All Episodes

September 21, 2024 • 117 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
There's nothing better spend all my time out of the water,
powered by Mercury Marie.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
That's where I get my kids out, walk go boldly.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
They my rest dance with Waterman Eric Brandon and extreme
angler Joe Hector the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show.

Speaker 4 (00:33):
I do believe you're alive. Well, Lovely Die Adventures Weekly
Fisherman Show.

Speaker 5 (00:37):
You've never eeen is zipping along here. We've got to
cbj Gray out with the dolphins. He's the audio guy.
So our great friend Noah is back in the hot
Seaton very much. What's up back at N forty We
got Jeff doing this thing, thank.

Speaker 4 (00:51):
You very much.

Speaker 6 (00:52):
Yeah, well, what's up to my right?

Speaker 5 (00:54):
My great friend f catmn entrepreneur to the stars. It's
work out with Joe. I don't work out at all?
That right, that's you're saying.

Speaker 4 (01:01):
Work out with Joe or not at all. And you
freshly shaved the muggy, a little little fresh baby face
glow out the day man shave. They got a little haircut.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
My little curls are smaller, and you know it's time
to freshen up a little bit. You know, the Raiders
had a big win in Baltimore and feeling pretty.

Speaker 5 (01:18):
Good, and no, I knew that would come up today,
rad What do you mean Raider chat? You can see
for the last four or three years of this show
when they're winning, you're on the vandwagon, and two losses
back to back their garbage.

Speaker 4 (01:32):
You are such a fair.

Speaker 7 (01:35):

Speaker 4 (01:36):
Okay, Yeah, we'll talk about it later on Sure. I
feeling like today's kind of a mega morning. Me too.

Speaker 5 (01:43):
That would be make alfalfa great again. I was thinking about,
what was the last time you've ever used a word
or heard the word alfalfa?

Speaker 4 (01:51):
Well, I'm not from your generation, so I never heard it.
Do you know what alfalfa actually is? A haircut?

Speaker 5 (01:57):
No, it's actually a It's a plant. And what a plant?
It's a plant, a legume. It's a plant, a legume. Yeah,
what is that? They use that to feed cows to
make milk, or people use it for a garnish on
their food. Okay, I just said I thought this morning,
who's ever used the word alfalfa like it forever?

Speaker 4 (02:14):
You know, I've never heard that and the leg what
was it like? Yeah? Okay, so you're full of big words,
species of plant. So this is how the show is
going to go.

Speaker 5 (02:22):
It's gonna be a very scientific fishing show. Yeah, okay,
exactly right. Okay, we'll get past that and.

Speaker 4 (02:27):
That we were We have a show shuffling line up today.
We've got are live on it on Facebook. Yeah yeah,
I got it here. Now we're up? Where are we?

Speaker 5 (02:36):
I don't see this man anyway? We have a shuffle
this morning. Jimio Thomas can't make it. Our friend Robert
is tied up. Okay, guess who jumped in the volunteer
in the hot seat today?

Speaker 4 (02:46):
Who you're a great.

Speaker 6 (02:47):
Friend, Johnny, Johnny statam, Oh, Johnna, you.

Speaker 8 (02:51):
Can bring him on?

Speaker 4 (02:52):
Man? Is he? Is he waiting? I think he's on
the horn?

Speaker 2 (02:55):
Yeah, the man, the King, the ultra jigger, owner of
Johnny Jiggs, Johnny.

Speaker 9 (03:06):
Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen, how are you?

Speaker 6 (03:09):
Good morning?

Speaker 9 (03:12):
You know I I alf alfa, but I've heard of alphonzino.
Are you guys familiar with that? No, Alfonzo is a
deep water species. It looks kind of like a glass
eye toorro very pink, very wide body deepwater species. You'll
usually find them where you find like golden tilefish or

wherever you'll find barrelfish and they are delicious.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
You know you are full of information.

Speaker 10 (03:44):
I love it. But uh, good morning fellas, Good morning.

Speaker 5 (03:51):
So he was a guest on the set last weekend.
He was he was hanging out with us. Yeah, I'll
case you guys are brighter of the show. He owns
a company called Johnny Jiggs johnnyjigs dot com. Ye, you
log out to see some really cool videos and Johnny
Jig's TV.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
He's going on real strong. Yeah, and uh, you're kind
of a do it all kind of guy.

Speaker 5 (04:09):
You fish you hut you you run a business or Johnny,
but you're on to bring some fish? News man, what
have you heard this week? What's going on?

Speaker 9 (04:17):
I do you know what, guys, I didn't get a
chance to get out this week, and I wanted to
and I tried and I was unsuccessful. But I do
have like my core group of guys that I give
a buzz to whenever I'm trying to figure out what's
the scoop before I get out on the water. And
I was able to talk to my buddy Chris Fasqually,
who's out there every day. He's a Pescador Cubano on Instagram,

which is the Cuban fisherman. WHI should tell you something
about him.

Speaker 4 (04:45):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's great.

Speaker 9 (04:47):
Yeah, yep, he is, he is. So he did say
there was a few walkher's this week cut in Fort
Lauderdale as well as uh, he actually caught a few
sales in one ninety this week. It's been pretty flat,
calm out there. I did ask him about black men
tunas he says he hasn't seen a one and it's

been just kind of endless blue water all the way
all the way out. So he was out yesterday, hooked
into a dale and then ended up going out for
a deep drop and putting a few black belly rose
fish in the boat. So he says, it's it's been
mediocre was his term to me. That hasn't been fantastic,
hasn't been bad. But I can't tell you that. I'm

looking at the weather afts and wind finder and the
apps that I used to check whether I want to
go fishing or not. And as the week progresses next week,
it's gonna get kind of sloppy. So if you're gonna
get out on the water today, it's definitely a great day,
and tomorrow it's definitely a great day.

Speaker 4 (05:49):

Speaker 5 (05:49):
You know, Johnny, I do think of purpose. I'd never
fish on Saturday or Sunday because of the eighty five
thousand googans out there. So it's either what put up
on a bad weather next week or go fishing with
nine billion googas out there. Run up into your school
of dolphin and just jump right in. You're trolling long
lines and you just run around across it with a boat.

You know, many other things they do, or they get
hammered trying to go through haulover cutting there we get
bury the bow and wavy boat is taking videos of
these idiots, you know, bearing the plow, about bower bearing
the plow? What's talking about? And you see passengers flying
out of the boat, cats.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
And dogs living together, mass hysteria essentially.

Speaker 5 (06:32):
Thank you, Joey. It was quite exciting. Yeah, you got
me juiced uff. Yeah see there you go. What's up
with Johnny Juddy? We talked for a minute or two
and you said some guy hooked into a.

Speaker 4 (06:44):
Snowy I think you said recently.

Speaker 9 (06:45):
Right, Yeah, actually that was that was on Monday. Unfortunately,
Snowy Grouper are closed, so you have to send them
back down. But my buddy did head out of Boyton,
which is like my day, and he actually said there
was a definitive color change until you got out past

like four hundred, and he said that the fishing wasn't
that great, uh inshore, But once he got out into
past four hundred, he hooked into a very nice snowy
grouper out there on Monday. Okay, but I am still
I'm still with you Eric on on the I like
fishing during the week and I've even heard some anglers

say that, like, you know, you don't fish Monday because
everybody's been out there just shredding it up on Saturday, Sunday,
and then Tuesday they start restocking back in the reef.
Wednesday is pretty good, but Thursdays like the best day
before all the ficks have been left alone for a
little while.

Speaker 4 (07:44):

Speaker 2 (07:45):
When I used to when I used to fish, uh,
and I go out off Yeah of course companies, yes,
and uh and I used to go out and I
would never ever ever go.

Speaker 4 (07:57):
On the weekend.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
Ever, I would usually go like Aday, Thursday, like Johnny
was saying, and you know, those were great days. There's
not that many people out. There's actually less people out
on those days than you would think in South Florida,
to be honest.

Speaker 5 (08:10):
So you know, I've been known to have kind of
a temper occasionally occasionally occasionally, so when I would fish
on a Saturday or whatever, my son's Matthew and Sean,
and we hook up to a school of mahee and
maybe round a boat. And I see some guy blasting
on my school. Yeah, oh, I would go for the
tackle box.

Speaker 4 (08:26):
I'm heaving like half pound sinkers.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
At it, man, and not Johnny Jigso you got to
keep them Johnny Jigs, right, take it easy.

Speaker 4 (08:36):
These are half fat pound weights. Man. I've thought at him, Oh,
the old sinkers, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (08:40):
The old sinkers. Nice the pier, I'm launching sinkers at him, man,
all right. And I told my sons put your fingers
in your ears, kids, and they would put their fingers
in their ears, and I would just let off a
whole lot of explicatives.

Speaker 4 (08:51):
Okay, I would just go off on him, and I
really think they stuck their fingers in their ears.

Speaker 5 (08:55):
Then I actually pull out my flare gun I used
for my emergency kid. Great, I pointed at him, great,
they think show.

Speaker 4 (09:01):
This video is flagged.

Speaker 8 (09:02):
So see you guys later.

Speaker 4 (09:05):
Man your bust school in Mahi. He be Johnny, I
got a question for you. Yeah, was there any.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
Size to these wahoo being caught or were they we
who's Yeah, I asked.

Speaker 9 (09:19):
Him that I would they are like average, you know
out that side. So I think he told me they're
around twenty pounds. So nothing nothing with any uh size
to it.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
Okay, any did he did he get him on the
planers or I.

Speaker 6 (09:37):
Think he was.

Speaker 9 (09:37):
I think he was planer trolling for them, so it
just kind of slow trowing. He's in a forty so
he's you know, he's not moving fast. But I think,
like personally, if I was to go out for them,
because I'm on I'm on my center console, I would
definitely be a high speed trolling back and forth, cover
cover more ground. More likely you're gonna hook into a fish,
and that's that's I think you also get away from

the other fish if you're really targeting walk who to
get that boat up to? You know, the fifteen eighteen.

Speaker 10 (10:05):
Miles an hour.

Speaker 9 (10:06):
And granted I'm a jigging guy, I jig but this
is this has been my experience out on the water
when trolling not really my favorite way to fish trolling.
I'm like throwing out a live bait and and then
dropping a jig at the same time to increase my
chance food. I'm more of a drift guy, that's my thing.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
Speaking of that, though, with targeting wahoo, what's your go
to Johnny jig to target them?

Speaker 9 (10:32):
If you were going to that's that's a good question,
because well, first, if we're targeting wakoo on the jig,
we're first we're looking for a floating debris out in
the water, and that's when we can actually target a
wahoo and we know that they're down below anything. If
you find a palette out there, a floating branch, there's

always a chance of something. But what I want to
put on is something that moves fast through the water
on the retrieval. So I'm gonna put down one of
our torpedo jigs. I don't know that the color necessary
necessarily matters too much money, It's more about the fast actions.

Speaker 4 (11:10):
Okay, he didn't say color mattered. He said it doesn't
really matter. They have to have a fast Oh, it matters.
He's the pro man. Okay, he actually fishes like YouTube.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
I know he does, but I think he's holding back
a little bit with the color thing.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
He definitely throw you some props should he choose to.
He chose not to you. Okay, okay, hey Johnny, even great man.

Speaker 5 (11:33):
So folks want to log on to check out your
entire lineup of jigs and your whole tackle routine going
over there, which is just getting bigger by the day.
Johnnyjigs dot com is a place to go.

Speaker 9 (11:43):
It's did. Thank you, guys and Johnny jig TV on YouTube.

Speaker 4 (11:50):
Thank you fellas, Johnny, thanks for waking up man, Michelle.

Speaker 5 (11:53):
We really appreciate you filling in for Jimbo. And thanks brother,
be back on a set again with us, Join us
again soon because you were great as a guest of
the program so always. I can learn a lot from
this man.

Speaker 4 (12:03):

Speaker 5 (12:03):
Oh yeah, man, we've also had his photo up the
entire time here. Thanks for knowing for I think it's
a big a j You caught it with a it's
Eric fish man, Johnny, right, Johnny.

Speaker 9 (12:15):
Those are yeah, it's amber jack. Those are Those are
probably one of my favorite fish to catch on a
slow fish I'll fit because they're just beasts and they
take you for a ride and you really get to
test your gear. You're not everything that you've put together.
You're gonna know if it worked or not by the
time you're done touching one of those that with.

Speaker 4 (12:36):
All my back surgeries and a j would be back
in the hospital. Man. Okay, seriously, talk even got you
got you to start there. We're late at the clock, Johnny,
Thank you, buddy. Have a great week.

Speaker 5 (12:50):
Get okay, see you, brother. I'll take a little breaking back.
We'll talk to Alan's the red with the bass man.
We'll talk to Boucher Smith. This hour start by Bucket
six forty five, Sean Rolls and Moore, come on up.

Speaker 4 (13:00):
Fox Sports died forties. We'll talk about.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
It from the storm Tight Windows Weather Center.

Speaker 11 (13:06):
Kicking off this Saturday with scattered thunderstorms with the high
of eighty eight and Fort Lauderdale, eighty eight in Terrell
and tonight a low of seventy seven, mostly sunny tomorrow
at the high of eighty eight.

Speaker 12 (13:15):
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Speaker 7 (13:36):
To catching lies of stage in halos bringing you more.

Speaker 4 (13:43):
It's why you get out early.

Speaker 7 (13:44):
Any great angler notes the key to catching more inner
sin reds.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
Remembery you'r chacelor.

Speaker 7 (13:53):
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Speaker 13 (14:21):
When it comes to kayakfishing, Nautical Ventures knows what you
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Speaker 6 (14:36):
And anything else.

Speaker 13 (14:37):
That fits your personal fishing style. Nautical Ventures has the
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Speaker 8 (15:29):
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Speaker 16 (15:57):
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Speaker 3 (16:58):
A plush talk here.

Speaker 8 (17:01):
I'm in awe.

Speaker 6 (17:02):
Those lineups are staffed.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
Fox Sports nine Miami.

Speaker 19 (17:08):
Hey, Hey, let's get right back to the Nautical Ventures
Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 3 (17:19):
Go Boldly, Yeah.

Speaker 4 (17:24):
Going boldly, baby, So this show's all about going boldly.

Speaker 6 (17:29):
No man's gone before her, like Captain James T.

Speaker 4 (17:34):

Speaker 2 (17:34):
Do it chilly, do your best from Kirk the Starship Enterprise,
and I'll totally go where no man or woman or
woke has gone before.

Speaker 4 (17:45):
I'll be shoot, oh my, she do that too good?
Walk back to the show.

Speaker 5 (17:52):
Time dick our pinkies into the freshwater pod with the
man who's.

Speaker 4 (17:56):
Been rebuilt Smith.

Speaker 5 (17:58):
Dick your pinky in the freshwater pod. It's like alfalfa Okay, anyway,
it's he show me the photos this week you're losing
over me. I don't know what have of it. Anyway,
Alan's the rebel. Poor guy's got knees going bad. He's
got his shoulder be worked out, his head risk surgery.

Speaker 4 (18:14):
This week.

Speaker 20 (18:15):
Oh really, he's like the terminator man. He's about to
be Yeah, I'm saying, turning like half cyborg? Right, what
are they doing the brain that problems? They couldn't find it. Ah,
they're still doing a double scan. Yeah, they're still looking
for it. Okay, Yeah, anyway, he'll.

Speaker 4 (18:30):
Be all right. Yeah, Alam, the man's the rev bass man.
I want to tell you, buddy.

Speaker 21 (18:34):
Hey, Bud, I'm not sure how I should reply to
any of this.

Speaker 4 (18:40):
Oh he heard.

Speaker 3 (18:40):
All that he did?

Speaker 4 (18:41):
Yeah he did. Yeah.

Speaker 21 (18:43):
I mean it's that fair that you're saying this stuff
and I can't even reply back because you guys mute
me out. I mean, I'm starting to think I'm Donald
Trump and you're muting me out.

Speaker 4 (18:53):
You can have a retort now if you'd like to,
You Alan, what do you want to say? Another big word?
That was good?

Speaker 21 (18:58):
Thank you well for Joe, I say, don't quit your
day job.

Speaker 4 (19:03):
For starters.

Speaker 21 (19:04):
Okay, I heard, I heard the part about no man,
no man has ever gone before something kind of crap
like that. But any any anyhow, and then and then
Joe or Joe and then Eric has taking shot at
me without me being able to reply back. I don't
think it's fair.

Speaker 4 (19:20):
I was just that was not fair, you know what, Eric,
that was messed up.

Speaker 5 (19:26):
I was trying to give the guy some love because
he had multiple surgeries, and I feel bad for you.

Speaker 4 (19:30):
Eric's in charge of the muting.

Speaker 21 (19:32):
So I hate to say this. I'm pretty messed up
this morning, but but it is what it is. And
and uh and unfortunately I can't even get out and
fish right now. I can't even hold a fishing ride
right now, to be honest with you, but which is
kind of bothered me a little bit too. And then
then I wake up, but I can't even walk. My
one knee is killing me.

Speaker 6 (19:51):
But anyway, anyway, this is.

Speaker 21 (19:53):
My favorite time of the year. We're coming into for fishing.
Just on the right subject here, enough of the crap that,
thank you. This is the best time of the year.
I love the most. And this is when the top
water bite really gets going. Not just for snakeheads, peacocks
tend to like to go after it better. Of course.
I like mirror props. I like head and torpedoes. They're

they're both very good baits for this time of the year.
And you can go find a lot of lot more
fish that are going to be active as the waters
start to cool down, because they are a little bit
not a lot, but they are a little bit more
because we've had so much rain. But but if the
bike just gets going a lot better, and of course
the bas will start biting a lot better too now,
so it's it's it's all a big win situation out

there for us. See I'm being serious now, enough of
the enough of the horses around.

Speaker 10 (20:39):
You, guys.

Speaker 4 (20:39):
I love it. That was very serious. Fish show that
fish and show outstanding. So what bodies of water would
be producing the best fish? Everglades? Local canals see ten
Canal ever Glades.

Speaker 21 (20:52):
There are some, there are some fish. There are some
fish being caught in the Everglades. But but it's it's
not the war or is he to come down out
there for it to get really good. And I think
with all the rain we've had here the last month
or so, I don't think that's going to happen for
a while.

Speaker 10 (21:07):
But anyway, the.

Speaker 21 (21:08):
City canals are still good, and I understand that the
southern canals and Day County are doing very well right
now for peacocks, especially using some of the live bait
that Joe is falling in love with.

Speaker 4 (21:21):
Over there you job job, you know.

Speaker 21 (21:24):
Yes, I did not touch on the candy. I mean
the live bait so.

Speaker 4 (21:30):
Lately lovely we got no not playing that thing because
he's doing a lot of other things.

Speaker 21 (21:34):
But he playing with his phone or is that Joe
playing with his phone? Joe, get off the phone.

Speaker 4 (21:40):
Wait. I got a quick question. How about the locks
are they?

Speaker 2 (21:43):
That's got to be really good around the locks, right
with all the rain, well enough.

Speaker 21 (21:46):
For snooke, for snooke and stuff. If you go you
get to write one. Certain canals are very good that way.
Not all the canals are the snook or not in
every canal freshwater now, but the day County canals if
you can find some running water that's coming in off
there you're off the dams, and that you're gonna you're
gonna get some snook especially, so it's the same thing.
Top order is a good thing there too. Of course

jerk baits will work as well, and and then Eric's
parret bait the jigs they work too. Ye, So this
is a good time you were coming into. I look
forward to it always.

Speaker 5 (22:17):
I take what bait's working for me. What low were
actually off on my balcony and Mighty Lakes catch.

Speaker 4 (22:22):
No. I'm usually spend spending jerk baits and they've been great.
Al they really have.

Speaker 21 (22:30):
Yeah, it's that. That's that's a good go to. I
always try the top order. And I have two people
in the boat that like want to be throwing the
torpedo or a mirror prop something that's making some noise
in the top and the other the other client, I
like throwing subsurface and that could be a suspending jerk
bait of some sort. Doesn't have to be an exact one.
There's a lot of good ones out there. X wraps

are good for that, but but some are the my
bag of Mino b's, which you can't get anymore. But
I just so happen to have a few, so luckily
I'm still good that way.

Speaker 5 (23:00):
Very good, you know, even though he couldn't fish, that
was a great report he gave us.

Speaker 4 (23:04):
Who what we're writing it? I'm writing it down right now.
That was really good.

Speaker 5 (23:08):
See Ala was making a comment that you're always on
your phone, But the reason Joe's on his phone is
he's sharing information Allen while you and I are just
having a hooting over and having a having a ball
of Alpha.

Speaker 4 (23:19):
Yeah, he's on sharing it. I'm like those judge secretary.

Speaker 21 (23:24):
You know, I think he might have a secret girlfriend.
He's so he's on that. Every time I look at
the streaming thing on on Facebook, it's you. I think
he's got a girlfriend.

Speaker 5 (23:33):
Let me tell you something. You're married to Maria number one.
She's a beautiful lady. Every two she's German. At number three,
she would put Joe to headlock and knock his ass out.

Speaker 21 (23:41):
Headlock because for her, I like her already. Does she
keep him in line?

Speaker 4 (23:46):
Oh yeah, she rules the house. She rules the house bad.

Speaker 5 (23:49):
Hey listen, dude, have a great week, get better, get
healed up, get back. Okay, we're trying serious. We're pulling
for you, man, Get healed and over this wrap.

Speaker 21 (23:57):
Yeah, buddy, this time a life kind of sucks a
little bit. So I got to get through that.

Speaker 10 (24:02):
But but I will, I will.

Speaker 5 (24:04):
All things shall pass, my brother. I can tell you
for effective. It's so many surgeries. I just probably have
a knife buried at me somewhere.

Speaker 21 (24:11):
I'm paying for thirty five years plus of taking people
fishing all over the place. So it's just part is
part of the deal.

Speaker 4 (24:18):
Of course, all those strange jungle chicks you see over
in Columbia.

Speaker 21 (24:22):
Well that's only of late. I'm still looking for the
new mississ Ea. I mean, but you know my requirements, rich, beautiful, accommodating.
All that's good. If he's out there, give me a call.

Speaker 4 (24:31):
Look at the Amazon under mannequins. They have those anyway, have.

Speaker 21 (24:36):
Your blow up dolls there, Eric, your blow up dolls?
I don't want them.

Speaker 4 (24:40):
Okay, you borrowing? All right, Ben, have a great weekend now, okay,
see you.

Speaker 21 (24:44):
Buddy, out of what you're youth, have a good way.

Speaker 4 (24:47):
We'll take a little.

Speaker 5 (24:47):
Break, talk to Yeah, thank you though, we'll talk to
Boucher Smith coming up next, we'll talk to all of
our great friends of the program, Jim Matthew, the dive
mant bugs. Right, yeah, I'm so excited. But you know
soon October fifteenth, Man Stone Crab Seasons back again.

Speaker 4 (25:03):
Guess where I'm going to get mine?

Speaker 5 (25:04):
Man where Bob roths New River grows and see Lisa
Roth ho Lisa a batch of fresh stone crabs.

Speaker 4 (25:13):
Why don't we have her on the show and she
like will bring some and.

Speaker 5 (25:16):
Let's do that like opening weekend season. You want to
do that she'll bring like fifteen gallons of stone crab
five pies. Hey, Lisa, if you're watching the show, your
booked the weekend of the fifteenth Okay of October. Thank you, Okay,
thanks so much for see you then welcome back and
more right here and zip it now Fox Sports night
for bye.

Speaker 22 (25:37):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
can reach new waters and ride endless waves. So drop
the hammer or the anchor and let adventure be your guide.
Mercury engines are made for exploring. Were you go boldly.

Speaker 23 (26:07):
Remember the cory days of gasoline. It's just not made
the same anymore.

Speaker 24 (26:14):
Shokey your gas into gear.

Speaker 25 (26:16):
With star Trot. Pump up the poporbits in all of
your engines.

Speaker 26 (26:22):
Sure the problems of ethanol with the power of enzymes,
and maximize your fileage every time you drive.

Speaker 24 (26:31):
Kick start your engines with star Tron.

Speaker 27 (26:36):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayak fishing with little
standing between you and fighting a monster fish. And when
it comes to kayak fishing, nothing beats a hobby. With
its hands free Mirage drive propulsion system, Nautical Ventures is
your exclusive hoby dealer for Broward and Palm Beach They
have the widest selection of models and excessories to make
your hobby uniquely yours. They're rigged by our in house

experts who fish the tournaments. They know what it takes him.
Coda Nautical Ventures dot Com to learn more nautical ventures,
but go to people for Holbie. At Johnny Jig's Tackle Company,
our passion for fishing drives everything we do. We provide
all anglers with the highest quality, most meticulously craft a
tackle that will enhance your fishing experience. At Johnny Jiggs,
we believe every cast should be an opportunity, every tug

a thrill, and every moment by the water and adventure.
Our n wavering commitment to innovation and excellence creates tackle
exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers. We're more than
a tackle company. We're your partners and exploration, your source
of inspiration, and your companion on every fishing trip. Johnny
Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 18 (27:37):
Miami, Are you ready? Florida Gunexpo brings you the Miami
Gun Show at the National Guard Armory, seven hundred Northwest
twenty eighth Street. Every One's invited, featuring exhibitors from guns, knives,
tactical gear and more. Need a concealed weapon permit classes
available at the show. Sign up now for only forty
nine dollars. Don't miss the Miami gunn and Knife Show
today and tomorrow. For more information, called three zero five

two two thirty six seventy seven or go to Florida
Gunexpo dot com.

Speaker 28 (28:04):
Did you know you can get your prescriptions for less
at your local pharmacy. You can with good Rx. It's
the free app that can save you money on your medications.
Just search for your prescription, choose the pharmacy and the
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Good Rex works at over seventy thousand pharmacies, including Walmart,
Rite Aid, and Walgreens. And it works whether you have

insurance or not. It's easy to save next time you
drop off your prescription. Check good Rx to start saving today.
Go to GoodRx dot com. Good Rex is not insurance.

Speaker 3 (28:35):
Broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine point forty Anna
jarn Levine Accident's Attorney Studios. Call one eight hundred seven
four seven freak.

Speaker 8 (28:44):
That's one eight.

Speaker 28 (28:45):
Hundred seven four seven three seven three three.

Speaker 29 (28:50):
My cup friend, ah a, wake up, I'll woke up
the spun wave.

Speaker 4 (29:02):
Wake up, wake up, wake up up, wake up so diffusic.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
You're waking up to the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show
with expert Throller Eric Brandon, crowd By Water.

Speaker 3 (29:16):
Plus Extreme Engler, Joe Hector c Hold Lamb.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
It's the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 6 (29:26):
Go Boldly, that's right, Joe, Go boldly, baby, or don't.

Speaker 4 (29:33):
Go it all?

Speaker 23 (29:33):

Speaker 5 (29:34):
Oh yeah, big walking begin The Mercury Marine being back
in the program is a coveted sponsor with sim Red
and Johnny Jigs and all of our great great folks,
star Bright, all of our great sponsors. Thank you so much.
What are you doing? You're like on a rock mode. Man,
you shaved off all that stuff off your face and
you're like a different kind of a mood today.

Speaker 4 (29:55):
He's kind of a happier guy. It's like when you
took a schmeg, when you.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
Give like a dog a haircut, like really short, and
they get all frisky and they went around.

Speaker 4 (30:04):
Kind of frisky today.

Speaker 2 (30:05):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, I could feel my neck
it's weird because I don't have hair.

Speaker 4 (30:09):
Back there anymore. It feels if you're like a dog.
You don't. Don't.

Speaker 5 (30:12):
Don't go on to heat and try to grab a
leg here because they happened. Okay, that's my leg. Okay,
thank you very much. We're going to Georgia and I
talk to our good friend Captain. Captain Boucher is the
legend smith man. Huh oh yeah, see what he's up
through these days.

Speaker 4 (30:25):
Captain Boucher, Good morning, my brother, Hey cap, good morning guys.

Speaker 30 (30:30):
And uh if you have enough rain down there yet?
Every time I talk to somebody who's raining down there?

Speaker 4 (30:35):
Ah, dude, we had like a typhoon the other day.
Did you see that? Did you hit it? Yeah? It
was bad. Man rains every day. Yeah.

Speaker 30 (30:43):
You know. The saddest part about it is whenever I
come down there fishing, I have a couple of buddies,
one of them all the way back to high school
and the other one for over two decades, and that
they have a beautiful uh twenty eight center console and
they just put a high class troll the motor on

with the spot lock and everything, and brand new twin engines.
They were just put on about six months ago and
their boat sank in the rain storm.

Speaker 4 (31:16):
Oh didn't kick in.

Speaker 30 (31:19):
They figured that the float switch got stuck or something,
but yeah, it went down. They came back. They got
there in the morning. It was laying on its side underwater.
It was heartbreaking, but they did the right thing and
they as soon as they got out of the water.
The mechanic was right there and he treated the engines.

They call it pickling the engine, but you would take
the spark plugs out and you and you spin the crank,
you know, you spin it over so it pumps the
water out of the cylinders and then you fill us
in the cylinders with oil. And the story goes on
and on. But still a terrible way to find out
when you're going fishing in the morning your boat's sitting

on the bottom. But the big news this week, let's
change in some good news. Baby has been catching both
Spanish and zero mackerel every time he goes out, and
they're pretty dog on good size. And when you see
Spanish mackerel this time of year, it's an indication it's
an excellent time to fish. On the local fishing piers,

they're one of the first places that they do very
good on the Spanish mackerel. And you can throw small
narrow tapered jigs with nylon hair so they move through
the water real quick. They have these things called the
seahawks and fish hawks and everything, but they look like

an old fashioned clothes pin with a couple of trouble
looks on them, and they come on a wide variety
of colors, and they're real good for the mackerel because
they cut through the water real quick, and they dart
left and right as you as you retrieve them. And then,
of course the best way to get the Spanish mackerel
from the piers is with live bait. But you don't

want the biggest bait in the tank. You want something
fairly small for two reasons. They're a relatively small fish,
usually average pound of three pounds, and if you put
on a big bait, they just splash it up, but
they can't eat it. So you want to relatively small bait.
And if you're going out on your boat to catch
Spanish mackerel, again small piltures you're hard to beat. Of course,

you had small sardines, that's the very best bait for him.
But live BET's a really good way to go. You
can troll with small lures like the number two Clark
spoons real popular on a small planer. You can even
troll things like a Usuri crystal minnow or any kind

of real small lips diving plug. You troll them and
anywhere from the beaches this time of year on out
to about fifty sixty feet of water and you got
a good chance for these Spanish mackerel. The Cero mackerel,
the same lures pretty much work as well, but the
difference is that Spanish mackerel is predominantly a grasp bottom feeder,

not on the bottom, but they feed over grass bottom
a lot or a small broken bottom. And if you
get into want to get into the zero mackerel, which
do get bigger, but average pretty much the same size
again one to three pounds. The best bait for the
Ceo mackerel is live valley with a hook in the
nose and a hook back towards the tail. And for

the Cero mackerel, you want the live reefs. Down below
Fowey Light is one of the best places to fish
for them, and that's predominantly in thirty to sixty feet
of water, so it's mackerel time. Watch out for the teeth.
Anybody'll tell you you'll catch more mackerel using a floor carbon

leader and losing a few hooks to cut offs, and
far more than you'll catch with a wire leader because
they're very, very suspicious of the wire leader unless you're
a little bit dirty your water right, and just go
with the flora carbon leader. And when you're using things

like it useric crystal minnow, they usually strike the back
half so the lure itself protection from getting cut off.
But it's the beginning of mackerel time. Eating real fresh.
They're very good. They're spectacular smoked, and they're good fun
on light tackle. And my favorite way to catch mackerel

is casting flies in a chum line behind the boat
and they eat up those flies, and boy on a
sevenway fly rod, they just scream, drag and zip all
around the love fun.

Speaker 2 (35:56):
Hey, captain, I got a question about braid because I
had a buddy mentioned it to me, And is there
like a huge preference with color of braid or is
that like a big thing or is it just kind of.

Speaker 30 (36:12):
Eh, No, it's a it can be an issue. A
lot of braid is what they called camo, and it'll
be blue for a while, white for a while, black
for a while to help you figure out how deep
you're dropping your bait down, and then the bath fishermen

tend to use a lot of more of a camo
and the idea of being like the weeds, and then
it's real dark green and stuff like that. One of
the tricks one of my buddies uses is the whatever
the braid is, it's using much center than mono or
floor carbon. And when he takes whatever color.

Speaker 31 (36:55):
Braid it is, he takes the last three feet and
rubs a black magic marker up and down the line,
so the last three feet is always black and it.

Speaker 30 (37:06):
Works extremely well formed. It's an interesting thing, but you
think black would be hard to see, but blue fin
tuna fish and five hundred pound fish are very lion shy,
but black works the best for them. And then if
you're fishing down in a water column, then red becomes

real popular because red is the first color disappear in
the water, so it's in its own effect down once
you get down ten feet or so, it's camouflage in itself.

Speaker 4 (37:36):
So excellent question.

Speaker 8 (37:37):
Color always matters.

Speaker 30 (37:40):
As Joe knows, there's several different colors are lures for while.

Speaker 21 (37:45):
There's pink, and then there's pink and.

Speaker 30 (37:48):
White, and then there's bright pink, and then there's brink, pink,
flash of boo, which is that like tinfoil stuff and
any color of pink. WI worked real good for a while,
and I uh I even told Johnny Jig that he's
posted a bright pink lure about a month ago that

was a long, skinny thing, and I said that should
be called the Wahoo Killer, the pink baby pink way
to go.

Speaker 5 (38:19):
We got a cap back to the mackerel thing. I've
just don have one chance to say this. He was
catching Spanish back Zerio Max. Yeah, my life was gonna
be holy mackerel.

Speaker 4 (38:28):

Speaker 30 (38:29):
Amen, you can always say that you got holy mackerel
and wahhock both burned dragon like crazy.

Speaker 5 (38:38):
Wow camp bounce of the legend. We appreciate you, but
every great weekend.

Speaker 4 (38:41):
Okay, thanks you get out.

Speaker 30 (38:44):
Those mackerels are a lot of fun.

Speaker 4 (38:45):
All right, thank you very much. I didn't see we
go Joey Jim the man. I'm coming, Jim.

Speaker 2 (38:53):
I'm swimming over blew up.

Speaker 4 (38:56):
Uh oh, I'm in a current.

Speaker 5 (38:59):
I would feel really scared if I wrote, Joe, you
were diving, because your hair looks so much like a
like coral algae and like sea fans, someone might mistake
your head for being like a like a target.

Speaker 4 (39:11):
Well, it would be like a city underwater.

Speaker 5 (39:13):
You go to water and like a fish would be
immediately hiding behind your head just to get out of
the way of Jim's only you would shoot, oh, gladly, Joe.

Speaker 4 (39:24):
Just hold still, Joe, I bubbed Joe. Drift still.

Speaker 5 (39:30):
Everybody, let's talk to Jim TV.

Speaker 4 (39:34):
Matthew my fan.

Speaker 32 (39:35):
Man, what's going on, dude, It's going, That's what it is.
It's going. It's been a beautiful week out there. It
really has a very very calm seas flat flat, flat ocean,
which is really nice, nice. Probably the only downside is
all this rain. You know, where that fresh water ends
up is out in the ocean, So the first ten

to twenty feet ten feet or so you get kind
of that murky, greeny yukie water. But under that, under underneath,
it's been great.

Speaker 9 (40:07):

Speaker 32 (40:07):
You go under there. We were out last Saturday and
got our limited bugs, which, of course, you know, Eric,
you know eventually we're going to get your back. Okay,
I just got to figure out how we connect with you.

Speaker 5 (40:21):
But yes, I don't have many years left. Okay underve
before nine feet under. Okay, let's make it happen soon.

Speaker 32 (40:33):
But you know, the good part is I'm going out
again today. So that's that's another beauty. It's been really
really nice conditions. Water temperature is still nice, mid eighties
virtually like no current. The currents are shifting like your
set up. Well, we have a north current. Oh no,
halfway through the dive is a south current and then
so it's just kind of screwy that way. From a

dive standpoint, that's not a not a great thing. But
that's okay, we live with it.

Speaker 33 (41:01):

Speaker 32 (41:01):
Plenty of reef. The reef has been looking pretty good.
But I did have a really good encounter yesterday I had.
I had breakfast with my good buddy Julie Higgs. She's
a world class fear fisherman, fishing woman. UH holds seven
world records and the world records, by the way, it's

only there's no tank involved. It's you're holding your breath,
you're going down and you're spearing fish. So her her
mission yesterday after I had breakfast with her. She goes,
I'm going to to uh, there's a bridge that a
buddy of hers.

Speaker 34 (41:38):
Spotted some drums, drum fish and big ones. And she
had just got a brand new pole spear from Cola.
All right, CoA, who's up there in Palm City now by.

Speaker 5 (41:52):
The way, charge dropping names on the bill?

Speaker 32 (41:56):
Okay, I spear? I use did I mention that? Okay?

Speaker 4 (42:02):
Yeah? That? And you're freaking catch a bag? What do
you call that? Damn thing? Got something else? You's sticking there?

Speaker 32 (42:09):
Lobster lea catch bag?

Speaker 6 (42:11):
Come on, don't forget.

Speaker 32 (42:14):
It, and don't forget about the chief snare by lobster league.

Speaker 4 (42:17):
Come on, you must be a graduate of the Joe
Hector Shill school. Man he got his diploma. I bet
he's at the top of the class man he was,
he was.

Speaker 32 (42:29):
It's good, it's all good stuff, man. So she goes,
she goes down, she goes, she goes in. She has
a video post already on this drum where she takes
a pole spear and and and spears it right with
a pole spear. Not not in the brain hole, but
she she gets some good polars are tough, man. It's

very primitive one band you hold it, you know, you
kind of use that for for your power, and then
you you put the tip in there, but the it's
actually a detachable tip, so then you got to pull
that fish on up to the surface. Well, the bad
news is it was not a world record, because that's

what she was looking for. She was looking to put
a world record drum on her new CoA polst bear. However,
it was a nice fish, man, It was a nice fish.
And uh, I'm not a bit I never even knew
there were such things as a drum fish because we
just don't see it in the reefs. But I guess
in the brackish water, you guys should probably know a

lot about that kind of stuff. That's they're sort of
a member of the red red fish, red snapper family
something like that.

Speaker 4 (43:39):
Okay, Jim, what was the name of that spear again?

Speaker 2 (43:44):
Ah? A, you we can hashtag that right, Okay, thank you.

Speaker 5 (43:51):
Hey, Jim, I think I'm always thinking about you about
putting spirits through fish's brain holes, which is not.

Speaker 4 (43:56):
A big fani. Yeah, but I'm thinking to make it
more fair.

Speaker 5 (43:59):
How about this, How about everybody starts going back to
Hawaiian slings. Okay, then I might say it's a little
more of a fair game. Okayve spear gun on the
planet spear thing.

Speaker 4 (44:11):
Have you ever used one? Of course? Yeah I do.

Speaker 32 (44:14):
That was my very first fish I ever ever shot
in the Bahamas where using a Hawaiian sling, which is
funny because they don't really have them in Hawaii. Okay,
very primitive. They used to use like, uh, bamboo and
and that's how they would you know, rubber bands and
stuff like that. They're really nice or versatile, especially if

you've got a young kid or whatever. And now the
only bad thing is well, well you know you put it,
you put a shaft in their brain hole. And if
you don't, if you don't get them big good, then
they have a tendency to swim away after a big fish.
So that's that's a closer.

Speaker 5 (44:54):
You got to be stronger to like with my my
my pretzel. My pretzel arms here really can't pull it
back that much for the power. Okay, I've got those
twizzle stick arms here going Okay.

Speaker 32 (45:04):
Are you are you making fun of my gurly bands?
Come on, I'm my co spear gun.

Speaker 5 (45:09):
Come on, Well that's five times I've setting you a bill.
I love it right now, Okay, I want you to
sell me back to the show. Okay, paid out the
Dautical Ventures for all the shills you've done.

Speaker 4 (45:18):
Okay, Jim, you graduated with like flying colors. This was perfect.
Now we got to Jim Bowser took some of your timely.

Speaker 32 (45:28):
Okay, listen, get out, get out there today, buddy. It's
really really good.

Speaker 5 (45:32):
Okay, thanks Jim, Thank you. Jim as always been the best.
Thank you, buddy. It's time to start my bucket give
away Jove with wash Wax deck cleaner, Shine Rush Remover.
It's got a shammy, it's got a bucket itself, self contained.

Speaker 4 (45:47):
It's amazing. All made Americas, the America great spots on
the program. And we have a kind of an easy question.

Speaker 5 (45:54):
I think if you ever read a book in your life, Joe,
which I fight very hard to believe, I read Star Wars. Okay,
here's the question. First of all, eight six six eight
zero one zero nine forty there, Luke, that's the number. Okay, yes,
eight six six eight zero one zero nine four zero okay, real,

all right? In a classic novel Moby Dick, right, yes,
what species of whale was the terror. Okay, was it
a wait megladon whale, B sperm whaley?

Speaker 4 (46:29):
See unicorn whale? Megladon? No, I don't know. It could
be it is a.

Speaker 2 (46:35):
Megalodon, right, I don't have to give away the answer.
I read the book like ten times. It's a megalodon.
What cartoon book where you reading?

Speaker 5 (46:43):
Okay, I don't think it's actually I think I like
B sperm whale a whole lot, the white sperm whale.

Speaker 4 (46:51):
Because of captain, they have to have all kinds of problems. Okay,
was the ol bino, but the moby Dick. I didn't
see them close. I don't know. There's a movie about it.
Watch it's black and white? Is that red eyes? Whatever? Man?

Speaker 5 (47:05):
And go back up point here the classic novel movie Dick.
What species of whale was a terror?

Speaker 4 (47:10):

Speaker 5 (47:10):
Don whales, sperm whale, unicorn whale? MULLI six, I did
have a chance to I'm.

Speaker 4 (47:16):
Surprised you didn't put that in there. That was shocking
bulls was my go to? It so confusing eight six six,
just like an entire question.

Speaker 5 (47:24):
Eighty six six eight zero one zero I forty Now
the Fox sports died forty.

Speaker 3 (47:30):
By from the Storm Tight Windows Weather Center.

Speaker 11 (47:36):
Kicking off this Saturday with scattered thunderstorms with the high
of eighty eight and Fort Lauderdale eighty eight in Terrell
and tonight a low of seventy seven, mostly sunny tomorrow
at the high of eighty eight.

Speaker 12 (47:45):
This report is sponsored by Staples Toys. Steeples Prints anything
you need for your business like banners, flyers, and signs,
and Steeples will beat Andy price Quote plus Now print
More Say More up to one hundred and fifty dollars
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Staples dot Com slash price Match for price match guarantee.

Speaker 35 (48:03):
There are ordinary mornings, and then there are mornings powered
by Mercury. There are ordinary Saturdays, and then there are
Saturdays powered by Mercury.

Speaker 8 (48:16):
Don't get stuck.

Speaker 24 (48:17):
Living in the ordinary.

Speaker 35 (48:19):
Experience your life powered by Mercury.

Speaker 7 (48:33):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them. Inner Simrad's new Halo Open Array
Radar bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power on finding
flocks of birds, leading you to fishing holes up to

eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power. For
more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at simrad
dash Yachting dot com.

Speaker 23 (49:03):
Remember the coy days of gasoline. It's just not made
the same anymore.

Speaker 25 (49:11):
Sh key or gash into gear with star Trot. Pump
up the performance in all of your engines. Sure the
problems of ethanol with the.

Speaker 26 (49:21):
Power of enzymes, and maximize your fileage every time you drive.

Speaker 24 (49:28):
Kick starting your engines with star Trot.

Speaker 36 (49:33):
Need a place to store your vote? How about a
wetslip with ocean access, one with hurricane protection and a
full service yard. Nautical Ventures Marine Center in the heart
of Fort Lauderdale has dodgege starting at just twelve dollars
per foot per month, the lowest radon Broward County. Our
full service yard performs all boat works from bottom pain
to engine repower to total refens Coming soon a new
state of the r two hundred unit dry stack Tota

Nautical Ventures dot com. Slash Marina for more information. Nautical
Ventures the go to people for fun on the water.

Speaker 27 (50:02):
At Johnny Jigs Tackle Company. Our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
most meticulously crafted tackle that will enhance your fishing experience.
At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
every tug a thrill, and every moment by the water
and adventure. Our un waivering commitment to innovation and excellence
creates tackle exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers. We're

more than a tackle company. We're your partner's and exploration,
your source of inspiration, and your companion on every fishing trip.
Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 8 (50:32):
It's time to go diesel.

Speaker 15 (50:34):
If you operate a government boat, ring Power pop Coox
Marine distributor has a more sustainable engine for you. The
three hundred horsepower Cox Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboard
offers the only diesel outboard designed specifically for marine use,
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Go Diesel, visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.

Speaker 4 (51:04):
Kyle seelock with you.

Speaker 37 (51:05):
This is your Danly Marlins report on your home for
Marlins Baseball Fox Sports nine forty Miami.

Speaker 4 (51:10):
What a ballgame in a Loan Depot Park last night?

Speaker 37 (51:13):
Marlins kicking off a three game weekend series against the
Atlanta Braves, final three home games of twenty twenty four
Loan Depot Park and the Marlins utilized a three run,
three hit bottom of the first inning and it would
propel them to a four to three win over the
Atlanta Braids at Loan Depot Park last night. Valente Bayoso
was the winning pitcher he improved at three and four

this season, and Azus Tonoko pitched a perfect top of
the ninth fitting, collecting his second stage of the year.
Both Jake Berger and Kyle Stowers had multiple hits last night,
and again it was all Miami utilizing that free run,
three hit bottom. The first middle game of the series
comes we had four to ten. This afternoon Max Freed

versus Adam Ahler. All the action can be heard beginning
at three forty on news radios wyod.

Speaker 3 (52:06):
Here, every pitch, Hit and Rot, Marlin's Baseball Place here
Miami's Fox Sports.

Speaker 1 (52:16):
You're on board The Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector to
find out what's biting and how to get on the fish.
Be a part of the crew, called in to give
your fishing tips or if you got a question. It's
eight six six eight oh one zero. Listen on the

radio or watch us on the Nautical Ventures Facebook page.
The Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marie.

Speaker 5 (52:55):
Oh oh no, it's play a pretty bad jam here
of that?

Speaker 4 (52:59):
I love it. Great job man fell back there by
the scenes.

Speaker 5 (53:02):
Yeah, so nobody wanted to start by bucket yet got
at eight six six eight oh one zero nine forty
and the classic novel Moby Dick, Moby Dick, Thank you,
thank you, little break for it there. What species of
whale caused the issues? Megan whale, sperm whale or you

to corn whale? Okay, I mean, come on, it's a
no brainer, dude.

Speaker 4 (53:29):
We all read that book back at school, didn't we?
Except you? You had I remember that your book was
always upside down. We read the words backwards that the
way are the way you are, Joe. Thank you.

Speaker 5 (53:42):
As we wait on that winter to call, let's bring
out your buddy, Sean Rolls.

Speaker 4 (53:45):
Shall we captain Shot Rolls? The man?

Speaker 10 (53:53):
What's up, guys? Good morning?

Speaker 4 (53:55):
What a shot? Ho you doing buddy fishing?

Speaker 10 (53:57):
I'm doing I'm doing great, man.

Speaker 4 (54:00):
Are you off sure?

Speaker 10 (54:02):
Yes, I am off shore. I'm doing a little local
club tournament here where it's a dead bait only, so
you know we're going for a lot with that one.
I got lines in at seven o'clock. I got about
six minutes left here. I can't wait, man, So I'm
just sitting out here waiting. Man right out front. I'm
gonna keep it old school, go pompino. I'm not gonna
run anywhere.

Speaker 4 (54:20):
So why dead bait?

Speaker 10 (54:23):
Curiously enough, it's like a local club thing and the
end of the year and just clean out the freezers
and you know you can third dead bait and water
and come up that way or but we're going to
control that's something.

Speaker 5 (54:36):
I don't have my freezer. I don't have any dead
bait my freezer, Joe. Really, I've never kept any dead
better round.

Speaker 4 (54:41):
It's weird.

Speaker 10 (54:41):
Yeah, yeah, officially I don't either because the wife would
be mad at me.

Speaker 4 (54:46):
But yeah, you know when you're married and you do that,
you will die. Yeah. Back in a day to do that.

Speaker 5 (54:52):
Back before I my second or the divorce, what there
was I had a free to do that yet, okay,
but lately I just haven't had any blocks of chove
to freeze up.

Speaker 4 (55:00):

Speaker 5 (55:01):
Right, so you may have mentioned before show, but Joe
always distracts me. He's had his raider had out and out.

Speaker 10 (55:06):
He's usually would they win one game?

Speaker 4 (55:09):
Come on, right, dude? They beat the ravens in Baltimore.
That's awesome. What's the species you guys are hooking up?
The catch? Shut?

Speaker 10 (55:17):
Today we're going after wahoo, and wahoo's only kind of day.

Speaker 4 (55:21):
For my man.

Speaker 10 (55:24):
Yeah, and then in the afternoon we're going to switch
up me for kingfish. Once you have a couple a
couple of wahoo in the boat is a plan.

Speaker 4 (55:29):
So you know, if you.

Speaker 5 (55:30):
Had hook a black inintuna or some other species, would
that be eligible to maybe winnes thing?

Speaker 33 (55:36):

Speaker 10 (55:37):
Yeah, they all count, okay, but I mean after fishing
the last couple of weeks, there's not many fish around,
but if you do catch on, it's going to be
a nice waho. So that's what we're that's what we're
going for.

Speaker 4 (55:49):
Sweet man. Did you want to ask him how deep?
How deep is he?

Speaker 15 (55:52):

Speaker 2 (55:52):
I was going to ask him any uh wahoo reports
and popped him.

Speaker 10 (55:56):
Yeah, there's no quite a few cars and it seems
like everybody talked to it's been fishing all week, has
a story of that fifty pounder they lost right behind
the boat. So it looks like there's some bigger fish
moving around.

Speaker 2 (56:07):
But okay, have they said like what they were like,
were they doing what do you call it?

Speaker 4 (56:13):
On the planer?

Speaker 10 (56:15):
Yeah, on the planer there was a Yeah, there was
a forty pounder. A part last Saturday ones out after
I talk to you guys, and a little highlight from
last Saturday fishy Paul Paul Nixon from your tournament to
the self kayak. Yeah, he came out that's covered up
in machi and got his limit of mahi sitting there.

Speaker 4 (56:33):
Wow. Yeah, that's awesome.

Speaker 10 (56:35):
I mean, that's the saying fishing slow this time of
the year, but you never know when that's gonna happen.
That's why that's why I keep coming out here abusing myself.

Speaker 4 (56:42):
Yeah, did I mention that you're a yak or a boat? Today?
There's a boat.

Speaker 10 (56:46):
I'm in a boat. I'm fishing with my good friend
from that one restoration. So we're gonna we're in a
small boat and we're gonna try to stick it to
the big guys.

Speaker 4 (56:55):
You know any any kingfish reports in Pompton.

Speaker 10 (56:59):
No, I can't tell you last time I caught a kingfish,
to be honest with.

Speaker 4 (57:03):
Oh man, that's nuts, I have heard.

Speaker 10 (57:06):
I mean the water, the water's dirty. There's so much
rain water being flushed in here. I mean, if you
were a fish, why would you come here? Give me
one reason why?

Speaker 23 (57:15):
You know?

Speaker 4 (57:16):
For tournaments? I mean, are you sad for that? Not? Really?
You only have a tournament coming up in like nine
and a half months. No, but it's just it's weird.
It's weird, you know, No, king.

Speaker 10 (57:25):
It is very weird.

Speaker 4 (57:26):
Well, it's really weird, dud. Yeah, that's so weird it is.
That's not weird, it's weird, far out, far out, bro
you know what I mean. Alright, Sean, So what's type?

Speaker 5 (57:38):
Because getting back to the dock with these massive, massive
fish to that you figure.

Speaker 10 (57:43):
Uh lines out at two o'clock. And like I said,
as a small tournaments, we're actually doing away in a
lake Boca. So that'll be interesting to be right there
waiting into a boat there. It will be fun. Yeah,
it's definitely different.

Speaker 4 (57:54):
So how many how many people fish this tournament?

Speaker 10 (57:58):
I think there's only like ten or fifteen it's in
this one. Like I said, it's a local club tournament.

Speaker 4 (58:03):
What member to do it?

Speaker 10 (58:06):
I don't know bragging rates for me? Okay, I just
hopped on a boat.

Speaker 4 (58:10):
So any other questions? Joe leader, what color? What pound?
Test leader? Is usual today? Do you want to ask
him that one? What?

Speaker 2 (58:19):
What color skirts you got on your everything?

Speaker 4 (58:23):
Okay? Pink? Okay? Red and black?

Speaker 30 (58:29):

Speaker 4 (58:30):
So he mentioned pink. Happy Ye, pink is essential. God,
I don't mind it is. It just is going down
the pink tube of this show. Man. Let me tell
you well, Sean had good luck to you man? Before
you go real quick? You have you heard the word
alfalfa before? God?

Speaker 10 (58:47):

Speaker 4 (58:48):
What do you think alfalfa is used for?

Speaker 6 (58:50):

Speaker 4 (58:50):
You happen to know.

Speaker 10 (58:53):
Feed al packers? I don't know.

Speaker 4 (58:58):
Feed al paca. I know what that? How about that man, well,
it looks like camels.

Speaker 5 (59:02):
Yeah, they give it to give it the cows to
make the milk sweeter. So folks actually put as a
garnish on their plate. Joe had never heard that word.
I brought it out this morning.

Speaker 4 (59:11):
Dude, I have never heard.

Speaker 2 (59:12):
I mean, I've heard alfalfa like as a name in
the fifties or something, but I never knew it was.

Speaker 10 (59:16):
Like, you're thinking of Elf the character.

Speaker 2 (59:19):
Oh yeah, maybe I'm thinking of Elf or that one
character a little It wasn't their character named alfalfa the ras,
Oh yeah there was. Maybe that's what I'm thinking. A
little character, guys, a little fat kid. Yeah, coming back
to you, Joey.

Speaker 4 (59:36):
Wow, there isn't an alfalfa. Yeah. It's also a leg
room as well. Yeah, like what is it like? You
look it up man Google?

Speaker 10 (59:44):
Is it like a all right, guys to watch the
clock here right?

Speaker 4 (59:52):
How cool is that?

Speaker 5 (59:52):
A captain called us out for rambling. It's great, he said,
we're just rambling and going off points. It's the best
thing brought the brought He brought us back in.

Speaker 4 (01:00:01):
I know how many casuals are rude enough to do
that to the Zuko hosts There well, well, because we're friends.
That's why Sean called us off for being ramblers. He
does that to me in the tournament too, to be
like Joe, come here. I'm like, what is it. He's like,
you just just just go with the straight weight. Dodd
literally called us off for rambling.

Speaker 5 (01:00:19):
Man, that's great, speaking of what the clock is, say
we're rambling seven o'clock right now at Fox Sports nine forty.

Speaker 4 (01:00:26):
We'll talk about it.

Speaker 38 (01:00:28):
So we're not all professional anglists, we don't all compete
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Speaker 4 (01:00:35):
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Speaker 38 (01:00:36):
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Speaker 27 (01:01:55):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayak fishing with little
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Speaker 15 (01:02:26):
Ring Power, the distributor for Cox Marine, offers the three
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Speaker 18 (01:02:56):
Miami, Are you ready? Florida Gun Expot brings you the
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Speaker 3 (01:03:53):
WYNC Emiami, WMIVFMHD two for Lauderdale and iHeartRadio Station. Listen
on the'sree iHeartRadio WAP for all your sports, music and podcasts.
Free never sounded so good. Fox Sports nine Miami.

Speaker 1 (01:04:11):
You're catching all the fish because you're tuned into the
Nautical Ventures weekly Fisherman show.

Speaker 8 (01:04:16):
Don't Catch All the Fish, Rank All the Beer.

Speaker 1 (01:04:22):
Stained powered by Mercury Marine. Go boldly with your hosts
to legendary fishermen Eric Brandon and Joe Hector. Drop the
guys a line at eight six six eight oh one
zero and now well you drink all the fish and catch.

Speaker 6 (01:04:38):
All the beer.

Speaker 3 (01:04:39):
Come on, put yourself together.

Speaker 1 (01:04:41):
It's back to Eric Brandon and Joe Hector on the
Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show.

Speaker 4 (01:04:48):
Out of a tu the Doonima Venture's Weekly Fisherman Go.

Speaker 2 (01:04:52):
Going eight two years old, top of strong.

Speaker 5 (01:04:58):
Yeah, I'm sure sure whatever shore man all shore. So
this week we saw that Aaron Rodgers survived one whole
game and played.

Speaker 4 (01:05:08):
Yeah, man, I saw it look good on the.

Speaker 5 (01:05:10):
Sideline getting his coach's face being the prima donna of
the years had the altercation.

Speaker 4 (01:05:14):
Okay, oh yeah.

Speaker 5 (01:05:16):
They stay behind the scenes online that all the players
on the team don't really like him very much because
he gets preferential treatment. Okay, but he's a quarterback with
you know, some heritage, so I guess he earned it.

Speaker 4 (01:05:27):
Right and he's winning for now.

Speaker 5 (01:05:28):
They won, so I guess we're talking about because Benny's
coming on the show.

Speaker 4 (01:05:33):
Are they won in one? Yeah, they're won in one, right,
I don't know, man, they played three games and what's
just Benny's here? He's not holding on line one man, Benny,
there you go.

Speaker 5 (01:05:42):
Benny, Benny, Jenny, Benny, Good morning, Benny's fishing charters.

Speaker 4 (01:05:49):
Good on brother, Hey doing man?

Speaker 6 (01:05:51):
Hello, Benny, Hey, good morning three and one baby, three
and one.

Speaker 32 (01:05:55):

Speaker 4 (01:05:55):
Next week we're winning one. My fids are in the
super Bowl already, mane, come.

Speaker 6 (01:06:02):
On, we will be four and one going against Buffalo,
and week what is that going to be? Week six,
we'll be four and one going against Buffalo.

Speaker 4 (01:06:10):
You know what's amazing?

Speaker 5 (01:06:11):
I want them to kick Buffalo's ass because they just
trashed just so bad.

Speaker 2 (01:06:14):
You know what's amazing what a week or two can do.
Where Benny and I were both like we're done. You know,
we're in the dumps.

Speaker 4 (01:06:20):
This sucks.

Speaker 2 (01:06:21):
And now the Dolphins loser quarterback, the Raiders and the
Jets look like playoff teams.

Speaker 4 (01:06:28):
I mean, this is great, man, Right, we're not going
there a jokingly you start rooting for the Chargers. Okay,
you just give up your Raiders entirely. Okay. Anyway, we
got a fishing show to do it here. Bet. How's
your week?

Speaker 32 (01:06:45):

Speaker 5 (01:06:45):
What's happening with Benny's fishing charters? Where you've been what
you've been catching?

Speaker 4 (01:06:48):

Speaker 6 (01:06:49):
Yeah, the week's been good. I remember last time you
guys called me. I didn't even realize it was Saturday morning.
It was like in the hotel room and Bimini's still
half asleep. But Bimany was good to us. Last week.
We did get some nice mystic grouper, some nice queen snappers,
a bunch of other good eating fish. We had some
locals and the Bahamas cook it up for us back

at home. The bite's been pretty consistent. The wahoo bite
has been pretty good, you know, from pomp and O
up through Boytant Beach to Palm Beach has been pretty consistent.
On our shelf here, you know, about one to three
hundred feet of water. Then the hot topic there for
the wahoo's up and down the coast and there's still
some nice gaffer size mahi's around. But the key offshore

right now, you gotta find a floater and there's you know,
they're few and far between, but you find a floater,
you'll find the.

Speaker 4 (01:07:37):
Fish nice and any size.

Speaker 6 (01:07:39):
To these wahoo, yeah, I mean, the wahoos on the
edge have been solid. The w who's out on floaters
offshore have been your typical offshore right you know, we
who's yeah, on the edge of the reef where you're
targeting them wahoo, they've been pretty consistent lately.

Speaker 4 (01:07:56):
Nice man.

Speaker 2 (01:07:56):
Yeah, Sean was just saying in Pompton. Uh, there was
some some really nice Pompton.

Speaker 4 (01:08:03):
Yeah, popping you call it Pompton Pomptin when since always?

Speaker 6 (01:08:08):
Come on?

Speaker 4 (01:08:09):
Come on, man, come on man, I never called popping before.
Where have you been Miami Links? Okay? Oh gosh, whatever,
Sit back on the point with Betty. He's the guest,
not you and me. Okay.

Speaker 5 (01:08:22):
I know Shot by the way, just so you know
your buddy Shot rolls. On the last segment we were doing,
Betty goes, hey, you guys are rambling, man, I gotta
go back to Fish.

Speaker 4 (01:08:34):
He was saying they were just jawed. Man, he goes,
you guys are rambling. I'm leaving. Okay, what a what
a rude on point dude, man Imber in eighteen years
of the show, nobody's ever onto your lives said, Hey, Eric,
shut up your ram I love that. That was great. Yeah,
Betty so anyway.

Speaker 2 (01:08:54):
So Benny, Uh, we were talking about how like they're
the Kingfish have been like non existent?

Speaker 4 (01:08:59):
Is are you the same thing? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (01:09:02):
I mean I wouldn't say non existent, but you can't
get any pattern going with them. You know, we've been
picking off a few here a few there on charters.
But yeah, they've been, uh, they've been tough to come
by lately, for sure.

Speaker 4 (01:09:14):
It's all the rain. Are you the water out, Betty?
Are you a landlocked today?

Speaker 6 (01:09:18):
I'm just loading up the boat about to run across
the Bimini right now. Go try to get a few
more queen snappers and Mystic groupers and all that good stuff.
It's nice and flat out there, so I got to
take advantage.

Speaker 5 (01:09:27):
Of it while we can, and so cool. Betty just
goes to Bimany like I drive a Hialia. He just
like it's a big deal and it's.

Speaker 6 (01:09:34):
Easier to drive to Beminy than for me to drive
to Hialiah.

Speaker 5 (01:09:36):
You're actually right the traffic way. But it's like he
jumps in the boat. Yeah, I'm going Bemany.

Speaker 4 (01:09:42):
He's been. He's been going to Jersey a lot too.
You have to notice that, I know you love.

Speaker 5 (01:09:46):
That part, Joe. He's got the stripers and floating bots.

Speaker 2 (01:09:52):
Get some striper, yeah, some fluke and some pollywogs and
some green cress.

Speaker 5 (01:09:57):
All right, So Betty for God was planning his day.
Was the show's all about. We got get upset with
the fishing weekend. What's your best game?

Speaker 4 (01:10:03):
Fight? Just go ahead and look for floating to breathe
usual stuff.

Speaker 6 (01:10:06):
So yeah, I mean, if you if you want to
go look for the mahi, definitely, running gun. Don't be
scared to burn some fuel. Don't just stop your boat
and troll blind you control for hours.

Speaker 4 (01:10:17):
Without a bite.

Speaker 6 (01:10:17):
You could also get a bite right away.

Speaker 4 (01:10:19):
You never know.

Speaker 6 (01:10:20):
But to be more consistent, running Gun, run that boat around,
look for some floaters, look for some birds, dive and
look for the weed lines, whatever it is. And you know,
if you find something, there'll be some fish out there.
And they all been some nice gaf for size lately
as well.

Speaker 5 (01:10:33):
Nice great advice, man, last one at least the fish.
With Benny's Fishing Charters online and full number, please.

Speaker 6 (01:10:39):
Yeah, give us a shot anytime phone number nine to
five four seven zero six six five six y five
or look us up online at Benny's Fishing Charters dot
com or on social media at Benny's Fishing Charters.

Speaker 5 (01:10:52):
You're the man, Benny. Thanks so much, man, thanks brother.
Good luck with your jets, I mean, thank you, guys,
every good any of his jets. There you go.

Speaker 4 (01:11:02):
They might dude, they that division's wide open. It really is.
Yeah right, yeah, we had a chance.

Speaker 5 (01:11:07):
Well, you know, tour is out. Now we have our
great friend Skuyler Thompson is the backup. Yeah, that's a
good one. You got to go to Seattle, the hardest
place to be. We're in trouble. We'll take a little
break while I cry here take back with the North,
beck Off and more. Fox Sports Night forty.

Speaker 3 (01:11:28):
From the Storm Tight Windows Weather Center.

Speaker 11 (01:11:30):
Kicking off this Saturday with scattered thunderstorms with the high
of eighty eight and Fort Lauderdale eighty eight in drall
and tonight a low of seventy seven, mostly sunny tomorrow
with the high of eighty eight.

Speaker 41 (01:11:40):
This report is sponsored by Taco Bell. Taco Bell is
introducing the new Cantina Chicken Menu with new Cantina Chicken Burrito,
caesadilla bowl, and tacos featuring their new slow roasted chicken.
Try the new Cantina Chicken Menu today at participating US
Taco Bell locations while supplies last, contacts so for participation,
which varies.

Speaker 8 (01:11:57):
It's time to go Diesel.

Speaker 16 (01:11:59):
If you're a charter fish captain and reliability.

Speaker 8 (01:12:01):
Is key to your success.

Speaker 15 (01:12:02):
See how coxmriines three hundred horsepower diesel outboard can benefit you.

Speaker 8 (01:12:06):
Ring Power, a.

Speaker 15 (01:12:06):
Distributor of Coxmarine, offers the CXO three hundred diesel outboard engine,
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service intervals, saving on both maintenance and downtime. The Coxmarine
diesel outboard has lower emissions, thirty percent less fuel burn,
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Diesel on Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.

Speaker 7 (01:12:27):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them inner. Simrad's new Halo open er
ray radar bringing you more power, more safety, and best
of all, more fish. Halo three thousand features an all
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For more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at
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Speaker 4 (01:12:58):
The days.

Speaker 23 (01:13:00):
It's just not made the same anymore.

Speaker 25 (01:13:05):
Sheekey your gas into gear with star Trot, pump up
the pformits in all of your engines, pure the problems
of ethanol with the power of enzymes and maximize your
pileage every time you drive.

Speaker 24 (01:13:22):
Kick start your engines with star Tron.

Speaker 27 (01:13:27):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
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comes to kayak fishing, nothing beats a hobby with its
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exclusive Hoby dealer for Broward and Palm Beach. They have
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Coda Nautical Ventures dot com to learn more. Nautical Ventures
the go to people for Hoby. At Johnny Chicks Tackle Company,
our passion for fishing drives everything do. We provide all
anglers with the highest quality, most meticulously craft a tackle
that will enhance your fishing experience. At Johnny Jigs, we
believe every cast should be an opportunity, every tug of thrill,

and every moment by the water and adventure. Our n
wavering commitment to innovation and excellence creates tackle exceeding all
expectations of our fellow anglers. We're more than a tackle company.
We're your partner's and exploration, your source of inspiration, and
your companion on every fishing trip. Johnny Jake's Tackle Company
elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 38 (01:14:27):
So we're not all professional anglers, we don't all compete
on the biggest stage. But inside it's all burns the
same fire to be a champion. It's why you get
out early, bring the toughest conditions, point the bow toward adventure,
and put the hammer down for whatever trophy or fish
or memory you're chasing. Klan and brick Rey Pro excess

out board engineered to deliver the speed and reliability you
need to power the champion inside you.

Speaker 40 (01:14:55):
This is the story of the one as a facility
technician installing a new Wealth th station, he knows getting
the ventilation right is critical for safety. That's why when
questions arise, there's Grainger. Grainger offers detailed technical product information
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means he and his people can breathe a little easier.
Call Clickgranger dot com. We're just out buying Granger for
the ones who get it done.

Speaker 18 (01:15:26):
Miami, Are you ready? Florida Gun Expo brings you the
Miami Gun Show at the National Guard Armory, seven hundred
Northwest twenty eighth Street every once in five it featuring
exhibitors from guns, knives, tactical gear and more. Need a
Concealed weapon permit classes available at the show. Sign up
now for only forty nine dollars. Don't miss the Miami
gunnan Knife Show today and tomorrow. For more information, called

three h five nine two two thirty six seventy seven,
or go to Florida gunexbo dot com.

Speaker 3 (01:15:54):
Sit right the home of Florida Gators football, Fox Sports
nine Miami.

Speaker 4 (01:16:01):
We got Wake Up.

Speaker 29 (01:16:02):
Brandon, want to wake up?

Speaker 8 (01:16:06):
I woke up the sun.

Speaker 4 (01:16:07):
And wake up up?

Speaker 8 (01:16:13):
Wait up, wake up? Wake up Jesus South Diffusic.

Speaker 1 (01:16:19):
You're waking up to the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show
with expert troller Eric Brandon plus extreme angler Joe Hector,
powered by Mercury Marine. Go boldly to talk to fellow
fish and fans. Call eight sixty six eight oh one
zero nine forty It's the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show.
Catch the show live on the Nautical Ventures Facebook page.

Speaker 3 (01:16:41):
Now up and now.

Speaker 14 (01:16:48):
Yeah yeah, oh yeah, here we go.

Speaker 4 (01:16:53):
Now here we go. Now, my name's Joe and I
do a show. There's everythre and.

Speaker 8 (01:16:59):
The every.

Speaker 5 (01:17:02):
Eventually, I never gave out gifts on the show yet
this morning you were in your raider hat. So I
didn't have a couple of things in honor of your
raiders because I think they play like a bunch of
powder puffs.

Speaker 4 (01:17:14):
Thank you. So here you go. These are these little
softy marshmallows for you.

Speaker 5 (01:17:17):
Okay, that's representing their offensive line. Appreci As the season
goes on, you know, the raiders will always do this
for you. They will crackle and crumple. Okay, wow, here's
the pork cracklings. They'll be like this. They'll just crumble
and crack and just fall apart. Man, there you go
have those joy all right. I appreciate that I got
my good friend. Noah, it's a really cool treats here man,

we got chocolate chip and sprinkled cookies.

Speaker 4 (01:17:41):
How about that pork crackling pork cracklings. There you go
have those with alfalfa. You have a great meal right
out of pork. Fat boy, that sounds amazing.

Speaker 5 (01:17:50):
Let's go back on point, man talking our great friend
at Broward County and the finest kind of want to
the only Captain Norm, But man, back off, Captain Norm,
I want to see you buddy.

Speaker 4 (01:17:59):
Hey, hey guys, good morning, Good morning Norm. How are
you man?

Speaker 42 (01:18:06):
I am just finding dandy?

Speaker 4 (01:18:08):
Uh okay, the lines on that one.

Speaker 5 (01:18:13):
But anyway, we chatted, of course, as we do every Friday.
How's Broward fishing been this week?

Speaker 4 (01:18:20):
It's been okay.

Speaker 42 (01:18:22):
We had some decent mahi fishing earlier on in the week.
It seemed to have dropped off through the week. However,
not a lot of boats getting out through the week though.
Uh so, you know, it's kind of hard to really
gauge it now. Coming inshore. The fishing off the reef
was not too bad. We had some wahooes showing up

with that moon, and the snapper bite, especially at night,
was really good. But you know, you can if you
have current and you got your spots, you can. It's
pretty reliable fishing Yellow hotels, vermillions, a few mountains here
and there, so uh it's actually pretty good. Also, some

really nice serial mackerels are showing up on a little
bit further inshore. And the trick to those is if
you if you know how to catch live ballyhoo, that
picket for some really big serial mackerels, just to make
sure you have a trace of wire. And uh, some

summer sales are starting to show up. You know, they're
they're they're Like I said, that's September is sort of
a quiet month. But I should be able to catch
some sale fish here this this month. And I heard
from an ith theologist. You guys know what an I
theologist is.

Speaker 4 (01:19:49):
It's a bold guy.

Speaker 42 (01:19:52):
No, and it's I.

Speaker 4 (01:19:54):
The theologists is somebody who studies fish and I and
and uh he's got he's got a.

Speaker 42 (01:20:01):
Theory on why are Mahimayi fishing is a little bit
better later on in the in the year, and how
that's been trending. And he said that it has to
has everything to do with water temperatures. And as water
temperatures continue to rise, the fish don't those particular fish

don't like water temperatures above eighty eight degrees and our
water temperatures are very hot right now. But as you
get into the fall late September, you know, October, even
into early November. Uh, those fish start to show up,
so he thinks that they're still there, but they stay

deeper in the in the cooler climates down you know,
down in the thermal climes.

Speaker 4 (01:20:52):
There you go, Joe, that's very interesting. Who si favious
the answer man? How about that? Huh yeah, I like
that that.

Speaker 2 (01:21:01):
Maybe that's the reason why the mahi bite isn't so great.

Speaker 4 (01:21:05):
Do you recall what already said? People who study fish,
what they are called?

Speaker 2 (01:21:10):
What the what the scientist is talk about the scientists?
What is he called? What he just named it? I
know what is it?

Speaker 4 (01:21:18):
If theologist say it? Yeah, totally what theologist ethologist? He
goes along with l Falfa to see though. Yeah, oh
my god.

Speaker 5 (01:21:30):
Anyway, north so bottom bitees good overall. That's the main thing, man.
You want to catch the fish the mahan around. People
ignore the bottom to meat normal lot. They just want
to go off for the top water pelagics or whatever else.
But damn, there's yellow tail down there. There's muttons down
there biting. There's a couple of groupers hanging around, you
know whatever, a couple of ajs.

Speaker 4 (01:21:49):
Why not right, you know, why not?

Speaker 42 (01:21:51):
You're You're absolutely right. In fact, this is the time
of the year that you can just go out, get on,
get on the anchor, and put the chum out and
have wide baits.

Speaker 4 (01:22:03):
Up on top. Uh.

Speaker 42 (01:22:05):
You know, you catch king fish, maybe a straight black
man tuna. Uh, and just whack the snappers if you
if you're on a good you know, on a good
spot and you've got current, I mean, you can really
put together a really nice day.

Speaker 4 (01:22:19):
I like that phrase, whack the snappers. Let me too,
kind of a kind of a ring doing. Man.

Speaker 2 (01:22:24):
I gotta say where norm is, Like in that location there,
the bottom fishing is always really good.

Speaker 4 (01:22:29):
I've done really good bottom fishing over there, yeah, ten
years ago exactly. No, I mean it's it's great.

Speaker 5 (01:22:35):
I mean, all right, normal wants someboddy, have a great weekend.
Thanks for bringing the strong on the finest kind as always.

Speaker 2 (01:22:41):
Wait, we got to ask Nor, ask him what.

Speaker 4 (01:22:44):
What's going on with Seattle and what We're not.

Speaker 5 (01:22:47):
Gonna talk football? Okay, damn to watch here, all right,
but thank you.

Speaker 4 (01:22:56):
All right, it's it's done, he said, the whole season.
It's done.

Speaker 30 (01:23:00):
We're gonna lose.

Speaker 42 (01:23:01):
We're gonna We're gonna win like two or three games
and that's it.

Speaker 2 (01:23:03):
I have a I have an extra raider if you
want to jump in.

Speaker 4 (01:23:10):
All right, come on over. Norm we're being accused of rambling.
Knock it off.

Speaker 5 (01:23:14):
Okay, good friend, Captain Johnny still Bill brings a stronger
every weekend. This guy just man tarping fishing. Then he's
a tarpor fishing guy. Peacock bass, he makes up somebody
who waves to catch Fish's pretty a genius. Nobody, Johnny,
are good friend? Good morning to your brother. How you been.

Speaker 43 (01:23:32):
Oh, good morning, guys. I'm doing good down in the
Keys right now. The second weekend in a row. We're
down here for the Maverick Runners event.

Speaker 4 (01:23:42):
And caught a.

Speaker 21 (01:23:43):
Bunch of fish yesterday.

Speaker 9 (01:23:45):

Speaker 43 (01:23:45):
Obviously I'm away from the exotics this weekend, but uh,
down in the Everglades National Park area, we caught a
bunch of redfish, snook, saw some tarpin. Didn't get any
of those to eat, but we did catch a couple
last weekend, right after I spoke to you guys. Actually,
and you know, I'll be back be back fishing this

week back on Lake Ida. And I've just been talking
to everybody because you know, I always want to have
plenty of information.

Speaker 10 (01:24:16):
For the show.

Speaker 43 (01:24:17):
Sure, and the fish is ben is outstanding. I think
that this is, uh, we're getting into some of the
best you know, the best fishing of the whole year
actually is is coming up. You know, October is always
a really good month to uh to get on some
exotics and you know, and uh, you know, the mullet

run hasn't been really great, so I'm also hoping in
October the mullet run pushes a little bit further south
and we see more more inland mullet and uh, you know,
just a little lead the more snook and tarpain, and.

Speaker 4 (01:24:50):
You know, it's just it's a bit.

Speaker 43 (01:24:52):
It's one of the as everybody knows, one of the
biggest bait flushes of the of the entire year, the
most popular one probably.

Speaker 4 (01:24:59):

Speaker 2 (01:25:00):
And I will say though the mullet went one, the
mullet one, the mullet run, I can never say that
has been sort of.

Speaker 4 (01:25:08):
Sort of week lately though, right the past couple of years.

Speaker 21 (01:25:11):
Yeah, last year.

Speaker 43 (01:25:12):
Was okay, but no, it's really not what it used
to be. I mean, I remember there just being so
much mullet you could walk on them. And we did
see a fair amount in the in the Everglades National
Park yesterday, big big silver mullet. But really, you know,
not like not like those little fingers that you're used
to seeing this time of the year.

Speaker 5 (01:25:32):
Right right, So okay, are you a proud guy cast
netting for those things? And you see a big school
Johnny pretty a dip with a cast net?

Speaker 43 (01:25:39):
Yeah, no, I throw a cast net every day for
for Lake Ea anyway. So to throw a cast net
for those guys is you know, they're they're a little spooky,
you know, but it's pretty much piece of cake. Honestly.
You just got to have the right net.

Speaker 5 (01:25:56):
I've been trying to learn how to throw a cash
net for fifteen years.

Speaker 4 (01:25:59):
Really I have not figured it out. Man.

Speaker 5 (01:26:01):
I just can't get it right. Man, I can't get
a good spread. I can't get it out of the circle.
It's it comes up to someone like an L shape or.

Speaker 4 (01:26:08):
Some its what he's doing.

Speaker 43 (01:26:10):
What you have to start out with a really good
quality net if you want it to open, you know,
consistently every time. That's that's kind of the number one
thing you want a really soft net. And then two
is you just gotta have technique. I mean, you guys
both know me, and I'm not a very big guy.
You know, I'm not a super strong build or anything.

And I can open up a twelve footer a few
times before I get tired, and I can open up
a ten footer about probably twenty five times before I
start to get tired.

Speaker 4 (01:26:41):
So you want to see him, it's like huge.

Speaker 5 (01:26:44):
I'm at eight footer, man, I want. I want with
the dinkiest net I can throw. Okay, I don't care
six foot spread. I don't give a damn. Just make
me a circle, That's all I'm saying. I see these
gimmicks Johnny online, like on Amazon whatever else they've got,
these notes cannot fail cast net with some kind of
a built to circle around them, and it's supposedly just
just whip out this circle ring and it's supposed to

make this great, big spread, and.

Speaker 4 (01:27:07):
I know it's got to be full of BS. I
don't know, man, I don't believe it.

Speaker 32 (01:27:11):
Yeah, yeah, I don't.

Speaker 43 (01:27:15):
I don't fall into any of those gimmicks, you know.

Speaker 4 (01:27:17):
I use a Juju brand.

Speaker 43 (01:27:19):
Cast net, and they're just it's just the best, the best,
softest cast net mash that you can probably ever get
and uh and they open every time. I mean, obviously
the technique has a lot to do with it, but
you know, getting getting the right cast net is half
the battle.

Speaker 5 (01:27:37):
You know what else I've seen it works, actually works show.
I thought it was kind of a gimmick, the ballyt
hoop that actually catches bally hoop man.

Speaker 4 (01:27:45):
I think actually as a purpose it actually works. It works. Yeah,
huh Johnny ever tried to ballet it before?

Speaker 32 (01:27:51):

Speaker 43 (01:27:51):
Yeah, yeah, they work well. Actually it's uh, you know,
you got to figure out putting a little bit of
weight in it for stronger current or you know, floating
it or if there's no current. But uh, yeah, it's
it's definitely uh, I mean very productive, very productive, you know. Yeah,

and if you want to call it, yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:28:14):
Give me things that don't don't failure. It's actually not
a gimmick. It actually works.

Speaker 5 (01:28:19):
Before you go, Johnny, so you say you're the keys, Uh,
what are you guys looking for down in?

Speaker 4 (01:28:22):
Just you said, just sport fishing? What do you do?

Speaker 43 (01:28:26):
Yeah, so we'll be today, We're gonna be looking for
some bonefish permit Tarpin's, as you guys know, I I
got a new boat. I got an eighteen Mavericks, So
it's kind of made for this place. We'll be pulling
all the flats and uh, you know, and hopefully we
find some you know, we found, like I said, a
bunch of red fish yesterday, a bunch of snuck yesterday.

But we're gonna switch it up to all the silver
species today.

Speaker 5 (01:28:53):
Johnny mentioned how many different times in the show he's
what brand of boat he's driving.

Speaker 4 (01:28:57):
I love it.

Speaker 5 (01:28:58):
This is like well he went on, Johnny, but we
had Jim Matthew with the entire shill. I call this
a shill show.

Speaker 4 (01:29:04):
This is great. So I just plug whatever you got
show man. Yeah, man, let it go. Man, right, Shoe's
school of plugging. It came off of you, Joey. You
took this co host chair. A show changed man in
one big giant shill.

Speaker 2 (01:29:17):
Okay, Johnny, it's a bad ass boat.

Speaker 4 (01:29:22):
By the way, when do we get in the invite
on the new boat? Man? I mean, I'm free.

Speaker 43 (01:29:28):
I got time for the next two months.

Speaker 4 (01:29:31):
We gotta go.

Speaker 43 (01:29:32):
You want to go, you want to go, you let
me know, all right.

Speaker 5 (01:29:35):
I just make sure you pay us daily rate, half day,
full day, and we'll go on.

Speaker 4 (01:29:39):
Dude, I adopted his turtle man. Okay, does it give
you like a free ride on his boat? Of course?
Hell no?

Speaker 5 (01:29:45):
What do you mean, No, dude joking? The turtle thing
is the kindness of your heart. Okay, he's gonna make
a living. Okay, this ain't no freaking free ride with
Johnny Boy.

Speaker 2 (01:29:55):
Okay, did you know that I run a turtle rescue
facility and to keep and to keep the facility.

Speaker 4 (01:30:02):
And it's rambling again. I'm shilling. I'm shilling. You're shilling, shilling, Johnny.
We've gotta rock you. Love you, Johnny the Man. Thanks
so much, brother. Okay, all right, see you guys, see
you brother.

Speaker 5 (01:30:14):
Let me zip it man at pace of bills here
seven thirty the dot. We're late again, Fox Sports Night
forty by.

Speaker 8 (01:30:21):
It's time to go.

Speaker 15 (01:30:22):
Diesel ring Power, a distributor for Cox Marine, can simplify
your yacht fuel supply needs. The three hundred horsepower Cox
Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboard can power your yacht
tender with the only diesel outboard design for marine use,
running single or multiple outboards. See if the Cox Marine
CXO three hundred is the solution you need. Plus, the
CXO three hundred diesel outboard performs with sixty percent better

torque than similar gasoline engines, So stop hauling both diesel
fuel and standard gasoline.

Speaker 8 (01:30:47):
Make the switch to diesel.

Speaker 16 (01:30:48):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot Com to learn more.

Speaker 23 (01:30:51):
Remember the days of gasoline, It's just not made the
same anymore.

Speaker 25 (01:31:00):
Gash into gear with star trot. Pump up the performance
in all of your engines.

Speaker 26 (01:31:07):
Sure the problems of ethanol with the power of enzymes,
and maximize your fileage every time you drive.

Speaker 24 (01:31:16):
Kick starting your engines with star Tron.

Speaker 36 (01:31:21):
Need a place to store your boat, how about a
wet slip with ocean access, one with hurricane protection and
a full service yard. Nautical Ventures Marine Center in the
heart of Fort Lauderdale has dockage starting at just twelve
dollars per foot per month, the lowest right in Broward County.
Our full service yard performs all boat works from bottom
pain to engine redpower to total refits. Coming soon a
new state of the R two hundred unit dry stack

GODA Nautical Ventures dot com. Slash Marina for more information.
Nautical Ventures the go to people for fun on the water.

Speaker 13 (01:31:50):
When it comes to kayak fishing, Nautical Ventures knows what
you need to catch fish. They carry top brands from Hoby,
Ocean Wilderness, Old Town, Perception, Nicky Are Experts, and rigging
your kayak. They'll customize your kayak with fishing amenities, lights, deathfinders,
and anything else that fits your personal fishing style. Nautical
Ventures has the largest and latest selection of kayaks and

accessories in stock and you can try it before you
buy it in their exclusive aquazone. Go to nautical ventures
dot com for more details. Nautical Ventures the go to
people for kayak fishing.

Speaker 22 (01:32:22):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
can reach new waters and ride endless waves. So drop
the hammer or the anchor and let adventure be your guide.
Mercury engines are made for exploring, so are you go boldly?

Speaker 3 (01:32:51):
I am dedicated. I am TNT.

Speaker 44 (01:32:55):
Team and training will change your life with a marathon,
half marathon, triathlon or a cycle of it, and you'll
change the lives of blood cancer patients. Join TNT fundraise
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the country, or train on your own schedule with TNT flex.

Speaker 3 (01:33:16):
Join TNT now go to Team and Training dot org.

Speaker 18 (01:33:22):
Miami. Are you ready? Florida Gun Expo brings you the
Miami Gun Show at the National Guard Armory, seven hundred
Northwest twenty eighth Street every once in five it featuring
exhibitors from guns, knives, tactical gear and more. Need a
Concealed weapon permit classes available at the show. Sign up
now for only forty nine dollars. Don't miss the Miami
gunnan Knife Show today and tomorrow. For more information, called

three all five nine two two thirty six seventy seven,
or go to Florida gunexbo dot com.

Speaker 3 (01:33:50):
Broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine forty Anna jarn
Levine Accident Attorney Studios. Call one eight hundred seven four
seven free.

Speaker 33 (01:33:59):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven free seven three three.

Speaker 19 (01:34:05):
Hey Hey, let's get right back to the Nautical Ventures
Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 3 (01:34:16):
Go boldly.

Speaker 4 (01:34:22):
To the best weather Lady of the planet. Oh, I
love this song.

Speaker 5 (01:34:31):
I was doing an intro for the great Jennifer Ray
warning you jumped in with sorry. You should apologize to
her for cutting her off.

Speaker 4 (01:34:38):
Hold on what sorry, man, did you take your medsagine?
Jen should be happy.

Speaker 2 (01:34:45):
She's got Derek Carr over there kicking butt doing his thing.

Speaker 4 (01:34:50):
Well, let's just walk over to the show like a
nice guy.

Speaker 45 (01:34:53):
Okay, Hi, Jen, Hi, Yeah, I was gonna ask you
about Derek Carr And you feel without him being on
the Saints. No, I feel like he's found his home.
I feel like.

Speaker 5 (01:35:04):
He's Yeah, you know, Jack, he's a number one rated
quarterback in the league with the highest passer rating right now.

Speaker 4 (01:35:10):
Take it easy. It's week two, guys, the number one
rating quarterback in the league right now, just so you know, Okay.

Speaker 45 (01:35:16):
Joe, I feel like it's a Super Bowl year.

Speaker 30 (01:35:19):
I do.

Speaker 5 (01:35:20):
Oh my god, x Rader x Rader car is kicking
ass with the Saints.

Speaker 4 (01:35:24):
Okay. Anyway, yeah, I know.

Speaker 30 (01:35:29):
Morning, good morning.

Speaker 4 (01:35:31):
Oh looking at a day here. It's blue.

Speaker 5 (01:35:34):
It's a little bit not woody enough because we have
bugs just like jumping all over Joey. But can we
escape some rain this weekend or do you think not?

Speaker 45 (01:35:44):
This beget is better than most. You only have a
thirty percent chance of showers and storms today. If I sunny,
eighty eight north winds around five seas two feet in
her coastal water smooth. Tomorrow thirty percent chance of showers
and storms, sunny with the hiner eighty eight northeast, it's
around five seas around two feet intercostal water smooth. And
the Keys today thirty percent chance of showers and storms,

mostly sunny. High there ninety northeast to east, winds near
five knots sees one foot or less near shorewater smooth.
Tomorrow twenty percent chance of showers and storms, and the
Keys sunny with the high near ninety northeast to east
winds near five knots sees one foot or less near
shorewater smooth. And in Florida Bay today, northeast to east,
winds near five knots. Baywater smooth, isolated showers and storms.

Speaker 42 (01:36:30):
Same for tomorrow.

Speaker 45 (01:36:31):
So I think your heat has broken just a tiny
tiny bit and the ring caances have come down a
little tonight.

Speaker 5 (01:36:38):
Maybe I should go tomorrow, mat, How about that would
be great? Think I should go golf for a.

Speaker 4 (01:36:41):
Change, man, go to Maria's of course for media? Well
should let me play free? Yeah? Anyway? J Hey, So
I'm trying to catch that your last episode of Destination Dive.
Where's that running curly. Is it on Discovery Channel or
is it where they get that thing going on?

Speaker 28 (01:36:56):
It's over?

Speaker 45 (01:36:56):
You missed it?

Speaker 4 (01:36:57):
Oh wow, I thought they replace the show. You pretending
like you like you watched it and you know when
the no.

Speaker 2 (01:37:06):
I cannot believe you.

Speaker 4 (01:37:08):

Speaker 5 (01:37:10):
Wait the show runs at the same time where our
programs on Saturday mornings at eight o'clock.

Speaker 4 (01:37:15):
Did you just hear what she said?

Speaker 45 (01:37:17):
It's Sunday morning at eight o'clock and our last episode like.

Speaker 4 (01:37:21):
A month ago. I'm usually I'm usually con you are
knowing such a confession o'clock every Sunday morning. Wow, you
got caught.

Speaker 2 (01:37:33):
It's a long time to j just just said rank
and called you out.

Speaker 23 (01:37:38):

Speaker 45 (01:37:40):
You can probably google it and try to find it streaming.

Speaker 30 (01:37:43):
Somewhere, but.

Speaker 10 (01:37:46):
It's noo.

Speaker 4 (01:37:47):
Yeah, you google it, Joe. Sorry, sorry about about my
host Eric here Jan whatever man, I'm her biggest fan.
I know a lot longer you have, pal. Jen and
I have known each other for the last twenty years.

Speaker 5 (01:38:01):
And yeah, so hey, by the way, props to Jo
where she goes. I saw something got Facebook she posted
you took a bunch of furniture. You had the house right,
Jed and you built Coop and Kayden some kind of
a cool like lemonade cookie stand, didn't you?

Speaker 4 (01:38:14):
Oh? Cool?

Speaker 33 (01:38:15):

Speaker 45 (01:38:15):
I took a he had a lot bed that he outgrew,
so we took it apart and built the cutest lemonade stand.

Speaker 30 (01:38:21):
It's so cute, and I tell.

Speaker 45 (01:38:23):
You they stood out in our neighborhood. He made eighty
bucks in one hour.

Speaker 4 (01:38:27):
What what?

Speaker 30 (01:38:29):

Speaker 45 (01:38:30):
I feel like I need to go out there and
start selling eliminade.

Speaker 4 (01:38:33):
All right he's making.

Speaker 3 (01:38:38):
Yeah crazy.

Speaker 4 (01:38:40):
What he's a little entrepreneur.

Speaker 27 (01:38:42):

Speaker 4 (01:38:42):
You should be proud of the guy. I love. Dude.

Speaker 2 (01:38:44):
That is awesome and that just gave me an idea
for me, right because I got to take apart her
bunk there to go, buddy, Yeah, Joe built that.

Speaker 30 (01:38:52):
Eric, show him, show him the lemonade standing.

Speaker 45 (01:38:55):
I'll send you some plans on how to build it.

Speaker 4 (01:38:57):
Okay, you do that, Jan We love you so much.
Thanks again, have agree week.

Speaker 2 (01:39:02):
Thanks to the keys. We go, Joe, there we go,
bring her in iView. Would your suave away there?

Speaker 4 (01:39:10):
Pal Canton? Damn ye?

Speaker 33 (01:39:16):
How bo it has it going?

Speaker 4 (01:39:18):

Speaker 5 (01:39:18):
Hey, dev but I'm glad you shut me the phone
number the last second we would not have had a
chat this morning, but we got you on the horn
and walking back.

Speaker 4 (01:39:25):
To the show, we love you, Hey, got and dab
what's going on the Keys? Hey, talk about it? What's
gonna happen?

Speaker 33 (01:39:31):
Yeah, fishing's actually have been really good right now. There's
not a whole lot of boats here, there's not a
whole lot of people here. We've had the moon's kind
of kind of thrown a little wrench in the in
the thing. But you know that we've had we've had
king tides around here, so water's really really high. Plus
we have the full moon, so water was over the

docks this morning at the or yesterday morning at the dock.
So yeah, it was just it's just been a crazy
six days with this moon. But the fishing has actually
been really good. The people has been going out and
going back to what Norm said when he was on
and talking to the fish biologists that you know, it's
it is true about the water temperature in these in

these mahi, and and we have seen that our mahi
bite here and the keys at least really starts October
November December. For our bigger ones, we do have those
schoolies that bite, you know, may June July. But you start.
We're starting for the past three four years. See these
bigger mahi. So that's exciting coming up.

Speaker 4 (01:40:36):
It's interesting.

Speaker 5 (01:40:36):
What's the name of the fish study guys again? Eth theologists, theologists.

Speaker 4 (01:40:41):
Ethiologists, Ethiopia, Ethiopius, Ethiopius. Okay, whatever. Yeah.

Speaker 33 (01:40:47):
See, I don't even try to say it, because you know,
I screwed it. I don't even try to say fish biologists.

Speaker 4 (01:40:52):
Have you ever have you ever heard of alfalfa?

Speaker 33 (01:40:54):
Oh my gosh, of course you know what double yeah,
you know, you go the evil breast, the comrade has
one of those things and alfalfa stick up?

Speaker 4 (01:41:03):
What the heck? Am I the only one that doesn't
know what this is? Yes, you're the only person is
knowing alfalfa is a heck man? Okay? Oh yeah? Is
it a Florida plant?

Speaker 33 (01:41:16):
What googles your friend? Joke?

Speaker 4 (01:41:18):
Come on now, what it's a legume? Joe? What is
a legume? Looking up online? Okay, it's a plan.

Speaker 5 (01:41:25):
It's a speech of the plant to give to give
the cows and make them milk taste sweeter. Okay, so
people put on their plates of garnish. Okay, alfalfa, look
it up. It's also he's also a character in Little Rascals.
I think we both figured that thing out.

Speaker 4 (01:41:38):
Yeah, we figured that out. The little chunky guy back
to there, right, yeah, yeah, And we're getting out pointing
we're being accused of rambling by Sean wolves. So dev
what fish are being caught the Keys primarily this week?
Do you think? Good question?

Speaker 33 (01:41:52):
Well, we have, like Johnny Sipel said, we do have
the Maverick boat Owners group here, So if you're going inshore,
make sure you watch out because there's a slew of them.
I was gonna take my Chaos out today and she's
finally back and I'm excited about taking her bonefish very shortly,
and there's just too many guys out there sitting on
bone fish flat. So I the yellow tail bite's been

really good. A lot of yellowtail here are night fishing
over this moon was amazing here in the Keys. We've
seen a lot of Cubrera snappers caught on those lobsters
on this moon. That's the big thing in July and
August here, so that that happened. And you know, black
fin tuna bite's been really good. We're calling for a

lot of rain this week, so you know, the sun's
not high in the sky, so that means those fish
with the big eyes are gonna be eaten. That's wahoo,
that's tuna, that's anything that doesn't want to look up
at the sun. So that's what I would be chasing
if it was me.

Speaker 2 (01:42:50):
So Captain dev I got a question for you with
the Corberra Snapper.

Speaker 4 (01:42:55):
How the heck do they hook those lobster?

Speaker 33 (01:42:58):
So it's actually you wrigle almost You have two hooks,
one goes back through the tail and one up through
the and they're alive. You'll have to watch a video
on how to do it on YouTube, but it's it's
really cool. Make sure you put the chick fil a
mustard on the top of it.

Speaker 4 (01:43:14):
You maybe is that a joker? You it is? You
put chick fil a mustard on top of your love
before you.

Speaker 33 (01:43:23):
There's a YouTube video. There's a there's a YouTube video
out there and this guy and he's and that's how
he coubre a snapper fishes as he puts chick fil
a mustard on top of his lobster and throws the
man is It's hilarious.

Speaker 5 (01:43:37):
But you know that's why in eighteen years I sort
of got every show, I learned something new.

Speaker 4 (01:43:41):
Yeah, another new fact.

Speaker 5 (01:43:43):
Yeah, chick fil a sauce on a bug for you,
drop it down.

Speaker 4 (01:43:46):
To a caberra. I'll find the video sent it to you.
That is really a very cool thing. That's cool, Devil,
listen kill I hope you're doing well with your charter business.
I hope you have a great weekend.

Speaker 5 (01:43:56):
Avoid all the fifteen thousand Maverick boats out there hawking
to your flats with the bone fish now and.

Speaker 2 (01:44:01):
Uh oh, and Captain dab you know if I have
an open chair for you in the Raider bandwagon in
the bus here.

Speaker 4 (01:44:08):
So if you ever want to jump ship.

Speaker 33 (01:44:10):
I decline.

Speaker 4 (01:44:10):
I'm sorry, sorry, I don't care.

Speaker 45 (01:44:15):
How about that, listen.

Speaker 33 (01:44:16):
I used to cheer for this dressmaker that played for
the Panthers that I heard possibly had an interview with
the Dolphins, So I don't I don't really know if
I could pull for the Panthers for all them years
before I become a Dolphins fan.

Speaker 4 (01:44:30):
I'm going to stick it out with the Dolphins. There
you go, Thank you, dev have a great weekend. We
love you. Okay, thanks, we're rambling a good joe. Take
a break. We have Rap Report.

Speaker 2 (01:44:39):
Next Joe Report made you rap Report, and this is
your dream boat moment.

Speaker 4 (01:44:45):
You're getting better at that? Was that good? There's an
all in his name. Now there's rap o.

Speaker 5 (01:44:49):
No, it's rap Report, argued during the break, which is
now here seven forty four Fox Sports Night for.

Speaker 3 (01:44:57):
Bye from this storm. Tight Windows Weather Center.

Speaker 11 (01:45:02):
Kicking off this Saturday with scattered thunderstorms with the high
of eighty eight and Fort Lauderdale eighty eight in Durrell
and tonight a low of seventy seven, mostly sunny tomorrow
at the high of eighty eight.

Speaker 41 (01:45:11):
This report is sponsored by Taco Bell. Taco Bell is
introducing the new Cantina Chicken Menu with new Cantina Chicken Burrito,
Caesadilla Bowl and tacos featuring their new slow roasted chicken.
Try the new Cantina Chicken Menu today at participating US
Taco Bell locations. While supplies last, contact SERT for participation,
which varies.

Speaker 15 (01:45:29):
It's time to go diesel if you operate a government
vote ring power Popcox Marine distributor has a more sustainable
engine for you. The three hundred horsepower Cox Marine CXO
three hundred diesel outboard offers the only diesel outboard design
specifically for marine use, running operations for police, fire rescue, coastguard.

Speaker 8 (01:45:44):
DEA, or fish and wildlife.

Speaker 15 (01:45:46):
Cox Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboards operate with lower
emissions and thirty percent fuel savings, all while delivering sixty
percent better torque performance than similar gasoline outboards.

Speaker 8 (01:45:55):
Go Diesel.

Speaker 16 (01:45:56):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.

Speaker 7 (01:45:59):
Any great knows the key to catching beautiful fish lies
in finding them inner. Simrad's new Halo opener ray radar
bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power on finding
flocks of birds, leading you to fishing holes up to

eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power. For
more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at Simrad
dash Yachting dot com.

Speaker 27 (01:46:29):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
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Drive Propulsion System Nautical Ventures is your exclusive Homi dealer
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dot com to learn more. Nautical Ventures the go to
people for Hoby.

Speaker 23 (01:47:00):
The cory days of gasoline. It's just not made the
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Speaker 24 (01:47:07):
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Speaker 25 (01:47:09):
With Stardrive, pump up the performance in all of your engines,
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Speaker 24 (01:47:24):
Get start your engines with Startron.

Speaker 35 (01:47:28):
There are ordinary mornings, and then there are mornings powered
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Speaker 8 (01:47:41):
Don't get stuck.

Speaker 24 (01:47:42):
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Speaker 35 (01:47:44):
Experience your life powered by Mercury.

Speaker 17 (01:47:59):
This is the story of the one. As a warehouse manager,
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Speaker 18 (01:48:29):
Miami. Are you ready? Florida Gunexpo brings you the Miami
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Speaker 3 (01:48:57):
Fox Sports You and Miami Miami. Wake Up Brandon, I
want to wake up.

Speaker 8 (01:49:09):
I woke up the Stone and man.

Speaker 14 (01:49:15):

Speaker 10 (01:49:15):
Wake Up, Wake Up, Wake up, Wait up, wake up,
Wake up to the South music.

Speaker 1 (01:49:22):
You're waking up to The Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show
with expert troller Eric Brandon, crowd By Water Plus Extreme Engler,
Joe Hector, crowld By Lamb. It's the Nautical Ventures Weekly
Fisherman Show. Powered by Mercury Marine, Go boldly, Lovely, Joe.

Speaker 4 (01:49:46):
Last week of the show, one of my face man
going on like eight and a half months. Now, I'm
time with a dreamboat moment at Andrew Wrappaport.

Speaker 46 (01:49:56):
I'm Andrew Rappaport, and this is your dreamboat moment.

Speaker 5 (01:50:00):
I'll say, this guy is just doing a great job. Andrew,
good wing to you, my friend.

Speaker 4 (01:50:05):
Hey brother, morning Joe. How right you guys doing well?
My friends?

Speaker 5 (01:50:10):
So every weekend you bring it strong and we're looking
at something. This weekend you've highlighted force. Talk about it please, that's.

Speaker 10 (01:50:17):
Right, Eric.

Speaker 46 (01:50:18):
This week I have a incredibly affordable and incredibly efficient,
fully efficient boat.

Speaker 42 (01:50:24):
We're doing the tide Water one ninety eight.

Speaker 10 (01:50:27):
Cc Center Council fishing boat. This boat nineteen speed.

Speaker 46 (01:50:31):
Overall, it's powered by your Yamaha one and fifty horse power. However,
I've been thinking, and you know, Mercury just came out
with a one hundred and fifty racing engine.

Speaker 42 (01:50:44):
Will be perfect for this boat.

Speaker 30 (01:50:46):
Eric, So I thought you.

Speaker 4 (01:50:47):
Might like that as a sponsor.

Speaker 5 (01:50:49):
I like it a whole lot that you mentioned that.
By the way, Andrew, they're offering Mercury power. So thank
you so much for that.

Speaker 4 (01:50:54):
Heck, yeah, now I'll get us a nineteen foot boat.
But I'm looking at the video. Looks like you a
lot of room in a nineteen foot vessel. Me, I
don't know.

Speaker 46 (01:51:01):
Yeah, absolutely a lot of space so you can fish,
tons of storage, fish boxes, live wells.

Speaker 4 (01:51:08):
I mean, this boat's got it all.

Speaker 6 (01:51:10):
And again, it's extremely affordable.

Speaker 42 (01:51:13):
You know.

Speaker 4 (01:51:13):
I know you've been featuring some great boats that are
half a million dollars maybe up because we want to
see the entire variety of Donicle Metriers covers, the Act
of Pars and some of the other great boats he's covered,
but he's brought it down a notch or two to
the tide water, which I like more of an affordable
boat for folks.

Speaker 5 (01:51:29):
And again, nineteen feet is the smallest we've ever had
featured on the program.

Speaker 4 (01:51:33):
I love it.

Speaker 5 (01:51:34):
You know, with your budget, Joe, you might be able
to get to do and I guarantee Andrew would give
you a hell of a deal on that nineteen foot
or you.

Speaker 42 (01:51:42):
Yeah, that's right, Eric, I absolutely will.

Speaker 4 (01:51:47):

Speaker 5 (01:51:47):
This boat's got what plenty of rod holders, you could
put what tint put single twins, garments or simmerarins on
the dash. Could you blink it out with some radar
and all that additional stuff or.

Speaker 46 (01:51:57):
White absolutely, whatever you guys want, we can add to it.
Obviously you have tons of options from factory, but we
we do everything in house too.

Speaker 5 (01:52:07):
Sandy Shall again to contact you for a test run
or just show the boat overall.

Speaker 4 (01:52:12):
And meet with a great Andrew Rappaport. We contact you how,
my friend.

Speaker 42 (01:52:16):
Super easy, Eric, thanks for asking.

Speaker 46 (01:52:18):
You can give me a call five six one three
oh one seven two seven two or shoot me an
email at Andrew at Nautical ventures dot com.

Speaker 4 (01:52:26):
Andrew loved the boat man. I'm watching a bit here.
It's a it's a bad, badass looking little nineteen foot
machine man. All right, does that have a live well
built in? I can't sell it? Does it's under one?
I think the side people want to hear that. That's
a good. Yes, he's got a liveble. He's as much
as fishing boat. Gay. I'm just say, hey, you know
how many fishing boats don't have that. Won't show you

a boat without a damn live well, I'm just saying
it's good to ask. Oh, dear God, Andrew want a
guest host one weekend man and help me out. I man,
the immaculate live Well yeah, Kayaks, there'd better be alive.

Speaker 42 (01:53:04):
Well on his nineteen foot vote.

Speaker 4 (01:53:06):
Yeah man, heck yeah, Andrew, thanks again, brother, You're the man, dude, Andrew,
thanks so much. Thanks guys, take care all right, So
last two minute chat. Okay, we'll do a little little
football talk real quick. Okay, your Raiders are playing home.
So we have the Panthers for our home opener. Okay,
who is your loser quarterback? I mean, who's your I'm sorry,
who's your quarterback? What's the one that we're trading to

you guys? One that's coming to mind bea Dolphin Jeff
Aidan O'Connell.

Speaker 2 (01:53:32):
He was our fourth round draft pick. Okay, uh, he
was in the same draft as what's his name from
the Texans.

Speaker 4 (01:53:39):
I don't know. How about I'll follow football?

Speaker 23 (01:53:41):
You do?

Speaker 4 (01:53:42):
Oh okay? So they lose and now now you don't
follow football? Whatever? Okay, So what do you guys? Are
you guys? One in one?

Speaker 2 (01:53:48):
We're one and one. Had a big win at Baltimore. Now,
if they lose this game, I guarantee I'm done. The
Raider hats done.

Speaker 4 (01:53:55):
I'm done. You're done talking about it. We have no
business losing our home opener to Carol. They if they lose,
you're definitely gonna call him trash again, right, Yes, Oh
I just knew it. Man. What I mean it's because
you can't You can't stand one freaking loss. You jump
off the train. Man, do you talk? And oh wait,
what's going on with your dolphins? Have you lost faith?

They're playing? Is it over to us?

Speaker 38 (01:54:17):

Speaker 5 (01:54:17):
And we have no chance for a season. We gotta
leave here, okay? Oh su thank you knowing very much.
Speaking of thanks, Noah, thank you very much for jumping in.
Always a pleasure working with you, know, is the man
Jeff and Die forty. Thanks for all you do, brother
the Man. Later on today, Joe my Man Hector, good show.
The super Shiller is always you taught Matthew had a shill.
You taught Bill had a shill. We have the Joe

Hector Sheville School.

Speaker 2 (01:54:42):
Just log on now I have a class okay during
the week, all right, if you d n me, I'll
give you the location.

Speaker 4 (01:54:48):
I will teach you how to shill. Thank you. We
gotta go again here. Man's sports talk all day coming up.
Have a wonderful weekend and keep it right here all
the time. Fox Sports Night Live, Sure if you Care,
Sheriff Care, Sure if you Care?

Speaker 39 (01:55:02):
Is your boat properly insurance? When's the last time your
agent called to discuss your policy. We're People's Insurance Underwriters
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We understand how the right insurance agent can make the
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We can make a difference in your boat insurance. To

learn more, go to the Happy Voting dot Com. People's
Insurance Underwriters Insurance for Voters by voters.

Speaker 14 (01:55:32):
Hear that that's the sound of confidence. The sound of
confidence brought to you by a Nationwide battery. For over
thirty years, voters and fishermen have counted on Nationwide to
fire up their engines to keep their electronics going week
after week, year after year. They have the largest selection

of batteries at the best prices, with dock side installation available.
If you count on your boat, then count on Nationwide Battery.
Visit them at Nationwide dash Battery dot Com Nationwide Batteries.

Speaker 22 (01:56:06):
The sound of confidence.

Speaker 27 (01:56:08):
At Johnny Jig's Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
most meticulously craft a tackle that will enhance your fishing experience.
At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
every tug of thrill and every moment by the water
and adventure. Our wavering commitment to innovation and excellence creates
tackle exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers. We're more

than a tackle company. We're your partners and exploration, your
source of inspiration, and your companion on every fishing trip.
Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 38 (01:56:39):
So we're not all professional anglersts, we don't all compete
on the biggest stage. But inside, it's all burns the
same fire to be a champion. It's why you get
out early, bring the toughest conditions, point the bow toward adventure,
and put the hammer down for whatever trophy or fish
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board engineered to deliver the speed and reliability you need
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