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December 31, 2024 21 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Ms Cardenis, we are honoring you here on post one
of three point five were the Ellen k Morning Show. Darlene,
thank you for getting in touch with Ms Cardenas.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
I found the little cutie online. She's from Chino, and
I just knew I had to stop her and get
her on, So I'm glad we did.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
Yes, welcome forty years of teaching and you're still going
strong Chino High School.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
Thanks for coming on.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Thank you so much for inviting me. I'm sure my
former students all did all this for me.

Speaker 3 (00:29):

Speaker 4 (00:31):
Yes, they are awesome, awesome, awesome. Yes, it's a small
it's a small town Chino, and they remain here when
they leave school, go to college, come back, and they
continue to reside in the same city.

Speaker 3 (00:44):
And how rewarding for you because then you get to
see them.

Speaker 4 (00:48):
Not only that, I get their children also, and with
adult school, I get Grandma, grandpa, dad, mom and the
whole family a family.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
We are honoring you, Miss cardenas you're coaching your eightieth birthday.
You've been teaching for forty years and you knew as
young as seven that you wanted to do what you
are doing.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Now you are living your dream.

Speaker 4 (01:09):
Yes, I am, Yes, I am. Since I was a child,
my grandmother taught me how to read the Bible. I
would gather the neighborhood kids and we used to call
the grocery ads baratas, and I used to make them
learn how to read the baratas, and then I would
give them the spelling test the next day. And we
had the future teachers of America in our high school,

and we would actually be given the opportunity to go
to the elementary schools and help the teachers, like yes, no,
it was an awesome experience. I don't know why that
has stopped. Maybe I should started.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
Huh, yeah, I think that there's nothing you can't do.

Speaker 5 (01:53):

Speaker 4 (01:53):
I don't know what the students have told you, but
thank you well.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
They have told me that you are spunky, selfless, oh passionate.

Speaker 4 (02:02):
I am a little spunky even with them. Even with them.

Speaker 6 (02:06):
You won't believe this.

Speaker 4 (02:07):
You know what I did to one full class one year, No,
what I read and got the papers from the cities.
At that time, we didn't have our psychologists. They were
all this whole period was always angry and mad and everything.
I said, you know what, You're not normal, none of
you in new class. I wouldn't have got I would
have got the forms. And I told them give this

to your parents. They're gonna either have to sign you
yes or no. You're going with a psychologist, all of you.
And they said, ha ha, My mom's going to laugh
at you next day. You won't believe what happened. One
hundred percent of the parents.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
And you know that's what teaching all about, making change.
And you've definitely over the last forty years and you're
still going strong. We are you are a gift. We
are honored to know you, Miss Cardenas.

Speaker 4 (03:00):
Thank you, We love your too.

Speaker 7 (03:02):
Thank You's more feel good.

Speaker 8 (03:04):
Next on the L and K Morning Show, Coast one
o three point five, It's the Ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (03:10):
Thank you so much for making my morning so much
easier to wake up.

Speaker 9 (03:13):
To Coast one o three point five.

Speaker 3 (03:14):
Let's go to Amy now here at past one of
three point five. So, Amy, you heard us talk to
missus Cardenas.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Forty years of teaching, she's almost eighty years old, and
the passion she's inspiring and I don't know she just
I love her vibe.

Speaker 10 (03:28):
Yes, so cool.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
So you have a teacher you want to honor today
here on Teacher Tuesday.

Speaker 11 (03:34):
Yes I have. I had a French teacher. She's not
currently my teacher, but when I was going to school,
her name was Madame Ange and she taught us how
to pronounce the French from day one and that has
helped me my whole life. So even to this day,
I actually speak French, which a million years later.

Speaker 9 (03:55):
Can you say something.

Speaker 11 (03:57):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, like I say like Je Jem Madame
je Pascu l Alex was very loving to her students. Yeah,
just I love her. Yeah, I just think she teachers
like I appreciate teachers so much because you know, teachers

can really make a difference in people's life so much.

Speaker 3 (04:20):
So yes, thank you for sharing that.

Speaker 10 (04:21):

Speaker 2 (04:22):
Can you say you're listening to The ellen K Morning Show?

Speaker 11 (04:28):
I love show to ellen.

Speaker 8 (04:29):
Ki Coast One of three point five The allen K
Morning Show follow at official ellen Ky.

Speaker 9 (04:35):
It's the llen K Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (04:36):
You guys are great to listen to.

Speaker 12 (04:38):
Its great energy cost.

Speaker 9 (04:39):
One of three point five.

Speaker 3 (04:40):
Why don't you just give it to me straight?

Speaker 13 (04:44):
You spill more than most toddlers.

Speaker 3 (04:48):
You know I probably do? Is that? Why am I clumsy?

Speaker 13 (04:52):
I don't know, I mean, you do spill often.

Speaker 10 (04:54):
You just ruined your computer, had to get a fixed
at the Apple store.

Speaker 13 (04:57):
The genius bar Dar. I'm not letting you the book either.
You're a spiller.

Speaker 9 (05:01):
What did I spill?

Speaker 13 (05:02):
You spill often?

Speaker 3 (05:03):
You have not seen Dark World? Did I you spill
on yourself?

Speaker 13 (05:06):

Speaker 3 (05:07):
Oh yeah, and only when you're wearing white. It's a
it's a family curse. Okay, that's what I'm right. So
we spill mid in morning dark like you never spill.
Look at your chair.

Speaker 13 (05:15):
Oh the chair, my chair, his chair grows.

Speaker 3 (05:18):
Yeah, yeah, you said you. Well you happened.

Speaker 4 (05:21):

Speaker 13 (05:22):
I don't spill on me like you two do.

Speaker 10 (05:24):
Okay, but next time you get ink on yourself, whether
it's your shirt, your skin or whatever, you know, it
takes it off instantly right away.

Speaker 3 (05:31):

Speaker 10 (05:32):
Hair spray, Oh just spray hair spray on whether it's
a shirt or your skin, wipe it right off.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
Oh my god, no way, I only spill on expensive electronics.

Speaker 8 (05:40):
The feel good continues next on the l K Morning
Show Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 9 (05:45):
It's the LANK Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (05:47):
Thank you, Ellen K.

Speaker 11 (05:48):
Just real quick, a little kiss on you well, thank
you so much for making my day.

Speaker 9 (05:52):
Host one oh three point five.

Speaker 3 (05:53):
Another feel good this morning here on the l K
Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (05:56):
Let's go to Miss Selina chap Hi. Home are the Tigers.

Speaker 13 (06:02):
I'm loving this Teacher Tuesday, give a feel good?

Speaker 9 (06:05):
What is it all right?

Speaker 7 (06:07):
So my field good story. I am a behavior therapist,
so I work with students that are on the autism spectrum,
and we have what we call reinforcers and basically what
those are our rewards that we give our students for
making good choices and doing the right thing, and it's just.

Speaker 6 (06:26):
Something for them to work towards. So I have a
student and.

Speaker 7 (06:31):
She is obsessed with hands.

Speaker 11 (06:34):
That is her thing.

Speaker 7 (06:35):
And I spoke to her mother in passing and she
also confirmed that she loves hands. So what I did
was I jumped on Amazon because Amazon has everything, of course, huh,
And I was on my hunt for a hand.

Speaker 3 (06:55):
Oh did you find a hand on Amazon?

Speaker 7 (06:59):
I did?

Speaker 6 (07:01):
Had I found the perfect hand.

Speaker 7 (07:02):
It's the perfect shade and it also has a full
set of nails, so it is a very realistic hand.

Speaker 13 (07:10):

Speaker 1 (07:12):
So you got the hand, you gave it to your student.

Speaker 6 (07:15):
I did give it to my student, and she is,
as I expected, obsessed. She loves her hand, she is
holding it, she is smelling it, and she's just having
a lot of fun with her hand. So it was
a win.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
You're an amazing teacher and that is just such. It's
a great observation. And then to take the next step
and to make her feel comfortable and engaged and happy,
that's so beautiful.

Speaker 6 (07:43):
Oh thank you.

Speaker 5 (07:44):

Speaker 7 (07:45):
Everyone I was telling about it, they were like, oh
my god, you bought her hand.

Speaker 6 (07:48):
That is so strange.

Speaker 7 (07:49):
I'm like, you don't have to get it, we get it.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
And can I just add that that student is very
special to us as well, and so is her mother
and it's dark Leene Rodrigo and her daughter Bella.

Speaker 6 (08:03):
Yes, we love Bella and Darlene.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
We love you, miss Selina. I said this the other
day on Para Educator's Day. But I feel at peace
sending my daughter to school because of you, and we
love you. And I know Bella loves you. I see
it in your tight bond. And thank you for everything.

Speaker 9 (08:18):
You do for her, no prolblem.

Speaker 6 (08:20):
Thank you.

Speaker 7 (08:21):
Thank you for having me on.

Speaker 13 (08:22):
Like to give you a hand.

Speaker 9 (08:25):
On a three point five The Ellen k Morning Show.
Follow us at Coast one O three five dot com.
It's the ellen k Morning Shows.

Speaker 6 (08:33):
So good this morning.

Speaker 9 (08:34):
Thank you Coast one O three point five. It's your
Q and A.

Speaker 1 (08:38):
You'r llen KQ and A and we're going to give
you the question and the answer.

Speaker 3 (08:44):
How do you don't like them? Potatoes? I like it
because this is Shani Twain.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
Before you can buy them, we want to make this
really simple for you to see Shanaia during her Come
on Over Vegas residency all the hits at pH live
at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino. She just announced the
final shows. Tickets are not on sale until this Saturday
at ticketmaster dot com, but you get a two night's
day at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino and a gas

card for the road. Shania Twain loves perform and we
love to send you there. And this happens to twenty
percent of us at work.

Speaker 13 (09:17):
Okay, twenty percent of us path.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
Work, so that would be one in five.

Speaker 13 (09:22):
Okay. Our food is stolen from the fridge.

Speaker 14 (09:26):
I was going to say that our whatever we print
is stolen from the print name.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
Ryan's right, Really, you're right. Someone steals our lunch. Remember
when we were stolen from Pizzagate?

Speaker 13 (09:38):
Yes, who could forget.

Speaker 3 (09:39):
Well, did we ever find out who took our pizza?

Speaker 13 (09:42):
We did?

Speaker 3 (09:43):
We did?

Speaker 13 (09:44):
She admitted it. It was drama. Yeah, she apologized. We
forgave it.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
Yeah, yeah, that's right. But why would you take something
with someone's name on it?

Speaker 10 (09:51):
I don't think she saw the name, which was kind
of the she's hungry, hungry than we were.

Speaker 5 (09:55):
All right?

Speaker 1 (09:56):
Anyway, call us now call her twenty Shania Twain in vague. Yes,
we're going to send you there. Eight hundred and nineteen nine.

Speaker 8 (10:02):
KOSG find your feel good here on the LLENK Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (10:07):
Coast one O three point five. Wake Up with ellen K.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Hi, this is Tiffany Hattison. You're listening to the ellen
K Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (10:14):
Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 3 (10:16):
She ready, get it up.

Speaker 1 (10:18):
Thank you for listening at work, in the car, wherever
you are. We're the LLENK Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (10:23):
You can stream us all the time on the iHeartRadio
app downloaded.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
There's also a microphone button there, so you press that
down and you come right into our studio.

Speaker 3 (10:30):
It's your tuck that good morning.

Speaker 9 (10:32):
Coast one O three. This is Sandra Lopez from Wichita Falls, Texas.
I am a loyal listener. Y'all are awesome.

Speaker 15 (10:41):
This is Jeremy Renner, This is Kate Hudson, this is
Joe Coy and I'm chilling my whole girl the ellen
K Morning Show ellen K Morning Show on Coast one
O three point five.

Speaker 8 (10:50):
I love you so much.

Speaker 4 (10:51):

Speaker 3 (10:52):
Let's get right to Maria.

Speaker 1 (10:53):
Maria, we're so sorry to This is not the way
you want to start your week. You're stuck on the
six o five. You know, it's stressful. What's going on?

Speaker 4 (11:01):
You know, just the traffic at the moment moving at
five miles per hour.

Speaker 13 (11:05):
Oh yeah, yeah, bad start.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
Yeah that's right.

Speaker 10 (11:08):
I hear.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
You're going into overtime and you regret.

Speaker 6 (11:11):
It'll be it'll be good. It'll be good.

Speaker 4 (11:14):
We'll have a good day today.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
Okay, good.

Speaker 10 (11:17):
Think about the overtime you're gonna get on your next paycheck.

Speaker 6 (11:21):
Yeah, that's that's positive right there.

Speaker 16 (11:24):
Yeah, and then that is a positive.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
Okay. Think about lunch. Are you looking forward to lunch?

Speaker 9 (11:31):
I'm looking forward to lunch.

Speaker 16 (11:32):

Speaker 10 (11:34):
And then picture yourself right now, just just I know
you can't close your eyes because you're driving, but picture
yourself getting.

Speaker 13 (11:38):
Into bed tonight. How good that's gonna Oh yeah.

Speaker 9 (11:41):
No, that will feel good.

Speaker 4 (11:43):
Yeah, we'll feel good.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
Conquer in the bunker.

Speaker 6 (11:49):
Thank you guys. You guys have an amazing day.

Speaker 7 (11:52):
I just made it to work.

Speaker 4 (11:55):
Thank you for making me laugh this morning.

Speaker 9 (11:58):
This is Jeremy Renner, This is Kate Hudson, This is.

Speaker 15 (12:01):
Joe Coy and I'm chilling my whole girl the ellen
K Morning Show, ellen K Morning Show on Coast one
three point five.

Speaker 9 (12:07):
I love you.

Speaker 3 (12:08):
It's the double whammy.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
Calvin, my son sat next to a guy on a
plane and he had a broken leg because a black
widow spider bit him on the toe at an Airbnb
and it was such a hard, steering pain. He whipped
his leg up and hit it on the bed and
broke his leg. Gosh, as the spider venoms crawling up
his leg broken, he's alone, middle of the night. Airbnb

has to call the ambulance. They didn't have the anti venom.
They got him to the hospital. He's okay, but he
does have a broken leg. My goodness, double whammy.

Speaker 9 (12:41):

Speaker 10 (12:41):
Black widows are very rarely fatal, but they are painful
as heck.

Speaker 1 (12:46):
Oh he said he was telling Calvin. Calvin was telling
me about it that it was like a pain he's
never felt before in his life. Oh, and then it
was bad enough that it was on his foot, but
then up his leg in gosh.

Speaker 3 (13:00):
All right, Carol, you heard about the black widow. You
have a story too.

Speaker 12 (13:05):
Okay, Well, I had a black widow in my garage
on the wall, and I tried to karate kick it
to smash it, and I thought it jumped on my toe,
but it didn't, but I didn't know that, so I
thought it was on me. And then I hit my
foot on the garage floor to get it off, and

I wound up breaking my foot really bad.

Speaker 1 (13:30):
Oh no, what happened to the spider?

Speaker 3 (13:34):
Is it still there?

Speaker 16 (13:36):
Well, Dan, my daughter said, it's still on the wall.
I thought I was smashing it while I was breaking
my foot, but it was still on the wall. So
I went over. I didn't know I broke my foot
at the time. I like I here, walked over and
got some windex and I sprayed it to death.

Speaker 3 (13:54):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 10 (13:54):
Can I ask Carol why karate kicking was your first thought?

Speaker 9 (14:00):

Speaker 16 (14:00):
I just wanted it dead. So are you a karates No?

Speaker 8 (14:08):
The Ellen k Morning Show on Coast one oh three
point five, it's the Ellen.

Speaker 9 (14:12):
K Morning Show.

Speaker 16 (14:13):
Allen, we love me.

Speaker 6 (14:13):
We listen to you every morning, religiously.

Speaker 11 (14:15):
We implore you.

Speaker 9 (14:16):
Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 1 (14:18):
I couldn't even believe the text I got from my
neighbor and then a phone call, Hey, Ellen, could you
write a note to the barking dog house it's next
to yours? And I said, no, no way. I'm not
a note writer and I'm not gonna. I would rather
have my neighbor knight like me than write a note.
So this particular person in our neighborhood says she hears

the barking dog all day, and even when we were texting,
I couldn't hear the barking dog.

Speaker 3 (14:47):
This is like an incessant noise for her.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
And she's she's a director, so she's not home very often,
and when she is, she likes to rest and relax,
and our neighborhood's pretty quiet. But now she says, there's
a yapping dog, like a yap yap. Yeah, and you know,
I thought she was trying to implicate my dogs. But
guess what, My dogs weren't home. They were out with
uh with my friend Maria. Okay, yeah, they were.

Speaker 3 (15:12):
At the park.

Speaker 1 (15:12):
I go, well, first of all, my dogs aren't even here.

Speaker 13 (15:16):

Speaker 1 (15:16):
Good, So I don't hear a dog. I don't know
whose dogs they are. My dogs actually haven't been here
for four days. They've been staying with a friend.

Speaker 10 (15:22):
Right, And typically, as a you know, well meaning, functioning adult,
usually when you have.

Speaker 13 (15:27):
A problem with something, you have to handle it right, right,
that's not why is it your problem?

Speaker 3 (15:33):
Exactly? Yeah, And I don't hear the dogs, of course.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
And then John on the other side, John said no, yeah,
John said I'm not writing a note, and he gave
the exact same reason I did.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
So at least we're all in unity.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
She said, well, I heard that there are a lot
of coyotes in the neighborhood, so maybe one of them
will take care of it.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
This is horrible.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
Yeah, yeah, I didn you want to say that when
we were talking about it before. But yeah, she's just
really upset. Yeah, anyway, it's ridiculous neighbor requests. Let's go
to anonymous. So you have a story to tell.

Speaker 5 (16:10):
Yeah, the house next door to us sold and the
new owners tore the house down, and we had had
a like, like a twelve to fifteen foot high honeysuckle
hedge between our properties, complete privacy, not to mention the
lovely fragrance. And we woke up in the morning and
it was it was down.

Speaker 3 (16:34):
Did they root it or just cut it down?

Speaker 5 (16:37):
They had just cut all the roots and then they
were digging a hole for their pool and they didn't
put up a fence around their construction site. And we
had a toddler and he started to climb into their
yards kind of freaked out, and we said, you know,
can you put up a fence and they said, we
have insurance.

Speaker 3 (16:56):
Oh oh no.

Speaker 5 (17:00):
If our kid dropped in their pool and died, that
would be okay.

Speaker 3 (17:02):
Are you there still there or are you gone?

Speaker 5 (17:06):
No, we are gone.

Speaker 3 (17:07):
Okay, Oh my god. I'm glad everyone's okay, and I'm sorry.
I deal with that.

Speaker 11 (17:12):
Yeah, it was kind of shocking.

Speaker 9 (17:14):
The LMK Morning Show Coast one o three points wake
up with lan K.

Speaker 6 (17:18):
You guys are the best. I love listening to you.

Speaker 5 (17:20):
I listen to you every day.

Speaker 3 (17:22):
We love being here with you.

Speaker 9 (17:23):
Coast one o three point five brid you do it?

Speaker 13 (17:26):
Okay you are winter?

Speaker 6 (17:30):
Yay, Happy Monday.

Speaker 13 (17:38):
It's actually tuesday? Is you tomorrow?

Speaker 9 (17:41):
Oh my god?

Speaker 16 (17:41):
Oh my god, I.

Speaker 13 (17:43):
Know, I know.

Speaker 10 (17:44):
The holidays will do that to you.

Speaker 12 (17:48):

Speaker 6 (17:50):
Thank you, Oh my god, I love it.

Speaker 7 (17:53):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (17:55):
Okay, we're gonna share tomorrow song we did. Coming up.

Speaker 9 (17:57):
It's the L and K Morning Show.

Speaker 4 (17:59):
Falling with you guys.

Speaker 3 (18:00):
Is that official? Are we dating?

Speaker 11 (18:02):
We are online dating.

Speaker 9 (18:04):
Coast one oh three point five K.

Speaker 3 (18:06):
Morning Show Welcome. Okay, So we love your talkbacks. It's
the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
You see a microphone when you open up to Coast
and just press that microphone, you were into our show.
It is instant like right there on all of our
phones and devices, and also here on our powerboard. It's
our it's our headquarters. It's Ryan's driving the ship.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 13 (18:29):
This morning, we have a trio of talkbacks.

Speaker 9 (18:31):

Speaker 3 (18:32):
Let's let's get right to him.

Speaker 10 (18:33):
Okay, So this first one, this is in regards to
your husband, Roy being I would say, highly unwilling to
go see it ends with us.

Speaker 1 (18:43):
I don't know, I just want to go to ends
with us. He's making so many excuses.

Speaker 13 (18:46):
He's had a litany of excuses. What was his most
recent one.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
I don't want to see anything that has ends in it.

Speaker 13 (18:52):
Okay, now that's just our that is.

Speaker 3 (18:55):
I know he's like really reaching.

Speaker 10 (18:57):
Okay, I know for a fact he saw a ven
end game, so myth busted.

Speaker 6 (19:03):

Speaker 13 (19:04):
Yeah, but this gentleman would like to weigh in on that.

Speaker 17 (19:06):
Yeah, Hey, Ellen, I.

Speaker 18 (19:07):
Love listening to your show and these talkback button is
really great. Maybe your husband just wanted to go see Alien.
I mean, it's no big deal. You know, you're probably
catching a lot of grief for what you're saying, and
you know, I just you just go see Alien.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
Yeah, nice, Tryroy. This one came in from Mona.

Speaker 19 (19:28):
Good Morning Coast. I would like to do something different
for my thirty fifth wedding anniversary and I haven't been
dancing in like forever. Do you know of any eighties
clubs in the LA area?

Speaker 1 (19:42):
Well, what a great question, because I really haven't even
thought about that for a while. I know that I
passed by Sunset Eighties in Wiho quite a bit.

Speaker 3 (19:53):
I know that that's an eighties club where you can
go dance.

Speaker 14 (19:55):
I can't even imagine the level of party in there.
Blast Yeah, do you know what one actually? At the
Eighties Bar, They're all over the place. And then Club
nineteen eighty four off of Wilshire.

Speaker 10 (20:06):
Oh, okay one, Yeah, there's also in the Arts district.

Speaker 13 (20:09):
It is called the Flash Dance. Oh, there are some
options Letton. What a fun way to celebrate.

Speaker 3 (20:14):
Yeah, seriously, now we all know. Thank you, Mona. Let's
go to Mike.

Speaker 17 (20:19):
Good morning. My name is Mike saying. I'm calling from Carlsbad, California,
and I just wanted to say how much I enjoy
the morning show with Ellen, and it's being streamed every
day here in Carlsbad where I work at Upper Deck,
and I just want to say, yeah, thank you very much,
and you make the mornings so much more enjoyable. Thanks Ellen,

and thanks Coast one O three point five, Mike, and
Carl'sbad delightful.

Speaker 3 (20:45):
Thank you so much. Make up for Deck.

Speaker 13 (20:47):
Oh yeah, the sporting card for me, it's fun.

Speaker 9 (20:50):
I love that it's the Ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (20:53):
Thank you so much for making my morning so much
easier to wake.

Speaker 9 (20:56):
Up to the Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 3 (20:58):
Thank you for spending your morning with us here on
the llen K Morning Show.

Speaker 14 (21:00):
I'm Ellen, good morning, I'm Ryan Mano, I'm Social Queen Darlene.

Speaker 1 (21:03):
Kerry Steele is coming up next and join us tomorrow morning.

Speaker 3 (21:07):
We got more Chargers Raiders tickets for you. The game.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
It's so fight the opening day against the Raiders. Schnei
Twain in Vegas. You're llen K one K paida. Your
song of the day is Beyonce Halo and we end
every show with a quote and a kiss. This one
comes from Sean White. It's his birthday today. Yeah, so
this is what Sean says. You take a crash, you
get back up, and next time you succeed. And that's

a great feeling. Kiss on three, Kiss on me one
two three

Speaker 13 (21:37):
Baby E Labin

Ellen K Morning Show On Demand News

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