All Episodes

May 9, 2024 33 mins
Is the advice on how to escape an unhappy marriage without divorcing legit or BS according to Dr. Jenn? How did Clint contribute to making his son's prom night memorable? And what Hollywood magic did Clint experience this weekend?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Doctor Jen, it's nice to seeyour face today. Lent. Wait,
so I am dying truly because I, you know, always write down what
we're going to talk about and whatyou've teased, and like how to escape
an unhappy marriage without divorcing. I'mgenuinely curious what they wrote in this article
about it, but I don't thinkthere's actually a real answer. So I'm

afraid it's going to be a bullshitarticle. Could be very well, but
I was so curious to share itwith you. I'm glad you're into listening
to it, you know. I'mkind of I'm kind of looking looking at
this with as we call it,a grain of salt. But my thought
is like, oh, what doyou become polyamorous so you live in different

homes or you get a mediator?But none of that is escaping and unhappy
marriage. So tell me, tellme the type of things they're talking about.
All right, So I'm going toread it to you as it's as
I'm reading, because there's so muchinformation here that I don't want to skip
anything. Okay, For instance,if I just said, look for something
going on in a different part ofyour life that spills over you into your

marriage. Okay, that's not enoughinformation, and I want you to hear
what it says so that you canthen assess and go, ah wait,
so are they really saying how tomake your marriage not unhappy? Is that
really what the article is about?Well, that's kind of what I'm wondering
here. Okay. So if youfind out what's making you unhappy and change
it, which is basically what youtell people every day. But here's what

how to escape unhappy marriage without gettinga divorce. This was from just April
twenty seconds, so it's fairly new. In what source? What's the uh?
Posted in Relationships Online? I don'toh wait, hold on source?
What's the website? Hold on?Uh? Your Tango Revolutionizing your Relationships?

Yeah, okay, your Tanga dotcom. Okay, all right, so
says if you're desperately wondering how toescape an unhappy marriage, your life has
probably become intolerable. Blah blah blahblah blah. So here's how to escape
an unhappy marriage without getting a divorce. The first of three pieces of advice.
Look for something going on in adifferent part of your life that spills
over into your marriage. Consider thepossibility you could be stressed about work,

your parents, your in laws,finances, your kids, a life event,
or anything else important to you.It can be way too easy to
conclude your spouse is the cause ofyour unhappiness if they aren't actively trying to
help you feel better. If yourunhappiness originates outside of your marriage, work
to resolve those issues. As youdo, you'll discover that you'll have more
energy to talk with your spouse aboutthe problems in your marriage that led to

you to believe it was the causeof your discontent. Now, this is
exactly what you were saying a minuteago. As nine. Who this just
sounds insane, This just sounds stupid, Like, oh, yeah, I'm
stressed at work. I don't knowI'm stressed at work. Oh my parents
are going through a tough time.I don't know that they're going through a
tough time. Honestly, this soundsBut here's what I'll say to you,

Okay, me with Mayrid coming up, stresses about the job, stresses about
changes my prosted exam, you know, with the MRI coming up Thursday,
I will tell you I can althoughI don't ever think it's my wife and
our marriage, I can let thatbleed over into something, of course,
but you're also aware that you've gotall of this stuff going on that's creating

stress. You don't have all ofthis stress and these things going on.
And then you're like, well,my wife sucks. She's the cause of
all my problems. I don't know. That just sounds asinine, Like how
many people actually think that, doctorJen? Women pretty much are this stress?
Well that's fair because have you evertried being with a man? Am
I right? I haven't give ita go? Uh yeah no? So

okay, so so far you thinkthis is garbage. But let me just
go to the second thing. Isyour relationship with your spouse? What makes
you unhappy? Okay, wait asecond, you know what I can tell
what this is already. You're right. This is somebody the site looking for
content and they're like, hey,come up with something. No I know
I know the site? Yes,well I should actually should have asked who
the author of it is before Istart trashing it. Case it's somebody I

know, Like, let me goto kill you, and then I'd love
to let them know you're trashing them. Karen Flynn, I don't know,
Kreen. Sorry, Karen, don'tbe a Karen Karen, But it is
your relationship with your spouse what makesyou unhappy. The truth here is it
takes two people to make a relationshipwork. It takes two people who participate
in it not working. So it'stime for you to get serious about how

you're contributing to your unhappiness. Someof the ways you might be adding your
relationship woes include ignoring issues instead ofaddressing them when they occur, choosing not
to talk with your spouse because it'snot worth the effort, not respecting your
spouse, or your spouse doesn't satisfyyour needs because you don't tell them what
they are. Well, so thisis all stuff you say all the time.
Yeah, but that is legit.I mean again, I don't know

how you're escaping an unhappy marriage withoutdivorcing. You mean, you're working on
your unhappy marriage. You're doing thehard work to address the concerns. It's
just it's a clickbait which and thatmay My guess is that the author might
not at all have written the idleto be click baity. That was probably
your tango that did that well,and it clearly worked because you clicked on

it. And now we're talking aboutit to extend your penis, and that
it's not about that at all.It's about just trying to deal with the
skies you have exactly Wait a minute, I can get another three inches,
I can double my size. Waitis are you actually getting ads that are
saying that or you just because thosecould totally be popping up in this I

haven't had an ad like that ina while, but there was probably a
few months ago, like, yeah, three times a week for about a
month or two, I was gettingpissed, like are you thinking about it?
Are they looking in my pants?Are they Are you thinking about trying
it? Seriously? It was like, well I wasn't. I mean,
I'm curious about it, but itwas like, it's about pills and how
to you know, how to apenis extension and how to get a better
boner, And I'm just like,come on, guys, they just have

just demographically they've got you, youknow, targeted because of your age and
you're a dude, and maybe theycould see whatever else you look at online.
You're like, this seems like aman who eats a lot of fried
foods and is over fifty. Iknew years ago. Wait, years ago,

I was doing this company called zipsapp Toys where we sold like nicer
sex toys for women and products,and we'd go into homes and wine shops
and do events and parties, andwe got hit up at sometimes some guy
who created like a penis in largerpump and he was trying to get us

to like carry that and sell it. I gotta say he was so weird.
He was such a weird quirky kindof creepy man. You mean,
like sort of slithery, like almosta snake oil salesman. Yeah, no,
no, no, not like notlike used car salesman, more like

maybe like creepy guy with poor socialskills. So, and the thing is
because the thing is. For allI know, maybe his product worked.
I don't know, maybe there isyou can. I think it was like
a suction thing, because I thinkwe got a sample of it. It
was like a suction thing you couldput on your penis that then would I
guess make it look it sort ofwould sort of engorge it, and yeah,

like it might be even like inflameda little bit beyond right, I
think so, and then it wouldlook yeah bigger for a while, yeah,
which I can't imagine that's healthy.I can't either. When I when
I turn sideways as fast as Ican with a boner and hit it in
the door jam, it never feelsgood. Oh that does look better?
Really, she's weird that you justsaid that. So remember I said,

creepy men who talk about these things? Yeah, like that. I don't
get it. What's the okay?Back to the article being possible when things
aren't working, even if you're stillfeeling wretched. Wait is this number three?
Yeah? So doing your best resolvedthings before choosing divorce as your pain
is your path to freedom from yourunhappy marriage is important. The effort wasn't

wasted by giving your all to attemptto resolve things or discovering that you're unwilling
to give your all. You'll gainthe clarity to know, beyond the shadow
of a doubt, that divorce isthe best decision for you and your family
or not. The other benefit ofthe clarity is that you can you know
what I'm whatever. We know allthis, but there is something on the
bottom that I just saw as we'retalking. Doctor, Okay, give it

to me. Listen to this.This is how do I put this?
This is bold to say the waythey're saying this, there are three times
when divorce is the immediate and bestanswer for resolving in unhappy marriage. Oh,
let's guess. Isn't this a weirdthough that they would even put this
out there because they don't know yoursituation? Right? Okay? Three things

were you? They're saying, yeah, you should just definitely get a divorce
right away. That's what it's.I mean, physical abuse has to be
one. That's that's number two,even though it's not in order, it's
just number okay. So I meanI presume are they also saying like verbal
abuse? They don't specify, butsee, to me, it should say
that, yeah, okay, oneout of one. I I mean,

lots of people stay together through infidelity, but there can be like like massive
betrayals that you'll never overcome. That'sno, okay, better than it's because
I know couples who've worked it out. No, And that's the thing.
What yeah, I mean my thoughtwith the massive betrayal is somebody who has

really lied to you and hidden thingsand isn't like owning it and coming forward.
That's a problem. What's going on? That's bad? I don't know.
You know, whatever makes you happy, Clint, that's not even in

here. Let me see. IMtrying to think of what is So if
they're a pedophile. It doesn't sayanything like that, but I'm sure that
could be a good reason. Giveme a hint. I know you're gonna

go, oh my god, yes, well I think anyway, I'm not
sure. So you're how do Igive you a hint? I don't know
how to. Okay. So,so they have a problem and an issue.
Oh well, like an addiction thing. Yep, you just go.
Yeah. So it says your spouseis an active addict and refuses to seek
help despite your repeated requests. Yeah, yes, yes, okay. Do

you agree with these two? Ofcourse? The third one, now,
this one's awfully broad, right,You and your spouse are providing an abysmal
example for your children of what amarriage is, and you're unable better despite
your best efforts. Ah, that'sgood. Yeah. No. The impact
on the children, yeah, andI have I've talked to adults that as

kids are like, yeah, parentsgot divorced. I go, what was
the impact on you? They're like, to be honest, it was nice
that they weren't fighting anymore. Becauseit was so awful. Yeah, and
they both in there like, andboth parents seemed happier afterwards. So yeah,
oh yeah, those are good.Okay, it's Legit says if you're
not dealing with one of these threesituations, divorce is not the first escape
route to consider. Depending on yoursituation, there are other paths for you

to examine first. Escaping and unhappymarriage isn't a quick and easy thing.
However, by understanding the true natureof your unhappiness first, you can make
the best decision about how to finallyfind the freedom and happiness you crave and
deserve. That's not bad, right, Okay, No, that's true.
Yeah, No, that's good.Okay, Okay, that's what I got.
So I you know it's a decentarticle. If that wasn't the clickbait

heading like title for it, Yeah, there was something else I'm trying to
see if I've got it here.Mmm? Wait, did you didn't your
son have his prom Oh my god? Okay did you see the video I
posted? No, A couple ofthings first. Let me let me this
on Facebook Instagram. Where's the video? I think it's on both, but

Instagram for sure. Clint August Radioin fact, you know what, anybody
listening give me a follow would you? And motorcycle Monkey, my god,
would you give me a follow on? And I'll also say doctor Jen's den
too. They're probably I'll following youalready because you're the smart one my handful
do. Yeah. So all right, so this past weekend, I okay,
this is something to you know what, This is great for the podcast.

And I'll explain why after I tellyou what I did this weekend because
I took yesterday off from the show. How often do you hear me saying
that, oh my gosh, whatyesterday was? Monday? Yep, let
me tell you I always feel guiltytaking time off. Plus now it's just
me and Sarah. Yeah, theshow's fine. Like I can do fine
without Sarah. She can do finewithout me. You did it, but
it's her son in the hospital.Yeah, so okay, always better together

in my opinion. So having saidthat, that's, you know, feeling
guilty about taking time off is notbecause she not fantastic. It's just because
it's me, the people pleaser andmaking sure, you know, I don't
want to keep rabbing all that,which, by the way, we get
time off. I don't know whyI feel that way, but what Yeah,
Okay, So Saturday, I wakeup, do the monkey shop,

and we immediately get ready to goand travel down to pick up a passenger
van that seats twelve people from AvisRentals. My buddy and I did this.
So the moms got together of theten kids right and said, look,
let's instead of getting a limo thatwould be two thousand dollars or more,

let's get a van. And whatif the dad's Jay and Clint drove
and just kind of had fun withthe kids doing it, not even have
fun, just drive them. Yeah, And so Jay and I start talking
about some shenanigans. You know whatif we get some airline pilot outfits from
Amazon and cheap ones and just belike, you know, Avis Airlines or

something. And he goes, dude, we're in So we do it.
Oh my gosh. And now weshow up with that, and then he
goes, wait a second, dude, I need to drive because I was
gonna drive originally the first way hewas gonna drive the back way on the
way back. Yeah, he goes, no, dude, he goes,
no, no, no, we'remissing your forte. I'm like, what
he goes, I need to drivethe entire time. I said, why,
He goes, because I have akaraoke machine that looks like roll on

luggage, like rolling luggage when youextend the handle, and it's got a
little disco ball and it actually hasa really good speaker. He goes,
why don't you entertain while we driveand just mess around? I go,
yep in oh my gosh. Buthere's the funny thing. In the van.
They dug it like, you know, welcome to Davia's air Lions.
We'll be arriving shortly. Please fastenyour seatbelts speaks in the upright position.

The kids loved it, but oncewe exited the van and they went to
Balboa Park to the garden to dotheir pictures. Yeah, before dinner.
There were hundreds of other kids aroundand parents. So I say to Jay,
why don't we take this out thereand let's have a little fun with
it. And he's like, dude, let's do it. Oh my god.
Now, I said to Christy,Gavin is going to approach you and

he's going to tell you at somepoint, Mom mcdad stop and I be
ready for it. She goes,Okay, whatever, it's fun. So
I get there with Jay. They'realready taking pictures, tons of other kids
and parents around, and we lightthe thing up and I go, what
did I say? Oh? Igo, I go Welcome twenty twenty four

prommers, Uh non stop for meslake on Amos Airlines. It is Stuscpa.
It's time for senior pictures in vogue. Let's start the music, and
so he does ac DC and thekids are I could tell they're just embarrass
while they're doing the pictures and allthe other parents and kids looking around like
what the fuck. So that's whenmy wife comes up to me. Five

minutes later goes, honey, Yeah, Gavin came up and said, mom,
mcdad stop us old Julie, andthese are theater kids. So I
didn't think I could embarrass him easily. So we respected that and we stopped.
Yeah, it's fair because it's theirthing, not your thing. Yes,
So we walked them to dinner.We waited for them to have dinner
while we had dinner and dinner thereal nice place. Wow nice, they

went all out. But anyway,so now we come back with the van,
step stool and all like literally escorting, you know, helping them in
and out of the van, openingthe door for them, and so we
got them down to Prom then wehad another place to go and hang out,
you know, because we were takingthem home. Yeah. So overall
it was a very fun night.But here's what's funny. The next morning,
as we're getting ready to go seemy other son in Hollywood in a

play atformance of rent, which wasfunny. Oh wait, let me tell
you about that. So the nextmorning, as we're getting ready, my
wife, because I forgot to tellyou, she goes right after Gavin said,
oh my god, mom, makedad stop. I go yeah,
she goes. This dad walked upand he says to me and Maylanie that's
my wife and Maylani, Jay's daughter'swife. Oh do you guys hire these

guys? Where'd you get them?Are they like a like an entertainment limo
service? What's going on here?And she right the look on your face.
I said to Jay, we needto do this, oh my god,
because people would pay. And soso they go, No, these
are dads and our husbands of thesechildren. And he goes, oh my
god, that makes it even better. That is awesome. I was talking

to Jay about it like dude,we could do this as a business man,
and uh, well, part ofwhat you're doing is you're you know,
the safety of the hits also becauseyou're getting them home, you're taking
them around, but they don't haveto be with their parents. But yeah,
so you know, I don't knowwhat it would be worth, like
if you're going to pay two thousanddollars for a limo plus tip, right,

the van was two hundred dollars withinsurance for okay hours not just five
or six hours? Oh wow,Okay, we'd have to make them understand,
you know that, Like we coulddo maybe six hours because we were
literally gone doing all this from twelvefifteen pm and we did not get home
until midnight. Yeah, that's atwelve hour day to pay guys. Yeah,

decent. Otherwise, plus that rightwould probably cost you three thousand dollars
before it's even worth it to us. But yeah, but if it's just
dinner then prom and home and onelocation to pick him up, and let's
say it's you know, six hours, yeah okay for two grand? Yeah,
you know, because then two hundredfor the rental and he and I
could make you know, a goodseven hundred bucks each I would totally do

that. That's fun. Oh howneat? Oh my god, I love
it. And then on Sunday weget up wait wait till how Yeah.
How was the problem though? ForGavin? Well, I'll be honest.
His girlfriend was not there. She'sin she's in Stanford and she could not
make it. Oh no, wellhe's going to see her in a couple
of days to go fly out andsee her. We're taking into the airport.

She just couldn't make it. She'sgot too much going on. So
it was a little bit of abummer. But he he said, I
had a good night. I lovehanging out with my friends. He goes,
but prom itself was just a littleboring, and I go, she's
not there. Yeah, it's alittle we just, you know, we
ate a little. He goes,but you know, and I go,
I get it, I get it. I go, well, I just
hope you had some kind of agood time. And I'm sorry I embarrassed
you, but I thought it wouldbe fun. He goes, you know,

Dad, he smiled. He goes, it's okay. Oh, I
know, later on in life,I guarantee you, doctor Jen he is
going to have a story to tellyeah, oh, that's gonna be super
memorable, Like no one else hasthat experience at their prom. And that's
why Jay and I wanted to dothat. We really yeah. When he
got embarrassed, we stopped, youknow, so well. At the end
of the night though, when theywere finishing prom I did get out with

the speaker and I made it reallymellow. I just go, I put
the step down, I go,all right, prommers, your pilots are
tired, get in the van.That's all. I started laughing. Oh
that's neat. What was their like, what was their prom song? Do
you know? Know? To behonest, because we weren't in there.
We we yeah, just curious.But it was at the Grant downtown.

I gotta tell you it doesn't getmuch money. Whoa, holy cow,
I think, I'm like, whoa, Oh that is not how we Ours
was? Where was ours? Ourswas at? Oh? No, ours
was at Ours was nice? Ourswas in a hotel in Mahoya. But
the reception afterwards was just us takingthe limo to the beach and you know,

trying to get action and failing.But you know how that goes,
good Lord, but Sunday, doctorJen, Yes, so I go up
to my son goes to Anda.For anybody who's just joining the podcast,
I'm sure most of you know ifyou listen all the time. It's in
Hollywood, literally a stone's throw fromCapitol Records. But my son is a
sophomore at Anda Academy of Music andDramatic Arts. He got one of the

main two characters, which is Mark. He's the only non gay character in
the play. I shouldn't say thathe His interpretation is that Mark is possibly
bisexual. That's what helped him inthe process to relate into yes, but
it is not addressed, nor doeshe have HIV or AIDS, which all
the characters do, if not allmost. And he along with his cohorts,

the other actors in the college,you know, some seniors, some
sophomores, juniors, freshman whatever.They did such a phenomenal job of this
performance and the oh man, I'mtelling you, and the music, all
of the musicians from the college,and even the venue was great in the
heart of Hollywood, and small venuewas not even originally intended to be a

theater space, but they turned itinto one and did a great job with
it. And you know, wegot up there in the morning, we
took him to the Breakfast Club,which is a really we went there once
before, a super cool restaurant thathas a bunch of breakfast cereal, you
know, covers as part of thetheme and a bit pricey, but really
really good food and a great place, and the food server, the waiter

turned out to be a super cooldude. Well, when we were talking
about Rent, he saw Rent inthe program that we grabbed. I'm sorry,
his playbook, which you know hehad to turn in that day.
Guy goes, hey, one ofyou guys in this and he goes,
yeah me, He goes, I'mMark. He goes, you kidding me?
He goes, no, He goes, man, I'm a producer.
I'm this. I'm that. Hegoes, I only do this on Sundays.
And he goes, and I've actuallygot a film festival thing going on.

I'm trying to get through that rightnow, he goes, But he
goes, there's a part after Dylanstood up. He goes, you'd be
the perfect and I forget Hector orsomething. Now there's no guarantee, and
right obviously he's not. I mean, and this is this is what Hollywood
is like, exactly ninety five percentbluster and promise and very little follow through.
Right, But all he said was, you know, no promises.

He goes, but I'm going totell you. He goes, I would
love to contact you about this possiblepart once I get through this. That's
awesome and you never know, youknow, how it goes. So he
was honest. Yeah, but welooked him up on Instagram, followed and
me followed us, and he andhe followed through with a reply when I
said, hey, it's Clint,the dad of Dylan and Gavin, because
I made sure to mention, hey, this guy over here is also going
to Fullert and he goes, oh, you're an actor too. Yeah,

so what he said was, look, let's follow each other. He goes,
I think I have you in mindfor this part. He goes,
not one hundred percent that it's gonnahappen. Yeah, he goes, but
it's my next project after the filmfestival has done in a couple of weeks.
Hey, that's so. Then wego walking around and we're just you
know, we're in a coffee shopand this black and white, one black,

one white unicorn inflatable unicorns came upand walked into this coffee shop.
Yes, this is Hollywood. Anotherlook you're giving me. Wait, wait,
what do you mean in like peopleare carrying inflatable uniforms or dress as
these blow up unicorn outfits. Really, what does that mean? Well,
you've seen these costumes right where there'sa little built in fan and it blows

it up around you when you're isthat well, like the t Rex costumes
are that they should t rexes havingsnowball fights and falling over. Yes,
it is the best fricking videos.So they walk up into the coffee shop
and as they're walking through, Ilook at my wife and I go check
this out. Only in Hollywood.So they're in there and they order their
drink and they're trying to get somethingcool, you know. Before they come

back outside on Hollywood Boulevard and theysaw me filming with my phone. So
the girl who was filming them comesup and says, hey, do you
mind being in the video? Isaid, hey, not at all.
I got it right here on video. She's like, okay. Well,
found out that they have on Marchon May fifteenth, they have an album
coming out. They're a band andthey just just try to promote in a

funny way and do a video.Oh my god, they interviewed us,
We interviewed them. It was great. And then as we're walking for my
son to go into the theater space, I see, for the third time
being up in Hollywood at the placeI really wanted to check out because I'm
a Bourbon guide. It's the BourbonRoom. So my wife goes, you
know, why don't you take aminute and go up there since the doors

are open. The last time wewere here, they weren't just going yeah,
okay. So I walk up there. I go inside this really cool
place which I didn't even know inthe back at a pretty good sized theater
for performances. Oh stairs, andI'm I'm like, what the hell?
And this guy I learned in aminute his name is Scott Walks. Hey
can I help you? I said, Oh, man, I just you
know, I'm a bourbon guy.I just want to see this place.

I've been here a few times andyou were closed. And he goes,
well, actually we're closed now,but since you're a bourbon guy, and
we had a short conversation, hegoes, I'll show you around. I'm
like, oh my god, thankyou. He picks me into a room
where you know, where they sitand have drinks, and then there's the
bar, and then there's the performanceroom. And they were filming Netflix as
a joke, and that's an ongoingcomedy series. He goes, now truthfully,

goes, some of this may neverget shown. He goes, but
they are. He goes, we'rein between it. So I just figured
i'd show you around. And Igo, man, my son goes to
Anda. He's in rent down thestreet. I said, so, man,
I just wanted to see this place, because now that you show me
those performances, it's pretty cool.He goes, your kid goes to Amba
and I go, yeah. Hegoes, oh, he goes, come
here, introduces me to two kidsthat go to Amada and he goes and

I go, oh, that's funny. And he goes, and two of
the people that are that are inrent our work here as well from Amdam.
I go, well, who arethey? And I forget the name
of the other character. Yeah itwas the other lead. Oh shut up.
So I said, man, I'dlove for my kid to work here.
He's gonna need a job soon.He goes, dude, have him
talked to me and go downstairs.My son happens to walk by again going

back to the theater to get ready, I go, hey, I just
talked to Scott upstairs. I guesshe runs or owns the place. He
goes, yeah, I've heard thename from so and so in the play,
and he goes, yeah, andhe's actually gonna try to get me
a job there. So because ofthat, when I went and told the
other guy, hey, man,it's pretty cool, I went by the
bourbon room. Yeah, dude.He ended up talking to Dylan the next
day and going, hey, bro, I just got promoted. I think

I can get you a job there. He's like, what like now he
goes yeah, he goes, ifyou're serious, I want it. Yay,
my gosh, I know. Doesit okay? So, cause you
and I have some similarities in ourwork, does it make you feel like
you should be living in LA andnot saying diego no, here's why?

Well, if I could get ifI could work in LA and get enough
money to deal with that traffic andthat lifestyle and a lot, so that
is I mean, that's the thing, because otherwise, right, we both
should be in LA frankly, butit's just a lifestyle that neither of us
want well, and I don't know. I think the traffic and the vibe.
Yeah, well, but there's somuch opportunity there that we don't have

in San Diego. Well, so, so there's part of that. And
I mean it's also you know,saturated market. Well yeah. And I
even said to a friend of minethe other day, I said, you
know, I still want to continuein radio because I love it, but
I'd love to get back into TVlike I used to. Yeah, and
I forget who it was, buthe actually knows producers of place things in
San Diego and goes, well,dude, let me work on that.
Then I'm like, welly, aslong as I can keep my radio job.

Yeah, he goes, yeah,I'm going to talk to somebody.
So, dud, dude, seeif you can get a show for the
two of us that we have,like real conversations with people. If I
could do a lifestyle show like wedid before and I combined with the these
conversations, like the style in aartbat, that would be so cool to
do that in San Diego. Thatwould be awesome. Yeah with you,

Yeah, that'd be a lot offun. But anyway, so, oh
my god, I just thought ofsomething as we're doing this podcast. Why
did I not think of this?Okay, you and I need to talk
about the lifestyle type show. Yeah, I completely forgot. Well I didn't
forget, but I didn't think aboutit in this capacity. I do not

know if the offer still stands.But my buddy, who just moved into
a brand new production and a stagestudio in North County has told me before
anytime you need, if this timeis available, you can use my studio
and Doctor Jen this studio is nojoke like almost Tonight Show esque. He's

really gone big with this night.Well what's he using it for? Oh
silly? And little time me onthe air with Sully and Little Tommy.
Have you seen their show? Yes, last week? It is a very
nice studio. Oh but I justdon't know if the offer still stands,
And if it does, what doesthat mean? Right? Well, we
have to have we really do haveto have proper content to make it worth

it for us to even embark onthis. Yeah, for sure. What
I mean by that is even sponsorsin place, people are willing to give
it, and we have to havea place to actually that it lives.
Like, where are we going?To show it. Does that mean right?
Well no, and that's the thingwe need somebody. Yeah, it
needs to be pitched like we needa producer in station who's behind it and

wants to champion it. So butanyway, okay, is your alarm going
off soon? I just want topay attention to our time, not just
that it's it's we only have fourminutes left anyway, because of your zoom
timer, I realized, if you'relistening, this was ninety percent me on
this podcast. I apologize, butI just realized I've done all the talking
so well it was. I wantedto hear about the prom story, and

then you had quite an interesting LAstory, So I like it got something.
I want to tell you something.I can't ignore the fact, and
I think I glazed over it.Rent is such a rollercoaster of emotions.
Yeah, almost lost it a coupleof times, because it does for anybody
who doesn't know deal with a timein New York when these homeless people needed

a place to stay. The buildingwas their home, but they were they
were being evicted, not evicted,being evicted not evicted, and dealing with
HIV and taking AZT. Yeah,losing friends. It is absolutely gut wrenching
in moments, you laugh in othersif you've not seen it and you like
serious theater, Holy pardon me,shit, Rent is a shod. It

was my first ever Broadway play thatI saw. That you saw, No
I saw, No, no,no, I wasn't in it. No
no, no, that I sawwhen I was in New York. Yeah,
Oh you saw the real deal?Wow? Yeah, I mean it
had been around for a while already, but I don't even know when it
started. But I saw it inninety eight. Maybe, oh, you

saw it long ago ninety nine.Yeah, Because I was in grad school
in Albany, New York, andI briefly dated. I was twenty nine,
so I could calculate the year bythen, and I was briefly dating
like a nineteen year old. Wellfor anybody who doesn't know, wait a
minute, were you a cougar?Wait? How old were you? Wait?
Was he nineteen? No? Maybehe was twenty, I don't know.

There was two different guys that werelike ten years younger than me that
I briefly dated, and one ofthem was going to NYU. He was
in there, like theater thing there. I did him for like a month
or something and we went down andwe went to Rent and we had like
done like the rush seats, sowe got him for super cheap last minute
and we were like second Row Center. I love that. Oh it was

so amazing. I was like,oh, this whole Broadway because I don't
even like musical and I was like, Oh, this shit's amazing. This
was incredible. Well, and foranybody who doesn't know, by the way,
Jonathan Larson actually wrote Rent and ticktick Boom. If you haven't seen
Tick tick Boom with Andrew Garfield onstreaming Doctor Jen it's a musical. I
am not a big musical guy unlessit's live with my kids. I love

that. I watched it two orthree times. But Jonathan Larson wrote Rent
wrote tick tick Boom. Ah.The night before they were doing the preview
of this coming out Rent back inthe day, he had an aneurysm and
died, Oh did you didn't knowthis? No, I don't know any
of this. Oh yeah. Sohe never even got to see this in

its reality and what it's become today, and that is also part of why
it's so popular as well. Youknow, that's interesting, a great production,
but a guy, ye heart andsoul into this. Yeah, seriously,
I just calculated my head. Mytiming was it was two thousand and
two that I would have seen it. So but so it was twenty two
years ago. Wait, so yousaw this win in nineteen ninety one.

No, that's what I'm saying.It was two thousand and two that I
saw it. Okay, it doesn'teven matter. I think this came out
in ninety six. You saw itin its a day. I don't mean
it Broadway. That's big enough.I mean you, I think in its
first or second run. Okay,Yeah, it was goo yeah, and
I was you know, and Iwas doing sexual health education and uh yeah,

so I mean it was super powerfulto me. And my dissertation was
on HIV prevention programs, including inNew York City. So yeah, I
mean it was very personal to mywork and path. Also, Hey,
we're about our times, about toget cut off. Yep, we'll good
talking you. I know we're gonnaskip next week. We'll get back together
after this. Yes, good luckwith may ride. Thank you. Doctor
didn't have a safe trip, Okay,

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