All Episodes

September 28, 2024 • 122 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury Marine, go boldly.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
In the money. Oh yeah, come on, it's called Dragon
the Tommy James and come on, dude.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
About the be.

Speaker 2 (00:33):

Speaker 4 (00:35):
His name is really.

Speaker 5 (00:41):

Speaker 2 (00:41):
I asked him to play that song and I regret it.
But anyway, welcome to our Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show.
You're number eighteen smoking along here and just a great
new setup. You see Mercury everywhere. There are a title
sponsor on the program. Look at this step today in
the rain, Hey out here, spirit per spirit Uh. Penny

had a major melt down yesterday. We're trying to put
this set together. She pooped. No, she's like tearing the
boxes and coming after me like she wanted to tear
my leg off. I don't care. It's to my She
got frisky. She was a little pissed off, but she'll
be coming out later.

Speaker 6 (01:16):
This kind of moody. Actually you knowed that sort.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
Like you man? Yeah? Anyway, yeah, like me, you like me.
It's all about you. Joe back in n forty, Jeff
flying the ship. Thank you very much, and of course
the craziest men on the planet besides us, Steven j. Greg.
I want to see good morning.

Speaker 7 (01:35):
How you reeling, gentlemen, go dolphin.

Speaker 2 (01:37):
How's the set look on camera? Looking pretty?

Speaker 8 (01:40):
You guys look fabulous, man, I mean it looks really
really good, outstanding.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
How did the co hosts look? We're looking pretty good
at what how do I look?

Speaker 8 (01:49):
You know what, Eric, you're representing properly. Let me let
me come help Joe out. Okay, hold on, I say.

Speaker 2 (01:57):
Do that you please? What's he doing? Uh? He may
be bringing some kind of bling. I got something for
you too. Here by the way, you got blain, I
got a little blink for you. Man, I got to
take some blin. I got mercury buff for you, buddy.
Thanks budd Yeah, man, I take care of my peeps. Man,
there you go, all right, there you go? Yeah, saws.
We're getting the show it away. We were a fishing
show this thanks God. Thanks to by the way, a

huge thanks to Grant Lester, a great friend. Right now,
Grant's awesome came out of the office and brought me
my little my FJ cruisers a little with more mercury bling.
Than we put on the show set. It's a lot
of stuff.

Speaker 6 (02:30):
When is he uh, when's he gonna be on the show?

Speaker 2 (02:32):
A week before the fort let International Boat Show.

Speaker 7 (02:35):
Okayat show, nice.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
Saws, get right to the fishing chat. Talked to Jim
Bone last week or I talked to him last night. Right,
he's going to be a wall for a couple of years,
a wall. Why Uh, he's traveling to far destinations to
hunt down major predatory fish. Okay, decided that that was
more important than the radio show. Well, we have a problem.

We do talk to him, but yeah we need avatark.
You guys are gonna introduce Himyah, bring up on, Joey
is he here now? He's standing by? He deserves this
one today. Okay, Well, this is a seme song. No
I would have. He hates it, so I would to
bring it back and show without his nose.

Speaker 9 (03:15):
Do it?

Speaker 2 (03:15):
Come on, Joe, let's do it. Come on, Joe. That's
come on, Joe.

Speaker 6 (03:20):
Yeah, that's here we go, we go now.

Speaker 7 (03:25):
Jimbo, he isn't on the boat day. He's Jim his
name is Jimbow.

Speaker 2 (03:33):
He's gonna be a skip bowl not on the show
because he's got to go catch some big old fish.

Speaker 7 (03:44):
Hey guys, that was a train rack.

Speaker 2 (03:46):
That was a trade.

Speaker 7 (03:48):
Oh I never touched it.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Man knocked it off Anywow, dude. Jimpbo Thomas Thomas Flyer,
good wanting to you. They're a couple of many.

Speaker 10 (03:58):
Jimbo, good morning, Good morning. Hey you know, Bud, I'm
doing great. You know, we're not in a hurricane today
at least, and it looks like it might be a
halfway decent day.

Speaker 11 (04:13):
So yeah, all's good.

Speaker 2 (04:16):

Speaker 10 (04:16):
Ye know, nobody's been out. Nobody's been out the last
few days, so we're starting from scratch today, so see
what happens. Hopefully this this weather that we had earlier
in the week pushed a few fish in, and we're
heading out this morning and it looks like it should
be halfway calm. I guess I haven't really paid that
much attention to it. But we're gonna go out and

see where you find some dolphins for starters, and maybe,
like I said, maybe this wind that pushed some stuff in.
If not, we're going to go in circles until we
find something.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
Surprised you to make a comment about the COPA intro.
Normally you say that's the worst thing I.

Speaker 10 (04:54):
Did get that I was. I was in the black there.

Speaker 7 (05:00):
You know the stone system you're.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
Supposed to be. I thought he kind of just wore
it like armor. Now we're gonna figure on me. They
now hear themselves on hold before we bring them on
the air, because that's a new thing. I just missed
the whole gigantic spiel weeded there.

Speaker 10 (05:15):
Man, Well you know I'm way better off that I
missed that stuff.

Speaker 2 (05:21):
All right, ren So listen, you left town last week,
and where'd you go and what'd you catch?

Speaker 10 (05:27):
Last week? I was in Cape Cod and a tropical
storm followed me to Cape Cod and we were supposed
to go tuna fishing, but we had four thirty to
forty nine winds and in sideways rain all three days
I was there. Wow, So so we did not go fishing,

but we had a great time. We ate a lot
of oysters and clams, and had had one beer the
whole week, so we had had a regardless what beer
thirsty in those type of weather conditions.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
Do you ever believe Jimba will have just one buttweiser?
Just kim All, man, Kim All, He's got a keg
man stand right, Okay, well we reaches over think draws
on it, you know, yeah, exactly whatever. I'm proud of them,
all right, So rained out and cape cod and you're
leaving next week and ago where this time.

Speaker 10 (06:31):
So next week and we are going to be in Venice, Louisiana,
and we're gonna try and catch a tuna or whatever
bit's actually wahu or sword fish or snapper or kobea
I don't know, but we're fishing a couple of days
down in Louisiana and whatever's dumb enough to bite, just

like here. You know, we can't be too picky. We
got a boat chartered, so I'm not in controls whatever
our cap and wants to do. You know, here I
make the call. When I go on somebody else's both.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
They make the call, Kobe. It sounds good, Yeah, sounds
really good, right.

Speaker 10 (07:08):
It all sounds good. It just I fished there a
few times. And depends what oil rakes you fish around.
If you fish the near shore ones, that's where you
catch your snappers. Your kobe is fish the deep ones,
that's where you find your tunas. And they catch quite
a few blue marlin out there. So it's great fishing,
but it's a long ways out from the dock. We're

fishing at the close spots probably forty miles okay, and
then the far spots one hundred miles. So it's your
way out there. Oh yeah, man, Well, those you know,
you go where they live, you catch them.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
So for those guys who are cool with to stay
in town and not leave us stranded here and they
might go on fish, I wonder what their best technique
might be today. You want to throw a couple of
tips out of like, well.

Speaker 10 (08:00):
In we're fishing today, and yeah, we're not going to
run a million miles.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
That's what's the nice thing about.

Speaker 10 (08:06):
Fishing out here. Uh, there could be some dolphin out there,
but there also could not be some dolphin. If you
could find something floating out there, you're going.

Speaker 11 (08:16):
To have a pretty pizza catch.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
Really keep saying dolphin.

Speaker 7 (08:22):
He keeps saying, all.

Speaker 10 (08:26):
Right, well, I'm gonna start calling him mahi's.

Speaker 2 (08:30):
So we don't have anything the goat out there and
find something floating, a good chance you might catch a mahi.

Speaker 10 (08:40):
Also, there could be some bird activity, but that's to
be determined until we get out there. And also anything
floating to some of the are typically is holding wahoo underneath,
although they're typically on the small side, and there also
could be some kingfish action on along the edge of
the Gulf stream. But again, until we get out there,

see what the water looks like and decide which way
we want to go. And there's a number of us
heading out today, so we'll all work together, hopefully, and
sooner or later we'll figure it out. But it's nothing
that we don't do after a storm like this is
start from scratch.

Speaker 12 (09:20):
Jimbo, have you heard like any of the damage or
anything that happened over there yet or is it still
kind of early for that, like.

Speaker 10 (09:28):
Over in the Gulf side. Yeah, from what I heard,
is mostly just water damage, not so much wind damage.
But no, I've just you know, seen what everybody else
has seen on the news.

Speaker 8 (09:41):
So okay, I saw one area looked like a little
fishing town and area, and there were a lot of
damaged boats and docks and property.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Justine, Florida.

Speaker 10 (09:55):
Yeah, you know, every every time you get a storm,
it seems like boats end up all over the place.
And that's because people don't bother to tie their boats up. Uh,
you know, anybody that takes care of their stuff, most
likely their boats are okay, unless the whole doc tour loose,
which I guess is a possibility. There. There's a bunch

of boats even here in Miami that got washed washed
up on shore and on beaches and stuff because we
didn't have much weather. Some wind, but it was enough
to if your boat went tied up, right, it's the
good chances it was going to blow under the dock
or away from the dock or boat. So that's the
same thing. You look at some of these pictures over

after that hurricane, and the boats are one hundred feet
in when laying up in the palm trees and stuff.
They didn't have them.

Speaker 2 (10:47):
Tied up at all. Well, you know, it's like Steven J.
Gray always pipes up with says a checker bilch pomp,
and a lot of guys should choose not to joke,
you know, payments.

Speaker 7 (10:58):
And chicken billge pumps your anchor.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
Over there with payments and that the boat fill up
with the water.

Speaker 10 (11:04):
Okay, Yeah, it's easy out.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
If you don't like your boat, I don't like you, man,
just turn that float switch off on your bil. The
insurance rates are so crazy every day with boat sails anyway, Well,
Jeb will mission next weekend, man, we have to find
some those big shoes to fill. We'll have somebody jumping
for you. But have a great day on the fire
back after the water and catch them up and catch
use mo. Hey, okay, dude.

Speaker 10 (11:28):
Ye Joe, whoever you get, make sure you hit him with.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
The copa please, no more than you your name, that's
your that's your theme. Sucking man.

Speaker 6 (11:42):
Yeah, how did we even get there?

Speaker 2 (11:44):
I one day? Yeah, just to pulling out of his
bag of tricks. Man, I wonder how that even happened.
I know, man, let's check the great see what is
all about? You know what I mean? Jim? But thank
you man. We have to rock the clock every great weekend, buddy,
thanks so much.

Speaker 9 (12:00):
Man a gods, good luck everybody see you.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
But yeah, yeah, okay, I'll tak at break it back.
But shure we have Alic's rumber coming up. We have
Belch of Smiths six thirty Jim Matthew the dive man
coming up here. Start by bucket this hour, which I
do have her by the way off the set right
next to me.

Speaker 6 (12:19):
Okay, somebody cooking something?

Speaker 2 (12:21):
Do you smell that? I don't know, man, it smells.

Speaker 6 (12:23):
Like someone's making like pancakes.

Speaker 7 (12:25):
That might be Penny.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
I was doing a promo. Man, you just cut me
off my food. I smell pancakes. Sorry, you don't have.
I found out side effects of doing so many steroids.
Oh my god, the fact that actually changes your taste,
budget and your sense of smell. Joe. It's besides, are

you going to take that when you choose up as
many years as you have changed all your dynamics? Okay, pees, sir, sir,
this is sir.

Speaker 7 (12:56):
You're making fun of the best best ever.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
Okay, he's down night.

Speaker 12 (13:01):
Just so you guys know, if you call Eric sir,
he loses his mind.

Speaker 2 (13:05):
He hates it, Sir, Sir, Eric Brandon, Sir, what's you
both sure yourself? I gotta take a little break here
and go beat fight a batad sir. This okay, we'll
come up with more here. Hang on, everybody, good one
to you. Fox Sports Night forty Live. We'll talk about it.

Speaker 4 (13:24):
Fox Sports nine.

Speaker 13 (13:26):
Weather mix of Sunding Clowns for our Saturday what's the
possible scatter showers and it's gonna get hot high. You
have ninety three for today in Fort Lauderdale and ninety
three as well in wind Wood with a little bit
of humidity as well. Tonight Love eighty mostly Sunday for
Tomorrow with Jeffe Clouds and Hi you have ninety two.

Speaker 14 (13:41):
This report is sponsored by all State. Some people just
know you could save money on car insurance by checking
all State first. Those people are probably saving a car
load of cash right now. So what are you waiting for?
Check all State first for a quote today? You're in
good hands with all State.

Speaker 15 (14:00):
Day on the water is a blank canvas. You can
reach new waters and ride endless waves. So drop the
hammer or the anchor and let adventure be your guide.
Mercury engines are made for exploring, so are you go boldly?

Speaker 16 (14:28):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them inner. Simrad's new Halo Open Array radar,
bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power on finding
flocks of birds, leading you to fishing holes up to

eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power. For
more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at Simrad
dash Yachting dot com.

Speaker 17 (14:57):
When it comes to kayakfishing, Nautical Ventures knows what you
need to catch fish. They carry top brands from Hobi, Ocean, Wilderness,
Old Town, Perception, Niki, and are experts and rigging your kayak.
They'll customize your kayak with fishing amenities, lights, deathfinders, and
anything else that fits your personal fishing style. Nautical Ventures
has the largest and latest selection of kayaks and accessories

in stock, and you can try it before you buy
it in their exclusive aqua zone. Go to Nautical Ventures
dot com for more details. Nautical Ventures the go to
people for kayakfishing.

Speaker 18 (15:29):
Hear that that's the sound of confidence. The Sound of
Confidence brought to you by Nationwide Battery. For over thirty years,
voters and fishermen have counted on Nationwide to fire up
their engines to keep their electronics going week after week,
year after year. They have the largest selection of batteries

at the best prices.

Speaker 7 (15:51):
With dockside installation available.

Speaker 18 (15:54):
If you count on your boat, then count on Nationwide Battery.
Visit them at Nationwide Battery dot com. Nationwide Batteries The
Sound of Confidence.

Speaker 19 (16:06):
This is the story of the one as a facility
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there's Grainger. Granger offers detailed technical product information online at
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dot com or just up buying Granger for the ones
who get it done.

Speaker 8 (16:36):
NAPA, did you know that one in four vehicles on
the road will need a new battery this year?

Speaker 7 (16:41):
Don't wait till it's too late to do something about.

Speaker 20 (16:43):
Test your battery regularly, and if you need a replacement,
NAPA has you covered with a full range of long lasting,
high performance batteries for every making model.

Speaker 3 (16:51):
On the road.

Speaker 4 (16:52):
So don't wait until your car won't start or you're
stranded on the side of the road.

Speaker 7 (16:56):
Test your battery today or find the.

Speaker 21 (16:57):
Replacement you need at NAPA locations and why because it's
our mission to keep you moving.

Speaker 4 (17:06):
The Miami Dolphins play here. Going Man Fox Sports.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures weekly Fisherman show powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 4 (17:21):
Go boldly.

Speaker 7 (17:22):
Here's there with Grandon and Joe Hector.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
If you're watching those feet at Nautical Vesures, we are
going boldly today where no man's going before Joe. Yeah,
we got Mercury all over the set. Okay, keep that
Mercury word in your brain because with the trivia coming
up at six forty five, that might be one of
the questions I may be asked you today.

Speaker 7 (17:42):
By the way, not only do we have Mercury, said
we got.

Speaker 8 (17:44):
I got two boats at Mercury outboards on them in
the backyard right where you're at, right now.

Speaker 2 (17:48):
So yes, you got those from Nautical Ventures, I might
add there.

Speaker 8 (17:52):
Yeah, though the one I did, Yes, the newer one
which I love, I did, Yes, Yes, yes, very cool.

Speaker 12 (17:58):
I mean we got to talk about Grant. I mean
he's the man great you know what I mean. Soon Yeah, Yeah,
he's married and really good guy. He got married getting
married Okay, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (18:07):
Anyway, this poor guy here has had more operations than me,
which is hard to believe.

Speaker 6 (18:10):
I don't actually I don't believe that six.

Speaker 2 (18:12):
Million dollar man. I don't know. Man Alan, the poor
guy with the bad knees, bad shoulder, bad wrist. Uh
Zaremba who just tries his ass off despite his ailments.
You know what I mean? Well, when you get you
had a good gold say what uh uh? Was that
older or old? Hmm? Hey Alan? Good bring to you buddy,

my older friend. Hey, Alan, I can't believe how you doing? Eric,
I'm doing great, Alan? How you doing? But we talked
last night my friend, my dear old friend, my dear
old friend.

Speaker 22 (18:44):
Yeah, I'm doing good. I don't know, you know, I
guess you're by yourself today?

Speaker 7 (18:49):
Are you he heard me?

Speaker 2 (18:51):
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 6 (18:52):
I thought this thing they can't.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
Hear before the uh Joe's Joe's he's he staring at
himself and his phone, his Joe Hector. Are you on
those Allan? Are you on those contents?

Speaker 10 (19:07):

Speaker 22 (19:08):
Come on, bro, I'm on a little medication.

Speaker 10 (19:10):
Yes, yes, that's kind of what days to get by.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
Okay, what it is?

Speaker 7 (19:16):
Hey, Alan? You know we have in the morning right.

Speaker 2 (19:23):
Like that?

Speaker 22 (19:25):
That was that Eric in the morning.

Speaker 6 (19:28):
Boy, you're asked today? Man, I didn't say that. Okay,
it was Eric, Eric said.

Speaker 2 (19:35):
You called him old man. I don't remember saying that.
I'll play the show back after the program and run
it back for I said it was sold. We were
talking about you know, so I thought.

Speaker 7 (19:46):
You said it was definitely old.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
I thought you said you found some gold. There you go.
I did say that anyway, Alan, listen, man, you can't
fish too much these days because you got operations gold on.
But you've heard of my guys after the glades. Your
friends are catching bass, right, they're get your.

Speaker 22 (20:00):
The water levels are still really high, and of course
the range we've had are going to keep it that
way for a while though. They're and they're moving a
ton of water still.

Speaker 23 (20:08):
I know that.

Speaker 22 (20:09):
But that's typical for this time of year to some extent.
But last night we were talking about we were talking
about adjusting lures.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
Yeah, I kind of brought that up. I was told
to have last night Joe about the lures. You know,
you got rappel those, you got these top water poppers,
and they're telling them, you know, one slight variation off
of like a rappele of lure, like say the hook
barb is bed or something, right, Yeah, it changes the
whole dynamic on how that lure goes through the water, presentation,
you know, everything. And I wanted them to explain. I mean,

the lips have different depths and they break down a lord,
how to do one properly?

Speaker 22 (20:44):
Bro the number number one number one on a lot
of like the floating roppolas, even as the spending ones.
They sometimes they hit things, they get banged round. The
fish will bend things on you. Sometimes you have to
readjust them. There's also there's a lot of things that
are involved to make those lures work right. And what

you're trying to do is is to get a.

Speaker 10 (21:05):
Fist to react to it.

Speaker 24 (21:07):
And and if.

Speaker 22 (21:08):
You just reel them back to the boat, you're not
going to get that true motion. That's why I like
to do a lot of stop and go when I'm
doing the retrieval on these lures with a hard jerk. Okay, now,
I think your other guy, the guy Joe that used
to be there, he he, he probably doesn't understand this,
but but you know, probably just reels straight back to

the boat. That's not really what you want to do.
You want to want to give us a bounce to it.
And and and that's with the rod tip at number
one number two is when they don't work right, if
they start working weird and stuff like that, you got
to look at the little the cleats that are on
the end of these lures, and sometimes they get bent,
so you need to straighten them out or fix them

so that they work with a good motion. So they're
kind of bouncing back and forth. And this fires dass up,
the fires the peacocks up. It fires all these you know,
steak Candill hit them too. In fact, the first couple
of stekheads that I've caught were on repoulas underneath. It
wasn't on top.

Speaker 11 (22:08):
That's why I was.

Speaker 22 (22:09):
That goes way back. But Jill probably wouldn't know about that.
You're the other s guy.

Speaker 9 (22:14):
I don't you know.

Speaker 22 (22:16):
I don't think he's there anymore.

Speaker 20 (22:17):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (22:21):
Yeah, yeah, it worked.

Speaker 22 (22:23):
We are coming into that time of year where this
this type of technique worked very well. And then there's
the other little thing on him. I like to tie
a loop not on them, and by that it's you
basically tie a square knot. You take the line, run
it back through the nose of the bait and run
it back through that and bring it through the loop
that you created. You got a little you'll have a

loop there and you go through that and then you
do it improved clinch on the end of that, and
that will help it. It won't slide, the loop won't
slide on you, and that also helps to give it
a little bit better action. It's a little truers that.
So if you drive tie a direct not to them
to that cleat, it's not going to have the same action.
And that those are some of the little things that

we do or I do, and to help get these
fis triggered. And of course, like I said, you just
don't reel them back to the boat.

Speaker 2 (23:11):
Yeah, I'll tell I lost, Joe. I'll try to cut
you off, bro. That notts can affect the way they
think pulls if you're not too big and the as
that says, the cleat the very either the lure.

Speaker 22 (23:21):
Yeah, well number one, you're by yourself today, so I
mean it's.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
Kind of all right. So when I by myself tying
a knot, I usually do it.

Speaker 22 (23:31):
We don't want to know that part now, I don't
want to know that part.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
Alan, Please, I tie a uni knot A fisherman's not okay. Okay,
Alan's saying, do a loop knot. It pulls the lure better. Okay,
So I'm gonna switch over to the loop knot now. Okay,
do you know want to tie a loop knot? Well?
First well, first of all, I like the UNI. I
mean that's kind of my That's why I go to Y.

Speaker 22 (23:52):
Yeah, because your other ex guy doesn't know how to
do the loop knot, that's all. And it's it's really
down part not. It's very simple once you figure it out,
It's just takes a little bit.

Speaker 11 (24:04):
Then you can go online.

Speaker 22 (24:05):
You can check these these knots out to these days.
You just put in YouTube or or whatever else you
know you do on on the internet and that and
also there's something showing you how to do it.

Speaker 7 (24:17):
Maybe you can get bounced seminar.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
So wait, what makes that not?

Speaker 6 (24:22):
What makes that not have the more.

Speaker 22 (24:25):
More free play or free play with the lure? It's
not being when you tie it direct to it. It's
it's it's certain lures. Now, some ruwers have a more
natural wobble with and when you buy them out of
the box. Okay, but but like a Ripolla or like
like my badly Mino beans that I like, those baits
there do not, and so they get that action. You

want it to be as loose as possible up the
top there, and this gives you if you just leave,
you leave a small section maybe I don't know, half
an inch, at even a half answer quarter of an inch.
It gives you some more play there and that helps you.
I had a little bit better reaction from the fish,
and they get fired up. I've seen the fish a
lot of times come up behind those lowers when you're
working them right, and you'll see them literally dance around

the lore. And when it makes that little you give
that little jerk, you'll see them actually spin around from
one side to the other side of the lower and
then hit it.

Speaker 6 (25:16):
So wait, is this not good for offshore as well?

Speaker 2 (25:20):
Or is it just a fresh water thing?

Speaker 22 (25:22):
Yes, it would work. It would work offshore too. I
mean I want to tie it properly. It won't come undone.
And the reason why I like to improve clinch. It's
similar to a clinch, except you go back through it
one more time and that that. I'm sure you can
find that online as well. Everything these days you can
go online and find everything, including your women and all
that stuff.

Speaker 9 (25:40):
Right, eric.

Speaker 2 (25:42):
Ah, got you? Now? You're doing so well to you
start throwing those little singers in and then we become
enemies again. Okay, but thank you very much.

Speaker 22 (25:50):
I didn't think that was a singer. I thought that
was a compliment.

Speaker 2 (25:52):
You say, I surf the web for chicks. Okay, that's
the case. You don't. No, you're right, You're right.

Speaker 22 (25:59):
You don't go to Hooters or one of those other
places and check out the pole answers.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
Alan, maybe maybe heal Well, get back in your game, bro,
get your knees back on, and do all the things
you want to do to get back to be the will.

Speaker 22 (26:14):
But this is a good, great time the year the fish. Now,
I'm gonna guess your other guy's gonna ask that question,
and he probably lots of questions since he's no longer there.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
He's just the show love. Man. I think he's just
ragged like crazy. I'm gonna keep this show in the bank. Man,
I didn't even say I'm going to replay the show
for just keep hearing us.

Speaker 6 (26:35):
Dis I didn't say the word.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
I said it was something else. Oh man, Alan, my
friend is full of ship. So Alan, uh the s
h I feel word is banned by But anyway, we
gotta go, dude, I know we gotta go take a break,
all right, by all.

Speaker 22 (26:57):
Right, I love it anyway, have a good way, Eric,
I wish you's the best week and hopefully your backyard
little bitiy alright ca catch Homer, Wow.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
Take all the breaking back with the boucher Smith, Jim Chev,
Matthew star By Bucket, come up this hour, Sean Rolls
and a hold up mo at five five five six
twenty seven, not five twenty seven at Fox Sports. Died
for h We'll talk about it.

Speaker 25 (27:23):
They were ordinary mornings, and then there are mornings powered
by mercury. There were ordinary saturdays, and then there are
saturdays powered by mercury. Don't get stuck living in the ordinary.
Experience your life powered by mercury.

Speaker 26 (27:54):
Remember the days of gasoline. It's just not made the
same anymore.

Speaker 27 (28:02):
Seek your gas into gear with star Trot. Pump up
the performance in all of your engines. Sure the problems
of the methodol with the power of.

Speaker 28 (28:12):
Anxiumes and maximize your mileage every time you drive.

Speaker 3 (28:19):
Kick start your engines with star Tron.

Speaker 29 (28:23):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
between you and fighting a monster fish. And when it
comes to kayak fishing, nothing beats a hobby with its
hands free mimage drive propulsion system Nautical Ventures is your
exclusive hoby dealer for Broward and Palm Beach. They have
the widest selection of models and accessories to.

Speaker 7 (28:41):
Make your hobby uniquely yours.

Speaker 29 (28:43):
They're rigged by our in house experts who fish the
tournaments if they know what it takes to win. God
to nautical ventures dot com to learn more. Nautical Ventures
the go to people for hobby at Johnny Chicks Tackle Company.

Speaker 2 (28:54):

Speaker 7 (28:54):
Passion for fishing drives everything we do.

Speaker 29 (28:56):
We provide all anglers with the highest quality, most meticulously
have to tackle that will enhance your fishing experience. At
Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
every tug us thrill and every moment by the water
and adventure. Our un wavering commitment to innovation and excellence
creates tackle exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers. We're
more than that tackle company where your partners and exploration,

your source of inspiration and your companion on every fishing trip.
Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 7 (29:23):
It's time to go.

Speaker 21 (29:24):
Diesel ring Power, the distributor for Cox Marine, offers the
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engine designed specifically for marine use. In recent testing, the
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toward than similar gasoline outboards, So reduce your overall fuel cost,

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Speaker 7 (29:49):
Go Diesel.

Speaker 21 (29:50):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to find your local dealer.

Speaker 30 (29:53):
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Speaker 7 (30:22):
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Speaker 2 (30:28):
Subscription required.

Speaker 7 (30:28):
Price fveryes based on product and subscription plan.

Speaker 31 (30:30):
Hey guys, did you know there's a generic form of
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Speaker 4 (30:53):
Broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine point forty an
hr and Levine Accident Attorney Studios called one eight hundred
seven four seven free.

Speaker 14 (31:03):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven free, seven free.

Speaker 10 (31:06):

Speaker 1 (31:10):
You're on board the donical Nisher's Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon,
an extreme angler Joe Hector.

Speaker 2 (31:25):
Yeah, maybe we're going to Georgia right now, shooting beck
and shooting back and shooting back a spit sung by
Blake Shelton. I love that song. Man the Legend on
line Wide. Captain the Man Boucher Smith is with us
this morning. Cap. Good morning to you. How are you.

Speaker 32 (31:41):
Good morning, Good morning Eric. Good to hear you on.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
He just said, Captain Boucher said, good morning, Eric, great
to hear you on. He didn't mention your name at all. Okay,
to see you though, I know there's some good about
it everybody. And you're asked today man like you're just
getting really hard today brow Yeah, nice hat man, that's great,
that's good. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, Cap could want to tell
you my friend talk about life and what's going on
with you.

Speaker 33 (32:07):
Well, you asked her question of I think it was Jimbo.
What you heard about the West Coast? And I talked
to Brian Sanders from uh Chuck Aluski and they had
a little flooding there.

Speaker 32 (32:23):
It wasn't real bad, but it was bad enough to
be a pain.

Speaker 33 (32:27):
They did have a couple of buildings destroyed their frontends
and purposes. So yeah, it had some tornado action or
it was wave action, one of the other. But I
saw some pictures from Chuck Alewski that were pretty brutal.

Speaker 32 (32:42):
Of the one was a gas station and it was
pretty bad.

Speaker 33 (32:46):
Then I talked to my buddy up in Crystal River
and he had three feet of water in the house.
Uh so they had real bad flooding there. And then
I have we were supposed to go to cedar Key
in a couple of weeks and there was the guy
on on social media that went waiting during the middle

of the night in uh in cedar Key and you're
trying to get to his father's house, and he gave
up when he got to the water up to his armpits.
And he did show that the museum in cedar Key,
the water was up to the doorknob inside the museum
as well as outside. So that's tragedy when you lose

a nice museum, you know. And then up in the
Big vand up by Perry and stuff, you couldn't even
get any information from there. But you did mention one
thing that was a little bit incorrect. I think Joe
put put you up to it. But you mentioned that
Destin was hit and quite honestly, Deston was not hit

hardly at all. There was almost no flooding in there anything.
Because they're quite away west to where the storm is.

Speaker 2 (34:03):
Yeah. Then Eric said that, Yeah, who was that comment in?

Speaker 30 (34:10):

Speaker 23 (34:10):
What was that?

Speaker 2 (34:11):
No, I would saying it was destiny that caused the
storm of traffic. Yeah, it was destiny. Destiny had moved
to storeboards to go it's way, had said. Yeah.

Speaker 32 (34:21):
What was really amazing was.

Speaker 7 (34:23):
You guys should be politicians.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
Yeah, you're right.

Speaker 33 (34:27):
Uh, yeah, we're a couple of hundred miles north or
almost three three hundred miles north of Landfall in Atlanta.

Speaker 32 (34:38):
They had a lot of creeks over.

Speaker 33 (34:41):
Running their their banks and coming up in three feet
of water on the waterfronts and uh, downtown Atlanta and
that river running over a bridge in the Residnouncement neighborhood
in the Atlanta area. And unfortunately this storm arm had
a pretty high loss of life.

Speaker 11 (35:02):
It was really shame.

Speaker 33 (35:03):
And the worst part was the chief of a fire
department was driving to a emergency in the middle of
the storm and a tree fell on his truck took
him out, surely bad. And those that are trying to
wrest his others that get taken out by a storm
like that. Not much fishing report, but I will tell

you this amy was fishing yesterday and he had a
phenomenal day on surface.

Speaker 11 (35:36):
Lewis Lures is a classic lowers.

Speaker 33 (35:38):
Called walk the Dog lures, and the most famous one
of those is the zero spook. But personally I like
a a Berkeley Cane walker better. It's a little bit
a little bit smaller diameter. But the bottom line is
every time you twitch the rod, the plug jumps to
the side, and next time you twitch it, it jumps

to the other side, and you can literally sit there
and just keep twitching, and the the bait won't come
close to the boat, won't get much closer, but it'll
keep dancing back and forth, which is how you work
it when you're throwing it from in towards shore and
you're trying to catch fish along the shoreline. Conversely, if

you're using a walk the Dog lure along a sea
wall or along a mangrove shoreline, or even when I
want alan Zaremba a month or so ago, then we
work it rather quickly and wind more, and we can
come down a bank and make it look just like
a mullet trying to get away from a jack ravelle,

and the snook wants to take it away from them.
Jackie comes up lots of when you fish those bugs,
the strikes a phenomenal and the snook were biting them
real good yesterday and Jacks any rate aby had a
really good day fishing in the bay yesterday.

Speaker 2 (37:05):
Stuff, Hey, Cap for you go real quick. We're talking
about not this morning. What's your go to man? You
need fisherman, not what's your favorite not the tieles sleep,
for example, a fresh water lure onto your line. Do
you think with.

Speaker 33 (37:17):
As as Alan was talking about, you want to have
a permanent loop, And therefore you tie an overhand knot,
go through the eye your lure, and you go back
to the overhand knot that you tie the loop in
the knot itself, and you wrap around your line about
four times, and then you go back to where it

came through and you and you go through the newest
loop that you made and pull it tight. And that's
not a state looped forever UNI.

Speaker 2 (37:52):
That's way too damn complicated, Cap. Now, I want something
lot simpler. You need You need to meet Joe is
the way we go, Joe, we roll with you.

Speaker 7 (37:59):
Probably I'm a simple guy.

Speaker 33 (38:01):
You are the problem with the Union NOD is that
every time you catch your fish, they pull down tight.

Speaker 2 (38:08):

Speaker 33 (38:09):
Well, good news is get in the habit of retiring
your your leaders, so you don't need any frey or
toothcuts or anything else on your leader. The bad news is,
is it every time you snag a tree or a
weed or catch a fish, your loop pulls down.

Speaker 32 (38:28):
You got to retire it.

Speaker 2 (38:29):
So when I tie uni knot, cap never comes undone.
It's the knot that lasts forever. Okay. It's just so
you know, because I have.

Speaker 32 (38:36):
It comes undone or it never pulls tight.

Speaker 2 (38:39):
It works perfectly. Okay when I'm catching that monstro snook,
don't worry about it.

Speaker 4 (38:44):
Okay, that's all the maut it.

Speaker 32 (38:46):
That's the whole thing.

Speaker 2 (38:48):
Yeah, it's whatever works for you. Man their own favorites, right,
Joe preference, Thank you very much. Cap. I'm going to
rock the clock, sir. Good.

Speaker 32 (38:57):
That's what it's all about.

Speaker 33 (38:59):
If you're confident and you're not and you tell you
good knot, that's the most important thing.

Speaker 2 (39:04):
Damn straight. Yeah, a happy note.

Speaker 32 (39:07):
And I like Paul or not. And yeah they got
like some mural or not. That's all fine by me.

Speaker 2 (39:13):
I will say one thing though, he's a legend whatever
not he says to go with, I would probably say
we should all listen to Captain Bouts. Of course, jump
on that nod. Okay, because I'm I'm a not hit.
We all keep okay, you know I.

Speaker 8 (39:26):
Disagree, like by the way, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (39:31):
All right, we did. We had a chance to think
about a cap. We just kind of went off think
not think a not broke. We just lost a knot.
He's done, night snapped, night snap, he done. So let's
go to the seas see what it's going on with
us and not head pull up, pull up, pull up.
There you go, Joe. It's free, very sedate blop today
like that. It's a commer announced like man exactly. We

got the man. Jim chief E Matthew on the Hey
jimmy boy man.

Speaker 11 (40:00):
You know, you know, you know you guys. Are we
still blowing bubbles? Are we?

Speaker 4 (40:04):

Speaker 11 (40:04):
What what's the deal here?

Speaker 2 (40:06):
Yeah? We are? I takos last night? Yeah, definitely bubbles.
Oh my gosh, wow, Jerry, how's life leunder water man?
What's going on? Buddy?

Speaker 11 (40:17):
Well? You know, actually last week weekend was good. I
went out last Saturday and we did well. Now, the
lobsters were not you know, they were okay, But we
found a couple of good spots that we just loaded
up on them, so they were they're there. The lobsters
are there. And the good news is after this storm, uh,

we should be pretty good. There should be lots of
lobster uh somewhere off the beach. And I would I
would kind of maybe today. I think it's going to
finally lay down. There'll be some guys going out today.
We'll see what the visibility looks like. I'm going to
head out tomorrow and with a couple of buddies and

see how it is. A couple of spots. But maybe
early next week. Uh, the forecast is looking pretty calm.
I would do the old beach dive or something real
close ten feet of water, fifteen feet of water, those
little spots and you never know, you never know, a
little low pressure that this storm kicked up in our

area here and I think things are going to be
moving around. And plus the fish are confused, buddy, they're confused.

Speaker 2 (41:35):
As confused as you know.

Speaker 11 (41:38):
Yeah, very much. So I'm listen. You know you didn't
did you make any mention of the of the thirty
inch black grouper. That uh my, buddy, doctor Carl, you.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
To go there.

Speaker 11 (41:57):
What we we don't even we don't even need nots. Okay,
we don't even need knots. You know when we when
we spear of fish, we crimp, we crimp our line ourd.
You know, from the spear gun to the spear. I'm
telling you right now, we don't use it. Not too confusing,
you know. You turn around and.

Speaker 2 (42:21):
Here's here's here's the difference. Okay. You tie a knot
to a hook and you bait it, okay, and you
wait for a fish to come and find your bait.
There's a real sport in that. You just creep up
what's the tanks? Okay? Behind us, he's man sleeping, chunky
grouper who's buying a sea fan, minding his own damn business.

And you cock it back, you pull it back, put
your finger on the trigger, and put that spear right
through it. You know.

Speaker 6 (42:48):
But you know what, you know what Jim could say
to you?

Speaker 2 (42:51):
What if I was Jim? If you're not, but I not.

Speaker 12 (42:55):
But if I was Jim, I'd be like, well, you
know what, Eric, I am underwater?

Speaker 2 (42:59):
They used to face.

Speaker 6 (43:00):
I'm looking him in the eye. I'm not at all.
I'm not I'm not.

Speaker 2 (43:07):
Okay holding a spear gun and they're facing off with
each other. That's fair game, okay, Well the groups have
any damn defences.

Speaker 8 (43:16):
You have to make the swallowed people, and you have
to admit the Some groupers are like little puppy dogs.
They're sitting there, hide here.

Speaker 7 (43:28):
Well, he's not gonna miss me, Steven.

Speaker 2 (43:30):
I thought you were on my side, man.

Speaker 7 (43:32):
Come on, I said some.

Speaker 11 (43:35):
Actually, we've been seeing and it's kind of cool we've
been seeing. We've been seeing a lot of black groupers
in shallow which is really amazing. So I think I
think we're going to have a really good week coming up.
As far as being underwater, so this is the time
I love. I love diving in October. It's so usually

a little cooler. I hope water temperature still eighties. Hopefully
the visibility is okay, particularly with all this rain. I'm
sure you know it's gonna be kind of yukie out there,
but that's all right. You don't need a lot. You
don't need a lot, and I think I tell you
a lot. If you're going to play, this is the
week to play in shallow ten feet of water, maybe

just a mass in Orkland fins give it a whirl.
And then I do want to do a special shout
out to Julie. Julie Higgs. Julie Higgs spear Fishing's paramedic
up in up and she's in Wisconsin and I never
knew there's there's a freshwater National Championship.

Speaker 16 (44:43):

Speaker 11 (44:43):
And they're they're spearing all these evasive uh you know
species up there in Wisconsin. Well, she took first place,
along with my good buddy Kevin, who's the owner of
Hammerhead spear Guns. So really really cool thing.

Speaker 2 (44:57):
Can you google the number for peta and uh is
that people eating tasty animals? So google Peter and I
want to afford them Jim's home address and his phone number. Okay,
oh boy, okay, I want them to go out there,
just lobby run his house with the protest size.

Speaker 7 (45:13):
This is coming from the guy who beats his fish.

Speaker 2 (45:16):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's another show.

Speaker 11 (45:22):
I'm gonna give you guys some important information. In Florida,
there's no freshwater spearfishing period. Cannot owe me in the ocean. Okay,
I just want to mention that. But you know, in
these places like Wisconsin and whatever, Arizona, they actually look
forward to having spirit fishermen in there taking out some

of their species. So yeah, all good, buddy, All good.
That was my thirty second commercial.

Speaker 2 (45:48):
Shot spirit gut.

Speaker 6 (45:49):
Have a lovely weekend, and Jim, I appreciate that delivery.

Speaker 2 (45:52):

Speaker 6 (45:53):
I know we're going to the other duncan Now, Hey, Jim, could.

Speaker 7 (45:56):
Jim could you spearfish and iguana in the canal?

Speaker 11 (46:00):
Sure, yeah you can.

Speaker 2 (46:02):
Why not the grainhole to Steven just so you know, right.

Speaker 11 (46:06):
You know what we are thinking about doing. You know,
the cheap snare by Lobster League.

Speaker 2 (46:12):
There you go, free shill snap right in, buddy, right
on the show. That's great, graduated. Okay, I'm said, I'm
asta send Pete his number and I'm gonna set up
a bill for all the plugs he's done the show.
You're all bad.

Speaker 7 (46:29):
You're just as bad.

Speaker 6 (46:30):
You're just as bad you are.

Speaker 2 (46:32):
Okay, I'm an animal loving co host here.

Speaker 12 (46:35):
Okay, throws bombs off his balcony and kill Yes, Jeff,
have at we get back the clock, man, see you, buddy.

Speaker 2 (46:42):
Fun time of the star, bright bucket Joe, watch spots.
We've got wash and wax and he I mean he's
got the shammy, the mammy and the whammy all built
of this thing. It's all made in America, by the way, America.
And if you recall that one show we had Deep
last week with Johnny Staid up on the show, Yeah,
he said he rush stains on his wall and his
wife's car. Remember he said, yes, he's sprayed to rush

from this wrinkler system you can never find if I
ha to take it off, he went out and bought
eighty five cases of the star Right rust remover and
it gets that stuff off.

Speaker 3 (47:11):

Speaker 8 (47:12):
But you know boats have rust trains from cleats and
from other things too, and it comes right off the
hall with that Star Bright product.

Speaker 2 (47:19):
So we're going a random number right now, Joe, if
you one to ten, pick one please, man, let's pick
a five. Number five. That's how many games the Raiders
are won this year. There you go, No, No, they
have not, No, they have not. I said they will
win the entire year.

Speaker 7 (47:31):
That's too many, bro.

Speaker 2 (47:34):
Zero one zero nine forty. Collar five right now, one's
this great star Bright bucket again right here? Collar five
eighty six six five eight oh one zero nine forty two,
Fox Sports nine forty live.

Speaker 4 (47:49):
From the storm Tight Windows Weather Center, Missus.

Speaker 13 (47:52):
Sum and Clouds for our Saturday. What's the possible scatter
showers and it's gonna get hot high. You have ninety
three for today and Fort Lauderdale and ninety three as
well in win would with a little bit of humidity
as well Tonight Love eighty mostly sunny for tomorrow with
Jeffe Clouds and Hi You.

Speaker 7 (48:05):
In eighty two.

Speaker 14 (48:06):
This report is sponsored by All States. Some people just
know you could save money on car insurance by checking
all State first. Those people are probably saving a car
load of cash right now. So what are you waiting for?
Check all State first for a quote today? You're in
good hands with All State.

Speaker 34 (48:24):
So we're not all professional anglists. We don't all compete
on the biggest stage. But inside it's all burns the
same fire to be a champion. It's why you get
out early, brave the toughest conditions, point the bow toward adventure,
and put the hammer down for whatever trophy or fish
or memory you're chasing. Come on and brick Rey Pro

excess outboard engineered to deliver the speed and reliability you
need to power the champion inside you.

Speaker 16 (48:52):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them inner. Simrad's new Halo open a
ray radar, bringing you more power, more safety, and best
of all, more fish. Halo three thousand features an all
new Bird Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power
on finding flocks of birds, leading you to fishing holes

up to eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power.
For more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at
simrad dash yachting dot com.

Speaker 26 (49:23):
Remember the days of gasoline, It's just not made the
same anymore.

Speaker 27 (49:28):
Please say your gas into gear with star Drive. Pump
up the performage in all of your engines. Sure the
problems of the methodol with the power of enzymes.

Speaker 28 (49:43):
And maximize your mileage every time you drive.

Speaker 3 (49:47):
Kick starting your engines with star Tron.

Speaker 7 (49:52):
You need a place to store your boat.

Speaker 35 (49:54):
How about a wetslift with ocean access, one with hurricane
protection and a full service yard. Nautical Ventures Marine Center
in the heart of Fort Lauderdale has doggage starting at
just twelve dollars per foot per month, the lowest rate
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works from bottom pain to engine repower to total refits.
Coming soon a new state of the R two hundred
unit dry stack Goga Nautical Ventures dot com slash Marina

for more information. Nautical Ventures the go to people for
fun on the water.

Speaker 7 (50:21):
At Johnny Jig's.

Speaker 29 (50:22):
Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives everything we do.
We provide all anglers with the highest quality, most meticulously
crafted tackle that will enhance your fishing experience. At Johnny Jigs,
we believe every cast should be an opportunity, every tug
a thrill, and every moment by the water and adventure.
Our un wavering commitment to innovation and excellence creates tackle
exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers.

Speaker 7 (50:42):
We're more than a tackle company.

Speaker 29 (50:44):
We're your partners and exploration, your source of inspiration, and
your companion on every fishing trip. Johnny Jake's Tackle Company
elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 21 (50:52):
It's time to go diesel if you're a charter fishing captain,
and reliability.

Speaker 4 (50:55):
Is key to your success.

Speaker 21 (50:57):
See how Cox Marines three hundred horsepower diesel outboard can
benefit you. Ring Power, a distributor of Cox Marine offers
the CXO three hundred diesel outboard Injine.

Speaker 7 (51:05):
Designed specifically for marine use.

Speaker 21 (51:07):
This diesel outboard provides longer service intervals, saving on both
maintenance and downtime. The Cox Marine Diesel outboard has lower emissions,
thirty percent less fuel burn, and sixty percent better torque
than similar gasoline outboards. Go Diesel. Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot
com to learn more.

Speaker 36 (51:23):
Kyle Selof with you. This is your Daily and Marlins
Report on your Home. For Marlins Baseball, Fox Sports nine
to forty Miami. A convincing win for the Marlins last
night in Toronto. They downed the Blue Jays fifteen to five,
scoring a season high fifteen runs on seventeen hits. Joan
of Bride collected a couple of Homer's, first time in
his big league career he's gone deep twice in a game.
Xavier Edwards made franchise history tripling three times in one

game that had never been done before. Counter Norviy with
three hits. Jake Berger had three hits. Griffin coen I
went deep against his old organization. Otto Lopez had a
couple of hits as well. It was a great night
in Miami or for Miami in Toronto, signing in the
final score fifteen to five. Two games left to play
here in twenty twenty four. This afternoon, Gabriel Rodriguez will

take the ball for Toronto TBA for the Marlins three
oh seven, first pitch, two thirty airtime. Stephen SRM Marlin's
on deck on your home for Marlins Baseball, Fox Sports
nine forty.

Speaker 4 (52:14):
Miami Marlin's Baseball place here on air, on your smart
speaker and on your iHeartRadio app, Miami's Fox Sports nine.

Speaker 37 (52:27):
Hey, Hey, let's get right back to the Nautical Ventures
Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 4 (52:38):
Go boldly, Yo.

Speaker 2 (52:40):
We got a winner and a start, right fucking baby?

Speaker 7 (52:42):
Yeah he was gold horn.

Speaker 2 (52:44):
You shut up for five right?

Speaker 6 (52:45):
Set it five?

Speaker 2 (52:47):
Yeah, Josh Conway, dude.

Speaker 12 (52:49):
Fine, God, I just saw it and Eric said I'm
going to five letter five.

Speaker 2 (52:56):
Yeah, baby, John Conways on the horn here, John got
on it to youruddy.

Speaker 24 (53:00):
Hey John, Good morning guys, Thanks so much.

Speaker 2 (53:04):
Hey, you want a great star right bucket full of
great stuff for my friend Joe. You want to ask
him that big question? Yeah? Where have you heard of Eric?
Me and the show that wasn't a big question. Oh,
I thought you want to know where he heard the show?
Does you have a boat? Man? Oh well that's your question.

Speaker 6 (53:21):
That was yours.

Speaker 22 (53:24):
You had a boat, had a boat since I was
thirteen years old, so yeah, and live down here in Nasau.

Speaker 2 (53:31):
Oh nice, nice man. Listen, it's full of Washington wax declator.
Your boat looks super sharp, and keep it happy and snappy.
I guess.

Speaker 6 (53:39):
Joe asked a question, how long have you been tuning
into the show?

Speaker 24 (53:44):
You know what, probably five years?

Speaker 20 (53:48):
Maybe your nine winds signal comes right over the air
when I just tuned an here in Nasau, Bahamas.

Speaker 24 (53:59):
So it's it's amazing, it's perfectly clear.

Speaker 2 (54:03):
He said.

Speaker 8 (54:03):
Nasaw guys, he said, NASA.

Speaker 2 (54:07):
No, my man here Johnson, Nassau, Bahamas.

Speaker 7 (54:10):
Man, you got some real fishing out there.

Speaker 2 (54:13):
So I'm got to borrow up both. I'll borrow an
actual bar from nic Measures, and I'm gonna drive that
bucket across the street and delivered to a bright go
with you. Yeah, all right, even too, man, let's go well,
I'll hand deliver that butcket.

Speaker 24 (54:27):
I'll meet you halfway. Even Yeah, come on, let's do it, sweet.

Speaker 2 (54:30):
Shot A call for the program, and they were the bucket.
Your bucket's gonna be ill. Either I'll mail it to
you or we'll find a way to get it to
you somehow. Man. But yeah, thanks being a fan of
the show. We really appreciate you for listening than we
appreciate it, brother.

Speaker 24 (54:42):
Okay, and I do have a place in Florida as well,
so you don't have to worry getting it to NASA.
Oh yes, man, I'll look forward to hearing from here.

Speaker 2 (54:52):
Thanks, kit letter, Thank you very much. So the first
time in eighteen years of the program, I've had a
captain accuse you and I have rambling. That would be
the lot made online one to be set rolls. He
called us the ramblers. We were just rambling on you
know it was he said, we wouldn't shut up. Well,
you know he's calling this out, man, but you know

he's probably true. We said the ramble.

Speaker 8 (55:17):
You also have a guest, a captain or two that
kind of does that too, not saying any names.

Speaker 2 (55:21):
Its true captain.

Speaker 9 (55:27):
What's up? What's up?

Speaker 10 (55:28):

Speaker 9 (55:28):
How's it going? I thought you would have forgot about
that by now.

Speaker 2 (55:31):
Actually, you know what, I have not been called out
on this show in eighteen years by any captain about rambling.
I thought it was so great. I actually said, Joe,
a highlight clip of that to make it like a
TikTok video which is being made.

Speaker 9 (55:44):
I was in a tournament and linees in was seven o'clock.
And I'm like, and the captain, you know, I'm on
a boat. I had like high ustations. The captain's looking
at me, like, what are you doing on the film.

Speaker 38 (55:55):
We're gonna get the lines in.

Speaker 6 (55:56):
I'm like, oh, man, you were in a tournament.

Speaker 2 (55:59):

Speaker 6 (55:59):
You deserve calls out. Man, It definitely deserves to be
called out.

Speaker 9 (56:04):
Yeah, I use your line is that, you know, we've
got to watch the clock. You know, that's what you
always say.

Speaker 2 (56:08):
Oh where are you now, dude on the water.

Speaker 9 (56:11):
On the couch, you know, speaking of watching o'clock. My
buddy must have ever slept today. And I was that
guy sitting the boat ramp waiting for me. He never
showed up. So I'm walking my dog in the neighborhood
right now.

Speaker 2 (56:22):
You don't, Yeah, Joe, it's like reminds you of being
like no show Joe, you know, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 9 (56:29):

Speaker 12 (56:29):
I don't understand why that name is even I show
up everywhere to anything.

Speaker 2 (56:34):
I don't ask seanf that's true or not.

Speaker 12 (56:36):
I like, whenever Sean and I made plans to go fishing,
I'm there.

Speaker 2 (56:40):
I'm the first one.

Speaker 9 (56:41):
There, right, Sean Joeys shows up. See but if he's
if you talk about like, hey, maybe we'll get together
next Chico fishing, and then when you calm the lock
into plans, he won't answer or call you back.

Speaker 12 (56:55):
But Sean, who really doesn't show up when we have
events and stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (56:59):
It's have a job after the show.

Speaker 9 (57:01):
Okay, I'm on, sa Eric, I'm not getting involved in.

Speaker 2 (57:04):
That shot you fish this week before the show.

Speaker 9 (57:09):
I fished all last night at at a dock and
called grunts and mango, snappers and catfish. And that was
the most fish I caught in the last month.

Speaker 6 (57:17):
I tell you, Wow, yeah eddie snook what.

Speaker 9 (57:22):
Now I know snook? But there was some molt around,
and there's moult rates at the dock when there's no
snooke on them. Most crazy told.

Speaker 6 (57:28):
Some of them just have bar jacks and stuff, you know.

Speaker 9 (57:31):
Yeah, yeah, we had a dock late and everything. But
oh yeah, sure we'll see.

Speaker 2 (57:37):
We would make this morning little bit. What's your go
to dot man when you tied off lures and hooks
and stuff like that, what's your uni fisherman's not? What's
your go to dive man?

Speaker 9 (57:46):
I did a fisherman's not.

Speaker 2 (57:48):
Yeah, okay, it's a solid.

Speaker 9 (57:52):
Yeah all you really need. I mean I run light
drag too, and you know, as long as it's not
the weak point, you're good to go.

Speaker 2 (57:59):
Yeah. True, and left my opinion on it.

Speaker 9 (58:01):
And gotta be quick. I mean, if I do like,
if I do braid the mono like form, my jigging
stuff is like that, my f g not guy. Yeah,
she's it's real smooth and real strong.

Speaker 2 (58:10):
You know the one I learned to tie it. Joe
is a bibity twist. I have not like you know
how like you know how you want me show you?
Did you have set somewhere to be some line? I'll
show you. I'll give me some line.

Speaker 9 (58:26):
Is actually really good at that.

Speaker 2 (58:28):
Wait wait did you hear what che just said?

Speaker 9 (58:30):
Joe's really good at tyan.

Speaker 2 (58:32):
Knocks bigmity twists. I just asked.

Speaker 9 (58:35):
I've seen Joe tye uh ty mono like straight the
wire with out like on a loop or anything like
that and crazy stuff like that. I didn't even know
how to do it or never even heard of. It's
like new Jersey thing, I think, you know, Yeah, it's
the canyons you with.

Speaker 2 (58:51):
I scored a guy that's lavorable. It's unreal.

Speaker 7 (58:55):
I got some.

Speaker 2 (58:57):
Blowing up even more.

Speaker 6 (58:58):
Man, I haven't said a word.

Speaker 2 (58:59):
Like don't have an ego already? Okay, what do you have?
You love yourself more than we stop.

Speaker 12 (59:07):
No, dude, seriously, like tying notts is something that's important,
especially when like it's not just for fishing.

Speaker 2 (59:12):
I mean it could be for anything.

Speaker 12 (59:13):
My dad, you know, growing up, you know, like maybe
it is a Jersey thing where you know.

Speaker 2 (59:17):
Stuck out in the woods, your dad tied you up
with rope as a kid to control you and you
to see all the dots of dad was using the variety.

Speaker 12 (59:25):
Okay, yeah, but we got time today.

Speaker 2 (59:29):
We got time.

Speaker 9 (59:30):
Can you imagine Joe's a kid just running around crazy
like that.

Speaker 2 (59:33):
That's why he's dead with my add it was bad man. Hey,
Sean man, So listen, what's your next day out man?
When you're fishing off shore again, what's going on with you?
You're fishing life?

Speaker 9 (59:43):
Well, so I spent all day yesterday at a uh
at the house doing a star Breight star Breight makers
on the boat. So I'm going to finish that up
today and then hopefully i'll get out there tomorrow when
it calms down a little bit. The ocean's looking pretty
good in with the We'll see how it is today
and go from there.

Speaker 2 (01:00:02):
Well, sure, we'll see.

Speaker 9 (01:00:04):
I want to highlight the no, no, keep rambling. I
want to highlight the mold and mildew remover from Starbrey.
I think a great product if anybody wants to try
that out.

Speaker 2 (01:00:14):
Hey, molded bild mover, Joe, we had that for us,
the rush remover.

Speaker 7 (01:00:17):
You guys got to do top of the hour man,
I know you were late.

Speaker 9 (01:00:20):
I used the rush remover on my house yesterday too,
actually and it worked awesome.

Speaker 2 (01:00:24):
Thanks. You see, Sean, you're rambling.

Speaker 9 (01:00:26):
We have to go.

Speaker 2 (01:00:26):
Okay, have a nice yeah, okay, my turn down man,
seven o'clock on the dot, Fox Sports Night Live.

Speaker 15 (01:00:37):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
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Mercury engines are made for exploring. So we're you you

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Speaker 39 (01:01:06):
Is your vote properly insurance? When's the last time your
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Speaker 26 (01:01:35):
Remember the cory days of gasoline. It's just not made
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Speaker 3 (01:01:43):
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Speaker 27 (01:01:45):
With Star Drove. Pump up the performance in all of
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Speaker 28 (01:01:53):
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Speaker 29 (01:02:05):
Nothing beats the trail of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
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Speaker 3 (01:02:27):
They know what it takes to win.

Speaker 29 (01:02:29):
CODA Nautical Ventures dot com to learn more. Nautical Ventures
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Speaker 4 (01:02:34):
It's time to go.

Speaker 21 (01:02:35):
Diesel ring Power, a distributor for Cox Marine, can simplify
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Speaker 41 (01:03:35):
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Speaker 4 (01:04:04):
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music and podcasts.

Speaker 7 (01:04:15):
Free never sounded So good.

Speaker 4 (01:04:17):
Fox Sports nine Miami.

Speaker 1 (01:04:21):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury marine, go boldly.

Speaker 2 (01:04:36):
Going boldly.

Speaker 4 (01:04:37):
It's not what it takes. So tell me what can't
this be?

Speaker 2 (01:04:46):
Do you realize when you sing on this show and
almost have listened to nine, literally pull off the road
and purposely go into a street sign, just the ending pain.

Speaker 6 (01:04:59):
I thought that was good.

Speaker 2 (01:05:00):
That was also great.

Speaker 6 (01:05:01):
It was a decent one, man, it's a fairly moderate one.

Speaker 2 (01:05:04):
Number two is going strong eighteen years. And if you're
brand new to the show and just tune in this
morning of a brand new set, thanks start a great friend,
a great leicster. Yeah, we got this mercury blinking on
your sponsor. You got the side which I can't wait
to light up your short yet a little bit higher.
Get the mercury feather banter's going on? You're w a
mercury capped?

Speaker 7 (01:05:21):
You got the switch for the sign? Is it right
next to you?

Speaker 2 (01:05:24):
On that can? Was a problem?

Speaker 7 (01:05:27):
Right, It might be too right, but you have the
switch right. Isn't to your right?

Speaker 2 (01:05:30):

Speaker 7 (01:05:31):
No, No, it's up in the air. It's up in
the air right there. You see the switch? Is it
on that cunt?

Speaker 2 (01:05:36):
I'll fight it, I'll fight it.

Speaker 7 (01:05:37):
Try trying to get on.

Speaker 2 (01:05:37):
See what it looks like, all right, we look at
a second, but we have Benny holding on a light
on Benny's fishing charters. So the Jets won the game.

Speaker 12 (01:05:47):
Wait, I will I dare to say that the Jets
could be the best team in that division.

Speaker 2 (01:05:54):
You know, it's strange. They're playing better already, aren't they. There.
It's coming together, man, dude, I'm you're afraid to play
with the Dolphins. Was we can't beat anybody anyway, So Benny,
get one into your brother. It's that brother. Hey, good
morning guys. A little bit of football talk this morning. Huh,
well you actually come on the Jet bandwagon. I think
you guys are looking better and better. I don't know,

I think you have a chance. I mean the AFC
East is so screwed.

Speaker 9 (01:06:18):
Up right now.

Speaker 2 (01:06:19):
I mean every team we know it was one of
two Joe, Yeah, right, well we were just talking about that.

Speaker 6 (01:06:24):
It's the most ever since the NFL started.

Speaker 1 (01:06:27):

Speaker 2 (01:06:28):
Are you happy with the Jets after Aaron's come through
and put the big W up therewright?

Speaker 9 (01:06:33):

Speaker 42 (01:06:33):
Definitely, man. I mean after week one when we were
zero to one, I felt good about it. You know,
watching us play, I thought maybe there was some potential
but they just had to get gelling as a team,
and sure enough, a couple more games later, they look
like they kind of got the little team thing going now.
Defense stepped up after the first game. Yeah, Aaron's not
looking scared in the pocket anymore. That's so we'll see

how it goes. Yeah, Buffalo's looking strong though. If talking
about the East.

Speaker 2 (01:07:00):
Buffalo is looking they looked like the one the big
game to the truth, I mean, Josh Allen's just insanely great. Anyway,
back to Fish Talk, we've talked a few caps, so
a lot of guys couldn't get out this week. Whether
it was kind of strange or bookings are way down
for some reason, Benny, other caps on the show are
having trouble getting charters that time of the year or
what's going on. But I think you guys always have

have bookings, right, You always busy.

Speaker 42 (01:07:23):
Well, I mean it's typical for this time of the
year for everyone to be slow. I always say, right
when the kids go back to school, the phones die off,
you know. Yeah, we did pull off a trip yesterday
right after the storm. We jumped right back out. We
got a bunch of kings in Awha. Who to start
to start the adventure. We did get out Tuesday, right
before the storm, so we only had off Wednesday and Thursday.

And yeah, actually Captain Doug from American Made Charters ran
one for us that day because we had Tyler was
celebrating his birthday. Mike wasn't available, so Doug put our
cap our customers on some nice fish that day, some
Mahi King's tuna.

Speaker 2 (01:08:02):

Speaker 42 (01:08:04):
But yeah, I mean we're booked up. Both boats going
out right now. One of them got a double. We
got three trips today on one boat, you know, two
more trips tomorrow. We got Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday booked up.

Speaker 2 (01:08:14):
Awesome, man, I'm looking on line and holding over here.
Our friend Mike Savage is watching a Facebook live stream.
He's one of your caps, right, you get a Savage
had a pack Savage, Yeah, I had to save back surgery,
the L four or five fusion. I had fusion. And
he's survived it and came out and he's back doing
his thing, right, He is back doing his thing.

Speaker 42 (01:08:34):
He's over there at the Alsdorf Park boat launch right
now picking up some customers. They might be a little late,
so we're saving gas money right now. And savages listening
to us.

Speaker 2 (01:08:44):
You know what, if you want to mess up with surgery,
give us sixty pound AJ you know, on a stiff
and then I'll put it right back to where he was.

Speaker 7 (01:08:53):
For that was our test for him to come back
to work.

Speaker 42 (01:08:56):
We said, Mike, you gotta fight this AJ or this
goliath grouper you Oh my jay, he right in, no problem.

Speaker 2 (01:09:04):
So the what that surgery has done. They put six
screws in your lower back, and I would hate to
have Mike pop a few, you know, just over a fish.
But at the risk you take with you at your fishing.
Oh yeah, yeah, it's gonna be a macho macho man. Well,
super betty. So if guys are head that today you
took your best betch heading to straight off shore, the
same typical thing. Look for the breed, look for whatever.

I mean, what's your game plan.

Speaker 42 (01:09:27):
Yeah, I mean again, I would say, look for some mahi.
Right now this time of the year, gaffer sized fish
been passing by. The key to finding them has been
some floaters. You know, just run until you find a
good floater could be money for you. But yeah, like
I said just yesterday, I mean we got out there
and the kings were snapping and we caught a wahu,

you know, right off the bat so you know it
probably could catch them on the reef. You could probably
find them running off shorts. That time of the year.
You can get them anywhere.

Speaker 2 (01:09:55):
You just got to put them a little work, right,
go Joe, nice man.

Speaker 6 (01:09:58):
That's exciting to hear.

Speaker 2 (01:09:59):
Put it in the what we want? Yeah, all right,
Betty listen man, have a great day on Benny's Fishing
Charters again one more time before you go to contact,
you get on board and have one day you'll never
forget on the water. But contacted, how my friend. Yeah,
give us a shout anytime.

Speaker 42 (01:10:15):
You can call us directly at nine to five four
seven zero six six five six five or look us
up online at Benny's Fishing Charters dot com.

Speaker 2 (01:10:24):
Benny, thanks so much, Bett, Thanks Patty, weekend. Good luck
with your jets. I'm actually thinking about I think I'm
Gonnaull from the Jets rest of the season. Who do
you guys play this weekend? Benny? Man kidding, we got
Denver and then oh they're a cake. They well Stampa
worth the damn either and we can I mean they
were and very many good teams out there any more.

Man so weird this year. Man, God, I wish we
could pay Brady to come off that day of Fox
Sports that he's fighting. Now you've seen his commentary.

Speaker 23 (01:10:52):
He's doing that.

Speaker 2 (01:10:53):
Man, man, he is It's not good. He is not
good because he's so like stiff, you know what I'm saying,
His us up and go. Yeah, he needs to go
buy ster Eravis, Terry Bradshaw's place. It's slimmed a couple
of whiskey shooters for the show and then he'd be
back doing better, I think.

Speaker 6 (01:11:08):
Jimmy Benny, thank you, bro, having great week. Okay, thanks Benny.

Speaker 2 (01:11:14):
Man, take a little break and we have a big
show of coming next to door. Beck Off and Brower,
Catty couple, Johnny Seville, our favorite lady, the Keys depth
Dale coming up out. Boy, you got the Jen. We'll
talk about this crazy ass weather. Hi, Jan and your
man Andrew Rappaport.

Speaker 6 (01:11:29):
I'm Andrew Rapperport and this is your dreamboat moment.

Speaker 2 (01:11:32):
That and more coming up here at Fox Sports nine forty.

Speaker 13 (01:11:38):
Fox Sports nine Weather Weeks is sending clouds for our Saturday.
What's the possible scatter showers and it's gonna get hot high.
You have ninety three for today in Fort Lauderdale and
ninety three as well in wind Wood with a little
bit of humidity as well. Tonight Love eighty mostly Sundy
for tomorrow with Jeffe Clouds and Hi.

Speaker 7 (01:11:54):
You have ninety two just reported is sponsored by Stand
Up to Cancer.

Speaker 3 (01:11:58):
Joe Back to.

Speaker 43 (01:11:59):
Johnson welcoming you back to the.

Speaker 2 (01:12:01):
City Center Convenience Smart.

Speaker 44 (01:12:03):

Speaker 7 (01:12:03):
Oh, she's looking at.

Speaker 43 (01:12:04):
The cigarettes, but she just scraps the gup off the counter.
Stand Up to Cancer and Rally want you to reduce
your risk for cancer.

Speaker 2 (01:12:12):
Go to take a healthy stam dot org.

Speaker 4 (01:12:13):
It's time to go diesel.

Speaker 21 (01:12:15):
If you operate a government vote ring power Abcoxmrine distributor
has a more sustainable engine for you. The three hundred
horsepower Cox Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboard offers the
only diesel outboard design specifically for marine use, running operations
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Cox Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboards operate with lower
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Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.

Speaker 16 (01:12:43):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them inner. Simrad's new Halo open array
radar bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power on finding
flocks of birds, leading you to fishing holes up to

eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power. For
more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at Simrad
dash Yachting dot com.

Speaker 26 (01:13:14):
Remember the cory days of casoline, It's just not made
the same anymore.

Speaker 3 (01:13:21):
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Speaker 3 (01:14:06):
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Speaker 7 (01:14:07):
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Speaker 29 (01:14:12):
At Johnny Jig's Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
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At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
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Speaker 7 (01:14:33):
We're more than a tackle company.

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We're your partner's and exploration, your source of inspiration, and
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Speaker 15 (01:14:43):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
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Speaker 7 (01:16:11):
Slash be your Price.

Speaker 4 (01:16:14):
The home of Florida Gainors football, Fox Sports nine Miami.

Speaker 1 (01:16:22):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 7 (01:16:27):
Go boldly, here's there a Brandon and Joe Hector, come on,
just say it to.

Speaker 2 (01:16:34):
Fish this sea shall.

Speaker 11 (01:16:41):

Speaker 2 (01:16:42):
Yeah, I like your single like better because you do
like to all the hand. You're like dancing in your chair,
got the hand thing going on. You're totally coordinated. I
don't know if in real life, if you stand up
a dance, whether you look like a total idiot. I
can dance? Can you dance? You get some moves chair?

Speaker 9 (01:16:55):
For real?

Speaker 2 (01:16:56):
I know that one dance. Maybe we'll put on a
little gem the next break and so we'll do it.
I wouldn't dance with you. You could pay me to
dance with you. Man, what's dancing in the waters? Happiest
man on the planet Earth? The man? Beckoff? You gotta

do it like this? Ready? Hey? Norm?

Speaker 7 (01:17:18):
How's it going?

Speaker 23 (01:17:21):
Hey guys?

Speaker 2 (01:17:21):
How's it going? Hey? Norm? How's it going? Regular?

Speaker 47 (01:17:24):

Speaker 44 (01:17:24):

Speaker 2 (01:17:25):
Hey man? I love it? What's up? Norm?

Speaker 23 (01:17:28):
They are mullets here?

Speaker 2 (01:17:31):
Oh, the ruds here?

Speaker 4 (01:17:32):
Huh yes.

Speaker 11 (01:17:35):
Here yes uh.

Speaker 48 (01:17:37):
I guess that storm pushed a bunch of them down
and they are showing up.

Speaker 23 (01:17:41):
So this is the time of the year, and I.

Speaker 48 (01:17:45):
Don't know how long they're gonna stay. But while they're here,
this is the time to get out your cast nets.
Uh and uh go catch go catch some big carpins.
And it's it's an amazing thing when they show up.

Speaker 8 (01:17:59):
I had a question for you, Captain Norm Was it
Tuesday or Wednesday night? You were out on the finest
kind with like thirty forty mile on hour winds.

Speaker 7 (01:18:06):
What was going on with that?

Speaker 46 (01:18:08):

Speaker 48 (01:18:08):
Well, I do some work in in Port Everglades and
we had one of those Peter bands.

Speaker 23 (01:18:16):
Show up and it was it got a little sporty.

Speaker 7 (01:18:20):
Yeah, I saw the pictures. I'm like, what are you doing?

Speaker 2 (01:18:23):

Speaker 7 (01:18:23):
I guess you had to move the voters upon.

Speaker 23 (01:18:24):
Huh yeah, yeah, yeah, so it was it got real
sporty there. I didn't the weather wasn't bad.

Speaker 48 (01:18:31):
It's just that one band that came through and then
it and then it flew like forty for about fifteen minutes.

Speaker 23 (01:18:39):
You know how that goes.

Speaker 7 (01:18:40):
That's all it takes, right.

Speaker 3 (01:18:42):

Speaker 48 (01:18:44):
It was straight out of the south, So we got
south of the seventeenth Street causeway bridge and we had
like four footers right south of the bridge.

Speaker 2 (01:18:53):
I mean it was nas ouch man ouch ouch Well
happier news normorried about you know, yeah, I know there's
a lot of bad boats out there. Man, I hear
about all the time when I go to my seat
trails or see them. Actually anyway, what's what's bike?

Speaker 44 (01:19:07):

Speaker 2 (01:19:07):
Certausly it is the top water bottom? What what's happening man?

Speaker 46 (01:19:12):

Speaker 48 (01:19:12):
Well, before the storm, the my my uh were pretty good. Uh,
but they were scattered, I mean like really scattered, like everywhere.
I had one captain that found them in two hundred
and fifty feet and limited out.

Speaker 2 (01:19:30):
Uh wow.

Speaker 23 (01:19:31):
Then they were damn and then the next day they
were out in fifteen hundred feet. So they're scattered out
all over the place.

Speaker 16 (01:19:39):
And uh.

Speaker 48 (01:19:42):
Since the storm, Uh, not too many boats got out.
The ones that did uh be good though. You know
after the storm, these fishing can be really good. The
bottom fishing can be really good. Seem to move around
a lot. And uh uh if you're if you're a diver, uh,

that's your time to shine because a.

Speaker 23 (01:20:07):
Lot of time the lobsters walk.

Speaker 2 (01:20:10):
Right dorm and.

Speaker 23 (01:20:15):
Kingfish a few while who's on the on the reef?

Speaker 2 (01:20:18):

Speaker 7 (01:20:20):

Speaker 23 (01:20:20):
Yeah, there were some boats that did get out immediately
after the storm.

Speaker 49 (01:20:24):
Didn't see any salefish flags or anything like that, so
I can't imagine.

Speaker 23 (01:20:28):
That was But the mullet run is the big story
right now.

Speaker 49 (01:20:33):
And uh, that's you got to understand something about the
mullet run. It's not just an inshore thing. It's also
an offshore thing. It seems like whole ocean knows when
the mullets are are running. So that's the bait of choice.

Speaker 48 (01:20:47):
So if you're gonna be tarpa and fishing, of course,
you know, snook fishing, jack's whatever, you know, that's that's. Uh,
you gotta have the mullets. And there's fingers and big mullets,
big silver mullets showing up.

Speaker 47 (01:21:02):
And then off shore if you're if you want to
catch selfish, dolphin, wahoo, anything like that. Again, don't be
afraid to use those mullets. Okay, forget your forget your
your dogg lied. Okay, go get some of those big mullets.

Speaker 23 (01:21:18):
And hang them out of your kites, flow troll them.

Speaker 46 (01:21:22):

Speaker 48 (01:21:22):
If you're wahoo fishing, you know you want to catch
a wahoo, put some wire trace.

Speaker 23 (01:21:26):
On fish, a live fish, and you know, rigms to
swim the dolphin.

Speaker 48 (01:21:32):
If you get those little finger mullets, you get a
big well full of little finger mullets.

Speaker 23 (01:21:37):
Go out there and find some dolphin. They lose them.
Ye if you do live them with ficker mullets.

Speaker 2 (01:21:44):
Yeh, Norm is absolutely right.

Speaker 12 (01:21:46):
My biggest mahi was caught on a finger mullet, for real,
for real, yep, freelining.

Speaker 3 (01:21:53):
What was that?

Speaker 7 (01:21:53):
Go nineteen front paw.

Speaker 2 (01:21:59):
That that file back Joe?

Speaker 3 (01:22:00):

Speaker 2 (01:22:00):
All right, so figerbul hot Norm and again this run
last hall wall. Do you figure for these things? Or
bye bye again?

Speaker 23 (01:22:08):
I mean there's no telling.

Speaker 2 (01:22:10):
There's no telling it.

Speaker 23 (01:22:11):
And in years past it was, you know, a month
and a half long event, and I think last year
it was so bad. Last year may have lasted about
a week.

Speaker 2 (01:22:24):
All right, Well, it's cool, man, So we get out
there and do what. Yeah, Joy, get yourself a big snook,
you know, targeting.

Speaker 23 (01:22:32):
Be ready as soon as you go out that inlet,
be ready. I'll tell I'll tell you, you know. Joe.
Joe said something that was kind of funny.

Speaker 50 (01:22:40):
It reminded me of a story a long time ago,
long time ago, nineteen seventy nine. Okay, and we're running
running out the inlet fishing the Fort Lauderdale Billfish Tournament,
which used to be in the end of October, And
as soon as we got out the cut, we looked
back and there was a thirty pound dolphin. Okay, as

soon as we got out the cut, didn't even get
to the first marker. Wow, man, And we had mullet
on board.

Speaker 23 (01:23:13):
It was it was just at the end. It was
just at the tail end of the mullet run and
we had some mullets on board. We fed him a
mullet and I won the Junior Angler's division uh for
the uh dolphin that year.

Speaker 2 (01:23:27):
Yeah, yeah, Norm Ware, do it go? That is awesome,
good memory, buddy. Yeah, yeah, I haven't seen those days.
Haven't seen a thirty pound of mahee And I don't
know Joe forever. Yeah man, Man, Right's been a long time.
Seven pounds swingers or whatever else. Norm, Thank you so much.

Speaker 48 (01:23:44):

Speaker 2 (01:23:45):
We're gonna rock the clock. But keep doing what you're doing.
Thanks for being the program as always. Thanks Norm. That
dog all right harders Johnny every weekend, this guy brings
more new stuff to the show. And you wearing the fish.
Joe right get his brand new sled. He's all happy
about that right now. Brand names, but that m boat

was pretty badass. Johnny used to Bill on the program
to Johnny john Night, Good morning.

Speaker 38 (01:24:12):
How you guys doing today?

Speaker 2 (01:24:14):
Well, what's that raining? We got a brand new set.
We were sponsored by Mercury Marine. We got a bunch
of feather banners around, we got the big Mercury light
going on and work. Yeah, Joe's all murked up. So
we're just having a murk morning, that's what we're doing. Yeah, buddy,
all right.

Speaker 6 (01:24:32):
So Johnny, how's how's the fishing man?

Speaker 51 (01:24:34):
Yeah, you know, I didn't fish much with all the weather,
but we're gonna go out today. We're gonna go hit
up the the Everglades around Alligator Rally area, and yeah,
I've heard there's some fish out there. I know the
water level is still really high out in the Everglades,
but I think if you put your time in and

you fish around some of these, you know, different areas
off the alley, you can you can definitely find some fish.

Speaker 38 (01:25:03):
So that's gonna be our game plan today.

Speaker 51 (01:25:05):
You know, just get out cover as much ground as possible,
and you know, praay have three or four different rods riggs.

Speaker 38 (01:25:13):
So we can just keep keep changing it up as
much as we need to.

Speaker 51 (01:25:18):
You know, one of my one of my top producing
lures out there is a is a hard jerk bait, and.

Speaker 38 (01:25:26):
That thing is pretty hard to beat.

Speaker 51 (01:25:28):
But you know, I'll still have you know, some smaller
profile stuff rigged up, like a small soft plastic swum bait.
And I'll have a top water rigged up just because
I like top water. And I'll probably even have a
fly rod rigged up tucked you know, tucked down in
the rod storage. But I would say, between you know,

those three or four options, I'm we're definitely gonna get
tight on something today. I mean, I haven't fished the
Everglades much just because that water level has been so high.
But I think if you just fish it right, you know,
and fish it like it like it is, you know,
deeper water than normal, I think.

Speaker 38 (01:26:06):
They're gonna chew really good today.

Speaker 2 (01:26:08):
I mean, yeah, you know, it's.

Speaker 51 (01:26:09):
Post front, so it could slow them down a little
bit on that end, but I think it should be
really good. I I know a couple of guys that
want snake hut fishing. Over the last couple of days.
They just absolutely cranked on them. I mean, you know
that the snake hut fishing. When there's a hurricane or
storm of any kind, Yeah, it it really fires those

guys up. So they were really good this week. I
think today they'll probably be a little bit shut down
just because it's gonna be a nice sunny day. But
you know, for future reference, you get one of those
storms rolling through, you want to be throwing those top
water frogs for those snakeheads because they are just they're
just menaces and that type of weather, they'll go after

everything and anything.

Speaker 12 (01:26:55):
Johnny, speaking of snakeheads, you know, I have a lot
of people that come down from Jersey or up north
and they've never caught one.

Speaker 2 (01:27:02):
They've never fished for them.

Speaker 12 (01:27:04):
What's a good way to target them if you want
to target a snakehead.

Speaker 38 (01:27:09):
Well, it depends a lot.

Speaker 51 (01:27:11):
That's a good question, because it depends a lot on
the water that you're fishing. If you are going to
be fishing, you know, matted grass where there's a lot
of stuff on the surface, and you're gonna be you know,
maybe needing to fish on top of that, a top
water frog is probably the most versatile for snakehead fishing

in general. But if you have a nice, clean, maybe
a little bit deeper canal, you can fish a spinner
bait or a chatter bait and they will light.

Speaker 38 (01:27:43):
Those things up.

Speaker 51 (01:27:44):
I have caught so many snakeheads on chatterbaits, just with
a you know, with a moderate size trailer and a
brighter color, you know, and they will.

Speaker 38 (01:27:57):
Just wreck those things.

Speaker 51 (01:28:00):
I personally, at least not that I can remember, caught
one on a spinner bay, but I know a lot
of guys that do.

Speaker 38 (01:28:08):
Actually, Laura caught one on a spinner bait. You guys,
you know what this is. But it's called a beetle
spin and it's made for bluegill. It's like the first
lure that.

Speaker 51 (01:28:18):
You get when you're a kid in your first tackle box,
because it works.

Speaker 38 (01:28:23):
Laura actually caught and Laura's my girlfriend. For anybody listening
that doesn't know who that is.

Speaker 51 (01:28:31):
She was throwing that beetle spin around and she come
snaked on that beatles, Like I said.

Speaker 38 (01:28:37):
Is meant meant for bluegill.

Speaker 51 (01:28:40):
And then she's thrown it on a ultra light rod
and that thing.

Speaker 6 (01:28:43):
Just rocked her freaking world that day.

Speaker 2 (01:28:47):
Yeah, Oh yeah, that's great. Hey, Johnny, real quick for
you going normal, just brought in a fact there's a
big mullet run in happening up with Broward Conty out
of You're a tarping guy who probably can use his
finger mullet. They're running, I guess you'll be gunning.

Speaker 38 (01:28:59):
Huh, you know, yeah, they are running. I haven't seen Grant.

Speaker 51 (01:29:06):
I haven't really been out because we were down at
the Maverick Owners Tournament last weekend and then got back
and was busy up here. But I believe that there's
only a little bit that made it to Broward. I
think a lot of them are just very spread out.

Speaker 44 (01:29:22):
You know.

Speaker 52 (01:29:22):
Sometimes these events can last for, you know, almost two months,
and sometimes they last.

Speaker 38 (01:29:27):
For like seven days.

Speaker 51 (01:29:29):
So hopefully we get a little bit longer of a
little bit longer of a stretch this year than years past.

Speaker 2 (01:29:36):
But one last question, he goes, Joe, we haven't talked
with all captures all morning.

Speaker 38 (01:29:41):
Log go out today.

Speaker 51 (01:29:42):
We're gonna go hit up the the Everglades around Alligator
Rally area, and yeah, I've heard there's some fish out there.
I know the water level is still really high on
the Everglades, but I think if you put your time
in and you fish around some of these, you know,
different areas off the alley, you can you can definitely
find some fish.

Speaker 38 (01:30:03):
So that's gonna be our game plan today.

Speaker 51 (01:30:06):
You know, just get out cover as much ground as possible,
and you know, prabay have three or four different rods
rigs that we can just keep keep changing it up
as much as we need to. You know, one of
my one of my top producing lures out there is
a is a hard jerk bait, and that thing is

pretty hard to beat. But you know, I'll still have
you know, some smaller profile stuff rigged up, like a
small soft plastic swum bait. And I'll have a top
water rigged up just because I like top water. And
I'll probably even have a fly rod rigged up tucked
you know, tucked down in the rod storage. But I

would say, between you know, those three or four options,
I'm we're definitely gonna get tight on something today. I mean,
I haven't fished the Everglades much just because that water
level has been so high. But I think if you
just fish it right, you know, and fish it like
it like it is, you know, deeper water than normal,
I think they're going to chew really good today. I mean, yeah,

you know, it's post front, so it could slow them
down a little bit on that end, but I think
it should be really good. I I know a couple
of guys that want snakehead fishing. Over the last couple
of days, they just absolutely cranked on them. I mean,
you know that the snakehead fishing when there's a hurricane
or storm of any kind, Yeah, it really fires those

guys up. So they were really good this week. I
think today they'll probably be a little bit shut down
just because it's going to be a nice sunny day.
But you know, for future reference, you get one of
those storms rolling through, you want to be throwing those
top water frogs for those snakeheads because they are just
they're just menaces, and that type of weather, they'll go

after everything and anything.

Speaker 12 (01:31:55):
Johnny, speaking of snakeheads, you know, I have a lot
of people that come down from Jersey or up north
and they've never caught one.

Speaker 2 (01:32:03):
They've never fished for them.

Speaker 6 (01:32:04):
What's a good way to target them if you want
to target a.

Speaker 2 (01:32:07):
Snakehead, Well, it depends a lot.

Speaker 51 (01:32:11):
That's a good question, because it depends a lot on
the water that you're fishing if you are going to
be fishing, you know, matted grass where there's a lot
of stuff on the surface and you're gonna be you.

Speaker 38 (01:32:24):
Know, maybe needing to fish.

Speaker 6 (01:32:26):
On top of that, a top.

Speaker 51 (01:32:28):
Water frog is probably the most versatile for snakehead fishing
in general. But if you have a nice, clean, maybe
a little bit deeper canal, you can fish a spinner
bait or a chatter bait and they will light those
things up. I have caught so many snakeheads on chatterbaits,

just with a you know, with a moderate size trailer
and a brighter color, you know, and they will just
wreck those things. I personally, at least not that I
can remember, caught one on a spinner bab but I
know a lot of guys that do. Actually, Laura caught

one on a spinner bait.

Speaker 11 (01:33:11):
You guys, you know what this is.

Speaker 51 (01:33:13):
But it's called a beetle spin and it's made for bluegill.
It's like the first lure that you get when you're
a kid in your first tackle box because it works.

Speaker 38 (01:33:23):
Laura actually caught and.

Speaker 51 (01:33:25):
Laura's my girlfriend. For anybody listening that doesn't know who
that is. The she was throwing that beetle spin around
and she come snakead on that beatles, like I said,
is meant meant for bluegill. And then she's thrown it
on a ultra light rod and that thing.

Speaker 6 (01:33:44):
Just rocked her freaking.

Speaker 10 (01:33:45):
World that day.

Speaker 2 (01:33:47):
Yeah, oh yeah, that's great. Hey, Johnny, real quick for
you going normally. Just brought a fact. There's a big
mullet run in happening up with Broward. Caddyo. You're a
tarping guy who probably can use his finger mullet. They're running,
I guess you'll be gunning.

Speaker 51 (01:33:59):
Huh, you know, yeah, they are running.

Speaker 38 (01:34:04):
I haven't seen grind.

Speaker 51 (01:34:06):
I haven't really been out because we were down at
the Maverick Owners Tournament last weekend and then got back
and was busy up here. But I believe that there's
only a little bit that made it to Broward. I
think a lot of them are just very spread out.

Speaker 10 (01:34:22):
You know.

Speaker 52 (01:34:23):
Sometimes these events can last for you know, almost two months,
and sometimes they last for like seven days.

Speaker 6 (01:34:29):
So hopefully we.

Speaker 51 (01:34:31):
Get a little bit longer of a little bit longer
of a stretch this year than years past.

Speaker 2 (01:34:36):
But one last question for he goes Joe. We haven't
talk with all caps as all boardy log, what's your
go to not when you're tying off let's say freshwater lures,
there a cap, but you need not fishermen's not. What
not do you like the best?

Speaker 51 (01:34:49):
Uh See, you guys always hit me with those loaded questions.
So if I'm if I'm walking the dog with the
top water lure, I'm gonna and this is the knot
that ties the lure onto the leader. Because I normally
use like an FG not to tie the leader to
the main line, or a Uni knot to tie that,
I use a loop knot or it's called you know

a lot of people know it as a rapella knot,
and it's just a loop knot. It allows the lure
to have a lot of extra action. If I'm tying
something like a popper or something like just a you know,
a regular straight pulling lure that doesn't have a lot
of action, I will tie a Uni knot.

Speaker 38 (01:35:31):
And if I'm tying on a hook.

Speaker 51 (01:35:33):
A smaller hook, I'm going to use a Snell knotti.

Speaker 2 (01:35:37):
You know, when I tie Uni on my lures, Johnny
is as supposed to actually what my fingertips and bringing
it all the way down to the actual lure. I
leave like a quarter inch. I call it like my shock,
my shock set up, okay smart, So when I hit
it that it torques down the string of LOOI del
to the lure like that.

Speaker 7 (01:35:58):
Have you guys ever tried a domnia.

Speaker 32 (01:36:03):

Speaker 2 (01:36:04):
I would try to DoD not. But thank you Steve
very much. But yeah, I like the union dot. That's
my favorite go to Johnny. I've always been using that
for it for years and years and season week too.
Yeah well yeah, yeah, no.

Speaker 38 (01:36:14):
It's a great knot.

Speaker 51 (01:36:15):
I try to teach anybody that uses the fisherman's not
to get away from the fisherman's not and use that.

Speaker 2 (01:36:22):
And if you guys don't know how to tie uni knot,
it's so civil. Going the YouTube you'll find everything. Yeah,
if you just google fishing knots, you'll be like nine
thousand pop ups. There's a lot of them out there. Yeah, Johnny,
thanks so much for going to rock the clock man.
But have a great weekend. Keep doing what you're doing
and enjoy that brand new uh beautiful boat you got there,
and good luck with him girl, Johnny, and keep it up. Brother.

Speaker 38 (01:36:43):
Thank you guys. We'll talk to you next week.

Speaker 2 (01:36:45):
See you bout that guy's so great man. Johnny brings
its strong he does always Man. Take a little break,
Talk to Jen with the weather, Talk to Captain deb
Dale and new Rappaports coming up on the program, Andrew
Rappidports coming up in the program, Steve, I'm in you
rapp Report and this is your dream boat Moment. All
ahead on Fox Sports nine forty Live.

Speaker 4 (01:37:06):
It's time to go.

Speaker 2 (01:37:07):

Speaker 21 (01:37:07):
Ring Power, the distributor for Cox Marine, offers the three
hundred horsepower Cox Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboard engine,
designed specifically for marine use. In recent testing, the CXO
three hundred diesel outboard consistently outperforms gasoline outboards with lower
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CXO three hundred diesel outboard has sixty percent better TOWRQUE
than similar gasoline outboards, So reduce your overall fuel cost,

travel further and stay out on the water longer.

Speaker 7 (01:37:32):
Go diesel.

Speaker 21 (01:37:33):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to find your local dealer.

Speaker 26 (01:37:37):
Remember the days of gasoline, It's just not made the
same anymore.

Speaker 3 (01:37:44):
Shake your gass into gear.

Speaker 27 (01:37:46):
With star drove pump up the performance in all of
your engines.

Speaker 3 (01:37:52):
Sure the problems of the petsodol with.

Speaker 28 (01:37:54):
The power of nxymes, and maximize your fileage every time you.

Speaker 3 (01:38:00):
Dry kick starting your engines with star Trot.

Speaker 7 (01:38:07):
You need a place to store your boat.

Speaker 35 (01:38:08):
How about a wet slip with ocean access, one with
hurricane protection and a full service yard. Nautical Ventures Marine
Center in the heart of Fort Lauderdale has dodged starting
at just twelve dollars per foot per month, the lowest
righton Broward County. Our full service yard performs all boat
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Coming soon a new state of the r two hundred
unit dry stack TODA nautical Ventures dot com slash Marina

for more information. Nautical Ventures the go to people for
fun on the water.

Speaker 17 (01:38:36):
When it comes to kayak fishing, Nautical Ventures knows what
you need to catch fish. They carry top frands from Hoby,
Ocean Wilderness, Old Town Perception, Nicki, and are experts in
rigging your kayak. They'll customize your kayak with fishing amenities, lights, deathfinders,
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accessories in stock and you can try it before you
buy it in their lusive aquazone. Go to Nautical Ventures
dot com for more details. Nautical Ventures the go to
people for kayak fishing.

Speaker 25 (01:39:07):
There are ordinary mornings, and then there are mornings powered
by Mercury. There are ordinary Saturdays, and then there are
Saturdays powered by Mercury. Don't get stuck living in the ordinary.
Experience your life powered by Mercury.

Speaker 7 (01:39:37):
This is the story of the one.

Speaker 19 (01:39:39):
As a facility technician installing a new welding station, he
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Speaker 7 (01:39:45):
That's why when questions arise, there's Granger.

Speaker 19 (01:39:48):
Granger offers detailed technical product information online at his fingertips,
so it's easy to find what he needs. Because when
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people can breathe a little easier. Call Clickgranger dot com
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Speaker 53 (01:40:06):
With progressives, name your Price tool you can easily find
cover options that fit your budget. If only it was
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Speaker 7 (01:40:13):
Hop out Jaden no okay, Michael.

Speaker 38 (01:40:16):
Went to middle school with the glue eating Michael.

Speaker 3 (01:40:18):
Sebastian dated one in college.

Speaker 23 (01:40:20):
How about Damien Vampire name all right?

Speaker 2 (01:40:22):

Speaker 7 (01:40:22):
Not feeling it? Okay, no worse, No worse, Jeffrey, I
love that one, wit ruly.

Speaker 53 (01:40:27):
No find coverge options that fit your budget with Progressives,
name your price tool, get a quote at Progressive dot Com,
progress the CASUALTEATERNT Company. I'm going to get pace Cover's
ended US staple on not availed in a U.

Speaker 4 (01:40:36):
States broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine point forty
Anna jar and Levine Accidents Attorney Studios. Call one eight
hundred seven four seven free.

Speaker 14 (01:40:46):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven free, seven free free.

Speaker 1 (01:40:52):
If you're on boards and Donegal Ventcher's Weekly Fisherman Show
powered by Mercury Marine, go boldly with let's nary Fishermanary
Friend is an extreme angular Joe Hector.

Speaker 2 (01:41:05):
You know that's kind of a record because she's busy
with kids and stuff and building, you know, lemonade stands
and for her kids, But lemon jenn On now like
three weeks straight.

Speaker 6 (01:41:14):
Man, Jen, she's Jen Deiry car.

Speaker 2 (01:41:23):
You have to sing every damn break we come out
of this sing.

Speaker 30 (01:41:25):

Speaker 2 (01:41:26):
I don't think jenn even likes that she does he
secretly does. Jennifer Gray Warren, good morning, my friend. How
are you hi?

Speaker 3 (01:41:32):

Speaker 5 (01:41:34):
And I do love being serenaded enough.

Speaker 54 (01:41:37):
See all right, Oh she likes your siga, Joe, Jen Jen,
she's Jen Weir with Huh, you're cutting her time, Joe.

Speaker 2 (01:41:51):
I'm sorry you're dropping off.

Speaker 7 (01:41:53):
Sorry, She's got plenty of time.

Speaker 2 (01:41:54):
I just say, you know Derek Carr Jen, unless I checked,
he has a number one quarterback past rating. Of course
he's not a raid or anything like that.

Speaker 47 (01:42:04):
Yes he does.

Speaker 5 (01:42:05):
He is a big fan over here. Big fan changes
week by week. But I have a big fan right now.

Speaker 4 (01:42:11):
Do you have?

Speaker 2 (01:42:12):
You have Coop and Kayden and all kinds of Saints attired,
do you? Guys? You buy all the stuff the kids.

Speaker 44 (01:42:17):
You know.

Speaker 5 (01:42:17):
What's so funny is they will root for the opposite
team like a huge He's a.

Speaker 2 (01:42:23):
Huge Falcons fan.

Speaker 6 (01:42:25):

Speaker 5 (01:42:27):
Yeah, he's got a Falcons jersey. Of course we do
live in Atlanta, so there's a little peer of pressure involved.
But Cooper's favorite team is the Dolphins.

Speaker 2 (01:42:37):

Speaker 5 (01:42:37):
I think it's he loves uh, he loves sharks, and
so I think it has to do with the mascot.
But he's a big Dolphins fan, Jed.

Speaker 2 (01:42:46):
But I like your kids even more than I liked
it before. Thanks, Jed.

Speaker 8 (01:42:50):
I heard you were getting eighty ninety one our winds
up in hot Atlanta from this hurricane?

Speaker 23 (01:42:55):
Is that true?

Speaker 2 (01:42:55):

Speaker 5 (01:42:57):
They didn't get that high we I mean, I think
the highest gust we had it was probably thirty. But
areas around us definitely had really strong winds. Like the
folks in like northern Georgia and even northern North Carolina
like two hour, like less than two hours from here.
They were rescuing people from their homes. Like even in
Atlanta proper, like ten or fifteen minutes south of where

we live. People were having to be rescued from their homes.

Speaker 32 (01:43:21):
It was crazy.

Speaker 2 (01:43:22):
Wow, I'm glad at least people range. Yeah, good stuff.
I mean that people would hurt more than ever heard. Yeah,
good stuff?

Speaker 6 (01:43:30):
Good right?

Speaker 2 (01:43:32):
Yeah, could have been higher casualties. I'm saying my good
stuff anyway, Jen, We've got a sunny day so far.
Is that bound to change? Has ever ready a place
for gulf tomorrow or what do you think?

Speaker 44 (01:43:44):

Speaker 46 (01:43:45):
Not too bad.

Speaker 5 (01:43:45):
It's just gonna be hot today. You got a thirty
percent chance of showers and storms Today, mostly sunny, high
in near ninety, but that heat index is gonna feel
like one oh six up to twenty, diminishing to five
to ten in the afternoon, so the wind's really dying
down throughout the day. Seas around two feet inner coastal
water is a light chop. Tomorrow sunny with a high

in air eighty nine, heat index values as high as
one o three, southeast winds five to ten seas around
two feet inner coastal water is a light chop. And
then today in the Keys, thirty percent chance of showers,
uh thunderstorms, sunny with a high in air ninety south
winds fifteen knots decreasing to ten. Seas two to three
feet near shore water is a moderate chop. Tomorrow ten

percent chance of showers and storms and the Keys mostly sunny,
high ninety eat southeast wind not seas one to two
feet near shore water is a light chop. And also
they can go to Florida Bay about the same winds
ten to fifteen with a moderate chop.

Speaker 2 (01:44:41):
Wait, yees, it's good ten percent chance of rain on
my Sunday. They off Joe, Yeah, I could actually maybe
God golf golf.

Speaker 6 (01:44:49):
You get to watch the Dolphins would be great.

Speaker 2 (01:44:51):
I will be one.

Speaker 7 (01:44:51):
Dolphins are not playing on Sunday. They play money. Oh
so we won't be losing this weekend.

Speaker 2 (01:45:00):
Thanks so much. Good luck with your Saints, and good
luck with Cooper Kade, and keep building the houses you
built for you bloys. Build something with those kids every weekend.
Your skills are amazing. I don't know, man, Start going
in a construct the construction business. You can make a fortune. Okay,
you're really great with the hammer it. Thank god, you
got Destination Dive, you got you know, Weather Channel? What
else do you want on your plate? You know you

got enough already going on?

Speaker 6 (01:45:21):
Did you watch your show yet?

Speaker 2 (01:45:23):
I found it? Yeah? I did, Joe? You found it?
Are you sure you know? I called? She called out
last week and we're having it wrong day.

Speaker 6 (01:45:29):
So what happened in the first episode?

Speaker 2 (01:45:30):
Give us a little previous I said that played back
to her. Okay, okay, here's here's a scene. She was
in a wet suit with a tank. Okay, okay, he didn't.

Speaker 8 (01:45:40):
Watch it, Joe, he didn't watch that was uh he
heard like, all right, you got busted.

Speaker 2 (01:45:46):
We gotta go, man, We gotta move. You already busted
me once or twice. Anyway, Thank you much, Jed. I
will watch the show. It's kind of the key, shall we, Joe,
let's do it. You have a Mutch SpongeBob and was
happening with me? I got him?

Speaker 46 (01:46:03):
Dad, you have boths?

Speaker 45 (01:46:05):
Have got one?

Speaker 10 (01:46:07):
Not too bad.

Speaker 2 (01:46:08):
Such shot here going on. We have a brand new
set with mercury bling all around us today. We're happy
about that. We're looking sharp and snappy over here. And
how's life in the Kingstreet.

Speaker 46 (01:46:18):
You well, everything's kind of calming down now.

Speaker 23 (01:46:21):
You know.

Speaker 55 (01:46:22):
We had that storm come through and uh not through here,
but you know, just side swiped Key West and and
and hit the hit the Gulf, and then went up
to my hometown in western North Carolina and just delibated
over the maps.

Speaker 6 (01:46:36):
So prayers for up there.

Speaker 46 (01:46:38):
When I was little, my grandma, when we used to
sit down for family dinner, we used to pray, and
she says, she used to say, you know, God forbid
and the creek don't rise. Well, the creek grows where
I'm from, and it's devastating, and it's just it's hard
on my heart this morning.

Speaker 2 (01:46:53):
So by wow on that side.

Speaker 46 (01:46:56):
But yeah, I mean, prayers for everybody up there. But
here were beautiful. I mean it's a gorgeous Stay here.
It looks like it's gonna rain a little bit, but
it's gonna be a hot one.

Speaker 8 (01:47:06):
Guy, I saw you guys had a lot of rough
weather down there. Was there any damage in the Keys
or any boat damage down there?

Speaker 46 (01:47:15):
I haven't heard of any in particular, Steven, I have
heard that there had.

Speaker 7 (01:47:19):
You know, we did get the hurricane on the King type,
so there was quite.

Speaker 46 (01:47:23):
A bit of storm surgeon, quite a bit not storm surge,
but quite a bit of flooding after that. And then
on bayside up here in Key Bargo where I'm at,
we did have some storm search come in and about
a foot And that's about.

Speaker 2 (01:47:36):
All I've heard so far. How about some fish news?
What's been bike though that way?

Speaker 46 (01:47:41):
Well, I mean sometimes they call these things fish storms,
and you know, prefrontal storms I think are really good
for fishing. But you know, with all the water that
we have here and everything, it's it's it's all up.
You never know what's gonna happen, you know, you never
know until you've actual we get out there on what
the conditions are.

Speaker 11 (01:48:02):
Gonna be.

Speaker 46 (01:48:03):
But I want to readdress what Norm said today about
finger mullet and about because the marinas that I have
been in in the past couple of days, you know,
I've been, you know, running around on the roads trying
to make sure everything's all right and everything. Those big
mullet and those finger mullet are starting to show up
down here in the keys. Ah, So we are starting

to trickle them down.

Speaker 16 (01:48:25):

Speaker 46 (01:48:25):
They're not gonna be as as much as you do
see in Browbert and up that way, for sure. But
if you have a chance to throw on some finger mullet,
finger mullet catches selfish down here, it catches big dolphin
down here, it catches wahoo. And that's what I would
put on my kite baites as long as they're here.

And it looks like we might have a cold front,
a Florida cold front. That don't mean it's gonna get cold, y'all.
That means it's gonna get the pressure's gonna drop, and
maybe the fish might bite, especially then wahoo.

Speaker 7 (01:48:57):
So around like the fourth the fish wahoo.

Speaker 2 (01:49:00):
Yeah, why who it's octaber.

Speaker 46 (01:49:02):
Baby come home. It's wildhoo time. So you know, I
just want to you know, put that on there that
you know, just if you're seeing some mullet and you
can throw a cast. Now I agree with normal. Leave
those gogglays alone and go after those mullet.

Speaker 2 (01:49:18):
There you go. Closing questions, but ask the captains all
morning long, your go to nott Uni Fisherman's not. I
don't know what not? Do you like the best?

Speaker 46 (01:49:28):
A Uni knot, reverse albrupt knot and probably a beeminy
are my three top knots?

Speaker 2 (01:49:35):
Okay? So of those of those three, what would be
your top knot?

Speaker 6 (01:49:40):
Definitely a Uni right man so far, Joe?

Speaker 2 (01:49:45):
Are you like everyone knot is on the lead? Okay?
This is spite what bowser? Yeah, the spite what bouncer
said for half an hour? We're good? Okay, shoot up, okay, Eric.
It was a classicity of not tell you he's gonna
be so mad at you. I don't really care. All right,
DEVI listen, we're gonna rock the clock with hey. Great

to hear that things are settling down the keys all.
You're doing well as always. We love you to death,
We love you to keep doing what you're doing.

Speaker 6 (01:50:11):
Thanks captain, dev go fin the Monday.

Speaker 2 (01:50:14):
Bye, Yeah, Okay, I'm going to church tomorrow to pray
for him. Okay, thank you, Yeah you better. Coming up next,
we have our closing segment with Andrew Rappaport.

Speaker 12 (01:50:24):
Joey, I'm Andrew Rapproport and this is your dream boat moment.

Speaker 2 (01:50:27):
Next at Fox Sports.

Speaker 4 (01:50:30):
Yeah, Fox Sports nine Weather.

Speaker 13 (01:50:35):
We sill sending clouds for our Saturday with the possible
scatter showers and it's gonna get hot.

Speaker 47 (01:50:39):

Speaker 13 (01:50:39):
You have ninety three for today in Fort Laudernial and
ninety three as well in wind Wood with a little
bit of humidity as well Tonight. Love eighty mostly Sundy
for tomorrow with Jeffe Clouds and how you have ninety two.

Speaker 7 (01:50:49):
This report is sponsored by Stand Up to Cancer Joe.

Speaker 43 (01:50:53):
Buck and John Smoltz. Welcoming you back to the City
Center Convenience Smart. Uh oh, she's looking at the cigarettes much.
She just scraps the gum off the counter. Stand Up
to Cancer and Rally want you to reduce your risk
for cancer.

Speaker 2 (01:51:06):
Go to take a healthy stam dot org.

Speaker 4 (01:51:08):
It's time to go diesel.

Speaker 21 (01:51:09):
If you're a charter fishing captain and reliability is key
to your success see how Cox Marines three hundred horsepower
diesel outboard can benefit you. Ring Power, a distributor of Coxmarine,
offers the CXO three hundred diesel outboard engine, designed specifically
for marine use. This diesel outboard provides longer service intervals,
saving on both maintenance and downtime. The Cox Marine diesel
outboard has lower emissions, thirty percent less fuel burn, and

sixty percent better torque than similar gasoline outboards. Go Diesel
visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.

Speaker 16 (01:51:38):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them inner. Simrad's new Halo open ray
radar bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power on finding
flocks of birds, leading you to fishing holes up to

eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power. For
more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at simrad
Dashyachting dot com.

Speaker 29 (01:52:07):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
between you and fighting a monsterfish. And when it comes
to kayakfishing, nothing beats a hobby with its hands free
moarage drive propulsion system. Nautical Ventures is your exclusive Hoby
dealer for Broward and Palm Beach. They have the widest
selection of models and accessor reesa make your Hoby uniquely yours.
They're rigged by our in house experts who fish the

tournaments if they know what it takes to win. Coda
Nautical Ventures dot Com to learn more. Nautical Ventures the
go to people for Hoby.

Speaker 26 (01:52:38):
Remember the cory days of gasoline. It's just not made
the same anymore.

Speaker 27 (01:52:43):
When should your gass into gear with star Trot, pump
up the poporbits in all of your engines, sure the
problems of the pathodol with the power of nxymes, and.

Speaker 3 (01:52:58):
Maximize your file every time you drive, kick starting your
engines with star Trot.

Speaker 34 (01:53:07):
So we're not all professional anglists, we don't all compete
on the biggest stage. But inside it's all burns the
same fire to be a champion. It's why you get
out early, bring the toughest conditions, point the bow toward adventure,
and put the hammer down for whatever trophy or fish
or memory you're chasing. Come on and Bricury pro excess

out board engineered to deliver the speed and reliability you
need to power the champion inside you.

Speaker 4 (01:53:36):
To make switching to the new boost Mobile risk free.
We're offering a thirty day money back guarantee.

Speaker 7 (01:53:40):
So why wouldn't you switch from Verizon or T Mobile?
Because we have nothing to lose. Boost Mobile is offering
a thirty day money back guarantee. No, I asked, why
wouldn't you switch from Verizon or T Mobile?

Speaker 44 (01:53:50):
Wouldn't because you love wasting money as a way to
punish yourself because your mother never showed you enough love.

Speaker 56 (01:53:57):
As a child.

Speaker 7 (01:53:57):
Well easy there.

Speaker 11 (01:53:59):

Speaker 12 (01:53:59):
Applies to online activations, requires poured in and autopay.

Speaker 35 (01:54:02):
Customers activating in stores may be charged non refundable activation fees.

Speaker 30 (01:54:06):
Is this house a good price compared to others in
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have your back every step of the way. That's what
real tours do because that's who we are. Realtors are
members of the National Association of Real Tours.

Speaker 4 (01:54:36):
The pros talk here.

Speaker 10 (01:54:37):
Aren't you a Emmy Award winning journalist.

Speaker 2 (01:54:40):
This is a big deal.

Speaker 4 (01:54:41):
This is Fox Sports nine Miami.

Speaker 1 (01:54:45):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fishermen show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go Boldly with legendary fishermen Aeric Brandon
and Extreme Angular Joe Hector.

Speaker 2 (01:55:00):
Oh, now it is time for the last second of
the show, and we's got to say the best of
the last. Our great friend is back.

Speaker 7 (01:55:07):
It's the matter with you boys a lot.

Speaker 2 (01:55:09):
Actually, time for dream boat moment and our great friend
Andrew wire rapp Aport's.

Speaker 6 (01:55:16):
I'm Andrew Rabbaport and this is your dream boat.

Speaker 2 (01:55:18):
Moment, Andrew my friend. Good morning to you, brother, Andrew.

Speaker 23 (01:55:25):
Morning, Eric, morning, Joe.

Speaker 3 (01:55:26):
How are you guys?

Speaker 2 (01:55:27):
Good we're doing Hey, we're talking to you and about boats.
How bad can it be? Now we're taking a boat
and we're actually giving a two week play because you
really can't talk about one boat one Saturday. Joe, right,
and get it up in Okay, okay, we're giving a
two week play, so Andrew, talk about this bed when
we spoke about last week a survey would and tell
us more about it.

Speaker 56 (01:55:49):
Absolutely, For the second week in a row, we're doing
the tide Water one ninety eight Center Council. Now, this
is you know, your your nineteen foot center console for
your average fishermen.

Speaker 23 (01:56:03):
You've got your fish.

Speaker 56 (01:56:04):
Boxes, your live wells, your rod holders, and might I
add its powered by that Mercury one point.

Speaker 2 (01:56:11):
Fifty yeah, oh yeah, okay, very cool. So it's got
plenty of merk power. And uh is it a fishing
boat per se?

Speaker 56 (01:56:22):
I mean it friendly, absolutely absolutely, it's a you know,
your your center console fishing boat.

Speaker 23 (01:56:31):
Like I said, it's got your.

Speaker 38 (01:56:32):
Live wells and your rod holders and your fish boxes.

Speaker 23 (01:56:34):
I mean, you know, any fishermen should be able to
fish this boat.

Speaker 2 (01:56:38):
Nice. Well, we're looking at a former model. We have
the wrong video on the screen. But even though that,
that boat looks amazing as well. So I can't if
you want to find out more about this boat, obviously,
you guys have able to try before you buy. Policy Andrew,
you give a little mindor deposit down and take it
for a boat, ride and seek troll this thing or what.

Speaker 48 (01:56:58):
Yeah, that's right, Eric, I've got a couple more he's
left in stock.

Speaker 23 (01:57:02):
Really super simple. You just come on down, take a
look at the boat.

Speaker 56 (01:57:05):
If you like it, give me a small refundable deposit,
and you know, I'll get you out on the water
so you can test it out.

Speaker 2 (01:57:11):
See that's key, Joe. Yes, it's a fundable deposits. So
if you give a refundable deposit, it gives you a
seat draw right. If you like that boat, use the
deposit towards paint of the boat.

Speaker 23 (01:57:19):

Speaker 2 (01:57:20):
If you don't like the boat, Andrew gives it right back.
That's how I sew boats as well. I think it's
a really no risk situation. I'm sure I'll. Andrew and
I are both discussing the fact that boat sails are
kind of a kind of a slower moment right now. Okay, So, Andrew,
are you more aggressive with your with your pricing and
negotiations than you have been in the past. Is a
good tend to buy a boat?

Speaker 49 (01:57:42):
It's absolutely It's probably the best time it's ever been
since I've been in the industry.

Speaker 2 (01:57:47):
It really is. And yeah, just like you said, awesome. Okay,
so it's not a wheeling deal, Joe, let's do it, man,
call you up and get a ride on that bad
Boy or anything else you've got. You got some amazing
boats at Colenches. By the way, Uh, contact you how
my friend.

Speaker 23 (01:58:05):
Super easy.

Speaker 56 (01:58:05):
Give me a call five six one three oh one
seven two seven to two or send me an email
at Andrew at nautical ventures dot com.

Speaker 2 (01:58:14):
You know, Andrew, you just break it strong every weekend. Man,
thanks you for week You're part of this team and
we appreciate you. We'd love the boats and thanks again, brother,
have a great weekend.

Speaker 6 (01:58:21):
Yeah, thanks Andrew. I'll see it at the gym, bud.

Speaker 10 (01:58:24):
Thanks, guys, I see you.

Speaker 2 (01:58:26):
That's sound a little weird. I'll see you that. I
see him every day, you know that? Is that like
in the shower by bar bells or where we all
meeting up at shower of course all the shower. All right,
I'll leave that alone. So I'm saying our great friend
Kat she's our new uh social media person in all
cole ventures, okay, where she's already putting a post of

your next event, which is not for like another eighteen
thousand months. I love it. What's up with that thing?
Already we're friends, you're friends. Well, since we're talking about it,
what is your next damn thing?

Speaker 12 (01:58:59):
So we have the Salefish SmackDown. We just came out
with the teaserflyer and the new date. It's taking place
January twenty fifth, twenty twenty five. That's crazy, say that number,
twenty twenty.

Speaker 2 (01:59:11):
This is September, October, November, December, January. So we're promoting
the tournament five months out. It's like we're floating a teaser.
Oh oh my god. You know, it's like throwing a softball.
Just you know, we're gonna be teasers for five long months.
Oh my god. Of course, on that note, let's get
that the hell out of the big thanks of Jeff

and nine forty by the way, the podcast later on today.
Oh yeah, see Jack Ray, thank you so much, brother man.
See that great job yesterday building this brand new Mercury
set which is banging great. Oh yeah, and again we'd
love on the program. If you guys weren't here, there
be no show. So thank you again for tuning in
every single Saturday. We love you guys. Sure if you care,
Sure if you care. Right, Jeff Day sports talk all
day long, the one the only Fox Sports nine forty raiders.

Speaker 39 (01:59:58):
Is your boat properly and sure? When's the last time
your agent called to discuss your policy. We're People's Insurance
Underwriters and Vote Insurance. As you know it is about
to change. We understand how the right insurance agent can
make the difference in getting your claim paid or not.
Our agents are lifelong voters whose focus is on service,
reliability and savings. We can make a difference in your

boat insurance. To learn more, go to the Happy Voting
dot Com. People's Insurance Underwriters Insurance for voters by voters.

Speaker 18 (02:00:28):
Hear that that's the sound of confidence. The sound of
confidence brought to you by the Nationwide Battery. For over
thirty years, voters and fishermen have counted on Nationwide to
fire up their engines to keep their electronics going week
after week, year after year. They have the largest selection

of batteries at the best prices, with dock side installation available.
If you count on your vote, then count on Nationwide Battery.
Visit them at Nationwide Dash Battery, Nationwide Batteries The Sound
of Confidence at.

Speaker 29 (02:01:05):
Johnny Jig's Tackle Company. Our passion for fishing drives everything
we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
most meticulously craft a tackle that will enhance your fishing experience.
At Johnny Jakes, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
every tug a thrill, and every moment by the water
and adventure. Our un wavering commitment to innovation and excellence
creates tackle exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers.

Speaker 7 (02:01:25):
We're more than a tackle company.

Speaker 29 (02:01:27):
We're your partner's and exploration, your source of inspiration, and
your companion on every fishing trip. Johnny Jake's Tackle Company
elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 2 (02:01:35):
Every day on the.

Speaker 15 (02:01:36):
Water is a blank canvas. You can reach new waters
and ride endless waves. So drop the hammer or the
anchor and let adventure be your guide. Mercury engines are
made for exploring, so are you go boldly
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