All Episodes

May 14, 2024 101 mins
News Headlines, Sebas's Cam Girls, Redneck News & More!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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it lies the Woody Show? AllThis is the Woody Show. Insensitivity Training

class is now in session. Hey, good morning everybody. Today's Tuesday.
It is May fourteenth, twenty twentyfour. Hello and welcome. We are
the Woody Show. Whatdy, that'sRady. Good morning. There's Greg Gory
Menace is here. What is up? Wood He got Sea Bass, Sammy

Bort and Caroline holding things down onthe Woody Show production department. Morgan,
our associate producer, she is here. We got Von our video producer.
You, of course, one ofthe stars of the show. When you
decide to call in and get involved, topic, contest, whatever it might
be, never need to invite,just calling in. It's the best way
to be a part of the show. Eight seven seven forty four, Woodie.
It's eight seven seven forty four,Woody. We'll always accept the text.

You can send us a text overto two to nine eight seven.
Coming up this morning. It isOnline Romance Day, one of the holidays
which we'll get into some of thoseother ones during the birthdays and such.
But yeah, today it's Sea Bassand I'm not sure exactly which direction he
went with this, because you knowwe've done Golden Bachelorette where he goes to

the online grandma's who are like doinglive streams and you like tip them and
they make funny noises and stuff,or if he's just gonna go to some
other camslut but yeah, web girlwhatever. But anyway, Yeah, we're
Online Romance Day, so Seabas's gonnahave something for that, since you know
we love online romance around here.Of course, there's also a brand new

Redneck News Well keep you updated onall the trending news headlines. For today,
Rave's got nerd Out, we gotthe Birthday's Porno Birthday, and more
here Tuesday on The Woody Show,we'll start with some did you know do
you guys like this? People alwayslike the fun fact stuff. Yeah,
did you know? We've been startingthe show with this a lot lately.
We can always switch it up.No, people love it, but it's

always so random. And I wantto out here all right, ten percent
of people under the age of twentyfive, and I thought this is really
weird. Ten percent of people underthe age of twenty five think it's okay
to text during sex why okay,wow under twenty five great sex. If
you're like, yeah, let mejust send a text? Yeah, So
is that like the only thing Ican think of? I was trying to

think of, like how would thateven work? I mean, you could
do it, but like, you'renot picking up the phone to send a
text. My thought was you're havingsex. You know, some people,
under any circumstance, they cannot ignorethe notification that they have a text.
Just glance at it. I couldsee them like stopping or you know whatever,
just to see who it was orto read the text. I can't

see them responding to it. Didn'tyou say send a text? In what
you just said, I think it'sokay to text to texts? Yeah,
I'm amazing that to me says sendone. Yeah, that'd be really weird.
Otherwise could have been anything. Yeah. A study has found that unattractive
defendants in court twenty two percent morelikely to be convicted. Do they tend

to get hit with longer harsher sentences? Really? Welcome to lifer doll yourself
up? What do you call it? Like the pretty privilege? Yeah,
well, you were saying they triedto make that armorer from the set of
rust look a lot better for sure. Yeah, they dolled her up.
They gave her a makeover big time. Yep. Yeah, there was that

one reality show. Can you imagineif they try to do this now,
remember it's called the Swan. Yeah. Yeah, a bunch of they took
a bunch of ugly chicks. Itwas like The Bachelor or the Bachelor,
but they took a bunch of uglychicks and they swaned them up. Dude,
they try to get Yeah, ittook a long time to make one
episode. Yeah, they would loseweight and stuff and get According to a

new survey, one in every eightAmericans has tried ozempic or one of those
injects to lose weight trugs. Yeah, did you see the thing about like
women are reporting another side effect.They're calling it ozempic breast. We've heard
of ozempic face face Yeah, breast. Uh. Some women say it's making

their breast sag, Well, yeah, because you're losing. Others say it's
making theirs balloon. So so eitherway, Yeah, the sagging is more
common because you know, someone losesweight, the fat tissue in their breast
diminishes and makes them smaller. Butthe whole thing with them growing ballooning.
They say hormonal fluctuations in the bodycan cause that, or it's possible it's

just an op the illusion. Aspeople become skinnier, their breasts just appear
bigger. But either way, somewomen say they're pleasantly surprised. So yeah,
yeah, some summer, starting inour fifties, most people have a
noticeable reduction of body hair, whichpretty much goes in. I thought it

would be more No, because dude, if you okay, have you ever
seen like a really old guy withhairy legs. You haven't, Oh you
noticed that whenever there's like a grandpastanding around and he's in shorts or whatever,
it's like, did this guy shavehis legs? No, he's just
old for whatever reason. I think, just like his hair on your head.
But then from the neck up,it's like all over their ears there,

their upper cheeks right a mall rightbetween their eyes. Let's see.
A survey found the emails at workthat we most look forward to are in
order past ubs, a good pieceof gossip, and heads up that there's
birthday cake in the kitchen. Yes, yeah, it's a birthday cake email.
Yeah, or like food's gonna bethere anyway, shape or form,

Like, oh, lunch is beingstarted today, so and so is bringing
in Yeah. We get those alot around it, a lot because it'll
be like a sponsor. Yeah,right there, you know, you know,
one of the fast food places orone of the restaurants where they're launching
like some new item, and sothey'll bring it by for everybody at the
radio station. Well we bring infood, though, we go old school
word of mouth. Oh yeah,or they use it to entice you to

go to a dumb meeting. Yeah. Speaking of texting, the average family
sends each other ten thousand texts ayear. The number one topic dinner plans.
M oh so like so like peoplein the same household. Yeah,
like between my wife and I arethe kids ten thousand? Was you out
for dinner last night? Uh?What did we have last night? Oh?

We went to a taco spot.There's a new taco spot that opened
right by the house, and wewent in the first time. We kind
of stumbled upon, did't even knowthat they were there, and they were
very nice. You know, it'slike, look, I think it's brothers
that that started the place, andthey seem very cool. And they're very
outgoing and very yeah, and sothe food was really good, so we
went back. We're trying to supportthe little local place. It. Although

I just heard about this because likewe follow one of these accounts on Instagram
that just kind of highlights some localstuff. Yeah, there's a Perogi place
that was open, right, andI had no idea. Yeah, it's
closing, it's going out of business. They're only opened for like one more
week. I had no idea.Support. It's your fault they're closing.
No, I had no idea,no support. Wow. Well, if

I would have known about it,I definitely would have gone. I even
put that in the comments. Peopleare like, yeah, I had no
idea. I could we only findout about play well, I mean marketing
marketing guys at works. Yeah.Yeah, anyway, rip Parogi place.
Yeah yeah. Let's see. Englishlaw prohibits members of the royal family from
signing an autograph. I've I haveheard about that. It's not why they

were like angry at began Markle orsomething, right, Yeah, because they
wanted her to sign stuff. Andonce you joined the royal family you're prohibited.
Yeah, but she did right,right, but she's not signed it
is she really part of the royalfamily though, No, there right,
because they separated themselves, right theywell, yeah they're defected now she could
sign all day. Yeah the rulesabout And this just happened to me a

week or so ago. Fifteen percentof business workers have a business card.
I got two business cards in oneday, and I hadn't gotten a business
card from school really from anybody,I would say at least a year.
It used to be people would handbusiness cards out all the time. Water
Yeah, now it's like you neversee it. You're like, WHOA.
This depends on what industry you're in. But yeah, I got a couple

of business cards, but like fifteenpercent of people, I guess are the
only that's it. Someone for abusiness card not too long ago and they
had a QR code instead. Yeah, yeah, this is my QR.
Well, the guy who started Zappos, he came out with the book talking
about how you don't need business cards, and that really affected the business.
This car business. Well, Ithink if you're like a if you provide

a service, like if you're likea roofer, landscaping business or whatever,
people see you out because they seeyour truck park somewhere you're doing works and
you go, hey, you stop, and hey do you have a card?
Yeah that's different, right, Butjust like if you're an account executive
somewhere and Q on your phone.Yeah, guys are more likely to be
hit on at the gym if they'rewearing a hoodie. Really, I don't

know why. Sharks account for aboutfifty three bytes per year only one of
those ends up being fatal. However, cows they kill around twenty people per
year. Man, yep, yeah, we will have like Jaws, but
you'll never see a movie that's likeBessie. Yeah, it needs to come

out, Mabel. Yeah, yourability to recognize faces peaks at age thirty
two. Really recognizing faces if ifwe've already passed the peak, there is
no help for me. That's whereyou do the thing where you say nice
to see you instead of nice tomeet you. Yeah. Well, my
wife and I went to that GarthGarth Brooks show and when Tricia Yearwood came

out his wife, I go didn'trecognize it. Who the hell's that?
At first I thought it was AdeleI should know. I'm like, oh,
yeah, duh. You know it'sfunny because I always have the ability
to recognize faces. You know.That's my contribution to the show. Yeah,
but when I wear sunglasses, can'tdo it. When you're wearing sunglasses,

Yeah, I'm really bad at it. But when I'm not wearing it,
it's kind of like, uh,yeah, a face filters walls and
stuff, impede wi fi. Yeahdon't. I don't understand brain waves.
Yeah, and here, I'll giveyou one more, one more fun fact,
and we'll wrap it up. Accordingto experts in the field, at
least half of all snake bike victimswere drunk when they got bit. That

I believe. Why else would youjust walk up it out? Man?
I think this might be a Rattlesnakephones are open eight seven seven forty four.
Woody, don't go anywhere. TheWoody Show will be right back.
Hey, it's Manna's check out.The Lazy Dog restaurants made to order lunch
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dollars and seventy five cents, availableevery day until four pm. Order for
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dot Com. Welcome back to theWoody show Man. We're into another new
hour insensitivity training, free, politicallycorrect World Tuesday morning. It's May fourteenth,

twenty twenty four. I'm Woody.It's Ravy. Yeah, Greg Gory
Menace is good morning to you.Good morning Woody. He basses here.
What we've got Sammy right there?Phones are open eight seven seven forty four
Woody eight seven seven forty four.Woody hit us up with eight. Text
over to two two nine eight seven. It's online romance day, sweet and

Sea Bass just checking in with hisladies. I have many girlfriends. I'm
has a lot of online girlfriends.You know, he's got the real life
ladies and then he's got his onlineladies. It's tough sometimes. Yeah.
I heard a little bit of itin the office yesterday as it was transpiring
start and well, it's just it'sfunny to me. It's that people do

it for anything other than just tolaugh, you know, Like I can
imagine like, all right, thiswoman do I'm gonna go online? Oh
yeah, I'm find one of thesecam sluts and just uh, you know
that's not nice. But I'm working. Lady Tugget and talk to this random
chick who's they tell them what todo? Yeah, like, how do

you feel good about yourself? Idon't know, it's really weird. Well,
I mean there's a lot of thosesituations where when you're done, you
don't feel good about yourself. True, it seems like a good idea started
from, but it also seems likethis should that that feeling should hit earlier
than right after you finish. Youknow, well, no, that does
it? Yeah, you're laser focused. That sounds like a great idea of

going into it. Yeah, right, but this doesn't that's what we're saying.
Right, So you don't know whereuntil he's here for Online Romance Day
some of the interactions between Sea Bassand his online ladies that'll be coming up.
Only Fans, you know, theylike to try to pretend that they
are so much more than people doingporn right only Fans. They offer cooking
classes and fitness routines and comedy actsand self help coaching. They do roast

they're pretty funny. See Whitney Comicsdid a roast on there. Yeah it
was good. But this is areal stat. Ninety eight percent of all
the content on OnlyFans is adult content. That's a little low, right,
Yeah, that's what I thought too. I'm like, wow, only ninety
eight percent. Huh. Overall,there are more than one point seven million

only fans creators more than four hundredmillion users. Wow. The states that
have the the most only fans creatorsby percentage Connecticut number one. Really,
yeah, sixty eight per one hundredthousand people are on only fans in Connecticut,
like creating content content. The restof the top ten Nevada, Hawaii,

North Dakota, Maine, Iowa,New Hampshire, Indiana, Florida,
and Colorado dead last in the listof New York. Interesting. Now,
that said, the top zero pointone percent of only fans accounts make up
eighty seven percent of the money theybring in. Oh wow. A lot
of people say, oh, justgo a only fan. No you won't.

You're right, you gotta market yourself, you know. Point niche point
one percent makes eighty seven percent ofthe money. I wonder if those people
were already famous before they got off. A lot of them. Yeah,
creators in West Virginia only bringing aboutforty dollars per month. I mean,

that's that I'm going to pay yourself. At the top what they give you
the top stuff Mother's Day cocktails withtwo girls who usually take their clothes off.
So it's a hot girls doing otherthings. There's a hot girl making
a flower arrangement. There's a hotgirl eating spicy snacks. They are they
naked? Doing a hot girl eatingspicy snacks. I'm going to pay for
that. So here's a hot girlhiking in snow Canyon, Utah. Okay,

but yeah, what am I payingfor looking at a hot girl and
pretending you're not looking at her becauseshe's hot? Yeah, here's a hot
girl looking at the art park intoLow Mexican. I'm trying to think,
like, how do you market yourself? I've always wanted to know that.
I think it's like what through thedating apps? You see that too,
where they go, oh, talkto me on my only fans social media.
No, I'm not here a lot. Here's a hot girl making Mother's

Day coffee cups. Yeah, okay. If I'm going to pay for something,
I'm going to pay for the onewhere I see the girl vending the
snacks from her crutch, right,you know, not say like what why
would you pay to watch some chickenthe wall? Like that's you could probably
get for free on TikTok. Bigdeal, right, If I'm paying,
there better be a lot of newdity, be so much nipple, right,

like nipple minimum. No, I'msing something that's you know, uncommon,
right, like you could see youcould see anybody in public just walking around.
Right, you're gonna pay for that? Could No? I think the
game changer is gonna be when theyhave an attachment to it where you can
hook yourself up to it. Oh, like you're inside there three D.
Yeah, that's even more strange.And how do you not feel so awkward?

I don't think people would care?Yeah, no, what do you
mean when I would so that youwould put on you put on like something
on your jumps. Oh, Isee what you're saying when you're physically Yeah,
getting okay. But there's also like, yeah, you can't put it
like a virtual thing where it lookslike you're talking face to face with each
other. Oh, did I tellyou about the the couple that it's one

of the couple friends, You know, the couples that hang out as friends.
So they are a friend of afriend and the husband's like really into
like the VR porn thing, andso what she'll do. And this is
like it was like on a tripto Vegas. You know these people Menace

because it's one of those couples.It's Menace and his wife, me and
my wife and some of our otherfriends. And he's way into the VR
porn, so they'll go back tothe hotel and they'll play porn star Okay,
So I'm like wow, And shedoes this so she will act out

what is going on in the VRheadset. So he's watching some other chick
through the VR headset while she's performingall the things that she's doing that the
girl in the video is doing.And I said, well, how do
you even know what she's doing?And when she's doing it, she goes
because it'll mirror on like a phone, so she'll be like so she'll be

like holding a phone watching what thatperson's doing and then she'll mirror that.
And I'm thinking like, okay,I mean, you're you're a good sport.
That's like the manual way of doingit. I'm saying, like,
you're a good sport. But it'sgot to be so weird, I mean
for both of them, for forhim, like how do you like,
all right, hey, babe,here's what we're gonna do. The initial

conversation probably weird on like how youwant to execute it, But I mean
that's pretty pioneering right there, andit's taking it to the next level.
Yeah. Sure, at first Ithought it was weird when you mentioned this,
and then you know what, that'snot a terrible idea. Yeah,
it's pretty cool. Yeah, Imean, I guess it was more like
a casual thing. But these peopleare married and you know they're they're nice

people, and you know, Idon't think they're worried about weirdness. I
wouldn't do the VR headset, butI would just exactly put one on t
crome caster, right. Yeah,but before headset is what makes it dorky
to me. Well, he wantsthe immersive experience. That's why. How
about you got a girl in front? Doesn't get more look, but you
want the next level it it's alevel I don't know that how do you

feel good about yourself? It's likeyou're banging one of those flesh lights,
Like you got to figure like whatam I doing as you're sitting there,
like, you know, making loveto a monster energy cam and thing.
Well, that's what I was saying, like, going back to the initial
thing, I think you're going tobe able to hook up one of those
flash lights too, only fans.Oh good, and then the other person

controls it. Yeah, make iteven more awkward. Right, so long
as we can eliminate all human contact, right, did you guys open the
email that I sent you GPT fourpoint. Yeah, well you're basically gonna
you won't even need a real lifegirlfriend because the movie Her is actually and

it's here. I'll be honest.When I saw this and it was just
a link, I thought for asecond maybe it was one of those like,
yeah, fishing things. But forme, okay, well it looks
like from you know, our boss, like, oh, here's an Excel
spread. That's when Raven got nailedon. Yeah, but anyways, yeah,
Her is here. It's essentially realtime talk back. It's very good

as that we just got tagged on. Some girls said this is this is
what you were trying to do withGreg with like sholve me, what's around
me except this newt GPT four pointunderscore or whatever it is. Yeah,
real time it's it knows exactly whereyou are. It's describing it perfectly,
and it talks like Menace is sayingin that flirty Scarlet Johansson voice, Wow,
Like I'll play full and cute it. Greg. It's such a funny

joke. Why don't you, yeah, put your thing in this thing?
All these guys now have online girlfriend. Oh you think the birthrate is low
now, yeah, it's about tobe zero. Maybe if you were people
shooting places up you know, right, no, you know what I mean,
like, you know, maybe likea fewer in cell type. The
chat GPT tells you to oh,because that's murder, that's right. Yeah,

why did you go over there murderall those people? I would think
that was so hot. Yeah,but if you want to see what we're
talking about looking up chat GPT,oh four four it's like four under minor
score. Yeah, it'll blow yourmind. Uh. This text says could
save marriages the VR porn, Butlike if that's what you need, like
what what what is the what's thesave there? Or is that just the

band aid you don't have to lookat the gross person in front of you.
Yeah, because you're just tired ofit, right, maybe you feel
something, but you see something else. I guess whatever works for you,
if it works to save your relationship. Great, I wouldn't be able to
trick myself like that, Like,right, does this really helping hers?
And just think it's that like,oh, you need to save your relationship.

They just want to try something new. It doesn't have to be a
negative. It's like getting a newrecipe, you know, let's try this.
I'll try it, all right.Well, we have Sea Basses online
romance going on with these these differentladies. These aren't like the Golden bachelorettes,
right, these are just regular likecam girls. But they're all over
sixty. Oh they are, Okay, I will see that. I didn't

know, you know, because romancecan happen at any age. Sure,
all right, so some of SeaBass' interactions. It's Online Romance Day.
That is next year on The WoodyShow. Hang on Funnier, he's the
Woody Show. Well, today isOnline Romance Day. I mean it's so

popular. You know, you gottafind love online. There's so many different
ways to do it. I meanthere's different dating apps, slam apps,
web girls. You're pretty much findwhatever you want, right Seabas, I
mean literally anything anywhere, anytime.Yeah, I mean, it's modern convenience
right there, at your fingertips andfor online on Romance Day, some of

Seamass's online girlfriends. Here is interactionswith them. Right, these are older
ladies and instead of being gross anddisgusting and bassed like you so many times
to see online, we are beingromantic. I'm the old school romance.
What these ladies are is you canchat with them and they're usually in their
little bedroom. They've got, youknow, some twinkle lights behind them and
some fun you know, drapery andsconces or whatever, and you send them

little text messages and little coins.You can imagine the filthy things that some
of these like really disgusting gentlemen sendthem to or making the rest. Yeah,
so like we're different. We're makingtheir day special by sending them the
best love song and lyrics of alltime. Oh so, what they are
is these ladies that are sitting thereand you can when you ever donate a
dollar or a coin, there's attachedby bluetooth to a massager. Yes,

a personal massage, personal massager.We'll start with Ginny. She's an older
lady in a Great Britain house inor Pie and here she is getting romanced
online. All right, we couldget no light up my life, Oh
Sebastian, like that that makes meto rub must have spent a little more

time on you. I like tobe teased as well. Oh how gross.
So I've spent a little more timeon you. They're like strippers that
are always trying to get you inthe private room. Right. The coins
are nice, but that's like onedollar a time, and they only see

like thirty cents of that anyway,so they it's you know, this is
the part in the main room.Oh Sebastian, you want to go private
with me? Yeah, more withGinny so And it's all uh song lyrics
right, Like that's what I'm saying, love songs. Yeah, I'm being
sweet to them. I know it'slovely. It's very nice. You naughty
boy chasing me all the time.N I see you smile. I can't

face the world, you know,I can't do anything. It's making me
wigle and jingle. Imagine you here, car wherever you are. I believe
that the heart does go on.Oh you're so good a boy. Seas

she was listening to my lyrics,Oh my god, like snake right and
then and then Slane Bonus points thatyou can name all the what was the
very first one? I didn't knowthe second one, the first one we
could get. No, you lightup my life, all right, that

one we got, right, Godmust have spent a little more time on
you, of course, thank you. All right, So Debbie Boone,
So if recounting, she's made abouta dollar twenty right, So that's right,
that's all right, that's ginny.And next is a series with an
American girl. Here this time Moana, Moana Mona. I was gonna says,

that's a very modern name for alater Mona. And you really don't
know how old they are, right, I mean you know I do,
because they put their age. Youcan filter by language, age, ethnicity.
How old is Mona? I thinkshe was like sixty two? Sixty
two? All right? Here sheis online romance day by will stand by

you forever. You can take mybreath away? Oh take that breath away?
Oh my good? Alright, soaway I get to say that one.
At first I thought I was sayingby you for it you and but

we oh, okay, I knowthis this the first I'll stay away.
I thought that was the pretend.That's what I thought. I'll stand by
you I'll stand by you. Well, then nobody hurt you. I'll stand
by you. Take me in intoyour dog, right, nobody hurt you,

stand by you forever. So yeah, what is that one? Does
anybody? Not one? I'm sayingit's a b side by Debbie Boom.
I believe it's Rique Iglesias. Damnalright. We we had them all to
that point. We liked it.Yeah, Mana loved it. She was
all about it. Yeah with herMona. I'm the one who wants to

be with you deep inside. Ihope you feel it. Yes, bash
h that's another one that sounds familiar, so generic. What's that one?
Anybody? No, I don't know. I believe that way he's saying that

on the air. I'm the onewho wants to be with you deep inside.
I hope you feel it. I'mthe one who wants mister big Yeah,
and an hero put on little girl. Mister big yeah, he got
late eighties love soft. You needto get out. What are your condition?

Sometimes? Yeah? For sure?The one who wants to be with
you deep insidema you Yeah, wellhe's down to you. Stand up,
little yeah? Happy that back whenit's through, it's through. I give

you. Come on, babe,come on, lacking you do want to
show? Yeah? Oh yeah likethat. I'm the one who wants to

be with you. I hope youfeel it. Yeah, bash kind of
hear? Yeah yeah, all rightthat's mo And what what a soundtrack?
So far? Yeah? Yeah?Continue please? All right? So more

with Mona. Uh, I'm beenalone with you inside my mind and then
my dreams. I have kissed yourlips a thousand times, A thousand times.
I love it. I love itrichie, oh nice? Hello?

Hello? Hello? Is it meyou're looking for? I can see it
in your something? Yeah, somethingthat's side. There you go. And
in my dreams, I've kissed yourlips a thousand times, spend alone with

you inside my dreams. I havekissed your lips a thousand times. Hello?
Is it mean? That's good?One more with Mona? Here?
I think she finally catches on.Yeah, all right, here we go.

This is an online romance days.I finally found the love of a
lifetime. I love to last mywhole life room. I love that song?
Love what love that song? Sebastian. That's the point, Mona.

She's so bit so row she sweptoff her feet she love. Yeah,
yeah, well that that's that song. We all know that lunch of a
lifetime, Lunch of a lifetime.Under you come on he love Yeah,

falling in love all over again.I love life, Thank you Stephen Hawking.

I love a last my whole life, Ruth. I love that song.
I love love love that song.Dam something rubbles in the background.
Online Romance Day. This is Dixieand I think I might have come across
her at some point before and nopun intended. Nice Southern charge, Southern

Peach, Little Georgia Peach. Hereand again. More romance song for Online
Romance Day, sash Ah you do. God must have spent a little more
time on you, you think,sir? Oh? I thank you?

Did you ever know that you're myhero and everything I would like to be?
Here? Yeah? Yes, ohyou're right here. I'm all out
of love. I am so lostwithout you. Yeah, your loss about
me? Yeah? And you're allout of love? Wow? Yeah?

Yeah. So what's for dinner?Oh? A little like pizza, pizza,
A little bit everything? Accept Alicethe last that was just a question
about it? Sure cold? Yeah, to never have some face you content,

to let me shine. That's yourway. You always walked to step
so uh. Poor Barbara Hershey,she died. She died in her daughter

didn't have a mom. Nope,she died. Beautiful fat Middler lost her
best friend. Yeah wait, shewrote a weepy song about it. Hi
the pa. Finally God, damnwe get to the you dead mid cho

Wow. Whoops that is not loudlives. Yeah you do. God must

have spent a little more time onyou. Yeah, oh yeah about that.
Yeah, this is the tender.Yeah, I love this. It's
going for next time and come tome, let me get right to the
Yeah I got this was Bette Miller. Here you go, Greg, you

can take it away. Also gotit in there for air supply. All
out of love. Come on now, I'm so you know you were right?

You know you boyleasing me all thetime. We are answering the call
of destiny. This is they show. Well people are really seem to enjoy
Online Romance Day, got them allhot and bother well Online Romance Day and

wood you show karaoke? Yeah,yeah, all the bonus. Speaking of
whores to twy Phil and his woorgirlfriend. Phil had two babies, you
guys, Yeah, groundhog babies.Phyllis named Sonny and Shadow. Isn't that
adorable? Babies? Maybe groundhogs supercute? Right? Yeah. The twenty

twenty four NFL season is going toopen on September fifth, rematch of last
season's AFC Championship game between the Chiefsand the Ravens. It will be in
Kansas City. They also announced thatthe Eagles and the Packers they're going to
play September sixth in Brazil, whichis dumb. I always feel bad for
the teams that they're trying to expandtwo things. I feel bad for the
teams. I gotta go and traveland do that stuff. And also,

like, if you're a season ticketholder and you know Game four, yeah,
you only get eight games as itis for the entire season, right,
what's the point? Well maybe sometimesnine, Well the seventeen games.
The point is to get an internationalaudience, right, but at the expense
of Oh, I understand the actualoh I'm getting. I'm saying if I'm
the season ticket holder and I'm missingout on a home game, yeah,

week, that sucks. The fulltwenty twenty four NFL schedule will be out
tomorrow, noise, so we'll letyou know what happens. There. It
seems like they're being so hush hushabout it this year. Well, it's
something just got posted that the Jetsand the forty nine ers are going to
have a Monday night football game onSeptember ninth. I know that. Ooh,

a Monday night game. They're verygood at it. Yeah, monopolizing
as much of the news cycle aspossible. Sure, and uh, here
one little thing here. Two guysnamed Bob Ferguson have filed to run for
governor in Washington just to prevent anotherBob Ferguson from winning. Really three Bobs.

Bob Ferguson's so you really got toread to see who it is.
So he's a Democrat, the currentattorney general. But both of the other
Bobs dropped out yesterday after they foundout what they're doing. What they were
doing was illegal. Oh illgal,But if it's if that's their actual name
when they want to run, Butthey say if they're running just to cause
confusion, but you would have toadmit that you're doing it just to cause

confusion. I guess if you're notactively campaigning, they would know that you
weren't really trying to Who's to sayI mean, this sounds like a bit
that the Sea Bass would totally do. I don't hate this from a bit
standpoint. This was like a plotpoint on season five of Fargo. A
bunch of people with the same namestarted running against John Hamm's sheriff. Yeah,

and he got really pissed off.They're not experts in the real Bob
Ferguson, They're not real experts inthe law. And yeah, so then
they got serve noticed that Hey,unless you're running for legitimate purpose here,
not just a sea block is afelony blah blah blah quote. And who's
if they are doing it, who'sdoing it to cause confusions with someone whose

political reputation is widely known. Sothree Bob Ferguson's which one? Kind of
funny? Yeah, kind of funny? Eight seven seven forty four? Whatody
hit us up with? The textover to two to nine eight seven,
I get it? What is funny? Starting don't forget it? Who cares?

And we were into another new hour. It's insensitivity training, free politically
correct world. It is Tuesday morning, It's May fourteenth, twenty twenty four.
What's good everybody right light? I'mwhatdy? That's Rady, Good morning,
there's great gorny. What is upwith mans? Good morning? Good
morning? Is he back? Sammy? Good morning? Good morning. If

I'd like to be part of theshow, eight seven seven forty four,
whaty? That's eight seven seven fortyfour? Whatdy? Hit us up with
a text over to two to nineeight seven. I've got a brand new
redneck News to get the hour started. Show. If your sister's college fund
involves two for one table dances andyou're her biggest contributor, please read nick

News. And today's redneck News isfrom Georgia where this fella his name is
Willie Lugeans. Lugeans He was onthe highway on his way home from the
convenience store when he got pulled overby the police. And not only did

they see him drinking a beer fromthe canned directly as he drove by,
he was on the highway behind thewheel of a riding lawnmower, so that's
why they saw him drink. Yeah. They asked Willie, hey man,
what do you think you're doing,and he calmly explained to them how he
had gone the store to pick upsome more beer and was just on his

way home. He figured he'd bethere another fifteen minutes or so, big
deal. And as he was tellinghim this, he belched and then threw
the now empty beer can on theground right at their feet. Oh that's
smart, huh. Now, asdrunk as he was, WILLI was with
it enough to know that he shouldn'tbe driving a lawnmower. He did say
the officers quote, give me anotherchance, because I'd been in this situation

previously, and that is true.Earlier this year he was hit by a
car while he was riding his lawnmoweron the road. Oh no, yeah,
Anyway, all said and done,Willie was charged with duy, having
an open container, littering on acond of the cannon he tossed at the
ground, and he was also hitwith a low speed vehicle violation. So

uh, that's who was there inGeorgia who got a duy while cruising down
the highway drinking a beer behind thewheel of a lawnmower. Just living life,
man, living a life from party. And that's today's red nick.
You might want to invest in abike, yeah yeah, or like door

dash or something that will deliver youyour beer from the convenience store. I
don't trust adults that I see onbikes unless it's clear they're doing it for
recreational purposes. But what's clear thatclose? That's your only mode, Like
that's how they're using it to getsomewhere they need to be. Something's going
on. Yeah, that's a that'sa red flag. Not trust in it.

Yeah, that's funny, especially aBMX bike. No, not even
a mountain bike or yeah, wellthere's that one. But no. Now
it's like I feel like I don'treally see because who has who has a
ten speed anymore? Like one ofthe old school tend like handle bars,
No, you don't see that.I feel like I see no one.
No one has that like assist bikesnow all over the place bikes, yes,

yeah, those are the oversized BMXbikes. What do you are you
judgmental of the electric bikes? No? Okay, because they don't want one.
Me too, I've said that.Yeah, I think it'd be cool
that went on to go uphill.You know what else I want, which
is would be totally it's biking withno exercise unacceptable in general. Is one
of the electric scooters. I thinkthis would be so much fun. Yeah,

they're cool like a bird one Bird. Yeah, I think that would
be a blast ray go bike.But I mean if we're talking to the
electric small vehicles golf cart all day, oh yeah for sure, just the
dream for your every day erons andwhatnot. Yeah, rule, that would
rule so hard. But I wouldlike to get an e bike. Yeah.
The e bikes is pretty good.There's just so many of them out

there now. Prices are coming downto because the market is flooded with them.
Yeah. I did have a coupleof minutes to kill. I was
on a I was on a tripand I was by myself, so,
you know, nothing else to do, and I saw one of the the
bird scooters or whatever they were.I forget which one it was, which
company, but I'm like, it'stake it for a spin. It was
fun, I bet, yeah,awesome. I did it for like ten

fifteen minutes. Nice brought it backto wherever I needed to be, and
uh yeah, yeah, they aresuper fun. I did have a friend
his husband was riding one, andI guess they had like a like a
trolley that goes through the street,you know, kind of when you're at
like Disneyland or Disney World. Thetracks are in the street, got a
wheel caught in there broke. Yeah, that's not good. Well you got

to use some common sense. Yeah, oh god, but it was fun.
I think you'd love it, Greg, I would. I think I
should just do it, yolo.You know what gregs costco. I can't
imagine the trouble that my friends andI would have been in had we had
e bikes. Yeah, oh yeah, so far we go fast. We

went really far on our regular bikes, and we had the pedal on those
right, you know, and wewould be Yeah, we would have to
like make a calculation, like,all right, is it worth it?
Do we really need that? Arewe going to go all the way down
there? All right? But ifit was E bikey no problem. Razor.
Razor makes the electric scooters, andI've tried to get a hold of

them because their offices are nearby,so we can give them away during the
holidays. But if anybody's listening,trying luck, trying to hit you out,
what's a laser? Yeah? Theymust know you need something. This
guy, yeah, he clearly wantssomething. Yeah, I want to give
away your product for me. Canthose things costs up hills, like relatively

steep hills? Are not really,I don't know the scooters scooters and or
the bikes bikes definitely, yeah,because where where I live, we're at
the top pretty pretty steep, youknow, and it's and it's like three
mile right incline, and I've seenpeople biking up that hill, but they're
in granny gear, so it's goingto take one hundred years to get up
at the top. Oh that's ona regular bike. But there's kids in

the neighborhood that have the e bikesand they're flying up, flying up the
hill. I'm sold. Yeah,super cool. And how much does go
for? I thought they were likea couple of grands you can get anywhere
from six hundred to yeah, likefive thousand six. Yeah, you know,
I need to go top of theline. And then how long does
the charge last? Like how farcan you go? I think, like
what's your range? Thirty miles orsomething like that. Thirty miles. It's

way farther than I'm going on abike, I know, although my fat
ass will burn all thirty miles outjust going up one hill. They'll use
all the juice. No. Mysister in law did a biking trip through
Italy, which is very hilly,and so they all had like electric assist
bike. That's awesome, done rightnow, Ude, there's a bad ass

one here for twenty eight hundred buckstwenty to seventy five miles on seventy five.
Yea, I know, I know. Trek's got a cool one.
I saw a picture of a reallycool Trek E bike. Maybe that's why
it looks so cool, probably becauseit's the top of the liners, the
best one. I don't know anything. I don't know any bikes period.
I recognize the name Trek right thatstood out. But this one is called

run Deer. Yeah, looks likevery futuristic off roading type, but it's
yellow. Yeah, I can't dothat. Okay, good more? What
he shows next? Noisio? Ohyou want to play psycho? Okay?

Can I be the helpless victim?No? Please don't kill me, mister
ghost face. I want to bein the sequel. This is the Woody
Show. And down goes Morgan again. All right, welcome back, everybody.
I saw some video, you know, where the bridge collapsed in Baltimore,

so they had they blew it up. That last little steel span that
was still stuck on the boat.It was a controlled explosion and boom,
it just fell off the boat andinto the water. And then I can
salvage all that out of there.And the officials announced yesterday that the boat
will be refloated as soon as tomorrowand then moved back to port and with

a channel fifty feet deep seven hundredfeet wide that could be open for use
by the end of the month.I mean that whole port's been closed down,
created quite the problem. First commenton the video yesterday and he guesses
something conspiracy say, oh, goodjob Biden for the quick turnaround. No,

yeah, No, first comment was, let's see I have it here.
I just want to make sure Iquote it. Sure it's a good
one. Well no, it's like, all right, like, what are
people supposed to do? Hold on, let's see, all right, here
we go. What are the environmentalimplications of this situation? No way?
Are you serious? Yeah, letme see finger slamming a calculator. Who

cares? What are you gonna do? Leave the boat there, leave the
bridge there? How can you notaddress it? Leave the port closed?
Like, what are you supposed todo? And there was a human cost?
Yeah, I always think that thosepeople actually don't exist. It's just
like company is that want to youknow, I don't know, squeeze people
for environmental money, but like peopleout in the wild actually like post stuff

like that. Yeah, it's mindblowing. So anyway, that's that's good
news. At least they're making somesome progress on that. At least the
people could finally get off that boat. Yeah, weren't there a couple Were
there a couple of cruise ships thatwere stranded in there too. I think
there's at least one. I don'thear about that. Yeah, there's at
least one that's uh that's stuck inthat port. Yeah. Wo yeah,

that blows. Cruise to Baltimore,Baltimore, you're not cruising to Baltimore,
And I guess at the end ofit, you are, what do you
gotta go back? But the cruisingthere are cruise ships that leave out a
Bayone, New Jersey, you know, yeah, where my grandparents are from.
But still beautiful Bayone. The peoplewho are in charge of maintaining the

sewers and keeping stuff from getting intothe water treatment plans, they're asking for
people to stop flushing your garbage andto stop dumping stuff down the sewers in
the streets are still doing that.Oh yeah, flushing garbage. I heard
some stuff that they found recently,toys, wallets, underwear, keys,
glasses, false teeth, car tires, a chopped up bed frame, pieces

of a garden shed. And thoseare just some of the family friendly examples,
because they found all kinds of otherstuff down there too. But they're
reminding people not to flush anything otherthan toilet paper. That means no wet
wipes, no diapers, no papertowels, Q tips, pads, tamps,
samps. Flush your tamps. Alwaysflush the tams. Yeah, my

wife does too. You know betterstay flushing tamps. And see she likes
to live in older houses too,right, I know that is going to
come back. What's older house?What would it take to convince you not
to do that? Right now?Are you flushing them here at work?
Yes? Of course? Whatever?No, not whatever. We have the

worst pipe system in this bill,really in the whole bathroom shot down since
I started working here. Oh wait, it's because it hasn't happened. Just
keep doing it. Also not mybuilding. Don't care. So on the
hall, I don't care when thesewage smell comes back. Yeah, what's
the difference we get that olt allthe time anyway, not my building,
don't care. Yeah, the ideaof putting tampons in the garbage can is

disgusting, Scott. I understand dtandthe plumbing thing I do. I understand.
But look, we have an emptybuilding right across from us, Like
the bathroom blows up here, whichwill eventually walk over there. Now,
if you own your home, Sammy, would you flush tamps? Yes?
Wow, yes, because it's disgustingto put them in the trash can.
It really is, is disgusting asone clog and they overflow and you have

a cocka floor. Oh, andthen you call the plumber and he deals
with it. Oh, it's easy. Didn't you have to call the plumber
right because your first wife was flushingtamps? Well no, but it was
years ago and I was renting thishouse and it was this house was over
one hundred years old. It wasyears and years and years of that going
on. And so the basement startedflooding right from the sewage. And the

guy was down there doing this wholething, and he pulled out like I
mean, it was like yards worth. Wow, it was like it looked
like one giant like if like ifsome like the Jolly Green Giant had a
tampon like this big. It wasjust a big, like webbed mess of

cotton strings, and it goes,you know what this is, right,
he goes, This is year's worthof tampons. Here, he goes,
So, you know, whoever's beenliving here or whatever for years, they've
been just flushing him in these aroundpipes. And yeah, all right.
The pipe that goes from the houseto the main is called the lateral.

In my former house, the lateralhad a clog, probably because of whatever.
And I flushed the toilet and thenI go to wash my hands,
and as I'm standing next to thetoilet, I hear and the toilets going
up, up, up, upup sewage water into the bathroom, filling
it up. I grabbed every towelI own threw it on the floor trying

to mop it up. I hadto run off, turned off the water
main. Very expensive problem, totallyavoidable if you don't flush tamps. I've
never had an issue before, becausemaybe you don't live in the place long
enough. Moving. Yeah, that'sthe goal. I don't know. I

mean, you know again, Idon't know. It's like not cleaning the
lint dryer from your dryer, thelint trap from your dryer, and saying,
well, I've never caught fire before, so I'll just keep doing it.
Because a younger man used to flushcondoms. Oh really, yeah,
I mean those aren't breaking down.But he didn't think about it. I
never thought about it. Just dropit in there and flush it down and

killing dolphins. And I was ayoung man. Young man, I don't
get it. Wouldn't I wouldn't dothat now medication that's they flush it down
the toilet, and I've done that. People have throw like their cat turts
covered in cat litter down the toilet. Litter clumps. That is so dumb.
Yeah, like there's some special litterthat doesn't clump that you can flush.
Look keeping the plumbers employed, youreally are, you know they need

to work. Think about the plumbers. Yeah, so excited when they show
up and see your tamps and pullthem all out. Dude, it is
the best part of the only ifthe homeowners a hot chick, though,
it's like some ugly beast, right, oh god. But if it's a
hot chick, they get so excited. Yeah, they're like he flushing.
They're all happy about it about whereit's been. We'll come back anytime eight

seven four what he hit us upwith the text over to two two nine
eighty seven. More Woody shows next, my favorite radio show, the Woodsy
Shot. You guys are amazing,especially Woodsy The wood Show. You guys,
My son broke his finger. Ohno, sucks, yeah, playing

hockey masturbation. No, but itis dominant hand. No, he was.
He was at school and they werethrowing a football and it hit its
pinky and just the Yeah. So, by the way, urgent care never
so urgent. Oh no, theydon't feel that way. No, h
oh my god. So we getthere and I say, well, we

have a new system. We willtext you when it's your turn so that
you can go back. Okay,so you kill Yeah. I like that.
So got your broken finger, SoI thought it was great. I'm
like, okay, cool. Wellwe get the call. We're ready for
you got ten minutes, you know, get your window to arrive, otherwise
we move on to the next person. We get there within the window,
and we sit in the lobby foranother forty five minutes, and then from

there they put you in the roomwhere you sit for another thirty minutes,
and then from there they go,yeah, well we're gonna need an X
ray. The x ray tech ison her lunch break. He would be
back in the next fifteen to twentyminutes. Why he was fine, Okay,
yeah, he was fine, butit is a well it's a fracture,
so that that's fracture and break thesame thing, right, Yeah,
yeah, but first of all,it's just pinky. They just splended it

up, and now his mom's gotto take him to like an orthopedic or
whatever. But here's what sucks.He's been dying to play high school hockey
tryouts our next month. Oh no, you know, but it's I still
think he'll be fine. I thinkhe'll be fine at least to try out.
Okay, you know it sucks.Yeah, but I've I felt so
bad for him, like, oh, dude, this is the time.
Yeah, this is not the timefor this has been so looking forward to

it, so so splint for dothey say for how long? Uh?
Well, use this split now untilwe could take him to the Oh,
then he needs an orthopedic. No, take it to the orthopedic doctor just
to make sure. They want tomake sure it's still like all straight and
said, so it heals and youknow, yeah, yeah right, he'll
be fine for tryouts. Yeah,but Urgent Care, I know, that's

why they had people don't go.They had this They had this sign on
the door and it said in arush, and it basically in a hurry
and you can like pick up yourLike how ironic this sign to the Urgent
Care in a hurry? Yeah,cause you can get your prescriptions filled there,
like you know, hurry happening here, No hurry to be found there.

No, that's the thing. Therewas like one other lady, so
they're just like understaffed. Yeah,there was one other lady that was sitting
in there, but I was youknow, my sense is, well when
you I've never broken anything, Ikind of feel like less of a man.
I've never I never broke anything.I mean I've heard myself, I
you know, ended up meaning stitchesa few times, you know, cut

myself with the blade with a razorblade right across the hand that's still got
a scar from that. But yeah, nothing like no breaks. Yeah,
I haven't broken anything. I haven'thad a stitch. Yeah, wow,
never got any ready to sign mycast, you know, yeah, that
was always cool. I broke myarm skateboarding and I missed my appointment to

get my cast cut off, soI cut it off myself with shears.
And his arm is still messed up. Yeah, yeah, I don't do
that. Still broken. But hey, when I when I broke my wrist
later in life, I was tooold and to have people sign it.
And somebody did haves to sign it, and what do you appreciate this?
I said no, because I didn'twant it to affect the way it looks.

What if it's all sloppy and I'mlike, no, it's nice and
white. Doesn't just leave it clean. Yeah, I don't want sharpie all
over it. My son also brokehis left some things that his left thumb.
They said it came out of someplaying baseball. He's a catcher.

Only two weeks in a cast.Quick. Yeah, at this didn't tear
like a you know something like that. Yeah. Is this his first broken
bone? Yeah? But I didtell him, I said, uh sucks,
he goes, Well, it's onmy hands that I used for everything.
Well, I said the good news. That was just me and my

son in the car, so well, the good news, I said,
you start using your left hand.It's like it's a stranger. He goes,
what great advice, Dad, hegoes, He goes what I said,
Well, it feels like it's somebodyelse doing it. He goes,
bro correct, Well, he's atthat age where I can start, you
know, I can start having funwith him like that. Han, that's

my job. It's my job.Yes, that's my job. This is
my right of passage torture. Yes, I'll continue the Yes, the tradition
of torture. That's right. We'renot breaking it here, Babe. So
lucky that he's got a fun Dad. It's only you can have one of
those lame dads but not du doesn'ttalk to him about this master tory habit.

Yeah, usur left hand, it'sthe stranger. Oh I never thought
of that. Yeah good, it'sbroad Dad. I'm glad we're having this
converse. You're saying it all.You make no sense the show, I'm
gonna say, this is the WoodyShow, and we are into another new

hour insensitivity training for a politically correctworld. It is Tuesday morning. It's
May fourteenth, twenty twenty four.Please, you're here and dedicating some of
your life to us in the formof your valuable time. I'm Monny,
that's Ravy. There's Greg Gory.Menace is here. You have Morning Woody

encouraging you to follow us on socialmedia the social media platform of your choice.
Looking for us at the Woody Show, Sea baskeod morning Yeah. Here's
Sammy phones are open eight seven sevenforty four. Woodie, you're gonna hit
us up with the text over totoo nine eight seven. So we heard
about people like the pickle Doctor,pepper stuff more and more pucker Yeah.

I've seen a couple of videos poppingup on that. People like the Fixen's
Bar at the convenience store. Theyget their you know cup from the fountain
area and you know, ice itand put the pickles in there and then
go to the that's it, likehow people put a lemon in a Yeah.

Here are some other combinations that peoplelike Menace mentioned ice cream and fries,
Like you go to Wendy's and youyou dip That's what we're talking about.
I said, the that orange dreamsicleflavor they have Weddy's right now,
no minutes. It's good. No, you don't dip the fries in it.
But I'm thinking that the flavor ofthat frosty by itself is really good.

Not a big fan of the creamsiclestuff. I mean, I'll eat
it, not love those things.Does it taste like like a push up
from Yeah, that's what I loved, stringy and creamy, so delicious,
cream flavored sodas. I'm not afan of the cream flavored sodas. Yeah,
but I had good ice cream aswell, Yeah, really good ice

cream, fries, tomato sauce assoup, just eating it straight. Yeah.
These are some other tasty pearings.Chocolate and avocado. I thought it
great because he loves avocados. Howwould you do that? Just slice on
a Hershey bar? Yeah, Iguess so, they say, just pear
as well with the chocolate. Thecreamy texture of the avocado pair as well.

Would ye. I knew a hardcorevegan that would make chocolate pudding out
of avocado with cocoa. And shesaid, oh, you'd never know.
It's not putting us. You neverknow. You'll never know because you don't
eat the stuff that I eat.Right, I would know exactly because I'm
getting the good stuff, right,I know what real pudding is like.

What was those They would always usecarab chips. Yeah, they're like,
oh, just like chocolate. Nothey don't, No, they certainly do
not. People who eat carab maketheir own deodorant too. Yeah, true
true. Uh, cinnamon graham crackers, dunked and tea Okay, I mean
not crazy. Don't see why you'dwant to. But olive oil and ice

cream. Drizzle olive oil and seasalt flakes over vanilla ice cream for a
uniquely salty sweet experience. This hasbeen, it's a current trend. Even
enjoy olive oil gelato. Yeah,that's what Starbucks is kind of doing,
making those olive oil yeah ROAs.Yeah. Coca cola and chicken. If

you look up recipes for cola chicken, there are a ton of them out
there. I had some pets likefrying chicken in coca cola. Just it's
like a sweet savory glaze. Yeah, like a demiglaze. You know,
you can reduce it down. Burntbroccoli with popcorn pass, I do.

Like my wife makes uh like she'llroast broccoli with oil and like olive oil
and garlic and it's awesome. AndI do like it. The darker it
gets, like you get when itgets more black, I like it it
becomes almost like like a crispy Italmost melts in your mouth of almost like
a way like a like a cottoncandy. Does they make a freeze dried

style broccoli, Yeah, it's reallygood. I don't know about burnt broccoli
with popcorn, I said, Iwouldn't call it burnt like I just call
it roasted watermelon and salt like myfather in law love that. That's normal.
People dig that. They say itjust enhances the sweetness of the watermelon

omelet with fried rice in the middle. I would try that like that.
I mean, there's an egg andfried rice anyway. Oo, ravy,
what about that bacon fried rice thatyour friend Terry makes Terry bacon fried rice
in the omelet, that would begood. I thinking there, that would

be good. It's not wheat rice. As long as it's not the wheat
rice. Yeah, I did see. I did see a video yesterday.
I thought it was a really goodidea. You get a package of the
King's Hawaiian rolls and you just takea knife and kind of hollow out just
a little space there in the middle, and then you take mazzarella cheese sticks,
you cut them in half and themin there, put them in a

like a like one of those glassbaking dishes, brush the top with butter,
salt, and garlic, and thenyou bake them. And then when
they it's these uh, these extracheesy garlic rolls. Okay, okay,
yeah, because the cheese is all, yeah, looks so good. You
just use any cheese you could,but it's the fact that it's already,

like the string cheese is already inthose little you know, cylinders, you
know, so you just like popthem in there like you're putting a stick
of dynamite in something. You putthose in the little baking dish and you
bake, and you brushed the topwith that off food. But are engaged
ketchup sandwiches. I knew somebody likedcanned beans with tomato sauce and a lot

of cheese, grapes and goldfish crackerstogether. That's weird. What's the other
one that people talk about? Oh, you can make like a a baby
ruth, Oh, peanuts and uhcandy corn on that like a pay day
right, sounds good? Sounds waxywarm tortilla with butter, cinnamon and sugar,

yeahs. And then a pickle andcream cheese sandwich. Also on this,
I like that pickle and cream cheesesandwich. You know what you need
to do though, on that youneed to make sure you get the that
whipped cream cheese because it's much morespreadable. Yeah, you putting on sandwich
bread. Yeah, that's Good's supposedto a bagel? Yeah, that stuff's

good. Pickle we do have.We're doing an experiment today, but while
we can, because time is runningout on this, Bess went and picked
up some of that what's it chargedlemonade charge? Yeah, I also want
to know it is this safe?I want to try it. Speaking of

adding adding a cold of stuff,I've got some of those Doctor Pepper slim
gyms to well technically not slim gemsthere Jack links, but doctor Pepper beef
sticks can try him. Yeah,that's why I brought them, just to
look at right now. And wewere talking about the bread, the bread
situation, Sammy's moist bread. Sammysays that she's got to keep the bread

in the freezer. In the freezer. I was bitching about how whenever I
go to my parents' house, theyalways keep the bread in the freezer,
and it sucks. It makes younot even use it, Like if you're
trying to get off bread, keepyour bread in the freezer because you'll double
think it every time, like,yeah, maybe I shouldn't do it.
I gotta thaw this out just tomake a sandwich. This is done.
But she's like she has to becauseit goes bad so quickly. And we

found out because she's got that hippiebread bread, the sprouted sprout. We'll
have to go through the ingredients ofthis because it looked like no, say
no flour, brown bread, flowersbread, let me see. Oh yeah,
we said, so. She seta picture to us and that's like
they make bread and brown. Yeah, when it had gone moldy super fast
because I hadn't put it in thefreezer. Keep it in like your sock

drawer or something. You throw itin. Yeah, flowerless flower the original
low glycemic flowerless sprouted grain bread.What bread is very moist is cutting up
that slinder. I got like sixof them. Do you don't have to
take also onto the wheat and barleyand beans and lentils and millet and spelt

and put them in one vessel andmake bread of it. So it's based
off a Bible verse. Yeah,yeah, god bread, yeah, ezekiel.
But the term sprouted bread just soundsso foult. It really does.
It already feels stale, like wheneveryou pick it up, it's like that.
And that's bread. It was inthe freezer. I had to take
it out of the freezer. Nowwhat is that? That's the Doctor Pepper.

A little too sweet for me?Oh, too sweet. I'll probably
love it. It's candy meat,yeah, yeah, well you like bacon
candy. It's not bad. Youtry right, No, I hate it?
Oh yeah, yeah, it's it'sit's not good, but it's a
little it's that grows. It's theDoctor Pepper flavor. Man, you can
really taste it, man, Likethe first BikeE was okay, but then

when the flavor kicks in, disgusting, sick, and then it's sour,
sour finish. Well we can wecan wash it down some death juice,
the charge lemonade. Seabast is goingto bring that in here. We'll try
to. It's killing everybody apparently beingsued. Yeah, taking it off the
menu. Yeah, will it killus? We'll find out next on the
Woody Show. How's that? It'slike one of those news good tease Yeah,

plus some other food news. Whatdo you show food news that's coming
up next? Hang on show andwe're back. We we tried. I'm
telling you, man, the aftertaste on that Doctor Pepper beef jerky is,

as Greg would say, it's Hanes. It's Hanes. I don't even
know how the people who work atthat place that makes them things. These
are pretty good. Yeah, wethumbs up on this one. The public
not good. So bad and Ilike sweet, but yeah, no good.
We're gonna get into some food newshere. And also while we're doing

that, we do have a coupleof wood he showed taste drive some opportunities
here. We have some of theEzekiel bread that Sammy swears by. It's
the sprouted bread and when you buyit, it's refrigerated already. Right,
No, it's not. I thoughtthat was the bread that was in the
refrigerated section. No, Dave's Killer'sgot some frozen stuff, right, Yeah,

I think something else. Yeah,because I've seen I've seen that section.
I thought because it was sprouted breadtoo. This smells like a cardboard
box. It does not. Yeah, it does not smell good. Somebody
texted over they had a had agood point. So it's because just feeling
it in the bag, ezekiel breadtastes like cardboard and when you toast it,
it smells like burning paper. Ialways toast it. And why is

this your ghost? Who introduced youto this? My mom for what?
And then what was the what wasthe sales pitch on it? Like here
right? So I I was alwayskind of healthier foods, but my mom's
always loved it. And she'll swearthings taste the same when they don't.
But she was like, yeah,it goes bad really fast, but just

keep it in the freezer and it'sreally good and so and she said that
she liked it. So I gotit. And how I eat it is
I just toast it and then Iput like peanut butter on it, so
it's I don't eat it plain.Thank god, my mother has never lied
to me to that degree. Yeah, that would be heartbreaking. It does

have a weird texture, thick andmoist. Yeah. Yeah, the first
bite you're like, it's all right, and then you're smells starts getting more
and more crap paper like would beaccurate. It's hippie crap. It's gross,
doctor pepper. After taste, it'sbeen replaced by the taste. Really,
you think it's that bad. Thisreminds me very much, so dry
of my childhood, so really verycrumbling into a ball and through it in

the like cardboard is the right description. That is terrible. I guess I'm
just used to it now because Ido like it. I eat it every
day. I wouldn't know that it'sI would say it's just so bland.
That's what I look for it beingused to it. Yeah, not liking
it. I mean, I justkept eating it, idiot, that's something

you give to like prisoners. Iunderstand what she's saying. I understand what
she's saying because, uh, Inever had a problem with diet coke before,
and then they start doing all thezero sugar stuff. So coke zero
sugar is so much better than dietcokes. It tastes like regular coke.
That I was at a place thatonly had diet coke and I got that,
and I'm like, uh oh,yeah, yeah, I lost my

taste for what I had gotten usedto and I thought was perfectly fine.
If you had good bread, likepretty much anything else, you'd be like
any other bread. Like if therewas an a to b comparison right now
in front of you, right,and you got just this, Yeah,
you would realize, you would realizelike what our experience is right now.

Yeah. Probably, but my becausethe point that I was trying to do
was to change my taste buds sothat when I try something that's crazy sweet
that normally would have been nothing tome, I go, oh, I
don't want this because it's too sweetfor my taste buds now, and people
will say that's actually the way,that's the healthy way to be. Because
normal bread, white bread MENACE's favoritehas added sugar. Well, do white
bread either. I want to domilk bread, milk bread. How about

some food news. We're all gonnatry the charged lemonade that's killing people's call
it the death drink, the deathdrink from Panera that they're discontinuing. It's
it's only available for like another weekor so. I want to try it.
In some woody show food news.To start with this news, Wendy's

has a new nugs part pa Yes, which is fifty chicken nuggets for fifteen
dollars. What whoa Okay, that'sa deal. Yeah. Now they're only
available in certain markets right now.But they're slowly according to what I'm reading,
they are rolling them out. Andwhen they say certain markets, they
don't mean like one or two.It's a pretty decent amount in the city.

But fifty nuggets for fifteen bucks,that's that's a really great deal.
Yeah, one menace? How aboutthis one menace news Oscar Meyer. Yeah,
they have a new line of stuffedhot dogs. Okay, is my
favorite hot dog? Instead of youknow, just meat or you know,
whatever's inside hot dogs, you canget ones that are packed with cheese,
chili, cheese, or jalapeno cheddar. They've been doing the cheese ones.

Well, is Oscar Mayer better otherplaces I know other brands have Yeah,
so are these hot dogs like alot like bigger girth? Wise? I
haven't seen them. I just readabout it. You can buy cheese stuff
hot dogs already. Yeah, they'renot. I would think, you know
then, No, they definitely seemplumpier, like all that stuffing would cook

out, you know what I mean. Here's the thing. An eight pack
will cost around five bucks. Yeah, you can get it build in stores
nationwide. Oscar Meyer stuffed hot dogs. I definitely looked Greg, I thought
about you. I bought this theother day. First time in years,
I bought some kilbosa okay, andit made you think of me. Yeah,
because you know Russians, paul Os, you know whatever, they're big.

Yeah. Yeah, so good,yeah, really good. Hadn't had
that in so long. It waslike a staple of my childhood because you
grill it. I boiled it likemy mom used to do. Oh yeah,
cabbage, Yeah yeah, you coulddo that. It was always like
Cabasa and Perogi's. Back to thestuffed hot dogs. Okay, yeah,

this is the a high thought,random thought that I've had my whole life.
They have this new product, right, oscar Meyer stuff tat dogs,
So they introduce them to the grocerystores. Every time there's a new product,
the grocery stores have to kind ofrejig their entire shelving system, right,
Like do they have to get ridof some products to make room for
new products or do they have tomove them somewhere else? But well,
the whole place is packed with stuffanyway, don't. They have deals already

with the manufacturers, So like oscarMeyer, they purchase a certain amount of
shelf space or you know whatever space, have freezer space, yeah, and
so they have a certain an allotment. They can decide to use those spaces
however they would like. Oh sothey can just move Yeah these here,
they might have one in there,or they might have to, like you
stop putting one product out there,Like maybe that's why that product disappears for

a minute while they test out thisnew stuff tat dog thing. Wow,
it's such a complicated thing that,Yeah, because they pay for they even
like to be at a level ina certain position in the aisle, like
not on the end, not onthe very top, not on the very
bottom. And then they have tokind of redo the whole thing to make
room for one new product. Yeah, that's the stuff I'm interested in.
I want to know how much thegrocery stores make from that kind of stuff.

Forget the sale of the item,right, Not everybody's buying shelf space.
They're given shelf space. But I'msure like charge for premium, That's
what I'm saying. Like how muchthey like how airlines make on baggage fees.
I'm sure like an end cap probablycosts money. Oh, end caps
definitely cost money. But I don'teven look at those anything. Yeah,

but the grocery stores. They paybig money to the manufacturers. Are the
manufacturers pay big money to the grocerystores where it's placed or placement? So
interesting. Yeah. Some other foodnews, Burger King they're adding mozzarella fries
nationwide. They were hitting some testmarkets, so they're fries shaped mozzarella sticks.

So they're like thinner and the chickenon terrible. And they come with
a marinera dipping sauce. And itsounds like it's not a limited time thing.
It's like a new permanent menu item, all right, trying to come
up. They're spending all that moneyon all the remodeled too. Yeah,
new flavor of rice, Crispy Treeto tell you about chocolate eat peanut butter.

That that's pretty good. Yes,I'm down with that. Also in
drink News, Welches the grape juicepeople. They're getting into the canned cocktail
business. Oh, here we go, because that space needs to be bigger.
The four flavors they're starting with.You'll have the Welches Vodka Transfusion,
okay, the vodka Cranberry, thewatermelon mule that sounds pretty good, refreshing,

and the passion fruit mohido I mean, I'm willing to drink all of
them. Yeah sure, yeah,take you a year just to try all
of them. But such a crowdedspace already. Yeah, imagine rearranging those
shelves. Yeah, I hear you. Food news now, the sixteenth,

that's a Thursday, is Jack's birthday, Jack in the Box Jack, And
so now they're doing uh specials Thursday. You can get a free Jumbo Jack,
Friday, free fries, Saturday,free drink, Sunday free regular size

shake sweet just a FYI catch youhave to can you just show up and
get it? Current members of JackPack, Rewards Members or Rewards Club the
Jack Pack, along with new signups. So yeah, whatever, dude,
you got a subway app. Ido, but it got compromised and
now I can't eat it, right, damn it, subway at got hacked.

Yes, everything we discussed, andthen I got some other food news.
Here one last pieces Burger King.They're jumping on the Philly Cheese take
bandwagon. They got two new items, the Philly Royal Crispy Rap and the
Philly Melt. Oh yeah, butthey're not true Philly cheese steak. You
know. It's like this, Okay, here the Philly Royal Crispy rap.

So this joins the other ones.They got the classic spicy honey mustard blah
blah blah blah blah. So allthe raps they feature the fried white meat
chicken wrapped in the soft flour tortillawith Clayses sauces and all the other stuff.
The new Philly one contains chicken,Swiss cheese, fire grilled peppers,
onions, and Beca's Royal sauce.Oh yeah, so they're just replacing you

know, the thin sliced Ribbi steakwith fried chicken. There. Philly Melt
is a take on the Wopper melts, right, and the Philly one is
two quarter pounds whopper junior beef pattieslike the like the other melts and peppers,

onions, melted cheese and royal sauce. And I just don't know.
That's got a pretty good menu.They had that junior Whopper deal like,
uh, two for five bucks.Yeah, I told you that was a
pretty decent amount of food. Itwas really good. They'll sleep on the
King, dude, they're coming back. Yeah, they're on their way back.
I jingles all the time. Yeah, Well, there's some wood he

show Food News. We're going totaste drive the charged lemonade finally when we
come back. This is the oneat Panera. All the news headlines have
been popping up. See if itstops anybody's heart? Yeah, because didn't
we say it. Whether it's likecompared to a red Bull. Red Bull's
got like seventy milligrams, well fiftyor something like three something. Well,

I'll break it down, okay,because that could be deceptive. Yeah,
all right, So well we're gonnatry that charge lemonade. We'll see if
it kills any of us. Maybea lot of people in the text are
saying that it's really good. Ihave a DNR. They've been, they've
been, they've been drinking them,and you know, ever since they came
out, they really liked these chargelemonades and it's a shame they're going away.
So we're trying we can. That'snext on the Woodies show, Hang

On Welcome Back. They might lookcute and cuddly, they are very mean
spirited. Way back of everybody.On the Ezekiel bread that Sammy loves.
That's dry, af and gross.It's so bland, it's you can't even
say it's gross. It's just notsatisfying at all. Good. Yeah,
this one says, I like Ezekielbread too, Sammy. I have some

in the freezer as we speak.It's good for you because it doesn't have
processed oils in it and such.Right, cool, Yeah, that's why
it's so blad. Yeah, itsucks. This one says, Hey,
Sammy, I work for Food forLife where they make it. I could
send coupons for you to try tocinnamon raisin. You would love it.
At least there'll be some taste.Now I'm speaking of taste. What do

you show taste? Drive? Uhhuh? And this is the the charged
lemonade from Panera that has allegedly beenkilling everybody. A couple people. One
girl had a heart condition and theother one is actually really sad. It's
a an adult who was a littleslower and he had like three of them,
not knowing, he says, orthey claim. His family says that
it has so much caffeine in it. Now, how much caffeine is in

this charge drink that you got infront of the about or up to three
hundred milligrams for a large maybe alittle even more. Now that's equivalent to
a bang like a large are alarge celsius yea so per ounces. It's
actually a little less than really notthat bad, right. This blood orange

flavor is gross delicious. They gota blood orange of mango and a strawberry
strawberries. Blood orange tastes like medicine. It does medicine run and done on
that zip. It has to dieas much campaign a caffeine as a large
coffee, so like a large grandeStarbucks, is over three hundred milligrams caffeine,

but all the losses are say thatPanera didn't put enough warning that this
has no I would never think therewas caffeine. This mago one's way better.
Oh my god. That blood orange, Yeah, blood orange is heinus.
Mango's pretty good. Here's where theseStarbucks are? That Starbucks. The
Panera is really gonna get you thoselarge drinks. Yeah, a lot of
caffeine over three hundred milligrams. Alsoone hundred and twenty five cramps of sugar

candy. Oh wow, we're fatpeople. Wow, Oh my god,
fat because we're like what I'm justdrinking and charge lemon? Yeah, I
would think it's almost healthy. Yeah, it's fruit in it. Yeah,
fruit. Wow, no, wonder, that's so good. Get your heart
pumping. Yeah, you're working ones. The mango one's good. Yeah,

the blood orange one not so good. Doesn't it really matter? They could
be all great? They Oh,I think the strawberry is the best one.
The Reaper's coming. It's gone withinanother week or so. You drink
three or four of those, youmight pass. You're going to a diabetic
shot. Yeah, you know,we'll let you know if it kills any
of us. Yeah, as wecontinue to try these. All right,

So there's the what do you showtaste drive? There we go with the
oh another drink news real quick?Seven eleven. I saw it there.
They've got this new Gatorade Thirst Quencher. It's called Midnight Ice. Midnight okay,
yeah, I saw it. Isaw it sitting there as an exclusive
flavor. Doesn't really say exactly youknow what it tastes like? Is it
blue? They say? The packagingwith an icy lightning bolt graphic against a

midnight backdrop. They don't say whatthe taste is. Okay, I don't
know. Yeah, but what's thatnow available? The Gatorade Thirst Quencher Midnight
Ice. All right, more Woodiesshow coming up, and then I went
to the bathroom. Then I cameby, and then the planet totally changed,
totally different experience. I don't know. We we can Woody show right
now, now back show, allright, welcome back everybody. Yeah,

all right, so we got tosee raybe with the nerd out reports that
it's in the world of nerds comingup here in just a moment. Birth
Day's parn a birthday also in therefor you Tuesday morning. So, uh,
this has been happening a lot,I mean with a lot of random
people, but there's more and morecelebrities. I know what happened to Rick
moranis now it's happened to Steve Buscemi. He was walking around Midtown Manhattan one

day last week, broad daylight,like twelve noon, Okay, some random
walked up and sucker punched him.Yeah, jeez, that happens a lot
in New York. It's such aNew York thing. Wow. Yeah,
I mean I know what happens outthe places, but it's happening a lot.
Is it on camera or it sucks? Yeah, there was some surveillance
footage, so the cops they knowwho did it, but they just haven't
caught him yet. Well, ifthey know him, you know he's a
good person. Oh yeah, ifhe's on the rail already, he's done

this before. He's like seventeen millionpeople. Yeah, in the New York
area. He's a guy that volunteeredon nine to eleven for the city and
he gets punched in the face,right yeah. I mean, look,
Rick Morana, same thing. Hewas just walking down the street money his
own business. I forget there wasone of the Real Housewives or something like
that. I forget happen to herrecently too. In other news involving douchebag,

some pro Palestine students, they walkedout of Jerry Seinfeld's commencement speech at
Duke University. Yeah, because youknow that's gonna show him, right,
Yeah, you know, Jerry,he's a Jew, so therefore not listening.
Yeah, and then, uh,how about this one. This YouTube
streamer. She's in Los Angeles.She was broadcasting herself smoking weed and then

driving and running over a pedestrian.Oh my god. Yeah, so she's
doing her live stream and again smokingweed, driving, next thing, you
know, she hit somebody. Here'show that went. No, he does
hear those voices, they're not fake, but I wonder so, oh my
god, are you okay? No, I didn't see her. I was

looking. I didn't see you.Oh my god. You guys, I
don't know what just happened. Butit wasn't good. All right, guys,
here's your content for the day.Oh yeah, not good? What
an a just come on, man? And the fact that she's still like,

wow, what a dumb ass Aloser cares about. I'm in favor
of blazing it, but I don'tblaze and drive. Way. It's crazy
to me how many people make theexcuse for blazing and driving. Yeah,
Like, there's you. You won'tfind anybody who takes up for drinking and
driving, right, but you willfind so many people who will make an

argument that it's not a big dealto be like smoked out and driving.
I know people who blaze wild driving. Yeah, there's a viral videgar right
now. That's huge of this guy. He's in one of what are those
three wheel cars? I forget Iknow what you're doing. Yeah, but
he's sitting there and he's rolling ajoint and somebody on the camera's like,

hey, hey, there's a coplike on the other side, and the
guy just keeps on rolling, doesn'teven paying attention, and he starts smoking
and then the cop pulls over.Yeah, he's like, I try to
tell you a dumb ass, likenot paying attention. I just don't know
how how people can sit there andlook you straight in the eye and not
as Maybe that right there is enoughto know, like you're pretty stupid.

Yeah, like if you can't understandhow that would be just as bad you're
repaired, you are, yeah,yeah, you're impaired right clearly. Yeah.
Yeah, the vehicles the vehicle iscalled the sling Shot. By the
way. Oh yeah, your holidayis for today. It's May fourteenth.
It's National Buttermilk Biscuit Day. Yes, it's also Bond with your Dog Day

every day, International Chihuahua Appreciation Day. No, thank you. They're the
worst roommate for a while. Thatdog sucked. Today's National Decency Day,
good luck. And today, aswe mentioned, it's Online Romance Day,

So Sea Bass is going to haveYeah, Sea Bes can have that that
segment for us later. Yeah,because he's really good at the online romance,
like talking to those girls and droppingcoins and we getting to know him.
Yeah, yeah, what he hasit on the schedule is cam slots.
Oh okay, well yeah, camslots. Oh dare you? Yeah?
Well, I mean you call itas you see it? I mean

sure, yeah? So that arethat? Are? That are? That'd
be right? The holidays For today, The Woody Show presents Nerdnote with our
special NERD correspondent Gravy. So Kingdomof the Planet of the Apes came in
right where it was tracking, makingfifty six point five million dollars domestically seventy

two point five million internationally. Sothat's a global total of one hundred and
twenty nine million dollars. Not bad, No, probably one and done for
the Apes as far as being numberone at the box office, because coming
out this week is IF and I'msuper curious about this movie, written and
directed by John Krasinski, about agirl who discovers that she can see everybody's

imaginary friends. That's an IF IF Imaginary Friend. No reviews up yet
on Rotten Tomatoes. It stars RyanReynolds and has a voice cast second to
none that includes Steve Parrell, EmilyBlonde, How to Get Her, Matt
Damon, John Stewart, Aquafina,Phoebe waller Bridge, and Sebastian Mana Scalp
whoaw comedy or it seems like icecomedic. I mean, there'll be like

some comedy to it, but Ifeel like this is like a feelings factory,
oh type of movie. So Ithought I had the potential to be
like scary. No, it's definitelynot going to be scared. Okay,
definitely not. But I'm interested inwhat people think of it because I'm very
unsure. I've seen trailers, youknow, I've seen commercials, and I'm
not quite sure what I think ofit. Now. This week is Television

Upfronts, where you know, we'regoing to get a lot of information about
what is planned for networks and streamingservices. But ahead of NBC Universals Upfront,
they released the plans for SNL's fiftiethanniversary, which is next year.
They're just ready to wrap up theforty ninth season and it is going to
be a three hour spectacular and it'shappening on a Sunday. It's happening February

sixteenth, and NBC says it willbe the cherry on the Sunday of a
full on celebratory weekend honoring sen Now, I wonder if any old cast members
will show up, get it.They show every week getting But when they
did that last anniversary show, youknow, there was a ton of them
and it was I thought it wasreally good, really funny. So fifteen

Eddie Murphy, Yeah, Murphy wasvery awkward. Yeah, that's true because
they work so hard. Greg.The forty ninth season of SNL wraps up
this week. Oh okay, yeah, and Jake Jillanol is hosting. Sabrina
Carpenter is the musical guest. Thatwas like nine days of straight work.
Yeah. Though everything I saw,I haven't watched the full episode from the
Maya Rudolph One stared, Yes,I thought it looked hella funny. Yeah,

that's pretty good. Like that onewith the teachers just telling the students
you know what you won. Yeah, to the one where she's doing the
coffee commercial. Yeah, hilarious.Yeah, that's very up our Alley.
Yeah for sure. MTV not gonnabe handed on any popcorn this year.
I know what's up. Twenty twentyfour Movie and TV Awards are on pause.

They say the goal is to bringit back next year, but my
feeling is you've heard about that beforethat they're just they're never going to do
it again. Last year it wasa bit of a disaster, as you
recall, because of the strikes,and some people are trying to say that
this year, because of the strikes, the content has been limited, and
some people are trying to say it'sbecause of all the unrest in the country

right now. We couldn't possibly handout popcorn awards to do somebody else does
or whatever. So oh well,there's not been any kind of reason given.
But the Movie and TV Awards havebeen a staple on MTV since nineteen
ninety two. Yeah, not doingit this year, if anybody really care.

I mean, I watch them.It was always a fun show.
I yeah, I mean it wascool. It was all loose and different.
Right. Also during the pandemic,I think they did the best job
of putting on award shows, rightween you couldn't have an audience because they
were really good at all the graphicsand yeah, yeah, I was really
surprised when I saw that news.I'm rabying for more nerd stuff, check
out the Nerd podcast at The WoodyShow dot com. Nerd. All right,

thank you very much, Rabel,you got it, Doug. It
is time for the birthdays and Cornobirthday show shivery. It's Shiversday. We're
gonna sit be like it's shivery andyou know what we don't do what birthday?
All right? Starting with the celebrities. It's Gronk's birthday, everybody Rightronkberdy,

he is thirty five years old today. George Lucas, Oh Star Wars,
Indiana Jones, George Lucas, billionaire, right eighty years old today.
Wow, another billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg, the Uness, the zuck he is
a forty today, Big birthday forhim. It's Kate Blanchette's birthday, she's
fifty five. Ulet's see. Yougot the Ian Astberry from The Cult,

who's sixty two. David Byrne fromThe Talking Heads, who's seventy two.
Danny Wood from New Kids on theBlock. All these legendary musicians, Danny
Wood, legend which New Kids onthe Block back out there doing their sturday.
My wife is super excited to getto see them here in a week
or socky. Yeah. Sophia Coppolais fifty three. He got me Miranda

Cosgrove who is thirty one, andTim Roth is sixty three. Reservoir Dogs,
pulp fiction. Oh and Robert Tamchis, How can I leave him out?
Oh? My God, directed yourfavorite movie Along in the Future,
the whole trilogy. He's he's donea lot Forrest Gump. Let's see who
framed Roger Rabbit, Romancing the StoneI forgot about on Castaway Polar Express,

And then your porno birthday today isAva Barbie and she has squeezed more balls
in the tight spaces than Patrick Mahomes. You guys, Oh wow, Wow.
She's been in seventy seven fine films. She's got some like really odd
titles. A lot of them arepretty long. But let's see. She
was in Cousins Get Really Close.She was also in Gentle Blonde Demands Fresh

Sperm Volume one, might Demand ItDance students turned into sex gurus for female
teacher right. She was in aBackdoor Delivery Volume one, and who can
forget her unforgettable role in Foursome GoesWrong. So wedding called off nice,
so vague. It all sounds likeit was all translated from another language to

English, Like all these titles.I was trying to figure out what's so
weird about it? As I wasreading it. Yeah. Like another one
was like books turn sex buddies on. Oh all right, maybe for Ravy.
Don't say a word I don't say. Oh yeah, don't say a
word more or you'll pay the price. All right. You know what that

means is? Yeah, anyway,that's Ava Barbie who's twenty five years old
today now at japorna birthday, yourcelebrity birthdays, and that is a Tuesday
morning. Look what is happening inthe world of nerds with your nerd out
Report. We're gonna take a quickbreak. We got some more Tuesday Woodies
show for you. Next, hangOnbuila wouldn't approve the Woody Show all right?

Time to wrap up, call aday for Tuesday. It was good
Tuesday full show podcast that awaits.Just go to the Woody Show dot com.
In honor of Online Romance Day,Sea Bass was sharing some of his
interactions with some of his online ladiesso you can go back on the podcast.
It's always fun the ladies online ladies, Uh, his ladies of the

internet camsluts. Is that what you'retrying to get me to say? It
sounds like you're leading me there,Ray, So I'm just gonna go there.
Fine, it's trying to be allBraby just drags me right women right
anyway. So that's on the podcastfor Online Romance Day, brand new Redneck
News covered all the trending news headlines, raves nerd now, porn, a
birthday, and more, all onthe Tuesday podcast coming up on Wednesday.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is theGlory Whole Challenge. Yeah, you will
be on the receiving end of theglory hole trying to guess what items are
being passed through the glory hole,just using their face and their mouth.
That is happening. Plus anything youwant to leave for us in the after
hours voicemail you could do that.Give us a call eight seven seven forty
four whatdyes, same number you calledduring the show, but after the show.

It's just a voicemail where you canleave whatever you got for us eight
seven seven forty four Woody or findus on social media on the social media
platform of your choice at the WoodyShow. Coure Raby mana Sea Bass,
Sammy, anything you like to add, no Greg Gory parting words of wisdom
please, Yeah you mentioned the ladies. The best way to know if a
woman is mad at you, isif she's silent or yelling, or acting

the same or acting different. Veryeasy, Yeah, decipher yeah, tip
looks young man, I couldn't figureit out, but as I got older,
I think I've really mastered it.And what Greg said is so true.
It's just one of those It's justone of those things. Yeah,
and she's probably mad at you.Yeah, all right, Thank you very

much, Greg Gory, Thank youso much for give it the Woo Show
some of your valuable time this morning. You know we love and appreciate you
for that. The rest of youguys could suck it. Catch you back
here on Wednesday. Have a greatday. SMDUBM. I quit this bitch,

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