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July 2, 2024 โ€ข 44 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Coast, one of three point fivetough stories top the hour. Good morning,
I'm Ellen ka here on your Tuesday, July second, and the US
Justice Department is set to criminally chargeBoeing over two plane crashes, one in
twenty eighteen one in twenty nineteen.The DOJ has offered the aviation company one
week to either plead guilty or facea trial by jury. The fine print

here Boeing agreed to improve their manufacturingprocess, a move that would have helped
them avoid prosecution. Officials, though, say they have not held up that
end of the bargain. And onthe heels of that news, here's this.
Forty people injured on a Boeing madeplane yesterday on Air Europe, a
flight from Spain to Uruguay. Theairline says it was caused by severe turbulence.

And there's something brewing. There's backlashover ESPN's decision to give Prince Harry
the annual Pat Tillman Award, andit's being led by Pat's mom, Mary.
Harry has served in the British Army, doing two tours in Afghanistan.
But Mary Tillman, who wasn't consulted, says Prince Harry is way less deserving
than some American heroes. I amshocked as to why they would select such

a controversial and divisive individual saying othersare far more fitting who don't have money,
resources, connections, or privilege.Yes, stay tuned, there is
more on that. And as picka ball already out across the Southland,
a new report from the La Timessaid that the sport of the day is
being replaced by bachi ball. Theirheadline reads and I quote, move over

pick a ball. Bachi reigns supreme. Do you Bachi? Eight hundred ninety
nine kost? My husband and hisbrother do do you do you Bachi?
Again? Call us eight hundred ninettwo nine kost the NLS first place Dodgers.
That sounds so good to say that. Our back home tonight at the
Ravine seven to ten, first pitchon our sister station AM five to seventy

LA Sports stream the game and HDon the free iHeartRadio app live from the
Galpin Motors Broadcast booth, and atoasty Tuesday on Tap tempts to let's see
tipping up to our triple digits.We are not cooling down either. We'll
get to one hundred three by Saturday. And right now it is sixteen Burbank,
Kost, Los Angeles Coast, oneof three point five. We are

powered by Celsia's Energy Drinks. Someone'sgonna win their weaningan to new kids.
This the L and K Morning Showon Coast one oh three point five,
and we come to you live fromBurbank, I Heart Media Headquarters, West
Coast where the l K Morning Show. It's Coast one oh three point five.

Thanks for waking it up with us. It's fourth of July week.
Here we are on Tuesday. Buyerworks are illegal everywhere in La County,
no questions, no reasoning. Youget caught with them, you find some
of the fines are huge, chipto thirty thousand dollars. You know,
it's crazy, like thinking about thedifferent laws across the country. I was

just in northwest Indiana. They sellthem at gas stations. I mean they're
just there. Hey, you canget them everywhere, just can't transport them
and I think not over state lineseither. Nope. Yeah, Well,
we're happy to be here with youall morning long. If you do want
to blow up fireworks, the cityof Chino allows it. What if you

drive down any street in Chino,it is you're gonna get a fireworks show.
Wait is yeah, it's the oneof the only cities around us that
allows you to blow up fireworks.Do I like the way Darlene says,
blow them up? And by theway, I am Ellen Queen darth nic

Pouliochini coming up with you on traffic, just ahead and get you through your
day. So we like to do. We have a big fire alarm today,
So after the show could happen,but any moment and we have to
go. If we don't go onthe fire drill, then the entire floor

is fined. My heart will befined. I was just at my doctor
having my annual and so that's whatmy mom used to call her lady checkup.
Were there stirrups involved? Yes,yeah, yeah, yeah. The
lady checkup is everything. It's you. You give your blood work, you
give your you know your mammogram,you do all your your lady stuff,

you do your your lady parts gettingchecked. Yeah, and involves the stirrups.
Yes, right, And so Iwas in the stirrups getting my lady
parts checked and the fire drill wentoff. The fire Oh wait, while
this was happening. Yeah, mydoctor said we have to go or I
get fine. What did you do? The fire marshal will come to every

office in this entire building, whichis eleven floors. We were on the
seventh floor. She said, youhave to go now. Okay, So
I got up out of the stirrupsand I got dressed as fast as I
could, and I went down theside staircase with everyone else. We waited
twenty minutes before we go back inthe building, and we didn't need to
resume the stirrups because we were justfinished. How's that for timing? Good

job. I will not be instirrups when our fire alarm goes off today.
I hope you will. You neverknow it's in some of these offices
here at iHeart. There's all kindsof things happening. So yeah, so
we have that fire drill today.What are the hours they gave us?
Nine to all. It's like oneof those things where it's like a like

a repair, so it's like tento two. Oh, it is four
hour windows. Okay, well wehave to go. That's what we have
to do, all right, andgive us a call. Do you play
Botchi ball? It's your place.Pick a ball. I love Bochi ball.
I don't it is fun. Ifind it confusing, Like, how
do you know what your points are? See? Nobody knows. No,

I'm telling you. I'm telling you. People will be like, oh,
I play it all the time,and I say, how do you play
it? I have no idea.We played it on the Loyola High School
retreat and they're like, oh,look, father, Greg's winning. I'm
like, you don't know that hegets the balls out, but you don't
know how many points you get.So it's the it's the new sport.
My Yeah, my husband plays.Bought you because his grandpa, his grandpa

played, so he brought it,you know, brought the love of it
over from Italy. All right,okay, let's go Inside Entertainment next.
It is the most watched show onHulu and the history of ever will tell
you what that is. And MichaelJackson passed away leaving five hundred million dollars
in debt. You'll find out morenext Coast one O three point five Inside

Entertainment with Llen k It is thefar Season three Hulu's the biggest non or
scripted I should say show that they'veever, ever, ever had so over
five million people so far. Also, Michael Jackson had a debt of over
five hundred million dollars at the timeof his death in two thousand and nine.
He owed a staggering amount to morethan sixty five different you know,

creditors, debtors, and even withthe sale of his music catalog, still
needs to dig out of that whoothat hole. What about this? Jamie
Fox said that he took an advilfor a bad headache and then he was
gone for twenty days. He doesn'tremember anything. The exact cause of his
ownless remains unknown. Fox revealed hewas initially given a courtizone shot. Thankfully,
a second doctor identified the issue asbeing something in his head. So

that was such a scary time talking. Yeah, no information and American Idol
on these to replace Katy Perry,who walked away as a judge after seven
seasons. Luke Bryan said that severalpop stars have been in talks, Megan
Traynor, Pink, Miley Cyrus,and Miley seems to be the front leader
so far. Paris Hilton went tocongress. She went to a congressional hearing.

She wanted to talk about some ofthese youth tough love programs that she
was placed in when she was,you know, misbehaving in her teens.
But listened to her voice change.She was just talking at the mic,
and then something dramatic happened. Ilove your jacket, the sparkles arm I
had a little bling here for today. Yes, I wanted to find out

who made it later. But Ithink the most important thing is they need
access to therapy, counseling. Whoaright what I've talked to you in person
several times show he sounds like thefirst Paris, Yes, not the second
pair. It was like halfway throughthat was fifteen seconds. You changed seven
seconds in the llen k Morning Showcase, this is Allen Yeah, you guys

is the best. My morning postone O three point five, Happy Summertime,
Happy Tuesday, and Happy Magic SummerTour for New Kids on the Block.
We have a pair of tickets foryou right now. It's not just
New Kids on the Block, it'salso Paula Abduel, It's DJ Jazzy Jeff,
It's you. Tickets on sale ticketmasterdot com. But win yours eight

hundred and nine two nine Kost goesto Color to the l n K Morning
Show on Coast one o three pointfive. Hey, good morning, Hi
bye, Hello, what's your name? My name is Vicky Nick VICKI.
And it sounds like you're in yourcar. I am, but I'm parked
with the Starbucks, so I'm saying, oh, okay, what's your order?

White egg bite? Oh? Thoseare so good, so good the
egg bites? Are you going todo a drink? Also a Grande Vanilla's
chat? Okay, there you go. You know how to do it good.
Yeah, you also know how tobe colored twenty. You're going to
New Kids on the Block this Friday. My roommate already had freak pick up.

No really, so you get togo with her just like that.
She will be so excited that I'mgoing to It's double the fun. That's
awesome. Thank you. Half ofthose and stream the LNK Morning Show on
the iHeartRadio app Coast one oh threepoint five. I'm in love with the

shape of you. And if yourhappiness haack for life this time, every
single day, we'd give you ahappiness haack for life, just those things
in life that you need to knowthat make you happy. And this one's
all about behaving. So we havea beehype that came back. They just
like our kind of corner of ourhouse. We humanly removed them. Last

year the beekeeper came took the entirenest away and then use some kind of
organic spray that would only send thebees away, keep them away. But
now they're back, so the beeguy's going to come back out again and
see what he can do. Inthe meantime, he said, after they're
gone, buy a wasp nest.And this is it. So you get

these on Amazon. It's fifteen dollarsfor four and these signify that the bees
or wasps can't come back because theythink someone already is there. Wait,
is this a show and tell?This is a show and tell, show

and tell. I know, lookat that thing. So this signifies to
the queen, who's also the scout, that we already live here. You
better stay away, this is ourneighborhood. And then they won't build there.
So I had no idea. Soif you're struggling with any bees or
wasps, just get these on Amazon, your four pack. They're made of
paper. It looks like a littlepaper lantern. Yeah, they're kind of

cute. Yeah, it's cool andthen you can hang it. It came
with a little ribbon. Yeah.And then the wasps think that someone's there,
lives there. Yeah yeah, sothey move on. Yeahs be gone.
How about that? Yeah? Ilove that. Coast one oh three
point five. Catch the llen KMorning Show on demand on the free iHeartRadio
app. All right, we gota lot of calls about our happiness hack

for life, the wasp nest decoy, that's what it's called. So if
you're looking forward on Amazon saswanse foback fifteen dollars. We hope you don't
have that many bees and wahs,but we'll post that for you on our
blog at Coast one of three fivedot com. The LLENK Morning Show on
Coast one oh three point five,we take you live now to Chatsworth.

There is a bear in a stripmall who has been a little bit cornered.
He's scared, he's tagged and collared. This is a California black bear.
Fish and Wildlife have been called tothe scene, but he just crawled
over a fence. We'll take youto the play by play. He's kind
of trapped. He got into thissituation. We don't know if it was
if the gates were open when hefirst scaled a tree, or if he

climbed up a tree and then camedown on the other side of the fence.
But he is clearly somewhat trapped rightnow. He seems a bit frantic.
Again, this is a breaking storyin Chatsworth, So if you are
driving in and around there you seepolice activity. That is what it is.
And like we said, fish andwildlife authorities have known about this for
about an hour and they are onit. Speaking of Bear's hurricane Barrel just

became the first Category five storm toever form in the Atlantic Ocean in the
month of June, and now herein July, She's a beast. Barrel
made landfall yesterday in Grenada, aCaribbean island near Saint Vincent and Martinique.
Sadly, officials on the island sayeverything there has been completely flattened. A
Barrel turned from a tropical depression toa full on hurricane in less than two
days, something that has never happenedbefore. All right, and what about

this if you are camping the weekof this fourth weekend, a new treat
that might tickle your fancy Somemor's Cupof Noodles. The company calls it a
quote unmistakable blend of decadent marshmallow,chocolate and Graham cracker in soup form.
The limited time offering is available onlyat Walmart. Might be something fun to
take on your camping trip. Andwe do have a toasty Tuesday on tap
four. You we are not coolingdown. We get to one hundred and
three by Saturday, so we're heatingas we go. Silmar ninety five for

your high See Valley, You seeninety. It is seventy in Burbank Kost,
Los Angeles running Celsius Energy drink.It's Coast one o three point five
and someone is going to pink atDodger Stadium this hour. You're llen k
Q and a just ahead the LNKMorning Show on Coast one oh three point

five. A bear is on theloose Chatsworth, so the police are being
amazing about it. They're keeping allthe streets around this strip mall closed.
There are a lot of looky looswho are on the other side of a
fence, but they have this bear. A little bit frantic and a little
bit trapped. I don't bad forwhom he's got a tag in each ear
and a collar on his neck,so they know who he is. He

just needs to get back to wherehe lives. Yeah, Wayward just hungry,
all right, So we'll keep youposted on that. But if you
do see police activity, just knowthere's a bear on the loose in Chatsworth,
not really loose, but kind ofcornered. Right now, and we're
just talking about pickleball. Do youplay? Are you? You know I've

never played? You you have?Yeah? Right, I played? We
had it. We had a goodtime, Darve, you've pickled? Yes,
there's courts by our house and ourgroup of friends is starting to try
to do it more normal. Itis fun. It's like ping pong and
tennis. Yeah, I love that. I see a lot of people when
I walk Penny in Glendora. There'sa Finkbiner Park and they have they've just
built like a brand new expansion ofpickleball courts. Yeah. It's every always

full too, always always. Wehave to wait to play, Yeah,
and then some people don't. Theydon't they cheat on the waiting list like
they they they're supposed to have.You're supposed to have a fifteen minute limit.
The place where we would go,these people would play and they'd keep
going for forty five minutes for anhour, and I'm like, fifteen isn't
long enough, Like like give usan hour anyway, Mohammed, you're an

avid player, so it's amazing,you know. I you know, you
know, kind of a group inwould work and we always got to kind
of say, hey, you know, let's do pickleball. I never really
got into it, but it's onetime we're doing a team building exercise and
we spent like three four hours doingit, and I loved it. I

used to be a tennis player backin high school in college, and I
reminded me of that time. I'mfifty five years old. It's a good
thing for me. Yeah, it'sso active. I mean, it's so
fast moving and fun. And Ihear that it's it's less about the pickleball
as it is your group you playwith. It is absolutely. Absolutely there's
a lot of camaraderie and at leastyou don't get embarrassed so much. We

just discovered that our boss Jill isan avid pickleball player, same thing.
She kind of got into it throughfriends and loves it and then this morning
Ryan told us that Baci ball isthe new pickleball. Yeah, it's it's
the hot up and coming thing Bachieball. Nice. Yeah, we know.

I sit here on the hoa atpart of my community, and one
of the things that we're going todo on July seventeen is both to build
a court because so many people wantedYeah, yeah, yeah everywhere. So
do you have existing tennis courts?We don't. Actually, it's a brand
you've kind of you know, we'vebeen in this year community. It's a

new community. We have parts,but we haven't done any courts. I
think this is going to be thefirst one we do. All right,
Mohammed, that sounds great. SeeMohammed, you're changing your world for the
better. Thank you. Host oneof three point five Inside Entertainment with Lan
k Man, The estate of MatthewPerry will be divided between family members.

As an ex girlfriend, his personalaccounts total million and a half dollars,
plus a living trust created at theend of The Friend's TV series worth more
than one hundred and twenty million dollars. So the beneficiaries identified in Perry's unsealed
will are his father and mother,a half sister and his ex girlfriend Rachel.
He did not own property. Perrydied in the hot tub of a

Beverly Hills mansion that he was rentingfor forty nine thousand dollars per month.
Those details just out this morning.And What to Stream Clipped on Hulu Limited
Series finale is happening. I don'tknow if you've gotten into it yet.
It's the story of the Clippers withDonald Sterling is so dramatic. It's so
good. Darn and I have beenwatching it. Ryan, You've got to
get in on it. It's shockingwhat Shelley Sterling allowed in her marriage.

It is and turn her back onand pretended nothing to see her. She
knew what Donald was doing. Whatwas he doing? Okay, I mean
with what a mistress? And hewas buying her everything, including a Ferrari
convertible and apartment homes like he itwas his assistant. But they were pretty

much in love. Yeah so,but his wife knew, oh yeah yeah.
She kicked him out of the Malibuhome and he lived in the Beverly
Hills home. They lived separately.They never did. They're still by the
way, wait ninety I'm still married. They're still married and he is ninety.
They were going to divorce in twentyfifteen. They reconciled by twenty sixteen.
So yeah, I know no becauseI'm obsessed with Cliffed on Hulu and

I had to read all about it. So I'm Donald ninety and he was
also diagnosed about ten years ago withearly onset Alzheimer's, so I don't know
what his health state is right now, but Shelley is right there by his
side. Yeah, We've got pinkfor you Dodger Stadium coming up. How
great is pink at Dodger Stadium?A big stage for a big superstar.

So we're going to send you withthe Ellen KQ and A coming up and
just a little bit pink bearing itall always vulnerable. Vulnerability means the ability
to be wounded. I have decidedto make vulnerability in my life's work.
And for those of you around theworld that have joined me on this adventure,
I thank you from the bottom ofmy heart. I'm grateful to be

alive. I'm grateful that I getto do this with my one precious life,
and we are grateful to give hertwo Yeah, coming up, the
Only KQ and a don't miss itto win your way in the llen K
Morning Show on Coast one oh threepoint five. Men, it's your Olin
KQ and A and guys, don'tever wear these if you want a second
date, do not ever wear these. If you want a second date,

what do you think it is?It's your question. It's your llen KQ
and A for Pinka Dodger Stadium.She just puts on such a great show.
We want to send you there,so do not ever wear these if
you want a second date. It'seight one hundred ninety two nine kost.
We're gonna get your guesses next timepost one oh three point five the llen
K Morning Show. Follow us atCoast one o three five dot com.

These are amazing guesses, so guys, don't ever wear these if you want
a second date. It's also publicservice. I think flip flops, which
I wouldn't mind depending on the date. Right shorts or tank tops all great
guys guesses, but not the rightanswer. More of your guess is coming

up for your l and KQ andA Pinket Dodger Stadium. Get your guesses
next. It's the l and kQ and A on Coast one oh three
point five. Let's good Irvine.Hi, Anna of Irvine? How are
you? I'm doing great this one? And how are you? Guys?
We're great. Do you live andwork in Irvine? I do, yes.

Irvine wins every single Southern California wordbest place for families, cleanest place,
most fun place, best rest.I mean it just goes on shopping,
walkability, the whole deal. Itdoes hit a lot, but just
the streets closed up pretty early.I'm an LA gal who moved down here
so I can use some lives music. Let's a good place to live.
Okay, did you hear that?Anna's dis ir resistor out? Well?

Anna, what's your guest? Sodon't ever wear these? If you're a
guy and you want a second date. Well, initially I was going to
go across, but then I touchedmy mind and went with suspenders. Suspenders?
Have you ever? I don't eversee guys wearing suspenders unless it's a
wedding and it's under tuxedo. SometimesI will see them and I just think

pretentious. Oh the dapper dans atDisney wear suspenders and they're cute. Well
they're performing. Yeah, that's differentexactly, all right? You like suspenders,
aren't you right? I don't know. I don't feature you and bike
shorts cross or suspenders? No suspenders, really interesting original guests And it's not

the right answer. Alright, allright you too, Hey Jamie, how's
it going? It's it's going.I'm sure you want to go to pink
and Dodger Stadium? What's your guests? The same shirt? Never wear the
same shirt or or the same shot. Oh oh okay, Like, don't

be a repeat offender if you're goingon Ryan, Why do you say it
like that? Well, because Ihave like four shirts, we need to
get you more shirts. Good guess, Jamie, is not the right answer,
so sorry, Oh no, tryagain, so much. Victoria's in
Pomona High Victoria. Thanks for havingus on at work. Where do you

work? Hi? I work atPomona, Just at Pomona, Yes,
all right, okay, I don'twant to say I don't want to get
in trouble, gotcha? Okay,Well, thank you for having us on
secretly at work. What is yourguest? Don't ever wear these? If
you're a guy and you want asecond date, I would say some soft

and silky underwear. Silky underwear,you know there are a lot of underwear
brands now that make super soft fabric. Oh boxers, okay, well,
silk boxers, and you are right, you're going to paint I love her,

I love her? Have you,guys, Ellen Darr Victoria ever encountered
a man wearing silk under No?No, wow, all three of you
right away? Yeah? Ryan?Are you? Are you okay? All
right? All right? Calvin sleepsand boxers, he says, are super
comfortable. No silk though, Yesyou guys. I'm so excited. I'm

so excited. I love love,love, love, love love pink love.
Yes, so do we. We'reexcited that you got it right.
Don't ever wear silk boxers if youwant a second date. Ninety five percent
of at least women are turned offby silk boxers, So don't do it.
That data is seeing your boxers onthe first date. I was just
gonna say, what is that underthere? It's your underwear. We just

learned on the Ellen KQ and Aand that, guys, if you wear
silk boxers, not goett to getthe same reception as if you wouldn't wear
them. All right, if youwant a second date, don't do it.
That was your llen KQ and afor Pinket Diger Stadium now coming up.
Twenty five percent of us say we'veactually never eaten this. It's shocking,

I'll tell you that. Also,the latest un Boeing really struggling some
lawsuits and stuff, and that iscoming up next with your top stories here
on Coast one of three point five, and it is Coast one on three
point five Top Stories Top of thehour. Good morning of ellen k And
there is still that bear loose inChatsworth. He is tagged, he's collared.

He just got into a fenced inarea and now cannot figure out how
to get out. Tim Daly iswith Fish and Wildlife. He is on
the scene. He says that thisbear is not an attack danger. Something
like that might happen if a bearfelt that it was boxed into a corner
and it's only escape ri if waspast someone, it might take a squat
at some of the bears. Thesebears don't attack humans generally. It's very

rare, all right. Is TimDaily there trying to figure out the best
way to get the bear back towhere he lives, all right, And
speaking of animals, would about agood boy beacon the goodest Boy at the
US Gymnastics Olympic Trials this week.Beacon is a therapy dog whose job is
to help distress the athletes, allthe athletes saying it really works. Golden
retriever Beacon just loves to just laydown in the middle of all of them

and get all of the pets andlove. And one in four of us
say that we have actually never eatena vegetable, And of those who do
eat vegetables, the average person onlyincludes veggies and a third of their total
meals. Our top favorite vegetables numberthree, carrots, number two, potatoes,
number one, corn, and yeah, so twenty five percent find veggies

take too long to prepare and wedon't know how to cook them properly.
So that's statistic just in if you'venever eaten vegetables, you know, give
one a try. I guess aFrench fry would be a vegetable. Still
potato and toasty Tuesday, we stillhave more warmth coming. We are not
cooling down. We're going to tripledigits by Friday, your fourth of July
looking toasty as well, And fortoday, hies all the way up to

about ninety in most areas. Itis seventy in Burbank. We run on
Celsius Energy drinks. KYO, what'st Los Angeles? It's Coast one of
three point five, the Llen kMorning Show. Because this is Sunshine Battle.
Oh this is Allen. Yeah,that is the best. You're my
morning, Coast one of three pointfive. I mean it is pickleball is

one word, right, pickleball?Yeah, you say that one word and
the phones go crazy here at Coastone of three point five. Had no
idea that we have so many aficionadosall over the south Land. How were
the only morning The whole thing startedthough, because we shared a story about
bochie ball, like replacing yes singin La And I don't know, I
mean, do you ever see peopleplaying bochi ball? No? Not really.

When I go visit my mother inlawe Dallas, they play it there,
and I do see it from timeto time when we would go to
New Orleans. Is everywhere, Butyeah, I mean it's fun. I
just don't understand it. My brotherin law, my husband play but yeah,
bachi ball, pickleball and all thesefun things that we get to do.

So many courts, I know atCalvin's Fraternity they they had like this
basketball court that wasn't really part ofthe fraternity, but it was in the
vicinity, and they turned that intoa pickleball court and he would play every
day. I love the sound ofpickleball. Yeah, sound until people cheat
and fight because I don't know thatthere are any rules. I have a
tennis player, doctor doctor Joe.He plays tennis every day. So I

said, do you play pickleball,Doctor Joe? And he's just laughed in
my face, And I what's sofunny, because you know, tennis people
are tennis people and pickleball player arepeople, and I don't think there's a
lot of crossover. Erica, yousay pickleball changed your life and brought you
back together with your best friend.What happened? Okay? So I have

a line app which is an internationaland I have the notification off for many
years and I just turned it onbecause my sister was communicating with our relatives.
So when I turned that on,I received the message from my old

friend. That's it. I addedhis not his number, which I didn't,
but you know, he just kindof messaged me, and so I
just kind of replied back and says, oh, you know, do you
care to go out to dinner?So I said sure. So we just
went out to dinner and we connectedwith the old friend that I used to

play pickleball with. And now you'vegot a pickleball buddy. Are you reconnected
with an old friend and your neighbors? Yes? Yeah, he's just down
the street from me. So thatwas meant to be. That is destiny.
That is so fun. Who's thebetter pickleball player? Oh, it's
definitely him. Okay does he cheat? Oh no, no, no,

you hesitated? All right, Erica, have a great day, okay,
mm hmm okay, and keep thosecalls coming. Also, we're going to

send someone to the Hollywood Bowl.So this is a Master of the Movies.
We're in More details coming up.Hey, Ellen k Morning Show on
past one oh three point five.I want you to find us at eight
hundred and ninety two nine Kost.We have a pair of tickets to see
Maistro of the Movies the music ofJohn Williams and Moore Hollywood Bowl a couple
of weeks. July twelve, thirteenfourteen, Ellie phil is there. We

want you there too. Call nowbe Colored twenty to win. Hey,
your Color twenty congrats. Hi serious, Yeah, we're serious. Oh my
god, Oh my gosh, youguys are joking me. Oh okay,
who's in the car? We knowit's mother daughter? Yes, what are

your names? My love? Oh, my name is Fella and my daughter
is Emily. What are you guysdoing right now? We're about to go
to Universe Studios? Oh well,what is a life of leisure? Yes?
Oh yes, you're also going tothe Hollywood Boat for the star of
the movies, William Coast, oneof thy f The llen k Morning Show,

follow ad official Ellen k at StingOrangery called Jacob and Ronnie. Call
Jacob. You can scream John Williamsor Jacob e Ronnie. Jacob and his
team have a legacy of trust andrespect. They will help you if you're
ever in an accident. Just thinkJacob. First thing you gotta do.
Call Jacob eight eight eight eight nineeight O six hundred or go to call

Jacob dot com. Call Jacob.Twenty of us have never eaten a vegetable,
not one post one vegetable. Youknow it's a good question, even
accidentally, you would think you wouldeat a vegetable, right, Yeah,
I know twenty five percent never eatinga vegetable. Al Michaels famous sports report
He's gonna be an AI in theOlympics. Listen to him. I always

pushed the vegetables away to this day. No, And I guess what I've
proven Chris is that and does notneed vegetables to serve by the LMK Morning
Show on Coast one O three pointbive, I mean it's pickleball is one
word, right, pickleball? Yeah, you say that one word and the
phones go crazy here at Coast oneon three point five. Had no idea

that we have so many aficionados allover the south Land and were the only
K morning. The whole thing startedthough, because we shared a story about
bochi ball, like replacing yes singin La And I don't know. I
mean, do you ever see peopleplaying bochi ball? No? Not really.
When I go visit my mother inLawn, Dallas, they play it
there, and I do see itfrom time to time when we would go

to New Orleans. Is everywhere,but yeah, I mean it's fun.
I just don't understand it. Mybrother in law, my husband play but
yeah, bachi ball, pickleball andall these fun things that we get to
do so many courts. I knowat Calvin's fraternity, they they had like

this basketball court that wasn't really partof the fraternity, but it was in
the vicinity, and they turned thatinto a pickleball court and you'd play every
day. I love the sound ofpickleball, Yeah, until people cheat and
fight because I don't know that thereare any rules. I have a tennis
player, doctor doctor Joe. Heplays tennis every day. So I said,

do you play pickleball, Doctor Joe? And he's just laughed in my
face, and I said, what'sso funny, because you know, tennis
people are tennis people and pickleball playerare pickle and I don't think there's a
lot of crossover. Erica, yousay pickleball changed your life and brought you
back together with your best friend.What happened? Okay? So I have

a line app which is the Internationals, and I have the notification off for
many years and I just turned iton because my sister was communicating with our
relatives. So when I turned thaton, I received the message from my

old friend. That's it. Iadded his not his number, which I
didn't, but you know, hejust kind of messaged me, and so
I just kind of replied back andsays, oh, you know, do
you care to go out to dinner? So I said sure. So we
just went out to dinner and weconnected with the old friend that I used

to play pickleball with. And nowyou've got a pickleball buddy. Are you
reconnected with an old friend and yourneighbors? Yes? Yeah, he just
down the street from me. Sothat was meant. That is destiny.
That is so fun. Who's thebetter pickleball player? Oh, it's definitely

him. Okay does he cheat?No? No? No, you hesitated?
Call all right, Erica, havea great day, okay, okay,

and keep those calls coming. Also, we're going to send someone to
the Hollywood Bowl. So this isa Maestro of the Movies. We're gonna
give you more details. Come inup, hey, Ellen k Morning Show
on Post one oh three point five. I want you to find us at
eight hundred and ninety two nine Kost. We have a pair of tickets to
see Meistro of the Movies the Musicof John Williams and Moore Hollywood Bowl in

a couple of weeks. July twelve, thirteen fourteen, Elly, Phil is
there? We want you there tocall now be called twenty to win.
Hey your collar twenty congrats? Hiserious? Yeah, we're serious? Oh
my god, Oh my gosh,you guys are joking men. Oh okay,
who's in the car? We knowit's mother daughter? Yes, what

are you name? My name isSella and my daughter is Emily. What
are you guys doing right now?We're about to go to Universe Studios?
Oh well, a life of leisure. Yes, yes, you're also going
to the Hollywood vote for the youI started the movies? Oh, the

LNK Morning Show on coast one ofthree point five. Fine, be serious,
like, we're not giving you prizeor anything for this. I've never
eaten a vegetable, at least it'sbeen years. I just don't like it.
Some people boil them, and Ijust can't stand the smell of them.
Okay, okay, but like evenon like pizza, like a like

mushroom or a pepper. No,that's the best reason to have meats pizza?
Are you kidding me? I justwhy would you do vegetables? I
just can't stand the texture, thesmell really bothers. I can't do it.
Wait, but vegetables all smell different. So have you ever you're saying
broccoli is the same as like acorn. Yes, No, I just

can't stand it. Do you everhave a salad? Absolutely not. It
grosses me out. No way.Oh I feel like you're missing out.
It's like a crunch in there.Maybe some tomatoes. Avocado, well that's
a fruit, but still no,not for me. Okay, sorry to
laugh. But we started Calvin early. His very first food, like just

food when he's off the baby foodwas smushed up avocado. But then he
went right in for broccoli. Wecalled him little trees and he loved to
eat the little trees and I wouldbreak them off and line them up like
little trees. Or if we hadmashed potatoes, i'd make a park.
And he just loved to eat thelittle trees. And we would also watch
veggietails and I made them a specialcustomized veggietails. Hi Calvin. If Calvin

likes to talk to tomatoes, ifa squash can make you smile, If
Calvin likes to waltz with potatoes upand down, the produce us veggie tails,

I'm gonna cold though. I don'tbelieve anyone that says they haven't even
yeah, I don't believe. Idon't believe it. It's impossible. We
love hearing your holiday weekend plans.Right, let's say hi to Martha.
Martha, how are you hi,Ryan? I'm great, How are you
good? I see her in myneck of the woods in Glendora, and

I see you're doing something fun inLong Beach. Yes. Ellen told me,
she told me herself to go checkout the marriage, go the Fucci
ship, the township on Long Beach. Yes, and I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna do it because Alan saidwhatever she says, they do. Oh
no, wow, Okay, thennow that I know, yo, no,

it looks it looks amazing. Ryanwas actually gonna be on the ship.
But they they're doing like a wholeyou know, docking, and this
thing is touring twenty different ports andit's only going to be here for you
know, a few days in laand it's free and you go there and
eat Italian food and shop the marketplace. It just I know, I want

to go too. I'm excited togo. It was it was a little
when you go to register, it'san Italian no way, it is,
really, it is so but wegot through it and I'm taking the whole

family and my mother in law andmy mom, everybody, the kids,
my husband. We're gonna have alot of Italian food. Are you a
Taliano? I try to be well, enjoy it and let us know.
I think that pretty much. We'regoing to try and get down there too.
We'll all be there. Yeah,okay, I'm gonna look out for

you. Yeah, the Americo Vespucci. Can I tell you why I'm not
going to be on the shop please? It sounds to me unconfirmed. Well,
no, it's confirmed that the Presidentof Italy will be on the ship.
Oh so you're clear me up?Yeah, clear the ship. Yeah,
get the Mano off. The President'scoming. That's cool. See the

stove. It's close. One ofthree point five. Ryan Mano here with
the latest Taylor Swift updates. Soshe has finally posted a photo of her
and Travis on her Instagram grid.They're calling it a hard walk. Really,
this is the first one. Yeah, hard launchin Thank you, Ryan,
you bet my pleasure. This isa great stunt for you, Ryan

man It was on this day insee nineteen eighty two that Larry Walter's lawnchair
Larry arose to sixteen thousand feet overLa using a lawn chair and forty two
helium balloon. Why would you everthink I read because you're not afraid of
heights at all or balloons? Goon lawnchair, Larry, He's a local

legend. It was on this day. It happened eighty two. We'll never
forget it and it's Coast one ofthree point five care Morning Show. Thanks
for spending your morning with us.We learned so much this morning. We
learned that you love pickleball just asa I don't know, just as a

Southland We also learned that guys don'twear silk boxers if you are in the
dating world because they're just not wellreceived. And we learned something new about
Carrie Steele. So you're gonna haveto ask her. Call Carrie and say
congratulations and she'll tell you why.Eight hundred nine two nine kost Wow.

Her smile is eating her face andshe's got some great news, Okay,
really great news, probably the best, the best news, the best.
Yeah it is. It's the newsof a just giant, huge blessing and
miracle. Yeah, and Carrie,we'll share that with you when you call
her. She's coming up next.So eight hundred nine two nine kost call
Carrie so she can share her goodnews. All right, see you in

the morning. We can't wait tojoin you again. We have Painka Dodger
Stadium for you, new kids onthe block, a Hollywood Bowl and more.
Have a beautiful day everyone, youtoo. Is it concerning to anyone
that the Fireworm's going on? Iknow we have to go, but Barbie
is Margot Robbie and it's her birthdaytoday. Happy birthday, Margot Robbie.

Her dadd is a sugarcane tycoon.Wait what Yeah, yeah, Margot Robbie's
dad is a sugarcane tycoon in inQueensland. What dad, that's crazy?
Yeah? So uh yeah, nowyou know his name is Doug. And
Barbie said, get your sparkle onand show this world where you belong.

Keep that one in mind. Callcarry its coast. One of three point
five kis on three because on

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