Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme.
Speaker 2 (00:09):
Angler Joe Hector.
Speaker 1 (00:12):
Powered by Mercury Marine.
Speaker 3 (00:14):
Go boldly, Yeah, Holy butter beans, walcome back two The
Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show. You're number eighteen is just
simmering along there, Jimmy Joe wa say there, Buddy nineteen
o five Joe nineteen oh five. Yeah, there's a other
shirks freak with three arms to the etching boobs on
a double headed Peennie step right up on the case
corner as Eric Brandon three years old. He's got a
bike stogy and I was face there smoking that schucker
care Joe, how long have you practiced that?
Speaker 4 (00:52):
Speaker 3 (00:52):
I just came right to me. I don't practice jack
for the show man.
Speaker 5 (00:55):
Wow, it's totally a wing job.
Speaker 4 (00:57):
That was Uh.
Speaker 5 (00:58):
I think I got a cold to stay away from me.
Speaker 3 (01:00):
Yeah, breathe than you Ye back at my forty Jeff,
thanks for flying the ship, and of course hello to
Stevid j Crazy many Saturday.
Speaker 6 (01:07):
How you reeling this morning?
Speaker 3 (01:08):
Gentlemen? How cold was Green Bay?
Speaker 6 (01:10):
Seventeen degrees? But you know what I have to say,
The folks in Green Bay were nice. The fans were
really nice up there. The food was really good. We
stayed at a place called Appleton and had a good
time except for the game.
Speaker 3 (01:22):
So it's everything cheese based up there, like cheese fondue,
and I don't.
Speaker 6 (01:26):
Know, then there's a lot you know, I really didn't
have a lot of cheese up there. I just had
good food and you know, a nice time even I
mean they're fans. Even after losing the game, they're like, hey,
have safe travel and everything is what can you say,
bro quiet ride on the plane home though.
Speaker 5 (01:41):
Yeah, it must have been.
Speaker 7 (01:42):
Uh did you guys see the how the Raiders purposely
uh blue?
Speaker 6 (01:46):
Oh my god. The Raiders were handling Kse pretty good
yesterday when I saw the start of the game.
Speaker 3 (01:51):
Back normally the NFL Spira secret theories.
Speaker 5 (01:55):
Did you even see what happened?
Speaker 3 (01:58):
I didn't see it, but now you just told me
about it.
Speaker 7 (02:00):
For the Alright, I'm just gonna pull this up for
the for ESPN, who is a completely you know, liberal
site for the NFL, right, yeah, for them to write
on the cover, right, are you ready for this? Who's
writing these scripts with a question mark? Chief somehow clinch playoffs.
Speaker 3 (02:19):
All right, Joe, we'll go to that story later show.
Speaker 7 (02:24):
If you guys watched the game over the over the yesterday,
you guys know what I'm talking about.
Speaker 3 (02:28):
We have a captain who we did play on line
one O patiently for us, shut up. Jim O. Thomas
is beck on the Thomas Flyer. He flew right in. Really, yeah,
you want to bring him on? How about you bring
him on? Okay? He's uh the greatest guy I know.
He will bring me a piece of snook whatever. I
snapped my fingers. He's always on our beck and call.
He's the one guy that we ordered to have every
single Saturday because he could be in bed sleeping. But
he's here right now, like Jim Bow the man Thomas, he's.
Speaker 8 (02:59):
Jim stop stop. That was perfect, Eric. We don't need
any singing, serenading, whatever you call it.
Speaker 3 (03:09):
I didn't sink. I just brought you with a standard intro.
Speaker 9 (03:12):
Speaker 8 (03:12):
I believe that was you starting to Shippers song or something.
Speaker 3 (03:19):
Yeah, anyways, Jim, you were God. Where'd you go back
to Mexico?
Speaker 8 (03:25):
I was back in Mexico. We went into Cabo and
then ran the boat. My buddy's boat up to a
place called Magdalena Bay, which I've been doing it for
about this time of the year for the last six
or seven years. And you go up there and you
catch stripe marlin until your arms fall off, which is
a great problem to have. So we had great fishing,
great weather, we ate good, we drank good, we had
a blast as always. So I'm back to reality though,
and this has been halfway decent here as well. All
week there's dolphin being caught in a few sails, and
then yesterday there was no dolphin and no sales or
very few at best. So I don't know if we
had that, if the northwest wind kind of killed it
or what. But today's another day. We got a little
bit more breeze today, so hopefully that'll get some stuff moving.
But we ended up with a nice catch yesterday. Regardless,
we did go out looking for the dolphin, no such luck.
We came in on the reef and we were trolling
up on the patries. We ended up with seven month
and snappers, a couple of them up around ten pounds.
So some nice ones had a black grouper about ten
pounds legal size one, and some barracudas and miscellaneous other junk.
And then we went out to try and catch a
sale and we put the live baits out. We never
had a bite, so we ended up with a nice
catch of refish.
Speaker 3 (05:08):
So I don't know, sorry, Jimbo. I was just saying,
I would bet you catch all those junk fish to
a paying client who's paid you the five thousand dollars
a day. Normally you don't call them a junk fish.
You're like, hey, us are really great fish there, mister Smith, Hey.
Speaker 8 (05:24):
Jimbo, with you the nicest barracuda I've ever seen.
Speaker 6 (05:28):
Jimbo, we just had Barracuda's calling right now complaining about
you calling them junk.
Speaker 3 (05:33):
Okay, thanks, I mean, I so we caught some other
assorted specimens.
Speaker 8 (05:41):
We'll go with that.
Speaker 3 (05:42):
I like that specimens, thank you.
Speaker 8 (05:45):
Right, But I mean, it turned out to be a
good day and it was beautiful weather. And today we'll
have to see. With this little breeze, it might get
the salefish action per back up again, or it could
get those dolphin move again. Yeah, or we might go
back in and catch some more snappers. Who knows until
we get out there and see what's going on. We'll
started playing a and end up at playing ex if needed.
Speaker 7 (06:10):
I you know, I didn't know that barrakuda can get
over one hundred pounds.
Speaker 5 (06:15):
Did you know that?
Speaker 3 (06:15):
Yeah? I do that.
Speaker 5 (06:16):
That's insane.
Speaker 8 (06:17):
I did know that. And I've never seen one that big.
Speaker 7 (06:21):
Oh my god. I just I saw one the other day.
A guy caught one, and I mean it's the size
of like a hundred pound wahoo. It's insane.
Speaker 8 (06:33):
Yeah, well, one hundred pounds is one hundred pounds.
Speaker 7 (06:35):
Man, that's just crazy to me. Anyway, Jimbo, what about
the wahoo bite anything? Is it still pretty decent?
Speaker 8 (06:43):
I did not hear of any yesterday or in the
past couple of days. I did have one friend went
out wahoo fishing yesterday. He trolled for twenty miles and
never had a wahoo bite. Although the conditions did look good.
We had blue water, we had north current, so conditions
look very favorable for all kinds of good fishing. But
I don't know if it's you know, just this little
change in the wind pattern or what might have shut
them down. Now further to the north is where they
do catch a lot more wahoos, and I heard no
reports from there yesterday, so it's still possible, and again
today they might be snapping.
Speaker 3 (07:25):
My question is who the hell would troll for twenty
miles to get a wahoo. That's a lot of.
Speaker 8 (07:29):
Gas somebody that wants to catch a wahooe. So, yeah,
it doesn't matter if you're trolling in circles or zig zagging.
It's you're still covering ground, whether it's in a straight
line or not. So trolling for twenty miles realistically, isn't
that big of a deal. You know, some days when
we're dolphin fishing in the summer, say we might end
up fifteen miles off shore, so we'll troll fifteen miles out,
we'll trow fifteen miles back in. That's thirty miles right
off the bat. So you know, it's it sounds like
a lot, but it's really not. Means you're going a.
Speaker 3 (08:09):
Little Yeah, they're going faster because ten to fifteen knots
when to pull those lures whatever, you.
Speaker 8 (08:14):
Know, right, So if you're going a little faster, it
doesn't take very long to cover that kind of ground.
Speaker 3 (08:19):
That's the top speed of the fly, right, fifteen knots
is at your your top end.
Speaker 8 (08:24):
It used to be. You know, when I put the
this is a real fishing vessel to Thomas Flyers, not
you know one of those pontoons that go for the lake.
Speaker 3 (08:39):
Open it can pass, you know, yeah, right, dear buddy,
hi jobo. So anybody heading out short tell our audience
how to plan their day, what bait to bring, well,
far to go, what to look foe.
Speaker 8 (08:53):
Well, guess some some live bait if, if possible, be
your best bet. Whether they're pilchers or hering and cigar miindows,
the dolphin when they are being caught have been under
frigate birds, So keep an aisle for any prodictivity. And
also if you're lucky enough to find something of any
size floating, like a palette or a log or a
tree branch, there's always a great possibility of having the
dolphin around that. And if you do find something good floating,
there's almost always while who's underneath that. Now they're not
the big ones that you would catch just while who fishing,
but there's while who's nonetheless, so that's a good start.
If not, if you want to get a salefish, go
in anywhere from about ninety to two hundred feet of water,
it looks like we're going to have enough win for
the kite at least for the morning. Put the kite
up with a live bait. You got a good chance
of the saale. And while you're in there, there's always
a chance to a dolphin finding your kite bait or
king mackerel if you start getting some cutoff, put a
little wire leader on there, and definitely put a deep
line down because there's been a lot of mutton snappers around.
Speaker 6 (10:00):
Oh yeah, man, hey, Jimbo, have you ever found any
narcotics illegally floating that fish are under? Uh?
Speaker 8 (10:09):
Not recently, No, not recently. So you have then right
back back in the day, like say thirty to forty
years ago, when they were smuggling a lot of weed,
you would occasionally find a bale of weed floating out there,
and yes, if it had been floating for any length
of time, there's always a good chance of catching a
dolphin around it. But that's yeah, it's almost unheard of nowadays.
Speaker 7 (10:39):
So there's a lot of stories back like in the
eighties though, of stuff like that.
Speaker 8 (10:44):
Yeah, I think, yeah, well, that's when a lot of
smuggling was taking place. They don't even smuggle weed anymore.
They grow it in their backyards now, So yeah.
Speaker 5 (10:56):
LEDs baby.
Speaker 3 (11:01):
Now the question reminds me of Stephen asked something random like, Hey, Jim,
do you ever caught any wallhunder a floating body?
Speaker 5 (11:07):
I think that's cool.
Speaker 6 (11:08):
You know that's a good question, Eric, Yeah.
Speaker 3 (11:11):
Yeah, okay, Like really, dude.
Speaker 8 (11:13):
Fortunately, I've never had the witness sad and I don't
want to. And I've been on the water a lot.
Speaker 3 (11:20):
So it's now show start, man, It's just open here.
Speaker 8 (11:23):
Speaker 3 (11:24):
This is gonna be the tone of the rest of
the show. You got a long two hours ago here, buddy,
so you know a yeah, could do I have time
for one more? You sure she did? Joe, You just
ruin the clock every time. Go ahead, jump around on it, buddy,
go ahead ask him more. N I'm gonna answer, So.
Speaker 7 (11:38):
Jimbo uh just actually so, I think it was last
week I asked you what your rig was for the
Mutton Snappers, And then I had one guy comment on
our YouTube video actually because I put that in the
in the video, and he asked me, how long do
you have the leader? Because I guess that wasn't mentioned.
Speaker 10 (11:59):
Speaker 8 (12:00):
So from the planer to your hook you want to
go at least one hundred feet, So the longer the better.
I mean, you can get away with shorter, but we
typically use I mean, I'm not measuring it, but we're
going arm links, So roughly one hundred feet of leader
fifty pound mono. You can go up to eighty if
you want, but fifty gets you a few more bites.
So yeah, I mean in planar fishing in general, long
leader is key to getting bites. Whether it's for kingfish,
who's snappers, whatever, it might be.
Speaker 5 (12:40):
Okay, if you were fishing.
Speaker 7 (12:44):
D I'm sorry, And if you weren't fishing and you
were just like deep dropping for him, like, how long
leader would you go?
Speaker 8 (12:50):
Well, they use most guys that drop for on rex
or bottom four month snappers, they're using a super long
leader as well, not one hundred feet but maybe forty
feet forty to fifty So a months are kind of weary,
especially if you're bottom fishing for him. If you're trolling
for him, I don't think they have as much time
to think about whether they want to eat it or not,
because it's going to get away from them if they don't.
Speaker 5 (13:26):
So unless you yeah, then you just go.
Speaker 3 (13:28):
That's coming up later. Jimbo, you used your time now
for the next three weekends, so you're really not going
to be back to.
Speaker 8 (13:35):
Use your okay dot you in three weeks being around
christ But.
Speaker 3 (13:40):
You're done man, Okay, I'm kidding, but thanks Joe for
asking too long ass question.
Speaker 2 (13:46):
It's not me.
Speaker 3 (13:47):
I can't leave it alone, kid, It's not me.
Speaker 8 (13:49):
It's the fishing show, Eric, that's what we're going with.
Speaker 3 (13:53):
Yeah, I'm a clock man, Jimbo. I pay the bills
here when there's time check thing. Okay, yeah's the clock man.
Speaker 6 (14:00):
Take the l off of that though.
Speaker 3 (14:01):
Okay, whatever, Sure, jib bug, Glad you're back. I have
a great weekend, seriously, bit already.
Speaker 8 (14:10):
Ali guys, good luck everybody.
Speaker 3 (14:12):
See we'll need today very much. Take our first late
break in the morning, I might add you, Yeah, buddy
six fourteen everybody, good morning to you. Fox Sports nine.
Speaker 11 (14:23):
Lives from the storm Tight Windows Weather Center.
Speaker 12 (14:29):
So feeling that cool, friend, Bud. We are going to
have mostly sunny skies for our Saturday with a high
have seventy two im pember Pines seventy two as well
in win Wood and tonight Little fifty six sending again
for tomorrow with a high seventy seven.
Speaker 13 (14:41):
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Speaker 2 (18:00):
The pros talk here.
Speaker 8 (18:01):
Aren't you an Emmy Award winning journalist?
Speaker 2 (18:04):
This is a big deal.
Speaker 27 (18:05):
This is Fox Sports nine Miami. Now back to the.
Speaker 1 (18:11):
Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine, go boldly.
Here's there at Brandon and Joe Hector.
Speaker 2 (18:20):
To the bone.
Speaker 3 (18:21):
Baby, Hey, I'm wearing a lot of orange today. I'm
totally an orange right here on the Facebook stream. I'm
orange down, man, Why I just like this a new hoodie.
Speaker 8 (18:30):
I get bought here.
Speaker 5 (18:31):
Man, I'll venture thing.
Speaker 3 (18:34):
It's their color shuit. But I'll be asking you all
like Joe Eric Eric, Eric Orange, you're glad to see me? Hey,
Joe Eric Orange, You're glad it's Saturday.
Speaker 6 (18:47):
You know what Joe's gonna say, aren't you glad? The
show's over? That's going to be coming up real soon
after that?
Speaker 3 (18:54):
Well, Orange glad? We have Alan zarembon line one. Shall
we talk to him now, Joey Nope, Orange and glad
he's here, big al give on a buddy.
Speaker 20 (19:05):
That is so sad it is.
Speaker 5 (19:07):
Yeah, it was pretty bad. I mean, I don't know
what to say.
Speaker 3 (19:12):
I'll take a hit from that one. Yeah, you're right,
it was bad.
Speaker 28 (19:15):
Do you need to take a few hits for that one?
Speaker 3 (19:18):
Several I'm going.
Speaker 5 (19:19):
To some of your ex wives and we'll see that already. Really, dude, seriously, aren't.
Speaker 6 (19:25):
You glad he said that?
Speaker 5 (19:26):
Eric, we're in trouble now.
Speaker 3 (19:31):
What's in the best world, man? What's going on? Buddy? Well?
Speaker 28 (19:33):
I did get a little bit this weekly. The pain
and the knee wasn't so good, but but I did
get through it and we found a subsurface fight. It
was no top water, much to my devise or much
to my I'm not even what to s.
Speaker 8 (19:48):
I was not happy.
Speaker 28 (19:49):
I tried for hours and nothing, nothing would come up
and hit top. The boy, they were jumping all over
the jerk baits below the surface of spending jerk baits.
That was working really good. The peacocks were hitting good.
A few large rounds. We're hitting as well, so the
snakeheads were non existent. They didn't like me at all,
I guess, but they don't like it when it starts
changing the weather. Even though we've had a few warm
days now that probably gets some inspired a little bit.
Of course, we're about to get turned over again. It's
gonna get cold again, so it's that time of year.
What can you do except you go with the flow
and you fish the way you have to fish.
Speaker 8 (20:24):
Speaker 3 (20:25):
All right, Well, that's pretty short report. I'll have a
good weekend. But it's all good. We're good to go.
Thanks so much outing.
Speaker 9 (20:33):
Aren't you happy about that?
Speaker 3 (20:35):
Aren't you glad? It's time to go? No, Al, you
feel better. Everything good. Your part's all working both.
Speaker 28 (20:40):
Needs and I have another operation coming up, and I'm
hoping by Christmas. I've got some trips booked after Christmas.
Speaker 3 (20:47):
Uh that I'll be back in full.
Speaker 28 (20:48):
Swing again and on the men with both needs being good.
Speaker 9 (20:52):
So I'm looking forward to that part.
Speaker 28 (20:54):
I'm not looking forward to the operation, but you know
that's part of life.
Speaker 3 (20:58):
Yeah, well, listen, al Man, feel better, get out there. Oh,
I feel it's right. You have one more thing to say?
Speaker 5 (21:05):
Can I ask you a questions.
Speaker 3 (21:06):
You don't want to face?
Speaker 5 (21:07):
This report was slow?
Speaker 3 (21:09):
Okay, but fin can I make a comment here? What
Roger Moore, the CEO of Doutical Ventures, by the way,
go to people for fun in the water watching the stream.
Speaker 5 (21:17):
Okay, he goes, Eric, I love the orange shirt.
Speaker 3 (21:20):
I did too, Roger said, jokes.
Speaker 28 (21:24):
Well, yeah, the joke about the orange is said orange.
Speaker 3 (21:27):
You're glad I mentioned that.
Speaker 28 (21:29):
Uh ask We got to get away from this, dude.
Speaker 5 (21:34):
Yeah, this is this is crazy. I think Alan and
I are both gonna.
Speaker 3 (21:37):
We got out. We got hold online.
Speaker 5 (21:39):
One Alan real quick, Okay, sneakeheads.
Speaker 7 (21:43):
So there's I know it's really slow right now fishing
for him.
Speaker 5 (21:46):
But what's your go to like set up for those fish?
Speaker 28 (21:50):
I want to go on top of order, but but
you know right now you're probably gonna have to go
below for them to some spinner baits and maybe some
jerk baits and some deep driving Frank Page.
Speaker 5 (22:00):
Even Okay, cool, See that was quick, good answer. L
you like that.
Speaker 3 (22:04):
That was awesome, man.
Speaker 5 (22:05):
Yeah, we got it.
Speaker 9 (22:06):
Like them under a lot of pressure today.
Speaker 5 (22:08):
I'm just that happy about this, man.
Speaker 29 (22:12):
I guess.
Speaker 3 (22:13):
I guess Eric is give me get back. I am happy.
Get back on your feet out. We'll talk to you soon. Man,
get back to working one hundred percent and I know
you'll be back. Okay, we'll do. Thank you, Al, you're
the best man.
Speaker 4 (22:25):
Speaker 3 (22:26):
So he's a new edition of the show. And uh yeah,
I told you of our history. Way back in the day,
Wayne was on every weekend Wayne Cohn Reward Fishing Fleet
at the Bay Side. Okay, it has been tearing things up.
You showed me a couple of visits a week. I said, listen, Wayne,
it'd be great to show on the show. But they
gotta be horizontal. Per Stephen J.
Speaker 5 (22:43):
Gray, Steve, it'll blow a gasket.
Speaker 3 (22:45):
He wouldn't. You can't use them anybody, Wayne con Good
morning to you about say guys, Hey, good morning guys.
Speaker 9 (22:52):
You know I'm not I'm not so tech savvy. You know,
I'm just gonna get back into the go pro thing
here pretty soon. I don't know that different. I know
horizontal and I know vertical, but but I don't quite
understand the tech of it all. But I'll do the
best I can to comply with your needs.
Speaker 3 (23:05):
So it's weird I turned your phone sideways. I totally
get that. Man, It's just odd.
Speaker 6 (23:11):
You'll thank me. You'll thank me, especially if you're making
video because then you can watch it on a full
screen TV.
Speaker 3 (23:16):
You know you trained me, I know to do that automatically.
Speaker 9 (23:19):
Now, dude, I need to talk to this guy on
the side. Then he's just got to straighten me out
a little bit. Here, give me a short list.
Speaker 3 (23:26):
I saw some VIDs. Man, you should be one video
of Kingfish you were marking on your Uh.
Speaker 9 (23:33):
Yeah, that's so exciting. You know what's for years this
time of the year, between now and Christmas? For years,
these little baby kingfish would show up and they're they're
two to three pounders. And I had some health issues
here this past year, I've had a lot of a
lot of fun and everything's cool. But back I'm back
running boats again and doing my thing. And uh, we
had a bunch of live bay yesterday. You know, we
buy live bait. We got a party boat. I don't care.
We buy live bait every day when it's available because
and we got big live wells, all the cool stuff. Anyway,
get to the cut to the chase here. These little
kinkfish started showing up a couple of weeks ago, and
most of it I saw was like late in the
afternoon or on the outgoing tide. There were certain ways
when times they would turn on. But drifting along, I
go up and look at that devfinder. When I see that,
when you see those streaks under the boat, you know
then so for me, you know, it brings back. You know,
a bouncer will echo this because he and I did
this stuff ourselves for years. But yeah, we grab a
net full of pilchure to start sprinkling. And when you're
sitting like we had yesterday, No, when maybe a not
breeze just enough to hold your boat right, and you
got a not and a half of good blue water
current moving along. So and these fish are laying right
on the corner of the reef and then the slide
drop off like the sand, like ninety feet eighty feet
right at one hundred, maybe up in sixty even, you know.
So that's where these are. And when they fire up,
all you need are sidewinder jigs, bucktails, the cheapest crap
you got in your box, spoons. But they got it,
all these purists. You know, they killed me. You know,
I've been doing vertical jigging and slow fish jigging trips
since inception. You know, I still got videos out there
somewhere on YouTube from twelve fourteen years ago. However, what
happens is guys get so technical. Oh they don't want
to use wire. Why not? Where's the rule?
Speaker 16 (25:26):
Speaker 9 (25:26):
Because somebody said you get more bites with monel Okay,
so you want to you want to throw out a
twenty dollars jig right to catch and release a two
pound kingfish, or have them cut you off while it's
sinking and then tying another one. Yeah, it just makes sense, does.
Speaker 3 (25:41):
Make a bit of moneys.
Speaker 9 (25:42):
Yeah yeah, yeah, Well so yesterday, man, everything we had
on the boat we had mister lasbro Torres chartered me
and his family. We do it a few times a year.
It's been a long long time. We won tournaments together
twenty twenty five years ago. But he's introducing his kids,
which is the right thing to do to fishing. But
everything we had on the boat we were and wires on.
We had them fired up yesterday afternoon. Every single cast,
every cast we either caught a king lost the king
for an hour. And I mean I got little light
eight twelve pounds spinning rods on the boat too. Maybe
what a who we call one that was big enough.
Speaker 3 (26:15):
That's key.
Speaker 9 (26:17):
So one of the issues with these fish, and I
want people to really hear this, you know, baby kingfish
are incredibly fragile. They're they're just and and they're they're
crazy ferocious, and they will get hooked deep and they
and they sometimes they'll eat everything. And like I said,
some of these gotcha lures have trouble. Stuff like that.
A couple of things. One of the things anybody catching
these tests and I make my mates carrying with them,
is a d hooker. This way you don't ever have
to touch. There's reasons you don't touch a kingfish. And
like I said, bouncer, and I grew up on party
boats fishing. Where can I tell you? I don't even
want to tell you how many nights we catch one hundred,
one hundred and fifty kinkfish in a trip. And if
you don't have to touch the fish, if you don't
have to touch the fish, you can process them. And
the same thing goes. I am adamant about letting fish
go to give him the best chance to survive.
Speaker 3 (27:04):
I like that.
Speaker 9 (27:04):
It's not Look, dude, how many times you see in
a school dolphin a guy grabs a dolphin, squeezes his
thumb and finger through the gills, rips the hook out
and sit and throws him back. It's his eyes too small.
He's not letting him go so he lives. He's just
lett him go because he ain't big enough. And it's
a shame. It's a beautiful resource. And right now there
are thousands of these little kingfish out there, and he
get up under your boat. So fish, a single circle hook,
even a trap is okay as long as you don't
drop back to the fish. You know, a little number
two trap on a short wire. You get to bite,
don't know, dropping back, bend the rods, turn the handle
and you'll catch him in the mouth. And when you
get to fish up like the way I do it
is even if we're fishing twelve pound, I'll put a
piece of thirty and then I'll use like a foot
and a half of three to four wire and we
just take a rap on the thirty, use a D hooker,
don't touch the fish, don't wipe the slime off of him, because,
like I said, they're incredibly fragile, and then you just
you dehook them and shake them off. You guys see
some of the videos I put up there. This year,
we've done a lot of kids trips and we're teaching
kids how to use D hookers and they love it. Man,
let me tell you something about the kids. They love
seeing their fish swim away the.
Speaker 3 (28:14):
Cool. Yeah.
Speaker 5 (28:15):
So I'm gonna say we caught thirty kings.
Speaker 9 (28:17):
Man, We got like thirty kings yesterday, I'd say in
the last hour. And before that I was marketing them, dude,
I was marking them, and we couldn't get a bite.
I couldn't catch a button snapper and that's kind of
like my it's kind of I used to say that's
one of my things. But you know what, the fish
don't know who you are, and they don't They don't
want to bite, man, they don't want to bite. I
tried some group of drops I had goggleize on the boat.
I mean, I was loaded for bear. We didn't look
any sales or water looked good, but uh, but we
put it all out there. But the action was absolutely phenomenal.
Speaker 3 (28:47):
So wait, really, good man, you brought it strong man.
We got to rock the clock here, but real quick.
But you don't have there's no chance. Just come on, bring.
Speaker 9 (28:56):
Your kid fish under free free ship for kids on
my boats.
Speaker 7 (29:01):
Come on, and Wayne, the Spanish macrel bite is great too, right,
because you know it's not.
Speaker 5 (29:07):
All right, no, because my buddy just caught a whole
bunch by the pier.
Speaker 3 (29:12):
Now we're talking to the professional here, Joe. I'll just
say it.
Speaker 9 (29:14):
I go listen, listen. I don't have a direct connection
to the psychosis of them completely, but my son does.
He's he's got a commercial boat from Jupiter up and back.
He fished yesterday. He and his brother, my stepsons and
they got one really nice wile in a black fin.
They didn't find any dog. Oh, which, by the way,
a couple of days ago there were quite a few
dolphins out here. But the macro are still according to him,
he's got all his commercial permits. He says, there's still
quite a bit up north. Yeah, they're showing up here now.
If you're gonna fish them off Miami, it's almost a
must you fishing. If you're anywhere near the on the
outgoing tide, that's when they fire up.
Speaker 3 (29:52):
Wayne. Thank you, buddy, I really got to go here, man.
But the rewards, Wayne, you're bringing a strong your back. Man,
Thank you so much, buddy.
Speaker 9 (30:01):
All right, all right.
Speaker 3 (30:03):
Those kids, bro bye, bring those kids fishing. There you go.
Speaking of the hookers, I know Stephen and Jay Gray's
got about that. He probably tries to find him on
a weekend.
Speaker 5 (30:11):
I love that about Wayne, by the way.
Speaker 6 (30:13):
Yeah, by the way, I thought Wayne did a really
good job. He's bringing another angle to the show.
Speaker 17 (30:17):
Speaker 3 (30:18):
And so we never had a party book, guy, except
we brought it back. But I mean, party about fishing
is a whole different kind of game, man.
Speaker 5 (30:23):
Sure, And he's into the kids, man, I think you know.
Speaker 7 (30:25):
I can't stress enough how important that is to get
the next generation out there and into fishing and show
them how it's done, and show them the right.
Speaker 3 (30:33):
Way conservation, which we love alone. Showing those fish back
and they'll hold the fish, get slip off, slim on
the fish. So very cool. Gotta shut my face here
and take a break. Come back to you right here
shortly at Fox Sports Night for it.
Speaker 24 (30:47):
They were ordinary mornings, and then there are mornings powered
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Speaker 6 (31:00):
Don't get stuck.
Speaker 20 (31:00):
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Speaker 31 (31:46):
At Johnny Jigs tackling company. Our passion for fishing drives
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At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
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Speaker 6 (32:01):
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Speaker 27 (34:26):
Broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine forty ann at
Jar and Levigne Accidents Attorney Studios. Call one eight hundred
seven four seven free.
Speaker 2 (34:36):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven three seven three three.
Speaker 1 (34:42):
You're on board The Donica Venture's Weekly Fisherman Show, powered
by Mercury Marine. Go boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon,
an extreme angular Joe Hector.
Speaker 3 (34:56):
Let's go to.
Speaker 34 (34:56):
Joja Oh, good talk man, real Sing it to the
sing Sing It to the ricket, Sing it to the Ergato.
Speaker 30 (35:10):
I said my name is Joe.
Speaker 7 (35:14):
I'm out to the Weekly fisher Joe yeah, it's the.
Speaker 5 (35:18):
Fisher mid show.
Speaker 6 (35:20):
We like to thank Joe Hector for causing lots of
accidents on the roads of Southwood this morning.
Speaker 3 (35:25):
Dear Santa Claus, please give Joe good Lary. I thought
that was good months Please thank you very much.
Speaker 6 (35:31):
He's got to se what was good as it was over.
Speaker 3 (35:34):
He's over. Let's see what bouncer's doing right now. Cat
boucher can want it to you.
Speaker 35 (35:40):
I'm cleaning off my front of my shirt from where
I coughed up my breakfast.
Speaker 3 (35:48):
That's a great boucher live abe we the best in
the year. Man, he's coughing up his breakfast. Joey over
your sing along.
Speaker 5 (35:55):
Joe, that was a fairly moderate.
Speaker 3 (35:57):
Yeah, nobody liked him with you, Okay, it's just like Raiders, Cap,
what's going on into your legendary world of fishing?
Speaker 8 (36:04):
Speaker 3 (36:04):
What's going to happen to you lately?
Speaker 35 (36:06):
I'm on I'm on the last road into Clarksville. But
don't tell joke because they don't want to sing it.
I'm I'm racing up the highway. I'm going to uh Clarksville,
Georgia to go for giant rainboat crowd down Rider river
a private Stretcher River, and I'm really really looking forward
to it. It's all fly fishing. We're gonna have a
whole lot of fun. The rest of the gang fished
on Thanksgiving morning and the bite was red hot, the
river was high, the water was a little dirty, and
that makes a fish bite all the better. But I'm
really looking forward to today. I'm I'm looking at my
temperature gage on my windshield right now and it was
twenty nine degrees but just warmed up the thirties. So
I've got I've got forty seven jackets on a fifty three.
Speaker 3 (37:05):
More in reserve. Joe, you know a story about Boucher
when I fished on his boat many many times, Boucher's
Dusky thirty three back of the day.
Speaker 8 (37:14):
Speaker 3 (37:14):
The main gag was, we're out there, all of us,
my sons are all radio fishing, and we're dressed in
like lightweight del fishing teas. Yeah, there's Boucher with two
jackets on. It was like just around eighty two. That's
a threshold. He's gonna have a jacket.
Speaker 5 (37:27):
Out like a like one of those wind makers.
Speaker 3 (37:30):
I talking about some heavy goose line stuff. Oh yeah, man, Wow,
that man was jacket.
Speaker 5 (37:36):
I would get the windbreaker thing.
Speaker 3 (37:37):
You know, he's to tell you himself, heavy duty.
Speaker 35 (37:41):
It wasn't just it wasn't just a nylon shell. It
was an insulated jacket. And I was very comfortable. That's
all that matters.
Speaker 3 (37:50):
That's all a matter. Yep, nice, I got enough.
Speaker 35 (37:55):
I got enough clothes on the day to dress all
of Miami three or four times, and that night out
of the truck yet with the eat on.
Speaker 3 (38:05):
All right, what's your what are you fishing for? Do
you get out here? Get where you're going.
Speaker 35 (38:10):
I'm going to be predominantly for rainbow trout. There are
some brown trout there, but it's a little stretch of
river that's privately owned and they feed the fish every
day and it's all fly fishing, and uh, it's just unbelievable.
I went last year, but all I caught was the trees.
I gave up and watched the other guy's fish. I
just couldn't master the cast they were making. It was
a very aggressive roll cast, so that they could not
make a back cast, which is important in fly fishing.
It's all too much jargon, but it's really I'm really
looking forward to today. I've been practicing my roll cast cool,
and I think it's gonna be a great one. I'll
send you some pictures if I haven't just shown.
Speaker 6 (38:57):
Bouncer, is it easier to catch the rainbow trout by
casting to the rear of the boat.
Speaker 30 (39:03):
Speaker 3 (39:04):
I didn't get that one, but nor did I. Let's
rewind that one, fortunately.
Speaker 35 (39:13):
But yeah, Steven, we don't want you to you don't
want us to put you in jail.
Speaker 3 (39:17):
I just got that, Steven, I just got it, just
got it.
Speaker 6 (39:20):
Just hit me, you're on a twenty second lay.
Speaker 3 (39:22):
I just got that. Yeah, that's what we got to
rock and roll the clock man. But they have a
great time and stay warmed, buddy boy. Okay, thanks kat,
you bet.
Speaker 35 (39:29):
I didn't want to mention one thing.
Speaker 3 (39:31):
Sure, the embost.
Speaker 35 (39:32):
Customer yesterday is an old friend of mine, and he
would call those barracouters junk fish. But you were absolutely right.
Those are high quality tame fish and even some people
eat them. So with that, I'll leave you until next week.
Speaker 3 (39:47):
Damn straight, Thank you very much. Let's go do the
little boop in there. Jolly blo. He's the man. What's
the spears of the brain hoole catches bugs occasionally now
that effect great, Jeff, Jim, Chief Eve Matthew on the program.
Good one to see you, my friend Jim.
Speaker 29 (40:15):
Yes, yes, yet Hey who's blowing bubbles? That's all I
want to know?
Speaker 11 (40:19):
Oh okay, hey, uh, good report from hey.
Speaker 29 (40:27):
Kind of weird on the currents uh. We went after
the third reef to jump in on some wrecks first
to spear a few groupas and uh none, none were done.
But the current was ripping south and visibility wasn't that good.
It was like weird stuff. Then we came in on
the second wreaths from Lobsterring mild, mild current going southbound,
decent visibility and no, I'm sorry. We started off going northbound,
turns around halfway through the dive we got to go southbound.
What a paint in the butt that is. And then
the second dive same thing. I think we started southbound
and ended up going northbound. It just was all confused. Now.
The trick here is you know, knowing the reef, so
we kind of know we're we were kind of hanging
on the second reef in a deeper end, which is
like sixty something foot and doesn't matter. You're kind of
going along that edge, and it was good. The deal
was onesies, only onesies, no clustering of any lobsters. And
I'm telling you, if I could have caught, if I
could have kept all the ones that I caught, we'd
had way over our limit. But holy smokes, it was
just oh man, another just short, another just short. But
there's the other lesson. You got to measure him underwater
to let them go. That's the key, you really. That's
probably one of the things that most folks don't do
is you are required to carry a measuring device. They
have to be three inches in the carapas. Take your
time down there and measure them. And boy, there were
no giant ones yesterday. It was just they were either
just short or they were okay, but they were still okay.
We ended up getting our limit, which was good. But
hope we could have been way done early on if
if we had just been able to kept just so,
I mean, they were just short, just went over there,
gone to another, one gets four.
Speaker 3 (42:34):
We get it's saving all trouble by pulling out a
lobster measuring stick, and it's using your own personal one
that gives you a three inch So you got a
measuring stick right there, right there.
Speaker 8 (42:50):
You know.
Speaker 29 (42:52):
Now we're going in a totally different direction.
Speaker 3 (42:55):
Well, the show changes, We changed every week, both, Steve.
All right, so bug reports are not encouraging. That sounds good, man,
really good.
Speaker 8 (43:06):
Yeah, it's not bad.
Speaker 29 (43:07):
But you know, here's what just we've been pretty we've
been really good for the last couple of weeks. We've
been getting out, we've been getting our limits. We started
off a couple of weeks ago. They were clustered together.
I mean they were, you were jumping in and they
were everywhere. Now it's kind of thinning out a little bit,
so nothing has really pushed them in or out. They
definitely are in shallower, they're not out deeper. So I
think that's going to dry up here pretty soon. We've
got a little bit of front coming through, you know,
this week coming so let's see what that does to him.
But so far, so good, and it's a little chilli
on the willie, buddy chilli.
Speaker 5 (43:48):
Tomorrow is.
Speaker 3 (43:50):
Now, let's go ahead and talk about some fish you
have dispatched this week. I'm sure you came.
Speaker 29 (43:57):
Personally, I personally had nothing to do with shooting fish
in the brain hole. Okay, now, I'm getting ready. I'm
getting ready to put up a little video on my
YouTube channel, Leafy Crew YouTube channel. You may want to
subscribe to that. I'm getting ready.
Speaker 8 (44:14):
To push that up. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (44:15):
Stop it, buddy, stop, stop stop the dude. Okay, come on, man,
get them the point, the videos.
Speaker 9 (44:24):
Getting the point.
Speaker 3 (44:25):
It did spirited fish in the brain hole this week,
so you love to live?
Speaker 29 (44:28):
I did not, but John did. John. John did get
himself a nice sleeping red cooper in the brain hole
and they taste really good. Buddy, I'm telling you right,
you know, shoot him in.
Speaker 8 (44:43):
The brain hole.
Speaker 29 (44:44):
You don't ruin any of the meat. You know, you
got to remember that, you don't ruin any of the
I haven't.
Speaker 3 (44:49):
I've affected you forever because now it's it's just saying
I spirit fish. He talks to his friends, you know
what this week, and I got a hole much of
fish right through the brain hole. He just comes out on.
Speaker 5 (45:00):
Just slaughtered them.
Speaker 3 (45:01):
Yeah, yeah, there you go. Yeah, all right.
Speaker 29 (45:09):
One one last plug though plug. I got my new
Seacac five mil wetsuit from the Divers on the on
the Black Friday Special and it was really nice and
toasty and warm. Poor Marina, the girl has no fat,
she's wearing a three mail. She's freezing her butt off.
So we actually layered her up a little bit, layered
her up with a couple of little extra things that
we had laying around, and you know that that was good.
Speaker 3 (45:39):
M Okay, take your last breath of carbon monoxide and
stay down in a long time. Okay, all right, buddy
with the bugs.
Speaker 29 (45:49):
By the way, Buddy Bright.
Speaker 3 (45:52):
We've got a starbaright trivia questions right now because it's
that type of starboys, let's do it, okay, which I'll
hold on here on camera for the our lovely folks
who never watched on the Facebook stream. First, this is
what you get. Load of wash and wax, deck cleaner,
best stuff made in America. About the America, America. America,
America is getting better, by the way.
Speaker 9 (46:11):
Oh yeah, yeah.
Speaker 5 (46:13):
Yes it is.
Speaker 4 (46:13):
I call this.
Speaker 3 (46:14):
I call this a mega fucking baby, That's what I'm saying.
Here we go, he's the squirrel eight six six eight
zero one zero nine four zero. Start dialing. Now we
talk to Jeff. Here we go, Joe ready, Ye, which
of these fins is located at a fish's anus or
but rectum?
Speaker 5 (46:34):
Okay, Douphin Stadium.
Speaker 3 (46:35):
Would it be a pectoral b anal yep?
Speaker 5 (46:39):
See pelvic?
Speaker 8 (46:40):
Speaker 5 (46:41):
Which of these fins is located at a fish's ass?
Speaker 10 (46:44):
Speaker 3 (46:45):
Pectoral b anal c pelvic?
Speaker 6 (46:48):
Could it be all the above?
Speaker 3 (46:50):
No, it cannot be, not even close. D It's located
under the anus. I kind of like the word anal.
It's sort of like they're tied.
Speaker 5 (46:58):
What did you say?
Speaker 3 (46:59):
The fishes fins located right there? It's anal area.
Speaker 5 (47:03):
You like that?
Speaker 3 (47:04):
I'm just no, I don't like it personally. I just
say it's sense.
Speaker 5 (47:07):
Now, it all makes sense.
Speaker 3 (47:08):
You'll have a fin to your aus.
Speaker 5 (47:10):
Would wow?
Speaker 3 (47:14):
Don't get with that, doctor Oz. Look man, No, no,
you're like analyzing me. You're analyzing me. No, You're like
a shrink, now, aren't you. I'm trying to figuret which
way I'm swinging right? No, yea you are.
Speaker 5 (47:27):
I already know which one.
Speaker 3 (47:30):
We're still lost out eight six six eight oh one
zero nine forty. Once again, just call it, Jeff, just
say b just let it all out. That's how you
gotta go. Okay, we'll be right back to you shortly
on Rainbow Happy Fox Sports nine from Will Manor.
Speaker 2 (47:49):
From the storm tight Windows Weather Center.
Speaker 12 (47:52):
So feeling that cool friend, Bud, We are going to
have mostly sunny skies for our Saturday with a high
have seventy two inm pember Pines seventy two as well
in wind Wood and tonight little fifty six sending again
for tomorrow with a high seventy seven.
Speaker 13 (48:04):
This report is sponsored by AutoZone. Get in the Zone.
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Speaker 10 (48:23):
So we're not all professional anglists, we don't all compete
on the biggest stage, but inside it's all burns the
same fire to be a champion. It's why you get
out early, bring the toughest conditions, point the bow toward adventure,
and put the hammer down for whatever trophy or fish
or memory you're chasing. Count on and brick Repro excess
out board engineered to deliver the speed and reliability you
need to power the champion inside you.
Speaker 31 (48:51):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayak fishing with little
standing between you and fighting a monster fish and when
it comes to kayak fishing, nothing Vizaby with its hands
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Speaker 16 (49:22):
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Speaker 4 (49:25):
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Speaker 17 (49:30):
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Speaker 20 (49:32):
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Speaker 18 (49:34):
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It's time to go diesel.
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Speaker 23 (50:57):
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Speaker 26 (51:01):
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Speaker 36 (51:21):
The Black Friday weekend Sale begins this Friday at boot Barn.
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Speaker 27 (51:51):
The Miami Dolphins play. Here are Hurrier.
Speaker 2 (51:59):
Fox Sports.
Speaker 37 (52:03):
Hey, Hey, let's get right back to the Nautical Ventures
Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine.
Speaker 2 (52:14):
Go Boldly.
Speaker 3 (52:18):
I'm not sure why we're playing this song at all,
but that's fine. Oh that that was a mistake. That
was a great segue, very good. No what he called
down on the start by bucket What Finn is located
near the finish fish's rear end going to be a
pectoral finn anal finn or pelvic finn. Darn easy eight
six six eight one zero nine four zero mey ty.
I bet he's off of the water somewhere. Maybe I'm
a betting kind of guy. Seventy forty, seventy thirty whatever,
Sean Rawls, Good morning, buddy.
Speaker 8 (52:51):
Good morning. How's it going, Eric?
Speaker 3 (52:53):
Oh it sounds quiet. You're in the living room, aren't you, guy?
Speaker 8 (52:56):
I know, yeah, I am. You got me call me today.
Speaker 3 (53:00):
A break man. It's kind of a overcast. When do
you kind of blowing Saturday morning?
Speaker 8 (53:04):
Dude? You know, we've had some we have some really
nice days, and but today is windy and blowing and chili,
so might as well take a day off.
Speaker 4 (53:11):
You know.
Speaker 3 (53:12):
I don't blame it you fish this week at all.
Speaker 8 (53:15):
Yeah, Yeah, I did. I dad in town, man, and
we took the kayaks at the Lake Ida on Tuesday,
and I gotta tell you it's probably my best day
ever in the lake up there. The peacock were fired up.
Speaker 5 (53:26):
Speaker 3 (53:26):
Wow. Let me guess you weren't using that C word
where you're using artificials.
Speaker 8 (53:30):
I hope I was actually oh.
Speaker 3 (53:35):
Oh god, he was using candy. Joe, Oh my god
night you know six Joey. It's Joe the circus boy.
He's got three arms, two bluobees, and a double head
peanut n bringer stokey there. Watch Joe do some man stand.
Speaker 4 (53:52):
Damn chin.
Speaker 16 (53:55):
Speaker 3 (53:56):
Yeah, you're getting tried to lift for the site like this.
They take your better. It's better like that. Joe, turn
your mouth and I left there. Yes, okay, anyway, bad
So you got past the seed. You were slaying the peacocks. Okay.
Speaker 6 (54:13):
When you say seaword, I thinking of something else.
Speaker 3 (54:15):
Yeah, we all do anyway. Snake heads, peacocks, snake snakes, sneakeds.
Speaker 8 (54:20):
Man, I got between and my dad. We got nineteen
peacocks and two large mouths.
Speaker 3 (54:25):
Damn wow. Any size those peacocks like three four pounds?
Speaker 8 (54:29):
Yeah, bigger, my bigger ones over four pounds nice, respectable
probably Yeah, it's probably a ton and a half two
kind of average. They're all nice, nice fish. But they
were just fired up. Man, it was great to see that.
Speaker 3 (54:46):
So man, I got a question for Sean. Yeah. There's
a tournament coming up in January, hosted by the man
on my right hair. Shelfish SmackDown. Have you been doing
any kind of Is it too early for pre scouting
for that kind of thing or what?
Speaker 8 (54:59):
I got my rigs ready to go. I'm like, I
have a bag, I'll tie it up and I'm ready. Man,
I'm ready for the Selfish Tournament. I've been working. I've
been working all year on perfect and flying the kite
from the kayak. Oh, now I got the I got
my new school three sixty seat from boomer.
Speaker 3 (55:17):
Oh Servio ass Pod three sixty.
Speaker 17 (55:20):
And you're yack.
Speaker 8 (55:21):
I did, man, and it's like state of the arc,
bast pro like not bass pro, but vast professional looking
seat like from the bass boats.
Speaker 5 (55:31):
Is he sponsoring you for the tournament?
Speaker 38 (55:34):
Speaker 8 (55:34):
Give me, give me the seat and it's gonna sponsor me.
So yeah, I can spin around sideways and fly the
kite from the side of the kayak now instead of
breaking my back.
Speaker 3 (55:43):
And you know, I will say, I'm trying to is
very very kind about sponsoring people. Yeah, that's five dollars
he gave to God. Will stretch a long way if
you really milks that thing, you know what I'm saying. Okay,
over like that Boomer your penny pension, cheap.
Speaker 5 (56:02):
Boy sewn him and Boomer. They go at it like
you would believe.
Speaker 3 (56:06):
Not over thirty years. Man, I have the right to
do that, Okay, I know anyway, so they acts all
ready to go. I got to see this video of
you Sean flying a kind off a yack. I've never
seen that show yet. I got a feelings how that works. Man.
Speaker 5 (56:17):
Well, so you know what's funny.
Speaker 7 (56:19):
So for the kite thing, we had that in the
beginning of the Tournament's a guy named Eric Digion. He
would fly his kite. He did it for like three
straight years and he was pretty good. He lost a monster.
He had a monster mahi mahi on I would say,
probably like tournament.
Speaker 8 (56:38):
I remember that.
Speaker 5 (56:39):
Yeah, I think it was like.
Speaker 7 (56:40):
It had to be at least I have it on camera.
George got footage of it jumping. It had to be
like twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven pounds it was.
Speaker 3 (56:49):
It was.
Speaker 7 (56:49):
He lost it right at the yakut. Yeah, he lost
He just lost it right at the act. But he
got it on the kite in the tournament. And I
just want to see a selfish caught on the kite
and the guys have.
Speaker 3 (57:02):
You I want to see Sean rolls do that.
Speaker 6 (57:04):
I gotta technical question. If you guys are catching with
kites on the kayak, do you have to anchor the
kayaks so the thing doesn't go to the you know
wherever to Cuba or depending where the winds are, or
to the north. How do you stop the boat from
going with the good.
Speaker 8 (57:18):
Question, Well, that's probably the hardest part about flying the
kite off the kayak is the the kayak still light.
It moves you all different ways. Sometimes actually helps me.
It keeps me from drifting away with the current. Like
when I'll pull the kite in, I'll start drifting north
a lot faster. It depends on the wind. But I
use a small sea anchor.
Speaker 5 (57:37):
On the kayak, so you can now okay, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 8 (57:40):
Well see a sea anchor like the water.
Speaker 3 (57:45):
It's a big parachute shoot like a drift sock anchor.
So it's amazing to me, Joe and Sean, how you
guys have learned how to put so much stuff on
a yak. You got your fish finder, you've got a gaff,
you've got and your tackle, probably live bait as well.
Now he's got a kite. Okay, it's pretty nuts. I mean, damn,
that's a lot of stuff on a yak man.
Speaker 8 (58:08):
You know.
Speaker 5 (58:09):
You know, it took a long time and a lot
of years and a lot of and.
Speaker 3 (58:15):
I would bet you that Nautical Ventures probably helped Sean
get his yack all tricked out.
Speaker 8 (58:20):
I'm just thinking, oh my god, they're the best, right yeah, yeah, man.
Speaker 3 (58:25):
So he went to the Nauticle and say, guys, I
want to take this thing, do this, do that, do this,
and they just they tricked that for you.
Speaker 8 (58:33):
Oh yeah, for sure. They got everything in stock that
you need, all the extra rod holders.
Speaker 5 (58:37):
And you got to remember, Nauticles gadgets. Nauticle has been
a part of you know, since the beginning of this
whole thing.
Speaker 7 (58:47):
So they've been through all the different you know, types
of trikets and different little inventions and things that people
have done over the years.
Speaker 3 (58:56):
You know, they've been a part of it, one of
the most important parts. They provide a big payday.
Speaker 5 (59:00):
Yeah, and kayak kayaks.
Speaker 3 (59:04):
Yeah, well, I know they're worth a big money. If
you had my five thousand dollars yeack sewing off my
beach on my head. Yeah yeah, well, Sean, my brother
boy was pulling for you, man, how was Thanksgiving? You
have a big bird? Would you all cook this year?
Speaker 8 (59:17):
We were a small thing this year. He just had
hamsteaks and mashed potatoes, mac and cheese stuffing.
Speaker 3 (59:24):
You know, had a ham steak.
Speaker 6 (59:28):
I like hamsteak.
Speaker 3 (59:29):
That's good. I never had that Thanksgiving.
Speaker 5 (59:32):
I never had that.
Speaker 3 (59:33):
Yeah, I made a mistake of body boors head turkey breast.
It was not that great man. I'll never do that again.
Speaker 8 (59:39):
Wait, we had Wahoo left there from last week too,
so a.
Speaker 3 (59:43):
Bors had turkey breast.
Speaker 5 (59:45):
Wait, did you hear what Shanja son? Wasn't he supposed to.
Speaker 8 (59:48):
Get from last week?
Speaker 18 (59:50):
Speaker 3 (59:52):
Did I miss that in the show somewhere? I don't
remember that invitation. Everybody set out to get that wahoo.
Speaker 4 (59:57):
Speaker 3 (59:58):
Wow, happened to me? All right, Well, I'm thinking about that.
The clock that says it's seven o'clock, and I got
a ding dog out of here. Sean, Thanks man, enjoy
your day, buddy.
Speaker 15 (01:00:05):
Speaker 8 (01:00:07):
I'll talk to you guys.
Speaker 3 (01:00:08):
Got a little at seven o'clock hour coming up. Benny
and his jets. They're pathetically as bad as the Dolphins
and Raiders.
Speaker 5 (01:00:13):
Are, by the way, not as bad as the Raiders.
Speaker 3 (01:00:16):
Johnny still coming up on the program. We have a
gen with a weather fore cast. It's colder, it's getting cold.
I putting much jackular out of Tareth always And this
segment with Cat Hailey has been so great. Man.
Speaker 5 (01:00:28):
Yeah, got another brand new toy chest. But she's just
taking ringing and running with it.
Speaker 3 (01:00:32):
Man, she is so great that all had man seven
o'clock hours lower seven o'clock. No, don't speak Eric seven
o'clock hours loaded. Here sports if we talk about it.
Speaker 14 (01:00:43):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
can reach new waters and ride endless waves. So drop
the hammer or the anchor and let venture be your guide.
Mercury engines are made for exploring. So were you go boldly?
Speaker 6 (01:01:13):
Need a place to store your boat?
Speaker 39 (01:01:14):
How about a wet slip with ocean access, one with
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Center in the heart of Fort Lauderdale has dodged starting
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Coming soon, a new state of the R two hundred
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fun on the water.
Speaker 31 (01:01:42):
At Johnny Jigs Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
most meticulously craft a tackle that will.
Speaker 6 (01:01:50):
Enhance your fishing experience.
Speaker 31 (01:01:51):
At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
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and adventure are on wavering commitment to innovation and next
us creates tackle exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers.
We're more than a tackle company where your partner's and exploration,
your source of inspiration and your companion on every freshing trip.
Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.
Speaker 3 (01:02:12):
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Speaker 16 (01:02:42):
Remember the glory days of gasoline, It's just.
Speaker 4 (01:02:45):
Not made the same anymore.
Speaker 17 (01:02:50):
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Speaker 19 (01:02:58):
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The Cox Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboard has sixty
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Speaker 2 (01:04:54):
Fox Sports nine Miami.
Speaker 1 (01:04:58):
You're on board Nautical Ventures Weekly, Fisherman show with legendary
fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector.
Speaker 3 (01:05:09):
Yeah man, Welcome back to hour number two Nautical Ventures,
a weekly fisherman show. You remember eighteen Smoking along? I
mean you actually rather chilly Saturday mornings, says Colder Jews.
The show is going on here.
Speaker 7 (01:05:22):
We're gonna fly Liken Erick through the sea, fly likeing Erick.
Speaker 5 (01:05:30):
Can you feel it in my knee?
Speaker 3 (01:05:32):
I'm actually for a raise in the show. It's called
a hell a hazard to pay a raise because you're singing.
Just puts like paint in my way. I only have
one ear that's working. By the way, I've got a
can you tell people what you did? I've got a
clog tore. Every time I sleep, I put these I wrote,
I take tissue paper, I roll them up a little balls,
and I shove in my ear holes. Okay, I like
dead silence. One went so far my left ear hole
I can't get it out. And I only got one
ear working. Dude, So I'm talking louder because I'm half deaf.
Speaker 6 (01:06:02):
I've got those headsets turned up to like deaf Con
twenty level. You can hear it, and then you're sticking
stuff up your ear at night so you can hear
it makes you make.
Speaker 3 (01:06:11):
No sense, Steve, and he texted me at like at
least four am, I'm not something with an orange, Dude,
I got something in my ear. Let's talk get Benny.
I know Betty's waiting. Shall we talk to Benny like
pleasers do well.
Speaker 5 (01:06:25):
Benny's jets in the same toilet tank.
Speaker 3 (01:06:28):
As the Fins and the raiders. How about that, Benny?
Speaker 6 (01:06:31):
You posted a picture of yesterday's fishing and I'm showing
it full screen so everybody can see. And I'm so
proud of you for least being honest and saying what
really happened out on the water.
Speaker 8 (01:06:42):
I like this man. That was good.
Speaker 6 (01:06:46):
This is awesome, Benny, awesome.
Speaker 3 (01:06:49):
Whoa is well? Benny? Good one to your brother. It's
been what a little sketchy lately?
Speaker 42 (01:06:58):
Yeah, a little sketchy here around pomping a couple of
slow days. He really got a grind for like every
single bite. I was all over the ocean yesterday. Maybe
I didn't spend enough time doing one certain thing in
one certain area. I was getting impatient pretty quick, running
around looking for mahi, coming back on the edge, trying
to find you know, some tunas wahou kings, hitting some recks,
just trying to catch something, a jack or a kuda.
I just had a tough day yesterday. But it happens
to the best of us. You know, everyone, every dog
has their day. They say, right, oh yeah, man, I
think it's Benny never gives up. I mean, if he's
not catching fish, probably nobody else's I know, Betty's hardcore dude.
I had a lady on the boat. Her name was Karen,
and she was a Karen. She got mad at me
and said that I should give her money back because
we didn't.
Speaker 3 (01:07:43):
Oh no, because we didn't.
Speaker 5 (01:07:46):
What and her name was Karen?
Speaker 8 (01:07:49):
Was Karen?
Speaker 3 (01:07:50):
And she was Karen? Wasn't Karen?
Speaker 39 (01:07:52):
Speaker 3 (01:07:52):
That's your damn sure? Yeah?
Speaker 5 (01:07:53):
Wait, so what what did you say?
Speaker 3 (01:07:58):
I mean?
Speaker 42 (01:07:59):
I try to handle each situation the best I could.
You know, you get people all the time they like,
we're going to do a magic act and pull a
fish out of a hat.
Speaker 5 (01:08:07):
You know, you know it's a Benny.
Speaker 6 (01:08:09):
How much money did you give her back?
Speaker 5 (01:08:10):
Speaker 6 (01:08:13):
I could tell he gave some money back.
Speaker 3 (01:08:15):
No, but Benny knows on a really bad day with
somebody's bitching like that, just dropped off for Red Red
Billy Rosie's man, you'll catch him by the thousands.
Speaker 42 (01:08:23):
Okay, yeah, yeah, that's that's probably what I should have
done yesterday for sure, especially considering I ran almost halfway
there for mah.
Speaker 3 (01:08:31):
He said, well, I would have told her this, Joe.
I'm sorry, man, you said, what give your money back? Okay,
it's a seven mile swim back to the shore, so
you're getting to take off now and starts swimming, okay,
or you can shut your trap and just wait till
we catch a fish.
Speaker 7 (01:08:46):
You know what it is the problem is people like
that have a big voice because they're the ones that
leave comments and refuse you know what I'm saying. You
gotta be real careful with those people. Her name was Karen,
so you had to kind of.
Speaker 3 (01:09:10):
It's k was a k or Kamala. It was Kamala
Karen who is a loser. Yeah. Yeah, anyway, Betty, So
back to really positive news. Uh, what is front's blowing
through things pick up again?
Speaker 42 (01:09:20):
You think, Yeah, I mean we're you know, we're expecting
a good sail bite.
Speaker 3 (01:09:24):
We've had a.
Speaker 42 (01:09:25):
Decent amount of sailfish passing by here and there before
these cold fronts even started, so you know, seeing the
cold fronts coming through and seeing a couple of local
boats and little some boats to the north of us
getting a few decent numbers on the sails. They usually
start up there make their way down the coast throughout
the season. If you follow any of the tournament trails,
they all kind of start to the north and make
their way to the south as the season pushes on.
So it's like the next few months it's primetime sail fishing,
you know, and as we get closer to this next
full moon, these winter full moons are really good for
the wahoo. So you know, in between typical winter time,
you got to grind it out. You can pick off
a few kings here and there, a few tunas here
and there. You guys asked me last week about some
bigger tunas and I haven't seen many, but Bobby Bozaki
was out there with some of his buddies. Someone caught
a twenty four pounder on a kayak the other day.
Speaker 5 (01:10:15):
Wow, you could always catch a lucky Yeah what's the
real name? Yeah, sorry, hits Fishy.
Speaker 3 (01:10:25):
Guinea, professional hit guy. You know, Bobyzaki take his knees out. Yeah,
It was a Joe take off, was one of his arms.
Speaker 5 (01:10:34):
Yeah, you've been practicing these voices.
Speaker 3 (01:10:39):
I have not, man, No, I have not. Anyway, Betty
go ahead, I'm sorry Joe, Betty.
Speaker 5 (01:10:44):
So where'd he was that Pompino?
Speaker 3 (01:10:47):
Speaker 8 (01:10:48):
I think he was.
Speaker 42 (01:10:48):
I mean, he Fish is always Danny to Pompino, So
it had to be somewhere in our little stretch here.
Speaker 8 (01:10:52):
You know.
Speaker 5 (01:10:53):
Wow, man, that's big for this time of year.
Speaker 3 (01:10:55):
You know, again, he could always pop a little random
many top.
Speaker 30 (01:10:59):
You know.
Speaker 42 (01:11:00):
Yeah, you ain't gonna see them on a consistent basis.
Speaker 5 (01:11:03):
How about the Mahi. I heard they're kind of they're
getting better a little bit.
Speaker 42 (01:11:07):
Yeah, they actually were really good this week. A lot
of boats were getting them. That's where I saw a
lot of boats getting them, and I go to take
a little run out there yesterday. But yesterday, with this
front about to come on a west wind, it seemed
like it kind of made it a lot harder to
find them.
Speaker 11 (01:11:22):
Speaker 3 (01:11:23):
But a few days before.
Speaker 42 (01:11:24):
This front came through, they were chewing pretty good, man,
all big gaffer size from you know, from the first
blue water line out to the sword grounds was like
anything you find there's gonna be a few fish on them. Nice,
all right, It seems like with this front, you know,
yesterday kind of toned that down a little bit.
Speaker 7 (01:11:40):
And Betty, So, how did it end with the with Karen?
Did you guys just kind of like shake hands and
walk away?
Speaker 4 (01:11:46):
Speaker 3 (01:11:47):
Yes, so so leaving the dock.
Speaker 42 (01:11:49):
That leaving the dock, she was like in a little
bit of a Karen mode already. So I just like
insisted she didn't tip me, like, oh, don't worry about
tipping me for the day, blah blah blah. Which that
was me saying that was just being nice, you know, right.
And then she got home and maybe I don't know
if it's liquid courage or spoke to somebody else, but
then she made a phone call back to me.
Speaker 3 (01:12:10):
I really think.
Speaker 42 (01:12:11):
Because we didn't catch anything, we should have our money
back or have a refund towards the trip or towards
another trip.
Speaker 3 (01:12:16):
Blah blah blah. So I had like a long conversation
with her.
Speaker 42 (01:12:20):
I said, if this is how you feel, I strongly
advise you don't take your son fishing anymore, because this
is part of the game, you know, right, And you know,
we had our conversation.
Speaker 3 (01:12:29):
I think we left where.
Speaker 42 (01:12:32):
You know, I folded and gave her a couple of
bucks back, just because again, you don't want to deal
with these people.
Speaker 6 (01:12:38):
You know, the reviews, the es, and it happens to everybody.
It happens to everybody, guarantee.
Speaker 5 (01:12:44):
Yeah, trust me.
Speaker 42 (01:12:45):
As much as I just wanted to tell her to
go f off, you don't you know.
Speaker 3 (01:12:49):
Fish off, it doesn't. Well listen, that's a reality story.
It's the way it is. But Betty, you your you're
a pr guy like we or I saw boats I
have to you know, have guys buy a boat and
want let ago Hey, man is he when I thought
it was going to be bro I want my money
back on that boat. Well, we don't give you money
back in the boat, dude, you bought it, you own it. Okay, okay,
you know.
Speaker 7 (01:13:09):
I'm happy Benny actually brought this story up because I
feel like a lot of these back end stories need
to be, you know, thrown to the surface a little
more so that people understand, you know, the the it's
not all roses. You know, when you're chartering and you're
taking people out and you're it's not you're not catching
pleffer as a fish.
Speaker 5 (01:13:29):
I mean Yeah, there's tough days and days of fishing.
Speaker 6 (01:13:32):
And Benny normally slays the fish and he's bringing records,
you know, to the dock.
Speaker 5 (01:13:37):
This is coming from one of the best charter captains.
Yeah in Florida.
Speaker 6 (01:13:41):
I mean he's being honest.
Speaker 3 (01:13:42):
You know, Benny. I wish you well with that situation.
We're going to rock the clock, man, But you are
a really genuinely nice guy. Do you care about your
clientele very much? You got a stellar reputation in the
fishing community and as a person in general. So have
a great day, bro, don't let it bug youving and
go jet whatever. Thank you y'all as well. Hooky'all had
a great Thanksgiving. I see you, buddy. We'll take a
little break, go back and talk to Norm Beck office.
The things in Broward County. We're snapping as we joy.
There's a fish Reports warm coming up here. Okay, we
got Johnny's to build another great story. He's always had
some great stuff he brings, right, Johnny, he is so
strong man in the show, right. Yeah, And a whole
lot more coming up, Cat with the jests cap and
Dev's coming up to Jena. All ahead. Fox Sports nine forty.
Speaker 2 (01:14:30):
From the storm tight windows Weather Center.
Speaker 12 (01:14:33):
So feeling that cool friend, Bud. We are going to
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Speaker 2 (01:19:04):
The pros talk here.
Speaker 5 (01:19:05):
I'm in awe.
Speaker 6 (01:19:07):
Those lineups are stacked.
Speaker 2 (01:19:08):
Fox Sports nine Miami.
Speaker 1 (01:19:13):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine.
Speaker 2 (01:19:18):
Go boldly.
Speaker 1 (01:19:19):
Here's there at Brandon and Joe Hector.
Speaker 3 (01:19:23):
Come on, Joe, Oh, I said, shot brown brown too
many ericson Z that's the show. Hey Joe, Orange glad.
It's getting colder. Hey Joe, orange and glad. Christmas is
almost here. I had to throw a few more orange
in it because I got this really blazon orange shirt.
Man going on.
Speaker 4 (01:19:46):
You like that?
Speaker 3 (01:19:48):
I'm really glad you're not talking to me. Let's talk
to soorm beckoff. Now hey Norm kind by the way,
Hello Norm, good morning to you.
Speaker 4 (01:20:00):
Good morning ladies.
Speaker 20 (01:20:01):
How's it going good?
Speaker 3 (01:20:02):
Norm? Good morning ladies. I like it? He shuts, Norm
takes that USI why with that? Okay? Norm? You said
the fishing was pretty darn good and brower this week.
Speaker 4 (01:20:11):
Huh yeah, it was really good.
Speaker 25 (01:20:14):
Not a lot of guys went out there, you know,
they were all eating turkey and stuff.
Speaker 17 (01:20:18):
But the guys that did.
Speaker 3 (01:20:21):
Was really you know, they had some really good fishing.
Speaker 25 (01:20:25):
A lot of sailfish being caught live baiting and trolling too.
A lot of guys that are trolling for kings and
wahoo's with planers. They're also catching sails. I know a
guy who caught a double doing that yesterday and he
and he was fishing by himself, which was really an
amazing feat. And so there's a lot of selfish they're hungry.
They're all over reef. Some really nice kingfish being caught
to like some fish up to twenty five thirty pounds.
So there's that's uh that's been going on. Let me
see what else, uh.
Speaker 4 (01:21:04):
The dolphin to may mice.
Speaker 25 (01:21:06):
I don't know what it is, but it just seems
like the further and further we get into the fall
and winter, you know, it seems to be just you know,
really steady uh mahi mahi fishing.
Speaker 3 (01:21:18):
And usually by the time of.
Speaker 5 (01:21:20):
The year we're seeing you know, ones and twos of
the trol and that kind of thing.
Speaker 25 (01:21:26):
But we're still seeing schools of decent fish, uh and
some fish up to about twenty pounds too. So I mean,
I don't know, I don't I think I think it's
pretty fair to say that what we used to think
of as dolphins season or mahi season be in the spring.
Speaker 9 (01:21:44):
Think it's I think that's a done thing.
Speaker 4 (01:21:47):
I think I think it's out fall and winter.
Speaker 3 (01:21:53):
Yeah no, I say Normous were talking about this for
years on the show, that because of the world changing
and climate change whatever else, that these seasons get pushed
further back. Joe, they've kind of like a cocka maybe,
I agree. Used to be you know, I mean almost
depend on these things, and now they're all just pushed
back further, changing, changing by the day man crazy Yeah
yeah yeah.
Speaker 25 (01:22:15):
And and the bottom fishing that is pretty good too.
I mean a lot of guys live baiting on the
bottom are catching some uh, are catching some decent muttons.
Speaker 46 (01:22:26):
Speaker 25 (01:22:26):
There's also a bunch of vermilion snappers being caught for
the guys chicken rigging the bottom. I know some guys
that are catching a bunch of small Africans, too, small ones,
and most of the ones I've seen their juveniles. I
haven't seen any big slobs, but that's kind of things
to come.
Speaker 3 (01:22:50):
And Uh.
Speaker 25 (01:22:53):
The Spanish mackerel and cyril mackerel and a wreath really
good right now?
Speaker 38 (01:22:57):
Speaker 25 (01:22:58):
And remember, guys, if you catch, if you're if you're
out fishing the reef and you catch, you catch a
nice Spanish mackerel or cereal mackerel, don't hesitate to have
a big kingfish rig with a multiple stinger righ, ready
to go slap a love Spanish mackerel on there and.
Speaker 3 (01:23:17):
Slow from them over the reef.
Speaker 9 (01:23:19):
Cat you've ever seen in your life doing that?
Speaker 8 (01:23:22):
Speaker 3 (01:23:23):
Norm beckoff with the tips and tricks of the trade.
Good stuff, great stuff.
Speaker 5 (01:23:28):
Hey, Norm, have you heard anything about swordfish?
Speaker 8 (01:23:34):
Speaker 25 (01:23:34):
Yeah, I know that there were some guys that went
out there and got bit pretty good. You know, honestly,
I don't sword fish, and I don't know a lot
of guys who do. But I hear it's and I
hear bits and pieces that it was actually pretty good.
Speaker 3 (01:23:54):
Sword Fishing is the most boring I've done. How do
you say that dude directed for hours waiting for that
damn rod to go tippy tip because you never caught
one man, I've caught him with shaw in the keys. Okay,
sure it took like nine hours a hook up. It's
the most boring.
Speaker 5 (01:24:09):
It wasn't it worth it?
Speaker 3 (01:24:10):
Once you hooked up and caught that because both them
breached and threw the hook out and we lost both
of them. Okay, so you didn't catch the sort.
Speaker 6 (01:24:17):
So the sword fish one.
Speaker 3 (01:24:18):
We did on another trip.
Speaker 5 (01:24:20):
So that's another reality because.
Speaker 6 (01:24:24):
He got outsorted, Yeah you aren't you glad you told
that story.
Speaker 3 (01:24:29):
A normal We're gonna rock the clock, man. But thanks
again for the finest kind. It's always number one, bro,
Thank you very very much.
Speaker 17 (01:24:35):
Speaker 3 (01:24:36):
All right, all right, guys, run that dog once, he
saying at the end, run that dog was then he
run that dog.
Speaker 6 (01:24:43):
That means do your thing.
Speaker 5 (01:24:44):
The code word go words me, Steven and Norm go
after yourself.
Speaker 3 (01:24:48):
Three guys.
Speaker 6 (01:24:49):
No, it's not it's not disrespectful. It's like, man, go
go live your day.
Speaker 8 (01:24:53):
Speaker 3 (01:24:53):
I never heard it, run that dog. Let's hear whatever.
You grab the phone here. I talked to our good
friend Johnny Stabill. John I'm one if Johnny's out in
the stuff today, I mean, look, guys, me may surprise you. Johnny.
Good morning, buddy.
Speaker 5 (01:25:11):
See I told you.
Speaker 6 (01:25:14):
Oh okay, by the way, that that noise you hear
with the fuzz on the phone, that is the station that.
Speaker 3 (01:25:22):
Fuzz on it. I thought I was hearing it through
my really audible left ear. Hoole stuff.
Speaker 6 (01:25:28):
What are you putting in your ears that night? Eric,
strange to be doing that.
Speaker 3 (01:25:32):
I roll up toilet paper just shoving. Oh my god,
just because my dog, My dog snores like crazy and farts.
Speaker 6 (01:25:39):
Know, and do you need to get a snake or
something to clear your ear holes out?
Speaker 3 (01:25:44):
Might need to borrow some vice grips maybe, Oh my gosh.
All right, so we have our good friend Johnny Sibill
back on the program. John Hey, Johnny, good morning, buddy.
Speaker 8 (01:25:54):
Good morning.
Speaker 38 (01:25:55):
I hope you guys had a happy Thanksgiving.
Speaker 9 (01:25:57):
How are you all doing today?
Speaker 3 (01:25:58):
You too brought great man? I'm yes, And you're not
fishing right now? Are you?
Speaker 8 (01:26:02):
Speaker 5 (01:26:03):
No, man?
Speaker 38 (01:26:03):
I slept in them up at the future in laws.
We had so much food and oh my gosh, I'm
gonna need a couple of days to recover from this weekend.
Speaker 3 (01:26:15):
Sleep it off that there's this thing in Turkey what
they call there's some kind of a chemical. The fan
makes you get sleepy. Right, Yeah, you have turkey you
want to knock right out right? Yeah? Yep?
Speaker 38 (01:26:26):
Sleeping on this trip?
Speaker 3 (01:26:28):
Yeah? Have you fished it all this week? Or what's
going on.
Speaker 29 (01:26:31):
Well, so I.
Speaker 38 (01:26:32):
Fished, uh two days before I came up here, and
there's a little pond right in the community that they'd
live and I'm in hammering that thing every day because
I got the itch real bad, and right before I left,
the fishing was a little on the slow side. Still
leftover effects of that. You know, that front that did
push through last week and the water temperature we saw
for the first time was under seventy. So normally the
big change for the year is when the water temperature
gets under eighty for the first time. That's when a
lot of the deep you know, deep water activities happened
for the peacocks. And now we saw it under seventy
for the first time, and it slowed it down quite
a bit. But you know, once you get a few
days of that, you know, sixty degree water sixty high
sixties degree water temperature, you'll search get a lot more
activity down deep. And I think, great, now those fish
are just you know, they're they're moving from spot to spot,
just trying to find a warm place to lay up
for the next couple of days, especially with another front
pushing through.
Speaker 3 (01:27:41):
Now the stexs for supposed to be colder right here, Joey. Yeah,
it's supposed to be a little more Nippi R. We'll
talk to about. Yeah, fifties.
Speaker 5 (01:27:48):
I like that though.
Speaker 3 (01:27:50):
Yeah, but the fish stars get too much, I mean,
hangs out for three or four days. Johnny will take
you the watercap cross. The fish get a little lethargic.
And we've had Johnny's seen this before. We had those years, Johnny.
The water froze up so bad. I got so cold.
We had a massive fish die off. Yeah. Those peacocks
where I saw those in the water floating up. That
broke my heart. Buddy.
Speaker 7 (01:28:09):
Let me tell you, Johnny, what's the worst that you've
seen with a cold front and killing peacocks and all that.
Speaker 38 (01:28:16):
Oh man, I forgot the year. It was probably four
or five years ago now, And I mean and the worst.
Speaker 9 (01:28:24):
One ever I think was two and ten.
Speaker 38 (01:28:27):
Yeah, yeah, and I mean, oh my gosh, there was nothing.
I mean, there was everything from the Everglades to you know,
all the lakes, the ponds. I mean there there was
dead fish floating everywhere.
Speaker 3 (01:28:46):
You saw.
Speaker 5 (01:28:46):
Shreek, snook were floating bass everywhere.
Speaker 3 (01:28:50):
Oh I heard about that with the snook. They were
like everywhere on the West coast. I got whacked with
that cold front, will attest to it was sad, man,
it was. It was a massive die off, that massive
kill off of that thing.
Speaker 38 (01:29:02):
Speaker 5 (01:29:03):
Yeah, that's crazy, lovely.
Speaker 38 (01:29:05):
Yeah, But you know, a couple of years ago too,
we had a pretty good die off out in the
Everglades because you know, a lot of the Everglades is
shallow and there's just a few deep canals.
Speaker 29 (01:29:17):
And if those fish don't get in those deep.
Speaker 38 (01:29:19):
Canals before that cold cold weather hits and go hide
under some rocks or something where those rocks have a
little bit of you know, residual heat holding, I mean,
they're they're not going to do good even I think
maybe even last year we had a couple of days
of really cold whether they killed some fish. But you know,
the Everglades has really not fully recovered since then until
you know this past year where we're starting to see
more and more fish out there. So I'll be fishing
out there quite a bit this week.
Speaker 3 (01:29:55):
When you said the snakeheads are maybe the smartest fish
when it gets cold, because they like to burrow up
onto the bank. There they go. They got to dig
their ass up out of the bank of the Johnny
and probably stay warmer than any fish out there, I think,
I don't know.
Speaker 38 (01:30:07):
Yeah, so I think snakeheads have a little bit more
cold water tolerance than peacocks or you know, some of
the sick woods do. I think peacocks are probably the
the most sensitive to cold weather. And the sneakheads they're smart.
I mean, they're you know, they're meant to live and
survive where they are, So I think they're gonna say
whatever it dates to, you know, to stick around. The
peacocks they're just you know.
Speaker 5 (01:30:37):
What about cloud knife fish?
Speaker 3 (01:30:39):
Yeah, I was saying about those snakeheads look still like prehistoric, man,
don't they? Oh yeah, yeah, days.
Speaker 7 (01:30:46):
Yeah, I mean look at cloud knives. To me, they're
the weirdest looking fish. Which they swim backwards. I've never
caught one of those backwards when you fish. Really, I'm
not caught one.
Speaker 3 (01:30:55):
That's a right to do list with. Actually, have probably
booked Johnny for a Cloffish Knight.
Speaker 5 (01:31:00):
Yeah, man, he'll get you on one, I know you will.
Speaker 4 (01:31:02):
Speaker 3 (01:31:02):
Yeah, well, Johnny got to rock the clock, man, But
go back and pull up, pull the covers over your
head and go back to snooze, man. Because you eight fishing.
Go go get some disease. Baby, it's cold.
Speaker 38 (01:31:13):
Yeah, we'll be back at it on Monday morning.
Speaker 3 (01:31:15):
Guys Ahi, Johnny, thanks so much, man for bringing it
strong despite the fame. Ben, that's great man. All right,
Well take a break, come back with debit. She'll explain,
Jen rather with this forecast. How many bad cold days
we're heaving. Joey coming up up deep down the Keys
with a killer report, coming up, Ken Boy and Cat
Haley bringing it strong with the toy chest. Oh yeah yeah, wait,
coming up here, Fox Sports, it's time to go.
Speaker 22 (01:31:42):
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Speaker 39 (01:32:12):
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Speaker 31 (01:32:41):
At Johnny Jigs Tackling Company, our passion for fishing drives
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Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
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Speaker 16 (01:33:42):
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Speaker 47 (01:34:40):
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Speaker 33 (01:35:10):
When any old holiday gift just won't do, you come
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Speaker 38 (01:35:15):
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You'll see a selection like you've never experienced before. We're
talking diamond tennis racist in almost any size, big diamond,
Riviera necklaces, GIA certified diamond studs, fine Swiss time pieces,
even rubies and emeralds.
Speaker 3 (01:35:29):
Speaker 33 (01:35:29):
Best of all, we're family owned and operated and we
believe a handshake in our word is still everything. Jay
Are Done is your destination for the perfect gift.
Speaker 11 (01:35:38):
This holiday season in Lighthouse Points, JA Are Done broadcasting
live from the Fox Sports nine point forty Anna jarn
Levine Accident Attorney Studios.
Speaker 2 (01:35:49):
Call one eight hundred seven four seven free. That's one
eight hundred seven four seven three seven three three.
Speaker 1 (01:35:59):
You're on board the Donica Ventcher's Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go Boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon
an extreme angular Joe Hector.
Speaker 3 (01:36:11):
I've changed up the game. I want to start right.
Bucket one right now. Okay, I want it one right now.
I want to say climber three two eight six six
eight oh one zero, night bowl zero. I said eight
six six eight oh one zero night bowl zerow be
calder number three. Now show a bright bucket to you.
Now pick up the phone. Now use your fingers and
down now not don'll eat up? Okay, So sea bow
will got a problem. Man Jen is on answering your phone,
which means you got to put on the weather dress
and whip out a weather forecast by brother because you
are the man who does a right.
Speaker 6 (01:36:55):
Tell to fly. So you gave me no time to
whip anything out here.
Speaker 5 (01:37:00):
Got the memo on the stretur weather.
Speaker 27 (01:37:06):
Speaker 3 (01:37:07):
Hey, come on, man, here we.
Speaker 6 (01:37:08):
Go South Florida.
Speaker 3 (01:37:09):
Make it up.
Speaker 6 (01:37:10):
This is for South. I don't make it up. I
keep it real. Twenty percent chance of showers, mostly clouding,
with the high nears seventy seven north wind fourteen miles
per hour gt US as high as twenty two. Small
craft advisory in effect, twenty mile, twenty percent chance of
rain Tonight, mostly clouding with a sixty six It's a
low tonight, north wind eight to ten miles par high
as much as eighteen miles pro hour. Sunday Monday, still
a twenty percent chance of showers. Mostly Sunday with a
high near seventy eight, north wind laying down a little
bit around eleven miles per hour, and Sunday night still
gonna be breezy ten of thirteen miles per hour with
GUS as high as twenty one. That's your South Florida
forecast on the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fishing Show.
Speaker 3 (01:37:55):
Very very cool. I just kind of wish we had
Jen just to tell us one thing. Another front behind us, right,
and how much colder will that front be next week?
Is what I want to know.
Speaker 6 (01:38:05):
Look, look, look, guys, I was just in uh, you know,
Green Bay, Okay, it was like seventeen nineteen degrees, and
y'all complaining about sixty seventy degrees whether get the out
of here?
Speaker 17 (01:38:17):
Speaker 3 (01:38:18):
Oh man, we're being sissy boys. You're absolutely right, true,
you go to cold Buffalo. Every time you fly to
a Dolphin away game, this is nothing. He goes to
freaking Minnesota. He goes to New York or whatever and
freezes his ash off.
Speaker 6 (01:38:31):
Okay, I'm looking forward to going to New York for
some good old pizza. By the way, I'm gonna join
Benny up there with his jets.
Speaker 3 (01:38:36):
I get that. But we're bitching about you know, fifty five.
Speaker 6 (01:38:39):
This is not Yeah, come on, man, you should be happy.
Speaker 3 (01:38:42):
I saw I saw the Green Bay game. This is
how crazy those fans are.
Speaker 6 (01:38:45):
Speaker 3 (01:38:46):
There's a guy that stands man, okay, wearing no shirt, like,
what is that all about?
Speaker 5 (01:38:51):
Speaker 3 (01:38:51):
Why would you work on the shirt? There's a guy
seventeen degrees.
Speaker 5 (01:38:54):
There's a guy in Buffalo that does that do what
is that all about?
Speaker 6 (01:38:57):
Many Tyreek Hill came out with like nothing on during
the warm ups. But but he was with Casey previously,
so he's down with the cold weather.
Speaker 3 (01:39:05):
He's working those shirts so too. It actually would spot
him and throw him a long ball for a change. Okay,
they're shutting him down, man. I mean Tyreek's numbers of
drop dropped like the temperature, you know what I mean?
Speaker 7 (01:39:17):
Those speedy receivers. I was telling you they once they
hit thirty man, they don't. They don't really last long.
Speaker 3 (01:39:23):
I think they're double teaming to him and waddle Boat.
That's why they're not getting those balls anyway.
Speaker 5 (01:39:27):
They need a tight end.
Speaker 3 (01:39:29):
We've got to move on with the show. I think
we're going to the Keys now, are we not? Yes,
we are. We are going to the Keys right now.
Dimly got SpongeBob, Here we go. I bet the Keys
is beautiful right now. Joey, Oh yeah, I think, oh yeah,
Son comes up. Man, breeze is blowing there. It's like
sponge Cake. Oh yeah, watching your face bag preach it,
Eric Preacho, Baby cap Nebdeo and the Keys. Good morning, Ye.
Speaker 5 (01:39:59):
Have boys going Hi? Captain.
Speaker 3 (01:40:02):
Well, we're out here like two sissy men complaining about
this little nippy weather, which see what Jay Gray just
left the sub zero at Green Bay. So we're having
a fine morning. How are you doing?
Speaker 46 (01:40:12):
Well, It's it's okay this morning. It's seventy one, so
it's a little nippley this morning. And yeah, and the
wind's blowing about ten to fifteen miles an hour. But
than that it's okay. It's supposed to get down. I
heard it's supposed to get down here around fifty eight
on Tuesday, So I guess on Monday we're gonna go
hunt some wahoo.
Speaker 3 (01:40:32):
Oh, there we go.
Speaker 8 (01:40:34):
Speaker 6 (01:40:34):
I had a question for Captain desh sure because Benny
kept it real earlier and he said he had a
bad fishing which is very rare for him. He had
a bad fishing day where he got skunked and he
had a carron on the boats. Captain deb have you
ever been skunk before on the water?
Speaker 46 (01:40:50):
Well, you know, listening to Bennie, and you know, if
you haven't, if you're in this charter business, then you
haven't been skunked, and you haven't been in this charter
business long enough.
Speaker 21 (01:40:59):
Yeah, And that's the main point.
Speaker 46 (01:41:02):
And you know it happened. He's right, It happens to
the best of us. And you know, we'll go feed
that dog later.
Speaker 5 (01:41:08):
But it's just it's the.
Speaker 46 (01:41:10):
Point of sometimes we have hard customers on the boat,
and one hundred percent of the time, when you have
a bad attitude on the boat, sometimes those fish know it.
And it's the attitude you have if you go out.
Speaker 48 (01:41:22):
There and you're positive and you're like Oh, we're going.
Speaker 46 (01:41:24):
To catch all the fish, and whether we catch him
or not, we're going to have a great time. And
if you get someone like a Karen on the boat
and it's like where are the fish?
Speaker 5 (01:41:32):
That a up?
Speaker 46 (01:41:33):
It makes the mood, especially for the captain to go
in the hall as well. So you know, I really
believe that Benny's an awesome fisherman and we and you know,
I see him online and he kills it every day.
But when you have somebody like that on a boat,
you don't want to go.
Speaker 9 (01:41:49):
Hard for that person.
Speaker 46 (01:41:50):
And I hate to say that, but that's truth.
Speaker 5 (01:41:52):
Yeah, And I don't want to.
Speaker 46 (01:41:55):
Go hard for somebody that's being hard on me. But
if you're nice to me and you're kind to me
like I am, you, I'm gonna give you everything I got.
And I hold to what Benny says. And and you know,
I've seen I've seen some of the best come in,
you know, especially if you go sword fishing, Eric, and
you're right, it is the most boring thing in the world.
Speaker 4 (01:42:13):
Thank you.
Speaker 46 (01:42:15):
You might come home with the scout flag, you know. Yeah,
I mean it, just like I said, he's he handled
that situation perfectly. He's he's really good in this business,
and he just he did that correctly.
Speaker 6 (01:42:29):
So the bottom line is, if the person's name is Karen,
just don't allow them on the boat.
Speaker 46 (01:42:33):
Right, well, I don't think he could be prejudiced. That's
kind of that's kind of like not letting any kind
of jets on the boat either. But come on, now,
you got off fans that way.
Speaker 3 (01:42:45):
Let's back every second. I want to validate something. She
just said, Yeah, I would put it out the real struck.
She just said that sword fishing is one of the
boringest damn.
Speaker 6 (01:42:55):
How could that be?
Speaker 3 (01:42:56):
She said, So the authority, not me, Steve.
Speaker 6 (01:42:59):
All the folks have gotten swordfish, okay, and they've got
them on their walls of their house.
Speaker 46 (01:43:05):
You too, idiots, Okay, you have to say, you know,
it's it's one of those fish that are you know,
it's really really boring until you get a bite and
then really a game changer. You get up eight hours
and sometimes you look to it.
Speaker 4 (01:43:20):
Or it could be like or you.
Speaker 46 (01:43:22):
Could be like lucky, be extansic and go drop a
line and catching an airline or seven you know, eighty
three down.
Speaker 3 (01:43:30):
There stands about three years ago. Catch this. It was
an eight hundred pound fish. Debit was something sick man,
I don't wan it was.
Speaker 46 (01:43:38):
It's the Sizement airliner or what are those seven?
Speaker 31 (01:43:43):
Speaker 46 (01:43:43):
It was huge man seven something.
Speaker 6 (01:43:46):
Yes, what's the most exciting fish to have on your wall?
A swordfish?
Speaker 5 (01:43:50):
Thank you if you're going to give me a choice.
Speaker 46 (01:43:53):
But he bought this thing for eight hours, because when
you're fighting a swordfish, every hundred pounds, even on a leg,
is an hour fight. Now, if you're a white tackle
like my good buddy Rush up in Miami, he fishes
all white tackle, and you know, it might be two
or three hours to get to you get that fish
in the boat depends on what kind of fishing you
want to do and what kind of you know, do
you want to sit there and tug on something for
hours or do you want to go catch something. So
it's it's a matter of a captain's opinion.
Speaker 7 (01:44:24):
If you told me, Joe, you got to wait eight hours,
But if you wait that eight hours, you're gonna get
a two hundred pound swordfish.
Speaker 5 (01:44:30):
I'd wait that we.
Speaker 46 (01:44:32):
Waited and didn't happen.
Speaker 5 (01:44:35):
It always happened.
Speaker 6 (01:44:35):
See, it's mindset.
Speaker 5 (01:44:37):
This is where the mindset comes exactly.
Speaker 3 (01:44:39):
It's not gonna happen because if you were invited, you
wouldn't show up, So it doesn't really matter.
Speaker 5 (01:44:46):
You know, you are known throughout our tournaments as show
Eric because I.
Speaker 3 (01:44:51):
Do a boat job after the show. Wow, definitely going
to ride the clock. But let's have a wonderful weekend.
I love your report. You bring it strong every single
sh oh yeah, okay, and just have a great, great
time in the keys where we all want to be.
Speaker 7 (01:45:04):
And cam dev I totally agree with you. It's all mindset.
I knew a guy that used to go fishing with me.
He never caught fish because he would always say before
we went fishing, I'm not going to catch a fish.
Speaker 6 (01:45:14):
Is his name?
Speaker 8 (01:45:15):
Speaker 5 (01:45:15):
It's real.
Speaker 8 (01:45:17):
Speaker 3 (01:45:19):
Thank you doctor, Thank you so much. All right, let's
zip it and bring back the toy chest segment next,
okay with the one the Only cat, Haley, What was
that cat? You do a catch that effect.
Speaker 6 (01:45:39):
That doesn't sound like a cat.
Speaker 5 (01:45:40):
That sounds like a like a like a rabbid raccoon
or something like a monkey with henrhoyds.
Speaker 6 (01:45:47):
You would know.
Speaker 3 (01:45:48):
We'll come back next year with more a Fox Sports for.
Speaker 2 (01:45:55):
From the storm tight Windows Weather Center still feeling that
cool ' on bud.
Speaker 12 (01:46:00):
We are going to have mostly sunny skies for our
Saturday with a high of seventy two impemberg Pines seventy
two as well in win Wood and tonight little fifty
six sending again for tomorrow with a high seventy seven.
Speaker 43 (01:46:11):
This report is sponsored by Staples Stores. Staples has amazing
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Speaker 2 (01:46:28):
It's time to go diesel.
Speaker 22 (01:46:30):
If you operate a government vote ring power Abcox Marine
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Cox Marines CXO three hundred diesel outboards operate with lower
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Speaker 6 (01:46:55):
Go Diesel.
Speaker 21 (01:46:56):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com.
Speaker 5 (01:46:58):
To learn more.
Speaker 49 (01:46:59):
Target Blackfriesy deals are here and with up to fifty
percent off gifts, you can make so many wishes come true.
There's up to fifty percent off tech, video games, toys
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Speaker 6 (01:47:15):
And so much more.
Speaker 49 (01:47:16):
You'll even save on all the essentials to get your
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Speaker 43 (01:47:27):
Restrictions apply.
Speaker 50 (01:47:29):
Do you disregard people's personal space sitting next to people
in public even if there are tons of open seats.
Do people ask how do.
Speaker 48 (01:47:37):
You sleep at night?
Speaker 50 (01:47:39):
Then you should get a mattress from Mattress Firm. They
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You can get a Queen Mattress for just eighty nine
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Speaker 43 (01:47:57):
See store for details.
Speaker 32 (01:48:00):
Hear that that's the sound of confidence. The Sound of
Confidence brought to you by Nationwide Battery. For over thirty years,
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Visit them at Nationwide dash Battery dot Com Nationwide Batteries
The Sound of Confidence.
Speaker 31 (01:48:36):
Nothing beats the prel of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
between you and fighting a monster fish. And when it
comes to kayakfishing, nothing beats a hobby with its hands
free Mirage drive propulsion system. Nautical Ventures as your exclusive
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to wins. Coda Nautical Ventures dot Com to learn more.
Nautical ventures, but go to people for Holbie.
Speaker 10 (01:49:06):
So we're not all professional anglists, we don't all compete
on the biggest stage. But inside it's all burns the
same fire to be a champion. It's why you get
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Speaker 44 (01:49:35):
If you love to travel, Capital one has a rewards
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Speaker 40 (01:50:00):
That's signor Weller terms applying lounjaccess a septic to change
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Speaker 6 (01:50:05):
Wesley Financial Group is no law firm.
Speaker 51 (01:50:06):
Do you find yourself stuck in a timeshare? Get the
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Chuck McDowell, founder of Wesley Financial Group, has put together
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Speaker 31 (01:50:27):
Cold eight hundred five oh six thirty three fifty five,
eight hundred five oh six thirty three fifty five eight
hundred five oh six thirty three fifty five.
Speaker 27 (01:50:35):
Here every pitch hit and Rod Marlin's baseball place here
Miami's Fox Sports nine forty.
Speaker 1 (01:50:46):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go Boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon,
an extreme angular Joe Hector.
Speaker 3 (01:51:00):
Joey Time to snap out of a baby, Time with
a toy chest with the one the only can't Hailey
put a little you put a little louboose lit hinges there?
Speaker 6 (01:51:16):
Man, I'm sure you have some.
Speaker 3 (01:51:19):
I certainly do. Is I have one hundred bottles of it?
So I can't Haley now and see what's popping out
of the toy chest. Cat take it away, baby.
Speaker 48 (01:51:25):
Hey guys I'm Cat Haley with Nautical Ventures here with
the toy chest segment on the Weekly Fishermen. And this
toy is actually one that looks like maybe it could
fit into a toy chest.
Speaker 43 (01:51:34):
This is our Koola, the Koola cooler.
Speaker 48 (01:51:37):
It's a two and a half gallon bucket. You might
be thinking, Cat, that looks like just a bucket. Oh,
come with me, let me show you. When you're out
the wild, the last thing you WoT is warm drinks
and soggy snacks. That's where the cooler cooler comes in.
Speaker 5 (01:51:50):
Of course, the.
Speaker 48 (01:51:50):
Cooler cooler is cooler than any old cooler. It's so
cool that it'll keep your ice cool and fresh for
five days, even in the sun. They have two sizing.
Speaker 21 (01:52:00):
Options for their coolers.
Speaker 48 (01:52:02):
They got the two and a half gallon one or
the five gallon cooler. And let me tell you, the
sets that they give you on the cooler on the
tag when you buy it are hilarious and they sound
like the twelve Days of Christmas. Now let's get into
the two point five coola cooler. This can also hold
an impressive amount fourteen cans of beer, thirty six baseballs,
eighty five live shrimp, two and a half gallons of
water for your dog, ten pounds of craw dads with
ice or seven ham sandwiches and six juice boxes, three
apples and two beer and aparture in a pear tree
with Christmas and the Holidays around the corner. This is
the perfect gift, especially for a dad or any boater
out there. I reu I'd be loading up my Koola
cooler when taking it out with some rum punch and
heading to the sandbar because it has a tap. Imagine
the shenanigans you can get into with that. Let's not
forget the integrated bottle opener for our beer drinkers need
to sit down after having a few too many. Even
got a lippad to keep your tushie all comfy it on.
Plus it's easy to use. Latches and comfortable handles make
it perfect for quick access when you.
Speaker 17 (01:53:05):
Need it most.
Speaker 48 (01:53:06):
Can't forget the dream plug that is on the bottom
where it should be no mass. Please need something more
portable check out cool as Soft Coolers. These lightweight guys
have plenty of attachment pieces for your smaller fishing. You're
a perfect for a day of extreme kayak fishing. Check
them out for yourself these coolers at Nautical Ventures Water
Sports Store. Thanks guys for listening to the Weekly Fishermen.
Speaker 46 (01:53:27):
You can chime in any single Saturday from.
Speaker 48 (01:53:30):
Six to eight am on Fox Sports nine forty on
any of your streaming app.
Speaker 3 (01:53:42):
Okay, I just blown away by what she's doing. Oh
I thought you're having not just saying what she's done
with this toy chest thing.
Speaker 6 (01:53:49):
She owns it.
Speaker 5 (01:53:50):
Yeah, she does.
Speaker 3 (01:53:51):
She does it great, jo I did this years ago,
not even close to what she's ever done. It's just
me rambling up.
Speaker 6 (01:53:58):
Speaker 3 (01:53:58):
It's really good. Sing along to twelve Days of Christmas
with the coolest thing tied end. Gosh, she's good. I
hope the audience responds. Maybe mix some comments to us
and tell us so great you like that? Use that's
been great. Now I mentioned what a very cool gift
idea my dad, That is cool.
Speaker 6 (01:54:13):
I didn't know that thing did all those those had
all those features?
Speaker 3 (01:54:15):
You know me either, man, see good stuff.
Speaker 5 (01:54:17):
Why couldn't the bicycle stand up for itself?
Speaker 3 (01:54:20):
I know, Joe? Why because it was too tired?
Speaker 6 (01:54:23):
Aren't you glad the show's over now?
Speaker 3 (01:54:25):
Stephen, Now it's time to say that. Okay, Orange, we
all glad the show's come. Go wrap up, Joe Hector.
We can't talk about your tournament because the clocks is
around the time. Okay, but it's a little chilly out here.
As a call for a coming selfish SmackDown. January twenty fifth,
go to Extreme Kayfishing dot com to riches. There you
go big. Thanks to Jeff and I forty flying the ship.
The guy does a great job keeping this thing in order.
Steven Jack Gray, thank you very much to the man.
Welcome back from cold ass Green Bay. Chill yourself out.
I brought the carrots. I got a stuff for the dogs.
By the way, I get merrit that much. I got
my dolls there. Whatever. Thank you a for sports talk
all day long. We're out of here. Keep it right
where you got it. We love you, Fox Sports Night
forty sar if you care, sherif you care Bols.
Speaker 16 (01:55:12):
Remember the fury days of gasoline.
Speaker 4 (01:55:14):
It's just not made the same anymore.
Speaker 17 (01:55:19):
Should key your gas into gear.
Speaker 18 (01:55:21):
With stardrive, pump up the performance in all of your engines,
cure the problems of ethanol with.
Speaker 19 (01:55:29):
The power of enzymes, and maximize your file age every
time you drive.
Speaker 20 (01:55:36):
Kick start your engines with star Tron.
Speaker 31 (01:55:40):
At Johnny Jigs Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
most meticulously craft a tackle that will enhance your fishing experience.
At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
every tug a thrill, and every moment by the water
and adventure. Our inn wavering commitment to innovation and excellence
creates tackle exceeding all exces of our fellow anglers. We're
more than a tackle company. We're your partners and exploration,
your source of inspiration, and your companion on every freshing trip.
Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.
Speaker 30 (01:56:11):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them. Inner Simrad's new Halo open er
ray radar bringing you more power, more safety, and best
of all, more fish. Halo three thousand features an all
new Bird Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power
on finding flocks of birds, leading you to fishing holes
up to eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power.
For more on Halo, navigate to the Radar page at
simrad dash yachting dot com.
Speaker 40 (01:56:40):
Is your boat properly insurance? When's the last time your
agent called to discuss your policy. We're People's Insurance underwriters
and boat insurance. As you know it is about to change.
We understand how the right insurance agent can make the
difference in getting your claim paid or not. Our agents
are lifelong voters whose focus is on service, reliability and savings.
We can make a difference in your boat insurance. To
learn more, go to the Happy Boating dot Com. People's
Insurance under riders Insurance for voters buy boaters.
Speaker 14 (01:57:10):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
can reach new waters and ride endless waves. So drop
the hammer or the anchor and let adventure be your guide.
Mercury engines are made for exploring, so are you go boldly?