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July 31, 2024 109 mins
Woody Show Family Feud, New Headlines, Show Topics & More! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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What is due to the graphic natureof this program listener discretion is it lies
the Woody Show. He's the WoodyShow. Insensitivity Training class is now in

session. A good morning, everybody, Good morning. It is Wednesday.
It is the final day of July. It's July the thirty first, twenty
twenty four. Yeah, this isusually the time of the year where the
year starts flying. Those first coupleof months, oh dragged, they dragged

a little bit, but then youstart hitting warp speed right around the summertime
and the kids go out of school. Yeah, and then the summer goes
by super quick. I mean thenext thing you know, you're putting up
your Halloween stuff and then you're shoppingfor Christmas presents and stuff like that.
But July just was the blink ofany Yeah, way more than yep.
Anyway. So here we are,last day of July. We are the

Woody Show, Woody Greg mansc Bass, there's Sammy. We got bored.
We got Caroline in the Woody Showproduction department. Our associate producer is Morgan,
and then we got von our videoproducer. Yeah. I had to
tell Vaughn, I'm like, dude, a new rule man I keep talking
him about this because I see thesevideos that we post and I end up
with so much fuzz and like littlethings on because I wear black all the

time, so it's like having ablack car. Everything shows up. Oh.
I'm like, dude, you gottalet me know if I got stuff
on my shirt. That's my onething. I love ninety nine point of
everything Vaughn does. But if there'san issue, yeah, you gotta tell
you to jump in. I go, dude, just come in and like
adjust something. Just yeah, healready did. He already told me this

morning, goes good, shirt,I go good. He's learning, thank
you something like, you know,just give it a quick little brush,
Yeah, quick little brush. Justfix it. Yeah, dude, you're
like the You're like the director.Dude. Yeah, you gotta have that
eye. Yeah, you have eyeson everybody. There's something wrong, Just
fix it. Today on the show, of course, all the trending news
headlines, we're gonna have that foryou. I have the announcement for the
Woody Show Employee of the Month.Here we are, last day of July.

Who will be the employee of themonth for July And see mass is
gonna have a Woody show Family Feud. Yes, all right, that's happening
today, Birthdays, Porno Birthday,and a whole bunch more that is for
you today Wednesday. Here on theWoody Show, phones open eight seven seven
forty four. Woody hit us upwith the text over to two to ninety
seven. We're talking about how dexterY is coming back, right, and

then the the God the Sylvester Stalloneshow that I love so much, Tulsa
King is coming back, and theEmmy nominations came out recently, and so
like Greg was mentioning, well,now that certain things are are done with
and over, like Minds is over, like Dexter's on my list of shows

that I definitely want to check out. But I was looking over the Emmy
nominations for some like maybe some inspiration, like oh maybe I'll check that out.
A lot of these I don't evenknow what they are. As I
go through the different things, tellme if you think that knowing what you
know about me and the typical stuffthat I like, I like the breaking
bad, anything that's like you know, crime, violence, you know,

I do like some. I dolike some like dramas and stuff I did
like Greg, and I are reallyinto this is Us. When that was
out, I like that, youknow, things like Me in the Day
of course, all the HGT stufflike that. I hated the title that
I'd like the show all right,so I know for okay, so we'll
start with Outstanding Drama Sery. Bythe way, Emmy's are September fifteenth.

Yes, so the nominee is outstandingDramacy is the Crown? I know him
out? Yeah for you, Iactually liked it. Yeah again we're talking
about me, Greg, I knowyou, God knows. I thought the
passing was awesome, except for PrinceCharles. Okay, you will never get
a good Prince drug ever. Ever. Again, I'm looking for a suggestion.

Okay, you're out Fallout on PrimeVideo. Yeah, I think you
might like that, don't know,I'm intrigued by the title. I know,
I'm looking at these blonde Fallout wasabsolutely amazing. That's funny. It
is a little superhero ish, butnot like over the Time. Okay,
the Gilded Age on HBO, Max, I love the Gilded Age? Yeah,

what is it? Her response?All right? Like Victorian. Yeah,
so it's based in New York inthe in the Gilded Age, So
like the eighteen hundreds, when likeElectricity is like all new, they're like,
oh, look at the lines andit's based off Yeah, I'll go
for like the showing when they lightup Broadway. It's a whole thing.
But it's based on real families,So like the astors and stuff like that

are actual families that existed on thisin New York. But the scenarios aren't
exactly how to do a tour ofthat kind of crap. When I was
in New York, where put areyou in an old ass building to talk
about this stuff? It was soboring? What do you mean had to
I've done so many of those toursare the best. I've been interested to
check this out. It's been onfor a number of years, but before
Outstanding Drama Series, The Morning Showon Apple TV Plus is nominated. I

never saw it. The cast ishuge. Yeah, would be good.
No, I think you might likeit. The COVID season where they had
like shoot during COVID that was soboring. It seems like something what he
would like. But I think youwould like it. Mister and missus Smith
on Prime Video. Ah, No, you want to like it. I
haven't watched it. That was aboutassassins though, right, but it takes

quite a few episodes for them toeven start, you know, doing stuff.
By the way, feel free asa listener if you're listening to these
and you know from what you knowabout me from the show, if you
think it like me, your suggestionson the text as well. So far,
I got a maybe for Fallout,and then maybe for the morning show
Showgun on FX, don't know it, don't know it, slow Horses TV

Plus, and then three Body Problem, which is on Netflix. I mean
the title sounds like something you wouldbe into. Three Body Problem, never
heard of it, don't know allright, that's drama series, comedy series
ABBD Elementary which I tried. Icouldn't get into it. Really yeah,
I tried. Oh I love it. I think it's I like it.
The Bear that should not be inthe comedy category. I know there's there

was some there's a drama ripoff man, some contract that it shouldn't be.
It shouldn't a category, it shouldn'tbe nominated. It sucks. Kurby Enthusiasm
already love it, Hacks on HBOhas that's a comedy. I love.
I wore Ship. That's the reasonI got Max was four hacks, Like,

I don't know if you would likeit, really, I don't think
why, oh you don't think i'dlike it? I you know, I
think you would appreciate it because hercharacter is essentially Joan Rivers. But I
think it might be too girly foryou. Yeah, Like, what's so?
What is it about? It's abouta a list comic played by Gene
Smart. She's essentially, let's justsay, Joan Rivers type brash, over

the top comedian, and they're tryingto make her more relevant with the younger
crowd, so they hire a youngwriter and they are polar opposite personalities and
they clash and fight, but thenthey meld together and make comedy and there's
a lot of subplots and stuff.I think it's incredible, but I don't
think you'd like it because I thinkit's too too dainty, little It's a

little girly. Also nominated Only Murdersin the Building. I like that show.
I tried it. I only watchedthe first season, so I like
but I liked it. I justhaven't gotten around to anything else yet.
Yeah, so I gotta get backinto that. Palm Royal on Apple TV
plus I don't know I ever watchedit Reservation Dogs, but you wouldn't like
it. What is that about.It's just about life on a reservation with

a bunch of young teenagers and themlike wanting to leave the reservation and just
okay, I'm trying to do that. And then what we do in The
Shadows, which is on FX.Oh yeah, that was a great movie.
Yeah, but the show is basicallyit's like a nerdy comedy. You
don't like it. So nothing fromthe comedy series Weird. Yeah, so

Emmy nominations again the show September fifteenth. These came out a couple of weeks.
I had the list. I've beenkeeping it at my desk because I'm
trying to go through it and putsome stuff on my to do list.
It sucks because the Bear is gonnawin all these awards and rip off actual
comedy, right. I hate it. I give Hacks a try though.
Okay, so now you're saying hecks, I mean give it a tryant that

you're gonna learn put it, babe, But I mean it's just awesome.
As far as limited series, BabyReindeer on Netflix, Oh, I didn't
hearn a lot about that. Abouta stalker. Oh yeah, like some
chick falls in love with this guywho works at a bar, and it's
based on a true story. Itis, yea, but I kind of
like that stuff, the true storystuff. Yeah, it was very redundant.

They didn't really go anywhere. Shewas mad, right, Like the
actual girl was coming out saying shedidn't get paid for you know, this
whole story about her, so she'smad. I'm so impressed to how much
you guys know about all these TVshows, honestly. Yeah. Yeah,
this trending and I just threw iton one day. Uh, Fargo on
FX. I've heard mixed stuff aboutthat. I really loved the movie and
the movie. Yeah, the movieback in the day. I loved that

movie. People that love Fargo theTV version, they love it. Yeah,
But I mean, do you ifyou like the movie version, will
you like the TV version? Ican't tell you. I never watched it.
I'm relying on people on the textfor that. Over to two two
ninety seven h Lessons in Chemistry,which is on Apple TV plus. I
love that, but you want tolike it? Never heard of it.

This reminds me of we were doingthe nominations for the show employed. The
mother was like, I would votefor Sammy, but yeah, yeah,
I'm not. Yeah. Lessons toChemistry is about a independent woman who's really
into science and it's during the timewhere you couldn't give credit to women for,
you know, coming up with scientificdiscoveries. And then so she gets
into doing a cooking show, whichis widely popular, but she doesn't like

that because she wants to be takenseriously as a scientist. Sounds sounds like
a meta show because Menace is alwayssaying, you know, like women shouldn't
be allowed to work, and yeah, that's right. Yeah, so I
hate watched it exactly. Yeah,I really enjoy it, but you would
not like it. Also, inthe limited series Ripley, which is on

Netflix. Never watched it, andI think that's from the talented mister Ripley.
Maybe I don't know. And thenTrue Detective Night Country on HBO Max.
I've heard some good stuff about theTrue Detective stuff. I watched the
Night Country. Yeah, I meanabout Night Count sound all right? So
from the limited series, comedy series, drama series, I have a maybe
on hacksp maybe on The Morning Show, and a maybe on Fallout from Prime

Video and that's it. The otherdominees talk series between Kimmel, seth Meyer's
Daily Show and Stephen Colbert. Sothe talk shows don't care about any of
those outstanding scripted variety series. Lastweek Tonight with John Oliver. I always
like that show. I think it'salways very well written, very creative.
It's weird that he's on the samecategory as the other exactly. And then

Saturday Night Live, which I haven'twatched Saturday Live in years. I do.
I still watch it every week.Outstanding Competition Program. I watched clips,
like when the clips come on socialmedia, I'll watch that Outstanding Competition
Program. It's between The Amazing Race, Rue Paul's Drag Race again, the
Traders, Top Chef, and TheVoice. And I'm not really into any
of those shows either. But doyou still watch ru Paul's Drag Race?

No really into that. Fir wasinto it and then they got all political
and I'm like out out. Yeah, all right, Well, Amy,
September fifteenth, You got any suggestionsfor me based on the really violent,
over the top stuff that I reallylike? Yeah, you know, I
like movies like Goodfellas or exactly.You know, shows like Breaking Bad,
Loved better Call Saul. That wasgreat. Limited series The The Brian Cranston

One Your Honor. Yeah, thatwas good. That was great. You're
like my mom dad. I willrecommend stuff to her, So you have
to watch this movie. It's sosad. She's like, you know,
Gregory, I don't do sad.I only do funny or very violent.
I like your mom. She doespure mom. She and I should make
out her all right? More whathe shows next? Hang on show next?

Hey, everybody, I hope you'reenjoying The Woody Show podcast. It's
menace. Are you gonna be inthe city of Glendale, California? Are
near Glendale? August tenth? Well, I'm gonna be there from one to
three pm at Fabletex at Glendale Galleria. It's the grand opening. I'm gonna
have a ton of giveaways for themeparks, concerts, Woody Show merch mre.

So come hang out with me oneto three pm at Fabletics in Glendale
at Glendale Galleria. That's Saturday,August tenth. In the meantime, keeping
joining the Woody Show podcast, TheWoody Show is that and into another new
hour of insensitivity training for a politicallycorrect world. It's Wednesday morning, July

the thirty first payday. If Ijust realized I was gonna say the last
day of doing that triggered my memory. Payday. Nice. You see,
I got reminded this morning because Ihave a text reminder from my bank.
You do, yeah, okay,which is awesome. I've like turned off
all notifications really yeah, I dogeneral, but no, I'm not with
my bank. I want to hearfrom my mark. But what do you

need a notification from your bank?You're on that thing NonStop. I know
he stalks his acus has worked therea part time. I got sure.
Then you can get information even morequick and I can add some zeros to
my account. Yeah. Would yousay you look at your account like four
or five times a day. I'mdown to about two two interesting case,
just to be safe. And thenevery time I get my debit card and

check the out. We'll happy payday. Anybody who gets paid on the fifteenth
from the last day of the monthrip all right, So we got to
see myself, Woody, there's GregGory. Hi, Menace is right there?
What is up? Sea Bass ishere? We got Sammy and the
phones are open for you at eightseven seven forty four, Woody. That's
eight seven seven forty four Woody.You can hit us up with the text
over to two to nine eight seven. Dude, I hate this so much.

There's a tech company that's working onAI that would be able to plant
false memories in people's brains. Ohwow, ask me what the possible use
for this would be? Good quest? And this is why I hate it
so much. Working on technology thatwould put false memories into people. Yes,
plant false memories into people's brains.And there's actually the a few different

companies working on this. Not toget really dark, but probably because uh,
I mean, benefit might be peoplethat had a really rough yeah,
their childhood PTSD kind of stuff.Why would I hate that? Why would
I hate that? I don't know, I wouldn't. That would be fine,
but that's what they were trying todo with terrible memory. Yeah.
No, they're thinking it could beused for criminals. So instead of sending

them to prison instead of please,the AI would make the criminals feel and
remember going to prison for their crimeseven though they didn't please. So they
would have that man that really suckedwithout ever going to actual jail prison,
no repercussions, for what they did. How stupid is that? I don't

that's what they said. The wholearticle is about this they're taking. It'll
take the burden off the criminal justicesystem. Good. But how often do
we release people and then they gocrime again? Like what even makes us
think that? But you could putlike some hollaytion just you know, memory
implanted into their brain, like abouthow they were like tortured and everything.

I'm never going back there, man, that was ever without ever really putting
them through that kind of like scaredstraight, I say, do you both
put them in jail? I don'tknow why we're so afraid to put people
in jail. I know, whyhave we become so concerned about what a
guilty person feels. We've talked aboutthis so often about like if you've ever
been on a plane, the minuteyou get up in the air, you
see how much open space there reallyis. We could build so many jails.

I would much rather build jails thangive homeless people cell phones or half
the crab that we spend money on. All this dumped building bridges to nowhere.
I think, though, the tideis turning on all this. I
hope so people there's even task forcesfor the copper people like they want to

coppers. Yeah, like the peoplethat buy the copper, the people that
steal the copper. I'm like,that's a nice start. Wow, finally
after right, Yeah, it doesn'tseem that difficult. It's it's not erasing
stuff from your brain. It's justplanting false memory. Okay, So like
you can't erase something that's already there, all right, but couldn't you put

in the like, essentially the samething. So if you had a traumatic
experience when your dog died, forexample, they put it into your mind
that he didn't die, he justwent off to a farm. Mmm.
Yeah, but how would that conflictwith that or that you dealt with it
very well, right, you knowwhat I mean? Yeah, but I
wonder how that would conflict with theactual Yeah. I don't know the actual

memory or trauma or whatever that youwere dealing with. It's above my pay.
Yeah. I think it's kind oflike how they say time heals everything.
So let's say you go to thesame restaurant that you always went to
with somebody that you were married to, and you get a divorce and you're
still going to that restaurant. You'rebuilding new memories until you forget your old
ones. Building on that. Boththe examples seem like very personal. Greg

and the dead dog and the exhusband and go to your favorite go to
a favorite restaurant. Yeah. Interesting. I don't think we need to worry
about this because it sounds impossible.I mean, I don't know, I
don't I don't put anything past technologyat this point and what it's capable of,
I mean, how stupid. Butspeaking of AI, there's a best

seller cookbook on Amazon right now.It's called The Complete crock Pot Cookbook for
Beginners, created entirely by AI.Oh no real author. Like, what
a weird world, you know?That seems like you would need the human
element. Why because you're talking aboutcooking stuff and flavors and the new one.
But it's all science and math,right, Baking is more science,

right. But as far as everythingelse, they they're they're taking from source
material. Sure, it's any recipe, especially a crockpot recipe more than six
things, usually not a beginner.Dump it in and forget it. Yeah,
dump and cook, get dump well, delish us Oh yeah, press

button? All right. This fiftyfour year old woman in Michigan, she
was going through email, she hadthis email saying that she had won a
lottery prize of two hundred and seventhousand dollars. Guess what she did and
what happened? Guys, I'm gonnaguess that she sent somebody some money.
She clicked on it and it waslegit. Oh, she actually did win

two hundred grand. Wow. Theemail was from the Michigan Lottery. She
had been earning some entries into thisbig cash second chance drawing by playing these
online lottery games and she won.Nice. I did not see that coming
mean either. Usually it's like,oh, here's somebody I got out of
two hundred thousand, right, Yeah, she actually lot her emails, You're

sure, okay? And she saidit was in her spam folder. Oh
my god. So she's gonna payoff for bills and invest the rest all
right. Now, If you wantto earn some good money, you could
become a Hooters waitress. This twentythree year old chick on TikTok says that
she makes four hundred and fifty onedollars in just four hours of work.
MANA, how much is that perhour? Wait? It's just four hours

of work. Four hours of work. Four hundred and fifty one dollars one
hundred and fifty one. That'd beuh, that'd be one hundred and twelve
basically, wow minutes? Good?What bunny? That's it for him today?
Guys. Yeah, like the Georgekastands all right, thank you,
see you guys tomorrow. Yeah,that's good. One hundred and twelve bucks

an hour? No, nice,pretty nice? Is Hooters even that busy
anymore? Some locations yeah, somenot so much? I mean, easy
job. Yeah. What was yourfirst Hooters? Ooh, I'll tell you
mine your food. Oh, thefirst Hooters are ever one, so nobody
will ever forget. I don't.I don't remember. Mine was Hollolulu.
Oh, second one, San Diego. Yeah, I was probably like Saint

Louis. You go to Honola.By the way, Menace didn't grow up
in Honolulu. Yeah, he's gota knack for that. He travels places,
right. I went to Yeah,I went to I went to Tokyo.
Yeah, and I went to McDonald's. Well, now I have seven
eleven I have been to the Yeah, and it was delightful. Yeah.

Nice. I bet it wasn't yourfirst though. Yeah. It's like the
people who go to New York andthey go to Times Square where'd you eat
Olive Garden? Two stories? Yeah, in December and they have an escalator
that's why. That's when And itwas in a movie. That's cool.
That's a reason to go because theOlive Garden has an escalator. Act like
that wouldn't just pull you right in? Yeah, but all the great Italian

places, olive Garden doesn't rip.Dude, Yeah about it rips again if
I'm in Saint Louis. But I'mat my lost house in Saint Louis every
day live. Yeah, yeah,but vacation trip. So what it's there?
It's good. Okay. Did youhit up the Pizza Hut in uh
in Manhattan to No, definitely.I went to the CGI Fridays and they

have like cocktails made by the rock. Oh yeah, that's right there.
Yeah, alright, we're gonna takea quick break. Phones open eight seven
seven forty four. Times Square hitus up with the text over to two
to nine eight seven. Well,the Olympic Triathlons finally happened, you guys,

and the athletes swam in the senRiver after days of delays. Huh.
The latest tests of the water fellwithin the quality standards. So the
women went first. They're like,all right, ladies, you don't get
out there, and then the uh, and then the then the dudes did
their thing. But yeah, that'sbeen one of the big stories. I

got to say. When it comesto the Olympics. I saw something that
I've never seen before. And Iknow we talked about trampoline being an event
and how does that work. Isaw THEOSA doing synchronized trampoline. Yeah.
I was so blown away and impressedby it. Yeah. He was like
watching the same person do trampoline routinewith a mirror behind me. They were
so synchronized. It was so impressive. They jumped so high and I couldn't

believe that that might be my newfavorite event. I'll have to check it
out. US women's gymnastics team theywon gold crush, So now it's onto
are you on the team? Well, we America. Now onto the individual
competitions. Uh. The USA leadseveryone now with most metals gold, silver,
and bronze. Yeah, France's second, and then let's see, yeah

they got eighteen, we got twentysixond that's a nice lead. Yeah,
suck it world. And in thecoolest surfing picture, you're ever gonna see
Brazilian surfer Gabriel Medina and his board. It looks like they're suspended in mid
air. Check out the the picture. It's really cool because he's got like
one finger up all of us.He's wave into a crowd. You know
that's gonna be like one of thesephotos that surf. Yeah, it's the

Mona Lisa of surfing. Yeah,that is so cool. Cool. Uh
the Olympic surfing. By the way, it's happening in Tahiti, to say
where the Yeah, it's in Tahiti, and the Olympic village for that is
actually a cruise ship. Oh.They are rubbing it in so hard,
rub it into the athletes. Weare stuck in those like dorms with the

Yeah, a lot of the athletescardboard beds. This sucks. I'm going
to a hotel. Oh I thinka lot of them have. Yeah,
yeah, Sokiti. That would ruleGreg. Have you never gone to one
of those? Is it Fiji Tahitito the British Virgin Islands? That was
beautiful, But did you have stayin one of those little stupid huts on
the waters? Are cooler? That'smy wife's dream. That's what she wants.

The hut. I want the hutin the water. It looks super
nice, like for a photo.Yep, I'm with you. Keep going,
but seems like an otherwise complete painin your d yes. Just to
what walk out on that everywhere?Yeah, because everything is so far away,
right, just to go anywhere?Do anything? You have condition those
things? I don't know exactly.Is there a toilet those things? Yeah?

There is Where to the fish?I don't know. Maybe it runs
under the deck, I don't know. I don't know. But for that
situation, I would adopt Woody's youknow opinion. Not my problem. But
great. You can walk out yourfront door and could take a dip in
like crystal clear water. I know, go back and forth. It's fun.
It would be heaven. But sharewhere he stayed. I went to

Stans Island getting No. It wasright near Richard Branson's Island, and I
was at Quervo Nation on the islandof Tortol. I believe it is that
one of those trips they sent youon. Uh. Yeah, And it
was great, and I remember abouthalf of it. Radio used to be
really cool, man, you know. I used to get to do all
kinds of stuff. Now we getto just have the stories, right,

Greig and I went well separately,But Ireland that was so much fun,
Jamison. Can you think the lastcool radio thing you were involved with?
No, like our festival is good. I'll give us this. Yeah,
but I mean that's that's nice.But it's just it's I mean, it's
not going to Ireland. I cantell you everybody else's but here or no.

Yeah, but that's all tied intodifferent things. I mean that's like,
I don't know, that's kind ofdifferent. I just remember these junkets,
yeah, for every dumb thing,right. I went to one in
Jackson hallw Wyoming. It was gorgeous. Yeah. And the Menace at the
British Virgin Islands. We were jumpingoff this boat and this other boat pulled
up and there's four youngish people init and they said, hey, can
we board your boat and party withyou? Guys? We were drinking like

crazy and we said sure, RichardBranson's kid, what may we party on
your boat? Some sad news thismorning and really tragic situation. A third
girl has died from the mass stabbingthat happened at that Taylor Swift themed dance
event in the UK happened on Monday. I mean these are little kids.

Man, it's really six stupful.Yeah, like six seven nine years old,
all killed, five other kids.Two adults are in the hospital condition.
The two adults are the teachers theywere attacked as they're trying to help
the kids escape. And the seventeenyear old douchebag who did it is still
being interviewed by the cops. Theyhave not released his name or anything else
about him, no mention of anykind of possible possible motive. But man,

that's heartbreaking. Yeah. The peoplethat were being interviewed, they are
like, this kind of stuff doesn'thappen where we live. Yeah, they're
complete shot. Tesla is recalling morethan one point eight million vehicles because of
a faulty hood. I'm imagining it'slike one of these things. Maybe you're
driving along and all of a sudden, the hood flips up and you can't
see anything. Maybe I don't know, don't but if you have a Tesla

you might want to look into that. Also, Spirit Airlines they've announced that
they're making some changes and it affectsthose big front seats what they're bare bones
fair structure is gone. The bigfront seats are now being called business class,
which just means that they're going tocharge even more for them. But
hear me out on this, Idon't think it sucks. I looked into

a little bit more because I whenI fly Spirit, and I've never had
an issue with Spirit. I thinkthey've been fine, quite lovely. Yeah.
The employee, Yeah, it's thepassengers, not the employees. Yeah,
the employees have been great. Thepores, the planes are new.
All the Spirit flights I've been on, the planes are like new. One
I was on it was probably oneof the best flights I've ever had.
Yeah, smooth a and I alwaysbooked that big seat up front, you

know, which is more but stillway less than a first class ticket on
any other airline, And you havethe space of a first class seat on
any other airline. Just doesn't recline. Yeah yeah, so it's a fat
guy. Oh yeah great, Ineed it anyway. So overall, the
four different fare options on Spirit gogo savvy, go comfy, or go

big, And that's the big frontseats to go big. So this is
they already basically have this right now, but when you get to go big,
seats. Now they come with drinks, so alcoholic beverages, everything else,
snacks, and they throw in theirstreaming speed Wi Fi so you get
all that. Even the Go Comfyis nice because when you buy that,

they block the middle seat, sothe middle seats open. I know.
So, I mean, obviously wewere talking about how you know, Southwest
changed their whole thing up, anduh so that was because the low fair
airline stuff. That business model justisn't work it anymore apparently, although it

always seems like these flights are packed. True and by the way, Southwest
is not cheap at all. It'snot all Spirit and you know Legion,
Frontier, et cetera always cheaper thanIt's not cost airline by any means.
Well, that's because the those otherones you just mentioned. Spirit in Frontier
they had that bare bones fair structure, so it included nothing but all.

If you go on their website you'llsee for the Go the Ghost Savvy,
the Go Company, to Go Big. It breaks down all the different things,
so it's like early boarding and andyou know something obviously like how many
bags are included, But then itgets into some of the amenities like even
I think the Ghost savvy or gocomfy, includes a snack from like a
snack basket, non alcoholic drink orsomething like that. Yeah, they seem

to make one more change. What'sthat take the Cajun ramen away and you're
so upset about that? Yeah,like Cajun ramen is not good. Just
be for chicken, that's it.Why Cajun maybe got a really good deal
on it. Yeah, I'm surelike maybe it was like a close out

spirit. Yeah. Uh. Thattopic on the Southwest announcement ditching the open
seat and go into a sign seating. So people were asked to pick their
top seat location on a flight.So if you got your choice any seat
on the plane, what would itbe. Eight of the top ten choices
are window seats, and the mostin demand seat on the entire plane is

seat one, A number one.It's first class, it's a window seat,
it's first row, and it's theone with the wall in front of
you, the bulkhet which I hate, hate that. I don't like those
seats. I don't like those seatseither. One who think they like that,
you don't realize you can't have yourcrap in front of you exactly.
Yeah, you got to put itup overhead. You can't, like really,
I mean, I can stretch myfeet way further out on a regular

seat than I can on that one, because there's the wall that goes all
the way down. At least ifthere is a seat in front of you,
there is still space to you know, where you normally put your bag
yep, stretch your legs out,and there's that dumb tray table that you
take out of the armrest. Yeah, which, and it just sits on
your legs. And again back tobeing a fat guy, dude, that
thing is like a magic trick wherethey cut the woman in half with those
big flat pieces of metal. Yeah, those metal like blazes. It just

sits on your leg at a fortyfive grey angle, Yeah No, not
that. That's the ones that folddown from the front. I'm talking the
ones that fold out of the armrest. No, that's what I mean.
Those just lay on your legs.No, not for me. If you're
a big old fat guy, it'srest on your gut and doesn't fold all.
Yeah. Yeah, you can't evenget it far enough. Yeah forward,
it's I'm saying it's at a fortyfive green was resting on you?
Yea what you're talking about. Sorry, they're both forty five degree. One

is just going like towards you,the other one is going like up and
down on your gut. Sometimes thoseoverheads are aren't even accessible to you because
they're full of like, I don'tknow whatever. Yeah, yeah, there's
I was on the flat I tookback from Europe, the AKG or whatever
those are you use the I wasI was at okay, you know,
first class seat and uh, yeah, it sucks because and then you have

to like hope there's extra room behindyou, so you don't want it.
People. Uh, the second choicefor people seven f it's a windows seat.
It's the first row of economy.But again you got that wall in
front of you. That's followed byan aisle seat in first class, and
then the windows seats the emergency exitrow. Uh, this is weird.
There are two percent of people thatthey talk to who they prefer the middle

seat weirdos, which why really?How and why? How? And why?
Indeed, I feel like the Sammisof the world. Maybe I'll take
you. I still don't want.I still don't want. It affects me
as much as other people, butI don't want the middle seat. Yeah,
you still have to worry about peoplecrossing over you and touching me and
you crossing over something else. I'ma weirdo. I prefers aisle seats,
you do, Yeah, I willtake any first class seat over any other

seat on the plane. Duh.Well yeah, okay. Outside of that,
I would prefer to have a windowseat, Like if you're facing the
front of the plane, that you'restanding in the aisle facing the like you're
gonna like get off the plane backinto the airport on the right side,
to the right side of the aircraft. Yeah, window seat. I like
window seat towards the front of theplane. I don't care what side.

It's got to be a windows butI can't. It's weird. I can't
sleep if I'm on a window seaton the left side, but I can
pass out immediately if I'm in theright side. Don't know what it is.
I can't get I can't get propercomfortable. Maybe just habit, I
don't know. I agree though,I always see the fight because I sleep
better. Yeah, I don't knowwhat it is. It's got to be

in your head. Somebody said it'ssort of the chain just with spirit.
Can get rid of your fattening upstrategy. First of all, that was
Southwest, and yes, them goingto assigned seats gets rid of that completely.
But if you're flying on Spirit,you can pay for comfy and in
the middle. Yeah, they're gonnado like the first three rows. They're
starting with the first three rows ofeconomy that they'll offer that go comfy where
the middle seat is open and thequote big seats up front those are only

two rows, right, two rows? Yes, yeah, because there's only
eight of those. Yeah, yeah, last time I tried to book a
flight, they were gone. Yeah, those book pretty quick. So,
oh, do you know what Ilove about the seat bid too? Don't
forget about the seat bid? What'sthat again? So like, if you
don't want to like splurge and getthe big seats up front and there's some
available, you can do a seatbid and be like, oh, I'll

pay an extra ten bucks on myticket and if no one buys that seat,
oh, then you get it fortwo fun auction. It is Oh
I didn't know about then seat.That's interesting because I see people I sit
in the big seats up front also, and I'll see people I'm like,
you don't belong here. They don'tnotice that me. Yeah, they don't
understand how it were like the likewe talked about it. They don't understand

how the bulkhead seating works. They'revery perhaps unkempt. Oh you know that
makes sense. I know what you'retalking about now, because my last flight
on Spirit I was in that secondrow of the big front seats. Yeah.
I told you in the front rowwas like something out of like you
know, uh, like Appalachian emergencyroom where they had they had the nine
year old son named Dennis, andI was like, who has a nine

year old named Dennis? I thoughtall dennis Is were like sixty. They're
very coastry country folks. I wason that flight with you. Yeah,
and they're and they're watching like,uh, they're watching like UFC videos with
no earbuds, which I get youbelong on Spirit, but you don't.
You didn't pay for the big Butthat's great conversation starter with your seat mate,
like, hey, you don't looklike you belong up here. Yeah.
Yeah, well story, let metell you about the seat bed.

Well, I think the guy whenI was on that Spirit flight where the
guy was smoking weed in the bathroomI think he was one of these these
people because he was next to methe whole time, the flight attendants yelling
at it all right eight seven sevenforty four, Woodie hit us up of
the text over to two to nineeight seven, will be right back with
a little extra effort. I thinkwe can up our likability, will be
right back fast. I have noticedthere are a lot of comments on our

social media videos about just how sexyand skinny Greg Gory is looking. You.
I haven't seen anything like that.You serious, look at the wood
Show Instagram on our videos, constantcomments about how thin you are. Yeah.
I kind of stop reading comments tobe honest, Like a while back,
Yeah, it's good for your mentalhealth exactly. Well not now,
because I go on there. Iread them on your behalf. I've been

replying to. Some of them arebabbs likes. People were saying, oh
my god, you look like cancerskinny. What is this a remake of
Philadelphia? Yeah, babe. Iwas reading a story how people are overdosing
on ozembic. It's becoming a problembecause they're getting their hands on it,
are on some of glue tide,you know, and they're using like too

much ten times they're supposed to use. What amount are you supposed to use?
Whatever you're prescribed? Like, yeah, well yeah, there's because they
step you up. It's like apoint five to A to A one point
goes out to like fifteen two pointfour that's the one I'm on two point
four for a GOOV FORGOV two pointfour milligrams. Is that what that is?

Or that's correct? Yes, okay, and that's once a week,
but people are doing it like everyday. Yeah, it's it's insane.
Now. There is a story gregBy the sixty one year old guy in
Florida. He lost fifty pounds withouttrying sign me up, and he discovered
it was due to a deadly fungusinside of him that's normally found in bad
feces. Okay, don't sign meup. Well, I thought you'd be

on board, like, let's godo some bad feces. Did you not
say deadly? Potentially? He saiddeadly? He should have said could be,
yeah, potential, should be.Well, I guess everything could be.
He lived to tell the tale clear. Okay, well then okay,
re sign me up. Yeah,put it on a cracker, let's go.
Test showed that his fungus levels weretwenty five times higher the detectable limit,

so it affected as hard as spleen. Oh, and the doctors say
that, you know, they hadto go in there, they'd do some
heart surgery, an anti fungal treatment. His symptoms have improved. But dude,
fifty pounds later, I mean,that's the bonus there. He got
a vacation and he lost fifty pounds. Yeah, that's what Break and I've
been talking about for years, likewe've been willing to get like a Mexican

tapeworm. Absolutely, and when youhit your goal weight, yeah, get
it remove and then you poop itout. You just pull it out right
easy, no effort, yeah,no jogging right, no diet, no
running around. Yeah, because tapewormslove things like pizza. They like all
those calories. They'll take care ofthe calories they need to be fed too.
Yeah, exactly. Everybody wins.So I don't know, there you

go. It's some kind of Idon't know fungus, just knowing them bad
feces, fungus. I'll do aline of bad feces. I don't care.
Bring it on, fifty pounds,snort away, fifty pounds i'd be
at my goal weight. Well youcan do it just the hard way and
beats. Yeah, yeah, that'sa Greggs mean eating sweet potatoes. Yeah,

it's pretty much it. And that'sbasically the variety. Yeah wow eight
seven seven forty four what e textover to two two nine eighty seven show
is back. So a friend ofours, Bert Kreischer, he is asking
for everyone's help. You put thison his Instagram last night. He's looking

for this chick. Well, here, I'll let him explain. She's got
a weird thing that she does.I'm kind of surprised this happens on Instagram.
Menace all right? Listening, uhand and hear what he's talking about.
Sidebar, there's this chick. Isaw her yesterday and I was gonna
follow her and I didn't. Andthe thing she follows me If you can
help me find her. She putson her own feet. She's from Philly,

I think, and she always justpisses and then sots on her feet
and go, look at my manicure. I want to share it with my
friends. Those are the great Instagramaccounts where you're like, hey, have
you guys seen her? So Ican't remember what her thing is I've been
looking for. So if you guyssend it to me, I'd really appreciate
it. You know, if anything, that was what Instagram was made for.
Right, So this chick apparently fromPhilly, who peas on her feet

and this says, look at mymanicure, that's what Instagram was made for.
Yeah, Instagram. Probably not enoughpeople reported it yet, right,
Yeah, and so we'll live onthere for a while. Yeah. Yeah,
if anybody knows who it is,uh, let us know. You
could text over to us and I'lllet Burt know. Bert was just hit

me up yesterday about something else.Ude. He asked me if I knew
chick, I'm like, what areyou looking up? He's always got random
stuff. He does that open tabsthing on his podcast every once in a
while, just like because he's gotlike a thousand open tabs and just the
random stuff. He goes down thatrabbit hole that we all do sometimes.
His is a little weird. Lightlyyeah, slightly weird, but it's funny.

It's funny when you when you hearhim talking about, oh so anyway
I was thinking about and then whatever. He's always talking to his producer.
He's like Google blah blah blah.Yeah, google this. So if you
know of a chick on Instagram,apparently from Philly, maybe who peas on
her own feet and then says,look at my manicure. If you know
who that is, hit us withher at yes on on our text over

to two to ninety seven, andthen you know bird of course first let
him know. Yeah, well nolike a double like a double edged attack,
you know, so like I'll makesure that he sees it. You
send it over there. Yeah,it was putting the word out. Okay,
yeah eight seven seven forty four.Text over to two two nine eight

seven. Back in a bit,back in a bit, back in a
bit to show, check back ina bit. Hey, it's Manna's check
out. The Lazy Dog Restaurants madeto order lunch specials three dollars off road
trip bles and other delicious meals startingat only eight dollars and seventy five cents,
available every day until four pm.Order for bickup or delivery free delivery
on orders over twenty five dollars.Lazydog Restaurants dot com shops. I'm not

taking care of him. The WoodyShow, and we're into another new hour
insensitivity training for a politically correct world. It's Wednesday morning, July the thirty
first, twenty twenty four. I'mWoody. That's Greg Gory Menace. Good
morning to you. Good morning,Woody. There is sea mass boy.

We've got standing. Phones are openat eighty seven seven forty four Wooding.
That's eight seven seven forty four Wooding. You can hit us up with a
text over to two two nine eightseven. Is your boss a jerk?
This team at Ohio State they foundthat people will give their boss a pass

for being a jerk as long asthey the boss is a hard worker and
really good at their own job.The researchers they were using Steve Jobs as
an example. They said that,you know, demanded a lot, but
he also performed at a high level, and people see it more of like
tough love, feel that it ultimatelymakes them better at their job, you

know. But to be fair,I mean, sometimes they're just a dick
and on a power trip. That'salso you know, I think I got
to tell you that the two toughestpeople that I remember working for at least
in radio, man did I feellike I improved the most working for them
because I was so at the timeI was young in my career, young

and impressiable and impressionable Greg, youknow, exact, and man, you
were afraid to mess up. Hekept me on my toes, and I
wanted almost like a father's approval,like you. You wanted to you know,
make them, you know, happywhere you're like, hey, man,
great job. I agreed, Butthey were so tough, and you

know, there was they just madeyou think about things differently. They were
paying attention and they were really goodand so like, I guess that's kind
of true, because some people didn'tlike it at all, especially this one
guy that I worked for. Peopleget piss to him all the time,
and I'm like, I don't know, man, it's like the good football
coach grabs you by the face maskand start smacking upside the head like you

in the g ye, you know, like, hey, can we talk
about what's going on? Maybe maybewe can get a little bit more hustle
out there. Wouldn't that feel good? I don't know. I never really
had a jerk boss, but Ihad one like what you just mentioned,
who was uh intimidating, I guessis the word. And I really wanted
to please him because he was likethe main guy at a dream station and

I really wanted to please him.But he wasn't a jerk. It's kind
of that quiet, intimidating kind ofperson. I think people confuse sometimes someone
who's just tough and has expectations andit is not an easy pushover who expects
you to maybe be on time andyou know, things like that. But

a jerk, that's true. I'veseen it just from experience. I told
you that I had, you know, an issue. This is years ago,
not not with this group of people, but I have an issue years
ago the person one employee who wasis constantly late. All they other do
was be there by the beginning ofthe show. And they were a phone
screeners, so it was an importantyou know, when the show starts,
when people start calling in, somebodybe there. They answer the phones.

All I wanted to do is whenthe show went on the air. You
have to get there early, justwhen the show went on the air,
and they were constantly late, anduh, you know, I got I
got mad at him, like,dude, one more time, you're out.
I'm giving you one more shot andyou're out. And I you know,
people said I was a jerk.Oh well, I mean, come
on, man, big deal.People are leaked sometimes. I said,

I know something. Every once ina while, something will happen where you
can't help it. Car breaks downor something goes It's just, isn't that
type of job, Like I getit, and that stuff even in this
kind of job, can happen.But like when you just chronically late,
constantly on a regular basis late,I'm the jerk, and so I was
labeled as then a jerk for expectingthat this person just be on time.

But I don't know. I mean, I don't at this point, I
just don't want to be bothered atall. Yeah, Like I don't want
to. I don't want to.I don't want to talk to anybody.
And now I don't just let usdo our thing. Nowadays because of the
pandemic stuff, you're hearing stories inthe news about this company is offering whatever
Friday pizza. Yeah yeah, quotelure people back to work. Yeah,

I ever experienced that. Shouldn't youractual job be the thing that's luring you
back. I always missed out onthe good stuff, man, Like I
heard all these stories when I gotin the radio, Like, oh,
dude, there used to be somuch cocaine and hookers, you know,
like cause these record companies would comein and just throw these parties and it
was wild and all this crazy stuff, you know, like back in the
day. And then I missed outon that, and then uh, you
know, I would get to astation like, oh, dude, it

used to be so good around here. Because I was always brought into a
station that was struggling or brand new. I was always part of the new
regime of like, oh, we'regonna freshen this place up, We're gonna
get some people who can move theneedle. Yeah, and uh and so,
like you know, I was alwayspart of that thing or the new
station, never like the big establishedstation, or it was the big established
station that had worn its way downand uh. And so I always fis

feel like I missed out on onon that, on that kind of thing.
And now I feel like I missedout on because I got fired a
number of times earlier in my careerover really dumb stuff. You know.
Some of it was my fault,some of it was not my fault.
But now it's damn near impossible.I hear from people around here all the
time like, dude, the processwhen someone is just blatantly a terrible employee

to get fired is almost impossible.Yeah, well where was that? We
had a few examples recently that Iwas shocked that somebody didn't get fired over
Oh yeah, somebody left a gunin the bathroom. Yeah here at the
radio station, took a dump legalgun, left the gun on top of
the toilet paper holder. Yeah,a loaded gun. I mean, yeah,

unfathomable. Yeah, obviously a mistake, sure right, But dude,
I mean the stuff that I gotfired for was ridiculous, and it was
all because I was trying to dolike a good show or you know,
something like that. It was neverjust throwing a hissy fit and being difficult
or anything like that. Now,I would never be able to get fired

for something like that. No,it's impossible. Where was this? Where
were the lures of you know,pizzas and all that, and the fact
that you know the boss can't yellat you, well, you know they
can't. Why had a couple ofguys that would throw stuff. I was
just talking about something just recently aboutlike, oh, can we just like

shift this person to another position justnot working on this certain project? Like,
Oh, it just doesn't work thatway, and well they suck at
it. In order to do that, they have to put in like they
have to do a performance improvement plana PIP. I think it's called,

well, we got to put themon a PIP, Like, what do
you mean it doesn't work that way? You have like five other people that
can do a better job. Yeah, eight seven seven forty four Woody is
the phone number. You can hitus up with the text over to two
two nine eight seven Woodies Show FamilyFeud is coming up. Yeah, so
Sea Beast will have somebody We're goingto try to guess their answers. Instead

of one hundred people and talking tothem, it's only one person and that's
much better. Yeah, and Ido have the announcement you guys for the
Woody Show Employee of the Month.I mean, I tell you, this
was a real difficult decision. Iwas really torn between three people, four
people really, then I narrowed itdown to the three. But man,

the final decision between between the twowas was really really tough. But late
no, but you know why,I was thinking about it before I was
going to bed last night, andI'm like, all right, I gotta
go to bed. This is sucha big deal. Yeah, well because
you know six, No, it'ssuch a thing I do. I do

want to, uh, you know, let people know that they're appreciated and
acknowledge their work that they're doing.You know, you know who doesn't want
that. We're just talking about thatkind of thing. You want that.
I'm glad that you were the onemaking the choice. Yeah. Yeah,
But ladies and gentlemen, we havea first time what do you show employee
of the month? And the whatdo you show employee of the month for

July twenty twenty four is Sea BassAnd this was then here's what it came
down to. It was really betweenSammy and Sea Bass. Sammy, you've
done a really great job for anumber of reasons over the past month.
But you know, there have beenthree different times so far in doing this

in seven months that I went intoit thinking, like, man, Sea
Bass really had some great stuff thismonth, and so it's it's it's a
cumulative effect on top of the factthat like you know, even when he's
off to and these other things,he was still contributing to the show.
And and so anyway, congratulations SeaBass, you are the Woody Show Employee
of the Month for July twenty twentyfour. Well, thank you, well,

I deserve I cannot accept this award. Oh you can. Yeah,
much like Marlon Brando when he rejectedhis Oscar I can't, as I cannot
in good conscious except this award.Why when people like Sammy have never won
it? Therefore I'm getting it tothe Samon, you've never won it either.
Yeah, well, I mean it'sa brand new award kind of it
just kind of made it up recently, so a lot of people have never

won it before this point. Really, it will be the first to reject
for what he showed. Employee ofthe You know what, it's it's it's
impossible. You can't reject it.Suckers in Hollywood, it doesn't work that
way around here. Congratulations Sea Bass. There's Emplente of the Month. Yay.
Yeah. Is it annoying when youget somebody like that who wins a

little bit? Yeah, a littlebit. Ye give it that. I
gave it to you. Yeah.That always got nominated for awards, but
never once. Susan Lucci, Yeah, Susan Luci. It's kind of like
how the nomination process went, Like, oh, I was going to nominate
Sammy, right, yeah, butthen she's always a front rader for me,

Sea Bess, you could give herthe sixty nine dollars in you know
rejection, I mean after taxes.Well, congratulations Sea Bass, and yes,
all your work for the number ofyears that you've been here, going
down the San Diego Comic Con,spending a weekend down there, and you
know, talking to those dorks andediting up audio all the time and stuff

like that, so it is appreciated. Congratulations even though you don't want the
award. And I will go aheadand said you're welcome. You're welcome.
Thank you for your thanks. You'rewelcomembecile, he's our missile. Now.
Well, we're moving on to around of the Woody Show Family Feud.

Yeah, kind of like the gamethat you see on TV. It's a
little bit different though. So insteadof asking one hundred people to survey questions,
Sea Bass is out on these streetstalking to people as he normally does,
and he was asking those questions justthe one person. We're trying to
get in their mind. You know, these aren't your average people really.
I mean, he'll argue that theyare, but these are literally the man

on the street. It's literally theaverage. I think you're being like a
little selective. I'm pretty sure you'regoing up to people on personal yeah yeah,
yeah yeah. But that's the thing. We got to put ourselves into
the mindset of the person that he'stalking to and what will they say?
That's what we're trying to guess.What will they say? And how many
do you mean? So here's thething. Every person who gets a correct

match on what do you show familyfeud will be unbanned from coming to my
house, or if you've already beenunbanned, like Greg, you can then
pass that on banning onto somebody who'sstill banned. It would folks who are
still banned because they didn't come toit might still banned. I was I
want to you know you didn't youyou missed the last one for avid reason?

Yeah, you went to a GarthBrooks show the next day. You
could could have Vegas weekend scheduled forYeah, could have just canceled it.
I guess, I guess, Iguess. Hostel reservations aren't changing. Should
have canceled an entire weekend trip forone and a half. But how do
people not get banned from after notfor missing the first one. The first

one. I even brought a nicegift, which was nice. Yeah,
that's why you're on the lightly bannedlist current still banned Sammy. All right,
good, good enough. So thisis not necessarily collective, like if
I guess whatever I throw out there, that turns out to be the right
answer. If whoever's turn it isto guess, they mess it up.
But is that what you're saying,Like if I threw out the right answer

on Monday, and that'd be mucheasier. It has to be your official
answer. Okay, I thought youwere lowering the bar, knew. Okay,
all right, I have to havesome traditions around yeah right, okay,
Uh, what do you show familyfeud? And so we have a
person here, and what is thisperson's name? He says his name is

pac Man, So why not?Oh okay, And here he is going
to just to get you guys anidea of more about him. So your
matching skills are as high as theycan be. Here is more about pac
Man? Pac Man? What doyou do for a living? For a
living? On making music on YouTube? I make beats trio, Shank,
make sure to check it out.Okay, and what's what's your style of
music make hip hop? Who wouldyou say are like your influences specific uh

Juice or old school hip hop likethe Far Side, and definitely some of
the new stuff too. First off, RP Juice obviously very much. Yes,
yeah, what does that mean?Nine nine to nine, well everyone
again, Juice World, who diedafter he was being he was He knew
he was about to be arrested forillegally smuggling drugs and other things. Right,
he was on a private jet,and his private jet he hate armac
in Chicago. He said, waita minute, I've got all these like

I got like eighties an X righthere that I'm smuggling legally. Well,
they'll never find him if I eatthem all. And now he's dead.
Oh jeez, you're an idiot.But nine nine nice? See what he
did again? He was a visionaryartist, a very smart person. And
see you know how six six sixis the market of the East. On
his forearm, he tattooed nine ninenine because he wanted to do he wanted
to be positive, so he turnedit up. So he took a frown

and turned it upside down. Yeah, and then then he overdust. Okay,
so that's a that's pac man.Oh you want to hear some of
his beats? Oh sure, yeah, I'm trio shank. I think,
uh these are let's tell you youguess and judge. This is his beat
is instrumental called coop. All right, it's all right, all right,

it's fine. Video game he getsall the video game, but also like
no offense A I could do thatin three seconds. Yeah. Wow,
that's that's well, that's awful.All right, it's not so terrible.
Okay, here's that's fine, veryvideo game. What's next? This?
What is this called? This isgore? You cut? Pole position said?

Yeah, that gives me anxiety?Right? Is this all it's gonna
do? Is there like to bedropped something? Yeah? Ok now it's
going there. All right, everyevery song does that. Well that is
standard. I'm glad that you're catchingthat because I hate, hate, hate

that style of production. And whatit is. It's trap music. It's
it's like it's that at O eightsample or nine nine uh might be no
no uh And so what you whatit does is it just it's infected all
of music. So no one playslive drums anymore. This's go right,
yeah, and it's becomes uninteresting.All right, Well that's a pac man.

Who's the person we're talking to youfor this roundup? Woody show family
you Okay, First is what goingto Greg? All right? Great?
Your question? Name a place youmight lose your keys, a place you
might lose your keys, Name aplace you might lose your consult with your

family here? Okay, So inthe mindset of this guy, and they're
gonna say the club, show club, that's true. I don't think of,
you know, at home, thebedroom keys. Yeah, I would
say like the couch, yeah,the uber. Yeah, I'm thinking a

bar or a club or is goodtoo. And you have to say,
like you can just say at home, right, that'd be fine. Oh
yeah, I wouldn't say like bedroom, bathroom. Whatever I'm gonna I like
menace is an initial answer of likethe club. So I'm going with that
club. Good answer. All right, thank you all. Let's find out

what do you show family feud?Place where people tend to lose their keys.
I'm gonna be real. Definitely thecar. Sometimes my mom loses that
in the seats and she has todig for it. Do you have like
a car or an ideal car youwant to get some day. I definitely
want a challenge. Those are kindof their bad ass, their badass and
they get people looking, especially theladies. Yes, yes, exactly,

that's the plane. Okay, Iwould have never known in the car in
the if you drop the drop itsucks. I don't lose them there,
right, you know you drop?Where do I put my keys? Yeah?
They're still in the car. Haveyou ever dropped something between the seat
and like the center consoles? Yes, almost impossible to get it out.
It sucks. How shocked are you? He loves challengers, Not surprised at

all. It's the douchiest car outthere. Chargers and Challengers. Those are
the two douchiest cars. And notbecause they're bad cars, it's just not
they attract douchebags exactly. Example,a right in front of us, that's
pack band. Would you show familyfeud? Who gets the next question?
Se man, Let's go over toon this one. All right, what's
an unusual thing? And a lotof people are actually afraid of an unusual

thing? People are right, sothis is kind of a little bit of
an oxymoronic question. Okay, onemore time, what's an unusual thing.
A lot of people are actually afraidof, so something that shouldn't be Some
people shouldn't be afraid los clowns rightthere you go. Clown was like,
I think it's the most obvious answer. A lot of people are afraid of
sharks, daddy. Daddy was afraidof clowns. Allegedly clowns. I mean,

clowns seems to be the again daysafraid of getting heights. Yeah,
that's flying, not that unusual flyingflying butterflies, right, Greg, I
mean you're you're afraid of butterflies,which is true, but a lot of
people are butterflies. I think I'mgonna stick. I think I'm gonna stick
with clowns. That just seems tobe the most, you know, the

the most obvious clowns. Yeah,clowns noise? All right? What do
you show? Family feud? What'sa weird fear that many people have.
I think it's like called triphobia orsomething, and it's like holes and a
lot of people are scared of it. I don't know, I'm not I've
never been too fond of it either, but it's like not too scared to
me. And some people have holesin just the right place. You know

what I'm saying, bro, Iknow, I know exactly what you were
saying. Name it. Yeah,yeah, I actually I know. I
consider myself a person who was forthe longest time tripophobic. I wish you
never taught me that, right,And then I think I cured myself of
it just by overexposing myself to it. I would intention I could not not

look for it like a Google imagesearch. I do all this stuff,
and I think I just desensitive desensitizemyself to it. So now it doesn't
bother me as much. It's stilllike, Okay, that's gross. I
don't want to see it, butit doesn't give me the chills. Yeah,
Like they had some that looked likeit was like on theaty part,

like below your thumb on someone's hand, where it was just like a bunch
of yeah, like just like abunch of like holes that looked like it
had like little seeds in them orsomething like that, And like that gave
me like a visceral reaction. SeeGreg, if you just did this with
butterflies, eventually, if you bealaye, yeah, that's why we want
to put you in one of thosebutterfly yeah, that'd be awesome. All
right. I saw this sculpture ofa human head and they had put human

teeth all over it. Yes,I saw that one too. Oh god,
yes, just Scott. I can'teven look at it. Yep,
yep, it sucks. I'll trypophobia damn it. All right, what
do you show? Family feud?Who's next? Us ynis? All right?
Name a profession that starts with theletter K in letter K. Don't

help him. There's two reasons he'sgetting this, well, one reason,
the one reason I'm getting him.That's a clue. That's a clue,
everybody, Okay, yeah, yeah, that's true. I mean he would
say, ketamine, sales person,kindergartener. Anybody have a guess, karate

instructor. Yeah, okay, Ican help. I was I was thinking
you wouldn't know how to spell anything. Okay, but all right, karate
instructor. Okay, uh wow,blank him. That is tough, okay.
Yeah. Yeah, But we gotto get in the mindset of this

guy. The first thing that hethat comes to his mind working on kmart
kmart. Yeah, are there anykmart locations still around? Not in the
US. They're in Australia. How'syour pie? Yeah, man, I
think I don't know. Man,It's like I can't even think of one.
I think kindergarten teacher is good.Karate instructor instruct I mean or I

mean, does that come to mindwith this guy? I don't know.
I give an answer, karate instructor. Can you give you some other example
sea bass like knife salesman, butlike otherwise other than salesman job job.
Let's start with the letter K knowledgeknowledge chief, right, I don't know,

No, I don't know. Seea K nine officer. There you
go. You can you could bein a K pop band. That what's
coming up when you look at thiscan canes thesiology there? Yeah, yeah,
yeah, that you can have one. You can work at King super
Grocery Market, a knitwear designer.Yeah that's a tough one. Yeah,

thank you. They work at KFC. The first thing that popped up here
karate instructor. Okay, which thatwas your guest karate instructor. Let's see
if we get a point here wouldshow family feud, name and occupation that
begins with a letter K letter KI kmart cashier. That's what's the last

time you were a a k Martlast song was that probably just like you
know, get a drink or somethingand get like Arizona believable. It's in
the name that is un believab damnit. I wouldn't even think he would
have a frame of reference on kHe sounds too young to have a frame

of reference on k Mart. It'syour fault, you guys. Talk to
me out of it, damn it. And in Australia, kmarts are more
like supermarkets than they are clothing store. Isn't there one still in New York?
Let's see son of a bitch?God, all right, I could
have gotten one bands show family feud, Who's next? Well, I think
Sammy's the only one left. Sammy. Sammy name a place you wouldn't want

to be on New Year's Eve?Oh, I would say, oh wait,
damn it. Wrong one Sammy.Someone you wouldn't want to set you
up with, set you up ona blind date. So someone who's setting
you up on a blind date,not someone to get the blind date with.
But I wouldn't trust this person toset me up on a blind date.

I would say, my ex,Yeah, I'm thinking he's gonna say
X right away, X baby mom. Or something. Yeah, you wouldn't
want your ex setting you up?Would this person know whose Sea Bass is
even though he's like talking to him? Is? That would be the answer,
Like, you wouldn't want Sea Basssetting you up on a date?
Right, No, I would notwant that. You would want someone has
a great taste understand who he'll cosby. He did reference his mom earlier.

Maybe mom? Do you think hewouldn't trust his mom? Though? Yeah,
he would have want your mom either, wouldn't that's true? But I'm
saying, yeah, X is agood guess. Yeah, I'll go with
X. Okay, you're all right. Blind date question number four? Would
you show family? Few? Namea person who you'd never trust to set

you up on a blind date?A blind person they can't see how they
gonna see how they're gonna see.Good friends. No, but I love
Stephen Wonder that's for sure. Ohman, man, wow, that's great
answer. We are we are overman and menace. It doesn't think there

is there's still a Camart that's somewhereon Long Islands. Yeah, that's it
still open. See i'd be knowingmy kmart be knowing. All right,
Well, we'll do you show familyfeud everybody. Yeah, I think we
still have one unused question. Butyou know, maybe we can do that.
We'll get back from the break,all right, maybe, yeah,
a little bonus. It's not forany kind of prize. I assume group

question. Okay, I'm all wait, all right, how about a group
question Sea Bass and if we getit right, we're all unbanned. I'm
willing to accept those terms. Allright. That's next on the Wood Show.
Hang up our friends Burn Chryscher andTom Segura. They have an event
coming up on Saturday. They're gonnabe doing a bottle signing for their new

vodka, Poor Osos Vodka at theCostco and Van Eyes. So the Costco
on Van Eyes are in Van Eyeson Suppulvata. They're gonna be there from
two to four pm. If youwant to stop by, say hi to
the guys and try out that newpoor Osos vodka. That's good with the
chicken bake, right man? Yeah? It does. Yeah, pairs perfectly

in a sice of pizza with thewith the Costco chicken chicken bake. Oh
that new cookie Joints? Is thatone video of this guy who wrapped his
Costco hot talk inside of a sliceof pizza. Menace in a slice of
pizza. I mean it's not it'snot a hard thing to do. Yeah,
I saw it. No, there'sthis chick she's called costco Ho on
Instagram and yeah I saw her doit. Yeah, I mean yeah,

it's it's revolutionary. Yeah, costcoHo. I love her page. So
do you fold it like a taco? Or do you roll it like lengthwise
like a taco? Yeah? Iwas gonna say, you can kind of
make like what they call it pigsin a blanket if you rolled it kind
of like a You start at thefat end of the pizza, like the
crust end of the pizza, andthen you roll it so the corner is

on the outside. See is thiscostco Ho girl? Who's her name?
Cat? Yeah, she's thin now, she looks cute now, but if
she keeps eating hot dogs rolling pizza, that won't last. Yeah. I
love her page. Speaking of MENACE'sretail adventures, what happened at Michael's?
Oh dude, this is was socreepy. I went to Michael's craft place.
Yeah, the craft place. Iwanted some goo gon right, and

I looked it up and they hadit. So I go in the store.
There's a worker in the front,and then I he goes, oh,
yeah, it's on Isle ninety one, and I'm walking through the store.
There's no one in the store,so I go to Isle ninety one.
Goo Gon's not there, so Iwalked back. The guy's not there,
so I go like, okay,well, I'll just circle around the
store and maybe i'll find it.I am the only person in this gigantic

store, and then I try tofind the twilight zone. Yeah. Then
I couldn't find him. So whatI did was I go, oh,
well, I'm just gonna call thestore that I'm in, and I said,
and some girl picked up. ButI go, hi, I'm in
currently in her store by myself,and I'm trying to find where the goo
gun is and she's like where areyou. I go, oh, I'm

by Aisle ninety one, and shegoes, oh, okay, I can
see you. I go, yeah, there was a worker here and I
don't see him anymore. She's like, oh, I'll come out and find
you. And then I waited likea couple of minutes, and then out
of nowhere she showed up. Didyou find the gun? No? Goo
gon by the way, they sellthat everywhere, I know, I know,
I just happened to be right by. Yeah, anybody's ever wondering where

you can get your go gun literallyanywhere. I just saw some at yeah,
Target or Walmart or the website saidyou had it, so I just
walked in. It sounds like afunny print call premise though, Hello,
I'm inside your store right now.Yeah, and no one's here. Yeah,
there was. They're always packed.That's so strange. Yeah, there's
always so many people in there.Yeah, it was weird. I was
never a big Twilight Zone watcher,but I do remember this one episode that

I saw where this guy was inthis town and it was like everybody had
just left because there was still likecoffee percolating. There were still things on
the stove that were cooking, butnobody was there. And he's walking all
the way through town. There's nobodythere, but it looks like someone was
just there. That'd be awesome,like Last Man on Earth, that would
be a joint. Where is it? Totally was an episode, so it

had the whole store myself, allright, phones are open eight seven seven
forty four, Yeah, help yourselfto all the scrap booking stuff. I
know, because that's super cool.All the decopage that you're like, whew,
what is that? You tell us? A decapage that's when you take
like magazines and like glue them tolike a decorative fox or whatever. Okay,

that's a thing. Yeah, it'stotally dumb. Wow, that's the
gayest thing I've heard today. Nowto the Woodie Show. We have an
option on the table here that SeaBass has sided to exercise and that would
be the one final question that wehaven't used yet for the Woodie Show family
feud. So we will collectively tryto come up with an answer with and

if we get it right, everybodywho is still on the band list for
not being able to go to hisparties at his house will all be off
the band. We can do this. If I wasn't so competitive, I
really wouldn't care. But don't letus stress you out. Guys. Here
we are we got one final questionagain. We have that guy pac Many

a beat maker. He's a beatmaker av I mean, no offensive pack
man. He may become the nextDoctor Dred for all. Yeah, we
don't know, but at this pointI don't think he's making it a living
because he only has like reviews.Yeah, all right. Uh and so
we have one final question. Again, this is a collective effort. Here
my out, So this is thisis for everybody. Here we go.
Question again, is name a placeyou would not want to be on New

Year's Eve? Okay, the hospital, jail, my mom's house, dog
alone, that's a little more higherlevel. Yeah, I don't want to
be Are you trying to steer usaway from that? Because it's the right

answer. Yeah. Look, Iwant you guys to do to come to
my house. I just want youhave to earn it and realize that you
made See I would I would almostlike Times Square because it's crowded. You
would want to be in the Yeah, he sounds like you might. I
will say either hospital or jail.I like those answers. I say mom's

house. Oh, there are jailhospitals. I'm going to default to menace
because menace I don't know how hepulled that kmar thing out of his ass's
with, but he did. ButI do like the jail. It's your
decision. Also, jail hospital,I'll say jail, jail, jail,
jail. That's a good guess.Are we going jail jail now I'm thinking

hospital. Oh Na, finally answersfor later jail, jail, jail.
I will rally around you. Hopefullywe're right. Will you show family fuse?
Name a reason you might dread goingto a New Year's party at a
club. So we didn't have therights. Oh my god, because you're

prohy I copy the wrong question.Yeah, and there you are, actually,
and therefore this is not this isnot an actually, this is what
menace has just said. You havenow, thanks to a technic county,
all become unbanned. Yeah, allright, we'll just hear his answer anyway.

Name a reason you might dread goingto a New Year's party at a
club? I hate clothes. It'stoo busy, man. I want to
I want to spend New Year's myfamily. You know, is there a
lady in your life right now you'rekissing the midnighter? There is, but
I'm not going to say any names. But you know, is there an
opportunity for more ladies? Perhaps noone lady at a time for me,
But you know, no judgment againstpolyamorous suffer of that. Oh he feels

that, he feels that. Yeah, yeah, well his mom's house would
have been the wrong answer anyone right. Time square was the closes time square.
Yeah, it's two crowded crowd allright, would you look at that?
We're all on band now that nowgot new party? Yeah, all
right, more Woody shows next,right after the break eight seven seven forty
four Woodie hit it's up with atext over to two two nine eight seven.

You never know what you're going toget that you would have showed family
feud. Right, that's the lastof Superiority Show and we are into another
new hour insensitivity training for a politicallycorrect world. It is Wednesday morning.

It's the final day of July thirtyfirst, twenty twenty four. Wooding,
Greg Minute Sea Bass, There's Sammyphones are open always weighs for you to
be part of the Woodies Show.You can give us a call eat seven
seven forty four whatody? That's eightseven seven forty four what he? Or
you can hit us up with atext over to two to nine eighty seven.

Email works email at the woodieshow dotcom. And you've also got the
social media. I already mentioned that, right, no, no, no
after overs voicemail, that's where Iwas going because I do have some of
the after hovers voicemails. I wantto play for you anytime after ten am.
You can leave us a message ateight seven seven forty four. What
is so? Let's just say you'relistening to the podcast or you gotta thought
about something after the show. We'renot here anymore, but you'd still leave

us that message some follow ups.We were talking about different things, like,
for example, what's the worst jobyou ever had? All right,
so this and this woman she's talkingabout the best or the worst job that
she's ever had. Hello, myname is Nikki. I wanted to show
the worst job I've ever had.Pathology assistant. I used to stand next

to innocent bystanders on the elevators,so I carried limbs, placentas, and
various body parts to the morgue tobe destroyed. Pretty gross. Yeah,
yeah, that's fun. Yeah yeah, uh huh. I mean picked up
an arm and said, hi,five, what do you got there?
A spleen After hours voicemail we weretalking about weird people, like hobbies that

weird people have. Hey, whatdo you show? I was just listening
to today's podcast about types of weirdpeople and what do he mentioned ferret people.
And I will say when I wasgrowing up, I went to a
before school program that was run bya ferret lady. She had ferrets,
and she told us how one winterher ferret died and she wanted to bury

it, but the ground was toohard, so she kept it in her
freezer until the spring. So thatpretty much traumatized me as a ten year
old. A bye, oh god, Yeah, ferrits are so oilly and
they smell so bad, do they? Yeah? I told you I had
that buddy who you know. Hegot a new house, he had a

hot girlfriend, nice beautiful saltwater fishtank, and then he got into World
of Warcraft and he got a ferretand his girlfriend left. The fish tank
was gross, the house was grossbecause the fare just ran through the house
tore up everything, craft everywhere.Yeah. Is there a connection between World

of Warcraft and ferrets or just Ijust know? And he just got so
into it, he just let theferret like take over the house. And
connection between a loser shut in andafter hours voicemail, this person had an
encounter with a a older meth headhooker. Oh yeah, Hi, I

just graduated high school and my parentsgive me a car and I had to
go Philip Gas and this strange womancame up to me, and I couldn't
really make out what it quite wasto the silhouette, but I heard her
voice, and I heard a faintvoice saying, he thanks me. I
said, what? He thanks me? My boys are looking around, like

what the fuck is going on?She comes into the light. It's like
a sixty five year old, messedup hooker. And not only that she
offer us all sexual pleasure, shethen reaches into each and every one of
our pockets and fake cash out ofour wallets and scurries away. She's scurried
away, and I'm not so sureI'm ready to really go out into the
real world if that's what the realworld is like, So I could really

use your advice. Is this justwhat every day his whole life is like?
I'm confused, Thank you, No, it's not every day. Although
a friend of mine worked at aradio station in Alaska and his car broke
down. So he's on the sideof the highway in Alaska in the wintertime,
snows on the ground, and allof a sudden gets a knock on
the window and it was a hooker. Oh that's right like door to door

hooker right in the middle of tripleA. Except it was a hooker,
an Alaskan hooker. Yeah, likehe was one of the Yeah, how
did she get here? Didn't seea car, didn't see anything that you
just was hanging around. My firstword advice, and I think sea basketball
agree with me. You wouldn't havesomebody get even that close to you that

they can reach into your pocket.Right, Yeah, that's a that's a
move. And it doesn't matter ifit's an old lady, if it's a
kid, whoever, that's you setthat boundary instantly because that's how pickpockets works.
Do we have a topic about methhookers or no? I mean it's
not all follow if sometimes you justsay some random story, Hey, anything
you want to tell us, letus know. After Alvers voicemail, this

was a follow up because we hadthat that guy the initial email that the
Guide sent us, and he calledSammy a cougar. Yes, he said
he's in the cougar. He wastaking a shot with Sammy, Like,
hey, rate me on the scaleof one to ten. Loved that anyway,
So he heard us discussing his emailand then then he left us in
after hour his voicemail A whole followup day would show much love about that

guy who sent that epic failed emailto Sammy. That was me. It
was really interesting to hear you guysread it out on air. I'm going
to go straight to the big one, the whole cougar thing. This is
where I really screwed the pooch onthat one, didn't I. But when
I heard Greg and Sammy's reaction,that's when I realized I fd up.
What has sea Best mentioned a littlebit of hardlessen negging, though it is
hard to convey emotion and inflection throughtext. I wasn't expecting such a visceral

reaction though. Just note wasn't myintention to offend anybody, So my apologies
to Sammy. That whole dog thing. The sea Best mentioned how having that
dog is gay, but that wasone of two dogs I adopted from my
sister, that whole scenario where sherealized having a dog is a lot of
responsibility. So instead of sending himback to the pound after them about the
way I look, I know Isuffer from RBF, severe RBF. I

didn't realize I give Big f Boyenergy until Menace mentioned it definitely an eye
opener. I promise that's not myactual energy. Mean said, I look
like I take myself too seriously,but it's far from that. When I
get comfortable, I'm quite the goofball. I love making people laugh, even
if it's at my expense. Muchlike Woody, I love to be there
for those I care about the most, and I put my cart back so

big RBF energy. I have abig heart. So yeah again, all
good fun. Go to interact withyou guys, even though you roasted me
online radio and called me a gag. Anyway, have a great day another
chance. Yeah, I will saythe voice is better than out of guessed.
Yeah, there's style. Does thevoice help it all? Now?

And if, by the way,if he was six foot two and hot,
yeah you can call her. Nomatter what women say, they are
all superficial. Yep. Yeah,I mean if he had a face that
look more like a ferret, true, then maybe yeah, a little bit
more rodent like anytime after ten am, you can leave us a message on
the after hours voicemail eight seven sevenforty four. What are the otherwise that's

just what you call in to bea part of the show. While the
show happens. We're gonna take abreak. We'll come back and then Greg
Gorey's got the driver's test for us. Yes, so we were ripping on
a friend of mine. His sonhas failed five times. Five times.
That's five too many. Yeah,I cant understand. You fail at once
and then you take it again.You pass five times to now where he
has to pay a fee again justto be able to take it. It

gives you, like another three opportunitiesor something before then you have to pay
another fee to take it. Butyou also made fun of Sammy for studying
for the driver's test. You saidstudy, Who does that? Yeah?
I mean because a lot of it'sso common sense. I think if you
miss a couple of the ones thatare more specific, you can still pass.
Yeah, that is true. Youhave to apply common sense exactly.
That's why the ones that I foundits not something you think about daily while

driving. We'll see how we doGreg Gory's Driver's test next on the Woody
Show. Hang on, so WoodyShow returns. The show fucks, It's
like just these fat people spending there. Who are you fart knockers? This
is a Woody Show. Be them. I've still got a Woody. That's

a Greg. He has some questionsfor us m H. From the driver's
test. These are sample questions fromactual driver's tests, some of which,
like you said, if you havejust a tiny bit of common sense,
they're going to be quite obvious.Right. I forget what it was like,
how many questions are there and whatyou have to get right in order

to pass. Yeah, it waslike it was to be perfect. Now,
like percent I think passes. Yeah, yeah, I mean you can
tell just by people on the road, yes, yeah. And then when
you fail, I think that youhave to wait a couple weeks to take
it again. Someone I think,so I thought I didn't. I mean
I know that I thought you towait, and that's the punishment, because
like where I went to get mydriver's test, had I failed, I

was able to come back the nextday because I remember my my aunt was
the one who drove me to thedriver's test. Yeah, and then she
had said, hey, look soI have both days off in case you
don't pass today, we can comeback tomorrow. I think in different places
have different rules. Yeah, andmaybe it's changed. I mean it was
a long time ago. So you'retalking about the written permit test CRRACK.
Not the behind the driver's test,No, just the just the driver's test.

Oh see, I had to wait. I shocking. I failed the
drivers and I had to wait acertain period of time before I could go
back. Yeah, varies by state. Some places a week, two weeks,
some not. I passed the actualdriving portion when the instructor goes with
you. But I did get dingeda few points because he said I was
speeding, And in my head Ithought he would think I was a total

nerd if I stayed at the speedlimit. Yeah, I thought he's going
to think I'm such a gray.So I went over the speed limit and
that's where I got danged. He'slike, yeah, you're going too fast.
It's cool, But in my head, I thought, you're just going
to think I'm a total dark.I'll look at this guy with his hands
at ten and two, right,what a nerd? That's fine. You

know, I didn't even have apermit. I went right from not driving
to a license. It must varyby state because I don't. Yeah.
No, if you had a certainage, you don't have to get a
permit. I was eighteen. Ohthat's why, Yeah, dorks. Well,
I'm stuck in boarding schools. Couldn'tgo get your driver's license my parents.

It wasn't selective. Yeah, I'msure you were great. Yea,
yeah, I was a pretty greatkid. Actually. All right, So
Greg Gory's driving testes are multiple choice, right, yes they are. There's
only three choices per question. Someof them are get in very common sense,
like this one. When is itlegal to drive off the road to
pass another vehicle if the vehicle's turningleft, it is not legal under any

conditions? Or if there are twoor more one way lanes to drive off
the road or to pass the car? It's never legal. Never legal?
Okay, well done, makes sense? Never legal? She write write these
down, so Sandy can't pick yourback up, right, answers? Oh,
yeah, they're right. I know. She didn't give an answer right

away. Yeah, she waited untilwe all say exactly what I'm saying.
So all right, Well then,first, okay, Sammy, okay,
sweet. When a railroad crossing isnot controlled road? What is the speed
limit when you are within one hundredfeet and cannot see for four hundred feet
in both directions? Is it fifteenmiles an hour? Ten miles an hour?

Or twenty five miles an hour.Fifteen, I would say ten.
Yeah, well that's not even anoption. It's fifteen, ten or twenty
five hour. Woh fifteen? Yeahyeah. On all these things, it's
always the smart moved to make thesafest bet. So I'll say ten.
Uh, Sammy and Menace are correct. Fifteen all right, very nice to

be fair. Ten wasn't even ananswer, so yeah, that's true.
We just wasn't even option. GettingWell, I knew the right answer right
away, so I think you hearthe rest. I got it all right.
So I'm fifty. What speed shouldyou be driving when entering onto a
highway at or near the speed oftraffic, faster than the speed of traffic,

slower than the speed of traffic atthe speed of traffic or near speed
of traffic? Correct? Ten milesan hour. You are all correct.
Noise near the speed trap. Remember, my friend got his learner, and
he did he'd never merged onto ahighway before, so he came to a
dead stop here. Oh not fun. People suck his case. First time

driving, which don't go on thehighway. But yeah, hey, Also,
can you guys not be dicks?Like if you're in the far right
lane and they're there is an onramp where traffic is merging and you have
the ability to get over a lane. Get over a lane over, Yeah,
like there's no other place for themerging traffic to go. You are

in this lane, I'm here,it's mine right, not moving, I'm
supposed to damn near stop it's anon ramp. And also, don't be
a dick. If you missed yourturn or your turn is about to be
here and you're in the wrong lane, correct it later. Don't just go
flying across all the work or stopor stop. You screwed up, You
screwed up. Go beyond your turnand correct it lane. Another move that

I see all the time these days. Let's say we are merging onto a
highway. If there's two of usand we've got both have space to get
over, and we're merging on.There's a guy behind. I see this
all the time. Well, they'llthey'll get over and and and then they'll
speed up as fast as they can. And then when you try to get
over, they hawk at you becausethere mister speedy, speedy racer. Zoom

zoom zoom, and they're like,oh, how dare you merge ups you
cut me off, Jack exactly.I admit I got this one wrong.
Okay. How many feet away shouldyou switch from high beam to low beam
headlights when approaching a vehicle coming towardsyou? Okay? Nine hundred feet?
I mean I do it as soonas I see another cargo, as soon
as I see I'm not like,well, I wonder if the distance is

right exactly nine hundred feet, sevenhundred feet, five hundred feet, five
hundred, I think yeah, fiveuh, yeah, we'll say what was
the middle one? Nine hundred,seven hundred, seven hundred, five hundred,
seven hundred. Correct answer is fivehundred? Why it is pretty well?

Okay? This driving test made methink, too, Are people a
good gauge of how many feet theyare between something? No? Because technically
I think if you're making a rightturn, you're supposed to signal. Is
it one hundred feet before the turn? How do I know how many feet
away? I tell people I gota ten incher. Clearly you're bad.
That has been proven wrong. Butthat's just not a good eyeball on it,
you know. Yeah? Okay,how about this one? What should

you do when there's a school busahead that starts flashing yellow warning lights.
Speed up, Yeah, before theystopped, get around the right, exactly
what Seabat was talking about. Let'sget out, slow down, and prepare
to stop, stop immediately, andremain stopped cautiously past the school bus on
the left, so to stop.Yeah, the first one they have a

stops on the side of those thingsfor exactly. You're all correct on that
one. That was easy. Ilove it when cops will follow school buses
and just wait for people to bedicks and go. Yeah. Inevitably they
get somebody print money. This oneI thought was odd. Which of the
following is a requirement of the basicspeed law? All right? Basic speed?

Yeah, exactly, Newton right.Always drive the speed limit, regardless
of conditions. Match your speed toyour surrounding traffic. Never drive faster than
is safe for current conditions. Thirdone, match your speed. I'd say
number one, number three, buthe's the only one getting his license.
Number three. Never drive faster thanis safe for current condition. I was

also thinking that, but you didn'tsay it out loud, I said in
my brain. Okay. Which ofthe following is an example of a safe
driving practice? Staring only at themiddle of the road, always keeping your
eyes moving to scan the surroundings,or using high beam headlights in the fog.

In the number two, what aboutwhen it's kind of rainy outside,
turning on your emergency flashers? Right, what about that option D? Sorry?
Scanning, yes, scanning number two? Okay, you all get your
license? Nice? Nice? Yeah, because when you first started driving,
you're doing number one where you're juststaring like right in front of you.
You're so afraid to even check yourmirrors like you do that quick head look,

tuttle vision. Yeah, just freakingout. But then I always thought,
oh, road conditions, if it'swet, you slow down. If
it's raining, obviously, but thenokay, so if that means on a
nice day, I can speed becausethe weather can dinitions are just so beautiful.
Dog, sure shouldn't it go bothways? Argue that the Yeah,
I will break out your great demeanor. I will with the officer, and

it's a sunny day, I cango one hundred. Have you not read
the manual? Yeah? You coulddo like E breaks spins and I pay
your salary. That's right, giveus give us one more here, Greg
Goring, all right, you areunder eighteen years of age, and you
have had your license for eight months. Okay, you may drive at any

time between five am and eleven pm. I give me one more time.
I'm okay, I'm eighteen. Youare under eighteen eighteen, okay, and
you've had your license for eight months. Got it. You may drive at
any time between five am and elevenpm, or between seven am and eight
pm. This is a new lawbefore my I mean after my time,

That's what I'm thinking. To eleven, I think maybe until, but you're
under eighteen. I would say untileight pm unless you have a circumstance like
a work thing, you know,like you have like a work permit or
something like that, or you canshow that you're coming from work. I
say anytime. Anytime. I sayfive and eleven. I'll be honest,

I guess at any time as well. Yeah, it is between five am
and eleven pm. Eleven PM.Yeah, I mean, like I didn't
know. I thought once you haveyour lifelensey, well her few thing that
goes on. There's weird rules forthe first year that you have your license
that are different. Wasn't there alsorules about like having other people in the
car with you? Yeah? Yeah, is that just with your permit.
I think about with your permit,the driver that you're with has to be

licensed, and I think twenty fiveis that right? Yeah? But if
once you actually have your license,you can't drive with anyone in the car
other than your siblings or an adultfor like the first six months, I
think it is. Yeah, okay, so that way you just kill your
family, right, right, right, somebody else's family. But like,
also, you've never known anybody who'sgotten busted for that beausemember hearing that,

yeah, have an eighteen year oldor whatever in here and getting pulled over,
I think you're too young. Dependsis at the end of the month
the quotas filled and tickets? Youknow, could we do one more?
Sure? This is one that Ialso got wrong. At what point during
a rainfall our roads slippery on ahot day? I know this one because
my dad told it to me allthe time I was a little kid.

Before we get the guesses what isit? So? What what sort of
options do we have? In thefirst all thought you knew the hours minutes,
so immediately after it stopped raining,yes, for the first several minutes,
or when it has been raining fora few hours, for several minutes,
for several minutes. First, isthat because everyone told you that that's
when the oil is heard. Thatonly in context of motorcycles. Though,

everything right for the first several minutes. The road tires right, see I
learned as well. All right,well there's the Gregory driving past. Yeah,
I think I would have basically pass. Yeah, noise, all right
on the roads. Yes, Igot some more woody show coming up.
Hang on the show. We'll bese Well, here's some good news.

The mid year crime report is outand shoplifting is up twenty four percent from
last year. You got dog,how could it even go? It's yeah.
And then also the FBI caught somebodywho's been on their most wanted list.
This fifty one year old guy,KOFE. Edwards is his name,

who more than fifteen years ago stoleone hundred and fifty thousand dollars from a
steakhouse in New Jersey and they caughthim. He was living under a fake
name in Sacramento, California. Ohmy god, fifteen years on the run
for fifteen years, one hundred andfifty grand from a steakhouse. Yeah,
where was it? It's safe,Like one hundred and fifty grand. I

mean, you know he popped retireon that, Greg pretty much. Greg
says, well, fifteen years ago, one hundred some thousand was probably what's
different than today's hundred thousand. Youcan't even go to like Taco Bell for
ae hundred thousand dollars now do anything. But I watched that show. I
almost got away with it. Yeah, have you watched that yet? Greg?

No, I I think you'd likeit. Keep forgetting to try it.
Yeah, I almost got away withit. And these guys they go
on the run. It's not alwayslike they've murdered somebody. Sometimes it's stuff
like this, So you got onehundred fifty grand from his takehouse and just
takes off. And it's crazy howmany times they crisscross with law enforcement.
He's right there, the person lookingfor is right there. Some of them
even got pulled over, right.But yes, I'm saying, they're right

there. And they run their stuff, and you know, usually it's some
kind of fake idea that they've gotor somebody else. Yeah, and they
go, well, just take iteasy, man, and off they go,
and they stay off the radar fora long time. It's crazy that
you can still do that. Nowadayseverything's connected and you would get caught immediately.

I'd be free for about five minutes. Yeah, couldn't relax one time.
I know, how would you sleepat night? Yeah? Breaks the
Zodiac Killer and know now, sowatch watch that show, Greg, I
almost got away with it. It'sbeen on for a long time, and
so there's a ton of seasons.I'll put that top of my list.
Yeah, right on your two watchlist. The other one mayor of Kingstown.

I was talking about shows that maybeI should check out. Somebody suggested
that, and that's definitely what Iwant to see. That's what what's his
name? We got run over bythe snowplow? Oh right, oh yeah,
Jeremy ren Jeremy Jeremy Renner ren Dog. Yeah, we'll check that out.
Eighty four Wooding. All right,welcome back everybody. It is The
Woody Show. It's July, thethirty first final day of July. Today

is National Avocado Day. It's NationalRaspberry cake Day. Yes please, shredded
wheat Day, frosted treaded with frostedanyway, It's Jumped for Jellybeans Day.
Also National Mutt Day and Lifeguard AppreciationDay. I appreciate you. Yeah sure.

Just so you know, Rolling Stonehas people scratching their heads. They
said that the Hawk Tua girl isquote gen Z Dolly Parton. Okay,
yeah, down. It's even confusedthe Internet because they compared the two,
because maybe we're missing something. Oneis Internet famous because she made a blowjob
joke while doing a drunk interview witha guy, you know, getting contents

out of a bar. And thenthere's Dolly Parton, Queen of country music,
songwriter singer. So she sold overone hundred million records worldwide. She's
had forty four career top ten countryalbums and Famous Forever, which is the
most of any artist ever. She'san actress, an entrepreneur, philanthropist,
as style icon, So has donea lot for society. Rolling Stone,

what the hell you talking about?That is so stupid, dude. A
lot of these articles and lists andall this stuff they just say wild crap.
But Rolling Stone is not really necessarilyknown for doing that. I think
they have been. I don't know. They put a bomber on the cover
of their Oh yeah, the BostonMarathon guy. Oh god, that was
terrible. I still have a picturein my phone of the brother after remember

he got shot and run over bya car and it was his body in
the medical examiner's office. Yeah,I still got that picture in my phone
because it leaked. Yeah, youused that for masturbating, right, Well,
no, I was so happy whenthey killed him and they go I'm
like, yeah, I did youwatch that documentary? Yes, I did.
That was good. I also watchedthat movie that they made about it.
Oh yeah, wow, Marky MarkPolly Shore is still trying to make

that Richard Simmons biopic happen, butthere's been a hold up with financing.
Meanwhile, you see, there wasan interview with his housekeeper, his longtime
housekeeper. Oh really, I alwayssaw the headline and said that he died
happy as well. Yeah that's what. Yeah, he died happy. But
she also thinks that he died froma heart attack. So, according to
TMZ, Tupac's family has hired anew legal team and some investigators to look

into the allegation that Diddy may haveplayed a role in Tupac's murder. Yeah,
I thought there was. I thoughtthat was always kind of the the
thought of it, but then theystarted backtracking recently, so I don't know
Keith d Sure says that Diddy offeredto pay him and his crew money to
take out Tupac and the Nights.Oh that's that guy. They arrested trial.

Okay, he's going to trial.Here's a sad stat somebody put this
chart together. It's called the slowDeath of bands. Back in twenty twenty
nine bands made the year end Billboardone hundred chart. In two thousand and
one, thirty two did. Intwenty twenty two, there were just three,
and then last year there were justtwo. Oh no, and one

of them was wham oh my God. And the only reason they made the
chart again was for that Christmas songlast Christmas, I guess I was getting
played like crazy. Yeah. Butnow it's just all these like, you
know, kind of pop and silly, you know, electronics that just sound
like AI artists, no bands,actual bands. Interesting, Yeah, how

about this? A couple of thingsthat went up for auction. The first
is a personal boarding pass belonging toTravis Barker from Blink twenty two. It
sold for eight thousand dollars. Whatit was from a flight to Australia that
he took earlier this year on acommercial fly. It also featured a handwritten
message that said I know I gotangels watching over me, which I guess

he writes on all of his boardingpasses. I would too, Yeah,
after surviving the plane crash. Really, it's amazing he flies at all.
Greg's never been in a plane crashand he won't fly. No, I
mean, you do no need forit. I do have to The other
auction item in the news, thegold bikini that Princess Leah rocked in the
Turn of the Jedi we played didit sell? Yeah? Let's play prices

right? All right? So howmuch do you think for the gold bikini?
I'm going to say eight hundred thousand, eight hundred thousand. That is
hot, right, Menace? Doyou have a bid? One hundred and
fifty thousand, one hundred and fiftythousand. I'm gonna get a I'm going
to get a board bid too.What do you think, Samry, I'm
going to say two hundred thousand,two hundred thousand, probably no, spor

Do you already know the answer?I do not know. Okay, So
how much how much do you thinkfor the gold bikini that Princess Leah rocked?
I'm gonna go three hundred thousand,three hundred thousand, really steal at
one and seventy five thousand? Yeah, wow, yeah, I was going
to guess over a million. Surprised. Does it really go as highly as

other items? We'll check it out. Iconic this is I know, I
get it. You want to wearit all? The auction the same one
also included a y Wing model thatwas used on screen during the final battle
of a New Hope. That's awesome. Who's hardy? Now? The miniature
of it sold? How much didthat go for? I don't even know

what that is. But it's oneof the fighter ships. Okay, yeah,
not the X Wing fighter. Thisis the y Wing model. Okay,
if the Bakini was only one?Yes, this is. This is
a model that was used on screenin the final battle for a New Hope,
which is the one you've actually seen, Greg, Okay, I call
it the first one, right,I'll say sixty nine thousand, sixty nine

thousand. Yeah, I'm gonna gofifty thousand, fifty thousand, seventy five
thousand, seventy five. I'm gettingcrazy and saying two hundred thousand. Oh
yeah, Well, it's the thirdmost expensive Star Wars prop ever sold.
At auction and it's sold for onepoint six million dollars. The bikini was

like free really, and this iswhat we don't even know what he's talking
about, Like a casual fan thewings fold up. Yeah, I know
what that is in the movie.Oh I got you. I thought Sammy
was a Star Wars fan. Iam, but I'm a casual fan.
Like But now that he explained,well, and I'll get your money together
maybe next time. He's no,the mechanics of why wing that's the only

that's only the third most expensive.That's crazy. Show this shimmer. We're
going it's shimmer. Baby won't sitbatage. He's like this bday and you
know we don't do what I dobday? All right, start with the
birthdays, the celebrity birthdays, andwe'll start with how about bj Novak who

is Ryan on the office? Oh? Nice, and he's a he's a
writer. He's also things throwing foodfestivals nowadays. Oh yeah, yeah,
I've heard about that chain fast.Yes. Bj Novak is forty five.
Today. You got jk Rowling,the tranny hater, creator of Harry Potter,
also a billionaire. She's fifty nineyears old today. I thought she
was older than me too for somereason. Mark Cuban fellow Mount Lebanon graduate.

He's sixty six years old today.Zach Brown, the Country Superstar,
is forty six. You got RicoRodriguez. He was Manny on The Modern
Family. He's twenty seventy. Hewas my least favorite character. M Shadows,
who's the lead singer for Avenge Sevenfold, real name Matt. He's forty
three. Wesley Snipes is sixty twoyears old today. And Dean Kane,

former Superman and Kara's dad on Supergirl, fifty eight years old today. And
your porno birthday is Jules Ventura.I mean, hey, every day is
hump day for this birthday. Girl. You know what I'm saying. Good.
She's got five hundred and twenty twofine films on her resume, including
Help Knock On Horny. She wasin Big Booby, Jewish Princess, Oh

Nice, Daddy's Worst Nightmare, Volumethirteen. Oh, she was in I
Swallow on the First Date. Okay, Yeah, it's a sure thing right
there. Greg. You might likeher and Lesbian Takeover too, I would.
She was fantastic and ass Destroyers Incorporatedand Menace. Who can forget her
unfailable role in Poon Tang Plan.Yeah, entered the thirty six chambers of

mouff Wow as a Jules Ventura,who is thirty seven years old today and
now is your porno birthday, yourcelebrity birthday. Is just a little look
at what's happening with some of theentertainment stuff this morning, this Wednesday morning
with the Woody Show. If we'regonna take a quick break, more Woody
shows next, hang on, allright, the crazy fan just brought cookies

again and someone's gonna have to eatthem and see if they're poisoned. Most
of the Woody Show will be rightback. We hope Boiler wouldn't approve the
Woody Show. All right. Timeto wrap up and get the hell out
of here, everybody. Let's goWednesday full show podcast by going to the
woodieshow dot com. Congratulations to theWoody Show Employee of the Month for July.

Yes, I will tell you whatit is and who it is,
But then why would you go tothe podcast. I'm trying to get together
the podcasts and download it. Anythingyou missed on the show today, including
Woody Show, Family Feud that plusthe trending news headlines, porno birthdays and
more, all in the full showWednesday podcast. Just hit up the woodyshow
dot com coming up for you onThursday, a pre Friday, which will

all get un away with a roundof the Crossroads. You gotta meet some
people at the Crossroads. Also atbrand new Redneck News and anything you got
for us in the meantime. Youcan leave on the after hours voicemail which
is eight seven seven forty four Woody. That's eight seven seven forty four Woody.
Of course, find us follow ussocial media platform of your choice at

the Woody Show Menac Bass, Sam, anything you like to add, No
Greg Gory party, words of wisdomplease. Yeah, remember that hangovers are
temporary, but drunk stories are forever. Right. Yeah. There was somebody
that we were hanging with over theweekend and they had gotten super wrecked the
night before. Does that hair ofthe dog thing really work next morning where

you drink beer or does it?Because I mean I've tried it, I
don't know. I don't really thinkit did anything. Here is that just
kind of kicks your hangover down theroad a little bit, right? That's
what I heard too. It doesn'tlike eliminate it. No, you feel
better in the moment, but thenyou're just delaying the inevitable with the thought
of a drink when you're hungover.I've ever been able to get myself to

even try. I'm just throwing itout there to the professional drunks out there.
You just keep drinking. Then youwon't be hungover because you're still drunks.
Keep d Yeah, don't plus out, all right? Thank you very
much, Greg Gory, Thank youso much for giving the show some of
your valuable time this morning. Youknow we love it, appreciate you for
that. The rest of you guyscan suck it. Catch back here on
Friday. Have a great day.S M D double M. I quit

this bitch.

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