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July 26, 2024 32 mins
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Episode Transcript

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And it's coast. One of threepoint five were the on K Morning Show.
All right, let's go athletes,ma athletes, Mom and dad leads.
I'm Ellen k good morning, I'mRyan Mano, Good morning. I'm
Social Queen Darling, Good morning.I'm producing Miramos. And it dropped today.
Hello World the Song of the Olympics, also sponsored by Coca Cola.

But Gwen Stefani is singing Hello World. We're gonna give you a little bit
of that coming up. Also.Ryan Tedder wrote it and it's it's a
really happy, happy song. Ilove the Olympics. So ten thirty this
morning, NBC during your Top Storiesreport there, did you say there's a
walk race? Yeah, it's it'sit's race walking. I had no idea

that we did that. You've everseen anyone like just in your neighborhood.
Yeah, walking fast? Yeah,But racewalking is a thing, and it's
the least popular sport at the EE, I would guess, So, yeah,
you don't people just walk? Thisis what I heard about race walkers.
Okay, and if you are one, call us at eight hundred and
ninety nine kost beat because it's sucha rapid pace that everything is in the

gluteus maximus. It's all about yourbutt and that they develop huge But donk,
donks, because that's what's really poweringthem. It's not about the leg
power, it's about the butt power. Got it. Yeah, So if
you watch race walking, the leastpopular Olympic sport, check out the rear
end here's and you. I guesswe none of us know the answer to
this. But at what point areyou disqualified for walking too fast that it

becomes oh, jogging jogging. There'ssome kind of thing thresholder rules. We'll
have to look those up. Iwonder, like, can your he'll not
come all the way off the ground, something like that. I don't know.
Yeah, but NBC is putting heartrate monitors on the Olympic competitors' parents
and then they're going to show theresults on screen as they watch their child

take on the biggest challenges of theirsports careers. Love that. Yeah,
that's good. I love that also. Seinfeld always love this too. Talks
about getting beat by one tenth second. I trained, I worked out,
I exercised my entire life. Inever had a date, I never had
a drink, I never had abeer. I was doing push ups.
Since I was a fetus, Iflew halfway around the world. Everybody I

knew and my whole life was therelike I shot off the other all.
But come on, you're there.It's all about the competition and coming up,
we're going to go Inside Entertainment.We're also going to give you one
thousand dollars cash. On Coast Kardashianshave been renewed, So has my favorite
show. Tell you what it is? Coming up? Thanks for being here

at it. Thank God, it'stime, Thank God, it's time.
Feel Good Friday continues next here onthe L and K Morning Show Coast one

oh three point five host one Othree point five Inside Entertainment with Llen k.
Last night, previous screenings of Deadpooland Wolverine took in forty mil which
ranks among the top ten biggest Thursdaynights at the box office. Deadpool and
Wolverine, with Ryan Reynolds and HughJackman, is on track to break the
r rated record for a box officedebut. The record belongs to the original

Deadpool with one hundred and thirty twomills, so they're going to probably make
about one hundred and seventy two hundredmillion dollars. By the way, if
you're going to Disneyland today, DCAmarks Deadpool's arrival. He will be there
today doing walkthroughs and photos and stufflike that Little Meat and Grease. First
time they've ever had an R ratedmovie character in the park. Also,

we have your four packs to watchit on the biggest screen in town,
and that is the TCL Chinese Theater. So not only are we going to
be giving you four packs all throughoutthe morning, but also you get the
coveted ten I your popcorn tins andthese things are going viral and collector's items,
so listen to win that. Okay. So opening ceremonies today for the
Olympics, and there's a brand newsong. It was called Hello. It's

Gwen Stefani, Ryan Tedter Anderson Park. It's so happy. I don't need
to tell you. I don't needto Hello, but we shall win up
with Guestan love it. You're gonnabe hearing a lot of Hello world.

And it has money to get yourmoney one thousand dollars right now, it's
your cash on coast one thousand dollars. Enter the word money to get your
money. It's the Ellen k MorningShow. Wall This is Ellen, Yeah,
my morning. Coast one O threepoint five. Hi, good morning.
You are Color twenty. Oh mygod, congrats, Thank you very

much. What is your name?My name is Rowena. Okay, Rowenna.
Well, thank you for having uson in your car. You're going
to Pink Martini and the Andrew BirdTrio. Okay, thank you very much.
I'm so excited. Yeah, theHollywood Bowl. Yes, sounds like
you're in your car. Where youheading. I'm heading to Monesday Part.

I'm on the pipe right now.Okay, so you're going to work and
everything's on time and everything's good.Yes, Happy Friday. Thank you you
guys. Coast one O three pointfive The llen K Morning Show. Follow
at official ellen K. It's thel and K Morning Show. Think I
fall in love with you? Guys? Is that official? Are we dating?
We are online dating? Coast oneO three point five The on K

Morning Show. Happy Friday, Itis blazing and Burbank. We had our
hottest days on record of ever.So first it was Sunday, then Monday
beat that, and then Tuesday beatMonday. All this week the three hottest
days ever recorded, well, backto back. That brings us to you
Ryan manor your happiness Hack for lifegarden. Let's do it. Yeah,

well anything really outdoors? Do youguys, I'm trying to picture your front
yard. Do you guys have grassto moan? I know there's no yeah,
no, there's no mowing. There'sno mowing. Okay, yeah,
dark dar has mowing. We havea lot of grass. Yeah. Do
you mow zigzag? Well, ourgardener he does it so fast, and
he does it where he leaves thepretty lines. Okay, right, but

it's not straight. So for allof our gardening friends, whether you're a
professional like social Queen Darleen Has oran amateur like Ellen, you love to
just mess around the weeds and mygod, yes, flowers. Well,
one of the problems with that isgrass clippings. They get stuck to your
your shoes, your tires of yourlawnmower. You know grilling spray that you

spray on the grill before. Yeah, apply that to the bottom of your
shoes or the wheels the tires ofyour lawnmower. No sticking like PAM or
something like that. Yeah, Imean there's no specific spray exactly. That's
amazing. It beats grass sticking toyou happy gardening and mowing morning show on
Coast one O three point five TopStories, Top of the hour. Hey

there, I'm elan Ka and we'rehours away from the Summer Games opening ceremony
in Paris ten thirty am NBC.It gets going live from the Sun River.
Sixteen days of competition, ten thousandathletes from around the world, and
that's thirty two sports odds makers projectingTeam USA will bring home the most medals,
China coming in second. Former PresidentBarack Obama has officially endorsed VP Kamala

Harris and her bid is Biden's replacementto win the White House. Until this
morning, Obama was one of theonly high profile dums who had yet to
publicly put his support behind her.I did it in a phone call.
We called to say Michelle, andI couldn't be prouder to endorse you and
to do everything we can to getyou through this election and into the Oval
Office. Oh my goodness, Andthen brought tweeted Michelle and I think she'll

make a fantastic president. Kamala hasour full support, and this is sweet.
La was just confirmed to have thelargest candy store in the entire nation.
It's Jack's Candy on South Central.Have you been? It was also
ranked the number one US candy storeby MSN. The giant store stocks rare
candies that haven't easily been found forthe past forty to fifty years, so

think back to all your childhood faves. ABC says it's basically a blend of
Willy Wonka and Costco, So yeah, check it out. We're gonna put
it in our blog. Jack's CandySouth Central the largest in the nation and
getting great reviews. And the threehottest days every recorded happened this week Sunday
and then Monday beat Sunday, Tuesdaybeat Monday, and one more day of
blazing heat before the weekend brings somemuch needed relief. We're going to hover

in the nineties today and then we'regoing to drop by ten tomorrow. By
the way, this week saw theplanet record, so get ready for some
cool. In Palmdale of T onehundred Percoyman ninety five and it is sixty
five in Burbank. We run onCelsia's Energy Drinks KOST Los Angeles. It's
Coast one of three point five cashon Coast coming up, and a deadpool

Wolverine surprise for you. You've beenhere to win that. See Ellen k
Morning Show. Allen, we loveyou, We listened to you every morning
religiously. We implore you cost oneoh three point five high your collar twenty
you win? Are you serious?Yes? God, who is this?
My name is Sonia. Sonia.You have a four pack of tickets to

go to Deadpool Wolverine. See iton the Biggest Green, the Best Green
TCL Chinese Theater and you get thePopcorntin. How exciting, Thank you so
much? Awesome. Yeah, whenyou're watching this movie, just know that
this was one of the kind ofcasualties of that sag after strike, they
had to stop right in the middleof filming, so it's like a two

parter, right, I know.Yeah, And Taylor Swift finally announced that
she is the godmother to Ryan reynoldskids. Oh wow, I know that.
Yeah, what a godmother to have. And there's more four packs and
Popcorntin's where that came from. Allthroughout the morning here on Coast. We're

also going to go inside entertainment.Coming up, we'll tell you more about
Taylor Swift. She called Ryan Reynoldssome names, but did make the announcement
she is the official godmother too BlakeLively and Ryan's kiddos. Also cash on
ghost Just Good Friday continues next hereon the L and K Morning Show Coast

one O three point five Coast oneO three point five Inside Entertainment with Ellen
k Oh, while Taylor Swift revealedshe is the godmother of Ryan Reynolds and
Blake Lively's kids. She did abig post on her Instagram stories and just
said, you know, shout outto my god kids sperm donor. So
now we know for sure that yeah, she's gonna be there for them all

their lives. She also Ellen justannounced that she can attend fourteen regular season
Chiefs games. This that's all theones that don't conflict with the errors to
her. Her first will be actuallya preseason game Soldier Field in Chicago against
the Bears. Oh my god,is twenty second amazing? It was going
Oh good? And Adelea is engagedto UH sports agent Rich Paul. They

celebrated in London last Friday. She'sbeen photographed plunting are huge engagement ring as
four carrots. Of course she didn'thesitate. They face timed with all their
best friends and future bridesmaids to sharethe news. Rich planned for the proposal
be in her hometown in London,so they celebrated with champagne. And speaking
of couples, Oprahen Gail are theymore than friends? During an interview That's

with Melinda Gates on her Moments ThatMake Us series, Oprangale talked about the
rumors that they're a gay couple.You know, for years people used to
say we were gay, or ye, we were and and listen, we
we were up against that for forever. No, and people still still say.
And I used to say it overYou've got to do a show on
this because it's hard enough for meto get a date on Saturday night with

people thinking we're gay, because ifwe were gay, we would tell you
yeah. There's also a room.The studman lives in the garage. He's
the garage. More men live inthe garage than you would you would think.
And it is bank. Enter bankonline at Coast one of three five

dot com for your one thousand dollarscash on Coast. It's bank. It's
the Lank Morning Show. Thank you, Ellen k just real quick, a
little kiss on you well, Thankyou so much, for making My day
host one O three point five Coastone of three point five Happy Friday too.
Yeah, h are you ready togo see Mariah Carrie scorch it up
in Vegas? It is Mimi andshe wants to welcome you there. It's

a two nights day park MGM.Two tickets to Mariah's show. She's extending
it as well, Mariah carry thecelebration of Mimi Live in Vegas, Adobe
Live Park, MGM. All youhave to do is be the first caller
with the right answer to our questions. You're ellen k Q and a special
shout out to DJ Dents and it'sa car full of kids and Dents is,

as you know, the DJ forthe Clippers and he's addicted to the
len KQ and a so Hi Danz. Yeah, here it is. Here's
your question. Eighty percent of ussay doing this on a first date is
a deal breaker? All right?Now? Deal breakers change all the time,
but this is the top one.Right now. Eighty percent of us
say doing this on a first dateis a deal breaker. What do you

think it is? It's eight hundredand ninety two nine kost and we're going
to get your guesses next there's morefel Good Friday. Next on the L
ANDK Morning Show Coast one oh threepoint five. So many great guesses.
Eighty percent of us say doing thison a first date is a deal breaker.
All right, talking about your ex, great guess, not the right
answer. Dominating and controlling the menuordering for the other person. Ooh yeah,

not the right answer. It's alsonot going in for an unwonted kiss
or feeding the person a right.More guesses coming up. It's the L
and K, Q and A onCoast one oh three point five. Hi
Maria, how are you? I'mgood? How about yourself? Doing great?
Are you in a dating relationship,a marriage or nothing? Marriage?

Okay, well, eighty percent ofus say doing this on a first date
is definitely a deal breaker. Theychecking your phone constantly checking your phone a
lot. It's with some people justattached to their hand. They should make
a little like hand things where youjust have it attached to your hand,
just literally. It's a great guess. It's not the right answer. Okay,

Well, thank you so much.Thank you. We're going out of
van nice. Hey, Joe Hey, one of my favorite people. How
are you doing? You're doing great? How are you. I'm doing good.
What are you doing? I'm justnot working right for the weekend?
All right, what's going on thisweekend? School shopping for the girls?
Oh well, yeah, they goback next week, so oh next week

already? Okay, yeah, theymight like this. Tonight at the labrettar
Pits, there's a free evening aboutslots and it's called Sloth Summer Nights,
so you have up close encounters withSid the sloth that is cool from the
Wildlife Learning Center. I did Ithink we're going for sure? Is that
what the one from the ice Agewas? Yeah? Yes, okay,

yeah, so it's it's this eveningat the Labret Tarpets. See you there
if you go. But okay,cool, Yeah, well what's your guest?
So eighty percent of us say doingthis on a first DAID is a
deal breaker. I'm just always talkingabout yourself. I mean, it's cool
to get to know somebody, butgoing too deep and you know, yeah,
you always talking about yourself. That'sa great guess it's not the right

answer. Oh okay, Joe,try again, have a great I don't
have a good day. You guys. Hi there, Levi, Hi,
hey, Levi says here that you'reeleven years old. When do you go
back to school? I go backto school on August nineteenth. Okay,
all right, well, thank youfor having us on and being here on
the l k Q and a what'syour guest? What do eighty percent of

us say is a first date dealbreaker? I think arriving late, arriving
late, being late? Are youpunctual? Yes? Yeah. So many
kids call us, you know,and you have to rely on your parents
to get you, you know,or someone to drive you to school,
and they say that they're late,not because they're late, it's because their
parents are late. Yeah. Yeah, does that ever happen to you?

Yes? My mom always makes melate. Okay, well, you say
it's arriving late. Eighty percent ofus say doing this on a first date
is a deal breaker. It isarriving late. You're right. Oh gosh,
I'm I'm so happy. I'm gonnatake my grandma because she likes my
case. Oh that's so sweet.Mariah in Vegas a two nights day,

one hundred dollars gas card for theroad. I thank you so much,
LEVI for the winds. What agreat way to spend the summer. So
sweet, taking his great love.That. Yeah, so eighty percent of
us a that if you're late,that is the number one top deal breaker.
Good dayton, All right, We'vegot more Deadpool Wolverine four packs for

you, Tcale tennis theater. Pluseveryone gets a popcorn tin. These popcorn
tins are so cool. That andmore. Just keep in here on coast
all morning long. Thank I knowwhat you're doing this weekend. But you
know, if you're going to goto the zoo, either in San Diego
or LA, don't show Gorilla's videoson your phone. I'll tell you why.

Coming up. Zoo keepers are upsetwith all of us Top stories just
ahead plus more on opening day ofthe Olympics than cost one three point five
Top stories Top of the hour.Good morning, I'm ellen k and Big
Olympics Day. Over ten thousand athletesfrom around the world, thirty two sports,
and of course odds makers projecting TeamUSA will bring home the most,

China coming in second. But sincethe first Games Modern Games in eighteen ninety
six, but just sports have beendropped. They include croquet that was an
Olympic sport, polo was lacrosse,motor boating, and also tug of War
One that I think they should definitelybring back. Some of your new ones
include surfing, skateboarding, and breakdancing. All right, Former President Barack

Obama officially endorsed VP Kamala Harris andHerbidiz Biden's replacement to win the White House.
And in its constant effort to outdoevery SoCal city, Irvine, which
already tops every list, has justadded something new to its police fleet at
Tysla Tesla cybertruck, not only thefirst in the South Land, also the
first in the nation. Sergeant JacobGallagher says a cyber truck will launch as

a community engagement vehicle before transitioning toa proper police car. They planned to
outfit it for tactical military and ofcourse rescue operations. And we do have
another warm day today. Highs reallyin the upper nineties everywhere from Pasadena to
Palmdale, Pacoimi. Look at ninetyfive to one hundred. Were going to
drop ten degrees by tomorrow. Rightnow in Burbank is already seventy. We

run on Celsia's energy drinks. Itis KOST Los Angeles Coast one oh three
point five. We've got your fieldgoods on your feel Good Friday and also
more cash on Coast. It's thellenk Morning Show. Thank you so much
for making my morning so much easierto wake up to Coast one oh three
point five. And before we getto your feel goods, Feel Good Friday,

we're just talking in the room aboutthe sports have been dropped from the
Olympics opening day today ten thirty amPacific time, NBC. Let's where you
see one billion We'll be tuning in. It's gonna be one of the biggest
opening days for the Olympics ever.And also, you know last year it
was COVID Yeah, I mean lastOlympics. Olympics. Yeah, so big

crowds back together again. But therewere some sports that have been dropped over
the year since eighteen ninety six,and that's croquet, polo, lacrosse.
Those are all Olympic sports. Motorboating, I know that was that's got
a different connotation Olympics. How doyou motor phone? No, No,

we gotta move on. Don't everask that room full of men. Your
husband can show you, okay,a tug of war. Tug of war.
I like that, I mean thatshould be that'd be fun, that
would be that should be Olympic sportingall right, so feel good Friday,

Let's get right to it. Ninetythree year old ever At Kaitlin scaled half
Dome. What an amazing thirteen hourclimb. He did it with the help
of the sun. John and alsohis granddaughter was there. But they got
to the top. Here's son Johntalking about his daddy, and every step
along the way people were kind oflooking at my dad and all like,
wow, you know, amazing thatyou're doing. You're such an inspiration.

Can I take a photo with you? You know, you're making me think
my dad and whatever, and reallyjust kind of pretty neat that we had
the support of everybody up and downthe mountain, that's for sure. John
went on to say the power ofseeing his dad at ninety three years old
was just so much joy and inspirationand he gets choked up just thinking about
it. But Everett the man talkingabout that big hike from his perspective,

and slowly but surely we got closerto the top, and you know,
finally I saw the where the cablewas locked into the rock, solid as
possible, and I thought, mygosh, we're here, And that was
just super That is oh super sosuper Daddy Dale makes me miss him.

He used to always say, superYeah, that is such a huge accomplishment.
Imagine ninety three and you do that. That is some hike. I
was just look, I have filesorganized by title here. Oh yeah,
this is crazy. It was onthis day or yesterday was the one year
anniversary of you freaking out when Calvinwent hiking. Oh oh, I remember

that he went hiking and he hadhis phone on him but there was no
cell towers. Yeah, for ninehours I had lost him, and I
was like, this can't be anine hour hike, right, And I'm
thinking of wildlife and bears or afall, I mean anything. I was
out of my mind. I remember, out of my mind, I know.

And then you know, because ofthat, he then had to send
this, Hey, mom's wanted torecord this video. I can't send a
text back to you, but Igot your texts. I know you're worried,
but I'm in a beautiful mountain meadow. It's nice and flat. There
are little chipmunks and little bugs everywhere. I am okay, it's really funny.

Ryan Coast one oh three point fiveThe ellen k Morning Show follow us
at Coast one O three five dotcom. It's the llenk Morning Show.
Ellen, we love you. Welisten to you every morning religiously. We
idplore you. Coast one oh threepoint five. All right, I like
to hear it, lay it onus. This is such a big,
huge announcement. It is a hugeannouncement. So the Haunted Mansion has been

shut down since January, coming outof the last holiday season, now getting
ready to gear up for the newholiday season. Opening on Monday, the
Haunted Mansion returns to the Disneyland resort. But here's the inside scoop on it.
Number one. You will not beable to queue up because the queue
and the new gift shop are notopen yet. It's all gonna be done
by virtual q so seven am andnoon every day. Those invitations will drop

on the Disneyland Apple. You'll needto make sure to get that downloaded ahead
of time. And everything is setup already for Haunted Mansion Holiday, that
special overlay from nightmemberfore Christmas, It'llalready be set up, So we're getting
that Halloween and Christmas already well inJuly. It's so fun. Thanks Nikki.
Yeah, and one more thing realquick, this weekend. If you're
in Long Beach and you're going toMidsummer Scream, Halloween and Horror Convention,

come see me for a very specialpanel. I'm hosting on Sunday at two
thirty Promenade Stage for the Queen Maryin Long Beach and I will be there
as your host and got some reallyreally cool giveaways that'll be happening at that
panel. Ify happened to be comingout for the event. The host with
the most from and your keyword iscash. It is one thousand dollars.

Just enter the keyword cash online Coastone of three five dot com enter cash
to get your cash one thousand dollars. It's waiting for you your collar twenty
Oh really wow, Yes, howare you? It's your name? Awesome.
My name is Barbara. I'm fromcorn Barbara, thank you for having

us on. What are you doingtoday? I'm just getting ready to walk
with the ladies at the mall forit's nice. Okay, that's the move,
especially hot days like today. Indoors. Yeah, walk in the air
conditioning area. How many miles you'reputting in? We're gonna do at least
five five miles. Oh yeah,we just walk around the mall, keep

walking in the different alleys and there. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah,
it's really fun. Yeah, I'lltell all of them we said, hey,
and that you want take us tosee Luke Bryan at the Forum.
All right, sounds great? Canwait more? Feel Good Friday is coming
up on the ellen K Morning Show. Coast one o three point five.
It's the ellen K Morning Show.Sunshine and a Ball. This is ellen

Yeah, my morning Coast one ohthree point five. It's a big special
day for the opening games, theOlympics and Patty. Two things that Ryan
loves and crushes on coming together,Guillome of Mister T Hollywood. Yeah,
and Pig's hot Dogs. Oh yes, yeah, so Guillome owns French from

mister T and he teamed up withPink's hot Dogs for French inspired hot dogs.
So tomorrow and Sunday, eleven amto four pm you can savor French
inspired hot dogs. They put likefancy French things on them while the Olympics
are showing. All right, allthe details in our blog. It's the
ellen K Morning Show. Thank you, ellen K, just real quick,
a little kiss on you. Thankyou so much for making my day host

one O three point five feeling goodon your feel good Friday, Feel good
Friday, one hundred degrees for today, and we're gonna finally cool off tomorrow.
Murna wantsa say hello, Hey,Rna, Hi, good morning Ellen.
We love you. I just wantto say that we love you,
appreciate what you do to everybody,your generous slack, your grand youth.

You know, Vine. We loveyou with the prices. We love everything
you do for all the listeners,and you're always caring. We just love
you. Oh, I love Ihope participate in the contest. It's kind
of from a nice bonus when welisten. But it's so nice to give
everybody all these opportunities to go placesand that phone. We love you,

Thank you, mRNA. Wow,I don't think I've ever been love bombed.
Can give your bosses number Top storiesTop of the Hour, Good Morning
of L and K, and thetwo astronauts Boeing sent to the space station
are still stuck up there with noreturn date in sight. The perseverance Mars
Rover I also found a weird rockthat might show some signs of some more

life. But these are just thelatest out of NASA for those two astronauts,
the absolute earliest would be late August, and they're saying chances for that
still aren't really good. Gorillas atSan Diego Zoo are getting too much screen
time. So in San Diego andacross the country. Here in La Zoo,
officials are not thrilled with the newtrend of visitors showing videos to gorillas

on their phones through glass and closures. So they say that they're going to
put extra zoo keepers there at thewindow to keep us from doing that.
Gorillas are becoming addicted to our phonescreens and getting too much screen time.
And one of the three kindest thingsthat you can say to someone, Number
one is I believe in you.Number two, you make a difference.
Number three, I appreciate you.This is from a whole team of psychologists

that did a nationwide study. SoI believe in you. You make a
difference. I appreciate you. Anda super hot day today, highs up
to one hundred. We're going tocool down by tomorrow, and it's seventy
in Burbank, Kost and Los Angeles. We run on Celsia's energy drinks.
It's coast one up three point fivemore cash on Coast and more four packs
plus collect your tens to see DeadpoolWolverine TCL Chinese Theater. That's coming up

this hour as well. The ellenK Morning Show on Coast one oh three
point five. Hi your collar twentyall R. Yes, this movie.
I can't wait to see this movie. It's gonna be so good. So
Deadpool Wolverine. And you also getthe commember of tins of popcorn, four
of them, so it's a fourpack for you. Wow, that's wonderful.

Thank you so much, TCL ChineseTheater. It's a huge screen,
the biggest screen. Thank you soso much. I don't think we got
your name. Who is this?My name is Dean. Would you have
two a Dean, I'm on astair mastic The ellen K Morning Show on

Coast one oh three point five.Okay, it is out forbes pool Who
has the worst road rage? Well, California is right there on top,
ranked first the Missouri than Utah.I love your your tip, Ellen,
you say, just you know,when you feel that rage, just picture
that driver as a little baby,right, yes, I'm wearing a diaper.

Yeah, baby driver. Instead ofthe one finger gesture, just give
a thumbs up This coast on threepoint five. It's the ellen K Morning
Show. Because this is sunshine anda wall. This is Ellen. Yeah,
my morning Coast one O three pointfive. Thanks for spending your morning
with us here on the ellen KMorning Show. Carrie Steele is coming up

next time. Ellen. I'm RyanMano, I'm social Queen Darlene. And
what you watching weekend? Deadpool Wolverine? Yep. I highly recommend TCL Chinese
Theater. It's a huge screen.They also offer it in four D max.
Where you are in the movie,your seat moves with it. How
much movement are we talking? Like? You lot like jostled? Like do

you come out like like okay?For instance, when you ride the Matterhorn,
yes, Disneyland, you kind offeel like, oh I think it
just adjusted my back. It's thatokay, Like can spill your drink?
No? Okay, all right,no good, but you do. You
also get sent and you get ifit's raining, you get rain. Yeah,
it's really fine and wind everything.Yeah, I'll tell you what I'm

watching this weekend. You watching awhole bunch of Pitmasters barbecue the best in
the Southland. Kevin Bloodsoe James BeardAward winning chef is hosting a huge barbecue
event competition at the Compton Airport todayand tomorrow. I will be there all
day time, the top barbecuers fromevery region of the Southland facing on.
I don't know anyone could pick atop barbecue. It's all good. It's

called smoking out the Hub. Iwill be there supporting my buddy Eddie Gonzalez.
He is repping Inland Empire. Thatmeans something else to me because my
husband I call him hub So smokingout the Hub and I won't be watching
much because I'll be watching the boys. The team football team has a car
wash doing a car wash f amtill three pm at Deer Creek car Washing,

Rancho Cucamonga. So if you guyscan come on out and support,
they're gonna dry your car really good. You have to tell us the name
of your team, dar Alta LoomaHigh school football team. So it's not
a what you're watching weekend, that'swhat you washing. What's your mascot?
We are the Braves? No thereyou go? All right? Okay,
So we about half an hour agountil the Olympic opening ceremonies, really exciting

and we end every show with aquote and kiss. So happy birthday to
you if you're celebrating today. MickJagger made the chronicle. My mother in
law sends me the daily chronicle fromher community every single day, and so
Mick Jagger is on the cover.It's his birthday and his quote of the
day is, as long as myface is on page one, I don't

care what they say about me.I'm page seventeen, all right, Kiss
on three, kiss on me onetwo three,

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