that's whenhe was dressed up as a conductor.
That's why I'm misremembered. No,but there was like there were pictures of
him if you google Gary Coleman trainoutfits. Yeah, I'm sure yeah,
because he would go to like thesetrain shops and make appearances and he bought
those kids are us. It wasweird. He was strange. He was
really that's a weird dude. Andif you got to train enthusiasts in a
room and they were having a discussion, how long of a conversation is that?
I don't know, like what's yourfavorite? D started making up what
I mean, like where does theconversation go? Are you a Lionel guy
orre you more like a like athe other one? H h O.
I remember that there was a tinytrack that I think the the the Linel
trains were the bigger ones, thewider, bigger tracks, they're bigger cars,
and then the ones that most kidshad. I think we're the tiny
ones. That was like h Osomething enthusiast. Now I don't know.
I know there were two types oftoy trains. That's all it is from
being a kid, I like theonly thing I know. Uh it was
crazy as both of my grandparents workedfor trained companies, two different kinds and
I don't even remember any of this. There was one HO train was Hornby,
I don't know, American Flyer.American Flyer sounds familiar, line,
Lionel Walthers, Cato Precision. Therewas like two different types of like model
or toy train. It looks likeoh wait, no h O scale and
yeah se h O scale. Sothat's the smaller one. Okay, we
have the largest section of the companiesin G scale, O scale, h
O an N scale I don't know, and it's by a model train brand
called train World N. All right, so quick question for the audience.
You can call their text in.So I'm putting like lizard people on the
list, reptile people on the list, I'm putting train enthusiasts on the list.
Like what's a really odd group ofpeople? Good one who would you
put on the on the odd people? Not that they're not nice, not
that they're not like productive members ofsociety, but when you're like you hear
train enthusiasts ago, probably weirdough insome in some subtle way at least the
doll people. Oh yeah, likegrown women. They collect the dolls.
Yeah good, Yeah, like Porcelaindolls, Porceland dolls. Yeah, American
girl dolls as an adult yeah forever. And my friends made me take them
down when I was eighteen, likeliterally on my eighteenth birthday. They were
like, these are coming down,but I would have left them up because
you're weird enough. Given my daughter, her birthday's coming up and she's having
like a group of girls over andshe's instructed my uh my wife to hide
all of her dolls and toys becauseshe doesn't want the other kids to see
them because she's not cool, notcool. You know. I know it's
breaking my it's breaking my wife's heart. I know she's gonna be twelve,
greg right, but still she's gettingforced into it. So who are we
adding to the weird people list?Eight seven seven forty four, Woodie,
Well, we're going to keep alist of tally maybe hacky sackers, hacky
cool oh bird Okay, bird peopleheard bird watching people are weird. Bird
people like if you if you owna pet bird, you're weird. Oh
I thought you were talking about birdwatchers. I'll put them in there too.
Oh if you like, if youjust have a parakeet, Yeah,
bird people are weird. I don'tthink you better have a child in the
house. I think if you havesome binoculars and you're just randomly looking for
birds, that's a little weird.Oh. I don't think that's weird.
It's nature. Oh so you thinkbird as a pet is not weird.
It's weird, but bird watching isnot right. All right, I'm the
other way around the hurricet whatever.Yeah, somebody's talking about rock climbers.
Rock climbs. Oh yeah, causeplayers, wow, yeah, that's fine
fun. Yeah, ferret people people, yeah, yeah, gotta give you.
Oh look I trained it to goin the litter box. Yeah.
Oh. We talked about the hobbyhorse people. The hobby horse adults so
weird. So the couple videos poppedup and I was like, what is
this. That's like weird? Doesn'tdo it just right, It's beyond weird.
All right, So who are youputting on the list? Eight seven
seven forty four The Weird People Listtext us over to two to ninety seven
will be right back Woody Show.It's a show, alright, get right
into the list. I'm gonna sharea couple of the things that we got
in the texts, but I wantto go to the phones because some people
who have been on hold here fora minute. We'll start with Garrett.
Good morning, Garrett, Hey,Garrett, Hey morning, y'all. All
right, So the topic we kindof were talking about this before the break,
there was a guy in the newsin Nebraska, seventeen year old guy,
self proclaimed train enthusiast, and hecaused on purpose of derailment so he
could videotape it. And I said, you know, there's something about these
train enthusiasts. I've known some.I got a train enthusiast in the family.
Actually, there's something a little strangeabout these folks, you know,
like lizard of reptile people. Definitely, you know a little strange about those
folks. So who are you addingto the list? Garrett? Oh,
I'm going to go with like militaryhistory nerds, because on the on the
same vein as you're talking about likethose baseball nerds where It's like I can
tell you who won the World Seriesany year. Yeah, like as one
myself. Someone just so much asmentioned Japan, and we will bring up
every major conflict in World War Wewill just ring into any conversation. It
is simultaneously the best that's the worstthing ever. And I know Greg and
I agree on this one. Thehow about the Civil War reenactment? People
that guess, Okay, it's notonly weird, it's disturbing. What do
you do this weekend? Well,yeah, pretended to get shot? Yeah
weird. I'm repping the North,I'm repping the South. Beyond weird.
Yeah, we're gonna meet up inthe park this weekend and battle it out.
Garrett, thank you for the call. Appreciate it. Uh let's go
to Stephen, who is a trainenthusiast. Good morning, Steven, Steve,
good morning. Will you see hiSteven. You say there are two
types of trained people. Yeah,there's definitely two kinds of trained people.
There's I would consider myself a trainenthusiast. I grew up in a rail
family, uh road, a lotof rail. We like the history of
rail, what it's done and howit shaped the United States. But then
there's the group of people that werefer to as foemers that will stand next
to trains. They'll blow horns whena swift train drives by, or if
it's union specific, they'll do somethingdifferent. And they're the trained people that
go to museums do all different wordthings the museums. They're the ones that
give trained people a bad reputation.You just reminded me of somebody else,
jeep people. Yeah, so you'rebasically saying that a little hand wave,
they do a jeep like you have, like cool they have ducks and something
like that. But what you're basicallysaying like basically, uh, train groupies
almost just train fans then, notpeople that actually have worked in the industry.
Is that what you're trying to say? They ruin it for everybody?
Okay kind of yeah, thank you, Steven. Yeah, but I there
was that one see really yeah,you're right, Yeah, really popular kid
on TikTok who like would scream andyell because he would know like every single
uh detail about a certain train thatwas going by, like he knew what
you know was made. Yeah yeahyeah. And also like you don't say
just a rail, I'd see thatI think it's another like dead giveaway that
you're you know, train enthusiasm asopposed to a track. Yeah. Track,
well, you know when you're ridingrail. Yeah, you got you
got this slang. Somebody was onthe phone. I think his name was
Tom, and I think maybe hisphone dropped out or something. But uh,
and he's right about this. Thepeople that the remote controlled plane people,
Okay, okay, you know thoseare fun though fun. A lot
of this stuff could be fun,dude, that's not the question. You
get something out of that, atleast you're flying your plane around when you're
just talking about trains. But inherentlya little odd, like there's there's something
in the personality, like when you'rehanging around those people, they're all kind
of like dorky in a way.Yeah. Sheldon Cooper on Big Bang Theory
Thank You, was the ultimate trainperson. He was obsessed with trains.
Yeah. Conrad, Good morning,Conrad, good morning. Are we adding
to the list. We're doing great, thank you, they're good. I'm
adding coin collectors to the I feellike, okay, you know, I
know these guys man, and I'llbe like, they just lose touch of
reality. I'll tell them you knowsometimes Hey, I was with this absolute
dime the other night, and they'llsay, yeah, me too. You
know, Franklin Roosevelt came in myroom with me. You know, Mike,
where you want to eat? Idon't know. Let's slip the coin,
you know everywhere thing with coins though, like they're like, oh,
this coin is worth fifteen thousand dollars, and who's buying it? Yeah,
well, there's a lot of thatstuff there on eBay. I saw a
video the other day where this personwent to a McDonald's or something and they
got fifty cents and whatever dollars andchange. But the fifty cents for these
two quarters, there were like twentytwenty something quarters that have the little little
letter E on the front of it. Oh yeah, and those who are
each worth like thirty bucks. Ohwow. And so they're like the meal
paid for itself, and they justknew it by looking at these Who are
they selling the thirty dollars coin toother coin darks or coin collectors? Yeah,
they're just the same way you sellanything else to, you know,
somebody, somebody who finds value otherenthusiasts, right, Like, you gotta
watch pund stars. You'll learn allabout the coin people. All right,
check it out something from the texttaxidermy people, Yeah, agreed, Disney
adults, no wrong, I couldsee that furries. Yeah, it goes
without say ravers over thirty. Yeah, yeah, you always see that.
Plant people, the people who arejust obsessed with the plants. Yeah,
that kind of happened during the pandemicthat exploded only listening to Jesus music.
Oh like that's the only thing.Yeah that you know is on bigfoot people.
I'll put lock nest people in there, alien people, the same thing,
steam punkers, right, metal detectorpeople, Yeah, I always find
that slightly depressing. Yeah, whatmetal detective? I see an old man
on the beach with the metal detector. I just assume he's so lonely.
Anime had adults people who identify asnerds, shoe people. We also have
grown men who are super into ww E. They're really hitting home for
Bortan, Like really, I wasgonna say, like, is there anything
fun left to do? Jesus aboutworking eating? At this point, nobody's
saying that you can't do it.I think it's just about like if you
look around bored, if you goto like one of your things with other
like minded, similar interest people likeyou can you can find that there's like
a uh well, there's an extremeto everything. Yeah, of course,
no, I'm saying, but there'sa common there's a common thread, or
there's a there's a certain personality.People enjoying their lives and having done Yeah,
yeah, it's it's great. It'sbasically we just said, anybody with
a hobby is weird? R Yeah, certain certain things more than others.
What hobbies aren't weird? Good?Good, good question. I mean you
know you're asking somebody without a hobby, right, But yeah, I mean
I get I get almost jealous ofpeople with these passions because I can't think
of what I would put myself inthe plant person category. You are?
Yeah, I love talk to him. Yeah, oh yeah, I talked
to you. It's time to grow. Yeah, are you looking so healthy
and beautiful? You want some morewater? Yeah? You gotta help me
with my plants. Great, they'redying eight seven seven forty four, and
it's up to on a text ninetwo two ninety seven. Bicyclists like the
cycling people, whoa, that's justan exercise thing, yeah, you know,
but the whole head that you're notin the Tour de France and you
have the whole head to toe outfit. But it helps clipping in wind,
yeah, long distance, it helpsitcentuate the body right right into another new
hour in sensitivity training, free,politically correct world. It's Wednesday morning and
it's July the twenty fourth, twentytwenty four. Appreciate you being here.
Give me the one you show someof your valuable time this morning. My
name is Woody, right, there'sGreg Gorey. Good morning, Woody.
Menace is here? What is up? Whatody? Sea Bass was here just
moments ago? All right, afsure exactly where he's at right now?
I appeared and disappeared. He doesthat. He just like floats. He
goes. Sammy's here, Sammy phonesare open eight seven seven forty four.
That's eight seven seven forty four.What text us over to two to nine
eight seven there? Yeah, ohyeah, just come from the gym.
You look very wet, stay wetright wet? Maybe? Yeah? I
think it's because the way the hairwas and I just saw a silhouette of
him. My hair is kind ofit's it's flocent, fancy free right now.
Yeah, what what are you doingwith that summer brisk Is that like
an intentional thing or you just didn'ttouch it yet today I didn't really run
my fingers through Yeah, okay,kind of natural, kind of messy.
Yeah, well I don't have torun my own fingers through my hair.
You just have some chick doing it, you know. And the other there's
lots of its run. Oh that'sright, there's plenty. Yeah, totally.
Uh. So here's a question andmaybe a diarrhea of topics? What
are your parents' annoying habits? Like? Uh? I looked at medic because
yeah, mass would have something.I know, I've got stuff. Yeah
yeah, uh, and Greg's workingon a couple other questions. But we'll
open up the phones. The diarrheaof topics works that way, so it's
just, uh, we'll lay outthe topics and then you guys can call
in and you can speak to oneor all, doesn't matter whichever one.
Uh, you know, just hityou the right way and you got something
to add to the conversation. Yeah, but what what are your parents annoying
habits? I'll give you an example. Or somebody said, my mom doesn't
listen to any advice that me ormy brother gives her and yet completely believes
anything the gossipers tell her. Ohyeah, dude, I have family members
like that. Not my parents andstuff, but yeah, my annoying thing
with my thing with my mom.And it's been like this my whole life.
Everything is doom and gloom, everythinglike the worst news ever. And
they'll be like, oh, Iremember when I first got into radio.
She's like, oh, well,your aunt knew somebody that was in radio
and they got fired after six weeks. Yeah, like not like, oh
hey, that's cool, Yeah thatshould be fun. No, it's like
always like the worst spin on anythingand everything. Yeah. Somebody on the
text says my dad is a legendaryMonday Morning quarterback. Oh yeah, okay,
yeah, anybody can be a geniusin retrospect. Yeah for sure.
What are the other questions you got, Greg? Give me two more?
Okay, what is the most embarrassingmemory that you randomly remember? Most embarrassing
memory that you randomly remember? Okay, I have one right away, but
I think I've shared it recently,which is what? When it was Show
and Tell and I signed up forclass like two days before and I had
the suit, but I haven't takena class yet and then so show until
I dressed up in the karate suitand I tried to do a kick and
I and I like jumped in theair and I fell the ground and knocked
the windown of myself. I wouldpay a lot of money to I know,
I was getting the delirean and goback to mare. Dude, I
hated so hard I can breathe.Yeah, What's what's the other one?
The other one? This is remindingme of MENACE's higher education. Have you
ever been to a psychic and theytold you something that actually came true?
What? Okay? So those arethe three questions. What are your parents
annoying habits? What is the mostembarrassing memory? What's the most embarrassing memory
that can randomly remember? I justrandomly completely remembered something that was probably one
of the most embarrassing. When Iwas a kid, I had a doctor's
appointment just for a checkup, andI was so young that you know,
your mom would go in with you, and it was a female doctor and
they're doing the whole like, okay, now we're gonna, for whatever reason,
look at your rod. And Iwas completely rotted up. Oh wow,
I have a major little kid bonerage. I mean I was probably
like whatever eight and yeah, Ihate lucky. I know it was weird.
And my mom's in the room andshe the doctor lowers my underwear.
I'm like, was the doctor hotor something? I don't remember that could
have been a clue. I justremember that. Yeah, okay, the
doctor's woman, my mom's is inthe room, so weird and embarrassing.
If you got a story or somethingyou want to share on any of those
three those three questions for this Diaryof topics, go ahead, give us
a call. We got the phonesopen eight seven seven forty four. Whaty
is that number? Eight seven sevenforty four? What he? Or you
can send us a text over totwo to nine eight seven, like James
texting over saying his dad will slurphis soup or his cereal very loud,
but then gets mad when he doesit. My dad does that when he
eats, He does a menace thinglike while he's chewing. He goes like
m oh yeah, yeah see notnot a parent, but I have I
have another family member that they willtalk while they're chewing. So I am
I'm like like like not much bothersme like some people don't like to see
people eat or hear people chewing,you know, whatever that might be.
But this is don't that's like stopit. Because if they're old, they're
older than you. You can't reallysay anything. I know, like like,
how's your kid? How do youtell your dad that when he shaves
he needs to go a little higherbecause there's hair like on the cheeks.
I just tell him. See,it's easier with the little girl if you're
if you're the daughter, it's easierto tell the day. Yeah, it's
almost disrespectful, right, you know. Yeah, you can one grown man
to tell an older man, yeah, you're not shaving. All that they
have to text, he says.When my dad tells me about a new
place, restaurant or whatever, hetells me the directions to it, even
though I tell him I just putit in my phone. My stepfather does
that. He goes, all right, so you're gonna take one north to
the what I'm like, I'm puttingin the GPS. I know he's got
this whole thing in his head aboutthe best way to go. And I
said, well, this will tellyou traffic conditions. Yeah, And every
time I get there before he I'vegot it. I've got away, right,
Yeah, my dad, it's anythingtechnology, Like I'll set up his
whole television, sign into every singlestreaming app, look up the stereo.
A couple of days later, stoppedworking, don't know how to get back
in, and like we don't livein the same city, and like constantly
thermostats stopped working. How is thisconstantly? Yeah? Breaking? Are you're
logging out of stuff? Let's goto Chris, He's got something on the
embarrassing moment thing. Then we'll takea break, we'll reset. So we
get these people lined up on thephones and on the text but Chris,
good morning, good morning. Solike an embarrassing moment that you just kind
of randomly remember. Oh. Absolutely. So I was a you know,
teenager. I was a late bloomer, didn't have any experience with the ladies
whatsoever. And a friend of minewas having a house party and this girl
that was a year older that meand all my buddies that had been noticing
for quite some time came over andshe showed a little attention to me.
So I started flirting with her thisand that. She We're playing around the
pool splash and he's like oh,we should take a shower. And I
was like, oh, yeah,okay, let's do that. So we
pup in the shower in our bathingsuits and I didn't do anything. I
mean, I don't even think I'vewashed her back even and you know,
failed between my leg to the nightending, She's like, let's sake it.
Bye. So I think we kidsfinally remember. But she was like,
we could have had so much funin the shower. Yeah, I
never had to do with the riveragain. That's like, that's like my
threesome regrets. Yeah, you know, you look at it in retrospect,
you're like some of a bitch.Why folks who don't know what He was
literally being like, oh yeah,hey, come here, let's have a
threesome at not not with his wife, just with a random chick at a
mansion party, like literally the dreamcome true. It was really cool.
Start running by the way they wereat the time. So yeah, it
was this uh, this you knowgirl that I used to be together with,
and so we were just kind of, you know, hanging out.
It wasn't anything we weren't in arelationship. We went over to a party
at her boss's house. She's soldreal estate. That should give you a
clue. And uh, all thiscrazy stuff is going on. It's me,
maybe two other dudes, four dudesmaybe total, and about I don't
know, a dozen chicks. Allthe chicks are in the pool. Now,
next thing you know, they're allnaked. Everybody's drinking, so they're
not they're all naked. Here comesthe wife of the boss out with like
a laundry basket full of like dildosand stuff, dumpsit in the pool.
Now they're all in the pool,dill, dote and dill doing each other.
I'm I'm calling my friend, going, dude, you would never believe
what's going on right now. Itwas everywhere, yeah, it was so
yeah. So anyway, all thechicks are walking around naked. The guys
ritosol sitting there eating crab legs anddrinking you know, whiskey and you know,
tequila and stuff. Right next thingI know, I get a call
from the sliding glass door. It'sthe girl that I came with my ex
girlfriend on hanging out with kidding andthen she goes, She's like, come
on, there's another chick right there, and I go, m I flew
home that night. Oh I didn'trealize that. Oh yeah, I thought
you just no. We we hungout at the party for a while.
I turned down the threesome, hungout of the party for a while,
and I was so weirded out bythe whole thing I flew. I was
living in Chicago at the time.This party was happening in l A Locata,
And yeah, and I went home. I'm such an idiot. I'm
not just leaving the party. I'mleaving such an idiot. He takes regret.
He tucked his wien and bounced.Yeah. I just had such a
higher opinion of her at the time, you know, and he was I
was the love. It is dirtyslut. This is too much dudy,
I know now. I'm like,damn it, man, you were single.
You had no obligation to anybody,dummy. All right, Chris,
thank you for the call. Iappreciate you listening to Woodies Show. All
right, We're gonna take care.Thanks man. We're gonna take a quick
break more Woodies Show. Next,we'll get into more of the feedback on
the diarrhea of topics. Hang on, we'll be right back. Oh yeah,
that's the spot right there. Showall right, diarrhea of topics.
First question, what are your parentsannoying habits? I mean, everybody's annoying
in some way. What about yourparents? What do they do that's annoying
for my mom and my stepdad.I would say bicker. Really, there's
a lot of bickering that may havebeen married forever, John Nancy. They'll
yell at each other, old peopleespecially Yea. They don't realize making a
scene. They do not care.And sometimes my mom is a person who
gets overly stressed very easily. Soif like we're supposed to be going somewhere,
God forbid, people are coming over. My god, it's like,
just steer clear, let her doher thing, you know, just don't
get in the way, you know, right, because she'll lose it,
you know, very short fuse inthose moments. Somebody said, my mom
just pops by whenever she pleases,without calling or texting. First, my
dad has to be at the airportlike six hours before the flight leaves.
When they sleep, I am ninjaquiet when I sleep, it's vacuuming,
phone calls, loud TVs, loudconversations, maybe demoing part of the house.
Fire alarms going off. Sammy cabinets. I can't tell my parents any
secrets because if I did, itwould be the topic of the next family
gathering. This one says, theycall my name, I answer no response
back like hey okay, so likehey Greg yeah, and then yeah yeah
yeah, then nothing. The otherquestion, have you ever had a psychic
tell you something that came true?I wonder how many people actually go to
psychic I'm wondering what percentage of theare out there. I'm just curious who
even goes because I never see people. Like you see the sign whatever in
the side of the road or abuilding, and you don't see people getting
out of that door. Now,my hypothesis is that the psychics just live
there. Yeahs too, but likeright off in somewhere right and play the
little string you turn the kneon signoff and you're ready for bed. Right.
Yeah. There's a house not farfrom my neighborhood where the has the
fortune teller sign up front and thecar and the driveway is a Rolls Royce.
Who's going to these people? Allright, kick with the Rolls Let's
go to uh Frankie here online numbertwo. Good morning Frankie, Good morning,
guys, Good morning, show youguys, I love you. Yeah.
It's one of the other questions herefor the diarrhea topics. What's the
most embarrassing memory that you randomly remember? What do you got? Well,
guess what this memory? I'm goingback to a karate story. So me
and my brother were five six yearsold, right, and in karate class
we always ended with meditation for liketen minutes, so you're almost falling asleep
or when not right, So thenwhat happens is that, you know,
after the ten minutes, we werelike twenty students and we all turned back
towards my brother, So how doyou go? And we just see a
huge puddle of pea and so heyeah, like really a huge puddle of
p and he like takes karate tooserious about discipline. Instead of getting up,
he was like, you know what, I'm gonna pee here and just
close my eyes. But how aboutto just hold it? Yeah, yeah,
I guess. But when you're fiveyears old, you know, I
guess you're not too deep in thattype, you know, to just hold
it or whatnot, you know.And for that reason, myself and my
dad we were just really embarrassed forhim. Yeah, and not only that,
he was super embarrassed because once youknow, we uh, when he
was gonna get married, you know, I was gonna do a toast and
was going to tell that story randomlypops out. He was like, Frankie,
stop right there. Yeah, I'mnot saying you. I'm like,
all right, I guess you arethat embarrassed over that incident at five years
old. Yeah, I totally wouldhave telled that, dude. I would
have told that story because if I'mif I've been caring the embarrassment on your
behalf, I'm certainly sharing right atwedding speeches. Yeah, uh, Sea
Bass, What is the most annoyingthing that your parents do? I gotta
imagine because you've told a couple ofstories about like your mom. Yeah,
she's done a ton of things,but her most consistent thing is over talking.
And this has been since I wasa little kid. And because you
at the grocery store, doctors,whatever, anywhere, we were longing the
contrast there whoever is in front ofher, that person is getting a full
on. I've known you my wholelife that we're catching up from twenty years
conversation, and maybe I kind ofthought that as I got older, Okay,
maybe it's just because I was akid and impatient. No, no,
I just saw I saw it recently, like who doesn't matter if she
walked in this door and we hadto go somewhere, we're gonna be half
an hour late because she's gonna tellwomen be talking or don't let her meet
my dad because talk for months likemedical issues that no one would ever care
about it. Yeah, like whenmy kids grow up, I'm pretty sure.
Uh, but when it comes tomy wife, they'll say, like
you just can get her out ofthe house, like she was like,
look, we got to go.And then to the point now I tell
you, like I'm waiting in thecar, I'll start the car. I'll
just sit. I'll eave the frontdoor open because I'm like, let's go.
Like she's looking around the house,Oh can I put this in where
it needs to be? Or canI maybe now the time is to go
through the refrigerator and look like throwa load of towels in right, let's
go. Yeah, that's so annoying. I think my kids will say about
me that I'm always singing songs tothem. Yeah, like how we do
with the lyrics and the flying yeah, and I go. You guys never
appreciate my songs. No, bro, bro, let's see. Let's go
to Lee. Good morning, Lee, Good morning, good morning. All
right, So this is an annoyingparent habit. What do you got?
Okay, So my dad is losinghis hearing, and his father and his
grandfather lost their hearing too, sohe tries not to be last, we
talked softly. He puts things downsoftly, and he's just getting really close
to him when he's talking to you. And the flip side of it is
is that involuntary things are very loudand he doesn't hear them. So if
he's carrying something with an alarm goingoff, it'll keep going off. Or
if he coughs or fart very loud, he will be whispering a story to
you. You will be literally likethree inches from his face listening to the
story, and he will just letone rip like a fog horn, and
he keep going. He just gottah, it's not laugh, don't laugh.
And old people don't care, likeI tell you, like old people those
fart, yeah, they'll rip.Yeah. Then there's no like even looking
around like oh, like it escapedor whatever. Like coughing Yeah, there
was there was something. More recently, I was at the grocery store.
This woman was standing next to mein the aisle and she just ripped while
she was looking at like the labelon some that she was considering purchasing.
Didn't care, didn't flinch. Ilooked, you know, did the turn
that's weird. Didn't say anything weird, but did the turn. She's just
you know that didn't hear anything,didn't happen. I confidence, I don't
know, yeah, yeah, orlike or loose. But it's most embarrassing
thing I gotta say. And thisactually does involve it's kind of been one
of the most embarrassing things for mymother. Is uh, I was pretty
concerned about I had these like littlewhite bumps on the shaft of my dog.
I think I told you this story, right I you told it was
freaking It was pretty soon after Igot out of boarding school, right,
oh yeah, okay, And soI was freaked out. There's no way
it would have been an st Dright at that time. And I was
really freaked out, like what isthis? And so my Mom's like,
well, we'll go get it checkedout. She drove me to this,
like you know, doctor's office whatever, we went in there, she's waiting
in the she didn't go in,she's waiting in the So that that part
was, but what was bad wasthat, you know, they had all
these people come in and take alook, right, and it turned out
it was basically like a like anacne or a pimple, you know,
like a little breakout like on myshaft. And what was from is because
I was out in this like uhoutdoor boarding school, you know, so
like they would have like like outhouses, not any kind of plumbing kind of
thing, so there wasn't like youwere constantly washing your hands or whatever.
And you know I was, Iwas doing you know, teenage boy doing
a bunch of tug in with dirtyhands, and so I'm basically grinding dirt
and grime into my shaft and it'sskin, so like yeah, just grinding
it like you're put like you're puttinga rub on a roast, you know,
like a dry rub, you know. And uh, so that's what
it turned out to be. Andthen when they told me that, they
go, well, you know,if you're masturbating with dirty hands, and
I'm like cool. So I wasso embarrassed. I thought it was aphids.
Oh yeah, no, no,oh yeah, imagine pulling like a
botfly right, you gotta get shoutsthey eat aphids. Yeah, put those
down there. Yeah. And I'venever I've never been to a psychic,
so I don't I don't have uh, I don't have anything to offer on
the on the psychic thing. I'vecovered the parents, I've covered the embarrassing
thing. Oh wait, you've kindof been to a psychic once and it
was so bad. I was therebecause it was part of like a work
thing, and they made us theymade us sit there, So that doesn't
count. A couple more text messageshere. This one says my parents have
an obsession with hoarding. People givethem stuff and they just add more stuff
to their backyard and they're unable toenjoy the arty. At least it's in
public. At least it's out everyoneconsume. Yeah, for the embarrassing moment.
When I was in college, Iwas helping at an event and my
professor asked that they could use myphone since theirs died. They had to
search something up on at the moment, and they opened up the app porn
pops up. Forgot to close itout before the thankfully the video didn't play,
but they quickly moved to a newtab and we never spoke of it,
but I was super embarrassed. That'skind of a good close all tabs,
or close everything and on your phone. This one says James is texting
over. I once ran into thewrong bathroom to drop an emergency deuce.
Didn't realize until I heard a womancoming in to use the restroom. I've
done that, you have, yeah, because it was one of these goofy
restaurants where the bathroom sign said menand women, but they were arrows,
so you're supposed to go into theopposite door. Oh, that's dumb.
And then or they haven't been thissign where like it's it's like a circle
and the other one's a square.There's some cutesy animal exactly. I was
stuck in there until the coast wasclear. Do you put your feet up?
Yeah? I did. Hearing twogirls I was college agent. Two
girls walked in and they're giggling andthey're peeing and all that night nice.
I finally they were taking forever,So I finally I said, just want
to let you know I'm in thewrong bathroom. I'm coming out. I'm
supposed to and Frankett, I know, I didn't stay silent. I did
that drunk out of Red Robin andthe girl screamed more Woody Shows. Next
thing you know, the Woody Show, and now back to let's get a
couple more of these story here.I was trying to find people that had
something on your psychic question, Greg, Okay, did you ever go to
a psychic and they told you somethingto end up becoming true? Somebody said
I saw a psychic years ago.She told me I was going to have
an issue with my front passenger tire. Two weeks later, I had a
flat. She told me I wouldneed dental work on the right side of
my mouth. One month later,I needed a root canown. She told
me I would meet a Dave ora David that would end up being a
very important part of my life.The only Dave I've known I met a
few years later. He was myboss for eight years, and he helped
me a lot and changed my lifespiritually, financially, spiritually, and spiritually.
I said it twice. Maybe theywent sexually with the boss. Maybe
you were the secretary. I don'tI don't know. You're also going to
meet somebody named John. But asignificant or a very important part of life.
I mean, that's all cool.I don't believe it, but I
mean, I mean, if ithappened, it happened. This one says
I went to a psychic. Theytold me I was going to go to
jail soon. No less than threemonths later, I was in jail.
Wow, if you got the headsup right, yeah, behave, I
will say. And this is goingto shock you. I've done the tarot
cards. I love that so notso gig per se, but the tarot
cards. And she had told medown to the week of when I was
going to be leaving my last job. And I remember being that week and
going like, well, she waswrong because I'm still here. I'm not
going anywhere. And then I endedup leaving on the spot, like three
days later, and I completely forgotthat happened. Yeah, and she called
it. And that was weird becauseI was like, she's wrong, I'm
not going anywhere. Here's a Texasbefore my wife. I was on a
date and for fun we went togo get our palms read. The palm
reader told me I would be surroundedby women my whole life. I was
twenty one I was so stoked,But as the years passed by, I
realized that it meant having only daughters, bad bosses, mostly female coworkers.
Pat's all female, my wife's annoyingfriends, and not the fifty one night
stands that I fantasized time. Yeah, that happened. It is the Woodie
Show. It's not like thrilling forme. The universe has a way of
leading you to where you're supposed tobe the moment you're supposed to be there,
they show all right, welcome backeverybody. Hey, yeah, and
please what we do have some specialguests here in the studio. We have
three guests, and I'm gonna startwith no offense to the humans in the
room, but I'm gonna start withthe guest of honor. Penny the Penguin
is here from SeaWorld San Diego.So that's Penny the Penguin. The penguins
bite like, well, penguin's attackand let me actually hold on before I
go to the questions, let's sayhi to the two humans. Yeah,
Jenny and Elle, good morning toyou guys. Thank you for bringing the
penguin in. I even brought mykids here so they can meet the penguin.
Very cool. Yeah, they werejust at SeaWorld the last week.
They were down there at the parkand they had a great time, but
a chance to actually meet the penguinin person, Penny. How old is
Penny there? Penny is twenty yearsold. Oh, that's pretty good for
her. Yes, yea. Isshe super sweet or like she's incredibly sweet?
Get brought out in public a lot? I should ask. Yeah,
she definitely meets people quite often,so if you come behind the scenes,
she's usually one of the birds thatcomes out and meets people face to face.
Yeah, So how are like,what's what's a typical temperament of a
penguin? It really depends on theindividual. They have really big personalities,
so most penguins are not nearly ascommon sweet as her. So she enjoys
this much much more than a typicalpenguin would. Yeah. Are they like
more aggressive? Like, well,they're just defensive. They're prey animals,
so they have to be a littlebit nervous about the world around them.
But as you can see, she'svery very comfortable. Is it true or
false? I read something a longtime ago, and it might have been
completely wrong that penguins are actually morecommon in warm weather places, and that
the Arctic penguins that everybody thinks they'relike living ice and snow, but a
lot of them are living warm climate. Yeah, so she is a temperate
penguin. Magellantic penguins live off thecoast of South America Chile, so she's
pretty comfortable in this kind of temperateenvironment here in southern California. And there's
actually four other temperate species of penguinsthat live in other warmer parts of the
world. Okay, what's her species? So she's a Magellanic penguin. Oh,
well, they're bringing the penguin bybecause they have a message. You
guys. SeaWorld San Diego, they'recelebrating sixty years. You know, a
lot of Metace brings up a lotof time conservation because it's all this rescue
and rehabilitation, the return program.You just so much and you don't get
recognized for it. Yeah, Menacehas been saying that. That's what he's
been saying. Yeah, I giveyou love on there all the time,
because there's a hole behind the scenesof the park where you take care of
animals that you've rescued, and peopledon't get to see that. Yeah,
SeaWorld has been rescuing animals for sixtyyears. We rescue, rehabilitate the number
one goals to return the animals,and we've rescued over forty two thousand animals.
Yeah. See, I always thoughtit, like, man, I'd
much rather be like at SeaWorld ifI'm an animal, like your medical care,
like all your food. You don'thave to go like hunting for your
food, although they probably like achallenge as much as anybody else. But
it is cool like all the stuffthat you guys do. Because, like
Menace has always been saying, it'sa really impressive program. I definitely call
it the heart of SeaWorld. We'refound behind the scenes, but if we
can tell their stories and let peopleknow all of the amazing conservation work that
SeaWorld is doing. We learn fromthe animals, we learn from the ocean
and what's happening in the ocean.We're part of a stranding network, so
the West Coast Stranding Network, andthere's actually a facility in LA that also
rescues and rehabilitates marine mammals. There'san International Bird Rescue here in LA.
So we work really closely with allof these organizations. It's not just SeaWorld.
We're part of a huge group.Now. Penguins aren't really meant to
be pets, right, Like peoplecouldn't Like what if I lived in Alaska,
I have a penguin, Like ifI lived in more of like an
appropriate, uh you know, kindof habitat, I wouldn't recommend it.
As they go to the bathroom aboutevery ten Wow, that's like Sammy,
Yeah, me too, such acomment. Yeah. Well, and then
you feed them on just fish.Yeah, they hundred percent fish, basically
any fish that will fit in theirmouth. Well, do they eat it
a lot? They do eat alot, say about a pound of fish
per penguin per day, but theycan eat a lot more of them.
Are you feeding them while you're youknow, bringing them around? If she
wants to eat, it's definitely bychoice. So if she was interested in
food, but probably not today,she probably won't eat until she gets home.
Today. She feels a little bitmore comfortable when she meets up with
her boyfriend again. Oh boyfriend,what's his name? His name is Pete
Ny Davidson. Is he is hea short king or is he tall of
a short king? Wow? Okay, and is it true that they're monogamous,
so we say their monogamish they typicallyhave one partner at one time.
Nice, all right, unlike mosthumans. Exactly. Well, there's so
much more to see at Sea WorldSan Diego, like you mentioned the sixtieth
anniversary, So I'm besides all theanimals, of course, the coasters,
all kinds of family friendly rides,a bunch of seasonal events. They do
entertainment. I told you, like, my kids were just there this this
is my son and my and mydaughter. So guys, when you went
to SeaWorld last week, what wasyour what was your favorite part? Because
they did like the dinner with thewhales, they did that, I know
that was that was cool. Whatwas your favorite part? I like the
water show with the Orcas, whileyeah, they got soaking web with the
water show with the Orcas. Andthen what what was what was your favorite
thing on the Dolphins show on theDolphins sis, Yeah, yeah, and
they were very excited to meet thePenny the penguin, which we all were.
We were all about Penny, butthe biggest celebrity. What I love
about the park that we will bringanimals into the middle of the park and
people can't get really close up tothem. So our goal is to inspire
people, and people are inspired whenthey get a chance to meet an animal
like Penny the penguin here. Sowe do that on a larger scale obviously
in the Dolphin Show or the OrchidStadium, and hopefully people leave Seaer World
with an inspiration for the ocean.Again. My kids never want to come
to work, yeah, but whenthere's a penguin here, they're all about
it. I thank you, guys, Thank you to Jenny and l for
bringing Penny by. Penny, niceto meet you. Are we able to
get like pictures and stuff with Penny? Oh? Rip nice? All right?
All right, well Penny, thankyou for coming by. It is
the Woody Show. Love, It'sfamily, It's the show. Be beautiful
the show, and welcome back everybody. Hi. Yeah, it is Wednesday.
We've got the birthday's corn and birthdaycoming up here in just a few
moments. It is July the twentyfourth, cool holiday. Today, it's
National Tequila Day, your favorite.I love me some tequila. What do
you just discovered tequila? Well,not that long ago, not that long
ago, because I started as abeer guy back in the I'm saying in
the early days of you know,drinking alcohol twins. Yeah right, no,
so like because that was the easiest, it was the cheapest. And
then all of a sudden, man, that's just started making me like,
oh god, like two beers,and I was just like, I feel
like I was gonna bar from beingall like and blow it. Yeah really
imp Yeah, like a cold beerat a baseball game. That's cool,
like something like that, but likejust to sit and sit and drink beers.
It's it's it's tough. And thenI moved to and then I moved
I tried wine that doesn't do instantheadache. Vodka was great for many years.
Vodka did me right for a longtime. And then uh, all
of a sudden, out of nowhere, almost like a light switch, one
vodka drink and it was but likethe wine, instant headache, and then
my night. Then my night wasruined because I didn't no, I'm sitting
there, I got this headache afterone stupid vodka got to just power through.
And then and then and then whatI thought was like okay at the
time I was in the middle ofthat was one of the time I lost
like the seventy pounds and I waslike, okay, well people say tequila,
and I was that's how I starteddrinking it, just you know,
on the rocks with nothing. AndI thought, well, the other good
thing is like I don't really needthat much of it because it's tequila,
right, yeah, and so likeyou don't even need that volume. Well,
it turns out I can drink myweight in tequila and be totally fine,
crazy like I We'll end up gettingno, I'm saying, I'll end
up getting drunk, but I won'tfeel sick. I won't have a headache,
there's no hangover, there's no nothing. So yeah, dude, So
National Tequila Day, what up?And do you have a recommendation? Yeah,
not a sponsor, but could besalespeople. I mean, I do
like brown No, I like Ilike the Don Julio Blanco. I like
Blancos. I like Clears. Yeah, of course that's way better. It's
personally like my favorite. It's thefancy one that we drink that our boss
gives us. Oh, I wasgonna say, like the one that people
always think is very fancy is calAnd that's okay. I don't think it's
as good as I mean, certainlynot as good as what they charge for
it. That's the one in thefancy bottle. It's got the bell on
the top. It's all handcraft they'rehand painted. The other one, you
know, oh, I know you'retalking about a big tall bottle. I
forget you're thinking that Dona Julio nineteen. No, No, that's because the
other one comes that in that sameone, the one that the that we
had here for a while. It'sa National drive through Day. There you
go, menace for some roads snacking. Yeah, International Self Care Day.
You're talking about cos A Migos.No, that's basic. I don't know,
look it up. National Cousins Dayis today. Oh yeah, we'll
spend the entire segment like just tryingto think of what the name of the
fancy tequila France of the vanas Hey, shocking news you guys, dragon notes,
Oh, Casa Drag. Yeah,like two fifty bucks a bottle.
Yeah, well, the guy whois the CEO of our company. Yeah,
he's an owner of it. That'swhy I said, the bosses always
give it to us. Yeah.So yeah, so like every Christmas or
whatever, I get this this package. So I probably have like four or
five bottles of that stuff. Yeah, it's good. I don't I don't
drink it home when people come over. Should in here? All right?
Well, there's a new lawsuit againstall around good guy Chris Brown. The
victims claim that Chris and his entourageyou ready for these names, Lieutenant Sinko
and Yellow Beasy. Okay, he'sgood beat them up backstage after a show
and fort Worth. Yeah, oneof the guys who's still in the hospital.
But all four of them suffered severeinjuries and had various medical treatments.
They figured, you know, fiftymillion dollars, should do it. Yeah,
beat me up. And it's likepeople always say, oh, Chris
Brown, you know, I'll beathis ass. Dude, when you get
to be around Chris Brown, heis a massive human being. Like he
is scary. Really yeah he will. It looks kind of lanky. Oh
no, he would just like heighton you. Yeah. Yeah, he's
Chris Brown Highway. He's a bigdude. He'll know he'll take you menace,
could take him out. Hell No, isn't that what you just said?
Nope, yeah he did not say. I think that was at Woody
producer on Twitter. He said a'tthat guy right? Well, okay,
so I've seen one listing that sayshe's six to one, one hundred and
fifty seven, way bigger than that. Pete Davidson has done plenty of drugs
in his life, he says,quote, I did coke and ketamine and
all the pills and all that ish. But the one thing he can't let
go is let me got cigarettes.Weed. He says, I can't quit
weed yet. It's all I haveleft. Yeah, because life is going
so poorly for you. Yeah,it's all my master swordsman, all Davidson.
Uh. So. Her name isAutumn Critterden. She was from season
five of MTV sixteen and pregnant,which I don't know, like how deep
you why watched the first couple ofseasons then and then I thought she's not
an og Okay, well she hasdied. Yeah. She was only twenty
seven years old. Was Chris Browninvolved when the Yeah you never know,
you might want to collect him,you know that giant When the show aired
in twenty fourteen, she and herthen boyfriend Dustin Franklin were expecting his son
Drake. According to the report,her mom and her stepfather has found her
unresponsive in the bedroom. Paramedics triedthe CPR, but there was nothing they
can do. I did to pleasesay her death is classified as a death
investigation and that the medical examiner isworking to determine the exact cause and manner.
But I guess she had some stuffgoing on health wise. She was
reportedly diabetic. She was having kidneyand blood pressure issues. According to a
friend, she had been sick wascomplaining of heartburn to the point where she
was going to go to see adoctor. But what sucks, man.
She leaves behind three kids twenty sevenyears old. Three kids, Drake who's
eleven now, another son who's five, and a daughter who's just two.
Yeah, that blows. That sucks. Here's something for Sammy, Yes,
and Menace. Apparently your boy JustinTimberlake is the one holding up a possible
in Sync stadium tour. The restof the guys have all said they're down
for it, really and are prettypissed at Justin's silence about the whole thing.
OMG, you guys. I mean, they would love to do it,
but they're not pissed at them.Here's our daily mention of Glenn Powell.
He says he knows when Top Gunthree will start filming, but he
ain't talking. Oh big secrets.Remember nineteen ninety seventy guys, Yeah you
remember the movie I Know you didlast summer. Yes, well, there's
a new one that's going to beout next summer, and they'll be like
the new Screen movies, So it'sgoing to be kind of a mix of
young actors and some of the OG'slike maybe Jennifer love Hewitt and Freddie Prince
Junior. Apparently they're supposed to beinvolved. Twisters was the number one movie
at the theaters his last weekend,and it was just given the number four
spot on the Hollywood Reporters list ofbest disaster movies of all time. Really
nice, the OG Twister was numberthree side and The Adventure was at number
two. Oh and here is thetrailer for the movie that they put in
the number one spot. Are youguys ready for this one movie? Yeah,
it's it's another Ahir playing seventy sevenin airport. It's uh, it's
you here go one. A tinyspark becomes a night of blazing suspense.
Irwin Allen's production of The Towering InfertileQueen Steve McQueen, the architect who give
hold it? They done away?Read a stare Susan Blake stand job O
J. Simpson, OJ Simpson.That's like, dude, what stand I've
heard of the Tower Inferno. I'veheard of it. I don't know anything
about it. Yeah, was anyThis seems like it was a made for
TV movie for some reason. Somebuilding and he catches off. Oh I'm
the most scary part, Simpson,I mean rest in peace? Yeah?
What year did it come out?As anybody know? It says nineteen seventy
four. Ain't the really that trailerus from nineteen seventy It sounded like they
like when they first introduced sound tothe Silent Movie. One of the first
part, Oh talkie, Yeah,becomes a night of blazing suspects. Yeah,
oh, look out right. Howabout some birthdays. Get your celebrity
birthdays and your porno birthday goat showthis shy. We're gonna it's shimmy.
We're gonna sit because it's shy,and you know we don't do what.
All right, We'll start with thecelebrities. Happy birthday to Michael Richards Kramer
on Seinfeld. You know he hada he had a problem there for what
happened? You know what? Googleit? Dude, all right, he's
seventy five. Jennifer Lopez, whois by all counts just a mega pain
in the ass. Can't keep aman, that's for sure. Wow,
get it ring on? Why isthat a whoe? Why? Why is
that? To listen? A whoe? Reaction to laundry list of excess?
Thank you. Jennifer Lopez is fiftyfive today. Mara Wilson, who is
a little girl Missus doubt Fire,also Matilda. She's thirty seven. Damn.
Linda Carter, the original wonder Woman. Oh she will always be wonder
Woman. She's seventy three. RoseByrne, Kristin Wiggs, Nemesis and Bride'smaids.
Greg Yes, I love her.Forty five and how's her pie?
Both Anna Paquin and Elizabeth Moss areforty two years old today. Anna Paquin
Rogue and the original X Men movies, and then of course Elizabeth Moss The
Handmaid's Tale, which, man,everybody's into that show. Yeah, just
a look of it too. It'swhat it's a good time. It's a
part. Yeah. Now show thatshe was in that I really want to
watch. I haven't seen any ofit, mad men. I want to
go back to night. I wantto watch that Bendy Irwin, the daughter
of Steve the Crocodile Hunter. Irwinis pie twenty six pregnant. I think
Chris Sarandon, the Six Fingered Manand the Princess Bride is eighty two today.
Some birthdays from the world of sports. Barry Bond is sixty, Naarl
Malone, who played for Utah Jazz, is sixty one. And Rick Fox,
the retired Lakers and Celtic star.He used to be married and laid
the pipe to Vanessa Williams. He'sfifty five. They were married. And
Robert Hayes, who is Ted strikerin Airplane. Oh, he's seventy seven
years old. Your pornod birthday todayis Julie Ginger, and today's birthday girl
is the heavyweight champion of porn.Here she is. Oh my gosh,
she clocks in at five foot sixand three hundred pounds. Oh yeah,
brother. Her measurements are forty fourd, forty five fifty two. You
couldn't miss her if you tried.In the forty three finding all films that
she's been in, including Big BabeAppetizer totally. She was in as cream
Cake Volume one, also Heavyweight ContendersVolume three. Housewife wants her snack,
Yes she does, and uh whocan forget her on her unforgettable role in
sex in the Kitchen BBW edition.That is tons of fun. Julie Ginger,
who is thirty seven years old today, and that is your Porner Birday,
your porn of birthday, your celebritybirthdays, and a little bit of
what's happening in the world of entertainmentthis morning, this Wednesday morning, here
on The Woody Show. For somereason that I want to chocolate milk right
now. I don't know why becauseshes a lot. All right, what
are you pregnant? All right?More Woody Shows next? Hang on more
wood Show show next. Buila wouldn'tapprove The Woody Show and that is gonna
do it for Wednesday morning. Noright, I'm ready to go all about
you guys. You guys can hangout if you want. I'm ready for
a nappy wappy Yeah me tooy wooie. You know. All right, Full
show podcast is waiting for his goto the Woodieshow dot com menaces higher education
today? Awesome? Wow, whata job. I loved it every time
and again this morning. Every timewe do that, people text in they're
like, dude, so let meget this straight. You get paid to
get high and then just talk toweird people like the lady today was an
animal medium, so she claims thatshe could talk to your dead pets and
stuff. So I'm a professional,right, I had practice? But yeah,
to answer your question, yes,Menace got paid for that. It
was so good. Quick on thenews headlines and the port of birthday,
all that stuff that's on the Wednesdaypodcast tomorrow. It is a pre Friday,
a Thursday morning, and not onlydo we have a new redneck news
for you, but radios most immaturegame guests. Whose gas? All right?
So guess who's gas? And moretomorrow Thursday here on the Woodie Show.
Anything you want to tell us aboutin the meantime, there's a bunch
of ways to do that. Youcan send us an email email at the
woodieshow dot com. You can findus on social media the social media platform
of your choice by searching for usat the Woody Show. Of course,
the after hours voicemail which is eightseven seven forty four. Yeah, all
right, menace. See that asSammy, anything like that? Ad No,
Greg Gory party words of wisdom.Please, Yes, tomorrow is not
promised. So call your brother oryour sister today and tell them they're ugly
and annoying. Did your brother justhave an accident? Greg? No,
I'm not talking about jeez, Greg, I'm not talking about me. Wow,
per se, Oh good for theenot for a year or whatever?
That what's that? Something like that? Say something like that? Something ye
old like that. So you calledyour brother who's still recovering from the almost
fatal motorcycle accident. He told mehe's annoying. I sure did not,
Greg. My sister just had ababy. I should just tell her like,
oh, congrats on the baby.By the way, you annoying,
and I hope that you had died. But wow, you can't believe you
said that. Damn, that's crazyman. I apologize. All right,
Thank you very much, Great Gory, Thank you so much for giving the
show some of your valuable time thismorning. You know we love it.
Appreciate you for that. The restof you guys can suck it. Catch
back here on Thursday. Have agreat day. S MD double M.
I quit this bitch