All Episodes

July 25, 2024 104 mins
Redneck News, Guess Whose Gas, News Headlines & More!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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What is the dune to the graphicnature of this program? Listener discretion?
Is it lies the Woody Show?It's the Woody Show. Insensitivity Training class

is now in session. Hey,good morning everybody, morning one morning.
Well it's a pre Friday. That'sgood news. We are the Woody Show.
July the twenty fifth, twenty twentyfourth. Thank you for being here.
My name is what that is?Greg Gory? Would menace? Good

morning to you? What is up? Wood Happy Thursday? Sea Bat,
It is a happy Thursday. Yeah, dude, do you have a better
day than other days? I mean, do you have a favorite day at
least favorite day? I don't thinkso. Just is my schedule so fluid?
It did all kind of doesn't reallymatter. Yeah, all right,
like your gender, you're getting whatspeech? You just say that you get

to be whatever you want to be. Yeah, okay, sweet Yeah,
today could be your favorite day.Yeah, good morning, Sammy, good
morning. We got bored. Wegot Caroline Morgan is here, and then
Vaughan of course, our video producer. He's here. Phones are open at
eight seven seven forty four, Woody. That's eight seven seven forty four Woody,
or you can hit us up witha text over to two two nine

eight seven. We're excited for abrand new redneck news. Those are always
fun, of course, keeping theupdate and all the trending news headlines.
But I think the headline today it'sone of Greg's favorite things. Speaking of
but right, it's radio's most immaturegame happening on the show today. Guess
who's gas? Yeah forever Yeah.So yeah, it's been like Greg like

anytimes, Greg loves a segment likemore Gas Forever, Carton Arks or whatever,
and we might have done it lastweek, like, yeah, we
have not done more Guests were like, no, that was actually like last
week. It's a legal year.Yeah, it could be weekly. Res.
I was thinking, Greg, Ihave honestly considered putting a full time
fart microphone it by the side ofmy bed, oh, because I never

have, like I know, alwayslike, oh damn it. That's what
Sammy says. Yes yesterday, Iwas getting coffee at work alone and I
was just so gassy, and Iwas very proud of him, and then
I thought, damn it, Ishould have been recording this so many remind
me, Sammy, what's your excuseagain? Because I'm I'm convinced you just
don't want to do for whatever reasonthat most of the time they don't make

a sound, so I'm not preparedfor it. And when it does make
a sound, it's unexpected. Howloose is your butthole? Apparently it's pretty
noise. My best sounding ones arealways in the shower, so I don't
have anything with me in the shower. Yeah. Sammy told me that she
her farts don't make sound, andshe used to work with the guy who

had no sense of smell, soit worked out great because she could just
fart all day, oh day,it was the best. We shared an
office. We were next to eachother all day and I would just fart
all day long and he didn't knowit. Do they stay perfect pairing?
Oh? Yeah, they smell,they don't make it sound. Yeah,
there's a my buddy Dan. He'sgot no sense of smell, and I've

forgotten, right if is he skinny? I can't remember, No, because
if you have no sense of smell, wouldn't food be it just totally boring.
I've asked him that he still tastesstuff, right, Yeah, I
mean I don't know if he tastesthings the same. This is kind of
like the circumcised uncircumcised thing. Peoplego, well, I have a lot
more sensitivity. And now you're assumingthat because like, unless you went from
someone who was uncircumcised to somebody whowas circumcised, how can you really speak

to that, right, And we'vehad guys who got circumcised later in life
for whatever medical or other reasons,and they've said it's it's not much different.
But if you plug your nose andeat onion or something, you can't
even taste it. It's highly mutedat least. Yeah, maybe his degree,
but he could still take because there'sthings that he likes, things that
he doesn't like. He does havetaste. He'll tell you, oh,
this is spicy, this is sweet, this is Yeah. I had a

science teacher who couldn't smell some scienceaccident and mega skinny. Yeah, anyway,
so just plug our noses. Yeah, phones are open at eight seven
seven forty four. What a texttwo to nine eight seven. It is
a throwback Thursday, And this isone of those things I've been waiting on

a throwback Thursday to bring up.So think about the early two thousands.
Okay, so people are asked,what don't you miss about the early two
thousands, and I'll I'll give youone of the things that people already hit
up with the with the question themusic sucked if it wasn't boy bands and
teen idols, it was new metal, okay, so what was amazing?

It was something I liked. Iliked a lot of the new metal stuff.
He still does I still do,right, Yeah, just because it's
not the only two thousands anymore doesn'tmean I don't like it now. Yeah,
I would say slow internet, yeah, dial up internet. Nostalgic as
it is, that mess was soinconvenient that noise lives forever in my memory.

Also, texting, when you hadto like hit the yeah that T
nine texting, Yeah, kids,they didn't have the letters. You actually
have to hit each number of multipletimes to get a letter. T nine
was the predictive text, so youonly had hit it once and it would
know that you were spelling whatever wordit was. I just remember like two

two, two, five, five, six, sixty six, you know
whatever. That was the regular ABCversion. And then I was alive back
then. But the other day Ihad a thought like how did we know
like one and where to meet up? Back then? Like, oh,
we made plan if you're running lateand you wrote and you wrote down directions.
But I was like, how dowe even Early two thousands we had

phones because that's when I had thatPalm Pilot phone. It was the Palm
phone. Yeah, like that waskind of like one of the first like
I don't want to call me.It wasn't a smartphone. Yeah, but
I don't think he's talking about it. If you're a teenager, I guess
you would just have like your destination, like, hey dude, how did
I get to a house at threeo'clock? Oh? You would print out
maps and stuff. Yeah, orthey would tell you directions or meet me

at one o'clock at such and sucha place. Here's some other things.
You still see a lot of thesegraphic t's by corporate fashion houses of small
businesses that don't actually exist. Soyou could buy the old Navy's uh notorious
for this. You could buy ashirt there that says Coral Surf Shop or
a J's ice cream shop, Likewhy are you wearing shirts with fake ads

on them? And why was thatcool? Well, you know what it
was. It was I want tolook like I was shopped at the thrift
store. But I don't want tospend the time of actually going there and
going through all their shirts finding somethingyeah to look like to like ironic.
Yeah, I remember, like someof them would have like the funny ones.
Oh remember the the shirts. Iwould say, like Dick's longboards,
right, you know big Johnson shirts. Yeah, big Johnson's. What think?

Yeah, yeah you're big Johnson.You're big Johnson longboard Yeah. And
some like dorky guys got a giantlong board yeah. Hell yeah, and
you wear that a shirt and youget laid yeah. Aut I'll say fashion
wise, what I don't miss aboutthat time period was all the like Chinese
symbol stuff too. They had thatold shirts and everything like that. They

didn't get it, and like thechopsticks and the hair. Oh it was
a big fashion trend. Meanings tothat one, No into the fashion trend.
It's called microaggressions, do you uhwell, no, you know what
you shouldn't be taken up for becausethat would be cultural appropriation, you know,
speaking of which I was looking atfestivals now explicitly ban any kind of

Native American head dress. Like it'slike you can't bring in glass, professional
video recording, you can't bring inlawn chairs. Every festival, all those
or whatever has no Native American headdress because they don't want that to come
up on their social media. Yeah. Yeah, because it's like I guess
Coachelling. Maybe the mid two thousandspeople are awaaring. I think the last
person that really get busted for thatwas Pharrell. Oh he was racing cover.

People are asked, what don't youmiss about the early two thousands?
If you got something for us,you can hit us off. In the
text two to ninety seven, thisone says MTV and VH one stop playing
music for ridiculous dating shows like Rockof Love and A Shot at Love.
Those back to fashion sweatpants and yogapants with words on the butt. It
was so creepy to see a preteengirl walking around with the word juicy or

sexy on her butt. No Imiss those? Why were you looking at
her butt? Words on it?Because a word? You miss those?
Oh? I love those? They'reso comfortable and yeah you can wear them,
do it? I guess I meanyou're just drawn attention to your butt.
I was younger at the time.The one people posting lyrics on Facebook

publicly in a futile attempt to conveya message to just one person. Oh,
people still still guilty of that withthese cryptic messages. Oh here's one
I don't miss. When skinny wasthe only acceptable body type. This was
peak victorious, Secret Angel and AmberCrombie and Fitch model envy and tons of
blatant fat shaming. I do missthat. Yeah, it's We've brought this

up many times, but at somepoint people just decided that belly shirts were
for everybody. It happened. Ithappened in the past ten years. Because
now I walk around and these girlsare wearing like basically a sports bra and
jeans that are you know, bellyjeans. There you have a gut that
is hanging out, and you areintentionally and purposely showing that off as if

it looks good. When did peoplebecome collectively insane? Like when did you
look in the mirror and say,oh, people want to see that?
You know what you honestly, youknow how I blame It's the same reason.
And you know they talk about advertising, and you know, why are
we showing all these like uh kindof like full bodied people. You know,
people just don't know. I thinkthe same reason that Greg and I

don't like watching My Lottery Dream Homeon hd TV and seeing somebody with a
two hundred thousand dollars budget, right, you know it's called my Lottery dream
Home. I want to see peoplesearching for homes that have a private theater,
or I want to be a lazyriver. Right. The same size
sixteen clothes shouldn't exist. I don'twant to see me on TV exactly,

And people say, well, youjust blah blah blah, No what he
doesn't go around here wearing belly shirtand you know, I know nobody wants
to see that. He's understands andhe lives in reality. Right. But
you know how I blame because Ithink they were the first to do it.
Dove. Dove is the first companyto really embrace like fat chicks in
their or just like plus sized models. Yeah, I'm saying specifically chicks.

And then it ended up being youknow, all people for other things too,
but there were specifically targeting women withtheir their products, and so it
was I think, like if Icould go to if I was chunkers in
there, like I like it.You know, there's a lot of companies
now too that I really appreciate whowill when it comes to clothes online or
something like that, show it witha bunch of different models. That way,
whatever size you are, you cansee what it would look like on

you versus just the one skinny girland you're trying to shop online or figure
out what it's going to look likeon you, and you wouldn't ever know
they do that. Now, canyou relate to fat clothes shopping? Yeah,
that's a good thing. Can Iask you, like, how can
you relate to that? Well inthe sense I can't look like I don't
care what the ad looks like.I don't know how it's gonna look on
me. Yeah, you can't relateto There's a lot of things I think

that look cool and then I seeit like on, I try it on
and go, oh god, Ican't pull this. Yeah, you don't
relate to like putting your arm ina sleeping in an RMX. No,
I're going to try to put thisall the way on men. Sorry,
So you're the only other person inthis room that would be to relate to
ze. You get a shirt,You're like, oh, this is cool
and it looks like it's gonna fit. It looks huge. You're like,

this might be too big, andthen you you you haven't even put it
over your head yet. You're likenope, no, yeah, you know
you put your arm in that sleeveand you go, wait a minute.
Yeah, and by the way,you put one leg in a pair of
patch like, nope, these aren'teven right. You don't know that feeling,
Sammy, you don't know what youdo, what you do want to
hear it. No, you're gonnaget mad at me for what it is.

But it's that closer too big forme, and I problem. I
hate. I hate when I tryon pants and my penis is too big,
there's not enough room shoes, findingjean shorts and I'm so mad.
And then finally I went to thekids section. I found a pair that
fit, but then the pockets aretoo small because they're for kids, and

so they look weird on an adulteven though they fit, And it sucks,
and I can't find clothes either.Was She was complaining about the Geene
shorts the other day and somebody likewent to like one of these like uh
kind of hipster fashion places. Theywere showing off these Gene shorts quote unquote,
yeah, look at the look alook at these things. Greg these

these are I mean, I said, here you go, Sammy, there's
some gene shorts for you. Ohyeah, I know, like these wanted
to cover your code that's cut halfwayup, dude, I know I know
of those in a video and shegot over two million views. Yeah,
I'm sure. But again I willargue this. It is just the women
that have embraced the giant fat models. Because as proof, I just I

just went to the Calvin Kleine underwearpage. Okay, this is the this
is what they show how they advertisetheir underwear. Check out all these fat
dudes. Oh way, way allhot rip guys. You're not being represented.
No, no what, I'm notgonna know what they look like on
me. I know, I know. It was the gateway for many a

game. Yeah, other things realquick, low rise jeans never again,
and people ask what they don't missabout the early two thousands low rise jeans.
Also for the ladies looking at you, belly chains. What was that
all about? Yeah that was weird. Yeah, the belly chain thing was
weird. It helps if you're skinning. Also, the unnecessary layering. Every
outfit did not require layer. Yes, so many layers. See a lot

of stuff just applies that don't misslittle rise jeans are the people that can't
fit in it. I missed mytrue religions so bad. Yeah, speak
on a girl eight seven seven fortyfour. Woodie hit us up with the
text over to two to ninety eightseven closer two understand, say like,
it's not a problem in my lifewhen it is, well, it's because

you can easily find that stuff ifyou really tried. All right, more
Woody Shows. Next, hang up, screaming very quiet you show. Hey,
it's man, it's check out.The Lazy Dog Restaurants made to order
lunch specials three dollars off road,ribles and other delicious meals starting at only
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insensitivity training for a politically correct world. It is Thursday morning. It's a
pre Friday. It is July thetwenty fifth, twenty twenty four. Mordy,
that's Greg Gory. Good morning,Woody Menace, Good morning to you.
Good morning, Woody. There's asea Bass. We're Sea Bass and
Sammy is here. Phones are openeight seven seven forty four. Woody.

You can hit us up with atext over to two two nine eighty seven.
A little follow up for Greg becauseI know he's the most interested in
And we were talking about in adiarrhea of topics. Yes, like,
has anybody ever gone to a psychicand whatever they told you actually happened?
It came true. So we saidwe were in a lawsuit. Psychic told
me to expect money in seventeen monthsand five days exactly in that timeframe we

settled the suite. All right,seventeen months and five days. It doesn't
get more accurate. Yeah, twentyyears ago, my hubby and I want
to go see one. Before wegot married, she told me I would
never have kids. I thought shewas full of crap. But twenty years
later, we have no kids.We tried for over ten years but never

conceived. Kept on trying. Myhusband reminded me that the psychic had said
that, and it's the only timeI've been like, oh, ish a
psychic and not a doctor. That'sfrom that's from E doctor Schmacker. All
these stories have been like, yeah, they said us, they told us
something and then it happened to Noneof them were like, they said we
should do this, and when wedid this, it gave us this right.

It was just like after the fact, they were right, just dumb
luck four six nine. A psychictold me about things that happened in my
life, then told me to stayaway from his small blue car that was
going to wreck. The next week, my friends were in a small blue
car and the wheel fell off andthey erecked, what what? But did
she like actively stay away or warnher friends. Well, she wasn't with

them, I guess right now.Oh oh yeah, hey you got a
small blue car. Yeah, I'mnot going in. For more than twenty
years before we met, the womanI'm with was talked into going to a
psychic. She was skeptical, ofcourse. The woman told her she would
meet a man named Eric. Shesaid, this is the man who is
your soulmate. We met years laterand we've never been happier years later,

So there you go. See,Okay, myth debunked. Psychics are real.
It was just the National Tequila Day. Oh heck care recently and some
news this morning, six workers diedfiery explosion at the Jose Cuervo Texas factory
all right, tequila factory in Mexicoon Tuesday. It is gasoline Jose Cuervo

tequila tanks. They shot up abouttwo thousand feet in the air by the
explosion. Two thousand Yeah, itwas like six hundred and fifty some meters
and uh, that caused a fireand the other tequilavas And so do you
use psychic not to go to workthat I know? Or is their psychic

sensing some tequila and some fire,quit your job. Yeah. I haven't
seen a lot more of those videos. I don't know, like it's how
it ended up in my algorithm.But you know the people that do those
shots where there's like fire involved andthe next thing, you know, their
faces on fire. Who does that? Like why? Okay, it just
seems like, well I'm saying itjust seems like there's there's too much room

for being cool. Yeah, likeyour face to be on fire super cool?
Like it's one thing. Oh,and then there was another one where
this you know what it was.I think it was because my buddy was
obsessed with all these videos of peopledoing shots where the female bartender. She
takes the shot, she holds itin her mouth, grabs the guy by

his head like his hair, pullshis head back as if she's ready to
do like mouth to mouth and itjust goes and spits it into his mouth
and the smacks him across the face. People, people pay for that privilege.
Yeah, yeah, that's a beat. That's a very famous thing on
certain beaches, right man y,Yeah, well usually I've seen the ones
that have a picture of water andthey splash them and then smack them a

lot of this, But like,why would you want a shot that was
just spit in your mouth from themouth the strangers, the disgusting guy's hot
hot bartender chick or not. Yousee that and you pay a premium for
that. I'm sure, I'm surethat's just not like the standard price.
You see that in strip clubs andon Bourbon Street. Strip. Yeah,

that must have been how it gotinto like some of those things must have
held got into my algorithm. I'mlike, why am I seeing these all
of them? You ever wonder that, like I almost all of a sudd
and seeing these videos now certain onesbecause Morgan and I we share videos back
and forth all the time. Really. Yeah, like the stuff that the
stuff that we find hilarious. Yeah, and then our algorithms get all jacked

up. I'm like, well,this is from Morgan for sure. Oh
yeah, I see it too becauseof the center of the Yeah. Yeah,
I've ruined a few algorithms. Yeah, I think. Yeah. Is
it all violence? No, especiallyable people doing extraordinary things of that kind
of stuff that was like your TikTokfor a while, like beauty pageants and

stuff. Yeah, there's like minikiss videos and so yeah, anything with
like you know, midgets or rightespecially right exactly. Yeah. Yeah,
and that's the reason, that's whyyou're sharing, because they represent Yeah,
it makes me feel good. Yeah, it makes me feel what do you
check out this video? We're beinginclusive. Yeah, yeah, to celebrate

this person. Right. I hadthose shots that you talked about though,
I mean they they spit them inyour mouth. No, no, the
fire fire once. Yeah, especiallywith facial hair. I would never do
that. Why risk it again tolook cool for the gram? Dude?
Yeah, we were doing it beforethe GRAM was around. Yeah, for
sure, And the other thing's gottenway out of control. Uh. Speaking

of drinks, the Bloody Mary,Yes, it is a simple thing.
I saw one, no kidding,It had a mini pizza. It had
a full roaster chicken. Yep,there's a whole ass of meal on it.
Yeah, five meals on it.Yeah, yeah, exactly. But
that's been going on for a while, Like Seabast, remember when we were
all together that was a like curlyat that point. It's not a drink,

it's if you have to. AndI've said those about like burgers where
there's fifteen patties, or they're doingthis with milkshakes now too, where there's
a full slice of cake. That'sgood. I like that. If you
have to disassemble your food item beforeyou could even start on it, that's
not a food item anymore. It'sjust piling crap. Yeah, like Greg
crab legs or like that alone.Crab legs alone are too much work.
Yeah, well yeah, like whenpeople crab easy regular crab, when they

bring like the little mallets around thethings to crack open things like the shell
crackers exactly. You know, likelike it just seems to be like too
much work. Why would you orderthis bloody marry that you have to,
like you said, disassemble, takethe rotisserie chicken off can finish the thing.
We also need to change the mentalityof fancy restaurants that leave the tails
on shrimp or even yes, fancytake it off. Yeah, I don't

want the head on there. No, I don't want the shell, like
the shell like when you cook.I've always wondered this because you'll see this
sometimes, you know, when youlike the kreole stuff especially I love creole
cooking, and all the shrimp tailsand the shells are on. How does
it absorb any of the like youknow, it's sitting in this like really

great boil, you know, withall these seasonings and everything else, Like,
how does it observe? Like I'veworded like a New Orleans barbecue shrimp
dish, and I was very excitedbecause the sauce is fantastic. I've had
a lot of different versions of it. But then you're cracking open and now
you're left with like a plane shrimpthat hasn't touched any seasoning at all.
I don't didn't get through the shell. The shell is what protective, right,

And they do that with crab too. You watch the cooking shows and
they're seasoning of shell and I'm like, why to be such a waste shell
and you have pasta together. Theysay that those shells they do indeed have
flavor compounds the inside. Yeah,because when you do make the New Orleans
barbecue sauce itself, like you usea bunch of different stuff, including the

shells of the shrimp. And ofcourse people with crawfish will say the head
is the best part. I can'tthe eyes. It's the eyes. I
don't think I could do it.And they also say it helps to help
it to cook more evenly, becauseobviously you don't want to, you know,
rubber rubbery, you know, arelittle tail. But somehow I've had
shrimp that have no shell or tailand they were hard or like you just

got to cook them correctly. It'sall just have antioxidants. Is it a
super food? Yeah, we're notpaying them to take the shells off.
You can cook it in the shelland then take the most disappointing part again,
like if I get pasta that hasshrimp in it, and then the
shrimp has shells on it inside thepasta. Yeah, even the tail even
sometimes it's like d doesn't have theshell, but it stills the tail.

I'm okay, I can bite thatoff easy. The shrimp head thing.
I considered eating it, but weknow what stopped me was the eyes.
Weird because you're seeing the iron likelittle d shell and eyes. I've been
places where they're just sucking those headsall day and d antenna, you know
what I mean. Yeah, takethose off too sometimes, like the little
feet on the bottom of the shrimp. You gotta like peel those off.

That's because you never get them allin one one swipe. No on your
fingers. It's so messy. Phonesare open eight seven seven forty four Wooding.
You can hit us up with thetext over to two to nine eight
seven. Got a brand new redneck news. So what do you show
if you paint for your honeymoon withmarlblel mouths that Nick whews in the store

I got for you today. Thisis from North Dakota. You got this
fellow's name Daniel Messier. He wasriding his bike home from work, you
know, like non losers do peoplewith five DUI do. Yeah, he
saw somebody had left their garage dooropen, and he said, you know
what, wonder what they got inthere? And he spotted with his little

eye a bag of animal crackers.I'm unable to resist that kind of temptation.
He stopped, stole the animal crackers, and that was it. The
cops picked him up, and whenthey searched his backpack, they found the
animal crackers, but also had afull container of weed, a lock pick
tool, multiple wrenches, and othercraftsman tools that he had stolen out of
somebody else's place. Two pairs ofwomen's underwear were in there for some yeah,

other reason. And yeah, sohe was a rested and take him
to jail. His bicycle wasn't pounded. Oh no, no, no,
and probably not his bicycle either,Probably not his bicycle. So that's from
North Dakota. Daniel Messier, whowas riding home from work on his bicycle,
stopped to break into someone's garage justto steal some animal crackers. And

that is today's rud nick boys,semen, funny drinks. Well, a
couple of news headlines. Let's seeboring stuff. President Biden addressed a nation
from the Oval Office last night.Hey, eleven minute speech, We're say

leaked ahead of time so you canread it before he gave it. This
is really weird. The FBI DirectorChristopher Ray was testifying in DC yesterday said
that the Trump shooter had a remotetransmitter, which we had heard about,
but rigged explosive devices that were setto go off at the rally. He
also said that law enforcement agencies haverecovered three bombs, So weirdo. They

also said that he had googled thejfk assassination and specifically how far was Oswald
from Kennedy leading up to the wholething? What about the other three shooters?
Now? The real important the bignews today is the guy who claims
that he invented flaming hot cheetos.Oh, that liar is suing Fredo Lay
for saying that he didn't. Hisname is Richard Martinez and he claims that

he's the victim of fraud, racialdiscrimination, and defamation. The suit allegens
that Fredo Lay launched a smear campaignagainst him and made false and misleading statements
that resulted in a defamatory article thatwas written by the LA Time suggesting that
he did not invent flaming hot cheetosand that his livelihood his mental health have

been affected directly as a result.My speaking fees have gone like dude,
seriously, who cares well? Honest, well, here. He cares because
he's trying to, you know,grift money off this. But Frieda has
done nothing but try to cover forhim. Because when the LA time started
poking around and asking questions, ifyou were like, oh yeah, we
had that a couple of years earlier, and a bunch of other different cities,
and we were trying to this goingon for like I don't know,

over a decade books. Yeah,and how he invented it. My thing
is I was a deal. Okay, flaming hot cheet was great. I
didn't invent the computer or you didn'tinvent the idea of making something spicy.
Yeah, But my thing is Iwould love for the whole story to be
true on his side. The onlything is, like with free do lay

them saying it's not true? Ikind of like okay, because like they
would want that story to be trueas well, because it was great.
That's what all they've been saying is, well, while his facts blah blah
blah, we celebrate his content.They've they've done everything to cover up for
this guy. So yeah, theirtheir statement says, we have interviewed multiple
personnel who were involved in the testmarketing, and all of them indicate that
Richard was not involved in any capacity. The facts do not support the urban

legend, which, uh, I'veheard something along those lines a number of
times about how the truth is neveras good as the legend of a lot
of these things. You go,oh man, yeah, like uh,
yeah, what's the Yankee doodle wentto town? You know whatever? Or
like Paul or like you know thesehistorical things that you've heard. It's like

h. Washington's cherry Tree. Yeah, it's it's never as great as the
story has then become. And allhe's doing is strisstanding effect himself right here
by bringing this up and suing.He's like, well, look, I'm
a liar. Yeah. And SeaBass as a stickler for words, I
think the word invented is used sowrong in this story, don't you the

whole narrative it would be developed orjust came up with an idea to make
cheetohs spicy. Unfortunately, it's notan inventure. He developed a new flavor
of cheriot. Well the way theyput it out in the movie, which
is by the way, terrible.They said that he and his wife spent
months going to grocery stores selecting theperfect blends of Spider, which oh,
okay happened. Of course it wasa movie. But the unfortunately, unfortunately

the person that can tell like theabsolute truth on this who was like the
boss in the movie, the guydied like swimming in the ocean. Hmm.
Allegedly he had to cover up thebig flaming hot shadows menace he invented
drowning. Some Olympic news, it'sofficial the twenty thirty four Winter Games will
be in Salt Lake City. Thecommittee voted on that yesterday. Also an

Olympic scandal, dunt dunt dum.Already, two Canadian women's soccer coaches have
been booted after they got caught flyingdrones over New Zealand's training sessions. Yeah,
two soccer coaches caught and then,yeah, well they're not gonna be
able to lick those allegations. CrowdStrikethat's the cybersecurity company that crashed millions of

computers and all those flight cancelations andeverything else that botched update last week,
they offered their partner is a tendollars uber eats gift card as an apology.
It showed up with a note that'ssaid to express our gratitude your next
cup of coffee or late night snackis on us? Wow or the yeah

exactly. Yeah. Police Lousville theybusted this couple, Tara and James Lyles,
who have since been charged with drugtrafficking. They were caught selling weed
and THHC products out of a warehouse, which you can argue it's just weed.
It's not the point in this case. You know, by the way,
the law is there right now,you just can't do that. But

the fun part of the store thereason I bring it up. Ask me
how they got busted. They wereposting videos of their drug making process on
TikTok and so the cops they havebeen keeping an eye on them since February
because they had gotten a tip thatthey were running this large scale drug operation.
So they searched the warehouse. Theycollected two hundred and eighteen pounds je

weed. That's a lot of weed. I mean it's a nice start.
It's like a month's worth. Yeah. That is one of Mister Beast's YouTube
co hosts Ava Tyson. This issomeone I guess who used to be a
dude. Yeah, is I don'tknow any about it about this, Yeah,
it was a long time. I'ma friend of his. Yeah,
group of co hosts, I wouldimagine. And then this previously was a

guy who was married. It wasa big thing, part of their YouTube
series or whatever, and then suddenlytransitioned in the middle of it. Well,
anyway, Ava is out of theMister Beast universe over allegations that he
she groomed a minor. I'm notsure what exactly when this happened. Was
it, you know, was Avahe at this point or is she?
I'm not sure, but Ava wasallegedly sending inappropriate messages to a thirteen year

old Ava, who's now twenty eight, was twenty at the time. Ava
releasing a statement on social media thatread, seeing recent events, we've mutually
decided its best that I permanently stepaway from all things mister Beast and social
media to focus on my family andmy men whole health. That's pre transition
then eight years Yeah, I wastoday years old when I ever heard of

Ava. You follow the series,it's been a big sty and I know
who, I know who mister Beastis. Yeah, but he has his
crew. Yeah, that's gonna suckthough. It's like mister Beast, Jake
Paul, these guys who like,if you're basic fan beast fan beast fan
base, like is thirteen year old, It's like, how are you proud
of what you do? You're likeyou're the Wiggles essentially. You know,
well, I mean you're making alot of money. I mean you're proud

of that your bank bounce. Butlike you walk out like yeah, thirteen
okay, great, Yeah, Hey, there's another scam to be aware of,
you guys. If you are adoor dasher, not a customer,
but a person who's actually doing thedelivering, there's a scam where the scammer
will order something cheap or free,like in this case, and I have
a cup of water. Yeah wellno, like like they'll order like,

uh, it was a what wasit a taco bell sauce packet in this
in this particular case, weird,right, So they order something like that,
and that's what happened to this guy. I'll let him explain exactly how
it works. But look, y'all, another scam that's going on. So
I'm like, let me do DoorDash. I get an order for taco bill
for a pack of sauce, onepack of sauce, no food, no
drink, no, nothing. Andthen I get a call from door Dash

and it's this detective saying the orderwas placed frauduling. Can you pull over,
Let's do a three step verification processand it's gonna reimburse you the nineteen
dollars or twenty dollars or whatever.And then he asks for my card number,
my CCV and the exploration date.And that's what I knew it was
a scam. I called door Dashand they flagged the whole account. You
get a call about a detective,it's fine, don't deliver yep, okay,
so be aware of that. Youcan't order an individual packet. I'm

looking thirty seven cents menace for aThis is right now. This is the
modern day equivalent. I remember whenwhen debit cards first became a thing and
people go, I can't believe you'reusing that to buy a pack of gum,
right because people were just so usedto cash. Oh, that was
on the news. There's a newye fast food? Yeah yeah, when

the fast food places. Yeah,first st accepting credit cards with a credit
What are you kidding me? Whatis this madness? It's crazy? But
yeah, I think the dumbest thingI've probably dat I've done like individual coffees
before Jesus Christs, I know,fifteen dollars and this is after. You
always say, God, I doit too much, I need to stop.

Well he did, and I havetaken a break. Good you should
because I was spending way too much. I'm on it right now. But
now, Yeah, we talked aboutit. Advertising works if this is not
mad. But I'm now looking atbagels. What we want individual bagels?
Just one container of cream cheese.Yeah, I'd be afraid if I ordered
like they'd they'd be mad at me. Like the door dash Gu'd be like,

who is this? Yeah, Iknow they're probably making like nothing.
I thought I had the clip.I can't. I can't find it was
really funny because people were freaking andI can't believe, like this is never
gonna last. Basically, it's timefor theater. We're gonna take a break
with a credit card. More whathe shows, excuse me, more what

he shows next? Hang on,I don't even know what that means.
No one knows what it means,but it's for fuck people. Go.
Yeah, So that's uh, thatscam that we're talking about, the door
dash drivers, like the scammer willorder something small like you can order individual
sauce packets. That's what happened tothis guy. This DoorDash driver is a

Taco Bell sauce packet, and thenthey get a call through the door dash
app the delivery driver does and itsays, hey, there's been a problem
with your account. They need toverify some stuff. And that's how they
end up. You know, theycan take over and yeah how about you
just work I now, you know, spend all this time and energy and

risk going to jail just a scam. You're getting the back accounts from those
evil DoorDash drivers sticking it to theman. I know, uh door dash
drive yere. I've had that scamhappen to me for a Carl's Junior cookie,
reported them and kept the cookie cookiecky. Yeah that's funny. Oh I
did find the clip we were talkingabout. How you know, why would

you order like one sauce packet fromdoor dash and then have all the delivery
charges and everything else for one stupidor one small thing, like you just
want a coffee if it's legit.Yeah, yeah, like menace. Yeah,
I've done He's done it many Yeah, he's ordered ice cream. That
way. Oh yeah, I've donethat, but single items. Yeah,
but I said, it just remindsme when you know, everybody started first

accepting cards, be a debit orcredit cards, and people would buy a
pack. Why are you putting thaton the card? Well, what does
it matter? Well, people justweren't in the They weren't in that routine
of its for vacations and cars,right like bigger things. But anyway,
this is a throwback. Since itis a throwback Thursday, this is a
throwback news report on how Burger Kingstarted accepting credit cards. And listen how

people reacted though your credit the Homeof the Whopper is offering cash or credit.
I think it's pretty bad if youhave to use a credit card when
you get a fast food restaurant forsomething as little as three dollars and ten
cents. Burger King Vosses say workerswon't have to figure out how much change
the customer gets back. I justhope it doesn't slow things down at the
cash cash and carry that people aregoing to be having to call in New

York and get get the confromation oryou know whatever. It is just another
way to spend money. I'm sureit'll work for people in vacation when they
don't have to do something, ButI can't imagine it working on a day
to day basis. Here so far, the smallest credit has been for two
dollars and fifty cents, the largestjust over ten Jamie Costello News Channel two.
Wow, the biggest bill just overten. And you imagine that's all

I do on vacation. It's shamelike, oh if you have to use
a credit card. Here's an oldtimey clip as well from the Today Show.
It's one of the first news reportsabout the Internet. There's a revolution
going on in record rooms, officesand classrooms around the world. A revolution
in which fifteen million people are takingpart. They're sharing scientific data, arguing

philosophy, or passing on cooking tipsand gossip. Yeah, and then there
was the comments section. Oh nowit became evil and people trolled and bullied
and drove people to suicide. It'scalled the Internet really cool, night and
day. Through a computer network calledInternet for about two hundred dollars a year,
they log onto personal computers connected tophone lines and communicate across cultures and

continents. Bill Cameron as this reporton the growing phenomenon of Internet to talk
with the world about art, music, sex, guitar construction, conservative politics,
grief. John Ellen says it's amodulated anarchy. There's an interesting kind
of restraint that you find. Imean, there's not a lot of cursing

or swearing. There's not a lotof how different it was, yeah,
cut, there's not a lot ofput down that one would expect, not
screen. It hasn't evolved yet.That's because there was a pay to play
thing. It's any old joke.Couldn't like could you be anonymous at that
point? Like? Was that?Was that a thing? Were you able

to do that? Probably not wellthe first days, no, because you
were like a professor in a university. I mean, the dark web is
just the light gray web at thatpoint. The hell it's a surprising.
Computer communication is not much like mosthuman communication. There's no body language,
no intonation, no facial expression tohelp you know which way something ambiguous is
meant. That's great reads the sameon Internet as oh that's great. So

the isolated communicators of cyperspace have comeup with little signs made out of punctuation
marks. They're called emoticons. Atthe end of seconces is graphic explanations.
They come out sideways. Tilt yourhead left and you'll see a little smiley
face that means kidding, a littlefrownie face that means I'm serious, right,

look at that. This is howit all began, you guys,
because it's like being there for thefirst dinosaur. Yeah, this thing thirty
years later, every single idiot wasputting loll at the end of their sentence
right now everyday as a person who'scurrently peeing, as I laugh, it
shoots out. One's a woody showman. We are into another new hour

in sensitivity training for a politically correctworld. It's a pre Fronday. It's
a Thursday morning, July the twentyfifth, twenty twenty four. I'm wodie.
That's Greg Gory. Menace is here? What is up? What sea
mass is here? We out herehad some bagels delivered. That's nice.
There's an idea for a new business. By the way, they're Sammy more

than Sammy. I have an ideafor you know, great store dash et
cetera, et cetera. Yeah,I'm going to start my competing delivery service.
But my advantage will be I willhigher complete fing r words. That's
what And when he says, hemeans with like a hard r because he
was talking about like this one.We had the one I deliver it.
I know our We have a sidestreet basically, and I put I dropped

the pin right outside the loading dock, and I say, I'll meet you
downstairs by the loading dock. Andyou really can't miss it, you can't.
And by the way, there's notlike there's fifteen other businesses down there.
There's nothing down There's no one thereat this time of the day.
Especially this street that he's talking about. This is the quiet street. It's
nothing surrounded by other very busy streets. This is a very quiet sort traffic.
It's like a legal alley. Solet's say you're you're got you gotta

you see the guy, and yougot your pen, you got your address,
and you see one person sea Bassstanding on the street and you have
instruction and he's holding his phone andhe's waving at you. Do you perhaps
think this might be the guy thatyou're delivering to. Do you drive by
and go to the end of theblock and turn around. I say,
stop and give it to the guythat's waving. Here is this is this
sebastians. I say, just canceled, he couldn't find the guy by the

way, Not drive you in theblock like that, say ohoops, I
missed him. Drive park for asecond and tick around for a while,
and then eventually drive back to theguy who's been waving at you the whole
time. And this is not thefirst time. They're like, this has
happened. Then again, I getno offense. I know a lot of
you are delivery guys are listening.I was a livery person before the way
back when. Just don't be anidiot, Ye be stupid. We're not

talking about you. We're talking aboutWe're talking about the other idiots, not
you, idiot million dollar idea.Oh, this happens all the time too,
where like I'll order something and it'llsay, you know, no substitutions,
blah blah blah blah blah. Let'ssay, for instance, it's a
sprite and I order six brites andI get a sprite and then you know,
squirked and four pantas, and thenthere and five of the other items

are completely missing. And now oneof the apps I won't say which one
they now flag me because I've reportedso many incorrect deliveries. Like you've noticed
you're having a lot of discus withyour orders. No, not No,
Your people are stupid, You're theproblem. You're idiots, just don't care
about it anything. But I thinkI think it's it's a combination of don't
care, slash our stupid. Yeah, it's all those things rolled into a

nice little snowball of income. Prettymuch. Yeah, living it? Uh
eight seven seven forty four. Whatis the phone number you can hit us
up with the text over to twoto nine eight seven. We're gonna play
guests. Who's gas Radio's most immaturegame? That's happening this hour? Got
a couple of flatulence related items herefor you. Okay, starting with,
don't believe everything you read everybody seeingon the internet doesn't necessarily mean that it's

real. There was a post onthe site Snopes that farting at Disney parks
can get you banned for life.Guess what, This is not real,
but a lot of people thought itwas real and they were really upset about
it. Here's the here's a littleaudio from that from that post. Here.
Anyone who has caught farting inside aDisney theme park may be kicked out

and potentially banned for life. Disneywill be using thermal cameras installed. Okay,
yeah right, sure, Oh sorryhere, yeah that was That was
my batt TikTok voice for life.Yes, I think that's a guy.
Yeah, say, is that TikTokvoid TikTok voice was different? No?
No, I don't mean speak ofit like that. That's style. Oh
yeah, you guys, you won'tbelieve that. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

here we go. Anyone who wascalled farting inside the Disney theme park
may be kicked out and potentially bannedfor life. Disney will be using thermal
cameras installed throughout their parts the track. If and when a guest fart no
I've seen farting on one of thesecameras, Disney World Security will be sent
out to find you and detain you. The craziest part is this applies to
both adults and kids. The goodnews is bedrooms are safe zones. Disney

is doing this to make the guestexperience better for others. Yeah, obviously
was a joke, right but postbut people took it seriously correct because it
was on like you know, mousenews or whatever site or what so.
Uh here's a couple of comments.Holden says, the people in this country
are turning into a bunch of freakingwhimps. Yeah, Donnie says, f
Disney, it's part of e finglife. What the f especially as you

get older. Yeah, you justfar Al says delivery drivers on there.
Alp says Disney is so full ofish. Everyone should just stop going to
that effing place. Disney can gof themselves. Let's see how they make
money afterwards. Yeah, Alejandro says, so stupid you go over to spend
our money and then don't appreciate that. I hope they go bankrupt. Don't

even go to Disney. Yeah,Alex says Disney needs to get a life.
It's part of natural life. Yeah, they realize later after their comments
how stupid they are, Like thereshould be we should be able to go
back because these people are easy tofind and just no internet for two years.
Yeah yeah, and other guess who'sgas news. Check out this dog
Greg who might have set the worldrecord for longest dog fart. He looks

like an older Dugan you to be, and he ripped a very impressive marathon
or eighteen seconds long. Whoa kindof standing in the doorway of of this
woman's kitchen. She happen to catchit on videos in this good boy.

Wow. Yeah, when my dogfarts, she freaks herself out. You
hear a little and she jumps upas if she got bitten by something.
Yeah. I think the longest onewe ever got was the one from Greg.
Oh yeah, I'm proud of that. Yeah. This is from August
of twenty seventeen. This is Greg'ssongs. I forget how long it was.
Let's time it and see how itcompares to the to the Dugantude.

All right, here we go.Wow, it's a wimpy seconds. Man,
I got nothing on that dog.Yeah, that dog just destroyed you.
That was a crying fart. Yeah, that's the one that we matched

up with the crying from intervention.Oh yeah, the classic. Yeah,
I forgot about that. Yeah,rpt that guy he died. Oh so
we're gonna play guests. Who's gas? That's coming up next. It's radio's
most immature game. So I havesome submissions, some homework submissions from people

here in the studio except for Sammy. She says, don't make noise,
they don't they smell, but theydon't really make a sound. It's just
an open door. I'm picturing likesomebody, you know, you take like
a beer bottle and you blow overthe top the opening up like like,
I don't know what's going on downthere that yours don't make noise? Like

do you not pucker down there anymore? Like, because that's what happens,
like you know, that's why theycall it a balloon, not like So
when air escapes a balloon, it'slike it has to make noise. I
mean sometimes they do, but whenit does, it surprises me, like
it sneaks up on me because theyusually don't sounding ones are in the shower
and I can't record doctor anyway.So your options for this particular round will

be uh, Woody, Greg Menaceor sea Bass. So right off the
bat, you have better odds ifyou want to play eight seven seven forty
four. Woody call now eight sevenseven forty four. What he imagine being
able to go through the rest ofyour day saying how you won a prize
on the radio. Yes, notonly being able to Yeah, it's mandatory.
So I'll share one of the homeworksubmissions that I got from somebody here

in the studio. You just haveto correctly guess whose gas it is.
And if you can do that,you're going to be a winner. Eight
seven seven forty four. Whatdy Well, here we are on the doorstep of
radio's most immature game, Ladies andgentlemen, Boys and girls, Let's play

Guess Who? Yes, is itstill your favorite game that we played?
Greg? I mean probably favorite inthe top three to three. I mean,
I like basically every game. Gamesare fun. Games are so fun.
I love Guess Whose Guys, Ireally loved it. Do you like
this one? Started? We weretalking about something really dark and serious,

whatever the big news story of theday was, and we're like, wow,
awkward transition. How do you howdo you move on from this close
palate? And I remember that Ihad something in my phone and I said,
Hey, I'm gonna I'm gonna playsomething. I guess whose gas this
is? Somebody in this room?It turned out to be mine. It
was a It was a black beanBurger fart because I had some black bean
burgers that I was addicted to atthe time, and man, those things

really gassed me up. And whatcompels you to record it? Because I
knew that you thought it was funny. Oh okay, good, Yeah,
because I would. I would sendyou like those texts every once in a
while, those like those audio messagetexts, right, also for historical reasons
you don't remember. Yeah, it'slike one of our things bed for the
archives. Yeah, I know.That's very nice. Yeah, so I

have thoughtful so I have. Ithink I got like the original here somewhere.
But anyway, o g the ogblack bean burger fart. So it
became this really. I mean wetalked about bottom of the barrel. This
is under the barrel. Guys.Oh, for sure. You take it
to the next level too, becauseyou'll go into a closet to do You'll
put your button into a drawer.Yeah, because I'll mess with the acoustics.

Sometimes. Usually it's for me.It's just, oh god, I
got to this. Sometimes if you'relike in a really uh like a location
that provides really great reverb, likea bathroom shower, sometimes that's fun.
I've done it before where I've pressedmy ass up against like a like a
like the tile of the shower,you know, to to capture it that
way, And then your wife walksin, what are you doing? I'm

paying the bill? Yeah, youknow this lifestyle that you love so much?
Yeah, how we earn it?Does this not look like work?
Expect to have dinner ready when Icome to ustairs? If you want a
new person, he would shut up. Oh that's my man, yeah,
bitch, So ongoing homework. Theonly person not participating is Sammy because she
says that's her fart stn'll make naughtever, so but they probably go the

options for guess whose gas Woody,Greg, Menace or Sea Bass? All
right, so i'll play you theI'll play you the sound. I'll play
the gas and then not that one, and then you just have to guess
whose gas it is? Eight sevenseven? That's eight seven seven forty four?

What do Let's go to Horatio.Good morning, Horatio. How you
guys doing. We're doing great.We're playing guess whose gas? Horatio.
When you're ready say hit me?All right? Hit me me nice?
Nice? Yeah, you probably needto hear that again. Let's let's give
you another shot at it. Icall that one the Hao fast but yeah,

we always try to name them too. It's the heyo. Hey,
it's very solid, yeah heyo.Alright, So Horatio, guess who's gas
Woody Greg? Menace or Sea Bass. All right, I'm gonna have to
say Greg show me Greg Gory.Sorry, yeah, sorry, Rashow.

Appreciate you listening to The Woody Showeight seven seven forty four. Woody,
let's go to Tim. Good morning, Tim, Good morning. We are
playing radio's most immature game. It'sGuess Who's gas. When you're ready,
say hit me, hit me.Hey, that's not really a lawnmower for
somebody's saying it's more like a lawnmower. Now, it's definitely a hao heyo

baby starting a lawnmore trying there's somethingmechanical there, yeah, yeah, yeah,
alright, So Tim, your optionsare Woody Menace or Sea Bass.
Guess who's gas. That's a listof one. Cheek, I'm gonna show
me menace damn. All right,well, Tim, thank you for the

call. Appreciate you listening to theshow, and say how to Neo.
Good morning, Neo. Yo.All right, we're playing Guess Who's gas,
Radio's most immature game. When you'reready, say hit me, hit
me. It almost has an electroniccomponent, you think, like a yeah,

like it could be like in dubstepmusic. Yeah, exactly. The
sample that yeah, the previous callertalked about a cheek lifting. Have you
done that before? We were layingon your side and then yeah, like
you are you sitting in a chairand you kind of like right, squeak
it? Yeah? All right?So, uh the options for you,

Neo, Guess who's gas, Woodyor Sea Bass. Let's go show me
Woodie. Neo, congratulations, youare a winner on this round of guests.
Who's gas? Yeah, that's athat's mine the other day. A

lot more protein these days, sothey get a little bit more forceful.
All right. Well, the proteins, the stink, the vegetables. I'm
saying, it's making me more gassing. Let's make every Since I started eating
better, I'm way less gassy.Yeah all right, so hey Neio,
hang on one second, man,we'll get all your information. You guys
want to play another round, ofcourse, Neo, thank you, it's

well done. Pick out another onehere? Okay? Mmmm see right?
Do you want one called the dragracer or do you want one called angry
blast? The choices are too good. I think all angry blasts. Yeah,
I would say drag racer, racer, drag racer, Yeah, old

on, good to my library oftoots. We've had zippers before. It's
just like that National Seat or thatthat World Seed Bank in Iceland where you're
stored in a big vault. Yeah, and you got to like, you
know, they bring out like atray full of all your options and you
just kind of point to the onethat you want, like a dessert cart.
Like a dessert cart, yeah,or when you get your lobster.

All right, guess whose gas.Let's go and grab another contestant here.
Everybody's back on the table. Okay, all right, Leslie, good morning,
good morning, good morning. Allright, so we're playing guess whose
gas? This one I've dubbed thedrag racer. When you're ready for it,
say hit me, all right,hit me? What happened? What

happened? Yeah, here we goone more time. I didn't hear it
the first time I heard it thenthough, probably all the last, the
drag racer. All right, youroptions, Woody, Greg, Menace or
Sea Bass. Guess who's guess.I'm gonna guess show me Menace. Sorry

about that, Leslie, appreciate youlistening. Have yourself a great day.
Let's go to b Rad. Goodmorning, Brad, right, Brad,
Hey, how's it going? What'sup? Man? Alright? So,
guess who's gas? When you're readysay hit me, hit me. The
ending of that made of Jackson Pollockpainting. That's like when the little bit

of water comes out of the ketchupbottle, you know, taking that first?
All right? So Brad uh SoMedas was the guest in the last
one, right right, So WoodyGreg or Sea Bass? Guess whose gas?
Let's go Greg Gory show me yeayeah, Greg, sorry about that.

Let's go to Travis. Good morning, Travis, good morning. We're
doing great. I mean it's radio'smost immature game. We're playing Guess whose
gas when you're ready to say hitme, hit me. We call it
the drag racer. Your options areWoody or Sea Bass. Guess whose gas?

All right? Your guess is Woody, show me Woody. See that
should have been easy play. Listento the first one, which was Woody.
Yeah. But again, I'm aguy who likes to switch it up.
I'll clench but cheeks. See say, maybe that's what you need to
do. Yeah, you feel likeyou can't clench a little bit, or
like use your hands to push yourbutt cheeks together. I'm sorry, sit

on a wet chair. Yeah,okay, Well, this is gonna be
very easy for Joey. Good morning, Joey, Joey, Good Morning show,
Good morning. We're gonna just makethis one, you know, just
for the whole process of it,the procedure of it. When you're ready
to say hit me, hit me, all right, Joey, Guess Who's

Gas? Definitely definitely congratulations, youare a winner here on Guess Who's game
than you? Yeah, you're welcome, all right, Joey, hang on
one second. Well, we'll getall of your information, you guys.
That's how you play Guess Who's Gas? Yeah, somebody said that that one

I just played that was mine.Definitely sounds kind of like nine inch nails,
all closer, mechanic kind of thing. There's there's a lot of things
going on there. It's very nuanced. It's death. It's got always got
depth. Yeah. The drag raceris pretty good. Do you remember anything
about that sea bastards? Until it'shigh and tight, you know, it's

it's firm but efficient. Yeah,that one, remember the one we called
the fresh roadkill. Let's see blackbean Burger. I know that's the there's
literally like hundreds in this fold.Now there is oh, yeah, here's

yeah, this is this is theO. G here we go. Oh
it's history. Yeah, yeah itwas Preston Wax, Yeah, Smithsonian or
squeezing into a pair of leather pantsand yeah, yes, absolutely, we're
going to get quick break more whenhe shows next. Hang on, Hey,
if you feel like you could bea slice China, welcome back it

show. I wanted to mention thisbecause I know it's going to get a
reaction immediately from Greg. Oh.I was chatting with our friend Gina grad
Yes, and I said, hey, what are you doing? She says,
I'm unsubscribing to all these emails thatI get from promoters and from like
all the all the the sales emailsthat you had, the soliciting email pitches

and yeah, and you click onyou know you care to unsubscribed? Click
here, and she's doing it,and she was like, so satisfied with
the process. Yeah, the bestI would be satisfied with the process if
it actually unsubscribed to you. Ihave unsubscribed from so much crap, and
you're right. Most recently, itwas a winery that I had gone to

and I had I wanted to enterto win a magnum of cab. So
I said, yeah, I'll dothat. And the only way they would
notify you was through email, andI knew they just wanted my email,
and that's fine, but I hadto win this thing, which I didn't
win. And then I got emailemail, email, mail, and I
said, all right, I'll checkout a few of them, maybe they're
offering deals. After twenty emails,okay, unsubscribed, and then a week

later, more emails from the winery. This happens. Take them. They
trick you. You got to reallyread it when you're unsubscribing, because they're
actually asking are you sure you wantto? Like for sure? For sure?
And then sometimes it's still clicked andyou have to give them different options,
like I just want emails from thisparticular right sales, not just general.

Usually there's some sort of pop upthing that says, do you want
at least to be told about specials? No? Unsubscribed from all of it,
you know, on any of thatnews sites to do that. It
doesn't really work. It's like thatwe're talking about the closed doors elevator button.
Yeah, like it doesn't really work, doesn't do anything, don't you
want it. When you click onit, it says give us three to
five business days. Yeah, ifthere's somebody manually going through reconcile it.

I was going through this with thethe base all team, the Oakland A's
because as long story, but myfriends want to go to the stadium just
to see how crappy it is.It's not because they're not not because they're
fans of the team. They justwant to see it. How crappy it
is. It's like free is prettymuch pretty much said. So I said
for that, So I said,okay, I'll handle getting the tickets for

again, like super cheap, likefive bucks. And now I'm on the
email list and I cannot get offof it. I have tried in the
email every single day. I donot care. I need to put that
up there because legally they're supposed tohave it up there, but it doesn't
really do anything, do anything.Yeah, and it's I get him for
stuff that I never even asked for. I'm glad you had such a great
time wasting her time. Yeah,let her know. Have you ever done

that? Minutes? You know?Apple let you disguise your email? You
that, like, do you useApple pay? I do that's usually where
I see it. Like, I'llgo to Apple pay something and it'll ask
would you like to use like adisguised email, and it'll forward stuff to
your email. But I think it'sa way so that they don't get your

actually, yeah you don't. Theydon't get your actually just like a bunch
of numbers and then an email address, right, I have, But yeah,
I love. I didn't know ifthat cut down on anything. There
are a few different companies that providethat service, a temporary email just for
Apple dog something. Yeah. Imean, I just think that unsubscribed buttons,
it's just as effective as the nocall list totally. Yeah, true,

Yeah, but I'm on the butI'm on the no caller. If
you tell them you're on the nocall list, you'll get one hundred thousand
dollars per call. We are onthe definitely call us list. So if
you want to be part of theshow eight seven seven forty four, what
he is our number? You callus anytime you like. You can send
us a text to to ninety sevenemail, send us email whatever you got
email at the woodieshow dot com show. We are into another new hour insensitivity

training for a politically correct world.Thursday morning, a pre Friday. It's
July the twenty fifth. What's good, Woody, that's great, gory Hey,
Woody, men's good morning to you. Good morning, Woody. Sea
Bass is here. What is good? We've got lots of lots of things
are good. There's a lot ofgood stuffs. Talk holler, Sammy Seer,

Good morning, Santo morning. Phonesare open eight seven seven forty four
Woodie text us over to two twonine eight seven. We got some of
the audio to look through this weekin audio. Sea Bass is gonna play
some of that for us. Ido have this one clip that I wanted
to share with you before Sea basketsto what he got. This woman had

her boobs done like his in breastsurgery, not like in a sexual way.
That's very overrated by the way,right fellas you're telling me. So
she got it done in Turkey.She traveled to Turkey to have this done,
just some breast implants and a breastlet. I guess she had had a
couple of kids and so she justwanted to one little perk up and yeah,
give them the one. It involvednipple reconstruction in order to make her

quote big saggy boobs percure again andlong story short, it got infected.
Her name is Madison Goodwin. Andlisten to what happened to her next when
she went to Turkey for her boob. Jah, my body just rejected the
new nipple that I was given,so it got infected. And now because

it's infected, it's falling off.Yeah, her nipple fell off a whole
mile away Pepperoni. Yeah, sure, it looks way better than before to
get a tattoo, right, whocares what it's smooth if you don't have
a nipple. Yeah, that's notthe end of the world. Yeah,

it doesn't matter. Yeah, youjust have a mega jacked up boob.
Yeah. Buddy of mine who doesa radio show, ended up getting like
a nipple tat. I think wetalked about it when we talked about and
he has. It's the most realisticlook if you decided, you know,
an arm's length looking at him like, wow, is that a real nipple?
I mean it was really great.No ink work there with the tattoo

artist, which, by the way, there have been some questions about Morgan
and the tattoo that she's getting,right, Yeah, Morgan just so you
know you're not off the yeah,I know. Yeah. We've been working
with the tattoo artists who we originallytalked to about this whole thing, who's
into it. We're just coordinating schedules, yep, because there was a question

about could we do it here atthe station or did you have to actually
go. He's more comfortable with yougoing to his facility. Any legit person
would not want to do it this. Yeah, right, I think there's
like a liability thing. So we'rejust trying to coordinate this stuff and it
will happen. That was Morgan's therefor dollars, and for folks who are
not remembering, it's going to bea man or maybe even a woman mopping

the floor. Yeah, the floorbeing yeah right above her pubic area.
Yeah yeah yeah, not excited aboutthat. I mean, does's have to
be huge? I just have tobe a little well one only like eight
inches or something. Yeah, andit'll be Sea Bass's face on the man
mopping floor. Yeah, which whichwhich which we discussed yep, right in

detail. She's gonna get money,guys, yea, how much we'll find
out because you'll spin the wheel findhow much is worth? All right,
this week in audio, what doyou got? All right? So you
may have seen this baseball fight,And by baseball fight, I mean it's
everybody runs and then somebody stands inthe way and nobody actually fights it.
All this was uh Toronto and Boston. Here's the call. Well, good
job by cat. Look at thedamage. Yeah, what's going on?

Stalls at quat troll. Yeah,both conches are at dim. Reese McGuire
took issue with cal Quatro. SoReese McGuire, he's the catcher for Toronto.
Cal Quatra the picture and Reese McGuirepops out, and the picture,
you know, yells something at him, and Reese comes back and well,

it turns out that the picture yelledthanks to uh lip reading. Hey you
u e f ing Joe in theparking lot? Really? And Reese decide
instead of just walking back to hisdugout and ignoring it, decided to start
that fight. So now he's saying, I saw you joeing in the parking
He said U f ing did,because indeed, Reese not not the picture,

but other people did see Reese joeingin the parking lot some years ago.
Some of I think it was adollar tree, Dollar General in those
places, and that's something you justdon't live down right, right. But
now the one there's the one wayto make it go away, and that
is not to make a big dealabout it bringing it back up effect.
Yeah. So now, I,like many other people will let's go,
let's go find out more. Butthis up I was unaware of it.

Now, I am right, peopleat the apartment or okay, is it
like a weird situation where you studio? Yeah, but you're going, all
right, So that audio is fromthe he's they cuffed Reese because it was

the middle of the after nude againlike a Dollar General. He's Joe and
yeah, and you see the copsbeing very nice like so like you couldn't
you don't have a place to gohome and do this because it was several
years ago. He was at springtraining in Florida. You know, maybe
didn't studio apartment time be fair?Don't you guys get horning at the dollar
store? College? Just in caseit matters to anybody, they were playing
Colorado. It's a call all notToronto. Oh my bad, Yeah,

dumb ass, Well I thought hewas the Blue Juice anyway. Anyway,
Yeah, that's one one idiot textingand is probably wrong. So anyway,
now here's the he's so, here'sthe thing. The cop, as you
can hear, was super nice andhe actually let rees go public Joe doing
any of that. That's why ifyou have a local address, you're being

cooperative. Rather than taking to jailtoday, we'll give you a court date
and need to show up at thatpoint. And you've got to tug me
off. Yeah, and he gothe got away with it. You know,
he got paid court costs, etc. Et cetera. How embarrassing.
And he has to be a decentplayer because if he wasn't, he would

be off the team. Right ifyou can get if you could find any
way to get a girl off yourteam's say, let's say o Tawny doing
this like there's nothing would happen.Don't jet it's here and little over and
arrest. That way you don't endup all over the newsnight or whatever else.

It's like when the com says,hey, look, man, I
can give you a ticket that haspoints attached to it. But what I'm
gonna do is I'm gonna downgrade itto this other thing. You'll pay the
fine. I get to say,I wrote a ticket. We're all heroes,
right, the copy of well You'renot gonna be all over the news
tonight. Well, and now he'sall over it again thanks to him not
being dumbass. Yeah, all right, this week in audio. Oh,

so the Deadpool Wolverine movie is gonnamake a trillion dollars, of course,
and this is actually a fun thing. So with Jimmy Kimmel, instead of
just story reruns when he's on vacation, he has guest hosts. And who
was guest hosting? But who?Man? It's your boyfriend Ryan Reynolds and
Hugh Jackman. What Hugh Jickman.We have fun with accents. They're both

doing the monologue and Hugh Jackman herepoints out something that we have always said
about where Jimmy Kimel shoots his showon Hollywood Boulevard. Guys, we have
been lucky enough to travel all aroundthe world to talk about this film.
We have been every We've been toEngland, we've been to Germany, China,
Brazil, and after visiting the mostexciting cities on Earth, it feels
absolutely fitting to end our tour righthere on Hollywood Boulevard, the only street

in the world that has a kid'sfootlocker next door to an abandoned hoods and
and let's not forget a homeless layingupon urine. Of course, not forgetting
that. Yeah, but you getto see all the cool stars on the
sidewalk, I know, and lieon them and take pictures. I love
it when I'm walking ahead. Ohlook it's you know, it's when Stefani.

You know, it's her name ofthe on the sidewalks, on the
sidewalks. Pretty cool. Where togo? This week in audio, Greg,
how much do you love Bob Dylan? Not? No, I didn't
think so. Were you excited whenyou saw that Timothy Shallow will be playing
Bob Dylan? I think it's goodcasting. I mean I think I think
they did a little bit of thenose to him. I think they gave
him the uh yeah, they'll bebecause he's got more of like a bomb

doctor thing. Yeah, he gavehim as Maestro nose a k J.
No. But howard pressed are you? Timothy Shalomy apparently does the singing listen
to? Yeah, listen, okay, mats I just have you been my

Darlingham one? I stumble along theside. It keeps going on. It's
not bad, and it's not badbecause it's better than Bob Dylan, because
to me that he's in the BruceSpringsteen credit category of pretty much like why
are you a singer? Overrated?You're weird? Yes, I get the

Bob Dylan thing. I just don'tlike it. I don't you know,
it's not my thing. I getit right, but I just don't like
it. I don't viscerally hate himlike Bruce Springsteen, but I don't get
the worship. Maybe when he cameout, people were like, oh,
you know different anti he wears coolglasses. You know the dude I don't
get Neil Young, Oh horrible,Like I'll give you Bob Dylan rocking.

That song is a banger, butthe rap dude, Neil Young? What?
There was a whole before, likethe late sixties, early seventies,
there was a whole thing of likefolksy guys who would just sit on a
rug on a stool and play guitar. And people thought, well, these
in a room cluttered with books,long hair, they smell giant cubes.

Right, there's house plants hanging froma Macromaid chandelier. Oh, he's anti
war Okay, he still sucks.It doesn't make it does make this a
banger? This week in audio,speaking of great musicians, we're gonna check
in with Woody, as we doperiodically. Woody still a fan of Cardi
b I like, I like whenit's not a music. I think she's

funny when I hear her speak.I don't know. Maybe it's the way
she speaks or stupid accent. Yeah, she's just kind of like she's so
she's so hood, you know,And I don't know, she doesn't care
really what she's saying. I don'tknow. She's a character. That's true,
She's a character. See, yes, I'm still on board. And
I hear clips from an interview.Are you still off board with Popeyees Chicken?

Don't like whatever you just did.That's it's not how it just sucks.
It makes you. It's not funny, you're interesting Popeye's Chicken mess love
Popeye's Chicken. Then he was offboard. I did, uh, because
they're all stingy on the sausage.Yeah. Well, the location right by
the radio station. Again, justto recap the story for the hundredth time,

I bought two combo meals and theyand I noticed that they only gave
me enough sauce for one meal,and they go, oh, sorry,
you only get this amount of sauceper customer, and I go, but
I bought two meals two customers.Look at me, look at me,
and they would not give you moresauce. So that location dead to me.

Popeyes has some new wing flavors menaceall right, and Cardi B was
up late doing some working in thestudio and she says, not a dog
to these new Popeyes. Okay,all right, let's let's hear food review.
Let's hear Cardi B buys already fumbledwith this flavor, because this flavor
is not it like there's lemon pepperflavor with honey or this sweet taste on

it. It just it's just notgood. It tastes like a sprite soda,
no mad Oh yeah, that doesn'tsound good. Lemon pepper with honey.
Yeah, it's a dub. Isn'ta double w? There for a
win? I didn't it dub?The other thing I want to add to
the list of things that have growntired. This ain't it? Or that

ain't it? You fumbled the dogthat when people respond to stuff just saying
it bro, Bro, that ain'tit bro? Now, my guy,
that ain't it? My guy?My god? Yeah, Now this is
four thirty in the morning. Whenhow do you get it? Well,
she says, it's because she's inthe greatest state, the greatest city in
the world, the most overrated pileof garbage Greg Gory. She's in New

York City. But I want tosay this, which state is better than
New York because we are literally eatingPopeye still at four thirty in the morning.
That's crazy. There's no there's noPlaise owner of the serving Popeyes after
in the morning were as a dubWait, I'm still eating pie. Your

state is not giving like you?Okay, Well, that's that's absolutely wrong.
That's her hero. There are numerousstates with twenty four hour Popeyes,
not just New York City boom Roast, So you got only is she stupid
and she's wrong. But that's thething that New York has its own hype
machine, and people just shut outNew York and not think about what they're
saying. They just got trash cans. I know, welcome to the seventeen

hundreds. They did have a pressconference a few weeks ago what do you
shut it out? Yeah, onhow to use it, but what do
you got to You gotta admit thatwe were right about the trash can thing.
Could you used to defend it,say they can't, you can't do
it? But other cities, Man, are they using that in Manhattan?
Yes? Yes, everywhere. Yeah. And I was just like, remember

when I traveled and I went toa similar type city with older streets and
they had trash cans can. Ishowed you. I'm like, the technology
exists. When you're taking away thecharm of New York. That's fine,
they just discovered it. This iswhat the Cardi B thing like this,
that's like, this's the whole Like, oh, that's so. It was
twenty four hour Sushis. We'll continuewith more of the week and next on
the Woody Show. Hang on becauseyou think you have it all figured out.

Next thing, you know, youlive another twenty years a Woody Show.
We'll be right back. Somebody hadan idea on the Cardi B thing
where she's saying dud not dubh.Maybe it's ad and I don't know.

They said this said I don't speakbronx hood rat. See that's act right,
yeah, I mean just just athought. This week and audio we
continue along seamask what's next. Well, while we are talking fast food,
this mom was shooting a video showingthe dad in this situation where she was
picking up dinner from and little kidis sitting there as mom is videoing,

and kids looking out the window.But what the mom's looking at? And
as they say from the mouth ofbabes, this comes out, all right,
I've went up there. No,that's just an RB's babe. But
I get your point, yes,right minute, Yeah, I wasn't understanding
up there rules some saying the kidwas pointing at the clouds, but those

cloudy nice Hawaiian rules, Slider Jos. The more proof the kids are stupid.
Then getting honesty, you got Dirhea, who's stupid? Who's stupid?
Do you think that little kid orCARDI b mm happy that little kid?
The lady who used to drug menand rob them in the strip club she
worked at. Well, I'm nota smart idea that what he loves in
sports warships this weekend audio all right, I'll uh you know what his wife

beware, we're sending him home hornyh a taser video. He's already ed.
This is from a Code Blue cam'sgreat YouTube channel. And this guy
he's running around, he's going likeseventy five and a fifty five, and
the cop pulls him over. Theguy pulls over into McDonald's parking lot late

at night, and so instead ofgetting out and or talking to the cop,
the guy jumps in his own backseat and pretends he's asleep right in
front of the police officer. Sothe officer's knocking again. This is five
ten minutes, others show up there. They give this guy every single chance
not to pretend he's asleep in theback of his own car. Okay,
and then this happens. Last chance, open the door, let me set

your hands now, now hands hithim with you're gonna get it. I
don't want to get it car.Yes, yes, love that, Oh
my god, so good. Ilove it. He thought he had the

greatest plan. Yeah, I justsaw I know, you just followed me
into this parking lot. We sawme jump in my back seat. But
no, no. So now we'veheard about this on the before. Is
that I guess it's procedure in mostplaces that once they taser somebody, they
have to they have to spend thousandsof dollars. The medic has to come

when I got the probes and meout in my bare hands. Listen to
this guy as he has a goodidea as they tell him they're gonna have
to get the medics to come getrid of these probes. THEMS is on
their way. They're gonna come takethose probes out. Oh no, no,
sir, no sir. I canwalk home, walk home, I
can walk home. Let me go, we go. You know, I'll

make the gugget out of your hair. Oh yeah, what you got to
trouble? Like to take me tothe Yeah, I don't want to be
a bird. The problems are likefish hooks, right, so like if
you pull them backwards me, you'regonna get a little scar. But they
are tiny whatever it's yeah, Idid no problem. Can we can we
listen to that last little part againplease where he's uh like, oh you're

gonna get well, they don't wantto get out of the car. Am
I the only one getting a boner? Right now? You love that you
got a little brother and sister kids. I gotta asect me. I'm harmless.
So speaking of people manning up quoteunquote, I went to the Uh,
I told you, I went tothe barber shop last weekend, and

this is like a dude's dude kindof place. And no, so the
guy now is selling knives and nonlethal uh you know, self protection weapons
at the barbershop. Yeah, likethe nylon balls. There's also something that
to shoot pepper. I've got one, and there's another one that has gas
involved in it, which apparently makesyou want to like reach down your throat

and pull your lungs out if youget hit with it. Anyway, So
the one just the nylon ball oneuh, one of the other barbers and
they're like, shoot me with it. Come on, man, you're you're
bringing the stomach. Everybody's like no, no, no, there's other dudes
getting their haircut. No man,come on. This guy's like, no,
man, come on, dude,I want to feel what it feels
like. This one. This guy, like you look at him and you
go all right. This guy wasin the movie Joe Dirt. Yeah yeah,

and he like he was dying toget hit with one of these type
of guy that will light off fireworkson his head. Yeah. He's also
kind of guy who would rip outhis own uh, his own taser probes.
Yeah, and this is you can'tknow. It's a bad idea.
I mean we shot employees with itbefore. No, no, this is
pretty close range. Oh oh no, the extra tit No man, guy

a question about this barber shop,because that's like the ghetto gas stations have
the self defense stuff, throwing starsand stuff like this. Yeah, what
is he? What crowd is hehoping to attract? I don't know.
Pretty much people go there, ran, yeah, yeah, pretty cool people
go there. Sorry, we're talkingabout knives. Uh. A listener gave
me a knife the other day.I was at an event. He's like,
yeah, my covie makes he's hereto check this out. It's pretty

awesome, knight. I just wantto say, and that's what we're talking
about. And uh, it's likea foldable knife that kind of looks like
a hatchet. You're not yeah,you're not carrying it. I've seen that's
kind of a new thing. Insteadof a knife blade coming to a point,
it kind of like a cleaver almost. Yeah. Yeah, I've seen
that. That was the rubber shotto give info out. Yeah, So
if you need like a beard trim, haircut, you know, a hot

lather shaved greg Or a knife,right, yeah, exactly, all right.
This week in audio, pretty greatvideo and audio. We have this
week of your mom jumping in apool. Here's the audio all right here.
Okay, that was that whale thatcapsized the bubbly seen the video.
This was awesome New hampshot. Wellwe don't know why, but the giant

whale was breached. Didn't like this. I don't know if it was like
a fifteen foot boat maybe even andjust said naw dog and maybe I thought
it was another whale or something.Wow, they had the guys, guys
swam they've given interviews now, wellthe guys and they were in the front
of the boat and they got launchedout. Yes, the description of the
video was way better than actually watchingthe video because I saw I was like,

really, guys got flung out there? Because that wasn't like a dolphin.
That was a had to have beenthirty foot well, oh yeah,
it was long. This week inaudio, sperm whale. So here's another
animal video. Guess the animal here? So this is some animals in dire
danger. All right, I thinkI heard. Yeah, it's a little

clue. I think I heard.I won't guess because I think I well,
I thought I heard her say thename of an animal there, would
you hear? Squirrel? That's whatI heard, squirrel. There was a
squirrel. I guess there's a volcanoattraction in Disney World somewhere like the Polynesian
Village maybe. Oh yeah, Andso this squirrel, like the shoots fire
and stuff, but it's not actuallava. But the squirrel was just kind

of looking around at the and thatwas freaking out of that. And the
squirrel wasn't on fire, was justlooking around. Yeah, that's Disney World,
but it's real love we see.I saw. I searched volcano Disney
World, and then I think thatShanghai Disney. Well, it sent me
to a Universal Studios. Apparently theyhave a volcano attraction. But again there's
also like one of those villages.In any case, the squirrel is fine,
but that was a lot of panic, exactly. Squirrel a little baby.

It's this week in audio. Chanceopen the door. We haven't heard
of some yet. Now, whydon't you help him out the car?
Well, I don't want to comeout of a car. That's what's you

know what I'm saying? Yeah,oh yeah, will be right back.
The Woody Show. Alight, welcomeback everybody. We were just going over
some of the week today in audio. We uh, we heard a lot

of different things in there. Weheard about Cardi b and the Popeyes Wings,
It's not a man, jolly anda. We had the the Taser
which was which was awesome. Andnow I just saw this video see best.
What is this one? This isthe the old the neighbor across the
street. Oh yeah, yeah,so this is so what happened is this

eighty three year old man. Uh, he's he's got his garage lines up
at the other guy's driveway and sohe's got like a security cam, so
he his driveway, but it catchesobviously the house across the street where this
old man lives. All right,still, man is just pulling out of
his garage and his little sedan andhis neighbor's truck is just sitting right there
across the street. Though. Sothe only way to hit that truck would

be to flora in reverse, whichis exactly what this eighty three year old
Yeah, and this happened. Keepit going, Keep it going. The
car is not moving anywhere. Yeah, the tires are just finding there you

go now and the time that ittook to speed all the way back.
Yeah, yeah, you don't realizethat. Yeah, I mean you heard
the acceleration. Yeah, well,the guy's backing out of his garage.
I've seen these old people and theyjust get startled, keep going Wow,

if there was a child in thatfront yard, that child would be dead.
But God forbid we have self drivingcars menace. I know, God
forbid that there is a law thatonce you hit a certain age, like
you have to get tested every yearor two. Oh dude, I the
lady could barely walk, super supercold, and she walked out of the
d m V right back into hercar. I've seen that out of places

before, where like I'm parking andon my way in somewhere and I'm holding
the door for someone who's walking outand they're like really really slow. I
get in there, get my businessdone, I'm leaving. They're still not
fully in their car and backed outyet because it took them that long to
get there. I'm thinking, whatcould your reaction time be? Like?
Nothing about like that all the wayacross the street. Yeah, I mean

it's common sense. You know,you lose your ability, you're to reaction
time, like just get just gettested. My mom and I got an
accident and this old lady kind ofhit us and she freaked out and then
like floorid Florida, instead of steppingon the brake, went straight through a
fence on the street across street.It was like crazy, Which head injury

was? That number was probably earlybecause you with your mom, so yeah,
probably twelve twelve Okay, yeah,but I've done more than that before.
More. What the show is comingup? Hanging out show welcome back,
and everybody it is use your microon there minute? So they try

that out? Hi, there wego? What welcome back? All right?
So it's Thursday morning. We gotthe birthday's porn of birthday coming up
here in a couple of seconds.The Olympics are starting tomorrow and uh Celine
Dion is reportedly being paid two milliondollars to do how many songs one song

during the opening ceremony tomorrow? Doesfall over? Dude? That would make
me stiff too. I gotta doone. How long can that song possibly
be? Let's say four minutes,four minutes, so it's going to be
it now. It's probably gonna besomething that she brought up for the Olympics
whatever condition more than one song.Yeah, no, I just remember,
like they always have, like somesong that becomes the theme of the Olympic

Games that year. I know backin the day it was Whitney Houston.
I think it was one moment intime or you know something. It's not
like you shouldn't come out and dolike, you know, I want to
dance with somebody. It was,you know, something that was specifically for
those games. But dude, Sammyand I were talking about this yesterday million
bum. Who is paying her themillion? Do we know the Olympics?
Yeah, the Olympic Committee. Yeah. They're also footing the bill for travel

and accommodations for her and her wholefamily. Did you watch that documentary with
her? Not yet? That's onmy watch list. She's actually quite likable.
No, I liked her more afterwatching it. I've never disliked her.
I've always really appretiated her talent.I had no opinion of her,
but I like her a little morenow. Yeah. Now, is Lady

Gaga staying in an hotel as abackup plan just in case she can't perform
because Lady is there with her?Okay, and maybe they're going to perform
together. I'm more proof that everythingis a circus. Now. Snoop Dogg's
going to carry the Olympic torch andwill be the second to last torch bearer.
Why because, dude, he stillhas speed, Like they've they've shown

that he can like outrun like mostrunners. Okay, but like maybe it's
not the point. Maybe he isa he is an athlete, but he's
not Olympic ass. Yeah, it'snot known for being as he's famous.
Yeah. If I if I'm sometwenty year old and this is the only
time I'm you know whatever, fillingthe black javelin thrower, like this is
the only time I'm going to shinein my entire life. I understood.

And this guy's are a celebrities takenit from I've understood. Like when they
had like Muhammad Ali, they areyou know for the for the torch sliding
or the you know, yeah,they called the torch on the tour the
torch is lairer. What's what's thethe culture, the big Yeah, the
big Olympic culture called torch too.Yeah, anyway, the bigger torch.
Tennis star Andy Murray says that heis retiring after the Olympics. He's thirty

seven, Greg see, he coulddo the torch. His estimated net worth
is somewhere in the neighborhood of onehundred million dollars. They're saying, that's
okay, that's crazy that tennis doesn'treally have any stars anymore right now.
Yeah, I mean I have attentionto uh to tennis. I mean yeah,
I've heard that now Djokovic. Yeah, they said, like a lot

of people have like retired or fallenoff and the sport doesn't have any stars.
Well, there's no America can starright now, especially on the male
side. It's all these foreigners.Who was the chick that was freaking out,
remember like Okasaki or something? Yeah, yeah, yeah, Naomi Osaka.
Yeah, but she's baby now.Speaking of over, it's already over

for the Hota girl, Haley whateverher name is. So she was brought
out to the Rock the South CountryMusic Festival in Alabama and they bring her
out on stage so she can introduceJelly Roll and some dude named Warren Zeters
Zeiders. Was that the that?Right? Sure? Once again, I'm
going on the country stuff. Iknow morgana I don't know who and dude

it was crickets, almost like theyhad asked for a moment of silence.
It was so awkward. And thenthis other chick, who I guess is
like one of the people hosting thefestival. She gets back on the mic
and is like, all right,let's give it up for Haley. Y'all
more silence. I want to heara clip. Yes, Hi, that's

weird. Yeah, that's weird.Though, she would like mention their names
and there would be no reaction,right, that's I mean, Jelly Roll
is a massive star, right now, that's weird. Yeah, they like
you think they would have cheered afterthat. You had some random out there

just to introduce somebody. But allthe stuff that I'm and she seems nice
enough, but I think people arejust mega burned. You were the one
who was leading the jar at thetime. Yep. That was when at
first was like, yeah, itwas like ninety legal minutes ago. Well,
I mean the grand scheme of things, it's only fifteen minutes got Well,
yeah, you know, but Iunderstand. But you know, I
saw that she's also selling cards thatyou can have personally signed for. Yeah,

so check it out if you wouldbuy one. So yeah, no,
dude, I thought the original ofher. I thought the original video
was very funny in her enthusiasm.Yes, is it burned? Yes,
it was burned the next day.You know, I'm saying, like we're
we're still paying attention to what she'sdoing and where she's going, and like,
who was paying her thirty thousand dollarsto come out to a club?
You? Yeah, No, I'mnot. Yeah, you offered her thirty

five grades. Yeah, didn't youbuy a table? Yeah? The club?
You got the tattoo? Speaking ofjelly Roll, did you know and
you're probably not surprised now that thegathering the Juggle is coming up here in
a few weeks. He was alegit juggalo not that long ago, maybe
eight years ago. There's all kindsof photos him popping up and like wrapping

along and doing like open mics atlike the gathering. Maybe not you know,
in the time that we've known eachother. Sweet. So yeah,
way to go jelly Roll archives andsee if you have so yeah to what
Greg was saying, so the hawkto a girl signed a deal with a
trading card company. So for I'mnot even gonna get hold on you get

a pack of her trading cards oftrade and each box of cards comes with
one that is signed by Haley herself. Oh personalized. Why would anybody buy
that? But somebody, somebody will. I'm sure people already are. Here's
the question. How much is apack of Hawktua Chick trading cards? What

are they selling him for? Greg? If you already know the answer,
I think you stay out of it, menace. How much? Answer?
All right, take a guess,Sammy answer? All right, it's a
hundred bucks. Hold on you,guys. They were selling it for a
hundred dollars. They are sold out? Are you serious? I'm going there.
And the correct answer was one hundreddollars too much. Oh well,

I was listening to Burke Krushner's podcastand he's like, man, I would
love to talk to her because Ifeel like one of the people that can
relate to her. He goes,even because what happened to me is kind
of like what happened to her.Mine is pre internet. Because he said
that that when that Rolling Stone articlewas written about him, which was the

basis for Van wild Yeah, itwas the basis of Van Wilder, which
really just like catapulted him into likebeing known from just a nobody that he
can relate to, Like, Hey, what to do in this situation,
and like he's like, just runwith it, Just do everything that you
can do until it's over. Ifyou care. There's a trailer out for
the new Joker movie, which isgoing to be in theaters on October fourth.

You take that out and actually looksgood. If anyone was curious about
how being under the Disney umbrella wouldaffect Deadpool, it's not the new Deadpool
and Wolverine comes out tomorrow. Ithas over one hundred f bombs in it,
which is a new record. Bythe way. The last Deadpool was
the previous record holder and it hadninety, so they upped it by ten
f bombs. Excellent. And finallyhere, what does Greg Gory and Keanu

Reeves have in common their universally BADORDA. Yeah, yes that's true. Also
true. Minutes but strong. Keanuwas doing an interview with the BBC talking
about how he quote thinks about deathall the time. Yeah, it's because
he wrote a book about an immortalcharacter something Nim who really wants to die

apparently, but he says he thinksit's a good thing. He's fifty nine
years old. Now, he says, quote, hopefully it's not crippling,
but hopefully it's sensitized us to anappreciation of the breath we have and the
relationships that we have the potential tohave. I see his poll, Dad.
I know, because if you thinkabout death twenty four to seven like
Greg does, three sixty five likeGreg does, then you're kind of thinking

to yourself the whole time, I'mlucky to be here. Life is very
it's very astonishingly miraculous that any ofus were even born. Is that why
we're yolowing right now? Yes,that's why Gregson is Gregson is yellow face.
This is the age of Yolo yellow. My time for the birthday is

we're gonna say, we're gonna sitshe likes, and you know, we
don't do birthday all right, startingwith let's see matt LeBlanc. Oh wow,
the birthdays are super terrible. Joeyis not terrible. We've got one,
that's all we need. Yeah yeah, and we should take the rest
of the day off. It's anational holiday. Yeah yeah. Well no,

he was really the star of Joey. He was also on Friends.
Okay, Matt LeBlanc Joey Triviana andFriends. He's fifty seven today, James
Lafferty, Nathan Scott on One TreeHill. All right, all right,
I'm throwing them there because I figuredif anybody just Sammy like Love like One
Tree Hill sounds like a show thatshe would know. I never watched how
when we gone to Sammy and thatI know Chad Michael Murray was in it.

Yeah, there we go. Giveme the shortlist of stuff that you
are familiar with or know anything about. Knitting. D B. Woodside,
who was president Wayne Palmer on twentyfour, fifty five years old, ted
that those are the birthdays I thinkanybody would know. And today's birthday girl
for your porno birthday is Barbie BrillAnd according to her Instagram bio quote,

her personality is sour, but hervagina is sweet. That's nice. And
get this, Greg, guess howmany movies she's made. I'll just guess
six sixty nine. Manes don't anymore, including Barbie gets stuffed by the
doctor. She was in Stepsist needsto know who gives the better BJ She
was fantastic in next Door Slut.Also Breakfast Sausage Volume one. She was

in chiropractor's service, and you know, for an adjustment and who can forget
her unforgetta role in game on eatOut. That's a Barbie Brill who is
twenty two years young. I am. Let's say she actually looks really like
she's not a porn star. SheBarbie, it's not too late. So
she's a slut next door, rightshe's Yeah, she cast like a Russian

model or something. Yeah, BarbieBrill. I mean her personality is sour,
but you know, but otherwise thebonus that yeah, twenty two years
old today for your Parno birthday,your celebrity birthdays. And that's just a
little look around what's happening some ofthe stuff in the world of entertainment on
this Thursday morning. She's cute,your aunt Kim, she's cute. Just
a few pictures where she kind oflooks like that's what I was thinking.

Yes, all right, so wegot some more Woodies show coming up for
you next. Hang on, they'regonna scan all way for free food real
quick, and then we'll be rightback. Show boiler wouldn't approve the Woody
Show, all right, Well,that's gonna do it for Thursday morning.
Hell yeah, all right, sothe podcast tell you quickly we can find

there of course, so we hadthe trending news headlines, a brand new
redneck news. But it was radio'smost immature game. It was which just
really hit Greg the right way.Guess Who's Gas? That is on the
full show podcast along with everything elsethat we did today. Find it,
subscribe to it. Never miss anepisode of The Woody Show. Just go

to the woodieshow dot com. Tomorrow, you guys, is Friday. Hey
Code of Friday on The Woody Show, Fail Stories and we have the Dyq.
We had a week off from thatlast week because Sea Bass wasn't here,
but guess what he's back? Yep. So a dumb ass contest for
you to win a prize that anythingelse that we can do to get through
the morning and into the weekend asquickly as possible. That is a mission

Tomorrow Friday here on the Woody Show. All in the meantime, follow us
on social media at the Woody Show, or leave us a message if you
want to tell us about something betweennow and tomorrow morning on the after hours
voicemail. That number is eight sevenseven forty four Woodie No menace, Sea
Bass, Sammy, anything you liketo add, no, Greg Gory parting

words of wisdom please. Yeah,it's important to be a responsible adult,
but doing it every single day isjust a little excessive. Yeah, it's
like, you know, take abreak, take it out, We get
it. Everything in moderation. Yeahthat's right, even adulting, right,
responsibility, parenting, But you gotto do it every day. Yeah,

just in moderation. Yeah, takeit easy. Yeah, stop trying to
be such an overachiever and make therest of us look bad. No,
thank you very much, Greg Gore, thank you so much for giving the
Woode Show some of your valuable timethis morning. You know, we love
it, appreciate you for that.The rest of you guys can suck it.
We'll catch you back here on Friday. Have a great day. SMD
double M. I quit this bitch.

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