Episode Transcript
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And we are the on King MorningShow. Good morning, Post one three
point five. Let's make it agreat day. We have your cash coming
up in ten minutes, Cash onCoast. In case you don't know yet,
it is back one thousand dollars foryou. Every hour is yours for
the taking. So if you don'tdo it, someone else is going to
get it and give you the keywordcoming up. You entered online. I'm
Melan k good morning, I'm RyanManah, good morning. I'm Social Queen
Darling, good morning, I'm producingmy gramos. All right. The Stones
aret so fine tonight did that noidea? Yeah tonight and then Saturday night
the Rolling Stones Darling, you hada good point street vendors and be out
there in the heat. I know, Ryan, last time they were here,
you brought us T shirts. Idid, got my big old tongue
tongue shirt. It's insane that they'reI mean, that they're still that good
and that lively and that raucous andcan sell out so far, and their
logo alone is a fashion statement exactly, Rolling Stones. Yeah here okay.
And also Jaws lego set is droppingtoday just in time for Shark Weeks.
So oh tonight on Shark Week hostedby John Cena. Your hero Ryan,
one of your heroes away Great WhiteNorth. So this is a growing population
of aggressive white sharks in Canada,and so they're going to be tracking those.
They're biggies. They're like six thousandpound giant fifteen footers, and they're
growing bigger and meaner all the time. So Lego dropped this fourteen hundred piece
set featuring the Orc about the shark, and then characters like Sailor Sam and
all these others. And so withthe commercial they show the giant Lego shark
and then the Lego character is swimmingand of course the shark doesn't get the
Lego character. Oh you swim right? Yeah? Of course. I guess
you could eat your own Lego ifyou want, but you could. Yeah,
did I have? Have I evertold you guys? I caught a
shark? You are? I caughta shark accidentally? Accidental? What were
you trying? I was out inthe Florida Keys on a fishing boat with
a friend from high school and hisdad runs a fishing boat. We were
trying to catch just giant like grouperand you know, big old yeah fish
to fry that night. Yeah,brought in a little shark. Would you
kind of shark it was? Idon't I have a photo of it though,
I can post that up, butyeah, I mean, actually no,
it's kind of gross, so Iwon't. Okay, could you imagine
any shark on your line? That'sso crazy? It was crazy. We
once caught a barracuda. It wasall teeth. We were looking for tuna
and we caught a barracuda and itwas so fascinating, was so ugly and
scary. They were like, don'tgo near it. It was flapping around
in the boat. And then thisguy, you know, they're so confident,
these boat guys, yeah, fishingfishing boats. He just picks it
up and rips the thing out andhe throws it. I know. It's
crazy to watch him do their thing. Remember when you caught that marlin.
You guys are in Mexico. Yeah, I love the guy's reaction on the
fishing boat here. That was abig mar I was. Okay. Well,
I have a very special announcement foreveryone listening, especially for our team
here, because we have a wholeFoods right across the street and they have
pina coladas to go and today isPina Colada day. Oh we're going right.
We got what is Whole Food's opening? Seven? You get on the
lane. If you're not to yourGod, if you have, if you
like, put me in a pool. Everybody knows the words to that song.
So good Peana kalada day. It'syour excuse to have one. Here
we are on your Wednesday. Okay, we're going to go inside entertainment coming
up? And where was it gonnagive you money? One thousand dollars?
Awaits you next post one or threeInside Entertainment with Ellen k. Ever since
Justin Timberlake was arrested for a DWIafter having just one martini at the American
Hotel last month, tourist and partypeople are flocking to the Long Island establishment
to sit the same cocktail that thedisgraced Timberlake enjoyed. One woman said she
ordered a JT Special. Others arecalling it the Justin or a Justini,
So this place is really selling alot of them. People are coming in
for that martini and taking pictures infront of the hotel. Get a life,
I know. Seriously, Gypsy RoseBlanchard is pregnant. At least it
won't be a prison baby. SoGypsy Rose, who's been free for just
six months after serving eight years frommurdering her mother, made the announcement on
YouTube. She got emotional, youknow, knowing that I am a mother
now and I'm happy and I justwant to be a good mother for my
child. I want to be.I want to be everything my mother was.
Her ex fiance Ken Urker is thefather. They got back together in
April after our huge breakup. Gypsysays the pregnancy is unplanned. She suspected
it might be happening when she gotodd food cravings and then she went and
she took the test. She's elevenweeks. Okay, all right, it
is grand for your grand and yourgrand online. It's so easy. Go
to Coast one of three and fivedot com and you're just gonna enter the
word grands. Get your money onethousand dollars cash on Coast The Ellen k
Morning Show on Coast one oh threepoint five high, Good morning, your
collar twenty. You're going to WildRivers. Thank you? What is your
name? My name is Mollie.Hey Marie, are you in your car
right now? I am getting readyfor work. Okay, where do you
work doing to shout him out.I work at a I work at Stater
Brothers. Everybody loves anytime you sayBrothers. Oh yes, we have a
four pack to Wild Rivers. Also, keep in mind today while you're at
work at Stater Brothers, if youwant to treat your coworkers, it is
Pina Colada Day, and hopefully itsells them to go m Do you love
Pina Coladas? I do when I'mat the beach. Yeah. Yeah,
I'm just saying they have two reallygreat bars at Wild Rivers. There's more
feel good. Next the l andK Morning Show on Coast one O three
point five, we have the llenK Warning Show, Your Happiness Hack for
Life, Ryan Mano. Let's talkabout your carpet, all right, you
don't have any. I don't athome, but here at the office,
we have tons of carpet. Everythingis carpeted Darline carpet at home, Yes,
guilty. I can't wait to getrid of it. Yeah, after
kids and dogs and all of that, there's slime. There's slime, you
know, like Nickelodeon slid kid slime. It doesn't like toy slime. Yeah,
it's like gum. But carpet.Oh okay, perfect, Well this
is good. Okay. Anyone thathas stuff stuck on their carpet, this
is a way to get it offimmediately, whether it's gum, maybe kids,
slime. Put ice cubes in abag like a sandwich bag. Okay,
set it on top of whatever youneed off the carpet. Let it
sit for about an hour. Okay. Once it freezes, it just picks
right up. Well way, Yeah, I never heard that one. I
heard like, if it's in yourhair, use peanut butter, but don't
put Yeah, don't put peanut butteron your carpet. Coast one of three
point five The l K Morning Show, Coast one of three point five top
stories Top of the Hour. Goodmorning, I'm Ellen K and new smishing
attacks are targeting iPhone users. Asmishing attack could target your iPhone. It's
the term use for phishing attacks sentvia text message. They appeared to be
trying to get your Apple ID login, according to Macworld and nine to
five mac Apple users are reportedly receivingtext claiming to be from service reps with
a website link and then you haveto go and log in, and then
they're taking all of your info andhey, the LAPD is looking to find
the folks responsible for vandalizing Jenny Rivera'sstar on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,
which so far has been damaged twice. Less than two weeks after the dedication,
the late Mexican singer star was foundcovered in black paint, and after
a fan cleaned, it was coveredagain last night. The Star of Selena
was also vandalized last night. LAPDare all over it, and as Serena
Williams picking up her racket for onemore run, the tennis coat says it's
not impossible. She's won seventy threesingles titles and might even be eyeing a
seventy fourth. But then again,she's kind of keeping it vague. This
is like how I always am,like I'm very unclear and like, yeah,
no, I can't make a decision. So it's like I'm super unclear,
and I always like to be unclearon a little foggy so I always
like to keep the doors open,all right, Well, so yeah,
we'll be hosting the SP's tomorrow fromthe Adobey Theater right here in La s
B meaning Excellent in Sports Performance YearlySP's okay and what about this. The
fastest mermaid in the world has beencrowned twenty two year old woman from Utah.
She competed in something called the merOlympics in Switzerland. They're held every
two years. She plays fifteenth overall, but came in first in the fifteen
meter mermaid swim, setting a newworld record at just over thirty eight seconds.
All events are done, of course, while wearing a full mermaid tail.
And we do have a hot daggAnd today triple digits valleys Inland,
pushing it past one hundred. Samestory tomorrow, Azusa and Anaheim up to
one hundred today and it is sixtyeight in Burbank. We run on Celsia's
energy drinks. KOST Los Angeles Coastone of three point five coming up more
cash on the Coast, give yourone thousand dollars. This is the LNK
Morning Shell days. Keep us upbeat in the morning. It's such a
positive vibe and like you know,you get that good in the morning,
So we really appreciate you guys.Coast one oh three point five the ely
K Morning Show coming up one thousanddollars for you. It's your cash on
Coast. Then after that we're sendingyou to Atlantis mors set at the Forum
with your ellen k Q and acase. You're just joining us. Good
morning, super hot day today,the hottest day of the week is happening
today. Highs up to one hundredalmost everywhere Anaheim, even you will be
ninety five. You're usually in theeighties when it's hotting up everywhere else and
we can't really go to the beaches. Fourteen beaches have been recalled, so
to speak, due to bacteria levels, recalled them. But it is Pinakalada
day, so you know that makesyou think of a beach and if you
have one today, they they makethem to go. You can get them
at Whole Foods and other places.We're gonna listos all on our blog.
Okay, So there was a guywho went into cardiac arrest at a Rolling
Stones concert. He and his wifehave been fourteen times to the Stones show.
This is Massachusetts and the Stones arehere tonight at SOFI and then again
Saturday night. We have some friendswho are going and sold out show of
course because it's Mick Jagger and youknow the Rolling Stones. We saw them
at the Rose Bowl when they werehere, and it was great, Ryan,
you saw them and brought us allT shirts. Those were expensive too.
They're not cheap. I think,like five hundred dollars on all of
us. We're like, can wereimburse you? And you're like, no,
I know you wouldn't let us,but thank you for the T shirt.
I love my Rolling Stones T shirtyou gave me. Yeah. But
this guy, his name's Tony Palladino. So he goes into cardiac arrest.
So it's so important in o CPRand have a you know, I don't
know, you know, the paddles, the e IDs. We have one.
I saw one here at the office. Oh good, well, I
know since when your dad passed thatbecame like a passion project you work could
get one installed. Yeah, that'sawesome that it's here. And we had
CPR lessons here at iHeart. Soit's just so important. Tony Palladino is
in the third row. Those aresweet seats. Oh my, I mean
after going fourteen times. He andhis wife they're super fans of the Rolling
Stones. Well, he went intocardiac arrest. A woman you know,
jumped over from the first row.But Tony describes what happened to him.
I slumped back in my seat andmy eyes rolled back, as I've been
told, and I was actually foamingat the mouth. Oh okay, so
this is dire. This woman inthe front row jumps over the seats,
does CPR. They get him tothe hospital, they do surgery on his
heart, double bypass. He's okay, but he cannot find the woman who
saved him. My wife started sayinghelp, help, and then she helped.
Then, boy did she help.I mean, she saved his life
and just like vanished. There's noyeah, no follow up. They took
him off. Yeah, there's nofollow up yet. So this is going
to be a great reunion when TonyPalladino meets his you know, his life
saving hero. Hopefully it doesn't allfull circle to Mick Jagger. Remember he
had some heart disease back in liketwenty nineteen. He had have like emergency
heart and then he had like aneight to nine months recovery, which is
fast. And then I remember thevideo he posted too. He was dancing,
Yes, he was dancing like afifty year old or even younger.
Well, the Stones Welcome to Town, Rolling Stones, this song was playing
too, Start me on, Yeah, and I'm not kidding you. Well,
she was saving him. What arethe chances of that? Start me
up? Since she did? Comingup, we're going to give you a
thousand dollars. Also, we dothis for one billion hours. What are
we doing for one billion hours?You'll find out next where feel good is
coming up on the LNK Morning Show, host one of three point five inside
edited with k So, what dowe do for one billion hours? Well,
we watched The Bear on Hulu.It is the number one streaming original
top ten. It's right there atthe top. One billion actually minutes watched,
so a billion minutes. That's whatwe're doing. That is crazy.
Number two Worst roommate ever on Netflixif you haven't, if you haven't tried
it out yet, I highly recommendit. It's about roommates that are trying
to kill and it's crazy trying tokill each other. Well, say you
have a roommate's tender roommates, youare trying to kill me with poison?
Oh my gosh. Yeah, okay, but there's all kinds of scenarios.
It's not always poison, and it'sjust all kinds of scenarios where your roommate
is a psychopath and you don't evenknow it. Uh yeah, so Worst
Roommate Ever's on Netflix. We watchedthat for six hundred and thirty five million
minutes. And then supercel is reallygood too, that's on Netflix. It's
all based in London and it's aboutit's kind of like a I five,
but it's a really good thriller.But yeah, The Bear one billion minutes.
One of my dear friends is theset designer of The Bear. Really,
she's just a good eye. Shebrings it all to life. Yeah,
how have you watched the third seasonyet? I haven't watched one.
Oh, okay, well that's agood project for you, Chicago Show.
I really love it. Oh mygod, what do we have to do
with dack me? Okay? Macebelieves that Bronnie James needs to become a
man if he's going to play inthe NBA. He thinks he's too nice.
You know that he grew up softsilver Spoon billionaire Daddy. Mace says
that he has the cure for BronnieJames. We might need to take you
with us to the hood for thesummer and then bring you back and say
okay, ready now, then't goback to the lake. Never forget what
Lebron thinks of the advice from Mace. Okay, we do have your cash
on Coast. It is green.Enter it online, go to Coast one
of three five dot com enter theword green. You have all hour to
do it for one thousand dollars.Get your cash on Coast. It's the
Lank Morning Show. Oh, youguys are awesome. I really do appreciate
you guys, And honestly, youguys are on all the time, either
on the radio, in the caror at home. Coast one oh three
point five. We want to sendyou to see Lennismore set at the Forum.
It's your Ellen KQ and A.Be the first caller with the right
answer to our question. Ten percentof us have hidden this under the bed.
Ten percent of us have hidden thisunder the bed. What do you
think it is? Eight hundred andninety two nine kost. We'll get your
guesses and we'll get them there.Coast one o three point five The llen
K Morning Show. Follow add officialllen K Hi Heather, Heather, it's
getting ready to play pick a ball? Yes, yeah, by a bout
a lee for pickaball. But Ihad to listen to llan K in the
morning and get the question of theday and see if I could go together
in Thanks Heather, thank you forwaking it up with us. So ten
percent of us have hidden this underthe bed. I want to say,
a bat, like a weapon ofsome sort. Oh okay, I have
to confess. My husband did alike one of those long handled sledgehammers.
It's under our bed for real,for real? Doesn't your husband also put
everything else under the bed. Yeah. His idea of clean stores things under
in his office in the guest room. The office is the guest room.
I said, you can do whateveryou want in there, but not where
we sleep. It's a great guest. Do you have a weapon under your
bed, like a baseball bed orsomething like that? I so, I,
well, it's kind of a Ihave a knife under my bed in
my face. So I have aspace and a weapon underneath my bed.
Oh okay, all right, wellHeather, great, guess it is not
the right answer, darn. Okay, Well, thank you so much.
Good luck with pickleball. Are yougood? Are you like really into it?
I'm pretty good. My son isa lot better than me, so
he kind of on the court.Yeah. Nice, all right, have
fun, we know you will,thank thank you. Have a good day.
Bye bye. Hi Diane, Goodmorning Alan. How are you,
Hey, Diane seem Valley. Ihave one hundred and one today. Oh
I know, I keep getting thoseexcessive warnings on my phone. Yeah,
our nest has taken over our house. So when we come home, the
house is really hot because the nestsets everything to ninety and says you're in
power safe mode. Why does itkeep doing that during oh what busy hours?
Oh god? Yeah yeah yeah.So I just opened the doors to
try to get a breeze going,you know, get some fans going.
Oh yeah, that's the way todo it. Stay cool. What's your
guest? So ten percent of ushave hidden what under the bed? Money?
It might be more, but moneymight be between money and something else.
I'm boom my money, money,money, money, money. Great.
Guess it's not the right answer.I should have went with something else.
Uh. Hi Beverly, Good morningEllen. Hey, Beverly's on our
way to work at c HLA,my favorite hospital, Children's Hospital, Los
Angeles. Yes it is. Iagree. What do you do there?
I'm a nurse practitioner. Oh thanksfor all you do. Miracles happen there?
Every day and we're so we're soproud to be part of the CHLA
family. Oh, thank you.I'm so happy to work there. It's
an amazing place to be. Yeah, it really is. Well, so
what's your guess? Okay, tenpercent of us have hidden what under the
bed? I'm going to say,a gift, A gift, a gift,
and you are right, it's agift. Yay, you're going to
Atlantis at the forum. Yes,I'm so excited. Thank you guys,
thank you, thank you. Andthat's where we hide them. Ten percent
of us put that gift under thebed. That'd be cute for the kids
at CHLA. Oh that is yefree. Yeah, we're going on a
hunt today. You got to finda gift somewhere in your room, and
there it is under the bed.All right, maybe that's you too.
What's under your bed? It's underyour bed? Ryan, Nothing, Okay,
you keep it clean, so thereis not one thing under my when
you have to sweep or vacuum,there's nothing, nothing, no obstacle.
No. I have a storage containerand it fits right underneath. But it
carries my photo albums. Oh nice, yeah, all right, Well,
ten percent putting gifts Sun today youhave a sledgeham under your e I do
and top stories top of the hour. Good morning, I'm ellen k.
In a world first, the MayoClinic marked a medical milestone with the world's
first known successful total larynx transplant performedon a patient with an active cancer as
part of a clinical trial. Hisname is Marty Katyan. For ten years,
he's tried and tried to live withthis. Finally, he says,
this could be the solution for thefirst time sense of surgery. I get
jogged to my eighty two year oldmother. He wants others to know who
are struggling, that there is hopeand opening statements in Alec Baldwin's manslaughter trial
are scheduled to begin this morning inNew Mexico, where half the residents are
registered gun owners. Baldwin facing eighteenmonths of convicted in connection with the shooting
death of wrest cinematographer Helena Hutchins.Sixteen jury members and alterns were sworn in
yesterday. The judge promised that theirfaces will not be shown while Core TV
covers the two week trial. Boeingsold just fourteen new jets last month,
and most were freighters. Only threewere passenger planes, and only one barely
counts. It was a replacement seventhirty seven for Alaska Airlines, which returned
its famous January door blowout plane.And today is Pini Colatta Day. So
a ton of cocktail books mentioned thedrink as far back as the nineteen twenties,
but a bartender named Ramona Moreno cameup with the official recipe for a
blended one at a Hilton resort inPuerto Rico in nineteen fifty four. And
we do have one hundred degree heattoday. That would be pretty good for
you know, Pinacoloda day. Cooldown. This is gonna be one hundred
degrees almost everywhere, and then againtomorrow. The heat stays right now to
seventy. In Burbank, we're runningon Celsia's energy drinks KOST Los Angeles.
It's Coast one o three point final. Right to Ellen for advice, because
she's seen a thing or two.She is Ellen. Okay, guys,
gather around. We got a letterfrom Fabrice. He needs some help.
Dear Ellen, My good friend Dannyapproached me recently to ask a favor.
She's single, she's in her forties, and she's decided to have a child
on her own, so she frozeher eggs. She lives on the East
coast. I'm here on the west. Danny has asked if I would consider
being the father of her child.She trusts me. We love each other
as friends. She knows I've alwayswanted to be a dad. She knows
my entire family and wants mytics too. Ellen, I have such a deep
respect and love Danny so much asa friend, and I know she's always
wanted to be a mom. Herdating life just hasn't worked out. We
both agree that our relationship is purelyplatonic. There are no romantic feelings.
The situations let me feeling torn andconfused. Do I support Danny or will
this ruin our friendship? And whatabout the child? Am I asking for
trouble? Or is this a blessing? I don't know what to do.
Thanks Fabrice. Wow, that's atough one. I don't know. Ryan,
you have always wanted a child always, and you have a lot of
friends who are girls. Yeah,I would do this in a heartbeat.
You would. I would absolutely dothis one hundred percent. Yes, I
mean I'd have to think really likeabout everything. You have a lot to
consider, you know, about howthe child is raised. Yeah, but
if it's one of your best friendsand has been for years, I think
it's almost he's been doing it right, you know. I mean, if
if if you guys can get alongand figure out how this is going to
look, there's got to be peoplethat have done this right, because not
everyone can afford surrogacy. Yeah,yeah, yeah, So her eggs are
frozen. Is that what he's saying? They're frozen? And she wants him
to you know, I guess hewould be a donor and then they would,
you know, have the baby.What do you think. I feel
like you're not into it. Thisis the only reason why, because I
just know raising a child and thesetwo are on separate coasts. Oh well
that is a that's a problem.Yeah, that would just I think that
there have to be a lot ofmovement there, you know what I mean.
I just know that, you know, and we have so many single
parents who listen, who tell usabout their struggles. Even being counties apart,
it is hard. And even ifyou have support family and you are
a single parent, it's hard.So I think that it sounds like a
beautiful movie. It does. Itdoes right, and then the two.
You know, everything works out,but I see a lot of problems with
it. But I also feel thedesire. And you know, and I
know from you Ryan, because youtalk about being a dad all the time.
It's all I want, It's allI've ever wanted. So I feel
that Poll. I know that Poll. I I before I before I head
Calvin, I I would I wouldvisualize him, I would see little I
wanted to I wanted a boy.I didn't really care, just wanted a
healthy baby. But I remember seeinga little boy going, Oh I think
I saw yeah, wow, Yeah, I don't know Forbes Forbriese doesn't know
what to do. It's eight hundredand ninet two nine Kost Coast one oh
three point five The ellen k MorningShow. Text us anytime at five,
one oh three five. All right, Joe's in Van Nuys. Joe,
you have just won a pair oftickets to the Forum to see now Lauren,
All right, yeah, what areyou doing right now? Just it
sounds like you're working. What areyou working on? Just working? Oh?
How's it going? I love themystery, it's going really well.
We got this letter from this guyfor Breese and one of his best friends
wants him to bother her baby.Oh wow, yeah, he doesn't know
what to do. That's a lot, it's a lot. It's you know,
they're they're really good friends. Theylive on separate coasts, and he's
always wanted to be a dad,she wants to be a mom. She
throws her eggs. I don't know. So their friends, they're friends.
Well yeah, I mean yeah,that will work. Oh yeah, okay,
all right, we're trying to getas many opinions as we can.
Thank you for yours, Joe,huh. We're gonna sending you to see
Nil Laura at the forum. SoI guess if their friends it's okay,
But before that he wasn't sure.Yeah, okay, more of your responses
just ahead, keep it here.Post one O three point five The Ellen
K Morning Show. It's been ayear to Travis, was you know,
blown off by her? And theyhave a beautiful love story. You're the
only K Morning Show. We gota letter from Fabrice. Should he father
a baby with one of his bestfriends. She lives on these coasts.
He's worried about ruining the friendship.And thank you for all of your calls.
It's your letters to Ellen. EveryWednesday we read one and thank you
for writing to us, for breeseand trusting us. Let's go to Dave.
Dave, thanks for colling him.What do you think, Wow,
I think that the person should doit because the reason why is I had
a fertility problem and I had hireda sherrigan a donor, and in the
process I had triplets, but oneof the hearts stopped and I raised two
kids, a boy and a girl, twins by myself, the teen years
old right now. There are alot of people out there that will rip
a person off, you know,and scam them. So this is the
person that she's going that she cango to and trust. Yea. And
I still keep in touch with myegg donor and my surrogand and one lives
in Texas and the other one thoseway down south in southern California, and
we do Instagram and sheriff photos backand forth. And I have raised my
kids all by myself. What doyou think about the friendship. He's worried
about ruining the friendship? Well,I don't. I think I think we're
friends that long and they have thatbonding. I don't think that your friendship
is going to ruin. It's notlike they're actually having a relationship. Well,
Dave, thank you for your inputand congrats on your journey. Good
job. Oh yeah, reding youguys all the time. And Ryan,
good luck because I hear you andyou deserve to be a father. Dave,
thank you. Nice? That isnice? Right's ready? I am
ready? This is okay? Imean, oh get good? No,
oh, I mean you know whatI mean. No, I don't there.
I see L and K morning showshe put up in the morning.
It's such a positive vibe and likeyou know, you get that good feeling
in the morning. So we reallyappreciate you guys past one o three point
five and coming up more of yourcalls. All right out you want to
go to herma? Now? Okay? Yeah, sure, Irma. You
don't like this, do you?No, it's not a good idea.
They're in separate coasts. How ishe going to even be involved in the
child's life. I think she's usinghand to help pay for the surrogacy,
because I think it isn't it liketwelve thousand dollars a shot, So she's
probably using him to you know howde phrase some of those costs and yeah,
I don't think it's a good idea. He's not going to have any
kind of involvement if he's in adifferent coast to raise that child, and
then he's going to be stuck foreighteen years at least financially. Okay,
what if irma there was relocation.What if what if you know, she
came here or he went there,Well that would be different. But you
know, he has to just realizethat he's going to be, you know,
financially liable for eighteen years. Andwhat if he finds his his future
wife and they have a family,Well, there are a lot of way
what if there are a lot ofthose and some people live their lives saying
I don't want to have any regrets, and others are might be have fear.
You know. It's just it's alot. It's a I think it's
a lot. It's look, it'sa it's a human. It's two humans
making a human. So right,I think he just needs to prey on
it and really think hard if thisis really what you want? Yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, allright, Urma, thank you have a
great day. Thanks for having uson in your car, you too,
thank you? All right, howdid they buys the Ellen k Morning Show
because this is suchina battle. Ohthis is Ellen. Yeah, you guys
are the best. You're my morningpast one o three point five. It's
your letters. Ellen write to Ellenfor advice because she's seen a thing or
two. She is Ellen, andthank you for Breece for writing to us.
If you would like to write aletter, let's go to coast one
of three five dot com and thenyou write to us. All right,
Dear Ellen, My good friend Dannyapproached me recently to ask a favor.
She's single and in her forties andhas decided to have a child on her
own. So she throws her eggs. She wants to know if I would
consider being the father of her child. She trusts me. We love each
other as friends. I've always wantedto be a dad. Am I asking
for trouble? Or is this ablessing? I don't know what to do.
Thanks Fabrice, thank you so muchfor all of your opinions too.
Michelle, you're on the air,is all yours. Well, here's the
thing. There's lots of kids outthere that need to be adopted. So
you know, you know that thatthose kids out there don't have a mom
or a dad, and you know, I understand the desire to have a
biological mini me. I get that. But at the same time, you
know, lots of kids out thereneed a home, you know, and
that's a sad reality. And charitystarts here, and you know, I
just I just think, you know, and I'm not adopted, and I
don't you know my uh my boyfriend'smom was adopted, and you know,
she she you know, really appreciatedher adoptive parents because you know, she
felt that nobody wanted her, youknow, and that's a hard thing to
deal with, you know, growingup and trying to make a path for
yourself in life. You know,you need that love and support. And
the reality is is a lot ofthese kids don't have a path. It
could be a really good option forFabrice with his longing to be a father,
you know, and for you too, Ryan, it really could.
Yeah, And that's not even honestly, until you called, like that didn't
even cross my mind. So thankyou for putting that on the table.
You know, it's out there,you know, and you know, I
get wanting to have biological kids,you know, but sometimes you know,
that's just not what God has forus, so you know, there's always
another door always. All right,Michelle, how are you feeling, Ryan,
like I have baby fever? Iyou know, I don't know.
I don't I just I just Idon't know. Yeah, here's what I'll
say, Ryan, there's a reasonwhy you're not with your friend. Yeah,
you're not in love with her,right, Beware, I still do
I don't know. I'd still considerand think about the llen K Morning Show
on Coast one oh three point fiveand we are Coast one of three point
five The ellen K Morning Show.Carrie Steele is coming them next. More
cash on Coast, in case youhaven't heard, it is back one thousand
dollars. Every hour we kick itoff early in the morning is six twenty.
That's twenty after every hour all daylong. So get your cash on
coast. I'm Ellen, I'm RyanMano, good morning, I'm Social Queen
Darlene, and we'll see you agetin tomorrow morning. Peanutclottas aren't my thing,
really, but they make them togo, I know, Whole Foods
does. There's a bunch of otherpeople, so it's like a clotta in
a can. I don't know,just doesn't seem like the real thing,
like you need a bartender blending one. I think, well, there's a
whole Food's about fifty feet away ifyou want to check it out really quick.
I want to just give a quickshout out to my husband. Fourteen
years ago today we got married.Oh in Vegas. He did the ultimate
surprise. And I don't know ifyou guys know the story. We were
supposed to Elope and that was theplan. I got addressed in downtown LA
for twenty bucks that I loved.We went and when it came down for
me to meet him down the aisle, my dad surprised me out of the
elevator and walked me down to mywhole family was there. Oh my god.
So I'll never forget that. Itwas the best Alex you the man
anniversary, You crazy kids. I'llnever forget your first kiss either. Oh
yeah, I was there. Okay. We had never showed the quote and
kiss and this one from Nicola Tesla, the man Tesla's named after. He
says, the universe is a symphonyof vibrating strings. We are nothing but
melodies. That's beautiful. Kiss onthree, kiss on me went to three.
Don't think doctor guess me,