Episode Transcript
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Hey, good morning. It's closeone of three point five. We're the
Ellen Kate Morning Show. I'm Ellen, I'm Ryan, I'm social Queen Darlene.
Hey, welcome now, Darlene.I know that you are going to
be getting in your car with thefam. They're going to pick you up
to go to Lego Land. Yeah, we're heading out. We're giving tickets
away of get nine to twenty.We're the only show, by the way
doing that. Heck yeah, yeah, oh yay. So I'm really happy
and proud about that. They invitedus over and give away the rest of
the tickets so families can go nice. Are you tired this morning? You
know? No? Are you energized? I am? I had a good
morning. Oh oh, and Iknow that your husband is really excited for
you get home yesterday. How didit go? It was fine. We
had a great day. We've beenhaving great days. Wow. I do
have a question about one thing youjust said, dark and maybe this is
TMI. You don't have to answerthis, Ellen, I'm going to direct
the same question to you. Okay, Dar said I had a good morning?
Yes? Is morning an enviable timefor women? Is that? Is
that a time that you prefer orno, are you asking me or Darlene?
I'm looking at you, but Iguess I'm asking both of you.
You want me to answer first?Yeah, you go first, Star.
I don't care what time it is. I don't need to answer. Thank
God, it's time, thank god, it's time past one of three point
five. The llen K Morning Show, Good Morning Coast, one of three
point five. Thank you for beingup with us first thing in the morning
radio station. Listen to you guys, wake me up and this is amazing.
Thank you so much for making mymorning so much easier to wake up
too. The llen K Morning Showon Coast one of three point five.
Let's get this going. The Festivalof Arts Pageant of the Masters in Laguda
Beach. We want to send youwith a pair, Brian. We were
there together and it's a magical night. You're under the stars and I'm just
trying to find the name of theThey have a great restaurant. Yes,
yeah, I'm telling you. Whenyou win, right now, when you're
color twenty, make plans to getthere early and go eat at that restaurant.
Yeah yeah, go early, enjoy, enjoy all the art and the
booths, and then you see thisamazing art come to life eight nine nine
KOs two Coast one oh three pointfive. Catch the llen K Morning Show
on demand on the free Iheartradiot.It's the Lank Morning Show. Yay,
keep us up eat in the morning. It's such a positive vibe and like
you know, you get that goodfeeling in the morning, So we really
appreciate you, guys. Coast oneoh three point five. It's your happiness
hack for life. And what's betterthan that? On a feel good Friday.
You're on the llen K Morning Show. Ryan Mano brings it every morning
at this time I do. Andthis is the second Friday in a row
they've had to do with adult bevies. Okay, this is an edible one
though. Oh drink you can eat. Oh I love that. Oh okay,
so you take a water melon,uh huh son tequila. So you
the whole watermelon with the Ryan andeverything. Sure, you could cut the
watermelon in half, maybe hollow outa little soaked tequila so it really gets
in there. Okay, then sliceit up, put some hard salt on
it. You have an edible margaritato go. Oh man, it's crazy,
that's intense. Yeah, that isintense. Ill about trying to tone
it down Next week The ellen KbrdingShow, Coast one of three point five.
Oh happy, We're the only KMorning show. Thank you for getting
up with us. I can't changeit. I run from the car to
the office, from the car tothe house. I can't turn it off.
The guys are great. The ellenK Morning Show on Coast one,
oh three point five. I alwayslove this time of the day because we're
happy anyway. We hope you aretoo. But we can be happier with
your Ryan Mano happiness, hack youlife. That's what we aim to do
here Ellen, and here on yourFriday. We just gave you one,
Let's give you another one. Youlove hugs? Do you love hugs?
I love hugs? Okay, Darlene. Of course there I will tell you
that women love hugs, and thisis good knowledge for men. Okay.
New science just found that women whoreceive more hugs, more cuddles, more
touches are more likely to be satisfiedin every aspect of their relationship. They
studied thousands and thousands of women,all ages to eighteen to seventy two,
and found that the one constant thingthe one thing that women wanted more than
anything to give them the happiest boost. This touch that is that's amazing,
whether it's holding hands or anything else. Recipients see it as a message of
positiveness about their their physical body andbeing. I have to tell you my
husband and I were out with anothercouple for dinner not too long ago,
and we had to cross the streetand he like looked back at me,
grabbed my hand and held it andwalked me across the street into the restaurant
and then kind of did one ofthose tuck oh yeah. Yeah. And
my girlfriend later when we sat down, she said, you guys are it's
like you're dating or something. Aw. I love that. Do you guys
cuddle falling asleep sometimes? Yeah?Yeah yeah, yeah, he's like you,
he gets too warm. Yeah.And also he's he's he's more of
a like a rough sleeper, youknow. He rubs his feet together and
he's demonstrative that way. Right.Yeah, So I don't try to do
that, but if I do,we don't fall asleep that way. But
yeah, I like that. Whenwe get really wild, my husband says,
come here, I'm gonna take mysleep app your mask off. Oh
my God, it's the Lank morningshow. Oh you guys are awesome.
I really do appreciate you guys,and honestly, you guys are on all
the time, either on the radio, in the car or at home.
Coast one O three point bick.Great job with the happiness hacks for life,
Brian Man. Oh thanks, it'sfun to do well. Now we're
getting requests for happiness hacks. Let'sgo to signal Hill, Jannann, you
have an emergency happiness hack request.What's the emergency? Brings his dogs into
the office and more like an unincorporatedheiress, so we have coyotes and scrolls
and songs and whatever. So helet his dog out un supervised, and
he checked me last night telling methat he forgot stumped. Oh I mean
that stump, and I'm just tellinghim what to do, you know,
what he needs to do to getthe stink out. I realized he let
the dog in the office. Sowhen I walked in this morning, I
almoll, gag on it sixty fivedegrees and I sprayed everything with life all
because I'm the one in office.I don't know what else to do because
it really smells in here. SoI was hoping Ryan might have a happiness
hat for this. Well, weneed to neutralize the odor in your office.
Banana is very simple. We're justgoing to take peppermint essential oil and
sprinkle drops all around the office.It will eat up and suck that odor
right out out of there. Okay. Purpose they say, just a few
drops will do? You did doit throughout the whole office anywhere that you're
getting some skunk sent Yeah, andit's not gonna hurt to open up.
Just get coffee beans because that's anatural deorderizer as well. Yeah, love
it? Okay? Cool? CanI open up like a current coffee cup?
Is it? Well? That willwork? Or did that do?
Coffee beans? I mean, Iguess if it's ground, that'd be fine.
Sprink. I feel like ground isbetter? Actually, ye go ground?
Okay, I will Friday keep usposted? Oh Dad? Okay,
thank you guys so much. Everyday the other Fridays happen here on the
L and K Morning Show. Coastone three point five Friday. Happy Friday,
your Q and a John Legend andevening with a night of songs and
stories, You and John under thestars at the Greek How great is that?
Okay? I asked Calvin this question. We were just talking about the
Q and A. I said,there's this question on the Q and A
Friday, and what do you thinkit is? Is the number one sign
your partner is emotionally unavailable like minewould be bad body language. I think
I would say always keeping your phoneface down. Oh, I would say
not showing like interest in my oh, activity or stuff. If deep conversations
are a big no no, thenemotionally unavailable people have difficulty with that,
so they might avoid the discussion,change the subject. Never ask you like
Dar was saying, And that's howyou know that that person is emotionally unavailable.
And it's more prevalent in men thanwomen. Sorry, Ryan Color twenty,
you're over available emotional oh Color twentyat eight hundred and nine two nine
kost By the way, I wouldrather have an overly available, emotionally charged
partner than someone who's a withdrawn andafraid honest. I swear it's crazy you're
even bringing this up because I Ifelt like like I need to turn it
around and go the opposite direction.So that's nice of you to say no,
no, don't ever turn around.In fact, I have a friend
who whose husband tells her he lovesher all the time. She's like,
he just won't stop telling me heloves me. Yeah, and I'm like,
you're complaint. I know, Isay, there's never, never too
much. But give us a call. I'll send you to John Lytchend.
Feel Good Friday continues next here onthe L and K Morning Show Coast one
oh three point boy, we loveyour feel goods. Here's a feel good
for you. It's estimated that aquarter of life's pleasurable moments involve cheese in
some capacity. I love sharp cheddaragent in a cave for eighteen years.
I don't even know if that's athing, but it just sounds good.
Got men, and not a slideon you. If you love Blue or
Monterey Jack or Muzzarella or Parmerchamp,they're all good. It's cheese. But
we have feel good from Eu GENAthank you so much for being here now
every week we love the spotlight astory that uplifts and inspires and we call
them feel goods. And that's whyyou're on our line. So what happened?
Oh well, okay, so itstarts out kind of sad, but
I mean it happens. Eleven yearsago today, my mom passed away.
I had a three year old andat the time and I was pregnant,
and you know, we all tryand you know, preserve our parents' death
or whoever's died by telling lots ofstories and all like that. And I
do do that with my kids.But my mom's roommates from college took it
a step further. They became mykid's very godparents eleven years ago, even
before I had two other children,And there has not been one month in
eleven years that they have not senta gifts to all three of my kids,
Tickets to the movies, tickets tothe museum, coloring books, books,
anything you can imagine, and themost creative things, because they said,
that's what grandmas do. Grandma spoiltheir kids. Grandma's share all these
things with them. One time,they send them an iPod that had all
of her favorite songs from college.Oh my, and they have never,
ever, ever, ever missed amonth. It's incredible. And every month
my kids talk about their fairy godmothers. Oh, you are so lucky to
have that in your life and yourkids really good. Yes, it's wonderful,
such a great feel good. Thankyou so much, Gina, Thank
you so much for doing what youdo. We love you, Gina,
thank you, We love you too. Have a brief Friday. We had
Shaun Stockman to boys to men inhere, but we know that he also
has a lot of pride in whathe does. Scott the Voice of an
Angel. He brought us guitar.And we know that some of our artists
are particularly competitive with each other.Right. For instance, John Legend sang
the intro to Our feel Goods andit's beautiful. It sounds like this,
I need some feel goods, baby. Seems like the world's gone crazy.
I need some feel goods, baby, give it to me, Give it
to me. So we played thatfor Sean Stockman when he was in the
studio and said, you know,Sean, I don't know if you can
top this or not. What doyou guys think? Good man? I
feel like the world's going crazy.Oh feel good to me? Yeah,
need some feel goods, baby,The world is going crazy. Need some
feel goods to me? I needsome feeling goods. Don't you know?
It feels good to me? Ohmy god? All right, Sean,
we get away, but it isyour feel goods that make us feel good
and everyone listening, so thank youfor sharing. Let's go to Daddy DJ,
Vick Wong, the DJ at theGalaxy, the Kings, the Chargers,
please share your feel good alrighty.So two thousand and two, started
dating my girlfriend at the time,two thousand and four, we go shopping
one day we find these beautiful NikeHemp material dunks with this very cute pink
swoosh on swoosh on them. Hadto pick them up at retail. They're
probably like sixty dollars and at thetime, like Nike, this was like
a very unique shoe at the time. So on the whim me and my
girlfriend at the time, ELI decidedto like buy the pair and said one
day for our daughter, one dayfor our daughter, and just kind of
like you know, put them away. And so fast forward we're in twenty
twenty four and we just recently movedand we're going through storage and we found
the shoes and we have a daughteren we call her VV age three,
and so the shoes were a sizeeight and so we were just at the
you know, at the time ofthe shoes. So we were fortunate enough
to you know, get our photoshoot that we were wanting for the last
gosh twenty years, right, Sowe finally did it. But right before
I put the shoes on, Ellen, I went on eBay and looked on
the shoes and they're close to likea thousand dollars. So I'm gonna be
really honest with you. I putthe shoes on. Then we I had
to take them right back off.I had to. I couldn't let her
get an ice cream stain or someketchup or you know what I mean.
I couldn't do it. I couldn'tdo it. That is such a great
feel good. Yeah. So yeah, it took twenty years and I still
just kind of want to just keepthem in a nostalgic space. But we
did get our picture. I sentthem in to Darlene so she has them.
Yeah, you guys check them out. But yeah, it came full
circle and it was just such amoment that you know, we share and
we got married in twenty thirteen,so yeah, ten years later after our
marriage too, that we could haveyou know, we got two kids and
we have a boy and a girl. So yeah, that's to feel good.
Just like in Field of Dreams,if you build it, they will
come. If you buy those shoes, she will be born. She will
be born. Yeah, And itwas just one of those like the shoes
were so cute. It was like, this is gonna happen. Happens.
That is so great. We areyeah here we are DJ big what Yeah,
Oh my gosh. This was awesome. Ellen, Thank you so much.
Here's more feel good Friday. Nexton the L and K Morning Show,
Coast one O three point five HappyFriday, Let's make it happier with
poor packed Nuts Berry Farm. MisterNott was just trying to plant some berries
on his farm, and now it'san entire world of fun and yummy things.
Why why is it called boys?Oh yeah, the guy that owned
the property, his last name wasBoys. And yeah, they invented the
berry. This berry is the easiestbarrier to grow. And so it's just
this these rough vines they put togetherto make the Boys and Berry. It's
a bunch of different vines. Bythe way, we had thirty four boys
and berries from our plant. Yeah, this is a great story. You
bought the little sapling seedling or werethey seeds? So it was a little
plant that we bought last year atthe Boys and berry festival, like how
little like three inches probably my armlength okay, but skinny okay. And
it didn't have extra little leaves andthings like that. It had no flowers.
So my husband's been feeding it andtaking really good care of it.
He put it on a vine.It started growing through the wall and it
got crazy packed. This is likeJack and the bean stock. Lots of
lots of flowers. We would havehad even more than what I said.
We had like thirty something. Butthe birds, oh he was trying to
cover them. And the squirrels,oh there. They love those boys and
berrios. Do you know why?Because once they's they're delicious. Well that
too, but once they ferment,the animals like to kind of get a
little jo Oh really, yeah,I didn't know that. Yeah, they
ferment and then they kind of geta little tipsy. Oh wow, I'm
serious. We'll get your four packedto not right now. We'd love to
send you there. Eight hundred andnine two nine kost. It's feel good
Friday here on the L and KMorning Show Coast one oh three point five.
Good morning, Ellen, o,Ryan, how you guys? Well,
we're good, but how are you? I'm doing good? I got
a story that at least made mefeel good. I don't know if it'll
make anybody else feel good. ButI went to get a coffee morning at
my AMPM, and I thought,I, what the heck? I got
a five dollars scratcher turned that intoa five hundred dollars win? No,
yeah, well, okay, soyou're scratching? And then did you have
to check like four times or more? I put it on the machine.
There's a machine now that you youscan the bar code to make sure.
Yeah, and it said yep,winner, five hundred dollars. Incredible.
What was the ticket or the game? If you don't mind us asking the
poker? Poker? Okay, poker, okay poker? And where did you
buy it? At the seven thatThank you for listening to us in Carlsbad,
and thank you spreading your luck.We feel lucky. You're just talking
to you, see you guys howwell? I said, no, Happy
Friday, Carrie Spiels. Next,thank you so much for spending your Friday
morning with us. We're the Ellenk Morning Show. I'm Ellan, Hey,
I'm Ryan Mannel, I'm Social QueenDarlene. And we had every show
with a quote and a kiss.We just want to wish you a happy
weekend. Take care. Music isabout our internal life. It's part of
the way people touch each other.That's very precious to me. That's from
Brian May of Queen. Yeah.Have a good one. Kiss on three,
Kiss on me one two three.It's the ellen k Morning Show.
Oh, you guys are awesome.I really do appreciate you guys, And
honestly, you guys are on allthe time, either on the radio,
in the car or at home.Coast one oh three point five