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July 24, 2024 34 mins
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Episode Transcript

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We're the Morning Show. It comesto one of three point five. Good
morning to you on this hot,hot, hot day. I'm Melan Kay,
good morning. I'm Ryan Mano,good morning. I'm Social Queen Darling,
good morning. And producer Mike Romoons. And we are here with you,
right by your side to give youcash. We're going to send you
fun places sold this to head NickPauli o'channa on your traffic as well,

just to keep you moving. Today'sTequila Day, Happy National Tequila Day.
Seventy five percent of us like them, twenty five percent of us love them.
All right, So guess who drinksthe most tequila in the nation as
a state? Oh, as astate, it has to be California,
I would say us, Yeah,us, US, right right, Well,

Texas, I'll say Texas. Ohokay, yeah, Producer mikey,
I guess I was gonna go withCalifornia as well. Yeah, yeah,
three, California when Texas, well, we're all wrong. So we're number
three of all the states that drinkthe most tequila, and that is let's
see, how much is that onepoint three bottles a year per person?

That's it? Yeah? Yeah,okay, all right. Number two that's
a tie. Colorado, Arizona onepoint four bottles per person a year.
All right, Nevada is number onewith tequila consumption. They're they're putting down
two point three bottles a year perperson if you were to average it all
out. So yeah, that's likePennsylvania is last quarter bottle of year.

That's like four shots at tequila.What are they doing? A lot?
They make it there, They maketheir own. How did you know that?
Don't ask. I'll never forget theday. Darlene and I just went
right down the street over here toHouse of Ambrosia, the liquor store.
Oh yeah, yeah, right here, and we are our favorite actor hooked
up with Brian Cranston and Aaron Paul. They were doing their launch of their

Dose Ome Brace tequila. Yes,and we found out Brian loves Coast and
theellen K Morning Show goes one ofthree point five. It goes one on
three point five. It's five minutesafter the big hour, five o'clock here
coasting you to a weekend. You'regonna love, yes, your honor.

Yeah, woh boy. Yeah,So it's a good excuse you today have
a have a margarita. Most ofus like the frozen kind. Just a
few of us like it on therocks. I'm a frozen with salt on
the rim, Like, why evendrink it if you don't have to saltah
for sure? Okay, coming up, we're gonna go inside Entertainment. It's

Deadpool Domination. You're gonna be hearingso much about Deadpool from here on.
But also there's a couple they're inbattle. They're not getting along, but
now they decided to save their marriageby doing something pretty lame. And you'll
find out what that is next.Coast one of three point five the stream
us on the iHeartRadio app. It'sthe Lank Morning Show. Allen, We
love you. We listen to youevery morning religiously. We implore you.

Cost one O three point five pastone O three point five Inside Entertainment with
Ellen k. Olympics kicking up onfor Friday. Celine Dion will make two
million dollars for one song. SnoopDogg will carry the torch. We don't
know who he's passing off to,but that is your latest in Olympics news.
By the way, the twenty thirtyfour games early this morning awarded to

Salt Lake City the Winter Games.I think that is so cool coming back.
I love that we've planned so farahead too. Yeah, Salt Lake
City, that's a fun place togo. Oh, hang in the snow?
All right? What about this?Disney and bailed that the Marvel character
Deadpool will appear to of its globalparks locations, beginning Friday here in Anaheim
at California Adventure and then July twentyfourth at Disneyland. Pattis. The Plant

experience with the costume character marks thefirst time at Disney Park has hosted live
appearance from an R rated film.Oh it will be Ryan Reynolds and Hugh
Jackman as guest host on Kimmeltnight onABC. Hugh Jackman talks about the moment
that he called Ryan Reynolds to seeif he would come back and do the
movie with him. I'm driving downthere and I was like, what do

you want to do? It wasin my head. Kids had their headphones,
and I said, what do youwant to do? And love,
what do you want to do?I went, I want to do Dipole
Wolfring, Sorry it was Wolfring Dipolewhen I was thinking about it, I
want but I just thought, Ireally want to do it. And I
pulled over and I rang Ryan andI said, dude, I don't know
where you're at. I know you'reshooting. I think you're getting ready to
shoot, but please tell me wecan do this movie. And he said,
are you okay? You're ringing me? What? No one rings on
the phone anymore. They just cash. Yeah, they called it backed.

Most of us think it's a wasteof time to listen to our voicemails,
but I'm glad Ryan Reynolds listen tohis. And it is pay. All
you have to do is enter panlinefor one thousand dollars. It's your cash
on coast. Go to coast oneof three five dot com. Enter the
keyword pay. It's the Ellen KMorning Show. Thank you, ellen K.
Just real quick, a little kisson you. Thank you so much
for making my day host one Othree point five high your collar twenty you

win? What? Yes? Ohmy god, I'm so excited. You
sound like you're in your car.Where are you headed? Yes, I'm
a it's to work right now.And what's your name? My name is
Gia. I love your name,Gia. That's beautiful. Thank you.

Yeah, Gia, you are goingto the Hollywood Ball to see Pink Martini.
Wow, I'm very excited. Thankyou. Pro tip show up early,
picnic you know, lounge, Yeah, it'll go with the music.
There's also another pro tip you wentlast time and showed up too late that

the bar just gave you a bottleof wine. Yeah, that's two if
you show up. Yeah. WellI got there too late clothing, so
they said, just take all this, take this. They gave us a
bottle and a big bottle of sparklingwater. See are you, siria.
Yeah, I'm so excited. They'dalready opened them and they couldn't. They
had to do something with them,and we're standing there. So you go

early, you go late, youbenefit. Wow, thank you. I'm
so so excited. The ellen kMorning Show on Coast one oh three point
five. It's a beautiful song lingered, but we don't want our flies to
linger. They get in the house, and it seems like that one little

critter can just drive you crazy.Yeah. And I don't know if it's
the same fly, but I seea fly every day. I'm like,
is that still? You offer thisa new one? How did you get
in here? You should name it, honestly, they're a pest and we're
getting them a lot right now.They're just they seem to be, they
seem to be everywhere. Well,it's your happiness hack for life. Okay.
So instead of using a fly swatteror harmful chemicals, here's what we're

gonna do. We're gonna swap aswater for some water. Okay, how
do we do that? Do youtake a spray bottle, just a regular
old spray bottle, right, emptyout one, or if you have an
empty, fill it with water.Keep it on the counter as soon as
you see on spread. It disablestheir wings, it doesn't kill them,
So it's a very like humane Imean, if you don't you know,
I mean, yeah, you cando it. Can you have it on
the missed setting? Yeah? Howeveryou want to l all right, I

mean I would prefer to harder.But then it disables their wings and you
can just pick them up and eitherthrow them outside or dispose. Oh wow,
okay, but water is a reallygood way to do it from a
distance where they don't see it coming. Oh right, spray bottle, Oh
that's a goode. What do yousay? Flat? Swap a swatter for
some walk coast one O three pointfive, the llen K Morning Show,

follow Us at Coast one O threefive, dot com top stories, top
of the hour, Good Morning atmellen k, and the presidential Address to
the Nation At five p here aretime on all the major networks. President
Biden elaborates on his decision not torun for election. Meanwhile, a VP
Kamala Harris held her first rally lastnight Milwaukee, will attend an event today

in Indianapolis, and the two leadingnames to get the Harris VP pick are
Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Arizona centerMark Kelly. After initially threatening to back
out of debates with Harris, DonaldTrump has rescinded that, saying he's now
willing to have multiple debates. Oh. In more political news, former LA
Mayor Antonio Viragosa is making another runfor governor of California. He last ran

here in twenty eighteen. He finishedthird in the primary. And hey,
those headaches continuing today for air travelers, especially if you're booked on Delta.
The airline says the schedule snaffoos dueto last week software outage likely continue the
rest of the week. Lax remainsa mess all in all, Delta has
canceled more than six thousand flights sincelast Thursday. The US Department of Transportation

has opened a formal investigation. Thisis good news. A fifteen year old
girl who went missing in Monterey Parklast week has been found safe, remarkably
outside the ABC studios in Glendale.Her name's Alison. Reported missing last Tuesday.
She was hiking to her aunt's housein San Gabriel. Never arrived.
Djails as to where she's been orstill unknown. Someone driving near ABC Studio

recognized her from the news and followedher, calling police. Thank goodness is
safe and this is awesome. Forthe first time ever, Deadpool coming to
Disneyland starting this Friday. It's beenmaking his way through the Avengers campus for
fan photos at Disney California Adventure.His DCA arrival times up with the weekend
release of Deadpool and Wolverine, whichalso opens on Friday, is probably going

to do three hundred and sixty milliondollars globally. And Mattel just unveiled their
two newest Barbie dollars, a blindBarbie and a black Barbie with down syndrome,
both part of their Fashionista collection.Blind Barbie comes with a red and
white striped cane, sunglasses and brailon the box. Black Barbie with Down
Syndrome was created in partnership with theNational Down Syndrome Society, their second such
model. Both officially on sale todayfor just eleven dollars. Bravo Barbie and

Mattel all right, the Southland stillscorching today, his again hitting triple digitus
Dworty up to one hundred Downey yousee ninety five and right now at a
seventy five in Burbank, we runon Celsia's Energy drinks. It's Kost Los
Angeles Coast, one of three pointfive. More money coming up for you.
It's your Cash on Coast just aheadthe Llen K Morning Show on coast

one oh three point five. Thanksfor making us your escape or the K
Morning Show. I'm always happy tobe here with you. Coming up.
We've got your cash on coast.Don't miss your chance to grab one thousand
dollars. That's exactly what you're doing. You're taking it. It's there for
you. It's like we put itout on a plate. Think of it
as just this, like yummy,what's your favorite pie? Rye oh blueberry

pie. Okay, it's a blueberryit's steaming out of the oven and there's
vanilla ice cream on it, andit's like right there in your face,
and someone else is going to getthat first piece, exactly my point.
Okay, coming up, that isyour cash on coast. In about ten
minutes, we'll give that to you. So this has gone viral. It's

a big bungle. It's led aCPK California Pizza Kitchen's last steel half off
mac and cheese for the rest ofthe month. If you've never had their
mac and cheese, it is reallycreamy, it's really good. They have
great cauliflower cross pizza too. Ifyou're watching your carbs, highly recommend,
not an ad, just great.Ah Well, here's the story. TikTok
user went viral after sharing her botchedorder. It was supposed to be their
standard mac and cheese. Instead sheonly got cheese, a cup of cheese,

no noodles. There was a glitchin the ordering system which separated the
mac from the cheese. So afterfive million viral views, CPK says,
since we gave her only half,we're giving everyone else half off. Okay,
right now, As for the customerherself. She got a letter from
CPK with a giant bucket of noodles. Is a great big gift as well,

and she talks about it. Freemac and cheese for a year and
free pizza for a year. Again, so sorry this happened and we hope
this makes it right. Hashtag greatday. So there it is. That
went viral too. Yeah. I'mtrying to think if I've ever had to

company makes you know what? Whenwe I was we went to Europe last
year, we had a canceled flightand er Lingis really stepped up gave us
hotel free meals, you know.I mean it's cool companies actually like instead
of saying, hey, you're onyour own sorry, Yeah, that's nice,
bake up for I think I've everhad anything like that. Starbucks is
really good about it. My momjust recently had an issue with her mobile

order and then they were like,we're crediting you it all back and yeah,
that's so nice. Plus here's yourcorrected. Wow. Yeah, I
think the closest I came was atthe Hollywood Bowl last call. We had
a rite for we had a ridefor Harry Connick Junior and the fireworks and
the bar was closing, and she'dalready opened up a big bottle sparkling water

and a bottle of wine, andshe said, take these, take them
to your seat because we can't Ican't sell them. We're closing. Yeah,
And so I walked up to ourmy arms full of bottles. So
it's so great funny. It's like, honestly, we always say the little
things are the big things, andthat's a little thing. But you'll never
forget that. That's right. Stomerservice goes such a long way, it
sure does. And what a greatmarketing gift from CPKA as well. Do

you know what's funny working with youbecause you sometimes get cynical. My thought
was was this a plant? Oh? Let's see, this is so nice.
Okay, coming up, we're gonnago inside Entertainment. This couple writing
love letters trying to save their marriage. It's not working. We'll tell you
who next. More feel good iscoming up on the Lank Morning Show host

one O three point five Inside Entertainmentwith Ellen k Ben Affleck and j Lo
are exchanging love letters and insider claimsthey are making a last ditch effort to
save their marriage. They did notpublicly recognize their second anniversary. Last week
her birthday just to celebrate with theBridgerton party. Her birthdays actually today,
but over the weekend she had aBridgerton theme party. He was not there.

He's here in La. This insidersays, divorce papers are ready to
be fouled, but they want togo back to the beginning by writing each
other letters. Love letters is whatcaused their tension. Ben bound all of
his love letters to in a bookfor Christmas gift. Then she shared those
notes in her documentary. He feltviolated. Those love letters were not meant
to be shared, not the pointof the story. But Ben's first wife,

Jenn Garner mix A, came onthis weekend's Deadpool and Wolverine. So
I don't know what's really going on, but it is her birthday. Jay
Love talking about each of her albumscatturing a moment in her life. I
went on an incredible journey through mylife, you know, for the past
twenty years, and I think I'vegrown a lot, and I think the
albums really are about kind of capturingthose moments in time, like I captured

that moment in time. Cash onCoast and the House is up for sales
well, and we'll see it's yourcash on Coast. It's one thousand dollars.
Just enter the keyword bills. It'sone thousand when you go to Coast
one of three five dot com enterbills Cha cash on Coast. It's the
llenk Morning Show. Thank you somuch for making my morning so much easier

to wake up to Coast one ohthree point five. We got your ellen
k Q and A. All right, we asked a question. First caller
with the right answer is going toMariah Carey in Vegas. Tonight's day hundred
dollars gas card for the road hereit is ninety percent of us have no
patience for this. What do youthink that is not that? Ten of
us just no patience for this.Save one hundred ninety two nine kost First

color with the right answer is goingto see Mimi and Vegas, you know,
to stay there all weekend. Getyour guess next Coast one o three
point five The llen k Morning Show. Follow ad Official llen K. It's
the ellen k Q and A onCoast one oh three point five. Hey
Joel, Yeah, Hi, goodmorning. How's it going in Pacoima?
Hi? Pretty good? Pretty good. Yeah, good, Okay, So

ninety percent of us have no patiencefor this. What do you say it
is? I would have to say, dishonesty. Oh that's a really good
one. Dishonesty. It's not theright answer, Joel, but try again.
Okay, okay, we'll do thankyou. All right. We go
to East Bale, Hi Martha,Hi Martha. So we went to go

see Twisters, and I highly recommendit's so good. I'm looking at your
guests and right in the middle ofa scene, my husband's phone rang,
Oh oh no, and everybody turnsaround and then he's fumbling trying to turn
it off, and you know thatkind of thing. That's the worst.
Well, and it's related to yourguests. So your guess is ninety percent

of us have no patience for phonesin the theater. Phones in the theater.
Talking in the theater is another one. I get really uneasy whenever people
are talking in places they shouldn't betalking. Oh my god, yes,
right, I was. Yeah,I would think it might be even higher.
But yeah, that's it's not thatdifficult to put it on silent.

Like I was in a high schoolgraduation, you know, during graduation season
and the people behind me were talking, and I just thought, that's so
disrespectful to the graduates. Yeah,yeah, seriously. Yeah, that's a
great guest too, Martha. It'snot the right answer, So sorry,
that's okay. Thank you, Hey, Amber at home and Rancho Cucamonga.

Today is a National Tequila Day.It says here on our screen that you
love the mango margarita with a spicysalt rim. Yes, I do.
I love salt. I love thesalt on the rim too good. But
what's your guest? So what doyou think it is? Ny of us
have no patience for what when peopleleave a message, a voicemail, a

voicemail you know, Hugh Jackman letthe voicemail for Ryan Reynolds saying hey,
let's do Deadpool and Wolverine, andthen his kids made fun of him said,
nobody leaves voicemails anymore. We text. Yeah, well, of us
have no patience for voicemail. Listeningto a voicemail. You are right,

You're going to Mariah in Vegas.Oh, thank you so much. It's
awesome. I save all my voicemails. The other day, I went back
in time and I collected all ofthe voicemails. My dad left me and
put them all in a file.I love voicemails. I'll listen to them
all day long. Sandy Steck afternoonshere at Coast, she loves to leave

voicemails. I don't know, I'mI'm a voice. I know you just
text all the time, right Ido. I don't mind sometimes a voice
not voice note. Right, yeah, but like I know some people that
leave like four or five minute voicenotes almost like just have the conversation.
Ninety percent of us no patients forvoicemails. You're Llen, KQ and A

and this is Coast. It's theL and K Morning Show. Think I
fall in love with you? Guys? Is that official? Are we dating?
We are online dating Coast one ohthree point five And it is national
a Tequila Day. So right,let's go to Francisco. Welcome Francisco,
celebrating Tequila Day here with you.Oh yes, yeah, thank you,

Yeah I heard that. Yeah,I just wanted to wish you happy Tequila
Day against Spanish. Since I'm atranslator. I work at school district and
I just love listening to us sayevery day, Oh, thank you so
much. Yeah, we're here,for it, all right, well,
happy tequila day. It's okay,all right. And then there's a special

toast that we actually do, yeahwhen we are when we're taking those shops,
and it's Riva Abaha and Centro.Yes, we know it well,
probably too well. Thank you somuch, Francisco, we love it you
listen, no father, thank youvery great, Thank you all for Morning

show. Allan, we love you. If we listened to you every morning
on are we to school every dayreligiously? We implore you. Thank you.
Gast one of three point five topstory, Top of the Hour,
Good Morning of Ellen k and SnoopDogg is lighting one up for the Summer
Olympics. The torch that is Snoopis landed in France. He's set to
carry the iconic flame through the streetsof northern Paris on Friday. Not only

that, but Snoop will provide regularreports on NBC throughout the games. Opening
ceremony kicks off Friday ten to thirtya local time. And in other Olympic
news, at tennis great Andy Murrayannounced he is retiring after these summer Games.
Also, Celine Dion is performing onesong for two million dollars and it's
said that Lady Gaga may be doingpart of a song with her, so

we'll see what happens. Hey inthe industry is the happiest employees is construction.
You know, kids love building toyslike Tinker Toys and Lego. Apparently
the fun carries over into the adultversion. There's a new report on the
happiest industries at analyze things like cultureand values, diversity inclusion, work life
balance, and money, determining thehappiest gig is working in construction, number

two accounting, Number three is tech, and then healthcare. It only looked
at a few industries, but theones that rank the lowest for happiness are
retail, legal, anything legal,and then at the very bottom hospitality.
I was surprised by that. Andthere was a man who toorked for three
hours and thirty minutes to break theworld record. His name is Babbadie Israel

Abajondo, who took on the challengeto raise awareness about depression and the importance
of mental health. Receiving word fromthe Guinness World Records that he is January
Dancing Marathon officially earned him that title. Three and a half hours twerking to
break that world title, and hey, we're going to stay hot today.
Triple digits. We had Compton lookedabout ninety five Castaic one hundred for you,

and it's seventy five in Burbank.We run on Celsia's energy drinks.
Kost Los Angeles Coast one o threepoint five. Your letters to Ellen and
cash on Coast, just ahead,keep it air and Coast. It's the
Llen k morningsholl Ellen, because thisis sunshine and a bottle. This is
Ellen. Yeah, get back toYou're my morning. Coast one oh three

point five. Right to Ellen foradvice because she's seen a thing or two.
She is Ellen. Okay, thisone comes to us from Bradley.
Guys, let me look at allthese We Jack appreciate all of your letters.
Thank you so much post one ofthree five dot com. Look on
the envelope anything at all that's happeningin your life With this one from Bradley.

Dear Ellen, I'm having a problemwith my coworker. Her name is
Maxine. Our boss calls her Maxinethe Miracle because she sells three times as
many cars as the next guy whojust happens to be me. Maxine is
the top performer at the car dealershipwhere I work. She also miraculously manages
to work only three days a weekFridays, Saturdays and Sundays. She skips

every weekly meeting I and we can'teven call her a coworker because there is
no co. Oh, that's funny, Bradley, there's no co I'm here
six days a week, and althoughI'm a distant number two, we used
to have a fun team, andshe's taking away from that. Maxine gets
to do whatever she wants. Shecomes to work and her pickleball outfits.

We think she's ridiculous. Our generalmanager tells us leave her alone, stop
complaining, put our energy into thecustomer. If we can sell like her
and look that good while doing it, we can have the same freedom.
I admit I'm jealous, but thefavoritism is what is tearing apart our once
tight team. If any of youever need her a new ride, rest

assured, will be here all week, ready to roll with a smell.
You guys are our daily laughter,or in Maxine's case, Friday to Sunday.
How do I handle blatant favoritism?Please help Bradley well. Three day
work week, I mean four daywork weeks aren't even really adopted widely here
in the US. But a threeday week, and if you're the top
performer, does it really matter tothe victor goes the spoil? I guess

so, seriously, in the timeit took Bradley and Bradley thank you for
But in the time it took himto type that said that, all the
thought and energy he's clearly placing behindthis, he could have been out there,
uh, hustling so in a car. He admits he's jealous and he's
working twice as hard, but he'snot making as much. I would call
her Maxine the Miracle too. Igo under what she does? What's her

technique besides an occasional pickleball off orhear me out, Yeah, Bradley,
find a new job, go toa different dealership where there is no Maxing
the miracle? All right? Isthere a favorite here in this workplace that
we can think of? I can'tthink of one, really, Yeah,

I can't feel like he used towork with one a favorite? Yeah?
Oh oh, okay, no,I don't think that that's the case.
Okay, anymore favoritism, though,How do you handle blatant favoritism. Give
us a call. Let's help Bradley. It's eight hundred and ninety nine KOSG.
Good morning, Coast one of threepoint five. Thank you for being

up with us first thing in themorning my radio station. Listen to you
guys wake me up and it's amazing. Thank you so much for making my
morning so much easier to wake uptoo. See ellenk Morning Show on Coast
one O three point by. Hi, good morning. What's your name?
Good morning? It's Alan from RositaAllen and Rosita your color twenty. You're
going to go see Luke Bryan atthe Forum or Glenn Helen MP Theater.

That's amazing. Thank you guys inthe morning. Oh, thank you Alan.
Thanks. It sounds like you're inyour ride. Yes, on my
way over to the grove. Ohhow fun. What are you going to
do there? I just work.I worked for Crusoe so oh so tell

them we said hello, I will. So every day you pull into the
grove and that's where you work.That's such a that's such a peaceful,
fun vibe, yummy place. Ilove going to the theater there. I
love it there too, Yeah,I think Yeah. Ellen spends more time
at the girl than anyone I know. Yeah, I live in Hollywood,

so like right down the street,she's there often. I'm gonna come find
Okay, hang on Coast one Othree point five. It's the Ellen k
Morning Show. You guys are greatto listen to, Great energy. Coast
one O three point five. Welove your letters to Ellen Wright, to
Ellen for advice because she's seen athing or two. She is Ellen every

Wednesday we read your letters. Thankyou so much for writing in. You
can also weigh in because we've postedBradley's letter up on our Instagram. This
Coast one of three five FM.This says, Dear Ellen, I'm having
a problem with my coworker. Ourboss calls her Maxine the Miracle. She
sells three times as many cars asthe next guy who happens to be me.

This is Bradley. So Maxine onlyhas to work three days a week,
she skips every meeting. She hasa lot of freedom. And the
boss says, why don't you allstop complaining and put your energy into selling
more cars. But Bradley says thathe is jealous, but he also feels
that it's a lot of favoritism andit's tearing the team apart. I don't

know anyway, how do you handleblatant favoritism. It's your letter to Ellen.
It's good to Finster. San Dimas, thank you so much for weighing
in. You have some thoughts you'reon. So sales is definitely a very
competitive industry, and definitely when yougo into a loutomobile sales, which is

a super competitive industry, people canfeel your energy. And it sounds like
Bradley is definitely from his letter,exuding a very negative energy, and the
top sales lady that's coming in threedays a week, wearing her pick up
all elephant at times, is exudinga different type of energy. People can

definitely feel that. Yeah, whenyou come in, they're feeding off of
that, and I have a feelingthat that's the undertone and instead of being
jealous and petty about what's going on, it seems like he needs to kind
of learn from that and see howshe's approaching people and kind of pick up

on that energy and do you putthat to good use in his sales techniques
and tactics exactly Now, I thinkyou've hit it right on the head because
he really is like Rian, likeyou pointed out, he took all this
time and energy to write the letter. Yeah, and he could have been
hustling or thinking of something fun.He's more worried about what she's doing than
what he's doing. Really. Yeah, you know, instead of her being

Maxim the miracle, he could beBradley the badass. Yeah. I love
it. And I'm to tell youmy swimming coach that I had all of
my life. I was a competitiveswimmer from the age of seven years on.
And he used to always say,because races are so close, and
with the Olympics coming up, you'llsee this. If you look, you
lose. Never look at the opponent. You just got to do your thing,

like with blinders on, and getto that finish line and win,
like Maxine is exactly. And bybusiness or something called best practices, where
you see people are doing something andthey're getting good results, do you learn
from them and say he's getting goodresults, let's learn from him and let's
let's get the results. Also.Yeah, love it. Finccher, Thank

you so much. You guys,have a fabulous day. Top Stories Top
of the Hour. Good morning,I'm Ellen k and Gerald Ford. May
he rest in peace. He passedit in the year two thousand and six
at the age of ninety three byGerald Ford. And did he predict the
future? After young girl during akid Q and A asked him about an

eventual female leader of the US.Then President gerald Ford made this prediction on
how he sees a woman president takingoffice. Now, remember this was in
nineteen eighty nine president a male anda vice president a female. And in
that term of office of the president, the president will die and the woman

will become president under the law.And that was gerald Ford way back in
nineteen eighty nine. His sharks foundoff the coast of Brazil are testing positive
for cocaine. Researchers said the drugwas found in thirteen sharks caught near a
Rio de Janeiro. And what aboutthis Bidding for the NBA's Las Vegas expansion
team is going to bring the mosthotly contested expensive deal in US sports history.

Bidders Lebron James Shaquille O'Neal The overallcost, which includes constructing a new
arena, could approach seven billion dollars. The bidding process won't begin until after
the NBA has finalized its media deals. The ellen k Morning Show, Thank
you ellen K just real quick,A little kiss on you. Well,
thank you so much for making myday. Host one O three point five,

thanks for being here with us.Let's go to Tony. Good morning.
What's going on? Well? Thereason I will colling is because I
wanted to wish everyone and all ofyou at the radio happy tequila day.
Oh nice, thank you? Iwant and I wanted to so for all
of you, I pretend nineteen fortytwo Don Julio tequila shot. Oh okay,

pretend just today because I'm driving,Okay, you're working. Yeah,
it's sad. I had a realsnaffoo with with our CEO. They were
serving his tequila. It's a sippingtequila. It's called Casa Dragones and it's
really smooth and nice, but yousip it. So I didn't know this.

And Bob says to me, let'sgo to the bar and get a
glass of tequila. And I said, yeah, let's do a shot.
And then he looked at me like, how do I tell her? And
he just said, you know what, we sip. This is a sipping
tequila. Oops. I didn't knowthe difference. I wouldn't have either.

I have no idea. Did youever sip tequila, Tony instead of knocking
it back. You know what,I don't. I don't think so.
I think I'm just like either Ihave I have it at Martin because I
take a shot. I don't thinkI yeah, you know what. My
last visit to Vaga, I tookmy wife to go see Adam Lavine.

You know he had a residence.Yeah, well I didn't know he had
his own tequila. Oh yeah hedoes. Yes, So many celebrities have
their own you know, liquor brand. Yeah. So we tried his,
you know, his strength and itwas pretty cool. It's called h I
think it was called sugar, yesplease. Yeah. And they had like

they had like conon candy on it, Cali rosa. Yeah, that was
awesome. Do you, Tony,do you like a spicy margarita? Oh
yeah, yeah? Tell you whoelse does? Michael Bublay and Jason Derulo,
remember they were in here making theirown and sipping it hard. Oh
my god, I'm sorry. Wowthat spicy margarita I just made his unbelieves

good. Happy National Tequila Day.It's the Ellen k Morning Show. Allen.
We love you, We listened toyou every morning. Religiously. We
implore you Coast one O three pointfive. Thanks Bradley for writing a letter

to Ellen, and you can togo to past one of three five dot
com. Push on the envelope andI write to us. Bradley wants to
know how to handle blatant favoritism atthe car dealership where he works. Maxine
out sells him. She only hasto work three days a week. Bradley's
busting is you know what and thebosses love and Maxine she just do whatever

she wants. Thanks for all ofyour comments posted on our Instagram at Coast
It's the llenk Morning Show. Thankyou so much for making my morning so
much easier to wake up to Coastone O three point five

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