Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector powered
by Mercury Marine.
Speaker 2 (00:14):
Go boldly, Hi, Yeah, turning heat on? Yeah, turning heat
heat or freezing our asses of Welcome twenty twenty five,
first show of the brand new year Douical Venture's Weekly
Fisherman's Show.
Speaker 3 (00:36):
Approaching hear number nineteen on my wow, So smoking log
is a chili wooly morning here joey.
Speaker 4 (00:42):
Man nineteen years. You guys have been doing.
Speaker 3 (00:45):
This thing, yep. Put a long time buddy, and hopefully
I have nineteen more man, wow, right, nineteen more.
Speaker 4 (00:51):
You'll be like ahead into that, you know, floating there,
and I'll be I'll be like.
Speaker 5 (00:55):
You with another show stylist, a poultry gram.
Speaker 3 (01:00):
Oh, let's go, let's go, just get this out right
now before you even can give you the show. Okay,
here we go. I walk on set. I had this
stylish hood he costs me a fortune. By the way,
it's like a hoodie jacket. It was well lighted side right,
brought back memory. The first thing you said to me
was what well he walked?
Speaker 5 (01:16):
Eric walks in delightful to see me, as he always
is not really, and he said, Joe, I've missed you.
I loved you. You're the best co host I've ever had.
And then I said, Eric, your jacket, it looks so
familiar to me. I said, oh my gosh, that looks
like my grandma's old a poultry on her couches.
Speaker 4 (01:36):
She had this very comfy, you know, eighties a poultry
and it.
Speaker 3 (01:41):
Just called up poulsterry. By the way, you left out
of asked, Okay, a poultry. A poultry is what's in
the oven. A poultry is cooking, Grandma. Okay, the poultry
is almost cooked.
Speaker 5 (01:51):
Okay, well that see it's all coming back to me
right now.
Speaker 3 (01:54):
Anyway, let's get past all this break. I think it's
does smell like moths. Actually feels really really great, smelling
like mothballs. So back in the night forty Jeff, thanks
for flying the ship band, Steven, Jake, Greg Gray, Crazy
Maga morning.
Speaker 4 (02:06):
How you in.
Speaker 6 (02:07):
And by the way, I don't think his jacket, for
those listening on the radio, doesn't look that baderic like
you know, but.
Speaker 3 (02:12):
Somebody says looked that bad. This gonna be looks that great.
Speaker 7 (02:15):
No, No, it's fine, it's not going. It's okay here, Yeah,
it's all right.
Speaker 3 (02:19):
Let's get to the fishing part of the show. It's
it's a fishing pro. Let's do it, shall we. Jimo
Thomas is now back. Oh, by the way, last night
I missed you guys. Thanks for Joe Johnson, Phil you
last weekend. By the way you did Gray Joe is
the man, the great job, yep, and that you were
freezing ass Jersey for a week.
Speaker 8 (02:34):
Speaker 3 (02:35):
I had the perfect view for you guys. I really thought, uh,
we'd be able to. Yeah, we tried, but I was
in the mountains. It was bad.
Speaker 7 (02:42):
We didn't try that hard.
Speaker 3 (02:44):
It was hard. We tried anyway. Jimbo Thomas is h
in bed. I might add not on the fly right now?
You want to bring him on and say hey, hey
for twenty five. It's the first auty duty to Jimbo
in twenty twenty five. I think I will bring him on. Baby,
We're gonna keep it nice and simple.
Speaker 5 (03:00):
It up, man, Jimbo. I'm gonna I'm gonna have a
new twenty twenty five anything ow Joe simple any week?
A little mystique twenty twenty six, so Jimbo anytime, Yes,
joe bring him on, man.
Speaker 3 (03:17):
What let's do this? Come on, Jimbo. Dude, waiting that
long for that? Huh great, Joey.
Speaker 8 (03:35):
We're off to a bad start this year.
Speaker 3 (03:37):
What a bad ole minute was Jimbo. Huh man walking
walking about? That was good?
Speaker 8 (03:42):
He sucked that almost was back to the start of
the seminole chant. You know it always goes that way.
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (03:51):
Yeah, well, Jimbo, hey man, I'll welcome back to the show.
I know you're out doing your thing for a while.
You had wedding last weekend, right, your daughter's whatning? I
believe right?
Speaker 8 (03:58):
Oh God, that might daughter's wedding in a place called
sally Ulita, Mexico, which is a pretty cool place. And uh,
I ate a lot of tacos and that's what you
do in Mexico, and had some surveys of frios and
uh a fair amount of those. And we actually went
fishing one day over there too. It's over the Pacific side,
and we caught nothing, but we had a great time regardless.
We had a stripe marlin on that pulled off and
we jumped off one my heat. So the fishing was
way better here. But regardless, we had a great time
over there as a great time, but I'm glad to
be home and freezing my butt off. I wish I
had that upholstery on right now, my upholstery jacket.
Speaker 3 (04:51):
Jim herself. That's Grandma. Grandma where to God jimbo a recliner.
Speaker 4 (04:59):
Like she had these old houches, you know, and they.
Speaker 3 (05:01):
Used to play.
Speaker 8 (05:02):
I picture and I know exactly what you're talking about.
Speaker 3 (05:06):
Nothing like that, Joe, What are you all right? Gosh?
I told you steroids after decades?
Speaker 5 (05:15):
No, it is literally that seventies juicy, that seventies to
nineteen eighty like brown.
Speaker 3 (05:22):
Okay, well you're steroid up man, You're well dying to
get you, Joe, I lost your vision totally. Joe, Now,
Jimbochell while you were, God is blowing. It was crazy.
The water was not terrific as you probably heard.
Speaker 8 (05:35):
I know, I know my brother was running the boat
and I didn't feel guilty at all being away when
it was twenty five not winds, and it was beautiful
where I was at. But we've had good weather the
last few days and little breeze today with that front
coming through it. But it's coming around out of the north,
which means that.
Speaker 9 (05:56):
The sailfish could possibly bite today.
Speaker 8 (06:00):
As they like, and when they're fighting, more often than not,
if there's anything else around, they're going to also bite.
So we did fish yesterday. There's been boats out throughout
the week and there's been a few sales around. There's
been not many kings, but the few kings that have
been around seem to be fairly decent sized, like some
fifteen pounders I've seen, and not many dolphins, but an
occasional mahi still and then they're getting some black fin tunas,
but football size ones for the most part. I dropped
on some recks yesterday, caught some amberjacks, caught a big
muntain snapper about I don't know, twelve pounds.
Speaker 3 (06:44):
I've been here in.
Speaker 8 (06:48):
Yeah, has been fairly good lately, although when we were
catching them up on the reef, pretty good for the
last couple of weeks, but there was a lot of
valley who's on the reef and I have not seeing
that bait action on the reef. So I did fish
on the reef a little bit yesterday. I had no bites,
but I didn't see any baits. So if there's where
there's bait, there's fish, regardless of what you're fishing for.
But that's that could change today as well. But I
think the best bet today is to get some live
bait and go put your kite up. There's gonna be
win for the kite. I don't think it's going to
be too extreme, but out of the north and if
you can find some blue water and some north current,
put the live baits out under the kite. If you
want to fish anywhere from roughly ninety to three hundred
feet of water. But if you can the shallower the better,
if you can find the right conditions, and it should
be fairly good fishing. I'm hoping so at least. And
yesterday there was a few sails caught. Day before I
heard one of the boats had seventh sails down south
of Folly Light, but up off Government Cut not so much.
But yeah, that could happen anywhere. What about water, I
knew you're gonna ask that I have not. I have
not heard of any. That doesn't mean there have been
none caught though, so But you know, again, down here
in the Miami area, none of us really fish for wahoo's.
We don't troll the We troll the planers, but not
religiously like they do further to the north, like in
the Popo area. I think we have a bunch more options.
We have a good reef structure, so we got a
lot of people reef fish. We have a lot of wrecks,
so we have a lot of wreck fishing. We put
up the kites. I mean, we do troll the planers,
but those guys they we all know how to troll planners,
but those guys up Popino, the charter guys up there
are experts at it and that's that's what they do
and it produces fish for them. And I mean if
we do it a lot, but for some reason, we
don't catch a lot of wahoo's like they do.
Speaker 3 (09:00):
Can I ask a.
Speaker 7 (09:00):
Dumb fishing question real quick? Sure?
Speaker 8 (09:04):
Can you throw him on?
Speaker 6 (09:04):
This shows as a novice fisher As a novice fisherman, Uh,
what was the advantage of a kite over throwing a
line over the boat?
Speaker 3 (09:13):
Speaker 6 (09:14):
Why do you talking a lot about the kites? What
is the advantage of the kite?
Speaker 8 (09:17):
So when you throw a live bait in the water,
he's out of his element, so you catch him in
in the bay this live bait or around some structure
where he feels safe. You go out in that deep
water and he's like, man, this doesn't look too friendly
to me. So his first thing he wants to do
that live bait is run underneath your boat or go
deep trying to get to the bottom so we can
find something to heighten. All of our fish are eating
on the surface, so you need a means to keep
that live bait up on the surface. And the kite
that tains two things. That gets the bait away from
the boat, and you can maintain them right up on
the surface where your sailfish and your mahi's and a
lot of your other fish are feeding. You can also
drift those live baits and if you're moving, just the
momentum is going to keep them up on or near
the surface. But the kite keeps them right on the surface.
Speaker 7 (10:11):
So that's thank you and.
Speaker 3 (10:14):
One last thing to Jimbo.
Speaker 5 (10:16):
Do you also think maybe it's it's uh with when
it comes to Wahoo. It's a lot stronger up in
like Popino, Deerfield, Boca because the uh it's it's that that.
Speaker 3 (10:27):
What do you call it? Man?
Speaker 4 (10:29):
It's deeper in Miami so that all the that that.
Speaker 5 (10:34):
The edge of the edge of the okay.
Speaker 8 (10:39):
Right, so yeah, the drop off is much closer up there.
I don't know if that has anything to do with it,
or if it's just the way the from Like maybe
if you're in Pompino you have open ocean all the
way across from you. If you're in Miami you got
the Bahama straight across. Well again, Pompado you got maybe Weston,
And for some reason those fish are cutting across. I
don't know. There's maybe where that edge dips in kind
of forms a little pocket that holds them. I wish
I knew. You know, maybe when we talk to some
of the guys that fish up there, do what their
theory is. But they definitely catch way more while who's
up there. It might not be because there's more of them.
It might again because they fish for more often, but
it definitely seems like they do catch more up there.
Speaker 3 (11:33):
Well, thanks for the first Jim Most seminar of twenty
twenty five. That was damn good there, Jim mighty damn
good good stuff. Good stuff. Man really liked it a lot.
So roll over, go back to bed and shuck yourself
and have a great fishing today.
Speaker 8 (11:45):
I'm just pulling into the marina as we speak, and
with this cold weather, I wouldn't mind being snuggled in dead.
But I got my flip flops on right now, and
I'm gonna run to the boat and put my my
boots on and some socks and a jacket and try
and warm up.
Speaker 3 (12:01):
All right, buddy, Hey, welcome back to the show, Jim.
I'll have a great week. Catchup up dude, new year
by Man, all right.
Speaker 8 (12:08):
He got his name to everybody else in good luck.
Speaker 3 (12:10):
Out there, bang it first ten minutes of the program. Yeah,
questions there. Man running late as usual, of course, nothing
gonna change for twenty twenty four to twenty five, we're
running it later yet. Come back around on the REMP.
But we'll talk to Wayne Cotton this hour. We'll talk
to Shod Rolls start Bright bucketed Mo coming up on
the show at Fox Sports Night forty Mixus and.
Speaker 10 (12:30):
The Clouds for our Saturday, and it's gonna be nice
and cool with a high of seventy two for today
and for Lauderdale seventy two as well. In Miami Beach.
Chant to Night, grab Alai Jacket, Loue A fifty five,
partly cloudy for tomorrow with a high of seventy four.
Speaker 7 (12:42):
This report is sponsored by Rapid Radios.
Speaker 11 (12:45):
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Speaker 12 (13:01):
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Speaker 18 (13:53):
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Speaker 22 (15:31):
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Speaker 23 (15:35):
Hey Dan, how you doing.
Speaker 24 (15:36):
I haven't seen you're on the gym for a while.
Speaker 25 (15:38):
Yeah, I've really fallen off since I turned forty. I
just don't get the results I used to get.
Speaker 22 (15:41):
Give me a lower testosterone lower T. Yeah, I went
through it a while back. Once you hit forty, your
body has less free testosterone. I got Nugenics Total T
and it's made a huge difference for me.
Speaker 25 (15:51):
I've seen that ad on TV.
Speaker 23 (15:52):
Is it for real?
Speaker 3 (15:53):
Speaker 13 (15:53):
Speaker 22 (15:53):
The key ingreeting is something called tests nor which helps
boost free and total testosterone levels to help you trim
up and.
Speaker 7 (15:59):
Stay and it's made a difference for you.
Speaker 22 (16:01):
Man, I feel like I'm in my twenties again, at work,
in the gym and in the bedroom.
Speaker 25 (16:06):
Are they still giving up complimentary bottles for people to
try for themselves?
Speaker 20 (16:09):
Yeah, you just need the cinema.
Speaker 26 (16:10):
Text text rock to four two four two four right
now for your complimentary bottle of Nugenic's Total t the
number one selling testosterone booster at GNC plus. Text now
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four two four two four. That's rock to four two
four two four.
Speaker 23 (16:32):
Fox Sports You and Miami Miami.
Speaker 1 (16:38):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered.
Speaker 23 (16:42):
By Mercury Marine.
Speaker 7 (16:43):
Go Boldly.
Speaker 1 (16:44):
Here's Sarah Brandon and Joe Hector.
Speaker 3 (16:48):
Boom boom boom, Welcome back to the show for twenty five.
Docket Fish and Jack goodback Joe, jump in there talking
about man like you see, I feel fine, just had
a glass of wine. Oh that was good. Yeah. Right,
Let's talk to our poor friend, beat up man. He's
stock fishes this week. He's got neat things going on
shoulder wrist, but still praise it. Joe. He toughs it up. Man,
He's like a fish out of water. Man, he just
keeps He's like a motive that hangs out the back
of transom barely, Ye, hanging out by one nut. It's
the best man, Alan. The man is that.
Speaker 27 (17:39):
It sounds kind of like you're underwater there, Eric, what's
going on?
Speaker 3 (17:43):
No, it's it's a large build up of ear wax
and your left ear hole their pinhead.
Speaker 27 (17:47):
Okay, now like you're muffled this morning?
Speaker 3 (17:53):
Are you feeling I've had a bad run of a
virus for two weeks. Man, just get my hearing.
Speaker 27 (18:00):
You need some you need some of that nugenics.
Speaker 3 (18:02):
Yeah, nugenics. Yeah, preparation h jaredsol combo depends thought of
a blender. It depends. It's blended all up and suck
it down. There you go, big great proteat shake Joe
first the morning. Yeah, how about that?
Speaker 8 (18:21):
Speaker 3 (18:22):
Thank you. So listen to the pithead, I mean the
al so, uh what's up with the basketball?
Speaker 27 (18:26):
Man, Well, you're gonna you're gonna grind it out right now.
The waters have definitely cooled down. The fish are not
super happy in my canals. Yes, can you catch them?
Speaker 13 (18:38):
Speaker 27 (18:38):
You're gonna work your butt off for them, but you're
gonna it's just a tougher bite, and the fish are
not jumping for joy.
Speaker 3 (18:45):
Uh. Yesterday I was out.
Speaker 27 (18:46):
We used a variety of jerk baits and and there
was no top water bite yesterday. But we used some
jerk baits and and yes, some of that other stuff
I don't really like to throw. But uh, and even
that wasn't knocking them dead. We catch a few on them,
but you know, but it just wasn't.
Speaker 3 (19:03):
Speaker 27 (19:04):
You know, it's just a tougher bite right now, and
it's going to be that way.
Speaker 3 (19:07):
Joe, he just said he's using live bait.
Speaker 27 (19:10):
I cannot.
Speaker 5 (19:11):
Oh yeah, I'm just letting to finish because I was
gonna hammer.
Speaker 3 (19:14):
Are you hidding me? Now? He'd never believe bait.
Speaker 4 (19:18):
I thought it was so terrible and bad.
Speaker 28 (19:20):
It is it is, it is, it is.
Speaker 27 (19:26):
You use it who I have on the If I
have people on the boat that don't know how to fish,
sometimes have to break down, especially this time of the year,
and you and use some of your candy, some of
your candy.
Speaker 3 (19:37):
Man, look at Eric spider My, It's like, thank you know, three,
I'm going to couch share with my grandma's jacket out here.
It's grandma jacket.
Speaker 14 (19:52):
In the rocking chair.
Speaker 3 (19:53):
I would have having a swigg of booge.
Speaker 7 (19:56):
She struck.
Speaker 3 (19:56):
But I'm wearing I'm wearing your couch for a shirt today. Yeah.
Oh yeah.
Speaker 27 (20:00):
Anyway, you guys were asking for that. That's that's why
I went ahead and said it.
Speaker 3 (20:06):
I wasn't gonna were dancing, okay anyway, yeah yeah, And anyway,
the fish are not going nuts on that either.
Speaker 27 (20:14):
So it's just a tougher bite right now. We caught
peacocks yesterday. We did catch some snooke underneath the bridges
that was using the jerk baits on the snook and
uh and addeddately I was doing I was trolling under
the bridges some to get that to happen. But the
stoke were hitting it pretty good. We even caught a
jack yesterday, so I was a little bit off off center.
But in earlier in the week it was a similar bite.
It's just it's just a tougher bite.
Speaker 3 (20:38):
Right now.
Speaker 27 (20:38):
You're gonna work. You're gonna work hard for him. Yeah,
and and the forecast is not pretty, so get used
to it. Maybe we got about two weeks of cool
the cold weather coming in.
Speaker 8 (20:48):
Speaker 4 (20:48):
Did you hear about that winter blast that's coming this way?
Speaker 3 (20:51):
Ye? No, yep, dude. They're saying it's.
Speaker 5 (20:53):
Gonna be like in the high thirties here here, that's
next week, right next yeah, next week?
Speaker 3 (21:01):
Wrap what silly asks propaganda website you find it on.
Speaker 6 (21:05):
It's a lot of people are it's starting to pop
eric it might be real.
Speaker 27 (21:10):
Maybe I seen I didn't see any thirties. I did
see forties. But but then there's four or five nights
that it's going to be in the forties. So it
is going to get the colder side. That's going to
cool the water down quite a bit.
Speaker 3 (21:21):
Well, hopefully around long enough to have a fish killed,
because you know those fish cocks the thirties and forties.
Speaker 28 (21:27):
I hate.
Speaker 3 (21:27):
They may die.
Speaker 27 (21:29):
I hate to tell you this. I've already seen a few.
I've already seen a few so out on the alley,
I've seen a few lying on the bottom because it
gets colder out there, and we've already been on the
cool We actually had a very nice November December weatherwise
on the cool side, and that's kind of setting up
some bad things. But you know what, they bounce back
will be okay, it's just you. I think you're going
to find less of the peacock bite out in the
Everglades than we have over the past couple of years.
Speaker 3 (21:56):
That's all. What's the worst kill you've seen?
Speaker 27 (21:59):
Alan twenty ten, two thousand and one, there was a
kill too. And I mean there's isolated kills every year
in certain areas where it just gets colder, and that's
that's normal, and that's what keeps them from expanding everywhere. Uh,
you know, and I've heard of them being further up,
even up in Sarasota area. I've heard of some peacocks
being caught up there. But with this what we've got
going on now, they're not going to be there. After
this next couple of weeks, they will be dead. So
just it'll bring them back to where they're supposed to be.
So that's all right, It's not the end of the world. Well, big,
I'll have a good weekend, man. I hope you're feeling better.
How's that has it?
Speaker 3 (22:36):
Right? In surgically repaired knee bait? Okay, you're walking out there,
it is.
Speaker 27 (22:39):
I hate to say it. My leg's been spalling up
on me. A lot because I've been pushing it, trying
to get out and get some people on the water,
and I'm coming home and having to ice it down
and take some drugs again. In fact, Eric, do you
need some of my drugs, because I mean I can,
I can send them over.
Speaker 9 (22:53):
I mean, you sound pretty.
Speaker 3 (22:54):
Under the water like, dude. I'm just having some serious
issues with this damn cold like anger of anyway, Thanks
for the offer on the pills, but you know I'll pass.
Speaker 27 (23:03):
Could we give me your drug man, I'll be your
drug man.
Speaker 3 (23:06):
Well, get us banded by the FCC. We're talking about
gags on the show. There you go, get a thrown
off the air out. Thanks very much. I just lost
our license.
Speaker 27 (23:13):
You never told me about that. Look, I don't say
the other words.
Speaker 3 (23:16):
Okay, Yeah, there's certain things you can't allude to, like
you're being a drug dealer would be a bad day, Okay, Okay,
that would not go well, especially with nine management listening. Okay,
we talk about drug six five in the morning. It's
definitely drones listening. The problem with.
Speaker 27 (23:30):
These guys, boy, what about being a temp I just
want to know i'd be.
Speaker 3 (23:34):
A pimpow now here we go we're talking about prostitution
at drugs. Great, great show, have a great day. I'll
go back to bed and figure out what you're doing
with your life with you.
Speaker 27 (23:44):
Thanks, all right, guys, I have a good one.
Speaker 3 (23:46):
You two. What is up with Alan? What did he take?
Pills and stuff? Might mixed something? He said, just crakier
than me, which is hard to believe. He went right
after you. He would right for the gut man right away.
You did take a little come back with Wade Condon.
And we're talking to of course, our great friend Sean
Rolls this hour. Who could be able to water if
Shaw's on the water today, Joe, he don't make a
wager saying he's not or he is. What do you
think I'm gonna bet he's not. I think he's a
smart I'd say he's not. You know what, Steve os says,
not okay, And you say maybe.
Speaker 5 (24:19):
I'm gonna say he is, only because I bet he
took the boat out.
Speaker 7 (24:22):
It's not that windy either, so he could he could
it was windy. I would say, no, it's not that windy.
Speaker 3 (24:27):
I bet you he took the boat, laid out five
dollars on our bets and see what happens. Okay, all right,
that's all coming up here on the show, the first
one of twenty twenty five here Fox Sports Night forty
Live Live Live.
Speaker 29 (24:39):
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Speaker 23 (27:39):
Broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine point forty Anna
jarn Levine Accidents Attorney Studios Call one eight hundred seven
four seven free.
Speaker 20 (27:48):
That's one eight.
Speaker 26 (27:49):
Hundred seven four seven three seven three three.
Speaker 1 (27:55):
You're on board and Donegal Venture's Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by your remarne go boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon
an extreme angular Joe Hector, come on.
Speaker 3 (28:08):
Show you too, man and fish in the sea. I
sit sh what jew made fish? That's back on the Marvel.
Let's Joe back in the sixties, big hit A right,
we're gonna magic one or two point seven playing those
classic cats there back in the day. Yea, yeah, yeah,
twenty years Yeah, if they fired me, Yeah, that's what
what I saw. Drones. Uh, we'll go there some of
the I got footage. Okay, we'll talk about it soon.
But Wayne Cott's holding online? What Wayne don' wanna hold
Wayne up here? I'm sure we have the reward fishing
fleet where you catch a fish and get the reward
and bring your kids the rewards, bring your kids and
bring your kids. That's right, right, thirteen under get on
board for nothing? That's right? Something like that. I think
I think you messed up. Let's bring them on here,
shall we. Let's do it? Wayne Cott? Good morning, buddy?
What's up?
Speaker 33 (28:56):
Speaker 34 (28:56):
Speaker 35 (28:57):
Good morning? Gentlemen? What do you mean I messed up?
Where can you do anything with a kid for free?
Speaker 28 (29:02):
Tell Mary?
Speaker 3 (29:03):
Not a damn thing this world nothing now.
Speaker 35 (29:07):
See the other part of that, The other part of
that deal is though, if you got a thirteen year
old kid and you just want to drop them off,
we charge a double.
Speaker 3 (29:14):
So you know, it's your babysitting fee. You don't babysit man. No, yeah,
let me tell you something. Let me let me tell
you something. I have mentored more kids that you know,
guys that are lawyers in town, the guys that are retired.
There are doctors that their dads dropped them off with me,
and I turned them into bates.
Speaker 34 (29:32):
Wow, and they decided they needed to they need to
get a real job after a while.
Speaker 35 (29:36):
But some of my best captains in the world are
incredibly successful in the business world now. But they never
they never lose touch with me. They never forget their roots.
So it's kind of cool. It's kind of cool.
Speaker 28 (29:46):
Speaker 3 (29:47):
You've been a great mentor a teacher man, you know.
Speaker 34 (29:51):
Yeah, it's all about the future, it is. I agree
with you. I agree with you.
Speaker 14 (29:56):
You know.
Speaker 34 (29:56):
It's funny.
Speaker 35 (29:56):
Bouncer and I used to talk all the time about
about what we used to do, and we cringe, you know,
And it doesn't matter going backwards too much, because you know,
the young bucks will say, well you used to do this. Well,
guess what, we didn't know any better. We were really
stupid back then.
Speaker 3 (30:10):
I think we are all young.
Speaker 8 (30:15):
You know.
Speaker 35 (30:16):
I've got a picture with Alan Sherman and I from
forty years ago. We had twenty seven gag groupers we
caught in two and a half hours. And these aren't
little fish. These are fifteen to twenty five pound fish
we caught in two hours.
Speaker 3 (30:29):
Well, spirit of the brain, well we set up.
Speaker 34 (30:34):
Yeah, it was a it was a doc record.
Speaker 14 (30:36):
You know.
Speaker 35 (30:36):
I caught seven hundred muttons in two nights, you know,
back then, and we didn't think nothing of it.
Speaker 28 (30:41):
Speaker 3 (30:42):
Yeah, there were no bag limbs back then, Joe, it
was the heap size.
Speaker 35 (30:47):
You got to talk to twelve inches twelve inches back then,
I think it was you know. Uh, anyway, you got
to talk to the old guys to see what we
really caught. And when it's like it's like when I'm teaching,
my guy has had a gaff fish. You know, guys
like Alan made it for me And we did three
hundred kingfish in a four hour trip and we were
back at the dock in four hours, by the way,
with three hundred kingfish and we did it several times.
We'd average one hundred hundred and fifty kings in the night.
You want to you want to talk about gaffing skills.
You know, I'm gonna polish my fingernails on that one.
Just that you got no idea, you know, great gaping skills.
I can't say about boat what. I have a friend
of mine right fishing on the boat. Yeah, on my boat.
Who's oh, you all have a great gaffer right and
they swing it? You got a my heat of the
boat and he goes to gaff to fish. He just
totally blows it.
Speaker 3 (31:36):
He is a touch of the line, cut the line off,
And I am so jacked off mad.
Speaker 5 (31:41):
I think that happens. I think everyone's got that friend
that knows how to.
Speaker 23 (31:47):
Speaker 35 (31:48):
If Eddie and my older customers are guys who listening,
they're gonna laugh because it's funny. How you know what
you try to teach guys You don't You don't chase
the fish with it. You know, you don't chase the fish.
You stick the gaff in the water where he's going.
You know, if you got gaff him, try a gaff
in the ahead and get him in the boat quick.
And I was running my sports fishing boat a few
years ago, and I had about a thirty five pound
dolph and I told my mate and I said, get
the six inch gaff. I said, you must hit him.
You must hit him, you know, close to the head
and just just put with one pull. They don't hit
him as hard as you can. This is not hitting
the home run. You want to stick the gaff and
I'm get him in the boat. But but it's like
a kobea.
Speaker 34 (32:23):
So what does he do?
Speaker 35 (32:24):
He hits him halfway back, and when I tell you,
he almost went over the side. He was gone but
one arm and the other arm, and he finally let
go of the gaff, and of course the fish broke
off and we lost and we lost the gaff.
Speaker 34 (32:37):
So he had that what that? Oh, he had that
beautiful look and design.
Speaker 35 (32:41):
The customer said, where's my fish?
Speaker 5 (32:44):
My gosh, speaking of Monyea? What what I mean back then?
What was it like catching him? Because Eric has stories, I.
Speaker 3 (32:55):
Can tell you. Oh no, it's crazy. Crazy. Well, remember okay,
back in the day, right, you get one mahi, right,
all of a sudden around a boat. You look for
thirty five yards and there's my I mean everywhere.
Speaker 34 (33:06):
You Yeah, they the ocean's blue.
Speaker 3 (33:09):
Yeah, one hundreds of the man. Oh, it's crazy, dude.
Speaker 34 (33:12):
Let me tell you we ran.
Speaker 35 (33:13):
I Danny kept us and I probably we probably ran
one hundred and fifty Bahama trips on the old Reward
back in the early eighties. We just had charged two
hundred and fifty bucks back then to what take twelve guys.
Speaker 34 (33:23):
We'd leave at.
Speaker 35 (33:24):
Four in the morning on a Saturday, we come back
at four in the afternoon on a Sunday, and anything
from two three thousand pounds, mostly bottom fish, but sometimes
a huge kings and stuff too as well. But we
had a trip halfway across that we've found the mother
load of gaffers as far as you could see around
the boat.
Speaker 34 (33:43):
Yep, it was gaffers. And I had twelve guys for
an hour.
Speaker 35 (33:46):
We finally stopped and we said, guys, we got two
thousand pounds of dolphin.
Speaker 34 (33:49):
We would either we're going and we're going to finish.
Speaker 35 (33:52):
Either we're going to do this, We're going to turn
this around and just call it a dolphin trip. I said,
we got to keep going or else we can't stop.
And I had to go down, and I had to
tell Danny Sai Dan, I need don and to know
it was crazy crazy. Every fish is a g effort.
We couldn't swing any of them. And you know, hundreds
just there everywhere, cassa jayga plug anything to hit the water.
They ate and just the most ridiculous, uh you know,
And maybe young guys are listening and be, oh, yeah,
that's why we don't have any now.
Speaker 34 (34:22):
Not has nothing to do with it.
Speaker 4 (34:24):
Sorry, sorry, do you do you think it would change
the migration?
Speaker 3 (34:29):
Like? What do you think is the reason?
Speaker 34 (34:32):
Speaker 35 (34:32):
You know it's I you know, it's funny when like
when you're younger, you used to spout all kinds of crap,
is what you thought the reasons were? And I think
everybody's scratching their heads on this one. You know they
used to always in the summer. Is how many summers
has it been since we've had good Dolph. You used
to have to go to the keys to really get them,
and they would they would go down. They would run too,
they would get offshore, they'd have to go quite a bit,
even even from Almarad or whatever.
Speaker 36 (34:55):
You know.
Speaker 35 (34:56):
I was talking to Skip Brady in about this recently.
You know Skippy, you know Skipp, Yes, the other mouth
of the South. But yeah, he's great fisherman. But yeah,
he says he didn't he didn't get it either. But
because they grow so fast, you can't say they're being
wiped out somewhere else. I mean, you know, in a
year they'd grow to thirty pounds.
Speaker 3 (35:14):
So the long liners wane. There's all kinds of theories
about what the going on. Yeah, are they still long
lining off here? It's banned. Yeah, it's bad, right, so
you would make it better? Yeah, you know so well.
Speaker 34 (35:28):
You know, I remember the sword fishing.
Speaker 35 (35:29):
I was doing some of the first sword fishing back
in the seventies as one of the first guys that
did it with rogs and reels, and they got beat
up so bad in ten or fifteen years that they
almost disappeared. And then about fifteen years ago guys great
Roachter started fishing them again, doing really well with them,
and the other guys started doing it again, and now
the fish are getting wore back down in size to
where they're catching them, you know, thirty forty fifty pounds
sword fisher Their pups, you know, they're almost like it's
a shame to kill. They're great eating They're incredible eating fish. However,
in the seventies, iridge fish was one hundred and twenty
to two hundred pounds. Let's catch them on a party boat.
Every every trip I ran the cap Rudy out we
cut at least one swordfish.
Speaker 33 (36:08):
On a boat.
Speaker 34 (36:09):
Yeah, hey, they don't know what kind of boat you're on. Man,
stop it, stop it. I want I won the bob Less.
Speaker 3 (36:16):
They don't know I won the bob Loss.
Speaker 35 (36:18):
I won the bob Loss Billfish Challenge twenty five years
ago and an eight not party boat. And I sat
right next to Joey Neiber when I got the award
to you love.
Speaker 34 (36:26):
That's from contender. They don't know. Man, So anyway, before
you go.
Speaker 3 (36:31):
Away, but what's our forecast for fishing for the next
couple of days? You think this?
Speaker 34 (36:36):
We got a nice We got beautiful cool weather.
Speaker 35 (36:39):
I ran the boat the day before yesterday we got
incredibly beautiful weather. Just watch the forecast, folks, if you're
going to go offshore. But yeah, a lot of baby
kings are still around the Mutton's bit good in the morning.
The afternoon we did get an amber jack about twenty
five thirty pounds. It's pretty cool release a nice gag
grouper which is out of season. But the little king
they're still a hoot and they're they're a lot of
fun catching a few macro on the way out, especially
on the outgoing tide. That's when they're kind of off Miami.
The most we did go to Mount Kitness, I call
it the big seamount out off shore of Miami. There
in five hundred feet of water. We had a bunch
of pilchers left in the well.
Speaker 28 (37:16):
Speaker 34 (37:17):
By the way, I sent you a I sent you.
Speaker 3 (37:18):
A quick video. Yeah, I guess between the talking, I
see you.
Speaker 34 (37:25):
Know, it just hit me that, you know what, I
do stuff like.
Speaker 35 (37:27):
This to show people what we do because we offer
live pilleton and live pilchers out every trip that we
can get it, and we we buy them from pedro.
We load up the well and we fish as many
rods as once to fish live bait. So you can't
do that anywhere else. But we we had a bunch
of bait left that there was nothing biting in the afternoon.
I mean it was the dead sea, you know. So Uh, anyway,
I took them out there. We started chumming really hard
next thing, you know, we got five six fish on
the shark seat, a couple of them. We catch a
couple of bonitas, we catch black fin tuna. Everybody got
all tangled up for about a stern, laughing and giggling
and having fun. And they came, Oh, we had a blast,
and that was it.
Speaker 3 (38:02):
Wait, thanks so much, man, I can talk to you
for hours on end about your fishing. Yes, yeah, yeah,
you know it's time. Let me say you, buddy, thank you?
Why so much? Man? A beautiful to hear.
Speaker 7 (38:19):
Well, here we go.
Speaker 3 (38:20):
Let's go see what the hell he can killed this week?
Pull up, pull up, and a blow. That's your first
blow of twenty five, Joe. Wow, that's your first bluff
of I believe it's twenty twenty five. Is we're weird?
It's strange, it's weird, weird. Well, let's describes you and
me and Steve. That's us, the guys. That's a perfect
word for three of us. We're a plethor weirdness. There's
something where do you go plethora, Joe, plethora of weirdness? Yeah, yeah,
thank you. So let's talk to our ray friend Jim,
Chiefy Matthew down below the water and see what he's
doing with those bugs, Joe.
Speaker 37 (38:56):
Let's do it doing well, we're doing.
Speaker 3 (39:01):
Yeah, I thought that. Actually Jeff warned me he may
have a phone issue, so I would say, Jeff, go
ahead and just cut his antenna and let's go rehook
up with it. Okay, shall we cut the Line's cut
the line? Let's I want to cut the rubber cord
off his spear guns. I want to chop that rubber
cord at half. It just dices up with a sharp blade.
So when he goes to cock it back, it just
it just shatters in that group, get to swim away
nice and called. You really have a thing about this?
I have spiritfish Hill in my life. Okay, so then
why are you and I just don't find it to
be very sporting? Why everyone I got was too easy? Yeah,
but you're in slow motion.
Speaker 5 (39:44):
You're in an environment you're not supposed to be in,
so it is harder. It's not like you're using a
you know, do you think kill your machine gun underwater?
Do you think it's harder to group?
Speaker 37 (40:02):
Stop it?
Speaker 14 (40:05):
All right? All right?
Speaker 37 (40:06):
No listen, all right, As of January first, no more groupers, Okay,
no more?
Speaker 3 (40:12):
Yeah, run upplause for that would be yeah, I thank you, Steve.
Speaker 37 (40:16):
Yeah, man, until May first, Until May first, so we
have four months to look at the groupers, to pet
the groupers, but not spear the groupers or catch the groupers. Okay,
no catching groupers either, buddy. And then they're about to
change the regulations, by the way, and the State Waters
FWC is going to align with the Feds and it's
going to be only two grouper black or gag her vessel,
no more one per person like that. Yeah, so pay
attention to that. The sizes are going to be still
the same black and gags of twenty four twenty inches
on the reds and that's all we hear on the
East coast. So just kind of pay attention. That's to
help I guess, put the population, you know.
Speaker 3 (41:09):
Over spirit so cheapy.
Speaker 6 (41:11):
Does that apply only for spearing? Can you still catch
it with a hooking No?
Speaker 37 (41:16):
Catching catchings off limits too, That's the whole. It doesn't
matter whether you're spear fishing or catching them with a
hooking line. It's the same deal.
Speaker 8 (41:24):
Speaker 37 (41:25):
So we we do have to, you know, buy a
saltwater fishing license when we spearfish. So the only difference
is there's certain fish that we cannot spear, such as snook,
anything with a bill no bill fish, no sale fish,
marlin or anything in state waters. Now state waters federal
waters are different. So that's the kind of the challenge.
You know, state waters is three miles off shore, but
then after that is federal water, so that changes. And
then you go on the west coast of the of Florida,
it's nine miles off shore, so it's totally different. Then
don't ask me about the keys because they got all
kinds of extra things going on down there and a
lot of areas that are closed off. So yeah, it's
it's you've got to kind of know where you are
and what you're doing. So that's that's is a challenge.
But let me give you the news on the lobsters
and the dive conditions and the dive conditions. First of all,
the water temperatures down to a chilly seventy seven degrees
more so for us. You know, I was out with
the Jacksonville five. It's two dads and their three daughters
came down here. We fished, you know, we went lobstring
on Monday.
Speaker 9 (42:42):
It was great.
Speaker 37 (42:43):
I had a really good time and just a lot
of fun. Good divers. The girls are really good divers,
but they haven't caught a lot of lobsters. But we caught.
We caught I think sixteen of them wasn't bad. But
we were on the third reef, buddy, third reef. So
you know, if you've been listening to me paying attention,
I've been kind of staying on the second reef. Well,
I think there's moved on out to the second to
the third reef. From the second reef. What I mean
by that is the thirty five to forty five. It's
been really spotty now and so we moved out to
the third reef, which is where the walls are. It's
pretty nice stuff out there. I'm talking a lot of
them by the sea all the way north to heck god,
even in Jupiter. I think it goes up on the
third reef. So there's been lobsters out there and nice
sized ones. It's still got to pick through the small ones.
But man, the conditions are ideal from a standpoint of visibility,
but excellent. We don't have any of that water runoff,
you know, stormwater runoff, which is good and other than
the chilliness, top side has been good too, but that's
going to change with this big old front coming through
chilly weather and the whole next week's not looking good
at all.
Speaker 3 (43:58):
Boys, I'm telling this, I can't about that, man.
Speaker 37 (44:03):
Yeah yeah, yeah, cold next I think early in the week, right, yeah,
early in the week, we're going to have the four
folks up north are going to get that snow and
cold stuff, and so down here it's going to be
still chilly. I mean, like like really chillies for us. Anyway,
we're fifty four today, which you know, hey, they laugh
at us, fifty four.
Speaker 3 (44:27):
What a patio radio show.
Speaker 37 (44:31):
I have my fireplace. I have my fireplace going on
nice until Okay, you.
Speaker 3 (44:36):
Know, all right, go stick your head in that thing with.
Speaker 37 (44:41):
All good buddy, all good diving has been decent this week.
We had a great week, really absolutely great week this week.
A lot of guys got out. I got out a
couple of times. It was a lot of fun. We
really enjoyed it. And yes, for your for you, Eric,
we did on the last day of twenty twenty four.
Speaker 3 (45:03):
Get to a gym.
Speaker 9 (45:04):
We got a red grouper.
Speaker 37 (45:06):
We got a red grouper.
Speaker 3 (45:08):
Okay, goodbye, Jim have a nice weekend.
Speaker 2 (45:10):
We're done.
Speaker 3 (45:11):
We're done. Go suck, go, suck some carbon monoxide down
about nine.
Speaker 37 (45:15):
Oh, that'll be the last one. That'll be the last
one for four months. Boys.
Speaker 3 (45:20):
Good by, Jim, go chucking a lot, Jim, it sounds good.
I had to get it in, man, just had to
sneak it in. I knew he was going to get
it in. Had to get it in. Man. We've got
our first star Bright giveaway of two thousand and two. Joe,
what do we got? Uh? Steven knows. I brought up
a great box while you were gone. Okay, and it's
slaughtered with wash and wax. Open that box at Steve
over and soon peaked inside and you looked at that
thing yet.
Speaker 7 (45:41):
Not yet because I'm going to save it for when
I have to clean the boat.
Speaker 3 (45:44):
All right, thank you. It's a very well box that
the winners get.
Speaker 7 (45:49):
Great shift.
Speaker 3 (45:49):
Steve O's got that box as well. Okay, it's quite
heavy buy when you picked up. I'm sure it is. Yeah.
So it's the first one in twenty twenty five. We're
doing a random number to kick off this season. So
between one and ten, Joey wyt you pick your favorite one. There,
buddy seven. So I like those fast right, didn't pause
or nothing, You went right at it.
Speaker 4 (46:09):
Yeah, man, I'm like that Google supercomputer.
Speaker 3 (46:11):
You are a super computer man, right, Man.
Speaker 5 (46:13):
I went into the multiverse and then I talked to
the other Joes, and then that's how I came up
with seven.
Speaker 3 (46:19):
Were you visited by aliens? This way too? They give
you a little recharge? Hold on, let me check. Yes,
that was great. I can do that, all right, So
number seven right now, age six six eight zero one
zero nine four zero. Don't be afraid to call. If
you call, Jeff lanswer the phone kindly. Yeah, there's no
spam involved. We're not going to call you back and
slice them. After the show. You simply call the it's
called the contest line. Yeah. Eight six six eight zero
one zero nine four zero. Do it in the comfy
of your bed or your kitchen you're hanging around and
listen to show. Yeah, just pick up your phone. We're
out here for you, guys. We're out here. You hold
for you eight six six eight ah one zero at
I four zero call down to win where Fox Sports
Night forty.
Speaker 7 (47:11):
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Speaker 38 (47:29):
So we're not all professional anglists, we don't all compete
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Speaker 39 (47:56):
You need a place to store your vote. How about
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Speaker 13 (48:27):
Remember the cory days of gasoline.
Speaker 14 (48:30):
It's just not made the same anymore.
Speaker 15 (48:35):
To gyr, gash into gear.
Speaker 16 (48:37):
With star Trot. Pump up the performance in all of
your engines.
Speaker 17 (48:43):
Sure the problems of the methodol with the power of enzymes.
Speaker 16 (48:48):
And maximize your mileage every time you drive. Gig starting
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Speaker 30 (48:57):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
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more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at Simrad,
dash Yachting dot com.
Speaker 24 (49:26):
At Johnny Jigs Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
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At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
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Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.
Speaker 20 (49:56):
It's time to go dizel. If you're a charter fishing captain,
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Speaker 21 (50:01):
See how Cox Marines three hundred horsepower diesel outboard can
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Distributor of Cox Marine, offers the CXO three hundred diesel
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Speaker 20 (50:14):
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The Cox Marine diesel outboard has lower emissions, thirty percent
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Speaker 22 (50:26):
Texting enrolls you in reoccurring automated text messages. Can sit
not required to purchase message in data reads me apply.
Speaker 23 (50:30):
Hey Dan, how you doing?
Speaker 7 (50:31):
I haven't seen you are on the gym for a while.
Speaker 25 (50:33):
Yeah, I've really fallen off since I turned forty. I
just don't get the results I used to get.
Speaker 22 (50:36):
Give me a lower testosterone lower T. Yeah, I went
through it a while back. Once you hit forty, your
body has less free testosterone. I got Nugenics Total T
and it's made a huge.
Speaker 20 (50:45):
Difference for me.
Speaker 25 (50:45):
I've seen that ad on TV.
Speaker 23 (50:47):
Is it for real?
Speaker 3 (50:48):
Speaker 13 (50:48):
Speaker 22 (50:48):
The key ingreeting is something called tests nor which helps
boost free and total testosterone levels to help you trim up.
Speaker 7 (50:54):
And stay lean. And it's made a difference for you.
Speaker 22 (50:56):
Man, I feel like I'm in my twenties again at work,
in the gym and in the bedroom.
Speaker 25 (51:01):
Are they still giving un complimentary bottles for people to
try for themselves?
Speaker 20 (51:04):
Yeah, you just need the cinema.
Speaker 26 (51:05):
Text text rock to four two four two four right
now for your complimentary bottle of Nugenic's Total T, the
number one selling testosterone booster at GNC plus text now
and will include a bottle of Nugenics Thermo our most
powerful fat incinerator ever to help you get back into
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four two four two four that's rock to four two
four two four.
Speaker 23 (51:26):
The Miami Dolphins play here, go off getting Fox Sports nine.
Speaker 1 (51:38):
Hey, Hey, let's get right back to the Nautical Ventures
Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine.
Speaker 7 (51:47):
Go boldly.
Speaker 3 (51:49):
We've got a whatever going to start right bucket for Joe,
Lucky Samon, whatever you picked out, buddy. Yeah, we got
Frank and I can't say his last say g R
O E.
Speaker 28 (51:59):
P m O.
Speaker 40 (52:00):
Okay, it's Trappello.
Speaker 3 (52:05):
It's like Italian, it's Italiankay, Frank, how are you, buddy?
Speaker 40 (52:10):
I'm good, Thank you, thank you so much.
Speaker 34 (52:12):
Speaker 3 (52:12):
Congratulations man, what are your star bright first one of
twenty twenty five? You have a boat? I would assume.
Speaker 40 (52:19):
That's awesome? Yes, yes, aw?
Speaker 3 (52:21):
What are you driving these days? What you got?
Speaker 28 (52:23):
Speaker 40 (52:24):
Actually, my buddy, Who's I'm gonna give it to?
Speaker 8 (52:27):
Because you know, you know how.
Speaker 3 (52:31):
Joe? Yeah, he's a he's his buddies boat.
Speaker 13 (52:34):
Speaker 40 (52:35):
The best boat is your friend's boat.
Speaker 3 (52:37):
Look, I sell it for a living. Frank, Okay, so
let's not go there anyway. So your bud's got a
boat and you fish. What kind of fish you do?
Our sure backcountry? What's your favorite fishing kind of thing? Dude?
Speaker 40 (52:48):
Actually, my favorite fishing is definitely off shore.
Speaker 41 (52:51):
I'm one of those guys that you know, I I'm
not that big of an inside fisherman simply because you know,
I catch it, I want to eat it, and I'm
just not I'm not too swift with one that you know,
bluegil bass by many of those.
Speaker 34 (53:05):
Heard to be outside.
Speaker 40 (53:06):
But actually my favorite is black and snook, but you know,
on the side and far between, like.
Speaker 3 (53:12):
A slot snook. I listen about you, but us I
love this box because inside when I tap after the
show to pick it up, it's like a wash wax
deck cleaner made the US and some of the best
stuff to make that boat look shiny in America and
happy in America. And I guess we want to know
Joe well, Frank, I like you be a fan of
the show.
Speaker 40 (53:29):
Oh you know what, I've been listening to you for
forever when you're on other stations way back when, if
you know what I mean, who yeah, and and and
a side story which kind of melts my heart. And
I know it's gonna melt your heart. You know you
gave my son a steel penny way way back in
the day.
Speaker 8 (53:55):
And that I was appreciate it.
Speaker 3 (53:59):
Penny joke. Wait, what is this story here? I'll tell
you by the lady, I want to know. It's a story.
I actually actually stole it from Rick Shaw. Rick Shaw
was originally giving out the silver pennies, and I like
this so much. I stole his idea and went to
his guy and bought him and started hanging out my
own silver pennies, and then people love him anyway, I
jacked the idea. Frank, I can talk to you for hours.
Speaker 33 (54:22):
Speaker 3 (54:22):
We've got a locking roll. But thanks for listening to
the show man. Have a great weekend. Thanks Frank. Now
we got a bed earlier, Joe with Steven and I
all of us together with Sean rolls on the water.
I'm gonna I said no, you said, baby, I said
yes on a boat on a boat, and Steve I
said no like me, So let's find out. Okay, let's
do it. Shawn, where are you.
Speaker 9 (54:46):
D yes on the boat?
Speaker 3 (54:50):
I know my name man, Sew You're on a boat
and this nippy ass weather. What I told you, God,
I knew it.
Speaker 28 (54:58):
You know what?
Speaker 7 (54:59):
For now we got to get skype video of Sewan
on the boat.
Speaker 3 (55:03):
So yeah, we got a skype a bit.
Speaker 9 (55:06):
Come on, Yeah, we were talking about it.
Speaker 3 (55:08):
So yeah, Sean, why are you fishing this? I really know?
Why are you out there fishing?
Speaker 23 (55:13):
Speaker 3 (55:14):
Are you missed it that much? Or you're just a nuts?
You were in the hat.
Speaker 9 (55:18):
Oh, I haven't fished since yesterday, so I mean, I
really need to get out here. You get the time,
you know, yes, yeah, it's a really long time. I
was reaching to go.
Speaker 3 (55:28):
Man, wow, dude, Yeah, what's it like out there on
the water? Just kind of a freezing gas morning?
Speaker 9 (55:35):
It's cold, but it's actually really it's really nice. It
was it was a lot roughly yesterday it was supposed
to be. I went up to the Bulliant Beach in
the kayak and I was a little surprised how ruffit
was out there yesterday. It's kind of similar to that today,
but this is what it's spoosed to be like today.
But uh, and the kayak worked awesome actually up there bullying.
I got three kings and missed a big bight too,
So it was a really good way to ring in
the new year.
Speaker 3 (56:02):
Man, any sailfish, Uh not for me.
Speaker 9 (56:06):
I had one bite. It might have been a selfish,
but uh, I can't say for sure. I didn't see it.
But in the afternoon later on they picked up up
there a bit really good, So I can Okay.
Speaker 3 (56:17):
I gotta propt so man, Steve. I think Steve was right.
You know some one of these days, Uh do what's
his favorite? Sean? We want to do a camera hook
up man, go pro or whatever, man, and we'd like
to have you go live on the show on the
wall ahead of times Sky put in Man, it shows
what you got, and we'll put it on a scranger
on the Facebook. It'd be great just to see him
out there bread because I mean, I'm not saying he's
telling me a fib. He could be in his bedroom
before all I know. Yeah, but here's the thing.
Speaker 5 (56:43):
How many times has Sean caught I think it's twice
now he caught a wahoo Like literally it was either
right before or right after he got off the phone
with us. So can you imagine one of these times
it's gonna hit where he's literally.
Speaker 9 (56:58):
Yeah, was in a tournament year ago, and I was
gaffing the fish with one hand on the phone the
other hand, remember that one was that was the fun one.
Speaker 3 (57:06):
We had one cap, but it was actually catching a
fish and let out two or three f bops. That's
why he's the log run the program. Oh yeah, were
careful you're getting that fish and excited. Anyway, we have
a tournament come up this monthier Sean. It's the Joe
Hector thing. Are you preparing yourself.
Speaker 9 (57:23):
For nautical adventures? Right? Thanks, go to a place on
the water.
Speaker 3 (57:29):
You got a baby selfish SmackDown coming up? Are you
prepared for that thing?
Speaker 23 (57:32):
Or what?
Speaker 34 (57:34):
I am?
Speaker 9 (57:36):
I got riggs, everything ready to go. I'm just gotta
show up.
Speaker 3 (57:42):
Yeah, I brought up your tournament before you Dot you brought.
I knew that, my great friend. I appreciate plug your
thing about this.
Speaker 9 (57:51):
Okay, So yeah, we got the tournament. How much the tournament?
Speaker 8 (57:58):
How much?
Speaker 9 (57:58):
How much you're gonna win? What's first place?
Speaker 3 (58:01):
So I'm trying to get.
Speaker 9 (58:05):
I've been looking for on the website.
Speaker 3 (58:07):
Hey, I'm working on it. I'm trying for you guys.
I'm trying to get a little more this year. But
we'll see.
Speaker 5 (58:13):
Right now, I'm at like fifty to fifty. But there's
other surprises coming up to this year. But I will
say there's other surprises that are coming up essay type
of surprises. So there's going to be a lot going
on this year for extreme and selfish SmackDown.
Speaker 9 (58:33):
Speaking of that, I'm wearing a SA Sweet plate face
mask right now, and let me tell you what it is.
It is a life saver. You should give them out
in the Captains Back this year.
Speaker 3 (58:44):
Yeah, see here that this is always cold during this tournament, Joseph.
I think it's an say, weird looking at the essay hat.
Speaker 8 (58:52):
Man, I'm not wearing a hat.
Speaker 9 (58:55):
I'm wearing the face mask today. It's like a regular
bust you wear, but it's fleece and it's inflator and warm.
That's life changing, Sean.
Speaker 3 (59:02):
I got to give you props man. I mean, to
be able to water and this kind of stuff right now,
it just blows my mind. Yeah. I mean, it's just
super hardcore, man. And I got one more question for
him you to. I know, I know we're run out
of time, Sean.
Speaker 5 (59:13):
So for someone that's coming in from out of town,
which we always get that's fishing the Sailfish SmackDown coming
up the twenty fifth of this month.
Speaker 4 (59:21):
What advice would you give them fishing that tournament?
Speaker 9 (59:25):
Okay, I said it before me elaborated on the rules
and within that, I mean, when you catch a fish,
you have to know how to signal to the help boat.
You have to know where you are in comparison to land,
how deep you are, wear bright colored shirt, have a
big flag so the help boat can find you. If
the help boat can't find you, you won't give your
fish to qualify. And if you try to record your fish,
show the fish, show the leader, touch, show everything in
the video. We've had it every year where somebody could
have won but didn't because of those reasons.
Speaker 3 (59:58):
Yeah, last year it was the Jackson guy. You remember that,
he show Joe you have a cutoff time, be back
by sure, yes on time too, or you're disqualified.
Speaker 4 (01:00:09):
Exactly so it'll be as well, which we had another
guy lose because of that.
Speaker 3 (01:00:14):
You told me that by like twenty seconds. Broke my
heart to hear that about Oh Sean, we got to
rock the clock, man, But props do you get man?
I mean just hardcore. We got to see you doing
on some Skype one of these days, man for sure, buddy.
Speaker 9 (01:00:27):
Yeah, all right, thanks guys.
Speaker 3 (01:00:30):
See you buddy, and take a little break it back
with a big low seven o'clock hour Beties on the program.
We have Norm Beckoff coming up, johnny' sta Bill on
the show. Hopefully you will have a gen with this
forecast and the Arctic blast. Yeah, I can't believe you
haven't heard about that. I haven't, Joe, have you told
me twenty five times already? But Dale coming up on
the show, Toy chest all I had man Fox Sports
nine forty. Why it's cool.
Speaker 12 (01:00:53):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
can reach new wanders and ride endless waves. So drop
the hammer or the anchor and let adventure be your guide.
Mercury engines are made for exploring, so are you go
do the.
Speaker 13 (01:01:18):
Days of gasoline.
Speaker 14 (01:01:20):
It's just not made the same anymore.
Speaker 15 (01:01:25):
Shokey your gas into gear.
Speaker 16 (01:01:27):
With star Trot. Pump up the performance in all of
your engines.
Speaker 17 (01:01:33):
Sure the problems of methodol with the power of nxyons and.
Speaker 16 (01:01:38):
Maximize your fileage every time you drive. Kick start your
engines with star Tron.
Speaker 24 (01:01:46):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayak fishing with little
standing between you and finding a monster fish. And when
it comes to kayak fishing, nothing beats a hobby with
its hands free mirage drive propulsion system. Nautical Ventures is
your exclusive Hoby dealer for Browerd and Palm Beach. They
have the widest selection of models and access resa make
your hobby uniquely yours. They're rigged by our in house
experts who fish the tournaments. They know what it takes
to win. Code to Nautical ventures dot com to learn more.
Nautical Ventures the go to people for Hoby is.
Speaker 36 (01:02:16):
Your vote Properly Insurance. When's the last time your agent
called to discuss your policy. We're People's Insurance under riders
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We understand how the right insurance agent can make the
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We can make a difference in your boat insurance. To
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Insurance under Riders Insurance for voters, by voters.
Speaker 20 (01:02:45):
It's time to go.
Speaker 21 (01:02:46):
Diesel ring Power, a distributor for Cox Marine, can simplify
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Speaker 20 (01:03:10):
And standard gasoline. Make the switch to diesel. Visit Coxmarine
Outboards dot com to learn more.
Speaker 7 (01:03:15):
Downy, rinse and refresh. Break up with stinky clothes.
Speaker 42 (01:03:19):
Rints it up Every now and then I get a
little bit tired all.
Speaker 23 (01:03:24):
The stings that just will never come out.
Speaker 4 (01:03:29):
Speaker 33 (01:03:30):
Principle one wash.
Speaker 42 (01:03:36):
Smell so clean, donniments and refresh.
Speaker 19 (01:03:39):
It's a treat.
Speaker 20 (01:03:40):
Downy, rinse and refresh, fights oder in just one wash.
Speaker 43 (01:03:44):
Guarantee some things you wouldn't mind being stuck with, like
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Select Plant. Let's provide most recent builds and pay off
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Speaker 23 (01:04:15):
Client w I NZ EM Miami, wm I b F
m HD two Ford Lauderdale and iHeart Radio Station. Listen
on the free iHeart Radio app for all your sports
music and podcasts Free Never Sounded So Good. Fox Sports
nine Miami.
Speaker 1 (01:04:32):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury Marine, Go Boldly, Oh.
Speaker 29 (01:04:47):
Now School Little Rape You Got Joe Glubo right, Eric
left and stevens let me show.
Speaker 3 (01:05:00):
Better put in there, you and me and Steve Ball?
Speaker 37 (01:05:02):
How about that?
Speaker 13 (01:05:03):
Speaker 3 (01:05:04):
Bang Happy twenty twenty five, our first show of the
brand new year. Can't believe it? How great is that?
And it's chili the Steven dree Gray Palatial Palace Studio area. Yeah,
take one for the team.
Speaker 6 (01:05:16):
Second hour, you said a team the Dolphins like Finns,
like the song we just played.
Speaker 7 (01:05:21):
You know, are playing the stinking Jets tomorrow.
Speaker 3 (01:05:25):
Speaker 6 (01:05:25):
And if the Dolphins win, which is definitely doable, and
Kansas City takes out Denver, Yeah.
Speaker 3 (01:05:33):
If if, if we're in the playhoffs. Yeah, I love
all the ifs to make it to the playoffs. Fortunately,
Kansas City is sitting there starters. Yes, sure, great, well
I might get it anyway. It's gonna Betty, Betty's fishing charters.
And I just wondered, don't Betty.
Speaker 9 (01:05:52):
Will Aaron Rodgers be back next year or be done?
Speaker 26 (01:05:55):
Speaker 3 (01:05:55):
He's done?
Speaker 8 (01:05:56):
Is he done?
Speaker 3 (01:05:57):
He's done? Betty's he done? Matter what, buddy, he is done?
You want him? God right?
Speaker 7 (01:06:08):
This will be the last game he plays tomorrow?
Speaker 3 (01:06:10):
Wow? Probably we'll see your contract that going on? Is
he he's going to play somewhere else, I think, not
with the Jets. Not with the Jets. It matters.
Speaker 5 (01:06:19):
Listen, if the Jets bring in a coach that wants
to deal with that, maybe, but I don't see that happening.
Speaker 3 (01:06:26):
That's for the He was coming with such fanfare. Of course,
he missed last year because that one step and he
was out. Yeah, and he came back this year and
just taked. Yeah, and they're going to trade devasitmates can't
stand him. Yeah, they want to kick his ass in
the locker room most there every game, you know what
I mean. Yeah, anyway, let's get off that topic. Benny
h our different Sean Rolls is actually out of the
water right now fishing in his boat. Are your boats
out there today?
Speaker 28 (01:06:54):
Yeah? Yeah, of course.
Speaker 44 (01:06:54):
Man, we're still in one of our little busiest rushes
of the season. I think we're at like twenty five
trips since Christmas right now, just literally rocking and rolling.
They've had me out there running some trips and uh yeah,
I mean before we talked about fishing too, I just
wanted to say j E t S just end their season.
Hopefully we can get that done tomorrow. But yeah, going
back to the fish and stuff, it's been a tough week.
I'm sure you've been hearing it from a lot of
guys up and down the coast here, especially here in Pompino,
like literally having some days going out there grinding and
getting skunked, you know, doing a few different methods of
fishing and a few different areas. But that's typical for
your wintertime bite. You know, we grind it out, and
like I tell all the customers, this time of the year,
it's one of the best times of the year for
the quality of fish you could catch down here. You know,
you might have to work a little hard for it.
The bites might come few and far in between, but
you know, there's not many times of the year we
get stale fish as consistent as we do now. We
don't get these big gap from mahi's in one hundred
feet of water like we do, you know right now
all year long. It's just you know, good time of
the year for quality, bad time of the year for quantity.
Speaker 3 (01:08:10):
Yeah, yeah, that I'm glad that he's had a lot
of bookings, Joe. I've talked a few captains who said,
over the last couple of weeks, bus Man, they got
like one booking for a week. Yeah, that the charter
business has gone way down. They can't figure out why
the economy or people just hold out of their money transition.
What's going on here?
Speaker 6 (01:08:28):
Not only does he have bookings, but he's actually advertising
to get another captain to run the afternoons.
Speaker 7 (01:08:32):
I saw that, Benny.
Speaker 28 (01:08:33):
Yeah, yep, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean it's a grind
out here. You know.
Speaker 44 (01:08:40):
We always have this rush, you know, all the charter
guys know Christmas time. From a couple of days before
Christmas till a few days after New Year, we got
so many people traveling here for the holidays. It's just
our you know, it's our little stretch to kind of
make up for slow season. And as sad as it is,
I even said this to a customer the other day.
I said, it's almost the time of the year where
we're out here to fish to catch up on money,
and there's barely any fish in the water for us
to put you on, you know, So it's like we
got you customers come in calling trip after trip after trip,
and the.
Speaker 28 (01:09:10):
Bite's so dead.
Speaker 44 (01:09:11):
I mean, I'm telling people to bite slow at booking,
and they're you know, not booking sometimes lately, so well at.
Speaker 3 (01:09:17):
Least you're honestly clients with Benny. I mean, a lot
of guys could fit and say, oh, it's been phenompah
blah blahlah. He's saying it's a little slow right now,
and yeah, clients are favorite say maybe it's another weekend
before you he might be great to well.
Speaker 28 (01:09:30):
At least tell them that and keep their expectations a day.
Speaker 44 (01:09:32):
And I don't get people on the boat thinking we're
gonna pull a fish out of a hat and do
a magic trick for him.
Speaker 3 (01:09:37):
You know, there you go.
Speaker 5 (01:09:38):
But see, I feel like that's why Benny's you know,
rising up, you know what I mean, like the cream,
you know, it's he's he's rising up to the top
because honesty.
Speaker 3 (01:09:47):
I truly believe this. If you're honest with your.
Speaker 5 (01:09:49):
Customers, especially in that type of business and industry, I
think it's appreciated and those guys will always come back too.
Speaker 3 (01:09:57):
I agree, totally, absolutely, you're right.
Speaker 28 (01:10:00):
I tell them that right on the initial phone call.
Speaker 44 (01:10:02):
I say, hey, I'd rather be honest with you the
first time and maybe not get you this time, but
you'll save my number for the future and once we're
you know, that's it.
Speaker 3 (01:10:10):
Just like you said, what do you think today, Man,
there's cold different stuff. Man.
Speaker 44 (01:10:15):
Yeah, So I mean again with these cold fronts, just
like I've been telling customers, every cold front that comes
through this time of the year picks up that selfish
bite more and more for us. We get the cooler
water coming down literally, every cold front, that water gets
a little bit cooler, a little bit cooler pushing down.
We get them north swells start separating the waves apart
and swelling them up out, you know, and them fish
start coming down south with them conditions right there. So
you know, we'll see here after this cold front hopefully
pick up the saale bite a little bit.
Speaker 28 (01:10:45):
There's been a lot of bait.
Speaker 44 (01:10:46):
Passing by a shallow with a lot of fish coming
by a shallow, so you know, just grind it out.
Don't be scared to actually fish a little shallow, shallower
than usual this time of the year.
Speaker 3 (01:10:56):
Hey, Penny, you don't do sword fishing, right or do you?
Speaker 9 (01:10:59):
Speaker 28 (01:10:59):
Manmercial swordfish for.
Speaker 3 (01:11:00):
Years, so that's doing well right now right from what
I'm hearing.
Speaker 44 (01:11:04):
So always, the winter months are like we always say,
when the big boys show up, you know, for the
commercial guys. And I still interact with a lot of
the commercial guys. I sell them a lot of bait
from a lot of our bot catch from our charters.
You know, this time of the year, the big fish
start coming out where. You know, it's not uncommon to
go out there. Three trips in our own pop three
fish over one hundred pounds just daytime sword fishing, you know.
And then for the booie guys that are out there
at night. You know, I hate to give any of
their information away because they don't tell nobody nothing. But
I mean this time of the year when they're out there,
this time of the year, it can go from a
nice calm night to six eight foot and forty degrees
and they're out there pulling gear, you know, before the
sun comes up and it's it's a grind out there.
Always respect the sword fisherman. He got the hardest working
job on the ocean.
Speaker 3 (01:11:53):
Oh heck you well, Betty a man. Have a great
twenty twenty five. I hope you have a very successful year.
I hope you guys tear it up and do your
thing and get Betty's fishing charters, fight up on lie Joe, yeah,
and give you you how is the Christmas party? I'm
listening all right, Joe of course that wait wait, wait,
what's why are you trying to go on?
Speaker 20 (01:12:16):
I really don't know.
Speaker 3 (01:12:17):
I was sick, I had got a virus. Yeah.
Speaker 28 (01:12:21):
Anyway, Eric Brandon's R.
Speaker 9 (01:12:23):
S v P.
Speaker 28 (01:12:23):
Food plate is still sitting there on the show.
Speaker 3 (01:12:26):
Up on Believe you are no show here, the freezer
will be Betty. Thank you very much, Thank you, Betty.
I have a great weekend, brother, say you bet you.
Guys take at Breaking Back with North beck Off and
Broward County. Johnny Stabille coming up on the show, Jent
with the forecast in his new Arctic Blast coming down,
Joe man Dale, My Favorite Sweetheart and the Keys coming up,
the toy Chest and Mo on the show. Fox Sports.
Speaker 10 (01:12:54):
Mix in the Clouds for our Saturday, and it's gonna
be nice and cool with a high of seventy two
for today and for Lauderdels seventy two as well. In
Miami Beach ent to to Night, Grabeli Jacket loeue of
fifty five, Parly cloudy for tomorrow with a high of
seventy four.
Speaker 13 (01:13:06):
This report is sponsored by Compassion International.
Speaker 21 (01:13:10):
It's time to Go Diesel ring Power, the distributor for
Cox Marine offers the three hundred horsepower Cox Marine CXO
three hundred diesel outboard engine designed specifically for marine US.
In recent testing, the CXO three hundred diesel outboard consistently
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Speaker 20 (01:13:24):
With lower emissions and thirty percent less fuel burn.
Speaker 21 (01:13:26):
The Cox Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboard has sixty
percent better torque than similar gasoline outboards, so reduce your
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Speaker 7 (01:13:36):
Go diesel.
Speaker 20 (01:13:36):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to find your local dealer.
Speaker 39 (01:13:40):
Need a place to store your boat, how about a
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a full service yard. Nautical Ventures Marine Center in the
heart of Fort Lauderdale has dodgedged starting at just twelve
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Our full service yard performs all boat works from bottom
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Nautical Ventures the go to people for fun on the water.
Speaker 13 (01:14:10):
Remember the Mary days of gasoline.
Speaker 14 (01:14:13):
It's just not made the same anymore.
Speaker 15 (01:14:18):
Should your gas into gear.
Speaker 16 (01:14:20):
With star Trot. Pump up the performance in all of
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Speaker 17 (01:14:26):
Sure the problems of methodol with the power of enzymes,
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Speaker 16 (01:14:35):
Kick start your engines with Startron.
Speaker 30 (01:14:39):
Any great angler noes. The key to catching beautiful fish
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dash Yachting dot com.
Speaker 24 (01:15:09):
At Johnny Jig's Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
most meticulously craft a tackle that will enhance your fishing experience.
At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
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creates tackle exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers. We're
more than a tackle company. We're your partner's and exploration,
your source of inspiration, and your companion on every fishing trip.
Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.
Speaker 3 (01:15:40):
Every day on the.
Speaker 12 (01:15:40):
Water is a blank canvas. You can reach new waters
and ride endless waves. So drop the hammer or the
anchor and let adventure be your guide. Mercury are made
for exploring.
Speaker 3 (01:16:02):
So were you present to a game flames?
Speaker 7 (01:16:04):
Love story?
Speaker 45 (01:16:06):
Dear love of mine, Ray, We were on the twelve
B bus this morning when I caught a whiff a
scent so fresh, so life changing. I had to find
its source, Alas I didn't know if you were the
woman in the pink freshly washed card again or the
retired mailman next.
Speaker 16 (01:16:23):
To me, but I knew one of you was my soulmate, Ah.
Speaker 3 (01:16:28):
The scent of gain flames.
Speaker 45 (01:16:30):
Try gain flames with oxy boost and fabreeze.
Speaker 43 (01:16:32):
Some things you wouldn't mind being stuck with, like a
huge inheritance. But a phone that has to be plugged
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Switch to Verizon and we'll pay off your old phone
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flighter for thirty six months traded in terms of payoffone
requires smartphone purchase important with a noosmartphone line on sol
Let's probably most recent builds went pay off anvlligble Additional friends.
Speaker 23 (01:17:02):
Play Marlin's Baseball plays here on air, on your smart
speaker and on your iHeartRadio app Miami's Fox Sports nine.
Speaker 1 (01:17:13):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman show powered
by Mercury Marine.
Speaker 13 (01:17:18):
Go boldly.
Speaker 1 (01:17:20):
Here's there a Granddon and Joe Hector.
Speaker 3 (01:17:23):
Yeah, buddy, Walking back to the shows. I'm building a
prog rammit Joe, Joe's Grandmother's couch letter outfit today Oh, say,
grandma has a hall of couch man. I'm I'm a
fan of her couch man. I'm more in that cider.
Speaker 5 (01:17:37):
I swear to god, it was the same type of
like quality, same kind of design.
Speaker 3 (01:17:43):
You know, it's the sun's coming up. You can actually
see the quality and the gk hueness of this thing
as the sun's hitting it. It's looking even better. Men.
Speaker 5 (01:17:51):
By minute, you're not wearing a turtleneck again, are you No,
I'm wearing a collar thing.
Speaker 3 (01:17:55):
Yeah, just making sure because don't critique me out of tire.
You look like you came out of a salvation arm retructed.
What what do you mean? This is my extreme director? Jack?
Like I should donate some food to your house. What
do you talk? You look like you're broken, desperate.
Speaker 28 (01:18:08):
Speaker 3 (01:18:10):
Let's got a dark back off again? Off us, shall we?
Speaker 34 (01:18:13):
Speaker 3 (01:18:14):
How's how's it going? Hey?
Speaker 33 (01:18:19):
Happy New Year's ladies?
Speaker 3 (01:18:22):
Thank you dor for the usual insult. We like that
at the start of the show. Here man, But anyway
back in twenty twenty five, norm, how are things on
the finest kin in these days? Brother?
Speaker 46 (01:18:32):
Oh yeah, it's all good. Fish is not so good,
but okay, yeah, fishing and brown.
Speaker 33 (01:18:39):
Was pretty poor this week. I guess the guys that
were doing the best were live chumming down to the south.
Speaker 40 (01:18:46):
Speaker 33 (01:18:47):
And that takes a lot of bait to do that.
You really pretty much got well.
Speaker 8 (01:18:52):
Speaker 33 (01:18:52):
And they were catching ball the meating just doing that.
Speaker 46 (01:18:57):
I really wasn't much to write home about out a
few sails here and there, a couple of while it
was the kings here and there.
Speaker 33 (01:19:05):
Not much really to speak of.
Speaker 46 (01:19:06):
I'd say the best fish, and if I had to
put my finger on it was bottom fishing for a
million snappers.
Speaker 33 (01:19:14):
Nice golden tiles were being caught too.
Speaker 3 (01:19:16):
Oh, golden tiles there were that? Name it a wall, Joe, Yeah,
would be nice.
Speaker 46 (01:19:22):
Yeah, well we probably won't see that long because they
shut down the fishery after a month last.
Speaker 33 (01:19:29):
Probably do something like that this year.
Speaker 3 (01:19:31):
How about muttons?
Speaker 33 (01:19:34):
Yeah, just a few here and there. Not not much
to ride home about.
Speaker 3 (01:19:38):
Interesting, right, how about maybe the name on every fish
on the planet. Good name all name all the goldfish?
How's the car fishery? I think we lost nor we
carp offre Yeah, nor your phone was cutting it out, man.
We may have lost them. I don't know.
Speaker 34 (01:19:57):
Yeah, we lost them.
Speaker 33 (01:19:58):
No, I'm still here.
Speaker 3 (01:20:00):
There you go north, all right, So anyway, it's scott
kind of spotty. But in twenty twenty four you had
some weeks where Brower was just bang, a great joke,
probably beat everybody else. Yeah, man, quality and quantity. Yeah.
So it's just the kind of a thing to wm
up and down. Man, What are we good when we're bad?
You can't figure this thing out of this damp fishing sport.
You know, winter.
Speaker 46 (01:20:20):
Well, I mean, this is the time of the year
where you know, it's all about the cold fronts that
are coming, and we got north winds, northwest winds today.
I can't imagine today would be too much better, but
the next couple of days could be really good. So
you know, let's see what happens here after today, and
it might pick up a little bit, and then you
get a couple of days after the front fishing is good.
Then it slows down, it gets calm, and then you
got to wait from the next front.
Speaker 33 (01:20:47):
That's really what it's about.
Speaker 3 (01:20:50):
I'll Benn ask a stupid question. I mean, we haven't
talked about this as anybody else ever. Make resolutions for
a new year? Did you make one? Joe like to
give up something or do something better. Nor would you
make a road resolution for twenty twenty five to quit
something or do something better or any goals? Or did
you make something you want to put on the radio?
Speaker 13 (01:21:07):
Speaker 3 (01:21:10):
I love his brutal honesty. No, Eric, No, well you
obviously did so.
Speaker 8 (01:21:14):
Tell us I.
Speaker 3 (01:21:16):
Professed to dress better in twenty twenty five, and you're
doing it right now, worrying Grandma's I have a resolution? Yeah,
what's that?
Speaker 6 (01:21:23):
Steve to work from like eight in the morning till
five and then people call me after like five at night.
Speaker 7 (01:21:29):
I'm not answering they're call anymore.
Speaker 3 (01:21:31):
Oh see you, Eric? Are you alluding to me? STEVEO?
I'm not sure you're talking about there, nor must have.
I wish you happy twenty twenty five on the Finest Sky.
Thanksgiving man for being on the program for all these
great years.
Speaker 8 (01:21:43):
Speaker 3 (01:21:43):
I we're looking forward to other great banging year ahead
and just thanks much. Ben.
Speaker 34 (01:21:47):
Yeah, you're the man.
Speaker 3 (01:21:47):
Norm All right, guys, run that dog, run that dog.
Oh look, my uncle Joe took and figure out what
he was saying, Very had run that dog. I did
I know what he was saying. Really, I seemed like
I go catch that log. No you didn't, I thought,
he said, are you serious?
Speaker 7 (01:22:03):
Are you serious? You thought he saw drop a log,
catch a.
Speaker 3 (01:22:06):
Frog something like that? Yeah, yeah, whatever, Man, it's early
Joe in the smog. It's early Bro in the fog. Yeah,
walking his dog, walking his dog.
Speaker 28 (01:22:18):
Speaker 3 (01:22:18):
It's smug smog. We have a guy holding a line,
one like Johnny, Johnny Stabill, our great captain. You brought
out Joe, one of your young as you brought out
about a year or so ago, and he's been a
real wealth of knowledge. Great guy, great fisherman for his
youth and his young age, got his guy knows his stuff. Man,
he does night Johnny something man, you too, man, brother,
happy to do year. Man. So what's on the Johnny
stabil play the fish this week? What a you been doing? Man?
Speaker 27 (01:22:53):
Well, there's lots of fishing this week.
Speaker 47 (01:22:56):
You know, for some reason, it seems like everybody came
out of the woodwork and book trips, which is amazing.
Speaker 27 (01:23:02):
I made enough money to not have to eat ramen.
Speaker 47 (01:23:05):
Noodles this week. And you know it's been slow guys.
It's you know, the charter industry, all the charter captains.
It's been really slow. Business wise, so to have some
good business this week was was really great, and the
fishing was was okay.
Speaker 37 (01:23:24):
I mean it was okay for me.
Speaker 47 (01:23:25):
I think a lot of people this week, you know,
had some really really great trips. I'm just a little bit,
you know, hard on myself. But one thing that you know,
I'm at home today. It's freezing cold out. I had
somebody that wanted to fish tomorrow, and I said, look,
it's going to be cold. The fish are probably going
to be shut down or on the process of shutting
down because it's supposed to get even colder tomorrow.
Speaker 12 (01:23:53):
And you know, it was.
Speaker 8 (01:23:56):
It was good.
Speaker 47 (01:23:56):
We caught a few peacocks in the line a few
days and by you know, by a few weeks. You know,
every trip probably caught a dozen to fifteen peacocks in
a four hour trip, but we caught so much of
everything else that you know, the fishing, as far as
I'm concerned, was great, But most people only come for peacocks,
so I had only judge that number based on the peacocks.
But there are plenty of hybrids, you know, the sunshine
bass that we get, clown knife fish, crappies, large mouth
bass that are just pretty much unlimited this time of
the year, especially the hybrids. You know, once that cold
weather starts coming around, Oh my gosh, you can catch
forty or fifty of those in an hour if you
if you fish in the morning, and they're just so aggressive.
Speaker 27 (01:24:50):
They fight just as hard as the peacocks.
Speaker 23 (01:24:52):
Speaker 28 (01:24:53):
You know.
Speaker 47 (01:24:53):
We had kids on the boat this week, a bunch
people that were out for uh for you know, Christmas break,
and it was just nice that everybody got to actually
reel in on something. And there were a few peacocks
scattered in all throughout the trips, so you know, it
was just well rounded. Now for the rest of the
week and next week, man, I don't know what's gonna happen,
because we're supposed.
Speaker 8 (01:25:20):
To get, you know, this Arctic blast.
Speaker 47 (01:25:23):
I don't think it's gonna be as bad as you know,
the the Instagram memes said it was gonna be twenty
five degrees down here.
Speaker 27 (01:25:31):
I don't think it's gonna be that cold.
Speaker 47 (01:25:33):
I think we're gonna see temperatures in the high forties.
Speaker 27 (01:25:37):
And you know, that's that's what it's all about.
Speaker 47 (01:25:39):
Part of being a guide. You're a full time fisherman,
a full time not tire and a part time meteorologists,
so you know, playing the weather is really what it's
all about. I'm not gonna put my people out in
forty degree weather to catch, you know, a couple of fish.
We're gonna push that until you know, next week when
it warns back up to seventy.
Speaker 3 (01:26:01):
Right, I heard Johnny is a fast start, Joe, he
gets nippy enough where it might kill off a few fish.
I was just gonna say, same thing, right, has he
seen it? Wored about that happening? Hopefully won't happen, Johnny.
Have you seen anything Johnny?
Speaker 47 (01:26:15):
So, no, not yet, but this is you know, it's probably, uh,
I would say in seventy five percent chance that there
is going to be a lot of dead fish in
the glade. Gosh, you know Lake Eyeda, Miami, all that
stuff has that that city heat. So you know, the
temperature on Lake Eyedy yesterday was seventy two degrees at
the end of the day, right, you know, which is
which is a pretty good temperature for how cold it's
actually been.
Speaker 48 (01:26:51):
Yeah, but man, we get a couple of days of
you know, in the forties or you know, even sixties. Yeah,
it could be really it could get real ugly, So,
you know, hopefully that doesn't happen.
Speaker 47 (01:27:02):
There are a lot of deep areas in the Everglades.
I just don't think a lot of those fish can
make it to those deep areas, you know, in time,
and that's why you get so much, you know, so
much of a kill off there, and you know, I
just unfortunately think that's going to happen this time.
Speaker 3 (01:27:22):
Are you worried about the cloud knife fish as well?
And the snakeheads?
Speaker 47 (01:27:27):
You know, the snakeheads in the clowns, they have a
much higher or a much lower higher tolerance of cold weather.
Speaker 27 (01:27:38):
Than peacocks do.
Speaker 37 (01:27:39):
Speaker 47 (01:27:40):
You know, the water that they swimming in Brazil and
Colombia in South America is like ninety to basically ninety
five degrees year round, and it really doesn't get cold
enough in those areas for the temperature to get lower
than probably seven ever. So you know, obviously, the butterfly
peacock was one of the peacocks that did the best
when they were when the State of Florida was talking
about bringing them to the US and making them a
game fish and helping combat the Mayan cicklid problem that
we had but there's still are a South American fish now.
The clown knifes they're from Indo China. Snakeads are from
south southern China, and I think that it gets you know,
both of those areas have basically a similar climate to
all of Florida, so I think it gets a little
bit colder there and they can live a lot longer
in colder temperatures. Now I don't know how much colder,
but you know, if we have really cold temperatures, it's
going to be devastating.
Speaker 3 (01:28:52):
It'll be two.
Speaker 47 (01:28:53):
Thousand where there was. You know, I'll probably have to
quit guiding and go get a job.
Speaker 27 (01:28:59):
That's how bad it all.
Speaker 3 (01:29:00):
Wow, Well, Johnny, all of a sudden, not that bad.
Next week, buddy, keep it up, and thanks for a
great report. Super stuff is always go back. If you're
in bed, man, just pull the cover up around your
neck and enjoy the dwarf because we're freezing her ass
off out here in the patio. Okay, So have a
great weekend, brother, Happy twenty twenty five to you man.
Okay you Johnny.
Speaker 27 (01:29:20):
All right, guys, we'll see you next week, Okay, I do.
Speaker 3 (01:29:23):
Jennifer Gray warns our weather ladies some weekends she's tied
up with the kids. I do hope she answers her
phone because I'm dying to fight up. I know what
the official ward on this blast is gonna be. Okay, right,
take at a break and talk to her. We'll talk
to Captain dev Dale, We'll talk to Gosh who are
great toy chest Yeah, Haley coming up on the program
and more. As I'm getting colder by the second here
at Fox Sports Night forty, it's time to go diesel.
Speaker 20 (01:29:53):
If you're a charter fishing captain, and reliability is key
to your success.
Speaker 21 (01:29:56):
See how Cox Marine's three hundred horsepower diesel our board
can benefit you. Ring Power, a distributor of Cox Marine,
offers the CXO three hundred diesel outboard engine.
Speaker 20 (01:30:04):
Designed specifically for marine use.
Speaker 21 (01:30:06):
This diesel outboard provides longer service intervals, saving on both
maintenance and downtime. The Cox Marine diesel outboard has lower emissions,
thirty percent less fuel burn, and sixty percent better torque
than similar gasoline outboards.
Speaker 7 (01:30:17):
Go Diesel.
Speaker 20 (01:30:18):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.
Speaker 13 (01:30:22):
Remember the cory days of gasoline.
Speaker 14 (01:30:25):
It's just not made the same anymore.
Speaker 15 (01:30:29):
Shakey your gas.
Speaker 16 (01:30:30):
Into gear with star Trove. Pump up the performage in
all of your engines.
Speaker 17 (01:30:37):
Sure the problems of ethanol with the power of enzymes,
and maximize.
Speaker 16 (01:30:43):
Your file age every time you drive. Kick start your
engines with star tron.
Speaker 24 (01:30:51):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
between you and fighting a monster fish. And when it
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drive propulsion system. Nautical Ventures is your exclusive Hoby dealer
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They're rigged by our in house experts who fish the
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Nautical ventures dot com to learn more. Nautical Ventures the
go to people for hobby.
Speaker 18 (01:31:21):
When it comes to kayakfishing, Nautical Ventures knows what you
need to catch fish. They carry top brands from Hoby,
Ocean Wilderness, Old Town, Perception, Nikki, and are experts in
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Nautical Ventures has the largest and latest selection of kayaks
and accessories in stock, and you can try it before
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nautical ventures dot com for more details. Nautical Ventures the
go to people for kayakfishing.
Speaker 29 (01:31:52):
There are ordinary mornings, and then there are mornings powered
by Mercury. There are ordinary Saturdays, and then there are
Saturdays powered by Mercury.
Speaker 13 (01:32:05):
Don't get stuck living.
Speaker 16 (01:32:06):
In the ordinary.
Speaker 29 (01:32:08):
Experience your life powered by Mercury.
Speaker 28 (01:32:21):
Downy rinse and refresh.
Speaker 7 (01:32:22):
Break up with stinky clothes.
Speaker 42 (01:32:24):
Rints it up every now and then I get a
little bit tired and all.
Speaker 23 (01:32:29):
The stings that just will never come out.
Speaker 40 (01:32:41):
One washes smell so.
Speaker 32 (01:32:42):
Clean and refresh it's a tree.
Speaker 7 (01:32:46):
Downy rinse and refresh.
Speaker 20 (01:32:47):
Fight's oder in just one wash guarantee.
Speaker 49 (01:32:52):
So my home is also my office. And before I
can focus, every room's gotta be clean. That means tidying
up and sprang my fabreeze air mist Ooh that's fresh.
Fabrieze air miss sensor all high quality. They fight any
weird fulk and they give them my air an instant
boost of freshness.
Speaker 20 (01:33:10):
So not only does my home smell good. I feel
good too. After I fabreeze, it's time to start my day.
Speaker 23 (01:33:17):
Breede broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine point forty
Anna jar and Levine Accident Attorney's Studios called one eight
hundred seven four seven free.
Speaker 26 (01:33:31):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven three seven three three.
Speaker 14 (01:33:38):
You're on board the.
Speaker 1 (01:33:39):
Donica Ventcher's weekly Fisherman show powered by Mercury Marine. Go
Boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon an extreme angular Joe Hector.
Speaker 3 (01:33:50):
Oh yeah, well, I was so afraid I've heard I'd
answer the phone. She might just be on the weather
channel to here, report Chelse we speaking. It's cold shine.
Speaker 16 (01:34:03):
Oh Joe, and I for reason SATs up in there.
Years old.
Speaker 5 (01:34:10):
We're gonna catch a bah lone the shoe on.
Speaker 3 (01:34:16):
Here. You know this is one of your favorite slugs, Joe.
It lights up when you just go love it. Yeah, Steve,
Oh hey, do it till your man with James, I
it's your phone. Could you wash scrape together?
Speaker 7 (01:34:27):
A yes for South Florida and South Florida only here. Wow,
it is a little cool out.
Speaker 6 (01:34:35):
Here today, sunny with a high near seventy two degrees
Northeast wind eleven to fourteen miles per hour, with gust
as high as twenty two miles per hour.
Speaker 7 (01:34:45):
Small crap advisory off shore.
Speaker 6 (01:34:47):
Tonight mostly clear and low, around sixty degrees north, wind
sixty nine miles per hour. Sunday Funday mostly sunny with
a higher seventy three east wind seventy eleven gust as
high as eighteen miles per hour. Okay, so Monday we're
gonna have twenty three mile an hour winds that are
gonna be coming out of the southwest. But here's the delio.
It's gonna really start to get colder on Tuesday. Tuesday
night forty eight degrees. That's a little canippy for you,
and Wednesday night forty nine degrees. So it is gonna
be a little cold out there. Currently it is fifty
three degrees in Fort Lauderdale. That Chanautical Venures Weekly Fishermen
Show forecast.
Speaker 3 (01:35:30):
Well, Steve aute man, it's really props to you for
throw together a forecast of a fly like that. Thank
you very much.
Speaker 28 (01:35:36):
He's the man.
Speaker 3 (01:35:37):
He just said, it's gonna be pretty damn cold. It
means I won't be doing exteat trials for the boat
Biz anytime soon, so I'll be a cryd of blues
like Johnny anyway. So anyway, we're going to the keys
because guess who's ready for us? Joe who? Captain Dev Dale?
Speaker 14 (01:35:54):
Speaker 3 (01:35:56):
I want if Dev likes this? Welker man, I don't
pick so.
Speaker 7 (01:35:59):
But it gets cold down there in the keys too
many man.
Speaker 3 (01:36:02):
Let's see what she lid at nibble Spongebobe singing child
watching my fist big. I saw a live stream. She
was interviewed by some guy who runs an outdoor channel
of some sort, and she looked great, just like care.
But what a great interview I got part of that.
Deb Good morning to you, hi, Captain Deb.
Speaker 13 (01:36:26):
Speaker 50 (01:36:26):
How boys, how's it going on this Nippley morning?
Speaker 3 (01:36:30):
There's a Nippley Morning. So I saw you on a
stream doing an interview thing. What was it all about?
Speaker 51 (01:36:36):
Yeah? So power cord rods, Warren Page who is also
built to see trophies and rods for Joe Hector that's
sitting beside of you. He came down, Yeah, Hi, he
came down and we did a great interview, did an
hour at my dock and we had a great time
and you know, just.
Speaker 31 (01:36:57):
Told some stories.
Speaker 51 (01:36:58):
And shot the bull for a while, and he got
some stories out of me that that some people would
laugh at.
Speaker 33 (01:37:07):
That's for sure.
Speaker 5 (01:37:09):
Gordon's a great guy and he's a great interviewer. And
I want to check out that show. I didn't get
a chance to see it.
Speaker 3 (01:37:15):
Actually, yeah, really, well does I cut part of the
show with Kappa. She looked great, by the way, dev
Let me give you some propsure, kiddo, Some folks unlike me,
look great like camera. You look really spectacular like camera.
You really photograph well. I think she looks great all
the time. What do you mean just on camera. I'm
just saying that, thank you.
Speaker 50 (01:37:34):
I always thought I had just a face for radio,
you know, to be honest.
Speaker 3 (01:37:38):
With Yeah, that's pretty much me. But anyway, you look
you look great. I mean it just showed great, You
looked great, sounded great. So anyway, past that happy news,
what's going on with the keys world and fishing? Because
up here it's been pretty damn slow.
Speaker 51 (01:37:52):
Yeah yeah, Well, today is our largest selfish tournament, charity
tournament here in the Keys in Isla Moru, the Fish
for Holly Tournament.
Speaker 50 (01:38:02):
It's a humongous charity tournament. A lot of a lot
of boats are in it.
Speaker 51 (01:38:06):
I was supposed to fish it, but I got canceled
right at the last second. So I'm doing a boat
delivery today and.
Speaker 50 (01:38:13):
And I'm getting ready to get on the water and
have to travel about fifty miles and then come home back.
So but yeah, the big tournaments today fishing. I fished
yesterday on a half day charter. I had a family
of five aboard. We we picked away. It's been really slow,
no current on the reef.
Speaker 51 (01:38:32):
It's hard to do anything when when you don't have
any current, so end up catching, you know, a few
yellow tails and we hooked to sail but we lost it.
So yeah, I mean, they're the fisher out there is
just a really tough part of the season. There have
been some bigger kingfish.
Speaker 50 (01:38:47):
On a rex and some tuna has been holding hard
on the recks too, So yeah, I mean fishing the
fisher here, it's just these cold fronts and and this
weather that's affecting them right now.
Speaker 3 (01:38:58):
And what about what about my any any gaffers or
has it been slow? I haven't.
Speaker 50 (01:39:04):
I haven't heard anyone called anyone.
Speaker 48 (01:39:06):
Well I did.
Speaker 51 (01:39:07):
There have been a few actually, but those are probably
holding on the recks with the tuna from you know,
past out you know, or deeper wrecks around you know,
anywhere from three hundred four hundred feet. So yeah, I
mean they're out there, but like today and cold, they're
not going to be around because we're we're We've got
a north wind out of for twenty miles an hour
and it's fifty eight degrees here, So yeah, it's pretty
chilly on the water.
Speaker 3 (01:39:36):
Yes. Are you a fan of Cole other Devil? Or
you look at this is hot and Steve you like
the keys? Get?
Speaker 50 (01:39:41):
I want to move south.
Speaker 28 (01:39:42):
I want to move more south.
Speaker 51 (01:39:44):
If I tell you I haven't, I have a rule.
Speaker 50 (01:39:46):
If the weather goes below my age, I moved.
Speaker 3 (01:39:51):
I like that. Wow, that's if that's If that's the
case of my life, I'd be moving off the planet.
You'd be on Mars, I'd be the Sun or something
by this time. Man, Yeah, I'll get the hell out
of it. I mean, I'm the.
Speaker 51 (01:40:06):
Older I get I'm gonna have to compromise, But in
my now, I'm like, uh, I'm not going anywhere it's
under forty five degrees most of the time.
Speaker 15 (01:40:15):
Sorry, I'm out.
Speaker 3 (01:40:16):
That's brutally honest, Joe, you know what I mean, those
blow rains. She's moving south Man right. Well, you heard
about this blast coming in next week, deb but it's
supposed to be some of the Arctic. I think she
was talking about his mother forecast.
Speaker 18 (01:40:30):
Speaker 51 (01:40:30):
So actually, I'm gonna be on Marco Island on January
eleventh with a couple of great friends of mine.
Speaker 50 (01:40:36):
We're gonna go fly fishing.
Speaker 51 (01:40:39):
And I don't know how that could have work, because
they're calling for it to be, you know, in the
upper thirty and I hope I can pull my fingers.
So I got my bibs on and three sweatshirts and
two pairs of gloves and and a hat right now,
and I'm on the water and it's like I'm freezing.
I can't imagine fly fish that.
Speaker 3 (01:41:00):
So, yeah, you're all the water. Oh wow, okay, okay,
wow yeah.
Speaker 13 (01:41:05):
Speaker 51 (01:41:05):
I'm delivering a boat up to Ocean Reef today from Marathon.
So I left early this morning and I'm headed that way.
It's it's nice out, it's just co I stopped for
a second.
Speaker 3 (01:41:18):
All right, Well, Debba, I guess I'll ask you one
less questions. Did you make any of those silly resolutions
for twenty twenty five, to not do this or do that,
or make some life changes, anything you want to talk about.
Speaker 50 (01:41:30):
Absolutely, I'm going to catch more fish.
Speaker 3 (01:41:32):
Oh that's a great resolution. Yeah, that's a special hurt so.
Speaker 51 (01:41:37):
Far relation to myself is I'm going to be a
better captain and I'm going to catch more fish, and
I'm going to put people on more trophy fish.
Speaker 50 (01:41:45):
And that's what I want to do, and that's my goal,
and I to give them a trip of a lifetime.
Speaker 3 (01:41:51):
And I give Jill a lot of credit. He came
out this morning and got aust with the audience about
his resolution for twenty twenty five. And I'm really proud
of you. Joe. He said he's giving up steroids a
two thousand. God, here you go. He's gonna go off
a juice. He's not gonna juice anymore. If you giving
up alcohol, Eric, Eric, Eric, you picked up my jacket, Joe.
My first shot at you, palam by picking up my
Have you seen Eric's jacket?
Speaker 50 (01:42:17):
Deb I heard it look like Jed Clampet.
Speaker 3 (01:42:24):
He caught his grandmother's couch at six on one this morning.
So I don't know, man, it's I spent a fortune
this thing, man, it costs me a ton of money.
Well you know there's a lot of sewing involved in
that whatever bad Jed clamping clampet. Honestly, well the best
looking Jed clamp you'll ever fly, that's her. Damn Sure
have a great weekend, stay warm about if you can't. Alright,
Thanks Captain deb Absolutely happy.
Speaker 20 (01:42:50):
Now you're y'alling.
Speaker 50 (01:42:51):
I'll talk to y'all next week.
Speaker 3 (01:42:53):
I got it. See got a better to to kill here, Joel.
I wanted to say something to kick off the brain
of year with this radio show, and that's the sponsors
who make this thing fly. So I want to thank
a lot of folks this morning before we go to
our next segment. Mercury Marine taking over the title slot
in this program. Okay, I want to thank Starbright Products
for being a dedicated sponsor for so many years now America,
which is so great. I want to thank Jose Debasa
Jose at the Happy Boating. Okay, there's a shurance company
for providing all my my buyers great boat in church
at a great price which has been spectacular. Thank you
very much for that as well. Nautical Ventures they keep
this show flying. Yes, they do, so thanks to them
for sponsoring this program. Also to Nationwide Battery, which I'll
get to Joe, thank you very much to do it.
And Johnny Jiggs, one of our greatest sponsors you brought
up on. Johnny Stenham has been just a fan of
the show on the set and he drops the diamond
a program and we really appreciate that very much.
Speaker 28 (01:43:53):
Good guy.
Speaker 3 (01:43:54):
And last one at least so the folks at my
FWC dot com. Oh that's Rodney Brennos group and they've
been with us for quite some time. So all the
sponsors who keep the lights on here, man, just thank
you so much. Cox Marine, Cox Maarrie, thank you Steve
for that one as well. Those fine folks at sim Rad.
I was gonna go there, but thanks for telling me it.
Advances on my lips are working too well. But sim
Rad Cox Marine. We've got a good group of sponsors
who really keep a show roll. So thanks so much
for keeping a stake flying. We love you guys beyond
and maybe the rest of the year, thank god. Okay,
that's right now. Coming up next suit, the toy chest
is a brand new one. Kat Hayley's been out to
do her thing a good Joe. Penny got a haircut. Yeah,
she's looking mighty Doug.
Speaker 7 (01:44:37):
God, Look they're still they're still working on the bottom
of her. But you see she's on.
Speaker 3 (01:44:42):
She's feisty, man, she's been all of a second. She's cold.
Speaker 6 (01:44:44):
By the way, We're gonna have to get a blanky
on her this week because it's gonna get caught.
Speaker 3 (01:44:48):
Just take one warn off my back.
Speaker 7 (01:44:52):
But Penny likes to have something more stylish.
Speaker 3 (01:44:55):
Eric, Oh, thanks a lot. Thank Just call me Jack
Clamping for the rest of the show. Take a little
break and see what's up with at toy Chests. Here
Fox Sports Died forty Live.
Speaker 20 (01:45:06):
It's time to go.
Speaker 21 (01:45:07):
Diesel ring Power, a distributor for Cox Marine, can simplify
your yacht fuel supply needs. The three hundred horsepower Cox
Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboard can power your yacht
tender with the only diesel outboard design for marine use
running single or multiple outboards.
Speaker 20 (01:45:21):
See if the Cox.
Speaker 21 (01:45:22):
Marine CXO three hundred is the solution you need. Plus,
the CXO three hundred diesel outboard performs with sixty percent
better torque than similar gasoline engines, So stop hauling.
Speaker 20 (01:45:30):
Both diesel fuel and standard gasoline. Make the switch to diesel.
Visitcoxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.
Speaker 13 (01:45:37):
Remember the cory days of gasoline.
Speaker 14 (01:45:40):
It's just not made the same anymore.
Speaker 15 (01:45:44):
Shakey your gas into gear.
Speaker 16 (01:45:46):
With star Trove. Pump up the performance in all of
your engines.
Speaker 17 (01:45:52):
Sure the problems of the methodol with the power of enzymes.
Speaker 16 (01:45:57):
And maximize your file age every time you drive. Kick
starting your engines with star tron.
Speaker 36 (01:46:06):
Is your vote properly? Insurance? When's the last time your
agent called to discuss your policy. We're People's Insurance underwriters
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We understand how the right insurance agent can make the
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We can make a difference in your boat insurance. To
learn more, go to the Happy Voting dot Com. People's
Insurance Underwriters Insurance for voters by voters.
Speaker 19 (01:46:35):
Hear that that's the sound of confidence. The sound of
confidence brought to you by a nationwide battery. For over
thirty years, voters and fishermen have counted on nationwide to
fire up their engines to keep their electronics going week
after week, year after year. They have the largest selection
of batteries at the best prices, with dock side installation available.
If you count on your boat, then count On Nationwide Battery.
Visit them at Nationwide dash Battery dot Com Nationwide Batteries.
The sound of confidence.
Speaker 38 (01:47:12):
So we're not all professional anglists, we don't all compete
on the biggest stage. But inside, it's all burns the
same fire to be a champion. It's why you get
out early, ready the toughest conditions, point the bow toward adventure,
and put the hammer down for whatever trophy or fish
or memory you're chasing. Count On and Brickery PROXSS out
board engineered to deliver the speed and reliability you need
to power the champion inside you.
Speaker 52 (01:47:41):
Okay, I can't sleep with this cough sounds like you
need to vaporize that cold.
Speaker 3 (01:47:46):
Vaporize Yeah, with Niquill vapor Cool.
Speaker 32 (01:47:49):
It's Niquill plus a rush of Vicks vapors. WHOA, So
you're ready to get some sleep.
Speaker 28 (01:47:58):
Thank you.
Speaker 47 (01:47:58):
Nike will vapor cool.
Speaker 16 (01:48:00):
Nike will vaporcool.
Speaker 24 (01:48:01):
The vaporizing nighttime coughing aching fever.
Speaker 1 (01:48:03):
Best sleep with a cold medicine and to vaporized sore
throat paint, try vix vaporcool drops.
Speaker 7 (01:48:08):
Use a director.
Speaker 28 (01:48:09):
Keep out of reach your children.
Speaker 7 (01:48:10):
Whose weight loss is not available everywhere.
Speaker 23 (01:48:11):
Compounded products are not FDA approved or verified for safey
effective mister quality prescription required, restriction supply we go vieno
zimpic or not compounded.
Speaker 53 (01:48:17):
With Hers, you can access doctor trusted weight loss plans
like compounded GLP one weekly injections with the same active
ingredient as o zepic and mcgov. Based on pricing through Hers,
save up to ninety one percent per month with compounded
semiglue tide, the same active ingredient as the name brand drug.
Get started at for Hers dot com slash start today.
That's for Hers dot com. Slash start.
Speaker 23 (01:48:41):
Yer the home of Florida Gaynor's footballer. Fox Sports nine Miami.
Speaker 1 (01:48:49):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fishermen Show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go boldly with legendary fishermen Eric Brandon,
Extreme Angler Joe Hector.
Speaker 3 (01:49:03):
It's time to wrap the show with our favorite seg
Open up that toy Chester All right, Cat Haley's back,
which is the toy Chester this week. I wonder this is.
Speaker 52 (01:49:20):
The ghost cycle G three? How did this electric bike
fit into a treasure chest? Because it folds down to
be able to fit, the pieces are removable to make
the got Cycle G three perfect to throw into any
car on the go and never have to worry about
using a bike rack again. The electric Gocycle G three
is the perfect toy for someone who wants to get
outside for a nice bike ride without bringing us wet.
You can hit up to twenty miles per hour on
this and bite comfortably up to forty miles per charge.
If you're the kind of person who wants to be
doing long distance bike rides, past the distance and fear,
oh no, the battery's gonna die on me, don't worry.
The bike can also be used as a regular bike
to keep you going. When you get home, throw the
bike on the charger and three and a half hours later,
go again, go back, another forty miles, come just come home, charge,
repeat as much as your little teeny heart can desire.
Why not use those three and a half hours of
charging time for the ghot Cycle G three to try
qualifying for a marathon by running it in under three
and a half hours, come home and immediately hop back
on that ghost cycle.
Speaker 3 (01:50:14):
Do it for the plot?
Speaker 52 (01:50:15):
Which speed are you maintaining on.
Speaker 42 (01:50:17):
Your bike ride?
Speaker 52 (01:50:17):
The ghost Cycle G three comes with a three speed
internally geared hub with electric shifting. The bike automatically shifts
between three speed gear settings to get the best pedal
assists you need based off of your pedaling speed. You
can check out the three speed settings off the handlebar
in the middle facing vertically. The battery life shone based
off the red dots facing horizontally, and the blue lights
show if the lights are on for your safety, the headlights.
Probably the biggest fear of bony an electric ghost cycle
bike is worrying about the pest stealing them.
Speaker 3 (01:50:46):
Have no fear.
Speaker 52 (01:50:47):
This bike comes with a built in patented pit stop
lock system to frustrate the heck out of the thieves.
The current gost Cycle G three that I'm riding in
the video this is actually at our special demo price discount.
You can be purchased at our Fort Lauderdale not Adventures
Water Sports store location. We currently are carrying all the
Goost Cycle G four series, the G four, G four
I and G four I Plus. Thanks guys for watching
the weekly Fisherman's Toy Chest segment on Fox Sports nine
forty am.
Speaker 3 (01:51:12):
I'm your host, Kat Haley.
Speaker 52 (01:51:14):
Of this segment and we'll see you back again and
next Saturday from six to eight am.
Speaker 3 (01:51:20):
Yeah, nice job, Kat Hailey. Oh yeah, i'd take him back.
Speaker 9 (01:51:25):
In the day.
Speaker 3 (01:51:25):
I was doing the same segment. Joe and I would
do a toy chest thing and kind of talk about it.
But she takes it to the whole new level.
Speaker 14 (01:51:32):
Speaker 3 (01:51:32):
No, she does a great job, does all the video
stuff and she's actually on the cycle herself demonstrated this thing. Yeah,
what a dog one great job she's doing. Man off awesome.
So let's talk about something coming up Joe. It's January. Yeah, man,
it's been very nice, by the way, not shilling your
own event, which I give you credit on. You pulled
back in twenty five by not doing a super shill,
which I'm pretty proud of.
Speaker 7 (01:51:57):
Oh it's coming now, we got a week.
Speaker 3 (01:51:59):
Well now it's coming out because I just open that
can Steve O. Thank you. Yeah, what is the date?
When is it happening? What the hell's going on there,
joece So.
Speaker 5 (01:52:08):
We got the sailfish smack Down going into its fifteenth
fifteenth year.
Speaker 3 (01:52:14):
And I guess it's the main fish is sailfish, and
it is sailfish that is the main fish.
Speaker 5 (01:52:19):
That's taking place January twenty fifth, right at Pompino Beach.
Speaker 4 (01:52:24):
We got anglers from around the country that come and
compete in this tournament. It's always cold, so make sure
you bundle up for it.
Speaker 5 (01:52:31):
You can go to Extreme Kayakfishing dot com to get
all the information on this tournament. We're gonna have a
killer raffle with some awesome prizes like Yetti's custom rods,
combo rods and reels, and a whole bunch of other
goodies with all of our sponsors like Nautical Ventures, who's
one of our main sponsors of that tournament.
Speaker 3 (01:52:52):
We're still working on.
Speaker 5 (01:52:53):
Getting all the cash prizes set up, so this tournament
always is a little slower on that end because of.
Speaker 3 (01:52:59):
The new year and all the crazy stuff happening.
Speaker 4 (01:53:01):
But we'll have that out asap by next week.
Speaker 5 (01:53:04):
So once again, go to Extreme kayakfishon dot com for
all the information on that tournament. You can find us
on social media where it's e k f T Salefish
SmackDown on Facebook.
Speaker 4 (01:53:14):
So join that group for updated information.
Speaker 14 (01:53:18):
Speaker 5 (01:53:18):
You can also go to extreme Kaifishing ink on Facebook.
You can go at extreme Kaifishing on Instagram. Yes, or
find myself Joe Hector on Facebook or Joe dot Hector
dot kayak on Instagram, and I'll answer any questions you
guys have.
Speaker 3 (01:53:37):
For that tournament. You have more contact information than.
Speaker 7 (01:53:40):
How about one contact information spot.
Speaker 3 (01:53:43):
As supposed to nine. Anyway, besides salefish, Joe, any other
fish qualify for a prize.
Speaker 5 (01:53:48):
Yes, So you have the Mahi Mahi division sponsored by Nautical.
That one is usually between five hundred and one thousand bucks, okay.
Speaker 47 (01:53:57):
Speaker 5 (01:53:57):
And then we have the blackfintuna calc up okay, and
that one is always you know, over like a grand
for that one. And then we'll we have a Uh
it's it's like where you pick a card out of
a hat.
Speaker 3 (01:54:12):
We picked that fish in the morning. Raffle. Yeah, it's
like a raffle thing in the morning. I know, I'm
all over the place. But anyway, we got a.
Speaker 5 (01:54:19):
Lot of we got a lot of awesome different category
fish in that tournament.
Speaker 3 (01:54:23):
But the main species, yes, salefish, selfish. All right, carry
for that with Joe I'm glad to open that door
because you gave me a whole bunch of stuff there.
Stevo said, maybe just nail it down to one contact. Okay,
you got like ninety five different Time to get out
of here. Man died forty. Thank you Jeff very much.
The podcast up later on today. Yes, Stephen j Gray,
thank you both with the great.
Speaker 28 (01:54:48):
Job very much.
Speaker 7 (01:54:50):
One last thing I wanted to say.
Speaker 3 (01:54:51):
Spreading the news. I'm leaving today. Time to get out
of here.
Speaker 13 (01:55:00):
I want to be a part of it.
Speaker 33 (01:55:04):
New York Ty, New Jersey.
Speaker 5 (01:55:07):
Yes, have a great week and keep it sparts sports.
Speaker 3 (01:55:14):
Go fins and keeping it because, by the way, this
is the dolphin station. By the way, oh Fox Sports
nine Live. Sare you care, Sheriff?
Speaker 14 (01:55:22):
You care?
Speaker 3 (01:55:23):
Speaker 24 (01:55:25):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
between you and fighting a monster fish. And when it
comes to kayak fishing, nothing beats a hobby with its
handspring mirage drive propulsion system. Nautical Ventures is your exclusive
hobby dealer for Broward and Palm Beach. They have the
whitest selection of models in excess reesa make your hobby
uniquely yours. They're ragged by our in house experts who
fish the tournaments.
Speaker 3 (01:55:48):
They know what it takes to win.
Speaker 24 (01:55:50):
Coda Nautical Ventures dot com to learn more. Nautical Ventures,
the go to people for hobby.
Speaker 30 (01:55:55):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in the inner. Simrad's new Halo opener ray radar,
bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power on finding
flocks of birds, leading you to fishing holes up to
eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power. For
more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at Simrad
dash Yachting dot com.
Speaker 24 (01:56:25):
At Johnny Jake's Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
most meticulously craft a tackle that will enhance your fishing experience.
At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
every tug a thrill, and every moment by the water
and adventure.
Speaker 7 (01:56:40):
Our n wavering.
Speaker 24 (01:56:41):
Commitment to innovation and excellence creates tackle exceeding all expectations
of our fellow anglers. We're more than a tackle company.
We're your partner's and exploration, your source of inspiration, and
your companion on every fishing trip. Johnny Jake's Tackle Company
elevate your angling adventure.
Speaker 12 (01:56:56):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
can reach new waters and ride endless waves. So drop
the hammer or the anchor and let adventure be your guide.
Mercury engines are made for exploring, so are you.