All Episodes

November 23, 2024 • 116 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Go boldly list fish, Let's make.

Speaker 3 (00:17):
Days, Holy Chitty, Willie, what a cold data do a
radio show?

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Joey Man, it's hot out huh hot? Or is it
just me? No?

Speaker 3 (00:29):
I'm hot? Yeah, I'm high, Joe not okay, Look call
this morning walking to the Nautical Ventures Weekly fisher Michelle.
You're number eighteens banging a long back at night forty Jeff,
thanks for flying the ship back there to the night
Swarm studio. I might add, hey, as you and I
are taking over the team. I heard the back of
Stephen J. Gray's palatial backyard farm out here in the

elements like real real men will do. Okay, he brought
a rod I did, speaking of men, Stephen Jack Gray
crazy make I want to toe you.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
Come on, and don't don't be complaining about the weather.
I'm gonna be in seventeen to brother in seventeen degree
weather in Green Bay.

Speaker 4 (01:04):
This giving Wow, it's gonna be Wednesday.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Whoa are we streaming yet on this show or what?

Speaker 2 (01:10):
No, we're gonna start streaming at eight o'clock from now on.

Speaker 3 (01:13):
You mean eight o'clock? Come on, man, No, but it's
actually really kind of a nippy day. Man, it's like
my Man of Conda's gone into a garden snake, you
know what I mean? What Yeah, figure that one out,
think about it. Yeah, anyway, so it's gonna be really
kind of a sunny, chilly day to day.

Speaker 4 (01:30):
Why are you bleeding?

Speaker 5 (01:31):

Speaker 3 (01:31):
Shaved this morning blindly in the shower. Am I still bleeding? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (01:34):
A couple of places.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Is the time of the month, you're always pleased?

Speaker 3 (01:37):
Yeah, it's the time of the month anyway, So I
will shake up in the line up. Jimbo Thomas is
back traveling.

Speaker 4 (01:42):
The planet, yipper, Come on, man.

Speaker 3 (01:45):
So way back in the show's inception eighteen years ago,
he was one of our captains who reported on him
every weekend for years.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
And years and years. I was like a baby and
it took a little break in the show. Right.

Speaker 3 (01:55):
His name was Wayne Kahan. Oh runs the reward fishing
fleet out of Bayside.

Speaker 4 (01:59):

Speaker 3 (01:59):
Got a lot of cred, man, he goesred. He's got
fish cred big time. What are the head boats of
catching fish? Quite often them.

Speaker 4 (02:07):

Speaker 3 (02:07):
By the way, head fish, I had a little blendage there,
keshish fish blendage.

Speaker 4 (02:13):
What's wrong with you? Man?

Speaker 3 (02:15):
It's early for anybody to be talking with any enunciation.

Speaker 4 (02:18):

Speaker 3 (02:19):
Come on, man, So let's bring him on, shall we.
Joey I want you to beat Wayne Khan. Wayne Khan,
meet Joe Hector if you have to. Hey, well, hey,
good morning.

Speaker 4 (02:29):
Joe Wayne. How's it going everything?

Speaker 5 (02:32):
Man, I'm up. I'm happy to be up and around.

Speaker 6 (02:34):
So see he sounds awake, unlike you. Wayne's a very friendly,
awake guy.

Speaker 4 (02:39):

Speaker 3 (02:39):
He's also about six foot nine. Oh, should you piss
him off, he'll squash you. Okay, hey, very large man.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
Eric, Which which one is he? You sent a picture
with a bunch of cats with like a thousand fish
on the dock. Here is is Wayne the one in
the center?

Speaker 7 (02:53):

Speaker 2 (02:53):
Or which one is?

Speaker 3 (02:54):
He's actually got photos of the crew, the paining people,
and they caught fish having a really good start. But people,
there's a photo. There's a fisher fish fish photo the boat. Okay,
am I okay, what were you drink the wa you are?

I think I blet out this morning that happened anyway, Wayne,
walcome back to the show, my friend talking about what's
happening with your boat? Man, who's catching.

Speaker 5 (03:23):
We're the last we were the last set the Mohicans. Man.
You know, we're the We're the We're the first line
of people to learn how to fish and go out
fishing economically and and for folks to move along. I've had,
you know, a few people in the last fifty five
years that I've been running boats.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
I would think, yeah a lot.

Speaker 5 (03:41):
Yeah, man, I did it all, you know, I did
it all. I ran, I ran private boats, I ran
charter boats, and I ran skiffs. I did like tackle
stuff and all kinds of cool stuff. Yeah, fly fished.
I did everything. But anyway, anyway, we were in a
party boat business. We're in a business of taking folks
out having fun, and that's truthfully the most important thing.
We fish as hard as we can, and then we
got a seventy foot boat with a big live well.

I mean, we have live pilters on the boat. Every
day they're available, which every day, it's every day, every day,
every day, every day. I mean, you know what fish
like sailfish tune is, while Who's kings they don't know
what kind of boat you're on. So you know, if
you got the ammunition, you can catch fish. You know,
there wasn't that many years ago. We used to catch one
hundred hundred fifty sailfish a year. We kud fish off

the party boat and do all kinds of crazy stuff.
That's that's falling off. It has, it has. I mean
I don't I don't care who you talk to, but
you know, the sailfishing off South waters slowed down a bit,
but still when it's right like right now, if you've
got blue water out there and it's moving north and
it's cool like this is a really good chance you
catch a sailfish or two. So it's it's kind of
up to where you want to target. You know, it's

a good time to hear to fish. Spanish macael showed
up a little bit. I know in our territory. They're
very they're they're they're very moody with the tide and
they really like the going side. So anywhere near Government
Cut on the way out, we troll three four feathers.
If we catch a macwork two, we'll do a circle.
I've had whole trips. I never left I never left
the shallow water. I put fifteen people on the You

keep going, man, there's an old saying in my business.
You don't leave fish to find fish. And you know,
if you come in with twenty thirty nice Spanish mackerel,
and everybody that brings a kid catches a fish or whatever,
and what else do you want? You know, what do
you want out? A four hour a day?

Speaker 8 (05:21):

Speaker 5 (05:22):
Enjoy the sunshine? Which say, you know what what that
many years ago? We weren't you know, we had to
put on masks while we're out there in the middle
of the sunshine.

Speaker 4 (05:28):
You know, I got tom of.

Speaker 5 (05:34):
Oh man. You know it's like I tell everybody at
the dock, hey, you got to put a mask on.
You know, from every agent, every agency goes by you.
They don't have any masks on it. I know it's okay,
but it's all right, man. We all hey, dude, we
all survived. And guess what, and maybe and the fish
they never had to wear a mask, So what the heck?

Speaker 3 (05:54):
You know, let's talk about it, not about the reward.
I remember back in the day what your charge was
for a day to get on the boat. You guys
provide the rod, the reel the bait, whatever else. What's
the cost for a guy to take his kid maybe
fishing for a data reward.

Speaker 5 (06:11):
Well, I'm glad you asked, because you know I've been
fed aling with something over. You know, last summer we
initiated something that's deeered to my heart. You know, I've
been in the business a long time and I used
to see this turnover work. I would bring his kid,
and then fifteen years later, twenty years later, that kid
brings his kid and we had this beautiful turnover, and
it's it's all changed. It's changed a lot. And what

I what I see is accessibility for kids to fish.
It's very hard. There's not a bridge. You know, as
a kid, you can fish every bridge in Miami that's gone.

Speaker 4 (06:42):
It's not a.

Speaker 5 (06:43):
Seawall on a seawall. I've got to disabled vet friend
of mine that he goes down to fish on a
beach somewhere and if he doesn't get off of that
beach by like eight am, they threaten him because you're
not supposed to be doing that. So what I'm saying is,
you know, as kids me, I'm an old guy man
and I grew up in the sixties. We take our bike.

We would you know, we go any where we wanted.
You know, that's that's a different day. Nobody's going to
let their kid do that anymore. So what I told
my guys was said, look right, I'm putting signs up
in all the tackle stores. I talked to Lily Crook
and Harry and the guys and Eddie over at all Capitana.
I know everybody in the biz, and I said, look, guys,
put a sign up. You got a kid thirteen here
under you bring them for free. We want to start kids.

We want to get kids fishing. I don't care. And
if I have to open up and I got two boats,
if I had enough business, you know when it happens,
it's going to happen, because you know, parents love to
see their kids do stuff, and healthy outdoor activities are
not on the menu too often. So two weeks ago

I spoke at the Matter Academy I do. I do
presentations with fw C, I, GFA, C, GRANT all the agencies.
We go to schools and we talk about the value
of all the cool things about our resources, and it'll
all relays to fish and fishing and how much fun
you can have fishing and stuff, and the kids really
are Then we took forty e them fishing though two

days later. That's really cool. Catch a kid there first
fish is beautiful.

Speaker 7 (08:13):
You know what.

Speaker 5 (08:13):
You look at my Facebook stuff, it's called kids Let's
Go Fishing is the program. You'll see videos of kids
catching and then dehooking their own fish. Anyway, I get
a kick out of it, and most parents really want,
you know, they want to get their kids outside. If
you don't have I don't know how anybody grew up
fishing without You didn't grow up fishing without a parent

or or an older brother or somebody to drug your
butt around and said here, do this. And dude, if
you don't start it, and this is a factual, if
you don't start that by the time you're eight, ten,
twelve years old, you're never going to become an outdoorsman.
You're never going to be a fisherman, and you're never
going to be there. You're never going to be there
to help protect the resource when the time comes and
your voice may count. So all these things coming into playing,

you know, like myself, I'm backing away from my day
to day working on the boats. I got some really
cool young dudes run in the boats. But I'm focusing
a lot more on on that end of what I
want to do, you know, when I want to leave
a little something here and try to get where kids
going at it. So that's what I'm doing, and my
parents to bring their kids fishing to no brainer, man,
you need to say, let's go fishing kids. You know,

if you bring a second kid, we charge it twenty
five bucks.

Speaker 3 (09:21):
Who cares, man, I can see you bringing me up
on that. Yeah, well a very clean boat. I've got
a reward by way, very clean boat, very cool crew.

Speaker 4 (09:29):

Speaker 6 (09:30):
Well waitne this is right up my alley. I've recently
done a couple kids fishing camps that was started yeah,
in the community. And I'll tell you, man, I was
actually shocked when I first started looking up on it
and doing some research online.

Speaker 4 (09:45):
I got a kid on my own, and you know
when when.

Speaker 6 (09:49):
I looked up a lot of this stuff, there was
nothing for kids really to like.

Speaker 4 (09:56):
Yeah, I didn't. I was shocked.

Speaker 5 (09:58):
Well, man, you know I could use guys.

Speaker 9 (10:01):
I was.

Speaker 5 (10:01):
I was hustling two weeks ago. I needed a person
to speak for fifteen minutes on a segment.

Speaker 3 (10:06):
So we get off here.

Speaker 5 (10:07):
Hey, I'm always hustling, man, I'm always hustling. I brought
in I got some cool guys listen to this all right.
I know this is a bit off topic. However, this guy, Mike,
I call him Python Mike. He's really cool dude. Him
and Josh they run an airboat service. And he comes
out to talk with me because he does. He talks
about the importance of fresh water and how it affects,

you know, the coastal estuarries and and theeries and stuff
like that. But but he also brings a python or two,
you know. And so so I got him to come
out and do a segment for me, and unfortunately I
had him speaking this is you gonna love this. I
had him speaking first. I'm going to try to make
this quick. I know we're limited here. Yeah, So he's
talking to kids are half asleep, and I said to Josh, said, Josh,

these kids aren't getting this. I said, bring up, I said,
bring out this secret weapons. So he pulls out like
a four foot python. Dude's standing front one hundred and
fifty kids with a microphone. Guy walks up behind him.
He's holding a python up in there and all of
a sudden, the kids. You hear this, it's kind of
like the wave, you know, where you get this little
rumor and burmer. Next thing you know, all of them

are going nuts. And Mike says, Man, Mike's sake it, man,
I thought, I think I'm getting to these kids.

Speaker 10 (11:15):
You know.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
Yeah, right, you know, Wayne have a lot in common.

Speaker 4 (11:19):
It sounds like it.

Speaker 3 (11:20):
With the kids saying, and the pythons.

Speaker 6 (11:22):
And wait, I got tortoises in my backyard. So when
when brings their friends over, yeah, it would be like this, Oh,
we want to go to Joe's house and see all
the tortoises.

Speaker 4 (11:32):
And the turtles and so yeah, man, it's.

Speaker 5 (11:35):
You don't want to know the critters I had in
my house. Wait, I don't know what day it was.

Speaker 3 (11:39):
I could talk. I could talk to you man, five
hours by no no, no, no, no, don't say goodbye.
I want to say to get on the reward fleet.
Let's close it up here with how do we get
on board? We contact you at all?

Speaker 5 (11:50):
Right, Miami, Yeah, we're at Bayside Marketplace. It's uh fishing.
Fishingmiami dot com is the website. That's kind of hard,
you know, that's a tough one tough. I Reward Reward
Fleet on Facebook. I'm doing U. I'm doing an all
day trip on like every other Saturday. We charged like
ninety nine bucks. Wow, and I got like twenty five
people this morning, thank god. And I'm I'm heading down

to run the boat myself today.

Speaker 4 (12:13):
So nice.

Speaker 5 (12:14):
Uh it's a little bit of treat for me and
uh and the guys get to see the old guy work.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
So Wayne, you have been an absolute joy. So good
to have you back on the show man miss Jef
several years here, but you always bring it strong. Really
appreciate you.

Speaker 4 (12:28):

Speaker 3 (12:28):
The kid things you're doing is amazing. The conservation.

Speaker 5 (12:31):
I need help, I need help, I need help.

Speaker 4 (12:33):
Joe's free.

Speaker 6 (12:34):
Hey Wayne, I'll tell you it's great talking to you
because I I really think we should hook up.

Speaker 4 (12:38):
And uh, it sounds like.

Speaker 6 (12:40):
There's a lot we can possibly do together there because hey,
I in that.

Speaker 5 (12:46):
That's you know what. You gotta have a passion for
this stuff, So I mean Eric, by the way, talk
about our permit trip all right.

Speaker 3 (12:51):
Yeah, I'll do that permit trip. By the way, Wayne,
thanks so much. Wayne, You're great.

Speaker 8 (12:57):
He was great.

Speaker 3 (12:58):
Yeah. Man, that's dropping for Jimbo.

Speaker 6 (13:00):
I think I could do some stuff with him if
he needs help with the kids stuff.

Speaker 4 (13:04):
I mean, you know, I'm there.

Speaker 2 (13:05):
You guys want to see my python.

Speaker 3 (13:07):
Yeah, you know I had a feeling.

Speaker 4 (13:10):
I had a feelings to who was gonna throw in one?
He's just waiting, man, just waiting. There was a lot
of potentials in that conversation.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
Definitely take at breaking back with this, talk about the
bast news. We're talking to Bouser six thirty. Yeah, got
Jim Matthew with the Bug Report, Oh, six forty five,
the Starbright Bucket which is banging great, uh real big tree.
Coming up at ten to eight, we have Kat Hayley
back oh doing the toy Chest. Okay, she's taking us
by storm and just really run with it. And she's
got some very cool stuff to talk about today. I

love her elevant on the show.

Speaker 5 (13:40):

Speaker 2 (13:40):
Yeah, she's knocking out on the ball at work.

Speaker 3 (13:44):
She is spunking, fired up. Yeah, take a little breaking
back with more Moody on the Facebook stream and Dautical Ventures.
Thank you very much, KNIGHTE forty listeners, thank you very much.
Coming back to you right here. Fox Sports nine forty.
We'll talk about it.

Speaker 11 (13:57):
Fox sports nine.

Speaker 12 (13:59):
Weather, so feeling that cold front bud. We are going
to have mostly sunny skies for our Saturday with a
high have seventy two Impemberke Pines seventy two as well
in Windwood and to night little fifty six Sunday again
for tomorrow with a high seventy seven.

Speaker 13 (14:12):
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Speaker 14 (14:30):
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Speaker 9 (15:03):
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Speaker 17 (15:29):
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Speaker 19 (16:16):
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Speaker 11 (18:37):
Sit in the home of Florida Gators football, Fox Sports
nine Miami.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 2 (18:49):
Go boldly.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
Here's Sarah Brandon and Joe Hector.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
Oh it's the Children of the Bone this morning.

Speaker 4 (18:58):

Speaker 9 (19:00):
Yeah, she was.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
J gray like fifty seventy two. Fifty two.

Speaker 2 (19:05):
Truck said a little cooler this morning than yesterday morning. Oh,
don't complain, I'll be in seventeen degree weather earlier.

Speaker 4 (19:13):
Okay, baby, this is this is not Eric. You know
you got your cigarette here that you're gonna show.

Speaker 2 (19:18):
That'll warm you up.

Speaker 3 (19:19):
Those are cigarettes. A box of freaking candies. Look at you, idiots.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
Please don't drop your butts on the ground.

Speaker 3 (19:26):
They are candy, fake folks. Okay, shall we get back
on a point? Oh yeah, twenty five that's when I
had my first stokey Joe, Yeah, and my first chigat Eric.
Days are freeze right there to crib. I'm smoking a
stoking in the crib. Yeah, Mammy's trying to give me

a nipple, and I was smoking a chagatte.

Speaker 4 (19:48):
I got the way there. Yeah, the candy name.

Speaker 3 (19:54):
Oh okay, bro, but whatever, oh man, we're losing that.

Speaker 4 (20:04):
This is chiliid.

Speaker 6 (20:05):
He's got this visual of you as a baby with
a stogy like the twenties.

Speaker 3 (20:09):
Yeah, crib oh yeah, I smoke that. Yeah, it's wrong
with you, not a lot, believe me. Let's go to
our great friend Alex. I can't see what he's doing.
This boring Oh great, put up with our butts, this boring.

Speaker 4 (20:23):
Big out how you knowing? Buddy? Hi?

Speaker 9 (20:25):

Speaker 24 (20:26):
Well, I was doing okay until I heard this. I
don't know what to call.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
It, to be honest with you, now, are we believe me?

Speaker 24 (20:33):
That's kind of it's kind of sad.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
I mean, I don't know, I know what. Ever, it's soon.
We're just fly by wire right here. Anyway, you've had
multiple operations. Now you're right knees badntion matching the left knee?
Are you how you feeling, buddy?

Speaker 25 (20:49):
I don't even want to talk about this stuff anymore. Well,
just let's let's just go to fishing, okay, I mean,
my pains.

Speaker 4 (20:56):
Let's go right to fishing.

Speaker 24 (20:57):
Yes, it's just cold. It's cold. Fish are not going
to be happy this morning.

Speaker 25 (21:04):
I'm not looking forward to that. I am out fishing
this afternoon. I hope hopefully they'll warm up a little bit,
though the water does not cool off as fast as
the air does, so that's my my hope there. But
I am going to probably start targeting bridges a lot.
Uh this this we're still supposed to have another cold
night again tonight, and uh it looks like it's we're
kind of in a little bit of cooler trend here

over the next week or so, though it's not going
to be as cold as this every day, but it's
still it's our winner.

Speaker 24 (21:31):
Has appro has finally came?

Speaker 3 (21:34):
Yes, it has it finally come or finally came, which
it would be it would be finally came, Winters finally come.
All it's probably winter's finally come, not came.

Speaker 25 (21:44):
Oh boy, here we go after after the introduction that
I heard.

Speaker 3 (21:49):
Let's make sure we don't want to hear I'm cold.

Speaker 24 (21:53):
It's pretty cold.

Speaker 25 (21:54):
I got a extra earliest morning even though I didn't
have to, just just so I can, you know, get
get on this show with you.

Speaker 24 (22:00):
And I'm hearing all this, Yeah, what's Colin still?

Speaker 7 (22:03):
Well? Still?

Speaker 3 (22:04):
What fish have came or come to the boat this week?

Speaker 24 (22:07):
Do you think, oh my gosh, here we go again.

Speaker 3 (22:10):
Oh it's cold guys, Wow, answer the question.

Speaker 4 (22:15):
Eric's making fun. You know what?

Speaker 3 (22:18):
It is cold though, Ali and I spoke last night.
The snakeheads are having issues with the cold weather out
of course, right.

Speaker 24 (22:24):
They don't like it. They don't like it at all.

Speaker 25 (22:27):
So I hate to say it, but I take the
great snakehead bite that was going on probably just going
to slow down a good bit and maybe in the
middle of the day you might get one or two
to bite, but it's gonna be a little bit tougher
than it's been for them.

Speaker 24 (22:39):
Peacocks should be okay.

Speaker 25 (22:41):
Still, and so a large mouth as long as the
water doesn't get super cold, which it just is not
really going to get it that cold, so they'll probably
be pretty they'll probably be biting pretty good. Like I said,
I'll target bridges with jerk baits and.

Speaker 24 (22:55):
Some top water plugs. And I hate to say it,
today I got.

Speaker 25 (22:58):
A five year old and a ten year old the boat,
so I'm gonna buy some of that stuff that uh,
your your partner always uses and he don't send awards.

Speaker 3 (23:09):
Team awards, team. Yeah, nineteen o three, Now, Joe, go
back to ten more years.

Speaker 4 (23:17):
We had a five year old and a ten year
old and nineteen front.

Speaker 3 (23:20):
Of Yeah, the bark actually was born, brother stokey in
my face.

Speaker 2 (23:24):
He implied, He implied the world.

Speaker 3 (23:27):
Now it's implied against the rule.

Speaker 2 (23:30):
The rules have change.

Speaker 24 (23:31):
I've never said anything.

Speaker 25 (23:32):
I've never said anything bad about you, Okay, I've only
been picking on Joe and Erice.

Speaker 7 (23:37):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 25 (23:38):
I think the gloves are gonna have to come off,
but I have to after somebody else.

Speaker 24 (23:41):
Now he changed the rule.

Speaker 3 (23:44):
Hey, el his name is Stephen J.

Speaker 4 (23:46):
Gray. Take a shot.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
Take Alan, Take a number, Take a number.

Speaker 26 (23:50):
Okay, Alan, I got a serious question though, Yes, okay,
So after generation after generation generation with the peacocks, do
you think that they've.

Speaker 6 (24:02):
No, you don't think they gotten a little stronger for
the of the cold?

Speaker 24 (24:05):
Well, here, here's here's the deal. Okay, snookul have been.

Speaker 7 (24:09):
Here how long?

Speaker 4 (24:10):

Speaker 25 (24:12):
They still die off when it gets too cold as well,
at least according to the state biologist who I'm pretty
good friends with.

Speaker 24 (24:19):
Uh, they said.

Speaker 25 (24:20):
Maybe in a thousand years they might adapt by a degree.

Speaker 4 (24:24):
Wow, it is what it is.

Speaker 25 (24:26):
I mean, I mean, you know, we just have to
be hoped for more global warming. I mean you know
that everything a.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
Little bit warm. Don't wish for global warm warming. You
got that word that was hard for you. I just
said more global warming. You can pick up every word
I script this morning.

Speaker 4 (24:46):
Man, you're struggling. I mean even our listeners.

Speaker 6 (24:49):
Said a rough first half hour. Let's say, Man, you're bleeding.
You got like blood all over your mouth?

Speaker 24 (24:54):
Yeah, did you find somebody last night?

Speaker 3 (24:58):
Here? What? Alan? Stop it?

Speaker 2 (25:03):
Okay, are starting to get a little sensitive here?

Speaker 25 (25:05):
Yeah, anyway, twenty third time, you're gonna get married again?

Speaker 5 (25:08):
What's going on?

Speaker 4 (25:09):
I didn't have to know.

Speaker 3 (25:10):
Alan. You're done, everybuddy. Let's have a great weekend.

Speaker 4 (25:13):
Well I got another question, go ahead, man.

Speaker 6 (25:16):
Yeah, So Alan, what about like the jaguar cichlets and
like all those like do they just go to deeper
water or do they just.

Speaker 4 (25:22):
Kind of die off and then come back and go off.

Speaker 25 (25:24):
And well, you know, they could take a little bit
older water temperatures than the peacock bass. Can Peacock bass
are probably the least limited or it's sixty degrees for
the peacocks.

Speaker 24 (25:37):
It's kind of like me.

Speaker 25 (25:37):
I don't like it below sixty either, which is why
I don't like what's outside right now.

Speaker 3 (25:41):
But it is what it did.

Speaker 25 (25:43):
The jaguars they can take to about fifty five. The
Mayan cichlids are probably a closer to fifty two. Oscars
are about fifty five as well. So but the thing
is that, you know, there's still warm pockets in places,
so some of the fish survived.

Speaker 24 (26:00):
And even if they do get killed off, and we had.

Speaker 25 (26:02):
It happened before, and you know what, they've all popped
back pretty strong. So right our biggest problem right now
is the waters are still high out in the Everglades.
When they start coming down, fish is going to be
jumping off the charts again.

Speaker 4 (26:13):
So simple as that.

Speaker 3 (26:15):
Interesting Now he'll let buddy get well, get back on
your feet, get back doing what you're doing. That's charters.

Speaker 25 (26:21):
Worked on a little bit now. So it's getting a
little bit better though. December ninth, they chop up the
other leg, so I'll be out.

Speaker 3 (26:27):
Live yeah yeah, yeah, the right get up, yeah.

Speaker 25 (26:31):
Yeah, till thirty seven years standing on a boat has
wiped them out. That's that's kind of what the doctor
said to me. He said, you just you war them out,
that's all.

Speaker 4 (26:38):
But you're still young. You're like fifty rights, Oh he is. Yeah, dude,
he's like eighty. He's collected social.

Speaker 24 (26:46):
Okay to see though, Well, well, look I look younger.
I look young for my age. I know that. Eric,
Well he looks.

Speaker 3 (26:52):
As you say what you say? You said eighty? You
are you alluded to that I'm eighty?

Speaker 4 (26:56):
No, I didn't. I didn't say are you that I did?

Speaker 24 (27:01):
I wrote seventy.

Speaker 3 (27:03):
Let me tell you something.

Speaker 2 (27:04):
Okay, old lady, He didn't say eighties.

Speaker 4 (27:07):

Speaker 3 (27:08):
If you line up ten guys that were sixty eight
years old, I guarantee you I will be the baddest
of the bad of all those guys. You're like that
dude looks great for sixty eight, Okay, trust me. So
I got no problem with who I am. Okay, at my.

Speaker 4 (27:22):
Older last night?

Speaker 24 (27:24):
Who'd you plind last night?

Speaker 3 (27:26):
Go back to your manne can have a great week, okay,
see leader dude. Okay, go snuggle up with that wow
plastic pad.

Speaker 24 (27:33):
Okay, you guys left me on the air, so I'm
still here.

Speaker 3 (27:36):
You know, well you're not now, Jeff bring it down.
Now he's gone.

Speaker 4 (27:43):
Okay, man, he's gone. Take a look right.

Speaker 3 (27:45):
We'll talk to Bounser, talked to Jim Matthew, talked to
the winner of the Starbright Bucket, Dad, Sean Rolls, and
Moe coming up on the show at Fox Sports nine
forty live.

Speaker 27 (27:57):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
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Mercury engines are made for exploring, so are you go boldly?

Speaker 17 (28:26):
At Johnny Jig's Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
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Speaker 28 (28:56):
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Speaker 29 (29:26):
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Speaker 11 (30:26):
Broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine point forty Anna
Jar and Levine Accidents Attorney's Studios called one eight hundred
seven four seven Freak.

Speaker 13 (30:36):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven free seven three three.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
You're on boards and Donegal Letcher's Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine Go Boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon
and extreme angular Joe Hector.

Speaker 3 (30:54):
Well, let's see, we're going to Georgia. I do believe
he has not left the state again, maybe as I am.
I sure Joe's are here to split those watermelon seeds.

Speaker 7 (31:04):
Whatever you do?

Speaker 4 (31:06):
What are you talking about? I'm here the legend.

Speaker 3 (31:10):
Yeah, there you go, the legend and blind wanted to
be a wait another hour and a half. Okay, Bouncer Smith,
my friend good morning to you.

Speaker 31 (31:22):
Hey, hey captain, Good morning gentlemen. I have to ask
you guys a question real quick. Sure you guys have
extra security this week?

Speaker 4 (31:32):
Why I do?

Speaker 31 (31:33):
Because it's a very bad week for turkeys.

Speaker 4 (31:36):
Oh, by the way, was a bouncer somebody.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
Years wanted to give me something, wanted to give me
a live turkey yesterday. I'm like, oh, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 3 (31:53):
They make a lot of noise O the yeah nasty anyway,
cap funny funny ha ha there buddy, So I'm glad
to enjoyed it. How you doing, man, I'm doing really
gold good.

Speaker 31 (32:05):
But it's really cold up here. It was in the
low thirties yesterday morning. It's about forty this morning. But
if I go ten miles north it's in the thirties again,
so pretty chilly. Huge winds yesterday, winds up to fifty
miles an hour. I was really really blown. But that's
backed off today as well. I guess we're getting to

the back end of this cold front and looking forward
to another really nasty one next weekend. So we got
piles of sweatshirts and jackets and blankets, and it's a
mess up here. But I had some really good conversations
with Avy Raymond this week.

Speaker 3 (32:45):
That guy's been on fire in the.

Speaker 31 (32:47):
Bay yesterday I think it was yesterday. Had snook on
fly several of them fly casting. He had snook on
surface plugs. He had tarts, and he had hogfish. He
had Jack Cravell's. The bad news was it with the
cold front. He's been whaling on the trout lately, but

with the cold front the trout backed off the last
two or three days. So I guess they didn't like
the chilli weather. They must be related to peacock bath somehow.
But it'll warm back up for you guys in the
trot will be back. But really really good in short
fishing right now. And on top of that, Wayne touched
on it. The Spanish macro have gotten really good as well.

So a lot of fun things going on everywhere you
talked in Florida this week. Fishing was spectacular, you know.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
Speaking of Aby Raymond. Yesterday, I was having lunch at
the job a little diner near my place are Joy
and I walk in. Who's there but Aby Raymond and
his dad. Oh and we had a chance to see
high face to face Cashoo Joe back out to day
was Bouser's number one mate for many, many, many, many,
many many years. Thirteen years, thirteen years. Now I has

his own operation going on. So Ab learned all the
skills from the legend himself, right, and it's trying to
be one fabulous captain may he's so good. My son's
Matthew and Sewan book him all the time. That's awesome
for some trips. So yeah, I actually learned from the
bast I bought them lunch as a nice guy should
nice and we just so.

Speaker 4 (34:23):
Yeah, it was great.

Speaker 2 (34:24):
He order must have been like a real cheap place
for long he.

Speaker 3 (34:26):
Decided to go from a cheeseburger to a steak in
the stone crab combo, you know. So whatever was this?

Speaker 2 (34:32):
It the McDonald's or what.

Speaker 3 (34:34):
Now it's actually a little dumb called Jimmy's Diner right
the where I work. It's yeah, I think it's been
a dirty dining once or twice anyway. So back to
fishing here, cap, it's chili. It's cold out here in
South Florida. Uh, it'll probably what just make the fish
happier when it's all gone and back to their back
warming up again.

Speaker 31 (34:51):
Well, every fish is different. As an example, large mouth
bass now called Florida.

Speaker 32 (34:58):
Baths from Florida.

Speaker 31 (34:59):
By the way, They are bigger strain than the northern
large mouth pass but they're very resistant to the cold.
So a day like then, like you had yesterday, they
kept right on biting. I talked to my buddy up
in Melbourne and he was fishing up in the middle
of the state in north central Florida, and the weather

was thirty degrees and the more than thirty five or
something like that, and they caught large mouth bass all
day and they had that blowing wind. So what they
did was, as in so many situations, they just fished
close to the shore where the wind was coming from.
So it's called the lee. And it was very common,
very good fishing. But Spanish maca wouldn't come if it

wasn't cold. We wouldn't have huge runs of tartan in
the winter and spring. If it wasn't cold, they'd stay
up north. So having a little cold weather's not bad
for everything. And as Wayne mentioned, and when a front
comes through and it's got a strong wind behind it,
the selfishing.

Speaker 3 (36:06):
Gets really good.

Speaker 31 (36:08):
Unfortunately, if the wind drops out completely, the selfish slow
back down. But if you got that wind, the kites
are gonna fly, and the selfish you're gonna bite.

Speaker 2 (36:17):
So I have a quick question for the legend. Yes,
I have a question for the legend here. Since you're
talking about cold weather and cold weather fishing, bouncer, have
you ever been ice fishing before, especially for our friends
up north?

Speaker 31 (36:32):
It's an interesting question. I went ice fishing once that
I can remember, and I was with my daddy and
he poked a hole in the ice for me, and
he told me what to do, and it's almost seemed
to be my luck with my dad. Sure enough, I
hooked a big fish and he wouldn't fit back up

to the hole, and he was trying to chop a
hole around the fish and he got away.

Speaker 4 (36:59):
Oh man, matter around that. It was a little shady
to me.

Speaker 3 (37:02):
It was a very long time ago.

Speaker 31 (37:06):
I don't think it's not my calendar going to do
again soon. Although interesting portant you probably you may have
missed it, but George Pavaromo and Harry Vernon went ice
fish in a couple of years ago and they caught
a twenty one inch mai.

Speaker 3 (37:21):
Ma he Okay, it was so sick it looked like
it was mounted. Yeah, Okay, that's I was gonna say,
you're putting a ma heat through a ice hole. I
don't think so, man, Or would that be Joe.

Speaker 31 (37:34):
You wouldn't say anything on TV that wasn't factual, would you?

Speaker 4 (37:39):
No, like during the campaign.

Speaker 3 (37:40):
No never. Anyway, we got a rock and roll cap.
Have a great weekend. Okay, have a lovely weekend. Guys,
before you go, wait, before you go, here you go,
before you go, before you go, those are just tuned
in and may have missed the best bouncer joke and
eighteen years repeat that joke, please, Captain, I want to

laugh again.

Speaker 4 (38:01):
Please go ahead.

Speaker 31 (38:02):
Well, I was really concerned for you guys this week.
I hope you have actually scary because this is a
bad week to be a turkey.

Speaker 3 (38:10):
That was That was a big boucher joke, Man Bowser,
will do another one in eighteen years.

Speaker 4 (38:16):
Okay, have a green weekend. We'll see you man, Thanks Captain,
Happy Thanksgiving? All right, shall we.

Speaker 3 (38:23):
Go to the sea, Joey talk about share the show?
What suit shrinkage man, Holy cheapers man?

Speaker 4 (38:32):

Speaker 3 (38:32):
Oh yeah, damn, Jim Chief Matthey, pull up the assassin
Jim Matthey, Team bull up, Come on to Jim.

Speaker 33 (38:43):
Hey, good morning, guys. Listen, it's definitely going to be
chilly on the Willie, no doubt about it.

Speaker 4 (38:51):
We're on a patio out here, by the.

Speaker 33 (38:52):
Way, I'm going out okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, But the
northwest wind for us to lay things down in close,
so it's actually been that it'll be a good day
out on the water. Visibility has definitely improved. I know
last week I talked about uh, like turbidity because we

had so much wave action the sand stirring up made
it made it like a dog on snowstorm, you know.
But this things have really settled down at A couple
of my buddies get out there during this week and
it's been decent. You know, you're gonna have a little
bit of a surge under the water. You we actually

feel that, particularly if you're close in and we're gonna
stay pretty much on that second reef, that thirty five
foot stuff. Uh, the currents were basically non existent. I
mean a little bit of south. We've had some south currents.
I know some boys my buddies went on up to
uh point in the other day. Yeah, and uh and

that was that was pretty much they did. The third
reef out there, and there's nothing out there. I mean
they picked up six or seven lobsters, but yeah, nothing,
so they're still in close. The lobsters are still in close.
I had another buddy it's down in Hollywood, and he
did some stuff off the beach. So it's likely to
see some guys off the beach today. But it's still

going to be a little chilly obviously. But the water
temperature seventy eight seventy nine degrees, so the water will
be warmer than the outside air. Okay, typical typical winter
weather down here. But you know when I tell people
that are water temperatures seventy eight seventy nine, they laugh
at me. You know, they're like, you know, oh, that's

that's a summer day and August up north, buddy.

Speaker 3 (40:42):
You know you know what, Jim, I I've been diving
for quite a while. I've had my license, my Paddy
license for around thirty five years. A well, really, yeah,
you Paddy went you have like like I have what shoots?

Speaker 4 (40:54):
I have the whole deal.

Speaker 2 (40:55):
You have a patty license or p license, it's it's
patty levelhead.

Speaker 3 (40:59):
Anyway, I'm going to be a really cold dive Okay,
there's nothing warmer than actually ping in your what suit Okay.

Speaker 33 (41:06):
Oh I love it. Yeah yeah, you look forward to that.

Speaker 4 (41:08):
That'll warm you up. Man.

Speaker 3 (41:10):
You take a good leak in your what suit man,
and you're feeling great. All right, Okay, just let you know, Joe.

Speaker 33 (41:17):
Now we've now gone to you know, stearing fish in
the brain hole.

Speaker 3 (41:22):
I'm just saying it is nature. Nature calls. It's like
every time they have kids are just pool. We all
know the pel Okay, of course, I'm saying listen.

Speaker 33 (41:32):
The bad news is the number two out there is
not a fun thing.

Speaker 3 (41:37):
No Number two what suit man?

Speaker 20 (41:41):
Number one.

Speaker 3 (41:42):
That's disgusting to me. You ain't doing No Number two
in my what you No?

Speaker 4 (41:46):
I have not? Yes you have? He had he just
said he has.

Speaker 33 (41:51):
No no, no, no no. We hang it off the edge, buddy,
we hang it.

Speaker 4 (41:56):
That's just want. Yeah you got you got telling you.

Speaker 33 (42:06):
But yeah, I'm telling you. But yeah, so actually the
fishy fish has been good fish. Listen, I want to
tell you the Black groupers, the Red groupers, they don't
know that seasons closing the you know, January first, so
there's you know, they're they're hanging around they're hanging around,
so that's good to see. Yeh, couberras, coubers. Guys are

seeing couberts, which is and spearing cuberras.

Speaker 3 (42:31):
So yeah, why wouldn't eat their garbage? You can't eat
those fish, you know.

Speaker 33 (42:37):
Yeah, I don't like them.

Speaker 3 (42:39):
They're warming, man, But that's that's me.

Speaker 33 (42:43):
Some people like it. It's a snapper, snappers, a snapper,
you know what I mean. But yeah, people actually uh yeah,
exactly exactly. But yeah, the recks have been pretty popular,
uh this time of year, along with the walls. But
again we're staying in on that second, that thirty five
forty five foot stuff. We'll play in there. It's been good.

Uh you know, like I said last last week, they
were clustered together, which is always a good sign when
the lobsters are clustered together, and you'll you'll look in
one hole and there'll be four to five and you
might get two out of there because the others are
small and or they kind of go way back in
the hole and there's no way you can get him.
So but this is typical winter diving. Uh, suck it up, buttercup,

and uh, you know it's going.

Speaker 3 (43:28):
To be chilly.

Speaker 8 (43:32):
Yeah, but I just have to say I'm a writer.

Speaker 3 (43:39):
I just had his last thought of Matthew going we
went to the number one to the number two, and
he says he hangs it off the boat. I'm just thinking,
I wouldn't want to be in the water while Matthew's
got his ass hang off the edge of the boat.
Why do you keep thinking about Jesus?

Speaker 33 (43:55):
Chumming? Chumming? All right, chumming. This is a good thing.
It brings up the fish. Okay, it brings the fish,
all right, or.

Speaker 3 (44:01):
Kills them all then chocolate, that kind of chocolate chum
was bringing a fish.

Speaker 33 (44:07):
Hey, listen, have you guys ever fished near the sinkholes?
Come on, they're they're all over the place.

Speaker 2 (44:12):
A right, you're making sinkle stinkholes.

Speaker 3 (44:18):
Corn floating runners. Yeah, forever, Jim.

Speaker 33 (44:23):
We're gonna get out there and died, buddy. It's it's
still good. It's still good.

Speaker 4 (44:28):
I don't know if I want to go out there.

Speaker 3 (44:35):
You have the boat, leave his refuse behind, right, all right, Jim,
have a great weekend, man, joy thanks to me. Feast
whatever it's gonna be, buddy, Okay.

Speaker 33 (44:43):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Turkey local here, Uh we're now officially
the older people in the neighborhood, so you get the
invice in the neighborhood.

Speaker 5 (44:50):
So that's very cool.

Speaker 33 (44:51):
We'll go across the streets. So good time Thanksgiving.

Speaker 4 (44:56):
Yeah, Happy Thanksgiving, brother, buddy.

Speaker 2 (44:58):
That was the most disgusting segment and we've had in
a while.

Speaker 3 (45:01):
That has been pretty rank I must say, ranks up.

Speaker 4 (45:03):
There was k that was pretty uh, pretty disgusting.

Speaker 3 (45:06):
Bottle mind. Yeah, let's do and start my bucket, Joey,
shall we?

Speaker 4 (45:09):

Speaker 3 (45:10):
All right, so we've got a great bucket full of
great washing wax and you know deck cleaner, build shiner.

Speaker 2 (45:19):
Yeah washing, best product in the world to clean your.

Speaker 3 (45:23):
America American made. Yeah, boy, I got a trivia question.
I'm not sure how well this may go over, but
I thought we'd try it again, do a little trivia,
shall we?

Speaker 4 (45:31):
Let's do it?

Speaker 3 (45:32):
Eight six six eight zero one zero nine four zero.
Just called it on Jeff a ANSWER's phone. Okay, okay,
here we go.

Speaker 4 (45:39):
Trivia. Yeah, how much how.

Speaker 3 (45:43):
Much did the all tackle real record Mahi way? Okay,
bottomize is what was the record for the biggest Mahi
Colin rodway in the world?

Speaker 4 (45:53):
Yeah, in the world.

Speaker 3 (45:55):
A fifteen pounds, okay, b eighty eight pounds, okay, see
one thousand pounds.

Speaker 4 (46:03):
Damn, that'd be a big ass mahi. See what eighty pounds? Huh?

Speaker 3 (46:08):
Fifteen pounds, eighty eight pounds, so eighty eight four one
thousand pounds.

Speaker 4 (46:12):
That's a big mahi. Man, eighty eight pounds. I kind
of like that one. A love a lot man, you know.

Speaker 2 (46:17):
One thousand pounds sounds like my ex.

Speaker 3 (46:19):
Yeah, it'd be a freaking mahi whale or something.

Speaker 4 (46:21):
Man. Eight pound mayhi.

Speaker 3 (46:23):
That's a well, that is insane.

Speaker 4 (46:25):
If that's the winning answer, that'd be it's the world, right,
it's the winning answer.

Speaker 3 (46:28):
Yeah, well, we were starting giving you that's all right,
we just started tossing that, are we.

Speaker 4 (46:31):
I'm just talking about.

Speaker 3 (46:33):
Just giving it away, maybe making it so super easy.
I see if the answer eight six six, eight oh
one zero nine forty called down and win right here,
Fox Sports nine forty American.

Speaker 11 (46:46):
From the storm Tight Windows Weather Center.

Speaker 12 (46:49):
So feeling that coold friend, Bud, we are going to
have mostly sunny skies for our Saturday with a high
have seventy two im Pember Pines seventy two is well
in wind Wood and tonight little fifty six, sunny again
for tomorrow the high seventy seven.

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Speaker 17 (47:50):
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Speaker 16 (48:36):
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Speaker 11 (50:49):
Details, Fox Sports and Miami.

Speaker 38 (50:56):
Heyy hey hey, let's get right back to the Nautical
Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 2 (51:07):
Go boldly.

Speaker 3 (51:10):
Nobody's wanted to start Bright Bucket yet, what was the
all tackle world record?

Speaker 4 (51:14):
Mahi Mahi.

Speaker 3 (51:17):
Fifteen pounds eighty eight pounds or a thousand pounds eight
six six eight zero one zero nine four zo to
one that fabulous star, Bright Bucket, Joe, get back on
the hornier Man. Nice bash cut there on the old
Brandon Ron reel Man. How that luer was kicking butt?

Speaker 4 (51:40):
What hey?

Speaker 3 (51:40):
That was pretty cool?

Speaker 4 (51:41):
Good shit use my phone too for this videood you.

Speaker 3 (51:44):
Lose my lurer, Noo, it's no, We're good, all right, cool.

Speaker 4 (51:46):
It's your turn now, so it's one. I got one.

Speaker 3 (51:48):
Oh now it's a challenge thing on and of course
it is. Yeah, you're a you're a juice stuff. Uh
he's off shore. I think fisherman. Shot rolls on the
line one, right, cat.

Speaker 6 (51:57):
I got a fish before him, so roll what's up?

Speaker 2 (52:03):
What's a shot?

Speaker 39 (52:03):
I know, buddy, So you really think caught a fishery
for me?

Speaker 3 (52:08):
He just he just cooked the hooked a lucker.

Speaker 9 (52:11):
Ba man.

Speaker 3 (52:12):
I just caught a nice larger actually did.

Speaker 39 (52:15):
But it's too cool to be out there in the
water today.

Speaker 3 (52:18):
Right, agreed, shot Nothing ever stops you. Man, that is
not even true. You are hardcore, Broude.

Speaker 4 (52:25):
We're millennials, you know, we're kinda yeah.

Speaker 7 (52:29):
You know.

Speaker 39 (52:29):
It's cold, hurt, feet hurt.

Speaker 9 (52:33):

Speaker 39 (52:34):
My wife's doing a sale today at a market, so
I'm gonna devote my morning to that for her.

Speaker 4 (52:40):
All right, I'm sure week though, right, I'm sure you.

Speaker 39 (52:43):
Oh yeah, speaking of a hardcore, I went out there
Monday with my dad who's in town, and we got
a nice wahoo on Monday morning. It was really rough
and snotty, so we were happy to get off the
water when we caught that fish. But man, that was
just such a great experience to do with that.

Speaker 3 (52:58):
You know, Oh I hacked though, any size to it?
Yeah he was nice, Yeah.

Speaker 39 (53:02):
Yeah, yeah, it was a nice one. Was a decent fish,
you know, probably twenty twenty five pounds fish. It was
weird actually with the size of the fish or the
last full moon. It was crazy to like look at
it from afar when the when they first started biting,
they were, you know, thirty five forty pounds, all nice fish,
and then they were like thirty pounders and they were
twenty pounders and they were like all the way down

to Wi Wu's like the last day they bit. It
was crazy to see that, Like I get the bigger
fish ate first, and then the smaller fish ate. Every
day they got smaller and smaller. It was neat to see.

Speaker 3 (53:32):
But hey, a shot question for you, man. I've caught
wall who many times and guys who either filam or
you can steak them. I mife techniques like to steak
them just straight on down right because if you look
at that spinal thing that got going on. They come
out in like little quarters around a spine, and you
put them off in chunks.

Speaker 4 (53:50):
Right. I love that man grill. Yeah.

Speaker 39 (53:52):
So I slapped mine out kind of like a swordfish,
like how you would, okay, right, and then I leave
the skin on until I get ready to cook it,
and then I'll cut it just to flay out get
rid of all that red meat and everything, and I
just feel like keep they keep better that way.

Speaker 3 (54:08):
Have you ever staked him before like I've done. You'll
stak him, just flay them?

Speaker 39 (54:12):
No, not really, well, tish kingfish, I've done it.

Speaker 3 (54:17):
All right, So try something just cast on one of
my tips.

Speaker 39 (54:21):
That's the kingfish thing. That's what the charter guys to do.
And they don't feel like cleaning them. They'll just stak
them up for you and tell you that's the best
way to do it.

Speaker 3 (54:28):
Saying that's a lazy way to do the fish.

Speaker 39 (54:29):
Okay, yeah, the charter guys, and they don't feel like
cleaner fish to tell you, like, stak them up that's
the best way to eat it. And that way they
don't have to fla him or anything.

Speaker 3 (54:40):
No, it's not being lazy, man. I like pulling off
the corns off.

Speaker 4 (54:44):
I won't do it.

Speaker 2 (54:45):
Yeah, I don't think he's going to do Eric's way
of doing it. It didn't sound very positive.

Speaker 3 (54:49):
Not a gunner at all. It's just kingfish. Maybe. Yeah,
we can argue a little topic about flag of fish
and we argue about it.

Speaker 4 (55:00):
What's we too? Are like you grumpy old man or something?
You got artist?

Speaker 39 (55:05):
I'm I'm pro Eric, I'm a Eric.

Speaker 4 (55:08):
You mean you're pro?

Speaker 2 (55:09):
What's wrong with him?

Speaker 5 (55:10):
He's pro wrong with him?

Speaker 4 (55:12):
That's why why were you not? Taking thought we were
wrong with you? Sean?

Speaker 2 (55:15):
That's why were you?

Speaker 19 (55:16):
I thought you were pro?

Speaker 7 (55:17):

Speaker 4 (55:17):
What the heck?

Speaker 39 (55:18):
Man, here's my buddy. But man, when I'm fifty five
years old and if I look like Eric, I'll be fantastic.

Speaker 3 (55:24):
Damn you.

Speaker 8 (55:28):
Hear that?

Speaker 4 (55:28):
Man? Yeah, I hear it. I know what that is.

Speaker 3 (55:32):
Friends, Joe, friends only give me props on my age.
It's Sean Rowls, okay, saying I'm still hanging in there,
pretty damn good.

Speaker 4 (55:39):
Okay, right now he's bleeding on half his face.

Speaker 3 (55:42):
I got it. You can barely speak, yeah, job, it's
still bleeding. Yeah anyway, Sean two, I'm.

Speaker 39 (55:50):
Right there with you. That's why I hope to be
that good.

Speaker 3 (55:54):
I'd love to be forty two again, man, trust me.
So when this co weather goes through, you think it's
a turn fishing, honor? What's to do with in your world?

Speaker 4 (56:01):
Do you think?

Speaker 28 (56:02):

Speaker 39 (56:02):
We did make it out yesterday morning. It was crazy rough.
We were open for selfish, but the wind was so
strong we could barely get past like one hundred and
fifty feet. But uh, the sailfish bite should be firing
up here with the cold front coming through. It's yeah,
that's kind of kind of what everybody hopes for when
the cold front comes is is just selfish, just get

fired up. That's somebody numbers.

Speaker 3 (56:28):
Tournament in January, speaking of selfish, Yes, sir guy named
joeje Jector, Yeah, I can't. I can't talk to you.

Speaker 4 (56:36):
You can't really talk.

Speaker 3 (56:37):
I really can't see something going on. So you got
a tournament jel in January?

Speaker 40 (56:40):

Speaker 4 (56:40):
Yeah, what's your target January twenty fifth? Our salefish part
of that deal, that is our sailfish smacked. That was
a great lead, they wasn't. I think it was good.
I like that they gave me a shill. Thank you man.

Speaker 39 (56:52):
Yeah, you know, I didn't say. He's always doing me
for saying it, but you said I did.

Speaker 3 (56:57):
I jumped up and took it.

Speaker 4 (56:58):
I guess it was on the flyer Eastern flyer.

Speaker 3 (57:01):
Sean rolls. Of course, of course that was me.

Speaker 6 (57:03):
Yeah, he's a multiple winner actually though. That fish was
caught in the summer slam. But it was a great shot,
so I had to use it. You No, it's a sailfish.
I mean he caught a selfish.

Speaker 3 (57:16):
Yeah, so it's it's some misinformation.

Speaker 4 (57:18):
Maybe, what do you mean did some targeting sailfish? So
I used a selfish?

Speaker 3 (57:24):
You hire a left winger to write that for you?

Speaker 4 (57:26):
Oh, here we go. I'm just curious. No, you did
not me fell right? My name? Shot?

Speaker 3 (57:33):
Heybody, have a great weekend. Man. You're always bringing a
straight enjoy your day off for fishing because you're always
out there. That's not all the time.

Speaker 6 (57:40):
Hey, real quick before you go, real quick, surely, Sean,
when you got the wahoo with your dad, what were
you using?

Speaker 39 (57:46):
Uh? I don't know, said witch.

Speaker 3 (57:52):
He's bringing it right back, cotton candy right now.

Speaker 4 (57:57):

Speaker 3 (57:57):
It's nineteen oh one. I've got two stones, one at
each finger, and I'm two years old. Yeah, I got
another one inch fingers holding a nine inch stoke dumping
that sucking down.

Speaker 4 (58:09):
May me give me another one an maybe today?

Speaker 3 (58:12):
Man, bring me another stokey mom.

Speaker 6 (58:13):
I'm like, I'm out of here, all right, shot in
a heavy man, And by the way, early Thanksgiving to you, man.

Speaker 3 (58:23):
It's gonna vuddy all right. So nobody's won the starbright
bucket yet. I knew, man, I just knew was Charlie
for trivia. I should have made it a random number,
you know what I mean. People are just still warming
up right now. So I thought the question one more
time and see whether somebody bites?

Speaker 4 (58:39):
Shall we? Okay? All right?

Speaker 3 (58:40):
So what is the all tackle world record? Mahi mahi?

Speaker 4 (58:46):

Speaker 3 (58:47):
Was it a thirty pounds?

Speaker 4 (58:49):
Definitely? B eighty eight pounds? Maybe?

Speaker 3 (58:52):
See one thousand pounds definitely? Now you all know there's
no this thing as a thousand pound mahi?

Speaker 2 (58:58):
Well, well you never know.

Speaker 3 (59:00):
And a thirty pound that would not be a world record.
I'm thinking it's got to be eighty eight, man, pretty obvious.
And then we just give the answers away on a show.
If you pick up the damn phone and get off
your lazy fingers and call now you'll win. Okay, eight
six notes not eight six six eight zero one. It
was any colder by face and stop bleeding. It's not

eight six six eight oh one zero nine forty called
down a win. Think about regifting as a great Christmas
present to somebody. Think about that, Yeah, called out win
Fox Sports nine forty.

Speaker 14 (59:38):
So we're not all professional anglists. We don't all compete
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Speaker 10 (01:00:05):
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Speaker 9 (01:00:10):
It's just not made the same anymore.

Speaker 15 (01:00:16):
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Speaker 41 (01:00:25):
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Speaker 8 (01:00:32):
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Speaker 28 (01:00:37):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
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Speaker 17 (01:01:06):
At Johnny Jig's Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
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Speaker 7 (01:03:05):
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Speaker 1 (01:03:52):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 3 (01:04:04):
Go boldly, Oh baby, guess what we got a win
of joey oh segadlit on the Starbright Bucket. This is
Brian Burlow on line number one. Brian God, want to
tell you, my friend, how are you so?

Speaker 4 (01:04:20):
Brian good?

Speaker 45 (01:04:21):
But I'm great?

Speaker 46 (01:04:22):
How are you all right?

Speaker 4 (01:04:23):

Speaker 3 (01:04:23):
So the question was, what's the all tackle world record?
Bahi bahi thirty eighty eight or one thousand pounds? Brother?
Eight eighty eight eight? The eight is right, dude, you
got the star Bright Bucket.

Speaker 45 (01:04:37):
I caught a sixty pounder, so I know it can't
be much more than that.

Speaker 3 (01:04:41):
He caught a sixty pound mahi?

Speaker 4 (01:04:44):
What yeah? Off?

Speaker 45 (01:04:45):
A point off? A point inlet about I'm gonna say
sixteen years ago.

Speaker 3 (01:04:49):
Had to be back then, Joe, because those WHI were
big too. Yeah that's a big fish, bro.

Speaker 4 (01:04:56):
Listen, man, you.

Speaker 45 (01:04:56):
Big on five? I had five wa to that day,
well not another in that same month. I had five
while in one trip and a forty pound yellow fin tuna.

Speaker 3 (01:05:06):
We've we've got a real weekly fisherman, fishing guy here
at the show.

Speaker 4 (01:05:09):
Joe. How about that?

Speaker 9 (01:05:10):

Speaker 3 (01:05:10):
Yeah, well, way to go. You got a boat, I'm
assuming maybe not anymore.

Speaker 45 (01:05:18):
I've sold my last one. I'm gonna give I'm ready
for a new one. Thank you.

Speaker 4 (01:05:21):
There we go.

Speaker 3 (01:05:22):
I watched the message me after the show. I sell
boats for a living. If I don't sell one now,
my poor children won't have any turkey this year.

Speaker 2 (01:05:30):
For he's got an excellent selection of pontoon boats that
you'll love.

Speaker 4 (01:05:35):
Definitely. I guess I.

Speaker 3 (01:05:38):
Got. I got great center castles. By the way, Barry
to see you, okay. And the last question, of course,
is bright. Sorry, right, it's it's cold man. We can't
think of you anyway. You've been a fan of.

Speaker 4 (01:05:51):
The show for a while.

Speaker 3 (01:05:51):
You been listening to the show for a while.

Speaker 45 (01:05:54):
Yeah, I listen to it everyone every Sunday. I work
at NAPA Bottle Parks and Delrays. On the way to work,
I listened to your to your all.

Speaker 3 (01:06:00):
Right, I calt you the wrong I culture the wrong name.
You call it the wrong day. It's on Saturday. It's
not Sunday. By the way, see though we're both one
for one on the screw scale. Hey man, thanks a
loving being a fan. I'll call you when the show's over.
It's able to pick up your bucket. But thanks again, man,
you've been great, awesome on the show. Man, Thanks right,
thank you.

Speaker 45 (01:06:19):
Sure you guys have a wonderful day too.

Speaker 4 (01:06:22):
He got a sixty p mah.

Speaker 3 (01:06:24):
I mean that's huge, dude, that's insanely big.

Speaker 4 (01:06:28):
Yeah. I mean that's like I can't even picture in
your lifetime.

Speaker 6 (01:06:32):
Because I caught a thirty pounder on the kayak and
that was just monstrous to me. Yeah, I mean to
catch one that's twice that size.

Speaker 3 (01:06:42):
Yeah, we're While we're bragging about this, we have Betty
holding on a LA one patiently resting. Zip it up
here and let him do his thing. You gotta get
Betty props.

Speaker 4 (01:06:53):

Speaker 3 (01:06:53):
He's just last weekend he was fired to juiced up.

Speaker 4 (01:06:56):
Man, he was he usually is. Yeah. Well, so that's
that's Benny.

Speaker 3 (01:07:01):
Some mornings he's like a jersey he's not fishing. He
wakes up, he's a little tired.

Speaker 6 (01:07:05):
I mean, you got a couple of pork rolls in,
you know, and you're, you know, a little tired.

Speaker 2 (01:07:08):
At least he's juiced up because his Jets Orange.

Speaker 4 (01:07:12):
Benny, Good morning, my brother. How you doing man? Bennett?

Speaker 3 (01:07:15):
Eh, good morning? You know the Jets. If I was
if I was bringing my mood on.

Speaker 47 (01:07:20):
This show based on the Jets, I probably just wouldn't
show up.

Speaker 4 (01:07:23):
He wouldn't pick up the phone.

Speaker 3 (01:07:24):
Man, I'd say, Aaron Rodgers has just become a real
think he's done. He cancer to that team. Man, He's
just really just they want to cut the teammates want
to kick his ass.

Speaker 4 (01:07:36):
Owner. The owner came out and said, he wants, uh,
what's his name to play? Who's the backup?

Speaker 3 (01:07:43):
We had got time with this collared or hollered hollered
that anyway, Benny, So is your boat shot fishing in
this nice cool stuff or what? Yeah?

Speaker 47 (01:07:52):
Yeah, I mean Captain Mike Savage, he was basically thrown
to the wolves this morning. I'm going to deal with
the cold weather out there. So he's out there at
the dock right now. He's about to head off shore
see if he can tackle some of these wahoo that
been swimming by offshore here. Maybe pick off one of
those little pointy nose fish. With the sails on their back. Yeah,
and see what's going on.

Speaker 6 (01:08:13):
Here today, you know, sweet man, how's the sailfish bite?

Speaker 47 (01:08:17):
Yeah, well, you know, typical this time of the year,
we get these cold fronts, we get these north winds.
You know, whether the bite's hot or not right now,
these are the days you want to be out there
fishing for those fish.

Speaker 4 (01:08:28):
So we did pick a few off this week.

Speaker 47 (01:08:30):
Nothing with any like big numbers to start our season
off year, right, but picking a few fish. You know,
got a few nice big ones that had to get
measured and some good pictures taken so customers can get
their replicas made. So it's been a you know, productive week.
We're happy that we're able to get back on the
water after those weeks of blowing and being stuck on land,

you know.

Speaker 4 (01:08:53):
Yeah, very cool.

Speaker 6 (01:08:55):
So man, and how's the I've been here in the
bottom fishing has been really good.

Speaker 47 (01:09:01):
Yeah, we haven't done much bottom fishing at all this week.
You know, these cooler months for us, you know, we
like to focus on some of these fish that we
don't get here year round, you know, especially like having
the wahoo's bite in the way they have been in salefish.

Speaker 24 (01:09:17):
Yeah, I think after I.

Speaker 47 (01:09:18):
Hung up with you guys last time, I was hooked
right up with Wahoo's in salefish generic Brandon pictures in
his inbox.

Speaker 4 (01:09:24):
Oh man, dude, that's right. Yeah, it's funny.

Speaker 6 (01:09:27):
Sean was saying that I guess each day that the
wahoos were getting smaller, and it was like it was weird.
Like the first the first day, I guess when that
hot streak was going on, they were big, Then they
were medium the next day, and then they started getting
smaller and smaller.

Speaker 4 (01:09:44):
Did that same thing happened with you?

Speaker 47 (01:09:45):
You could have definitely, well, I didn't notice the pattern
on the size. I did notice the pathern on every
day we stepped. Every day from the full moon, it
got slower and slower with them, where until the bike
got really like just if you picked that one, you
got lucky. Whereas the day after that full moon, you know,
some weekend warrior that never caught a wahuo in his

life can go out there and drag anything behind his
boat and hook one.

Speaker 5 (01:10:09):
You know, that's almost how they were biting.

Speaker 4 (01:10:11):
It was that good.

Speaker 8 (01:10:13):

Speaker 47 (01:10:13):
But as far as the size, yeah, I mean, Sean
probably could get a better idea with the size and
the patterns. He was probably even out there more than
me during that little stretch. But you know, Mike and
Tyler were out there. We did see some decent ones.
We did see some had some good size, and then
we had our typical little twelve pound pomp and oahu.

Speaker 24 (01:10:30):
So right, a little bit of a little bit of both.

Speaker 4 (01:10:32):
All right, How about blackfin tuna? Any news on them?

Speaker 8 (01:10:36):

Speaker 47 (01:10:36):
So, I mean, the blackfins this time of the year
always going to be the same. They're going to be
few and far in between, and when we do find them,
they're a little tiny one pound footballs. So uh, you know,
it's not really a hot topic this time of the
year the tuna's. But if you can grab a couple
and get a couple of little sushi rolls on the plate,
they're always a nice surprise to have in the boat.

Speaker 4 (01:10:54):

Speaker 3 (01:10:54):
By the way, speaking of Witch, I have seen multiple
posts between Mike said Savage and Benny posting of all
these food gas of moments with that flipping yellowfin they've
got going on. Then he promised me half a slab
of which I'm never gonna see because it's down on
his belly already. Yeah, so when you post up, Benny,

you just busted yourself, bro, because I saw it all man, Okay,
oh boy, we ate all the suice.

Speaker 47 (01:11:22):
There was a big bag that said Eric Brandon's name
on it, and Captain Mike Savage.

Speaker 4 (01:11:26):
Is like, I want that bag. So I want that all.

Speaker 47 (01:11:28):
The other bags aside to give Mike the one that
had your name on it.

Speaker 3 (01:11:31):
That man, it was really good.

Speaker 4 (01:11:33):
That man.

Speaker 3 (01:11:34):
You know, I really wish to will offer his back
surgery of kind of hoping his screws fall out there.
I want his titanium screws to fall in the deck
of Betty's boat.

Speaker 4 (01:11:44):
Now that Mike ate my tuna. Okay, you know, okay,
at least you got invited to Benny's Christmas party, right, No?
I did not.

Speaker 47 (01:11:54):

Speaker 48 (01:11:57):

Speaker 3 (01:11:58):
Really your second year sholl receieveing that advice I did
for the second year. He lost even I got invited.

Speaker 4 (01:12:04):
He lost my address.

Speaker 3 (01:12:05):
Man, I get that. You know I'm totally forgettable, trust me. Okay,
why Betty, I'll be there, trust me. I'll just crash
roight with Joe. But anyway, hey man, Benny's fishing charters,
you guys go no matter what the weather is. Seven
days a week, right, you never stop? Uh, best for
contact would be on social media, phone call or what bro.

Speaker 47 (01:12:25):
Yeah, the best way is a direct phone call. You
get to speak to me directly. Nine five four seven
zero six six ' five six y five is the
number to call. Yeah, you can definitely find us on
social media Facebook, Instagram.

Speaker 5 (01:12:39):
We try to cover all.

Speaker 3 (01:12:40):
The basic of twenty twenty four. All right, man, despite
the fact you wait, my yellow fan, I wish you
well have a great Thanksgiving no matter what you guys
decided show and hopefully Bally who so have a great
meal there, Benny, Okay, buddy, Yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:12:53):
Y'all as well.

Speaker 47 (01:12:54):
Y'all have a great Thanksgiving and thankful to everybody.

Speaker 4 (01:12:57):
Talking to you guys every Saturday.

Speaker 3 (01:12:59):
YouTube man you Yeah, so we got Norm Beckoff coming
up on the program. Johnny Stabil always brings us drug
by the way, great job on that TikTok. I think
you put together with Johnny and he's a shad. Yeah,
that was a very cool j just us are great
social media work. By the way, speaking of social media,
she's the new on the show, Kat Haley coming up
about Tenderly with the treasure Chest. Okay, we brought that

segment back toy chests rather and in this thing, things
pop out, some cool nautical interests, toys pop out. But
it's supposed to be like the old days. I would
talk about it. She takes it to a brand new
level and just demonstrates it, puts some graphics in there.
You guys got to hang around and see this thing,
because it really is cool, not just the items she's showing,
but the way she presents it is really really well done.

Speaker 2 (01:13:44):
Yes, it's like she's a professional.

Speaker 3 (01:13:48):
She is a profession no man, no doubt about that.
Take a little break, Faces Bills come back with Maul
right here at Fox Sports nine forty boom, Fox Sports Weather.

Speaker 4 (01:14:01):
So feeling that cool front.

Speaker 12 (01:14:03):
But we are going to have mostly sunning skies for
our Saturday with a high of seventy two Impember Pines
seventy two as well in Winwood and tonight little fifty
six sending again for tomorrow with a high seventy seven.

Speaker 13 (01:14:13):
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Speaker 20 (01:15:00):
When it comes to kayakfishing, Nautical Ventures knows what you need.

Speaker 19 (01:15:03):
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Speaker 20 (01:15:04):
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Speaker 17 (01:15:30):
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Speaker 11 (01:18:29):
The Miami Dolphins play here. Let's go off getting on
Fox Sports nine.

Speaker 1 (01:18:39):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 2 (01:18:44):
Go boldly.

Speaker 1 (01:18:45):
Here's Sarah Brandon and Joe Hector.

Speaker 3 (01:18:49):
Come on, Joey, we have a song all morning bath
for a shock, said the.

Speaker 4 (01:18:56):
Two. Nice Joe.

Speaker 3 (01:19:00):
That little dance was pretty on the Facebook Streme. He
had it like right to the very end. Boom, your
hand went up and you were done. You finally stopped
at the right moment.

Speaker 4 (01:19:08):
The Trump dances.

Speaker 3 (01:19:09):
Great, that's okay, this will go there. We can't do politics.
He's the happiest man of planet Broward County. Talked to
him last night, man, and he's got a bagging report.
By the way, norm Becka has got some strong stuff today. Boy,
Normo has got some strong news.

Speaker 4 (01:19:25):
Dude. All right, let me do my uh do it? Hello? Norm?
How you doing? What impressure was that?

Speaker 3 (01:19:34):
What impression was that?

Speaker 4 (01:19:35):
Joe? That's not norm This is how he does it.

Speaker 3 (01:19:39):
He's got a much better he's got a much better
voice than you.

Speaker 4 (01:19:41):
By the way.

Speaker 3 (01:19:42):
Anyways, good morning brother. We talked last night. Bring it strong, dude, please.

Speaker 4 (01:19:48):
Oh Man.

Speaker 49 (01:19:49):
Well started with the Miami Dolphins.

Speaker 4 (01:19:52):
Just I knew he was gonna say something.

Speaker 40 (01:19:58):
What they did bring us, Norman, are you talking about
helped the Dolphins when they beat the Raiders last weekend?

Speaker 2 (01:20:11):
Is that what you're talking about, Norm, I don't remember that.

Speaker 11 (01:20:13):
What are they now?

Speaker 32 (01:20:16):
They're gonna get kicked out after that?

Speaker 3 (01:20:20):
They embarrassed the Raiders. That was just a game. It's
just like Joe, you should be highing.

Speaker 4 (01:20:24):
Well, we're going to get the first pick. That was
the goal. But goal was to lose.

Speaker 2 (01:20:28):
Norm. Don't worry. Joe gave up on the Raiders weeks ago.

Speaker 4 (01:20:31):
I did.

Speaker 3 (01:20:32):
It's so Stephen, Jake Ray you we've watched this not
three years in a row. Okay, he's a big fan
for the first week him. By week four he's.

Speaker 2 (01:20:40):
Up on the team. He's like the Raider, that's what
he said.

Speaker 4 (01:20:43):
Yeah, well, you.

Speaker 3 (01:20:44):
Know, anyway, we have a clock to watch. I want
to get some new some Norm on the brower caddy fishing.
So let's get off the fence, win baby and talk
about some winding fishing. Norm. What's going on, buddy?

Speaker 46 (01:20:56):

Speaker 49 (01:20:56):
So uh there was fish was pretty good this week.
There's a lot of ballet who in the reef right now,
and seems like everything seems to know about that. If
you could go out there and put together a live
well full of ballet who's it's not hard to do.
That's really that was really seemed to be a pretty

good ticket. This week Captain Vinnie Sachs on why be Normal,
had a really good day. They had a really big dolphin,
really nice dolphin, probably about I don't know, thirty pounds
on ben and Rod the giant dale fish come up
and eat one and they caught.

Speaker 7 (01:21:39):
That one too.

Speaker 49 (01:21:40):
A bunch of other fish just really put together a
nice day fish and live ballet. Who's there's been some
black fin tunas and some pretty decent ones starting to.

Speaker 4 (01:21:50):
Show up too.

Speaker 49 (01:21:53):
Guys trolling are also catching still a smattering of wahoo.
The wahoo fishing dropped off with the move, Yeah, they're
still and some decent kings bottom fishing is okay. I
saw a few muntains get caught this week. The vermilion
snapper bites really good right now. The drift boats are

getting a pretty good too. So it's all happening. Some
nice uh Spanish and cero mackerels in on the reef
uh you know, because that's that's again, that's a that's
a ballot who thing, So in the ballot, who's get
really good time of the year that happens, And of course.

Speaker 24 (01:22:33):
With that wind front, the cooler weather.

Speaker 49 (01:22:36):
It should turn everything on again this week, so I
think it's gonna be a good weekend.

Speaker 4 (01:22:41):
Nice man, it's been really good.

Speaker 3 (01:22:44):
Ballot Who, Joey Who.

Speaker 4 (01:22:46):
And Norma. I've been here in the bottom. Fishing is
really good too, right.

Speaker 48 (01:22:51):
Yeah, yeah, that's you know, uh, it's it's pretty good.
I mean, like I said, we saw some really good
vermillion snappers this week.

Speaker 4 (01:23:00):

Speaker 6 (01:23:01):
Yeah, but Carbre's too, right, isn't there some Carbreras being caught?

Speaker 49 (01:23:06):
I hadn't seen or heard of any of those being caught,
but I.

Speaker 4 (01:23:10):
Mean I saw it on my feet. Yeah, I don't
know where. I don't know where it was.

Speaker 3 (01:23:17):
Well, it was a big one. I'm not a big
fan of Coubert fishing.

Speaker 4 (01:23:21):
What's wrong we're going to drop that?

Speaker 3 (01:23:22):
Lobsters, man, Lobsters are very precious to me, Okay?

Speaker 4 (01:23:25):
Is that the only thing to eat?

Speaker 3 (01:23:27):
That's Norman, He's the pro.

Speaker 4 (01:23:28):
Do you know not?

Speaker 49 (01:23:30):
Well, it's usually the Carbreras. You know, they're snoppers. I mean,
you know, you just got to fish a bigger live bait.
But yeah, they seem to really like live lobsters.

Speaker 45 (01:23:41):
And I'm kind of.

Speaker 8 (01:23:42):
With Eric on that.

Speaker 9 (01:23:42):

Speaker 24 (01:23:43):
I mean I kind of have a hard time taking
a lobster.

Speaker 4 (01:23:47):
That's true.

Speaker 3 (01:23:48):
To catch one ugly ass fish and I'm not going
to eat so yeah, you know, I.

Speaker 4 (01:23:52):
Mean I didn't know that they were not good eating.
I didn't know that.

Speaker 49 (01:23:55):
And if you're lucky, the sharks don't get them on
the way up. That's you know, we got to chuck
shark problem here. That fishing, fishing for big kubers that
you gotta fish like one to thirties to get him up.

Speaker 3 (01:24:08):
Yeah, really, jeez, man, Well unhappy note, Norm, hey man,
happy Thanksgiving to you, bro. Uh but a great year
again is always thanks for bringing it strong in Broward County. Yeah,
you're the man on the finest kind. Have a fine weekend, Norm,
Thank you, buddy, You're the man norm Aie.

Speaker 49 (01:24:26):
Guys, happy Thanksgiving on that dog courators.

Speaker 3 (01:24:29):
Okay, let's go to our great friend Johnny, our great friend.
This guy brings it strong every single show. Yeah, a
great five, Joe. When you brought Johnny on the show, Yeah,
he's been terrific man show e Sta Bill, Good morning,
my friend, how are you john?

Speaker 4 (01:24:45):
Good morning?

Speaker 50 (01:24:46):
Enjoying this nice cold weather that we got here, snuggled
up in bed. Just got out and talk to you guys,
and I'm probably gonna go right back to it, to
be honest.

Speaker 3 (01:24:56):
Come out out of patio, join us out here, Johnny.
It's nice and nippley out of man. It's been a
chilling a little older. Well, it's got actually colder, Joe,
it really is. Ben Gosh, it's getting colder. Udder anyway, Johnny,
So were you snuggled in bed watching it? Give us
a little news on the fish action.

Speaker 50 (01:25:14):
You know, yesterday I fish and it was a tough
day before the front.

Speaker 46 (01:25:19):
I fished and it was amazing.

Speaker 50 (01:25:21):
So I imagine once this front passes and it warms
up again, it'll be amazing again. Yesterday we fished, you know,
no live bait yesterday, just all artificial and we got
just a couple of fish.

Speaker 46 (01:25:35):
But it was just me and a buddy, so that
was okay.

Speaker 50 (01:25:38):
If it was a charter, we would have been using
live bait and we probably would have done a lot better.
You know, beginning of the week fishing was red hot.

Speaker 46 (01:25:46):
It was it was just amazing.

Speaker 50 (01:25:49):
I mean, loads of fish lost count on live bait,
and plenty of peacocks, lots and lots and lots of
clown knife I think those clown knife s are more
susceptible to that barometric pressure change than some of the
other species, maybe in fresh water, so they just they
were chewing it was it was really great. Actually, we

had we had a blast this week, and you know,
obviously yesterday was a little bit less than subpar.

Speaker 46 (01:26:19):
But I think today we're gonna go run out in
the ocean for a.

Speaker 50 (01:26:22):
Little bit it's finally calm, and maybe do a little
bit of slow pitch jigging today. Just just have some fun,
you know, just break it up a little bit and
hopefully that'll be uh something worthwhile. I've seen some pretty
good reports off shore of this week, so looking forward
to doing that.

Speaker 3 (01:26:41):
Had a sea trial on Thursday. Johnny in the forecast
to call for some pretty brisk winds and some choppy seas,
which is normally they always get it wrong as usual,
of course, so I take my client out towards us.
So let's go to Hallover cutt and just kind of
look before you maybe butt you're offshore. The cut was flat, smooth,
and we're off shore. It was maybe one and a
half to maybe one and we had the greatest seat trill.

My client was having a great time opening. I think
wide open, what you very seldom do offshore, right, and
just put that boat to which paces meant had a
great type. So Johnny as a day and a half
ago or yeah, it was great man, flat as can be, dude, awesome.

Speaker 50 (01:27:18):
Yeah, finally, Right, it's been I feel like it's been
blowing for the last three months and we finally get
a little break in the weather. And this cool air
is nice to fish and also you're not sweating all day.
It's should be a great day to get out and fish,
whether you're going to be on the lake or the ocean.

Speaker 6 (01:27:37):
Hey, Johnny, does this weather affect the peacocks like instantly
or are they still going to be semi normal until
it like stays long, you know what I mean, Like
the coolness. If it's for like a week, obviously they're
going to be affected, But like the next day, are
they affected that much?

Speaker 4 (01:27:55):
Or can you still fish kind of normal for them?

Speaker 46 (01:27:58):
You know, the peak they get all jacked up.

Speaker 50 (01:28:02):
You know, some lakes that are real deep, you know,
maybe with a lot of rocks at the bottom, ye'll
hold some more constant temperature. But lake Eyeda is a
mud bottom and it's only about fifteen feet deep in
most of the deeper areas. A lot of that place
is only you know, three to four feet deep in
the canals, so that place is affected almost immediately. You know,

at the beginning of the week, the water temperature was
in the high seventies and yesterday it was seventy two.

Speaker 46 (01:28:33):
And that was just from one night of being cold.

Speaker 50 (01:28:36):
So it changes a lot, and that's why those fish
were so shut down yesterday. Granted we were fishing artificial
not live bait. I think if we were fishing live baity,
we probably would have caught a bunch more. But you know,
it's just what we wanted to do yesterday, so and
unfortunately it didn't pan out for us. But yeah, the peacocks,
they can be temperamental. Same thing with the snake ed

you know, I think the snakeheads are probably less temperamental
than peacocks. But the peacocks, you know, that water changes, man,
they get pissed there. They are a tropical fish. They
want they want that warm water all the time.

Speaker 3 (01:29:14):
Pisted fish, Yeah, pissed off fish is a bad thing
they have, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:29:20):
And they go deep right automatically, Johnny, Yeah.

Speaker 7 (01:29:24):
Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 50 (01:29:25):
So at the beginning of the week, anytime the water
temperature goes, you know, under eighty or surround about there,
the fish will start to go deep. And it's just
it's a madhouse. You can catch a hundred fish. It's
it's just amazing.

Speaker 3 (01:29:40):
Oh wow, hey, Johnny, fish before you go.

Speaker 13 (01:29:43):

Speaker 3 (01:29:44):
You see the piece of jumping together, the TikTok thing
with you in the shad, I think, yeah, yeah, that's
pretty pretty cool.

Speaker 4 (01:29:51):

Speaker 3 (01:29:52):
How do we see that? How do we see that online?
J'all want folks to see that?

Speaker 6 (01:29:55):
I love well, you can go to our you our
new YouTube. I put a short on that. Oh cool,
or you can go to my TikTok Extreme kayak Fishing
and Extreme Kayakfishing now.

Speaker 4 (01:30:08):
Has a whole weekly fisherman show section.

Speaker 6 (01:30:11):
So if you want to watch some of the best
moments from like these shows, you can go to Extreme Kayakfishing.

Speaker 3 (01:30:17):
The moment I was gonna say either the best or
the most, the worst or the worst or the worst
insane moments or.

Speaker 4 (01:30:24):
Insane or ludicrous or whatever word you want. Whatever.

Speaker 3 (01:30:28):
Yeah, anyway, Johnny, I know you got that bed calling
you man. So go back, get those covers back over
your shoulder, get that pillow issues snugly, and go rack out. Man,
enjoy yourself.

Speaker 46 (01:30:38):
All right, Thank you guys, good talking you this morning.

Speaker 4 (01:30:42):
See you, buddy.

Speaker 3 (01:30:43):
We'll take a little break. Talk to Jen about this
wather forecast. How long it may last?

Speaker 4 (01:30:46):

Speaker 3 (01:30:47):
Yeah, Captain dev to shot me a text. She may
be out of.

Speaker 4 (01:30:50):
Range, surpassed pass boys.

Speaker 3 (01:30:54):
Maybe out of range, may not get her.

Speaker 4 (01:30:56):
We don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:30:56):
We'll find out.

Speaker 4 (01:30:57):
Maybe we can make like an AI.

Speaker 3 (01:31:00):
Yeah, let me find a new way to skyper in
or something I don't know we're gonna do. And then
we have the big treasure chess toy chests coming up.
Man with kale. Okay, so hang on. Well we freeze
our tails off. Here at Fox Sports nine forty, it's.

Speaker 11 (01:31:17):
Time to go.

Speaker 21 (01:31:18):
Diesel ring Power, the distributor for Cox Marine, offers the
three hundred horsepower Cox Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboard engine,
designed specifically for marine years. In recent testing, the CXO
three hundred diesel outboard consistently outperforms gasoline outboards with lower
emissions and thirty percent less fuel burn. The Cox Marine
CXO three hundred diesel outboard has sixty percent better torque
than similar gasoline outboards, so reduce your overall fuel cost,

travel further and stay out on the water longer.

Speaker 2 (01:31:43):
Go Diesel.

Speaker 21 (01:31:44):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to find your local dealer.

Speaker 35 (01:31:48):
Need a place to store your boat, how about a
wet slip with ocean access, one with hurricane protection and
a full service yard. Nautical Ventures Marine Center in the
heart of Fort Lauderdale has dodgeded starting at just twelve
dollars per foot per month.

Speaker 4 (01:32:00):
Loess Raighton, Broward County.

Speaker 35 (01:32:01):
Our full service yard performs all boat works from bottom
pain to engine repower to total refens Coming soon a
new state of the r two hundred unit dry stack
Tota Nautical Ventures dot com. Slash Marina for more information.
Nautical Ventures the go to people for fun on the water.

Speaker 28 (01:32:17):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them. Inner Simrad's new Halo Opener ray
radar bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power on finding
flocks of birds, leading you to fishing holes up to

eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power. For
more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at simrad
dash Yachting dot com.

Speaker 10 (01:32:47):
Remember the days of gasoline.

Speaker 9 (01:32:50):
It's just not made the same anymore.

Speaker 7 (01:32:55):
Key your cash into gear with.

Speaker 8 (01:32:57):
Star Trove.

Speaker 15 (01:33:00):
Both the performage in all of your engines, sure the
problems of methodol with the power of.

Speaker 41 (01:33:06):
Anzymes, and maximize your file age every time you drive.

Speaker 8 (01:33:12):
Get start your engines with star Trot.

Speaker 27 (01:33:17):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
can reach new waters and ride endless waves. So drop
the hammer or the anchor and let adventure be your guide.
Mercury engines are made for exploring, So are you go boldly?

Speaker 51 (01:33:47):
It's Black Friday build up at Loaves Get Ahead start
on Black Friday all month long with exclusive deals right now.
Get twenty five percent off select pre lit artificial Christmas
trees just in time for the holidays, and get a
free Select tool when you buy a Select battery or
combo kit.

Speaker 8 (01:34:04):
So don't wait to save.

Speaker 2 (01:34:06):
Shop these deals.

Speaker 51 (01:34:06):
In store or online now because Low's knows deals about
eleven twenty one through eleven twenty seven, while supplies last
selection varies by location.

Speaker 29 (01:34:15):
From ABC News Tech Trends, Apple Intelligence, the company's long
awaited take on the generative artificial intelligence craze, is now
rolling out in a new software update that means iPhone,
iPad and Mac customers will get access to a new
feature in the Photos app called Cleanup.

Speaker 52 (01:34:33):
Which lets you identify and remove distracting objects or people
in the background of a photo just by tapping on it.

Speaker 29 (01:34:38):
Nine to five, Max Chance Miller says photos aren't the
only thing getting an AI update.

Speaker 52 (01:34:43):
There are some updates to notifications, things like notification summaries,
a new reduced interruptions focus mode that uses AI to
intelligently send you the most important notifications but hide the
other ones.

Speaker 29 (01:34:54):
As for Apple's voice assistant.

Speaker 52 (01:34:56):
There's a new design for Siri.

Speaker 29 (01:34:58):
But despite the fresh code of paint, Sire isn't getting
any new functionality. Bigger ticket AI features like smarterseri at
chatchpt integration, and the ability to generate AI emojis aren't
coming for another couple of months. With tech Trends, I'm
Mike Debuski, ABC News.

Speaker 53 (01:35:16):
If you're looking for an Affordable Care Act health insurance plan,
you have good timing it's the open enrollment period, and
there's an easy way to search health markets. At health
markets dot com. You can see a list of ACA
plans available to you in your area. If you have
questions or when you're ready to choose a plan, there
are licensed insurance agents ready to help you apply. See

how easy it can be to find your next health
insurance plan at health markets dot com. Health Markets Insurance
Agency in because license does an insurance agency nationwide except
in Massachusetts.

Speaker 11 (01:35:46):
Broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine forty Anna jarn
Levine Accident Attorney Studios. I'll call one eight hundred seven
four seven free.

Speaker 30 (01:35:55):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven three seven three three.

Speaker 1 (01:36:01):
The Venture's Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine, Go
Boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angular Joe Hector.

Speaker 3 (01:36:12):
Well, let's see what's happening with this crazy cold from
you got going on Lady On's Discovery Channel Destination Die,
which I watch every Saturday morning when it's on. I
might add they have a little break now going on,
and I'm sure with the Weather Channel she's very very
busy talking about these massive cold fronts coming through the world, Right,

Jennifer Gray Lauren, good morning, jet Heart Ye gets.

Speaker 54 (01:36:41):
A small correction Destination Dives on Sunday morning.

Speaker 4 (01:36:50):
Why do you bring it up to day point with me?
I'm embarrassed for you.

Speaker 3 (01:36:56):
You should be like I'm embarrassed for me to.

Speaker 4 (01:37:00):
What are you doing? Hey?

Speaker 2 (01:37:01):

Speaker 4 (01:37:01):
It's cold? Bad? Okay, Jen, we got it.

Speaker 2 (01:37:04):
We have a nice little song for Eric here.

Speaker 3 (01:37:06):
I'm Destination DIVERSI Discovery Channel Sunday mornings at eight am,
Right Jen, thank you?

Speaker 2 (01:37:17):
Yes, yeah, you might want to leave it alone, Eric.

Speaker 3 (01:37:20):
I fine, Jen, it's cold this morning right here Stephen J.
Gray's patio, and it was like fifty two when I
woke up this morning, and nice bright though, you.

Speaker 4 (01:37:28):
Know, not bad.

Speaker 2 (01:37:30):
You guys want me to turn the fans on.

Speaker 3 (01:37:32):
No, no, thank you. But actually she's right. Last weekend,
she warned us, Joe, Yes, she did that. We have
a cold front this weekend. That's how good she is. Yeah,
damn good?

Speaker 54 (01:37:40):
Yeah yeah, chop chop, Yeah all right, so be cold
the whole week?

Speaker 3 (01:37:49):
Yeah good?

Speaker 54 (01:37:49):
Sorry, I mean you got cool mornings, but you'll gradually
warm up. So your high Today's around seventy two sunshine
northwest wedds ten to fifteen c three to five feet only.

Speaker 32 (01:38:00):
Six inner coastal waters a light chop.

Speaker 54 (01:38:02):
Tomorrow sunny the hinder seventy six east winds five to
ten seas two to four feet occasionally five intercostal waters
a light chop. In the Keys today sunny with a
high near seventy one, north winds ten to fifteen seas
one to two feet. Near shore Water's light to moderate chop.
Tomorrow sunny's higher seventy five. In the Keys, northeast to
east wind ten to fifteen sees one to two feet near.

Speaker 32 (01:38:25):
Shore Water's a light to moderate chop.

Speaker 54 (01:38:27):
And in Florida Bay today, north winds ten to fifteen,
decreasing throughout the day. Baywater's light to moderate chop. And
tomorrow northeast east winds near ten knots.

Speaker 24 (01:38:37):
Baywater's a light chop, not too shabby.

Speaker 4 (01:38:40):
Bit I don't take that now, Jeff. We got another
cold front coming, don't we.

Speaker 32 (01:38:45):
Yeah, I think you do.

Speaker 54 (01:38:47):
In fact, this week we look to see exactly when
it is.

Speaker 4 (01:38:52):
I know there's a.

Speaker 32 (01:38:52):
Series of us coming through. You don't really drop low
as you dropped this.

Speaker 54 (01:38:58):
Weekend in the near future, but I think you'll just
continue with the dry air and then you know, nice
afternoons you do your highs drop into the mid seventies
by next week.

Speaker 3 (01:39:09):
But the week all right, So you have Thanksgiving coming
up this week? Are you cooking for Coop and Kayden
and Hobby Chris? Or are you guys are gonna be
doing out somewhere what's the deal?

Speaker 32 (01:39:19):
No, we'll be home.

Speaker 54 (01:39:20):
We're gonna cook, cook everything, and uh yeah, eat as
much as you possibly can.

Speaker 3 (01:39:25):
Yeah, there's a turkey or ham at the Great Home.
Turkey turkey, we'll smoke.

Speaker 32 (01:39:31):
We'll do it on the green eggs.

Speaker 3 (01:39:33):
Oh smoke bird. Have you ever have you ever fried
a turkey gen before? Back in your days?

Speaker 54 (01:39:40):
I had right turkeys before, but I've never attempted one myself.

Speaker 3 (01:39:44):
I have done that once, and it's the biggest mess
job on a planet.

Speaker 4 (01:39:47):
They come out great.

Speaker 3 (01:39:48):
Really, it's a messy proposition, man, oil and crap.

Speaker 4 (01:39:51):

Speaker 3 (01:39:52):
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, Jen, Thanks so much again for a
great forecast and being with us every week. And we
love you to death.

Speaker 4 (01:39:58):

Speaker 14 (01:39:59):

Speaker 4 (01:40:00):
Sorry about Eric.

Speaker 3 (01:40:01):
I blew it? Okay, okay, five for five on the
screw up scale to the keys we go, Joey Oh,
let's do it before the sun of range.

Speaker 4 (01:40:11):
Man, Captain dep Dale, Baby, what's up?

Speaker 8 (01:40:19):

Speaker 4 (01:40:19):
How light have galling you?

Speaker 3 (01:40:22):
Shout shipperd happy? How you doing another deb Oh we're great.

Speaker 55 (01:40:27):
I'm out on a forty two Buddy David center console
at Ocean Read and we're into the reeds to go
to the fishing. And we got a great telling condition today.
So uh with that great forecast, just gave ten to
fifteen out of the north. Go put up the kite,
go chase some showers and we'll be good. I'm just
so excited to be back on the water and sell

fishing again.

Speaker 2 (01:40:48):
Right now, cap'n Dev, Captain Dev Canaska favor. Are you
driving the boat right now?

Speaker 32 (01:40:53):
Absolutely not. Last week, two weeks ago, I was and
I had to talk and.

Speaker 55 (01:40:59):
I was like, y'all I could be on the phone.

Speaker 32 (01:41:00):
I'm sorry, But right now.

Speaker 55 (01:41:01):
I'm sitting crouched in one of those little I'm sitting
in the bow of the boat and hiding from the.

Speaker 32 (01:41:09):
Wind right now.

Speaker 3 (01:41:10):
Yeah, see y'all. Yeah, it's a little nippy, So I
just you know, it's a great boat you're on. I
sold a Buddy Davish for two back in my day. Yeah,
a really great heritage brand by the way, So really
cool boat.

Speaker 32 (01:41:21):
This is a beautiful forty two center console.

Speaker 55 (01:41:23):
So it's all walk around and uh, it's a new
boat for the client and it's it's just a it's
a cool thing. So we'll have a good time today
and maybe go.

Speaker 46 (01:41:33):
Get some fish.

Speaker 4 (01:41:34):
Cool all right, there you go.

Speaker 3 (01:41:35):
I know, you sell your kind little rushed because you're
probably out a charter, setting up some wines and beat
whatever else. I as fisherman during the week, anything new
on with mahi front or anything happening with the wahoo
or what's been biting during a week.

Speaker 32 (01:41:47):
Yeah, the fishing has actually been really good.

Speaker 55 (01:41:49):
The problem is we don't have the clients for the
amount of fish that you know. It's the fishing here
right now, it's really good. The afshore is picked up
because you know, it's got a.

Speaker 32 (01:42:00):
Little less windy. It's still windy when it's.

Speaker 55 (01:42:02):
Out of the south it's nasty, but today it's gonna
turn back over to the north. We should be all right,
but the dolphins should be in close well the seat.

Speaker 32 (01:42:10):
You just never know what they.

Speaker 55 (01:42:12):
Might come, you know, on to the kite. Yeah, hey,
asking me if I want to go inside the talk
because I'm here.

Speaker 46 (01:42:23):
I'm all good.

Speaker 3 (01:42:24):
All right, let's let her go. Man, she's freezing. Joe
should have bowed the boat. Man.

Speaker 55 (01:42:28):
We're gonna go put some We're gonna go hang some
flass today. So y'all have a great day and happy Saturday.

Speaker 3 (01:42:34):
And it's costailed out here, and happy thanks you have
a dep.

Speaker 4 (01:42:37):
Yeah, happy Thanksgiving, Captain deb.

Speaker 3 (01:42:39):
All right about y'all. All right, so take a little break,
come back with that great feature. We brought it back.
The treasure chest toy chest they call it. It's one
of the other treasure toy chests. Yeah. The thing with
our friend Kat Hayley, who's just really got a nice
little longer peace force this weekend. Oh yeah, so we
hear she talked and we said, hey.

Speaker 2 (01:42:56):
Send longer pieces of the segment longer too.

Speaker 4 (01:42:58):
Thank you Steven for that.

Speaker 3 (01:43:00):
But yeah, I didn't give her the opportunity to make
them a little bit longer than one minute. So she
went off this weekend with a friend at donc Adventure's
and then a complete full three minute banging cool toy man. Cool,
that's a whole idea. Man. Well, of course, just carries
the coolest stuff in the world. They've got boats, toys,
toysnes what Yeah, drones, okay, s u ps.

Speaker 6 (01:43:24):
E bikes, e bikes, sea crafts, c bobs, ufo boats.

Speaker 3 (01:43:29):
Yeah, Roger Moore, you just named the number one right there.
That's one big, grillly great toy. Roger Moore is the man,
you know, toy with Roger Moore jet packs, jet packs.
But anyway, focusing on the toys that AN'TV carries and
they had a whole slew them and for the holiday season,
by the way, yeah, would make a great gift to

stick under somebody's happy tree. This next toy coming up. Yes,
we're going to tease the hell of it because it's
really worth waiting for it. So take a break and
come back and show you this really cool thing.

Speaker 4 (01:44:00):
Kind of did a trump there? You were like, really, really, I.

Speaker 3 (01:44:04):
Can't do a depression. Cool, you're getting better at it.
I'm practicing betterday. Now while we'll do this, we'll get up.
Let's do this.

Speaker 4 (01:44:12):
Do the Donald dance? Ready?

Speaker 3 (01:44:13):
Come on, come on, Joe, come on, it's good.

Speaker 4 (01:44:15):
Come on here. What was his song again?

Speaker 5 (01:44:18):

Speaker 3 (01:44:18):
Yeah, yeah, stop okay, take a little breg.

Speaker 2 (01:44:22):
You guys need to stop your Scaring.

Speaker 3 (01:44:24):
Four at Fox Sports.

Speaker 11 (01:44:31):
Fox Sports nine winner.

Speaker 12 (01:44:34):
So feeling that coold friend Bud. We are going to
have mostly sunny skies for our Saturday with a high
have seventy two. Im Pember Pines seventy two is well
in wind Wood and tonight little fifty six sunny again
for tomorrow with a high seventy seven.

Speaker 13 (01:44:46):
This report is sponsored by Mattress Firm. It's Mattress Firm's
Black Friday Sale. Get matched with your perfect bed and
save up to seven hundred dollars on a wide selection
of quality mattresses. Plus score a free adjust base with
a qualifying purchase. See store for details.

Speaker 21 (01:45:03):
It's time to go diesel if you're a charter fishing
captain and reliability is key to your success. See how
Cox Marines three hundred horsepower diesel outboard can benefit you.
Ring Power, a distributor of Cox Marine, offers the CXO
three hundred diesel outboard engine. Designed specifically for marine use.
This diesel outboard provides longer service intervals, saving on both
maintenance and downtime. The Cox Marine diesel outboard has lower emissions,

thirty percent less fuel burner, and sixty percent better torque
than similar gasoline outboards go diesel. Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot
com to learn more.

Speaker 18 (01:45:33):
Hear that that's the sound of confidence. The sound of
confidence brought to you by Nationwide Battery.

Speaker 8 (01:45:41):
For over thirty years.

Speaker 18 (01:45:42):
Voters and fishermen have counted on Nationwide to fire up
their engines to keep their electronics going week after week,
year after year.

Speaker 4 (01:45:52):
They have the.

Speaker 18 (01:45:52):
Largest selection of batteries at the best prices, with dock
side installation available. If you count on your boat, then
count on Nationwide Battery. Visit them at Nationwide dash.

Speaker 19 (01:46:04):
Battery dot Com.

Speaker 18 (01:46:06):
Nationwide Batteries the sound of confidence.

Speaker 10 (01:46:11):
Remember the thry days of gasoline.

Speaker 9 (01:46:14):
It's just not made the same anymore.

Speaker 7 (01:46:18):
Should cure gas into gear.

Speaker 15 (01:46:20):
With star Trot, pump up the performance in all of
your engines, cure the problems of the methodol with the
power of nxyons, and maximize your fileage every time you drive.

Speaker 8 (01:46:35):
Kick start your engines with star Tron.

Speaker 17 (01:46:40):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
between you and fighting a monsterfish. And when it comes
to kayakfishing, nothing beats a hobby with its hands free
Maage drive propulsion system Nautical Ventures is your exclusive hoby
dealer for.

Speaker 2 (01:46:54):
Broward and Palm Beach.

Speaker 17 (01:46:55):
They have the widest selection of models and accessories to
make your hobby uniquely yours. They're rigged by our in
house experts who fish the tournaments. They know what it
takes to win. Coda Nautical Ventures dot Com to learn more.
Nautical Ventures the go to people for Holby.

Speaker 34 (01:47:10):
There are ordinary mornings, and then there are mornings powered
by Mercury. There are ordinary Saturdays, and then there are
Saturdays powered by Mercury.

Speaker 2 (01:47:23):
Don't get stuck.

Speaker 8 (01:47:23):
Living in the ordinary.

Speaker 34 (01:47:26):
Experience your life powered by Mercury.

Speaker 36 (01:47:40):
This is the story of the one who, as a
maintenance specialist for a historic high rise, knows that vintage
charm historically needs constant attention, which is why when it's
time to upgrade, turn at the century mechanicals. They turn
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The right tools and supplies are never far away, so

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Call Clickranger dot com or just dop buy Ranger for
the ones who get it done.

Speaker 44 (01:48:10):
Zone Zone Welcome to AutoZone, What are you working on today?

Speaker 19 (01:48:15):
I think my battery's dead.

Speaker 44 (01:48:17):
With free battery testing and charging, we can help you
get back on the road.

Speaker 47 (01:48:21):
Can So.

Speaker 19 (01:48:23):
What if I need a new one?

Speaker 44 (01:48:24):
We have the right door lass battery for you.

Speaker 2 (01:48:27):
Only at AutoZone Canon.

Speaker 19 (01:48:30):
And what about my old battery?

Speaker 44 (01:48:32):
We can recycle it right here at America's number one
battery destination.

Speaker 19 (01:48:36):
Cannon restrictions apply.

Speaker 11 (01:48:40):
Marlin's Baseball place here on air, on your smart speaker
and on your iHeartRadio app Miami's Fox Sports nine.

Speaker 1 (01:48:50):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures weekly fisherman show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go boldly with legendary fishermen. Aaron Brandon,
an extreme angular, Joe Hector.

Speaker 3 (01:49:03):
Wrapping a shove with a really cool seg. I love it.
The Donicadventure's toy chest is opening right as we speak.
Now she is she has been a great, great person
with a seg. Take it away, Cat Hayle and show

us what.

Speaker 4 (01:49:24):
You got into a treasure chest.

Speaker 12 (01:49:26):
Dude, I don't freaking know.

Speaker 56 (01:49:27):
It's like Mary Poppin's out here.

Speaker 9 (01:49:29):
I don't even know.

Speaker 13 (01:49:30):
So today we got the Schiller bike with us.

Speaker 57 (01:49:33):
Yes, Marissa is our water sports girl who is super
knowledgeable about everything when it comes to these bikes. Can
you tell us a little bit about how you get
to use this bike down here for water?

Speaker 10 (01:49:42):

Speaker 56 (01:49:42):
Yeah, this bike is great because you don't have to
worry about the scary roads, but you get to go
enjoy the beautiful waters. I mean, we live in the
Venice of America, so why now exactly?

Speaker 57 (01:49:51):
And one really cool thing about this is I know
that the whole of your bike you can put onto
the back of a bike rack in your car. And
these are infla. You can deflate them, roll them up.
It takes only ten minutes.

Speaker 56 (01:50:03):
Yeah that it's super super easy. Everything comes apart just
like that. Yep, all four of these metal bars are
gonna come out.

Speaker 51 (01:50:11):

Speaker 29 (01:50:12):
And like you said, these.

Speaker 56 (01:50:13):
Will roll up and you can just add this to
the back of your car. Did you know this thing
only weighs forty five pounds?

Speaker 57 (01:50:20):
Isn't that like the size of your puppy?

Speaker 21 (01:50:22):
It's smaller.

Speaker 29 (01:50:25):
So do you literally just.

Speaker 57 (01:50:26):
Pull this propeller down right here and start peddling for
it to move? That's it, really, that's literally it.

Speaker 4 (01:50:31):
That's literally it.

Speaker 57 (01:50:32):
You can see on the pedals right here they have
a perfect little footstrap to keep you locked in. And
as you're moving this you can see right here on
the propeller that it's starting to move with you.

Speaker 4 (01:50:42):
Here we go.

Speaker 56 (01:50:43):
So you want to know what's actually one of my
favorite features?

Speaker 57 (01:50:45):
Yes, yes, I want to know.

Speaker 56 (01:50:46):
Okay, So there's actually a whole platform that attaches here
to these d rings. Yeah, and this can hold up
to five hundred pounds.

Speaker 57 (01:50:55):
Okay, So you're saying like maybe I could bring like
a friend or two percent.

Speaker 4 (01:50:59):
You can have.

Speaker 56 (01:51:00):
Your boyfriend or your girlfriend whoever. You can have them
sit and ride while you just lounge on the front.

Speaker 29 (01:51:06):
I mean goals.

Speaker 57 (01:51:07):
Someday to like have kids and stuff.

Speaker 4 (01:51:09):
Just be like I'm babysitting. They're made with the drop stitchy.
You see how they have kind of dots all.

Speaker 56 (01:51:13):
Over Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, so those are gonna be
where fibers of those plastics are hanging down. So instead
of just having two pieces of plastic and air in between, yeah,
to make up your inflatable, you have fibers that the
air can now adhere to. Oh so that removes any
bulging any you know, pop up or you got it,
so you're not gonna get any of those heat bubbles

that you might see on other similar products.

Speaker 32 (01:51:35):
Nope, you'll never see that.

Speaker 7 (01:51:36):

Speaker 21 (01:51:38):
So thanks for tuning in.

Speaker 57 (01:51:39):
You can catch us gain next week here with the
toy Chest segment on the Weekly Fishermen on Fox Sports
nine am. And hey, where can they get this bike?

Speaker 32 (01:51:47):
Not a Venture water Sports?

Speaker 24 (01:51:48):
See you there?

Speaker 5 (01:51:50):

Speaker 3 (01:51:51):
I have a run up a clause for that year old.

Speaker 4 (01:51:53):
That was great.

Speaker 3 (01:51:54):
I mean I watched the whole piece on replay again.
I'd watched a three times part of the show. Us
in the music, she puts in the effects, She's got
all these different camera shots, then shoots to the water
shots people are doing like karate classes on top of
the Shiller bike.

Speaker 2 (01:52:09):
She even put the logo of the station in as well.

Speaker 3 (01:52:11):
The logo of the station shows that big, beautiful, donical
Ventures building in the back. By the way, it's just
a great job she does, does it right, man? That
makes it really interesting more than just me droning on
about something which we put up with for years.

Speaker 2 (01:52:23):
By the way, that bike looked really cool, A great
way to exercise and have fun on the water. Now
you can take your friends with you on it too,
that's even cooler.

Speaker 3 (01:52:29):
I like that holds it to four hundred pounds. So
bring a couple of friends out there.

Speaker 4 (01:52:32):
That thing.

Speaker 3 (01:52:33):
It's called the Shiller Bike at Nautical Ventures, I might add. Yeah,
your go to people for fun, no doubt about that.
Fun on the water. Got a bit of a too, Jelley.
You got to tournament coming up, getting closer and closer
to January?

Speaker 4 (01:52:46):
Man, crazy man, Yeah, we got Smackdale right, we got
the Sailfish SmackDown.

Speaker 6 (01:52:50):
We're in our fifteenth year doing these tournaments, which is just.

Speaker 3 (01:52:54):
The show's eighteen years. You're fifteen years, man, We're just wracking.

Speaker 4 (01:52:57):
These years are crazy, right, it's.

Speaker 6 (01:52:59):
Yeah, so yeah, so yeah, So it's a Selfish SmackDown.
It's our winter tournament taking place January twenty fifth, right
around my birthday.

Speaker 4 (01:53:08):
Oh okay, all right, it'll be fun. Can't wait. We'll
have more information once we get closer.

Speaker 6 (01:53:14):
We also got the Extreme Kayakfishing magazine coming out next month,
and yeah we're excited.

Speaker 3 (01:53:20):
Just real quick, if anyone wants to enter early, can
it actually take it? Entries now?

Speaker 6 (01:53:24):
So anglers have until December first, which is coming up quick,
very quick to register early and receive a free salefish
SmackDown tournament shirt, a free Salefish SmackDown tournament hat, and
a tournament face shield provided by Say company. It's January
one again December first. They have to register buying December

first tournament. The tournament's January twenty fifth, So you can
go to Extreme kayakfishon dot com and register early by
December first to receive all your cool free goodies.

Speaker 4 (01:53:55):
That's worth one hundred dollars.

Speaker 3 (01:53:56):
Guys, do you know that the man will be sworn
in just right around the same time as your tournament?
Of course? What a great just acidence.

Speaker 4 (01:54:04):
Just a great amazing thing.

Speaker 3 (01:54:07):
Make kayaking great again. Man, there you go, buddy, big
thanks to Jeff at KNIGHTE forty for flying a ship.
He's so great man, keeping me up to the day
of Thanks Jeff, just a big thank you man. You
really bring a strong on the show. We don't see it,
but we know you do. Great job. Thank you so much.
Steeven are great. Thanks for STOs having us out here. Man,
you're banging great show.

Speaker 2 (01:54:24):
You're welcome man, stay warm everybody.

Speaker 3 (01:54:25):
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Speaker 4 (01:54:38):
We love you. Sheriff, you care. Sheriff you care, Sheriff
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Speaker 42 (01:54:42):
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Speaker 28 (01:55:11):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
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more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
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Speaker 17 (01:55:41):
At Johnny Jigs Tackling Company. Our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
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Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 14 (01:56:11):
So we're not all professional anglers, we don't all compete
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