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July 16, 2024 20 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Hey, good morning, Coast oneA three point five where the Ellen k

Morning Show. We're so happy thatyou're up with us here. I'm Ellen,
good morning, I'm Ryan Mano,I'm Social Queen Darlene. He has
follow mister Donkers Astro Graham. Yeah, mister Donkers. He he has donkeys
and he sings to them. Heholds him in his lap and they cuddle
with him and he sings to them. Whether they're young donkeys or you know,

grown donkeys, but they love himsinging and it's just amazing the way
they nuzzle and cuddle. That's cool. Yeah, I highly recommend it if
you just want to have a nice, warm, fuzzy Yeah. Follow you
know all the animal groups like pagesnames I've never heard before. Well,
because once you follow Donkers, youget all the other you know, all

the other ones too. Yeah.Hi, Lydia, Hi, good morning.
Hey we're good Lydia. It's athank you Tuesday. Who do you
want to thank? I would loveto thank my family the most importantly.
I want to say my husband Steven. Okay, what tell us about him?
So? I ring with Stephen forabout twenty five years and he's always

going over and beyond for myself andour family, and then once we had
kids who even went more over andbeyond. So I want to thank se
very love him so much and Iappreciate everything he does for us. Thank
you, Lydia. Have a greatday you too, Take carey you're your
day you too. Thank you forbeing a friend. Tell them thank you

tuesdays with us. So thanks onone who has made a differ three point
five The Allen K Morning Show.Text us anytime at five one oh three
five cash on. I love togive you some green. I love the
color green. At your green onlineat Coast one of three five dot com.

It is green for one thousand dollars. Get your cash on Coast.
You have all hour to do it. Coast one O three five dot com.
Your keyword is green. Good morning, Coast one of three point five.
Thank you for being up with usfirst thing in the morning. I'm
a radio station. Listen to youguys wake me up and it's amazing.
Thank you so much for making mymorning so much easier to wake up too.

The LLNK Morning Show on Coast oneO three point five. Let's get
this going. The Festival of Art'sPageant on the Masters in the Laguna Beach.
We want to send you with apair, Ryan. We were there
together and it's a magical night.You're under the stars and I'm just trying
to find the name of the Theyhave a great restaurant. Yes, yeah,

I'm telling you when you win,right now, when you're Color twenty,
make plans to get there early andgo eat at that restaurant. Yeah,
yeah, go early, enjoy,enjoy all the art and the booths,
and then you see this amazing artcome to life. Eight hundred nine
nine kost more Feel Good is comingup on the L and K Morning Show
Coast one O three point five.I dhi, Hey, thank you Tuesday.

Go ahead. You want to thankNick, Yes, I want to
thank Nick for the great traffic report, because I also tell a couple of
my parents I have some that driveat least three for you, ays,
so I let him know if anything'sgoing on. Well, that's val,
that's really nice of you. Yeah, and I want to take my parents

at Kenyon christ Elementary Scope for nothitting me. Good for you always something
I'm grateful for. Oh yeah,and for you guys too, all of
you Dart, Ryan and you thankyou so much for keeping the music going.

Thanks, have a great day,be safe. I will thank you.
The ellen K Morning Show on Coastone oh three point five, Peter,
thank you, Hey, good morningEllen. I'd like to thank my
parents who are no longer with me, but they've taught me everything I know
and given me a great guidance allalong the way. Oh when did you

lose them? My dad in twentyten and my mom in twenty twelve.
But I'm sure just fresh at times, it just sneaks up on you.
That's what grief is. It's allthat love coming back to say hey.
Yes, yeah, well, Peter, thank you for having us on.

We hope that we can make yourday feel better. Oh yeah, you
guys always do. Thanks Peter,have a good one. Thank you you
too. You guys have a greatday. See LNK Morning Show on Coast
one o three point by Ria,How are you? I'm good? How
are you good? We're getting alot of calls people driving to work.

Are you on time? Yeah?Thank you for me there, Brad.
Oh, we love being here foryou every day. Oh, thank you.
I appreciate it. Love your show. Thank you, Maria. That's
awesome that there must be people inyour life. You want to thank Yeah,

So I would love to thank mytwo boys, Chris is thirteen and
alex is seventeen, for being mybiggest inspiration and motivating me every day,
along with my husband and my familyfor being my biggest support system. That's
great. So you can get inyour car and you can get to work
because you've got the love and thesupport surrounding you. Yeah. Say,

man, Now, when you saymotivating, you do you mean like in
general or is there something that they'relike really pushing you to do right now
in your life? You know?Yeah, just pushing me to do better
every day as a mom and justas a human being. Love it.
That's so good. Well, Maria, glad you appreciate all you have and

we're so happy that we can beyour companion in the car. Oh,
thank you so much, So lovelyto meet you you too. Thank you,
have a beautiful day. Thank themfor being friend. Tell them thank
you tuesdays with us. So thankson one who has made a differ Coast

one O three point five The Ellenk Morning Show. Follow us at Coast
one O three five dot com.Good morning, Coast one of three point
five. Thank you for being upwith us first thing in the morning.
I'm a radio station, so listento you guys, wake me up and
it's amazing. Thank you so muchfor making my morning so much easier to
wake up too. The ellen kMorning Show on Coast one O three point

five. It is an evening withJohn Legend at the Greek. He loves
performing there, we love sending youthere. It's your ellen KQ and A.
To make it easy on you,we're going to give you the question
and the answer. So all youhave to do is be color at eight
hundred ninet two nine kost over thenext week. Eighteen million pieces of this
will be sold over the next week, and I don't I haven't seen the

answer. Is it specific to this, like this actual week, or is
it just would that be any week? I would say it be summer weeks,
okay, pieces of this pizza,water pizza, yeah, that's a
good one. Water balloons, Oh, I thought you're gonna say watermelon.
Okay, neither none of them.It's it's outdoor furniture. Really, eighteen
many million pieces of this will besold. I guess we all get outside

and we think, ew, Ican't sit on that, and then we
go buy new furniture. I haveLike I'm positive right now, I have
a chair outside that's covered in likespiderwebs. Well, you can sit outdoors
with John Legend right now at theGreek eight hundred nine nine KOs to Feel
Good continues next on the L andK Morning Show Coast one oh three point

five. Hope you were having agreat morning. I did something yesterday.
I didn't realize what a time commitmentit would be, but it took most
of the day and I went tohome Depot to get some wood cut Oh,
so you have to go to theback of the store with your boards.
And then I said, I needtwenty seven inches and I had four
boards. They were probably about fortyinches long, right, so I just

needed thirteen inches cut off. Sothere's the board guy. I go to
Home Depot Hollywood, and I wasso excited when he showed up because there
was another woman there waiting for someboards to be coming. So then I
said, he said, what doyou need. I said, I just
need these twenty seven inches each,and he said, okay, no problem,
and then I got really excited.Yeah, and then he said I

need to go get my tape measure. Okay, I'm weird he didn't have
it if that's your job, right, And then I'm like no, because
we both knew, me and theother woman that we were not going to
see him again for another half hour. Yeah, and we didn't. Yeah,
yeah, yeah. Can we takethis back to the trace the cord

back to the wall. And whyare you getting boards cut? Because my
husband decided to rebuild the little shedthat holds our trash cans and he demolished
them. So I went to getthe boards to rebuild. Don't you guys
have that neighborhood handyman though his nameis Steve Hill's a beck And I said,
hey, this is easy. Stevehas all the tools and the paint,

and he's always in our neighborhood everyday and he loves to do it,
and he'll do it, I know. But instead it costs a lot
of hours not only waiting for theboards to be cut, but also then
we hung the hinges wrong, youknow. Yeah. I starting to think
Ellen that Roy's not like averse tohiring Steve to do this stuff. I

think that he's just mad that everytime something has to be done, your
first words are I'll call Steve.Tell us the llen K Morning Show on
Coast one. Oh three point five. Marianna Martinez testin, you want to
thank your husband. His name isJonathan Martinez and we met at Costco when
we used to work there eleven yearsago. Wait both of you worked there?

Or did you work there? Andyou were giving samples and he said
I would like some of your samplesand then some more. Actually I worked
there and he worked on the kiosk. Oh okay, So you guys,
was it love at first sight atCostco? Yes? Oh okay, Well
tell us about him. Well,he's just a great husband and he just

started coaching on soft team and I'mjust really proud of him because he's so
passionate about it and it just makeshim happy and I like to see him
happy. Oh, Ariana, yousound like a great wife. He too.
So what kiosk was he at whenyour eyes first met his? I

was at the cashiers and he workedat When you're walking out, they're trying
to sell you some air conditioners,Oh, oh god, okay, yeah.
I would go grab some boxes forthe customers and he would be right
there every time. Did you sayI'm feeling really hot you need to cool
me. Oh my god, I'msure you've heard them all. Yes,

and now we live across the streetfrom that COSTO. Oh well, thank
you for listening to our show's postone of three point five. The Allen
K Morning Show stream us on theiHeartRadio app. Win cash on Coast.
Let's get you some cash on Coast. It is bank, Enter bank,
you do it online. That's howyou win. Go online Coast one O

three five dot com. Enter theword bank for one thousand dollars See LLENK
Morning Show on Coast one of threepoint five. Hard to imagine that over
one hundred years ago it was justa farm, a small berry farm,
and now it's a family theme parkdestination. We're talking about Knots Berry Farm
and we're gonna send you we havea four pack. It is summer at

Knots. There's nothing like it.Have you guys ever been on Hang Time?
Are you a roller coaster person?By that? I do? Like
I didn't used to now I do. Have you been on Hang Time?
No? Okay, dar, no, it scares me. Do you hang
it's just hense. Yeah, there'sa lot going on. It's it's a
lot. I don't even know howthey created that. I don't either.

I was just there a couple ofweeks ago and I did Hangtime for the
first time, and yeah, it'sa lot. So you you roller,
yeah, and it's probably we inturns and stuff and then and then you
just hang and then drop mm hmm. It's yeah, it's intense. Okay,
Hang Time. I just wondered ifI was the only one you've been
on. You're brave. It's verybrave if you just go on that one.

Well, it's there. You cando whatever you want there. They
are having summer nights through September second, so call us get your four pack
right now at Coast eight hundred ninenine KOs two. The ellen K Morning
Show on Coast one O three pointfive. For the LLENK Morning Show,
you can stream us all the timeon the iHeartRadio app downloaded. There's also
a microphone button there, so youpress that down and you come writ into

our studio. It's your tuk back. Good morning, Coast one O three.
This is Sandra Lopez from Wichita Falls, Texas. I am a loyal
listener. Y'all are awesome. Thellen K Morning Show on Coast one O
three point five past one o threepoint five were the Llen k Morning Show.
Here on your Tuesday. Mllen goodmorning. I'm Ryan Man. Oh
good morning, I'm social Queen Darling. I thank you Tuesday, so thank

you for having us on to startyour day. We're on or you got
cash freet coming up around the corner. I was just I always like text
myself notes and then I'll go backto read them. Yes, and you
know what's annoying about that while you'relooking for those poo. I used to
do that, and it would itcould save the message as new. But

then as soon as you text yourselfnow it's like red, so then you
forget to look you used to seelike right, so then it defeats the
purpose. That's right, Yet Idon't remember why. See this is my
here's one of the one hundred andeight year old woman who flirts with men

with mustaches. That was a storythat we did. I thought that was
funny. Yeah, let's see.Oh, five painful questions to ask yourself
if you have a pattern of badrelationship. Let's talk about that. Okay,
let's see. You want to knowwhat the questions are. What did
you like about the person, whatdid you dislike. What makes you a
great catch me? Okay, wait, there's more. What did you learn

about yourself after the relationship? Alot? Okay, you can specify.
You want to just keep going.I have a lot of problems. Okay.
Pushing four goes to question five.What do you need to work on
before meeting the next person? Everythingin the world As the LNK Morning Show
on Coast one O three point fiveday to you if you are celebrating today,

it's Will Ferrell's birthday. What aguy. I want to thank Will
Ferrell. Okay. Without Will Ferrell, I wouldn't be here with you and
everyone listening right now. Really,yeah, it's true. We've never heard
this story. It is true.The first time I ever came to Los
Angeles, I was working in Chicagodoing radio, and I flew to LA
for the Anchorman junket and I satdown in Will Ferrell's hotel room at the

Four Seasons in Beverly Hills, andI fell in love with the city and
I'd said, I'm moving there.I need to be there, and Will
Ferrell is the reason that I'm here. Oh, that's so great. You
get to do the anchorman I did. Do you think he'll do another.
No, you don't know. Iwant to thank Will Ferrell for doing Despicable
Me Form. Yeah. He playsthat he grew went high school together and

they did the talent competition together andsomething happened there that led to a lifelong
crunch And I don't know. Iloved that movie so much it was number
one again. I'm still upset withNick Pouliochini because he told me to go
see Long Legs and I did andI couldn't stand it, but you put
it out No, but you lovedthe other one, Flied Me to the
Moon, right, which has areal bad rating on Rotten Tomato. The

thirties. Yeah, and then LongLegs is killing it. Everybody's loving All
the critics loved this because they lovedNicholas Cage and he's so weird you can't
even recognize him in this film.So I think that there was a lot
of stuff that went into it thatI didn't appreciate because the movie was so
weird and left me feeling so badleaving the theater. So let's get back

to Will Ferrell. He's fine.No one really ever taught me how to
kiss. I had to learn onmy own. I practiced a lot on
the mirror in my bathroom and alot on my hand, and I still
I still don't really feel that confidentin kissing. I know, it's just
you kind of mush your lips togetherin a way and then you press that

part of your face against the otherperson's corresponding part of their face. The
LMK Morning Show on Coast one ohthree point five. Hello, good morning,
Jenny, good morning. You havea feel good for us? I
do. I have a great feelgood. I just landed my dream job
since I was a little girl.I get to work at Disneyland making magic

for people as a hopefully eventually atour guide to the stars, but for
now I get to be a guestrelations cast member. Congratulations, thank you.
I'm so excited. I can't wait. I get to go to my
first class to learn all about themagic today. Oh that is so cool.
So, Penny, this has beenyour dream job. Why didn't you

go for it earlier? I have. I've been going for it for about
fifteen years. So after fifteen years, your journey is just beginning. That's
incredible. Yep. I've applied,and I applied, but this is the
one position I wanted and it wasbranched. It's like a wish come true.
So amazing. Thank you, Penny, congratulations, Thank you so much.

You have a great day. Thellen k Morning Show on Coast one
zero three point five Aaron Arcadia.So, Aaron, you want to thank
someone? Who do you want tothank? I like to thank my wife
for being with me for thirty sixyears and all the support and strength and
prayers gives me. It's a blessingto have her in my life. Oh
that's so sweet. Tell me aboutyour life with her. We met in

high school, we worked together afterwork after high school, and we've been
together ever since. We have twochildren that are very very well, doing
good, and we're very blessed,and I'm very thankful. I just went
through open heart surgery not too long. She's took care of me for the
year and a half that I wasout, and now she eats had knee
surgery, so I'm taking care ofher. So we had a rough year

in the past couple of years,but all in all, I just want
to say thank her for everything she'sdone. She's the greatest. How's that
heart beating? It's breeding good?Ellen. I like listening to your show.
I love your show, you andRyan. I wake up every morning
listening to you guys. Thank youso much. Erin. We're so happy
that you came through that heart surgery, you know, and that you're feeling

good. Was it an emergency orplanned? They actually was unexpected. I
was just going for a check outfor my stomach. I had like uncomfortable
feeling my stomach, and they foundout they did an echo Graham echo cardiogram
and that's how they found out WHOASo that stomach ache was a blessing.

Yes, it was. So itreally woke me up, and you know,
I'm thankful for second chance in life. Yeah, Ryan, I want
to ask you a while. Acouple of years back, you mentioned about
putting ice in the dryer. Yeah, what does that? Oh? Okay,
well this is a happiness for life, okay, Aaron. So,

if you're like me, I don'ttake my clothes out of the dryer right
away. I like to leave himin there and kind of just pluck him
as I need them, Okay.And if you don't want to use like
a steam cycle, or if maybeyour dryer is old and you don't have
one, you just chuck a coupleof ice cubes in there. Set it
on for five minutes, the icecubes melting, The clothes come out good
as new, pressed, really wrinklefree. I got it. I got

to try that. Go get him, buddy. Thanks for the happiness,
Hackle. I love your Guys show.

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