Episode Transcript
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The Woody Show, I believe heis. The Woody Show Insensitivity Training class
is now in session. Good morningeverybody. He may be wondering why I
am a shot out of the cannonand so excited this morning. Well,
let me tell you you're drunk.It's not because it's July the twenty sixth,
twenty twenty four. I have noreal tie to that particular date other
than the fact that today, Octobertwenty sixth is a Friday morning. Yeah
right, yeah, ye see.She's almost as excited as I am.
I just don't show it the sameway she's about the thrinner. But thank
you for being here. Let's getthis week over with. I'm Whatdody,
that's great, gory Madus, Goodmorning to you. Good morning, Weddy.
There's a sea basket, Morning Sea. Happy Friday. Sammy's here.
We got bored, we got Caroline, we got Morgan, we got vonn
and you r v I P.Welcome to Friday. It's the Woody Show.
Oh yeah, welcome to a Fridaymorning. We are just trying to
get through the morning as quickly aswe can for you today. We've got
the Friday fail stories. Well,also got the d U i Q,
some of the trending news headlines.We'll get to the birthdays and the porno
birthday coming up here in a littlebit as well. If you want to
call in eight seven seven, youcan also hit us up with the text
over to two to nine eight seven. We have got some big news now.
This is this is something that brokeyesterday, but this is big news
for the people on this show becauseit is something that's been bitched about really
for so so long. I'm curiousthat this is going to surprise and shot
Gregory. Okay, uh, SouthwestAirlines is going to assigned seating. Yeah,
it alcome to normalcy. Yeah,for the first time in their history.
Good finally, so it's all overfor fattening up met us. Yeah.
Yeah. They're also going to startoffering overnight red eye flights for the
first time time. Really Okay,yeah, they said that will improve the
efficiency by increasing the use of theiraircraft. I didn't know that they did
not. They said that customers wereclamoring for these changes because you know,
when people switch to a competitor fromSouth wester company said, the number one
reason the unhappy passenger would say itwould be the open seating here but here,
But here's what it's here's what it'sreally about. Now. This is
this is allowing them to charge passengersmore for their tickets, because now they're
going to say, like all theother airlines do, if you want this
aisle seat, if you want thiswindow seat, if you want this exit
row seat, they're going to chargeyou extra money for those. They already
they already sort of do that withtheir you know business, and we'll get
you the first fifteen. Right.It was the most childish way of doing
things. But see now now they'regetting rid of the A one through fifteen
because that's not a thing anymore.It's not like all right, a group
line up, B group line up, and oh and then you don't have
to do that twenty four hours inadvance where you're oh, I got a
check in early bird and then ifyou for checking alarm, you remember,
yeah, do you think this willeliminate the glomers on of the disabled seats?
Because on Southwest Southwest because they letthirty people on the plane. If
you claim that, oh my foothurts, you get young. But not only
you, but like fifteen of yourstupid ass relatives. Yes, so the
first forty rows are all losers,Yeah, fat losers. Yeah, well,
I mean not necessarily the first xamount of rows, because they would
still have their assigned seat. Theywould just get on before you. Yeah,
when I'm around I'm saying, whenI'm around other airlines, I don't
see the fat loser in their feet. All that stuff is going to go.
Now. What I do love aboutSouthwest I don't know if I can
do this, because they have theinfrastructures. I do love how I know
the sign seating makes people line upproperly because every other airline, it's let's
say it's group one through seven orwhatever, Group four is just clogging up
the board. Yeah, right right, and then they'll set I'll make fifteen
announcements. If you're not boarding,please remain seated. These fat these losers
don't care. Okay, But amI right? There's a big news for
the people in this road. Everybody'sbeen bitching about time. Finally, but
feel free to take a page outof spirit and you know, change up
the seating in the front. Dosome big seats. Yeah, yeah,
Southwest Airlines also the news because theirsoda cans have been exploding on flights across
the country. At least twenty flightattendants have been injured by the erupting cans.
That's just since the start of thesummer. And I figured out why
it's happening because of the crazy hottemperatures. Yeah, but I feel like
I never get soda on there anymorebecause they don't use refrigerated trucks to transport
the beverages onto the plane, sothey're heating up, prompting them to explode
when they're opened at thirty thousand feet. Yeah, so that's another one of
the news. There's another thing Southwesthas to get rid of. The Little
Hearts have a cooler logo, thebe Cooler. Well, you still accept
the like the stupid singing and littleleg games absolutely, yeah, yeah,
they just make it enjoyable. Now. I thought of you, Greg,
because this is another story from ourwheel of topics things that I meant to
get to this week, but forwhatever reason, ran out of time or
just forgot. Did you see itwas a heartwarming picture showing the act of
kindness A see a supportive gesture helpingthis woman remain calm until the flight ended
because she was having a panic attackmid flight on a flight to New York
City. And uh yeah, sothe woman is holding the hand of a
stranger. It was some turbulence thatsent her over the edge, okay,
and so mad. I mean,there's just a ton of people who are
like liking and sharing all that kindof stuff. It was like, you
know, very very sweet, verynice. And I was that woman on
a flight because we went through anundetected tropical storm. The pilot made the
announcement that he didn't they didn't seeit on the radar, and it was
the most turbulent flight I've ever beenon in my life. Of course,
I start screaming and I'm about tocry. The nice lady next to me
said would you like to hold myhand? And I said yes, please.
Yeah, that was so nice.And then when we finally landed,
it was we had to land inthe city with layover. Uh like big
bad dudes were even saying, Idon't think I'm gonna get on the next
leg, I'm gonna rent a car. It was so scary you would have
hated it. My favorite Greg onthe Plane Store was the one where he
was freaking out. But he waslike for dear life, grabbing onto the
to the armrests yelling every little time, like any little kind of move into
the plane or anything. It wasso turbulent. Oh. We got to
the point where the flight attendant walkedup to him and said, sir,
we're gonna have to move your seat. They moved him to the back of
the plane because it's freaking people out, annoy and freaking out. Yeah,
and I thought she was gonna comeup to me and say, would you
like us to get you a beverage? No, no, no, we
need to move you. After landing, the woman expressed her deep gratitude to
the stranger who was calling and supportivethroughout the ordeals. So there are good
people in the world. Yeah.Some other news from this week, I
saw the Nebraska is the latest stateto lose access to Pornhub. They're doing
that whole thing because the new lawthere makes it mandatory for the websites with
adult content to verify the age oftheir users, like usually means some kind
of identification needs to be uploaded tothe site, but Pornhub refuses to participate
in those kind of things and thereforeblocked access to the site for the entire
state. Wow, everybody loses.What will you do? There's no other
porn right ever. Yeah, andthis guy, his name's Robert. He's
catching a lot of attention because hemade soap from his own body fat and
he posted a video showing off theentire process. That's very appetizing. So
he didn't remove his own fat.Greg he had four hundred c seeds of
fat removed with lipe aception locker,and then he asked if he could keep
it, which I'm surprised they letyou keep it. I know, I've
been in with a guy who's gotMico before. You know, they it's
medical waste, so they can say, well, sorry, you can't have
it, right, I wouldn't thinkthey would give it to you, he
said. I found the idea ofhuman fat soap compelling, taking the conclusions
of the zero waste movement and oursociety, our societies pushed to recycle to
the next level. Wasn't that ina movie like Fight Club or something like
that, I believe. Yeah,that's the premise behind. Is that why
the bar soap is there? Andlike the posters and stuffy pink bar soap
soup soap. If you're into zerowaste, why don't you make it like
an Adobe roof out of your cockyor something that is so unnecessary. Yeah,
fat, well, just their ownbody, I guess, just to
see if you can do it.Yeah, oh I did. I did
see full boob on Instagram menace.Yeah, I saw it just recently as
well. It was I've never seenthat before, and it was it was
a woman breastfeeding hot. But here'sas gross. I thought that when you
were talking about the getting stuff outof your body, like the baby's feeding
on one boob and then she's takingher other hand and like trying to get
the milk to come out of theother nipple. So she's like tweaking herself
and like I never really realized howthe milk really kind of comes out.
It's almost like you took the nipple, which is a picture like a pencil
eraser, right, Yeah, whenyou have those big pregnancy boobies, right,
and just puncture little holes all aroundthe side of it and then maybe
in the on the top of it. Like yeah, so it's like it's
it's coming out from like all signs. Oh I didn't know. Yeah,
yeah, And like she's sitting therelike getting it going or whatever. And
I'm like, is this Instagram whichokay, breastfeeding, don't care about breastfeeding.
I'm just saying I'm surprised even thoughit's breastfeeding that they allowed like boob
on Instagram. But it like thefree the Nipple movement was how many years
ago, and I thought that's whenlike Instagram was gonna fold and like really
just let it happen. But recentlyit just came out of nowhere. Yeah,
I didn't know it spoked like that. Yeah, yeah, great,
that's weird. I knew it wascrooked, like it wasn't just like us
quick straight out phones are open eightseven seven forty four. Woodie hit us
up with the text on this Fridaymorning over to two two ninety seven.
Like I mentioned, your Friday checkins would be great. Just make sure
you include your name, what partof town you're listening to The Woody Show
this morning. Love to hear fromyou two two nine eight seven Quick break
more Woodies Show next, Hang onthe Witty Show. We'll be back in
a second. Hey, it's Manna'scheck out. The Lazy Dog Restaurants Made
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Lazydog Restaurants dot com. Fellow comradesin Mediocrity, I want you to
listen to very Kevin. You canall go straight to help Woody show while
we are into another new hour insensitivitytraining for a politically correct world on this
Friday morning. It is July totwenty sixth, twenty twenty four. Woodie,
Greg Menace, What is up?Woody? There is sea bass.
We've got Sammy phones are open ateight seven seven forty four Wooding. That's
eight seven seven forty four Wooding.Text us Friday check ins over to two
to nine eight seven. What hegot going on? Any exciting plans for
the weekend. Maybe there's something orsomeone you'd like to have us give a
shout out to. We'd be happyto do that. Just include your name
and what part of town you're in. That's very important. When you text
over to two two nine eight seven. Got the d u IQ coming up
for you this hour, give achance to win a prize there with our
dumb ass contest, and we gotthe Friday Fail stories normally Sea Bass like
ducks in right at the beginning ofthis hour, says hello and then ducks
out. I was wondering, SeaBass, number one, why don't you
hang out for the Friday Fail stories? And then number two, I'd like
to offer you a very special thing. All right, Well number one,
it's because there's a lot of fillerand fluff, and I got other things
to do, killer fluff, bigold intro, and then you got to
blow through the stories and you knowyou've got all set up. What was
it? The show? Yeah,yeah, right, show. Yeah,
it's a waste of his time.And I'm giving up the opportunity to solo
on the fail singing this swek becausehe is the most talented person in here.
Just ask him. I didn't guessmost people. Yeah, all right,
we're ever like in an acchoir ofany kind, or we did have
a choir at my my All Boyshigh school. But I played I played
in the jazz band. And let'ssee how he does. See BASSI his
solo here for the Friday Fail stories. All right, well, ladies and
gentlemen, boys and girls, itis time for your Friday fail story.
I'll give you two dings, twodings. All these people thought they had
the perfect plan, the plan thatcan never go wrong with it. Somewhere
along the line it went from beinga great idea to one big stake in
mega uber ultra. You know,I enjoyed the unique take on it is.
Yeah, I enjoyed. It waslike herring a song you're very familiar
with, a whole new way.Yeah. It was a you know what
and not not terrible, thank you. No, it was quite operatic.
All right, Well, this oneis about this forty three year old dude.
He got busted at the Seattle TacomaInternational Airports. He attack security found
a bunch of drugs in his bags. He had more than twelve pounds of
ketamine in both liquid and powdered form, nearly two pounds of codine, and
three ounces of GHB. Where areyou going, dude now party? He
was arrested, He posted bail andthen headed right back to the airport for
a flight to London. And guesswhat happened? Busted again? Oh really,
stopped at security with more than halfa pound of ketamine, which these
are new drugs because the other stuffwas confiscated, and so he was taken
right back to fail jail. Whatan idiot? Who's this flier? Yeah?
But how do you get busted withthat much drugs? And then we'll
just go for real, because that'show it is now, guys, crimes,
legal, legal crime in minutes?Come on, yeah, what am
I doing here? I should becriming. Next up is the story.
There's a video to this one.This woman and her boyfriend, they tried
to dine and dash at this Longhornsteakhouse in Florida. They left without paying,
and within minutes she was back askme why because she had forgot her
purse. The manager was holding itand refused to give it back until the
bitch agreed to pay up. Soshe's throwing a hissy fit. She's yelling
and screaming as if she's the victim. She's demanding that's my ish, that's
mysh that he give her the purseback. I mean, missing the irony
all together when she told him it'snot yours. You're not allowed to hold
other people's property, even though she'sholding their property. In her bellet.
Even her dumb ass boyfriend was tryingto get her to calm down, so
the manager held strong though. Hetold her, look, you got two
choices. You could pay your billor I'm gonna call the cops. What
do you want to do? Theypaid the bill. Choice Yeah. I
just I love it when they stealsomebody's steel and then they say like you're
the you're the a hole somehow you'reholding my stuff? Yeah, because you're
detaining them or you know, inthis case, holding a purse. Yeah.
Now did I dine and dash thisone time because you did? Well?
No, I was at a Denny's. Oh you're asking if you did.
Yeah. I was out of Denny'slate at night, and I was
with my friends and we're done withour meal. And I'm not exaggerating.
For over an hour and probably tenminutes, we asked multiple times can we
get the bill? And they neverbrought it to us. So we said,
all right, we're leaving. Isthat so did you leave without paying?
Yeah? We did then technically yes, yeah, but we kept on
asking for the bill and they didnot bring it. Could you leave cash
on the table? We didn't knowhow much it was. I had no
idea. There's no prices anywhere estimated, So you left no money? Yeah,
or walk up and say, hey, we're leaving right now. You
need to give us the bill rightnow, we're leaving. Yes, it
was in high school. Oh yeah, I mean a long time ago.
I don't know if that. Imean I've I've paid ninety nine point nine
point nine percent of the time.You know how you go to the bank
almost every time. He still getyour own mind, Yeah, I intended
to pay. Well. Here's oneagain from Seattle where this guy he got
himself arrested after he tried to steala fire truck. According to the report
of witness called nine one. Onesaid that some dude had rode up on
a scooter, climbed in the firetruck, and then drove away with the
lights and the siren going on.The firefighters at the time were attending to
a medical emergency. This guy thathe can get very far just around the
corner because he couldn't figure out howto release the parking break, and so
he was arrested and taken to failedjust sales. My childhood dream was to
ride on the back of the firetruck where they could stand. Yeah,
I don't know if they do thatanymore. I don't think they. I
think they do. The garbage menstill run on the back damn robot Yeah,
have they have the robotic arms thingseverywhere? Yeah, don't hear something
like that. But it does dependon your joy station. Well, it
would be interesting in New York because, yeah, they would be on the
back and throwing all those bags.But now that they have garbage cans.
We were talking about when we werekids, like being in the back of
a pickup truck that was a blastand you can drive through town. Nobody
cared, nobody seemed to say anythingabout it. You sure was held and
get pulled over for it. Yeah, the garbage truck thing would rule now
that they had the automated arms.Ironically, the nessiest, dirtiest, most
discussing day in my neighborhood is trashday really because it flings it everywhere.
They break the garbage cans and thenwhen they put them down, it flops
open, stuff falls out and thenthey just drive away, Bye bye.
Our job is to collect the trash, but we're leaving more on the street.
Well, see, I remember watchingthe garbage guys. I was just
amazed by, you know, thetrucks that would come up pick the big
dumpsters up and kind of like thelittle arms with the little household trash cans,
but those big dumpsters you see likebehind the shopping center exactly. I
thought that was really cool. Andthen I watch the other guys come around
the other neighborhood who had the truckwhere they just grabbed the cans dump the
stuff in the back. And soyeah, but I was I was little,
and so I would quote play trashman when I would collect my mom's
like go collect the trash around thehouse. That was like one of my
little chores. I would go aroundwith the big trash bag, grab like
the little waste baskets from bathroom orwherever, dump it in there. And
because I saw the trash guys doit, I would take the trash can
and just throw it back into theroom, not place it, because that's
what the garbage guys are doing.They were taking the trash cans, dumping
it and then just kind of throwingit back up onto the curb. I
was a little kid, and mymom's like, why aren't you putting them
back? I'm like, the trashguys don't do that. They're just you
know, being accurate. Yeah,a little kid, but yeah, I
learned from watching them slums, fantasyfireman garbage. Now here's why they have
a no glass by the pool policy. This massive pool in Massachusetts had to
be closed after somebody dropped and brokethis big glass jar of salsa, and
shards of glass ended up in thewater, and so the two hundred and
twenty thousand gallon pool had to becompletely drained and cleaned, costing the town
twenty thousand dollars sailed. That issome expensive salsa. Really, yeah,
total waste. Guy in England hespiked a woman's drink with sleeping pills so
he could have his way with her, but she realized it switched the drinks
on him, and so he drankit instead, and then when he passed
out, she drove him to agas station called the cops, left him
there and he was arrested and hewas just sentenced to twelve years in prison.
Excellent, Yeah sale. Apparently sheworked for some kind of like escort
service. That's a lot of efforts, and she was and she was right
there. She was hipped to thisguy. I guess he had a reputation,
so she waited for him to tryto spike her vodka A and it's
like and then switch the drinks whenhe wasn't paying attention. Excellent, and
he got a little little taste ofhis own medicine, so to speak.
And uh, finally, this ismy favorite story of the week. Thief
was caught on camera trying to snatchsome random dude cell phone at a bus
stop, but as soon as hegrabbed it and tried to run away,
he was hit by a city busand dragged for several feet. He did,
I mean, a real loss forsociety it is, That's what's up?
What's up? You know what I'msaying? You know, dust?
What's up? What's that guy's name? Oh well it was that guy's name.
What's that Angus Cloud? You knowwhat I'm saying. That's what's up?
You know what I'm saying. Well, there's your Friday fail stories.
D u y Q is coming upnext. Sea Bass talking to a drunk
out there on the streets asking sometrivia questions. You're just gonna have to
guess whether they're drunk, will getthe answer right or not? Two times
out of two times out of threeand you could be a winner next in
the Duyq. So if you wantto play, give us a call right
now. Our number here is eightseven seven forty four Woody. We're looking
for one contestant to play the DYQ. That's eight seven seven forty four Woody,
and we'll do that next the Woodyshow. Well, it is time
for today's dumb ass contest, andtoday's dumb ass contest has to be expected
on a Friday morning, we're gonnaplay the guy Q. Gendn duy Q.
Eight seven seven forty four Woody isthe phone number. Hit us up
with the text two two nine eightyseven. We already have our contestant ready
to go. But for everybody whomight be new to how this works,
sea bass watchers playing the game,please, Well, I find someone who's
drunk and I ask them, justgosh, the easiest questions you ever heard.
And you would say say yourself,well, everyone knows the answer to
these questions. No sober person wouldnot know the answer. Well that's the
key, or what if you're dumb? Yeah you might be stupid, Yeah,
find out what about that in aminute. But the game is,
is this drunk person so out ofit. We're stupid that they don't know
the answer. If you can guesswhether they know, two times out of
three, you win the game.Yeah, this game is painful most of
the time for me. Why becauseI go, I don't know what that
is. Oh, you don't knowthe answers? Well, yeah, I've
admitted the ones I don't know.I get ridiculed, like the way you
know, you know what I'm talkingabout education. I don't need to explain
to you. You feel me.I hate anything that involves decimals or percentage
for perscentages. All right, Soto the phones we go. Let's say
hello to our contestant this morning.Say hi to Fadie. Everybody, good
morning, Fadie. Hey, Hey, how you guys doing. Man,
you guys are the best. Oh, thank you? Fady? Is that
your real name? Is this likea street nickname? You got? My
last name is? What's your lastname? Fadie? Is what Rady?
So Fadie Brady? Yes, that'syour That's all on your idea, it
says, Fadie Rady. Yeah,were your parents stoners? What were your
parents stoners or something? Maybe Idon't know because I feel like faded,
like faded, you know, Fadi. Yeah, all right, well Fadie,
we're gonna play the dui q.We're gonna see how you do here
again. You just have to guesson the drunk whether they're gonna get it
right two times out of three.If you're correct on that, you will
be the winner. We have Sammyand Menace. They are guessing just for
funsies. And before we get intothe questions account, let's get to know
the drunk and see just how withit or not with it they are.
And who do we have here?Sea Mass This is Mimi speaking of fun
names, and she greg is doingsomething I think you may have done every
once in a while. All right, this is Mimi. Here we go.
I don't have a bloody Mary's.I don't have Baka and tonic.
What else? We had a littlebit too much in the mixed. Okay,
now you have bloody mary at nighttime? That's usually like an afternoon drink
sort of. We haven't any time. Okay, please caess what would you
say is your blood alcohol content?Right now? Let me say about I'm
probably seventy seventy faded, So she'snot one hundred percent faded? Yeah,
she says she's seventy five percent fair. Was she slightly larger, lady because
of breathing is crazy? Yeah?Okay, yes, And we in the
Bloody Merry community would like you tostop judging us for drinking them in the
evening. I love it no matterwhat time of day. All right,
So Faddie that is me me.Now you have a better idea of what
we're dealing with here as we getinto the questions for the d u i
Q. Now, Morgan, Iknow that you've given up sex, but
have you given up drinking? No? Not, not really really, I
don't do it that often, butno, I haven't given it. Are
you in the weed? Yes?Okay for weed to drinking? So are
you a regular smoker? Yeah?Okay? Like how pretty regular? Every
night? Every night? You knowoften? Like like all the time,
every day? All right, Herewe go, Question number one for the
d u i Q. What's aprofessional sports team that's based in Arizona?
All right, what's a professional sportsteam that is based in Arizona. I
think Menace will get this, Ido. I think Menace will get it.
I think Sammy will. I thinkSammy will get it. And I'm
gonna say, Mimi will not.All right, so double yes here in
the room, no for Mimi.What do you think, Greg Gory?
I am closing my eyes and I'man envisioning a triple No, a triple
no. Morgan, what's your guess? I think Menace is gonna get it.
Sammy will not and Mimi will not. Okay, you seem to be
surprised, you mass, But whatdo you think? Do you think as
I'm sorry, you think Menace willnot get it? I'm surprised, Morgan,
John Dan, I didn't expect that. Do you think Menace will or
will not get it? Oh?Uh not dog? No, Sammy,
No, that's you. Oh tome, Well, there's so many people,
do throw. I'm looking right atyou, get it. I'm literally
looking right at you. No,I mean what do you get what?
Because you ask fifteen people what theythink, and I'm going around the room
and I'm asking you about Menace.You look surprised, But never mind,
I really get That's why I wassurprised. Well, I was acknowledging because
I'm paying attention to you, ButI just saw that you seem to be
surprised. They're bad. Why iseverything about it so difficult. It is
difficult, but I get the confusionbecause normally doesn't get asked exactly. But
in your context, I also I'mjust responding to his surprise. We all
just got going on. Jesus,guys, Jesus. All right, Menace
and Sammy, do you think thatMimi will get it? No? No,
all right, Fatie? What doyou think? No? No,
all right? Question number one,d u i Q. What's a professional
sports team that's based in Arizona?Menace? Well, they lost their hockey
team, so I'm going with Arizonadiamond Arizona Diamondbacks, Cardinals, the Cardinals
football. All right, so thereyou go around that. Yeah, the
enemy. Question number one, Fadiesaid that Mimi would not get it.
And see if Fadie ends up onthe board with the first point of the
game. What's a professional sports teamthat's based in Arizona? The Global Trotters?
All right, Arizona. Yeah,well you're on the board. Congratulations,
there, Fadie got one point.You're you're in great shape going in
here to question number two. Hopsare most frequently used in what drink?
Okay, Menace, Yes, Sammy, yes me MEI no, okay I
I'm tempted to say triple yes,triple yes, lesson, I'm gonna triple
yes. I mean every once ina while. Greg's wild. I know
I like to triple yes. Uh, what do you think? Menace?
Heck? No for mem Yeah?Me? Yeah, Sammy? No,
Morgan, what do you think I'mgoing to triple yes with Greg? No?
Triple yes? All right, Fady, what do you think? Yes
or no? Question number two?No, we'll not get it, d
u i Q. Question number two. Hops are most frequently used in what
drink Menace? Beer? Beer,Sammy beer? The answer is beer.
I'm gonna have to help my questionsagain with these two. They're getting too
smart smart that's right, Yeah,they're just too smart for the gay out
here. All right now, Fatie, if Mimi does not get this right,
you're going to be the winner thisweek here on the d u i
Q. Hops are most frequently used. And what drink? Vodka? I
don't know, I'm on right now, Okay, all right, vodka.
Good job, Fadie, the veryeasy win here on the d U y
Q. Thank you guys. Youguys are back man. Well, I
hope you have a great weekend.Fattie, we do appreciate you listening to
the Woody Show. Fadie Rady,Right yeah, Bady Rady, all right,
all right, Fatty, thank youfor the call, and hang on
a second. We get all yourinformation so we can get you your prize.
You know, there's not a hoppedwater, so you can get all
the great flavors clipping. It's notthe alcohol. I don't like that hoppy
flavor. I like it every oncein a while, but like you can't
have more than two or three ofthose, Yeah, super ipa or something
in the whole cake or something.All right, Well, Fadie did not
need question number three, but justfor fun, let's see. Well we
got here question number three for thed U I Q what actor plays Deadpool?
I mean you could could have amore topical question. Oh wow,
God, you're just going with theeasiest questions. Okay, I'm gonna say
these two yes, yes, andthen once again me me no, then
my answer the entire game, Greg, what do you think? Yeah,
I'll go with that. I hadlost all faith in MEMI. Yeah,
I don't know why trouble Yes beforethat was so stupid. Yeah, what
do you two goofballs think? No? No? There's no way she's getting
it. No, Mem is notgetting it, all right, Morgan,
Yeah, Mem, he's not gettingnot getting it. Question number three for
the d u i Q, whatactor plays Deadpool? What actor plays Deadpool?
This time we're gonna start with Sammy, Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Reynolds,
menace would Ryan Reynolds? All right? Well himself? You guys killed it?
Wo wow? Oh yeah, Greg? Yeah, your Friday. I'm
so so, so, so soso sorry. Let's see mem. Question
number three for the d u iQ, what actor plays Deadpool? I
love him? Girl, handsome guy. Right, I'll let him know.
Oh no'll dell Woody Joe And wementioned this at the beginning of the show
this morning. But for the firsttime in their fifty year history, Southwest
doing away with the open seating policy. We're going to start charging for premium
seats. They're also going to startoffering the Red Eye flights for the first
time. Why the change saw alot of articles about this. Southwest says
it's because they found that eighty percentof their customers eighty six percent of potential
customers said they prefer an assigned seat. But according to the industry experts,
they say, it's because the budgetairline business model just isn't working anymore due
to higher costs, and so theyneeded to figure out a way to charge
people more to bring in more money. Yeah, and I did read a
little bit more. They will beupdat some of the seats to give more
leg room and then so they cancertain areas. Oh yeah, see so
yeah, and I support that.I like it. I was talking to
one of our coworkers, Striker,and he was telling me that he doesn't
like it because he does like theopen seating because he can eyeball like piece
of people that he wouldn't want tosit next to. Oh right, super
Fats and such. Wow she's superFats. Yeah, oh god, so
that's I did find somebody that wasanti assigned seating, because yeah, if
it's never find the seat. Ijust hate the whole lining up thing.
Oh so childish. I just waituntil the last second, because it's not
like you have to rush to getinto the line. You have your assignment
like B twenty one, and sowhenever it's time for all right B twenty
one through thirty what and then youjust jump in that line, you go
and you get on Who cares Greg. Do you love it when they're like,
you're whatever, be twenty and beighteen shows up last minute? What
are you's saying? Excuse me?Let me just yeah exactly. I never
asked that you're a thirty one night. As long as you're in your little
your little window there or whatever thatis. I do, I know people
do, yeah, yeah, whatnumber you will make a different? What
number you I'm eighteen, Well I'mseventeen, and they step right in front.
Excuse me, well, they wanta chance to get The Summer Olympics
are underway as of today, overten thousand athletes from two hundred and six
different nations and territories competing in threehundred and twenty nine events across thirty two
quote sports. Some of these I'mout really like breakdancing, including four new
ones if they're testing out this yearbreakdancing, which they're called just breaking,
surfing, skateboarding, and sport climbing. Now, since the Olympics first started,
ten sports have been dropped, includingcroquet, polo, lacrosse, motor
boating, and tug of war.I wish they had would become as someone
who's maybe done some tug of warrecently it's fun of us and to watch
at least something from it. NBCis hoping this new thing they're doing is
going to get you to watch more. What they're doing is they're putting heart
rate monitors on the competitors parents andthen showing the results on the screen as
they're watching their kid compete. Idon't know, heart monitor on the they're
trying to make. They're trying tomake a bunch of new what's it.
Mama Kelsey's out there? Well,people liked her. Well, they liked
her because it was a Super Bowland there's Taylor switching. Yeah. I
have been seeing a bunch of parents, like on social media. They'll show
a gymnast and then they'll show theirparents while they compete and how nervous they
get. And they're doing like adouble shot of that. So it sounds
like they're continuing I barely care aboutthe competitor. Why do I care about
the parents? They look for anything? Oh yeah, reaching to show the
intention Again, if it's on TVand I'm scrolling through, you'll pop it
on. I'll pop it on.But it's not, you know, destination
television for me, not going togo out of my way to watch it,
but I'm looking at it as ifI just won't avoid it. That's
all. I feel like, theonly thing that people really care about basketball,
swimming, gymnastics and diving too,diving, running run in the spring,
like the short Yeah, hundred twohundred that's about yeah, because those
watch the marathon. That's a supercool eight seven seven forty four. Woody
set us a text Friday check inover to two to nine eighty seven.
If you go out in the halland test fire and there's no smell,
and then you come in here andyour far do it out loud, Woody
show and we are into another newhour of insensitivity training for a politically correct
world. It is Friday morning.Yeah, yeah, it's July the twenty
sixth. It's twenty twenty four.I'm Woody. That's Greg Gordy Morning.
We got menace, Hi Sea Bass, there's Sammy phones are open. Eight
seven seven forty four, Woody isthe phone number. Hit us up with
the text over to two to nineeighty seven. You have the big movie
obviously in theaters this weekend, DeadpoolWolverine. It's awesome already some people saying,
like really good reviews from the peoplethat were texting over. Yeah,
we asked you on scale one toten burritos what you were given it,
and somebody said totally ten burritos.Marvel resurrected. Yeah, so good.
Yeah, because it makes fun ofeverything that was bad with Marvel. Yeah,
I think as well that people thatwere frustrated with So it's funny that
they highlight that. And again it'snot like Super PC and it's just a
fun movie. Also, you know, it's it's not PG at all.
Right, there's one hundred BOMs.Yeah in this new one. They had
ninety in the last one. Ithink that was a record, and so
they beat it by ten. Noware Deadpool and Wolverine like paired up?
Or are the enemies they're paired up? Oh okay, yeah, some of
the stuff going on. Obama finallycame out and endorsed Kamala Harris getting the
long Pause. Another update about thosetwo astronauts that Boeing had sent to the
space station. They're still stuck upthere with no return date in sight.
At what point do you just startsay all yeah, you say all right.
They were supposed to be there fora week. They've been up there
for seven weeks. Did you packenough underwear? How does that work?
That's a good question, is theissue ful? No? I mean can
you can you clean your jumpsuit,washing and dry on that? Honestly?
How does that work? I meanI went to space camp. I don't
know. Do you sweat? Spacecamp is pretty dope. They do have
one for adults. Oh my god, you should go. I would go
with the listeners. I would beso upset. I'm like, put your
egos aside. Like Elon Musk alreadysaid like weeks ago that he would help
out, and they said, no, we don't need his help. Weill
officials from Boeing and NASA say they'rejust not ready, and that the two
will remain at the space station andprobably for at least another few weeks until
the engineers finished working on and examiningthe issues with the capsule. But at
this point, do you want totake that capsule back down? Nah?
Dog? You know called the moss. Here's the thing, here's the thing
that has us stuck up here sevenweeks now. Yeah, do you want
to take a chance to do are entry on that? Yeah? You
do the emergency lands landing on aplane They usually put you on a different
plane, right yeah, and thenthey put that plane into maintenance, like
this one is like, oh no, you're getting back on the same plane,
right, No, just detach it. And like I remember when I
had COVID and I was stuck inthe bedroom for like four days alone,
and I thought I was going togo absolutely bat ish crazy. Imagine being
on this thing for seven weeks.I mean, what if you don't even
get along with pretty cool once ina lifetime opportunity, But it would wear
it off. No, I agree, I would go absolutely By the way,
astronauts they cannot wash their clothes.They don't do laundry, and uh,
they're just dirty and smelly until theythrow them away. No, so
what do you do for seven weeks? You were playing? You packed for
a week? Can you go commandoin the space? Food? Sometimes it
can be worn for days, weeksor even months at a time. Hell
no. They might change their underwearevery two days, or socks the shower
like three times a day. Theyshoot your old panties out in the space,
like are there space panties on themoon. They just have like a
supply of like disposals or something likealedand airtight plastic bags. I've just never
thought about it. Yeah, butlike I'm not even joking. What's up
with the turds? You know?Like where do those go? They I
don't know, in a tank andthen they shoot them off towards earth and
they burn up. They might,because that's what they're saying with the clothes,
with the plastic bags, they burnup in the atmosphere. That's what
they do with the waste. Tothink they're called turds, space turds,
speaking turds. There was a bigstorm in Toronto and the power went out
in some parts of town and theelectrical workers they're out there trying to get
things back up and running, andsome residents of this high rise apartment building
were yelling and screaming at them,like really vulgar stuff. And some people
were even throwing human poop at them. Oh man, like that should hurry
him up. Yeah, that'll helpyour cause. So the building went and
hired some additional security staff and thepolice they're aware of the situation was from
people on the higher floors throw it, and they're trying to help you there.
The storm knocked the power out.They're just trying to help you.
Some lawsuit news a few years ago. This guy in Ohio he ordered some
boneless wings at a restaurant, butone of them did have a bone.
He ended up choking on it,got an infection, had to have two
surgeries. Sounds like an idiot tome, Like, how do you not
chew right? You don't realize itright when you bite into it? Like
that's what my dog does. I'llgive my dog a piece of something like
did you even chew it? Yeah? But maybe I had like a small
piece of bone air swallowed hole.So he sued the owners of the restaurant,
the chicken suppliers, and the peopleand another company that processed the chicken.
The case made it all the wayup to the Ohio Supreme Court and
the verdict is in and they toldhim go f himself. Really. Yeah.
The court ruled boneless chicken can havebones because bones are natural to meet,
So consumers should expect them and beaware that there could be some in
there and be prepared. Look ifyou encounter them. No one's liable for
boneless wings having bones. So thecourt ruled it's a reasonable expectation. I'm
actually on his side. On hisside, yeah, because you'll chew either
name. When's the last time youhad a chicken nugget aka boneless not a
wing and there was a bone insidein your in your lifetime? When does
that ever happened to you? Man? Yeah? Never, Oh, no,
that's happened. Yeah. You getlike a little uh, every once
in a while, you get likea little bit. It's not a huge
piece, it's like a little tinyusually in the shape of a triangle,
cartilage or something. No, itwasn't cartilage, you know, because it
was sharp, like a shard kindof Yeah, sharp cartilage or whatever.
It's always like in the shape ofa triangle. I don't know why.
A woman in South Carolina, shescratched a lottery ticket that she bought,
thought it was a loser, tossedit in the trash. Husband sees it
in there, double checks it wasa two hundred thousand dollars winner. They're
now shopping for their dream home.Oh. Meanwhile, this guy in Massachusetts,
he had a dream about buying aspecific type of lottery ticket for ten
bucks. So he woke up poppedinto a seven eleven buys one. Guess
what happened? What? He wona million dollars srib that's cool. How
pissed would you be at the wife? Why did you throw this out?
Hey, my wife's thrown away plentyof things I still wanted and or needed.
Oh that's right. Oh, shethrew away a couple of shirts that
I liked. Well, they're old. I'm like, okay, super super
comfortable. I didn't. She goes, well, a couple of them had
holes. I go, yeah,but I don't wear them out of the
house. They were like comfortable aroundthe house shirts. Oh so she didn't
like seeing you in them? Whatever, that's not the crap that she has,
like I don't want to see youand certain things that you wear.
Yes, oh she's got okay,so these are completely unsexy. She's got
these pajama pants that are like,you know, you know, Wizard of
Oz team, because she loves theWizard of Oz stuff. Yeah, adorable
stuff like that. I'll throw thatstuff, you know what, you should
throw them away anyway. This otherstory this week, I don't know if
you saw the guy in Tennessee.He bought this, uh this big winning
lottery ticket. The gas station clerkthat he was there to check it.
Gas station clerk says, now,man, sorry, not a winner and
then quickly threw it in the trash. It was a million dollar winner,
and so after the customer left,he tried to keep it for himself,
and so there was a big investigation. He was caught on security video taking
out of the trash once the guyleft, even tried to claim it,
and the lottery shoals caught him andgave it back to the rightful owner.
The gas station employee in jail nowcharged the class a felony. Yeah,
they those guys always get caught becauseonce you scan it doesn't indicate, yeah,
that it's a winner, and theysend the information directly to the lottery.
But I'm surprised because if I'm thatguy who had the ticket and the
guy said, oh sorry, man, no winner and he throws it away,
I'm not thinking about it again,right, But how do they determine
that it wasn't a ticket that thegas station guy bought? How do they
figure that out? A background checkon you and see where you're from?
What I'm saying, if it's justa ticket, Like, how do they
do they go back and look andsee who bought it? But when you
go to claim, you give themyour information and I'm sure they do a
background check on you and like whoyou are and what you do. Right,
But even if they the lottery andit's a million dollars, of course,
but even if they did, what'sto say that, you know,
he didn't buy that ticket. Heworks there. It doesn't mean he can't
buy a lot of it. Again, Let's say he bought the how do
they figure out that he told thisguy the lie that it wasn't a winner
and he's the one who put inthe trash just so he could keep it.
Like how they figured that part out? That part I don't know because
I don't work with them. Accordingto the story, he told the lottery
officials that he found it in thetrash and they became suspicious. Dumb ass,
that's how DJ. Yeah, therewas no there was no background checks.
What a dumbes as DJ Kellen said, Man, is he played your
major key? Oh yeah, youplayed yourself? You played yourself? Okay,
Sorry, I always go to thekey reference and I was trying to
forgot. I'm sure he says alot your key eight seven seven forty four
Wooding text us Friday check ins,tell us your name, what part of
town you're in whatever you got goingon this weekend, something fun, something
exciting hopefully, uh anything anyone heliked to havevis mentioned text all that Friday
check in info over to two tonine eight seven after the sales department takes
their monetary piece of fish and blood. So what do you show? It's
a show, all right, Acouple of things. And what all the
experts believe is the first ever realchallenge to Google, because nobody's ever been
able to come close. I heardabout this open AI just announced the new
search engines Search GPT, and theysay it's gonna give people fast and timely
answers with clear and relevant sources.And it will also allow you to ask
follow up questions quote, just likeyou would in a conversation. Yeah,
I'm really more excited for just talkingto it and just asking it questions.
Like I was driving in the carthe other day and I saw billboard and
all it had was the website.And I try to ask Surrey, like
what is and then I said thewebsite name, and it couldn't give me
an answer, you know, likeif I had AI, it would give
me a full website. Was yeah, oh this is this, and they
can tell you this good for thissort of thing. What happened to your
little red bat box Menace? Ohyeah, rabbit, it wasn't good.
It's not it's not ready yet,not read time, no, no,
but like a hundred bucks? Whatwas like a hundred bucks? Yeah it
was, dude, as you're aboutto ridicule menace for a purchase. Yes,
I'm staring right at these lego lookingglasses that you purchased for god knows
how much, and you buy stufflike that it's less. Oh yeah,
but these are give But with myuh special AI box, at least it
will update itself. So maybe eventually, maybe some day it will be ready
to go. Microsoft zoon microft zoom. Oh yeah, I remember the Zooon
player had one. Yeah, ohyou did. Yeah. The people who
liked it loved it. It wasway far superior than the iPod. But
the iPod had better marketing. Yeah, I'm sorry, your assistant was two
hundred dollars, Yes, my bad, two hundred bucks. Yeah. Over
that thing that you had, Yeah, that's the thing. We could point
it at something and it would explain. Yeah. Yeah, from a technology
tempot. You know, I'm reallyexcited about there's a new robot massage company.
It's called Escape a Scape, whichpromises quote the world's most advanced massage
and they want to be the newlike Uber for backrubs, and the prices
started sixty bucks for a thirty minutemassage. It should be a dollar a
minute, but the company says it'scomparable to an hour since there are two
robotic arms working on you with firmpressure the entire time, your entire I'm
down the try. You know Ilove massage this I might be into the
human touch you don't like. Uhyeah, I mean this one. I'm
willing to try. Why would yoube willing to try this and not a
regular medicine? By the way,maybe you can set the like different pressure
on it. I'm sure you can. Menace has never had an actual massage
never. Never do you know thatyou wouldn't like it? And he refuses
to get one because again, I'drather I would probably rather be way more
into getting a chiropractor. But sinceso much we've talked about on the show
that I don't want to go becauseI want that amount of pressure. Oh
dude, you can get massage thatit's get cracked. You think you think
they're gonna put like the weird foryou and the massaging, and you push
it on everybody, but I don'twant it. Ask an honest question whenever
Menace gets into like a corner onsomething he said or an argument like he
you know, what's the word I'mlooking for joke because we're just trying to
understand and I've given you an explanationbecause you know, yo, I'm gonna
I'm gonna give you another thing thatyou do. Somebody gives you an answer
and you refuse to accept it becausewe're having a back and forth. One
else's chiming on that. I'm lettingyou guys hash this out. We're having
a back and forth here, Wellyou were until this section thing came out,
because you don't have any experience withmassage. And if it's the pressure
that you're asking about as someone who'shad a number of massages, there are
people, man, I'm telling youyou feel like they're breaking you, like
super deep tissue messages probably for thepast decade. I'm not interested. But
you're saying you're interested in this robotmassage because it gives a deep pressure because
I can maybe uh adjust the pressureon my own uh huh. But you
can he's giving a massage. Youcan say a little harder, softer,
and they'll ask you comes in.I'm just asking. I don't whether you
get a massage or not. Idon't care. I'm not interested. I've
gotten a handful. I'm not.Is it because your shirt's off? No,
honest, no, no, seethat was maybe my thought. Yeah,
like you just don't want to nudeout or something like that. But
I've gotten a few, not manyin my lifetime, maybe less than five.
And the last time I went,they were so powerful. They even
had that bar over the bed wherethey hold on it and then that style
down on you. That's a timemassage that I actually might be into as
well. It was really hard becausethat'd be like somebody's full body weight on
top of me. Yeah, there'sthere's a place by my house that does
that, and I wasn't expecting it. Yeah, I'm like, oh oh.
They also did the hot stones,which yeah, it's gonna sound stupid.
They were kind of too hot sowhen they first put them on,
you really Now the thing with timemassage, I would totally probably do,
but it's always in like some youknow, weird strip mall and I think,
oh, is this like a rematigYeah, like a full service type
of spot. Where do you go? But they wouldn't force that on it.
Where do you go get that styleof massage that's not and uh,
there's a place house already. I'llgive it to you. I know a
good place. Yeah, Like,no, mates, have you ever tried
the massage guns, because that's thesame as like, that's what you're looking
for. You can robotic? Yeah, got one something, gave me one.
Yeah, you're okay. I dolike it does work well, I
want somebody else to do it tome, though exactly it's not the same
if you're doing it because it's usuallylike I have like some kind of crick
in my upper back and you can't. You can't. So my go to
is usually just like slamming it againsta wall until it pops. Yeah.
You know what they have not perfectedas those stupid massage chairs you say,
like car dealers or car parts.Yeah, I like those two like a
mother. If you've done such awhore for massage, I'll do those.
I'll go to the places that havelike just to set up in the middle
of them all, not even inlike an old like a store. They
haven't like read it out like theyjust have it set up like a kiosk,
but that's where a human does it. Yeah, I'm down those robotic
chairs, yes, with the rollers. Yes, they had one like a
Chucky cheese kind of place that wewent to, but with my sister and
her kids, and the kids areall like on zip lines and go karts
and everything else, and I'm sittingin one of the dumb chairs plugging five
dollars bills into the thing. That'spretty the one that I never liked.
There's only one type of massage thatI didn't like, and it was that.
Have you seen the aqua massage whereyou lay in this thing the thing
closed on top of it and justlike yeah, just hit you with the
that did nothing nothing. Yeah,Now, Greg, there's a there's a
combination of both these things. Youcan get into your local Planet Fitness where
it's it's an aqua massage, butit's a not the enclosed it's just you
lay on a bed and then withactual water. Right, So it's not
the hots I know what you're talkingabout with it because with with mechanical rollers,
those things can get cracked, butthe water obviously it flows around your
body. We'll go to Planet Fitness, get the black members Okay, not
a sponsor, but could be.For the past five years. What membership.
That's Planet Fitness. Menace available aroundthe country. Attention salespeople. I
do like, I do like someof this stuff. I'm interested in this,
you know, challenge to Google thesearch GPT because I think that'll be
cool. Yeah, because Google's nowputting AI in their searches. You'll see,
like what his Gemini pop up andtell me they had a problem with
that because it was giving you allsorts of nonsense, right, which is
in the article I was reading aboutthis new one. They're saying that,
you know, Google has been playingcatch up on a lot of this stuff,
and the stuff they've been putting outthere has not been very good,
and so this is a legit.This is a legit challenger to them overall,
because they've just been untouchable. They'vebeen cleaning up. They got that
dumb Google money because of it.So like, for instance, I just
googled tell me about Menace from theWoody Show, and at the top they
give me the AI overview. Itsays Menace is a morning show host.
Okay, broadcasting, radio, advertising, and entertainment. Okay, Menace is
a graduate of the Academy of ourUniversity. I mean that's live, but
I'll take it. It is considereda Harvard He's considered a strong media and
communication professional. Oh wow, Ilike this. Look at that? Look
at that? AI Can I copyand paste that from my LinkedIn? That's
what I says. Wow. Andthen the robot massage. I'm down for
that. That sounds cool. Okay, thank you robots. See, not
all technology is bad. Greg,I agree, you know, I agree.
Takes a minute to get on board. Greg asked me the other day,
how do you listen to an HDradio station like an HD two.
Yeah, because you hit a button? What I think I understand what Greg's
problem? Have it? And thensomebody told me, I don't know why
I put that, but you knowit was on my radio and every preset,
right or not even the preset justthat. I think that's your problem.
I think you're on a page thathas the presets. So unless that
HD two channel is one of yourpresets already, it's not going to show
up. You'd have to do things. Number one, go to just the
FM option. Uh, huh,I've done that, and that'll bring up
all the stations. But then yougot to make sure that HD radio is
engaged, like you can turn iton or off, which is probably off.
And when that I think I didturn it off because it seems to
blip more than regular traditional it's goingto the analogs because digital is all or
nothing. You either hear it oryou don't. It's not like the analog
where there's static and you're still herethrough exactly, and that was driving me
crazy. So I think you're right. I think I just did. If
it's just on the normal station HD, I'm honestly, I'm not a big
fan because I have like called theradio station. I think, oh,
we're off the air because the signalis not coming through. But if they
have like the the separate channels,yeah, because you can put like four
channels on like one station, right, and I enjoyed those or like geek
Squad for Greg, So I we'llhelp them figure out h D radio.
I was thinking about that this morning. You should mention that. Remember after
I was single for the first timein a long time and I had to
have you guys come over to hookup my TV had to set up for
TV. Yeah, medicine. Icame out freaking clue how to do it?
Was the best they ever eight sevenseven forty four wood. He text
us over to two two nine eightseven. There's a creep in the news.
Forty year old guy who was arrested. He walked up to his neighbor's
porch and he dropped his pants.The indecent exposure caught on the doorbell camera.
The neighbor says the guy has beenharassing him for some reason, and
according to the police report, hequote pulled out his buttocks and turned around
exposed his genitals to the camera.That's a way to get at your neighbor
to show up news. I'll showyou. Yeah. Maybe it's a way
to like maybe he's got a reallybig penis. And that's how he intimidates
this is the kind of harassment thatmen's dreams. Yeah, yeah, more
what he shows next. We're havingsome computer issue, all right, Well,
this twenty three year old surfer inAustralia. How's his pie? Her
pie? How's her pie? Notgood? Not good? She was attacked
by a shark, had her legcompletely bitten off. I guess he didn't
like the taste of it. Becausethe leg washed up on the beach.
The girl is alive critical condition.The doctors they are figuring out if and
how they can reattach this leg.That's probably another shark in the news,
this one added aquarium in Des Moines, Iowa, where it clamped down on
one of the aquarium employees and itrefused to let go. So these other
employees they come over. They're tryingto get the shark to release its bike,
but it wouldn't, so they ethanizedit right then and there, like
right of the scene. Damn.I mean, what are they supposed to
do? Cut the rest of thearm off and just let the shark go
about its business? Yeah, prettymuch. Talk to the sharks, say
hey, buddy, what are youdoing? I just don't know what you're
supposed to do in that situation.I know you're gonna say, well,
the sharks are sharking, but inthat situation where it's still attack, just
holding on shark, Well, yeah, you is, you live your life
with a shark in your arms,go about your life. Yeah, that'd
be pretty cool. I missed theYeah, I'm seeing way too many videos
where sharks are in super shallow water, which I guess they say they've always
been there. I have most attacksare in shallow we just have drones like
waste deep water and the big onestoo. I'm thinking of all the time
I've spent out in the ocean.Oh I know, yeah, I got
to look delicious to something. Ohyou're all I look like a fatty seal.
You're all buttery, right, yeah, exact so much marbling. Yeah
yeah, you're like a human RIBIlike, look at this fat f I
bet you he's delicious. Lived fora long time off that guy, right,
Yeah, all I gotta do iseat him. I'm good for a
month. YEA. Check out thatthigh, Yeah yeah, put some a
one on it. Yeah, thisis this is pretty funny. This bear
was out in the woods. Itwas caught on one of those like nature
cams, and so there's bears inthe wood and he is trying to get
comfortable so he can fall asleep,and so he gets down on the ground.
He starts rolling on his back anduh, this happens here. Oh
yeah, it's the big old barrel. And then you know what happened,
He fell asleep like immediately he kindof a little bit and all of a
sudden all right farts and then honestlyout like that doesn't move another muscle.
And it's just one of those camerasthat like, you know, the people
set up in the wood, likethe Nature camera. There's no person on
the camera. It's just capturing what'shappening. Yeah, Nature, it's a
little baby nappy. More Woody showscoming up. Hello, welcome to another
edition of the Menace Cooking Corner.Yes, now today I'm going to give
you a really quick recipe on howto be a hit at any party.
Oh yes, ship check outies.Oh yeah, you have some menace world
famous Thank you. Yeah, Ilike to us a Woody shoe. And
we are into another new hour ofinsensitivity training for a politically correct world.
It is a Friday morning. Itis July the twenty sixth, twenty twenty
four. Just trying to get throughthe morning into the weekend as quickly as
we can. Yep, it isthe Woody Show. I'm Woody. That's
Greg Gory. Good morning. Wegot minutes. What is up, Woody?
There is sea bass, Sammy ishere. Phones are open. Eight
seven seven forty four, Woodie.That is an eight seven seven forty four.
Woody, you can hit us upwith the text over to two two
nine eight seven. Uh, there'snobody chew gum anymore. I don't.
I'm more of a mint guy.I've never been a big gum guy,
just not the gum for a longtime is very popular. Yeah, see
it that much anymore? I guessfavor too quick. Gum sales have dropped
by a third since twenty twenty,and they say the of signs that it's
just not going to come back.So now companies are now marketing gum two
different ways as a stress reliever.But the popularity of chewing gum has peaked
with gen X and gen Z kids, right, And the gen Z part
is because there's another dumb trend thatGreg should know about. Gen Z guys
are chewing on this rock hard gumto get chiseled jawlines. Have you seen
this? I think I might haveheard of it. I can't remember what
it's called. It's called well,okay, there's there's one it's called Stronger
Gum, which claims that it cansculpt your jawline within two weeks. And
then there's another one it's called Jocko, which offers flavors like mussel mango and
jacked watermelon. Hell yeah, watermelon, that sounds good. Oh that's right.
I know where I first heard aboutthis. It was from Morgan.
She had that picture of it.You do you show these guys the picture
of this dude who he was chewingthis gum. He had just like a
look like a regular jaw line.Next thing, you know, it's like
this completely squared off. It lookedlike a filter. It had to be
a filter, because yeah, that'sdifferent between you know, uh, tightening
things up and then having a completelydifferent jaw line shape altogether. On TikTok
the early days, there was aguy who had a crazy like sharp jaw
line. But he would use adevice like some like rubber device that he
would chew on. But what isthat doing? Though, you're not gonna
make you're not going to change yourbones, because that's I mean, this
is like a bone structure to workout at least the fat in your face.
No, you can't target fat andthat's a surgery. You can starve
yourself and your face is going toget smaller, but you have to have
the bone structure still. Like whenI lose weight, when that happens.
It always comes off my face first. Well, no, I'm saying just
in general, even before we'll goVI O zepic all that stuff. Like
when I start to lose weight,it doesn't matter what I do, it
will always, uh come off myface first. Happened to Tom Brady.
Oh yeah, but yeah, justdumb. I don't. I don't know
this. Uh, I don't.I don't need to chew on rock hard
gum that would like jack your teethup. Yeah. I felt really bad,
man. So we had somebody suggestto us, this is years ago
now, these antlers for the dogthat chew on instead of stuff that like
kind of comes apart, certainly betterthan raw hide, better than some of
those, like, uh the nylon. They said, it's better than that
because you know, you're not they'renot shredding it and ingesting pieces of nylon
or whatever. And so we're like, oh, that's good for her.
So we got all these like deerit's like deer antler elk or whatever.
Yeah, but she really wore downher like her bottom front teeth from that
and they're kind of nubby. Yeah, so we took it away years ago.
But now every time we see herand she's smiling thus because she's a
baby. It's like, oh,man, I know, why do we
give that to her? Yeah?Why do we give that to her?
Right? Yeah? Can't you gether some caps or something? But I
can't. Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's get her something ears. Yeah,
let's get her some veneers, somechicklets. Yeah, it looks so
cute. My dog had the mostperfect teeth until a couple of years ago.
Yeah, so white for a dog, just gleaming white teeth. How
often are you supposed to get thedog's teeth cleaned? I think after like
six years or something like that.I don't know, because you gotta put
them every six years, so oncein their lifetime, yeah, twice maybe.
Don't they do that when you takethem to the groomer? No,
no IRUSI but like we're talking aboutlike a legit cleaner, but they have
to go under and do that.I don't know, and I've been scared
off of it. We had ourwe had our dog's teeth cleaned one time.
Uh, and it was great.I mean, it worked out fine,
but man, we really hesitated onbecause another friend of ours, and
you know who this person is,they brought their dog perfectly healthy in for
the whole and it died. Yeah, exactly because they could they whatever they
used to put it down. Andthey have to put every dog down to
clean their teeth. I guess fora legit deep cleaning. Yeah, for
those uh, like the difference betweenyou brushing your teeth and going to the
dentist. So if your dog isgoing under anesthesia for surgery, they might
as well take care of it then. Yeah. I'd rather do it than
if my dog had to go under. But my question is like, how
often are you supposed to quote unquotesupposed to get their teeth cleaned? I
don't know, seeing some people aresaying once a year. Now put them
down once a year. No,yeah, that can't be good, no
way, like you're saying those greenies. Yeah, yeah, that'll that's what
I do. Yeah, find itlike combine it with other anesthesias, so
when your dog goes in for theircolonoscopy. Yeah. I was mentioning about
how we'll hang out after the show. We'll be in the office or hanging
out in boards studio and everybody's justkind of sitting there talking. And I
brought Morgan in here because I've toldher have you been keeping track of your
random ass questions? Yeah? Youmentioned this in the the other day,
so I'm like, oh, Iguess I should start writing my thoughts down
every day. It never fails.You've all been there. You've all been
party to it at different times.Like we'll just be sitting there, she
go, hey, y'all ever blahblah blah blah blah, hate y'all.
This it's called brainstorming. It's justlike she just throws out this random stuff.
Yeah, and it's just the stuffthat's just on her mind. And
it's just in the course of aregular conversation. So you know what,
And sometimes we engage in conversation basedon But I said, just hold on
to them, write them down.Yeah. And I just want to say,
I'm just gonna check in. Iwant to see what's on your list.
Yeah, I got a list foryou guys. Random thoughts with Morgan,
I mean, Greg's really good atrandom ass thoughts. Couple that I've
been obsessing about. For example,number one, the term curl up with
a good book to me seems redundant, Like why would you curl up with
a bad book? I've just beenthinking about that and then the other one
is have you ever seen no hesitation? I greg, what's a random thought?
These are the two I'm thinking aboutlately. Number two is, have
you ever seen a movie where,let's say you walk into a room,
you get home from work or you'releaving for work, it's dark, you
turn on the light, and thensitting in a chair in the corner is
like a mobster with a gun like, yeah, low woodie, Yeah,
they're already in the house. Onbetter call saw that. I'm on,
okay, yeah, And I'm thinking, how the hell did this person or
how would this person have gotten inthe house right? But my thought on
that is hearing so many movies likethat where they get home from work,
turn on the light, there's themobster on a chair in the corner and
they're all casual holding their gun,and they go hey, John, and
then the person goes and they realize, oh, man, you got it.
But they don't go right, nobodystartled. Nobody startled, you're doing
man. When I leave for workin the morning, I don't turn on
any lights. The house is dark. There's a little moonlight filtering through.
If I even think I see something, yeah, I got to go but
it's actually turned on the light anda dude is sitting there with a gun.
Yeah, I'm not gonna be like, oh like, well, that's
because these are all cool cats.Most these guys and these movies are like
you know, CIA agents, LikeI'm not phazed by those kind of thing.
Pansy like you by a random guywith gun. Get your list ready,
Morgan, Okay, I want tosee what's on this list random thoughts
with more, you'll see what weexperience. Yeah, we'll see what she's
gone for us, and then maybewe can answer some of your questions.
That's called the Next Turn. TheWoody Show eight seven, seven forty four.
Woodie hit us up with a textover to two to ninety seven,
some people saying, never deep cleanyour dog's teeth. It's not needed.
Oh well that's you know, that'sthe whole like in the wild, would
your dog needs a toothbrush? Butyeah, they're eating human food. They're
not eating human food. What ifyou're what if I'm feeding them all the
table stuff and I think, andI think you met I really wanted I'm
hunger frosting. Yeah yeah, yeah, once a year, I'm seeing there.
Somebody said they just found out it'ssix hundred dollars minimum to clean their
dogs. Yeah, it's not cheap. It's not cheap. New dog.
Okay, great, all right,more when he shows that came back in
a field, this is like ab get it back into the show here.
Random thoughts with Morgan. I didwant to say, like, how
are you feeling about all things hereat work lately? I think you've done
a great job. I think she'sreally No, I think she's really stepped
up. I'm seeing people on thecomments on the social media stuff. I
stop breeding those a while, butI think you should start again. No,
I think you should start again.There's a lot I mean, super
you've seen it right, medicine,it's a lot of positive. Yeah,
a lot of positive. Yeah,it's certain areas. But again, like
you can't win everybody over now.You really got to laugh off the negative
stuff because it is totally so funny, but some of it's so true.
And yes, it was an adjustmentwhen when Morgan first started working here.
And I think one of the firstthings we learned about Morgan was how and
she doesn't do this anymore? OhGod, she's reformed. She doesn't do
this anymore. It's called growth,right, it's growth. She's matured.
So yeah, speaking of things you'reembarrassed about, Yeah, she used to
be a food toucher, like onpurpose, would go around like if something
was like left out around the office. Yeah. She had like an Instagram
thing going like for food touching,which I thought was pretty funny. But
it's funny to me because I don'teat that stuff because I'm not a pot
lucker. And this is one ofthe reasons not a potlucker, right,
and usually I will myself. Itwas when there was you know, you
were two slices of pizza left,yes, and you weren't even in my
twenties then, right, Yeah,yeah, Yeah. The stuff that you've
done for the show and the thingsyou've been doing lately, I've been seeing
a lot of really positive stuff andall the stuff that she does behind the
scenes as a you know, associateproducer for the show. She's really been
doing a great job. So I'lltake We'll let you know you're appreciated putting
some toes in my mouth. Imean, she's down for anything. You're
kind of nuts. I'm very nuts, right, I've said that from the
beginning, Right, We knew that, okay, and that people who I
didn't know you, but the peoplewho are recommending that I talked to you
for this job are like, it'skind of crazy, just so you know,
but I think it'd be perfect foryou guys. But random thoughts,
because again, just after the showor whenever we're hanging out, like all
of that out of nowhere, noteven on topic to what everybody in the
room's talking about, you go,oh, can I ask y'all question,
right, and it's some completely randomass thing. I said, what instead
of just asking these just hold themfor a couple of days and then bring
them on the air so everybody cankind of see like a little glimpse behind
the curtain. I've been marinating onthese, what it is to hang out
with Morgan and the kind of crapshe asks about. So this is the
one I think that kind of sparkedyour idea to bring this on to the
show. We were in there,I was talking to you Woody and Bort,
and I was like, do youguys ever hear of young people,
like say, high schoolers getting incar accidents or whatever and dying. Yeah,
happens all the time, right.My first thought every time is man,
I hope they had sex before theydied, you know, like you
ever won their virgin But yeah,you ever wonder like man ever very dark,
which I can appreciate because you're alsolike a really big, like a
dark thought kind of guy. Yeah, sometimes is around death, right,
Yeah, to be honest for youknow, I'm just sad that they died.
Yeah, I've never thought of Atwhat point does that start? At
what point do you say, boy, I hope they had sex like a
high schooler, No, like threeseconds after you find out that they don't
age fifteen because my son, ohyeah, freshman going in freshman year,
he's fifteen. Yeah, i'd sayfifteen and up, yeah, fifteen to
twenty ish because after then I'm justgonna assume. But it's just the young
deaths that really bother me. I'mlike, did you really enjoy yourself?
And then my second thought is,man, that's a shame. Second,
there's one, Okay, I don'tthink that another one. Have y'all noticed?
Maybe it's just my neighborhood old menspecifically they always have a spare fedor
in their car. What definitely manylike in their fedoras specifically in like the
very back seat by the rear window, just ready for any occasion. No
one notices that I have some peoplethat keep a hat or two on that
back ledge. Yeah, like asnap back the real the rear windshielding a
lot of doors lately. All right, just noticed it. I don't trust.
Adding to the list of people Idon't trust. What are those like
Dick Tracy looking hats? You knowwhat I'm talking about. Yeah, that's
like a Panama jack kind of likewhat's the that's a fedora? Okay,
so where I think younger dudes whoare wearing those don't trust you? Yeah,
I get that. I don't know. I don't know what you're trying
to portray. No, it's justtrying hard hard. But again, like
I just know I can see youand go, yeah, I don't want
to be friends with that. Idon't even want to know that person's name.
He looked in the mirror and putthat hot on. It's the same
thing with menace you I agree onthis one. The guy who waxes the
tips of his mustache. I don'twant let's try hard behavior. I don't
know, like because you always frameit as I don't trust that person.
I don't know if I like distrustthem automatically, I don't want to like
you. Yeah. Yeah, Iput it like, oh that's somebody I
don't want to hang out. It'snot literal trust, it's just like that's
a way of saying like, maybeI don't need to know you. Yeah,
I know your personality sucks by yourhead. Yeah for sure, I
get on him back because I didn'twant that. Wears the hat all have
the same personality. Also, dudeswho wear scarves unnecessarily is it snowing right?
All that list? People who wearjeans at the gym. Oh yeah,
yeah, you're a wardo. Idon't want to be around you.
Yeah, I'm sorry. Some gymshave explicit policies against jeans, Thank you,
Planet Fitness Again. Why do theycare though, because well, there's
a couple of reasons. Uh you'reaware of it. Keeps like the weirdo
off the street who doesn't know whatthey're doing and it's just there to screw
around and loves air, like justbecause it's cheap. No offense to Planet
Fitness, not as possible could be. Uh So it's like the old man
who's living in his car and hejust wants to have air conditioning and watch
TV. Yeah, and use theshower right, so that it's like,
hey, if you're here, you'regoing to be working out. Don't be
in jeans, don't be in flipflops. It's you know, I understand
flip flops. I could be likea safety thing kicking Wait, sorry,
not to get out of random thoughtsthoughts with Morgan. Okay, remember Clifford,
the big red dog. Imagine ifClifford was a girl and had to
peer. That crossed my mind theother what that would be a crazy heavy
pier. But are you talking aboutlike just because the by scale in other
words, like how Clifford was somuch bigger than every everybody and everything else
that imagine Clifford just was a girl. Yeah, yeah, as a dog,
a girl dog. Yeah, okay, heavy pier over the neighborhood disaster.
Yeah, so that's what I thinkabout when I'm laying bed at night.
All right, but now why thoughI don't know what brought that on?
Yeah, okay, here's another one. Our doghouse is still a thing,
Like do people buy dog houses toput in their backyard for their dogs?
I like, only on TV.I had one as recently as five
years ago. Four years ago.Really, my dog hated it. I
used it as a storage contained.I think the roof would go up and
down. I think the changes nowthat people baby their dogs so much these
days, there's no such things anoutdoor dog. No way live outside nowhere,
baby shut. Here's another one.If I see a spider in my
house, I've been doing this foryears, I'll kill it. Well,
I'll let it outside humanly if Ican, But most of the time I'll
kill it. But I don't justput it in the trash. I'll leave
it there, probably the whole day, just so that the other spiders will
see it and know like, oh, we don't need to f with this
girl, you know, But that'swhy it yeaheah, Well why wouldn't you
like smash it with a paper toweland then just leave it out like on
a table or on the floor trash. Well, oh, you don't leave
it just in the trash, doyou think before? Okay, you will
spend the whole day dead wherever Ikilled it. Uh, just so all
the other bugs know, like,oh, we need to get out of
it. I think that's how bugsthink. Maybe I do you think they
think, well, do you thinkit? Like, I don't know,
there's like a dead scent that willkeep bugs away. I didn't think about
that. No, I just assumedbuddy'd be like that. But just in
case. On the doghouse thing,one thing I have seen. I've seen
a couple of people online take thatspace, like if you have a staircase
in your house, that they'll takethat otherwise useless space underneath and they'll create
like a little area. Sometimes theydo it for kids, like they'll make
it like into like a little clubhousekind of thing. But I've also seen
where it's just like a little doorthat the dog can go in there and
they got their own space in thereand they kind of get away from the
couch and stuff. Yeah, notthe tee. I mean, I've seen
people, but I'm saying I wouldn'tdo that for my dog, but like
just dogs love TV, might aswell use that space. Yeah, all
right. Random thoughts with Morgan.Do you guys ever remember smelling your parents'
farts when you're kids, Like,like not on purpose. I wasn't stick
in my head in my mom's buttto smell them, right, but she
would fart and I'd be like,oh my god, that's the worst part
I've ever smelled in my life.I remember my dad farting. My mom's
one of those like confident farers.Yeah, like I don't think she has
any shame about it, Like she'snot making a big deal. She's not
going, oh hey guys, andthen you know she check it out,
don't stop it right. Yeah,my mom's the same yea. And I
felt like that was only what likeGrandma's did like grandma's and like old dudes,
yeah you know, but my mom, I guess, has hit that
stage like if she's got a fart, she just lets do it. Yeah,
I've never heard my mom fart.Well. I remember as a kid,
my parents' farts smelled so bad.And now that I'm getting older aka
elderly above thirty, I'm noticing myfarts are starting to smell like my parents
used to. I don't know,like, do we slowly become who are
you know? They say maybe dependingon what you eat, but you have
like a family scent. But like, yeah, for some reason lately,
like that smells like my mom's fartsback in the day. Well, smell
will bring it back such nostalgia.True, Like, every once in a
while I'll get a whiff of somethingthat reminds me of my grandma's house,
okay know, and really what thatwas it was a combination of cigarettes and
like sandalwood or you know, whateverkind of thing she had, you know,
yeah, memories. Yes, yeah, maybe that's what it is.
Like, maybe you're just to associatethe far smell with your childhood. Are
you interested in the only Fans Manager, because we can sell those things?
I absolutely am. Yeah, Ilove money. Somebody texted over on the
on the bug thing that they've donethat with ants and when they did it,
they just formed an army and theyate it. They weren't even intimidated,
like all fine, Yeah, They'relike all right, fine whatever,
and then they ate it. Andso I don't know about that though,
because if you find one, there'sprobably a lot more. Of course,
Oh Greg, you'll love that.I was walking around out a floating dock
the other day and there's a wholelot of ants crawling up the building where
they're going visiting. This is whyyou need to carry at all time.
I give us one more random thoughtswith Morgan. One more what's the deal
with porns being based in bowling alleys, it's really ruining my Saturday bowling with
what bawling orgies and stuff. Yeah, like, if you go on a
porn website for some reason, peoplelove filming porns and bowling out. Really,
what's the deal. I don't thinkI've ever seen that. It's like
algorithm, Yeah, yeah, ohshe likes bowling. Let's show her all
the bowling porn like it's listening inon your car. It seems to be
a whole you know. No,I don't think i've ever seen one.
I know she's not lying. She'snot lying. I believe she's not lying.
I've just never seen it. Bowling. Yeah, it's bowling Google Bowling
Alley orgies. But I'm like,why would you want to watch them doing
that at the bowling out You canonly imagine what they're doing with those pins.
She gets oily, But I thinkabout that every Saturday at the bowling
alley. I'm like, you know, it's a place of worship. Yeah,
probably the permit. I don't knowif they do. How do you
get the time alone? Well yourent it out right, Well, yeah,
there's usually overnight. It's usually somebodythere like an overnight Who do you
think is helping him out shoot atthe employee? Yeah, dude, you
gotta figure if you work at abowling alley and they go, hey,
man, we got to approach someonewants to film a porn here. We're
gonna need someone just to kind ofbe like an employee to kind of be
around. Deal. Yeah, averagebowling alley employee. If I owned a
bowling alley, I'd say yeah,oh yeah, because they pay for these
locations quite handsomely. It's expensive alsomarketing, Right, A buddy of mine,
you see it online, You're like, oh, I want to go
there. Yeah. A buddy ofmine leased his house out to uh.
I think it was vivid video atthe time. Nice for them to shoot
a porn at his house. Beautifuland there were some people like banging on
his diving board. It was ata pool, you know, and yeah,
so he said he's watching the pornand that's his house. There was
a porn shot at my parents' houseright before they bought it, and then
many years later they went back andoffered to do another one. Well,
asked if they could film another one, and my mom said, no,
I don't want that I said,do it. They were offering like eight
hundred bucks. A yea, yewit. He got paid pretty well.
And the other cool thing was itwasn't like it was his furniture. The
areas that were the rooms they wantedto use. They pulled the furniture out
of those rooms and put their owncrap in there, right, I would,
so they can you know all that, you can tell them whatever you
wanted my own. Yeah, that'sa little peek into Morgan's mind. Thanks
for entertaining my thoughts. Random thoughtswith Morgan. We got some more wood
show next. Hang up, boy, howdye? That sure got a tasty
kick to it. We'll be rightback. Oh yeah, that's the spot
right there the show, all right, welcome back. After random thoughts from
Morgan, she was talking about smashinga spider and kind of leaving the body
out there to as a warning tothe other to the other spiders, which
it doesn't really work that way,but somebody texted over, man, if
you smash a pregnant well we sawthen it was not state side, it
was it was somewhere and even thatgot me a little creeped out. I
mean, Greg gets creeped out aboutall those spider and bug videos. Yeah,
but this one because it had allthese like little babies that it was
carrying around and these little like podsacks like on its back. Like yeah,
when you when you look at whenyou look at the spider, like
it just looked like a spider.And then they hit it with a broom
and then all these little babies wentlike in every witch direction and yeah,
and then I looked up that particularspider because somebody was talking about, Oh,
that's so whatever spider and it doesit has these little like buckets or
holes or pods all over its back, and the little baby spiders they just
like mom carries them around that way. And then when the yeah there's little
babies, Greg maybe spider. Yeah, yeah. And then and then they
just well when they got hit withthe broom and just scattered. Things like
that that make me not fear deathbecause I don't even like knowing that.
I don't want to be on thisearth knowing that exists. Have I asked
the question because you don't like anybugs or anything, but like, what's
the one you're most scared of?Probably a cockroach number one, number one,
more than butterflies, more than anything. Oh yeah, really, there's
nore than grasshoppers. Yeah, nothingworse or cicadas. I mean, in
the ranking one would be cockroach.They're all basically tied. The only one
ironically that I'm not grossed out byour bees. You know, they don't
really bother me. Yeah, okay, now cicada time from I still just
so happens to have one on astick. It's just sits here for such
an occasion, right, The WoodyShow. All right, welcome Backy,
Happy Friday. It is The WoodyShow. Eight seven Wooding text us over
to two two nine eight seven Julythe twenty sixth. That's today's date.
It's World to Food Day. No, thank you, I'll take you,
yeah tofoods just so. I don'tknow why what, Yeah, I don't
know. It's yeah, that's whatI love. The people that try to
sell you on too if they gobut it doesn't taste like anything. Wow,
that's cool, that's what I want. That's a great so. Oh
but it's got a lot of protein. Yeah, a lot of things have
protein. Is this supposed to justbe filling so you lose weight or something.
It's just a protein aspect, Ithink is why people do it.
There's plenty of ways to get protein. I know, it's zero point food
on the weight Watchers apps. Really. Oh yeah, Today's a National coffee
milkshake Day. Man, it's that'syour favorite kind. Yeah. It's National
bagel Fest Day. Oh yeah,just bagels bagel Fest. Well, SeaBASS
had bagels delivered yesterday. It wasnice. Thank you. See you're welcome.
Today's a National Aunt and Uncle Day. It's holistic therapy Day. You
got talk about waste of money day. You know, you know what s
the best will really be into.Today is National talk in an elevator Day,
So just you know, striking upa conversation with somebody day, chip
chat with strangers. It's a nationalall or nothing day. That one has
me written all over it. Andit's National Dog Photography Day. Yeah sweet,
I mean what's the difference. Everyother day is a ton of dog
photos online. Oh do you seethat one video speaking of and where someone
brought their pitbull to a Blink witheighty two concert. They had but they
had earphones. That's that's legit animalabuse. It should have been adorable,
but should not be there. Andyou know the only reason they put they
brought this thing with these service vests, which should have been turned away at
the door because it's service. Animalsare not a thing like that, right
is That's just it's look at mein the air, and I'm sure the
dogs having a great time. Itlooks like lactating. Like at the nips
were prominently Wow, just had somebabies. I wasn't looking. You were
checking out the dogs for us.Take another gander, you'll see Sammy bad
news. Tom Brady is dating aSports Illustrated swimsuit model Brooks Nader saw that.
Dah. Yeah, so I don'tknow. I'm sure it won't last.
I'll be next. You'll have towait another cycle. Is he too
tall for using four? Yeah,it's got to be too tall tall.
Yeah, yeah, that was underyou. Speaking of relationships, Greg,
here's a little fun fact for you. Conan O'Brien was once jealous of Matthew
Perry. I recently learned because hisex girlfriend Conan used to date Lisa Kudro,
and Lisa Kudro was talking him upso much. ConA and Lisa Kudro,
by the way, they were togetherfor a while nineteen eighty eight until
nineteen ninety three. I just foundthat out. I had no idea they
kind of look alike it. Sowhen they started doing No, you know
so tall and Matthew Perry, Yeah, I'm saying, Lisa Kudro and Conan
kind of look like, well beta little you know, tall lanky.
Oh those two Yeah yeah yeah,hair ish. Yeah. But I guess
when they started filming Friends, shewas just going on and on about like
how funny he was. And thenConan said he actually went to one of
the tapings and he's like, Iimmediately got it, and he goes,
yeah, this guy's okay. Yeah. Inside Out Too, which I still
want to see. It was thenumber one movie at the box office last
weekend. Also, just this weekbecame the highest grossing animated movie of all
time one point four billion dollars.That's followed by Frozen, two Super Mario
Brothers, the Original Frozen, andthen Incredibles Too. There's a bunch of
those toy stories on there, notthe original, but you know some of
the follow ups. Sausage Party wasn'ton that list. Yeah. Country singer
Jason al Dean was asked if hecould go and undo a trend or technology
in the industry, what would itbe? Bro Country didn't skip a beat
and he said, so social mediaacross the board, get rid of it.
I know it's going to be avery unpopular answer. And I was
just having that thought, uh theother day, like what if you went
back and were somehow and the spacetime continuum you were able to undo?
So it was it was just nevera thing, and then it never came
to be like you found that momentin time where you know, it just
it just never came to be.What would today's world with all the other
technology that we have and all theother things that we have, Like,
what would the world? What wouldpeople be? Like I had it was
kind of like a high thought,even though I wasn't high, I wasn't
drunk, But what would the worldif we're just like you know, for
the sake of argument here, howdo you think the world would be?
Would it be? Would people behappier? Would would there be less uh,
you know, divisiveness, there'd beless posing for things I would I
would not have seen the other daya woman walking down the cereal aisle of
Target with her phone in her face, flipping her hair around and showing off
her nails so embarrassing. But withthe way that we can all get information
and news and all the other stuff, you could still have the internet.
I'm talking about social media. Peoplestill have the outlet. I guess that
they need to kind of release.Like all the people who are angry on
social media, I think that's stillsort of a way for them to release
all the feelings that they have aboutthey wouldn't have those feelings because social media
makes them angry constant, but notjust the news in general of being able
to check it come. No,you're just thinking that part. There's the
there's an underlying jealousy factor that peoplehave for no reason. Yeah, and
that makes them crappy people. Becausewhen it happened before social media, people
would read stuff in the news andthey get fired up, and they would
go to the craft store and they'dmake a sign, they go down to
whatever the rally was, or theyjust they burn their bra their or whatever
it was. They were right.So that's my question is would there be
more of that, more people outin society with sort of this kind of
rage, so fewer admonistrations because mostof all the protests we see now are
social media driven. Well, that'strue. They have no way to kind
of collect together, and I believeit's It's obviously not all bad, like
there are some good aspect any there'ssome good aspects that there's some I think
overall, though, man, wewould be so much better off. I
think people as a whole would beso much happier. I wish we could
just do a five day trial.Yeah, like let's shut them all down
in just one work week. Yeah, but that's what Jason al Dean had
to say. Here's another fun fact, and this has been getting a lot
of attention this week. Did youknow that SpongeBob square Pants is autistic?
Yes, on the spectrum. Theguy who does SpongeBob's voice was at a
comic Con event in Detroit and hetold the crowd that SpongeBob is quote kind
of on the spectrum and that autismwas SpongeBob's superpower whatever that means. So
the guy just kind of made itup on the spot. As TMZ says,
quote, fans are already applauding Tomfor his inclusive stance here, and
many also agree. Now you know, a cartoon, although they did have
I think one of the sesame Streetcharacters one of the puppets. Yes,
is autistic. Greg, I knowyou'd be interested in this. How much
did Prince William make between twenty twentythree and twenty twenty four? The data
is out? So what does bejust get? What does Being Royalty pay?
Forty million? Thirty million dollars?Thirty thirty million dollars? Nice to
have been born. That's pretty awesome. Nice. And here I'll give you
one more thing, menace. Yes, I'm sure you're ready to celebrate.
Hello Kitty turns fifty this year.And yes, we here on this show
already knew that Hello Kitty is nota cat. Yeah, I don't know
why that started popping up again thisweek. San Rio, the company responsible
for this garbage, says, quote, she's actually a little girl born and
raised in the suburbs of London,which I would have thought it was Japan.
There's a daily mentions fan That's whatthat would have been, my guest.
All right, So where what isHello Kitty like Tokyo? I know
it just seems like every Japanese girl. Well, I've visited Land and it
is not in Tokyo, San Rio. Land, Yeah, they have like
a like a Hello kitty Land wherein some part of Japan. I don't
know. I was on a train, I'd stopped. I stopped at the
stop, and the whole like thewhole train station is full of Hello Kitty
stuff. So san Roo says she'sactually a little girl born and raised in
the suburbs of London. She hasa twin sister named Menace. You're a
big fan, U. Her sister'sname was also her best friend. Yeah,
twin sister is me little Kitty.Mim mem I'm sorry, mimy.
So why is she a little girlthat looks like a cat? I don't
know and not but Hello Kitty hasher own pet cat. Wow, Menace,
what's the name of the cat?Uh? Uh? Stitch? I
thought you were like a legit fan, Like, why do you have all
that? You've put that on me? No, we didn't. Okay,
here's the story. You always say, like, oh you put that on.
No no no, no, no, no no no no. Here's
audio that you go back. Nono, no, no, Hold on,
I'm muting it, Mike for aminute. Let me tell you a
story. So we have a wehave a friend who's a news reporter and
she was covering some big Hello Kittything, apparently, because this is how
I found out about it. Shecalls me, She goes, you gotta
tell Menace to get this crap outof my trunk. I said, what
crap? He had me get allthis Hello Kitty stuff from the Hello Kitty
whatever thing that she was covering onthe TV news. I go, huh,
she goes, oh, yeah,Menace was real serious about it.
He wanted me to go get allthis Hello Kitty stuff. Please tell him.
I've been trying to get a holdof him, Come get this crap
out of my trunk. So that'swhen we found it's never known for embellishing.
This thing was on TV. Exactlywas on TV. I said to
and DM I was like, oh, then be get one of those baskets
because there was like twenty baskets onTV with her. And that's all I
said. Okay, well tell youwhat she told me. I didn't know
anything more than that. I didn'tknow that she contacted you, that she
even put a basket in her trunkor me or anything like that, because
then told me I'm a super fan. Look, that's the point is in
this room. And then when andthen remember when they announced the Hello Kitty
Cafe. He's like, because Ido like the treats. There no one
else in this room texted the personwe saw and asked for a special You
don't put that on him. Thatdon't put that on him. You don't
think I'm going to give that toother people. I wouldn't. I wouldn't
ask for that favor. That's that'snumber one kind of tacky. And number
two, that's the favor you pull. By the way, back to Greg's
point, this is this Hello Kittyis not a little girl. It's a
cat. She has giant whiskers.And the whole thing is so let's get
into the birthdays and you show it'sshim. We're gonna it's shiver, We're
gonna sit it's and you know youdon't do well. I'm gonna start with
a birthday shout out to my girl. Kate's Beckhamsale. Yeah, she is
fifty one years old today. Andyou said you had no connection to the
state, would he? Oh that'strue, your wife, it's her birthday.
I know. No, I wouldnever want to be married to her.
She's nuts. I think she's beautiful, but she's I think she's just
enough nuts. That you could getwith her. Not you mean like she'd
give me a shot? Yeah,yeah, right, I know I sew
three years blind now to getting likea young whatdy would put up with her?
Now? He would not put up? No, no, she's saying
that. He's saying that she wouldbe crazy enough to give me a shot,
but saying you would actually have marriedher had you been I mean Pete
Davidson very yeah. Yeah, butdo you agree or disagree with me on
that, Seabatt that I think she'sjust enough crazy that she would. Dude,
Pamela Anderson hooked up with Julian Assange. Yeah, when we get older,
they get weird. Happy birdad ofMick Jagger, who's eighty one.
Jeremy Piven ari Golden Entrage is fiftynine years old today. Jason Statham from
The Fast and Furious Movies is fiftyseven. Chris Harrison, the former host
of the Bachelor, is fifty three. Sandra Bullock is sixty, Kevin Spacey
is sixty five. Taylor Momson shegot her start as Cindy lu Who and
How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Andalso in Gossip Girl. She got the
band The Pretty Reckless thirty one yearsold today and Helen Mirren, Oh,
oh, oh, Dan, Idon't know, she's seventy nine years old.
I know that, oh your pornobirthday today is Annabelle Peaks and she
has vaulted more polls than an OlympicTrack and Field star. Four hundred fine
films, including New to Awakening.She was in Two Girls at the Glory
Hole Volume one, Knocking at Yourback Door, Volume four, she was
in this warehouse is a whorehouse?Look at that? Oh my gosh.
Shock. She was in rubbing downa horny what volume four? And who
can forget her? Unforgetable role inAnnabelle Peaks is a squirting freak, which
you you've you've covered this before.That's pe right. Yeah. The gland,
the skins gland that they claim iswhere the comes from is just not
large enough in any female effort toproduce that much. Lately. I also
heard something recently that they tested itout by putting a die in in the
in the in this woman's bladder whowas a quote squirter, And when it
came out it was the blue dot. Yeah. They six or seven in
Japan Japan self proclaimed yeah, shoutout to the Skins. Yeah, well
anyway, that's U Annabelle Peaks,who is forty three years old today,
Metropano Bartay your celebrity Bartas and thata little Friday morning look of what's happening
in and around the world of entertainment. You're on the Woody Show. We're
gonna take a quick break more nexthang on, Buela, wouldn't approve the
Woody Show. Well, that's gonnado it for this hour. That's gonna
do it for today's show. Infact, that's gonna do it for the
week. Everybody. It is timeto weekend. All right, quick update
where you're gonna find on the FridayPodcast by going to the Woodieshow dot com.
Friday Fail Stories, Seamass back thisweek so we have the du iq,
some of the trending news headlines,porn, a birthday and more.
It's all there Friday Podcast. Justhit up the woodieshow dot com. If
you missed anything this week of allthe things, go back and check out
more gasms do It or Menaces,higher education with the Animal Mediums, such
highlights all the shows from this weekWaiting for you podcast form, plus all
the videos and everything else on ourYouTube page, YouTube dot com, slash
the Woodie Show, and you canalso give us a follow on social media
at the Woody Show, the platformof your choice. Let's see coming up
on Monday, cheers and jeers ofcourse. And then it's the beginning of
the Olympics this weekend, so we'regonna do the Woody Show Olympics. All
right, Okay, all right,So Woody Show Olympics. That's Monday.
Anything you got for us over theweekend, maybe voice message you could leave
for us on the after hours voicemaileight seven seven forty four Woodie. That's
eight seven seven forty four Woodie.Yep uh, that's officially enough for the
week Okay, menc Bass Sammy.If you like to add Greg Gory parting
words of wisdom please, Yeah,protect yourself from the sun and drink all
your margaritas in the shade right yourmarks, Yeah, all the all them
marks. We've got a big weekend. Some friends where are going to Medicine
I with a group of other people. It's like a pool cabana thing tomorrow.
There's gonna be a lot of tequilain my life. Yeah. Excellent,
floating around a lazy river, yeah, huh yeah, so you know,
I'll keep that in mind about theshade. Yeah, think that that
was for you and your SPF.But thank you very much, Greg Gory,
Thank you so much for giving theWoody Show some of your valuable time
this week. You know we'd loveand to appreciate you for that. The
rest of you guys could suck it. Catch you back here on Monday.
Have a great weekend, SMD doublem bye, Great Friday Mothers.